The Theban: the family issue

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The Theban The Family Issue

Vol. 2, Issue 16

The Theban |Contents

Cover: A Classical Landscape with a view of Colonus, the Eumenides temple on Mount Citheron, Oedipus and his daughter Antigone. By Pierre Henri De Valenciennes (1790-91, oil on canvas, 71.5 X 100cm).

03 EDITORIAL 08 OEDIPUS the solver 09 ANTIGONE modern woman

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11 Jocasta the demise 12 POLYNEICES & ETEOCLES the sibling rivalry

The Theban |Editorial


The Theban seeks to exhibit characters of Greek tragedy and mythology with an essence of modernity. Due to their ongoing influence in our cultural sphere it is necessary to explore and showcase Greek tragedy with a contemporary backdrop. We often forget the legacy of Greek mythology upon our society. Laying the foundations for western civilisation, guiding thought in literature and inspiring art. The role of The Theban is to reawaken audience’s perception of Greek mythology and tragedy and demonstrate their modern components.

Oedipus and the Sphinx By Gustave Moreau (1864, oil on canvas, 206.4 X 104.8cm)

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Illustration for "Seven Chiefs Against Thebes" (recto); Studies of Figures (verso) By John Flaxman (ca. 1794, pen and black ink, graphite, 20.3 X 40.3cm)

Photographer: Thomas Aurin. From recent production of Oedipus Rex by Key Production.

The House of Oedipus

Louis Bouwmeester as Oedipus in a Dutch Production of Oedipus the King (ca. 1896).

The Theban |Oedipus

Oedipus The Solver The uncanny talent of Oedipus is his brains. His knowledge and quest for the truth makes him the modern man we all should strive for.

Greek Genealogical Society, he has begun a crusade to encourage the youth in studying and uncovering their personal genealogy.

In contemporary society Oedipus embodies the twentieth century individual. He is characterised as educated, has sustained perseverance for the truth and use of intellect over physical action. His quick wit and unquestionable intelligence fashions Oedipus as the ideal man.

Oedipus explored the value of clarifying the family history. Solving the riddles of personal ancestry, this new type of knowledge in his eyes provides a more valuable component for forming the individual, “it is our past that determines our future” Oedipus said in a recent interview. Minus education the human being has little method to develop or advance in a civilisation that values and requires a high level of intellect.

Our society has identified the value of education and has strived to enlighten the upcoming generations. Oedipus epitomises the power of education and knowledge as an ability more valuable and resourceful than brawn. In a recent interview, Oedipus discusses his journey to Delphi after having a crisis of identity. In this recent hiatus Oedipus rediscovered his past. As a newly formed member of the

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The other aspect of education that Oedipus has begun to endorse is thinking outside the square. By using lateral thinking, new and interesting solutions have come to light. By solving the unanswerable riddles of society Oedipus proposes the possibility to answer the issues of civilisation,

yielding a progressive opportunity. For Oedipus the principal is based upon the idea that “if multiple people are asked a challenging question, there is a possibility that someone may have the answer”. Oedipus deems it “as our responsibility to develop the minds”, by promoting a variety of different educational outputs there is a greater ability to foster this problem solving thinking necessary in our society. Perpetually overlooked by society, Oedipus has begun to erupt onto the scene. Sparking interest in education, family heritage and problem solving he has re-established the value of education in two different spheres. By ancestral knowledge and problem solving Oedipus values a variety of dissimilar educational spheres that have created diversity in his intellect. Oedipus, the modern man and intellect, the solver.

The Theban |Antigone

Antigone The Modern Woman In our contemporary society feminism and the rise of Woman’s rights has revolutionised our political, cultural and economic spheres of the community. Antigone is an up and coming leader of this feminist and social revolution. Her defiance against her uncle Creon and commitment to follow her beliefs marks her as a individual leader of the future, inspiring younger generations. Autocracy is a heavily masculine dominated structure of society, but this will not stop Antigone. By rebelling and protesting she has begun to rupture the system in her personal act of civil disobedience. One of the rising leaders in the Feminist revolution, her attitude towards the ruling masculine system echoes

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previous generations attempts at reforming the organisation. In speaking to Antigone, she informed us that she was not going to follow in the foot steps of previous feminists but rather seeks to demand equality for everyone and challenge the governing system. Antigone's main target is Creon, who is a personification of the injustice of the system, describing that tyrants have a “ruthless power to do and say whatever pleases them”. She begins her protest against the ruling power by demanding the equality in death rites. Haemon, Antigone’s fiancé, reports to her that Creon remarked “better to fall from power, if fall we must, at the hands of a man - never be rated inferior to a woman, never”. The subversive

manner of the society threatens the opportunities for the females. It was this prevailing attitude that ignited Antigone’s cause. Her actions of courage and fearlessness aid in her conviction for the pursuit of the truth, rebelling against the sexism of society. Antigone explained that she was willing to die for her cause of equality. She goes beyond the typical call of the feminist for gender equality as she fights for justice, love and truth. In the eyes of Antigone, she struggles with social doctrines of society. Through her continued acts of civil disobedience, she will not be suffocated by its constraints. Antigone is the modern heroine and woman.

Emily Milledge in Antigone

The Theban |Jocasta

Jocasta The Demise After years of hiding the truth behind Jocasta’s terrible demise the House of Oedipus opens up. Her death has been closely followed by members of Greek society. This caring mother’s suicide came as a shock and now through a close family relation the psychological state of Jocasta is brought into the light. The suicide of Jocasta shocked the world. One source states the events of the night were “once she’d broken in through the gates, dashing past us, frantic, whipping to duty, ripping her hair out with both hands- straight to her rooms she rushed, flinging herself across the bridal-bed, doors slamming behind her”. After this she wailed for her previous husband Lauis. From this evidence many speculate that Jocasta was

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still experiencing grief from her first husband’s death. Claiming that it is a true credit to the love that was shared between Jocasta and Lauis. However, after The Theban’s investigation into the matter more evidence arose. One of which suggests that “she wept, mourning the marriage-bed where she let loose that double brood -monsters- husband by her husband, children by her child”. Undoubtably following this revelation Jocasta hanged herself. The sight was gruesome. Talking with one of the house maids she described the event in which “we saw the woman hanging by the neck, cradled high in a woven noose, spinning, swinging back and forth. And when he saw her, giving a low wrenching sob that broke our hearts, slipping the halter from her throat, he eased her down in a slow embrace he laid her down, poor thing…” The suicide of Jocasta horrified the world. Now with new evidence, the psychological state of Jocasta and the events that preceded her death are brought into the public’s grasp. In addressing Jocasta’s suicide, it is important to mention that there are suicide hotlines available. Call 13 11 14 (Australia).

The Theban |Polyneices & Eteocles

Polyneices & Eteocles Sibling Rivalry The competition between siblings is normally intense, add in a crown and kingship and you have a new kind of disaster. Sons and heirs of Oedipus, Polyneices and Eteocles have a complex relationship. After the expelling of Oedipus, it was believed that the two sons would jointly rule Thebes peacefully. Regardless of this hope, strains are evident in this new ruling body. On a recent trip to see Oedipus, Polyneices recounted his expressed concern for his chance at being crowned King of Thebes, “I am an outcast 12 | The Theban

driven from our fatherland”. He professed that as the eldest born “I have the right to sit upon your throne with all your powers”. This tension is not uncommon in the title gentry. For centuries and centuries to come, usurping will be a common factor in the passing on of this ordained position. Speaking to Polyneices, he exclaimed that his brother Eteocles “won out, not by force of argument, not by coming to grips in a test of strength, no, he bribed the people to this side”. Corruption now seems to be spreading throughout the kingdom of Thebes. Currently, corruption is

also a disease that dispersing in the global politics with the help of populism. In places such as the United States of America, political dominance was secured in methods mimicking the ancient counter-part. With hindsight, the notion of split ruling of Thebes would not have been chosen as the correct method in passing on the title. With the rise of new Athenian democracy in kingdoms such as Thebes, this conflict between the heirs will be eradicated. Although the gentry is a pleasing thought of civilisation, the tension it creates is unnecessary.


I do not own any of the material from this publication. This magazine was produced for an assignment in the unit Myths of Greeks and Romans: Story, History and Reinvention

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