TSA Bulletin - Dec 2019

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December 2019

What Will 2020 Look Like? 2020 should be the best Year of your life! You now have a Life Time of experience under your belt. You know exactly what to do and what not to do. All you need to do is to invest all that experience into 2020 and it should be the best year of your life. Remember; “The challenge does not lie in the Knowing it lies in the Doing.� You already have the answers, now you need to do something with those answers. 2020 depends on you and you alone. Why not design an awesome year for yourself? The quality of your year will depend on your commitment to serve the people in your life. Success is the result you get from taking care of the needs of others. 2020 is in your hands. Wishing you a Happy Fes ve Season!

Charl Du Toit CEO & Founder of The Success Academy

Customer Care Line 0861 555 555 / 012 665 2981 General contact details of The Success Academy during Business Hours Accounts - Tenants: Louise Dugmore - 083 409 4567 Izel Ha ngh - 083 409 4360 Liz Du Toit - 060 504 3619 Jackie Momberg - 063 409 8987 Air Cons/ Electrician: Dewald Groenewald - 082 453 0437 Biometrics: Gerrit - 083 822 5734 Branding/ Online Network: Marleen Swanepoel - 083 409 4075 E-Marke ng: Luan Scheepers - 073 656 3977 Drywalling: Marco Urzi - 083 387 4346 Events: Chantelle Knoesen - 083 409 4520 General Maintenance: Wouter Stoltz - 060 571 3674 Maintenance Coordinator: Lizel Pretorius - 060 504 1704 Business Centre Management: Jacqui Swart - 083 408 1397 OďŹƒce Rentals: Tjaart van der Walt - 083 517 2541 Nerisa Muller - 083 409 4449 Vincent Sithole - 060 537 5188 Elizabeth Ranoto - 060 564 0784 Tenant Rela ons: Belinda Rossouw - 083 792 2901 Norma van Wyk - 060 559 8717 Por olio Managers: Gerrit Vosloo - 083 409 3911 Lee Normand - 082 786 2025 Suppliers Accounts: Elma Swanepoel - 083 409 3943 In case of Emergencies Day or Night please phone: General Maintenance: Wouter Stoltz - 060 571 3674 Maintenance Coordinator: Lizel Pretorius - 060 504 1704 Air Cons/ Electrician: Dewald Groenewald - 082 453 0437 Security Manager: Hennie Muller - 063 257 0366 Security Help Desk: Albert Nemakonde - 073 541 5295 Security Ops Manager: Elvis Mthala - 082 326 5281 CEO – The Success Academy: Charl du Toit - 082 567 6148

Saving our planet We’ve all recently heard the call to take ac on against the declining state of our planet. Whether it be climate change or the rapidly expanding list of animals on the way to ex nc on. We are all aware of the crisis we as humanity are facing. To answer the call to ac on The Success Academy, through the “Save our Planet” ini a ve, has been dona ng trees to schools in the area as well as to underprivileged communi es in a bid to help green our planet and off set our carbon footprint. This also helps to teach our youth the importance of taking responsibility and showing them that they have the power to make a difference for their future, and the future of our planet. Another project that we started is The Success Academy Rhino Trust, where we have raised over R2 million in aid of the Rhinos. This money is used to assist in feeding, tracking and keeping our Rhinos safe, helping the people on the ground fight Rhino poaching. This year is the year we all need to look at ourselves to see what we can do to help save our planet and the creatures we share it with.

Adver sing Opportunity This is the last edi on for 2019 of our Monthly Newsle er where our Tenants are given the opportunity to adver se their services to their fellow Tenants. All adver sements for February 2020 need to be submi ed by the 15th of January to marleen@thesuccessacademy.co.za. The adver sing costs are: 1) R2, 000.00 for a full page. 2) R1, 000.00 for a half page. 3) R500.00 for a quarter page. The Success Academy pays for all prin ng and distribu on costs and all adver sing income is contributed to The Success Academy Rhino Trust. We will be prin ng 5,000 copies every month which will be distributed to all our Tenants, 350 Companies in total. This is a great opportunity to do business with your fellow Tenants and to support a good cause in the process.

The Closing of another Chapter What a great year 2019 has been! A year full of challenges, growth, new begginings and change. Looking back on the year is not only a great way to see your progress, but also a great way to assess the year, to see what can be improved upon and what changes need to be made. This marks the end of another chapter, now is the me to start planning and wri ng the new one. The best way to have a great year, is to plan for one. Go out into 2020 and make it the best one yet!

New Tenants at Cambridge Office Park If you have an office in our Cambridge Office Park, or have spent some me in the park, you might have no ced some peculiar new tenants who moved in during the year. Recently, some chickens decided the grass is greener on the other side and migrated to our park from one of the neighbouring proper es. They can be seen scratching for food, spending some me with their chicks and running around between the buildings. We’ve received some great compliments on our newest tenants, and have even seen some food being set out for them. We love the hospitality between our human tenants and our featherd ones. So next me you are driving or walking through the park, keep an eye out for them. We also want to ask that you take care when driving so as to not run over them by accident.

Walking Through the Fire We had the pleasure of mee ng Cobus Visser at our October Breakfast and we gained some incredible knowledge listening to him sharing his experiences. Cobus was born with hemophilia, and has made it through several obstacles to get where he is today. Going from wheelchair bound to walking over fire, and teaching people how to use that fire that we have inside of us to get through the toughest mes in our lives. He also shared some excellent marke ng strategies that we can use going into the new year.

Business Network Hub sponsored by Daisy Business Solu ons Our November Network Hub was sponsored by Daisy Business Solu ons. Daisy will assist you in your business from point A to point B, finding a solu on for all your problems from print and IT to security and telecoms.

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