1 minute read
Neighborly Offers
by The Times

“Health and Wellness”
Esthefany Rodriguez (201)844-3055
Mundy Mill is a community of families. If you have a particular job or certain skill that you can offer at a discounted rate to your community neighbors, we’d love to know what it is and advertise it in our newsletter. The following categories are:
MaryKay Beauty Consultant & Advanced Color Consultant https://retail.totallifechanges.com/Esthefanyrodriguezc
Power Washing Jim Jochum jimjoch@aol.com
Paparazzi Independent Jewelry Consultant
Offering jewelry shopping appointments; Gift Services for special occasions; Jewelry Parties, shows and more!
Nathan and Joyce Shipp natsblingdom@gmail.com
Offering Free Facials, Gift Services for special occasions; Makeovers; Foundation Matching; Age–fighting skincare; color consultations, parties and more!
Nathan and Joyce Shipp bownjyshipp@yahoo.com
Computer Services & Training
Krisanna Spinato spinatoltd626@gmail.com
We understand it has been four (4) months since the holidays, but unfortunately, due to the timing of our submission of the quarterly magazine, it was too late to get our winners in the January edition.
8 A.M. TO 8 P.M.
Once again, the HOA of Mundy Mill is excited to hold it’s semi-annual yard sale!

Clean out those closets! Clean out those garages!
All residents who are participating should set up for 8:00 a.m. and have everything taken down and stored in their garages by 8:00 p.m. Please don’t leave any trash out or remaining items.