our m i s s i on Thread is just a tool. It’s nothing special, and it can’t do much on its own. But oh boy what it can accomplish when paired up with the right material and a little creativity. This little project is a humble attempt to explore our city and its peoples. Finding those interesting materials that make up our communities, that creativity which provokes, instigates, and inspires. We want to tie it all together and see what happens. We want to ask around and see what’s up. If something is happening that people should know about, we want to make sure they do If something isn’t happening that should be, we want to help make it happen We want most of all to hear from you! What are you up to? What are you seeing? What are you doing? What are you thinking? What is life like out there, and how can we all share in it? Help give us a chance to tie it all
together, and let’s see what can happen.
c on t ac t : t h et h r ead s fl d @ g m ai l on l i n e at fac eb ook. c om /t h et h r ead s fl d & i s s u. c om /t h et h r ead s fl d
wants to help promote art and artists. doers and thinkers. Spokes 'n' Folks bike coop soon open for bike mondays Thread Zine Library come by 6/7 (79pm) for our zine read and discussion (theme is ecozines but you can read whatever) visit anytime you're at HH music shows: 6/4:Texarkana Takeover: Joe Gorgeous, The Rios, Paddlefish, and MOUTON 6/9:Get Off Your Butt: Migraine, The Reacharounds, Out of Step, and Buff Lamb 6/26:Cake Walk BDay Bash:The Way Out, Black Lamb Sessions, Gigantic, Inferni, Hot Missoury find us online or in person, ask us questions if you want! 1836 N. Weller facebook.com/harvesthouse417 @harvesthouse417 harvesthouse417@gmail.com
A Q&A w/ Rainbow Rag editor Brian Madison The Rainbow Rag is a great zine you can find almost everywhere. We found it distributing the thread, and have kept up since. Each new issue brings new directions and spotlights, and it has been wonderful to watch the project develop. We met Brian a few months ago at one of our Zine Jams, and asked him to do a Q and A with us! 1)What should people know about the Rainbow Rag?
The Rainbow Rag began publication in December 201 5. It is a publication designed to Promote, Assist, and Educate the LGBT Community. I strive to help the community by advertising events, promoting businesses, and writing good articles to read with educational value.
2) Why is it worth doing for you? / What role do you see it filling in our community?
From day one, my goal was/is for the magazine to be a SERVICE to the LGBT community.- again to Promote events, businesses, and to educate. 3) Who contributes / who supports it? Supporters are both advertisers and patrons who pick up the magazine each month to read. Advertising space that I sell is the only revenue to keep it going. NO ADVERTISERS= NO PUBLISHING. 4)Where can people find copies of it / more info? Anyone may pick up copies at any of the 5 in town Greene Co. public libraries, Coffee Ethic, Mudhouse, Sister's In Thyme, Salon BaDazz, Lilith's Lair, Romantix, XSpot, The Mix UltraLoounge, Touche, Martha's Vineyard, and GLO Center. The magazine also goes out to West Plains, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Wichita, Eureka Springs, Kansas city, and St. Louis. To subscribe, Call 41 7-61 6-4772 or email: RainbowRagMag@gmail.com 5)What has been your proudest moment as a publisher?
Always happy to promote our community in any way.
6)What are your hopes for the future of the project?
I hope to not have to always devote so much time asking businesses for money to advertise. The publishing cost is always my concern. I guess I hope to not have to worry about finances. 7)Any additional thoughts things we missed?
I would like to hear from READERS... call, text, or EMAIL!!! Ask the editor a question. Make a suggestion of an article, ASK ETHYL a question. Please LIKE the magazine at Rainbow RAG- Magazine on Facebook.
C om m un i t y/B ei n g Tuesday Night Game Night (7pm @ Games, Comics, Etc...every tuesday) Theology Talk in the Tasting Room! (5:30 Every Wed. @ Mothers Brewing) Thursday Night Game Night (7pm @ Metagames Unlimited...every thursday) City Council Meeting (6:30 @ City Hall...second and fourth monday each month) Upcycle to make a Difference (2pm @Park Central Library...every saturday) Get Hooked on Loom Knitting (4pm @ Midtown Library...tuesdays) OTC Equality (every 1 st, 3rd, and 4th Friday 1 pm @ the Creative Services Building) Springfield Contra Dances (1 st & 3rd Saturday @ Doling park $6) 6/2 Milsap Pizza Ride (5-8pm @ Milsap Farms (starts at elfindale center (pre-register online))) 6/4 National Trails Day (8:30-1 2 @ South Creek & Wilson’s Creek Greenways) 6/4 Rock & Gem Fair (9am-4:30pm @ the Missouri Institute of Natural Science) 6/4 Dirt Day (1 0-2 @ Lafayette Park) 6/4 Coffee & Cars (1 0-1 @ 41 7 cars) 6/4 Juneteenth Celebration (1 -4pm @ Midtown Library) 6/5 7C’s Pirate Faire (2-6pm @ 7C’s) 6/1 0 Geocaching 1 01 (7-9pm @ Library Station) 6/1 0-11 Junebug Jamboree (vw carshow) @ The Groove 6/11 River Jam...On The Finley (w/ James River Basin Partnership 2-1 0 @ Finley River Park...$5) 6/11 Picnic in the Park (6pm @ Doling Park) 6/11 Love Your Pet Day (9-2pm @ C-Street) 6/11 Dr. Who Quiz Night (5-7pm @ London Calling Pasty Co.) 6/1 8 Old-Time Know-How: ‘good bugs’ (3pm @ Library Station) 6/1 8 Roller Girls Dbl Header (5pm @ Shriner MosqueJ$1 0) 6/1 8 Ozarks Pridefest (All day downtown) 6/24 Hot Air Balloon Glow (9-1 0pm @ Finley River Park (ozark)) 6/25 Street Fair Fundraiser for Route 66 Pet Rescue (1 0-5pm @ 1 325 E. Trafficway) 6/25 Willard Freedom Fest (all day @ Willard parks)
6/11 The Champions film screening (to benefit C ool M ovi es C.A.R.E) (5:30pm @ White River BrewingJ$1 0) 6/1 8,1 9 Mondo Moxie presents: Tremors (1 0:30pm & 6pm @ The Moxie...$5) 6/25,26 Trapped (1 , 6pm @ The Moxie (panel discussion on abortion legality after Saturday's screening)
C r eat i n g /Ar t Queen City Ukulele Club (6:30-8pm@ Springfield Music every 1 st and 3rd tuesday) Drink & Draw (Every Third Thursday 6:30-9:30 @ 41 7 Taphouse) Guitar for Beginners (5pm @ Conservatory of the Ozarks...wednesdays) MO Poetry Writing Workshop (7pm @ The Creamery...every 1 st thursday) The Young Adult Writing Group (6:30 @ The Creamery...wednesdays) Printmaking Group (5:30-8pm @ The Creamery...mondays) Painting Workshop (9:30am-11 :30 @ The Creamery...2nd & 4th wednesday, $1 0) Moon City Jam (7pm @ Big Momma's...every 1 st thursday) Weekend Walk-in Theater (6:30 @ Park Central Library...saturdays) 6/3 Chalk & Arts Festival (5pm @ 21 5 W. Mill St) 6/4 Jennifer Medina-Out of the Blue (photography @ 1 923 N. Broadway) 6/7 Ladies Graphic Novel Club: Saga (7pm @ Bookmarx) 6/9 Classics Book Discussion: As I Lay Dying (6pm @ Midtown Library) 6/1 0 Animal Tails Book Release and Reading Celebration(5:30-7:30pm @ Drury Pool Art Center) 6/1 2 Acoustic Pickin' Party! (2-5pm @ The Shoe Tree Listening Room) 6/1 4 Donuts and Death Book Club: The Delicate Dependency (7pm @ Hurts) 6/1 6 Bookmarx Book Club: The Sellout (7-9pm @ Bookmarx) 6/1 6 National Day of Making Celebration 201 6 (6:30pm @ CAST Workspace Co-op...$1 0) 6/1 6 Big Night of Poetry! (6pm @ Springfield Improv...$5) 6/1 7 Arkansas Nightscapes: Photos by Tim Ernst (7pm @ the Library Center) 6/20 Postmodern Book Club: Lolita (7pm @ the Coffee Ethic) 6/22 The History of LGBT Springfield (1 945-201 5) (7pm @ Founders Park Concert Series 6/1 Springfield Little Theatre Yes Troupe the Library Center) 6/8 Patrick Mureithi 6/30 June Reading: Fan Fiction 6/1 5 Springfield Community Jazz Ensemble (7:30pm @ Bookmarx) 6/22 Ryan Pilken 6/29 Tyler Stokes 12:15Â12:45 at Founders Park
Fi r s t Fr i d ay 6 /3
Lines Upon Lines @ Bookmarx Sensory Overload IV @ Phenomenon Studio Abed Monawar@ Rosetta Studios/Arts & Letters Pile(lands) and "It is What it Was @ IdeaXfactory History and Construction of Springfield's Stone Buildyings @ Park Central Library Deeper Look: The Art of David Burt @ Obelisk Home Sparkle & Splask: the work of Robin Coulter Crabb & Alicia Farris @ Fresh
Hello reader! Thanks for tuning in. If you like the thread, have
questions, want to be involved, or anything else feel free to email us at: thethread.sfld@gmail.com
We love submissions! We also love learning about new events / things going on. If you do a zine or want to, get in touch! We're building a zine library! It is housed at Harvest House (1836 n weller) and open any time it is. We would love more local zines for it, or any donations.
Events: 6/4: 'Zines' pronounced 'Zeens' (on-going display of zines at Midtown Carnegie Library) 6/7: Read & Discussion: Eco-Zines (7-9pm at harvest house) 7/1: First Friday Zine Jam (6-9pm at Park Central Library ) Find The thread & other local zines at coffee shops
downtown, bookmarx, rosetta studios/arts & letters, and other cool places. Read digital copies too. Online at issuu.com/thethreadsfld
Local lawyer and sign editorialist Bob Sweere has begun his campaign to be the next State Representative of the 132nd district, which covers most of central Springfield. Find his sign on National St., and check out bobsweere.com for more info.