ttc 06 19 13 vol 9 no 33 p1 16

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WHAT'S INSIDE Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center Celebrates 30 Years Page 4 Marini's Farm Strawberry Festival Page 8 Erie 4 Firehouse Community Yard Sale Page 8 Summer Kick-Off Carnival Page 9 Armchair Travel in Rowley Page 11

FREE Box Top Winners

June 19 - 25, 2013 Vol. 9, No. 33

The Battle of the Great Marsh By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– from Cape Ann to the New Hampshire border, is a 14square-mile area that is visited yearly by about 70 percent of the migratory birds in the eastern flyway. It is a unique estuary, where fresh and ocean waters mix, providing a habitat for countless species. The enemy is the Photo by Stewart Lytle phragmite australis, a The Great Marsh off Rte 1. plant that has taken over REGIONAL – There is a battle hundreds of acres in the Great going on out in the Great Marsh. Marsh in the past 30 years. Probably a native of Europe, the At stake is the future of the more phragmite flourishes in both fresh than 20,000 acres of coastal and seawater. It grows as tall as 15 habitat along the North Shore feet with roots that are three to four that is considered one of the most times deeper than native marsh ecologically important salt marsh plants. Once established, its thick systems in New England. The battleground, which ranges Continued on page 2

The Town Common Courtesy Photo

Mrs Romanus 4th Grade class collected 1041 box tops at Pine Grove Elementary School this year! The entire school collected 13,111 Box Tops total! Bottom row (l-r): Stone Butler, Claudia Umanita, Sara Winnick, Sarah Harrington, Shayla Piaseczynski, and Christopher Pelletier Middle row: Alexander Sharpe, Trevor Quigley, Andrew Masher, Jessica Manganello, Connor Howland, and Larry Markos Top row: Bianca Bocchetti, Heidi Ernst, Brendan Dennis, Graham Stedfast, Cameron Cummings, & Patrick Costello

Triton Spring Musical Wins Top Honors Massachusetts Educational Theatre Guild/ Broadway in Boston High School Mu s i c a l Awards. It was the fi rst year that Photo by Stewart Lytle the award Triton students in the production of 'Anything Goes.' has been TRITON – It has been a terrific presented. So Triton, for at least year for the Triton High School's a year, is the only school in the music and drama department, commonwealth to have won this topped off last week by the award. announcement that its Spring In addition to winning the Musical, the production of Cole award for best production, Haley Porter's Anything Goes, was named Flo Crowley, a senior who played Best Production in the state by the the role of “Bonnie,” was named

By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– Best Supporting Actress. The Medal at the state Instrumental and director, Jessica Harms was named Choral Conductors Association Best Director. And the cast was Marching Band Finals. named Best Choral Ensemble with The high school's Women's direction from Holly Libert and Choir won the gold medal from Sue Densmore. the same statewide association's “This is really cool,” said choral festival, while the middle Densmore, who is the program school's Select Choir won a Gold coordinator. “It really caps off quite Medal. a year of wonderful productions by The Winter Color Guard placed all of our groups. From our great third in New England Scholastic senior class and their leadership Band Association's Winter Guard to our up-and-coming freshmen, Finals. The Winter Percussion also it has been quite a year for Triton won third place at the NESBA Arts.” Percussion Finals. Densmore, a 25-year veteran The Way Station, an original of the arts department, was not play, written by staff and students, exaggerating. Triton Arts have advanced to the semi-finals in the been on a roll this year. Theatre Guild's Drama Festival Continued on page 3 The Marching Band won a Silver

You'll "flip" over the digital edition at Residential 30 year.Towncommon.6.6_Layout 1 6/6/2013 9:04 AM Page 1

Good health begins with a great doctor. Meet Dr. Andreas Schoeck, MD – a double board-certified and double fellowship-trained neurologist with New England Neurological Associates, P.C. Dr. Schoeck is now seeing patients in Newburyport every other Friday. New England Neurological Associates U Towle Office Building 260 Merrimac Street U Newburyport, MA 01950 978-465-3033 or

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How to Submit Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

7th Annual Portsmouth Competition Deat Editor,

Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common

Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to: The Editor c/o The Town Common 77 Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01969 or preferably via e-mail to:

A big thanks goes out to all of the Restaurants & Sponsors of the 7th Annual Portsmouth Cocktail Competition! We here at Drinkwater Productions are thrilled to report that the 7th Annual Portsmouth Cocktail Competition was a huge success. With over 250 attendees at this year’s event, it was the largest turn-out we have seen in Portsmouth yet! We wanted to take the time to thank you and your business for your participation and support. This truly made the event an enjoyable and successful one. Additionally, our newly added Scavenger Hunt feature was also popular this year. Participants really used their imaginations when it came to submitting photos in hopes of winning one of our many incredible prizes. Those photos were posted the next day to our Facebook page, and they were seen and enjoyed by hundreds of people. There was a large amount of engagement with our Facebook page post-event, with all of our posts about cocktail winners, participants and more were able to reach a large group of people. To see the fun all over again, be sure to visit our Facebook page here, and thank you again for your support, participation and sponsorship in the Portsmouth Cocktail Competition! Best, Drinkwater Productions

Gratitude for Help Dear Editor,

The Rowley Children's Center, 383 Main Street, Rowley would like to express our gratitude to all those that helped to make our recent Bake Sale/Yard Sale/Raffle & Preschool Open House a great success! The proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit Northern Essex WIC (women, infants, children) and the Great American Bake Sale/ No The Town Common deadline is Child Hungry Program. Special Thanks to Archie's Rt. 1A Cafe, 5pm Wednesday (except when a Old Town Bread Company, Jack Arlon Gourmet Comfort Food and federal holiday necessitates an all those that baked goodies, those that donated their treasures and earlier deadline). those that spent their time helping out! We would also like to thank those that cleaned out their closets and attics and gave items for us to The Town Common sell at the yard sale. Special thanks goes to all of the area businesses serves the communities of the that donated gift cards and certificates to the Raffle: Shaw's, Polcari's Upper North Shore of Mass. & Coastal New Hampshire and Restaurant, Village Pancake House, Winfrey's Fudge, Rowley Catering. welcomes your participation. com, Country Gardens Florist, American BBQ, Roots to Wings Yoga, Send your Organization or Group The Hair Whisperer of Rowley and Peach Wave. Notices, Birth or Engagement Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969 Phone: 978-948-8696 Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail:

The Town Common Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor Graphic Design Services Advertising Opportunities Event and Announcement Submissions

77 Wethersfield Street Rowley, MA 01969-1713 Phone: (978) 948-8696 Fax: (978) 948-2564 The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify The Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. All material and content cannot be duplicated without written consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or edit any copy offered for publication. Copyright 2004-2013 The Town Common© - All Rights Reserved

In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005)

Nancy Wren

tide chart Merrimack River Entrance 42o 49’N 070o 49’W JUNE HIGH LOW

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Wed 8:05 7.65 8:30 8.82 Thurs 9:06 7.82 9:26 9.25 Fri 10:06 8.08 10:22 9.66 Sat 11:04 8.38 11:17 9.99 Sun 12:00 8.65 xx xx Mon 12:12 10.19 12:55 8.85 Tues 1:07 10.21 1:50 8.97 Wed 2:03 10.04 2:45 8.99 Thurs 2:59 9.71 3:40 8.93

June 19 - 25, 2013

The Battle of the Great Marsh Continued from page 1

stalks block out the sun and its leaves create a mat on the ground. Both prevent native marsh plants from growing. “The density of phragmites is quite extensive,” said Dr. Greg Moore, an associate researcher for the University of New Hampshire, in a video about the challenge the plant presents to the Great Marsh. Phragmites are alarming to birdwatchers and duck hunters as well as conservation and environmental groups. These organizations and individuals have joined forces to fight phragmite infiltration by spreading the word about its threat to the Great Marsh. The Gulf of Maine Council on Marine Environment recognized last week one of the local warriors in the fight to preserve the Great Marsh. Newbury Selectman Geoffrey Walker, who has dedicated much of his life to protecting the salt marsh, was awarded the Longard Volunteer Award by the Gulf of Maine Council for his “tireless contribution to the Eight Towns and the Great Marsh Committee and the Great Marsh Revitalization Task Force to ensure access to a healthy and well-managed marsh ecosystem.” The eight cities and towns are Amesbury, Essex, Gloucester, Ipswich, Newburyport, Newbury, Salisbury, Rockport and Rowley. The Longard award is given each year in memory of Art Longard, a founding member, to honor one volunteer’s commitment to programs dedicated to environmental protection and natural resources sustainability within the marine and watershed environments of the Gulf of Maine. Walker was selected for the TOWN OF ROWLEY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Case #13.04


2:36 0.51 2:49 0.47 5:04 8:25 3:36 0.08 3:46 0.29 5:04 8:25 4:34 -0.41 4:44 0.05 5:05 8:25 5:31 -0.87 5:40 -0.20 5:05 8:25 6:26 -1.24 6:35 -0.41 5:05 8:25 7:20 -1.47 7:31 -0.52 5:05 8:25 8:14 -1.52 8:27 -0.51 5:06 8:25 9:07 -1.40 9:24 -0.40 5:06 8:26 10:01 -1.12 10:22 -0.19 5:06 8:26

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A Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall Annex, 39 Central Street, on Thursday, 6/20/2013 at 7:15 p.m. to act on an application received 5/22/2013 from George Haseltine, 66 Gilcreast Rd, Londonderry, NH. Applicant is requesting a finding/special permit from the Board of Appeals for the construction of a single family dwelling as per GLc.40A,s 6,1. The property is 34 Pleasant Street, located in the Outlying district and is shown on Assessors’ Map 24, Lot 89. At the public hearing, members of the public may ask questions and present evidence that supports either the approval or denial of this petition. Donald W. Thurston – Chairman

award this year, according to the award letter, because of his “efforts to promote an appreciation and respect of local heritage and traditions” that have propelled his work “to the forefront in the field of conservation.” Walker, a lifelong conservationist and a Newbury selectman for the last four years, was commended for “your efforts to promote and restore marsh habitat through removal of tidal restrictions, combating invasive marsh plants, and restoring oysters and eelgrass in the Great Marsh,” Walker’s award letter states. Walker's dedication to preserving the Great Marsh has been recognized before. In 2006, the state dedicated a section of the marsh in Salisbury as the Geoffrey H. Walker Salisbury Marsh Overlook in the Salisbury Wildlife Management Area. Walker has worked with environmental groups to fight the invasive grasses he believes are transforming the Great Marsh and its natural habitats. The invasive grasses are primarily the phragmites. “Very few people know about phragmites,” said Peter Phippen, coastal coordinator for the eight towns and Great Marsh Committee, in a new video. “They pass by the stands every day, yet most people don't know its name or the problems it causes or how fast it spreads,” To educate the public about the threat of the phragmites, several Great Marsh protection groups have joined forces to raise money needed to produce videos about the threat to the marsh. The videos will be posted on-line at YouTube and used to educate school children and civic groups in the area. The promoters are using an online fundraising campaign to raise $8,000. According to the web site,, the project has raised about $1,600 toward the goal it would like to reach by June 26. Straddles Production, named for the cedar poles which were driven into the bog to support cut hay in the marsh, is the creation of Richard Hydren of Rowley. Hayden, an art director for several Boston advertising agencies, is producing the videos on the threat of the phragmites. In addition to raising the money, he is collecting what he describes as “a hay stack full of stories about the Great Marsh.” To learn more about the threat phragmites present to the marsh, to tell Hayden your stories about the Great Marsh or to donate to the cause, visit www.straddles. com.

June 19 - 25, 2013


Triton Spring Musical Wins Top Honors

The Town Common

Come in for a visit and compare!

as a team. Tonight, everyone was a to take time to manage egos, she There were also several concerts star,” Riordan said. said. “They were just marvelous.” -Since 1954 and performances at school Densmore attributed much of Densmore, who returned to the that were of the highest caliber, the success to the strong senior musical production this year after •Private & Semi-Private Rooms Densmore said. class members, who has set a high taking some time off to work on An extended Care Community with Baths and Beautiful Views he North Shore’s Largest Independent Last week, the focus at Triton standard for Community future classes. Newspaper other projects and school affairs, • Medicare/ Medicaid certified was on the Spring Musical. “We had great senior leadership. predicted that the great year Triton • Social Services-Speech, Triton's production won over They are special. From when Arts had will continue. Physical, Occupational, & 43 other schools, including they came in, we knew they were “The seniors have set a very Massage Therapies Marblehead, Belmont, Brockton special,” she said. high standard for the next three and Framingham, which made In addition to Crowley, the years,” Densmore said. “But I • Full Activity Program up the top five productions in the seniors who made the year special think those classes will be up to • and much more... state. included Alexandra Beal, Ben the challenge.” Sha Riordan, the drama director, Wright, Brady Moses, Carter For more information, visit visit MANSION DRIVE • ROWLEY, MA • JUST OFF ROUTE 1A attended the awards presentation Gray Shelter, Claire Cavanaugh, at Emerson College's Paramount Emily White, Jessica Fiers, Justin Theater. Kelley, Michelle Anderson, Neil Visit “It was a thrilling evening Hanlon, Ryan Blaney and Victoria The Town Common 10) for all of us. Words cannot Skoniecki. on-line at express how proud we are of this One of the reasons they were wonderful company of theater special is that they were not Levesque 2013.towncommon_1_Layout 1 6/11/2013 11:23 AM Page 1 746 Amesbury Rd (Rte 110) artists. We are a team in every ego-driven, Densmore said. The sense of the word, and perhaps seniors were very competitive, but Haverhill, MA 01830 erating your Honda Power Equipment and never use Please read the owner’s manual before thebe exposed best part of the evening 978-372-7100 you could to poisonous carbon monoxide.was they competed as a group, not as operating your Honda Power Equipment. © experiencing thrilling sense r requires a transfer device the to avoid possible injury to of individuals. American Honda Motor Co., Inc. ed electrician. © 2012 American Hondaand Motorsupport Co., Inc. joy, accomplishment The2012 lack of egos allowed the staff for each other that our kids shared to do what they do best, not having Continued from page 1

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Page 4


June 19 - 5, 013

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NEWBURYPORT - The Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center is hosting a Dance Party Celebration on Friday June 21st at Mission Oak Grill’s Steeple Hall from 7pm – midnight. The party is intended to celebrate the Center’s 30 years of service to our community. This celebration will be the final event of the Center’s year-long commemoration of its 30th Anniversary awareness and education campaign, funded by our partner, the Institution for Savings. Over the last three decades, the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center has celebrated many milestones and accomplishments. What began as a handful of volunteers in the basement of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in 1982 has evolved into a $2M nonprofit agency, staffed by 24 professionals and dozens of trained volunteers who locally serve more than 1,400 clients each year – providing all of our services to our clients at no cost because we cannot allow a person’s ability to pay to ever become a barrier to victims of domestic violence. “The 30th anniversary of the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center provides an opportunity to thank our local community supporters and volunteers, it is you that makes our progress possible. We are looking forward to raising a toast to the Center, celebrating with friends and honoring the strength and resilience of those we serve,” states Suzanne Dubus, CEO, Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center. We begin our 4th decade with a request from the Obama Administration to play a lead role in the national conversation about domestic violence homicide prevention by sharing what we know with our peers. The end result will be a significant number of lives saved in our community, in our state and in our country. We are committed to ending family violence in our community and to do this the Center will expand its youth prevention programs. The Center will continue to provide its healthy relationship workshops, further develop its Girls Inc. of the Seacoast Area program, and pilot its new boys’ education program. Youth prevention speaks to the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center’s belief that if we do our jobs as fully as possible, then we must not only provide services to victims, we must work with the next generation to show them a better way of achieving healthy relationships. The Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center 30th Anniversary Celebration will take place on Friday, June 21, between 7 p.m. and midnight at the Mission Oak Grill’s Steeple Hall, Newburyport. Come and enjoy cocktails, H’ors d’ouevres and dancing. There will be a limited live auction and raffle. Reservations to attend the event are $75 per person. Corporate sponsorship opportunities are available as well as opportunities to purchase a “year” of the center. Tickets and sponsorships can be purchased online at www.jeannegeigercrisiscenter. org or by contacting Kelly Majewski at 978-465-0999 or kmajewski@

June 19 - 5, 013

Page 5

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Page 6

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Community Announcements AMESBURY - Amesbury is gearing up for another exciting celebration of Amesbury Days – June 27 to June 30 with fireworks July 4th. We Community are excited to continue the long tradition in Amesbury of bringing families, Connections friends and neighbors together for some exciting activities that take advantage of the great amenities our community enjoys. We have developed four days of fun-filled events. We will start the opening ceremonies with the hugely popular Block Party hosted by the Amesbury Chamber of Commerce. The following days are packed with annual favorites but will also include new events that appeal to all ages. Some of this year's events include the Annual Brew Fest, Sadie Hawkins Road Race, Farmer’s Market and the Old Fashioned Car Show and that's just to name a few! We are also excited for our annual fireworks show on the Fourth of July at Woodsom Farm. Please check our website daily as new events and • details will be updated regularly. In the meantime, if you have questions or need to speak to someone please feel free to call (978-388-8121) or email: -----------------------------------------------------------• GEORGETOWN - Erie 4’s next Bingo night will be •held Thursday, July 18, 2013. Here are the details: Doors open 6pm, Play starts at 7, 16 "regular" games, $4 minimum admission = 6 cards, additional cards 3/$. Four "special" games including two 50/50 games, door prizes, refreshments available including hot dogs. FREE COFFEE! All players and attendants must be 18 years of age or older, per state of Massachusetts. Tell your family and friends! -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - Strawberry Picking - Tons of family fun and memories! Hayrides, bounce houses, jumping pillow, duck races, farm animals, corn cannons, face painting, antique trucks, place area with tractor, spider, castle, picnic area, food & refreshments. DATE: June 22nd (Rain Date: June 23rd) PLACE: 259 Linebrook Rd, Ipswich TIME: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - Volunteers are needed for the Maudslay Arts Center Summer Concert Series, which opens with The Spinney Brothers on July 6, and concludes with The 60s Invasion on Aug. 25. This nonprofit series seeks volunteers to help set up an hour before performance time, seat patrons when they arrive, and/or serve refreshments at intermission. Saturday concerts begin at 7 p.m. and include: The Spinney Brothers on July 6, Shirim Klezmer Orchestra on July 13, The Paul Broadnax Ensemble on July 20, Grace Kelly Jazz on July 27, The Don Campbell Band on Aug. 10, Rebecca Parris on Aug. 17, and The New Black Eagle Jazz Band on Aug. 24. Sunday afternoon performances begin at 2 p.m. and include: Fatum Brothers Jazz on July 14, The Shaw Brothers on July 21, Hal McIntyre Orchestra “Big Band Tribute to Frank Sinatra” on Aug. 11, Liz Frame and the Kickers on Aug. 18, and The 60s Invasion on Aug. 25. Maudslay Arts Center is located at 95 Curzon Mill Road in Newburyport. The concerts are held rain or shine, moving inside to the MAC Concert Barn when weather dictates. For further information about volunteering, call (978) 3882552. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Our Times, the Rowley Senior's Newsletter is printed each month and sent to all the seniors in Rowley. If you know a senior in Rowley who is not receiving our letter, please ask them to call us at 948-7637 and submit their name and address. You can also view the newsletter online at: -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - Ed the Wizard and "Reading is Magic” will appear at the Salisbury Public Library in Salisbury. MA on Tuesday, 9 July 2013, at 2:00 p.m. With the help of many volunteers, using magic, comedy, and suspense, Ed the Wizard weaves together the importance of building and maintaining reading skills. With reading as the emphasis behind each magical performance, Ed the Wizard encourages folks of all ages that reading is indeed the key to his, and to their success. This program is supported in part by a grant from the Salisbury Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. -----------------------------------------------------------TOPSFIELD - Woman's Over 25 Fun Softball League in Topsfield starting June 25th and running through August 27 on Tuesday nights at 6:00 p.m. The cost is $30. Please contact Stefanie Rogal at S.Rogal@verizon. net.

Business Spotlight

For Sale

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To The Editor June 19 - 5, 013

Real Estate For Sale

Sports Sports Sports Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness

The Town Common Special: Buy One Don’s Meat, Get 2nd Pack $2 off!


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School & Summer School & Summer Camp Section Camp Section

June 19 - 5, 013

Page 7

The governor’s academy

Featuring articles and helpful hints for parents wh The 31st Annual NECI are preparing their children for the summer school QB/R Football NOW ENROLLING JUNE CLASSES Featuring articles and helpful hints forClinic parents who Accelerated Day Classes summer camp5experience. Director: Alex Rotsko, Marshwood HS, ME June 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 Longmeadow HS, MA (11 Bowl Championships) are preparing their children forSuper the summer school orThe North Shore’s Independent Community Newspa The 18th Annual L/LB summer campNECI experience. Call Today! 978-948-8696 Newbury (Byfield), MA will host

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Football Clinic

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Senior Moments

Page 8

OMNI Security Team

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June 19 - 5, 013

Community Calendar To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail: food, beer, and Ads wine from local Classified

at Zampell Companies, 3 Stanley restaurants and establishments at Tucker Drive, Newburyport, MA a “Taste the Promise” benefit for on Thursday, June 20. The session WEDNESDAY MORNING Family Promise North Shore Boston, will begin at 8 a.m. with registration BIRDING We Guarantee the best! an interfaith nonprofi t coalition and coffee & pastries. by Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director Community Calendar Continues .Community . Sponsored . College providing services to help local Northern Essex Bill Gette and USFWS veteran David Find out more, call or visit us today: Weaver for this weekly birding field trip homeless families get back on their and the Greater Newburyport MA LIC # 444C during migration in the Newburyport/ feet: “Taste the Promise” Sample Food Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Plum Island area. Appropriate for and Drink from Local establishments. the information session will provide all birding levels. Wednesday, June A Benefit for Family Promise North an overview of the funding, including 19th, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Meet at the Shore Boston, Wednesday, June who is eligible, what kinds of programs Joppa Flats Education Center, One 19, 6:30-9:30 p.m., Coolidge Hall, can be funded, and how to apply. To Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Topsfield Fairgrounds, Topsfield, MA register for the Workforce Training $17. Preregistration is not required. 01983, Tickets: $35 advance/$40 at Fund Information Session, contact Call 978-462-9998 for information door Visit for Michael Corcoran at mcorcoran@, 617 626-6426, 857-753about additional programs and advance tickets. 3494 (cell). events, or visit the Web site at www. Landscaping & Contracting, Co. Inc. WEDNESDAY EVENING ats. ~Est. 1980~ LECTURE SATURDAY, JUNE 22nd • Landscape Design • Irrigation Systems June 19, Wednesday Evening INTRODUCTION TO • Hydoseeding & Sod Lawns • Demolition Lecture, 7:30 pm: The Museum’s OLD ROSE SALE GENEALOGY Dow Curator Stephanie Gaskins June 22, Old Rose Sale, 8:30Th e Rowley Historical Society is • Masonry - Walks & Patios • Equipment Rentals gives an overview of the Museum’s 11:30am: Historic Old Rose bushes, happy to announce the rescheduling • Tree & Stump Removal • Property Maintenance of The Introduction To Genealogy new summer exhibit, "I must go $25 each, from the Gardens at the • Excavation Programs session, taught by Mr. Richard Doyle down to the seas again." Our Whipple House, 1 South Village The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaperfor Wednesday, June 19, 2013. This Wednesday Evening Lecture series is Green, Ipswich MA. All proceeds will be held at the Rowley Public generously sponsored by First Ipswich benefit Ipswich Museum Gardens. Library from 2:30- 4:30 in the Bank. Cost is free for members and For more information, call 978-356afternoon. It is a one time free session participants, $10 for non-members. 8696. to begin your ancestral search. If you To purchase tickets or find out more MICROCHIPPING & have signed-up, you are already on info, visit VACINATIONS the list and have been notified. This THURSDAY, JUNE 20th The Merrimack River Feline is just a reminder to you. If you are Rescue Society will be holding a interested and we have room or If you rabies vaccination and microchipping are on the list & cannot make this LOCAL COMPANIES ARE clinic for cats and dogs from 9am to class please call 978-948-5054 or e- ELIGIBLE FOR STATE TRAINING FUNDS noon on Saturday, June 22, 2013 on mail: Local businesses interested in state the Catmobile in the parking lot of grants to train their current employees Tom’s Discount Store at 175 Elm St., TASTE THE PROMISE All are invited to sample delicious are invited to attend a Workforce Salisbury, MA. The cost of the rabies Training Fund Information Session vaccine will be $5 and the cost to microchip will be $20, which includes registration. Please bring proof of any Contact your Advertising previous rabies vaccines if you wish to Consultant today! get a three-year rabies vaccination. All cats must be in carriers and all dogs P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 must be on leashes. Please leave cats in your car while filling out paperwork. 2258 Andover St, Georgetown, MA 01833 This event is open to anyone. For • 978-352-2900 more information call 978-462-0760, email or go to www.

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Strawberry Picking Strawberry Picking

fam ily fun m em or ies! TonsTons of offamily funandand memories! H ayr ides,bounce houses, jum ping pillow, duck r aces Hayrides, bounce houses, jumping Far m anim als, cor n cannons, face paint ing, ant ique t r act or s, Play ar ea pillow, duckw itraces, farm animals, h t r act or, spider, cast le, corn cannons, picnic arface ea, food painting, and r efr eshm ent s antique D at e: June trucks, place area with22ndtractor, R ain D area, at e June 23r d spider, castle, picnic food & refreshments. W her e: 259 L inebr ook R oad Ipsw ich DATE: June 22nd (Rain Date: June 23rd) w w w.m ar inifar m .com PLACE: 259 Linebrook Rd, Ipswich T im e: 1 0 A M t o 5 PM TIME: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

FUNDRAISER Fundraisers to benefit EPUMC Bible Camp Mission Projects: Yard Sale Saturday, Saturday, June 22nd 7:00 AM -1:00 PM. Space: $20 Bring your own table Donations Accepted.; Spaghetti Dinner - Saturday, June 22nd 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM $10 per person $5 children; Car Wash & Bake Sale - June 29th - Noon2:00 PM (weather permitting). East Parish United Methodist Church 8 Lafayette Rd, Salisbury, MA 01952 978.465.8940 COMMUNITY YARD SALE Erie 4 Firehouse is holding a Community Yard Sale and inviting folks to join in. In the parking lot at 474 North Street, Georgetown, MA 01833 on Saturday, June 22nd, from

June 19 - 5, 013

Page 9

9 am to 3 pm. Rain date is Sunday, June 23rd. Set up starts at 7 am. No early birds please. Rent a 10’ by 15’ space for $20. Refreshments will be sold by Erie 4 Fire Association; including, hot dogs, hamburgers, coffee, soda, water, chips. For information, please contact: Donna Clough, president: 978-352-2545. Or, email to d.clow@

England! For more info go to www. a hat that would make Alice proud! or call Gerry Sip tea and sample a selection of sandwiches, scones, and pastries. A Beauchamp @ 978-356-9622. cash bar will also be available. Show • Friendly & Experienced Staff off your style, and maybe even win STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL • Family Atmosphere a prize! Prizes will be awarded for See Page 8 the best hats! Hope to see you there! Closed Thursday July 4th - July 7th OLD FASHIONED Tickets: $20.00 (also available at the NEWBURYPORT ARTWALK BARBERSHOP Opening Again Monday, July 8th door) For more information, call Deb WEEKEND EXPERIENCE! Newburyport ArtWalk is a quarterly Green 978-225-6700 or email info@ event sponsored by 13 art galleries in Newburyport Massachusetts. Bright Across from Agawam Diner SUMMER KICK-OFF CARNIVAL colored ArtWalk logo signs indicate NEW CASTLE VILLAGE WALK See us on TheatNorth Shore’s TD Bank PlazaLargest Come down for a carnival to kick participating galleries. June 22-23, & GARDEN TOUR off summer complete with themed August 17-18, October 19-20 Pontine Theatre’s annual New games, tie-dye, face paint, contests, Saturday 3 – 7 PM, Sunday 1- 5 PM Castle Village Walk and Garden Tour and a bouncy house! The Summer in Newburyport. This event is free and takes place Sunday, June 23, from 1 Kick-Off Carnival will be held on open to the public. More information to 4:30 pm. The self-guided walking June 22 from 8 AM to 11:30 at the online at www.newburyportartwalk. tour takes participants through polo field on Waldingfield Road in com the seaside village and into several Ipswich. Price will be $10 for entry private gardens, some on the water’s for one child and $25 for families. edge, an artist's studio, a historic SUNDAY, JUNE 23rd Both prices include games, crafts, waterside cafe. Also learn about the bouncy house, and any prizes won. SEIZE THE MOMENT island at the New Castle Historical Bring your own shirt, or buy one Join us at St. James Groveland Society's museum. Tickets purchased at out tie-dye station and create a at our Annual “Seize the Moment” in advance are $15 and may also be colorful tee you can wear all summer Auction on Sunday, June 23 at 11:30 purchased online at: www.pontine. long! The Summer Kick-Off Carnival am. Great buys, great variety, and org. On the day of the event, tickets will be hosted by the Ipswich High a great light lunch. Live and silent may be purchased for $20 at the Coast School Interact Club and all proceeds auction of baked goods, artwork, Guard Station in the parking area off will go to their future projects. Have dinners, services, and items for Route 1B, New Castle. The New your kids come for a good time while children handmade by our children. Castle Village Walk will take place rain you participate in the Rotary Road St. James Episcopal Church, 119 or shine. All proceeds benefit Pontine Race or make it a family affair and lets Washington, Groveland, MA 01834. Theatre's cultural and educational kick off Summer with a bang! No charge. Call church office for programs. Information: 603-436more information: 978 373-1270 or 6660/ CHOOSE YOUR DISTANCE Come run a 5K or 10K through MONDAY, JUNE 24th scenic Appleton Farms and the MAD HATTER TEA PARTY neighboring Grass Rides. This year Glenn's Restaurant & Cool Bar, ZEN MEDITATION we hope to have the cows removed 44 Merrimac Street, Newburyport Free, Zen meditation instruction from the trails beforehand...check on Sunday, June 23, 2013 from 1:00 is offered Monday nights at the First out the attached application for other - 3:00 PM. Make Alice proud... Religious Society, 26 Pleasant Street, events for kids as well. SATURDAY, Join us as we kick off our 2013 Newburyport. The practice sessions unity Newspaper JUNE 22nd @ 10 a.m. Great way to fund-raising events with our second meet in the lower meetinghouse from The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper see the oldest working farm in New annual Mad Hatter Tea party! Wear Continued on page 11

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Business Spotlight

Page 10

For Sale

June 19 - 5, 013

Real Estate • For Sale Move It?

• Sports • Sports Sports By John McCarthy, Rowley Realty What a start to the Summer! The Boston Bruins are in the Stanley Cup Finals, the real estate market is hot Superman 20, Iron Man 12 AND Fast and Furious 24 are out in theaters. What could be better than that? Now that you have put your home on the market, got an offer and are cruising into the closing the fun is only beginning. Time to pack and move. Here are some things you can do to prepare for a smooth transition into your dream home. 5-6 Weeks from Closing: Get organized! Can you do it alone or should you hire a licensed moving company? This has to be your first decision. For me the answer would depend on your life style and finances. If you can afford it get written quotes from at least three licensed moving companies. If not, find helpers. Plan to unpack before you pack. Take pictures of each room in the new home before the craziness of moving day. Figure out where each item should go in your next home before packing. If you can’t find a place in the new home

for your giant ceramic elephant throw it out now. When my wife and I moved years ago we threw everything in boxes. When we moved into the new home we opened the boxes and thought; why did we pack this? Supplies. Purchase boxes and anything else needed for the move. You can ask friends, neighbors or coworkers if they can supply you with boxes as well. Procrastination is your enemy! Start packing early even if it is one room or one closet. Figure out what you are donating to charity, put stuff out on the street, recycle or just throw things away. Garage sales are sometimes more work than profit but they can bring you some money and just as importantly rid you of items not making to the next home. 3-4 Weeks from Closing: Pack Smartly. Have your black marker handy to label all boxes. Keep one box aside for all important documents such as anything relating to the mortgage or the sale. Go Postal. Fill out a change of address card at the post office and start calling all the service companies (trash, telephone, cable, gas/water/electric, etc.). If you have municipal electric or water, these bills form a lien on the property and the closing attorney will want to see that they have been settled. Check with your REALTOR® to see who will be calling to get final readings. 0-3 Weeks from Closing: Kids. We all love our kids but it isn’t a ton of fun trying to move with kids yelling about lunch/a sibling/TV, etc. Think about daycare or seeing if a friend or family member can take them. On the actual moving day this is a must. Rover. Easy to forget that your dog or cat is moving as well. Don’t forget about them, they can certainly get ignored in the shuffle. It is an adjustment for them as well. See “Kids” above as to what to

do with them on moving day. Take pictures. At some point you are going to be unpacking and hooking up TVs, DVRs, home theater systems and computers. Why not make it easier on yourself? Before unplugging any wires for the move, take a picture of the connections, print them out and label them. This will create fewer headaches when setting up technology in the new home. If you have kids setting up electronics at the new home will give you a break. Confirm. Call the mover about a week before the move. Confirm your phone number, arrival time and location. Find out who is doing the actual move and get his/her cell phone number. Moving Day: Be there. Make sure someone is there to show the movers where to put items. Are you paying your mover by the hour? If so, offer to pay for and get lunch for all the workers. Jump on their truck and pull boxes off. You will be surprised as to how much money this can save you. Check it. Inspect your items. Do you see a new scratch on the bureau? Is there a dent in the refrigerator? Show them the “before” picture to verify they put the scratch or dent in. Lastly, don’t forget to have a checkbook on hand to pay your mover. Don’t feel that everything has to be put in place immediately. Enjoy your new home there will be lots of time to put things away. If you organize, visualize and prioritize your move might avoid you being institutionalized. If you have any questions about this article, real estate in general or are looking to buy or sell a home please contact me, John McCarthy at Rowley Realty, 165 Main St., Rowley, MA 01969, Phone: 978 948-2758, Cell 978 835-2573 or via email at

Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness

11, 2012!

2008, 2009, 2010, 20

Address, Town

Sold Single Family Homes Description


List Price Sold For Orig Price

37 Dock Ln, Salisbury 5 room, 2 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 66 $239,900 $230,000 $239,900 3 Sawyer St, Ipswich 3 room, 1 bed, 1f 1h bath Cottage 171 $279,000 $268,000 $317,900 14 Moynihan Rd, Hamilton 6 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 140 $319,900 $306,000 $334,900 16 McEachern Pl, Gloucester 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Raised Ranch 13 $379,900 $370,000 $379,900 50 Monument St, Wenham 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Ranch 274 $389,000 $360,000 $399,000 11 Hodgkins Dr, Ipswich 8 room, 4 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 202 $402,900 $402,900 $419,900 34 Ipswich Rd, Topsfield 7 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Gambrel /Dutch 23 $449,900 $450,000 $449,900 1 Kennedy, Ipswich 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 33 $479,000 $480,000 $479,000 27 Alan Rd, Hamilton 8 room, 4 bed, 1f 2h bath Colonial 62 $479,000 $495,000 $479,000 132 County Rd, Ipswich 6 room, 2 bed, 1f 1h bath Victorian 241 $499,000 $485,000 $499,000 24 School St, Rockport 6 room, 3 bed, 3f 0h bath Colonial 15 $499,900 $485,000 $499,900 191 Asbury St, Hamilton 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Victorian 51 $529,000 $452,000 $529,000 8 Brook Meadow Ln, Georgetown 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 217 $529,900 $518,000 $549,900 75 1/2 Plsnt Valley Rd, Amesbury 8 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Colonial 33 $589,000 $580,000 $589,000 12 Parish Ln, Boxford 9 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Ranch 52 $589,900 $548,900 $589,900 5 Hallisey Dr, Newburyport 10 room, 5 bed, 3f 0h bath Raised Ranch 621 $569,900 $545,000 $599,900 11 Inverness Circle, Boxford 10 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 46 $579,000 $590,500 $617,000 One Orchard Ln, Topsfield 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 20 $624,900 $635,000 $624,900 164 Georgetown Rd, Boxford 9 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Cape 115 $619,000 $591,000 $649,000 12 High St, Ipswich 11 room, 5 bed, 2f 0h bath Victorian 624 $624,900 $615,000 $699,900 7 Southpoint Ln, Ipswich 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Contemporary 9 $789,000 $760,000 $789,000 81A Georgetown Rd, Boxford 11 room, 4 bed, 4f 2h bath Cape 173 $925,000 $862,000 $925,000 112 Larch Row, Wenham 12 room, 4 bed, 2f 2h bath Colonial 19 $1,128,000 $1,096,000 $1,128,000 18 Soginese Rd, Essex 12 room, 5 bed, 4f 0h bath Contemporary 410 $999,000 $840,000 $1,200,000 644 Bay Rd, Hamilton 14 room, 6 bed, 3f 1h bath Colonial 24 $1,595,000 $1,338,000 $1,595,000 337 Concord St, West Gloucester 6 room, 2 bed, 2f 0h bath Contemporary 302 $2,799,000 $2,000,000 $2,799,000 Single Family Listings: 26 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 2,744.69 Avg. List$: $688,765 Avg. List$/SqFt: $255 Avg. DOM: 152.15 Avg. Sale$: $627,050 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $235 2013 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.

Our Featured Property of the Week

ROWLEY: Very private 4 bedroom and 2.5 bath Colonial is situated on over 2 acres in a culde-sac. This home is in excellent condition with upgrades including crown molding, hardwood floors Newest Listing throughout except the kitchen and living room. The granite kitchen opens to a better than Great Room with a pellet stove. Lower level game room is almost finished and offers above grade windows for a possible teen suite or inlaw apartment. The rear multi level deck has a hot tub and overlooks a very private, well groomed yard. This lovely home is being offered at $579,900. Call Pauline at 978-314-7341 for more information or to make an appointment to see this property.

ROWLEY REALTY 165 Main St., P.O. Box 101, Rowley, MA 01969 Phone 978-948-2758 • Fax 978-948-2454

June 19 - 5, 013 Continued from page 9

6:30pm to 7:30pm. For first time participants, the 6pm orientation session is recommended. The instructor is Joyce Haydock, Dharma Teacher with the Kwan Um School of Zen (KUSZ) for more than 22 years. Zen is a way of living, a way to perceive one's life with a clear mind and to better understand your true Self. Over time, with support, one works to attain a clear compassionate mind which, moment to moment, is able to help all beings. For more information, contact Joyce Haydock at 978-363-5457. Free and open to the public TUESDAY, JUNE 25th GOOGLE EARTH The Newburyport Public Library invites you to experience armchair travel like never before during "Google Earth with Dennis Dixon" on Tuesday, June 25 at 2:00 pm in our Program Room. Mr. Dixon will show tips and tricks for navigating this free, downloadable program, which shows satellite imagery of everything from ocean floors to outer space. For more information, please call 978-4654428 ext. 242 or email npl@mvlc. org. young adult novel by Kami Garcia will be shown at Ipswich Public Library on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The movie takes place in a small Southern town, where Ethan and Lena discover dark secrets about their families and their town. The program is free and open to all young people 13 and older. It will be shown in the air-conditioned Collins Room on the lower level of the library, and popcorn and soft drinks will be served. For more information, contact Young Adult Librarian Paula Grillo at 978-356-6648. COMEDY SHOWCASE On Tuesday, June 25th The Winner's Circle and Scamps Comedy Productions will celebrate the four year anniversary of their weekly stand up comedy showcase. This important milestone will be marked with a special night of comedy and fun. The show will be hosted by Salisbury favorite Tony Moschetto, and will feature a great mix of comedians from throughout New England. There will also be give-aways and surprises. Showtime will be 8pm, and admission (as always) will be free. The Winner's Circle, 35 Elm St. (Rt. 110), Salisbury, MA.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26th ARMCHAIR TRAVEL Travel can be addictive and it has WEDNESDAY MORNING been Terry Berube's weakness for years. BIRDING Even when no one else wanted to go, Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director she's found ways to work through her travel bucket list and has seen amazing STRAWBERRY PICKING things. Spend an evening talking Tons of family fun and about travel and viewing images of memories! Hayrides, bounce some of her favorite locales from such houses, jumping pillow, places as South Africa, Peru, Egypt, duck races, farm animals, Spain and Alaska. Sponsored by the corn cannons, face painting, Friends of the Rowley Library, free antique trucks, place area with and open to the public, Tuesday June tractor, spider, castle, picnic 25, Rowley Public Library, 141 Main area, food & refreshments. St. Rowley MA. DATE: June 22nd (Rain Date: June 23rd) PLACE: YOUNG ADULT MOVIE AT 259 Linebrook Rd, Ipswich IPSWICH PUBLIC LIBRARY TIME: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM A newly released movie based on a


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Page 11

Bill Gette and USFWS veteran David Weaver for this weekly birding field trip during migration in the Newburyport/ Plum Island area. Appropriate for all birding levels. Wednesday, June 26th, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $17. Preregistration is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www.

Personalized lessons in your home.

Listen to Kathryn’s radio program every Friday at 7:45 am on WNBP 1450 AM / 106.1 FM. RE/MAX Prestige 375 Boston Street Topsfield, MA Kathryn O’Brien, M.Ed. 978-887-7272 (office) 978-465-1322 (direct line) Email: Website:

Kathryn doesn’t spend time Facebooking, Texting, Twittering, Tweeting …

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some QuestIons and ansWeRs how doKathryn I know if my Loan isTo Sell If You Want freddieCall mac or fannie mae?Today: Your Home Her 978-465-1322 I can help you to determine if your loan is eligible to refinance

Page 12

June 19 - 25, 2013

Sports June 19 - 25, 2013



Pets, Animals, Plus

Page 13

Health & Fitness

Are you holding back a beautiful smile?

Brighter Smiles...

What Does Your Dentist Think About?

By J. Peter St. Clair, DMD

The basic goal of any dental practice is to diagnose and treat dental problems. However, there is much more that your dentist thinks about every day when it comes to daily practice. I recently read a dental consulting blog that posed five questions for dentists to consider about their individual practices. Below are the questions and my response to how your dentist might respond. Do you comprehensively diagnose each patient based on the type of care you would want your own loved ones to receive? We were trained in school and continue our education with a rigorous post-graduate schedule to be able to diagnose and provide the best care we can for our patients. It is our job to examine, diagnose and explain the condition of your mouth to you. Diagnosis of “problems” does not mean you have to commit to treatment. Diagnosis means discovering and explaining why things are the way they are and what the

benefits are of treating issues vs. the risks of not treating. Our goal is for you to understand your dental health so that you can be an active participant in the decision making process. Imagine that a clinician you highly respect is standing beside you in the operatory as you diagnose. Are you confident that you would identify the same dental issues he or she would? This question reinforces the need for continuing the education process throughout our careers. There is always so much to learn. When we were in school, patients knew they were in a learning facility. They knew that it was our job to diagnosis comprehensively because we were under the watchful eye of instructors. Private practice should be no different. We do not diagnose pocketbooks, we diagnose dental problems. We want open communication and discussion. We do not want you to ever feel pressured into treatment. Entering into treatment is your decision. Does your facility (decor, equipment, technology, etc.) reflect the value of the treatment you provide? To maintain a warm and inviting environment, as well as keeping with the highest standards in cleanliness and appearance, dental offices typically need to be overhauled every 10 years or so. Technology is great but should only be

introduced when it is crystal clear it is in the best interest of our patients. Do your patients leave your practice fully understanding the treatment they need, why they need it, and how they are going to pay for it? As stated earlier, our goal is to diagnose and explain the existing condition of your dental health and for you to fully understand the benefits of treatment vs. the risks of no treatment or compromised treatment. Part of this discussion should always be the fees involved and options for payment to further your ability to make decisions about the care you choose for yourself. Are you confident that your team talks to patients about their dental health in the same way you do? Dental team members should understand their doctor’s philosophy of care and reinforce this with patients. There are often options for treatment. Patients should talk with dental team members about their options and opinions regarding their dental health. Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at You can view all previously written columns at

General & Complex Restorative Care • Dental Implants • Periodontist on Staff • Mercury-free Dentistry • Grinding/Clenching Therapy • Custom Dentures • Appearance-Related Dentistry •

Making your smile beautiful changes the way people look at you and the way you look at yourself.

Please call our office to schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation.

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EYE CARE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! Dr. nYLa LaMBert Dr. KatHLeen Horn Dr. CatHLeen DouCette and Welcoming Dr. JuDitH MarroCCo 291 MAIN ST, GROvELANd


Page 14

June 19 - 5, 013 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Your creative side is enhanced by indulging yourself in as much artistic inspiration (music, art, dance, etc.) as you can fit into your schedule. Take someone special with you. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Take a little restorative time out of your busy life. Go somewhere quiet this weekend. Or just close the door, turn on the answering machine and pretend you're away. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Your advice might be much in demand by family and friends this week. But reserve time for yourself to investigate a project that could have some unexpected potential. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Work-related issues demand your attention in the early part of the week. Family matters dominate Thursday and Friday. But the weekend is yours to spend as you please. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Try to keep your temper in check as you deal with someone who seems to enjoy showing disrespect. Losing your Leonine cool might be just what the goader hopes to see. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) A heated confrontation needs some cool-off time before it boils over. Better to step away than to try to win an argument where emotions overrule the facts. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Someone very special in your life finally sends that reassuring message you've been hoping for. You can now devote more time to the tasks you had put aside. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Job pressures begin to ease by the week's end, leaving you time to relax and restore your energy levels before you face next week's emerging challenges. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Your spiritual strength helps calm a friend who might be facing an unsettling change in his or her life. An offer to help comes from a surprising source. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) By midweek you could learn some surprising facts about an associate that might cause you to reconsider a long-held view about someone in your past. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) One of those rare-for-you darker moods sets in in the early part of the week. But by Thursday, the clouds lift and you're back doing nice things for people in need. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Use that sharp Piscean perceptiveness to reel in more information about a promising offer so that you have the facts to back up whatever decision you make. BORN THIS WEEK: Although you prefer the status quo, you easily can adapt to change when it's called for. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564

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Community Calendar

June 19 - 5, 013

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SALISBURY BEACH - Cottages and condos, starting at $950/week. Many 1999 FORD RANGER - Runs well. insurance during training. Holiday choices - Tom Saab RE #978-683- Carpentry, painting, drywall COINS Recent updates, standard shift. Very and vacation benefits available. B & 6699/ #978-465-5116 ITEMS WANTED – Wanted repair, home repairs. Community Continues . . . $2000 or Best Offer. W PRESS by Pratt Coin and Hobby in Good M.P.G.sCalendar IS A “SMOKE FREE” YARD SALE Georgetown. u.S. Coins, silver, gold, CALL 978-462-4931 30 years experience. & “ZERO TOLERANCE DRUG foreign world money. old pocket FREE” Shore’s CAMPUS.Largest B&W Press, Newly formedCommunity Seeds of Hope Mission Top, North watches, wrist watches, costume DINING TABLE - 3'x6' - Glass The Independent NewspaperInsured & fair. jewelry and post cards. Wheat Black Lacquer Base & 6 Black Lacquer Junction Rte. 95 & 133, 401 E. Main Church Amesbury, MA - BENEFIT I can fix almost anything. pennies, Pre-1958 - 2 1/2 cents each. Chairs. Black & Tan Upolstery. $250 Street, Georgetown, MA 01833, YARD SALE - Saturday June 22, 2013 FREE APPRAISAL Telephone 978-352-6100. Please view 8am-2pm - 40 Whittier St, Amesbury, 978-270-9135 Call Peter Pratt our website at MA 01913 - 978-204-5296 DRAFTING TABLE - 3'x6'IN Hamilton 1-800-870-4086 or LINE DIRECT ResumesMAIL sent to VR-20 with mutch LY Drafting Arm APPRENTICESHIP 978-352-2234 FINISHING RENTAL $150 978-270-8278 TRAINING PROGRAM - WANTED HouRS VARy, So PLEASE Level Training/ CALL FIRSt HOUSE/FARM NEW WIRE LOBSTERApprenticeship/Entry TRAPS, SEEKING Two years plus on-the-job-training/ TRANQUIL RENTAL. Need Fully rigged, ready to fish $69. Eel WAntEd to buy No overtime/No full-time benefits. LONG-TERM, QUIET, 2 bath, for Traps $38. Meets all requirements. Gold Scrap, Gold Coins, Post Cards Non Exempt,responsible hourly position, First, RN, son (college), dog. 781-444-9213 Sterling Silver......$18 per troy oz. Second & Third shift flexible. openings. Silver Coins pre1965....$15 per $1 Location 978-257-3114 .999 Silver bars.............$21 per oz. HELP WANTED Apprentice candidates hired entry uS Silver dollars............$25 each DIGITAL PRE-PRESS WORKING SUPERVISOR ROOM FOR RENT to learn job from the ground Wartime nickels 1942-1945....$0.75 ea IN LINE DIRECTlevel MAIL 1st shift – 8 - 5, Monday-Friday - 10 years’ experience up. Here to SALISBURY learn a trade in printing. uS Clad Half dollars 1965-1969....$2.50 ea BEACH, YEAR FINISHING APPRENTICESHIP Supervising Digital Prep Department. CTP Preps Great opportunity for -someone not parlor, all Hobby SuPPLIES Has bedroom, TRAINING PROGRAM - ROUND experience scheduling proofs out, proofs in, plate continuing on to college. Apprentice Remote Controlled Vehicles Apprenticeship/Entry Level Training/ furnished. Share bath. Includes utili978-948-8696 • • advertise@thetow imposing, CTP Rampage), closed loop to press auto ink EstEs Rockets & Supplies, will work alongside an operator to Two years plus on-the-job-train- ties and parking $650/month. Call Plastic & Wood Models / Supplies learn all facets of the job. Apprentice systems, G7 Certified Prep and Press Printing - All Digital ing/No overtime/No full-time ben- 978-463-0118. Autos, trucks, Planes, Ships & more considered entry level during Software here! Benefits: efits. Non Exempt, hourly position, PineCars & derby Supplies SERVICES extensive X-Acto Sets, Paints & More • Yearly Bonus (tbd) First, Second & Third shift open-training period. Candidate to have authorization to work MEtAL • 2 weeks’ vacation after 1 year of service HOME ings. Apprentice candidates hired A M E R I C A N in U.S. 32the hours per week – not full dEtECtoRS IMPROVEMENT CARPENTRY entry level to learn job from • 401K plan 20 E Main St, Georgetown, MA timea position during&training. No Additions. Interior/Exterior ground up. Here to learn trade Repairs Mon-Fri 8:30a-6p, Sat 10a-5p • 100% company paid medical/dental premiums for insurance training. Holiday Phone 978-352-2234 Painting. Fully Insured. 30 years in printing. Great opportunity forduring Employee and Dependents vacation benefits available. B & Excellent Free Estimates. someone not continuing and on to col- experience. CHILD CARE • Long and Short Term Disability PRESS ISReferrals. A “SMOKE FREE” 978-465-2283 lege. Apprentice will workWalongside • Life insurance under group health plan & “ZERO TOLERANCE DRUG WILL BABYSIT in my home. Full an operator to learn all facets of • Paid holidays PLAINB&W & FANCY MASONRY Expert FREE” CAMPUS. Press, or Part Time. Lunches & Snacks pro- the job. Apprentice considered entry step repairs. Custom handrails fabriJunction Rte. 95 & 133, 401 E. Main • Flexible Spending Plan vided. Reference available on request. level during extensive training period. cated andMA installed. Walkways, walls, Street, Georgetown, 01833, Please call Ginger at 603-474-7356. Candidate to have authorization Resumes should be sent to for to pointing, flashing. Semi-retired. Terry Telephone 978-352-6100. Please further review. Visit our website at work in U.S. 32 hours per week – not FOR SALE (603)at793-0001. view our website www.bwpress. The full time position during training. No North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper com. Resumes sent to ocarr@bwpress. our Advertising Consultant today! com. Display Ad with logo: $38/week 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 Must be reliable, Standard Classified: $18/week dependable and caring. ODD JOBS CARS WANTED COMPUTER Responsibilities include $ $ C A S H PA I D $ $ bathing, meal prep, For Junk Vehicles & Scrap Metals Expert Local Computer Services light housekeeping, • Damaged and Junk Cars • Heavy and Light Duty Trucks  Home & Business, Windows/Macs shopping & transportation • Buses, Farm Lawn Mowing • Raking Leaves Equipment for seniors which include  Virus Removal, Data Backup • Steel, Car Blocks, Light Irons the following towns Tree Work • Yard Work •Aluminum, Copper, Stainless  Software/Hardware Support • Wheels, Radiators Salisbury, Amesbury, $10 off* Cleanouts • And a Lot More! We are here for you! Salisbur y Auto Newburyport, Salvage Honest Work for Honest Dollars Haverhill, Groveland 978-948-8696 • • CALL (978) 346-4087 rth Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper Joshua T. Eisen 1-800-343-0327 Rowley and all of Cell: 978-407-9109 Quality Work/Fully Insuredcharge * $10 off labor only. Expires 12/31/2013 TC-1 Est. in 2004 16 Main Street, Salisbury MA Essex County. Call 978-790-8002 Master License No. 10647 All shifts available Days/ CLEANING PLUMBING & HEATING Eves/Nights and Weekends.

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Page 16 RE/ M A X PRE S T I G E 375 Bosto n Street To ps f ie l d, M A 01983 Dire ct Line: 978-729-2605 Off i c e: 978-887-7272 w w w . h o m e s b y a n d r e

June 19 - 5, 013

Senior Transition Assistance Team WHAT IS THE SRES DESIGNATION A Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES), is a Realtor who has gone through specialized training and has been certified by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) to address the unique needs of our senior citizens and counsel them through major financial and lifestyle transitions A SRES designee along with the special training received, continues to receive regular updates and continued training in this field through the NAR. Both Andrea and I have completed this course and have earned the SRES designation and we continue to receive updated training as is becomes available.

ANDREA & NEIL ANASTAS SRES REALTORS (Senior Real Estate Specialist)

We welcome the opportunity to be of assistance to you and your family during this transition and invite you to give us a call to arrange a time that we can meet and discuss your specific needs and goals.

Having had personal experience with our own family members in transitioning them from their lifelong homes and into Assisted Living Facilities both Andrea and I know what daunting challenges a family can face in this task. Using our skills in the real estate industry, having owned our own brokerage, and utilizing our referrals and connections, we came to the realization that families without these resources have many hurdles to climb and they too will need to rely on many trusting and capable people. To fill the needs of many seniors and their families during this transition period we have put together a team of trusted professionals who will help these families to make this as stress free as possible. Combining our real estate knowledge, the skills of an elder law attorney, and a senior move manager, we feel we have put together the perfect team to achieve the goal of making your transition a good experience. Please feel free to reach out to us for advice and consultation for your own situation. Your case is unique in your needs. You may not need to move, you may need advice on reverse mortgages, you may need a referral to an attorney or financial planner. Whatever your goals, we are here to help. No obligation, no commitment. Just impartial advice.

WHAT SERVICES DO WE PROVIDE? HOME MARKET ANALYLSIS We will provide a complimentary market analysis of your home. With this information you can determine what resources you will have through this transition and plan for the future.

ELDER LAW ADVICE Our Elder Law Attorney will act as your advisor and advocate in all of your transition needs. They will deal with your families and caregivers and will advise you in the area wills, probate, estate planning Social Security and Medicare & Medicaid laws.

SENIOR MOVE SPECIALIST We have found that the most stressful part of this transition is the move itself. Our Senior Move Specialist will assist you and your family to decide what should go, be sold, donated or discarded. Throughout this process the decision is always yours.

EXPERT REAL ESTATE SERVICES If and when the time comes to put your home on the market we are here to provide the best in real estate advice and service. We will take care of all that is entailed in the preparing, marketing, and sale of your home.

LET US HELP We have a large referral base of many services that you may need in the preparation and sale of your home.

Neil & Andrea Anastas RE/MAX Prestige Direct: 978-729-2605 Office: 978-887-7272 SRES Certified

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