3 minute read
did you Know?
by The Times
If you’d like your art/photos considered for the cover of
The Patriot, please email the Activities Director at AngelaPavlichek@FieldstoneRP.com
Inside ThIs Issue Important Numbers ............................... 3 did you Know? ...................................... 4 Angel Tree ........................................... 6 Tree Lighting .........................................6 Thanksgiving warm up dinner ...............7 Calendar................................................ 8 Community Buzz.............................10-11 flu shot ...............................................12 yard of the month .................................14 Pictures with santa ...............................15 Neighbor to Neighbor ...........................22
Do you own or work for a great company and want to spread the word? The Patriot is Reunion’s monthly newsletter that is printed and distributed to over 400 homes and nearby businesses. Additional copies are available in Reunion’s Meeting House for our residents and Sales Office for prospective residents.
deadlines for ALL suBmIssIONs to The PATRIOT
November 2020 ...............................August 31, 2020 November 2020 ......................... September 30, 2020 December 2020 ............................. October 31, 2020 January 2021...............................November 30, 2020
To advertise in the Reunion Patriot, contact Leah Nelson at The Times - 770.535.6330 - lnelson@gainesvilletimes.com
The Reunion Patriot is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided Emergency.....................................................................911 Reunion Hall Kitchen ........................... 770-967-8300 x78 Reunion Sales Office ....................................770-967-1108 Activities Director: ................................. Angela Pavlichek
for the members of the Reunion Country Club Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.
Committee CONTACTs
Advisory Committee ............................................ ReunionAC@gmail.com Covenants Committee............................... ReunionCovenants@gmail.com Landscape Committee .............................. ReunionLandscape@gmail.com Meeting House Committee ............... ReunionMeetingHouse@gmail.com Neighborhood Watch Committee....................ReunionWatch@gmail.com Pool Committee ..................................................ReunionPool@gmail.com Tennis Committee........................................... ReunionTennis@gmail.com Swim Team..................................................... ReunionRiptide@gmail.com Social Committee........................................................................................
Important CONTACTs
Reunion Golf Shop ......................................770-967-8300 Contact the Activities Director .............angelapavlichek@fieldstonerp.com
angelapavlichek@fieldstonerp.com Property Manager: .......................................... Jason Hixon 404-407-5901 JosonHixon@FieldstoneRP.com
Get CONNeCTed Join our closed Facebook groups for Reunion Country Club residents only for another great way to meet and connect with neighbors!
• Reunion Activities & Information. • Reunion CC Neighborhood Watch • Reunion Classified
sTAy uP-TO-dATe
on events and activities at
To have your email address added to the Reunion County Club distribution list, email Angela Pavlichek at AngelaPavlichek@fieldstoneRP.com
dId You KNoW? Monthly friendly advice for our Reunion neighbors about covenants issues & guidelines
As the holidays are approaching and we may have more family and guests visiting, let’s be kind to our neighbors and try keeping cars out of the street when possible. As we all know our streets are fairly narrow and swinging around parked cars is at times difficult. * As a general rule parking on the streets within the Community is prohibited. Please ask cleaning people, service people, and guests to use your driveway if there is space. * Temporary parking is allowed in the street If the Owner’s driveway is full, not a nuisance to neighbors or impediment to traffic flow. * The vehicle must be parked WITH traffic. These are simple guidelines and if all of us think of neighbors using our streets, parking in your garage, driveway or bump-out is an easy thing to do. Thank you Reunion.