The Student Pocket Guide Freshers 2013 - Newcastle Edition

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Exclusive Interviews: The 1975 & Netsky ALSO INSIDE: Competitions | Advice | Student Jobs | Discounts | Recipes

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Talent academy 3 days

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At the ripe old age of 24 I’ve started reminiscing somewhat about being a student. “You’ll have the time of your life”, people would say to me before I packed my bags. Well, fair play to them for giving me the heads up, they certainly had a point. Studying what you’re interested in, making amazing new friends, embracing a new sense of independence, the parties... We had our own house party this summer with the irresistibly talented Gabrielle Aplin which you can read all about in this Freshers 2013 issue. It was a belter I might add. You could even (and I recommend you do) head over to our YouTube Channel ‘SPGtv’ where you can watch exclusive video footage of her acoustic performance. The ‘Please Don’t Say You Love Me’ serenader was also kind enough to sign a guitar for us to giveaway - If you fancy getting your paws on it, simply go to our website where you will find all you need to enter the competition. One thing I do remember about being a student is my pockets being a few pence short of a pound. You can tell I’m getting older using phrases like that. Inside here you will find helpful discounts and money saving advice, plus some awesome student recipes, hangover cures and top tips on how to make the most of this academic year. May I just add that the band responsible for the catchiest song of summer, The 1975, stopped by for a chat as well. Just realised I forgot to tell them that ‘Chocolate’ has been on repeat in my head for a worrying amount of time... So, that’s it from me for now. Take care and enjoy yourselves over the coming months - I’ll still be reminiscing.

The Student Pocket Guide Ltd, EPIC Studios, 112-114 Magdalen Street, Norwich, NR3 1JD. Tel: 01603 727768 Email: Web: All Rights Reserved Š The Student Pocket Guide Ltd 2013. The entire contents of this publication are protected by copyright. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form. The publishers do not accept responsibility for any of the views or opinions expressed in this guide, errors or omissions which may have occurred, or accept liability for any services or facilities featured. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that all information is correct, changes may and can occur.

We at The Student Pocket Guide are notorious prize givers, consistently sending off bundles of packages to eagerly awaiting students across the UK. From gig tickets in your local area to £100 shopping vouchers, and merchandise signed by your favourite artists to kitchen classics including the George Foreman Grill - we have it all. But, more importantly, these prizes need a home, and as much as we would love to sit in our office all day playing around with what’s on offer, it’s our job to send these off to you! We are constantly updating our website with new and exciting competitions, so make sure you head over to to see what awesome prizes you could win!

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University provides a fresh start and a chance for many to rebrand themselves. Maybe you want to go from geek to chic, or from teenage dirtbag to slick rick, either way, now’s your chance to give it a shot as you will never have an opportunity quite like this one coming around again anytime soon. See old Spud here - he used to be a nerd, look at him now!

Ah, freshers fancy-dress parties. The classic opportunity for everyone to let their hair down a little bit and have a proper laugh. University will open up levels of fancy-dress you never even knew existed during which you are guaranteed to see a multitude of smurfs (of different shapes and sizes), the occasional iPod, nurses, superheroes and of course, the legendary morphsuit.

Illustrations by Stephen Ong

Parties + nights out + drinks = Freshers week. There will no doubt be lots going on at your SU and around your local area. Despite your best efforts to visit the local attractions the temptation to PARTY will probably be irresistible. Make sure you stay in a fit enough state to get home, to bed! Not only for the obvious safety implications, but you don’t want to end up like Dave here on the left, with buttocks firmly planted on the ground, no clothes on and pizza in his pants!

The awkward moment when you go in for a handshake and the other person goes for a high five. To avoid being left hanging with your hand in the air, keep your eyes fixated on the hand of the person you are about to shake. Make a decision early as to whether you are going for skins or a simple handshake and see it through. Ladies, when meeting another lass, one of you has to be the brave initiator and go for the hug. Step up to the plate.

A Guide to:

Meeting New People at University by Michael Muttiah

Your bags are packed. Your room is the emptiest and cleanest it has ever been and you are about to embark on one of life’s greatest journeys university. A place where dreams become reality and you find out who you really are… How are you feeling? I was terrified and excited all at once. Awed by all the people who I could meet. Intrigued by the prospect of reinventing myself. Rest easy, you are not alone; everyone who has ever been to uni has been on this journey. Here are a few pointers to help you in those all important first few weeks…



They may have visited the uni already but everyone will be just as self conscious and scared as you when they arrive ‘for real’, even though they may not show it. Just say “hello”. What is the worst that can happen? No one is going to be able to get to know you if you don’t talk. So, in those first few days, say hi to your new neighbours. Try and help out if you can and just be approachable and open. If you have no idea what to say then just listen.



We are all afraid of new people and new places. University is a fresh start, a place where you can be anything that you want to be. Don’t get caught up on what people used to think about you in college. Put yourself out there. Invite people out for a drink. Explore your new surroundings. Go clubbing. Be interested in everything and you will find others interested in you.



Fresher’s week usually happens during the first fortnight of term, and here, new opportunities will be laid out for you. Join in with as much as you can. From archery to yoga, try things out at least once. If it doesn’t work out, you will at least have a few funny stories to tell. Speak to new people you meet in class and your halls and find out what they are doing. You may not like everything you try, but through process of elimination you will find out what it is that you really do get a kick out of.



There is nothing that you cannot do and you should adopt the mantra that there are no failures, only experiences. You will be amazed where you can end up if, when people ask you something (and as long as it is reasonable), you just say ‘YES’. Better to do too much and reel it in, than not enough and feel like you missed the boat. Like The Student Pocket Guide on Facebook and follow @TheSPG on Twitter for updates.

r tips for Check out ou New ry ‘What Eve ds’ here e Student Ne

Student grub and healthy food are two phrases that rarely share the same sentence‌ instead takeaways and ready meals seem to be the norm... especially in the freshers period. But what if we could combine the two and get the student takeaway SORTED?

HEALTHY KEBAB So, you’re a fan of a kebab after a drink or three but want to recreate it sober? Try this healthier lamb kebab and prove how great they can taste. lamb mince (500g) small red onion 2 cloves of garlic 1 tsp each of ground cumin, coriander & cinnamon eg beaten 1 small egg,

natural Greek yoghurt (200g) half a cucumber handful of fresh mint 1 lemon shot of oil few pitta breads 2 beef tomatoes (serves 2)

Watch the video and get the recipe @

THAI POT NOODLE Have you ever wondered whether you could recreate a homemade pot noodle, but actually make it taste edible? This version tastes so amazingly fresh and vibrant, plus the bowl of authentic Thai avours is vi virtually fat-free too!

vegetable stock (750ml) chunk of fresh ginger ½ red chilli 3 cloves of garlic 1 stick of lemon grass 2 kaďŹƒr lime leaves but handful of button mushrooms two bunches of rice noodles raw king prawns (150g) 2 tbsp sh sauce 1 lime 1 pak choi bunch of fresh coriander couple of spring onions (Serves 4)

Watch the video and get the recipe @

When your usual contraception lets you down, remember Levonelle One Step. Available from your pharmacist, it can be used up to 72 hours after unprotected sex.

Because accidents happen Text ‘chemist’ to 62233 in confidence to locate your nearest pharmacy.* Levonelle should not replace regular, long-term contraception. Emergency contraception and advice is available free from your GP, Family Planning Clinic or NHS Walk-in Centre. Always read the label. Contains levonorgestrel. Not 100% effective. Levonelle One Step can be used for up to 72 hours after unprotected sex, but it’s more effective the sooner you take it. *The choice of chemist is based upon your current location when sending the text. Standard network charges apply. Some providers may require sending an additional text. Text service only suitable for people aged 16 and over. Date of preparation: January 2013 L.GB.12.2012.1334


For the second year running, we have put on a truly amazing house gig for a lucky competition winner that will not be forgotten anytime soon. Yes, 2012 saw the dreams of a North London art student come true as she played host to a secret garden party with an exclusive performance from the one and only Ed Sheeran, all in the comfort of her very own digs. And this summer, we were at it again, naming third year UEA biology student, Alex Deverell, the winner of 2013’s intimate house gig competition, which included a mesmerising set from one of the hottest solo artists to emerge this year, Gabrielle Aplin...

With a number one single under her belt and gold certified debut album ‘English Rain’ peaking at number two in the UK charts, Gabrielle has hit the ground running at some pace in 2013. Her version of Frankie Goes To Hollywood’s ‘The Power of Love’ over the Christmas period marked the start of what has turned out to be a memorable few months for the singer-songwriter, with following top ten single ‘Please Don’t Say You Love Me’ and top twenty hit ‘Panic Cord’ maintaining momentum before the release of her hugely successfully debut record. “Everything has happened so gradually that it hasn’t really hit me. But it’s definitely built up to something, and when I look back and see what I’ve done in the last year or so, it is mad”, she explained to us.

After meeting up with Gabrielle and her team for a catch-up lunch on the day of the gig, we set off to Alex’s house which on arrival was packed with her closest friends. “Hello, nice to meet you! I’ve come to play songs in your house”, Gabby said to Alex as she opened the door to let us in. “Lovely to meet you!”, the host replied with her excitement clear for all to see. “Come in!” It was smiles all round as Alex took Gabby through to meet her friends from back home and university. Bruce the dog was Gabby’s honorary pet for the day and he was the first to lap up the attention of the room full of students. Fussing over the cute little puppy was the perfect ice-breaker and soon everyone was feeling at ease and the conversation flowed naturally. If anyone was expecting a too-good-forus kind of celebrity, Gabrielle was the opposite. Dressed in skinny jeans, a long shirt and a stripey jumper, within minutes she was chatting away to everyone, fitting in perfectly, and even helping Alex serve drinks from the kitchen! After the introductions and lots of puppyloving, it was down to action in the students’ conservatory-turned-gig venue. It was decided that Gabrielle should perform sitting on the sofa, while the students should grab all the cushions and blankets they could find and set up camp on the floor around the sofa-come-stage. This caused quite a few laughs amongst Alex and her guests, with Gabby instantly feeling accountable for occupying the only real seat in the room. “This is my first gig without my band this year, I’m really nervous”, Gabby stated before playing the first of her six songs. “And I also feel really guilty that I’ve got this whole sofa and you guys are on the floor!” Even with the increased amounts of time spent in the limelight, the intimacy of performing to a room packed

"I've played intimate gigs b someone's house with all th watching me perform. It wa

with eagerly awaiting fans still proved to jangle the nerves of Gabrielle when all was set for her performance. However, if she said she was nervous, it sure didn’t show. The heavens that opened just as Gabrielle arrived at the student house would normally have been a disaster, but as it turned out, the pitter-patter of the rain against the conservatory glass only added to the intimacy of the gig. Everyone in the room could sense this was going to be a one-off experience, a very special moment. Natural as anything Gabrielle sat on the sofa, tuned her guitar and introduced her first song. A perfect silence came over the room; the atmosphere so tense yet so amazing, no one breathed a word. The first few bars of “Panic Cord” were played, grasping the attention of everyone present. “You kept all the things I threw away, a leaf I picked, a birthday card I made”, the first lyrics to resonate around the room. The atmosphere was breathtaking - each song met with warm applause.

“I may be sending you all to sleep, I usually have my band that make me feel way more rock and roll than I am!”, Gabrielle joked which was met with playful “Nooos!” from the audience midway through the set. “I’ll just check my set list which is on someone’s receipt...”, Gabby continued. “Yeah, that’s mine”, a guy at the back called out. “It’s for a bottle of water, and some chewing gum”. “I’m glad we cleared that one up!”, Gabby replied to a mass of laughter. The second half of the set saw Gabrielle charm the room with “Please don’t say you love me”, sending goosebumps down the backs of a fair few in the room. Still the rain continued outside and the ambience inside was indescribable. “I’m sorry it’s rained and that I’ve stolen your sofa. It does great things for my hair though, my fringe is looking awesome”, Gabby joked before introducing her final song. “This is going to be my last one.

before, but not in heir close friends was lovely!"

Set list: Panic Cord / Rings Round Roses / How Do You Feel Today? Please Don't Say You Love Me / Keep On Walking / Home

Thank you for letting me raid your house Alex, and thanks everyone for coming. This is Home”. Her latest release really was the fitting finale. If you would like to watch Gabby’s set by the way, good news is you can - all you need to do is head over to our YouTube Channel SPGtv where you can watch the day’s events unfold. After the performance, guests had their chance to speak to Gabrielle who was more than willing to answer their questions and have pictures taken. The whole while, Brucey (the dog) was still embracing the masses of attention thrown his way. With Alex and Gabby both outside enjoying the reappearance of the sun, we had a little chat to reflect on the day’s events. “I’ve played intimate gigs before, but not in someone’s house with all their close friends watching me perform. It was lovely”, Gabrielle told us. “Yeah it was awesome, thank you so much for letting

me have it. It was nice to meet you Gabby as well!”, Alex grinned. As with last year’s house party, the day’s events eventually had to come to an end and were rounded off with goodbyes and last chance photos. Gabrielle was also kind enough to sign an acoustic guitar, which you’ll be pleased to know can be won at our website: Competitions! All you need to enter the competition can be found there. Plans are already being put in place for next year’s student house party, so make sure you follow us on our socials for all the latest news on that. And finally, a massive thank you to Gabrielle and her team for making this once in a lifetime event happen, and of course to Alex, who really was the perfect host. We wish you all the best for this academic year.

WIN an acoustic guitar signed by Gabrielle Aplin Scan to enter competition

or visit:

Guitar kindly provided by

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Here’s an update on all that’s been going on at SPGtv: Get Involved With SPGtv now firmly up and running like a locomotive chugging its way down the train track to YouTube stardom, we are now opening up opportunities for you to get involved - exciting, hey?! Yes, that’s right, whether you are an aspiring musician or wannabee videographer, there are plenty of ways for you to get involved. Whether it’s an acoustic session you’ve filmed or something a little more off the wall, (maybe a professional prank?), we want to see your work. If we like it, it will feature on SPGtv, simple. Find our contact details at the back of the magazine and make sure you get in touch! Competitions As always, we have continued with our weekly competition giveaways which have seen many of you walk away with some pretty cool stuff. Signed merchandise has been a big theme this time around with a T-shirt signed by all five members of Kaiser Chiefs being a particular highlight!

With the festival season in full swing over summer we also made sure that you were setting off well prepared, giving away a whole host of festival essentials from tents and high-tech water bottles to the all important emergency toilet seat covers! Make sure you stay tuned over the coming months. We’ve got it covered. Interviews and Sessions Everything Everything – We caught up with one of 2013’s brightest alt rock/ pop talents, Everything Everything, at this summer’s sun lashed Parklife Weekender. The young chaps spoke to us about festival food and confusing meat, Tim Burton movies and their plans for the year ahead. Lewis Mokler – This was a great little acoustic we filmed with emerging solo artist Lewis Mokler. Location: on a moving gondola at Latitude Festival. The perfect setting, perfect song and perfect addition to anyone’s iPod. Lovely chap too! Thomas Dybdahl – Another SPGtv highlight from this summer’s activity was our session with Norwegian singer-songwriter Thomas Dybdahl. Set in the dusty hidden woods at Latitude Festival, this delicate number is sure to please the ears of all who listen. The eerie location makes a perfect accompaniment.


University provides one of the biggest opportunities you will ever have, both for your career prospects and social life. It’s a place where you will grow as a person, find your feet and at the end of it all, take the giant leap from the education circuit into the world of employment. That said, there’s no hiding away from the fact that university is ultimately a financial investment, and for most, a rather expensive one. If you’re starting university this September, you may well be graduating in three years time with an average debt of around £40,000 - crikey. With that in mind, making the most of your time there is paramount. Here’s how you can make £9000 a year worth it!

JOIN SOCIETIES & CLUBS Join everything. Although some will charge a small joining fee, getting involved with extra-curricular activities is the best way to meet new people. Sports teams are known for lively socials, summer tours and generally being a great way to make lasting friends. Getting involved with committees on your society will also help you stand out with future employers. GO TO EVERYTHING Roughly, every hour of your lectures will cost you £46. Sixty minutes of sitting down, taking notes for a degree you chose to do; easy, right? Whilst we accept that missing the odd lecture here and there is almost customary of first year, reminding yourself that you’ve just wasted £50 will be a sharp wake-up call to get your butt down to the lecture theatre! Paying £9,000 a year may seem ridiculous, but it’s even more ridiculous if you’re not taking what you’re paying for. MAKE CONTACTS Get to know your lecturers. Not in a I-emailed-you-five-times-and-youdidn’t-reply-so-thought-I’d-turn-upat-your-office way, but drop them an email if you’re struggling or need help. Engage in seminars and make sure they remember your name. Most lecturers have an impressive track record behind them and you never know when a contact could come in handy.

DO WELL Sounds obvious, yes. But there’s no point racking up a £40,000 debt to graduate from university less than happy with your results. It’s a competitive job market out there, so doing as best you can will pay off. Your student loan won’t feel so bad when you land a dream job that pays well. HELP YOURSELF OUT Being a student is the only time you’ll be entitled to an array of discounts all year round. Take advantage of your NUS or campus card and save money wherever you possibly can, whether it’s shopping on the high street or eating at your favourite restaurant chain. Getting a part-time job will also ease the pressure of funding nights out and general living! MOST IMPORTANTLY... HAVE FUN! Going out three nights a week, socialising daily and regularly ordering take-outs won’t be acceptable after you graduate from university. These will be the best three years of your life, so experience everything. Make sure you leave with some lasting memories and take every opportunity you’re given, whether it’s another impromptu night out or a trip abroad. The best way to make the most of your fees? Have the most amazing time possible! SPG Find The Student Pocket Guide online

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Ordnance Survey mapping Š Crown copyright. AM103/09.

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Artist: Josie Maskel Institute: Plymouth University Description: This piece of artwork was created as a greetings card design whilst Josie was on a placement at The Great British Card Company, and is part of a series focusing on decoration and intricate detailing. This work uses scanned-in drawings that are digitally coloured using limited colour palettes, inspired by vintage pattern designs and folk art.


Artist: Jamie-Lee Turner Institute: Coventry University Description: A mix of sketch, vector and textures were used to create these illustrations. Jamie-Lee has always enjoyed reading, and thrives in creating images that have a strong narrative whilst still leaving something for the imagination. Most modern children’s illustrations are bright and colourful, whereas Jamie-Lee grew up with much darker children’s literature, inspiring her to create illustrations using a ‘grunge’ theme and use silhouettes in an effective way.

Artist: Natalie Winwood Institute: University of Leeds Description: Natalie’s work plays with the idea of science and the future by physically immersing the model within the painted background of the nebula space scene. Our curiosity and knowledge of outer space is ever expanding, and this image was created to demonstrate a simple representation of this growing curiosity using body paint, enamel spray paint and oil paint.

Artist: Niamh GriďŹƒths Institute: Birmingham City University Description: Niamh created this piece using oil pastels, paint and felt pen, and tweaked it on Photoshop. The work is a representation of how she sees reggae music and what it means to her. The Lion is a strong symbol of the Rastafari movement and to Niamh, Reggae music is colourful, energetic and about being together - an idea that she wanted to put across in her piece.

For the opportunity to showcase your work in START within the next edition of The Student Pocket Guide, please send your work along with your name, institute, description and contact details to:


WORDS SAGE FITZPATRICK We’ve all been there. It’s the week before student loans are paid and your kitchen cupboards are bare. And believe me it does not look pretty. But don’t despair. You won’t have to go hungry, as this list will give you food inspiration for when money is tight… BEANS ON TOAST A student’s best friend. And always there in times of need. This small little tin sitting on the shelf can be a tasty and affordable way to eat. What’s more, they are a great source of fibre and protein. Most supermarkets sell own brand beans, so you don’t need to break the bank for this meal. And if you have any spare cheese or brown sauce, why not add that on top?

SOUP This is a hearty meal for any hungry student and so cheap to get hold of. You may not particularly enjoy the standard vegetable soup, but there are many types to savor. Chicken noodle, pea and ham, minestrone, pumpkin, asparagus (with croutons, without croutons), you name it – they pretty much have it. Own brand soups are also nice, but the bigger brands always have deals, so shop around and get experimenting. Just don’t forget the bread. You must never forget the bread. TOASTED SANDWICHES What’s not to love? They are quick, easy and so tasty. Your typical sandwich usually comes in the form of a cheese toasty. But you can have

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*on selected properties




E R R A Z I B T N E D STU S E I R O S T e The News That Mad

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IMAGE surfcologic

There are many trends that make the news, whether it’s the latest app everyone is talking about or the ‘in’ fashion look the cool kids have taken to. In 2011, a different trend hit the headlines. This was the art of ‘planking’. The rules are simple: you must lie face down, palms flat against your sides, with your feet together and pointing at the floor. Points are awarded for originality of location and you must, of course, have photographic evidence. Students nationwide took to this like a duck to water and lo and behold it made the papers. Truly bizarre.


Back in 2011, emergency services were called out when one unfortunate University of Derby student somehow ended up entangled in a clothes horse for over an hour. 18-year-old Danielle Morgan was “mucking about” on her flatmate’s bed, when she slipped and landed head-first inside the airer. Firefighters were called, and Miss Morgan was freed using bolt croppers and a toolkit. “My friends just thought it was hilarious,” said Miss Morgan. We can see where they’re coming from.

A college student in Mississippi was arrested last year after writing a note about “passing a bomb”. Unfortunately, it turns out this is just how 19-year-old Harold Wayne Hadley, Jr. refers to his own flatulence. After the note, describing his joy at passing wind in the college library, was handed to a teacher, 11 emergency agencies responded and Hadley was held on $20,000 bail. We think he might need to find a new word next time he’s feeling a bit gassy.





If you’ve been looking for a productive way to spend your time when you’ve finished all you revision, then Jordan Pearce, an 18-year-old student from Utah, might have the solution. In 2007, Pearce set the world record for hugging the most people in an hour, racking up an impressive 765 hugs with plenty of time left. The only rules were that each hug must be genuine, with arms and hands wrapped around the hugger. Each person was only allowed one hug, and Pearce was required to stand in the same place during the event.


Terms & Conditions: Valid with student ID 7 days a week. Voucher entitles the bearer to 25% off the total food bill. Discount valid on tables of up to 6 guests. One voucher per bill table transaction. Valid only when ordering from the main menu. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer or set menu. Subject to availability no substitute available, no cash alternative. Valid at all Chiquito restaurants excluding Cardiff, Greenwich, Printworks, Sheffield and Salford on event days. Expires 30th September 2014.

Contribution from Peter Bakare and Nathan French from Your Student Body. If you’ve moved to college or university from high school, it can be a bit of a shock knowing that you are solely responsible for managing your own study time. Gone are the days when your parents and teachers are chasing you for homework - it’s now down to you! That said, there’s no need to panic. Here we have provided easy to follow steps for you to digest which will help set you on your way for a fruitful academic year.

Make a Timetable

First things first - make a timetable. It will be the single most effective way for you to manage your time. It doesn’t have to be a boring block of nothing but academia. Spice things up by allocating slots of time to your social life or even mini rewards for completing a certain amount of work. Chart your lectures and seminars, highlight your deadlines, figure out home study time, and all will fall into place.

Start Early

Filling out a timetable is one thing, actually going ahead with getting the work done is another, so making sure you start early is key to succeeding in sticking to it. Putting things off and leaving deadlines to the last minute is an easy trap to fall into, but it only makes things harder for you and increases stress whilst decreasing the time you have to spend on other things. Once you have a deadline set in stone, get reading. Do the hard graft early so you can relax with a decent amount of time to spend on your assignment.


It does not and should not have to be work, work, work. Make sure you find a healthy chunk of your day where you can just put your feet up, chill, watch tv, play Xbox… whatever you want. You need to keep your mind fresh so you can focus clearly on your work. Going at it 24/7 will ultimately tire you out and overload your brain!

Balance Studies with Paid Work

As you grow up, the more responsible you have to be in all aspects of your life. Your personal finances are no different, especially if you are at university. Keeping your bank balance ticking over is of course completely necessary, but if paid work is getting in the way of your studies then you will start to encounter problems. If you do experience issues getting assignments done, cut back on paid work and find a healthier balance. After all, you are at college or university for one main reason - to succeed in your studies.

Don’t Break Routine

The most important part of successfully managing your time is to find a routine and stick to it. Adjustments can be made but the rule is abide by what schedule is best for you. Everyone manages their time differently so it’s about finding what you like and what’s efficient for you. Use your new timetable, develop a routine and as monotonous as it sounds, don’t break it.


If you find yourself struggling to balance your studies or meet assignment deadlines there is no shame in speaking to your peers. Ask for help, seek advice from friends or call home. The longer you go without saying anything, the bigger the problem may get and the harder you may find it to look for help. Don’t forget you are in the same boat as thousands of others - you are not alone.

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SENSELESS CENSUS What would you do if you won the lottery? Buy a big mansion with a studio Visit my boyfriend in Germany

Channing Tatum or Zac Efron, so they can fall in love with me

My parents

Simon Phillips, the drummer from Toto

Who would be your ultimate dinner party guest?


Go on holiday to India

Buy a food factory, and make cheescakes all day Take the band I manage on a world tour


The Incredible Hulk!

Watch Senseless Census

Top 5 Chick Flicks That Should Never Be Forgotten Chick icks. A perfect night in for many girls, a guilty pleasure for many guys. From rom-coms to tearjerkers, dramas to musicals, they have proved their worth far beyond simply being the perfect accompaniment to a tub of Cookie Dough ice-cream, a box of tissues and a boyfriend's shoulder. Whether you love or loathe them, there is no denying that the genre of 'sop' has delivered dozens of iconic classics down the years. In honour of our heartstrings being pulled and cringe reeexes punished for decades gone by, we have listed our top ve chick icks that simply should never be forgotten! Written by Kay Barrett


When Harry Met Sally

So, to start from the bottom, in number ve’s slot we have an all time favourite, When Harry Met Sally. The lm questions whether guys and girls can JUST be friends; a question that perhaps is still pondered upon now. It's a movie you may not be instantly familiar with as it hit our screens back in 1989, but I assure you, it’s 100% worth a watch, so let’s not forget about this lm, let’s remember it!


Pretty Woman

Now, let’s look at the fourth choice, Pretty Woman. You cannot have a list of chick icks without mentioning this movie. It’s not often spoken about, and I am often asking myself, "why not?!" Do we not remember the scene when Julia Roberts goes shopping and gets shunned by the snobby sales assistant?! Have we forgotten those shocking knee-high, shiny boots?! Either way, it’s a top chick ick movie that needs to be remembered.


Dirty Dancing

It would be a horrendous crime not bringing Dirty Dancing to the party. “I carried a water melon” - one of my favourite lines in the lm. I mean you just cringe watching her as she says it! We’ve all had those embarrassing moments when you just want to slap your forehead and ask yourself, “Why, oh why, did I just say that?” It’s a classic lm and justiies a top three spot.


Mean Girls

Number two brings us Mean Girls. I remember when this lm came out; every girl in my year at school had watched it. The movie brings us a group of girls, ‘The Plastics’, that perhaps weren’t the friendliest bunch, (well certainly Regina George anyway), who ruled the school and every girl wanted to be. Who remembers the burn book? I think that’s got to be one of the most memorable aspects of the movie. Or, perhaps, it’s those shocking eyebrows on good ol’ Aaron Samuels. Hairy slugs anyone?


The Notebook

Now, number one is an easy choice for me and it HAS to be at the top because what chick ick isn’t a chick ick without Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. You’ve guessed it, it’s The Notebook. This is, without doubt, one of the best lms, ever! It doesn’t just fall under the chick ick category but it’s simply an incredible lm that will have you crying like a baby and smiling from cheek to cheek. I could go on forever about how brilliant this lm is but instead I’ll end it with the lm’s most memorable quote - “If you’re a bird, I’m a bird”. Eeeek! LOVE IT! WATCH IT! Do not forget it!

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10 years since they met in a classroom in Wilmslow, The 1975 are currently riding the success of their newly released self-titled debut album. With the likes of summer anthem ‘Chocolate’ and recent single ‘Sex’, their infectious and powerful pop sound has set them on course to stardom in 2013, firmly placing them amongst the hottest talents to emerge this year. We caught up with frontman Matthew Healy to hear all about it.

Sweet! We’re a national student magazine, and want to know what The 1975 were like as students back in the day... Well, I didn’t actually do the university thing. Me and George left college and went to work in a call centre whilst living with some Chinese people! Adam studied Biochemistry at Manchester University, so he was a pretty good student. Ross did Music Technology at Salford but dropped out because he wanted to be in the band. Overall, we were alright students but all we ever wanted was to do this.

Hi Matt, how are you? Yeah I’m good thanks, you? Very well thanks. Where in the world are you now? I’m sitting on a rock in Newquay at the moment looking over a beach.

Do you think it’s quite rare these days that such a close group of mates, such as yourselves, make it in the music industry like you have? Very much so. I

think the cool thing about it is that we’re all quite young as well; we’re not a band who have been together for ten years and are still trying to make it. The most important thing is that we haven’t really done it for anybody else apart from ourselves. It’s like anything you do when you are 13, you do it for fun, and we’ve carried that through until now. It’s very special for us to be doing this. Do you think the honesty of it being for yourselves is reflected in your debut [self-titled] album? Very much so man, that’s a nice thing to say. It spans so long and is the soundtrack to our childhood years, plus none of it was written to an agenda or as a compromise to anything

like time, or fear of future material. It was purely about making music because that’s what we do. The album is just an extension of who we are. You guys produced all of your previous EPs, so what was it like having external influences on the recording process of your album [Mike Crossey - Arctic Monkeys, Foals]? Yeah, I mean, we were set on producing the album ourselves, due to like you say having done the EPs before, but it was different. We were in a studio for a start and it was over a certain period of time, all those kind of things; we’d never worked like that before. All of the time we had was for working on production which was amazing.

Have you seen the top YouTube comment on the video for your new single, ‘Sex’? No, what is it?! “How did these geniuses get boobs on YouTube?!” Haha! I don’t know, how did we do it?! It’s not explicit though, I didn’t think so anyway. Did you?

moment of clarity for you guys in regard to how far you’ve come? I think it was. All of those moments are like that; they kind of benchmark things, but you have

“We will have done over 300 gigs this year! It’s been totally crazy and we do deserve the time off but this is what we’ve always wanted”

No I didn’t think so. Maybe a little cheeky! Did you have much of an input with the video? A guy called Adam Powell directed the video but the idea for it came from original treatment that I wrote. But it was very different, it wasn’t set in America, for example. When we found out how much love we had for cinema, like old skate movies and that kind of thing, we wanted to create an international portrayal of the song. You guys recently performed live on Conan over in the States. Was that a

to be retrospective because everything builds up to those points. When it happens though, you’re not thinking about taking it in, you’re thinking, “I’ve got a job to do here, I need to do this right!” The Conan Show was great, but it was a very nervewracking experience. I was very scared! As you spend so much time together on the road, do any of you guys have annoying habits that wind each other up? Ah we have loads! One of mine is when I’m

on the phone, I can’t stand still. Honestly mate, in the time we’ve had this conversation I’ve probably walked about a mile! George and I smoke a fair bit which probably annoys the other two but we all understand that if it wasn’t for each other we’d be nothing, so we just get on. Looking at your tour schedule for September, October and November, you will have certainly earned your time off in December! Yeah man, we will have done over 300 gigs this year! It’s been totally crazy and we do deserve the time off but this is what we’ve always wanted, you know? We’re not going to sit around and complain about it, although some stuff is hard. My girlfriend broke up with me this morning because I’m just not there anymore. That’s the stuff that is hard, but I want to make a life for myself. Sorry to hear man. Nah it’s alright! If The 1975 were to host an exclusive dinner party, and could invite anyone alive or deceased, who would you ask? Ah, cool question! [Shouts at George]

George who would you invite to a dinner party?... Michael Jackson, Brian Eno, Stephen Fry, Derren Brown, Richard Dawkins, Karl Pilkington... I’d probably get Christ down as well! SPG Top Track: ‘The City’

Read the full interview

Interview by Nathan Wadlow

in association with:

StudentJob is one of the biggest online student job portals in Europe. We offer tons of fun and exciting opportunities for students ranging from part-time, full-time, internships and graduate jobs. Here we have provided you with a list of the biggest and best student jobs! FESTIVAL WORK

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An interview with

Watch the full filmed interview

Netsky, aka Boris Daenen, is a leading pioneer in the wave of new skool electronic music artists that are evolving the genre at a rapid pace. At just 24, he has risen to drum and bass stardom at Usain Boltesque pace, with a number one album in his native Belgium along with numerous dance chart successes here in the UK. We caught up with the rather polite young chap at Parklife Weekender, who spoke to us about his posh new barbeque, massive steaks and performing with his live band. Hello Netsky! How are you? Yeah, I’m good thanks. We just got off stage from the Hospitality Tent which was fun. This is the first festival we’ve done this summer where it’s actually been sunny! Always helps... Yeah, for sure. When it’s in Manchester, it doesn’t happen all that much I guess! But it’s been such a great day; beautiful weather, great people and great crowds. Did you bring emergency wellyboots just in case? I was going to! Last year I remember really needing them but it’s been alright today. I saw on Twitter that Steve Script MC was trying to get you to bring your brand new barbeque to the UK. What’s this all about? I’ve just bought this incredibly posh barbeque! I’m a big barbeque freak but I’ve never owned a really cool one; I’ve always learnt to deal with small, amateur barbeques. I now own this big Boretti model which I used along with the band last night before we came here - it was quite hard waking up this morning actually! Script wants me to bring it to the UK, which we are going to do at some point, but I didn’t see his tweet until this morning.

“I really like the ne Rudimental album time for new music What were you cooking up? Me and my manager Bjorn are really into steaks. Big steak freaks. He bought these 2 kilo steaks along. That’s big! Yeah!

Watch the full filmed interview

With the live show, do you feel like you’ve added an extra edge to your performances and are possibly appealing to more people? Yeah, I guess so. It really opens a lot of doors for us and brings a lot of opportunities to play on different stages. We aren’t just restricted to drum & bass stages, and can play after a rock band or for some new

faces. I really like that; trying to expand our horizon a little bit. It’s been really good for that, and it’s a lot of fun. I hear you’re producing for a few people. Would you ever go down the pop avenue? Not necessarily pop but maybe a few side projects. I’m doing lots of stuff in the studio at the moment but I’m taking some time off after the summer to work on some drum and bass again. I want to see what we can do with the live band as well because it’s very inspiring working with trained jazz musicians and performing with great vocalists; it really opens your eyes to different genres. Are you going to be bringing elements of your live show into your next album? Not necessarily. It’s always something that is in the back of my mind I guess, but I always want to try and forget about the live band when I’m in the studio. I really don’t want to be

ew Disclosure and ms. It’s an exciting c right now.” limited by any instruments or melodies that I would have to be able to play. I want to keep producing like I used to, but it is hard sometimes when you think about playing on stage with the band and what the drummer can drum, or what the keyboard player can play, you know? We’ll see what happens in the future. I’m actually an eighth Belgian... An eighth? Wow, OK. Yeah, my mum’s dad was Belgian. I’ve never actually been though. If I were to go, how would you

sell it to me? I like Belgium a lot and that is the main reason why I still live there. I’ve thought about moving to Brighton or London, New Zealand and also America over the past couple of years, but I’m so much in love with my own country and I’ve got all my friends and family there. I live in the north part of Belgium, in Antwerp, which is a great city. It’s comparable to a very chilled out, relaxed version of Bristol. Ah OK. Must have a good scene to it? Oh yeah, for sure! Great music, bass music and a great electronic scene. Amazing venues as well. We just played at an 8000 capacity venue over there and next door there is an 18,000 capacity venue as well, which is great when it’s just around the corner from where you live. A perfect setting for you then! Completely. On the scene this year, have there been any artists you have particularly enjoyed? Yeah, there’s so much amazing music around right now. I really like the new Disclosure and Rudimental albums. It’s an exciting time for new music right now. This is a question we ask a lot of people we speak to... Where do you see the world in 100 years time? To be honest, that’s the only thing we talk about on tour! Haha, really?! Yeah, we’re always talking about things like that, it’s really interesting. But wow, 100 years... I would love to see the world as a more peaceful union. I always think about alien life forms and if they were to look down on our planet and see how we fight each other as one species, they would think it’s just ridiculous! We should be trying to use technology to help others. It’s been wicked talking to you and good luck with the new album. Thank you! SPG Top Track: ‘Love Has Gone’












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If you’re planning on jetting across the world on a dream holiday, or simply heading down the road for a weekend staycation, then there’s just one thing you need to remember – your copy of The Student Pocket Guide of course! Sure, it’ll keep you entertained on the journey, but it could also win you an awesome chocolate fountain and help you get your picture in the next issue! It really couldn’t be easier. All you need to do is take a photo of yourself with your copy of the SPG, in front of a famous landmark, looking out over an incredible view, next to something weird and wonderful, anywhere you like – the more original the better! Then once that’s done, just send it on over to, and we will pick our favourites to feature in the magazine. You can also submit your entries to us via Facebook and Twitter. Simply tag The Student Pocket Guide on Facebook or tweet us @TheSPG on Twitter using #SPGonTour. Over the past five years we’ve seen entries from South Africa, America, Dubai, Borneo, Peru, and everywhere in-between! It doesn’t matter where you’re going, or who with, we want to see your picture. What’s more, it’s the perfect way to show off your jet setting lifestyle to the world! Happy holidays :)

Going somewhere special? Don’t forget to take your copy of The Student Pocket Guide and make sure you get some snaps. We’ll give away this chocolate fountain for the best entry. Email your pictures to:

Facebook: The Student Pocket Guide Twitter: @TheSPG #SPGonTour

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SUMMER BREAK 2014! Summer Break began its glorious life as the UK’s answer to Spring Break when the organisers, Outgoing, thought: ‘Why should the Americans have all the fun!?’ The student focused festival is the ultimate post-exam blowout for 18 to 20 something’s set in the UK’s most famous party Mecca: Newquay! It is the only way to celebrate the official start of summer and the end of a hard-fought academic year. Having provided the perfect setting and soundtrack since 2005, 2014 is set to be the best yet with extra stages and even more parties! We are giving away two full weekend tickets to next year’s blockbuster event and are throwing in return travel with Big Green too - so you can sit back, relax and have everything taken care off. Easy-peasy... If you want to win and have something spectacular to look forward to at the end of this academic year, simply head over to, where you will find everything you need to enter.

WHAT’S INVOLVED? • 4 nights of the best pre-night out caravan parties on one exclusive site • 4 huge club nights with student drink prices • 3 days of carefree fun in the sun on one private beach • 3000 up for it party people • The ‘Residency Competition’ • The summer’s most fun event!


ANGOV ER CUReS Words: Peter Bakare


and Nathan French

We all enjoy a night out. The consequences the following morning, not so much. But do not fear as, like a guardian angel here to take the pain away, we have compiled a list of our top ten tips to cure that dreaded hangover.

1. Water before bed When you get in from a night out, drink as much water as you can before you sleep. Hangover symptoms are largely down to dehydration caused by the effects of alcohol. Rehydrating yourself before you sleep is a sure-fire way to reduce your hangover when you wake up.


2. Sleep Catch up on those lost hours! Even though it’s easy to fall asleep after a few drinks, the quality of your shuteye is significantly worse than if you were sober, which is why you wake up feeling tired after a night out. A siesta or an early night the following day is needed for the body to fully recover.

3. Shower Give yourself a wash and you’ll feel a hundred times better for it! Try a contrast shower, switching from hot to cold water. The benefits of contrast showers will help blood flow and stimulate your body allowing toxins to escape.

4. A light workout Even though it’s probably the last thing on your mind, a light workout will help you sweat out those toxins. Alcohol is high in calories too, so getting a little sweat on is a good way to burn away those unwanted pounds. Remember not to lift anything strenuous, but something aerobic like cycling or rowing will help get your blood pumping and flush away all the bad stuff!

5. Caffeine A cup of coffee sounds like a great idea and a quick boost to get your day started. However, caffeine is a diuretic and will dehydrate you even more. If you are consuming coffee, we suggest you drink a large glass of water with it.

6. Paracetamol Taking an aspirin or paracetamol will mask the headache and nausea you are probably feeling. However, only use them if you really need to! Don’t have anything acetaminophen-based as the mix with alcohol may not go down well.

Having a meal before you go out slows the absorption of alcohol into the system. Eating before bed is also a good idea as it helps to break down the alcohol whilst you sleep. That stop off at the chippy may be a good idea after all!

8. Isotonic drinks Isotonic drinks replenish the salts lost sweating and consequently hydrate the body. After a long night on the dance floor, you will have lost a lot more fluid than you could imagine. Lucozade could well be the answer, along with that pint of water!

9. Multi-vitamins Taking a multi-vitamin either before you sleep or first thing when you wake up will help to replace the vitamins that have been lost throughout the night. Berocca is a popular choice for many students.

10. Eggs The yolk of an egg contains cysteine, which breaks down acetaldehyde (chemical left behind after drinking alcohol). Other foods such as bananas and kiwis are rich in potassium, which is lost during alcohol intake. For more student health tips visit:

The 18-24 age group is the demographic most affected by sexually transmitted infections in the UK. If you’re a student, then the chances are you fall into this age bracket, and although many of you needn’t worry, the number of people affected by STI’s is rising. Last year, around 190,000 people in the UK were diagnosed with chlamydia in NHS genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics alone, not including those diagnosed by GPs or in screening programmes. Whilst statistics like these can be frightening, you shouldn’t start panicking about sexual health; there are plenty of ways to keep yourself safe, and if anything does go wrong, help is never far away.

Most people who have chlamydia don’t notice any symptoms and won’t know if they have the infection. Otherwise, symptoms may include pain when you urinate, unusual discharge and, in women, bleeding between periods or after sex. Diagnosing chlamydia is easily done with a urine test or a swab of the affected area. Chlamydia is easily treated with antibiotics, but can lead to serious long-term health problems if it’s left untreated.

Gonorrhoea is the second most common STI in the UK. Like chlamydia, the infection can cause an unusual discharge from your vagina or penis, and pain when urinating. Gonorrhoea can be easily diagnosed through a simple swab test and treated with antibiotics. If left untreated, it can lead to more serious long-term health problems and infertility.

Syphilis is a bacterial infection that causes a painless but highly infectious sore on your genitals or sometimes around the mouth. The sore lasts two to six weeks before disappearing. Secondary symptoms, such as a skin rash and sore throat, then develop. If diagnosed early, syphilis can be easily treated with antibiotics, usually penicillin injections. But if it is left to progress untreated, syphilis can go on to cause serious conditions such as strokes, paralysis, blindness or even death.

Genital warts are small fleshy growths, bumps or skin changes that appear on or around your genital or anal area. They are the result of a viral skin infection caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).You don’t need to have penetrative sex to pass the infection on because HPV is spread by skin-to-skin contact. Several treatments are available, such as creams and cryotherapy (freezing the warts).

HIV is a virus most commonly caught by having unprotected sex or sharing infected needles to inject drugs. The virus attacks the immune system and weakens your ability to fight infections and disease. AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection, when your body can no longer fight life-threatening infections. There’s no cure for HIV but there are treatments that enable most people with the virus to live a long and healthy life.

If you’ve woken up after a one night stand feeling a bit unsure, or if you want to have a general check-up, don’t panic as there are plenty of options available to you: • Walk-in clinics - The NHS provide excellent walk-in services nationwide that are hassle free and completely confidential. If your area doesn’t have a specific sexual health clinic, don’t worry, as general walk-in centres and hospitals (GUM) provide the same service, as will most universities. • Home Testing - If you would rather conduct a sexual health test in the comfort of your own home, you can relax. There are numerous services that provide accurate and legitimate tests. If tests are positive, you will be diagnosed and given medication to collect from a nearby clinic. • Your Local GP - Seeing someone you trust is very comforting. Your local GP will be more than happy to see you if you are concerned, and again, everything is completely confidential.

Save yourself the risks and use contraception. Plenty of surgeries and clinics provide free condoms, so it doesn’t even have to cost you anything to stay safe. And if you do catch something, make sure you tell your sexual partner(s).

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11th Caitlin Rose 14th Paul Smith: A Mind Full of Nothing but Continue 16th Krystle Warren 21st Steve Howe Trio 25th Jon Boden: The Ballad of Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard 25th Duckworth Lewis Method 26th Baka Beyond 27th Mostly Autumn 28th Making Tracks: Adriano Adewale & Benjamin Taubkin 29th Tim Burgess plus guests 30th Huey Lewis and the News


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.