24 minute read

Fire Evacuation Checklist


Wild res are exploding across the West and can happen at any time in the Tahoe Sierra. Everyone – from residents to visitors – need to be ready to evacuate in the event of an emergency. Being prepared in advance with these tips will help you leave quickly if in the event of a disaster. Each family’s plan will be di erent, depending on a variety of issues, needs and situations.


Find more wildfi re safety info at TheTahoeWeekly.com


• Meet with household members. Explain dangers to children and work as a team to prepare. • Discuss what to do about power outages and personal injuries. • Post emergency phone numbers near phones. • Learn how to turn off the water, gas and electricity. • Select a safe meeting point in case you are separated. • Complete a family communications plan that includes contact informa tion for family members, work and school. • Teach children how to make phone calls. • Complete an inventory of home contents and photograph/video the house and landscape. Place fi les in your Go Bag and store a second copy elsewhere. • Identify escape routes and safe places. Draw an escape plan highlighting two routes out of each room. Be sure everyone in your family knows them. • Prepare an EVACUATED sign. Select a site to post signs where they will be clearly visible from the street. • Prepare to address the special needs of vulnerable populations, including the elderly and people with medical problems or disabilities.


• If the family member is dependent upon medications, equipment or has special dietary needs, plan to bring those items with you. Documenta tion about insurance and medical conditions should also accompany the person. • Plan transportation in advance for anyone with special needs. • Make sure dogs and cats wear properly fi tted collars with identi fi cation, vaccination, microchip and license tags. • Exchange veterinary information with neighbors and fi le a permission slip with the veterinarian authorizing emergency care for your animals. • Make sure all vehicles, trailers and pet carriers needed for evacuation are serviced and ready to be used. • Assemble a pet Go Bag.

If you anticipate an extended evacuation at an emergency shelter or your family is returning to a home without functioning electricity and water, consider also creating a disaster supplies kit. Find information at redcross.org.

Always keep a sturdy pair of shoes and a ashlight near your bed and handy in case of a sudden evacuation at night.  EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS


Alpine County | alpinecountyca.gov

Incline Village & Crystal Bay | nltfpd.org

North Lake Tahoe & West Shore | bit.ly/3CRDgtG

South Lake Tahoe area | southtahoeemergencyguide.com

Tahoe Donner | tahoedonner.com

Truckee | truckeefi re.org

Hard copies available at local fi re districts

Follow the Six Ps for immediate evacuations

• People and pets • Papers, phone numbers and important documents • Prescriptions, vitamins and eyeglasses • Pictures and irreplaceable memorabilia • Personal computer hard drive and disks • Plastic (credit cards, ATM cards) and cash


Cal Fire | readyforwildfi re.org

Create a disaster kit | redcross.org

Create a home wildfi re checklist | readyforwildfi re.org

Current fi re conditions & restrictions | tahoelivingwithfi re.com

Nevada Fire Info | nevadafi reinfo.org

Prepare for a disaster | tahoelivingwithfi re.com/get-prepared

Truckee Travel Alert | visittruckeetahoe.com

Wildfi re Evacuation Checklist | livingwithfi re.com

Un Kit De Suministros De Emergencia | readyforwildfi re.org


Alpine County | alpinecountyca.gov

City of South Lake Tahoe | cityofslt.us

Douglas County | douglascountynv.gov

El Dorado County | ready.edso.org

Nevada County | mynevadacounty.com

Placer County | placer.ca.gov

Town of Truckee Nixle alerts | local.nixle.com

Washoe County | washoecounty.us


Community Partner Fire Prevention & Open Space Protection

Contact anne@tahoethisweek.com to become a sponsor.

September 1-7, 2021 GET OUTSIDE




 Important documents (bank, IRS, trust, investment, insurance policy, birth certificates, medical records)  ATM, credit and debit cards  Medications  Prescription glasses  Driver’s license  Passport  Computer backup files  Inventory of home contents (consider making a video inventory now, prior to an emergency)  Photographs of the exterior of the house and landscape  Address book  Cell phone charger  Personal toiletries  Enough clothing for 3-5 days  Family heirlooms, photo albums and videos.


 Wear only cotton or wool clothes, including long pants, long-sleeved shirt or jacket, a hat, and boots.  Carry gloves, a handkerchief to cover your face, water to drink, and goggles.  Keep your cell phone, a flashlight, and portable radio with you at all times.  Tune in to a local radio station and listen for instructions.



 If possible, evacuate all family members not essential to preparing the house for wildfire.  Plan several evacuation routes from your home.  Designate a safe meeting place and contact person.  Relay your plans to a contact person.  Evacuate pets and livestock whenever possible and never turn the animals loose.  Notify your local Humane Society or other organizations for assistance with animals if needed.  Be aware of your emergency notification system such as reverse 911.


 If you can lift your garage door manually, place vehicle in the garage pointing out with the keys in the ignition and disconnect the electric garage door opener. If not, park in your driveway facing out.  Roll up the car windows.  Close the garage door, but leave it unlocked.  Place essential items in the car.  If you do not drive, make other arrangements for transportation in advance.




 Important documents (bank, IRS, trust,  Close all interior doors investment, insurance policy, birth  Leave a light on in each room certificates, medical records)  Remove lightweight, non  ATM, credit and debit cards curtains and other combustible materials  Medications from around windows  Prescription glasses  Close fire-resistant drapes, shutters, and  Driver’s license blinds.  Passport  Turn off all pilot lights  Computer backup files  Move overstuffed furniture, such as couches  Inventory of home contents (consider and easy chairs, to the center of the room making a video inventory now, prior to an  Close fireplace damper emergency)  Close or block  Photographs of the exterior of the house and landscape OUTSIDE THE HOME  Address book  Place combustible patio furniture in the  Cell phone charger house or garage  Personal toiletries  Shut off propane at the tank or natural gas at  Enough clothing for 3-5 days the meter.  Family heirlooms, photo albums and  Close all exterior vents videos.  Prop a noncombustible house to provide firefighters with easy access WHAT TO WEAR: to the roof.    Wear only cotton or wool clothes, including long pants, long-sleeved shirt or jacket, a hat, and boots. Carry gloves, a handkerchief to cover your face, water to drink, and goggles. Keep your cell phone, a flashlight, and     Make sure that all garden hoses are connected to faucets and attach nozzles set on "spray". Leave exterior doors Turn on outside lights If available and if there’s time, cover windows, attic openings, and vents withportable radio with you at all times. plywood that is at  Tune in to a local radio station and listen  Fill trash cans and buckets with water and for instructions. place where firefighters can find them Be prepared! It will likely be dark, smoky, windy, and hot. There may be airborne burning embers, no power or telephone, and poor water pressure. Remember, there is nothing you own worth your life! Please evacuate immediately when asked. This checklist was adapted from Wildfire Evacuation Checklist, University of Nevada, Reno Extension publication #FS-06-07. Funding for this project provided in part by a Community Fire Assistance Agreement with the Bureau of Land Management – Nevada State Office in cooperation with University of Nevada, Reno University of Nevada, Reno is an EEO/AA institution.


 If possible, evacuate all family members not essential to preparing the house for wildfire.  Plan several evacuation routes from your home.  Designate a safe meeting place and contact person.  Relay your plans to a contact person.  Evacuate pets and livestock whenever possible and never turn the animals loose.  Notify your local Humane Society or other organizations for assistance with animals if needed.  Be aware of your emergency notification system such as reverse 911.


 If you can lift your garage door manually, place vehicle in the garage pointing out with the keys in the ignition and disconnect the electric garage door opener. If not, park in your driveway facing out.  Roll up the car windows.  Close the garage door, but leave it unlocked.  Place essential items in the car.  If you do not drive, make other arrangements for transportation in advance.


 Close all interior doors  Leave a light on in each room  Remove lightweight, non curtains and other combustible materials from around windows  Close fire-resistant drapes, shutters, and blinds.  Turn off all pilot lights  Move overstuffed furniture, such as couches and easy chairs, to the center of the room  Close fireplace damper  Close or block off any doggie


 Place combustible patio furniture in the house or garage.  Shut off propane at the tank or natural gas at the meter.  Close all exterior vents  Prop a noncombustible house to provide firefighters with easy access to the roof.  Make sure that all garden hoses are WILDFIRE EVACUATION CHECKLIST connected to faucets and attach nozzles set on "spray". REVIEW THIS INFORMATION NOW TO PREPAREYOURSELF FOR A QUICK AND SAFE EVACUATION.  Leave exterior doors  Turn on outside lights TO-GO BAG ESSENTIALS:  If available and if there’s time, cover  Important documents (bank, IRS, trust, windows, attic openings, and vents with  investment, insurance policy, birth certificates, medical records) ATM, credit and debit cards  plywood that is at least one Fill trash cans and buckets with water and  Medications place where firefighters can find them  Prescription glasses  Driver’s license

Be prepared! It will likely be dark, smoky, windy, and hot. There may be airborne bu  Passport rning embers, no power or telephone, and poor water pressure. Remember, there is nothing you own worth your life! Please evacuate immediately when asked.  Computer backup files  Inventory of home contents (consider making a video inventory now, prior to an emergency)  This checklist was adapted from Photographs of the exterior of the house Wildfire Evacuation Checklist, University of Nevada, Reno Extension publication #FS-06-07. Funding for this project provided in part by a Community Fire Assistance Agreement with the Bureau of Land Management and landscape – Nevada State Office in cooperation with University of Nevada, Reno Extension.  University of Nevada, Reno is an EEO/AA institution.Address book  Cell phone charger  Personal toiletries  Enough clothing for 3-5 days  Family heirlooms, photo albums and videos.


 Wear only cotton or wool clothes, including long pants, long-sleeved shirt or jacket, a hat, and boots.  Carry gloves, a handkerchief to cover your face, water to drink, and goggles.  Keep your cell phone, a flashlight, and portable radio with you at all times.  Tune in to a local radio station and listen for instructions.


 If possible, evacuate all family members not essential to preparing the house for wildfire.  Plan several evacuation routes from your home.  Designate a safe meeting place and contact person.  Relay your plans to a contact person.  Evacuate pets and livestock whenever possible and never turn the animals loose.  Notify your local Humane Society or other organizations for assistance with animals if needed.  Be aware of your emergency notification system such as reverse 911.


 If you can lift your garage door manually, place vehicle in the garage pointing out with the keys in the ignition and disconnect the electric garage door opener. If not, park in your driveway facing out.  Roll up the car windows.  Close the garage door, but leave it unlocked.  Place essential items in the car.  If you do not drive, make other arrangements for transportation in advance.




 Important documents (bank, IRS, trust,  Close all interior doors. investment, insurance policy, birth  Leave a light on in each room. certificates, medical records)  Remove lightweight, non-fire-resistant  ATM, credit and debit cards curtains and other combustible materials  Medications from around windows.  Prescription glasses  Close fire-resistant drapes, shutters, and  Driver’s license blinds.    Passport Computer backup files Inventory of home contents (consider making a video inventory now, prior to an emergency)     Turn off all pilot lights. Move overstuffed furniture, such as couches and easy chairs, to the center of the room. Close fireplace damper. Close or block off any doggie-doors.  Photographs of the exterior of the house and landscape OUTSIDE THE HOME:  Address book  Place combustible patio furniture in the  Cell phone charger house or garage.  Personal toiletries  Shut off propane at the tank or natural gas at   Enough clothing for 3-5 days Family heirlooms, photo albums and videos.   the meter. Close all exterior vents, doors, and windows. Prop a noncombustible ladder against the house to provide firefighters with easy access WHAT TO WEAR:  to the roof. Make sure that all garden hoses are Wear only cotton or wool clothes, connected to faucets and attach nozzles set including long pants, long-sleeved shirt or on "spray". jacket, a hat, and boots.  Leave exterior doors and gates unlocked.  Carry gloves, a handkerchief to cover your  Turn on outside lights. face, water to drink, and goggles.  If available and if there’s time, cover  Keep your cell phone, a flashlight, and windows, attic openings, and vents with portable radio with you at all times. plywood that is at least one-half inch thick.  Tune in to a local radio station and listen  Fill trash cans and buckets with water and for instructions. place where firefighters can find them. Be prepared! It will likely be dark, smoky, windy, and hot. There may be airborne burning embers, no power or telephone, and poor water pressure. Remember, there is nothing you own worth your life! Please evacuate immediately when asked. This checklist was adapted from Wildfire Evacuation Checklist, University of Nevada, Reno Extension publication #FS-06-07. Funding for this project provided in part by a Community Fire Assistance Agreement with the Bureau of Land Management – Nevada State Office in cooperation with University of Nevada, Reno Extension. University of Nevada, Reno is an EEO/AA institution.


 If possible, evacuate all family members not essential to preparing the house for wildfire.  Plan several evacuation routes from your home.  Designate a safe meeting place and contact person.  Relay your plans to a contact person.  Evacuate pets and livestock whenever possible and never turn the animals loose.  Notify your local Humane Society or other organizations for assistance with animals if needed.  Be aware of your emergency notification system such as reverse 911.


 If you can lift your garage door manually, place vehicle in the garage pointing out with the keys in the ignition and disconnect the electric garage door opener. If not, park in your driveway facing out.  Roll up the car windows.  Close the garage door, but leave it unlocked.  Place essential items in the car.  If you do not drive, make other arrangements for transportation in advance.



 Important documents (bank, IRS, trust, investment, insurance policy, birth certificates, medical records)  ATM, credit and debit cards  Medications  Prescription glasses  Driver’s license  Passport  Computer backup files  Inventory of home contents (consider making a video inventory now, prior to an emergency)  Photographs of the exterior of the house and landscape  Address book  Cell phone charger  Personal toiletries  Enough clothing for 3-5 days  Family heirlooms, photo albums and videos.


 Wear only cotton or wool clothes, including long pants, long-sleeved shirt or jacket, a hat, and boots. INSIDE THE HOME:  Carry gloves, a handkerchief to cover your  Close all interior doors. face, water to drink, and goggles.  Leave a light on in each room.  Keep your cell phone, a flashlight, and  Remove lightweight, non-fire-resistant curtains and other combustible materials portable radio with you at all times. from around windows.  Tune in to a local radio station and listen  Close fire-resistant drapes, shutters, and for instructions.  blinds. Turn off all pilot lights.  Move overstuffed furniture, such as couches and easy chairs, to the center of the room.  Close fireplace damper.  Close or block off any doggie-doors.


 Place combustible patio furniture in the house or garage.  Shut off propane at the tank or natural gas at the meter.  Close all exterior vents, doors, and windows.  Prop a noncombustible ladder against the house to provide firefighters with easy access to the roof.  Make sure that all garden hoses are connected to faucets and attach nozzles set on "spray".  Leave exterior doors and gates unlocked.  Turn on outside lights.  If available and if there’s time, cover windows, attic openings, and vents with plywood that is at least one-half inch thick.  Fill trash cans and buckets with water and place where firefighters can find them. Be prepared! It will likely be dark, smoky, windy, and hot. There may be airborne burning embers, no power or telephone, and poor water pressure. Remember, there is nothing you own worth your life! Please evacuate immediately when asked. This checklist was adapted from Wildfire Evacuation Checklist, University of Nevada, Reno Extension publication #FS-06-07. Funding for this project provided in part by a Community Fire Assistance Agreement with the Bureau of Land Management – Nevada State Office in cooperation with University of Nevada, Reno Extension. University of Nevada, Reno is an EEO/AA institution.


 If possible, evacuate all family members not essential to preparing the house for wildfire.  Plan several evacuation routes from your home.  Designate a safe meeting place and contact person.  Relay your plans to a contact person.  Evacuate pets and livestock whenever possible and never turn the animals loose.  Notify your local Humane Society or other organizations for assistance with animals if needed.  Be aware of your emergency notification system such as reverse 911.


 If you can lift your garage door manually, place vehicle in the garage pointing out with the keys in the ignition and disconnect the electric garage door opener. If not, park in your driveway facing out.  Roll up the car windows.  Close the garage door, but leave it unlocked.  Place essential items in the car.  If you do not drive, make other arrangements for transportation in advance.


 Close all interior doors  Leave a light on in each room  Remove lightweight, non curtains and other combustible materials from aroun  Close fire blinds  Turn off all pilot lights  Move overstuffed furniture, such as couches and easy chairs, to the center of the room  Close fireplace damper  Close


 Place combustible patio furniture in the house or garage  Shut off propane at the tank or natural gas at the meter  Close all exterior vents  Prop a house to provide firefighters with easy access to the roof  Make sure that all garden hoses are connected to faucets and attach nozzles set on "spray"  Leave exterior doors  Turn on outside lights  If available and if there’s time, cover WILDFIRE EVACUATION CHECKLIST  windows, attic openings, and vents with plywood that is at Fill trash cans and buckets with water and REVIEW THIS INFORMATION NOW TO PREPAREYOURSELF FOR A QUICK AND SAFE EVACUATION. place where firefighters can find them Be prepared! It will likely be dark, smoky, windy, and hot. There may be airborne burning embers, no power or telephone, and poor water pressure. Remember, there is nothing you own worth your life! Please evacuate immediately when asked. This checklist was adapted from Wildfire Evacuation Checklist, University of Nevada, Reno Extension publication #FS-06-07. Funding for this project provided in part by a Community Fire Assistance Agreement with the Bureau of Land Management – Nevada State Office in cooperation with University of Nevada, Reno University of Nevada, Reno is an EEO/AA institution. making a video inventory now, prior to an Photographs of the exterior of the house sleeved shirt or to cover your


 If possible, evacuate all family members not essential to preparing the house for wildfire.  Plan several evacuation routes from your home.  Designate a safe meeting place and contact person.  Relay your plans to a contact person.  Evacuate pets and livestock whenever possible and never turn the animals loose.  Notify your local Humane Society or other organizations for assistance with animals if needed.  Be aware of your emergency notification system such as reverse 911.


 If you can lift your garage door manually, place vehicle in the garage pointing out with the keys in the ignition and disconnect the electric garage door opener. If not, park in your driveway facing out.  Roll up the car windows.  Close the garage door, but leave it unlocked.  Place essential items in the car

 Prescription glasses  Driver’s license  Passport  Computer backup files  Inventory of home contents (consider making a video inventory now, prior to an emergency)  Photographs of the exterior of the house and landscape  Address book  Cell phone charger  Personal toiletries  Enough clothing for 3-5 days  Family heirlooms, photo albums and videos.


 Wear only cotton or wool clothes, including long pants, long-sleeved shirt or jacket, a hat, and boots.  Carry gloves, a handkerchief to cover your face, water to drink, and goggles.  Keep your cell phone, a flashlight, and portable radio with you at all times.  Tune in to a local radio station and listen for instructions.


 Close all interior doors.  Leave a light on in each room.  Remove lightweight, non-fire-resistant curtains and other combustible materials from around windows.  Close fire-resistant drapes, shutters, and blinds.  Turn off all pilot lights.  Move overstuffed furniture, such as couches and easy chairs, to the center of the room.  Close fireplace damper.  Close or block off any doggie-doors.


 Place combustible patio furniture in the house or garage.  Shut off propane at the tank or natural gas at the meter.  Close all exterior vents, doors, and windows.  Prop a noncombustible ladder against the house to provide firefighters with easy access to the roof.  Make sure that all garden hoses are connected to faucets and attach nozzles set on "spray".  Leave exterior doors and gates unlocked.  Turn on outside lights.

 Designate a safe meeting place and contact person.  Relay your plans to a contact person.  Evacuate pets and livestock whenever possible and never turn the animals loose.  Notify your local Humane Society or other organizations for assistance with animals if needed.  Be aware of your emergency notification system such as reverse 911.


 If you can lift your garage door manually, place vehicle in the garage pointing out with the keys in the ignition and disconnect the electric garage door opener. If not, park in your driveway facing out.  Roll up the car windows.  Close the garage door, but leave it unlocked.  Place essential items in the car.  If you do not drive, make other arrangements for transportation in advance.

 Close fire blinds  Turn off all pilot lights  Move overstuffed furniture, such as couches and easy chairs, to the center of the room  Close fireplace damper  Close


 Place combustible patio furniture in the house or garage  Shut off propane at the tank or natural gas at the meter  Close all exterior vents  Prop a house to provide firefighters with easy access to the roof  Make sure that all garden hoses are connected to faucets and attach nozzles set on "spray"  Leave exterior doors  Turn on outside lights WILDFIRE EVACUATION CHECKLIST  If available and if there’s time, cover windows, attic openings, and vents with ply REVIEW THIS INFORMATION NOW TO PREPAREYOURSELF FOR A QUICK AND SAFE EVACUATION.  Fill trash cans and buckets with water and place where firefighters can find them

Important documents (bank, IRS, trust, Be prepared! It will likely be dark, smoky, windy, and hot. There may be airborne burning embers, no power or telephone, and poor water pressure. Remember, there is nothing you own worth your life! Please evacuate immediately when asked. This checklist was adapted from Wildfire Evacuation Checklist, University of Nevada, Reno Extension publication #FS-06-07. Funding for this project provided in part by a Community Fire Assistance Agreement with the Bureau of Land Management – Nevada State Office in cooperation with University of Nevada, Reno University of Nevada, Reno is an EEO/AA institution. making a video inventory now, prior to an

Photographs of the exterior of the house sleeved shirt or to cover your and

Tune in to a local radio station and listen


 If possible, evacuate all family members not essential to preparing the house for wildfire.  Plan several evacuation routes from your home.  Designate a safe meeting place and contact person.  Relay your plans to a contact person.  Evacuate pets and livestock whenever possible and never turn the animals loose.  Notify your local Humane Society or other organizations for assistance with animals if needed.  Be aware of your emergency notification system such as reverse 911.


 If you can lift your garage door manually, place vehicle in the garage pointing out with the keys in the ignition and disconnect the electric garage door opener. If not, park in your driveway facing out.  Roll up the car windows.  Close the garage door, but leave it unlocked.  Place essential items in the car.  If you do not drive, make other arrangements for transportation in advance.


 Close all interior doors.  Leave a light on in each room.  Remove lightweight, non-fire-resistant curtains and other combustible materials from around windows.  Close fire-resistant drapes, shutters, and blinds.  Turn off all pilot lights.  Move overstuffed furniture, such as couches and easy chairs, to the center of the room.  Close fireplace damper.  Close or block off any doggie-doors.


 Place combustible patio furniture in the house or garage.  Shut off propane at the tank or natural gas at the meter.  Close all exterior vents, doors, and windows.  Prop a noncombustible ladder against the house to provide firefighters with easy access to the roof.  Make sure that all garden hoses are connected to faucets and attach nozzles set on "spray".  Leave exterior doors and gates unlocked.  Turn on outside lights.  If available and if there’s time, cover windows, attic openings, and vents with plywood that is at least one-half inch thick.  Fill trash cans and buckets with water and place where firefighters can find them. Be prepared! It will likely be dark, smoky, windy, and hot. There may be airborne burning embers, no power or telephone, and poor water pressure. Remember, there is nothing you own worth your life! Please evacuate immediately when asked. This checklist was adapted from Wildfire Evacuation Checklist, University of Nevada, Reno Extension publication #FS-06-07. Funding for this project provided in part by a Community Fire Assistance Agreement with the Bureau of Land Management – Nevada State Office in cooperation with University of Nevada, Reno Extension. University of Nevada, Reno is an EEO/AA institution.

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