WHy A STAND UP DESK cOULD SAvE yOUR LIFE? It is a proven fact that sitting for long periods of time is not good for the body. Annoyingly, it cannot be avoided because for most of us, our work keeps us tied to a desk. So what can you do? You can get a stand-up desk that allow us to do our work, yet allow us to remain in a standing position, which has much greater health and well being benefits. It’s a win-win actually. There are many benefits to our health, and mental alertness and productivity when using a stand-up desk. There continues to be a variety of studies and research around the benefits, but it’s safe to claim that they negate the harmful effects of prolonged sitting.
POSITIvE ImPAcT OF STANDINg Standing up brings down the risk of weight gain and obesity Standing up brings down blood sugar levels. Standing aids digestion Standing reduces back pain Standing desks helps improve mood and energy level Standing desks increases productivity
ADjUSTABLE STANDINg DESK DESK cONvERTOR Stand is a portable standing desk converter that can be assembled and Disassembled quickly. It is lightweight, durable and affordable which is good for those who want to try first and see what it’s like to work standing up. It comes in four different sizes between 9 and 16 inches and has enough room just for the laptop. The Stand is an affordable AU$250. Varidesk Pro Plus is a two-tiered system that lets you adjust your monitor, keyboard and mouse in one easy motion. It comes ready to use. Just put it in your desk, place the monitor or laptop on the top shelf, keyboard and mouse on the lower shelf and adjust the height to your preference. Varidesk Pro Plus is on the expensive side, starting at AU$445 and going up to AU$690.
LANDFILL PROBLEm AND REcycLINg A landfill is a form of waste management that can damage the quality of our air, water and land. The organic wastes that landfills decompose produce methane and other harmful gases which, when released to the air, contributes to global warming. When water passes through landfill wastes, it forms leachate that can contaminate ground water and surfaces nearby. Hazardous substances can also penetrate the surrounding soil via landfill gas and leachate.
THE PROBLEm WITH LANDFILLS The three major problems with regards to landfills are leachate, toxins and greenhouse gases. Leachate- Leachate is the liquid that is formed when waste breaks down. It is highly toxic and can pollute land, water and waterways. Toxins – Non-biodegradable wastes contain a lot of toxic substances that over time contaminate the soil and ground water. Electronic wastes, for example, contain mercury, arsenic, lead and acids. Greenhouse gas – Food scraps and other biodegradable wastes are generally covered and compacted when dumped in a landfill. They break down and eventually release methane, a greenhouse gas that is more potent than carbon dioxide. Methane is dangerous for climate change and global warming. It is also flammable and can be hazardous if allowed to build up. Composting of food scraps help eliminate this problem.
HOW TO AvOID SITTINg DOWN TOO mUcH? Being active is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but it is an alarming fact that more than half of our population never engage in vigorous physical activity on a regular basis. Even those who work behind a desk can do these simple things to improve everyday activity and movement. Instead of sending an email, walk across the room or hall and talk to your co-worker. Use the stairs instead of the elevator or lift. Use an exercise ball for a chair. This engages your core muscles and helps improve balance and flexibility.
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