2 minute read
National Puzzle Day

Thank you to all of those residents who participated in the puzzle event. All

participants received a $25 gift card of their choice!

Thank you to all of Thank you to all of those residents who those residents who participated in the participated in the puzzle event. All puzzle event. All
participants reparticipants received a $25 gift ceived a $25 gift card of their choice! card of their choice! We had a total of 27 puzzles donated to The Landings of Gainesville and they were so happy to receive them! Thank you to all who donated their puzzles for a good cause!

Thank you to all of those residents who participated in the puzzle event. All
participants received a $25 gift card of their choice!

We had a total of We had a total of 27 puzzles donated 27 puzzles donated to The Landings of to The Landings of Gainesville and Gainesville and they were so happy they were so happy to receive them! to receive them! Thank you to all Thank you to all who donated their who donated their puzzles for a good puzzles for a good cause! cause!
We had a total of 27 puzzles donated to The Landings of Gainesville and they were so happy to receive them! Thank you to all who donated their puzzles for a good cause!
Thank you to all of those residents who participated in the puzzle event. All participants received a $25 gift card of their choice! We had a total of 27 puzzles donated to The Landings of Gainesville and they were so happy to receive them! Thank you to all who donated their puzzles for a good cause!
We had a total of 27 puzzles donated to The Landings of Gainesville and they were so happy to receive them! Thank you to all who donated their puzzles for a good cause!
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