Ttc 02 26 14 vol 10 no 17 p1 16

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Tell ever yone you saw it in...








Playing Tennis in the Snow

Nina Cutts Joins Institution for Savings as Vice President of Commercial Lending Page 2 The Racquet Club is open even when it is snowing.

Envisioning the Next Ten Years in Newburyport Page 4 Groveland Gathers to Read Events Page 6 Ipswich Dance Studio Competing For A Cause Page 8


February 26 - March 4, 2014 Vol. 10, No. 17 By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– NEWBURYPORT – For the last 40 years, when the few good courts here are covered with snow and icy winds are blowing, there has been a place avid players go to get their tennis fix. The Racquet Club of Newburyport, owned by former Mayor Byron Matthews and architect John Woodman, is a happening place on Low Street from September to May. Even in the summer, some players prefer hitting balls indoors. And six courts inside a large metal barnlike structure is a refuge for players from the summer storms. Photo by Stewart Lytle “We have a very loyal, tennis-

only group of players,” said Mike Perrotta, who has managed the club for the last eight seasons. While many clubs on the North Shore have added fitness facilities, racquetball courts, restaurants and bars, the Racquet Club here has expanded from four to six courts and remained focused only on tennis. Some members have been playing at the club each winter for 20 years. Others played when they were younger, then took time off to raise families and build careers, only to return. “This club is very welcoming,” Continued on page 3

Beekeepers Fighting Mosquito Spraying

By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– REGIONAL – When Kimberley and Todd Klibansky learned that the city of Beverly was going to spray to kill mosquitoes a couple of years ago, they followed the official instructions and put tarpaulins on two small hives on their property to protect their bees. After the spraying, the tarps were covered with dead bees. They believe the spraying killed their bees and is responsible nationwide for the declining populations of bees. Now living in Rowley, the Klibanskys are concerned that mosquito spraying this summer will again kill their bees. They and other beekeepers and concerned citizens are waging a campaign to persuade towns and cities on the North Shore to find other ways to combat mosquitoes. They are encouraging property owners to write a letter by March 1 to their municipal clerk asking that the North East Mosquito and Wetlands Control District not spray for mosquitoes near their property. “If enough people opt out of the spraying, maybe they will quit doing it,” Kimberley Klibansky said. Photo provided by Kimberly Klibansky. Busy bees For that reason, she said, cities and towns are “making it difficult” to seek sprayed last year for the first time in several years. Last year, Rowley spent an exemption from having the spraying done by requiring that the letters $50,000 and Beverly spent $75,000 for North East Mosquito District's be certified and mailed early in the season. spraying, according to the Klibanskys' research. Spraying neotoxins to kill mosquitoes, which may carry the West Nile or The Massachusetts Department of Health warns older people, young the eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) diseases, is controversial. people, under 15, asthma suffers and pregnant women to limit their Several North Shore cities and towns, including Hamilton and Wenham, exposure to the sumithrin neotoxin. Between dusk and dawn, when the Georgetown, Danvers, Marblehead, Nahant, Swampscott and Boxford, spraying occurs, they should stay indoors and keep their windows and doors have not sprayed for mosquitoes in recent years, the Klibanskys said. Ipswich shut. People should also bring in their pets and their dishes of food and Continued on page 3

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How to Submit Letters to the Editor

Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common

Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to: The Editor c/o The Town Common 77 Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01969 or preferably via e-mail to:

The Town Common deadline is 5pm Wednesday (except when a federal holiday necessitates an earlier deadline).

The Town Common

serves the communities of the Upper North Shore of Mass. & Coastal New Hampshire and welcomes your participation. Send your Organization or Group Notices, Birth or Engagement Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969 Phone: 978-948-8696 Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail:

The Town Common Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor Graphic Design Services Advertising Opportunities Event and Announcement Submissions

77 Wethersfield Street Rowley, MA 01969-1713 Phone: (978) 948-8696 Fax: (978) 948-2564 The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify The Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. All material and content cannot be duplicated without written consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or edit any copy offered for publication. Copyright 2004-2013 The Town CommonŠ - All Rights Reserved

In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005)

February 26 - March 4, 2014

Nina Cutts Joins Institution for Savings as Vice President of Commercial Lending

NEWBURYPORT - Nina P. Cutts has joined the Institution for Savings as Vice President of Commercial Lending, announced President and CEO Michael J. Jones recently. In her new position she will work closely with the Institution for Savings’ commercial lending team to expand the Bank’s growing commercial real estate, construction and commercial and industrial portfolio throughout Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire. Ms. Cutts has more than 25 years of experience in banking, lending and financial services. Before coming to the Institution for Savings, she was the Vice President of Commercial Lending at The Provident Bank in Amesbury where she managed an $82 million commercial loan portfolio. Before that Ms. Cutts held a similar position at TD Bank in Portsmouth, NH. “We are extremely pleased to welcome Ms. Cutts to our high-performing commercial lending team,� said Mr. Jones. “Nina has a very strong and impressive track record in commercial lending and portfolio management, and is familiar with our markets, particularly the Seacoast and southern New Hampshire areas. Her knowledge and personal style of banking will be a great asset to the Bank as we look to exceed last year’s record-breaking year in our commercial lending division in 2014.� Ms. Cutts graduated from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Currently she is on the Board of the Coastal Economic Development Corporation, a non-profit regional economic development corporation serving the greater Seacoast area. She resides in Kittery Point, ME with her husband, Rich Cutts. Ms. Cutts can be reached by calling her direct line at 978-312-6811 or via email at kcutts@

tide chart Merrimack River Entrance  42o 49’N 070o 49’W FEB/MAR HIGH LOW

26 Wed 8:22 8.90 27 Thurs 9:23 9.29 28 Fri 10:20 9.61 01 Sat 11:14 9.77 02 Sun 12:05 9.71 03 Mon 12:31 9.50 04 Tues 1:19 9.40 05 Wed 2:07 9.12 06 Thurs 2:56 8.72

9:04 10:01 10:53 11:43 xx 12:55 1:45 2:37 3:30

8.16 8.68 9.12 9.41 xx 9.46 9.03 8.49 7.93

2:43 3:46 4:43 5:38 6:30 7:21 8:11 9:03 9:55

0.13 3:28 -0.66 -0.34 4:26 -1.08 -0.81 5:18 -1.40 -1.19 6:08 -1.54 -1.39 6:57 -1.47 -1.37 7:44 -1.20 -1.16 8:32 -0.77 -0.78 9:21 -0.24 -0.31 10:12 0.32


6:24 5:29 6:22 5:30 6:20 5:31 6:19 5:32 6:17 5:34 6:16 5:35 6:14 5:36 6:12 5:37 6:11 5:39





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February 26 - March 4, 2014 Continued from page 1

Playing Tennis in the Snow

Perrotta said. The number of members each year ranges from 500 to 550 players in all age groups, he said. They come to play in weekly doubles groups. A few stalwarts come early in the morning before work, when the court fees are $10 cheaper, to play singles. There are leagues for men and women. And there are a large number of junior programs. High school teams also practice at the club. As a result, Newburyport is an anomaly. More people play tennis in the winter than in the summer, Perrotta said. Several professional coaches provide individual and group lessons. In addition to Perrotta, the coaches include Kelly Ouellette, who has been at the club for 17 years; John Tracy, who has taught lessons to adults and coached high school teams for 14 years; Sue Page, who has been teaching at the club for 25 years; Tony Morchetto, who has provided lessons on and off for 10 years, and relative newcomers Courtney Gilman and Scott Brockelman. Lessons range in price. Individual

lessons cost $40, plus the court fee. Group lessons are less. Membership fees are low compared to other clubs with more amenities. Adults pay $205 for the winter season from September to May; seniors pay $150; juniors $95, and families pay $425. As the winter progresses, the rates are prorated. If one joined on March 1, it would cost an adult only $95 and seniors $65. The fees for juniors are waived. In addition to the membership fees, the court fees range from $26 to $36, depending on the time of day. During the summer, players can buy a court package that allows them to play free for three months. The racquet club traces its history to 1970s, when cities began adding amenities such as skating rinks to encourage economic growth. Matthews, who began serving his five terms as mayor in 1968 and oversaw much of Newburyport's urban renewal, joined with Woodman, who had designed the Inn Street corridor, in building the tennis facility. Tennis was gaining in popularity at the time they decided to build a

Come in for a visit and compare!

year-round facility on Low Street. -Since 1954 Woodman designed the building. It was built as a limited partnership. •Private & Semi-Private Rooms “It has been a good investment for them financially and socially,” An extended Care Community with Baths and Beautiful Views Perrotta said. • Medicare/ Medicaid certified Several improvements have been • Social Services-Speech, made through the years. The courts Physical, Occupational, & were resurfaced, and new lights Massage Therapies were added, giving this club the • Full Activity Program best lights among North Shore • and much more... clubs, he said. Perrotta said the club is now looking at installing a new LED MANSION DRIVE • ROWLEY, MA • JUST OFF ROUTE 1A bulb that will lower operating costs for the owners and provide about 20 percent brighter lighting for the players. In early May, the club hosts the Residential & Commercial Security Lago Bowl, a social tournament for Fire & Access Systems to Video Surveillance the members that raises money for Big enough to serve you - Small enough to know you the Spectrum Adult Day Health Burglar, Fire Alarms Program in Beverly. The Lago 24 Hour Monitoring Bowl is sponsored by Mike Lago in The Shore’s Largest Community Newspape memory of his wife Carol, who was North We Guarantee the Independent best! a tennis fan and who convinced her visit us today: husband to take up tennis when he Find out more, call or MA LIC # 444C was in his 50s. For more information on the Racquet Club of Newburyport, visit its web site at www. or call 978462-3121.

Sea View Retreat

water during spraying, the health department's web site says. To date, there is little evidence that exposure to the neotoxin has “measurable long-term health effects,” according to the state health department's web site. But “Is it worth the risk?” Todd Klibansky asked. The Klibanskys also question whether the spraying really works. Mosquitoes have a short, twoweek life span, and they fly as much as 10 miles in quest of humans and animals to bite and suck blood from, Todd Klibansky said. The spraying is also prohibited from bodies of water, where mosquitoes breed, for fear of harming fish. So spraying in remaining small areas as Rowley and other towns do when the diseasecarrying mosquitoes are detected may kill off only a small number of the insects, the Klibanskys said. The goal of the spraying is to

deplete the adult female population before they lay their eggs. And advocates of spraying believe this tactic is effective. The Klibanskys and other opponents of spraying believe the threat of mosquito-borne diseases to humans is minimal, and there are other, more effective ways to fight mosquitoes. On this point, advocates and opponents agree. The best way to fight mosquitoes is to eradicate their breeding grounds, killing off the females and their eggs before they hatch. But once the population reaches “a critical stage,” advocates of spraying believe the only remedy is to spray the neotoxins by trucks and airplanes. The Klibanskys and other opponents believe that mosquito magnets, which trap and kill thousands of mosquitoes, is a more effective tool in the battle against the insects.


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Beekeepers Fighting Mosquito Spraying Continued from page 1


The beekeepers lament the loss of their beloved bees in the fight against mosquitoes. Bees are essential to agriculture and keep the flowers in their yard blooming beautifully. Even an old tree that appeared to be dying in their yard in Beverly came back to life after they built the hives. For more information, visit the Massachusetts Department of Public Health's web site. To get a copy of the letter to request an exemption from spraying this summer, contact Kimberley Klibansky at kklibansky@icloud. com.

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ROWLEY CONSERVATION 978-948-8696 • • advertise@thetowncommon.c COMMISSION In accordance with the Wetlands Protection Act, Mass. G.L. 131, section 40, as amended, and the Town of Rowley Wetlands Protection Bylaw, a Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, March 4, 2014 at 7:45 PM at the Town Hall Annex located at 39 Central Street, to consider a Notice of Intent application filed by Gerald Clear for proposed installation of a beaver deceiver water flow control device at the Wilson Pond outlet within Bordering Vegetated Wetlands and Land Under Waterbodies at 65 Wilson Pond Lane (Map 6, Parcel 41Lot 20)and land off Wilson Pond Lane (Map 6, Parcel 41 Lot 29-A) owned by Farmhouse Lane Realty Trust in Rowley, MA. Doug Watson, Chair Rowley Conservation Commission

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Senior Moments

Page 4

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Community Calendar To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail:

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February 6 - March 4, 014




Showroom HATHA YOGA CLASS Created in 2001, the Newburyport THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH 944 Salem St. (Rt 97) Students are led through a series of Master Plan is in need of an Hours Groveland stretches, strengthening and balancing update. Over the course of 2014, ENERGY FOR LIFE - F 10-4 The NorthMShore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper postures, twists and inversions by the City, through its Planning Energy upgrades Community Calendar Continues . for. your . home, for Sat 10-1 certified yoga instructor Maura and Development Office, will be your business, for your life! February


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a return visit of Terry Palardy on Wednesday, February 26 from 6:30 8:00. Palardy has published the sequel to her memoir - Multiple Sclerosis, Melanoma and More. This event is open to the public and free of charge. Join us for a lively discussion, Q & A, and book signing. There will be light refreshments and books for sale. For Georgetown Peabody Friends of the Library: Amy Smith, 978.590.8502,

coordinating this effort. In order to accomplish this task, the City will be looking to the community to provide ideas, comments, strategies and solutions to help determine how Newburyport will grove and thrive over the course of the next ten years. “I’m looking forward to kicking off this exciting project and hearing from the entire community as we work together to create a Master Plan that will both respect Newburyport’s history and provide guidance as we continue to grow,” stated Mayor Holaday. Please join City officials and staff on Wednesday, February 26th at 6:30pm in the City Hall Auditorium to learn about this important project, and to discuss your visions, goals and priorities for our City. This is your opportunity to be a part of created a document that will define where we are now, where we want to be in ten years, and how to get there. Newburyport’s 2001 Master Plan can be found on the City’s website at: sites/newburyportma/files/file/file/

27 @ 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm (snow date 3/6) Join us at the NHSPCA to learn about recent, on site sustainable energy upgrades, including a solar hot water system and wood pellet boiler. Find out how ReVision Energy and Froling Energy partnered to helped this local non-profit save time and money by simply upgrading their heat and hot water utilities to not only reduce their financial burden, but also their global impact! Talk begins at 3 pm, followed by a tour at 3:45 pm. Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP with Kimry Corrette by calling 603 679 1777 or email: kimry@ - See more at: blog/event/energy-upgrades-homebusiness-life/ CHASING ICE On Thursday, February 27 at 7:00pm in the lower meetinghouse of The First Religious Society, the 74minute film “Chasing Ice” will open the new Climate Crisis Reading/ Video Group. “Chasing Ice” is the


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was built with family in mind. You will absolutely love the open floor plan with first CALL ANDREA – 978-729-2605 floor master. The SS GE Profile, oversized, gourmet, eat-in-kitchen with huge center island looking into a bright living room with gas fireplace & formal dining area will truly be enjoyed as the gathering hub. Two spacious bedrooms are located on the lower level, both with large closets, hardwood floors & lots of sunlight. Finished walkout lower level with patio access gives you a feeling of privacy & country getaway right in your private backyard. Watch the deer forage while you enjoy your morning cup of coffee! There is also a 3-car attached garage! This home has it all!

February 6 - March 4, 014 story of one man's mission in the Arctic to change the tide of history by gathering undeniable evidence of our changing planet, will begin this opportunity to learn more about climate change. "Chasing Ice," depicts the National Geographic photographer, James Balog, endeavoring to deliver evidence and hope to our carbon-powered planet. Free and open to the public. FLUTE CHOIRS IN CONCERT The Congregational Church of Topsfield, 9 East Common Street, Topsfield on Saturday, March 1, 2014, 3:00 PM – Led by Flute Choir Director Trisha Craig, the NMYO Flute Choir Concert will include performances by all three of NMYO’s flute choirs, including a combined piece with the ensembles, Zig Zag Zoo, by Ian Clarke. Other composers to be featured at the concert include Linda Holland, Hirozaku Fukushima, Christopher Steel, and others. The NMYO Flute Choir Concert is free and open to the public and is sponsored in part by the Topsfield Cultural Council.

THE LIBERATOR The Liberator, A Staged Reading, by Jay Harris on Thursday, February 27, 2014 at 8pm at the Firehouse Center for the Arts, Market Square, Newburyport. $10 All Tickets. For more info please call the Box Office at 978-462-7336 or HAM AND BEAN SUPPER visit online at Bethany Masonic Lodge will be holding their, Ham and bean supper FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH the First Saturday of March (March 1st) at the Masonic Hall on 31 Green SINGLES DANCE Street, Newburyport from 4:30 to Singles dance 8 PM every Friday at 6 PM. Cost is 10 dollars for adults, Daniels Hall, Rt 4, Nottingham, NH. KIDS EAT FREE!! Dinner includes: BYOB, $12 admission includes light ham, hot dogs, 3 kinds of beans, buffet and drink set-ups. For more potato and egg salad, Cole slaw, info call 603 942-8525 or visit www. brown bread, rolls, drinks, desserts, and an atmosphere like no other bean supper would provide. SATURDAY, MARCH 1st SUNDAY, MARCH 2nd FLEA MARKET AT MARKET STREET BAPTIST SING BACH WITH THE The Market Street Baptist Church, CANDLELIGHT CHORALE 37 Market Street, Amesbury, MA is The Candlelight Chorale of holding a Flea Market Fundraiser on Newburyport announces rehearsals Saturday, March 1 from 9:00 am - 12 for their next concert, an all-Bach noon in the hall at the front of the program. The music will consist of church building. Come to shop for a cantatas 37 and 131, and the motet bargain from the many dealers selling “Lobet den Herrn.� The choir will new, used, decorative, collectable and be joined by professional soloists and useful items. No stairs to climb -this instrumentalists. Rehearsals will be event is all on one level. The event will on Sunday afternoons, 1:00-3:00, be cancelled for a storm. Proceeds will beginning March 2nd (except for be to fund the summer mission trip Easter Sunday), with the dress rehearsal to Canada. on Saturday morning May 17 at 10:00 and the concert on Sunday afternoon

May 18 at 4:00. All rehearsals and the performance will take place at the First Religious Society, 26 Pleasant Street in Newburyport. All singers are welcome; a $20 donation is requested to help defray expenses. For more information, contact the director, Jay Lane, at or (978) 465-0602. SPECIAL SUNDAY WINTER EXHIBIT Ipswich Museum, 54 South Main Street, Ipswich opened its Special Sundays winter exhibit, “Focusing on the Child.� The exhibit will be open now to April 27 (except Easter on April 20) from 2-4 pm. This exhibit explores the lives of children in Ipswich through a variety of paintings, photographs, and objects. Family-friendly activities will complement the exhibit each Sunday and regular first floor Museum rooms will be open for viewing. Call 978356-2811 for information or visit Free for Museum members and children, $7/ non-members and $5/seniors.

Page 5

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TUESDAY, MARCH 4th NOTHING IS THE SAME Annalee Johnson, Linda Tasker, and Candace Mitchell present new works at the Newburyport Art Association’s Hills Gallery, 65 Water St. in Newburyport from Tuesday, March 4 through Sunday, March 9, 2014, almost exactly a year from their highly successful show held in the same gallery. This year’s Artists’ Reception is on Friday, March 7 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, and will offer wine, hors d’ouvres and the chance to discuss the artists’ philosophies of art and to bask in the beauty and joy of their work, as well as the opportunity to mingle with others interested in art. Continued on page 12

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The Town Common

Letters To The Editor February 6 - March 4, 014

he North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper

Page 6

948-8696 •

Community Announcements AMESBURY - Cemetery educators, The Gravestone Girls, whose mission is to “Keep Our Dead Alive”, will be presenting a virtual tour, called “Welcome to the Graveyard”, centered on Amesbury’s twelve local cemeteries at Amesbury Public Library, Saturday, April Community Connections 5, 2014 at 10am. The 90 minute presentation is built on photographs recently taken in these special and interesting burying places around Amesbury, which was founded in 1668, and charts the evolution of cemeteries and gravestones from the colonial era into the 21st century. This is a popular program that has been given around the New England area by The Gravestone Girls for almost fifteen years. The group regularly works with libraries, historical societies and genealogical groups, among others, to teach about “the art, symbolism and history of these living history museums located on everyone’s main streets and backyards” says Ms. Sullivan, one in Open 7 Days the group of three cemetery enthusiasts. She further added “Almost everyone is interested in these peaceful and beautiful spaces, but may be hesitant to say so to others. Our presentation lets you know you’re not the only one. Come see what we do, we fill the room every time!” Registration is required. Please•contact Margie Walker at 978-388-8148 or You can register online at The program will be held in the library at 149 Main Street, Amesbury, MA. This program is supported Listen to Kathryn’s real estate radio program every Friday at 8:05 am by a grant from the Amesbury Cultural Council, a local•agency which is supported by the • on WNBP 1450 AM / 106.1 FM. Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. • -----------------------------------------------------------RE/MAX Prestige ♦ Topsfield, MA FRIENDS OF THE COUNCIL ON AGING - March 12 - Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with Ronan Tynan of the Irish Tenors @ Venus de Milo, Swansea, MA. $79pp 978-887-7272 office includes transportation, Lunch (choice of corned beef or haddock) and Show. March Kathryn O’Brien, M.Ed. 16 - Welcome Spring @ the Boston Flower Show, Seaport World Trade Center, Boston. 978-465-1322 direct Why hassle with traffic and parking, enjoy the ride and arrive stress-free. $45pp includes Email: transportation and Show Admission. April 10 - Tour of Fenway Park, home of the World Champion Boston Red Sox! Enjoy a narrative tour of Fenway's history; includes Website: transportation, lunch at No Name Restaurant, visit to Old Ironsides and time for Quincy Market. $75pp. April 15 - Living Legend Debbie Reynolds in Concert @ Mohegan Sun. $79pp includes transportation, Concert and $30 Casino Gaming/Lunch Voucher Package. April 26 - Tour of American Tobacco Heiress Doris Duke's Rough Point Mansion, Newport, RI. $92pp includes transportation, lunch at Atlantic Beach Club, and visit to Newport Distillery for rum/beer sampling. March 14 - 18 - Washington, DC. Trip highlights include tour of many Washington Monuments and Arlington Cemetery; illuminated Night Tour of Nation's Capital; choose tour of Smithsonian Museums or new National Air & Space Museum at Dulles. Includes transportation, 3 nights hotel, 6 meals. $519pp dbl occ/$679 single. September 2 - 7 - Canadian Island of Coudres and Quebec Tour. Includes transportation, 5 nights lodging, 11 meals; guided tour of Quebec City; visits to Casino de Charlevoix, St. Anne de Beaupre Shrine and more! $679pp dbl occ/$ 879 single. Valid Passport Required. Trips sponsored by Friends of the Council on Aging are open to all age groups. For more information contact the Amesbury COA @ 978-388-8138 or Newburyport COA @ 978-462-8650. -----------------------------------------------------------GROVELAND - Langley-Adams Library invites all to attend its 2014 Groveland Gathers to Read events. Groveland Gathers to Read is an annual town-wide reading series. This year's title is "Twelve Years a Slave" by Solomon Northup. This well-written and moving memoir has been adapted into an award-winning feature film. All events are free and open to the public. To register please call 978-372-1732 or go to -- Mon., March 3 at 6:30 p.m. - American Music from the Time of "Twelve Years a Slave". An evening of music from Antebellum America, from the slave cabin to the

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February 26 - March 4, 2014


salon. Featuring musicians Lawrence Young and Suzanne Powers.; Sat., Mach 8 at 10:30 a.m. - See the Movie 12 Years a Slave Join us to watch the award-winning film adaptation of the book.; Mon., March 10 at 6 p.m - Mill Hands, Field Hands Brown University professor, Seth Rockman, presents the intertwined worlds of the factory and plantation in Antebellum America.; Wed., March 12 at 4 p.m. - Super Sleuths: Traditional African American Music. Through stories, interactive projects and crafts, learn about the Fisk Jubilee • Friendly & Experienced Staff singers and some spirituals. (Grades K-4); Wed., March 19 at 4 p.m. - Tales of the Real Underground Railroad Meet us at an actual • Family Atmosphere location of the Underground Railroad. Stories and a brief history by its proprietor. Address of this field trip will be announced two days before the event.; Sat., March 22 at 11 a.m. - Make Your Own Ink Solomon Northup made his own ink as a slave and used duck tail “Come in for a haircut OLD FASHIONED feathers for his quill. (Grades 5-12); Mon., March 24 at 6:30 p.m. - A Visit with Abraham Lincoln (At Nichols Village Senior Living BARBERSHOP and let us be your barber!” Community, 54 Main Street, Groveland). A first-person historical interpretation including anecdotes from Lincoln's visit to New EXPERIENCE! Hampshire. Wed., March 26 at 4 p.m - Super Sleuths: African American Women Musicians Through stories, interactive projects and The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspa crafts, learn about Marian Anderson, Ella Fitzgerald, Mary Lou Williams, and Florence Mills. (Grade K-4); Sat., March 29 at 11 a.m. - Meet Solomon Northup biographer, David Fiske Mr. Fiske has written a new biography on Solomon Northup. He will read from Across from Agawam Diner See us on and discuss his book. Copies will be available for sale and autographing. Several book discussions of "Twelve Years a Slave" will occur at TD Bank Plaza throughout the month: Wed., March 5 at 10:30 a.m. - Groveland Town Hall, Tue., March 18 at 3 p.m. - Nichols Village Senior Living Community, Wed., March 19 at 6:45 p.m - Langley-Adams Library. -----------------------------------------------------------HAMILTON - Henri Smith’s Mardi Gras Ball - Hey Baby … Join us for a celebration of N’awlins Jazz performed in the high-spirited style of a Mardi Gras festival. Henri Smith will be smoking an 18 karat performance in The Community House ballroom … F'sho. New Orleans, one of the most unique cities in the United States, is synonymous with “Celebrate”. Henri Smith having been born and raised in this birthplace of Jazz became uniquely attuned to the rhythm of the streets. Streets where whimsical dancing in the middle of Mark M. Burke, Sr. Buy the day, in the middle of the week and all night long. Put on your dancing shoes, Mardi Gras costume and Let The Good Times Roll. Stacey Goodwin Sell Henri Smith will perform at The Community House, 284 Bay Road, Hamilton, MA on Saturday, March 8 at 7:30 pm. Guaranteed The North Shore’s LargestFirearm Independent Community Newspaper Safety Training Trade to be a sweet time. Yeah you right! Tickets: All tickets on sale via Brown Paper tickets are $15.00 plus $1.52 service fee. Tickets at the Reloading Equipment @ Supplies door are $18.00 The historic Community House, located on Rte 1A in Hamilton, Antique, Modern & New Guns MA, is handicap accessible. FREE parking in 3 lots and within walking distance of the commuter rail and 3 great restaurants! 130 Bridge Rd, Salisbury 978-465-5561 IPSWICH - Are you game for some pick-up basketball? Join our new over 50 team! This adult basketball team will meet every Thursday afternoon from 4:00-5:00pmin the Town Hall Gym beginning March 6th. If you love to play the sport and are tired of keeping up with the 20-30 year olds, come check it out! -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - Are you a singer looking for a choir? The First Religious Society, Unitarian Universalist, of Newburyport welcomes new singers, especially tenors. Choir members attend rehearsals on Sundays at 9am and Thursdays at 7:30pm, and sing at the 10:30 service each Sunday. No auditions are necessary, but singers should be comfortable with learning new music quickly. Contact -Jay Weddings . Parties/Anniversaries . Lane,, 978-465-0602 X410 or come to a rehearsal to try it out. For more about the First Religious Society, visit Websites . Facebook . Promotional Videos ROWLEY - Rowley Book Club to meet Thursday, March 6 at 6:30 p.m. This month, the Rowley Library Book Club has chosen a memoir, The Orchard by Adele Crockett Robertson. The author, an Ipswich native, decided to struggle by herself to save the family apple orchard in the depths of the Great Depression. Plagued by loneliness, debt, broken machinery, and the New England weather, she also experiences unexpected rewards along the way. Pick up your copy today, then join us on Thursday, March 6 at 6:30 p.m. at the Rowley Public Library, 141 Main Street, to share what you thought. Come see why this book group has lasted so long! For more

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Continued on page 9

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Andrea & Neil Anastas RE/MAX Prestige 375 Boston Street RE/Max Prestige Topsfield, MA 01983 375 Boston Street Direct Line: 978-729-2605 Topsfield, MA 01983 Office: 98-887-7272 Email: Direct Line: 978-729-2605 Office: 98-887-7272 Email:

The Hometown Experts with


978-948-8696 • • a World of Experience® The Hometown Experts with Prestige Prestige a World of Experience®

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PRIVATE SETTING OVER 3 ACRES 4 BEDROOMS 14 BARE HILL RD, BOXFORD OFFERED AT $594,900 Set back from the road & beautifully sited on 3.52 private acres this 4BR, 2.5BA Colonial has many custom touches, upgrades & updates which give it modern convenience w/a feeling of home the minute you walk through the door. The warm & inviting sunfilled foyer leads to a spacious eat-in-kitchen w/recessed lighting, granite countertops & access to exterior deck. The stunning family room will WOW you w/its gorgeous Brazilian Cherry floor, custom built-ins, floor-to-ceiling fireplace that includes a space built to mount your TV, beautiful wooden shelving, skylights, & more! There's also a large dining room & living room that boasts gleaming hardwood floors. The 2nd floor has 4 generous sized bedrooms, including a master bedroom w/bath. Lots of space for the whole family! Don't forget the 3 season sunroom w/exterior access to the hot tub perfect for soaking away those long days. There's also a finished basement w/built-ins & closet space for storage & a workshop! All only minutes from Rte. 95 & E. Boxford Center! Don't miss out!


Looking for a quality home in a top rated school district? This gorgeous custom built home with amazing detail & unsurpassed quality throughout is sure to impress! CALL ANDREA 978-729-2605 Located on a quiet side street in desirable Topsfield, this Contemporary Raised Ranch was built with family in mind. You will absolutely love the open floor plan with first floor master. The SS GE Profile, oversized, gourmet, eat-in-kitchen with huge center island looking into a bright living room with gas fireplace & formal dining area will truly be enjoyed as the gathering hub. Two spacious bedrooms are located on the


February 26 - March 4, 2014

Dining & Entertainment Get Your Glitz On: How to Add Pizzazz to your Oscar Party This Year

NUTSHELLS is a series of very funny short plays ranging in subject matter from a woman who whacks her husband over the head with a golf club and has to deal with his whining even beyond the grave, to a couple whose amorous romp on the sofa turns into something very different when one of the rompers admits he’s a super hero. WHERE SHOW DATES Byfield Community Arts Center Friday, February 28th and 7 Central Street, Byfield, MA Saturday, March 1st TICKETS Dinner: 6–7 pm Show Only: $15 per person Show: 7:30 pm Dinner and Show: $25 per person DINNER MENU “Tour of Italy� - Your choice lasagna: cheese, vegetable or beef, tossed salad,fresh rolls and butter, assorted desserts and coffee. Beer and wine available. For more information, please contact Mike Fay at (978) 476-6053, or ttsplayers@gmailcom

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Awards season will soon come to a crescendo with the airing of the Oscars March 2. Celebrities are gearing up to hit the red carpet and crossing their fingers that they come home with an award. In keeping with traditions of years past, people across the nation will gather with family and friends to see who's with who, who's wearing what on the red carpet and to see the stars collect their trophies. You and your guests can feel like part of the experience too. Bring the elegance and excitement of the Academy Awards into your home this year by kicking your party up a notch with just a few small tweaks. These party prep and hosting tips from national best-selling author Ross Mathews, host of E!'s hit talk show-"Hello Ross", will help you take your party from simple to sophisticated in just four steps. Not only will you impress your friends with your pop culture knowledge, but you'll create a star-studded night they'll never forget. *Catch up on the nominees. If you haven't seen American Hustle or you have yet to experience the wonder that is Lupita Nyong'o on screen, get your friends together and watch the most-nominated movies in advance of the awards show. It will greatly increase your enjoyment when it comes time for the statues to be handed out, as you'll actually know what's going on and who to root for. *Do your homework. Doing an Oscar ballot pool at your Oscars party? Prepare ahead of time by searching on sites like to help predict the winners using past awards shows, news and buzz as a guide. *Get your glitz on. If there's any time of the year to go glitz and glam, Oscars night is it. Take your party to the next level with a black and gold glitter theme - start with formal invitations and encourage your guests to dress the part in their best red carpet wear. With so many do-it-yourself sites and easy crafts, there's no excuse to skip creating some awesome decorations for the bash - get out your glue gun and glitter. *Dine like the stars. Go beyond just the chips and dips and add some pizzazz to your party. The Bing Food & Drink app on Windows 8.1 has a library of fantastic recipes for appetizers, entrees, desserts, custom cocktails and more. Get inspired with dishes like smoked trout blinis with crème fraiche and dill. Your guests will feel like stars themselves with the right menu and libations. Whether you're one or 1,000 miles away from Hollywood, you can still create your very own red carpet experience in your own home. Follow these tips from Mathews and visit for all your Oscars needs and you'll be well on your way to creating a night to remember for you and your friends.

Ipswich Dance Studio Competing For A Cause IPSWICH - North Shore Performing Arts Center (NSPAC) has dedicated their 2014 competitive dance season to Bright Happy Power (BHP) a non-profit organization established in the memory of Jessie Doktor, a 9 year old Ipswich girl who bravely battled leukemia. NSPAC’s dancers range in age from 7-18 and will compete in 4 regional dance competitions in 2014. Based on how well they do, NSPAC will make a donation in their honor to BHP. In Lowell last weekend, NSPAC competed against 18 dance studios from around New England for top honors at Dancer’s Inc. Their entries placed as follows: ''5 Guys Named Moe'' received 1st place overall in Junior Rising Star Small, “Looks Are Everything'' received 1st place overall in Junior All Star Large, ''Home� received 1st place overall in Junior All Star Small, “Crime of the Century'' received 2nd place overall in Teen All Star Small, ''Red Balloons'' received 3rd place overall in Teen All Star Small, Parker West received 4th place overall in Teen Rising Star Solo, and North Shore Performing Arts Center received 3 Elite awards; 7 High Gold awards; 8 Gold awards; 2 High Silver awards. Their 1st competition efforts earned $171 for BHP. NSPAC, located on Route 1 in Ipswich, offers dance classes for students 3 years old thru adult. Classes offered include ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, Jessica Chadwick, 8 Year Old Soloist lyrical, contemporary, and acro. NSPAC offers different levels of dance including recreational and competitive classes.

The Town Common Courtesy Photo

February 26 - March 4, 2014

Continued from page 6

information, call the library at 978-948-2850. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY – Rowley Grange Scholarships were announced and $6,000 was awarded to four deserving students. The Sarah Wallis Peabody Scholarship has been given out for the last 12 years, and has amounted to almost $45,000 that the Rowley Grange has given to deserving students from Rowley. This is only part of the Grange’s community services. Students should be Rowley Grange members and a resident of Rowley. You may join the Grange at age 14. If you are a Rowley Grange Member this Scholarship is a one-time grant, however, if you a member you may also apply for the Massachusetts State Grange for the four years that you will be attending school. This is also available for part time students. They are very proud they are able to help these young adults. As parents they cannot believe that College is out of reach for many students that are deserving of such honors. As grangers they are proud to see where the students are going and they end up and proud to say “the grange helped me.” If you are age 14 or over, now is the time to be looking to The Rowley Grange Organization. You may call the secretary at 978-465-5508. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - The Rowley Historical Society is Looking Forward to 2014 with an exciting outlook on Rowley’s 375th Anniversary Year. We will begin our celebration by partnering with the Rowley Grange on MARCH 21 & 22; Friday & Saturday; for a Chowder Fest & Movie Night at the Grange Hall, 29 Central Street in Rowley. This will feature the full length Motion Picture “13 Rue Madeleine” starring James Cagney. This film shot in 1947 is a spy thriller concerning World War II. But what is the most interesting to everyone, is that parts of the film were shot at Seaview Estate here in Rowley. I have been told, you can recognize many of the rooms in the Mansion. Dinner Menu: Chowders-Clam & Seafood, Soups-Lentil & Minestrone, Corn Bread, Rolls & Butter…Dessert-Pumpkin Delight w/Whipped Cream; At the Movie: Pop Corn & bottled Water; Ticket Price: $10.00 per Adult, Seniors $8.00,Children 5-12 $5.00, Children under 5 FREE; Tickets for this Dinner & Movie event will be on sale at the Town Clerk’s Office, or call 978-9485054, or 978-948-2070. -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - The Civil War Roundtable of the Merrimack will meet at 7:30 PM on Wednesday March 12th at the East Parish Methodist Church, Salisbury Square (route 1), Salisbury, MA. Chuch Veit will speak on “Alligator: The US Navy’s First Submarine.” Admission is free and anyone with an interest in America’s Civil War is invited to attend. For more information visit our web page or call Tom at (978) 462-8518. -----------------------------------------------------------SEABROOK - Books needed! A book sale is scheduled at the Seabrook Library for April 26, and we want your help. Yes, we have quite a few books already designated for the sale, but we want to have a blockbuster of an event. That's where you come in. Recycle the books you own and have already read; they're still in good condition, right? Someone else can enjoy them, and the library can have a really good book sale. Drop off your books at the Seabrook Library and let us add them to our already burgeoning sale. Library hours are: Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday, 10-8, Tuesday & Friday, 10-6; Saturday, 9-1. See you at the library! -----------------------------------------------------------SEABROOK SOLAR STORE –Solar Energy Generator Workshop – On Saturday, March 15, from 10am to 12pm, Atlantic Green Energy (across from Home Depot on Lafayette Road) will be hosting a hands-on workshop to create a solar power generator. At this workshop you will learn how to create a solar generator that could sit on a windowsill. This solar powered system is a must-have for camping, tailgating, and especially when the power fails. A few great benefits are, you will have a better understanding how solar energy works and how a system can easily be expanded to power your entire home! Meet the experts at Atlantic Green Energy the cost is $25. You can take home the working solar generator system for an extra $175 (a $425 value). Call Lauralee at (603) 474-2550 with any questions.


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Share theorGift of Reading $25 to attend, take home a working system for an extra $175. (a $425 value!) Call Lauralee at (603) 474-2550 Includes: Battery, Controller, Solar Panel, Inverter, and Stand (Can Be Placed In Your Window)

Recycle This Newspaper Share the Gift of Reading Atlantic Green Energy Energy Savings Store 255 Lafayette Road, Seabrook (Across form Home Depot)

Recycle This Newspaper Share the Gift of Reading

Recycle This Newspaper

Share the Gift of Reading


Andrea & NeilPrestige Anastas RE/MAX RE/Max Prestige 375 Boston Street Topsfield, MA 01983 375 Boston Street Direct Line: 978-729-2605 Topsfield, MA 01983 Office: 98-887-7272 Direct Line: 978-729-2605 Email: Office: 98-887-7272 Email:

RE/MAX Prestige RE/MAX Prestige

RE/MAX Prestige RE/MAX Prestige

The Hometown Experts with a World of Experience®

The Hometown Experts with a World of Experience®




Desirable W. Boxford Location! If you’re looking for a home that has it all, look no further! This impeccably maintained 4BR, 2FBA, 2HBA Colonial offers plenty of square footage for the whole family. Updates include roof, garage doors, kitchen sliders, beautiful kitchen updates & more! In the winter the open, sunny & bright family room offers a pellet stove to keep warm & a wet bar for entertaining. The 2nd floor features a beautiful great/game room w/skylights. Enjoy the formal dining room w/banquet seating. Relax in the lovely step down formal living room w/brick fireplace. Nice large bedrooms & master bath w/Jacuzzi tub. In the summer, there is plenty of space to entertain in the professionally landscaped yard. Are you a hobbyist, car enthusiast, or someone that is looking for a great versatile work space or home office? This home offers a custom built 24' x 46' 5 car detached heated garage to meet any of those needs! Customize it for you! Come & See!


Looking for a quality home in a top rated school district? This gorgeous custom built home with amazing detail & unsurpassed quality throughout is sure to impress! CALL ANDREA – 978-729-2605 Located on a quiet side street in desirable Topsfield, this Contemporary Raised Ranch was built with family in mind. You will absolutely love the open floor plan with first floor master. The SS GE Profile, oversized, gourmet, eat-in-kitchen with huge center island looking into a bright living room with gas fireplace & formal dining area will truly be enjoyed as the gathering hub. Two spacious bedrooms are located on the

Page 10

February 26 - March 4, 2014

Senior Scene

The Town Common

Is Your Computer Open to Thieves?

If you're a senior with a computer, do you know the answers to these questions? What is a keystroke logger? Why should your operating system be set for automatic updates? If you don't know the answers, your computer could be at risk for a Wills, Trusts, Probate, Elder Law security breach. North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper Medicaid Applications Here are the answers: A keystroke logger is a spy program that logs each keystroke you make and sends the information to someone else. Your operating system should be set up for automatic updates because those updates will contain security features you need. Your best bet: Take the computer to the store where you bought it (or to the Geek Squad at Best Buy) and have them do a little work on it. Your list of requests: 1. Scan for viruses; 2. Turn on your firewall; 3. Get the latest operating system updates and set it to 8 Federal Way, Suite 5 Groveland, MA automatic; 4. Install a good virus protection; 5. Set your system to be very secure as you wander the Internet. Here's why I suggest the Geek Squad: If you buy the annual plan and something goes wrong, you can call With the proper financial planning, our company will them on the phone for advice. If it's a complicated fix, you can give them verbal permission to get into your computer remotely. assist you with the following: Your next step is to find a teacher who can show you all the safety and security problems with the • Protecting your assets from the high cost of Internet. In general, here are some activities to avoid online: Quizzes (even if they offer prizes), giving your real name Nursing Home expenses. and any information about where you live, social networking sites, dating sites, clicking on links in email and • Qualifying for “Veterans Aid and Attendance”, a agreeing to sign up on sites like LinkedIn. pension benefit to help pay assisted living facility For more information, go online to, click Home & Family, then Personal Technology. Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her and nursing home expenses. column whenever possible. Send email to

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Business Spotlight

February 6 - March 4, 014 For Sale

Page 11

Real Estate • For Sale

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Let’s Buy Something!

• Sports Sports Sports By John McCarthy,• Rowley Realty My wife was at the mall yesterday with our 12 year old daughter browsing stores while waiting for our son and his friends to get out of a movie. My daughter, in realizing that after asking many times if she could buy this or that (by “thisâ€? I mean something very expensive or “thatâ€? a dog) and getting a “no, sorryâ€? said to my wife “what is the point of being at the mall if we don’t buy anything?â€? Well, in hearing that story I have often thought the same thing about people who go to my open houses but really have no intention of buying right now. In the real estate world there is nothing wrong with browsing to get an idea if there is something better on the market or even to get an idea what your home is worth. I tell my sellers that many of these lookers will probably come back at some point and buy, usually the spring. However in the winter months it seems most are content to be on the outside looking in. Just like the girl staring at the puppy behind the glass in the mall pet store, and although we aren’t going to cave in to pressure and buy the puppy, many of these people browsing homes will become buyers once the snow clears and the spring market hits. Assuming you are buying, let’s take a look at the process, step by step. 1. Finding the Home: A buyer and REALTORÂŽ will work in tandem to find a home that fits the buyer. This process can take some time or can come immediately. Often times the perfect home comes on the market immediately please don’t dismiss it because you haven’t been inside any others. You have looked on line prior to going to see you first house, correct? Don’t assume that in this suddenly tight market that this home will stick around while you view others. 2. Meeting of the Minds: When a buyer submits an offer to a seller or to his/her REALTORÂŽ, this offer will have a life span, typically at least 24 hours, sometimes longer. The offer should always be done in writing to protect both buyer and seller. It also must be accompanied by an initial deposit. Additional documents that are usually included with the offer are a Lead Paint form for houses built before 1978, and a pre-approval letter from the buyer’s

bank or mortgage lender. Not only are the financial terms outlined in the offer but dates that need to be met are spelled out as well. If the offer is acceptable we go to #2. If not, the seller may submit a counter offer changing the price and/ or terms. It is important to note that if the seller does not sign the initial offer in the specified time, the offer expires and is no longer valid. Also, if the seller submits a counter offer, the original offer is null and void. Assuming the parties come together then we go on to #2. 3. Inspections: A buyer typically asks in the offer for a period (7-10 days) to do a home inspection on the property they are buying. The inspection of the house is done over a span of 2-4 hours and covers or uncovers problems that may not be visible to the naked eye. The buyer may also choose to have a test for radon gas done (your home inspector can do this for an additional charge) or bring in specialists to test for lead paint, or the evidence of insects (carpenter ants, termites, etc.). If the buyer is not satisfied and doesn’t feel anything can be done to rectify the problem, they can withdraw and receive their initial deposit back. The buyer can always ask the seller if they would be willing to fix whatever problem came up. If the buyer is satisfied with the results of the inspection we move on to #3. 4. P&S: The seller and their REALTORŽ or attorney will put together a purchase and sale document outlining the terms that were agreed upon by both parties. This document is given to both buyer and seller and they can choose to have an attorney look it over and make changes to protect their interests. Once this is done the buyer will sign by the due date outline in the initial offer and submit it to the seller

or their representative with a second deposit. The initial deposit along with this one is placed in an escrow account. They are often called “good faith� deposits designed to show that the buyer is going to keep up his/her end of the bargain as the seller is, in essence, taking the property off the market and preventing other buyers from purchase. If the buyers decide to withdraw after a certain time they may not be entitled to receive their deposits back. 5. Financing: Once a buyer comes under agreement, he/she starts the process from pre-approved for a mortgage to getting approved for a mortgage. You will need to meet with the mortgage or bank representative you have chosen and provide him/her with the documentation they require (typically pay stubs/W-2 or a tax return and bank account info among other items). 6. Appraisal: The bank or mortgage company will send out an appraiser to evaluate the value of the home you are purchasing. This is done simply to ensure to the lending institution that the mortgage they are providing has adequate collateral. 7. Passing: Buyer and seller meet and sign papers, exchanging ownership of the property. Simple right? This is only a baseline as there is a lot more that can come up during the process and usually does, but hopefully this gives you an outline of the home buying (and not just looking) process. If you have any questions about this article, real estate in general or are looking to buy or sell a home please contact me, John McCarthy at Rowley Realty, 165 Main St., Rowley, MA 01969, Phone: 978 948-2758, Cell 978 835-2573 or via email at

Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness

Address, Town

Our Featured Property of the Week ROWLEY: Completely renovated 2 bedroom unit in small, quiet building. Kitchen has been redone with granite and custom backsplash. Bathrooms are newly renovated, and flooring has been replaced. Two big bedrooms and large living room with own deck overlooking beautifully landscaped backyard. Master bedroom has private half bath. Two car deeded parking, lots of storage in big closets and laundry room on site. Near shopping and commuter raile. Offered at $189,900. Call John at 978-835-2573 for more information or to make an appointment to see this property.

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CONTRACTORS L.L.C.$199,800 7 Richardson Path, Newburyport 7 room,GENERAL 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Cape 52 $199,800 $199,800 Project Completion 231 School St, Groveland 6 room,Consultation 4 bed, 1f 1h bathto Farmhouse 246 $279,000 $270,000 $279,000 . . Masonry . Landscaping . Roofing . Basements . Water Entry 23 Otis Place, Newburyport 6 room, 3Carpentry bed, 2f 1h bath Other 20 $425,000 $425,000 $425,000 . . Commercial/Residential All Phases of Construction 234 Northern Blvd, Newburyport 5 room, 2 bed, 2f 0h bath Ranch 96 $469,900 $465,000 $469,900 of Maintenance Work . All Types of 18 Lane's Ten Acres Rd, Merrimac 8 room,.4All bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 228Restorations $479,900 $465,000 $489,900 . Free Initial Consultation . Project Management “In the Field� Experience Single Family Listings: 5 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 1,837.60 Avg. List$: $370,720 Avg. List$/SqFt: $229 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT/CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION Avg. DOM: 128.40 Avg. Sale$: $364,960 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $226 All Types of Property Repairs


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Page 1

Jack Cook‛s Rubbish Service

Continued from page 5

Gallery hours are 11:00 am to 5:00 pm Tuesday through Saturday, and from 1:00 to 5:00 pm on Sunday.

February 6 - March 4, 014 week. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5th

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COMEDY Open Mike at The Winner’s Circle, 211 Elm Street, upstairs, every Tuesday, 8 p.m. No charge for admission. Professional comedians try out new material and new comedians work on their acts. Amateurs are welcome. The show is hosted by different professional comedians each

SALISBURY COA HEARING SEMINAR Digital Hearing Seminar, Wednesday, March 5th @ 10 AM, Presented by Patricia Shea. Free seminar with free lunch and special dessert following the seminar. This seminar will focus on tinnitus (ringing, humming, buzzing in the ears). You will get answers to your

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questions and concerns about tinnitus and other issues. Do friends or family members suffer from tinnitus? Be sure to ask them to come along! Topics of discussion will include: Understanding common tinnitus issues; Identifying the varied tinnitus causes; Common psychological effects of tinnitus; Correlation of tinnitus to hearing loss; What to look for in a hearing care professional; Understanding and treating tinnitus. Please call 978-462-2412 to reserve your lunch and seminar. HATHA YOGA CLASS See Wednesday, February 26th LOCAL POVERTY MATTERS The First Religious Society of Newburyport in collaboration with Pennies for Poverty, a local nonprofit dedicated to alleviating poverty, announce a new study group on the first Wednesday evening of each month called "Local Poverty Matters." This series of lectures by local anti-poverty professionals will seek to help us learn what the true extent of local poverty is, and what we can realistically do about it. Each lecture will be about a different aspect of poverty. This discussion will be held on Wednesday March 5 from 7:00 to 8:00pm in the basement classroom of the First Religious Society Church, 26 Pleasant St. Newburyport. It is free and open to the public.


38 SUMMER ST, TOPSFIELD PRESENTED BY Andrea & Neil Anastas PRESENTED BY RE/Max Prestige Andrea & Neil Anastas 375 Boston Street RE/Max Prestige Topsfield, MA 01983 375Line: Boston Street Direct 978-729-2605 Office: 98-887-7272 Topsfield, MA 01983 Email: Direct Line: 978-729-2605 Office: 98-887-7272 Email:

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Looking for a quality home in a top rated school district? This gorgeous custom built home with amazing detail & unsurpassed quality throughout is sure to impress! Located on a quiet side street in desirable Topsfield, this Contemporary Raised Ranch was built with family in mind. You will absolutely love the open floor plan with first floor master. The SS GE Profile, oversized, gourmet, eat-in-kitchen with huge center island looking into a bright living room with gas fireplace & formal dining area will truly be enjoyed as the gathering hub. Two spacious bedrooms are located on the lower level, both with large closets, hardwood floors & lots of sunlight. Finished walkout lower level with patio access gives you a feeling of privacy & country getaway right in your private backyard. Watch the deer forage while you enjoy your morning of coffee! is also a 3-car attached This home has it all! Looking for cup a quality homeThere in a top rated school district?garage! This gorgeous custom built


home with amazing detail & unsurpassed quality throughout is sure to impress! ANDREA 978-729-2605 Located on a quiet side CALL street in desirable Topsfield, this Contemporary Raised Ranch was built with family in mind. You will absolutely love the open floor plan with first floor master. The SS GE Profile, oversized, gourmet, eat-in-kitchen with huge center island looking into a bright living room with gas fireplace & formal dining area will truly be enjoyed as the gathering hub. Two spacious bedrooms are located on the

February 6 - March 4, 014

The Town Common

Health & Wellness

Page 13

Brighter Smiles...

The State of Dental Insurance: Part 2

especially does not make sense going up. What corners have to be if you typically only have your cut to make this work? teeth cleaned a couple of times Many dentists take a lot of a year. The only way purchasing continuing education each year your own insurance may make to improve skills and to be able sense is if you are looking to cover to provide patients with a high your entire family. You should level of service. The amount of BY J. PETER ST. CLAIR, DMD discuss these factors with your continuing education a dentist Last week I explained how dental office prior to making the takes is generally related to the resources available from running dental insurance works in general decision. In dentistry, there are a few types the business. Although the type and why there is no “good” dental insurance. This week I will break of dental insurance available. There of dental insurance a dental office down the general differences is “indemnity” insurance, where accepts does not always translate between dental insurances, some patients can go to whoever they into the level of care provided, it is things to consider when using want and the insurance will cover an important factor for the patient your dental insurance, and when it a certain percentage depending to consider. The state of dental insurance in makes sense to consider purchasing on the procedure. The other types of insurance are PPO’s, HMO’s 2014 is more dismal than it was in insurance if you don’t have it. I get asked just about daily and discount plans or “clubs”. the 1970’s because there have been by patients who are either self- With these types of insurance, the few increases in pay-outs from employed or are not offered dentist has to sign a contract with insurance companies and the costs insurance through their employer, the insurance company and abide of doing business are higher. In “Should I consider getting dental by a pre-set limit they can charge essence, the insurance companies insurance?” In most cases, in my for all procedures. The typical generally win, leaving the dentist, opinion, it does not make sense question a dental office gets with and most importantly the patient, to purchase dental insurance on regards to these types of insurance on the losing end. Next week I will discuss the your own. This goes back to last plans is, “Why don’t you accept costs of dental care for those with week’s column as to how dental XYZ insurance?” Most dental offices are small or without dental insurance and “insurance” is set up to begin businesses, and the decision for the ways to get what you want with with. As I discussed last week, all dentist to sign-up for a particular regards to your dental health. Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental insurance companies set plan depends on whether they a limit as to how much they will feel they can maintain the quality dental practice in Rowley and “pay-out” on an annual basis. The of care they seek, or were trained Newburyport dedicated to healthindustry average is $1000 per year, to provide, while still being able centered family dentistry. If there are which has not changed since the to cover their expenses to run a certain topics you would like to see inception of dental insurance back business. Many of these insurance written about or questions you have in the 1970’s. The premiums for plans have negotiated fees that cut please email them to him at jpstclair@ The North Shore’s Independent Community Newspaper the dentist’s regular fee by 30-50% You can individual dental insurance runLargest around the $700 range. This leaves or more. This can be a difficult view all previously written columns the patient with a net gain of $300 decision for many dentists as the at from the insurance company. This costs to run a dental office keep blog.

The Town Common


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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Try to say as little as possible about the work you're doing through the end of the month. Then you can make your announcement and accept your well-deserved plaudits. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You face a more difficult challenge than you expected. But with that strong Taurean determination, you should be able to deal with it successfully by week's end. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Before you act on your "feelings" about that upcoming decision, it might be wise to do a little fact-checking first. You could be very much surprised by what you don't find. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A recent workplace success can open some doors that were previously closed to you. On a personal level, expect to receive some important news from a longtime friend and colleague. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Put your wounded pride aside and do what you must to heal that misunderstanding before it takes a potentially irreversible turn and leaves you regretting the loss of a good friend. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) One way to kick a less-than-active social life into high gear or rebuild an outdated Rolodex file is to throw one of your wellorganized get-togethers for friends and associates. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Getting out of an obligation you didn't

February 6 - March 4, 014

really want to take on can be tricky. An honest explanation of the circumstances can help. Next time, pay more attention to your usually keen instincts. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Use your Scorpion logic to push for a no-nonsense approach to a perplexing situation. This could help keep present and potential problems from creating more confusion. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) A friend's problem might take more time than you want to give. But staying with it once again proves the depth of your Sagittarian friendship and loyalty. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) The Sea Goat can benefit from an extra dose of self-confidence to unsettle your detractors, giving you the advantage of putting on a strong presentation of your position. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) You might want to ask a friend or relative for advice on an ongoing personal matter. But be careful not to give away information you might later wish you had kept secret. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Use the weekend for a creativity break to help restore your spiritual energy. Once that's done, you'll be back and more than ready to tackle whatever challenge you need to face. BORN THIS WEEK: You get great joy out of creating beautiful things and sharing them with others who appreciate them. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. mon

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Weekly Community Newspaper February 6 - March 4, 014

Community Calendar

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steel appliances. Stunning views overENTERTAINMENT COINS LOWER YOUR UTILITY BILLS! looking pastures, paddocks, marshCommunity Calendar Continues . . . - Boston Area, keyITEMS WANTED – Wanted STEVEN HIGGS lands and sunset/ocean views of Plum With LED Lamps boardist/pianist available for weddings, by Pratt Coin and Hobby in Island Sound, the Isles of Shoals and parties, barmitzfahs, etc. Email higgsGeorgetown. u.S. Coins, silver, gold, Crane's Beach. Everything included foreign world money. old pocket except phone and cable. Accessible to watches, wrist watches, costume HOME CARE amenities and major highway routes. jewelry and post cards. Wheat Potentially perfect for executives and/ pennies, Pre-1958 - 2 1/2 cents each. ARE YOU IN NEED OF CARE FOR or independent living situations. Each YOUR LOVED ONE? Call Today. FREE APPRAISAL CNA RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL HHA with a network of sup- at $1,500/mo. 978-423-2103

The Town Com

Call Peter Pratt 1-800-870-4086 or 978-352-2234

port. 978-837-2088 for more informa- BARN / STALLS FOR RENT: 45 tion and access to quality care. The Mansion Drive, #C, 1 Bath. Prime Homecare Connection Network equestrian business/school opportunity set atop 15 acres on a hidden scenic hill FOR RENT overlooking the Isles of Shoals, Plum APTS FOR RENT: 45 Mansion Drive, Island Sound and Crane's. Includes 3 #2 or #3, Rowley, MA: #2 is Sq. Ft. barns, 22 stalls, hay storage, office, tack 950 #3 is 750 Sq. Ft. each with 1 bed, rooms, feed room, 1/2BA, hydrant, 1 bath, light, bright, modern kitchen observation rm with indoor (120x60) with granite counter tops and stainless and outdoor (100x300) rings raked 2-3 times a week; judges' observation deck and shack for eventing, lighting, PA and iPod, cordless mic media system. 15-17 150x150 paddocks Everything incl. except cable. Great for clinics. $8,360/mo. 978-423-2103


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Community Newspaper Hobby SuPPLIES

20 E Main St, Georgetown, MA Mon-Fri 8:30a-6p, Sat 10a-5p Phone 978-352-2234

TWO BEDROOM 1.5 Bath Antique

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The Town Common


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February 26 - March 4, 2014

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