The Temple Magazine (7) Manifesting May 2017

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Connect, transform & grow through Love, Soul & Spirit

MAY 2017 - ISSUE 7


Articles PLUS monthly Tarot, Power Animal, Affirmations & Actions, & much more

About The Temple The Temple is a free monthly Magazine published electronically by Leanne, The Barefoot Medium for subscribers containing articles, affirmations, tips, tools, guidance & interviews with experts, conscious practitioners, advocates & leaders in their field to support you in your journey of connection, transformation and growth through Love, Soul and Spirit. Proudly sponsored by: Lightworker Reflections & ‘Enlightened Conversations’

Obstacles: Universal Sign Posts


Now I am sure that each and every one of you has heard of The Law of Attraction, right? This law basically suggests that you create your own reality by attracting into your life situations, relationships, events and circumstances based on the energy (thoughts, emotions and actions) you put out into the Universe (whether consciously or unconsciously) in order to manifest your goals and desires. Each new day brings with it the opportunity for you to spend time and energy focusing on your intentions (goals and desires) in order to attract and bring in what it is that you want, whether it is a new home, more clients, financial abundance, better health, career opportunities, a loving relationship, more romance and intimacy etc. You begin working with the Law of

Attraction by setting an intention, setting goals and asking the Universe to help you manifest your dreams. You must become consciously aware of what you are asking the Universe to make happen and support you in creating within your life. You ask the Universe for help and support whether you are aware of it or not through your thoughts, the way you feel or by taking action steps towards bringing your desires into your physical world. Your role, once your intentions have been set, is to let go, gather and maintain positive energies (thoughts, emotions and actions) in order to remain in alignment and trust fully in them so that the Universe has no choice but to fully support and reward you for this. However, it is when you are out of alignment with your intentions, whether through negative thoughts,

fears, doubts, emotions or actions which oppose your original intentions, that the Universe will show you evidence of this, usually by presenting you with obstacles and challenges. These challenges and obstacles, whether through people, events or experiences, are what I like to call Universal sign posts that have been (consciously or unconsciously) placed along your path for a purpose. Their purpose is to help you recognise and understand where you may be out of alignment (thoughts, emotions or actions) with your original intentions so that you can transform, change and shift them and create the space necessary for your desires to flow into your physical reality quickly and easily. If you are currently experiencing obstacles or challenges, here are some practical tips to help you to start recognising where these sign posts were created so that you can begin making changes and start fulfilling your heart desires: Take 5 minutes at the beginning of your day to write in a Journal what thoughts, emotions and actions you intend to take towards your goal Carry a small note book with you and record any negative thoughts and words you may be using throughout the day Observe and allow yourself to feel any emotions that come to the surface, whether positive or negative

Be aware of what actions, decisions and choices you are making throughout the day and whether they are moving you toward or away from what you desire At the end of the day sit down with your Journal and reflect on what it is you have created throughout the day Take responsibility for and choose to change any thoughts, emotions and actions necessary to get you to where you want to be Once you begin to see any obstacles and challenges you are being presented with as Universal sign posts back to your thoughts, emotions or actions, you can quickly and easily shift them back into alignment and create the space necessary for the Universe to weave its magic!

Leanne, The Barefoot Medium is an International Medium, Trance Channel, Psychic Detective, Twin Flame Connector, Spiritual Teacher

Manifesting Mediumship: Sitting In The Power BY RYAN MATTHEWS

Hi my name is Ryan Matthews and I am a demonstrating medium who is passionate about my craft. I have decided to share this simple sitting in the power meditation to help those people who have the gift but do not really know how to start developing it. Mediums are born and not made. Mediumship is an expression of one’s soul. It is a part of your makeup. We have to learn to dig deep when we are doing mediumship, because it is within you. It is woven into the very essence of your own soul. Being able to connect to spirit is a very great gift. It can manifest at any point in life. There are two ways that mediumship

can manifest within people. The first is where a person sits on a regular basis and connects to the spirit within, and by doing this you are also connecting to the spirit world, because the spirit lives within you, and all around you. In order to access your mediumship, you have to access the depths of your own soul, to find the spirit within. Sitting on a regular basis and connecting to your own spirit achieves this. The second way is where someone has had hardship. This can be through illness, death, breakups, life issues etc. It has to be severe enough to make you hit rockbottom. It is only when we

are at this place, we can find strength from something within, which of course is when everything else is  stripped away, the only thing you have left is your soul and the spirit that gives you life. This exercise is a process you can use to connect to the spirit world. I would recommend doing this daily or as often as you can manage. It will allow for an easier connection to the spirit world. The whole meditation should ideally last 20-45 minutes. During the meditation its important not to ask for communication, but just to experience being in the power. 1. Focus on your breath. 2. Notice the rhythm, mood and feeling of your breath- this opens your awareness. 3. When you start to feel settled, take your awareness through the top of your head and lift up and out. With each breath you lift higher and higher. 4. Don’t try and force anything, just let it happen naturally. You are already a medium, which means that you have the ability to easily do this without effort.

5. You should notice a different sensation in and around you compared to your normal day-today feeling. If you are struggling to notice anything then this is because you are trying too hard, or you are lacking the belief in your own abilities. With anything in life practice, patience, and persistence.

Ryan Matthews is a Platform Medium and Spiritual Teacher from Bristol, United Kingdom

Manifesting 101

BY JULYE-AMBER RZOSKA What is manifesting? Manifesting is creating what you want with thoughts, feelings, self worth/belief, intent/ action, gratitude and love. states sooner rather than later. With We are all able to manifest, we do it manifesting money be clear on what every day through the choices we you want it for and ask to receive make. Usually though, we do it from expected and unexpected haphazardly with our subconscious and sources. conscious minds based on our beliefs (including limiting beliefs) and life Choose the essential aspects and experiences. leave it to the Universe/God/Source To manifest, there are key ingredients which are required:

Thought It begins with thought. What is it that you want? What do you desire? A new home, a new car, a career/new employer, a new partner, money etc. Pick the one that is the most important for you to start with. Be clear about the main aspects of what it is you want. Remember to focus on what you do want, not what you don’t want. So flip all what you don’t want to the positive version of it For example: I don’t want my new home on a busy road, you flip it to, my new home is on a quiet street/quiet area. Write in the present tense, it

(insert your belief system) to add extra details they want you to have for your highest good. Don’t limit yourself on what you want to manifest ... they may have grander plans. Leave the ‘how is it going to happen’ out of the process for what you want to manifest. The ‘how’ is very limiting and you could be stopping your desire reaching you in a quicker and easier way, that you hadn’t thought of.

Feelings Feelings are important; they bring your thoughts to life. How will you feel when what you manifested has arrived? Connect to that

excitement and happiness; those feelings help you connect your thoughts to what you desire. The more you feel, the stronger the connection and the more you believe it is on its way. Drop into your feelings often and believe.

Self Worth/Belief Feelings can also bring up resistance to manifesting through lack of self worth, self doubt and limiting beliefs. These will hinder the manifesting, so work on these by clearing the blocks, develop faith in yourself and believe wholeheartedly that you deserve what you want because you ARE worth it. Instead of “When I manifest what I want, I will be happy”, the focus should be “When I am happy, I will attract what I want to manifest.” Spending time doing what you love/makes you happy will raise your vibration and feelings of self worth. When you feel good, you attract more into your life. This is your time to shine.

Intent/Action Intent shows commitment. Commitment leads to action. Manifesting is not about sitting back, doing nothing, while expecting something to suddenly appear, it is about being proactive and taking certain steps to achieve.

Gratitude and Love Gratitude and love are powerful energies and high vibrations and place you in vibrational alignment with what you want to manifest. Be grateful for what you currently have in your life and in advance for what you want to bring in ... and be ready to receive with arms wide open.

Julye-Amber Rzoska Psychic Medium, Reiki Master, Intuitive Energy Healings, Psychometry, Chakra Clearing and Balancing


Hard or Easy Path? BY BELINDA EVANS

Though doing things the right way doesn't always mean you have to do things the hard way.... a lot of us have been conditioned to believe that we need to work hard to get what we want in life so we automatically look at the hard way of doing everything. Now, doing things the hard way can be one of the biggest obstacles and blocks to manifesting what you want. We learn these behaviours from key influences in our lives however, those key influences are only repeating behaviours that they have learnt from key influences in their lives. Therefore, since that is so ingrained into us we completely overlook the fact that there might be an easier or smarter way to get the same outcome.... until you make a choice to want to do things differently. It's just a behaviour... you can change behaviours if you really want to.

How many of you have said 'there's gotta be an easier way?' ...... What if there is?? No seriously... What if there IS but you are so stuck on doing things the hard way that you don't even see it?? How about you take some time to do some breathing exercises, be grateful for the learnings that have got you to where you are today, offer forgiveness where required and shift your focus by making a conscious choice to do things the easier way from now on. Be present and really focused on that intention then you'll notice a shift. It will take practice and focused intention because you would essentially be shifting a long held belief yet it is completely possible.... I've done it! Though I do notice myself falling back into old patterns sometimes and get a kick up the butt for it. I'm only human too....

You have got your own personal cheer squad 'upstairs' (Spirit, Universe, God) and it is as easy as putting out there 'show me the easy way' or 'give me the understanding I need to do this easier', word it however you like. It is the intention that is important. Be open and willing to flow through life with ease and grace. You've got this!

Belinda Evans From Chilled & Tranquil is intuitive and grounded Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Medium, Skin & Body Therapist and Personal & Business Coach Website: Facebook:

Power Animal Message

This month the featured power animal is the black panther. Panther medicine is a little bit special, as its one of the only animals in shamanism that can travel between the worlds; and is often used when extra help is needed to recover lost soul fragments. Panther often comes in or shows up when we are in need of reconnecting with our passion or when we are transitioning into more of a leadership role. Panther's guidance is to encourage us to let go of old aspects of self so we can live closer to our truth. Panther also encourages us to step into a leadership role and to REALLY know our selves, to follow our purpose even when we are challenged. My personal experience with Panther in soul retrieval sessions, and on a personal level, is it always shows up when our shadow side is surfacing and it needs attention. The message from Panther is to not ignore what is coming up, instead embrace the journey and the evolution opportunity available -which if you take it - will totally transform your life. Panther is also associated with feminine power as well as releasing fear of the dark / unknown to enter into deep levels of consciousness. If Panther has appeared to you in your dreams or physical reality it is the time to let go of your old self so you can shift into your full power and reignite your passion. By Claire Kelly Shamanic Practitioner,

Love's Journey


This Month's Love’s Journey Reading is intended to provide you with guidance, insight and clarity in your journey of learning, growth and development around all matters related to love, relationships and intimacy. The information is to support you in exploring and understandings particular stages, lessons, opportunities, strategies and choices available, whether past, present or future, around love and relationships.

Nine of Pentacles The first card for this month is the Nine of Pentacles. This stunning woman who is confident, graceful and standing in her strength also has a soft, nurturing and loving side to her. She is inviting you to look firstly at your relationships and where it is that you feel confident, where you may need to stand more in your strength, speak your truth and allow yourself to be more loving, kind and compassionate with yourself and others this month. She asks you to stand up straight, put your hands on your hips and embrace and allow your confidence, which already exists within you, to flow out into the world and be reflected back

to you. The Nine of Pentacles asks that you put a stop to anything that does not allow you to thrive and blossom in areas related to love and relationships and to be more generous and giving of your affection and attention whether with yourself, your partner or others in your life.

The Hierophant The second card, The Hierophant, suggests that it is time to get into your inner sacred space, connect with your heart, get out of your logical mind this month as you begin to get back on track with your relationships and start connecting with your partner, family and friends in more serene ways. There is also a reminder with the Hierophant that all relationships come into your life to teach you something about yourself…if you have been experiencing challenges in relationships, look at what it is that you are being asked to learn and understand about the experience. If you are struggling to find inner peace or solutions, then remember to breath, pause, get back into your heart and ask for help if needed – it is a strength to allow yourself to be vulnerable. No matter what this month, find your connection to your heart and ask yourself “What would love do?”.

The World With The World card, you are being shown that your positive focus on your wants, needs and desires around all things love, relationships, intimacy, romance and connect with others will be successful. The saying ‘what you give out is what you receive back’, is important to remember this month as well as allowing yourself the time, energy and space for the

Universe, Spirit, your partner and others to bring you what you are asking for. I feel that there is a time coming this month where you will be able to stand tall in all your amazing light and truly see how much you have achieved as well as how truly loved and valued you are. Allow yourself to be showered with love, affection and happiness this month as you open to receiving knowing you are worthy and ready to have it ALL! Leanne is available for personal readings to help in all matters relating to love, relationships, intimacy as well as soul mates and twin flame partnerships! You can also order your own set of Love's Journey tarot cards online & have them delivered directly to your door BOOK & ORDER:

Temple Tv - Free Online Shows Launching Temple TV program in May 2017, with three (3) shows each month: Spirit Show: 6th May @8am AEST Love Show: 13th May @8am AEST Manifesting Show: 20th May @8am AEST Watch on facebook & receive FREE wisdom, tools, techniques as well as mini-readings & guidance to support you to transform, grow and connect in your everyday lives.


MAY 2017 In Tarot Card Meanings and symbolism, the Number 5 is associated with ‘The Hierophant Card and it’s meaning is; a period for action and change, a turning point in one’s life, values, structure and tradition. The Hierophant can be a teacher, mentor or advisor who comes into your life for a reason. It can also represent a group, company or place that follows traditional teachings. Another Major Arcana card that adds to a 5 is The Temperance and her message is to ‘transform with patients’ and she reminds us about the lesson in responsibility & right action. Key words are; Learning, moderation, and bringing balance & harmony into your life. These two Major Arcana Cards have underlying messages for the month of May and as most cards are reversed it is stating that most of this month is going to experienced from ‘within’. This month is about thy self. A time in your life where you are ready to change old habits, old beliefs, old patterns and start fresh. Are you really ready to let go of your past regrets, move forward and truly step into the person you want to be. This month offers you the opportunity to reflect on personal growth and to wipe the slate clean with one full moon on the 10th and a new moon on the 26th.

1-7TH MAY 2017 The Ace of Cups is about feeling loved, secure and protected. Compassion and creativity are high. It’s easy to slip into overwhelm this week. Remain grounded and focussed on your goals. Your heart is full and there’s a fresh new start on the horizon. Someone close to you offers a helping hand. The card that’s crossing you is The Hierophant (reversed). This being the Card for the month of May and is about action & change - in reverse is highlighting that inner conflict & restrictions, not wanting to move forward/change or challenging the ‘Status Quo’.

8-14TH MAY 2017 The Moon (reversed) for this week is in perfect timing with the New Moon on the 10th, which is all about new beginnings and a time for things to blossom after lying dormant for many months. This is considered the best time to plant, start new or to begin, as this full moon is a time for blooming. It’s a time for love, passion, hope, birth, unity, growth, connection and inspiration. It’s a perfect time to do anything with passion and intent. Your emotions will be increased so ensure you use them for good not evil. Jealousy, revenge could be on your mind so remain calm and collected at all times and instead, use your increased emotional strengths & intuition to overcome any challenges or inner conflict. You now have the opportunity to wipe the slate clean, start fresh with faith & hope. The card that’s crossing you is the 6 of Wands (reversed). You could be perceiving yourself to be a failure, lack progress and this thought pattern can have an impact on your selfesteem and confidence – instead; look at how far you have come & what you have achieved. Use the powerful energies from the new moon this week to manifest what you need.

15-21ST MAY 2017 The 5 of Pentacles tarot card suggest your thoughts could be around finances and lack of. Are you dealing with past regrets? This could be about financial loss, worry, insecurities, hardship and feeling unworthy. Your mind wanders to your past regrets, your choices and what it’s cost you emotionally, financially, physically and spiritually. The card that’s crossing you is the 3 of Pentacles (reversed) is about not wanting advice, a disregard for skills and/or a lack of teamwork. Look past this and remember the card for this month is The Hierophant and he is all about mentoring, teaching and advising. All you need to do is ask for help?

22-28TH MAY 2017 This week’s card is The World card reversed: In timing with the New Moon on the 26th which signifies a time to reflect on personal growth we have The World card and that is about culmination of self-expression, closure, completion and accomplishments. Have you achieved closure? The card that’s crossing you is The Hanged Man and he’s here to tell you to stop to pause, be patient, let go of what doesn’t serve you to find greater clarity. Being reversed reveals that you could be feeling this way because of past indecisions, delays or not living in the now.

22-30TH APRIL 2017 The Tower card is revealed for the final week of May and this card is all about breakthroughs, dramatic changes and a life shift. This is your week to turn your inner thoughts from lack to abundance. You have the opportunity for a total change in your perception – manifest your destiny. You will no longer feel restricted by your past beliefs as you break

free and realise that your life is full of hope, renewal, faith & trust. The sun will shine again and the stars will sparkle in the night’s sky. You are on the verge of a personal transformation. The card that’s crossing you is The High Priestess (reversed) and I am here to tell you to start listening to your own inner voice, that positive little voice that always guides you and don’t give in to fear. Instead; TRUST your gut feelings, give birth to insight and ideas. Your psychic abilities in the month of May will be heightened; your awareness, senses and intuition are peaking. This is the month for TRANSFORMATIONS.

Jo is a professional Psychic & Tarot Reader whose aim is to help other people evolve. Her Tarot Readings offer you guidance, clarity & strategies to keep you moving forward. For personal readings visit:

Alchemy Cards Manifest, Create, Align Thoughts, Actions & Emotions BY LEANNE, THE BAREFOOT MEDIUM WWW.THEBAREFOOTMEDIUM.COM.AU

This month's Alchemy cards, support you in working with the Law of Attraction to create the loving, joyful and successful life you need, want and deserve! Use these three cards on their own or in combination to start transforming your words, thoughts, beliefs, emotions and take the actions necessary to move you forwards!

Monthly Affirmation Use this months positive affirmation on a daily basis to support you in following through, committing to manifesting your desires, asking for what you want, making changes, transforming, taking the steps, choosing opportunities and embracing the relationships that bring love, joy and success into your life. "I am willing to speak up & ask for what I need, want & desire"

Monthly Emotion

The Emotion of "ECSTASY" is what you are asked to allow yourself to embrace vibrationally this month. As you move through the month be aware of the people, places and experiences in your life that bring with it a feeling of ecstasy. If you are not consciously aware of what this is for you, then ask yourself what does ecstasy look like, feel like, sound like, taste like and smell like for me? If you need help to move into alignment with this, ask the Universe to bring you situations, experiences and people that allow you to embrace this emotion this month.

Monthly Action

Your Action for the month of May is to “GIVE LOVE”! As you move through each day ask yourself how it is you need to give yourself love and care first, then ask how it is that you can give love to your partner, family, friends and others in your life. It is also important to become aware of how it is that you like to give love, is it through physical touch, massage, sexual pleasure, compliments, telling someone you love them, gifts and special items with meaning, spending time with people, talking, laughing, having fun, playing or even just sitting relaxing watching a movie. Remember, you must be willing to give what it is that you wish to receive.

Book a reading or order your own Alchemy cards online & have them delivered directly to your door - ORDER:

Services & Development Opportunities Mediumship & Psychic Readings Reconnect with loved ones in Spirit, gain clarity, wisdom & guidance, understand your spiritual abilities & support with decision making DETAILS & BOOKINGS online:

Hypnotherapy Need help with Weight Management, Fears & Phobias, Smoking, Beliefs, Behaviours, Habits & Patterns? Book a full program or individual sessions with Belinda today!

Temple TV - Free Online Shows Join Leanne, The Barefoot Medium for Temple TV starting this month on Facebook Spirit Show: 6th May @8am AEST Love Show: 13th May @8am AEST Manifesting Show: 20th May @8am AEST Receive access to knowledge, wisdom, minireadings and guidance to support you to transform, grow and connect in your everyday life!

Lotus Program Are ready for complete transformation? Sign-up Now!

Soul Manifesting Programs Focus on your goals, intentions & desires so that you can manifest & consciously create positive lasting change in your life, moving you from where you are now to where it is that you want to be with individual support to get you into alignment and allow you to experience all that your soul desires to achieve in this life. DETAILS & BOOKINGS online:

Psychic & Mediumship Development Courses For those interested in learning to connect to Spirit & create strong foundations to develop your mediumship, knowing how you work & the best way to connect with Spirit. Check out the Level 1: Foundations of Mediumship course MORE DETAILS:

Psychic Development: Basics of Working with Spirit

This book provides an in-depth understanding of the fundamental skills & techniques to begin working with energy & Spirit. Filled with practical easy to follow strategies for grounding, protecting, balancing & cleansing as well as establishing spiritual boundaries for those who see, hear, feel & know. ORDER:

Shifting your Sh*t To Achieve Your Dreams feel like you are stuck, struggling, fighting or working hard and not progressing towards your goals or experiencing what you want in life, then this Shifting your Sh*t Workbook will empower & support you to discover, shift & transform your life! ORDERS:

Embracing Your Sexuality Check out Episode 2, Season 2, of Enlightened Conversation with Leanne, The Barefoot Medium on Soul Alignment & Manifesting

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Magazine Contributions We welcome article contributions from experts in their field, conscious practitioners, advocates, leaders & spiritual advisors, to support readers in their personal and spiritual transformation, growth and expansion around Love, Soul and Spirit. DETAILS:

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