8 minute read
Here are some interesting facts about Japan. It is one of the most prosperous and stable economies of the world. It is ranked as the 3rd largest economy globally which is a great accomplishment considering the geographical size of the country. It is also one of the largest direct investors of the US economy responsible for investing roughly USD 50 billion to the US economy. Japan is part of the transpacific partnership; whose countries are responsible for producing 40% of the world’s GDP. The top exported goods in Japan (mainly from US) are civilian airplanes, engines, medical equipment, pharmaceutical, meat/poultry and corn.
Recent reforms done by the Japanese government by loosening regulations has stimulated the economy and created tremendous opportunities for all types of foreign investors. Japan has an extremely low unemployment
rate, making the workforce readily available for investing businesses. Japan is an innovative nation with cutting edge technology, leading in advanced manufacturing, cyber security and e commerce processes. Medical and personalized care for the elderly is an unmet need in Japan. The need of the hour in Japan: Medical devices, medicines, biotechnology, robotics and other health care related products and services.
Deciding which part of Japan to do business with is also important as different cities have different culture and work ethics. Many communities in Japan support small businesses rather than brand names and may make for a good fit for the investment. Key investment cities are:
TOKYO: Countries financial district and home to major newspapers, commercial businesses. Port of Tokyo is an international trade center.
OSAKA: Prime location for high tech startups. Technological advancement business, smart malls, fashion and technology hub. Major Clean energy projects are starting here
KYOTO: Big on IT sector and home to video game manufacturing. Due to strong culture and tradition outlook in Kyoto it is also a hub for Arts and crafts.
All the major cities are well connected thru fast and efficient transportation, which makes the ease of commuting between cities much faster and comfortable. (Shinkansen: Bullet trains business lifelines between cities)
Once decided on what type of business to open and where to open, its imperative to understand the business/local culture Western business owners conduct business in a much different manner than their Eastern counterparts. Japanese have a “work hard, play hard” approach. Which usually leads them working 12 hours shifts and overtime. Japanese workers are more reserved and avoid confrontations and gossip They are less formal in a Social setting and that the best time to close a deal, keeping in mind you follow all the correct cultural norms Japanese speak with greater subtlety which is a key factor in communication in a business setting
Understanding body language is important as conveys the interest or discomfort in a particular subject
Since Japanese are soft spoken it is important to modify your tone/ voice in accordance to match the audience
Japanese require longer time to make a decision, they will want to get to know you better and consult with a senior advisor as well
Patience is the key to good negotiations BUSINESS ETIUETTE: greeting in Japan but a slight nod is often adequate to demonstrate respect long conversation is considered confrontational Providing gifts during business meeting is a tradition and encouraged esp something staff can share Certain businesses, homes & restaurants require you to remove your shoes as a form of respect for the business (must check in advance before arriving at such locations) Snap photography is highly frowned upon in Japanese work culture. Permission must be taken before
• Bowing is a traditional form of an picture is taken
• Maintaining eye contact through NEGOTIATING A BUSINESS DEAL: Always pitch in ideas that would bring benefit to the local market and culture Always adjust your voice and tone to match the audience Patience is a virtue, as they will take time to decide. Meanwhile its always good to introspect on what you have offered.

Yuko Kosuge Sandhar Managing Director: S.S Manufacturers Ltd Founder: Yukolicious Artisan Foods Designer: Made For Living Co Tel# (604).369.0885 Info.ssmanufacturers@gmail.com Website: www.ssmfr.com

In today’s fast paced life, cars have become significantly important as they play a big part in our lives. A few decades ago, a car was considered as a luxury item but not today, as it serves us in many ways in our personal and professional lives. Have you ever thought that a car, besides all its amazing features can also bring you good fortune which in turn can promote health, wealth, happiness and general well-being in your life?.
A car can not only be a mode of transport to move you from place to place, but it can also move your luck from bad to good. So here are 9 simple Feng Shui techniques you can use to make your car help you attract love, health, wealth and happiness in life.
Try to keep the glass, mirrors and the shiny surfaces of your car crystal clear, clean and free from any
residual marks. In life and busines dashboard. Crystals are pure form believe there is something powerful we need to have clarity in our of earth. They will stabilize and out there which is controlling our thoughts and vision to take the right balance the energy structure to help life and planet. Feng Shui strongly decisions. Clean and clear surfaces you feel confident and grounded. recommends a car blessings ritual help promote this function of Thy are also excellent cleanser and buying a car on an auspicious our brain. and energizer. Many times, co- day to invite growth and prosperity in passengers may leave their toxic life. This principle is also advocated Car fragrances – use either woody or herbal, instead of floral; e. g. YOUR PERSONAL LUCKY COLORS UNLUCKY COLORS amber, cider, sage or ELEMENT balsam. They are more WATER White, Blue, Silver, Gold or any Green, brown, red energetic, cleansing and metallic color in gray tonepromote growth and will help to make your WOOD Blue, Black, Green, Brown Silver, Gold or metallic colors car interior invigorating. Your brain will be more FIRE Red, Maroon, Green Blue, Black focused with increased EARTH Red, Brown, Beige Red efficiency. Additionally, they will help control METAL White, silver, gold, grays Red anxiety and will generate positive thinking. WHITE IS SAFE COLOR – can be used by all people irrespective of personal elements
Avoid eating in your car – food smell and spills will contaminate the energy structure of your car interior and your brain is more likely to forget important things and tasks. This will also slow down the processing ability of your brain. It is advisable to take a meal-break outside your car.
Keep your car clutter-free and organized. Clutter and trash in forms of paper work, personal belongings, covered floor mats and items stuck in your cup holders and door pockets are all responsible for blocking energy flow which in turn may cause you emotional tension, worries and increase the likelihood of you being in an accident.
Invite loving energy in your car by hanging a replica of Peach Blossom animal Rooster. It is ancient Feng Shui tradition to hang red Rooster under rear view mirror to attract loving energy and protect you from con men. Finally, everyone wants to be loved and not cheated in business and in relationships.
Crystal sphere/prism or stones – leave them in your glove or coin box or display them on your energy in your car; crystals help you purify the car environment. If they are displayed on dashboard, will radiate the sunlight (daylight) by refraction; so, you and your car is energized.
Decorate your car with positive symbols – this may include car decals, accessories, stickers with inspiring art or positive message. Make your car wear positive aura to boost your image, and social status.
Attract Wealth – Select the lucky number for your license plate that is based on your personal astrology. In Feng Shui, each number has its own significance. Selecting the correct number that matches with your own energy will bring you the wealth.
Make your car lucky by selecting right color – buy a car that carries your lucky color. Colors carry vibes. When your car vibes synch with your own vibes, they bring you good luck. You can select your lucky color based on your personal element. The following table will help you know your lucky color for the car. It does not matter how much modern we are, but at some point, we all do through Hindu and Asian traditions. Feng Shui practitioners recommend you buy your new vehicle in ascending (waxing) cycle of the Moon, and especially on Monday, Friday or Saturday.
Today’s cars are smart, equipped with artificial intelligence and they tell others about the wealth status of the owners. How we drive and care for our car is a statement about our class. Shakespeare once said that “clothes make the man.” But in the 21st Century one can say “It is our car that makes us”. There are many more ways you can make your car lucky and attract abundance and I have summarized the simplest yet most powerful Feng Shui techniques by which choosing and driving the right car can being health, wealth and happiness.
Deepak Jayakar Feng Shui Master & Astrologer Cell: 604 760 4858 Never before has Feng Shui Master & Designer been fused into one. Over 25 years of experience; he has transformed people’s lives. Many successful clients are his living testimonials.