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Spring has spr ung in...

The Town Common







WHAT'S INSIDE Empowering Women Luncheon Body Image: The Impact on Us All Page 2 Kelleher Park Playground Fundraiser Page 8 Rowley Public Library Book Donation Days Page 8 Triton Squirt 3 Page 8 School & Summer Camp Section Page 9


March 20 - 26, 2013 Vol. 9, No. 20

25 Triton Students Inducted into Foreign Language Honor Society by stewart Lytle, reporter ––––––––––––––––– TRITON – Mara Spears does not look like your typical Chinese language student. A junior at Triton Regional High School, Spears is one of 33 students studying the world's most spoken language. The tall brunette said she signed up as a freshman to take Chinese because a friend, who was a senior at the time, told her it was a lot of fun. “I was interested in taking an exotic language,� she said. “I like being immersed in a foreign culture.� And now in her third year studying the language she is good at it. “I've got an A,� she said. Spears and Casey Ross, another Triton junior, were inducted last Photo by Stewart Lytle week for their skills in Chinese Casey Ross (left) and Mara Spears were inducted into the Foreign Language in the Triton Foreign Language National Honor Society. National Honor Society, which

was founded in part by the Chinese Language Association. Ross, who was also inducted into the Honor Society for her proficiency in French, said she started studying Chinese two years ago because “I like art.� And drawing the Chinese characters is like art, she said. There is also no conjugating verbs like in French. “Chinese is so much easier than French,� she said. The Chinese language program at Triton is now in its fifth year. “It is a very difficult language,� Lan Li, the Chinese language teacher, said. “There are no letters. They can't sound out the words. They have to learn the characters. Reading is especially hard.� As a result, the Chinese class has a lot of student attrition. They try Continued on page 3

Popular Best Foot Forward Needs More Counselors AMESBURY – Polly dropped off a jar of peach salsa for Rosemary Werner and her staff at Best Foot Forward here last week. It was a thank you gift for the help the organization is providing her. Best Foot Forward, which assists unemployed or under-employed people in finding jobs, reworked Polly's resume and pointed her in the direction of several opportunities for work. Most importantly Best Foot Forward restored her confidence. “I kind of got bummed out, depressed. I didn't think I had any job skills,� she said. “They gave me hope.�

by stewart Lytle, reporter ––––––––––––––––– For years Polly had worked at what she called “a traditional job.� Then she went to work on a farm because she loves raising and preserving fruits and vegetables. She hopes one day to have her own jarring business, turning fruits into tasty jams and sauces. In the interim, she needs a new job, so she came to Best Foot Forward. “If you get a job, you feel so much better,� said Dennis Dougherty, the organization's coordinator and a former vice president for human resources for GE Corp. Photo by Stewart Lytle Polly is one of hundreds of people From left, Betty Vitale and Patricia Caughey help Rosemary Werner with the Continued on page 3 women's clothing. towncommon.10 year.3.4_Layout 1 3/4/2013 11:46 AM Page 1

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e Town Common The Town Common Page 2

Weekly Newspaper

wburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley Weekly Community Newspaper

March 20 - 26, 2013

How to Submit YWCA Greater Newburyport TIDE CHART Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley Letters to the Editor Hosts Engaging Communities

Merrimack River Entrance 42o 49’N 070o 49’W MAR HIGH LOW SUN 20 Wed 6:29 7.23 7:16 6.55 12:53 1.65 1:40 1.22 6:46 6:56 21 Thurs 7:28 7.18 8:14 6.65 1:52 1.71 2:38 1.21 6:44 6:57 22 Fri 8:27 7.29 9:07 6.91 2:51 1.59 3:32 1.05 6:42 6:58 23 Sat 9:21 7.53 9:55 7.28 3:46 1.31 4:20 0.78 6:41 6:59 KAYAKS 24 Sun 10:09 7.83 10:37 7.72 4:36 0.91 5:03 0.46 6:39 7:00 We stock Wilderness Systems - Old8.15 Town 11:16 8.18 5:20 0.46 5:44 0.13 6:37 7:01 25 Mon 10:53 OM-PAC 26 Perception Tues 11:35 8.43 11:55 8.62 6:03 -0.01 6:23 -0.16 6:35 7:03 - Necky ECISION 27 Wed 12:17 8.64 xx xx 6:45 -0.43 7:02 -0.38 6:34 7:04 Ocean Kayak Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. h, Zuma, Laser 28 Thurs 12:34 9.00 1:00 8.75 7:27 -0.77 7:43 -0.50 6:32 7:05 SAILBOATS Canoes Publisher/Editor, The Town Common Rangers - Old Town - Radisson KAYAKS We Letters stock to the Editor provide Fernald’s Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC a useful way of communicating Perception - Necky issues, or suggestions to On the River Parker SAILBOATS wbury,PRECISION MA concerns, 01951 Ocean Kayak members Sunfish, all Zuma, Laserof the community. Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 Canoes KAYAKS We stock 465-0312The Town Common encourages Mad River - Old Town - Radisson (978) 465-0312 Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC

Luncheon Empowering Women Body Image: The Impact on Us All

NEWBURYPORT -- Tickets are now available for the YWCA Greater Newburyport’s Fourth Annual Engaging Communities Luncheon to be held Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 11:30am to 1:30pm at the Elks Club on Low Street in Newburyport. Tickets are $50 and proceeds from this fundraiser support the ongoing mission-based work of the YWCA Greater Newburyport, including its programs which promote the empowerment of women. For tickets and sponsorship opportunities, please visit www. or call 978.465.9922. Since the turn of the century the YWCA Greater Newburyport has provided a safe place for women and girls of Greater Newburyport, helping them grow into strong leaders. In the 21st century that mission has never been more important or needed, as future generations increasingly take on roles designated for them through an endless stream of information all citizens to submit letters and images readily available via technology. This year’s Engaging Fernald’s FERNALD’S Perception - Necky concerning issues of interestPRECISION and Communities Luncheon EMPOWERING WOMEN – BODY IMAGE: On the River Parker t.. 1A, Newbury, MA Ocean Kayak concern to 01951 the local community. THE IMPACT ON US ALL, featuring renowned Author and Filmmaker Sunfish, Zuma, Laser Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 Canoes Letters selected for publication 978- 465-0312 (978) 465-0312 Rangers - Old Town - Radisson Jean Kilbourne will encourage a better understanding of this issue. In may be edited for length and clarity. addition, Fox 25 News Anchor Maria Stephanos will act as Honorary Fernald’s Some letters may serve as a catalyst 1 col. x 2 inches Chair of the event. for other articles or coverage, and MA 01951 On the River Parker Rt. 1A, Newbury, Kilbourne has spent decades studying and lecturing on the way images community leaders and agencies Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 6+ wks $38.30/week 978465-0312 will be offered an opportunity to and messages in the media contribute directly to social epidemics that (978) 465-0312 1 col. x 2 inches respond to letters concerning their affect women and men alike. Her presentation, “The Naked Truth: 13+ wks $30.70/week 6+ wks $38.30/week areas of responsibility. Advertising’s Image of Women” exposes some of the surprisingly harmful • Earn generous commissions and residuals while enjoying the All letters must be signed and messages disseminated to young girls, and boys, for the purpose of selling 13+ wks $30.70/week independence of working independently. wks $27.60/week include a 26+ daytime telephone products, and explains how they are jeopardizing the healthy growth of number. 26+ wks $27.60/week • No cap on earnings • Quality Leads • Supportive Team 1 col. x 2 inches the next generation. Letters may to: 52bewkssubmitted $24.90/week “After listening to Jeanne Kilbourne, I became much more critical in the • This is a great opportunity for individuals that want to maintain a 52 wks $24.90/week 6+ wks $38.30/week this ad inPlace our monthly manner in which I observed the portrayal of women in advertising,” said ThePlace Editor this ad in our schedule monthlyand earn a great income. • Part-time available. flexible c/opublication The Town Common 13+ wks $30.70/week John Feehan, Executive Director of YWCA Greater Newburyport.” “I forpublication an additional for an additional 77 Wethersfield St. came to realize that many of the images are contrary to my belief system. To arrange an interview, send your resume to: $9.75/week. $9.75/week. 26+ wks $27.60/week Rowley, MA 01969 This year’s luncheon will not only provide valuable information regarding or preferably via e-mail to: how these messages about women and men are presented in the media 52 wks $24.90/week but will also provide an opportunity to discuss new ways of looking at Place thisMarc ad in our monthly or call at 978.948.8696 oneself and others so that we can better raise respectful, confident young The Town Common deadline is ad in our monthly Place this publication for an additional women and men.” 5pm Wednesday when a for an additional Place this(except ad inpublication our monthly $9.75/week. COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS TO BE HONORED federal holiday necessitates an $28.75/week. publication for an additional earlier deadline). The YWCA Greater Newburyport recognizes Community Champions who embody the theme of the Engaging Communities Luncheon. For this $28.75/week. The Town Common year’s Empowering Women topic, the YWCA is proud to honor Charlene serves the communities of the Place this ad in our monthly Dolan, of Dolan Financial Services, who inspires confidence at the YWCA Upper North Shore of Mass. & women’s residence as well as the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center by teaching Coastal New Hampshire and publication for an additional welcomes your participation. women financial literacy. The second honoree is Nancy McCormack, Co$28.75/week. Send your Organization or Group Founder of Natural High Fitness who has dedicated her life and career Notices, Birth or Engagement to motivating women to believe in themselves through her innovative Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, Couch-to-Five K program and decades of fitness mentoring. fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., This honorary event chair is Maria Stephanos, FOX 25 Boston News Rowley, MA 01969 Anchor and one of Boston’s most experienced broadcast journalists. Maria Phone: 978-948-8696 will be hosting the luncheon. This year’s committee’s chair is Charna Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail: Cummings, a YWCA Board Member. The YWCA Greater Newburyport is grateful for the support of this year’s Engaging Communities Luncheon silver sponsors: Kim Williams and Trevor Miller, an Anonymous Donor, The Town Common Institution for Savings, and The Newburyport Five Cents Savings Bank. Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor About the YWCA Greater Newburyport Now in its fourth year, the YWCA Greater Newburyport’s Engaging Graphic Design Services Communities Luncheon brings together individuals and community and business leaders to share ideas and discuss some of the most pressing issues Advertising Opportunities affecting our community, while raising funds and awareness of the YWCA’s Event and Announcement Submissions mission-based work. For 130 years the YWCA Greater Newburyport has been a constant, valuable community resource dedicated to transforming 77 Wethersfield Street the lives of women and their families. Serving nearly a dozen area Rowley, MA 01969-1713 Phone: (978) 9 8-8696 communities, its programs include affordable housing, childcare, summer Fax: (978) 9 8-256 activities for children, teen racial justice groups, financial literacy seminars, The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or health and wellness, and land-based and aquatic fitness. Globally the omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify The Town Common of any YWCA is the oldest and largest multicultural women's organization in the errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. world with 25 million members in 122 countries with a simple mission: All material and content cannot be duplicated without written consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or to eliminate racism and empower women. edit any copy offered for publication. For more information, please drop by 13 Market Street in Newburyport, Copyright 200 -2013 The Town Common© - All Rights Reserved In loving memory of visit, call 978.465.9922, or find the YWCA Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005) Greater Newburyport on Facebook.






FERNALD’S The Town Common is seeking Account Managers for Inside and Outside Sales

March 20 - 26, 2013

25 Triton Students Inducted into Foreign Language Honor Society Chinese because it is something new, she said. “But when it is too much work, they drop out.” Last week Triton's foreign language department had a total of 25 juniors qualify for the National Honor Society, its third class of inductees. The students had demonstrated their proficiency in either Spanish or French, although Ross and Daryn Sydney Rybicki were inducted for two languages. To qualify for induction into the honor society, the students must have a 90 average in the language they are studying and an overall average of 83 in all their classes. High School Principal Kathryn Dawe welcomed all the students and parents and praised their “deep interest in the beautiful Chinese, French and Spanish languages.” Dawe also recognized the teachers in the foreign language department, chaired by Joyce McKenna. The teachers were

Janice Kovach, Jennifer Scott and Diane Demers. In addition to Li, Regina Sternlicht, a French teacher, and Eben Williams, a Spanish teacher, presided over the induction ceremony. Spears said she does not know what she might do with her expertise in Chinese. But she said at least she knows she will have a lot of other students to talk to since Mandarin Chinese is spoken by more than 900 million people or about 14 percent of the world's population. Spanish, which had the largest number of Triton students being inducted into the Honor Society, is not even a close second to Chinese with 387 million people or about 5 percent of the world's population speaking Spanish. English is third with 365 million people speaking it. French is 18th with 74 million people speaking it. Ross can't wait to meet more French speakers in April when she goes to France for a two-week

exchange program, including three days in Paris. “I am so excited,” she said. In addition to Ross, nine students were inducted into the Honor Society for French. They were Lia Anderholm, Courtney Brown, Kayla Cox, Madison Estes, Daryn Sydney Rybicki, Madison Solomon, Devon Shuman, Lindsey Thurlow and Madison Williams. Natalie True also qualified for the Honor Society for French, but had to postpone her induction because she could not be at the ceremony last week. Fifteen students were inducted for Spanish. They were Rybicki, who was inducted for Spanish as well as French, Chelsea Castaneda, Marisa Dorman, Michaela Dunn, Charlotte Emery, Laura Frackiewicz, Kylie Gilroy, Nicole Indingaro, Jonathan Kovach, Carolyn Parks, Jason Plumer, Alexa Reilly, Istiaque Shanjib, Elizabeth Willmonton and Michael Woodbury.

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House or the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center to provide a free suit or dress to those who need to go to a funeral or to court. “They feel better about themselves. And that is important,” she said. The men's and women's clothes, which are on racks on the second floor of the little white house owned by the United Methodist Church next door, are donated by the large number of supporters the organization has. Two banks, the Institution for Savings and the Newburyport Five Cent Savings Bank, have given grants to help the low-budget operation buy bus passes and gas coupons. Twice a year it sells outof-season clothes to raise money to buy items that are not donated. One of the most important services Best Foot Forward provides is just listening. When a person comes through the door on Mondays and Wednesdays, they schedule an hour-long meeting with two counselors to discuss their issues. “We listen to them. We give them a strategy. We give them hope,” Dougherty said. A woman, who had lost her job after 18 years with an oil company, came through the door recently. She was four months behind on the mortgage for her home. The bank holding the mortgage had

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been sold three times. So she did not even know what bank to call. Werner turned to her extensive network of friends and supporters and found a real estate agent to talk with the woman. “She was just so happy that someone listened to her. She was desperate, lying awake at night wondering when she would be thrown out of her home,” Werner said. Now an attorney is working on her case for free to sort out the mortgage issues. As the program has grown in popularity, Best Foot Forward finds it needs more volunteers who have the skills and experience to be a counselor. The volunteer counselors include a retired attorney, a former CEO of a company and a long-time nurse. If you have the skills and an interest in volunteering to be a counselor, call 978-388-1000.

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that the non-profit organization at 140 Main Street has given a hand up. Since Werner opened Best Foot Forward two years ago, she can document that it has helped 33 people secure jobs. Some of the jobs are entry level positions at grocery stores, retail stores and fast-food restaurants. For other people with more education and experience the organization has secured higher-paying positions in hospitals and other companies. To facilitate the job interview process, it gives away clothes and subsidizes transportation with gas coupons or a bus pass. When there is no car or the bus doesn't go where the person needs it to, Werner has been creative, finding bicycles to get the newly employed to the job. Still other people walk in, talk to the counselors, get their resumes updated and develop a strategy for getting a new job. Then they leave, not to be heard from again. “We assume they get a job,” Dougherty said. “We don't always know.” As important as getting people jobs, Werner takes as much pride in helping people in other ways. “You don't see a lot of what we have done,” Werner said. For some people, Best Foot Forward works with other organizations like the Pettingill

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Popular Best Foot Forward Needs More Counselors Continued from page 1

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Continued from page 1

Page 3


Letters To The March Editor 20 - 26, 2013


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Community Announcements

AMESBURY- Clan MacKenzie of the Northeast invites one and all to attend The Kirkin of the Tartan Service and Celebration. The service will be held at Saint James Episcopal Church 120 Main St Amesbury Ma 01913 on Sunday Big enough to serve you - Small enough to know you April 7th at 10:00 There will be several Scottish Clans in attendance to have their Clan Tartan Flags blessed. You do not need to be Scottish to attend or enjoy the service. There will also be a meet and greet with the Clans after the service Burglar, Fire Alarms in the Church hall. Anyone who may wish more information may call or e-mail 978-702-4402 mackenzie2tobyne@ 24 Hour Monitoring -----------------------------------------------------------We Guarantee the best! GEORGETOWN - Unlike any other camp! This summer, campers at Workshop in the Woods will: Explore the world of super powers, star on the cover of magazines, slam poetry, master mixed media collages, design an alphabet, invent a secret code, champion water olympics, dance in paint, play with shaving cream, build walkie talkies, perform MA LIC # 444C a flash-mob dance and make meaningful connections with friends in search of summer fun. “For the past 12 years For Woods has offered an unplugged and non-competitive curriculum Workshop in theSale • of art, performance, nature, craft and community that is designed to build self-confidence and a love for nature and neighbor in a safe environment,â€? says Stacey Fix its director. Workshop in the Woods Summer Camp is a program of Workshop Arts Inc., a non-profit 501(c)3 charitable foundation for community and arts enrichment. The program is located at Camp Denison in Georgetown. The Camp Denison site has 15 acres of hiking trails, lake front activities, a restored wood-beam lodge, outdoor performance area, • and nature center. Campers • rotate from one workshop ORDER NOW AND RECEIVE 20% OFF* OUR TOP to the next everyday and integrate activities that include; fishing, kayaking, hiking, group games, scavenger SELLING EASTER PRODUCT. hunts, visual arts, relays, camp fire circles, and journaling. There are openings for registration in both two week sessions: July 8-19 and July 22-Aug 2. Campers begin at age 5-14. Bus service is offered from Newburyport, Easter is Sunday, March 31st Newbury and Byfield. The foundation is offering financial aid for those in need of assistance. For information; or contact or call: 978-973-6553. -----------------------------------------------------------The Deluxe All-In-One GEORGETOWN Pentucket Workshop Preschool in Georgetown has concluded our tours for the September Easter Basket Includes: 2013 school year. Go to our website to contact us for a private tour. Parent must attend a tour before submitting an application. Applications accepted now on a first come basis. • Wicker Keepsake Basket w/ Polka -----------------------------------------------------------Dot Liner (Blue, Pink or Green) GEORGETOWN Any plans for Easter Sunday? Enjoy a scrumptious and plentiful brunch buffet at Black • Includes Personalization Swan Country Club, 258 Andover Street in Georgetown, Massachusetts. It’s coming soon, Sunday March • FREE Plush Bunny 31st Keon’s will have a buffet from 10-2pm in there Andover Dining Room. It will feature many pastries, • FREE Milk Chocolate Bunny fresh fruit, eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, home fries, eggs benedict, an omelet station, a carving station with turkey, ham, prime rib, baked haddock, lasagna, an array of side dishes, dessert table, coffee, juice and much • FREE Bunny Candy Corn more. Adults $29.95, Seniors $27.95, Kids 12 and under $14.95, kids under 3 are free. Tax and gratuity is SAVE • FREE Jelly Beans not included. They will also have live music with musician Dan Sky. Make your reservations today by calling 20%* • FREE Solid Chocolate Eggs 978-352-2900. -----------------------------------------------------------• FREE Milk Chocolate Malt Balls Regular Site Price: $24.99 +s/h IPSWICH At the recent veterans services training conference held in Leominster, Secretary of Department of • FREE Tasty PEEPS YOU PAY: $19.99 +s/h Veterans’ Services Colemen Nee awarded the 2013 Outstanding District Award to  the Eastern Essex Veteran’s District for outstanding service to veterans in the district. The award, in its second year, honors the District for support to district veterans as well as veterans in surrounding towns, for providing support to neighboring To redeem this special offer, go to towns and cities, for assisting other Commonwealth cities and towns in developing properly constituted districts, and for insuring district member towns receive the maximum reimbursement for veterans’ benefits or call 1.888.667.0073 disbursed. District Director Terrance Hart and Director’s Assistant Georgia Gadbois staff the district office, which is located in the Ipswich Town Hall at 25 Green Street. The District serves veterans and surviving spouses *Take 20% off minimum product purchase of $19.00. Discounts: (i) apply to the regular price of the products, (ii) will appear upon checkand dependents. The District is comprised of Ipswich, Essex, Hamilton, Wenham, Georgetown, Rowley and out, (iii) cannot be combined with other offers or discounts, (iv) do not apply to clearance items, and (v) do not apply to shipping, care and handling, or taxes. Prices valid while supplies last. Offer expires 3/29/2013. West Newbury, which have a combined population of 47,592, and an estimated veteran population of 3,486.

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March 20 - 26, 2013

Page 5


The District serves veterans and surviving spouses and dependents. There are 25 veterans’ districts statewide. For more information, contact District Director Terrance Hart at 978-356-3915 or at -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - The spring coffee house series continues on Saturday, April 6th at 7:00 PM. Featured will be The Danville GENERAL CONTRACTORS L.L.C. Trio. This highly acclaimed group from New Hampshire is made up of Barry Noonan, Bill Ellis, and Don Ebbett. to Project Completion Together, they have over 30 years' experience singing and sharing Gospel music. Their style is a variety of Gospel .Consultation . Masonry . Landscaping . Roofing . Basements . Water Entry Carpentry music with individual contributions and combined harmonies that express the gifts that they have been blessed with. Individually, they have traveled throughout New England and have played at church functions, coffeehouses, and . All Phases of Construction . Commercial/Residential of special fundraisers for the homeless. The event is free, but a free-will offering will be taken. Location: Crossroads . All Maintenance Work . All Types of Restorations “In the Field” Experience Community Church, 79 Turnpike Rd (Route 1), just north of Linebrook Rd in the Tri-City Sales plaza. For more . Free Initial Consultation . Project Management information, call 781-341-2015, e-mail or go to PROPERTY MANAGEMENT/CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION -----------------------------------------------------------All Types of Property Repairs NEWBURYPORT - The YWCA Greater Newburyport began registering for summer programs on March 4th. We have programs for all ages including our half day Scamper preschool program, full day programs for youth entering 1st through 5th grade, and swimming for all. Visit our web site for complete program information. or call 978-465-9922. Listen to Kathryn’s radio program every Friday at 7:45 am Planning for summer is a perfect anecdote to this cold, snowy weather. Think sun!! on WNBP 1450 AM / 106.1 FM. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - The Newburyport Lighting Company is pleased to GENERAL CONTRACTORS L.L.C. announce a fundraising auction to benefit the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center the Consultation to Project Completion week of March 18 through 25. "As a local business with a strong commitment . Carpentry . Masonry . Landscaping . Roofing . Basements . Water Entry PRESTIGE to giving back, being the host of this auction gives us an opportunity to help . All Phases of Construction . Commercial/Residential 375 Boston Street one of the most important community resources in Greater Newburyport, of . All Maintenance Work . All Types of Restorations Topsfield, MA says Newburyport Lighting's Stephen Leary. We hope that everyone in the . FreeM.Ed. “In the Field” Experience Initial Consultation . Project Management Kathryn O’Brien, area will hop on board and bid generously so that the Geiger Center reaps PROPERTY MANAGEMENT/CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION the greatest possible financial benefit." More than 20 handsomely crafted 978-887-7272 (office) All Types of Property Repairs fixtures from Newburyport Lighting -- mostly end-of-season, remainders, 978-465-1322 (direct line) and/or discontinued product lines -- will be up for bid, at a total retail value Email: of $8,000. One hundred percent of the auction sales will go directly to the Website: Geiger Center. "We're not taking a penny," Leary notes. For details on on how to participate in the on-line auction, visit www.newburyportlighting. com and click the Geiger Center auction link on the home page. “We want to thank the Newburyport Lighting Company for their generosity and support of the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center. The level of local support that we receive at the Center is very gratifying, it is such an important part of what makes our progress possible,” Said Jay McGovern, Director of Development, Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center. For 30 years, the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center has been helping individuals and families at risk because of domestic violence. What began as the compassionate mission of several volunteer parishioners of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Newburyport in 1982 has grown into a nationally-recognized nonprofit organization serving victims of domestic violence from Amesbury, Merrimac, Georgetown, Newbury, Newburyport, Rowley, Salisbury, West Newbury, and Groveland. The mission of the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center is to empower community members to live free from fear, intimidation, violence or the threat of abuse by providing support, advocacy, and education. For more information, call 978-465-0999, visit or call the 24-hour confidential crisis hotline at 978-388-1888. -----------------------------------------------------------52 Ash Street, West Newbury NEWBURYPORT - Do you have an interest in nature? Do you like working 12+ acres of lush high, dry usable fields, with turn-key 3 bedroom, 2 bath with children? Come to Mass Audubon’s Joppa Flats Education Center in Newburyport and become an education volunteer! Mass Audubon’s Joppa home, older barn with 3+ stalls, tack room and abundant garage areas for Flats Education Center is the premier provider of nature education for children equipment storage. Several run-in sheds; beautiful large paddocks on quiet in the lower Merrimack River valley. Throughout the school year, Joppa Flats country road. Fabulous trail access. $889,000 staff and volunteers provide a wide range of coastal ecology and birding programs for children on-site at Joppa Flats, at area schools, and in various wild habitats. School and Youth Education Coordinator Lisa Hutchings offers complete in-the-field training to prepare volunteers, regardless of science or teaching background, to assist with these quality programs. The first of four fall training programs is on Tuesday, March 26, and continues each Tuesday through April 23. Each session runs from 9:30 am-1:30 pm. Topics include Salt Marsh Ecology, Tide Pools, Maritime Forest, and Bird Banding. No experience is necessary. All classes meet at Mass Audubon’s Joppa Flats Education Center at One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport, and then North Shore’s Largest Community continue outdoors on Plum Independent Island. Registration fees will be refundedNewspaper for Continued on page 12


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March 20 - 26, 2013

Community Calendar To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail: programs and events, or visit the Web Classified Ads site at


WEDNESDAY MORNING BIRDING Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director Bill Gette and USFWS veteran David Weaver for this weekly birding field trip in the Newburyport/Plum Island area. Appropriate for all birding levels. Wednesday, March 20, 9:30 am-12:30 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $17. Preregistration is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www. Joppa Flats is now taking registrations for summer daycamp. Please note that Joppa Flats will be closed on Sunday, March 31, for the Easter holiday.

Joppa Flats is now taking registrations for summer daycamp. Please note that Joppa Flats will be closed on Sunday, March 31, for the Easter holiday.

impressive and unique adaptations of this unlikely shore bird. Thursday, March 21, 5:30 pm-8:00 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $20. Preregistration is required. Call 978-4629998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at Joppa Flats is now taking registrations for summer daycamp. Please note that Joppa Flats will be closed on Sunday, March 31, for the Easter holiday.

978-463-2222 978-463-2222 Community Calendar Continues . . .

Triton Music Parent Organization Present: An evening of Interactive Comedy Theater On Saturday March 23, 2013 @ Governor’s Academy 1 Elm Street Byfield, MA Tickets $25 per person or $45 per couple Call 978 948 2113 Doors open: 7 PM Show Begins: 8 PM

Cash Bar: Beer & Wine Hors d’oeuvres Served

SALISBURY SENIORS SEMINAR Free Pizza Lunch and Seminar, Wednesday, March 20th @ Noon: Antibullying presented by Jason Ebacher of Essex County Sheriff’s Department. Peer bullying is rapidly increasing among senior adults. It is not always easy to tell the difference between bullying and someone’s bad mood. Join us for this informative presentation to determine the causes, impact and insight as to why bullies behave the way they do and what we can do about it! Please call to preregister 978-462-2412

GRANGE TO PRESENT CLINICAL RESEARCH PROGRAM Rowley Grange will sponsor a Clinical Research Program on March 20th at the Rowley Library at 7:30pm that is open to the public. Terry Stubbs, C.E.O. of Active Med Practices and East Coast Clinical Research will speak on “Polio, the fastest clinical drug approved int eh U.S. History of Medicine. Since 1995 over 580 Clinical Studies have been made with the Clinical Research by this company. Why not plan to attend this informative meeting? There will be refreshments served.

WEDNESDAY EVENING LECTURE: A VISIT TO THE LAND OF OZ AND NZ Birding Veteran Dave Weaver presents an evening of photographs and stories about a recent birding trip to Australia and New Zealand. Wednesday, March 20, 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $4. Preregistration is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www.massaudubon. AFTERSCHOOL AT JOPPA: org/joppaflats. Joppa Flats is now taking CREATURES OF THE NIGHT! registrations for summer daycamp. Please Children in grades 1 to 4 are invited note that Joppa Flats will be closed to engage in wildlife learning experiences on Sunday, March 31, for the Easter with a different theme each week. Come holiday. for one or sign up for the series. Coming up: March 27 – Signs of Spring; April 3 TRIVIA NIGHT – Waterfowl Wardens; April 10 – Early Keon's Trivia Nights on Wednesday Birds. Wednesday, March 20, 3:30-5:00 from 7 - 9, $2 off all menu items & gift pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education certificate givaways. 258 Andover St., Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Georgetown 978-352-2900 Newburyport. Fee per session: $15. Preregistration is required. Call 978-462THURSDAY, MARCH 21st 9998 for information about additional NATURE ART CLASSES AT JOPPA FLATS: MARSH ANIMALS AND TOWN OF ROWLEY PLANT MIRACLES COMMUNITY PRESERVATION Children ages 7 to 11 are invited to COMMITTEE learn how to make their own “wowâ€? NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING works of art in this Thursday afternoon series with teacher Jan Morris. Coming Notice is hereby given that the Rowley up: March 28- Starry Nights ; April 4Community Preservation Committee will hold a public hearing regarding Bird Nests, Eggs and Chicks; April 11requests for funding in accordance with Trees in Full Swing. Materials will be the requirements of the Community provided. Thursday, March 21, 3:45-5:15 Act, M.G.L. Chapter 44B, Section 5 (b) (1). The purpose of the public hearing pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education is to discuss, with the community, the Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, needs, possibilities and resources of the Newburyport. Fee per session: $18. Town regarding the use of the Town’s Community Preservation Fund. The Preregistration is required. Call 978-462Committee seeks community input 9998 for information about additional in the areas of open space, recreation, programs and events, or visit the Web affordable housing and historic preservation. site at Joppa Flats is now taking registrations for Topics for discussion will include the summer daycamp. Please note that Joppa Jewel Mill, Rowley Grange, Rowley Flats will be closed on Sunday, March 31, Historical Society, the cemetary, the for the Easter holiday. Town Common and the Town Hall Annex.

The Public Hearing will be held on March 21, 2013 at 7:30 pm in the Rowley Town Library at which time all requests will be given due consideration. Frank P. Todd Chairman

AERIAL ACROBATS: WOODCOCKS AND MORE! Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director Bill Gette and Naturalist David Davis for an evening in search of the remarkable American woodcock. Witness spectacular aerial stunts and learn more about the

FRIDAY, MARCH 22nd ART SHOW AND SALE On Friday, March 22 from 1 to 8pm and Saturday March 23 from 10am to 6pm, in Parish Hall at the First Religious Society, 26 Pleasant Street, Newburyport there will be an Art Show and Sale to benefit a playground at Kelleher Park. Admission is free and open to the public NATIVE AMERICAN ZIPPER PULL Langley-Adams Library will have Native American Zipper Pull crafts for teens in grades 6-12 on Friday, March 22nd @ 3:30pm. All programs are FREE and open to the public. For more information call (978)372-1732. http:// SATURDAY, MARCH 23rd BIRDING THE MAINE COAST Explore excellent birding sites in Maine for winter seabirds and waterfowl with Joppa Flats sanctuary director Bill Gette. Saturday, March 23, 8:00 am–5:00 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $55. Preregistration is required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www. Joppa Flats is now taking registrations for summer daycamp. Please note that Joppa Flats will be closed on Sunday, March 31, for the Easter holiday. EASTER EGG HUNT The Town of Salisbury Parks & Recreation Commission is planning to hold its annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Salisbury Elementary School on Saturday, March 23rd, 2013 from 9:00am to 11am. The “Egg Huntâ€? is for 2 to 8 year old children, however all family members are welcome to attend. Children ages 2-8 are encouraged to bring their favorite basket to gather up their eggs, some of which will result in prizes. Along with the Egg Hunt, our event will also feature music and dancing, refreshments, a clown who specializes in balloon animal creations, face painting, and of course a visit from the Easter Bunny. EASTER EGG HUNT The Friends of Topsfield Library are holding their Annual Egg Hunt!  Please join us on Saturday, March 23rd  9:30 from 11:00 am at Steward School.  Rain or shine, mud or snow, this event is always a favorite for the young children!  There will also be crafts, light refreshments, and a visit from the Easter Bunny.  Please

The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper March 20 - 26, 2013

Page 7

email Dawn Soriano at dawn.soriano@ MIDDLE EASTERN DANCE Coordinator Dave Larson on an all day with any questions or if NIGHT adventure through Plum Island, Cape you are interested in helping out. Middle Eastern Dance Night at the Ann, and Cherry Hill Reservoir in search Grog, A Fundraiser for Merrimack River of nearly 20 species of ducks. Sunday, SPRING FLING Feline Rescue Society…Featuring top March 24, 9:00 am-4:00 pm Meet a Flukes & Finds & Friends on 70 bellydancers from all over New England, Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum State Street in downtown Newburyport performing a wide variety of dance styles Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $50. • Residential Trash Service will continue its March tradition by from Egyptian and Cabaret to Tribal Preregistration is required. Call 978-462celebrating SPRING the weekend of and Sword.. Saturday, March 23, 2013, 9998 for information about additional • Rear Load Containers 2-10 yd March 23rd & 24th. In come the 2-5 PM at the Grog, 13 Middle Street programs and events, or visit the Web • Dumpster 15-30 yd daffodils, crocuses and tulips. We Newbuyrport MA, Admission is $10.00, site at hope you will replace your Christmas 21 plus…for more info contact Maria at Joppa Flats is now taking registrations The for North Largest Independent Community Newspaper • Shore’s Family Owned & Operated wreath with one of our colorful Spring 978 388 4148 or hennachick@verizon. summer daycamp. Please note that Joppa wreaths. Flukes will breathe Spring even net. Come on out and join us for this Flats will be closed on Sunday, March 31, Service is our if it's below freezing outside. For more worthy cause! for the Easter holiday. information call, Gail Gandolfi: 978#1 PriorIty! 462-2828 or email at, flukesandfinds@ HAM AND BEAN FUNDRAISER SPRING FLING Paula Moore, Salisbury, MA candidate See Saturday, March 23rd for Selectman announced that she will RABBIES VACCINATION & host a Ham and Bean Fundraiser Event ECO GAMES FREE-FOR-ALL: MICROCHIPPING FOR CATS on Saturday March 23, 2013 from 4:30 SUSTAINING THE S EA The Merrimack River Feline Rescue to 7:00 P.M. The event will be held at Come to Joppa Flats for a full day of Society, in conjunction with the Town the Salisbury Hilton Senior Center, 43 activities, games, and exhibits. Learn all of Salisbury Animal Control Office, Lafayette Road, Salisbury, MA (between about the seafood we eat and what we Ipswich Boat Storage & REPAIR will be holding a rabies vaccination the DPW and the Fire Department) can do to preserve and sustain the natural and microchipping clinic for cats and Tickets will be available at the door or resources of our beautiful coastline. We will fix it right! dogs from 9am to noon on Saturday, you can reserve your ticket by contacting Sunday, March 24, 10:00 am-3:00 pm 35 years of experience! March 23, 2013 on the Catmobile in the Paula Moore at 978 499-4466 or emailing Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum parking lot of Tom’s Discount Store at her at The cost is Island Turnpike, Newburyport. FREE! Full Service Yard! 175 Elm St., Salisbury, MA. The cost of $5.00 per person per person. Proceeds No registration is required. Children SERVICED BY the rabies vaccine will be $5 and the cost will be donated to the Senior Center to must be accompanied by an adult. Call to microchip will be $20, which includes aid in their brick patio project .The event 978-462-9998 for information about TECH PERFORMANCE registration. Please bring proof of any will feature free raffles and a ham and additional programs and events, or visit CALL OR TEXT previous rabies vaccines if you wish to beans supper with potato salad, rolls and the Web site at www.massaudubon. 978-771-8926 get a three-year rabies vaccination. All butter and non-alcoholic beverages. org/joppaflats. Joppa Flats is now taking cats must be in carriers and all dogs must registrations for summer daycamp. Please techperf@VERISON.NET be on leashes. Please leave cats in your car THE COLORISTS ART SHOW note that Joppa Flats will be closed while filling out paperwork. This event is The public is invited to attend “The on Sunday, March 31, for the Easter Site Work open to anyone. For more information Colorists Art Show” to be held in the holiday. call 978-462-0760, email info@mrfrs. Newburyport Art Association’s Hills excavation contractorS org or go to Gallery from Tuesday, March 19th STORIES FROM THE PROMISED Septic tankS & through Monday, March 25th. All are LAND--REFLECTIONS ON A SATURDAY MORNING BIRDING also most cordially invited to attend the RECENT TRIP TO ISRAELSyStem contractorS Join our experienced leaders in a search reception Saturday evening, March 23rd, PALESTINE container Service for avian activity in the Newburyport/ from 6 to 8:00 pm in the Hills Gallery. The The Amesbury Friends Peace Center Plum Island area. For beginners and reception is a time not only to celebrate presents another program in its continuing 978-948-8696 • • advertise@thetowncommon.c birders of all skill levels. Saturday, the show, but also the Colorists, which exploration of the complex situation in March 23, 9:00-11:30 am Meet at Joppa is the NAA’s newest Featured Interest the Middle East. This program will be Flats Education Center, One Plum Group. IFor a glimpse of what to what held on Sunday, March 24 at 4:00pm Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Adults to expect of a similar nature at the show in the Amesbury Friends Meetinghouse, 978-948-8696 • • $10; Children ages 8 and up $7. No please visit: 120 Friend Street, Amesbury and will preregistration required. Call 978-462- and NAA Gallery hours feature religious leaders Reverend Joan 9998 for information about additional are Monday through Saturday, 11:00 am MacPherson and Minga ClaggettThe North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper programs and events, or visit the Web to 5:00 pm and Sunday, 1:00 pm to 5:00 Borne. Please see the website www. site at pm. 65 Water Street, Newburyport, MA for Joppa Flats is now taking registrations for 01950 978-465-8769. more information. For directions to summer daycamp. Please note that Joppa the meetinghouse please go to www. Flats will be closed on Sunday, March 31, SUNDAY, MARCH 24th for the Easter holiday. Continued on page 10 4th ANNUAL INDOOR Consignment Space LATE WINTER PRUNING TRIATHLON WORKSHOP Never tried a triathlon? Now's the (North Shore) Learn the best techniques for time with Tri for the YWCA, the 4th Existing north shore retailer of an pruning your spring blooming shrubs Annual Indoor Triathlon, Sunday, internationally advertised product Family Business . 24 Hour Burner Service such as Rhododendrons, Azaleas and March 24th at the YWCA Greater that brings the traffic in is expandViburnums. Bring your other shrub and Newburyport, 13 Market Street. Events ing and offering space for rent. Are RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL tree questions. This ever popular, hands- will include: Indoor Triathlon Swim - 10 you a local artist and have a unique on workshop will give you tips and minutes in 25 yard pool; Indoor Cycle item and need a place to showcase the confidence to keep your landscape - 25 minutes ride on Spin Bike; Run your product? i.e. jewelry, ceramlooking its best year after year. Saturday, – Weather permitting: 3K outdoor run; ics, mixed media, painted furniture, March 23h 10 AM – NOON Long Plan B (inclement weather) – 10 minutes soaps/handcreams, clothing and Hill Members: $28 Nonmembers: on treadmill or elliptical. Tri for the $35 Please pre-register on line at www. YWCA begins at 8:00 AM, following more. Or, have you always wanted to waves start every 30 minutes. This open a retail store with your antiques, per gallon used furniture, etc. but want to start Triathlon is for all ages and fitness levels. WAKE UP THE EARTH Enter as an individual and try your best at small? If interested, please call 978100 gallon minimum DRUMMING FOR LITTLES! all three sports or enter as a team and do 561-1462. Local musician and teacher, Austin the sport you like best! Registrants who . Honest . Friendly Service Reliable Calling All Local Artisans P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 Bryant of Zach Fields Drumming are not members of the YWCA can pay a Exciting opportunity! Are you an Studios, will lead two small groups in $5/visit “Drop in” fee for swim and bike artisan on the north shore? Are you drumming as we bang out some beats practice. Register on line only: http:// and wake up the earth for spring’s arrival! looking to share your passion and expertise with children and/or adults? Saturday, March 23rd at 11:30 AM and ma/tri-for-the-ywca-2013 Join us as we Are you looking for a place to do 12:30 PM Ages 3-5 please! Spaces limited, bike, swim & run for the fun of it!! this? I have the perfect place for you please contact the Newbury Public and it’s coming in May. If interested, Library at 978-465-0539 to register! DUCKS-R-US Prices subject to change. please call 978-561-1462. Join Joppa Flats Science and Education

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March 20 - 26, 2013

Community-Wide Kelleher Park Playground Fundraiser Underway There is community spirit in the air in Newburyport. A coalition of churches and community groups has come together to raise money to build a new playground at the Kelleher Park public housing facility in Newburyport. Newburyport removed the original Kelleher Park playground in 2010 after it was deemed unsafe. With recent budget cuts, no public funds are available to replace the structure. In response, Central Congregational Church, the First Religious Society Unitarian Universalist, Belleville Congregational Church, Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, the Kelleher Park Tenants Association, the Newburyport Housing Authority, and the Newburyport Learning Enrichment Center have formed a coalition to raise $35,000 to prepare the site, buy and install playground equipment, and set up a maintenance fund to ensure the structure remains in good repair. To date, fundraising efforts have raised $17,500. The public will have an opportunity to participate by attending the Kelleher Park Playground Art Show and Sale at the First Religious Society at 26 Pleasant Street in Newburyport. The show will run from 1-8 pm on Friday, March 22nd, and from 10 am to 6 pm on Saturday, March 23rd. The art show, presented in collaboration with Laurie Ingersoll of the River Valley Charter School, will feature donated works by local artists and teens. All proceeds will go to the Kelleher Park Playground fundraising effort. Art can be purchased with checks or cash. Kelleher Park provides subsidized housing to 42 low-income families. The playground will benefit the 43 children who live at Kelleher Park, as well as an additional 130 low-income children who are eligible for academic support and recreational programming offered by the Newburyport Learning Enrichment Center, located on the Kelleher Park campus. Research has shown that playgrounds provide crucial and vital opportunities for children to accelerate emotional, social, motor and cognitive development. Playgrounds also encourage imaginative play and reinforce cooperation. By providing these opportunities to the families at Kelleher Park, the entire community will benefit. All members of the greater Newburyport community are invited to contribute to the Kelleher Park fundraiser either by supporting the art show, or by direct financial contributions. If you would like to contribute, make checks out to Central Congregational Church (the fiscal agent for the project) and put Kelleher Park Playground in the memo line. Mail to Central Congregational Church, PO Box 372, 14 Titcomb Street, Newburyport, MA 01950. Questions can be directed to Pastor Chris Ney at 978-4650533.

Rowley Public Library Book Donation Days The Friends of the Rowley Public Library are getting ready for the Annual Book and Bake Sale. We’ll be accepting donations of gently used Books, DVDs, and CDs on two Saturday mornings: March 30th and April 20th from 9:00am until noon. Donations may be dropped off in the Library Meeting Room. We accept: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Art, Gardening, How-To, Cookbooks, Hardcover, Paperback, Children’s Books including picture books, Young Adult titles, DVDs and CDs in their original boxes. No textbook, encyclopedias, digests, magazines or VHS tapes please! Don’t forget to Save the Date for the Friends of the Rowley Library Book and Bake Sale which will be held on Saturday, May 4 and Sunday, May 5 at the Rowley Public Library, rain or shine. The sale is sponsored by the Friends of the Rowley Public Library and all proceeds benefit the Library. For more information or to volunteer for these events, please email, or call Pam Jacobson, Library Director, at 978-948-2850.

Triton Squirt 3 Team Wins Division E SAV % *


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The Town Common Courtesy Photo

The Triton Squirt 3 team won their division in the local Larry Fournier Tournament last weekend at Graf Rink in Newburyport. They beat the Amesbury squad by a score of 4-2. Players; Joe Rubano, Nick Pagliarulo, Alex Sharpe, Jakob Rainsford, Rob Braccia, Danny Penniman, Aiden Fitzgerald, Mackenzie Hickey, Duncan MacDonald, Sean Glynn, Holly Levasseur, Ceci Herriman, Sean Quinn, Carlos JonesCoaches; Head Coach - Steve Glynn, Joe Pagliarulo, Rob Rubano and Dean Fitzgerald.

School & Summer School & Summer Camp Section Camp Section

March 20 - 26, 2013

Page 9

Amesbury Mayor Announces Featuring articles and helpful hints for parents who 2013 Summer Recreation Program childrenprograms for theforsummer school or Mayor Thatcher Kezer announced today that the city are will preparing again be offtheir ering summer Amesbury Featuring helpful hints parentsYouth whoProgramssummer youth ages threearticles to fifteenand years old. Last year,for Amesbury’s served over 1,300 youth in Amesbury. NOW ENROLLING APRIL VACATION WEEK camp experience. This year, there will be 22 new programs offered in addition to the many programs offered last summer. New this Accelerated 5 Day Class arewill preparing their children forprogram, the summer school or program, a Fencing program, Music programs Monday-Friday, year be a Stand Up Paddleboard Horseback Riding April 15th-19th, 9am-4pm with Whole Music offering Glee Club, Intro to recording, Ukulele, Violin, Piano, Guitar, Singing and Early summer camp experience. Childhood Music, Intro to Dance, Hip Hop and Jazz Dance, USTACall JuniorToday! Team Tennis, Pre-engineering with 978-948-8696 Reserve your seat... Sign up NOW... go online

Legos, Bash ‘em Bots with Legos, Advanced Robotics, Take Home Science, Baby sitting Course, Golf At Apple Hill and Art with Colorful Kids The Preschool Program for 4 and 5 year olds (Amesbury residents only) continues to be popular and this year will have 6, one week sessions. It will meet, Monday through Friday, from 9 AM to noon and is located under the new shade structure at the Town Park. It will include arts and crafts, playground games, fun cooperative games, Friday entetainment and more. The Preschool Program is designed to give preschoolers a chance to develop social skills, work on coordination and have fun all at the same time. The Park and Teen, now Tween program (Amesbury residents only), has been redesigned and we have added a week in length to the Park program. The Youth Park Program, located at the Town Park on Friend St., serves 611 year olds and runs Monday through Friday, 9-2. We have an extended day component (hours extended from 2pm to 5pm) and early start (8am-9am) to provide assistance for working families. The biggest change will be the Park program now offering 7, one week sessions. Field trips will be on every Thursday and may include trips to a Water Park, Zoo, beach trips and more. Every Friday will have entertainment such as jugglers, magicians, and animal shows. Tuesdays are special theme days which include Olympics Day, Wild West Day and Super Hero Day to name a few. The Tween Program, formerly the Teen Program, will now serve ages 11-14 and parents will have a choice of the Park or Tween for age 11. This program has also been redesigned to hold six, 1 week sessions. This program will meet at the Middle School cafeteria on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-3:30. Tuesdays will be theme days and Wednesdays and Thursdays will be field trips. Trips consist of Water Country, Canobie Lake Park, Codzilla, New England Aquarium, 3D Dodgeball at Skyzone indoor trampoline park, Indoor Laser tag and more. Teen enrollment will be limited to 50 while the youth program will have unlimited enrollment. The Summer Environmental Program located at Camp Kent Environmental Center serves approx. 180 youth in grades 1-8 each year and offers six, one week sessions. The program will be longer this year and will run 9-2:30. Participants will be in small groups with their peers and will participate in a variety of environmental science, outdoor skills and adventure learning activities. Each week for grades 3-8 we will offer a hike up Powow Hill with a free cookout, water view and Eagle watching; A paddle day to the beach in kayaks, dories and canoes; and weekly visits from wildlife specialists. In addition, programming includes a low elements challenge course, archery, kayaking, fire making for some ages, dutch oven cooking and GPS navigation. Grades 1 and 2 will be offered ponding and insect collection, wildlife presentations, animal tracking, dory rides, scavenger hunts and learning how to make a sailing craft. Please call Camp Kent at (978) 834-0359 if you have any questions or e-mail: In addition to Camp Kent, other programs held on or near the water include a fishing program which will travel to local watering holes. Our Boating program has changed to Youth Sailing Program where we will teach the fundamentals of basic sailing on a sunfish, water and boating safety, sailboat rigging, reading wind direction, knot tying, and more. This year we will be adding Stand-up Paddle Boarding to our repertoire. Swimming instruction will be back at Lake Gardner and will have 2 sessions starting at age 3. The “STAR” (Summer Theater Arts Recreation) program serves grades 5-9 and will meet 4 days a week for 3 weeks from 12-3. During the third week, the “STAR” Program will hold an outdoor performance at the Al Capp Amphitheater. The “Shooting Star” program returns this year for grades 1-4 where they will learn the magic of theater through games, skits, improvisation, make up and costumes. “Shooting Stars” will work their way up to the STAR program for a more advanced theater experience. The US Sports Institute with all European instructors will be back to offer the popular Multisports program for ages 7 through 12 in August. US Sports Institute instructors will also offer Sports Squirts Week in July where they will have a Squirts Multisports, Squirts Golf, Squirts T-Ball, and Squirts Tennis all for ages 3-5. Other programs include Tennis, Basketball, Soccer, Archery with recurve bows, Keys for Kids and Golf with a Pro at Apple Hill Golf Course. The Counselor in Training Program (CIT) is offered for 14-15 year olds in the Preschool, Park, Theater, Swimming, Boating and Camp Kent programs. CIT’s offer assistance to staff and will receive community service hours and training. New this year, CIT’s will need to provide a reference letter and will be interviewed for positions. Please see the Youth Recreation Director for an application. All brochure and registration information was mailed to Amesbury homes on March 11th and may also be obtained online under “Forms and Documents” /government/youth programs” at the City website: Registration starts March 11th and forms can be mailed or dropped off to the Youth Recreation Office located in the Nicholas Costello Transportation Center. There will be open enrollment throughout the summer for the Youth Park Program. All other programs have limited enrollment. The Preschool, Park and Tween programs will be open to Amesbury residents only. All other programs will be open to out of town residents after April 1 for an extra charge. For questions about the programs please call Kathy Crowley, Youth Recreation Director, at 388-8137 or e-mail at All programs and fees are subject to change pending City Council appropriation.

Call Today! 978-948-8696 or Ask about special ad rates.

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Page 10

The Town Common

Continued from page 7

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Talk to us.

PLUM ISLAND COMING TOGETHER Please come join us on Monday Largest Independent Community Newspaper March 25th to assist in the recovery efforts on Plum Island Beach. Volunteers AND will be working with homeowners, local A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W businesses, local and state agencies to Arthur K. Ross, Jr. • Peter M. Ross

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come together to assist in the clean-up and repair to the beautiful Plum Island beaches. Volunteers will be meeting at PI Center parking lot at 8:30 and dispatched on the beach from 9am-12pm. After the clean-up join us at the center parking lot for a BBQ sponsored by donations from citizens and local businesses. Please contact Sam Joslin at 978-618-4430 or email at buildinspect@townofnewbury. org “Our dunes are damaged but our community spirit is stronger than ever!” WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27th

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March 20 - 26, 2013

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org/joppaflats. Joppa Flats is now taking registrations for summer daycamp. Please note that Joppa Flats will be closed on Sunday, March 31, for the Easter holiday. ROWLEY GRANGE SUPPER The Rowley Grange’s next supper will be on March 27th. This will be one of the favorites. Turkey Pie with all the fixings. This will be served in 2 seatings; 5:00pm and 6:00pm. Please make reservations by calling 978-948-2635 or 978-9487288. This is usually a full house supper and it helps if you do make reservations. Plus you are saving a dollar. We are also looking for a dishwasher to help with all our suppers; 4 in the spring and 2 in the fall. This 3 hour job comes with perks. Please call 978-465-5508. You will be working with a great crew.

ALTERNATIVE HOUSING OPTIONS Alternative Housing Options, Wednesday, March 27th @ Noon: Your choices and options; an explanation of different senior housing options. Know what is available and right for you! Refreshments will be served. Please call NATURE POETRY READING AT JOPPA FLATS to pre-register 978-462-2412 Treat yourself to an evening of nature AFTERSCHOOL AT JOPPA: SIGNS poetry by Joppa Flats Poet in Residence, David Davis, and fellow Powow River OF SPRING! Children in grades 1 to 4 are invited Poets. Wednesday, March 27, 7:30-8:30 to engage in wildlife learning experiences pm Joppa Flats Education Center, One with a different theme each week. Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Coming up: April 3- Waterfowl Wardens! $4. Preregistration is not required. Call , April 10- Early Birds! Wednesday, 978-462-9998 for information about March 27, 3:30-5:00 pm Meet at the additional programs and events, or visit Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum the Web site at www.massaudubon. Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fee per org/joppaflats. Joppa Flats is now taking session: $15. Preregistration is required. registrations for summer daycamp. Please Call 978-462-9998 for information note that Joppa Flats will be closed about additional programs and events, or on Sunday, March 31, for the Easter visit the Web site at www.massaudubon. holiday.

Sports March 20 - 26, 2013

The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper • Sports Sports

Pets, Animals, Plus

 Health & Fitness 

Brighter Smiles... � � � � �

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Clenching Your Choppers?

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up to 1000 lbs. on the molars. Ask your dentist whether you   This is a lot of force for the teeth have any of the signs associated   to withstand. Fractured teeth are with grinding or clenching.   seen on a regular basis in dental Treatment can be easy, relatively   offices due to clenching. inexpensive, and save you from The American Dental potential future problems. Association estimates that 95 Dr. St. Clair maintains a private % of the American population dental practice in Rowley and BY J. PETER ST. CLAIR, DMD suffers from a grinding or Newburyport dedicated to healthThere are many reasons clenching problem at some point centered family dentistry. If there people get headaches and many in their lives. Some people do so are certain topics you would like medications and suggestions much damage over time that to to see written about or questions on how to prevent them. You restore their teeth back to normal you have please email them to him • Clean, modern facility may have heard that reducing function takes a huge amount at jpstclair@dentalhealthforlife. • On-schedule Treatment stress in your life can help reduce of dentistry. The key is early com. You can view all previously • Individual Attention written columns at www. headaches. Although methods of diagnosis and treatment. • Superior Clinical Skills Many patients do not realize relaxation are important to get • Financial Flexibility through the stresses of life, it and some refuse to accept the • Friendly/Personable Staff RECYCLE HISthat NEWSPAPER there is a problem. The may not be enough to preventTfact Recycle This for this is because many, if headaches, especially the Greason SHAREinTHE IFT OF READING Newspaper Please call our office to not most, do not have symptoms. subconscious (i.e. sleeping). schedule a complimentary Studies have shown a link The masticatory system is a very 30 minute consultation. Share the Gift between tooth grinding, adaptive and forgiving system. of Reading clenching and headaches. For This does not automatically 151 Central Street, Rowley | 978-948-2030 | mean, however, that there are people Recycle who grind or This clench, Newspaper With• • the muscles that open and close no signs of problems. 978-948-8696 intervention, help can prevent the jawShare can become painful Recycle This Newspaper the Gift of Reading from overuse, causing a range problems in the future. Therefore, successful therapy of symptoms from tension to migraine headaches to jaw joint starts with acceptance of the pathology present. In addition to (TMJ) problems to tooth pain. This Recycle Newspaper Share the Gift Bruxing (grinding) and behavior modification, nighttime of Reading bite splints can be very effective. clenching teeth Share is defined the Gift of Reading as abnormal tooth contact They should be worn every (parafunction). Ordinarily, teeth night, not just when it “seems” are in contact while eating and like you have been grinding Recycle This Newspaper Recycle or clenching. There are many swallowing, only about 10This to 15 Newspaper thePeople Gift of Reading types of nightguards for different minutes on Share a daily basis. who grind or clench their teeth problems. Over-the-counter during the day, or while sleeping, appliances are not recommended can have their teeth in contact and can be dangerous to use. Some Share the Gift for as much as six hours a day or types of nighttime appliances can of Reading more. Researchers say that one be extremely effective in treating night of grinding is equivalent to people who suffer from headaches due to clenching. 80 days of normal wear. Recycle This Newspaper Headaches are only one of Clenching can be just as bad and in some cases worse than the symptoms associated with grinding. The average person clenching. Everything from sore puts about 200 lbs. of force on muscles, sensitive teeth, worn back molars during function but teeth, broken teeth, and sore Share the Gift of Reading a person who clenches can put joints can be caused by clenching.

What do you look for in a dentist?

Recycle This Newspaper

Share the Gift of Reading

Dr. Laura anne Potvin, P.C. oPtoMetriStS

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Continued from page 5

those who satisfy the volunteer commitment. Training themes may change dates if the weather is inclement. The registration deadline is 4:00 pm the day before each program. For more information or to sign-up as an education volunteer trainee, please contact Lisa Hutchings at (978) 462-9998 or email: -----------------------------------------------------------MERRIMAC – Holy Week worship services at Pilgrim Congregational Church will include a Maundy Thursday Soup and Salad Supper on Thursday March 28, 6 p.m. followed by a worship service and Communion at 7 p.m. A Prayer Vigil will be held Friday March 29 from midnight through Sunday March 31, 6 a.m. An Ecumenical Easter Sunrise Service will be held Sunday March 31, 6:30 a.m. at Carey Park on River Road followed by Easter Worship Service at 10 a.m. The Pilgrim Congregational Church is located at 27 Church Street and is fully accessible. All are welcome to join in worship. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Rowley Library to host poetry slam for teens - Teens age 16-21 are invited to perform their original poetry at a poetry slam at the Rowley Public Library, 141 Main St., on Thursday March 28 at 6 pm. Poems should be 3 minutes or under in length, and each participant should be prepared to perform 2 poems. The public is invited to watch and judges will be needed as well. For more information call 978-948-2850 -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Pine Grove student, Mary Ouellette, is collecting tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Helping is as easy as 1, 2, 3. 1. Pull your aluminum tabs off of soda, vegetable, tennis and pet food cans. 2. Save and Collect tabs. 3. Recycle tabs in the children’s room at the Rowley Public Library. (Pine Grove Students can return tabs to the school.) Tab pick-up is available by calling 978-358-8129. After the collection is complete tabs will be brought to the Ronald McDonald House. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Fellowship Thrift Shop located in lower hall of First Congregational Church of Rowley, 175 Main St. (Rte 1A), Rowley is open on Tuesdays and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and also Thursdays 3 - 7 p.m., weather permitting. We have clothing of all sizes, household goods and some special items - all at reasonable prices. We even have occasional sales! We are happy to accept donations of gently used clothing and household items, but only when the shop is open. NO electronics, books or household items, please. -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - Are you a senior that needs help feeding your cat or dog? We at the Hilton Senior Center have received donations from caring people to help you do just that. Please contact us at 978-462-2412 -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - Volunteers Needed for the Salisbury Hilton Senior Center: Ever think about donating your time for a good cause? How about helping someone understand the basics of the computer? If you have some solid computer skills you can share, we are looking for you! You can make your own time schedule. Please call us @ 978-462-2412 -----------------------------------------------------------WEST NEWBURY - My name is Jackie Carter and i am trying to revive Laurel Grange #161 farmers market. The market runs from July thru october and happens on saturdays from 9am to 12noon. We are looking to you the community for interest. So if you have fruits, veggies, honey, jams/jellies, handmade items, etc and you are looking for a place to sell them then please contact me Jackie Carter at or call me at 978-352-2986 -----------------------------------------------------------WEST NEWBURY - Are you looking for a way to get involved in your community? Looking for a fun low-cost activity to participate in? Then please consider joining the grange. The grange is for individuals, families and children. At the grange you will learn leadership skills and meet new people. There are granges in Rowley, West Newbury, Beverly, West Boxford, and Bradford. If you are interested in finding out what the grange has to offer you then please contact Jackie Carter at for more information.

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March 20 - 26, 2013 For Sale

Business Spotlight Real Estate • For Sale Have a Happy Transaction • Sports • are problems that were Sports any market it’s critical that all there Sports parties embrace the basic tenants of fairness and respect when engaging in the process of the transfer of home ownership from one to the other. Stubbornness, insensitivity and inflated egos can squash a deal in a heartbeat, so if you really want to BLOW the opportunity to own the home of your dreams, here’s how to do it: 1. Convince yourself that “The seller is desperate, so I’m going to LOW BALL my offer.” While there are some circumstances where sellers are not in a position to remain on the market until a reasonable offer comes along, they are few and far apart even in a strong buyers’ market. Sellers have been paying attention to the market and their asking prices now reflect that intelligence. While there is value to working with the buyer you have, there is little to no value to working with a buyer whose “LOW BALL” offer is unreasonable and evokes feelings from a seller who will remember the buyer’s name should the buyer “try his luck” again. 2. “Offer a fair price, but PLAN to RENEGOTIATE the price after your home inspection.” Once an agreement has been reached, every buyer should have a home inspection. A home inspection should be done by a competent professional of the buyer’s choice for the purpose of allowing the buyer to obtain information about the property so that he may learn among other things, if

not known at the time of the agreement that substantially impact the value of the home. The deliberate practice of using the inspection clause in the agreement to come back for a second bite of the apple for issues that do not impact the value of the home is both unfair and antagonizing to the seller. Just when the buyer thinks he’s got the seller “over a barrel”, the seller often will direct his Realtor to “Give the buyer back his deposit. I do not want to deal with him again”. 3. “Ask for many items such as furniture, fixtures, appliances whether you want them or not to create ‘bargaining chips’”. Let’s just hope the noises stop in your head in time. The very best closings I attend happen when buyers and sellers have shown each other the mutual respect and understanding they deserve throughout the process. Many times good friendships have developed that last years between folks who came together over the most valuable asset in their lives. What more could one have in common with another but to love the other’s home? Be good to each other and “happy sales to you.” Broker/REALTOR® Janet Hilton is a former practicing attorney and critical care RN who with her husband retired Lynn Fire Lieutenant George Hilton owns and operates Country Crossroads Realty Associates. For your selling and buying real estate needs all over the North Shore, call Janet directly at 781-405-4867 or visit www.


Health & Fitness

When one party sells a home to another party, the process of coming together on price and terms can be emotional. We Realtors see and hear much of those feelings some of which can be uncomfortable, but most of which are understandable and can be short lived. Communication and expectations between the parties must be clear, reasonable and respectful. In a sellers’ market where there are few properties from which to choose and a surplus of buyers looking for homes, the seller generally has more control over the price and terms because of the supply and demand. When several buyers are competing for that one property available on Maple Street, as long as the asking price is not over the bank’s financing guidelines, the seller can get “over asking” for the home in what we call a “bidding war”. Moreover, the seller is not likely to see any additional demands such as “leave the dining room set, Waterford chandelier, and the Lexus as gifts when you move out”. In contrast, in a buyers’ market where there are many more properties than there are buyers, the dynamic shifts especially if the property is overpriced. In

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Page 13

Our Featured Property of the Week

ROWLEY: Lovely 4 bedroom Cape with big family room over two car garage on nearly 3 acres. Granite kitchen with breakfast bar, living room, family room, dining room, two Just Listed! full baths, new heating system and newer windows make this move in condition home special. Offered at $389,900. Come see. Call John at 978-835-2573 for more information or to make an appointment to see this home.

ROWLEY REALTY 165 Main St., P.O. Box 101, Rowley, MA 01969 Phone 978-948-2758 • Fax 978-948-2454

11, 2012!

2008, 2009, 2010, 20

sold single Family Homes Description


List Price Sold For Orig Price

10 Claire Rd, Amesbury 7 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Cape 61 $272,000 $268,500 $272,000 9 Central Way, Rowley 9 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Ranch 14 $304,999 $309,000 $304,999 17 Riverview Dr, Newbury 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Ranch 53 $360,000 $350,000 $375,000 143 Haverhill Rd, Amesbury 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 265 $399,900 $399,900 $399,900 2 Ashley Ln, Ipswich 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 176 $469,900 $440,000 $469,900 7 Meetinghouse Ln, Topsfield 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 30 $499,900 $480,000 $514,900 23 Juniper St, Wenham 9 room, 5 bed, 2f 0h bath Other 42 $619,900 $605,000 $619,900 57 Pineswamp Rd, Ipswich 9 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Contemporary 242 $650,000 $620,000 $699,000 Single Family Listings: 8 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 2,228.88 Avg. List$: $447,075 Avg. List$/SqFt: $211 Avg. DOM: 110.38 Avg. Sale$: $434,050 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $206 2013 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.

Page 1

March 20 - 26, 2013 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) With your practical side dominant this week, it's a good time to reassess your finances to see what expenses you can cut. Aspects also favor mending fraying relationships. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your Bovine-inspired determination to follow matters through from beginning to end pays off in a big way. Enjoy a well-earned weekend of fun with a special someone. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Aspects favor re-establishing business relationships you might have neglected. A family member's request needs to be given more thought before you make a decision. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) While you might appreciate the avalanche of advice coming from others, keep in mind that the intuitive Moon Child is best served by listening to her or his own inner voice. LEO (July 23 to August 22) The Lion's social life whirls at centrifugal speed this week as you go from function to function. Things slow by week's end, giving you a chance to catch up on your chores. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Don't let your stand on an issue cause a rift with a colleague. Insist on both of you taking time to reassess your positions while there's still room for compromise. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) An opportunity you'd been hoping for finally opens up. But read the fine print before you make a commitment, especially where a time factor might be involved. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Your need to know what's going on behind the scenes leads you to make some bold moves. Be prepared with a full explanation of your actions if necessary. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) A lot of details need tending to during the early part of the week. The pressure eases by the 20th, allowing you to get back to your major undertaking. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) A friend asks you to act on his or her behalf in a dispute. Be careful. You might not have all the facts you need in order to make a fair assessment of the situation. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A new development might require you to cancel some of your plans. But you adapt easily, and by week's end, you could receive welcome "cheering-up" news. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Your recent workplace accomplishments boost your self-confidence just as you're about to consider a potentially rewarding, although possibly risky, career move. BORN THIS WEEK: Your love of the arts is equaled only by your strong sense of justice. People can depend on you to always try to do what's right. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564

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March 20 - 26, 2013

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