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Board of Bar Commission September Meeting Minutes
Minutes, September 21, 2022 Meeting Via Zoom
President Lisa Marso called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Central Time on Wednesday, September 21, 2022. Present at the meeting were Marso, President Elect Heather Bogard, Commissioners Bell, Dougherty, Matson, Olson, Pickar, Richter, Skjoldal, Srstka, and Strait. Executive Director/Secretary-Treasurer Andrew Fergel and A2J, Inc. Coordinator Denise Langley were also present during the meeting.
Minutes of August 17, 2022 Meeting: Commissioner Strait made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 17, 2022 meeting. Commissioner Matson seconded the motion. Motion passed.
President’s Remarks: President Marso made brief remarks about the Codington County Bar Social and the Glacial Lakes Bar Social and how important those types of gathering are for building relationships within the bar.
Executive Director’s Report: Fergel gave a report on what Bar staff has been working on since his last report to the Commission on August 17, 2022.
H.R. 4436 – Daniel Anderl Judicial Security and Privacy Act of 2021: President Marso shared a letter from the New Jersey State Bar Association asking for the State Bar of South Dakota’s assistance in helping pass H.R. 4436 – The Daniel Anderl Judiciary Security and Privacy Act of 2021 by reaching out to South Dakota’s U.S. House Representative and asking him to cosponsor the bill. The bill generally prohibits federal agencies and private businesses from publicly posting the personal identifiable information of federal judges and their immediate family members. It also would require information to be removed upon written request from a federal judge; prohibit data brokers from purchasing or selling such information; and establish programs to protect such information at the state and local level. Commissioner Bell made a motion to authorize President Marso, on behalf of the State Bar of South Dakota, to send a letter to Congressman Dusty Johnson asking him to sign on as a cosponsor of H.R. 4436 – The Daniel Anderl Judiciary Security and Privacy Act of 2021. President Elect Bogard seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion passed.
Commissioner Input: Commissioner Richter provided detailed information on the upcoming Leadership Summit to be hosted by the Public Sector Section in Sioux Falls and asked the commission members to continue to promote the event to their colleagues.
There being no further business, President Marso adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,