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in 4th OSSEI National Webinars, Writing Competitions in Journalism
by Lovely Jobhel O. Medina
The Torch North Luzonian’s Volume VII, Issue 1 bagged prizes in the subcategories Sports Article, Development Communication Article, Opinion Article, Editorial Cartoon, and News report during the awarding of the 4th Organization of Student Services Educators, Inc.
(OSSEI) National Webinars and Writing Competitions in Campus Journalism, June 4.
With the theme “Bracing Up in a Period of Uncertainties,” Prof. Ben G. Domingo, Jr. and Prof. Liana M. Barro presented the best-published articles and materials among the campus publications of 15 universities and colleges in the Philippines. The following were the awards garnered by the publication:
First Prizes
• Sports - “Maiaahon pa Natin ang Kahapon” by Leidi Julienne M. Pagulayan
• DevCom “Banana Leather: A Trendsetter” by Muel Mark L. Bueno
Second Prizes Opinion “The Next Fair Lady” by Yerica Hannah D. Ramos
• Editorial Cartoon “opFORTUNEnistic” by Maureen Joyce Lozada
Third Prize
• News “Freshman presents research alongside adept researchers” by Yerica Hannah D. Ramos
More than 200 student journalists from around the country joined the 3-Day Webinar: Day 1) Evaluation of Campus Publications and Page Layout and Design, Day 2) Editorial Writing and Editorial Cartooning, and Day 3) Panel Presentation of Paper/Online Publication and Fact-Checking in Journalism on three consecutive Saturdays starting May 21 and 28, until June 4, 2022.#