1 minute read
December 27, 2022
Via Zoom
South Dakota Bar Foundation (“SDBF”) Vice President Reed Rasmussen called the meeting of the Board to order at 11:09 am, Central Time. Board members present were President Elect Rasmussen, Tom Frieberg, Stephanie Judson, Carrie Srstka, Eric Schulte, Bill Garry, Kimberley Mortenson and Pat Goetzinger. Joining the meeting were incoming Secretary-Treasurer, Paul Cremer, Outgoing SecretaryTreasurer, Andrew Fergel, and staff, Nicole Ogan.
Outgoing Secretary-Treasurer Fergel introduced incoming Executive Director, Paul Cremer. The board thanked Andy for his service, and welcomed Paul.
Minutes of November 18, 2022, Meeting: Director Judson made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 18, 2022, South Dakota Bar Foundation board meeting. Director Schulte seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Bar Foundation Bank Account Signature Authority: Director Mortenson made a motion to move all signature authority for South Dakota Bar Foundation accounts at BankWest from outgoing Secretary-Treasurer Fergel to incoming SecretaryTreasurer Cremer. Director Frieberg seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Adjourn: There being no further business, Vice President Rasmussen adjourned the meeting at 11:12 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Cremer Secretary-Treasurer