The Towerlight (October 1, 2018)

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Towson’s campus and community news source

October 2, 2018

BY W men, FOR W men. TU alum leads loungewear business, pg.12

Photo by Brendan Felch, Photo Illustration by Victoria Nicholson/The Towerlight


M - F, 9AM - 4PM • 410.704.2260

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October 2, 2018



October 2, 2018

Editor-in-Chief Karuga Koinange Senior Editor Bailey Hendricks News Editor Mary-Ellen Davis Arts & Life Editor Kerry Ingram Asst. Arts & Life Editor Alex Helms Sports Editor Asst. Sports Editors Muhammad Waheed Jordan Kendall Staff Writers Jessica Ricks Rohan Mattu Keri Luise Deb Greengold Sophia Bates





Timothy Klapac John Hack

Lacey Wall Brittany Whitham Alexis Brown Lexi Thompson Nikki Hewins Owen DiDonna Tiffany Deboer



Circulation Staff Scott Halerz Dom Capparuccini Elssa Kenfack

Come see this student-produced play on its opening night! In 1972, a charismatic group of dreamers brought to life an idea that would change everything. An idea that would bring excitement, pride, fear, and wonder as it explored the stars to learn more about Earth’s distant siblings; but in the end, the idea taught the dreamers far more about themselves.

Come watch Shark Tank, The Profit and other StartUp TV shows and videos in the Student Launch Pad every other Thursday and enjoy free pizza!

5 p.m. - 7 p.m., Cook Library, Student Launch Pad


General Manager Mike Raymond



7:30 p.m., Ruth Marder Studio Theatre


Art Director Victoria Nicholson

Attend this third annual event to get a non-technical view on how to be cybersafe. Come out Tuesday, for guest speakers, a live panel discussion, demonstrations, prize giveaways and refreshments.

10 a.m. - 3 p.m., West Village Ballrooms

Meg Hudson Albert Ivory

Staff Photographers Simon Enagonio



Anthony Petro Suzanne Stuller

Photo Editor Brendan Felch



Get ready. Get set. Get hired. Participating employers include: Enterprise, Heritage Autogroup, Kohl’s Department Stores, Morgan Stanley, NewDay USA and more.

11 a.m. - 2 p.m., West Village Ballrooms


Towson University’s annual Women in Leadership (WIL) Conference will be WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP held this Saturday. This year’s theme is “The Power of You.� CONFERENCE


9 a.m. - 5 p.m., University Union, Chesapeake Rooms



8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 (410) 704-5153 The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  Wednesday noon for space; Friday noon for art. Classifieds appear online and in print and are self-service at We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorials express the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. Š2018 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!

@MJackson1k Towson put it on Citadel tonight !

@TowsonHorse TIGERS WIN! đ&#x;?Żđ&#x;Ž‰ The Citadel 27 #25 TOWSON TIGERS 44 Tigers improve to 3-1 (1-0 CAA) Hail to the Towson Tigers! đ&#x;?Ż Thank you Students, Alumni, Community and Fans!




Congrats to @Towson_FB for the home opener win! @DaveVatz This weekend, the Flacco family was dominant. Tom Flacco in @Towson_FB win vs. The Citadel: 253 passing yards, 185 rushing yards, 4 TDs Joe Flacco in @Ravens win at Pittsburgh: 363 passing yards, 2 TDs Great weekend for Baltimore!




October 2, 2018

The case against Kavanaugh Self care for the

Republicans incapable of protecting American interests RYAN KIRBY Columnist @RyanHKirby

On Sept. 27, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee to discuss the allegations of sexual assault against Judge Kavanaugh when they were in high school. Dr. Ford exhibited immense bravery and delivered a powerful opening statement about the trauma she experienced. Judge Kavanaugh delivered an emotional opening statement loaded with anger and tears. Judge Kavanaugh should not sit on the Supreme Court. I believe Dr. Ford. Thursday’s hearing put the sexism that exists within the GOP on full display. A panel of 11 old, white men had the responsibility of questioning Dr. Ford about the traumatic experience that has haunted her for decades. Realizing the optics of the situation the GOP called in Rachell Mitchell, a sexual crimes prosecutor in Maricopa County, to question Dr. Ford on their behalf. When it was Kavanaugh’s turn to answer questions, the Senate Republicans had no problem using their time to defend Brett Kavanaugh and shift the blame onto Democrats and Dr. Ford. Most notably, Sen. Graham of South Carolina, erupted into a temper tantrum where he accused Democrats of playing a political game with Dr. Ford’s confidentiality by releasing the information when it was politically opportune for them, which has been proven false on multiple accounts. Sen. Graham even threatened to create false allegations of sexual assault to stop future Democratic nominees. It

is this type of behavior from the GOP that keeps women from speaking out. Blaming women for speaking out and making up false accusations to muddy the waters are one of the many reasons why 63 percent of victims don’t speak out about sexual assault. If the GOP actually cared about women, then they would take Dr. Ford’s testimony more seriously. Not only have the Senate Republicans put their blatant sexism on full display, but they risk decreasing American trust in the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh displayed his blatant partisanship and lack of emotional restraint that makes him fundamentally unqualified for a lifetime appointment on our nation’s h i g h est court. Chief Justice R o b e r t s ’ described his role on the Supreme Court would be, “to call balls and strikes,” showing he planned to keep the Supreme Court an apolitical branch of government. Judge Kavanaugh’s forty-five minute opening statement was spent in large part accusing Democrats of intentionally falsifying the sexual harassment claim as a last ditch effort to stop his nomination and as revenge for the Ken Starr Investigation into Clintons. Given how Kavanaugh has displayed such a high level of partisanship he is incapable of “calling balls and strikes,” in any manner that would be deemed fair and level headed. Not to mention, if Dr. Ford had acted even half as angry and emotional as Kavanaugh, she would instantly be attacked for her behavior as an overly emotional female, whereas Judge Kavanaugh is credited with being “passionate.” Kavanaugh’s testimony also demonstrated his ability to lie

under oath, a federal crime, which is yet another issue that would disqualify him from a Supreme Court seat. With limited space it is impossible to discuss the large number of lies made during hours of testimony, but they primarily revolve around his sexual behavior, drinking habits and social circle. Kavanaugh had a number of common sexual slang terms in his yearbook, which he explained away as innocent jokes for flatulence and drinking games. Kavanaugh claimed he was of the legal drinking age in Maryland when he was not and multiple classmates from Georgetown Prep and Yale have discussed his habit of over drinking and becoming violent when drunk. Kavanaugh even denied having known Dr. Ford in high school even though his own calendars show him routinely hanging out with her then boyfriend “Squi.” Again, these are just some of the many misleading and blatantly false statements Kavanaugh made under oath. Kavanaugh chose to lie, because admitting he was a sexually promiscuous and avid drinker would ruin his credibility as a witness. Dr. Ford presented an exceedingly credible description of her trauma, which no one should ever endure, while Judge Kavanaugh presented an anger filled tirade built upon lies and misleading statements. It is almost impossible for us to know the truth of what happened between Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh, but it is imperative that the U.S. Senate hold the Supreme Court to a higher standard and find another candidate who will not bring permanent damage to the image of nation’s highest court. If the Republican Senate chooses to continue on their shortsighted path of forcing Judge Kavanaugh down the throats of the American people, then it is the role of the people to vote every single member of the Republican Party out of office because they are fundamentally incapable of protecting the interests of all Americans.

working minority SAMUEL SMITH Columnist

Don’t get me wrong, I love being transgender and bisexual. But it’s stressful. Sometimes I feel like I have to set a good example for every LGBT person, for fear that if I set a bad example, it will look bad for all folks. I’m scared to say my n a m e s o m e times, for fear someone will tell I’m trans and not take too kindly to that. It’s stressful. It’s also stressful being a full-time student. Self care is incredibly important in college. That is especially true if you’re a minority, when our lives sometimes feel like our activism. So, take a step back, relax, and use these self care tips to make your life just a little bit easier. Read a book that’s not for class. Read some brain candy. Read a book on a topic you’re passionate about. Participate in #readdiverse2018 and pick up a book written by someone who isn’t cisgender, white, or heterosexual. Reading a good book can help you escape from your daily life and reading diverse books can make you feel more connected to the world around you. Spoil yourself. Buy yourself that latte you like, or a book from your favorite bookstore. Splurge just a tiny bit on yourself. I know that buying things is just a quick rush of energy, but buy or invest in something you truly enjoy, and savor it. This is especially great for Fridays, because it sets the end of the working week and starts the weekend on a high note, but don’t be afraid to spoil yourself any day

of the week. Meditate. Take a few minutes out of your day and become mindful of your surroundings and your emotions. Process these emotions, whether they be negative or positive. Ask yourself why you are feeling this way. Are you stressed? Happy? Nervous? Why do you feel this way? Process these emotions, and process the reasoning for these emotions. Journaling. This goes along with meditating, but I feel like it should be on its own. Journal your thoughts and feelings at the end of the day. Even better, journal how you’re feeling before and after meditating. This can assist in decompressing and processing your thoughts. Take a social media detox. These days, the media can be toxic and it can be stressful to deal with when you’re also dealing with school, work and other daily stresses. Taking a social media or news detox can help you feel less stressed in your day to day life. When your break from social media is over, follow some body positive accounts that are diverse and intersectional. I personally love following feminist accounts because I get to read up on the news, hear about what’s up and coming in feminist theory and get positive messages in the same account. It’s a win-win! Whether your idea of self care is taking a bath with a luxurious bath bomb or taking a mental break from the news, taking care of yourself and giving yourself a break is much needed for mental and physical health as a minority. While it’s difficult, if impossible, to escape systemic injustices, you can make your life just a bit easier with a bit of pampering and love.


October 2, 2018

Financial stress affects students KAYLA HUNT Columnist

One of the many stressors that affect college students’ mental health is finances. Whether it be the cost of tuition or day-to-day living expenses, money is definitely on many students’ minds. For those who are looking for employment, Towson’s online job and internship database Handshake, provides a service m u c h similar to that of LinkedIn. The website allows you to create a profile that represents your job experience, education history and overall career interests. It assists with finding jobs and internships that match students’ experience and their career path. Towson’s Career Center also provides resources to help students discover their career paths. They offer career advice, one-on-one counseling services, resumé and cover letter development, interview preparation/ tips, assistance with searching for on-campus and off-campus jobs and internships. The Career Center will be holding their 2018 Fall Career and Internship Fair this Friday

from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. This event will give students the chance to meet with over 200 prospective employers. Students who attend should keep in mind to dress professionally and to bring 15-20 copies of their resumé with them. For more information, students should visit the Handshake website or Towson University’s Events Calendar. Most prof e s s o r s advise students to study two to t hree h o u r s a week per credit hour. Therefore, students who decide to seek out e mp l oyment opportunities are advised to only work 10-15 hours per week in order to effectively balance work and school in a healthy manner. On-campus jobs usually do not allow students to exceed 20 hours per week. The stress of f inances on college students has also been acknowledged by many corporations. There are a lot of companies that provide discounts for students, including Hulu, Apple and Amazon. Students can also call their local retail and restaurant stores to see if they participate in student discounts.

One of the many stressors that affect college students’ mental health is finances. Whether it be the cost of tuition or day-to-day living expenses, money is definitely on many students’ minds. KAYLA HUNT Columnist


Become a towerlight cartoonist! Send your comic strips to




October 2, 2018

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Leaves aren’t the only thing falling at Towson Place Apartments! Rent Starting at $807/ month. Utilities and furnishings included. Pets welcome. Apply today at


October 2, 2018


TU co-hosts Maryland District Debates

District 42 and 42A candidates discuss hot-button issues ANTHONY PETRO Staff Writer

called recent negative statistics regarding marijuana use out in Colorado “horrifying.” “I do not support the legalThe Towson University Office ization of marijuana,” West said. of Civic Engagement and Social “There is no way to test whether Responsibility co-hosted the or not someone is under the influ“Future of 42” debate with the ence of marijuana in the field. Knollwood Association in the Until we come up with a method Minnegan Room of Unitas Stadium to test people on the highway, Friday night. then I am against it.” Legalization of marijuana, the The two candidates attacked the environment, revitalization of the Fair Housing Act in the Baltimore Towson area, and working against area, specifically regarding Section partisanship were the hot-button 8 housing. The Fair Housing Act issues under debate as candidates prohibits housing discrimination for Maryland’s District 42 state based on race, color, religion, sex, senate seat, and District 42A’s disability, familiar status, and house of delegates seat, faced off. national origin. Section 8 Housing Democratic Candidate Robbie refers to a federal program in Leonard debated against current the United States which provides state delegate Republican Chris subsidized housing to families West for the state Senate seat and individuals whose income is while Democrat Steve Lafferty less than 50 percent of the area’s attempted to defend his delegate median income. position against Republican chal“You have to do the right thing, even if it is not the easy thing,” lenger Steve McIntire. Leonard said. “Opposition against The candidates were asked quesproviding housing for low-income tions from a panel made up of Matt families disgusts me.” Pipkin, president of the Towson West said University College he attended Republicans, all the local Joshua Lash, high school president of the graduations College Democrats and was of Towson, Luis “shocked” Sierra, Assistant by how Director for Civic diverse the Engagement, and schools were Neil Dubovsky, compared from the Knollwood to when he Association. was in high Pamela Wood, a school. reporter for the Leonard Baltimore Sun, jumped on moderated the this immedidebate. The debates ately saying, began with the “Diversity LUIS SIERRA Senate race Assistant Director of Civic Engagenet should not between Leonard be shocking.” and West and the The crowd issue of legalizing marijuana. erupted in applause. Leonard said he was for the Both candidates said the revitallegalization of marijuana. ization of Towson’s high schools “Legalizing marijuana will would be their number-one priority. provide massive tax revenues,” “My number one priority is to Leonard said. “Maryland needs build new Towson and Dulaney to be a leader, we need to be the High Schools,” West said. “I 10th state.” received $150,000 to fix Dulaney’s West said marijuana negativeathletic fields because their footly affects the brains of people ball field carried an electrical under the age of 26. He also charge… you could see sparks

I really appreciated the candidate’s passion and care. They brought arguments up with care and respect. I appreciated their intentional and thoughtful answers.

Anthony Petro/ The Towerlight

From left to right,Maryland Senate candidate Democrat Robbie Leonard and incumbant Republican Chris West face off during the first half of the Maryland district debates Sept 28.

jumping between the links in the chain link fence.” Leonard also said he wants to give back to the area. “I graduated from Dulaney High School,” Leonard said. “I was there when the new addition went up in the 90s… it’s shocking how run down it is now. I grew up here, I want to give back to this community and see it succeed.” Both candidates also agreed that the current government systems in D.C. and the U.S. are failing due to the lack of bipartisanship. “We need to restore faith in our democracy,” Leonard said. “I believe in democratic values, but I will stand for what’s best no matter where the idea or value aligns.” “Our democracy is being destroyed by partisanship,” West said. West said he decided to run for delegate to “bring common sense to government and make sure what happened in D.C. does not happen to Annapolis.” After a short recess, the audience was introduced to the second debate between Lafferty and McIntire. The panel asked the same questions to the second set of debaters, and the hot-button issues were virtually the same. Both candidates did, however, agree on

the legalization of marijuana. “I have questions about how police will determine if someone is under the influence or not, but I don’t think that should stop legalization,” Lafferty said. McIntire agreed saying he also supports the legalization of marijuana but expects tight regulations. “Prohibition isn’t going to be effective – it wasn’t effective with alcohol,” McIntire said. “Prohibiting marijuana will only encourage criminal activity. I do believe it should be regulated and I fully expect Maryland to have strict regulations.” The second set of debaters did focus on the environment more so than the previous duo. Lafferty said he wants District 42 and the state to decrease their reliance on fossil fuels. “We need to focus and increase resilience to prevent further building projects so close to the coast lines,” Lafferty said. McIntire said we need to focus on global warming. “We need to introduce neighborhood electric vehicles,” McIntire said. “I am currently beta testing one now. These are like golf-carts, but can go up to 35 mph. Teslas are great, sure, but do you have $80,000 laying around? These

carts are something that can take a lot of miles off the road.” Lafferty and McIntire both agreed with West and Leonard about renovating the Towson area high schools. “A new Towson high school should be a priority,” McIntire said. “It is the cornerstone of the neighborhood. We need to make Towson development work for the residents.” All four candidates made it a point to use the revitalization of the Towson area as focal points for their debates, a note that resonated with the audience. “I think the debate went really well,” Sierra said. “I really appreciated the candidate’s passion and care. They brought arguments up with care and respect. I appreciated their intentional and thoughtful answers.” Matthew Schwartzman, a member of the Towson University College Republicans said he thought the debate went great and was very civil. “They talked about many key issues,” Schwartzman said. “There were no hostilities and they combated the partisanship in DC.” These four candidates can be found on ballots during the midterm election Nov. 6.



October 2, 2018

NSCS welcomes new members Keynote gives inductees advice on future ALBERT IVORY Staff Writer @Intellectu_Al

Sept. 30: TUPD is investigating a possible burglary in Frederick Douglass House. Sept. 30: A resident student reported the theft of a broom in Millenium Hall. Sept. 30: A resident received unwanted messages in Millenium Hall. Sept. 30: A couple become involved in an assault as a result of a text message in Marshall Hall. Sept. 29: An officer was investigating property left unattended and was notified by the owner that the property had been stolen from a vehicle in Glen Garage. Sept. 29: A resident student was found in possession of a false ID in West Village Garage. Charges are pending. Sept. 27: A non-affiliate was issued a civil citation for possession of under 10 grams of marijuana in West Village. Sept. 26: TUPD is investigating an assault reported by a bus driver on Cross Campus Drive. Sept. 26: A campus security authority reported a fondling occuring at an unknown campus location. Sept. 26: A campus security authority reported an incident of stalking in Glen Complex Tower D. Sept. 25: A university-owned computer was discovered damaged in Cook Library. Sept. 25: A resident student was issued a civil citation for false identification in Cook Library. Sept. 24: A faculty member saw a known person with a no trespass order in Van Bokeelen. Sept. 24: A student witnessed a male urinating in the stairwell in the Towsontown Garage.

Towson’s chapter of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) held their induction ceremony in West Village Ballrooms Saturday. NSCS is an honors organization that recognizes high-achieving students, provides career and graduate school connections, leadership and service opportunities, and gives out more than $1 million annually in scholarships, awards, and chapter funds. Scholarship, leadership, and service are the pillars that establish the foundation and operation of the organization. It was founded in 1994 on George Washington University. It’s also a member of the Association of College Honor Societies and has over 330 chapters across the country. The executive vice president of the chapter and junior, Victoria Meoli, stated that “the event is when we honor new members and celebrate the accomplishments that they have achieved and everything they did to get here because it isn’t easy to get in, GPA requirements for example.” The president of the chapter and sophomore, Serena Kok Sey Tjong, started the event off with introducing herself and the other board members of the chapter. “The people you will meet and connect with through NSCS are truly valuable,” Kok Sey Tjong said. The Director of Student Success Programs, Raft Woodus, is the Faculty Advisor for the organization, and the Chapter Operations Manager is Tarah Johnson. Assistant Director of Student Activities and Assistant Director of Leadership, Brandy Hall, was recog-

nized as this year’s Distinguished Honorary Member. The keynote speaker for the event was the Honors Faculty Director and Professor of the Department of Political Science, Alison McCartney. McCartney started off by congratulating the new inductees and noted how important an accomplishment such as the membership is. “We hope that, indeed, with all of the work that it took to get to this point that you understand that this is the beginning,” McCartney said. “This is not the end, but hopefully the beginning of the many successes here at Towson and moving forward.” She proposed two pieces of advice to prepare for what may come in the future, the first being civility. “Civility is showing courage to engage and sometimes difficult, but honest conversations with each other,” said McCartney. “Listen to each other politely about our different experiences and to respect each other’s rights.” McCartney encouraged everyone to never turn away from politics despite the political climate. The second piece of advice revolved around participation. McCartney pointed out that in the last midterm election, youth voting in Maryland was under 19 percent. “How can we change our lives if you don’t participate?” McCartney asked. McCartney noted that Oct. 16 at 5 p.m. is the deadline for voter registration and referred to the Office of Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility for more information. She also discussed absentee ballots and early voting as other options to pick to not worry about the regular voting deadline. McCartney acknowledged the significance of the policies

that are placed by elected officials regarding healthcare, education and climate change. “You have worked hard to build the skills and knowledge to be accepted into this honor society, there’s a responsibility that goes with that... also [to] contribute, in some way, that goes beyond the office, cubicle, or desk you will working on,” McCartney remarked. “An orchestra never sounds the same without its march section... take out the trumpets, take out the drums...and the music is not as rich.” McCartney also acknowledged the significance of actions other than voting, such as staying informed about the political landscape, collect perspectives, volunteer in a campaign and local community groups, and attend debates and lectures. “There’s a lot to do in the next 39 days...and in the next few years, even in the next 10 years” McCartney noted. McCartney concluded her keynote, but acknowledged the relatives of the inductees and their contribution and commitment in their growth and development. “You have shown through your membership in this society that you can do will do more than sit on the sidelines and you will go out there to make your world a better place.” Kok Sey Tjiong, then, called up the new members to the stage to receive their certificates, pins and other membership gifts. After every inductee was called, they had to recite an oath of membership, which is a pledge emphasizing the dedication that they will have to put forth as members. There were nearly 40 inductees. The chapter meetings are monthly, and the next meeting will be on Oct. 10.

Sept. 24: A vending machine was found damaged and money removed at 7800 York Road. Sept. 22: A resident reported fraudulent activity on a personal account in Glen Complex Tower B. Upon follow-up, the account was not compromised. Sept.21: A campus security authority reffered two students for an alcohol violation to Student Conduct in Glen Complex Tower C. Sept. 21: A campus security authority reffered seven students for an alcohol violation to Student Conduct in Glen Complex Tower A. The Towerlight’s “Police Blotter” is a representative sample of crimes occurring on and off campus. The blotter is not intended to be all inclusive. For a list of all crime reports, visit

Albert Ivory/ The Towerlight

Towson’s chapter of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars inducted almost 40 new members Saturday. NSCS was founded in 1994 at George Washington Universty and has over 330 chapters.


October 2, 2018

Bug research funded


Department of Electronic Media and Film presents

Professors receive grant to continue project

FREE FILM SERIES Van Bokkelen Hall Auditorium Mondays at 7:30pm OCTOBER FILMS 10/8 “Be Right Back,” Black Mirror 10/15 Lars and the Real Girl (2007)

Courtesy of Towson University

Left to right, Professors Faith Weeks and John LaPolla are part of the team researching the relationship between Acropyga ants and mealybugs, and will continue to using a grant of more than $730,000.


Towson University’s Fisher College of Science and Mathematics recently received a more than $730,000 grant to study the relationship between two small bugs from the National Science Foundation. Professor John LaPolla, who teaches entomology courses at Towson, and his team received the grant for their research about Acropyga ants and their symbiotic relationship with mealybugs. This was LaPolla’s third attempt at receiving the grant. LaPolla describes the relationship between the Acropyga and mealybugs as “dairy farming.” The ants are like farmers while the mealybugs are like the cows. “The mealybugs secrete honeydew and this is the ant’s sole food source,” LaPolla said. “These ants live solely underground and they will put the mealybugs on plant roots and then eat the nutrients the mealy bugs secrete. The queen Acropyga even carries a mealybug with her when she starts a new colony.” The ants and mealybugs have been living together with this mutualistic relationship for over 30 million years. “The question we are hoping to answer, now with the help from the grant money, is how this relationship has lasted so long and what it could mean for human evolution and future human agriculture,” LaPolla said. Professor Faith Weeks, who

teaches science for elementary majors, TU alum and USDA research entomologist Scott Scheider, chair of the Department of Entomology at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of History Sean Brady, graduate student Aaron Robinson and undergraduate student Paul Umemezie were all part of LaPolla’s team. “I was surprised but really happy when I found out we got the grant,” Weeks said. “Not a lot of organizations have that kind of money to grant to projects like this.” Weeks is in charge of making the research more accessible to the public and turning the research into a teaching tool for K-12 science teachers. “It’s public money, the information should have public impact,” Weeks said. “My job is to educate the public about what the scientists are doing. If we don’t share the research, then what’s the point?” Weeks hopes to translate the research into part of science curriculums where the students get to see real research and its realworld applications. “I hope showing people this research will give them a better understanding that insects are an important part of the ecosystem,” Weeks said. “We see symbiotic relationships everywhere.” She also hopes these teachings will help change the public stereotype of scientists. “When you think of scientists you picture some old guy with crazy gray hair wearing a lab coat and holding a smoking beaker,” Weeks said. “Well, almost none of us are

like that, and the public needs to see that. Hopefully through these teachings they can.” LaPolla and Weeks both highlighted the importance of using this research and the grant money to help undergraduate and graduate students get experience. “The grant is on the larger side for this field,” LaPolla said. “The money, for three years, will provide us to pay the graduate and undergraduates who help us. It also allows us to provide post-doctorate fellows with experience at the Smithsonian as well as actual teaching experience.” Robinson is researching the head and mouth shapes of the Acropyga. “Aaron is looking at how the Acropyga head shape has changed and why they are not all similar, like all other ant species,” LaPolla said. “Through his research we might be able to correlate head and mandible shape to the shape of the mealybugs which could imply they influence each other’s evolution.” Robinson said his time working on the project with LaPolla has been invaluable. “I’m really happy to be a part of this, and I get out of having to be a TA,” Robinson said. “I’ve gotten to meet and network with people at the Smithsonian and other entomologists and pharmacologists. Not to mention I got to go to South Africa to study these ants directly.” LaPolla, Weeks and Robinson hope they can put this huge grant to good use in the next few years and show the world that the Acropyga have a bigger role outside of the world of insects.

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12 October 2, 2018

Arts & Life

Changing clothes and social constructs KERRY INGRAM Arts & Life Editor @Glaminista08

Boxer briefs have always been looked at as an underwear form strictly for men, however, Towson alum Samantha Stelz has decided to change that. My Lilianas, Stelz’s new brand of loungewear shorts, are clothing items inspired by traditional men’s boxers yet designed for the female form. Made of 100 percent cotton, My Lilianas were made to give women a more comfortable option for loungewear without having to sacrifice style. Stelz’s source of inspiration for the shorts came from her own college experience with clothing. “When I was in college, I found that after class, I just wanted to be comfortable as I was studying, working on my course work, or sleeping. I was constantly stealing my boyfriend’s clothes,” Stelz said. “I actually went shopping looking for loungewear and clothing items similar to his clothes in the women’s department, but I could never find anything.” Stelz recalled shopping in Towson’s

mall during her time at the university, and stumbling across a female classmate in the men’s department of a store. Both women were shopping for boxers for themselves to wear. That coincidental run-in was enough for Stelz to determine that a change in the women’s clothing industry had to be made. “A lot of women’s clothing companies are actually ran by men and they don’t always know what we want,” Stelz said. “We know what we want more. A lot of times women’s clothing is made with the sole priority of being attractive, whereas most men’s clothing is made with the top priorities of comfort and utility. I wanted to start changing things a little bit.” Kidron Turner, a 27-year-old engineer and friend of Stelz who has worn My Lilianas shorts since their creation, pointed out the true difficulty of finding comfortable and practical loungewear for women. “For me, being able to have a dynamic wardrobe is really critical,” Turner said. “Not just in a fashion sense; it is important that I am able to focus on being productive in whatever I’m wearing. I’ve got the profes-

sional attire aspect covered. Finding practical, sustainable let alone cute loungewear is much more challenging. Getting on board with My Liliana’s was a no-brainer.” After trying My Lilianas boxers, Turner admitted to adding them as an “official part of her home and office wardrobe.” She shared how the shorts allowed her to stop sacrificing comfort for style and that she would recommend them to others. That balance of style and comfort is the exact thing Stelz aimed for in the creation of her brand. “I felt like there was a serious lack of comfortable loungewear for women,” Stelz said. “A lot of women’s clothes, though it might look cute, are tight and not really comfortable or healthy.” Health is another aspect that sets My Lilianas apart from tradition women’s underwear and loungewear items. Stelz spoke with gynecologists in the planning phase of the brand, settling on making the shorts out of 100 percent cotton, since that was recommended as a healthy material for women. To Towson University Health Educator Kailah Carden, My Lilianas

Courtesy of Ollie Productions

My Lilianas loungewear shorts come in a variety of colors, patterns and designs, and are each $18.

Courtesy of Ollie Productions

My Lilianas, Samantha Stelz’s (middle on banner photo) loungewear brand are designed by women, for women. shorts sounded promising. “Wearing boxers or sleeping without underwear can be recommended by medical providers to prevent urinary tract infections, yeast infections, and bacterial vaginosis,” Carden said. “Underwear should be comfortable for those wearing it, so if [My Lilianas] provides a comfortable alternative that is not currently available, that is a great new resource. However everyone is different, so what is comfortable for one person may not be comfortable for another person.” My Lilianas are also designed with vertical stitching down the backside, to help make the shorts more comfortable and complementing without them riding up. According to Stelz, the shorts get softer after each wash, and she sought out getting each pair pre-shrunken so users won’t have to worry about the shorts changing sizes upon washing. Additionally, Stelz opted for a softer elastic band, as well as having the fabric tag stitched right on the shorts, for added comfort. She added deep pockets for convenience, noting that most women’s clothing, let alone loungewear, lack such a feature. The shorts currently come in an arrangement of designs, from printed designs like wiener dogs and pinstripes, to more standard designs, like solid blue coloring. Although Stelz wanted to make My Lilianas meet the growing needs and concerns of female consumers, she also sought out to start her business as ethically as possible. “Finding a manufacturer was defi-

nitely one of the hardest parts,” Stelz said. “I wanted to find a manufacturer that could make the designs, but was also environmentally friendly with natural dyes and low impact dyes. I also wanted one that was an ethical company in and of itself. That took some time.” My Lilianas, Stelz admitted, is her most prized business venture thus far, but not her first. “I did have a lot of really small businesses growing up, and I love getting to meet with people and seeing them get excited and talking about what I created,” Stelz said. “My first legitimate business was making jewelry, I made my own glass jewelry using my parents kiln when I was 10. That got me so excited.” In addition to focusing on women’s product needs and wants, My Lilianas is a brand Stelz uses to build women up in general. Stelz created, in which she features different young women each week in the hopes of inspiring others to follow their own passions. She noted the importance on encouraging and supporting other women to live their dreams. “Don’t be afraid to do what you want and don’t be afraid to take the time to figure out what it is that you want,” Stelz advised. “Don’t be afraid to take risks. Just put yourself out there and go for what you want without letting anyone or anything stop you. My Lilianas are currently available in the U.S. and worldwide for $18 each, on the Shopify platform

Arts & Life

October 2, 2018

Religious rebellion HALONA WALSH Contributing Writer

The fifth installment in The Conjuring franchise, “The Nun,” is being forced out this year to reveal the awaited backstory of the mysterious demon-nun, that’s been running amuck in Ed and Lorraine Warren’s lives; known as Valak. The same franchise has given us some universally horrifying things; a haunted house, a haunted doll, so the next step would logically be a haunted nun. Twenty years before the original film’s events. The Nun takes place in Romania at a remote abbey, a continent away. A FrenchCanadian farmer, Maurice, (Jonas Bloquet) goes on his usual errands s and finds a nun’s weather-worn body hanging from the presumably abandoned abbey. Cut to Rome, where the Vatican sends Father Burke (Demián Bichir), a hardened priest, with a sketchy past in the paranormal, and in contrast to him, Sister Irene (Taissa Farmiga), an inexperienced nun still in her novitiate. Together, the trio must investigate the meaning behind the nun’s suicide - a grave sin in the Catholic Church - and will have their faith or lack thereof, tested as they’re chased by - hold

for suspense - a Marilyn Mansonimpersonating nun. Director of the original Conjuring, James Wan, has taken on the role of producer for this film, while directorial duties have been shifted over to Corin Hardy. Hardy’s only other project being another horror film from 2015, called “The Hallow.” Wan’s lack of presence in this production may explain why the connections between The Conjuring and its spin-off are only thinly related, leaving a lack of direction and plenty of room to fill, resulting in half-hearted jump-scares, loose hallucinations, and even zombies. In between the usage of tired horror movie scares there are some suspenseful moments to be had. Particularly, one scene where the trio meets a woman donning a black veil who poses as the abbess of the abbey. It’s believed that this is just another jump-scare, but it’s actually allowed to take its time and become a genuinely eerie moment. And for the rest of the time, somewhere in the convent, there is some ghost standing behind Sister Irene in a mirror or the corpse of a nun that starts moving on its own. The film wraps up as well as the remake of The Haunting (1999), and silently asks the question of whether it needed to be made in the first place.

Courtesy of

“The Nun” is the fifth installment in The Conjuring franchise.


Arts & Life

October 2, 2018

Religious rebellion HALONA WALSH Contributing Writer

The fifth installment in The Conjuring franchise, “The Nun,” is being forced out this year to reveal the awaited backstory of the mysterious demon-nun, that’s been running amuck in Ed and Lorraine Warren’s lives; known as Valak. The same franchise has given us some universally horrifying things; a haunted house, a haunted doll, so the next step would logically be a haunted nun. Twenty years before the original film’s events. The Nun takes place in Romania at a remote abbey, a continent away. A FrenchCanadian farmer, Maurice, (Jonas Bloquet) goes on his usual errands s and finds a nun’s weather-worn body hanging from the presumably abandoned abbey. Cut to Rome, where the Vatican sends Father Burke (Demián Bichir), a hardened priest, with a sketchy past in the paranormal, and in contrast to him, Sister Irene (Taissa Farmiga), an inexperienced nun still in her novitiate. Together, the trio must investigate the meaning behind the nun’s suicide - a grave sin in the Catholic Church - and will have their faith or lack thereof, tested as they’re chased by - hold

for suspense - a Marilyn Mansonimpersonating nun. Director of the original Conjuring, James Wan, has taken on the role of producer for this film, while directorial duties have been shifted over to Corin Hardy. Hardy’s only other project being another horror film from 2015, called “The Hallow.” Wan’s lack of presence in this production may explain why the connections between The Conjuring and its spin-off are only thinly related, leaving a lack of direction and plenty of room to fill, resulting in half-hearted jump-scares, loose hallucinations, and even zombies. In between the usage of tired horror movie scares there are some suspenseful moments to be had. Particularly, one scene where the trio meets a woman donning a black veil who poses as the abbess of the abbey. It’s believed that this is just another jump-scare, but it’s actually allowed to take its time and become a genuinely eerie moment. And for the rest of the time, somewhere in the convent, there is some ghost standing behind Sister Irene in a mirror or the corpse of a nun that starts moving on its own. The film wraps up as well as the remake of The Haunting (1999), and silently asks the question of whether it needed to be made in the first place.

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Courtesy of

“The Nun” is the fifth installment in The Conjuring franchise.


14 October 2, 2018

Arts & Life

REEL REWIND 1800s-based film still relevant “Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid” LUKE PARKER Columnist

Butch does the thinking and Sundance does the shooting. It’s a dynamite pairing; they are the perfect outlaws and the most likable bandits ever put on screen. Starting off with the words “most of what follows is true,” George Roy Hill’s “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” is based on real-life events in the late 1800s, but the manner in which it unfolds is so whimsical, the better part of its two-hour runtime elicits a smile. It is pure entertainment. What is perhaps most accurate about the film is its reflection of the year in which it was made. There will never be another time other than the late 60s where it would be appropriate to halt the action for a sunrise bicycle ride set to the tune of B.J. Thomas’ “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head.” Mind you, it may not have been appropriate back then, either, but it had to have been at least a bit more so; one of the film’s four Oscar wins was for that song.

This scene is only one of many instances which presents Butch Cassidy as a western in near denial (a lot of fun can be had, for instance, in watching the heroes run away from the danger); it is also one of the two which does not work. The other comes later in the film, as Butch (Paul Newman), Sundance (Robert Redford), and Sundance’s girl, Etta (Katharine Ross) are shown fleeing the country through a minutes-long collage of penciled-in photos. Just shy of its 50th anniversary, these two sequences are remarkably the only things that don’t hold up. Butch and the Sundance Kid are the chief pair of The Hole in the Wall Gang, amusingly introduced by a period-piece newsreel. They rob trains the nice way. Butch tries tip-toeing around killing, but when he can’t, that’s when Sundance, whose stare alone establishes him as the fastest gun in the West, steps in. Just as they work brilliantly together, so do the actors who portray them. Along for the ride and fresh off of The Graduate, Katherine Ross, as the woman who takes her place alongside (and in between) Butch and Sundance, is thrilling in

her own way. The scenes in which she teaches the boys how to rob in Spanish are both sweet and droll. No, the flaw in Butch and Sundance’s operation is that they don’t know when to quit; once they take it a bit too far in America and manage to escape from the allstar posse sent to kill them, they flee to Bolivia, only to get into even more trouble. Butch is supposed to do the thinking, but as they face their final fate, Sundance makes one last request: “I don’t ever want to hear another one of your ideas.” Unlike “Raindrops,” the film’s three other Oscars – score, cinematography, and screenplay – still feel earned. The locations, from mammoth canyons to vast plains, are as gorgeous as the three stars who roam across them, and the screenplay, which sees hold ups lost in translation (literally) and a banker willing to get blown up (twice) to protect his boss’ loot, is a riot. When you throw on top of that the amorous wit of Newman and the perfect foil in Redford, you have what may be the most likable western ever made.

tunes come together to make up one of the better records put out by the group. Troye Sivan’s “Bloom”-This gentleman’s sophomore effort may have been lost in the flow due to the hype over Ariana Grande’s latest, but I feel that this record is a much more coherent experience. Songs like “The Good Side” and “Seventeen” show Sivan as capable of writing heartbreaking hooks reminiscent of the height of 80s pop. This kid is an artist we should be hearing good things from in the next few years. Waterparks’ “Entertainment”The latest effort from Waterparks shows a lot of development in the band’s sound away from typical poppunk. They have shed some of the keyboard padding back and have added some alternative rock style to their sound, which is a welcome addition. This is a great example of a band polishing off their edges and making

something truly spectacular. Janelle Monáe’s “Dirty Computer”- While Monae has an extensive back catalog of excellent work, I was concerned that this came out amid her busy schedule starring in Oscar-winning films. However, this album is the best produced album that Monáe has ever put out, and the single “Make Me Feel” and the title track will go down as some of the best songs of the year. Kanye West’s “Kids See Ghosts”Given Kanye West and Kid Cudi’s tumultuous relationship over the past few years, this mini album is stunningly amazing. Not a second of time is wasted on this record and each song brings a psychedelic flavor to Hip Hop, which fits like a glove. This shows both Cudi and West taking the best aspects of each other’s music and combining them into an absolutely spellbinding listen.

Five surprising albums of fall TIMOTHY COFFMAN Columnist

There have been albums this year that have lived up to their hype of being very enjoyable records. However, many of the greatest albums to come of the past year have been changes in sound or quality that left many listeners amazed. Here are a few albums that held the biggest surprises of the year so far. Alkaline Trio’s “Is This Thing Cursed?”- This album had the unfortunate fate of coming out the same week as Eminem’s “Kamikaze,” but this album is a true return to form for the pop-punk trio. Guitarist Matt Skiba’s recent stint in Blink-182 help to re-energize the band and give their tunes the right amount of punch. This eclectic mix of punk, acoustic, and rock

Rap’s latest album ABYAN NERY Contributing Writer

Brockhampton just released “iridescence,” their fourth studio album to follows the group’s much praised “Saturation” series. The self-proclaimed “boy band,” led by Kevin Abstract, seems as if they were poised to release their biggest and best album yet with all the hype that accompanies it. Unfortunately, reality doesn’t always meet expectation. From the very first time I listened to the album, I got the feeling that there was something missing. The most obvious thing missing is former member Ameer Vann, who was removed from the group in May following sexual misconduct allegations by multiple women. Vann was one of the better rappers, who often sang the hooks and was the literal cover of all three of the “Saturation” albums. However, Vann wasn’t the only thing missing on this album and not even the most important exclusion. That honor goes to the lack of consistency this project has to offer. This inconsistency extends into all parts of the album and it seems to be the general theme connecting all 15 tracks. Production-wise, the prevailing principle was to throw everything on the wall and see what stuck. There are some tracks like “BERLIN” which with its hectic but flat beats make the song confusing and hinders any enjoyment of it. There are other tracks that are so bland that in one case, I literally forgot that the song was playing and only noticed when it went to the next track. These filler songs do nothing

for the album and make the 48-minute runtime feel like an album that is at least an hour long. Then, there are tracks such as “SAN MARCOS,” which feel so out of place on this album because they are sonically better than all the other songs. Something that definitely did not stick to the wall was the majority of the autotune use on the album, even on the good songs. While “SAN MARCOS” was a good song, it is impossible to not notice the atrocious autotune, which sounded like a Travis Scott feature recorded in a 7/11 bathroom. Even on their better songs, the production was, at best, eclectic and at worst, outright bad. The bright spot of this album are the lyrics that serve as a reflections of how far Brockhampton has come and their newfound fame, but how it has not resulted in their problems being solved. They even comment on the frustration they feel surrounding the Vann situation with Abstract even asking, “Why the BBC only write about me when it comes down to controversy?” It is clear that the trappings of stardom has affected the members and they are not scared to let a general audience know, even if the song itself might suffer production-wise. Overall, “iridescence” was disappointing and painfully mediocre, especially considering the fact that the group had established a solid track record up until this release. It might have a few interesting ideas lyrically or production-wise, but these ideas are not enough to bolster the weaker aspects of the album. I don’t think this album will have much longevity, as it is at its worst. I give this album a 6 out of 10.

Courtesy of

“iridescence” is rap group Brockhampton’s fourth studio album.

Puzzles Puzzles

15 15

October 2018 October 2,2, 2018

Crossword Sudoku

? ?

See page 19 for answers to this week’s



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For more info on this event, see the full ad on page 5. Good luck!

16 October 2, 2018


Tigers leash Bulldogs in home opener Alexis Brown/ The Towerlight

While celebrating the 50th season of Towson football, the Tigers also celebrated a win against The Citadel bulldogs Saturday at the Tigers’ home opener. Just days before the home opener, the Tigers were ranked nationally for the first time since 2014, at No. 25. Flacco also broke the single-game program rushing record for a quarterback at Towson.

JORDAN KENDALL Assistant Sports Editor

Towson celebrated its 50th season of Tiger football with a convincing 44-27 win over The Citadel Saturday afternoon in its home opener at Johnny Unitas Stadium. The No. 25 Tigers (3-1), nationally ranked for the first time since 2014, invited several former players back to celebrate the occasion. As the student section formed a sea of gold from the pregame t-shirt giveaway, the Tigers entered the stadium sporting throwback gold uniforms to the cheers of over 7,000 fans. Redshirt junior quarterback Tom Flacco got off to a hot start, completing an 18-yard pass to sophomore wide receiver Jabari Allen. Flacco followed this up with two huge runs of 14 and 21 yards. He capped off the drive with a 29-yard touchdown pass to redshirt senior wide receiver Sam Gallahan to put Towson up 7-0. The Citadel (1-3) looked to respond with some option plays, but

senior linebacker Diondre Wallace and redshirt senior defensive back Monty Fenner each sniffed out those plays. The Bulldogs were forced to punt, but pinned Towson within 10 yards of their own end zone. On the first play of the drive, sophomore running back Kobe Young ran up the middle for 12 yards to get Towson out of danger, but the team was forced to punt later in the drive. A facemask penalty on the ensuing punt gave Citadel possession at midfield.The Bulldogs were able to march down the field, but had to settle for a 30-yard field goal to get on the board. On Towson’s next possession, Flacco ignited the crowd with a 43-yard completion to Allen, but he silenced them just as quickly with a forced pass to his receiver resulting in an interception. The Bulldogs cruised past the Tigers to begin the second quarter, picking up multiple first downs. Eventually, Towson’s defense forced a 4th and 2 near the red zone and Fenner stuffed the run play to force a turnover on downs.

Flacco capitalized of the turnover as he broke off a 57-yard run cutting across the entire field all the way to the opposing goal line. He continued to use his legs to his advantage, getting the right corner of the endzone for a touchdown to put Towson up 14-3. The Tigers continued to build momentum as Fenner notched an interception off a deflected pass on their next defensive possession, putting the offense in scoring position. Redshirt junior running back Shane Simpson was a big contributor on the ensuing drive with two rushes and two catches in the flat, setting the Tigers up at the goal line. Flacco continued to dominate on the ground, leaping over a defender and stretching the ball across the plane for his second rushing touchdown of the game. Junior quarterback Jordan Black responded with a rushing touchdown of his own to cut the deficit to 21-10 with under minutes left before halftime. - To read the rest of this article online, visit

Alexis Brown/ The Towerlight

Junior kicker Adain O’Neill boots the ball down field on a kickoff.


October 2, 2018


tigers fail to snap losing streak TU drops its fifth consecutive game, team scoreless for fifth time in a row JOHN HACK Staff Writer

Sunday afternoon’s 2-0 loss at Elon was been an opportunity for the Tigers to snap their four- game losing streak. It also would be a chance for the Tigers (3-10-1) to pick up their first road win of the season against a Phoenix (3-5-3) team who was celebrating their Senior Day. Despite outshooting their opponents 20-10 and posting more shots on goal, 7-4, the Tigers struggled to win offensive balls in their final third of play, rendering another shutout loss. Adding insult to injury, Sunday’s match was the fifth in row where Towson was held scoreless. A common theme this season for the Tigers is that they tend to start out on their defensive toes for roughly the first 10 to 15 minutes of each half, and Sunday was no exception. For roughly the first 10 minutes of Sunday’s match, Towson’s defense

had to clear the ball on several offensive attacks from Elon. The Phoenix performed well in midfield play, but the Tigers were either able to force the ball away from goal, force an unsuccessful corner or Elon’s attackers weren't able to put the ball on net. As the half went on, however, the Tigers seemed to find their footing and locate better passing lanes when they had their ball in their own final third and towards midfield, which did result in some close calls that almost set up forwards poised to put the ball on net. They were also progressively better with winning the 50/50 balls in the air from goal kicks and free kicks. The start of the second half was similar to the first. However, the Tigers weren't as fortunate to keep the game scoreless. In the 61st minute, Elon’s offense forced a corner, threatening with a header. Senior goalkeeper Megan Collins made a great playmaking the initial save div-

ing to keep the ball out in front of a crowd of players. However, the Phoenix regained possession off the rebound and ripped in a goal. Six minutes later, Elon scored

again off a corner kick. This time, however, the ball went straight in and didn't need a rebound. Collins dove to her right and stretched out to try and save the ball, but the headers

pace was too fast to cover enough ground to block, as Elon took a 2-0 lead with 30 minutes left to play. - To read the rest of this article online, visit

File photo by Brittany Whitham/ The Towerlight

Sophomore defender Chloe Sherry pushes the ball down the field in a previous 2018 contest.

tu falls short in weekend contest Towson finishes 24th at the Paul Short Invitational Saturday at Lehigh University MUHAMMAD WAHEED Assistant Sports Editor

Towson’s women’s cross country team placed 24th with an average time of 23:38 at the Paul Short Invitational held Saturday at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Penn. Junior Erica Israel led Towson, placing 29th timing 22:31. “Yeah she’s done a great job all year,” said Head Coach Mike Jackson. “You know that’s what we expect of her especially with her senior year here with us. She’s been someone who’s done well throughout her time here within our pro-

gram so definitely not surprised to see her be one of our top athletes.” Senior Abby Gauthier was the second Towson runner who crossed the finish line placing 74th while timing 23:17. “She’s always been very consistent,” Jackson said. “She’s super passionate about competition.” Two athletes were not able to compete for Towson during the meet. “I think as a team it was a solid performance, but still we have a lot of room for improvement,” Jackson said. “One of our top freshman Olivia Janke sat out this weekend. She wasn’t feeling to well physically so we didn’t run her and then Shelby Bobbie was sick that night the night

before the meet so we missed her so that really hurt our ability to perform at our best, but you know next person up and then we’ll move forward

to the next meet.” The Tigers look to continue progressing in their next competition on Friday, Oct. 12.

“We’re actually going to only run at the Princeton Invitational which is on Friday at four o’clock so that’ll be our focus,” Jackson said.

Courtesy of

The Tigers huddle and put their hands in together. Towson finished 24th at the Paul Short Invitational.

18 October 2, 2018


opening night jmu outlasts towson Capitals look to repeat GLENN KAPLAN Staff Writer

With the NHL season set to begin on Wednesday night, the Washington Capitals will raise the banner for the first time in franchise history and they will have one goal in my mind: to repeat. Washington will be against the Boston Bruins and then the Capitals will then be traveling to Pittsburgh to face their arch rivals the Penguins the next night. Shouldn’t the guys who made the schedule back in June have the Capitals play the Penguins on opening night instead? I was pleasantly surprised myself because it is the biggest rivalry in the NHL. When the Pittsburgh Penguins won the Stanley Cup back in 2016, they raised the

banner to open the 2016-2017 season against the Washington Capitals. Pittsburgh knocked out Washington in t he second-round of the playoffs in 2016. The Capitals also had the best record in the league that season. Since Washington f inally won it all, they should have opened t he season against the Pittsburgh Penguins. The Capitals finally defeated the Penguins in the second-round of the playoffs and it was going to happen sooner rather than later. It would have left a bitter taste in Pittsburgh’s mouth on opening night and it would have added more fire to the rivalry. The Washington Capitals are looking to repeat as Stanley Cup Champions t his season and their arch nemesis, the Pittsburgh Penguins, will look to steal back the ultimate glory this season.

TU suffers a 3-1 loss at James Madison University

Tiffany Deboer/ The Towerlight

Juniors Silvia Grassini and Olivia Finckel block a return. Towson fell 3-1 to Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) foe James Madison on Saturday night. This loss puts the team at 6-11 overall and 1-3 in CAA play. AARON THOMAS Contributing Writer

Courtesy of

The Washington Capitals look to repeat their win of the Stanley Cup as the NHL season opens this Wednesday night.

Towson was defeated 3-1 on the road at James Madison University Saturday night. The league-leading Dukes were able to withstand the strong comeback effort in the third set from the Tigers. The Tigers fall to 6-11 overall and 1-3 in Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) play. Junior outside hitter Olivia Finckel was the standout in the match as she had an impressive 20-kill night, leading all players in that category. Junior setter Marrisa Wonders also put up a well-rounded effort as she recorded her fourth double-double of the season with 11 assists and 12 digs. James Madison (12-3, 4-0 CAA) had the edge on the Tigers in kills 56-50 as four different players each tallied double digits kills. Redshirt junior outside hitter Kelly Vahos and senior outside hitter Bryn Recker each led the way with

11 kills while junior outside hitter Briley Brind’Amour and junior middle blocker M’Kaela White put up 10 kills each en route to victory. Towson got off to a slow start as the Dukes scored eight consecutive points which led to an early 13-5 deficit. The Tigers could not recover as James Madison won the first set 25-15. The Tigers started to get the ball rolling during a competitive second set as they put up seven unanswered points to take a 16-15 advantage. However, James Madison may bend but they do not fold as they answer back with a four-point run to win the second set 26-24. With a sweep in the making, the Tigers seemed to be breaking down as they faced a 6-1 deficit, but they rebounded with a 6-1 run of their own to tie the game at 7-7. Towson continued its momentum with a 4-0 run down 21-20 to force a fourth set after winning the third set, 25-22. A common theme continued at the start of the fourth set as the Dukes took a 6-2 lead. Towson was

able to keep close throughout the set, but James Madison held the Tigers off by winning the match deciding set 25-20. Up next, the team will take on two CAA foes coming up next week. The Tigers will face Elon on Thursday night at 7 p.m. in North Carolina. 48 hours later, the team will take on William & Mary at 7 p.m. in Williamsburg, Virginia.

NEXT@ 10/12 HOME 7:00pm


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October 2, 2018



CLASSIFIEDS help wanted

Tom Flacco Football

Redshirt junior quarterback Tom Flacco had a historic performance in Towson’s 44-27 win in its home opener at Johnny Unitas Stadium against The Citadel. Flacco racked up 438 yards on the day, recording 253 through the air and 185 on the ground. He also posted four touchdowns, two passing and two rushing.


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