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Is your home ready for a disaster?
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Ensuring that your insurance coverage is adequate and having an up-todate home inventory are essential tools in being nancially prepared in case of a natural disaster or re. Keep a copy of your home inventory in a rebox and with you Go Bag.
Check your policy limits and coverage annually and make sure your policy re ects the correct square footage, features in your home and any recent improvements. Consider purchasing building code upgrade coverage. Keep a list of insurance contacts and policy details in your Go Bag. Include the information on the llable Family Communication Plan provided in the Sept. 8 edition of Tahoe Weekly and available at eTahoeWeekly.com.
What’s covered | e details matter. Understand if you have a replacement cost policy that pays to replace all your items at current market price or an actual cash value policy that takes depreciation into account and pays less for aged items.
Home improvements | If you make home improvements, be sure to update your coverage including for new countertops, oors, etc.
Maintain insurance | If your home is paid o , be sure to maintain homeowner insurance. Without insurance, you likely won’t have the funds to rebuild.
Renters insurance | Renters can lose everything in a re and be left to start over. Many insurers bundle coverage with an auto insurance policy at a ordable prices.
Filing insurance claims will be easier if you have an accurate home inventory by documenting the contents of your home. Use your smartphone to video your belongings, including vehicles and equipment. Keep your inventory and photos outside the home or stored in the cloud.
Make an inventory | Video or photograph each room of your home. Remember to document drawers and closets. Don’t forget the garage and sheds. Download a Home Inventory Checklist from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners or download the app to make one on a phone.
Document value | Keep a record or video of prices of items and where and when you purchased them. Make note of important or expensive items like electronics, appliances, sports equipment, TVs, computers, jewelry, etc.
Save receipts | Save receipts for all major purchases and store in the cloud or a reproof case. | ready.gov/plan, readyforwild re.org
How to Help
These are challenging times for those being impacted by the wild res burning around California and directly impacts the residents of the Tahoe Sierra. If you need help or want to help those in need, here’s some of the resources available to provide services and to accept donations.
AlertWildfi re Camera Network
Donations needed to support this network. | tahoeprosperity.org
Almanor Foundation Wildfi re Relief Fund
Aiding those impacted by the Dixie Fire. | almanorfoundation.com
American Red Cross
The American Red Cross is staffi ng evacuation centers and providing support to victims of wildfi res. Check the website for current evacuation areas. | redcross.org
Caldor Fire Recovery
Eldorado County page with information on available services and assistance. | edcgov.us
California Fire Foundation
Victim assistance provided and donations needed. | cafi refoundation.org
California Offi ce of Emergency Services
State resources for housing assistance and other needs. | wildfi rerecovery.caloes. ca.gov
El Dorado Community Foundation
The El Dorado County Community Foundation set up a Caldor Fire Fund. All donations go to families and individuals impacted by the fi re. | eldoradocf.org
Food Bank of Northern Nevada
The Food Bank of Northern Nevada is offering food assistance for Caldor Fire evacuees. Donations are also needed. | give.fbnn.org
Hands 4 Hope
Collecting monetary and supply donations for the Caldor Fire victims. | hands4hopeyouth.org/caldorfi re
Hunger Relief Boxes
Apply through Tahoe Food Hub at tahoefoodhub.org or make a donation to support its efforts at tahoefoodhub. networkforgood.com.
Lake Valley Firefi ghter’s Community Relief Fund
To support the immediate needs and efforts of Lake Valley Fire crews and other agencies. | bit.ly/3mX52iY
Placer Food Bank
The Placer Food Bank is providing emergency food response/distribution to those impacted by fi res. | donate.placerfoodbank.org
Philanthropy California
Provides state-wide information for victims of wildfi res. | philanthropyca.org
Project Camp
A trauma-informed pop-up day camp that supports children and families affected by disasters. Enrolling kids who were evacuated during the Caldor and Dixie fi res. Volunteers also needed. | projectcamp.co Sierra Community House | Provides food assistance and other family needs. | sierracommunityhouse.org
Social Services
California resources for assistance and services. | cdss.ca.gov/disaster-help-center
South Lake Tahoe Evacuation Resources
Resources for lodging, transportation, pet services and more through City of South Lake Tahoe. | cityofslt.us/ evacuationresources
Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless
Works with the homeless and vulnerable residents. | tahoehomeless.org
Tahoe Together Caldor Fire Relief
Fund to support restaurant and bar workers. | tahoeprosperity.org
Tahoe/Truckee Emergency Response Fund
Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation relief fund. | ttcf.net
Tamarack Fire Assistance
Applications now open for assistance at alpinecounty.com/give, (530) 694-2475 or stop by the Chamber of Commerce in Markleeville for a paper copy. Donations to the fund may be made at bit.ly/3zKAWmf