The Sequence Of Change

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The Sequence of Change 3 steps to enact change in your life and move aggressively towards your passion right NOW By Terence Young, ACB

Table of Contents Forward




Chapter I


Chapter II


Chapter III




About the Author


Forward - Does anyone really like change? For the most part the answer to that question is an emphatic NO!! Why?? Because we are creatures of habit. We like to keep things the way they are. The funny thing about it is we are living in a Universe where everything is changing all the time. Have you ever thought about the fact that your body is continually changing at all times. Every atom in your body is moving right now at this very moment. As a matter of fact 50,000 cells just died in your body while you read this passage and were replaced by 50,000 more cells instantly. This happens every 3 seconds of your existence for you entire life. The Universe is continually changing as well. Expanding as we speak. So is there anything that doesn’t change? Some people may say that God doesn’t change. Well to that I would ask a question “have you ever thought that the only thing about God that doesn’t change is the fact that God is always changing?” Just a thought… So with the realization that everything, and I mean everything in the Universe is continually changing I’ve come to the conclusion that we should be open to change as well. As a matter of fact we should be excited about change. Enthusiastic about change! Change is what makes the world go around! Literally!! I’ve learned in my life that change can be hard but it is always for my good (When I choose to look for the good.) Over the past 15 years I’ve developed a fool proof plan on how to deal with change to improve one’s life. Accepting change, adapting to change and moving on to your passion takes a commitment and work. It all must be done in a particular sequence if you want to succeed. If you choose to adopt the Sequence of Change I guarantee your life will never be the same. Enjoy the ride…

Intro - One of the people I consider to be a mentor of mine is the late great Jim Rohn. Jim once said “if you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree.” I love this quote and I believe it to be true. I agree with Jim in that we have the power to change anything we want in our lives. And sometimes we wait way too long to make those changes. What’s interesting is this. I believe people aren’t struggling with knowing that IT (whatever it is) needs to change in their lives, people are struggling with HOW to change it. This book is dedicated to teaching you how to go about enacting change in your life and doing it right NOW. You see it’s easy to say you’re going to change something in your life however it’s much more difficult to work through the process of that change. In This book I’m going to give you the guidelines on how to walk through changing any aspect of your life that you don’t like and move aggressively in the direction of something that fills you up and gives you purpose. Get ready for a breakthrough as I introduce you to the Sequence of Change.

Chapter One - Change Your Beliefs “Live your Beliefs and you can turn the world around.” - Henry David Thoreau Your beliefs are the most important part of your life and the most important part of the Sequence of Change. Why?? Because you’ve had them all your life!! Research shows that most people have 95% of their beliefs by the time they are 5-7 years old. You most certainly are living your beliefs whether you know it or not. Your beliefs can literally make the impossible possible. Let me illustrate with a few short stories. Oil prices were extremely high back in the 1970’s. So much so that automobile makers were required to make their cars more fuel efficient. One way of doing that would be to make a lighter car. One manufacturer asked a group of experienced and senior engineers to work on a way to significantly reduce the weight of the cars they were designing. The engineers worked for months and months on the problem and searched for a solution. After much thought and effort they came to the conclusion that it couldn’t be done. They said it was too expensive and would create a safety concern. In their minds it was impossible. After hearing this news from their Senior Engineers the automaker was dumbfounded. After much thought the automaker decided to go in a different direction. Without mention of the previous findings of the Experienced Engineers the automaker decided to take the same problem and give it to a group of less experienced engineers. The new group found numerous ways to reduce the weight of the companies’ automobiles by hundreds of pounds. The new group believed that solving the problem was possible, so they went out and did just that. Believing is seeing. The first group of Engineers believed it was impossible; so it was. The second group of engineers believed it was possible; so it was…

Let me take you back to 1954. A young man who was a runner found himself training for the 1952 Olympics where he was predicted to win the 1500 meters. He didn’t win though. He came in 4 th place that year. You know the worst possible place to be… It was a huge setback for him. I love the way Dr. Willie Jolley puts it though. “A setback is just a setup for a comeback.” That’s exactly what this young man did. He used is heartache to fuel his passion to get better and stronger and faster. Now the record for running the mile was set in 1940 ( 4:02). At the time most scientist were saying it was physically impossible for a human being to run a mile in less than four minutes. That’s exactly what this man set out to do. He trained hard for two years and each day, each month, each year he found himself getting closer and closer to that goal. He was literally seconds away. His opportunity to break the record and run the impossible race came in 1954. On that day the weather was horrible. It rained in the morning and the clay track was wet which would slow the runners down. It was windy which again would slow the runners down however he knew it was his time. There were 6 people who started the race and this man stayed in second place until the third lap. On that final lap he took the lead and never looked back. When he hit that final turn all of his hard work, and training and dedication and belief went through his mind. He gave it everything he had to cross that finish line. When he did he collapsed with exhaustion. When they announced the winner they announce Roger Bannister was the winner in 3 minutes and …. The crowd went crazy. It didn’t matter what came after 3. He had just run the impossible race. The question is how? He believed he could do it, in spite of what the scientist said. Incidentally after he did it many of his contemporaries were able to do it as well. Why?? Because now they believed it was possible too. This is what I’m sharing with you my friend. Your beliefs are vital to your success in changing anything that you don’t like or don’t want in your life. Here’s a quick exercise to help you check your beliefs:

The Belief Challenge 1) Analyze your major beliefs about: life, family, work, play, politics, religion etc. 2) Take a piece of paper and write down “I believe… and fill in your answers about the above topics 3) Take a second sheet of paper and write down “I believe”… and this time write the opposite of what you previously put down as your core beliefs. (Resist the urge to justify why you believe something, just write down the opposite or opposing answer. For example you can use Democrat /Republican, Seminoles / Gators, College Education/ No College, Entrepreneur/Employee, Religion/No religion 5) Now here’s the fun part. Go back and justify why you believe each one of them on both sides. For example justify why you believe it’s better to be a Democrat and then justify why it’s better to be a Republican. Do this for all of your core beliefs. I know it’s not easy but have fun with it. Look for the good and you will find it If you haven’t realized it yet, this is an exercise on perspective. Seeing things from the other person’s point of view. Challenge your beliefs and you will start to see how we are a lot more alike than we are different. Remember when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. This exercise will really get you in the mindset of knowing your beliefs, questioning your beliefs and changing them if necessary. It is vital that you can recognize when you need to change a belief that is holding you back. This is the first step of the Sequence of Change. Change your Beliefs. Once you are comfortable with the process of changing your beliefs you are ready to move to the next step of the process.

Chapter 2 - Change Your Thoughts “Thoughts become things. Choose the good ones.” - Mike Dooley The second part of the process is changing your thoughts. Mike Dooley nailed it when he said thoughts become things. Everything that exists in the physical world was first a thought. It can be no other way. Therefore our thoughts have power. You see as human beings we are Teleological which means we move towards what we think about. So if you continue to hold positive thoughts you will continue to have a positive experience in life. Of course the opposite is also true. If you continue to think negative thoughts you will continue to have a negative experience in life.

Have you ever met a person who is always negative? I know we all know someone like that. It seems no matter what, they find a problem with everything. If you’re thinking negative the Universe will continue to give you experiences of negativity because the Universe always says yes… J My Reverend once told me “you don’t have to believe everything you think. She was right. We must be vigilant of our thoughts at all times. Anytime we feel a negative thought creeping up we must cancel it out right then and there and then choose again. So how do we change our thoughts? Here is one way to help you change your thoughts: Meditation. Connecting with the Christ within. There are many different ways to meditate. Some say get into a quiet place and this does work but for me I meditate when I run as well. The most important thing about meditation is this: go inside, quiet your mind and connect with your higher power. The more you are able to quiet your mind the easier it is to get the answers you need from spirit. Studies show we think about 65,000 thoughts per day so this is no easy task. It will take practice and work but if you commit to it I promise you it will change your life. Below is a meditation that I use. Use it as a template to get you centered and focused on letting go of negative thoughts

Thoughts Meditation Relax body – release tension in shoulders, eyes, mouth Legs, arms (all though your body - exhale) Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat this 3x. On the last exhale end with a sigh. (Releasing all tension and stress) Say - “I AM open to Spirit’s Guidance” Repeat - “I AM Open to spirit, my Christ Within “(3 x) Easily slowly, draw your attention inward and affirm “I let spirit guide my thoughts today.” Repeat (3 xs) Think of the beautiful Yellow Sun. Think of your connection to that and how it provides everything that you need. Marvel at how beautiful it is. How beautiful it feels to be in the sun. Let this feeling sink in and just enjoy the warmth of the “sun” in silence for a few minutes. Gently Affirm - “I let go of any and all thoughts that no longer serve my unfolding good. I let spirit guide my thoughts today.” (3 x)

Bring your attention to your solar plexus (center of your body below the ribcage) solar means sun and plexus means center. The Sun Center of your body. Take your concentration, your attention, your thoughts to this place Gently Affirm: I Am One with all that is. My thoughts are guided by my Spirit within: End with a Thank you God, Spirit, Universe or whatever name you choose to call your higher power. Amen

Add meditation to your daily routine. I recommend starting out with 5 minutes per day and then building from there. Do it where ever it is comfortable for you. This is important to remember. Meditation is not about concentrating on anything. It’s about letting go and letting God in. Once you let go and let God in, you will be able to Change your thoughts.

Chapter 3 - Change Your Actions “Action is the foundational key to all Success.” - Pablo Picasso You’ve done the hard work, now it’s time for the final piece of the Sequence of Change. That’s right, take action!! In order to complete the Sequence you must take action otherwise you’ve done all that work for nothing. Here’s the great thing about taking action. You don’t have to know what to do. Just do something. You can’t make a wrong turn. If the choice you make isn’t the “right” choice you simply learn and then do something else the next time. Take what I like to call “Imperfect Action.” Nothing is ever perfect but moving forward and taking some type of action is always better than being paralyzed by fear. We all learn and grow when we take imperfect action. Remember that fear is belief in something that hasn’t happen yet. So is Faith. Think about that… Stop being scared about what could go wrong and get excited about what could go right. This is how you break the chains of fear for good. I can recall my first opportunity to speak in front of the Congregation. I was nervous. My hands were a little sweaty. My stomach had butterflies. I had fear of forgetting my talk topics and just plain bombing the whole thing. In fact I actually made a “mistake” and forgot to mark a place in a book that I wanted to read from. When I got to that point in the talk I grabbed the book and realized I didn’t know what page to flip to. “Oh no what do I do now!!” I said to myself… I stumbled for a second, flipped frantically through the pages as the congregation sat quietly staring at me for what seemed like an eternity. Then something clicked inside of me and I decided I’m not going to find this page so I better keep it moving. I regrouped moved on and just paraphrased what the passage said. Even with that “mistake” the talk went over well and the Congregation loved it. I learned from that experience how to recover and speak extemporaneously when needed. I decided to take imperfect action and not let that fear paralyze me in the moment. Now I’m speaking with much more confidence and conviction and I always remember to mark my places in a book if I plan on reading from one. J

Taking action is the bottom line of this whole Sequence of Change. Here is something to help you remember how and why you should take imperfect action towards changing what you want to change in your life. A - Take Imperfect Action - Remember that nothing is ever perfect so stop trying to be. Do the best you can, with what you have from where you are. And then put it out there for the world to see. And yes, you are perfect in the eyes of God just the way you are… :) C - Control what you can control - You can’t control what happens but you can control how you react to it. For instance; don’t complain about the weather. You have no control over it. Mother Nature is going to do what she’s going to do. If it’s raining stay inside and read a book (or go play in the rain if that floats your boat). If it’s sunny go outside and enjoy it. Either way just enjoy it and realize you have no say so in this. You can only control your reaction to it. T - Use the tools that are given to you - . Use the internet for answers. We carry around a computer in our hands every day that we call a phone but we spend way more time using it as a computer than we do as a phone. Read books from the authors that represent what success means to you. Books are an enormous tool that many people don’t use. There’s an old saying “When you see a million dollar home it always has a library. The question is did they buy the house because it has a library, or did their library enable them to buy the house?” How big is your library at your house? How often do you read books? I - Invest in yourself - Take the classes, sign up for the courses. Take the seminars, read the books, buy the cds. It’s all worth it! Joi Ito once said “Education is what people do to you; learning is what you do to yourself.” Make a commitment to lifelong learning. Self Development. I can’t tell you how valuable Toastmasters has been for me since I joined. I have grown so much as a speaker in the past 2 years and I can attribute most of that to what I’ve learned in my local Toastmaster’s club. All for only $6 per month. Now that’s a bargain. Invest in yourself. O - Be open to Opportunities - Seek out opportunities every chance you get. Remember we are Teleological so we move towards what we think about. Continue to hold those opportunities that you desire in your mind and soon you will see them. The cool thing about this is once you are vibrating at the right frequency you start to see more and more opportunities all the time. It isn’t that they just started showing up. They’ve been there all along you just now started to notice them… N - Do it NOW - I believe that most people are waiting on some day and one day to get here. The truth is though none of those days exist?? They never get here. The only time you have to change your life is right NOW!! Be present, and live in the NOW. The NOW is where everything happens. If you’re dreaming about the past you’re dreaming NOW; if you’re thinking about the future, you’re thinking about it NOW. No matter what you are doing you are always doing it NOW. So take action, take massive action NOW to move to a better life. You got this!!

Congratulations!! Now that you’ve mastered Changing your Beliefs, Changing your Thoughts and Taking A.C.T.I.O.N. you are officially prepared to Change Your Life. These are the keys to the Sequence of Change. Change your Beliefs, Change your Thoughts, Change your Actions and then you will Change your Life. As with any new skill you must practice it daily. One of my favorite speakers Dellatorro McNeal II says “Repetition is the Mother of skill. Rehearsal is the Father of learning.” In order to master the Sequence of Change you must continue to practice these skills at all times. That shouldn’t be much of a problem though because we all have something in our lives that we want to change. My friend, I hope that this manual has been a blessing to you. Thank you for reading and please drop me a note and let me know how this book has changed your life. This is TY signing off. Remember that the time is always NOW. Allow the Universe to work in your favor and be blessed… :)

Terence Young, ACB AKA TY

About the Author: Terence Young, ACB is a New Thought Transformational Speaker, an Avid reader, Author, Singer/Songwriter, Musician, Father, Runner, Toastmaster and Lover of all things chocolate. Terence is currently studying to become a Licensed Unity Teacher. He specializes in working with communities and teaching people how to become Physically, Spiritually and Financially free. He does this by showing people how to harness the power in the eternal moment of NOW. If you want to change your life you must do it in the present moment. Life only gets lived in the NOW. Terence’s mission and passion is to inspire others to be the best that they can be in all aspects of their life. The time is Always NOW.

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