1 minute read
from One Dawson 2023-24
by The Times
The Dawson County Schools Instructional Framework is the result of intentional and focused collaborative work by teachers and leaders within the school district. This framework supports our teachers, sets clear and high expectations, and shares the vision of the most important work teachers do to achieve the desired results for students. Additionally, the Instructional Framework will be a cornerstone for modeling continued improvement in student achievement in all schools.
What is an Instructional Framework?
An instructional framework is an interrelated set of systems and expectations that guide curriculum, instruction, assessment, and the learning environment. It provides a structure that supports teachers in the design and delivery of effective instruction. This framework also identifies elements found in exemplary teaching, thus allowing teachers, school administrators, and district staff to recognize and communicate those elements with a common language. The Dawson County Schools Instructional Framework conveys to all stakeholders a clear definition of effective teaching by illustrating what teachers should know and be able to do in the domains of Curriculum, Instruction, Data and Evaluation, and Environment.
Why have an instructional framework?
Establishes expected professional practices - This ensures all teachers (veteran, experienced, and those new to the profession or district), have a clear picture of our vision of excellence in teaching. The DCS Instructional Framework outlines the teacher’s responsibilities and the specific evidence of those responsibilities that constitute effective teaching. Ensures greater consistency in teaching across the district - This supports the research-based assertion that the single most important factor leading to student growth is the effectiveness of the classroom teacher. A well-articulated common instructional framework provides subject-to-subject, and school-to-school. The DCS Instructional Framework is a snapshot portrait of what should occur with regard to teaching and learning within every classroom and school across the district.
Provides a guide for improving teaching practices - By supporting and encouraging teachers to be reflective practitioners, the common language and shared mean- a clear definition of effective practices and their expectations among teachers, administrators, and instructional support team members. During conversations about practice, particularly when such conversations are organized around a common framework, teachers are able to learn from one another and enrich their own teaching. This joint collaborative learning process allows the conversations to become rich and valuable.