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FREE Whittier Key Club Students Learn Leadership Skills
January 11 - 17, 2012 • Vol. 8, No. 10
People With Low Vision Help One Another
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– a stroke a year ago. Since then her eyesight has deteriorated to the point she is considered legally blind. Gary, a middle-aged man, who suffers from diabetic retinopathy, loves to restore old cars. Because of his deteriorating vision, a project that once took him an hour now takes three or four. One day he dropped a spring and couldn't Photo by Stewart Lytle find it for three or Susan Porro gives Jeffrey Mullis a button saying he four days because it has low vision. was the same color as AMESBURY – Pauline Bean's New the floor, he said. Year's resolution is to learn how to cope Diagnosed with diabetes in his 40s, better with her declining eyesight. Gary said he treated the disease only “I am having a hard time accepting as a nuisance and did not take care it,” Bean told a group of people who of himself. Now his eyesight changes like her suffer from limited vision. “I almost weekly. “It is getting tougher loved to read, but now I can't.” and tougher,” he said. She began losing her eyesight after Continued on page 2
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– REGIONAL – Because five Whittier Regional Technical High School and their advisers took time out of their vacation last month to serve a pasta lunch, 68 seniors enjoyed a New Year's party at the Hilton Senior Center in Salisbury. The students served the seniors a dinner of salad and meatballs. A dessert was provided Photo courtesy of the Salisbury Council on Aging by Amesbury Village. And when the dishes Regan Millmore, a Whittier student, prepares the were cleared away, the holiday luncheon. students and seniors celebrated the coming New Year with Kiwanis Club to help the students line dancing routines orchestrated by learn about leadership. Jason McCollin. The school adviser for the program The students and their advisers, for six years, Porcelli encourages Rich Porcelli and Dave Arel, are part the students to get involved in the of the technical school's Key Club, a community around them – either program sponsored by the Haverhill Continued on page 3
The Spirit of Ipswich
IPSWICH - In the historic, and scenic coastal town of Ipswich, Interview & Photos by Grace Marchese Massachusetts lies a new and ––––––––––––––––– amazing hidden treasure; the Turkey Shore Distilleries. The authenticity of Turkey Shore's process, and the detailed attention to design, leaves one feeling you just stepped back into history and a bygone era. Upon entering through the doors the first thing that hits you is the aromatic smell of molasses, and the wooden barrels stacked up perfectly from the floor to ceiling. Tours of the facility are encouraged, and all welcomed visitors are treated to samples of white, and tavern styled rum. This Photo by Grace Marchese awesome undertaking is a true labor Turkey Shore Distilleries, Ipswich
of love, as their journey is eloquently explained by owners Mat Perry and Evan Parker. Turkey Shore Distilleries was formed in 2010 by two childhood friends and locals. The first notion of the idea of starting a distillery, came to Mat Perry in 2007 when he was on a one year sabbatical from an education position, teaching high school history. During that year, Mat attended graduate school in Hanover, New Hampshire. This is where he was exposed to a robust culture of locavores. Sampling the delicious abundance of what New Hampshire and Vermont had to offer, Mat was amazed by the lack of local options Continued on page 3
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Letters to the Editor
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Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to: The Editor c/o The Town Common 77 Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01969 or via e-mail to:
The Town Common deadline is 5pm Wednesday (except when a federal holiday necessitates an earlier deadline).
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serves the communities of the Upper North Shore of Mass. & Coastal New Hampshire and welcomes your participation. Send your Organization or Group Notices, Birth or Engagement Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969 Phone: 978-948-8696 Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail:
People With Low Vision Help One Another Continued from page 1
To the Greater Newburyport Community:
Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common
January 11 - 17, 2012
The Greater Newburyport Ovarian Cancer Group wishes to express its deepest thanks to the community for its tremendous support in 2011. So receptive and generous was the public at large that we were able to raise $20,000 in our very first year, partnering with the nonprofit Ovations for the Cure ( in their promotion of knowledge of the disease, concrete hope and support for those already diagnosed, and significant scientific advancements leading to the cure. An energetic band of volunteers, we planned seven awareness-raising events during September, National Ovarian Cancer Month. You, our local businesses and gracious neighbors, supported and attended our events, responding with remarkable largesse. Whether it was our Lantern Festival at Bartlett Mall, our Guest Bartending Night at 10 Center Street, our Community Night at Michael’s Harborside, our presentation of the movie Wit at the Firehouse, our Jackie Poor Memorial Walk, or one of our library talks, the wonderful people in the Greater Newburyport area joined forces with us and made our pilot year a truly stellar one. Exactly who are we? Some of us are ovarian cancer survivors; some of us have family members or friends who have experienced ovarian cancer; but all of us are committed to the notion that increased awareness of any form of cancer and its symptoms can lead to earlier detection and longer lives. According to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, ovarian cancer is “the fifth-leading cause of cancer deaths in women, and about 80 percent of patients have a recurrence after initial treatment.” Of course, early detection is always of vital importance in any type of cancer, but ovarian cancer is a particularly silent enemy with the subtlest of symptoms. Fortunately, your support greatly enhances our ability to educate the public about the disease, to fund cancer research, and to support patient services for women with ovarian cancer in the Greater Newburyport area. In addition to thanking you, we want to extend a warm invitation to all of you to join our enthusiastic group of volunteers. If you are interested in doing so, please contact Deb Green, at Greetings by Design, 978-225-6700, or simply join us at out next meeting: Wednesday, January 11, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at Plum Island Coffee Roasters, 54R Merrimac Street, in Newburyport. As much as we have diligently endeavored to accomplish our goals, we have also immensely enjoyed our work, and we are already planning and looking forward to an even more rewarding series of events in our second year. Again, we are extremely appreciative of your willingness to join us in our vision thus far, and we hope to see you at one or more of our events in September 2012. Look for our bright teal bows and joyful hummingbird logo this coming fall! With sincerest gratitude, The Greater Newburyport Ovarian Cancer Awareness Group
Gary declined to give his last name because he does not want others, particularly the Department of Motor Vehicles, to know he has limited vision. “If I lose my license, I lose a lot,” he said. Jeffrey Mullis, who will turn 92 this year, joked that newspapers like The Town Common should use larger fonts in their printing for people like him who are losing their sight. About a dozen people, all with limited vision, gather each month to discuss the challenges they face. The program, which was held this month in the community room of the Newburyport Five Cent Savings Bank here, is coordinated by Doreen Brothers and Jean Marie with the Council on Aging. Some participants like Marie were born with limited vision. Most have begun losing their eyesight as they aged or as the result of diabetes or a stroke. Jean said being born with limited vision may be easier than losing it later in life. She is color blind or at least gets the colors wrong often, she said. Her eyes are very light sensitive. But she tries to use 110 percent of the sight she has. “I push myself a lot,” she said. Rita, who suffers from macular degeneration, said suddenly one day she realized she could not read the newspaper any longer. “I am very upset at not being able to be independent,” she said, although she proudly said she can still clean her house. “If the
The Town Common What: Greater Newburyport Ovarian Cancer Awareness Group Planning Session for 2012 Events and Open Invitation for New Volunteers to Join Us
When: Wednesday, JanuaryIndependent 11, 2012, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The North Shore’s Largest Community
East Coast Tire
Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor Graphic Design Services
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In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005)
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vacuum hits the furniture, I know I have done that part of the rug,” she said. Her New Year's resolution, she said, was to keep a positive attitude, despite losing her sight and declining hearing. The group is very supportive of one another. “Everyone contributes to the group. It is a wonderful bunch of people,” Brother said. Susan Porro, who also has diabetic retinopathy, brought buttons for each of the limited-vision people to wear that declares “I have low vision.” The buttons help other people in stores to know the person has limitations and to offer help, Brothers said. Gary joked that he would like to have a bumper sticker that declared he has low vision. “The police would really like that,” he said. The group sometimes invites a speaker to teach them how to use a new tool to help them cope with their limited vision. Brothers handed out measuring rulers with large numbers. At last week's meeting, Brothers also discussed the benefits of being declared legally blind. “I know that sounds terrible,” Brothers said. “But once you are legally blind, the Massachusetts Commission (for the Blind) will help provide tools.” The group is not limited to residents of Amesbury, Brothers said. To participate in the program, call her at 978-388-8138 or stop in at the Amesbury Senior Center, 8 School Street.
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Professional tax For individualized attention topreparation your personal and and For individualized attention to your personal services individualized smallsmall business financial needs contact eithereither business financial needs contact to your personal and small Leonard or Barbara. Leonard or Barbara. business financial needs. T.T.978-948-8290 978.948.8290 T. 978.948.8290 LM LM 978.948.8291 F. 978.948.8291 Your small Yourbusiness small business F.F.978.432.1273 E. E. financial specialists financial specialists Rowley Plaza, C-4, 150 Newburyport Tpke.,Rowley, Rowley,Rowley, MA 01969 Rowley Plaza, C-4, 150 Newburyport Tpke., MA 01969 303B Haverhill Street, P.O. Box 794, MA 01969
January 11 - 17, 2012
Whittier Key Club Students Learn Leadership Skills
Continued from page 1
The Spirit of Ipswich
Town Common Continued from page 1
project the club won first place in the bronze division at the Key Club's annual district meeting. The Whittier Key Club has been honored with other awards. Last year the club won third place in the silver division for making hospital dolls for children patients at the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Institute in Boston. These dolls are blank and the children get to draw on them and decorate them to reflect how they are feeling. Sometimes the doctors use the dolls to ask their young patients where it hurts. And last year the club won third place in the silver division for its overall Achievement Report. Whittier, which traces its history back 40 years, has students who live in 11 northeastern Massachusetts cities and towns. The students major in one of 20 vocational-technical fields including healthcare careers, electronics-robotics, carpentry, cosmetology, electrical , CAD drafting and culinary arts. They graduate with a high school diploma and industry certifications. For more information, visit www. or call Porcelli at 978373-4101.
childhood friends saw their dream to fruition. Please stop by for a guided tour and sample of the finest spirits in Ipswich. Turkey Shore Distilleries, 23 Hayward St. Unit 8, Ipswich MA 978-356-0068 About Turkey Shore White Rum - This wonderful white rum is made from the same high quality molasses as the Fine Rum but distilled and filtered multiple times to achieve the ultimate balance of purity and flavor. The table grade molasses and our unique yeast strain combine to form a smooth rum bursting with floral and vanilla notes. Named for the tempestuous seas that define New England coastal living, it is an alluring spirit that is equally at
rt, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley
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home warming the heart during a frigid nor' ester or cooling the soul on a hot summer's day. White Cap Rum is good enough to stand alone, but is best used as a base for your favorite cocktails. Tavern Style Rum - In colonial days New Englanders discovered the joys of barrel aged rums almost by mistake. Those rums that spent time in American oak barrels took on a whole new character. Old Ipswich Tavern Rum is a recreation of this more refined spirit. It combines the great flavors of our White Cap rum with the more robust notes of new White Oak barrels. For those who enjoy their rums with a bold character, Tavern Style Rum is your choice.
when it came to spirits. Mat being a history teacher as well as avid connoisseur of rum, recognized what appeared to be the lost connection between New England and its rum; which proved to be an alluring basis for a possible rum revival. The idea of starting a rum distillery gained traction one night when Mat pitched the idea to Evan Parker in a pub over of couple of Ipswich Ales. Evan did the research that proved micro-distilling was a movement that was sweeping the nation. For this reason it seems indeed a possibility to open a distillery. Further research revealed a distillery that operated in Ipswich during the colonial days. That distillery owned by John Heard, uryport, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley operated Salisbury, from 1770-1836. Newbury, It was located on the street that both Mat Merrimack River Entrance and Evan grew up on (Turkey Shore Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfi eld, Plum Island, & o o 42 49’N 070 49’W Road) The barrels of molasses that originated in the West Indies were JANUARY DATE HIGH LOW SUN unloaded at an old wharf called 11 Wed 12:30 7.92 12:36 8.90 7:04 0.13 7:36 -0.66 7:13 4:29 Hunt’s Wharf, located in Mat’s back 12 Thurs 1:10 8.13 1:19 8.86 7:48 -0.02 8:17 -0.69 7:12 4:30 yard along the Ipswich River. The 13 Fri 1:52 8.31 2:06 8.71 8:35 -0.10 9:02 -0.61 7:12 4:31 molasses and rum were then rolled 14 Sat 2:38 8.44 2:56 8.45 9:25 -0.12 9:50 -0.43 7:12 4:33 back and forth across the street from Hunt’s Wharf to the distillery. 15 Sun 3:28 8.52 3:52 8.11 10:21 -0.07 10:42 -0.18 7:11 4:34 KAYAKS In addition, the manager of ock 16 Mon 4:22 8.55 4:53 7.77 11:21 -0.01 11:40 0.09 7:11 4:35 the distillery, Nathaniel Heard Wilderness Systems - Old Town PAC 17 Tues 5:22 8.56 6:00 7.51 xx xx 12:27 0.00 7:10 4:36 (John’s brother) lived in Mat’s Perception - Necky ION house. Upon this discovery of a 18 Wed 6:26 8.60 7:10 7.42 12:43 0.30 1:36 -0.08 7:10 4:37 Ocean Kayak ma, Laser personal connection, Turkey Shore 19 Thurs 7:32 8.72 8:18 7.52 1:49 0.38 2:43 -0.29 7:09 4:39 AILBOATS Canoes Distilleries was reborn. Now, more Rangers - Old Town - Radisson KAYAKS Wethan stock 175 years later, Turkey Shore Wilderness Systems - Old Town Fernald’s COM-PAC Distilleries once again sits along the Perception - Necky PRECISION On the River Parker SAILBOATS ready y, MA banks 01951 of the Ipswich River Ocean Kayak fish, to Zuma, reviveLaser the ancient traditionWeofstock Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 Canoes KAYAKS -0312producing New England rum! It Mad River - Old Town - Radisson (978) 465-0312 Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC Fernald’s is a true blessing to this area, these Perception - Necky PRECISION On the River Parker Ocean Kayak Newbury, MA 01951 Sunfish, Zuma, Laser Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 Canoes
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individually or as a group. These projects, he believes, helps the students learn to give back to others, but also to develop their own leadership and organizational skills. The students volunteer to help neighbors with snow shoveling and similar projects. They help out at school events, such as track meets. And they seek out community events, including the Salisbury senior holiday luncheon, to donate their time and money. The Key Club not only helped serve the food at the luncheon, but also paid for much of the ingredients. “The luncheon would not have happened without the Whittier students,” said Liz Pettis, executive director of the Salisbury Council on Aging. Pettis said she loves for the Whittier students to join in supporting the luncheon because they interact so well with the seniors. “They make everybody smile and laugh,” she said. The Whittier students have also worked with the Salisbury Fire Department to put on the annual Santa Claus breakfast. But those are only a few of the
events they support. And Porcelli said the club is looking for other events, particularly in Newburyport and Salisbury, where many of the Whittier students live. Because many of the students don't drive or have cars, they need to be involved in events closer to home, he said. The Whittier Key Club is a program of the Haverhill Kiwanis Club, so naturally the students are involved in many events there, including a cancer fundraising walk, bell ringing with the Salvation Army and face painting at the Italian Festival. But he said the group has been seeking other events to support, particularly in Salisbury and Newburyport. “Our students come from a lot of towns. We need to spread out,” Porcelli said. This year, the club handed out a $1,000 in Market Basket-donated grocery store coupons through the Salivation Army chapters in Newburyport and Salisbury and through the Pettingill House in Salisbury. The students also help out at the Christmas Castle sponsored by the Haverhill Salvation Army. For this
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Letters To TheJanuary Editor 11 - 17, 2012
Community Announcements AMESBURY - The Market Street Baptist Church, 37 Market Street, Amesbury is hosting an 8-week Junior Church Basketball Program for both girls & boys ages 5-9 in the church gym. Beginning Friday, February 3 from 6:30 8:00pm with registration at 6:00 pm. This program is a noncompetitive, instructional league designed to teach fundamental basketball skills and basic Bible knowledge in a fun and engaging manner. A suggested donation of $10 per child is requested to help defray expenses. Please make check payable to: MSBC/basketball. To register contact the church office at 978-388-0930 or All are welcome. -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - The Market Street Baptist Church is hosting a fundraiser at Flatbread Pizza, 5 Market Square, Amesbury, on Tuesday, January 17, 2012. During the hours of 5:00-9:30 p.m. a portion of all pizza purchases, eat-in or take-out, will go
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FEBRUARY VACATION WEEK Feb 20 thru Feb 24, 9am to 4pm Reserve your seat... Sign up NOW... go online
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to fund summer mission trips. Proceeds raised will pay for the travel expenses for the Market Street Baptist Church volunteers to continue their support visits to the Living Hope Community Church of Halifax, • NS Canada and the Bethany Mission Church of Tongaat, South Africa. -----------------------------------------------------------GLOUCESTER - Many families are beginning to explore opportunities for the 2012-2013 school year. Eastern Point Day School located right here in Gloucester, offers a comprehensive • education to children from•Pre-School through Grade 8. With small classroom sizes, an integrated curriculum, individual attention, and experiential learning, EPDS is proud to be Cape Ann’s affordable educational alternative. Pre-School children and their parents/guardians are invited to visit our school for Open School Day, Tuesday, January 31st from 10:00 – 11:00, to participate in classroom activities and meet the headmaster and staff. Please email or call 978-283-1700 to arrange your visit. To learn more about Eastern Point Day School visit -----------------------------------------------------------HAMILTON/WENHAM - Join us in celebrating a worthy goal of reading 50 books in one year. The 50 Book Challenge started as one person's goal and has grown into a vibrant online community of readers. All sorts of books count toward the Challenge: fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, ebooks, audiobooks, young adult and children's books. Any book will do, so long as it's not a magazine or newspaper. If you are a fan of very long books, try the 150,000 page Challenge: that works out to 41 pages a day. The Challenge begins January 16, 2012 and ends January 18, 2013. The 50 Book Challenge is open to all ages and every reader, bedtime stories count too. Stop by to pick up a reading log or you can print your own from our website -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - "Back to the Bean" Ham and Bean Supper. The second Saturday of each month ( January 14), Bethany Lodge, Newburyport Masonic Hall, 31 Green Street, Newburyport, MA 01950. From 4:30 PM to 6 PM cost is 8 Dollars. Proceeds go to charity. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - The Graf Rink, in cooperation with the Merrimack Valley Skating Club, is now accepting applications for its January Learn to Skate and Tiny Tots program. Classes will run on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. Specialized classes focus on the basic fundamentals that are important for shaping both hockey and figure skating skills. Skaters have the chance to earn skill-badges throughout the series. Student to coach ratio is kept low and classes are available for skaters age 3 through adult. For detailed information, such as class times and cost, please visit All classes are taught by professional coaches
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January 11 - 17, 2012
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that have patronized my store this past year. who have been hired by North Shore Rink Management and who have successfully completed a comprehensive background screening process through the National Center for Safety Initiatives. Our next series of Learn to Skate will begin in April! The Graf Rink offers private and semi-private skating lessons for all ages and levels of skating! Private lessons are ideal for both hockey and figure skaters who are looking to polish their skating skills. Please contact Nikki Roberts in the Graf Rink office for more information. The Graf Rink will continue to hold daily Public Skating and Stick Time practices throughout the year. Please stop by for a free magnet calendar “2012” Birthday party packages as well as advertising opportunities are also available. Please contact the rink at (978) 462-8112 or The North Shore’s Largest OldIndependent Coins Wanted Community Newspaper visit our website at for more information. -----------------------------------------------------------Pratt Hobby Shop • 20 East Main St. • Georgetown, MA. PORTSMOUTH - It’s time to apply for a new sticker to use the City’s Recycling Center and also a Commercial Loading • 800-870-4086 • 978-352-2234 Permit, as both expired at the end of 2011. Residents may apply for and receive the free stickers to use the Recycling Center on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. by filling out an application and showing proof of residency For there. Contact: 427-1530. Commercial Loading Zone permits may be purchased from the Parking Clerk's office at City Hall Sale • a commercial loading zone for loading to allow a non-commercial vehicle that is not marked for commercial purposes to utilize and unloading. Commercial vehicles and all vehicles marked for commercial purposes are not required to have these permits. Contact: 610-7205. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Parker River Community Preschool is hosting an Open House for prospective families on Saturday January • • 7th from 9-11am. Call or Email with questions: 978-948-2343 www. 181 Main Street Rowley. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - If your 2012 goals include feeling more fit and less stressed, give this yoga class a try. Students are led through a series of stretches, strengthening and balancing postures, twists and inversions by certified yoga instructor Maura Mastrogiovanni. No registration is required, and all fitness levels are welcome. Bring a mat if you have one and wear comfortable clothes. Class meets every Wednesday evening at the Rowley Library, 141 Main St., from 5:30-7 pm. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library, cost for students is $12 or $10 for Friends members. Call 978-948-2850 for more information. -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - Make a Difference with Volunteer Service at the Hilton Senior Center through our nutrition program Meals on Gift Certificates Hours: Sun-Tues 9-6, Wed-Sat 9-9 Wheels delivering nutritious lunchtime meals to 10-15 homebound seniors or assist in our kitchen. Do you have a few hours 162 Newburyport Turnpike, Rowley a week or more to make a difference in the lives of seniors in our community? Your volunteer efforts, whether big or small will make a tremendous difference to those you help. Time commitment is usually one to five mornings per week -Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. till noon. Volunteer drivers must have a valid driver's license and proof of auto insurance. As a Meals on Wheels driver, you do so much more than deliver a meal you provide friendly contact that brightens the lives of others. However you choose to help, you will see many smiling, grateful faces among the seniors on your route. For more information please stop in the Salisbury Hilton Senior Center or call us at 978-462-2412. All Occasion Cakes -----------------------------------------------------------Fresh Baked Muffins & Pastries TOPSFIELD - Vento Chiaro Woodwind Quintet will be performing in an intimate and relaxed setting as part of the “Concerts in the Barn Series” affiliated with the Topsfield Town Library. This woodwind quintet has impressed audiences nationally and Open Daily internationally with its unique and captivating performances, collaborating with communities to expand audiences’ knowledge, 6:00am to 2:00pm enjoyment, and appreciation of music as an art form. Sunday January 22, 2011 at 4pm -Doors open at 3:30 Location of the concert is The Gould Barn, 1 Howlett Street, Topsfield, MA 01983 Admission free* Seating is limited* Refreshments will be All Pastries are made with 978-948-8696 • • served * This concert is handicapped accessible. Sponsored by the Topsfield Library’s Gould Fund for the Performing Arts 100% Real Cream -----------------------------------------------------------WEST NEWBURY - Do you have a child(ren) between the ages of 5 and 14 and are looking for a fun, low-cost activity for your child to participate in? Laurel Junior Grange just might be what you are looking for. Junior grange teaches leadership skills, how to get involved in P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 your community and best of all, you make long lasting friendships. If you are Breakfast and Lunch interested or just have a question please contact me at 978-352-2986 or email me Daily Specials at
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ss Buddha Buddha
Altar Tools Books Gems/Minerals Jewelry Statues Feng Shui
Artifacts Alter tools: Charms Candles Classes Healings Readings
72 Newburyport Turnpike, Rt 1 spiritual practices from around the world,Newbury, and MA • 978-462-4649 (Across from Holistic Family Practice and near the Newburyport Train Station)
services: Classes Healings Readings Feng Shui
Senior Moments
Merrimack Valley GLASS & MIRROR
January 11 - 17, 2012
Community Calendar To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail:
presents slides and stories detailing a Classified recent birding trip Ads to Cuba. Wednesday,
Pennies for Poverty, a Newburyport nonprofit dedicated to addressing poverty in Greater Newburyport will hold it's Annual Meeting on Thursday, January 12, 2012 at 6:30 pm at the Newburyport Public Library, 94 State Street, Newburyport. The public is invited to attend and learn more about the organization and its important work raising awareness of poverty issues and funds for local initiatives which help to raise people out of poverty. Whether you are looking for a volunteer opportunity, a chance to put your fundraising, marketing or other skills to work, or just want to know what good works are taking place in your community, we welcome your attendance. Please email pennies@penniesforpoverty. org if you have questions.
WEDNESDAY MORNING BIRDING January 11, 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm Meet at Mirrors . Table Top . Replacement Windows Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Bill Gette and USFWS veteran David Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Garage Door Experts! . Insulated & Safety Glass . Patio Doors birding field $4. Preregistration is not required. Call Storm Windows & Doors . Screen Repairs . ShowerCommunity Enclosures Weaver for this weeklyCalendar Continues
The Town Common Fully Insured The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community
5 - 7 Perry Way (behind the Armory on Low Street), Newburyport
trip in the Newburyport/Plum Island area. Appropriate for all birding levels. Wednesday, January 11, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Newspaper Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $17. Preregistration is not required.
978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at joppaflats. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12TH
HOMESCHOOL STUDY SESSION: AUSTRAL ECOLOGY Monthly focus topics for homeschoolers, ages 7 to 12, each with an on-site study session and an exciting field trip. Teacher: Lisa Hutchings. This month’s field trip to the New England Aquarium, including a behind-thescenes tour, is on January 19. Thursday, Up to $400 Instant Manufacturer’s Rebate January 12, 1:00–3:00 pm Meet at the Limited-Time Offer Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum January 1-15, 2012 Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $17. Preregistration is required. Call 978-462ls dmil 9998 for information about additional ROUNDTABLE MEETING a e r T ycles The Civil War Roundtable of the programs and events, or visit the Web site Lifec s Gym ers Merrimack will meet at 7:30 PM on at n strai o Wednesday January 11th at the Hilton Cr s Senior Center, 43 Lafayette Rd. (route NEW GRANDPARENTS RAISING The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper 1), Salisbury, MA. CWRTM President GRANDCHILDREN SUPPORT Miller Graf will speak on “Bits and Pieces GROUP WORLD CLASS EQUIPMENT - WORLD CLASS SERVICE The Town of Amesbury Council on of the Civil War including the Blockade, 18 LAFAYETTE ROAD, NORTH HAMPTON Aging will be starting a new support group the Air Force, the Age of the officers and 603-379-2081 . the Rains brothers.” Admission is free for grandparents raising grandchildren and anyone with an interest in America’s in January of 2012. It will be held the Contact your Advertising Civil War is invited to attend. For more second Thursday of every month at 6 information call Tom at (978) 462-8518. pm at the Senior Center, 9 School Street, Consultant today! Amesbury. Both grandparents AND • F: 978-948-2564 y Only uar978-948-8696 BIRDING IN BEAUTIFUL CUBA their grandchildren are invited. A free JanP: Donna Cooper of Andover dinner will be held, followed by a support group for the grandparents and a fun 78-948-8696 • • activity for the grandchildren. Please call s g in v 40% Sa Annmary Connor or Cathryn Capra for more information. To sign up please call the Senior Center: 978-388-8138. This group is FREE and the first meeting will Affordable be January 12, 2012 at 6 pm. For more Weekly Pickup information about the program contact (Registration Deadline January 13, 2012) Annmary Connor, Council on Aging and Extra Services (978) 388-8138 or email at Clean-Out Service ~ Director, ~ Fall Clean-Out 84 Main St., Rowley, MA PENNIES FOR POVERTY ANNUAL 978-948-7228 MEETING CHRONIC PAIN SUPPORT GROUP A free Chronic Pain Support Group is held each Wednesday from 5:30 - 7 p.m. at Beverly Hospital at Danvers, 480 Maple Street, Danvers. The program is held in the Pain Management Center Reception Room. The program is facilitated by Licensed Psychologist George Beilin, Ed.D, Licensed psychologist. To register or for further information, please call 978922-6613.
. . .
FRIDAY, JANUARY 13TH VETERAN INFORMATION SESSION All veterans and their family members from Newburyport, Amesbury and surrounding towns are encouraged to attend a monthly information session held at Amesbury Senior Center. Local veteran agents Kristen Lucier and Kevin Hunt will be available to answer any questions related to VA benefits and programs. Light refreshments will be served. This event will run from 8:30-9:30am on Friday January 13th. Please contact 978-388-8136 with questions.
The Town Common The Town Common
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
SALISBURY BLOOD DRIVE Friday, January 13th from 1:00 to 6:00 at the Hilton Senior Center, 43 Lafayette Rd, Salisbury.Free Pizza for all donors. 1-800-REDCROSS
The Town Common The Town Common 00 . 5 9 2 $1
BPI Certified Energy Auditor’s Course
Building Analyst Professional
January 16th - January 20th
Jack Cook’s Rubbish Service
Atlantic Green Energy 255 Lafayette Rd Seabrook, NH 03874 603-474-2550
Continued on page 9
• No Extra Charge Instant Replays for Nights & 78-948-8696 • Weekends Used Sporting• Goods Snow S • All Plumbing & ard o hoes b w o n Licensed & Insured S Heating Needs s t e S ki Cell: 781-589-6447 • Small Jobs & Helm 978-948-2115 Repair Work Jesse Geyer 64 Central St • Kitchen & Bath License #24549 Contact your Advertising Georgetown, MA Remodeling Consultant today!
GOT BOOTS? 978-352-8800
“KODAK MOMENTS” BEHIND THE SCENES A variant of the regular Behind the Scenes Tour (refer to details above), participants will have an opportunity to photograph wildlife and landscapes from several refuge areas that are normally closed to the public. Friday, January 13th from 1:00 – 3:30 pm Transportation will be via refuge van and enrollment is limited to 10 participants. Because of space limitations, use of tripods will not be allowed. Bring a camera and meet the
Serving Rowley & Surrounding Towns
P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564
GRAF RINK Learn to Skate GRAF RINK NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR ITS LEARN TO SKATE & TINY TOTS PROGRAMS Space is limited. All classes are taught by professional coaches who have been hired by North Shore Rink Management. Please contact the rink at (978) 462-8112 or visit their website at for more information. Graf Skating Rink, 28 Low St. Newburyport 978.462.8112
January 11 - 17, 2012 For Sale
Our Sundays are better than Friendly’s!
Business Spotlight
Contemporary Worship Every Sunday 11:00AM
Page Ipswich Church of the Nazarene God’s Heart & Hands In Our Community And Beyond
Real Estate • For Sale
79 Turnpike Road/Route 1 Ipswich, MA 01938
Is That Consumer • Sports • Sports Sports Confidence in the Air? market. Consumer confidence is the measurement of the level of optimism consumers have about the performance of the economy. Generally, consumer confidence directly correlates to stable employment and high GDP. Presently, we have neither, so why the signs of consumer confidence and increased activity in real estate? The low rates did not cause this increase in activity and the tax breaks did not turn things around. Too many people remain unemployed and the debt is staggering with plans underfoot by some factions of our government to increase it further. Short sales and foreclosures continue with little light at the end of the tunnel. Europe is on the brink of economic disaster every other day. So, why is something in the air when I go to the office lately? What is happening at this time in our country is the subtle exhilaration that like a common thread runs through our consciousness with strangers on
crowded subways, patrons at malls, diners in restaurants. The American spirit just counted down from 10 as the Ball dropped New Year’s Eve. Every four years we gather to take the pulse of our beloved country and all elections produce change no matter who occupies the Oval Office after Americans have spoken. We are in an election year. The Ball dropped just in time to hold anyone in any position accountable for dropping the ball on American families. 2012 is already looking pretty good! REALTORŽ/Broker Janet Hilton is a former practicing attorney and RN who with her husband retired Lynn Fire Lieutenant George Hilton owns and operates Country Crossroads Realty Associates at 28 Bay Rd in S. Hamilton. For straightforward talk with all real estate needs, you may call the office at 978-468-5910 or visit www. countrycrossroadsrealty. • 978-356-1800
AD #2
Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness
Seasoned Firewood Per Cord... $250 Semi-Seasoned Firewood Per Cord... $200
Whole hearts wanted; broken ones warmly accepted too Happy New Year
Pauline White: 978-314-7341
79 Turnpike Road/Route 1 Ipswich, MA 01938 John McCarthy: 978-835-2573 • 978-356-1800 ROWLEY REALTY
AD #3
165 Main St., P.O. Box 101, Rowley, MA 01969 Phone 978-948-2758 • Fax 978-948-2454
Ask about our FREE trip to Heaven!
“When Affordability, Reliability and Quality Matter, Call Us!â€? Ipswich Church of •the Nazarene Residential - Commercial Refinish Kitchen Cabinets Great • Professional Interior and Exterior Painting • FREE EStiMAtES God’s Heart & Hands In Our Community And Beyond Rates • Full Wallpaper Removal Service • Fully Insured • Full House - Mildew Road/Route Treatment 79Washing Turnpike 1 Ipswich, MA 01938 Serving all of 20 Years • Ceiling and Wall Repair Best the Merrimack Prices Experience • 978-356-1800 • Staining and Color Consultation Valley Area • Light Carpentry . Benjamin Moore - California - Sherwin Williams
Call (978) 729-5136 True Colors Painting AD #4Today
Under the same management for 2000 plus years!
Contemporary Worship Every Sunday 11:00AM Ipswich Church of the Nazarene God’s Heart & Hands In Our Community And Beyond
79 Turnpike Road/Route 1 Ipswich, MA 01938
Garry G. Gray, Prop. • 978-356-1800
Sold Single Family Homes Address, Town Description DOM List Price Sold For Orig Price
Call Today! 978-500-4370
True Colors Contemporary Worship Every Painting Sunday 11:00AM
Free Local Delivery
76 North St, Georgetown 81 Newbury Rd, Rowley 40 School St, Groveland Seasoned
Firewood 35 Granite St, Gloucester
Per Cord... $250 191 Seven Star Rd, Groveland Semi-Seasoned 374andConcord St, Gloucester Property Management Home Improvement Firewood • Masonry • Landscape construction 15 Juniper St, Ipswich • Tree work Per Cord... $200• Fall clean-ups 189 •Essex Ave, Gloucester • Stump grinding Land clearing Free Local Delivery CALL FOR A4FREE ESTIMATE. Woodside Ln, Wenham Call Today! BOOK BEFORE FALL RUSH! 978-500-4370 978-372-55544 •Little 1 Pond Rd, Merrimac Garry G. Gray, Prop. 10 Wilkes Rd, Rowley m 18 Dana Rd, Boxford
Contemporary Worship Every Sunday 11:00AM Spring may be a long way off. . . but the best time to prepare is NOW! If you want to know the current value of your home, Ipswich Church of the Nazarene call us for a free Market Analysis. We will be happy to share our real estate expertise with you. God’s Heart & Hands In Our Community And Beyond
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Property Management and Home Improvement
Something is in the air and it’s a pleasure to feel it. Like the expression goes “One guarantee that you can count on in life is that change is inevitable.� It has been a long haul since the Fannie and Freddie loan programs contributed to so dark a time in our country’s housing market. It’s been too long a time since our country’s debt and unemployment rate has spiraled out of control with so devastating an impact on real estate and American lives. There is an increase in real estate activity that is palpable even though not dramatic. Such increase in activity must not be mistaken for an increase in home prices. Home prices are not on the rise and there is no indication that they will be in the near future. The increased activity is in the number of homes that are going under agreement, the number of buyers who are back on the scene, the number of homeowners who are calling for information in order to sell their homes. This real estate activity is directly related to consumer confidence and those of us real estate professionals whom consumers contact for help are among the first to recognize it. Low interest rates of 3.75% do not drive the market. Tax breaks for first time home buyers do not drive the market. Consumer confidence drives the market and without it, there is no
By Janet Hilton, Broker, Esq., Country Crossroads
5 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Colonial 6 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 7 room, 4 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Multi-Level 7 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Colonial 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Ranch 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 10 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 8 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Colonial
15 518 205 168 184 5 213 449 160 93 266 258
$90,000 $199,999 $241,000 $239,000 $319,900 $359,000 $339,900 $299,900 $495,000 $504,900 $574,900 $749,900
$105,000 $210,000 $230,000 $200,000 $305,000 $360,000 $330,000 $243,000 $465,675 $482,500 $530,000 $710,000
$90,000 $199,999 $241,000 $299,999 $339,900 $359,000 $369,000 $399,000 $519,900 $539,900 $639,000 $749,900
Single Family Listings: 12 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 2,055.50 Avg. List$: $367,783 Avg. List$/SqFt: $179 Avg. DOM: 211.17 Avg. Sale$: $347,598 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $169
2012 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.
January 11 - 17, 2012
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
January 11 - 17, 2012 Continued from page 7
ranger in the lobby of the refuge visitor center. Advance registration is required for this program. Be advised that individual tours may be subject to cancellation. All refuge run programs are FREE but space may be limited and advanced registration is required for all programs, unless otherwise indicated. Please call (978) 465-5753 to register. Registration is not complete until you receive confirmation from a staff member. Please note that outdoor programs may be cancelled if there is inclement weather and also insufficient registration. Visit us on the web for more information: or call Refuge Headquarters. The refuge visitor center is located at 6 Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport, MA. GULLS, GULLS, GULLS: A WORKSHOP Two of the greatest gull locations in Massachusetts are Newburyport Harbor and coastal Gloucester. Visit these places with Dave Larson and Dave Weaver and learn how to sort common and uncommon gulls. Friday, January 13, 7:00-9:00 pm, and Saturday, January 14, 7:30 am-5:30 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $125. Preregistration is required. Call 978-4629998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at
the second Saturday of odd numbered months. If you have any questions please call George Pacenka at (978) 948-7918. Non-perishable items…including diapers, paper towels, toilet paper will also be collected at this time for the Rowley Food Pantry. SATURDAY MORNING BIRDING Weekly trip with experienced leaders in a search for avian activity in the Newburyport/Plum Island area. For beginners and birders of all skill levels. Saturday, January 14, 9:30 am – 11:30 am Meet at Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Adults $10; Children ages 8 and up $7. Preregistration is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at joppaflats. GALLERY TALK WITH JAY MCLAUCHLAN In the special exhibition gallery featuring Jay McLauchlan: 55 Years of Woodworking and Design - Saturday, January 14, 10:00 AM. Cape Ann Museum, 27 Pleasant Street, Gloucester
FOCUS ON MERRIMACK RIVER BIRDS Explore local venues to find gulls, wintering ducks, and bald eagles. Sunday, January 15, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fee: $25. Preregistration is required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at joppaflats. MIDTERM MADNESS FOR TEENS It's a flash card fest for teens in grades 9 through 12 in the Newburyport Public Library?s Program Room on Sunday, January 15 from 1:00 to 4:30pm! Bring your friends, study until your brain hurts, and refuel with some serious snackage! Sign up here: events/01-2012
Palm and Card Reading a Specialty Everything you need to know...
Mrs. Helen
Open Year RoundAyer Brothers
Roofing Psychic Reader
Call Bill directly
Available for Parties and Social Gatherings at 978-317-0760 Reading Private and at Confidential or office 978-462-1084
978-463-5424 978-994-8111
38 Cable Ave Salisbury, MA 01952
Ayer Brothers Weather Tight Roofing
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
LOSE WEIGHT WITH AROMATHERAPY Therapeutic grade essential oils promote weight loss, boost the immune system, ease pain & anxiety, reduce stress & balance the mind, body & spirit. RSVP prior to event & receive a free gift. Saturday, January 15th, join Amy Bregy, Aromatherapist, from 13PM at The Herbal Path 599 Lafayette Rd. Portsmouth, NH. For more info or to register call her at: 207-475-5158. FREE amy@
OLD NEWBURY BONFIRE! Join us for music, food, drinks, and lots of family fun at this exciting event! Newbury and Byfield Fire Departments will torch hundreds of Christmas trees, AN EVENING OF A CAPPELLA it's an amazing sight you must see in Kick off the new year in style with person!! Tendercrop Farm Growing An Evening of A Cappella at St. John’s Fields, 71 High St, Newbury on Saturday, SING-A-LONG-A SOUND OF Prep on Friday, January 13 at 7 pm. January 14th - 3:00-9:00PM. $5 Parking MUSIC SwingTown! from St. John’s Prep will be Sing-a-Long-a Sound of Music joined on stage by Kings of the Beach, BACK TO THE BEAN on Sunday, January 15 at 2pm at the from Hamilton-Wenham High School "Back to the Bean" Ham and Bean Firehouse Center for the Arts, Market in a program featuring contemporary Supper. The second Saturday of each Square, Newburyport. $24 Adults • classics, Motown favorites and a cappella month ( January 14), Bethany Lodge, $22 Students/Seniors • $20 Members. standards. The concert will take place Newburyport Masonic Hall, 31 Green Reserved seating. For more info please call in Alumni Hall on the St. John's Prep Street, Newburyport, MA 01950. From the Box Office at 978/462-7336 or visit campus at 72 Spring Street in Danvers. 4:30 PM to 6 PM cost is 8 Dollars. online at Admission is $10/adults and $5/students Proceeds go to charity. and children. Tickets may be purchased at the door. Proceeds will benefit the Danvers Continued on page 12 SUNDAY, JANUARY 15TH Food Pantry.
54 State Street Newburyport, MA 01950
978-462-1084 Cell 978-317-0760
S PECIAL OPS The Town Common
SATURDAY TEACHER WORKSHOP The Region’s – WINTER BIRDS The first of three Saturday workshops on bringing the natural world into the classroom, focusing on Pre-K-Grade 5 curriculum. For teachers, administrators, and homeschool teachers. Series continues with Animals in Winter & Tracking on February 25 and Weather & the Water Cycle on March 24. Saturday, January 14, 8:00 am-noon Location: Meet at Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fee per session: $40. Preregistration is required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at joppaflats. PAPER DRIVE The All-Scout Paper Drive will be held on Saturday, Jan 14, 2012 from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. behind the First Congregational Church of Rowley on Main Street. The scouts will be collecting newspapers, books and magazines. The Boy Scouts will be collecting redeemable bottles and cans. The Boy, Cub and Girl Scouts of Rowley thank you very much for helping to keep Scouting active in Rowley. The paper drives are held
Largest Independent Community Newspaper
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Page 10
local entertainment calendar
January 11 - 17, 2012
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
SEAPORT CAFÉ Gang of One, Sasquatch & the Thu 1/12: Jazz Night, 9:30pm Sick-a-Billys THE GREEN LAND CAFÉ SeaportCafe Fri 1/13: Gary Lopez. 7& The Jabbers, 9pm 215 Derby St., 978-594-8490 Tue 1/17: Acoustic Open Mic, 10:30pm 87 Washington St., 978-744- Thu 1/12: Glass Onion, Sat 1/14: Tim Gurshin, 78pm 7766 8:30pm 10:30pm Fri 1/13: Clay Ventre & the Fri 1/13: The Haggards, FURY’S PUBLICK HOUSE Bond Girls, 9pm-12am 8:30pm THE SHASKEEN Mon 1/16: Julie Dougherty, Sat 1/14: North Shore Acoustic 1 Washington St., 8-11pm Project, 8:30pm 909 Elm St., 603-235-9682 Marblehead 3633 Ironic Music Calendar appears weekly in 'The Town Common' Sun 1/15: Sunday Funday, 4pm Wed 1/11: All Good Feel Good Wed 1/11: Open Comedy THE LANDING presenting local events North of Boston and Coastal / Southern NH. THE GULU GULU CAFÉ Mic, 9pm RESTAURANT Collective IMC is a production of Ironic Music Booking Agency LLC: www. Salisbury Thu 1/12: Adam Ezra & Thu 1/12: Erin’s Guild Check out Ironic’s weekly picks – highlighted: 247 Essex St., 978-740-8882 BLUE OCEAN MUSIC Friends 81 Front St., 781-639-1266 Fri 1/13: Ron Noyes MASSACHUSETTS Long, 9pm HALL Fri 1/13: Luke Gallo Band Sat 1/14: The Guy Ford Band Thu 1/12: Sarah Fard, 8pm Sat 1/14: Brasbe Amesbury Fri 1/13: Qwill, 8pm Mon 1/16: Mug Club Mon 1/16: Trivia, 9pm-12am Sat 1/14: Irish Session, 3-6pm; THE BARN PUB & GRILLE THE DOG BAR Sat 1/14: JP Jazz Collective, 4 Oceanfront North, 978-463- Tue 1/17: Tim Theriault & Xrossed 8pm 9222 Sun 1/15: Irish Session, 2-5pm Methuen Friends, 9pm-12am 5 Ring Street, 978-388-8700 65 Main St., 978-281-6565 Tue 1/17: Cybermen Movie Thu 1/12: The Dan Morgan Mon 1/16: Bar Trivia, 7:30pm FIRESIDE RESTAURANT Wed 1/11: Seacoast Dart Fri 1/13: The Runaround, Month, 8pm Band, 7:30pm, $7 Tue 1/17: Tom Denniston & PUB KELLEY’S ROW Association League 9pm-cl RESTAURANT Fri 1/13: Luck of the Draw Sat 1/14: Full Circle, 9pm-cl 171 Pelham St., 978-683-2945 IN A PIG’S EYE CAROUSEL LOUNGE STRANGE BREW TAVERN Tue 1/17: Northeast Dart Tue 1/17: Open Mic w/Steve Wed 1/11: Beau Paris 421 Central Ave., 603-750Association League Caraway, 9pm-cl 148 Derby St., 978-741-4436 20 Oceanfront, 978-465-9045 7081 88 Market St., 603-666-4292 Thu 1/12: Just Joe Wed 1/11: Vanilla Manvelope, Sat 1/14: King Karaoke, Wed 1/11: Sev Fri 1/13: Fixed Income Wed 1/11: Stump Trivia, MURPHY’S RIVERSIDE GIUSEPPE'S RISTORANTE Sat 1/14: Fixed Income 9-11:30pm 8:30pm Thu 1/12: Charlie Keating 6-11pm Find them on Facebook Thu 1/12: Christine Baze, Fri 1/13: Mama’s Boom Shack, Fri 1/13: BJ Magoon 37 Main St., 978-834-0020 2 Main St., 978-879-4622 9pm-11:30pm HOBO'S CAFÈ & LOUNGE 9-11:30pm Sat 1/14: Mighty Bad Habits SAHARA CLUB Thu 1/12: Karaoke Wed 1/11: Open Mic, 7:30Fri 1/13: Blues Jam, Sat 1/14: Jim Devlin, 9Tue 1/17: Strange Brew Fri 1/13: Good Score, 9:30pm- 10:30pm 6:45pm 5 Broadway, 978-465-4626 All-Stars 34 Bates St., 978-683-9200 11:30pm 12:35am Thu 1/12: Dueling Pianos, Sat 1/14: Jen & Henry of Thu 1/12: Karaoke Contest, Tue 1/17: The Lance Bryant Mon 1/16: Game Night 8:30pm Aloud, 9pm-11:30pm 5-9pm Milford Sextet, 7:30-10:30 $10 THE LOFT Fri 1/13: Joe Thomas, 9pm-cl Sun 1/15: Loop-a-Lele, 9Sat 1/14: Karaoke & Dance CLARK’s TAVERN Beverly Sat 1/14: Joe Thomas, 9pm-cl 11:30pm Party, 8:30pm Newbury html CHIANTI TUSCAN 40 Nashua St., 603-769-311 PLUM ISLAND GRILLE Rte. 108, 603-742-7012 RESTAURANT JALAPEÑOS MEXICAN Fri 1/13: The Milford Fri 1/13: Driving Force RESTAURANT Experience 2 Sunset Blvd., 978-463-2290 285 Cabot St., 978-921-2233 Fri 1/12: Adam Payne RJs BAR AND GRILLE Wed 1/11: Michelle Wilson, 86 Main St., 978-283-8228 THE PASTA LOFT Find them on Facebook 9:30pm-12:30am Tue 1/17: The Wood Peppers, Newburyport 83 Washington St. Thu 1/12: Wally’s ‘Fabulous’ 7-9pm 241 Union Sq., 603-672-2270 DAVID’S TAVERN @ THE Thu 1/12: DJ Lil Rascal Funk Band, 9:30pm-12:30am Thu 1/12: Triana GARRISON INN Fri 1/13: Drama Squad DJs Fri 1/13: Goldberg, Miksis, & LATITUDE 43 / Fri 1/13: Groove Authority Langone, 9:30pm-12:30am MINGLEWOOD TAVERN 11 Brown Sq., 978-462-8077 Hampton, Hampton Beach & Sat 1/14: Fatback Sat 1/14: Boston Horns Thu 1/12: Tom Courtney, North Hampton Reloaded, 9:30pm-12:30am 25 Rogers St., 978-281-0223 7-10pm Nashua WALLY’s PUB �������� Sun 1/15: Whose Muddy Wed 1/11: Dennis Monagle FODY’s GREAT AMERICAN Sun 1/15: 8 Minute Dating, Shoes, 6:30-9:30pm Sessions, 9pm-cl 5:08pm; Michael Zatichik, 144 Ashworth Ave., 603-926- TAVERN 8minute m Mon 1/16: Dub Apocalypse, 6-9pm 6954 9:30pm-12:30am THE RHUMB LINE “8 Great Dates ~ 1 Fun Night!” 9 Clinton St., 603-577-9015 Wed 1/11: DJ Provo Open Tue 1/17: Fats Hammond, Thu 1/12: Josh Logan Band FIREHOUSE CENTER FOR Mic, 9pm Sunday ~ 1 / 15/ 12 ~ 5:08p m 9:30pm-12:30am 40 Railroad Ave, 978-283-9732 THE ARTS Thu 1/12: Bi-Polar Bears, 9pm Fri 1/13: Bacre Boys Wed 1/11: Fly Amero, 8-11pm Sat 1/14: Chad Lamarsh Mon 1/16: DJ Provo, 9pm David’s Tavern is hosting an 8 minute speed dating event on Sunday, FIBBER McGEE'S Thu 1/12: Dave Sags Blues Mon 1/16: DJ Mark Allen Market Sq., 978-462-7336 January 15th at 5:08 PM for singles ages 42-55. 8minuteDating is a fast, Find them on Facebook Party, 9:30pm-1:30am fun and guaranteed way for single people to meet, live and in person. At Tue 1/17: Karaoke Dance Party Sun 1/15: Sing-A-Long Sound Londonderry 8minuteDating events, you'll have 8 one-on-one dates that last 8 108 Cabot St., 978-232-0180 Fri 1/13: Ned & the Big of Music, 2pm $20-24 TUPELO MUSIC HALL minutes each. 8minuteDating guarantees you'll meet someone you want Wed 1/11: Karaoke Babies, 9:30pm-12:30am www.tupelohalllondonderry. THE PEDDLER’S to see again or your next event is on them! David’s Tavern is an intimate Thu 1/12: DJ Mon 1/16: Open Jam w/Dan THE GROG DAUGHTER com setting for an 8minuteDating event. Located in the historic Garrison Inn Fri 1/13: DJ King, 9:30pm-12:30am 2 Young Rd., 603-437-5100 in the rustic downstairs dining room, David’s will also be offering free Sat 1/14: DJ/Live Music Tue 1/117: Trivia, 7pm; Funk 13 Middle St., 978-465-8008 48 Main St., 603-821-7535 Thu 1/12: Laurence Juber, appetizers to the ‘speed daters’ as well as some unique specials. There Mon 1/16: Trivia, 7:30pm Jam w/Henley Douglass Jr. & Wed 1/11: Hoot Night, Wed 1/11: Revels Glen, 9pm 8pm $20 will also be live entertainment from 6-9pm. Soul Force V, 10pm-12:30am 8-11pm Thu 1/12: Take 4, 9:30pm Fri 1/13: Gandalf Murphy Go to to register, THE PICKLED ONION Thu 1/12: Truezoos, 8pmand the Slambovian Circus of Fri 1/13: Singing Johnsons, and use this code for an $8.00 discount: 8mdellend20224 Georgetown 9:30pm 12:30am $3 Dreams, 8pm $25 355 Rantoul St., 978-232-3973 KEON'S @ THE BLACK Sat 1/14: Third Left, 9:30pm Fri 1/13: The Stimulantes, Sat 1/14: Peter Yarrow, 8pm Space is limited, sign up now!!! It’s a new Wed 1/11: Karaoke w/DJ J SWAN COUNTRY CLUB 9:30pm-12:15am $5 $40 year, anything could happen! Dubz, 10pm Find them on Facebook Newmarket Sat 1/14: Rockspring w/Todo Sun 1/15: Poco, 7pm $45 Thu 1/12: DJ Max Baun, 258 Andover St., 978-352KJ’s SPORTS BAR Bien, 9:30pm-12:15am $5 David’s Tavern (@ T he Gar rison Inn) 10pm-1am 2900 Find them on Facebook Sun 1/15: Blues Party, 6-10pm Manchester Fri 1/13: Tobin & Leahy, Wed 1/11: Quizzo Pub Trivia, Mon 1/16: Comedy Open Mic, 1 1 Bro w n Sq. – N e w bu rypo r t, M A N Main St., 603-659-2329 900 PIZZERIA 5-9pm 7pm w w m Fri 1/13: Midas Music 7:30-9:30pm Mon 1/16: Stump Trivia, Karaoke, 9pm Tue 1/17: Steve Spoungin 50 Dow St., 603-641-0902 5-10pm Haverhill Sat 1/4: Midas Music Karaoke, Thu 1/12: Steve Sibulkin Tue 1/17: DJ Kevin CHIT CHAT LOUNGE Mon 1/16: Open Mic, 9NEW HAMPSHIRE 9pm THE PORT TAVERN 11:30pm Dover THE BLACK BRIMMER Danvers 103 Washington St., 978-374- 84 State St., 978-465-1006 THE BARLEY PUB STONE CHURCH ON THE VILLAGE GREEN 9710 THE LOBSTER SHANTY Wed 1/11: Irish Seisuin 1087 Elm St., 603-669-5523 ZION HILL Wed 1/11: Karaoke 328 Central Ave., w/Eamon Coyne, 7-10pm Thu 1/12: Coverslip 225 Newbury St., 978-774Thu 1/12: Helen Kella 25 Front St., 978-745-5449 4226 5 Granite St., 603-292-3546 Fri 1/13: Ruben Kincade, Fri 1/13: Ripcord 7270 Fri 1/13: DJ Julian; Richard Fri 1/13: Vein, 8-11pm Thu 1/12: Steve Roy’s Bluegrass Sat 1/14: Ten Year Vamp Thu 1/12: A-Helix, 9pm $5 9:30pm-12:30am Wed 1/11: Swing Dance James & the Name Changers Tue 1/17: Stump Trivia, Jam, 9pm Fri 1/13: XVSK w/The Lessons, 6:30pm Sat 1/14: DJ Julian; Full Turn 8-10pm O'NEILL'S PUB Sat 1/14: Christina Renee Demons, 9pm $6 BOYNTON’S TAPROOM Thu 1/12: Stump Trivia, Band Band, 9pm-12am Sat 1/14: The Rustic 7-10pm Sun 1/15: Pocket Big Band 120 Washington St., 978-740- Mon 1/6: Zach’s Trivia, 8pm 155 Dow St., 603-623-7778 Overtones, 9pm $15 Reading Tue 1/17: Country Line Tue 1/17: Open Mic 8811 GRUMPY DOYLE’s Sat 1/14: Dueling Pianos, 8pm Sun 1/15: Open Mic, 7pmDancing, 7pm Wed 1/11: Sports Trivia, THE CHILDREN’S 12am $10-17 MAL’S LOUNGE @ MUSEUM OF NH Tue 1/17: Blue Grass Jam, 530 Main St., 781-942-2822 5-10pm Gloucester GEORGE’S RESTAURANT Fri 1/13: Erinn Brown Duo, Thu 1/12: DJ Sap, 9pm-12am THE DERRYFIELD ALCHEMY CAFÉ & BISTRO 12:30am 6 Washington Street, 603-742- 9pm-12am 77 Washington St., 978-374- Tue 1/17: Stump Trivia, 8pm Fri 1/13: Live Irish Music, 6- 2002 Portsmouth 625 Mammoth Rd., 603-6233 Duncan St., 978-281-3997 5150 9pm; DJ Sap, 10pm-12:30am Wed 1/11: First Friends Play 2880 THE BLUE MERMAID Wed 1/11: Women, Wine & Fri 1/13: Roy Barboza Sat 1/14: Irish Music, 6-9pm; Group, 9:30-11am; Rockport Fri 1/13: Mama Kicks Chocolate w/Chelsea Berry, Wee Ones Wednesday Classes, Sat 1/7: Mirage 409 The Hill, 603-427-2583 ROCKPORT MUSIC @ THE Champagne Toast, 10:30pm 7-9pm THE PEDDLER’S $10 9:45-10:45am Wed 1/11: Open Mic Night SHALIN LIU Sun 1/15: Bluegrass Brunch, DAUGHTER Thu 1/12: Jr. Science Explorers, DRYNK RESTAURANT & Fri 1/13: Seth Gooby w/Jon PERFORMANCE CENTER Tue 1/17: Trivia, 8-10pm 12-2pm 10-10:45am Aanestad LOUNGE 45 Wingate St., 978-372-9555 35 Main St., 978-546-7391 ROCKAFELLAS Sat 1/14: Studio Art Workshop, Sat 1/14: Bohen Lebroux CAPE ANN BREWING CO. Fri 1/14: Foggy Duo, 9:30pm Fri 1/13: The Amazing Kristin, 10:30am-12pm Mon 1/17: Pop-Culture Trivia, 20 Old Granite St., 231 Essex St, 978-745-2411 7-9pm 8pm 603.836.5251 27 Commercial St., 978-281- THE TAP/LIMELIGHT Sat 1/14: Clemens Teufel, 8pm Wed 1/11: Latin Dance Party, DOVER BRICKHOUSE Wed 1/11: Tropical Wednesday 4782 LOUNGE 8-11:30pm THE PAGE RESTAURANT/ Thu 1/12: College Night; Wed 1/11: Trivia Night, Fri 1/13: Midnight Goggles 2 Orchard St., 603-749-3838 Ladies Night THE WET BAR Salem 7:30pm 100 Washington St., 978-374- FINZ SEAFOOD & GRILL Sat 1/14: Safety Wed 1/11: Cash is King, 5pm Fri 1/13: Rock Star Fridays Thu 1/12: Open Mic Night, 1117 Thu 1/12: Eric Ott & Joe 172 Hanover St., Tue 1/17: Industry Night 9pm Wed 1/11: Trivia, 8:30pm Simes, 9pm 603.436.0004 76 Wharf St., Pickering Wharf, SCRATCH KITCHEN Fri 1/13: The Gravel Project, Thu 1/12: Karaoke Fri 1/13: Boring Kind of Guy, FRATELLO’s ITALIAN Thu 1/12: Karaoke, 9pm-cl 978-744-8485 9pm Fri 1/13: Mask & Raid Fri 1/13: DJ SKD; Mike Lewis Thu 1/12: Groove Authority, 245 Derby St., 978-741-2442 Flood This Earth, & Marc GRILLE Sat 1/14: Gumbo Diablo, 9pm Sat 1/14: Truezoos Thu 1/12: Elijah Clark, 6-9pm Rizzo, 8pm Band 8-11pm Tue 1/17: Sea Shanty Sing-A- Sun 1/15: Open Mic Sat 1/14: Lenny Lashley’s Fri 1/13: Savage Tanners, 155 Dow St., 603-624-2022 Sat 1/14: DJ Hizzy Ipswich ZUMI’S COFFEE HOUSE 40 Market St., 978-356-1988 Mon 1/16: Kid’s Music w/Brian Doser, 4pm
PORTSMOUTH GASLIGHT CO. 64 Market St., 603-430-9122 Fri 1/13: Matt Jackson, 9:30pm; Maven Sargent, 10pm Sat 1/14: Brian Johnson Duo, 9:30pm; Tony Santesse, 10pm THE PRESS ROOM 77 Daniel St., 603-431-5186 Wed 1/11: Tom Kennedy, 9pm Thu 1/12: Family Affair, 9pm Fri 1/13: Brooks Young Band, 9pm $5 Sat 1/14: Bruce Marshall Band, 9pm $5 Sun 1/15: Jazz Grill, 6-9pm $10 Mon 1/16: Leftist Marching Band, 7pm Tue 1/17: Larry Garland Jazz Jam, 5:30pm; Open Mic, 9pm THE RED DOOR 107 State St., 603-373-6827 Wed 1/11: Evaredy Thu 1/12: Local Heroes Fri 1/13: The Collective Sat 1/14: MCs BCap & Face of Fate Sun 1/15: Green Lion Crew Mon 1/16: Hush Hush Sweet Hariot RÍRÁ IRISH PUB html 22-26 Market St., 603-3191680 Fri 1/13: Jimmy’s Down, 10pm Sat 1/14: Mugsy, 10pm Sun 1/15: Sweatpants in Public, 10pm Mon 1/16: Irish Session, 5pm Tue 1/17: Open Mic Night, 9p RUDI’S PORTSMOUTH 20 High St., 603-430-7834 Wed 1/11: Dimitri, 6pm Thu 1/12: David Milazzo & Michael Sink, 6pm Fri 1/13: Mike Effenberger Trio, 6pm Sat 1/14: Yvonne Aubert & Will Slater, 6pm Sun 1/15: Jazz Brunch, 12-3pm THE RUSTY HAMMER 49 Pleasant St., 603-436-9289 Thu 1/12: Trivia Night, 8-10pm SPRING HILL TAVERN @ THE DOLPHIN STRIKER 15 Bow St., 603-431-5222 Wed 1/11: Michael Troy & Craig Tramack, 9pm-12:30am Thu 1/12: The Digney Fungus Band, 9pm-12:30am Fri 1/13: The Tim Theriault Band, 9pm-12:30am Sat 1/14: The Paul Harkin Band, 9pm-12am Mon 1/16: Old School, 8pm12am Tue 1/17: Dave Gerard, 9pm12:30am Seabrook CHOP SHOP RESTAURANT & PUB 920 Lafayette Rd., 603-7607706 Wed 1/11: Reverend JJ & the Casual Sinners Thu 1/12: Tone Bone Fri 1/13: Rosie & The Country Mile Band Sat 1/14: Groove Alliance PRIME TIME SPORTS BAR & GRILL primetimeseabrook 620 Lafayette Rd., 603-7607230 Wed 1/11: Team Trivia, 8pm Thu 1/12: Karaoke, 9pm If your venue would like to be included in this calendar, or if you’d like to receive this list weekly via email, please contact us at:
Real Estate January 11 - 17, 2012
For Sale
Pets, Animals, Plus
Page 11
The Town Common Award Winning Restaurant
The Town Common
From the & Window Seat Health Fitness
Opens at 5 p.m. Bar Menu & Fine Dining
Childcare Available Newspaper Community Campaign 2012…Hopefully Not The North Shore’s Largest Independent Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays Another Sandbox Brawl Located at the Garrison Inn
By Liberty Tucker –––––––––––––––– If I start now, the same day the Iowa Caucuses begin, maybe the candidates will get the message early enough to spare us the negative campaigning they and/or their staffs feel obliged to provide to the voting public. I doubt it will do any good but I’m willing to give it a try. Has any candidate running for any office has ever taken a good look at how ridiculous he/she appears once he or she has slung the first mud ball? People you don’t look so appealing after doing this. If a candidate feels it’s necessary to run a negative campaign what would make voters trust him or her to run his/her office in anything
other than a like manner? I certainly wouldn’t. It’s bad enough campaign promises seem to disintegrate in the air around the podium once the oath is administered. I believe candidates who feel the need to smear and batter their opponents should bow out gracefully before stooping to the level of a sandbox brawl between warring toddlers. Maybe those who prefer the “mine at any cost mentality” never learned the meaning of or practiced the art of integrity. We, as a united nation, need to expect more honesty and integrity from those who hold office. On the other paw, maybe it’s not the candidate that begins the slinging but rather someone on their staff who starts the mud ball rolling. As the late Harry Truman once said, “The buck stops here.” President Truman was referring to the fact that as leader
of this country he had the final say. 11 Brown Square, Newburyport Candidates should be well aware of what their staffers are doing and under no circumstances allow their Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowle campaigns to turn dirty and vicious. The buck stops at the candidate. Maybe candidates don’t think it could ever come down to just one vote. Stranger things have happened. Because many voters are against Dog Daycare/Overnight negative campaigning or don’t believe Dog Walking the lip service of candidates they Home Visits for all pets simply don’t vote. In a tight race it would make sense to err of the side of Wendy West caution. Keep it clean and honest. Pet Care Provider Candidates if you’re rusty on the West Newbury, MA meanings of “honesty” and “integrity” first check the dictionary then remember who you’re working for and who got you elected. We expect you to step up to the plate and do your job essex CouNty Dog SAILBOATS well. We hold your reign in our hands traiNiNg Club, iNC. and this feline hopes YOUR hands KAYAKS We stock LoCAteD in will be clean. sALisburY, mA Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC Now offeriNg... Perception - Necky PRECISION Competition Training Ocean Kayak Sunfish, Zuma, Laser with UKC / AKC Judge Canoes Rogers Street, West Newbury: RedPine Street, Manchester: Turkey Ms Linda McHugh Mad River Old Town - Radisson tailed Hawk, Cooper's Hawk Vulture register toDay: Rally run-thrus Fernald’s Essex Saltmarsh: Great Egret Newburyport Christmas Bird 978-463-3647 Puppy, Beginner, & 978-948-8696 • • On the River Parker Little River Trail, Newburyport: Count: Rt.Canada Goose,MA Barnacle 1A, Newbury, 01951 info@ECDTC.nET Pre Novice Classes Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 Hermit Thrush, American Robin, Goose, Mute Swan, Wood Duck, For more inFo visit us on the web: 978- Wigeon, 465-0312 (978) 465-0312 Wild Turkey Gadwall, American American Squamscott River, Exeter, NH: Black Duck, Mallard, Northern Turkey Vulture Shoveler, Northern Pintail, GreenMargot G. Birke, Attorney at Law County Road, Ipswich: Mourning winged Teal, Canvasback, Redhead, Dove, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Ring-necked Duck, Greater Scaup, 1 col. x 2 inches Downy Woodpecker, American Crow, Lesser Scaup, Common Eider, Surf Black-capped Chickadee, Tufted Scoter, White-winged Scoter, Black 6+ wks $38.30/week Titmouse, White-breasted Nuthatch, Scoter, Long-tailed Duck, Bufflehead, Carolina Wren, European Starling, Common Goldeneye, Yellow-bellied 13+ wks $30.70/week Townsend's Warbler, White-throated Sapsucker, Downy Woodpecker, 26+ wks $27.60/week Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, Northern Hairy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Cardinal, House Finch, American Pileated Woodpecker, Cassin's If you don’t plan your estate, the state 52 wks $24.90/week Goldfinch Kingbird, Northern Shrike, Blue will plan it for you. Place this ad in our monthly Bartlett & Baker Roads, Salisbury: Jay, American Crow, Horned Lark, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Hairy Black-capped Chickadee, Tufted publication for an additional Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker Titmouse, Red-breasted Nuthatch, $9.75/week. Cherry Hill Reservoir, West White-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Newbury: Hooded Merganser, Creeper, Carolina Wren, Winter Hi Everyone! My name is Coach Comet and I'm an all Common Merganser, Canvasback, Wren, Marsh Wren, Golden-crowned black boy, with a little white spot under my chin. I'm around Ring-necked Duck, Ruddy Duck, Kinglet, Eastern Bluebird, Hermit 3 years and was found by a nice lady in Amesbury, Place this ad in our old monthly Canada Goose, Mallard, Great Blue Thrush, American Robin, Gray who brought me to the MRFRS around Christmas time. I Heron, Ring-billed Gull, Belted Catbird, Northern Mockingbird, publication forwasannamed additional after the reindeer Comet, just incase you were Kingfisher, Cassin's Kingbird, Blue European Starling, Cedar Waxwing, $28.75/week. wondering. Because I was outside, with so little to eat, I Jay, American Crow, Black-capped Common Yellowthroat, Eastern am a very skinny boy and the staff here at the MRFRS Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Towhee, American Tree Sparrow, Field often feed me yummy treats so I can start to gain more Wren, Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, Song weight! Being a stray outside during the winter sure is Eastern Bluebird, Northern Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, Whiterough, and although I'm grateful to have shelter from the Mockingbird, European Starling, throated Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, cold, my goal is to find my forever home. To be honest, I'm not very fond of other American Tree Sparrow, Dark-eyed Snow Bunting, Northern Cardinal, kitties, but I do love human attention and would be a great lap cat. A cozy blanket Junco House Finch, Red-winged Blackbird, on your bed and a few hugs a day would be just enough to make me happy! I am Penzance Road, Rockport: Mute Rusty Blackbird, Common Grackle, up to date on all my vaccines, have been neutered, and have a microchip. Please Swan, Mallard, Common Eider, Brown-headed Cowbird, American come visit me today and I'll be sure to make you smile. Surf Scoter, White-winged Scoter, Goldfinch, House Sparrow Black Scoter, Bufflehead, Common This column is compiled by Sue Goldeneye, Double-crested McGrath of Newburyport Birders which NEW HOURS: Route 110 Salisbury & Rte 114 Danvers Petsmart Cormorant, Great Cormorant, Iceland offers birding educational opportunities. Tues-Thurs 2-6pm, Fri 2-7pm, Sat noon-5pm. Gull, Ring-billed Gull, Herring Gull, It's motto is: Observe, Appreciate, Petsmart adoption center is also open noon-2pm Sunday. Great Black-backed Gull, American Identify." "Please report your sightings LOCATION: 63 Elm St. (Rt. 110) Salisbury. Crow, House Sparrow to CALL: 978-462-0760 Campmeeting Road, Topsfield: or call 978-462-4785 or log on to or visit the website at Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Weekly Community Newspape
Turkey Hill Pet Care
978-255-2871 or 978-387-1477
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Birds In Our Neighborhood
Washington Street, Newburyport: Eastern Screech Owl Arrowhead Farm, Newburyport: Cooper's Hawk Nelson Island, Rowley: Short-eared Owl, Rough-legged Hawk, Northern Harrier Tuxbury Pond/Kimball Road, Amesbury: Brown-headed Cowbird, Red-winged Blackbird Moulton Street, Newburyport: White-breasted Nuthatch, Whitethroated Sparrow, Cooper's Hawk, Mourning Dove, Northern Cardinal, American Robin, Hairy Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker Wenham Lake, Wenham: Ringnecked Duck, Canada Goose Cummings Center, Beverly: Hooded Merganser Route 95, Newbury: Great Blue Heron Halibut Point State Park, Rockport: Harlequin Duck, Common Eider, White-winged Scoter, Red-breasted Merganser, Ring-billed Gull Chain Bridge Area, Newburyport: Bald Eagle Ring's Island, Salisbury: Bufflehead, Ring-billed Gull, Herring Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Mallard Upper Artichoke Reservoir, West Newbury: Mute Swan, Barnacle Goose Patmos Road, Rowley: Short-eared Owl, Barred Owl Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, Plum Island: Snowy Owl, Yellow-breasted Chat, Redhead, Great Egret, Gray Catbird, Northern Shrike, Red-necked Grebe, Great Cormorant, White-winged Scoter, Canvasback, Rough-legged Hawk, Sharp-shinned Hawk, American Robin Main Street, Amesbury: Bald Eagle, Common Merganser, Canada Goose
Adopt a Feline
The Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society
Page 12
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Continued from page 9 MONDAY, JANUARY 16TH ENERGY BALANCING Reiki, Polarity Therapy, Energy Medicine, Reflexology & Cranio-sacral Therapy to balance your energy. Offered by Gayle Perkins, a Wellness Educator from 11AM – 3PM at The Herbal Path 599 Lafayette Rd., Portsmouth, NH. Monday, January 16th. The first 10 minutes are free and $1.00 per minute thereafter. Call her for an appointment at: 207-752-1281 or just drop by. TUESDAY, JANUARY 17TH BECOME AN EDUCATION VOLUNTEER AT JOPPA FLATS Learn to assist children’s educator Lisa Hutchings in coastal ecology and birding programs in the field and at schools. No experience necessary. Posttraining commitment: two half-days per month. Dates: Tuesdays, January 17 (Weather & Wildlife) and 24 (Winter Raptors), 9:30 am – 1:30 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fee per session: $20. Preregistration is required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at joppaflats. FLATBREAD FUNDRAISER FOR MISSION TRIPS The Market Street Baptist Church is hosting a fundraiser at Flatbread Pizza, 5 Market Square, Amesbury, on Tuesday, January 17, 2012. During the hours of 5:00-9:30 p.m. a portion of all pizza
P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564
January 11 - 17, 2012 OCCUPY MOVEMENT DISCUSSION Could the next step for the Occupy Movement be the one outlined by Harvard Professor of Law, Lawrence Lessig, in his recent book "Republic Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress - and a Plan to Stop It." To discuss this idea in any depth on January 18, you will have to do some homework. Where: The First Religious TRAVEL TO CHINA: PREPARATION Society, 26 Pleasant Street, Newburyport, Lower meetinghouse on Wednesday, TO IMMERSION Tues. Jan. 17, 6:30-8:00 pm. January 18, 7pm. Free and Open to the Photographer and tour guide Richard public Ferland takes us on a whirlwind tour of China in one hour and 15 minutes. This RAISING FINANCIALLY program is for recreational tourists and RESPONSIBLE CHILDREN Wed. Jan. 18, 7-8 pm. New York business travelers, people who enjoy travel documentaries, as well as anyone with Life Financial Planner Caleb Harty an interest in photography & art. His presents tips and tricks on how to raise presentation concisely covers everything children to become: thoughtful savers, you need to know about communication, careful spenders, and intentional givers. street vendors, etiquette, dining, and a The presentation is based on the book few key phrases that will serve you well. Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees by Neale S. Hamilton-Wenham Public Library, 14 Godfrey. Please RSVP so we can provide Union St., S. Hamilton, 978-468-5577 enough materials. Hamilton-Wenham Public Library, 14 Union St., S. Hamilton, 978-468-5577 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18TH WEDNESDAY EVENING LECTURE Joe Carlin, noted Nutritionist CHRONIC PAIN SUPPORT GROUP A free Chronic Pain Support Group and Food Historian and Museum member, is held each Wednesday from 5:30 - 7 p.m. will be our speaker for this fascinating at Beverly Hospital at Danvers, 480 Maple talk: "A Short History of the American Street, Danvers. The program is held in Cookbook". Don't miss it! January the Pain Management Center Reception 18, 7:30 pm Our Wednesday Evening Room. The program is facilitated by Lecture Series is generously sponsored by Licensed Psychologist George Beilin, The First National Bank of Ipswich. At 54 Ed.D, Licensed psychologist. To register South Main Street, Ipswich. Refreshments or for further information, please call 978- served; members are free, non-members, $10. Call 978 356-2811 for more 922-6613. information. purchases, eat-in or take-out, will go to fund summer mission trips. Proceeds raised will pay for the travel expenses for the Market Street Baptist Church volunteers to continue their support visits to the Living Hope Community Church of Halifax, NS Canada and the Bethany Mission Church of Tongaat, South Africa.
Start the new year out right. Make the move now!
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Health & Fitness
Are you holding back a beautiful smile?
Brighter Smiles...
What Would You Do?
By J. Peter St. Clair, DMD
be about a year. Of course you would have to pay for this; but you do have the million dollars from having all your teeth removed. Realistically, no one is going to offer you a million dollars to take all your teeth out. My point is meant to be simple. A healthy mouth is such an important part of life. Think of the discomfort, aggravation, inability to smile confidently, inability to eat properly and enjoy food. The quality of life is undoubtedly better with natural teeth. However, a million dollars is a lot of money. The question definitely made me think. So, I would love to hear what you would do. I have set up a survey on my Facebook page (listed below). Take the survey and I will report back on the findings in a few weeks. In the meantime, please visit a dentist regularly. Maintenance of dental health is so important. Don’t wait until you have a “problem”, because often times that problem is a sign of many bigger issues. Life is better with teeth! Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at To view previous columns or comment, go to www. or www.
To Your Good Health By: Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Lupus Targets Young Women DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I recently tested positive for lupus, about which I know nothing. Please furnish me with some information. -- E.L. ANSWER: Men, children and the elderly can come down with lupus, but the main target group is young women between the ages of 15 and 45. Lupus causes a staggering number of signs and symptoms. No one person develops all, but some have many. Joint swelling and pain; a drop in the number of white and red blood cells; a tendency to form clots in veins; skin rashes; malfunctioning of nerves, the brain and the spinal cord; inflammation of the coverings of the heart and lungs; kidney damage; and an injuring sensitivity to sunlight are the major troubles facing lupus patients. All of this comes about because the immune system declares war on
body organs and tissues for reasons not fully understood. Antibodies -products of the immune system -are signs of the immune attack. They are useful for diagnosing the illness. When you say you tested positive for lupus, do you mean you had a positive blood test? One frequently used is the ANA (anti-nuclear antibody) test. A positive ANA suggests lupus but is not diagnostic of it. Two other antibody tests, anti-dsDNA and anti-SM, are stronger evidence of lupus. Lupus is a formidable illness, but modern treatment has taken away much of its dread. In the past, it shortened life. Now 80 percent to 90 percent of lupus patients live 10 or more years. Lupus is subject to flare-ups and periods when it greatly quiets down. For flares, the cortisone drugs are put into play. For quiet periods, medicines with fewer
side effects are prescribed. The list of medicines available for lupus is large. A new one has just come on the market. The booklet on rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, two similar illnesses, gives a comprehensive view of lupus and its treatment. To order a copy, write: Dr. Donohue -- No. 301W, Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclose a check or money order for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with the recipient's printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery. Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. (c) 2011 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
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In last week’s column I talked about the trend over the past few years of dentistry taking on a new look. This” new” look is a resurgence back to the days of prevention and maintenance and involves less elective procedures such as cosmetic veneers. There are still many patients who would like to improve the appearance of their smiles with these elective procedures but are postponing treatment due to the economy. There are also many people who have taken professional dental care completely off their radar for the same reason. This group is in danger of many future dental problems. I have a hypothetical question to propose. This question assumes you are not missing more than (2) of your natural teeth (not including wisdom teeth) and under the assumption that you are dentally healthy. Here is the question: If you were offered 1 million dollars to have all of your teeth removed, would you do it?
Obviously this is not realistic but I want you to think about how important your teeth are to you. For that same $1 million, would you give up driving or riding in a car for the rest of your life? Would you give up your bed and resort to sleeping on the floor the rest of your life? Teeth, cars and beds are things we use all day long. They are an important part of our lives and are often taken for granted. I know there are denture wearers out there who would encourage people to take the million bucks…..but there is no comparison between natural teeth and plastic. Now, with that million, you could replace the teeth with a number of different options. Typically those options are a denture, an implant-supported denture, or multiple implants with teeth (crowns) attached. If you wanted to come out of this with the most minimal expense, you would be getting a poorly fitting denture the day your teeth were taken out (there is a lot of estimation when all the teeth are present and a denture is being made), months of healing and then a better fitting denture would be made for you. If you chose the last option and wanted to replace your teeth with implants, you would need to have all your teeth removed, that same poorly fitting denture made, the same months of healing, and then multiple appointments to finish. The total treatment time would
Page 14
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) A hectic period begins to wind down. Take time to draw some deep breaths and relax before getting into your next project. A long-absent family member makes contact. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You're eager to move forward with a new challenge that suddenly dropped in your lap. But you'd be wise to take this one step at a time to allow new developments to
come through. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You're almost ready to make a commitment. A lingering doubt or two, however, should be resolved before you move ahead. An associate could provide important answers. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Caution is still the watchword as you move closer toward a decision about a new situation. If you act too fast, you might miss some vital warning signs. Go slowly and stay alert. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Your new goal looks promising, and your golden touch does much to enhance its prospects for success.
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In your private life, Cupid does his best to make your new relationship special. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) That impatient side of yours is looking to goad you into moving before you're ready to take that big step. Stay calm and cool. Let things fall into place before you act. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A legal matter you hoped could finally be settled could be a pesky problem for a while, until all the parties agree to stop disagreeing with each other. Be patient. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Partnerships -personal or professional -- which began before the new year take on
January 11 - 17, 2012 new importance. They also reveal some previously hidden risks. So be warned. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Your associates are firmly on your side, and that persistent problem that has caused you to delay some activities should soon be resolved to your satisfaction. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Favorable changes continue to dominate, and you should be responding positively as they emerge. Someone wants to become more involved in what you're doing. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A friend wants to
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