Susquehannock High School Graduation Project
Graduation Project Presentation Rubric As the student presents his/her graduation project, listen for the requirements listed in the rubric below. Check YES or NO if the information was presented.
Introduction Grabs Audience Attention The student created a strong introduction that captivated the audiences attention (use of statistics, images, questioning, etc)
Reason for Career Choice Justification of Exploration The student identified their career choice and briefly explains the reasons behind that choice.
Facts About Career Nature of Work Student provides an overview of the job description and tasks performed. Training / Qualifications / Education Student identifies training, education, or qualifications needed to enter this career path. The student may identify necessary skills and/or abilities needed. Job Outlook / Employment Statistics Student identifies current employment outlook for the position either for the state or nationally. Salary / Earnings The student identifies potential earnings in this career path.
Field Experience Reason for Choice The student identifies the field experiences he/she completed and why they chose to participate. Knowledge Gained The student identifies what they learned from his/her experience. Benefits of Experience The student outlined the benefit of participating in the field experience.
Career Plan High School Planning The student identifies what he/she has done in high school to prepare them for this pathway. .
Post-Secondary Education Plan The student identifies what his/her education plan is after high school to gain the skill necessary for their career choice (on-thejob-training, military, technical/trade school, college, etc) Identify Next Steps to Take The student identifies the next steps necessary after high school to reach his/her goal
Use of Media Creativity The student uses media creatively to present their information. Attractive The media form was formatted in a way that was visually appealing to the audience. Value Added – Enhances Presentation The media form added value and supplemented the presentation. The student did not simply read off PowerPoint Slides
Quality of Presentation Professionalism The student acted in a professional manner using professional language (both written and oral). Free from spelling and/or grammar errors. Well Rehearsed Project outline was completed and it was evident that time and preparation was put into rehearsing the presentation.
Total for Each Column YES
Circle the grade below:
Student has all 17 categories marked as “Yes”
Student has at least 12 categories marked as “Yes”
Student has 11 or less categories marked as “Yes” or Student did not complete presentation