Published by Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. 1|2
July 23, 2016 Dear Brothers: We are excited to introduce you to The Resolute Man! The Resolute Man represents the future of Theta Chi Fraternity. For the first time in our history, we are defining the desired outcomes of membership in a measurable fashion. The requirements outlined within this guide will provide you with a road map to get the most out of your Theta Chi experience. It will also prove a useful tool in explaining to those outside of the Fraternity (parents, college or university administrators, potential members) the leadership skills and knowledge Theta Chi imparts to its members. This guide outlines the basic requirements for an individual to pledge the Fraternity and the requirements for initiation (becoming a Theta Chi Collegian). Most excitingly, this guide illuminates a path by which initiated members can achieve a new distinction within Theta Chi Fraternity – The Resolute Man. Since the beginning of this year, Theta Chi Fraternity has previewed The Resolute Man via its online communication vehicles, during Field Executive visits, and at its regional and international events. During these preview sessions, Fraternity representatives not only presented the details of this initiative, but also spent much time listening to your feedback about how Theta Chi can make The Resolute Man a success.
The feedback from the preview sessions was reviewed and utilized as the basis for the revisions to this, the complete Resolute Man guidebook. Starting immediately, initiated members of Theta Chi Fraternity may begin work towards achieving the Resolute Man distinction. This printed guidebook is only being produced on a limited basis for the attendees of the 160th Anniversary Convention and 37th School of Fraternity Practices. From this point forward, Fraternity members and other interested parties should access information about The Resolute Man at We hope you will find this guide useful in understanding this exciting new initiative. The contents and structure of The Resolute Man will continue to be evaluated on an annual basis and relevant updates will be made based on continued feedback. Please contact the International Headquarters staff by phone at 317-848-1856 or by emailing with any questions or input about The Resolute Man. We look forward to your full participation in making The Resolute Man initiative a core element of the Theta Chi experience. Fraternally,
Richard D. Elder International President
Michael Mayer Executive Director 3|4
Table of Contents Chapter 1
Introduction to The Resolute Man
Chapter 2 The Theta Chi Pledge
Chapter 3 The Theta Chi Collegian
Chapter 4 The Resolute Man Area I Leadership and Teamwork Development Area II Alma Mater First Area III Social Competence and Development Area IV Life After Graduation Area V Theta Chi for Life and the Assisting Hand
Chapter 5 Final Application Procedures
Appendix I From Alumnus to Resolute Man Appendix II Theta Chi Pledge Honor Code Appendix III Theta Chi Collegian Honor Code
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Introduction to The Resolute Man
Welcome to The Resolute Man.
It is a pleasure to introduce you to a new and exciting era for Theta Chi Fraternity. The Resolute Man is a set of standards for defining what membership in Theta Chi Fraternity truly means. When you and your brothers fulfill the challenges outlined within The Resolute Man, your chapter will experience higher levels of engagement and achievement. When brothers seek to become The Resolute Man, they are not only striving to become a better Theta Chi, but also a better man. Included within The Resolute Man are materials that enhance our individual and chapter levels of accountability. The Resolute Man includes Pledge and Collegian Honor Codes. Honor codes, while not new to Theta Chi, are being reintroduced via The Resolute Man as a means for chapters to develop baseline expectations for its members. It is encouraged to have your entire chapter sign these codes and then keep them on file as a reminder of our obligations to the Fraternity.
Finally, as Theta Chi Fraternity is a lifelong commitment for its members, alumni will also have an opportunity to become a Resolute Man. The Resolute Man will help recognize alumni who have made a significant contribution to the Fraternity on a local and international level. Becoming a Resolute Man is a great honor for any Theta Chi. To get the most out of your fraternal experience, we encourage all members to strive toward this worthy challenge. Greatness is achieved through taking advantage of the opportunities before you.
Be The Resolute Man. 7|8
The Theta Chi Pledge is a man seeking to learn about Theta Chi Fraternity so that he may fully commit himself to becoming a brother and a Resolute Man.
He has expressed a genuine desire to pursue membership and has pledged to uphold the traditions and standards of Theta Chi Fraternity.
The Theta Chi Pledge
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Prerequisites to become a Theta Chi Pledge
Be a male of honorable and moral character Be enrolled and in good standing at an institution at which an active chapter exists Not be a member of another fraternal organization similar in character to Theta Chi Fraternity Have a 2.5 grade point average from high school if no college grade point average has been established Have a 2.5 cumulative collegiate grade point average if a college grade point average has been established Receive a formal invitation (bid) approved by a majority vote of an active chapter Review and agree to live fully by Theta Chi Fraternity’s Pledge Honor Code (see Appendix II) -The Recruitment Chairman or Marshal will review the honor code with you to help you understand this commitment
Obligations of a Theta Chi Pledge Complete the Pledging Ceremony in the Public Ritual - account through OmegaFi no later Establish a myOX than 10 days after completing the Pledging Ceremony Pay the pledge fee in full no later than 10 days after completing the Pledging Ceremony -Information on the current pledge fee can be obtained from the International Headquarters Sign and uphold the Pledge Honor Code (see Appendix II) 11 | 12
The Theta Chi Collegian is an initiated member of Theta Chi Fraternity who has fully accepted the obligations of membership and is striving to become a Resolute Man.
He has completed all necessary obligations prescribed to a Theta Chi Fraternity Pledge. The Theta Chi Collegian is well versed in his Fraternity’s history.
The Theta Chi Collegian
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Required Curriculum to become a Theta Chi Collegian (Requirements for Initiation) Education
Complete all of the following: Attend an educational session about Theta Chi Fraternity History -Highlights can be found in the The Manual of Theta Chi Fraternity Attend an educational session on FIPG, Inc. and Theta Chi Risk Management Policies -FIPG stands for Fraternal Information and Programming Group -FIPG guidelines and all of Theta Chi Fraternity’s Risk Management Policies can be found in the Risk Management, Standards, and - Resource Insurance Manual located in the myOX Center accessible through
Attend an educational session on The Resolute Man requirements -The Marshal will walk you through the information and answer any questions you may have Attend an educational session on hazing prevention -This session can be facilitated by university staff, International Headquarters staff, or a trained volunteer Attend an educational session on responsible use of social media -This session can be facilitated by a trained volunteer, campus administrator, or member of the chapter -Resources on this requirement are available from the International Headquarters Attend an educational session on Sacred Purpose -The Vice President of Health and Safety will walk you through the program and answer any questions you may have Attend an educational session on the Theta Chi Collegian Honor Code (see Appendix III) -The Marshal will review the honor code with you to help you understand this commitment Attend an educational session on the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) standards -Information can be found at 15 | 16
Experiences Complete all of the following: Memorize The Creed of Theta Chi Fraternity Read The Constitution and Bylaws of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. -Available at Read your local chapter bylaws Read The Manual of Theta Chi Fraternity Satisfactorily pass an exam on The Constitution and Bylaws of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. and The Manual of Theta Chi Fraternity -This exam can be found on myOX
Shadow and learn about the day to day operations of a chairman or officer Attend all chapter functions required by your chapter’s standards for initiated members -Exceptions are made for Ritual activities or meetings restricted to initiated members only Identify a mentor who has obtained a bachelor’s degree
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Theta Chi will launch the Alumni Mentor Network in the fall of 2016 What is the Alumni Mentor Network? The Alumni Mentor Network is a new online platform with mentors based on interests, geography, and careers. What is a mentor in The Resolute Man? Your mentor will assist you in your journey to becoming The Resolute Man. He or she will provide you with valuable feedback and help to hold you accountable to The Resolute Man requirements. Who can be a mentor? A mentor in The Resolute Man can be anyone with a bachelors degree who is committed to guiding you through your college career. It is up to you to pick the best candidate to serve as your mentor. What are the obligations of the mentor? The mentor must be willing to regularly communicate with The Resolute Man candidate, and meet with the candidate at least once per academic semester or quarter. The International Headquarters will provide all mentors with the necessary resources and guidelines to be successful.
Final Requirements for Initiation
Complete all of the following: Obtain a vote of approval by the initiated members of the active chapter in accordance with The Constitution and Bylaws of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. Pay the initiation fee in full no later than three weeks prior to scheduled initiation ceremony -Information on the current initiation fee can be obtained from the International Headquarters Satisfy all financial obligations to your chapter Sign the Theta Chi Fraternity Collegian Honor Code (see Appendix III)
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The Resolute Man is an initiated member of Theta Chi who possesses or soon will possess a bachelor’s degree and exemplifies our Fraternity’s values and ideals. The Resolute Man is all that Theta Chi brothers aspire to be.
The Resolute Man
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The Resolute Man
The Resolute Man‌ possesses leadership skills and knows how to work in a team
has a passion for his Alma Mater
is socially competent
is prepared for life after graduation
is a dedicated Theta Chi for Life
A Theta Chi collegian is eligible to become a Resolute Man by completing the educational components, experiences, and commitments in each of the five competency areas as well as the requirements of the final application. Collegians may complete the requirements of the five competency areas concurrently and in any order. Alumni desiring to become a Resolute Man may do so by completing alternative requirements prescribed in Appendix I.
The Resolute Man Guard
Collegians who become a Resolute Man will participate in a special Ritual Ceremony during his final academic term. During this ceremony, they will receive the insignia of The Resolute Man: a diamond-shaped guard that attaches to his Badge. A Resolute Man is entitled to wear the guard of for life so long as he remains a member of Theta Chi Fraternity in good standing.
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Area I: Leadership and Teamwork Development
Teamwork and Leadership Development are key components of your professional and personal development. In this section, you will learn to work with and for others to achieve great things. You will develop better self-awareness and recognize your strengths and weaknesses as a leader.
Complete the following: Attend three Theta Chi-sponsored or interfraternal leadership events -Examples include Theta Chi University, Theta Chi Initiative Academy, Sasser Presidents Conference, Recruitment Boot Camp, School of Fraternity Practices, the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI), etc. -A complete list of qualifying leadership events is available from the International Headquarters
Experiences Complete three of the following: Hold an elected or appointed office or chairmanship within your chapter for at least one full term Hold an elected or appointed office or chairmanship in a student organization other than Theta Chi -Examples include Student Government, Student Booster Club, Order of Omega, IFC, etc. Hold an elected or appointed office or chairmanship in a community organization -Examples include Relay for Life, Race for The Cure, Big Brothers, etc. Participate in collegiate or intramural sports or on an academic team Lead or assist in the planning and execution of a chapterwide goal setting retreat -Can be held on or off campus -The chapter should leave the event with a tangible action plan regarding reaching specific goals -Please contact the International Headquarters if you need assistance planning and executing a retreat 25 | 26
Area II: Alma Mater First
By following Theta Chi’s Maxim, “Alma Mater First, Theta Chi for Alma Mater,” you will develop a life-long relationship with your college or university and achieve academic excellence.
Complete all of the following: Attend a session on your college or university’s history or take a guided tour of your college or university
Attend a meeting or presentation on how to remain involved and give back to your university postgraduation -Contact your alumni development office for assistance with this requirement -Be sure to ask how alumni can give back through volunteering or charitable giving -Many universities have committees and boards that alumni can serve on post-graduation -Examples include alumni association, homecoming planning, athletic support, and career networking
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Area II: Alma Mater First (continued) Experiences Complete all of the following: Achieve a grade point average above the all-men’s average -Please contact your university Fraternity and Sorority Life office to obtain this benchmark Join a club or organization outside of Theta Chi Fraternity -Example include Active Minds, Order of Omega, Student Government, Campus Activities Board, etc. Attend a university athletic event Attend an Interfraternity Council meeting (if an IFC exists) Attend a Student Government meeting Attend a university-sponsored extracurricular program (not required for your degree work or enrollment) -Examples include field trips, guest speakers, art show, concert, etc.
Complete all of the following: Work with your mentor to complete a written plan to support your college or university post-graduation either as a volunteer or in terms of financial support
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Area III: Social Competence and Development
In this section you will learn to become more comfortable in social settings, practice public speaking, and gain understanding of professional standards of behavior.
Complete all of the following: Attend a fraternity recruitment educational seminar or program -Examples include Recruitment Boot Camp or other third-party fraternity recruitment programs -You may also attend a recruitment session at any Theta Chi Fraternity leadership event or a session sponsored by your school’s Fraternity and Sorority Life office
Attend an etiquette training educational session -Contact your university’s career services office for referrals Attend a public speaking workshop or take a public speaking course
Complete one of the following: Organize a chapter event with another student/community organization Give a 30-minute presentation to your chapter or other campus organization on a topic of personal importance
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Are you ready to leave college and become successful in your field of choice? Do you have what it takes to excel in a highly competitive workforce? A Resolute Man is able to navigate through interviews and professional development opportunities.
Area IV: Life After Graduation Education Complete all of the following: Attend a dress for success seminar -A Men’s Wearhouse or JoS. A Banks located near your university may offer resources for this -Contact Men’s Wearhouse by emailing Attend an interview skills workshop -You may contact your university alumni office or career services office for resources -Any alumnus with management experience can also facilitate this program Attend a personal financial literacy educational session -Any alumnus with finance or related experience can help facilitate this program -You may also contact your university’s college of business for resources Attend a resume writing seminar or career networking event -Contact your university’s career services office for more information on what may be offered on your campus 33 | 34
Area IV: Life After Graduation (continued) Experiences
Complete five of the following: Attend a career or job fair Participate in a mock interview with your career services office or a trained professional Attend a professional association conference -If your major has an annual conference it is encouraged that you attend -This will provide valuable networking and educational programming for your future in the field Create a LinkedIn Profile -There are many Theta Chi alumni groups that you will be able to utilize for networking and professional development Attend a local city council meeting
Attend a session of your state or provincial government or United States Congress/Canadian Parliament Successfully complete a student teaching, internship, or fellowship for your major Register to vote
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A Resolute Man is dedicated to keeping his brothers, friends, and family safe. He possesses skills above and beyond that of an ordinary fraternity man. In this area The Sacred Purpose Movement and other Theta Chi Fraternity partnerships are developed.
Area V: Theta Chi For Life and The Assisting Hand Education Complete all of the following: Complete a Ritual review session -The Ritual review can be found in the back of The Ritual of Theta Chi Fraternity and should be completed under the guidance of your Marshal Attend a presentation about involvement in Theta Chi after graduation or a senior/alumni track at any regional or international Theta Chi Fraternity event Attend an educational session on drug/alcohol abuse prevention and intervention Attend an educational session on sexual assault prevention Attend an educational session on hazing prevention Attend an educational session on mental health issues Attend an educational session on fire/life safety Attend an educational session on nutrition and exercise = Sacred Purpose program requirement
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Area V: Theta Chi For Life and the Assisting Hand Experiences Complete five of the following: Attend a chapter advisory board, housing corporation, or alumni association meeting -If your chapter does not have one of these entities, please contact the International Headquarters for guidance Attend a Theta Chi alumni networking event Assist with the planning of a Sacred Purpose event for your chapter -Collaborate with your Vice President of Health and Safety in the planning Assist with the planning of a USO philanthropy or service event - for -A USO Toolkit is available on myOX Theta Chi chapters to utilize Visit another chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity, the Theta Chi International Headquarters, the Theta Chi Monument in Norwich, Vermont, or the Founders’ grave sites Give a talk to a group of non-members regarding the benefits of fraternity membership
Commitment Complete one or both of the following: Complete a written plan to remain involved in Theta Chi after graduation Make a commitment to join the GOLD Society (Graduate of the Last Decade) - The GOLD Society is the exclusive tax- deductible giving society for brothers who graduated within the past decade and commit to making a monthly gift of $18.56 in support of The Foundation Chapter -Contact the International Headquarters for more information on how to join the GOLD Society
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Final Application Procedures
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Final Application Requirements (Collegians)
After successful completion of The Resolute Man requirements, participants are required to submit final verification to the International Headquarters. Upon successful completion and evaluation, you will be contacted about the status of your application.
In order to become a Resolute Man, a collegian must submit an application to the International Headquarters through SmarterSelect (instructions can be found on at least two months prior to the intended date of his chapter’s Resolute Man Ceremony. The application will include: A cover letter and professional resume -The cover letter should address Theta Chi’s impact on your life thus far and how you anticipate it will impact your future career Documentation of completion of all requirements of The Resolute Man Documentation of your graduation or anticipated graduation within six months of your application A letter of support from your Chapter President that also certifies that you remain a member in good standing. If you are the Chapter President, please submit a letter from your chapter’s Vice President A letter of recommendation from your mentor An application fee or commitment to GOLD Society Applications will be reviewed by the Executive Director or his designee and approved, conditionally approved, or denied. Any individual whose application is denied may reapply only two more times by submitting supplemental information. An individual may appeal the decision to a committee designated by the Grand Chapter. 43 | 44
There are avenues that alumni may pursue The Resolute Man distinction. The next section is dedicated to our alumnus members who wish to be recognized as Resolute Men. There are two paths for alumni: Volunteer Service and Support
From Alumnus To Resolute Man
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From Alumnus To Resolute Man Option 1: Volunteer Service
Volunteer Service Prerequisites
Complete all of the following: Be an initiated member of Theta Chi Fraternity in good standing Possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Have a nomination form accepted and approved by the Executive Director of Theta Chi Fraternity
Volunteer Service Education Complete one of the following after July 1, 2016: Attend a Theta Chi Fraternity International Convention Be a featured guest speaker at an internationally sponsored Theta Chi Fraternity event Attend a Theta Chi Fraternity alumni training event Participate in an individual chapter adviser training session conducted by the International Headquarters staff or Counselor Serve on faculty at a Theta Chi Fraternity regional or international event 47 | 48
From Alumnus To Resolute Man Option 1: Volunteer Service (continued) Volunteer Service Experience Serve actively for at least four years starting July 1, 2016 in one or a combination of the following roles: As a chapter adviser, faculty adviser, graduate adviser, or chapter advisory board member as verified by the Chapter President As a member of the board of directors of a house or alumni corporation or chapter alumni association As a Theta Chi Fraternity Counselor As a board member of the Grand Chapter, The Foundation Chapter, Norwich Housing Corporation or as a member of a sub-committee thereof As a member of the Theta Chi Fraternity International Headquarters staff On a college or university governing board or subcommittee thereof On a college or university staff in a role supporting Fraternity and Sorority Life As a mentor for one or more collegians through their Resolute Man journey
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From Alumnus To Resolute Man Option 2: Support Support Prerequisites
Complete all of the following Be an initiated member of Theta Chi Fraternity in good standing Possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited host institution Have a member of the International Headquarters staff, Grand Chapter, Norwich Housing Corporation or The Foundation Chapter complete an Alumnus Resolute Man Nomination Form
Support Education
Complete one of the following after July 1, 2016 (required for both options): Attend a Theta Chi Fraternity International Convention Be a featured guest speaker at an internationally sponsored Theta Chi Fraternity event Attend a Theta Chi Fraternity alumni training event Participate in an individual chapter adviser training session conducted by the International Headquarters staff or Counselor Serve on faculty at a Theta Chi Fraternity regional or international event
Support Experience Achieve lifetime giving to The Foundation Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity in excess of the Chairman’s Council *For more information on lifetime giving levels contact the Development Department at the International Headquarters at 317-848-1856 or 51 | 52
Final Application Requirements (Alumni)
After successful completion of The Resolute Man requirements, participants are required to submit final verification to the International Headquarters. Upon successful completion and evaluation, you will be contacted about the status of your application.
In order to become a Resolute Man, an alumnus member must submit an application to the International Headquarters (available at at least two months prior to the intended date of his chapter’s Resolute Man Ceremony.
The application will include: A cover letter, professional resume, and a completed form which can be found on -The cover letter should address Theta Chi’s impact on your life thus far and how you anticipate it will impact your future career Documentation of completion of all alumnus requirements of The Resolute Man
Applications will be reviewed by the Executive Director or his designee and approved, conditionally approved, or denied. Any individual whose application is denied may reapply only two more times by submitting supplemental information. An individual may appeal the decision to a committee designated by the Grand Chapter.
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Theta Chi Pledge Honor Code
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Theta Chi Pledge Honor Code By signing this document, you are committing yourself to the rules, regulations, and ideals of Theta Chi Fraternity throughout your pledgeship. Signing this document in no way compromises your individual civil rights or religious beliefs. I, ______________________________, as a Pledge of Theta Chi Fraternity do hereby agree to the following: To make my first priority achievement of a degree at my college or university To uphold the ideals expressed in The Creed and to strive to incorporate them into my daily life To properly prepare for and attend all ritual ceremonies To learn and abide by The Constitution And Bylaws of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. To learn and abide by the policies contained in The Risk Management, Standards, and Insurance Manual of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. To learn and abide by the bylaws of the chapter from which I have accepted a bid To meet all financial obligations to my chapter and the International Fraternity in a timely manner To actively assist increasing chapter membership. I am obligated to participate in all recruitment efforts and planning sessions
To maintain a cumulative grade point average at or above my chapter’s minimum standards (no less than a 2.7 on a 4.0 scale) To attend all brotherhood and goal-setting retreats To neither participate in nor allow any member of my chapter to engage in or encourage any form of hazing To neither use nor support the use of illegal drugs or the misuse of alcohol To attend and participate in all chapter meetings, community service events, and philanthropic functions To support the standards board of the chapter To obligate myself to involvement in campus activities and organizations To support and actively participate in the 8-week (or shorter) pledge education program followed by the immediate initiation of pledges To confront and hold accountable any member who does not abide by this agreement set forth by Theta Chi Fraternity Signature:____________________________________ Date:________________________________________
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Theta Chi Collegian Honor Code
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Theta Chi Collegian Honor Code By signing this document, you are committing yourself to the rules, regulations, and ideals of Theta Chi Fraternity. Signing this document in no way compromises your individual civil rights or religious beliefs. I, ______________________________, as a collegian of Theta Chi Fraternity do hereby agree to the following: To make my first priority achievement of a degree at my college or university To uphold the ideals expressed in The Creed and The Ritual of Theta Chi Fraternity and to strive to incorporate them into my daily life To properly prepare for and attend all ritual ceremonies To learn and abide by The Constitution And Bylaws of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. To learn and abide by the policies contained in The Risk Management, Standards, and Insurance Manual of Theta Chi Fraternity, Inc. To learn and abide by the bylaws of the chapter of which I am a member To meet all financial obligations to my chapter and the International Fraternity in a timely manner To actively assist increasing chapter membership. I am obligated to participate in all recruitment efforts and planning sessions To maintain a cumulative grade point average at or above my chapter’s minimum standards (no less than a 2.7 on a 4.0 scale)
To attend all brotherhood and goal-setting retreats To neither participate in nor allow any member of my chapter to engage in any form of hazing To neither use nor support the use of illegal drugs or the misuse of alcohol To see that the chapter house is properly cleaned and maintained (if applicable) To attend and participate in all chapter meetings, community service events, and philanthropic functions To support the standards board of the chapter To obligate myself to involvement in campus activities and organizations To support and actively participate in the 8-week (or shorter) pledge education program followed by the immediate initiation of pledges To confront and hold accountable any member who does not abide by this agreement set forth by Theta Chi Fraternity To pursue becoming a Resolute Man of Theta Chi Fraternity Signature:____________________________________ Date:________________________________________
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