The Temple Magazine (12) Feminine Essence October 2017

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Connect, transform & grow through Love, Soul & Spirit


Feminine Essence

Articles PLUS monthly Tarot, Affirmations & Actions, Power Animal & much more

About The Temple The Temple is a free monthly Magazine published electronically by Leanne, The Barefoot Medium for subscribers containing articles, affirmations, tips, tools, guidance & interviews with experts, conscious practitioners, advocates & leaders in their field to support you in your journey of connection, transformation and growth through Love, Soul and Spirit. All articles in this publication remain the property of the original Author & may not be reproduced, in part or full, without written permission. All images used have been purchased & licenced through Adobe Stock or in the case of Tarot permissions have been obtained from the original artists.

Feminine Essence: Chemistry & Attraction BY LEANNE, THE BAREFOOT MEDIUM As I tune into ask Spirit what it is that is important to share with you this month around the topic of Feminine essence, I am reminded of the Goddess, Queen, Priestess, Lover, Sage who is flowing in her divinity, soft and gentle yet strong, beautiful, radiant, sensual, playfulness, passionate, encouraging, uplifts herself and others, trusts and embraces her intuition, heals through the power of love and is balanced and in harmony with all that is within and outside of her as she emanates the essence of unconditional love. Now, as I see the Divine Feminine in all of her essence, I am also reminded of her Divine partner, the Divine Masculine, the God, King, Priest, Warrior, Lover, Provider and Leader who when in his essence is strong, powerful, courageous, protective, welcoming, confident, focused, supportive, inspiring, seeks the truth, creates and is balanced in the knowing that he is unconditional love. When the Feminine and Masculine

come together physically, to share, exchange, give and receive pleasure and love to each other, you are gifted with an opportunity to connect and come into union with another soul and to experience their essence in an intimate way. When you fully embrace and flow in your essence, this creates that spark within you and between you, that chemistry, attraction, like fireflies to the light, bees to honey or magnets drawn to each other. Whether it is something in the way your partner looks, moves, laughs, speaks, smiles or just is, this is part of the chemistry and attraction that draws you together and compels you to want to be with each other – all healthy relationships have it. Having a mental and emotional connection is not enough – you must have spark, chemistry, attraction that draws you to each other like a magnet. Do you have this spark and chemistry with your partner? If not, then it is important to remember to open to it and allow it into your world. As the Divine Feminine, it is essential that you

touch all parts of each other as this helps you to feel different qualities of love in your body and release old unloved parts in the process

allow yourself to feel your inner pulse, to allow the inner goddess and priestess to come out and play, when you feel pleasure to acknowledge it, give yourself permission to feel sexy, sensual and connected to your feminine essence. As an amazingly beautiful and sensual woman it is important that when the inner pulse of excitement arises within you, you allow this delight and pleasure because this is your inner goddess inviting you to keep moving forward towards your partner and experiences that allow you to express and know your sensual priestess and to keep her strong, confident and juicy. As you open yourself more to the chemistry and attraction in your relationship and embrace your attraction, chemistry and desires, you allow yourself to share, unite and express through the profound experience of love through the physical body. This incredible love you have for each other also allows you to honour, respect, heal, connect and open your hearts fully bringing more joy, love and pleasure into your world. Below are six tips to help you move forward, allow yourself to open more fully, embrace your essence and express love to your partner: 1. Invite and allow intimate sensual touch into your relationship where you

2. Relax and open to the suppleness of your heart and intuitive knowing about what you and your partner desire as this helps you to connect and trust each other more fully 3. Allow more nakedness whether through sharing and honouring of emotions, listening to each other’s fears and desires, increased intimacy and passion that comes from truly loving someone as this helps to open your soul to being fully seen, heard and accepted 4. Be spontaneous and more available to physically connection with your partner through love in the present moment as this allows your souls to touch, unite and come together in profound ways and experience divine love 5. Make your surroundings more sensual and allow pleasure in so you can experience more connected, intense and passionate touch that includes the body, mind, emotions and spirit 6. 6. Connect and physically love each other with clear and specific purpose of going within and invite and welcome another into your sacred space serving the purpose of healing through unconditional love Connecting physically with your partner, is a spontaneous journey between two souls that is a natural in healthy

relationships, bringing the feminine and masculine together, allowing all mutual energies in every chakra to be combined, for your chemistry, attraction and love you have for each other to be felt and to merge them together with divine love. When you connect with your partner physically, you are creating through the divine love and magnetism between you, it is how you get to know each other on a deeper level where the reality of your soul’s mutual attraction is felt and where both souls are able to fully delight in the experience.

Leanne, The Barefoot Medium is an International Medium, Trance Channel, Psychic Detective, Twin Flame Connector, Spiritual Teacher

Falling in Love with You 30 Days to Embrace and Fall in Love with You! Take up the 30 Day Falling in Love with You experience Now and embrace, accept and love all of who you are as well as increase your confidence, self-esteem and understand how to create a solid foundation upon which to build all of your relationships! SIGN-UP Today!

Constant Unfolding of Self BY PAUL AND PHOEBE HOOGENDYK “Your essence is what actually animates you so that if you are out of touch with your essence then you are basically pretending to be someone that you never have been.”…….or you have forgotten or hidden who you really are! Wish we could remember where we saw this quote then we could give them credence for what we believe plus the piece we added at the end.

essence) and women, cloaks (feminine essence). Of course that is a very basic explanation. So if we are looking for feminine essence and what it is, then from our Eastern traditional training, it is the yin within the yang. Therefore there is not one without the other.

Ok so what is yin? It is the more receptive, passive and nurturing side Our whole lifetime journey can be of ourselves. For women in general taken up with finding ourselves and this is the outside self and for men it who we truly are. In fact for some it is more internal. The yang is the could take an eternity. Now don’t panic active, assertive fire side of ourselves: just because you haven’t found your so for men it more external and for essence doesn’t mean you cannot. women more internal. Inside and Finding self or your essence is a outside need to be in balance. If constant unfolding of layers and layers either one of those is out of balance of self to finally reach the core. within us then we will be having problems. Remember we are all essentially male and female within, whatever outer shell With today’s push for women to be you have chosen to use, in this “equal” to men, some women have incarnation. The difference is men thrown the cloak aside and put on traditionally wear armour (masculine the armour to compete in, what is

still essentially, a man’s world. For the most part the majority of people still see “softness, compassion, caring and vulnerability,” all feminine essentials, as weaknesses. Of course they are not. In essence they are our super strengths whether we are male or female. These essences bring us back to our core selves so we can assert one or other when necessary….in balance with the other…..this is the important key….”in balance with the other” The feminine aspect is also intuition. If you lock that out you don’t know who and where you are. It is the part of us that gives “birth” to the new. A lot of sickness is in essence the blocking of our true feelings and emotions. “If you can’t feel you can’t heal”! This is especially true for men who still run the programme of showing and expressing emotions i.e. their feminine side…is showing weakness; and for women who have gone the other way and blocked their masculine essence believing that to be feminine is to be submissive. In short within in us all is the goddess….the balancing strength of the warrior god….and together in balance they bring us to our core selves and put us in touch with who and what we truly are…..our essence! Follow your heart and lives your dreams.

By Phoebe and Paul Hoogendyk of Ancient Pathways a company dedicated to personal and spiritual development through Ancient wisdom.


Embrace your Inner Goddess BY JULYE-AMBER RZOSKA

Do you find yourself rushing through the day from the moment you wake up? Are your relationships with loved ones and family sometimes pulling you away from your own needs? When this happens many are neglecting their feminine essence and are out of balance. Feminine essence lives inside every woman and is unique to each woman. The more you nurture your feminine essence by connecting to your true selves, your heart’s desires, passions and joy, the more you embrace your inner goddess and the happier you will be. Here are ways to awaken and nurture your beautiful feminine essence and embrace your divine inner goddess:

Create: Create spaces for personal items that bring you joy like fresh flowers, crystals, shells, beautiful candles, photos, plants and more. Surround yourself with colours and textures and other items that nurture you. Nourish yourself: Set aside time each day for you. It can be 15mins, preferable more, as this is the time for you to reconnect with your inner self. You could meditate to start the day, or choose a time to sit, breathe and be. It is up to you. Be Open to Receive: Be kind to yourself by being open and allowing yourself to receive. Accept compliments and support with a ‘thank you’. The more you receive, the more you will be able to give.

Be in the Moment: Give multitasking the flick and be in the moment. If you are enjoying a cup of tea or coffee, or having a meal, enjoy every sip and bite and take in the smell and taste. These are some of the things you become aware of when you take the time to be in the moment. Nature: Spending time in nature is instant tonic. Being in nature and slowly breathing in her beautiful energy while releasing stress and worries is beautiful. When you can’t go to the mountains, the rivers, the beach or your favourite spot make the most of where you are. If you are outside, walk slower and take in the sounds, views and connect. If you are inside, sit outside and enjoy your cup of tea or coffee. Make an effort to spend more time in nature.

Boundaries: Love yourself enough to say no to what drains you. While there are jobs that need to be done, saying yes continually will bring you down emotionally and physically. So embrace your inner goddess by choosing what is best for you in that moment, you do have a choice. Be True to You: Tune in to how you feel. Are you feeling energised and wanting to get things done or are you feeling tired and needing rest. Honour how you feel.

Julye-Amber Rzoska Psychic Medium, Reiki Master, Intuitive Energy Healings, Psychometry, Chakra Clearing and Balancing Website:

Feminine Essence


What if you had a magic power within your body called feminine essence? Welcome to your right brain! Your personal unique body part that encapsulates your feminine essence. Your right brain, or what I like to call the feminine essence allows each and every one of us to see the expanded part of life. For example, when a mother hears her baby cry, she often knows deep down within her what her child requires. In accessing your personal feminine essence, you naturally know what is required not just now, but in the future. That is due to the right brain having the ability to see the expanded part of life, or simply, the bigger picture. This feminine essence is extremely creative, fun and playful and can give you personal solutions to your problems you may encounter. It also allows you to feel a wide range of emotions such as love, pain, sympathy, compassion and anger. It also helps you tap into your personal dreams and aspirations and connect with the

bigger picture of what you desire in life as it gets excited at the thought of connecting with your personal desires. Although we naturally tap into our feminine essence as and when required, here are three additional tips to fully connect expansively with this expanded part of you: 1) Allow yourself to day dream. Take time to be still, reflect, dream and allow your imagination to run wild. In doing so, you allow clarity and divine guidance to flow to you. 2) Take yourself away from computers and technology and do something which stimulates the feminine essence such as drawing, sewing or anything crafty! If this doesn't appeal to you, perhaps take yourself to the beach and draw in the sand with your foot. This will help your right brain to float to the top and guide you. 3) Acknowledge you! Each and every day when you wake up, set an

intent to connect with your feminine essence, even when you are choosing what to wear for the day. The more you acknowledge, accept and embrace your spirit and brilliance the more you will notice the power of it. Your feminine essence and right brain have made magic for you and will continue to do so. Allow your innate to whisper to you all the universal secrets. And know you are already a powerful soul as you were born with a right brain.

Jean Sheehan, is an internationally recognised Medical Intuitive, author of the Millennium Modality® & Principal of both Millennium Education and Absolute Empowerment . As principal of Millennium Education Jean Sheehan educates, coaches and mentors individuals, schools, and corporations to conscious living and self realisation. Jean is based in Noosa, Australia. To find out more about Jean's work, please see

Embracing your Unique Feminine BY LAUREN SIETZEMA

I believe that there is duality of energy playing out in harmony within the universe, which we all can embody. In various cultures these have been known as divine masculine & feminine, yin & yang or god & goddess. You could say these have been physically manifested within men & women, however I don’t believe these energies are innately feminine or masculine in the way we classify gender, but rather polar vibrations that both genders can personify. The essence of femininity & masculinity originate from the same source. There is the creation of life itself, then the balancing manifestations & representations of that life through various opposing frequencies. There are certain traits that have been naturally established due to biological differences. Women provide birth, nurture & creativity and men strength, protection & action, none of which are

the true essence of femininity or masculinity. Feminine & masculine are also social constructs created to normalise gender. These manipulations and unhealthy beliefs have tipped the scales creating inequality, friction, oppression, confusion and dissention amongst the sexes. As we spiritually evolve we are moving closer to our original soul, (which is neither male or female) so rather than seeking polarisation & categorisation, we should reunite ourselves as a divine whole once more. So how does knowing this help us access our ‘true feminine essence’? Because defined ideas of femininity have become so prevalent in our identity, we are forced to either rebel against what we think is feminine or

embrace certain qualities to appear more attractive or accepted. This blocks our ability to channel our true feminine essence allowing it to manifest individually. The first step to a healthy feminine essence is to examine some of your learned beliefs & behaviours about gender and how they limit your ability to channel your own unique version of yin & yang. 1. Ask yourself: Do I feel balanced? Am I aligned with the intentions of my soul? What thoughts, beliefs or emotions do I have about gender? What behaviours do I perform to appear more or less feminine for the approval of others? 2. Setting aside limiting beliefs around gender, you can now access and embody healthy feminine energies. Meditate and connect to your higher self with the intention to learn what denotes feminine essence for you.

3. You can invite your personal feminine essence to manifest naturally within your life in a balanced and healthy way through thought & action. Our personal yin & yang energy needs to be in balance. All genders can embody these opposing qualities fluctuating over a lifetime. Men & women alike should be able to embody either side of their duality in whatever capacity that feels true and right for them without the pressure of gender identity. By letting go of what we feel is intrinsically male or female, we are open to channel the true essence of these vibrations removing the stigma of what qualities one must embody to connect with the world.

Lauren is a psychic medium living in Brisbane who brings through messages from spirit, guides and loved ones. Website: Facebook: @etherictidewithlaurenpsychicandmedium

Feminine Essence: The Scenic Route BY MEAGAN LEIGH COHN

As an energetic healing & meditation facilitator, the topic of feminine essence comes up regularly. Each individual, no matter if they are male or female, have within themselves both mascu-line and feminine essence, think of yin and yang, ida and pingala, God and goddess. One of the keys to a happy life is in finding the balance between these two aspects. Neither one being superior to the other- just different qualities.

You can imagine the inner conflict that occurs within an individual when trying to make de-cisions. A simple example of this inner conflict is when that feminine essence says “Take an umbrella with you today.” And the masculine essence says “Don’t be silly- the sky is clear, the forecast says 0% chance of rain. We don’t need an umbrella today.” And lo and be-hold, an afternoon storm rolls in.

What is essence? It's the spirit, the fundamental quality and intrinsic nature.

We need the masculine energy to get practical things accomplished, have structured plans and the will to make it happen. But we need the feminine essence so life doesn't get too rig-id or inflexible in the approach, to embrace the emotional and passionate aspects of self - after all, this is what inspires us!

What is Feminine? Traditionally it is womanly, lady like, female or girlish qualities. However, in the way of essence it is about intuition, creativity, compassion, nurturing, loving and being whereas masculine essence or energy is about go getting, giving, aggression, force, rationality, assertiveness, achieving and doing. Masculine essence likes to take the most direct route, feminine essence likes to take the scenic route.

So we need both aspects but we need them in balance. Our western society has been masculine dominant for some time. We can see this by the importance we place on doing, achieving and

accumulating. Plus the male dominant work-force in areas of most influence government & religious institutions, for example. This has served us well in driving industry forward, and advances in science and technology thanks to logical innovations. It has also contributed to war, stress and aggression between people and countries. Now is the time for more feminine essence! Cooperation, compassion and wisdom. Not competition, accumulation and achievement at any cost. I believe this will create more harmony in the environment, governmental structures & educational systems.

It also heightens compassion by increasing the mirror neurons in the brain. Mirror neurons make you have sympathetic pain or pleasure when you see another person have pain or pleasure. Another tool is cultivating gratitude. This brings the heart and brain into optimal coherence (In this scenario, brain can represent masculine and heart can represent feminine). Other ways is enjoying creative or compassionate work or hobby, like art, music or charity work.

How do we create more feminine essence balance within ourselves? One tool is meditation. This balances the left and right hemisphere of the brain which rep-resent the masculine and feminine. It strengthens the corpus callosum which optimizes communication between the hemispheres.

Meagan has 17 years experience as an energetic healing & meditation facilitator and holis-tic skincare therapist. Her passion, purpose and mission is to help others along their path of healing, transformation and deep relaxation on every level. Website: Facebook: shealingandwellness

Feminine Essence: The Unfair Advantage BY JESSICA KIELY

As I read the words, my body collapses to my knees, and then to being sprawled on the floor. There is a buzzing all through my body that has taken over. It is a pleasure I have not let in for a long time. And on that floor, I cannot move. I just go inward, to the feeling and buzz. And I say “yes” to it. I have been bought to my knees so many times in my life, in pain and pleasure. And now, I can honestly say, I am eternally grateful for every single one of them. As they have, and continue to, reveal to me the feminine essence within me and its immense spacious power. The dance. The energy. The vibration. The rumble and shake. When you touch, dive into, become filled with the feminine essence, it is wildly beautiful and wildly powerful. It’s living inside me, and you. It is so

delicious. It is exhausting and exhilarating. And when you embody, evoke, feel, become that, it is the UNFAIR ADVANTAGE. It has taken me a long time……41 years to be exact……to discover it. And now I never want to let go. It is from that place, that you can move mountains. It is from that place that you are life, and everyone wants a part of it. It is from that place that you are literally moulding and crafting the energy of the universe, to you and your desires. Four years ago, I was the furthest away from it than I had ever been in my life. A failed marriage, and crippling self-doubt had bought me to my knees. And I had come to ask, why? How did this happen? And now after 4 years of deep diving, I am on my knees again as I honour ….that beautiful journey.

So why is it the UNFAIR ADVANTAGE? same thing now. Because when you embody that place & essence, anything is possible. When How do I access it? you are tuned in & access that I say “yes” essence, men want you and women I listen want what you have. When you lean I dance into that flow and essence, it flows I meditate through you even more and you go to I yogic breathe another level. When you become that I write essence you heal yourself and the I share world. It is the ultimate play areana. I look within. It is where you find clarity, comfort, I trust. unconditional love, rest, energy, the I believe. ability to manifest…. It is where you Now with Wanderess Beauty, I inspire find you. that reconnection through green beauty & mindful rituals, with clean & It is the ultimate peak performance green products. It is a reconnection strategy! And the crazy thing is, it is that I know will lead to a much available to everyone. It is from this deeper connection with that space I created, and continue to feminine essence, wild beauty & the create Wanderess Beauty, my business where our mission is to ignite Wanderess inside us all & between us all. wild beauty for love of women and planet. “She stands, two feet firmly on mother earth, Feminine Essence. Wild Beauty. The Wanderess. To me, they are all the

and feels what beauty is. It dances within her, wild and free. No-one need define it.” – Wanderess Beauty

Chief Wanderess – Wanderess Beauty AUTHOR – ENTREPRENEUR - CHIEF Make The Switch at Join the

Love's Journey


The Monthly Love’s Journey Reading is intended to provide you with guidance, insight and clarity in your journey of learning, growth and development around all matters related to love, relationships and intimacy. The information is to support you in exploring and understandings particular stages, lessons, opportunities, strategies and choices available, whether past, present or future, around love and relationships.

Eight of Swords

The first card for this month is the Eight of Swords! Now for me the number eight represents abundance, flow, Universe, all that is, nothingness & everything all at the same time. This lady is sitting in the Universal flow, yet it feels like she is holding herself back in the way of what she believes to be true about who she is & what she is meant to be in this world. She is asking you to take a closer look at who it is that you believe you are & are meant to be in the world & to untangle yourself from the stories that are keeping you small or from more freely flowing with love, joy & abundance in all it's forms. She lets you know that you & your dreams are fully protected, stop looking back or over your shoulder wondering what might go wrong & start focusing on the present & what is right and loving NOW!

Queen of Cups With this second card, the Queen of Cups, I am hearing that as you allow yourself to sit fully in your Divine Feminine and flow with your intuition and inner knowing about what brings you the feeling of excitement and joy, you will receive all that you desire this month! I am also being asked to let you know that it is safe for you to be authentic, to soften and open your heart to love, to be the sexy and sassy being that you are (that goes for you men as well). When you are fully in your feminine energy you are nurturing yourself and others, have compassion, acceptance and can be playful and fun all at the same time. The Queen of Cups also brings news of a victor in relationships and with intimacy, letting you know that what you will receive evidence in your physical world this month that what you desire is not only within reach it is already done! Allow yourself to believe, trust and have faith that all is unfolding exactly as it is meant to, for your highest and best good and for the larger picture of your life to be shown to you.

The World

The final card, is The World, which I am hearing is letting you know that there is victory, completion and success throughout this month for you and your partner. As you allow yourselves to open, communicate, trust and be more authentic with each other you are allowing more love to flow freely to you and through you this month. The world also brings you the message that any past obstacles, challenges or suffering in relationships is DONE! Allow the Universe to bring and reflect to you the amazing, wonderful and loving

be-ing that you are. The sun is shining, things have turned around and you will see so much more positive, beautiful and abundant opportunities, people and experiences come into your world now. I am also being asked to remind you that financial concerns can be put to the side as you allow yourself to open to receiving rewards, money and opportunities that will bring you the success that you have been asking for, The World card also reminds you to take time this month to celebrate with those you love, to go on short adventures, to experience life in all of it's glory this month and as you do you too will be rewarded with joy, peace, love and success.

Leanne is available for personal readings to help in all matters relating to love, relationships, intimacy as well as soul mates and twin flame partnerships! You can also order your own set of Love's Journey tarot cards online & have them delivered directly to your door BOOK & ORDER:

Temple Radio Episode 4: Transformation Moving from Stuck to Creative Flow Join Leanne & her guest Carolyn (Author & Community Leader) ONLINE to discuss transforming and moving yourself from feeling stuck to being able to flow with your creativity and feminine essence.


The Tarot card that has been chosen to represents the month of October is: The Tower represents breakthroughs and changes, often dramatic or unexpected changes that occur in our lives. The change can often seem like an upheaval, a challenge or a breakthrough yet it offers us the opportunity to cleanse & let-go or renovate our environment and ourselves completely. Sometimes we can be forced or need to make sudden decisions. This month’s topic is ‘Feminine Essence’: all humans have both feminine and masculine essence in them; one of these is always primary. I feel this combination is focusing on the shift that many people are going through right now and have been for a few months to allow us to cleanse and let-go of the old ways of doing and/or beliefs, including our perception to rebuild and embrace our true-selves. The Tower card is one of the tarot cards that receive a negative reaction because of its imagery. It is very clear and direct; there is no avoiding what’s to come. Yet, the Tower card appears within right timing. The time is right for that dramatic change to take place. Whether the change comes from an

unexpected disaster, a breakthrough, or a total change in your perception it brings with it a life shift. Some say it’s a karmic lesson in love and loss to be revisited. This month The Tower card is here to create the shift that will lead to The Star card that brings with it love, peace and joy. The Star card represents Mother Earth and we must be kind and nurturing to it, including the people that occupy it. We must treat everyone and everything with love – the only way to accomplish this is to bring in more of the feminine essence into our daily lives during the month of October. What is Feminine Essence? Feminine energy/essence is different from Masculine, yet neither is good or bad (unless abused). What we try to achieve is being in balance with our feminine & masculine, keeping in mind you will always have one primary. Our society, humans and our planet have elevated the masculine over the feminine, so these energies are unevenly expressed and our world and their behaviour reflect it. Let’s all embrace and weave our feminine essence into our everyday lives, as this is what brings us joy, beauty and love. Love our planet and each other.

Jo is a professional Psychic & Tarot Reader whose aim is to help other people evolve. Her Tarot Readings offer you guidance, clarity & strategies to keep you moving forward. For personal readings visit:

Alchemy Cards Manifest, Create, Align Thoughts, Actions & Emotions BY LEANNE, THE BAREFOOT MEDIUM WWW.THEBAREFOOTMEDIUM.COM.AU

This month's Alchemy cards, support you in working with the Law of Attraction to support you in manifesting & creating the loving, joyful and successful life you need, want and deserve!

Monthly Affirmation

Use this month's affirmation on a daily basis, to support you in keeping your words and thoughts positive and focused on what is right and good in your world. Remember to breath and stay in the moment so that you are more aware of the words and thoughts you are having and can quickly catch and change those that disempower you or move you away from what you want to thoughts and words that are encouraging, uplifting, supporting, kind and loving. Remember to be your own cheerleader this month as this will allow you to create a new story that you want the Universe to bring to you and manifest in your daily life.

"It is really easy to keep my thoughts and words positive"

Monthly Emotion

This month you are asked to embrace the vibration of “FREEDOM” ..... Allow yourself this month to embrace the complete freedom of who you are, all of it - the good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly, the rich, the poor, this is all part of the loving and amazing person that you are. Those who attempted to hold you back from your path, your purpose and your passion have now moved on and you are free to explore and experience more of the joys that life has to offer with people who will support you, encourage you, have your back and accept you no matter what. Remember, it relationships it is also essential to allow each other the freedom to BE and to LOVE freely in return.

Monthly Action

The Action for the month is “COMPLETE”! As you step into the month of October, the Universe is asking you to complete, finish and close off anything that is unfinished that is important to you moving forward, When you leave projects, opportunities, relationships, emotions or even stories incomplete you are asking the Universe to continue to bring you the people, opportunities or situations you need in order to see them to completion., If you have had a story running that is limiting your potential to manifest and create what you want, then complete it by cutting ties to it and start telling a new story. If you have relationships that you need to complete or move on from, take the action, you will be pleased you did as the Universe will then bring you more of what you want! Also complete any projects you have started that need to be put out into the world.

Book a reading or order your own Alchemy cards online & have them delivered directly to your door - ORDER:


I was truly delighted when I received guidance & several beautiful nudges from Spirit for this month’s Power Animal: Dolphin! I can’t think of a more beautiful & graceful ally for moving us with ease & grace into the deep oceans of Feminine Essence. Dolphin’s awareness & radiance of Being personifies this beautifully! Feminine Essence, symbolizes & embodies for me sensuousness, creativity, playfulness, strength, our psychic abilities [including intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience & clairsentience], hidden, or untapped, abilities. Dolphin epitomizes all that Feminine Essence implies: softness yet strength, flexible & adaptable: literally a powerhouse of wisdom & intuition. Dolphin will literally leap into unchartered waters trusting her intuitive radar to guide her on the best options for her forward journey, health & well-being. Originating from the star systems of Sirius, dolphins, along with whales, hold deep wisdom & knowledge about the stars & are able to circumnavigate the oceans of the world, which symbolize the vast pools of unconscious, intuitive wisdom & knowledge available to those of us who take the time to meditate & work with our higher sensory abilities & creativity. Working collaboratively in family groups (pods), Dolphins understand the strength & wisdom gained when individuals pool their resources & skills for the betterment of all. Like the Grandmothers who watched over the tribes in ancient times, counselling, advising & guiding, so Dolphin shows us how to use our intuitive ‘radar’, our feelings & emotions so that we can traverse our

world with ease, grace & harmony. Dolphin’s gift for surfing the waves of energy, springing up in spins & tail flips shows us how to be adaptable: to let go of seriousness & to actively play. Dolphins understand that work needs to be done to feed the pod, yet they also intuitively understand that play & socializing are equally important for well-being, balance & strength. Like groups of women who gather in circles, pooling their combined expertise, excellent listening skills to hold space for others, so Dolphin shows we modern folk the strength & empowerment to be found in these aspects of Feminine Essence. Dolphins are creative and inventive. They are able to teach themselves & their pod new ways of working collaboratively to herd fish for food & to create bubble nets which ‘hold’ their prey so that all can benefit. Dolphins also teach us about the power of sacred breathwork – enables us to breathe the sacred into our work & lives, with the breathing empowering both hemispheres of our brains to work synergistically, helping to develop the ability to see beyond the rational or obvious. Gift yourself time to sit with Dolphin & breathe in the Essence of Feminine flexibility & sensuousness, allowing yourself to dive into the pool of your inner wisdom & tap into those new levels of awareness then apply them to your life – because you’re worth it! Lynn Solang Smith, BCA, Grad Dip Ed, Cert Holistic Counselling, Dip Body Psychotherapy, Munay-ki Rites teacher, Intuitive Shaman Website: Email:

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Psychic Development: Basics of Working with Spirit This book provides an in-depth understanding of the fundamental skills & techniques to begin working with energy & Spirit. Filled with practical easy to follow strategies for grounding, protecting, balancing & cleansing as well as establishing spiritual boundaries for those who see, hear, feel & know.

Psychic Development: Divination Tools & Techniques This book provides you with easy, simple & practical techniques you can use to understand your intuition as well as techniques to support you in getting fully connected to your intuition, inner knowing & ‘gut feeling’so you can receive guidance to help you in your everyday life as well as develop your psychic abilities to read for others.

Psychic Development: Reading the Tarot Intuitively Are you feeling the pull to expand your intuition and psychic abilities? Want to learn to read the Tarot, a simple and easy language for communicating and connecting to Spirit? Check out this new book & learn how to read the Tarot intuitively for yourself and others. ORDER: ORDERS:

Shifting your Sh*t To Achieve Your Dreams

Do you feel like you are stuck, struggling, fighting or working hard and not progressing towards your goals or experiencing what you want in life?, Then this Shifting your Sh*t Workbook will empower & support you to discover, shift & transform your life! ORDERS:

Mystic Shaman Course Looking for a course which supports, encourages & enables your personal & spiritual growth this Mystic Shaman course is for you! It’s specifically designed for those who are really committed to their personal growth & evolving spiritual awareness. It is structured in a multilayered way incorporating mystic shamanic & spiritual principles using practices which enable the dedicated student to develop personally relevant tools and techniques for selfempowerment.

Temple TV - Free Monthly Join Leanne, The Barefoot Medium for Temple TV each month for Temple TV LIVE on facebook Live 6pm US EDT time first Friday of the month (8am Sat Aust EST) Receive access to knowledge, wisdom, minireadings and guidance to support you to transform, grow and connect in your everyday life!

Temple Radio- Free Monthly Tune into Temple Radio each month with Leanne, The Barefoot Medium & and other leaders, transformers, spiritual advocates & experts Receive spiritual insights, wisdom, practical tips, on air psychic & mediumship readings, guidance & clarity to support you in your everyday life,

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