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Survey Results
The Harbour Point Board of Directors wants to hear input from residents on various subject to help inform the decision making process. From time to time we will solicit input in the form of informal email surveys. Two of those surveys have been conducted in recent weeks, and complete copies of these and future surveys can be found on the HPCA website at Documents>Documents from the Board>Survey Results. Exercise Equipment Usage Survey

Speeding Study in Harbour Point Radar Sign Readings - June 10 - 30, 2020

**See note below**
** The Radar Signs experienced battery problems on several days during the survey period. This information was compiled from only those days during which the signs reported appropriately. In some cases the numbers above had to be extrapolated from partial data. The information in the chart should, therefore, be used only for guidance in determining what if any moves should be made to achieve “Traffi c Calming”, within Harbour Point. It is suggested that if and when the Board plans to implement a program of action that they arrange with Deputy Pirkle of the Hall County Sheriff ’s Offi ce to install the signs again to get more accurate data.
The volumes are lower than pre-pandemic fi gures and could be misleading for planning purposes. These speeds are WITH a fl ashing radar sign alerting drivers of their current speed. The following survey results are from an informal email poll sent to all residents and conducted in September 2020.