e l p m e T The
Connect, transform & grow through Love, Soul & Spirit
Articles PLUS monthly Tarot, Affirmations & Actions, Power Animal & much more
About The Temple The Temple is a free monthly Magazine published electronically by Leanne, The Barefoot Medium for subscribers containing articles, affirmations, tips, tools, guidance & interviews with experts, conscious practitioners, advocates & leaders in their field to support you in your journey of connection, transformation and growth through Love, Soul and Spirit. All articles in this publication remain the property of the original Author & may not be reproduced, in part or full, without written permission. All images used have been purchased & licenced through Adobe Stock or in the case of Tarot permissions have been obtained from the original artists.
Unity through Intimacy BY LEANNE, THE BAREFOOT MEDIUM As I sit here asking Spirit to guide me and show me what it is that they wish to share with each of you around the energy or vibration of "Unity". I hear that there is much they could share, many different perspectives, many areas of life it can be applied and embraced within, yet where it is that you all most wish to feel unity is in your intimate connections with others.
connectedness, openness, honesty, joy, happiness, trust, faith and authentic communication. There may, however, be times throughout your relationships where you feel disconnected or separate from your partner, which may trigger old fears, insecurities, limiting beliefs and stories about what you feel is ‘wrong’ or ‘not working’ resulting in you not being united with each other.
What is “unity” you ask? Well, unity is essentially about being able to see into the Soul, to be fully seen, heard and felt, with no conditions or barriers, just unconditional acceptance and true honest authentic expression of the mind, body and spirit. When we talk about unity in this way it is absolutely key to any good relationship, whether it is connection with a friend, family member, colleague, client and of course a loving partner.
The ability to embrace passionate, connected and honest sex, kissing, sensual touch and share your desires with your partner is intimate, there is no question about that. However, you can bring more of the vibration and energy of unity into your partnership through non-sexual intimacy as well in the following ways:
When you are in ‘unity’ with yourself and your partner there is a loving intimate connection between you, there is peace, harmony, passion,
Express Honesty: In all of your communication with your partner, be truly honest with your words, thoughts, the language you use as well as your body language and your energy (words, emotions & actions). When you are both able to do this,
without judgement, you are expressing the level of respect, love and intimacy you have for each other and how united you are in nurturing this connection • See the Soul: Take the time to sit and be in silence with your partner while looking into their eyes, which are after all the window to the Soul. Listen to what their Soul wants to share with you without the use of spoken words as this is where you will hear what it is that is uniting you both in unconditional love. Come back to seeing each other as Divine Loving Souls who are perfection and imperfection all at the same time. Physical Touch: In a world filled with connections often relying on technology, there is an even greater need for you and your partner to engage in physical touch as it is an extremely powerful and loving way to come back into unity with each other. Use your hands to tune into each other’s bodies, allow yourself to sense your partner and learn how they like to be touched physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Whether through massage, a gentle touch to the shoulders or neck, a hug, kiss there are many ways to engage in touch as an extremely intimate act to bring you back into unity with each other’s energy at a Soul level.
Let go of all expectations about what you think your partner desires, needs or feels and allow your Souls to come back to each other, to expand your connection through intimacy, to into the truth of who you both are – because at a Soul level you are always truly united, there is no separation….You just need to take the time to re-connect with each other’s Souls.
Leanne, The Barefoot Medium is an International Medium, Trance Channel, Psychic Detective, Twin Flame Connector, Spiritual Teacher www.thebarefootmedium.com.au
Unity Joined as a Whole
BY PAUL AND PHOEBE HOOGENDYK Unity or “A state of being united or joined as a whole”
a universe!!
It has been said time and time again Oneness of mind, feeling and that there is strength in numbers agreement. and when we do all come together as one mind, even for a moment, we A place of being so many on this planet humans have the power to change yearn for at this time of seemingly not only our own reality but that of endless discord; all of us fighting every single one of us on the planet separately for survival and recognition. today, plus the planet and our And yet we are in truth all one. We are Universe. Do not forget for one spirit having a human experience, warts moment that we are made from the and all, the beautiful, the good, the bad, same elements that this planet and the ugly and the uglier still. We are all the stars in our skies are. cells of the one creation, “spirit” experiencing everything there is about Strength in numbers: A case in point being human and therefore separation comes so easily to mind. The death is merely an illusion. Just like our own of the much loved Princess Diana. It bodies. Cells that have different touched so many people’s hearts functions and yet have the same worldwide and in the collective overriding purpose….the well- being of mourning we had a chance to the whole. When our bodies come change our reality to a better one. together as a whole we thrive. When Never had so many people come more than two bodies come together together focussed on the one as a whole we expand and evolve. Who thing……love of another! In that knows what wonders will happen when moment of time the Earth’s we come together as a planet let alone vibration literally had a significant
and measurable shift. For quite some time after, people’s thoughts changed. We who mourned looked for a softer place in which to be. Divide and conquer has always been the modus operandi of the so called “ruling classes” they who believe they own this planet and therefore all that is here. Nothing could be further from the truth! We have in fact allowed ourselves to believe that we are separate. We keep writing about this because we all need to wake up and begin to see that we can all live in unity, even with our differences. Once again we will say; let us celebrate our differences and rejoice in our similarities. Let us all come together, unify in our love of this planet, not only as our home but as the home of spirit and whatever that means to you. So, from today, regardless of the response you get, look people in the eye briefly, smile and be unattached to the outcome. You may just change someone’s day, even their whole life for the better. Who knows, they may have just been wanting, like you, to get that one nano second of connection and unity…..to feel that they are not alone.
By Phoebe and Paul Hoogendyk of Ancient Pathways a company dedicated to personal and spiritual development through Ancient wisdom.
Follow your hearts and live your dreams!
Website: www.ancientpathways.com.au www.maurinaturaltherapy.com
Unity, Oneness, Harmony & Co-operation BY JULYE-AMBER RZOSKA
“When all countries unite and work together, who is there left to fight”. Unity is many things, most commonly it’s about togetherness, agreement of a common cause, oneness, team spirit, similar interests, feelings, aims and strengths. It can be as huge as a global cause or can be as small as a family unit. It can consist of totally different individuals, from different backgrounds and beliefs, it only takes one thing that they believe in to bring them together and be united. It’s a beautiful feeling when you connect with like minded people with a common goal, there is a feeling of oneness, harmony and cooperation. One person cannot do everything
alone, so when people join together, difficult jobs become easier, overwhelming jobs are easier to manage. It’s also about coming together to create something better than one could do individually. That sense of belonging to something larger, the sense of connection/oneness with others can be uplifting. Just like a string that cannot hold a lot of weight, when lots of string are spun together to form a rope, it has become stronger and can easily hold the weight and more. There are many examples of unity: Sporting teams – players working together to achieve a common goal. Fans also show unity by wearing matching colours to support them.
Organisation/Group – being united to achieve the best for all with the strength of numbers. Family – when family members take care of each other and work together, they are happier and less likely to argue. Groups – from prayer groups to protest rallies, from fundraising to raising awareness of a cause or injustice, when people with common goals work together, great things happen. Communities – when good neighbours support and look out for each other they are fostering good relationships which in turn creates harmony in the area. Workplace – teamwork is vital for efficiency and success. When the individual’s skills are put to good use the sense of achievement is felt by everyone.
Just like a drop of water on its own cannot do much, drops of water together form a river or ocean and become powerful. When people unite and work together, their combined efforts achieve more for all concerned. The other side of Unity is disorder. When there is arguing, disorganisation, individuals not being heard, it breaks down to disorder. Unity is very powerful and when individuals are recognised, supported and united in working together for the good of all, amazing things are achieved which cannot be achieved individually.
Julye-Amber Rzoska Psychic Medium, Reiki Master, Intuitive Energy Healings, Psychometry, Chakra Clearing and Balancing Website: www.AmbersIntuitiveGuide.com
Unity: Mind, Body & Soul BY MIMI LOVE
What is unity to you? Unity to me is making sure your mind, body and soul are one. Many people experience a loss of connective-ness between 1, 2 or even 3 of these aspects. Why is everything segmented? Our priority is making sure we have unity of one’s self. How can we expect to bring unity into everyday life if we are fractured? Humpty Dumpty couldn’t get all the king’s men, to put him back together again! If our soul is shattered from our mind and body, it can lead to discontent, unhappiness, depression and illness. We need help to understand where and when the fractures occurred, so that we can start the healing process. Are you ready to face your truth, as this journey is not for the fainthearted?
It requires courage and strength to recognise and take responsibility for our actions, or we cannot change our perceptions. This change opens up a new road on our journey to connect you as a whole – a holy energetic being. Once we are whole then, we can be unified with others – family, friends and relationships. Relationships fail as one person thinks they can change the other partner once they are together. You have to be willing to see that unity requires compromise from both parties. As our mind, body and soul’s journey expands we all develop at different levels or stay stagnant if we are not in unity with ourselves. Energetic beings are souls in harmony with their mind and body which are trying to follow their true path in life in a positive manner. This path requires dedication, fortitude and most of all faith. Faith to believe that anything is possible, if you just believe!
What do you believe in? Do you lack faith in yourself? Everyone’s journey can be delayed if you choose a scenic path instead of the direct route. We are all human and we all make choices daily that can set us in motion. Find out who you are, and who you want to be, and make sure your soul sings along in harmony. Harmony and happiness comes from within. Change what you can and accept what you can’t and you are well on your way to becoming an energetic being. An energetic being’s harmony can be sensed when you feel at peace around them, and at the same time their energy draws you to them. As more souls find unity, then more people can unite in common goals on our planet Earth and its inhabitants to find peace and harmony.
Mimi Love specialises in a unique blend of therapies to match your vibrations and your individualised journey. Come and visit ‘Blue Earth’, located on the South Coast of NSW specialising in professional courses, alternative therapies and workshops for your Mind, Body & Soul. Blue Earth is an eco-friendly property and retreat. Website: www.mimilove.com.au Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mimi.love.587
Love's Journey
The Monthly Love’s Journey Reading is intended to provide you with guidance, insight and clarity in your journey of learning, growth and development around all matters related to love, relationships and intimacy. The information is to support you in exploring and understandings particular stages, lessons, opportunities, strategies and choices available, whether past, present or future, around love and relationships.
Three of Swords
The first card for this month is the Three of Swords which brings with it a sense of reflection, nurturing and embracing from the positive perspective or a feeling of loneliness, longing and holding on to the past out of fear. You are asked to make a choice between your old story around love and connections with others or to tell the Universe NO you are now making a conscious choice to embrace a new story and way of being. For some your relationships and connections may have felt difficult in the past, which served to keep you safe from not opening your heart and allowing others in....this pattern is no longer serving you and you are being asked to take a risk and allow yourself to be fully seen, heard, felt and held this month - amazing things are happening around love! Allow it in!!!
Ten of Wands The second card, Ten of Wands represents burdens, responsibilities that may be weighing you down & keeping you in a pattern of working hard to try and achieve what it is that you are wanting in your life, especially around love, romance & intimacy. If you are feeling disconnected from your partner, or from yourself, it is important that you take a step back and reflect on the things that you are doing on a daily basis and identify whether they are moving you towards your dreams or away from them. This is a good month to sit down with your partner & reflect on your individual goals & dreams as well as what your visions are for the future of your partnership. You are also reminded that it is important to work as a team, rather than individually this month, so that you achieve more, are more effective & efficient with your energy & your time. Teammates support each other, sometimes carrying the load when the other is not feeling strong & allowing the other to do the same in return for you. The hard work you put in over the last few months will pay off now & you will be rewarded!!! So be ready to receive.
Ace of Swords
The final card, is the beautiful Ace of Swords. This card asks you to take pen to paper and to write down your thoughts, fears, beliefs, dreams and desires for your life around love, relationships, romance and intimacy. You are being asked to let go of what doesn't serve you in a more productive way, so that you are able to stay focused on what it is you want to create and to make space for the Universe to bring you all that you are wanting. Remember that what you are seeking is also seeking you. In order to receive what you are asking
are asking for you must allow it in....to do this you must take one positive and successful step each day to acknowledge where you may be in resistance of 'having' love show-up in your world and where it is that you are in 'allowance' of it coming to you. Do not stay focused on any resistance, simply acknowledge it and then shift your focus to what is flowing, what is loving, what you appreciate, what brings you joy, what allows you to feel loved, what it is that you are passionate about and what you are creating together with and in partnership with the Universe. This month you will have victory and success in all areas of your life!!! There is a beautiful, loving outcome that will present itself to you, embrace it - it comes from love!!! Leanne is available for personal readings to help in all matters relating to love, relationships, intimacy as well as soul mates and twin flame partnerships! You can also order your own set of Love's Journey tarot cards online & have them delivered directly to your door BOOK & ORDER: www.thebarefootmedium.com.au
Channeling Spirit Event Join Leanne LIVE ONLINE where she will channel messages, guidance & insights from Abraham, Spirit Guides or your loved ones who have passed to show you, teach, guide & lead you to be the best version of you possible.! 7pm US-EDT time Friday 25th August 2017 (9am Saturday 26th August Aust EST time) Bookings & details: www.thebarefootmedium.com.au
The Tarot card that has been chosen to represents the month of August is: The Ace of Pentacles represents: money, financial resources, material possessions, career and the physical realm. The message I am receiving for this month is that there will be a new opportunity that is offered to you. The offering may come as a new business opportunity, a fresh new start with business, partnerships or home. There will be an offering of money or more money coming. Whatever you have been wishing for is about to be delivered, possibly through unexpected source. You are manifesting your goals now and your wish is about to come true. Are you ready to receive? It’s been tough getting to this point. I don’t feel that you were able to obtain unity within your own self during this time. Unity within your own self is that inner harmony and peaceful state of being. Unity can be both internal and external of us and can happen simultaneously. Our inner world and outer world can collide and the dis-harmony it creates is the signal that change is needed.
In your recent past, your thoughts were focussed on the negative or reversed meaning; a lack of planning in the recent months, a fear or lack of: money/resources/material possessions/career etc. You had to re-assess the team/people in your life and asked the question – Are they supportive & working in unison? Your career could have been under the microscope, including the structure of your business, your team of supporters, helpers or resources – all would have been up for change, including your own beliefs and values. I feel the month of August is about receiving. Most important is that you’ve actioned the change necessary and that has put you in a prime position to receive. You are ready now more than ever to create a harmonious life for yourself and that includes your relationships of all kinds: personal/friendships/business or acquaintances. Working as a team is about cooperation, collaboration, togetherness, solidarity and most importantly creating peace and harmony within others and us. Unity is the state of being united or joined as a whole and this is when magic happens. It’s when all the stars align, everything falls into place and your team whom ever that may be is working in unity together.
Jo is a professional Psychic & Tarot Reader whose aim is to help other people evolve. Her Tarot Readings offer you guidance, clarity & strategies to keep you moving forward. For personal readings visit: http://www.psychicowl.com.au/
Orangutan is your Power Animal guide into UNITY for August. This beautiful animal, who is indigenous to Indonesia and Malaysia, is a wonderful guide into Unity. Some of Orangutan’s key elements feature: living in commUNITY, joie-de-vivre, being at one with the environment, inquisitiveness and inventive - all of which are components of the universal ways in which the living harmony of Unity works. Orangutan is a master at sitting in her surroundings and embracing her connection to where she is. She knows that she is an integral member of the living vibrant community of animals, plants, insects and the elements. She understands that by living in unity, that is, being in harmony and oneness with the corporeal, sentient world around her, she is loved, supported, nurtured and thrives. Orangutan knows that when she is out-of-balance, that she’s lost her thread of unity in some way and this is when dis-unity, or disconnection occurs. Her invitation to you is to sit quietly in your environment. Breathe gently in and out as you ground yourself and connect as deeply as you can with Pachamama. Natural breaths in and out to focus while simultaneously consciously experiencing the ways that you can sense the living world around you. Continue embracing these moments out-of-time to simply breathe, with the heart intention of ‘feeling the unity between yourself and your home, your loved ones, your life, your location’. This is how we effectively commune with
All That Is, without ‘doing’ anything, simply noticing how we feel. What is your body feeling like as you do this? Is your mind chitterchattering or is it still? Are you curious and inquisitive as you sit and expand your awareness? Are you feeling very deep and still or can you sense the vibrancy of unity which is unfolding within you? Whatever is occurring right now is one way that are you experiencing unity in this moment of consciously breathing and connecting. As you learn to deepen this practice of experiencing unity, you discover that your world and your life feel harmonious. You feel connected, supported, valued and loved. Many of the issues associated with the busy-ness of the all-too-often frenetic pace of modern life can be attributed to folk not being able to sense unity, and therefore feeling out of touch with their personal wellbeing and balance. Life becomes out of kilter when we’re unable to feel our connection to the threads of living, vibrant energy which links and unites all life in harmonious ways. Orangutan’s gift to you is to sit quietly with her, wherever you are right now. Allow her beautiful gentle energy to gently touch your heart, mind, body and soul. Feel the love of unity gently flowing within you and around you. Drop a little deeper into this, and know that Unity is your birthright and a deep, deep blessing. enJOY! Lynn Solang Smith, BCA, Grad Dip Ed, Cert Holistic Counselling, Dip Body Psychotherapy, Munay-ki Rites teacher, Intuitive Shaman Website: http://rainbowlabyrinth.com Email: lynnasmith2002@hotmail.com
Alchemy Cards Manifest, Create, Align Thoughts, Actions & Emotions BY LEANNE, THE BAREFOOT MEDIUM WWW.THEBAREFOOTMEDIUM.COM.AU
This month's Alchemy cards, support you in working with the Law of Attraction to support you in manifesting & creating the loving, joyful and successful life you need, want and deserve!
Monthly Affirmation Use this month’s positive affirmation on a daily basis to support you in taking actions, small or large, that move you towards your goals and desires. It is when you are willing to stay focused on what it is that you are asking the Universe to provide you with and to embrace the vibration of already having it - the saying act as if comes to mind here - that you will receive the insights into the next best actions to take. You are also reminded that the first step in manifesting and co-creating with the Universe is to ask, so the question "What is the next successful positive step I need to take towards my desire today?"
"I am inspired to take positive successful action every day"
Monthly Emotion
This month you are asked to embrace the vibration of “FASCINATED” which is really interesting ..... When you allow yourself to be fascinated by the world around you, by the people in your world and how they think, feel and act, when you are able to step into being fascinated to see how the Universe will bring you your desires, you clear the path for them to be drawn to you much quicker than if you are in the state of analysing, worrying or thinking about the 'how' or 'why'. So this month, be fascinated by everything, everyone and allow yourself to receive more amazing things in your life!
Monthly Action
The Action for the month is “TEACH OTHERS”! When I connect into this action there are two meanings coming in for you to be aware of, firstly the Universe is letting you know that when you say 'yes' to what is loving for you and 'no' to that which does not serve you, you are teaching others how you want to be in connection & relationships and what is loving for you. So, you are being asked to teach others how to love you this month. Some of you are also being asked to step into the role of a teacher, leader or expert in your field by allowing yourself to share the wisdom, knowledge and understandings you have had throughout your life or in your career as a way of helping others to learn, grow and expand. When you teach others you spread more love & a ripple of awareness throughout the world.
Book a reading or order your own Alchemy cards online & have them delivered directly to your door - ORDER: www.thebarefootmedium.com.au
Services & Development Opportunities Mediumship & Psychic Readings Reconnect with loved ones in Spirit, gain clarity, wisdom & guidance, understand your spiritual abilities & support with decision making DETAILS & BOOKINGS online: www.thebarefootmedium.com.au
Exclusive Mentoring Exclusive Mentoring Programs are available ONLINE to help you achieve your goals whether around career, business, love, family, health & well-being, finances, spiritual and personal development plus much more! DETAILS & BOOKINGS online: www.thebarefootmedium.com.au
Psychic Development: Basics of Working with Spirit
This book provides an in-depth understanding of the fundamental skills & techniques to begin working with energy & Spirit. Filled with practical easy to follow strategies for grounding, protecting, balancing & cleansing as well as establishing spiritual boundaries for those who see, hear, feel & know. ORDER: www.thebarefootmedium.com.au
Divination Tools & Techniques This book provides you with easy, simple & practical techniques you can use to understand your intuition as well as techniques to support you in getting fully connected to your intuition, inner knowing & ‘gut feeling’so you can receive guidance to help you in your everyday life as well as develop your psychic abilities to read for others. ORDER: www.thebarefootmedium.com.au
Shifting your Sh*t To Achieve Your Dreams Do you feel like you are stuck, struggling, fighting or working hard and not progressing towards your goals or experiencing what you want in life?, Then this Shifting your Sh*t Workbook will empower & support you to discover, shift & transform your life! ORDERS: www.thebarefootmedium.com.au
Meditations Leanne's Meditations have been channelled from Spirit to support you to quieten the ‘monkey chatter’ of the mind, take time out for self-care, love & nurturing, gain clarity in your daily life, be more present with yourself & others, raise your spiritual vibration, connect to spirit, guides, angels & loved ones as well as to embrace your authentic self. ORDERS: www.thebarefootmedium.com.au
Temple TV - Free Monthly Join Leanne, The Barefoot Medium for Temple TV each month for Temple TV LIVE on facebook Live 6pm US EDT time first Friday of the month (8am Sat Aust EST) Receive access to knowledge, wisdom, minireadings and guidance to support you to transform, grow and connect in your everyday life!
Temple Radio- Free Monthly Tune into Temple Radio each month with Leanne, The Barefoot Medium & and other leaders, transformers, spiritual advocates & experts 6pm US EDT time the second Friday of the month (8am Sat AEST) Receive spiritual insights, wisdom, practical tips, on air psychic & mediumship readings, guidance & clarity to support you in your everyday life,