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Application for Pro Bono Emeritus Status
I, ________________________________________________, an active member of the State Bar of South Dakota, do hereby apply for Pro Bono Emeritus Status, for the year 2023.
I understand that if approved, rather than pay regular dues for the year 2023, I will only be required to tender the sum of $125 (same as inactive dues) but I will be entitled to all the rights and privileges of an active member of the State Bar.
Further, I recognize that this status means that I will be requested from time to time to take a referral from East River Legal Services, Dakota Plains Legal Services, or Access to Justice, and I am willing to accept at least one referral in the year 2023.
Finally, I acknowledge that pursuant to the Pro Bono Emeritus Status, I have retired from the active practice of law and I cannot accept private clients, cases for friends or relatives (even if no fee is charged) and that my practice is limited to such referral cases as I accept from the Legal Services Programs, Access to Justice or a non-profit specifically approved by the State Bar. In the event that I decide to accept cases other than those referred to me and which I accept, that I will tender regular active dues and withdraw from the Pro Bono Emeritus Status Program.
Dated this _________ day of _______________________________, 20____
Printed Name______________________________________________________________________________________