7 minute read
K-12 PIONEER BATCH Seniors undergo pre-employment, job fair
by Arian A. Roduta
To graduate on August 12, the first-ever K-12 batch of pre-service teachers of Philippine Normal University North Luzon (PNUNL) underwent a pre-employment webinar and job fair held face-toface at PNUNL Gymnasium on July 15.

The Office of the Student Services (OSS), headed by Prof. John A. Furuc, Office-in-Charge, and Dr. Carlino G. Santos, University Guidance Counselor, organized the two events: preemployment seminar in the morning and job fair in the afternoon.
With the aim to guide seniors in the first steps of their careers, the preemployment webinar tackled Rights as Employees outlined in the Government’s Official Gazette, focusing on General Labor Standards and hours required in working.
PNUNL administers annual Student Recruitment Program
by Eloisa B. Legaspi
“It is essential that you are informed of your rights as employees for them not to be violated,” said Romeo Solomon A. Sales Jr., Labor Employment Officer for Foreign National Labor Inspection, DOLE-R02, as he oriented the seniors.
While there were questions for clarification, Divine Grace PaguiriganCristobal, Senior Labor and Employment Officer, DOLE-R02, led the open forum where the emphasis was on questions about signing the contract and salary.
In the afternoon, nine schools, namely: St. John Adaptive Montessori School, Inc., Casa Del Nino Montessori School-Roxas, Odizee School of Achievers, The Cauayan Messiah Christian School, Inc., University of Perpetual Help System-Laguna, Corner Stone Christian Academy, Merry Sunshine Montessori School, and Top Achievers Private School, Alvarez-Ramales School Foundation, Inc. interviewed seniors intending to hire them. #
YORP accredits 11 PNUNL clubs, conducts Isabela Youth Festival 2022
by Desiree A. Cuaresma
TheYouth Organization Registration Program (YORP) accredited eleven clubs from Philippine Normal University North Luzon during the Isabela Youth Festival 2022 at Isabela Sports Complex, Ilagan City, August 29-30.
Trailblazing PNUNL looms as ISO preparation meeting transpires
by Frederick B. Galande
Joyce N. Lozada 2nd Place, Editorial Cartoon
Torch ranks 3rd on National Online Publication Panel Discussion
by Eren D. Baltazar
The Torch North Luzonian, represented by Yerica Hannah Ramos and Erenio Baltazar Jr., the publication’s Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor, ranked 3rd on the Panel Discussion of Online Publication during the National Webinars and Writing Competitions on Campus Journalism, June 04.

The Organization of Student Services Educators, Inc. (OSSEI) initiated the mentioned national webinars and competitions on three consecutive Saturdays– May 21, 28, and June 04.
Baltazar and Ramos presented the various aspects concerning the Torch’s online publication such as the rationale for going online and choosing a platform; descriptions and justifications of the publication’s content, design, concept, and mechanics; assessment of the user-friendliness of the publication’s system; description of the publication’s engagements and reach; and explanation on the publication’s relevance.
“Taking top spots among the list of the most prominent student publications in the country infers that The Torch North Luzonian ceaselessly burns amidst the challenges of the pandemic. As the chief editor, am beyond grateful for the cumulative effort of the scribe that made all of this reachable. On top of the publication’s success, presenting alongside well-known student publications in different corners of the country has given us more insights and cleared rooms for improvement in the years to come,” said Ramos.
Aside from the competition, the panel discussion also aimed to provide the competing publications with numerous feedback and comments for further improvements of their online presence and performance.
Moreover, the panel discussion was attended and participated by universities from the provinces around the country such as Aklan, Bataan, Batangas, Cagayan, Ilocos Norte, Isabela, La Union, & Lucena City. #
As another step in upholding the mission of the PNUNL in nurturing teachers and educational leaders in the country, the annual Student Recruitment Program (SRP) was carried out by introducing the university to its potential Senior High School students in 13 schools led by the Admission Committee together with the Office of Student Services (OSS) headed by Prof. John A. Furuc, on May 26.
The said recruitment program intended to attract the best Senior High School students, especially indigenous people, to enroll in teacher education; to orient Senior High School students to PNU admission requirements; to recruit students to enroll also in the Graduate school programs offered by the university; to present the BLEPT topnotchers and achievers of the university over the years; to strengthen the relationship with public and private schools and institutions.
Furthermore, the said program continued until June 3 in which they visited more schools like San Guillermo Vocational High School, Angadanan National High School, and Alicia National High School.
Around 130 participants from different youth organizations joined the Isabela Youth Festival in celebration of “Buwan ng Kabataan” organized by the Provincial Youth Development Office (PYDO) Isabela, headed by Provincial Youth Development OIC, Mr. Reymel Resposo.
With the theme “International Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages,” the festival highlights the accreditation of new YORP (Youth Organization Registration Program) members and the submission of proposals for DITOy Isabela assistance (Development Incentive for Thriving Organizations of Youth in Isabela) prioritizing different Centers of Participation (Health, Education, Economic Empowerment, Active Citizenship, Environment, Peace Building and Security, Governance, Social Inclusion and Equity, and Global Mobility) through booths, games, and raffle draw.
The 11 newly accredited youth organizations from PNUNL together with other 19 youth organizations in the said province who received their plaques, include:
PNUNL Creative Team
Peer Helpers’ Circle
Club of Living Traditions
Danggayan Cultural Group
PNUNL Mathematics Club
PNU English Circle Social Science Club
Teatro Paddarafung Natural Science Society UNESCO Club
Moreover, motivational speeches were given by Resposo and Mr. Dax Paolo C. Binag, SK Federation President of Isabela asking the said YORPregistered organizations to encourage other eligible youth organizations to apply for YORP accreditation, highlighting the statement “No Isabeleño youth should be left behind”.
To improve the campus in terms of its processes, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) conducted a three-day meeting at Philippine Normal University North Luzon Campus, participated by ISO Team, faculty, and staff, May 18-20.
ISO is an independent, nongovernmental, international organization that develops standards to ensure the quality, safety, and efficiency of products, services, and systems.
“The commitment and support of everyone are of great value to achieve our dream as ISO Certified Campus. We are subject to this ISO 9001:2015 Certification not just for the recognition but more so, on improving the quality management system and the processes of the campus,” said Dr. Leticia Aquino, the Executive Director and Provost.
Furthermore, the three-day strategic ISO planning was graced by two resource speakers from Manila, headed by Dr. Erminda Fortes, the ISO Coordinator, and Professor Genelita Garcia, a member of the IQA Team.
The meeting was done on three consecutive days: May 18, opening program and auditing of offices; May 19, reviewing and checking COTO, PM, OPCR, etc., lecture on risk analysis, post-conference, ISO certification, and schedule planning; and May 20, IQA discussion of ISO clause’s part II and workshop by the office.
Fourth-year students undertake PATNURO 2
by Dan Lester L. Estavillo
Fourth-year students from Philippine Normal University North Luzon undertook a twoday training of “PATNURO2:
PAghahanda Tungo sa Nalalapit na Usad ng PagtutuRO” through a series of in-depth sessions as preparation for their hybrid practice teaching, May 16-17.
The said training was led by adept education leaders such as Dr. Cherry
S. Ramos, CESO VI, Schools Division
Superintendent of Santiago City; Dr. John Mina, Principal IV; Dr. Elmerchita
B. Ribuca, Principal II; and Dr. Emily O. Benitez, Principal II.
“This will ultimately embark one’s personal growth, personal development, and benchmark achievements that will ensure in building authentic experiences and success stories,” said Dr. Ramos in the opening program, as she underscored the importance of Field Study and Practice Teaching to fully equip the graduating students with the realities of being teachers.
She also encouraged the pre-service teachers to be steadfast in upholding truth, excellence, and service amidst the paradigm shift in the education landscape and challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Moreover, Dr. John Mina, and Dr. Elmerchita B. Ribuca, led the first day sessions of the training as they shared wisdom and experiences to the students through Session 1 - “Learning in the Limited Face-to-Face Modality: The
Cauayan City Science and Technology
Experience” and Session 2 “Learning in the Limited Face-to-Face Modality: The Cabulay National High School Experience”, respectively.
On the second day, Session 3, Cecille Fronda, Teacher III, Senior High School Focal Person and Limited Face-to-Face Planning Coordinator of Alicia Vocational School, represented Dr. Benitez and emphasized their school’s best practices and adjustments in the new normal after tackling “Learning in the Limited Faceto-Face Modality: The Alicia Vocational School Experience”.
Furthermore, Arian Roduta, a fourthyear student of Bachelor in English Education (BEE), shared how the program helped her as it showered her with tons of insights and set the lens of what to capture in their internship.
“Personally, some of my will, motivation, and even pedagogical skills stayed dormant for months now but because of this PATNURO, my spirit was awakened, ready to unleash what invested for years and what PNU prepared me for,” Roduta uttered.
Upon immersing in PATNURO2 program, students were expected to be fully equipped and confident as they start their Field Studies and Practice Teaching in the new normal paradigm of learning and teaching.
After the session, the seniors celebrated their Pinning and Send-Off Program with their parents, professors, and university officials at University Gymnasium on May 18.
PNUNL observes 51st Foundation Day
by Abegail G. Teodoro
With the theme, “Forging Ahead: Reinventing Teacher Education in a Post-COVID World”, Philippine Normal University North Luzon (PNUNL) observed its 51st Foundation Day, July 26 at University Gymnasium.
PNUans, consisting of thirdyear and fourth-year students in expanded face-to-face classes, participated in the said event.

Dr. Madonna C. Gonzales, Dean for Academics and IPEd, delivered her opening remarks, and PEMS Club performed an opening salvo to energize the audience.
As one of the program’s highlights, Dr. Mary Ann M. Balayan, English Program Professor, read the history of PNUNL, enumerating all of the accomplishments of PNUNL over the past years until now.
Meanwhile, the Municipal Mayor of Alicia, Atty. Atty. Joel Amos Alejandro, also joined the celebration and expressed his greetings to the university.
Dr. Leticia N. Aquino, Executive Director and Provost also gave her warm greetings to PNUNL and introduced the guest speaker.
Hon. Mary Grace De AsusArreola, Sangguniang Panlalawigan Member of Third District Isabela, the guest speaker, emphasized every teacher and education leader’s dedication to providing quality learning to every student, especially during this post-COVID situation.
“Teaching is not just a profession, teaching is a vocation,” she said during her speech.
Furthermore, the administrative staff and faculty rendered an intermission number, followed by awarding the Most Outstanding Employee 2021 and Special Service Award through Dr. Edilberto M. Andres Jr., Head of the Human Resource Office.
The following were the faculty and staff who received the said awards:
Most Outstanding Employee
• Mr. Martin Tablang Service Awards:
• Prof. Elma B. Siyang (10 years of service)
Prof. Josie Jordan G. Rosete (10 years of service)
• Prof. Judith R. Garcia (15 years of service)
• Atty. Donna B. Remigio (20 years of service)
The program concluded through a special number of PEMS club, followed by the closing remarks of Dr. Agnes S. Reyes, Director, Finance and Administration, and community singing, conducted by Prof. Susan D. Depiedra.#