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The Town Common
FREE Dreaming in Cozy Pajamas
January 30 - February 7, 2013 Vol. 9, No. 13
Triton Robot Builders Love to Compete By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––
Groveland's Langley-Adams Library Community Reading Series Page 4 HamiltonWenham Public Library's 3rd Annual Themed Teen Poetry Contest Page 4
Spring Swim Lessons Page 5 Triton Gradventure Teamwork Trivia Night Page 5
Photo by Stewart Lytle
The Triton students in the Robotics Club
TRITON – The 13 young robot builders are anxiously waiting on the Worcester Robotics Consortium to send out the rules that govern the next Robot Competition in March. Only then can the 12 boys and one girl, who gather at Triton High School three afternoons a week as the Triton Robotics Club, get busy designing, programming and building their next Bots to compete at the competition staged at Quinsigamond Community College in Worcester. In the last competition, 88 teams entered the competition, bringing about 120 robots that were both driven autonomously and by a student driver. The bulldozer-like robots were designed to pick up bean bags and deposit them at various height levels for points. “These guys love to compete,� said Kathy Norton, the math and engineering teacher who has overseen the robotics club for seven years. The competitions are complicated and intense. The rules governing the competitions are closely held until
about a month before the event. That means the students have to work long hours and learn to work well together, using their various skills to build the robots. Norton, an engineer herself who spent her early career building satellite earth stations before becoming a high school teacher 12 years ago, said the Continued on page 3
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– IPSWICH – When Laurie Collins their Pajamas book to the children’s wrote her ďŹ rst children's book, 'The service agency, Cradles to Crayons Pajamas of My Dreams,' she was (C2C), which raises donations, thinking about children in two types sorts and distributes from its Giving of homes Fa c t o r y – one where clothes, shoes the children and school pull on cozy supplies to pajamas, children crawl into bed who live in and fall asleep the second while a parent scenario. reads to them. During Reading February, the to her own book, 'The two children, Pajamas of My the librarian Dreams,' will formerly in be launched Newbury and at events now Ipswich, throughout Photo by Stewart Lytle recalls that the state. Laurie Collins with her new book. one of her Many will be favorite pastimes was reading to her tied into the C2C Pajama Drive. two sons. Collins ďŹ rst launched a pajama In the other scenario, a child has drive when she was the children's no cozy pajamas, is cold, hungry and librarian in Newbury. It was a major has no one to read to them. success with parents and students Collins, along with her award- donating pajamas. The Triton High winning illustrator Margie Florini, School track team took time out to was inspired by and is dedicating read to elementary school children and encourage the younger students to bring in new or outgrown pajamas. “There is something endearing about buying pajamas for someone,â€? Collins said. Now that she is at the Ipswich Library, Collins plans to launch the pajamas program in this community. “The Ipswich community will really love this,â€? she said, holding in Photos by Peter McClelland her hand the ďŹ rst pajamas that had LEFT: Matt Canning (21) looks at some Ipswich defense during the already been donated. Her book, written for children in Clippers, 50-39, win on January kindergarten to fourth grade, is a 21st. ABOVE: Young Ipswich fan story about children's dreams about takes in the Newburyport boys their futures. basketball game with her mother.
A Victory for Newburyport
Continued on page 3
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January 30 - February 5, 2013
How to Submit Letters to the Editor
Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common
Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to: The Editor c/o The Town Common 77 Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01969 or preferably via e-mail to: The Town Common deadline is 5pm Wednesday (except when a federal holiday necessitates an earlier deadline).
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Page 3
Dreaming in Cozy Pajamas their dreams,” wrote Collins in the beginning of Pajamas. But Collins, who has hosted “countless” story hours for children from all economic situations, is a bit haunted by the specter of those children who do not have cozy pajamas, enough to eat and someone to read to them. “Cradles to Crayons made me realize that not all children have this privilege.” Collins wrote. The book ends with a tribute to those children who do not have what others do. The child says: “I wish for cozy pajamas that smell fresh and clean. They are fuzzy and wooly and keep me toasty even if my bedroom is cold. I dream of being warm and safe in my bed at night. I dream of going to sleep with a full belly, in
pajamas that fit well enough to keep me protected from the cold all night long so I will wake in the morning rested and ready for school.” Founded in December 2000 by Lynn Margherio, Cradles to Crayons last year provided, free of charge, packages of clothes, shoes, books, toys, baby safety equipment and school supplies to 87,000 children in Massachusetts and the Philadelphia area. The book, 'The Pajamas of My Dreams,' published by Three Bean Press, will be launched at 10 a.m. on Feb. 20 at the Ipswich Public Library. There will also be a book signing at Jabberwocky in Newburyport from 3 to 5 p.m. on February 24 and at Florini's Beach Street Studios in Manchester-by-the-Sea from 6 to 8 p.m. on Feb. 28.
Triton Robot Builders Love to Compete
Continued from page 1
students share the responsibilities for building the robots. Some are more talented, experienced and prefer to design and build the robots. Others enjoy programming the machines. They learn to work together and exhibit “gracious professionalism,” she said. That is not to say the students are not competitive among each other. Listening to their banter among themselves, it sounds almost like a genteel form of trash talking on the court or field. For the competition three weeks ago at the community college campus in Worcester, the club built three robots. Under the event rules, the Triton team was paired with another team for each of five competitions to see how many bean bags the robots could pick up. Of the 88 teams, the Triton team was ranked in the mid 40s. “At least we weren't last,” joked Nick Romano. The students said they not only love to compete, but like seeing the machines the other teams have built and how they have solved some of the same problems the Triton
students faced. “They take ownership of design of the robots,” Norton said. “They win as a team. They lose as a team.” The competitions are not cheap. The entry fee is $150 per robot. But building the robots costs from $1,000 to $1,500 each, she said. The club is sponsored by the Institution for Savings and Verizon. Other robot competitions, like the First Robotics Competitions, cost as much as $10,000 just to enter, plus the cost of travel and to create the machines. The students come to the club for different reasons. Jason Plumer, who was the driver of one of the robots at the last meet, said he has always been interested in engineering. “When I found out about the (Triton) program, I jumped at it. I just love building things.” Romano on the other hand “loves programming things.” Tom Howell said he joined the club because “I like tinkering with things.” Some of the students like Colton Holloran gravitated to the club after developing skills at playing video
games. “This is the next level,” he said. Jessica Macey, the only girl in the club, said she thought it might be interesting. She is a good at building and designing the robots. Other members of the club include Nick Dullea, Patrick Meehan, Jacob Phillips, Brian Romanski, Istiaque Shanjib, Nick Sweeney and George Phaneuf. The Worcester Robotics Consortium, headquartered at Quinsigamond, creates educational opportunities in the central Massachusetts community that prepare students for futures in science, technology, engineering and Math careers. That is why Norton said she left working with satellites to teach high school. She wanted to encourage students to become engineers. When she watches the students building their machines and debating how each will work best, she believes she is succeeding in turning on students to engineering. “When these students get up and meet in the school parking lot at 6 a.m. on a Saturday,” she said, “that's dedication,”
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Illustrated by Florini's cut-paper collages, the book shows children all tucked in while they wonder, “What will I be when I grow up?” Each page begins with the same refrain: “In the pajamas of my dreams, I climb into bed, pull the covers up tightly, close my eyes and…” The children dream of becoming artists, professional hockey players, doctors or veterinarians and master chefs. Other children, inspired by their pajamas, dream of becoming bakers or entomologists. “There is no lovelier point in the day for a caregiver than when they tuck a child into bed, read them a story, give them a kiss and probably ‘one more drink of water.’ Then they watch them slip off into the world of
Come in for a visit and compare!
Continued from page 1
January 30 - February 5, 2013
nor t h s h
225 Newburyport Tnpk (RT 1), Rowley MA 01969
b A c k s TA g e s A l o N A N d s pA . c o M
Letters To The Editor January 30 - February 5, 2013
Page 4
Community Announcements
BYFIELD - The Community United Methodist Church of Byfield, 11 Central Street, Byfield, has a community food pantry open to all Byfield/Newbury area residents. The pantry is open every Friday from 1-3:00pm. If you are in need or know of someone who is, please know that this resource is here for everyone. If you need to make other arrangements please call the church office at 978-465-5946. Every second and fourth Thursday of the month the Basic Home System Includes: Act Now Community United Methodist Church of Byfield gathers at one of the two elderly housing communities in Byfield Keypad, 3 Door/Window for a light supper. The church brings food and we all share in a time of fellowship around the table with residents and Transmitters, 1 Motion Detector, Receive One Free Smoke Detector anybody else who comes. These meals are open to everybody. If you would like to come, just show up! The second Horn, Arm/Disarm Keyfob Thursday finds us at Oak Ridge, 84 Main Street and the fourth Thursday is at Quaker Hill, 115 Main Street. The meal MA LIC # 444C is served from 4:30-6:00pm. For more information call the church at (978)465-5946. -----------------------------------------------------------GEORGETOWN - Looking for somewhere romantic to spend your Valentine’s Day? Keon’s at the Black Swan For Country Club isSale the perfect setting and they are offering a 3 course meal for • $39 per person on Thursday, February 14th from 4-9pm. The menu features delicious entrees like fillet mignon, prime rib, veal osso bucco and baked haddock. The full menu can be viewed at or If 3 courses is too much Keon’s will also be offering menu items a la carte. Reservations are filling up fast, call 978-352-2900 today to reserve your seats! • Any Home Repair -----------------------------------------------------------• • • Complete Remodels GROVELAND - The Langley-Adams Library in Groveland, MA announces is second community-wide reading • Barns & Specialties series, Groveland Gathers to Read. This year's book, "Caleb's Crossing" by Geraldine Brooks was selected with help from community members. "Caleb's Crossing", written by a PulitzerPrize winning author, is set in the 1660s on North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper • Call with Questions Martha's Vineyard. Everyone is invited to read the novel now through February and attend related events at the library in March. All events will be free and open to the public. Copies of "Caleb's Crossing" are available at the library. For Neal Conley, Lic. & Insured (978) 465-4079 more information please call 978-372-1732 or visit -----------------------------------------------------------HAMILTON - The Hamilton-Wenham Public Library's 3rd annual themed Teen Poetry Contest starts February 1, and ends at midnight April 30th. The 2013 theme is: Nature and/or Animals. This contest is open to teens in grades 6 to 12,who are residents of Essex County in Massachusetts. Prize winning categories: Best Entry Grades 6-8; Best Entry Grades 9-12; Director's Choice Award; Second Place Grades 6-8; Second Place Grades 9-12; Honorable Mentions. Finalists will be notified by phone or email on or about May 10th. The Poetry Contest Reception will be held on Thursday, May, 16, 2013, 7pm to 8:30pm. For more information about the contest, and to find the poetry contest online entry form link go to the Library's Informed Teens Poetry page: http://informedteenshwlibrary. or contact Kim Claire, Young Adult Librarian at or call 978-468-5577 X14 -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - The Rotary Club of Newburyport, in association with Turning Point, Inc. will be conducting
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In accordance with the Wetlands Protections Act, Mass. G.L. 131, section 40, as amended, and the Town of Rowley Wetlands Protection Bylaw, a Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 8:00 pm in the Town Hall Annex located at 39 Central Street, to consider a Request for Determination of Applicability application filed by Essex County Greenbelt Association for proposed invasive plant control methods possibly within Bank, Pond, Land Subject to Flooding, Land Under Waterways, Bordering Vegetated Wetlands, and the 100’ Buffer Zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands at 843 Haverhill St. (Map 4, Parcel 42) and 302 Dodge Road (Map 10, Parcel 5, Lot A-7) owned by Essex County Greenbelt Association and home. Tompkins Desjardins Trust respectively in Rowley, MA
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The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper January 30 - February 5, 2013
Page 5
a drive for tools and supplies to assist the cleanup and reconstruction efforts from Hurricane Sandy. Collections will begin on Friday, February 1 and end on Tuesday, February 19. Drop off sites include Kelly's True Value, Newburyport Traffic Circle and Appliance Warehouse, Seabrook Traffic Circle, for larger items such as shovels, rakes, etc., while smaller items will be accepted at all Newburyport Five Cent Bank locations. Monetary donations to defray transport expenses should be sent to "Turning Point For Sandy," POB 548, Newburyport, MA 01950, a local 501(c)(3) non profit agency. We are asking for used, but serviceable tools to expand the cleanup and reconstruction effort. There are hundreds of volunteers, but a chronic shortage of tools is a problem. The goods we hope to collect include: • Residential Trash Service shovels, rakes, prybars, pickaxes, room heaters with sensors, dehumidifiers, generators, sealed goggles, work boots, • Rear Load Containers 2-10 yd OSHA P100 masks w/filter replacements, Tyvek suits, hammers, safety glasses, flashlights, batteries, garbage bags, baby wipes, non-perishable foods, disposable aluminum serving trays, sterno, plastic cutlery, cups w/lids, plastic • Dumpster 15-30 yd glasses, and brooms. The idea for this effort was presented to the Rotary Club by Plum Island resident Mike Keenan, • Family Owned & Operated after his experiences as a volunteer in Union Beach, NJ last November. A group of local, volunteer musicians will accompany the tools and and supplies to New Jersey, and will perform for the volunteers and residents as a good will Service is our gesture. Anyone wanting to participate can bring goods to the drop off sites, or can contact Mike Keenan at (978) 255-2696. #1 PriorIty! -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - Open registration for the Spring Session Swim Lessons at the YWCA Greater Newburyport begins on February 11, 2013 at 8:00 AM. Participants can miss only one class prior to their registration date. Classes run from 2-25-13 to 4-13-13. Swim lessons for all levels, beginning at 6 months of age, are offered Monday – Saturday with morning and afternoon options. Where applicable, children must be the specified age at the start of the program in order to register. Adult Group Swim Lessons are also offered: Beginners on Tuesday at 5:30 PM or Wednesday at 6:00 PM. Intermediate classes are held on Monday at 6:00 PM or Thursday at 5:30 PM. Class registrations are made in person at the YWCA membership desk at 13 Market Street on a first come, first served basis. Both members and non-members can register for session-based classes. For more information and registration forms, visit our website at or call 978-465-9922. -----------------------------------------------------------GENERAL CONTRACTORS L.L.C. ROWLEY - Visit the Rowley Public Library this month to view posters highlighting the theme Diversity. Stephen to Project Completion Lewis has more than 3800 posters from all over the world, and he chose the ones on display to show the worldwide .Consultation Carpentry . Masonry . Landscaping . Roofing . Basements . Water Entry struggle against bigotry and oppression. Lewis is a long-time activist in the labor movement and has exhibited at a number of libraries and several state Heritage parks. His collection was assembled through contributions by friends . All Phases of Construction . Commercial/Residential of and contacts both local and international, and through personal visits to conferences and organizations worldwide. . All Maintenance Work . All Types of Restorations . . “In the Field” Experience Free Initial Consultation Project Management The posters will be on exhibit through the month of February. The Rowley Public Library, 141 Main Street in Rowley, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT/CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION is fully accessible. For more information, call 978-948-2850. All Types of Property Repairs -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Rowley Book Club to meet Thursday, February 7 This month the Rowley Library Book Club is reading Catherine the Great, Portrait of a Woman by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Robert Massie. How did an obscure German princess become one of the most powerful women of all times? Through lots of drama, intrigue, and danger! Pick up your copy today, then join us on Thursday, February 7 at 6:30 p.m. at the Rowley Public Library, 141 Main Street, to discuss this fascinating true-life story. For more information, call the library at 978-948-2850. -----------------------------------------------------------$25 Off Any Custom Order Over $400 TRITON - 2013 Triton Babe Ruth Registration will be held Tuesday Feb.5th 6 to 8pm at the Newbury Elementary • Custom Draperies School Cafeteria. Registration fee is $150.00 for the 13/14 & 15/16 year old divisions. Players Age 13 by August GENERAL CONTRACTORS•L.L.C. Fine Home Decor Consultation to Project Completion 1st. . . . . Roofing . Water Entry • 1000’s of. Fabric Choices Carpentry Masonry LLC Landscaping Basements -----------------------------------------------------------978-948-8696 • • advertise@thetowncommon.c TRITON - TEAMWORK TRIVIA NIGHT is back by popular demand! To benefit GRADVENTURE 2013 on . All Phases of Construction . Commercial/Residential • Dress Your Home Up! of Friday March 1st, at Newburyport Elks, Low St. Doors Open at 6:30pm, Trivia Begins at 7pm sharp. Ticket cost: $25 . All Maintenance Work . All Types of Restorations . . per person. The Prize: The opportunity to dethrone ZYDECO SWAMP PEOPLE and obtain bragging rights for your “In the Field” Experience Free Initial Consultation Project Management (978) 432-1375 team! So what are you waiting for? Gather a group of your friends, come up with a team name and reserve your table PROPERTY MANAGEMENT/CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION 144 Newburyport Turnpike, Rt. 1, Rowley MA now! Tables of 10 preferred. Smaller groups will be paired with others. *Cash Bar*Bring Your Own Munchies*Raffles* All Types of Property Repairs Drop in and meet Kay! *Adults Only* To reserve your table or for more information contact Stacey Richards: or 978-465-4798, Jen Cavanaugh:
Please give us a call and let us know how we can help.
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The Town Common
The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community NewspaperSenior
Page 6
Finance Programs for EVERYONE!!
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January 30 - February 5, 2013
Community Calendar To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail: Elm S, Amesbury. Sponsored by Methuen Classified Ads Village Assisted living RSVP 978 388
. Trades Welcome!
WEDNESDAY MORNING 8138. Please join the Amesbury Caregiver ROOTS AND ROADS WITH THE BIRDING Essential program and Methuen Village BREW Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director as they sponsor for Dr. Nancy Lombardo. A series of acoustic shows by The Brew, Bill Gette and USFWS Calendar veteran David This event is FREE and open to the the Amesbury-based now heard on Community Continues . group . . Weaver for this weekly birding field public. We ask that you do RSVP. radio stations from coast to coast, Roots trip in the Newburyport/Plum Island and Roads will pay tribute to some of area. Appropriate for all birding levels. TRIVIA NIGHT the artists that have shaped their sound, Call or Wednesday, January 30, 9:30 am-12:30 Keon's Trivia Nights on Wednesday songs and soul during ten years of touring pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education from 7-9, $2 off all menu items & gift across America. Hear the local boys who stop in today Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, certificate giveaways. 258 Andover St, have made good when they return home for the Newburyport. Fee: $17. Preregistration Georgetown 978-352-2900 to perform on the Firehouse Center is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for for the Arts stage (Market Square) in BEST DEALS IN information about additional programs THURSDAY, JANUARY 31st Newburyport on Friday, February 1 at THE AREA! and events, or visit the Web site at www. 8pm. Tickets are $18 for Members and ZUMBA CLASS $20 for Non-Members; and may be Ongoing Zumba Classes at PITA purchased in person at the Box Office AFTERSCHOOL AT JOPPA: Hall on Plum Island on Tuesdays at 7:00 (Wed-Sun, 12N-5P), by calling 978/462978-462-4200 . 76 Elm Street . Rt 110 GETTING READY FOR WINTER! pm & Thursdays at 9:15 am. First Class 7336, or online at Children in grades 1 to 4 are invited Complentary. For more information call to engage in wildlife learning experiences 508-612-8154. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd Palm and Card Reading a Specialty with a different theme each week. Come 8-948-8696 • • Everything you need to know... for one or sign up for the series. Coming NATURE ART CLASSES AT JOPPA GROUNDHOG DAY up: February 6 – Arctic Animal Awareness! FLATS: THE ART OF THE ARCTIC EXTRAVAGANZA February 13 – Tracking Animals in the Children ages 7 to 11 are invited to Families with children of all ages are Open Snow! Wednesday, January 30, 3:30-5:00 learn how to make their own “wow” works invited to join us for a Groundhog Day Year pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education of art with artist Janet Youkeles. Come for Extravaganza at Mass Audubon’s Ipswich Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, one or several of three remaining sessions: River Wildlife Sanctuary in Topsfield Round Newburyport. Fee per session: $15. Tuesdays, January 31 through February on Saturday, February 2 from 1:00-4:00 Preregistration is required. Call 978-462- 14. Materials will be provided. Tuesday, p.m. Ongoing activities throughout the 9998 for information about additional January 31, 3:45-5:15 pm Meet at the afternoon include nature hikes, snow Available for Parties and Social Gatherings programs and events, or visit the Web site Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum sculptures, a groundhog obstacle course, at Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fee per crafts, refreshments, and more. The Reading Private and Confidential session: $18. Preregistration is required. groundhog celebration takes place at 2:00 MEMORY PRESERVATION Call 978-462-9998 for information p.m. in our warm and spacious barn with NUTRITION about additional programs and events, or a special puppet show. Please dress for the Provided by Brain Health And visit the Web site at www.massaudubon. weather since many of the activities will 38 Cable Ave 54 State Street Wellness Center on January 30th 4pm at org/joppaflats. be outdoors. FEE: Adults $9, children $7 Salisbury, MA 01952 Newburyport, MA 01950 Amesbury Senior Community Center, 68 (discount for Mass Audubon members).
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ROWLEY GRANGE NOTES… WHAT IS GRANGE? The organization has been in existence since December 4th 1867. A fraternal organization, it was the brainchild of Oliver Hudson Kelley. He had been sent to the southern states to report on the condition of the farms after the Civil War. After he returned to Washington D.C. he and several other men came together to lie out the foundation for an organization that would bring the agricultural community together. Kelley’s niece, Caroline Hall, spoke of the importance of including women in this new organization, and when the final constitution for the Grange, not only gave women full voting and membership privileges, but required that 4 of the officers be exclusively held by women. IT’S 2013. WHAT DOES THE GRANGE DO TODAY?
Rowley Grange helps the community – won’t you join us? Rowley Grange, 29 Central St., P.O. Box 49, Rowley, MA 01969 Hall phone: 978-948-7288
a number of town organizations, schools, town safety departments, and members of the community. Today we assist a variety of groups, such as the Council on Aging, Library, Town Safety Departments, just to name a few. Recently, we were asked to provide chowder and soup for the luncheon for the Wreaths Across America Convoy stop over in Topsfield. The Rowley T.J Maxx has been a great supporter of Grange projects. WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU? There is something for everyone! To start Grange is for anyone who enjoys being with people, and working together to make a difference. Membership is open to those 14 years of age or older. Many people describe belonging to Grange as being part of a family. Youth who join Grange, often develop public speaking skills and leadership skills.
The easy answer is anything it wants!…… well, not really. As the agrarian society changed, the Grange became more focused on its community service work. Rowley Grange has finished in the top 4 of Granges with outstanding community service programs in Massachusetts. It has received National recognition for its work in the community.
Rowley Grange doesn’t focus on one thing, but on areas where we are needed. In our one hundred plus years of existence we have provided assistance to
The Grange decided that there was still a future for the hall as a meeting hall, and purchased it. In the last 10 years, the interior has been redone, and
In 1968 Rowley Grange was meeting at the Odd Fellows Hall on Central St. When the Odd Fellows decided to disband the hall was put up for sale. The Grange looked for another hall in town to meet at, and found that places available were too large, too small, and most didn’t have storage or a kitchen.
UPCOMING EVENTS Feb. 6 – Meeting at Rowley Library Guest speaker: Barry Moore to speak on the Rowley Community Gardens PUBLIC INVITED – ALL WELCOME SUPPERS HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED FOR THE WINTER OUR NEXT SUPPER WILL BE IN MARCH.
Dishwasher Needed Rowley Grange is in need of a dishwasher to work at the public suppers we have 6 times a year. The dishwasher job requires scraping, rinsing, and loading dishes into a automatic dishwasher. Wash all pans and kitchen equipment that was used to prepare and serve the meal. Call Barb at 978-465-5508. improvements made in the kitchen area. The building is of historical significance. The hall, and the building to the right of it, were once one big building on the Center School property (now the Town Hall annex). That building served as a school and was built in the mid 1800’s. The building has served many purposes during its life time. Now the hall needs serious exterior work . Being in the historical district in town means that we must pay attention to what is used on the building. To do the job correctly, it will take a lot of help. A Building Committee has been formed to determine what will be in the best interest of the hall and the community. The hall is still the only medium size hall with kitchen available for use in the Rowley Community.
The Town Common
January 30 - February 5, 2013 Advance registration is required; call Sun, February 3, 12pm – 3pm at 183 (978) 887-9264. River Road West Newbury - Come visit our current facility at 183 River Road, BACK TO THE BEAN West Newbury for our 3rd Annual "Back to the Bean" Ham and Bean Snowshoe Event. Beautiful trails to Supper sponsored by Bethany Masonic explore, snacks, refreshments, door Lodge at 31 Green Street Newburyport, prizes, and raffles: all to benefit the horses Mass 01950 the first Saterday of every of NEER North. Come work off those month (February 2) from 4:30 to 6 PM Super Bowl calories! Tickets are $15.00/ cost is $8, children 4$. Dinner includes person and the funds benefit the mission ham, hotdogs, potato salad, cole slaw, of NEER North. For tickets or questions, garden salad, brown bread, rolls, 3 kinds contact of beans, drinks and desserts. If you are unable to attend but would still like to help, please consider a donation. LAMB SHANK DINNER To learn more about us visit www. If you like them at our Festival you will love them for a hearty winter meal. Come and enjoy a great lamb shank dinner MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4th at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, 7 Harris St., Newburyport MA BIRDING THE MAINE COAST on Saturday, February 2 from 5:30-7:00 Explore excellent birding sites in Maine pm. The menu is: braised lamb shank for winter seabirds and waterfowl with with special Greek sauce over Orzo, Joppa Flats sanctuary director Bill Gette. salad, bread, and baklava for dessert. Monday, February 4, 8:00 am–5:00 The price is $20 per person. For further pm - Meet at the Joppa Flats Education information or to reserve a ticket, please Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, call the Church Office at 978-465-5757. Newburyport. Fee: $55. Preregistration is required. Call 978-462-9998 for SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www. BALD EAGLES OF THE Joppa Flats MERRIMACK RIVER is now taking registrations for summer Join Joppa Flats education coordinator daycamp. Dave Larson and search the areas around the open water of the lower Merrimack TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5th River for wintering bald eagles. Sunday, February 3, 9:00 am-noon. Meet at the GOOD DISCUSSION AND FOOD Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum You are invited to Orthodoxy on Tap, Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fee: $21. sponsored by the Annunciation Greek Preregistration is required. Call 978-462- Orthodox Church, on Tuesday, February 9998 for information about additional 5 at 6:30 pm at the Starboard Galley at programs and events, or visit the Web 55 Water St., Newburyport MA (parking site at is available in the back of the restaurant). Joppa Flats is now taking registrations for Food and drink can be ordered from summer daycamp. the menu. Our topic of discussion for the evening is: To Love Another Person 3RD ANNUAL SNOW SHOEING is to See the Face of God: The Faith EVENT @ NEER NORTH (HIKE IF Challenge of Les Miserables. If you loved NO SNOW) the performance and the movie, you will
The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspap
enjoy talking about the message it has for our lives! The event is free and open to the public. For further information, please call 978-465-5757; we would appreciate it if you could tell us ahead of time if you are coming so we can estimate how many will be coming. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6th WEDNESDAY MORNING BIRDING See Wednesday, January 30th
AAA Driver Training
WEDNESDAY EVENING LECTURE: BOSQUE DEL APACHE AND THE RIO GRANDE CORRIDOR Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director Bill Gette presents an evening of photographs and stories about a recent birding trip to Arizona and New Mexico. Wednesday, February 6, 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm - Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $4. Preregistration is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www.massaudubon. org/joppaflats. Joppa Flats is now taking registrations for summer daycamp.
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AFTERSCHOOL AT JOPPA: ARCTIC ANIMAL AWARENESS! Children in grades 1 to 4 are invited to engage in wildlife learning experiences with a different theme each week. Come for one or sign up for the series. Coming up offers a variety of classes to fit your schedule: (last in this series): February 13 – Tracking Animals in the Snow! Wednesday, 978-948-8696 • • advertise@thetowncommon February 6, 3:30-5:00 pm - Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fee per session: $15. Preregistration is required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www.massaudubon. org/joppaflats. Joppa Flats is now taking registrations for summer daycamp.
Town Common Town Common ro Books Bken
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Most of us can’t imagine a world today without the internet. My kids can’t believe that I went to school so long ago that there were no cell phones. Technology seems like it is here to stay and has forever changed the way in which we conduct our daily lives. Another area that seems to be growing in popularity and changing the way many people make decisions about which restaurant or which dentist to go to are online reviews. If you have ever used websites like Trip Advisor or Yelp you know there are a lot of people out there giving their opinions of just about everything. While I admit that I always read the reviews of books before I buy, it is more interesting to read the reviews after I have read the book. I like comparing my own opinions to others after I am more informed by reading the book. I will be writing more on this in a future column.
And yet another area of the internet world that is changing how many people approach their health is selfdiagnosis and treatment planning. Patients are entering their doctors/ dentists offices having “self-diagnosed” themselves on the internet already knowing in their mind how their problem needs to be treated. While the internet can be helpful in gathering information to have a more informed conversation with your provider, a good doctor-patient relationship is worth far more. In June of 2012, the American Dental Association (ADA) launched an award-winning website called To provide patients with accurate information about their symptoms and help them make betterinformed decisions about their oral health, they included a section of the site called Dental Symptom Checker. After entering their age and gender, patients can identify the location of the symptom they are having and other factors, such as pain or appearance, and read about the various conditions that fit that description. Consumers can also find oral health concerns organized by life stages, AZ topics with videos, ADA Seal of Acceptance products, and tips and
activities to make oral health care fun for kids. The ADA reports that the Dental Symptom Checker is a highly used resource on The Dental Symptom Checker is obviously not meant to diagnose or replace the role of the dentist…… although I’m sure many of you would much rather have your teeth fixed over the internet. Many of the conditions on the site emphasize the importance of seeing a dentist or physician. I would encourage the use of this site and others to gather information. Use the information to make betterinformed decisions, but keep an open mind. Your health care providers have years of training and experience. You may find something on the internet that your provider needs to research more. Good communication and solid doctor-patient relationship are best for both sides. Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to healthcentered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@ You can view all previously written columns at www.
Business Spotlight
January 30 - February 5, 2013 For Sale
Page 9
Real Estate • For Sale Rookie Mistakes • Rowley • Sports By John McCarthy, Realty Sports Sports
With the market in full rebound, interest rates at all time lows and a scarcity of homes for sale, first time buyers are finding that although it is a great time to buy it is a challenge If you're first time buyer or it has been a long time since you bought, here are some common slip ups to avoid and potentially helpful tips. 1. Not getting preapproved You have found your dream house! Congratulations! It’s now time to sit down and make an offer. What? No preapproval letter from your mortgage company or bank? Forget it; the seller is going to take the other offer. Why sell to someone who hasn’t bothered to get preapproved for a mortgage. One thing I hear a lot is “not going to be a problem, I can just call and get a preapproval with my friend/relative who is a mortgage agent”. What happens if your contact doesn’t get right back to you? What if you are preapproved for less than what you though? It’s a lot more fun to go out and look at homes than it is to pay or plan to pay for them if you know you can afford instead of wishing after something out of your price range. And as I mentioned above it will put you in a better position over another buyer. 2. Check your credit - If you aren’t preapproved at the very least check your credit. Review your credit report a few months before you begin your house hunt, and you'll have time to ensure the facts are correct and dispute mistakes before a mortgage lender checks your credit. I know that American Express offers me a yearly free credit report check. I am going to go out on a limb and guess I am not the only one American Express offers that too. 3. Check your budget - If we have learned anything over the last 5-10 years it's that mortgages were given to people who clearly did not have the means to pay them back. A good rule of thumb that I have heard more than once is to
budget no more than 30-35% of your monthly household income to housing costs. These costs can include mortgage principal, interest, taxes, and insurance. Obviously less than that is ideal. I will never forget when my wife and I were preapproved and told by the mortgage agent what we would pay monthly on a mortgage that size. I thought “that is nice we are preapproved for that but we can’t pay that every month”. Being a little conservative isn’t a bad thing. 4. What’s hiding? - Although you factored in the purchase price of the home, taxes, insurance and even utilities, there are several other hidden costs that first time home buyers neglect to prepare for. They can be anything from the closing costs to appraisal fees, escrow fees, homeowner's insurance fees, and even moving costs. The one most commonly forgotten is the cost of repairs and maintenance. When you were renting and the kitchen sink leaked you called the landlord and had him fix it. No charge. You now have to fix it yourself or pay for a plumber to come out. One thing I was told was to set aside 1% of my purchase price every year for home maintenance costs. Maybe that is too much but it doesn’t’ hurt to have a cushion for unforeseen events. 5. Not using professional help - It is absolutely possible to go out and buy a home without the aid of a REALTOR®. But why? Think about how much time, stress and money a good REALTOR® can save you. Are you required to have a home inspection? No, but why wouldn’t you? The home inspector checks everything in your new home. They evaluate the structure, construction, and mechanical. They will examine everything from the electrical system, water heater, and HVAC system to the foundation and floors. One thing they are not allowed to do is quote pricing for fixes. You can have a specialist (contractor, plumber, or
electrician for example) come in during the home inspection period to do that for you. 6. Thinking you'll get everything on your "wish list"- Another big mistake people make is focusing on a wish list. Sit down and create a list of “must haves’ and “wishes”. We need 3 bedrooms and a two car garage would be nice. If your goal is to be able to afford everything you need, as well as much of what you want, sit down with your REALTOR® and express the needs and wishes. Your REALTOR® can set your expectations up front so you 11, 2012! 2008, 2009, 2010, 20 won’t be disappointed that you can’t seem to find a 3000 sq. foot house for under $300,000 that isn’t in need of any work. 7. Research - After figuring out your must haves and wishes, what about Weekly Community Newspaper • where you are looking. Look into the town or towns you have chosen to search in. Go to town hall personally; get a feel for the area and people. You can do a ton on line but stepping into the town library, town hall and speaking with people who live in these towns can go a long way in deciding if living here is right for you. FHA . VA . REVERSE . CONVENTIONAL Take the time to sit down with your REALTOR®, go over what you want REFI . JUMBO . COMMERCIAL and wish for in a home. Talk with a mortgage agent and find out what you can afford. In setting your expectations and finding the right people to guide Honest, Ethical & Personal . We are a team of Professionals you it won’t be long before you are a MB2385 . NH10133 . ME CS06736 . FLMBR1111 homeowner. Licensed by the State of New Hampshire Banking Commission 296 Main St, Groveland If you have any questions about this article, real estate in general or are looking to buy or sell a home please contact me, ECYCLE HIS EWSPAPER John McCarthy at Rowley Realty, 165 Main St., Rowley, MA 01969, Phone: HARE THE IFT OF EADING 978 948-2758, Cell 978 835-2573 or via email at
Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness
Our Featured Property of the Week
Georgetown: Nationally Registered HazenKimball-Aldrich house is a legal two family with a 2 bedroom apartment in the converted barn. This Antique Saltbox has 7 fireplaces, a new furnace and sparkling hardwood floors and is situated on 2 acres in a lovely country setting. The home underwent extensive rehab in 1996 and 1997, and has maintained many period features including beehive ovens, parsons pantry, wide pine floors, gunstock posts etc. Call John at 978-835-2573 for more information or to make an appointment to see this home.
ROWLEY REALTY 165 Main St., P.O. Box 101, Rowley, MA 01969 Phone 978-948-2758 • Fax 978-948-2454
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Sold Single Family Homes Description DOM List Price Sold For Orig Price Recycle This Newspaper
131 East Main St, Gloucester 4 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Colonial 42 $150,000 $125,000 $150,000 19 West Winkley St, Amesbury 7 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 17 $239,900 $232,500 $239,900 9 Bartlett St, Merrimac 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Cape 74 $240,000 $280,000 $240,000 134 King St, Groveland 14 room, 6 bed, 2f 2h bath Antique 55 $259,900 $259,900 $279,000 112 Southern, Essex 6 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Antique 51 $319,000 $319,000 $319,000 395 Boston St, Topsfield 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 92 $289,900 $275,000 $324,900 114 River Rd, Merrimac 8 room, 4 bed, 1f 0h bath Colonial 111 $345,000 $288,750 $355,000 21 Lake Ave, Wenham 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Raised Ranch 155 $349,000 $341,000 $379,651 19 Cedarview Rd, Ipswich 7 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 51 $389,000 $385,000 $389,000 1 Catherine Way, Salisbury 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Contemporary 190 $409,000 $388,500 $409,000 2 Pandora Dr, Groveland 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 113 $399,000 $399,000 $410,000 3 Davis Ln, Georgetown 10 room, 5 bed, 3f 1h bath Colonial 148 $499,000 $510,000 $539,000 88 Purchase St, Newburyport 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 3 $549,900 $551,000 $549,900 6 Darby Ln, Rockport 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Cape 208 $569,000 $550,000 $569,000 10 Payson St, Newburyport 8 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Bungalow 90 $539,000 $542,000 $569,900 3 Dorothy Lucey Dr, Newburyport 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Contemporary 203 $625,000 $610,000 $625,000 24 Stonebridge Rd, Groveland 10 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 223 $615,000 $610,000 $649,000 7 Appleton Ln, Boxford 10 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Gambrel /Dutch 47 $729,000 $699,000 $729,000 15 Pleasant St, Wenham 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 102 $939,000 $930,000 $939,000 40 Pleasant St, Wenham 11 room, 4 bed, 4f 2h bath Other 62 $925,000 $900,000 $995,000 11 Kates Ln, Boxford 13 room, 5 bed, 3f 2h bath Colonial 299 $999,000 $1,075,000 $1,225,000 Single Family Listings: 22 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 2,589.95 Avg. List$: $476,295 Avg. List$/SqFt: $188 Avg. DOM: 131.82 Avg. Sale$: $470,257 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $184 2013 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.
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Contact: Greg Der Bogosian, Project Manager • 978-948-8696 77 Wethersfield Street, Rowley, MA 01969
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January 30 - February 5, 2013 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You're eager to take on that new opportunity opening up as January gives way to February. Now all you need to do is resist quitting too early. Do your best to stay with it. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Doff a bit of that careful, conservative outlook and let your brave Bovine self take a chance on meeting that new challenge. You could be surprised at how well you do. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You might not want to return to the more serious tasks facing you. But you know it's what you must do. Cheer up. Something more pleasant soon will occupy your time. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) As you dutifully tidy up your end-ofthe-month tasks, your fun self emerges to urge you to do something special: A trip (or a cruise, maybe?) could be just what you need. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Your achievements are admirable as you close out the month with a roar. Now you can treat yourself to some well-earned time off for fun with family or friends. (Or both!) VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Be sure you know the facts before you assume someone is holding back on your project. Try to open your mind before you give someone a piece of it. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) You might feel comfortable in your familiar surroundings, but it might be time to venture into something new. There's a challenge out there that's just right for you. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Your love of things that are new gets a big boost as you encounter a situation that opens up new and exciting vistas. How far you go with it depends on you. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) That recent workplace shift might not seem to be paying off as you expected. But be patient. There are changes coming that could make a big difference. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) While few can match the Goat's fiscal wizardry, you still need to be wary in your dealings. There might be a problem you should know about sooner rather than later. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Easy does it when it comes to love and all the other good things in life. Don't try to force them to develop on your schedule. Best to let it happen naturally. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) A surprise decision by someone you trust causes some stormy moments. But a frank discussion explains everything, and helps save a cherished relationship. BORN THIS WEEK: Sometimes you forget to take care of yourself, because you're so busy caring for others. But you wouldn't have it any other way. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.
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JOB VACANCY NOTICE Assistant Tax Collector Administrative Assistant Treasurer/Collector's Office Town of Rowley The Rowley Treasurer/Collector is seeking an Assistant Tax Collector – Administrative Assistant to work in the Office of the Treasurer/Collector approximately 16-18 hours per week. The position collects and deposits funds received by the Treasurer/ Collector's Office and posts collected tax payments. The position processes tax receipts from outside vendors, researches issues from taxpayers and out outside professionals. The position is responsible for managing departmental archives and records. Position requires strong math, writing and computer skills. Requirements include Associate Degree in accounting of business and a minimum of two years of accounting, banking or bookkeeping experience required, municipal finance experience preferred. Bargaining unit position. Position is bonded. Grade 7. Rate is $16.79 - $18.66, depending upon experience and qualifications. Applications to: Personnel Department Town of Rowley, PO Box 275, Rowley, MA 01969 by January 30, 2013. EOE
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Must be reliable, dependable and caring. Responsibilities include bathing, meal prep, light housekeeping, Recycle This shopping & transportation Newspaper for seniors which include the following Share the Gifttowns Salisbury, Amesbury, of Reading Newburyport, Haverhill, Groveland Recycle This Newspaper Rowley and all of Essex County. All shifts available Days/ Eves/Nights Share theand Gift Weekends.
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January 30 - February 5, 2013