h oro scopes FIRE
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19) A bold, energetic, determined and strategic resolve is guiding your actions now. Windows of opportunity have opened and you are determined to take full advantage. Your focus is sharp and pointed, yet your approach may also be described as alternative and maverick. Just be careful that excess will does not obscure wisdom.
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20) Some cycles are better for inner work than outer and this is one of them. You may, however, find yourself splitting the difference, attending also to usual, outer routines The inner work implies clearing doubt, confusion, lack of focus and simply clearing the clutter or attending to unfinished business and strategic planning.
Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) The added Aries impulse triggered an assertion of your sense of individuality. This will prove especially evident if you find yourself exploring new places. In fact, circumstances of late have been pushing you to explore new frontiers, whether physically, mentally, emotionally or imaginatively. One way or another, you are likely experiencing dissolution of the past.
Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22) Fresh starts socially, publicly and/or professionally should be evident by now. These include an expansion of your scope, vision, philosophy and some of your core beliefs. Yet, these new impulses may be leaving you feeling confused and a little lost as you enter new territory. If this is true, keep moving forward but slow down.
Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23) Exploring new horizons is a source of excitement and adventure for you now. It comes with a provocative, passionate and edgy tone. As well, it could lead to the fulfillment of long-cherished dreams. Changes in your career, social status and lifestyle in general are also likely and these will become especially evident next month.
Venus entering Pisces includes a good possibility of romance, or at least of quality times shared with people you love. The key is to take the initiative.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21) Balancing a mood for inner retreat, which has been strong for some months, with the springtime impulse to explore new possibilities is a current theme. Since your sights are set on the future and to making changes in where and how you live, you will be on the search. All the while, you yearn for comfort and a deeper sense of security.
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19) You are feeling the Aries fire at your core, or at least experiencing it close to home. You will recognize it as new and vigorous assertions guided by an exploratory urge. Yet, in some respects you may be in a process of rediscovery of yourself and your place in the world. Change is brewing on many levels but for now it may be largely internal.
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19) Aries time for Aquarius often synchronizes with intellectual assertion. You become more assertive and less likely to idly agree with others. In fact, you tend to push through and beyond popular opinion guided by a spirit of debate and genuine journalistic determination. Other factors indicate a whole new sense of appreciation of beauty.
Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20) The Aries spark tends to activate your ambitions to generate more income somehow. While you may have begun to do so already, this impulse will grow stronger from mid-April. In fact, ‘doing the numbers’ could well emerge as your main focus for a while. Guided by a weave of practical needs and deep dreams, the results could prove quite enchanting.
Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22) A period of clearing and purging has entered its next effective stage. While a lot of activity may be external and in your environment, a personal transformation process is also highlighted. Life a snake shedding its old skin the process can be somewhat unsightly but the end result is a fresh, gleaming and renewed sense of being.
New energy in the relationship department should be evident by now. If something new and important begins for you now in this regard, themes of healing will be strongly featured. Yet, you should also be prepared to give more, initially at least, than you might want to. Positively, the changes could prove beneficial financially.
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21) Fresh starts in your overall lifestyle are indicated now. These will prove to be the consequence of both deep changes close to home and significant changes on relationship fronts.
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Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
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