Ttc 07 17 13 vol 9 no 37 p1 16

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The Town Common







WHAT'S INSIDE Night Fishing on Refuge to Commence on July 19th Page 2 Senior & Veteran Tax Work Off Program Launched in Amesbury Page 2 Some Important Updates from Crane Beach Page 7 Crossword & Horoscopes Page 14


July 17 - 23, 2013 Vol. 9, No. 37

What Are the Odds You Will Live to Be 100 NEWBURYPORT – Dora Sullivan has beaten the odds. She is turning 100 this week. According to those who study longevity, the odds of making it to the century mark for someone born in 1913 is about 2 percent. Not long ago the odds of becoming a centurion were about one in 20 million. Today the odds makers put it at about one in 50. With vast improvements in health care, nutrition and safety, the odds that future generations will live as long as Sullivan are getting much better. A resident of the Atria Merrimack Place on Storey Avenue for the last two years, Sullivan will celebrate her 100th birthday party with her

By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– friends on Thursday. The Atria staff will provide champagne and a cake. Mayor Donna Holaday is invited, although it is unlikely that Sullivan will know who the mayor of Newburyport is. She frequently reminds people that she grew up in Lynn. Sullivan is most excited about her family arriving from Ohio and Florida to celebrate with her. The mother of two daughters, her family is widely dispersed. One grandson lives in Hawaii, and none of her family lives in New England. One daughter and her family are in Tallahassee. The other daughter is married to a West Point graduate Continued on page 3

Photo by Stewart Lytle

From left, Sandra Jervah and Dora Sullivan.

Gwendolyn, the Pig, is Coming to a Library Near You By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– REGIONAL – When Beatrice Peterson saw her first performance of Gwendolyn the Graceful Pig by the North Shore Performing Arts Center (NSPAC) at the Newburyport Public Library, she fell in love with the pig who wants to learn how to dance. The three-year-old got the dancers' autographs, asked her mother for her own pig nose just like Gwendolyn's and begged to be allowed to join the dance studio so she could train to be a future Gwendolyn. “We call her a Gwendolyn groupie,” said Marie McDermet, owner of the performing arts center on Route 1 in Ipswich. But Beatrice's love for Gwendolyn Photo courtesy of NSPAC was not that unusual among the North Shore Performing Arts Center of Ipswich performing Gwendolyn the young children who attended the Graceful Pig.

Photo courtesy of NSPAC

Dancers pose with choreographer, Vanessa Voter-Shaheen

four performances the NSPAC dancers did last year. The performances are aimed at a very young audience. And many Continued on page 3

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Good health begins with a great doctor. Meet Andreas Schoeck, MD – a double board-certified and double fellowship-trained neurologist with New England Neurological Associates, P.C. Dr. Schoeck is now seeing patients in Newburyport every other Friday. New England Neurological Associates U Towle Office Building 260 Merrimac Street U Newburyport, MA 01950 978-465-3033 or


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How to Submit Night Fishing on Letters to the Editor Refuge to

Senior & Veteran Tax Work Off Program Launched

Commence on July 19th

Officials at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge have announced that walk-on night fishing will be allowed at the refuge’s Lot 1 beach beginning on Friday, July 19th. Night fishing permits will be available Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. beginning on Friday, July 12th Publisher/Editor, The Town Common and can be obtained at either AMESBURY - The City of Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating the refuge visitor center during Amesbury Council on Aging is concerns, issues, or suggestions to normal business hours (M-F, 8:30 now accepting applications from am – 4:00 pm) or at the refuge seniors and veterans (of all ages), all members of the community. The Town Common encourages entrance station. Permits are interested in participating in the all citizens to submit letters $10 (or $5 for people age 62 or Senior or Veterans Tax Work concerning issues of interest and older). Off Program. These programs concern to the local community. Opening of additional areas allow a senior or a veteran to Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. of the refuge beach to fishing work up to 93.75 hours for the Some letters may serve as a catalyst are conditioned by the status city, between August 1, 2013 and for other articles or coverage, and of the piping plover breeding March 30, 2014 to receive up to community leaders and agencies season. The plover is a federally a $750 credit on their Amesbury will be offered an opportunity to threatened species. Those having property taxes. respond to letters concerning their further questions about fishing Seniors over the age of 60 with areas of responsibility. on the refuge are invited to call a primary residence in Amesbury, All letters must be signed and (978) 465-5753. Additional, and with gross income not include a daytime telephone updated information may also be number. NOTICE available through the refuge webLEGAL LEGAL NOTICE Letters may be submitted to: site: Shore’s Largest Independentparker_river/. Community Newspaper ROWLEY CONSERVATION The Editor ROWLEY CONSERVATION c/o The Town Common COMMISSION COMMISSION

The Town Common


77 Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01969 or preferably via e-mail to:

The Town Common deadline is 5pm Wednesday (except when a federal holiday necessitates an earlier deadline).

The Town Common

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serves the communities of the Upper North Shore of Mass. & Coastal New Hampshire and welcomes your participation. Send your Organization or Group Notices, Birth or Engagement Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Fresh Locally Rowley, MA 01969 978-948-8696 GrownPhone: Fruits & Fax: 978-948-2564 Vegetables E-mail:

3 Generations of Family Farming The Town Common • Marc Strawberries & Maravalli, Publisher / Editor Asparagus Crops Graphic Design Services are ready Advertising Opportunities • Fresh Baked Goods Event and Announcement Submissions • Friendly Staff

Come by our farm77stand Wethersfield Street Rowley, MA 01969-1713 Phone: (978) 948-8696 and eat healthier! Fax: (978) 948-2564

The Marini Family The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify 259 Linebrook RdThe Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. Ipswich OffcannotRte 1 without written All material and-content be duplicated consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or any copy offered for publication. (978)edit356-0430 Copyright 2004-2013 The Town Common© - All Rights Reserved In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005)

July 17 - 23, 2013

In accordance with thewith Wetlands In accordance the Wetlands Protection Act, Mass. G.L. 131, Protection Act, Mass. G.L. 131, section 40, as amended, and the and the section 40, as amended, Town ofTown Rowley WetlandsWetlands Protec- Protecof Rowley tion Bylaw, PublicaHearing will will tion aBylaw, Public Hearing held on Tuesday, July 30, 2013 at 2013 at held on Tuesday, July 30, 7:45 PM7:45 at the Town Hall Annex PM at the Town Hall Annex located at 39 Central con- to conlocated at 39 Street, CentraltoStreet, sider a Request for Determination sider a Request for Determination of Applicability application filed filed of Applicability application by Chester C. Beatrice for proby Chester C. Beatrice for proposed construction of a subsurface posed construction of a subsurface sewage disposal system upgrade sewage disposal system upgrade possiblypossibly within the DEPthe Approved within DEP Approved Groundwater Protection Area Zone Groundwater Protection Area Zone II at 892IIHaverhill Street (May at 892 Haverhill Street4,(May 4, in Rowley, MA. MA. 5) in Rowley, Fresh Locally GrownParcel 5)Parcel

Fruits & VegetablesDoug Watson, Chair Chair Doug Watson, Rowley Conservation Commisssion Rowley Conservation Commisssion Fresh Baked Goods

exceeding 500% of the federal poverty level are eligible for the program. Seniors with gross income at or below $57,450 for individuals or $77,550 for couples may qualify for the program. Seniors must apply to participate in the program, and open slots will be filled accordingly to eligibility, skills and availability. With $5,000 funded in this current budget there are seven opportunities: 6 slots for $750 and one slot for $500. The Senior Tax Work Of f Program is allowed under MGL Chapter 59 Section 5K. The city adopted this section of the law in May of 2007. This is the fifth fiscal year the program has successful run. Veterans of any age with a DD214 and honorable discharge may be eligible. There are two opportunities funded for $750 each with in city departments. This program will be administered by


Come by our farm stand and eat healthier! The Marini Family 259 Linebrook Rd Ipswich - Off Rte 1 (978) 356-0430

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

LEGAL NOTICE The Rowley Municipal Light Plant


quotes for the demolition of a barn In accordance with thewith Wetlands In accordance the Wetlands located at 24 Daniels Road Rowley Protection Act, Mass. 131, Protection Act,G.L. Mass. G.L. 131, MA. All materials will be hauled away section 40, as amended, and the and the by the successful respondent. A silt section 40, as amended, Town ofTown Rowley Wetlands Protec- Protecof Rowley Wetlands fence will be required at the back tion Bylaw, PublicaHearing will willand right edge at a distance to allow tion aBylaw, Public Hearing held on held Tuesday, July 30,July 201330, at 2013 atfor demolition. Once the barn is on Tuesday, 8:00 PM8:00 at the Town Hall Annex PM at the Town Hall Annexdemolished the area will be graded located located at 39 Central Street, toStreet, con- to conat 39 Central loamed and seeded. The successful sider a Request for Determination sider a Request for Determinationrespondent will be required to of Applicability application filed by filed obtain of Applicability application by all permits required for the E. Jay Seaboyer for proposed soil soildemolition of the barn. The quote E. Jay Seaboyer for proposed evaluations for designt of a sewage evaluations for designt of a sewage must show prevailing wage. All disposaldisposal system possibly within within quotes can be mailed or drop off at system possibly the 100’the Buffer ofZone Border100’Zone Buffer of Border- the Light Department office not later ing Vegetated Wetlands at 256 at 256 than August 9, 2013 at 3:00pm. If you ing Vegetated Wetlands Main Street Parcel in 81) in Main(May Street24, (May 24,81) Parcel have any questions in regards to this Rowley,Rowley, MA. MA. quote or to make an appointment to view the property please call the Doug Watson, Chair Chair Doug Watson, Light Department office at 978-948Rowley Rowley Conservation Commisssion Conservation Commisssion 3992.

tide chart JULY

the COA Director in collaboration with the Veterans’ Services Officer. Veterans tax work off is allowed in MGL Chapter 59 Section 5N. Participants will be placed with city departments based on their skills and interest. The program is not designed to fill existing positions, rather to augment existing operations with additional assistance from senior workers. Work assignments may vary from administrative support to providing technical assistance on ongoing projects. For more information about the program contact Annmary Connor, Council on Aging Director, (978) 388-8138 or email at connora@amesburyma. gov. To apply, stop by the senior community center for an application or download the application off the Council on Aging webpage at www. Once you have a completed application, call the senior community center to schedule an interview.

Merrimack River Entrance 42o 49’N 070o 49’W HIGH LOW

Wed 6:35 7.59 7:02 8.63 1:07 Thurs 7:37 7.57 8:01 8.90 2:08 Fri 8:42 7.70 9:02 9.23 3:11 Sat 9:46 7.96 10:03 9.57 4:14 Sun 10:46 8.30 11:02 9.87 5:13 Mon 11:44 8.64 11:59 10.05 6:10 Tues 12:38 8.92 xx xx 7:03 Wed 12:53 10.06 1:31 9.09 7:56 Thurs 1:47 9.88 2:23 9.13 8:47

0.53 1:21 0.31 2:20 -0.01 3:22 -0.40 4:23 -0.81 5:23 -1.16 6:21 -1.37 7:17 -1.42 8:12 -1.28 9:06



0.48 5:20 8:18 0.45 5:21 8:17 0.30 5:22 8:16 0.06 5:23 8:15 -0.23 5:24 8:15 -0.50 5:25 8:14 -0.68 5:26 8:13 -0.71 5:26 8:12 -0.61 5:27 8:11


The The Town Common would like to note a correction in the July 3rd edition of our paper. We incorrectly identified a photograph in Jeanne Schultz's office at the River Valley Charter School as Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. It should have been Maria Montessori, the inventor of the Montessori curriculum that is taught at River Valley and at Ms. Schultz's new school, Hill View Montessori Charter Public School. Our sincere apologizes for the error.

The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspap

Power You Can Trust

July 17 - 3, 013

Gwendolyn, the Pig, is Coming to a Library Near You

Page 3

Winter Has Met

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Sea View Retreat -Since 1954

Continued from page 1


The shows are choreographed by He approached McDermot about of the children believe the dancers Vanessa Voter-Shaheen, who teaches a year ago, inviting the NSPAC •Private & Semi-Private Rooms are the characters from David Ira at the NSPAC and choreographs to perform the two Gwendolyn An extended Care Community with Baths and Beautiful Views Rottenberg's popular children's several performances, including the adventures. McDermot said it has • Medicare/ Medicaid certified Firehouse Theater's performance been a very good collaboration. books. • Social Services-Speech, 746 Amesbury Rd (Rte 110) The NSPAC has about 120 One girl, after seeing the Physical, Occupational, & 01830 dancers,Haverhill, almost MA all of whom performance of Gwendolyn in Massage Therapies 978-372-7100 are girls, ages three to a few Ipswich, asked if the dancer lived 746 • Full Activity Program who have graduated from high in a barn. • and much more... school. McDermet is before adding a your Honda Power Equipment and never use One reason is that the story ballet Please read the owner’s manual operating Please read the owner’s manual before in a closed or partly enclosed areatowhere you could be exposed to poisonous carbon monoxide. boys-only hip hop class attract performances are very realistic. operating your Honda Power Equipment. © Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to d more young males. Rottenberg commissioned music Honda Motor Co., Inc. power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician.MANSION © 2012 American Honda• Motor Co., Inc.MA • JUST2012 DRIVE ROWLEY, OFFAmerican ROUTE 1A The 11-year-old studio is in its to accompany the dancers. And second year in the larger space in he reads the story as the dancers Ipswich. For much of its life, the act it out. studio was in cramped space in Last year, the NSPAC Rowley. It has grown 50 percent performed in four venues: since moving to the larger space Amesbury, Peabody West and on Route 1. Newburyport libraries and the The studio offers classes in Ipswich town hall. ballet, tap, jazz, acro, hip hop, This year, the dance troup lyrical, contemporary and will be performing Rottenberg's musical theater. latest book, Gwendolyn Goes to McDermet, a former mortgage Hollywood, at three libraries. The banker, got interested in the performances will be in Ipswich NSPAC when her daughter took on July 17, in Newburyport classes there. When the previous on August 10 and Newbury on Photo courtesy of NSPAC owner decided she just wanted August 15. All performances are NSPAC Dancers interact with children. Dunn’s Equipment to teach dance, not be an owner, at 11 a.m. 746 Amesbury Rd (Rte 110), Haverhill, MA 01830 McDermot “took a big leap of The performances feature 978-372-7100 The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspape six dancers, ages nine to 16. Four of the Nutcracker at Christmas in faith” and purchased the studio. Please read the owner’s manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. © 2012 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. “It is a lot of work,” she said, of the dancers for this year's Newburyport. “She is very adept at the story “but it is worth every bit of it, I love performances are back from last ballet,” McDermet said. working with children.” year's performances. 978-948-8696 • • advertise@thetowncommo Rottenberg, who lives in For more information about the “My dancers have the best time,” Natick, plays a major role in the performances or the NSPAC, email McDermet said. After the performance, the performances, reading his stories. the studio at children in the audience are invited Born in Cambridge, Rottenberg Gwendolyn also has her own to join the dancers to learn dance has written two children's books. web site, where parents can book stepps and participate in a dance He has also written several business Gwendolyn birthday parties. It is books and is a published poet. www.gwendolynthegracefulpig. party.

Dunn’s Equipment


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The Town Common

What Are the Odds You Will Live to Be 100

Continued from page 1

who now works for Procter & Gamble in Ohio. “You'd think I would get a sample every now and then,” she said laughing. Her friend and caregiver, Sandra Jervah, said Sullivan's son-in-law does send her bubble bath. Sullivan usually has one glass of white wine at the Atria pub at 3:15 most afternoons. “I don't usually finish it,” she said. She is a champion of the Atria pub, which charges only a dollar per drink. She believes residents get to know each other better at the pub. “Some people complain that they are serving alcohol,” she said. “But I think it is a good thing.” Reminiscing last week about the past 100 years, Sullivan recalled that she used to walk from Lynn to the beaches in Swampscott almost every day. One of her favorite outings these days is ask Jervah to pick up a lobster roll salad at the Clam Box

and take take it to the beach in Ipswich for a picnic. “She loves doing that,” Jervah said. A graduate of Brown University. Sullivan was married to Daniel Xavier Sullivan, an attorney and lived most of her adult life in Wakefield. For much of human history, living to as long as Sullivan was almost unheard of. In the Stone Age, the life expectancy was about 20 years. By the time Rome was conquering Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, the Etruscans could expect to live to be 28. By the end of the 19th Century, one could expect to live to be 50. As recently as the 1940s, life expectancy was 65. Today it is 77 to 81. But someone born today is about eight times more likely to live to be as old as Sullivan than she was. Any child 14 years old or younger this year has a better than a onein-four chance of living to 100. Of

course, girls have better odds. She has a 33.7 percent chance of living until she is 100, while a boy born this year has a 26 percent chance. In comparison, a woman who turned 40 this year has a 20 percent chance of living to 100, and a man has a 13.7 percent chance. Sullivan just smiles when asked how it feels to turn 100. Mostly confined to a bed or wheelchair with two dislocated shoulders and a variety of other medical issues, she seems to take life as it comes. “I've been very happy here,” she said. Gisella Ashley, the director of extra-curricular activities for the Atria Merrimack residents, described Sullivan as an inspiration. “She always has a nice thing to say.” And the consensus of the dozen Atria residents who gathered in the pub last week will be that Sullivan's 100th will be a great opportunity to sip some champagne, eat cake and congratulate Sullivan on beating the odds.

The 43rd Olde Ipswich Days Annual Art & Craft Show – July 26-28, 2013 – 10-5pm on the South Village Green, Ipswich, MA. A non-profit event, presenting a wide variety of quality arts and crafts to be appreciated outdoors in beautiful Ipswich, MA. On the last weekend of July, more than 60 artisans and fine craftsmen will show and sell their work on the South Village Green in Ipswich, MA. Arts and Crafts include paintings, watercolors, woodworking, glass, pottery, jewelry, children’s toys, fabric crafts, Hand-knits, folk art, photography, pen and ink prints, carved gourds, decorated furniture, and more!


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To The Editor July 17 - 23, 2013

Community Announcements

AMESBURY - The Market Street Baptist and the Rock Church both of Amesbury will be hosting "Kid's Community Connections Kingdom" in the Amesbury Park, 140 Friend Steet on Friday, August 23 from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm. This program is free and open to the public. There will be an inflatable obstacle course and bouncy house, games and plenty of popcorn and sno-cones. You may be familiar with us as we usually partner with the Kid's Day in the Park event during Amesbury Days but due to poor weather we postponed our activities that day. It is Business Spotlight our goal to provide a safe and fun event for your family to enjoy the day together at no cost to them or the town. -----------------------------------------------------------• desperately The North Shore’s Largest Independent Real Estate Forneeds Sale AMESBURY -Community Interns Needed Newspaper - The Amesbury Chamber of Commerce some volunteer assistance. In lieu of pay, we offer the convenience of making your own schedule and the option to learn new skills from a talented team. All interns who are seeking full-time employment elsewhere can also be featured in our email newsletter twice a year to help make job connections. Furthermore, we write great references • Sports • will Sports Sports for any great interns! No office experience is required. Motivation to help is all you need, along with a business casual wardrobe. From the following list, we'll assign you whatever you're comfortable with: Answering phones and writing messages, Stuffing envelopes and applying postage, Folding brochures, Making calls on Animals, Plus behalf of Chamber staff, Taking Pets, meeting minutes and typing notes in Microsoft Word, Updating Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, Preparing swag bags for event guests, Drafting member communications, Updating the website community calendar, We could also use a graphic design intern who could periodically build posterlike designs about our events forHealth the website, Facebook, & email newsletters, etc. If you or someone you know Fitness is interested in helping us out, please call 978.388.3178 or email -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY – The City of Amesbury’s Public Works is holding a “COLLECTION EVENT” Private Beach, Scenic Department views, AllofAmenities for residents to dispose of Prescription Drugs, Textiles (clean clothing), Shoes, One-Use Disposable Bags, Mercury, and Styrofoam and will offer Paper Shredding all FREE OF CHARGE! The event will take place on Saturday, September 28th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Department of Public Works Office Parking Lot, 39 South Hunt Start saving up NOW and help recycle and resuse so that these items do not end 3Rd. bedrooms, 2 baths up in a landfill or incinerator. For more information contact Laurie Pierce at the Public Works Department, Availability JULY/SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER 978-388-8116 or via email at -----------------------------------------------------------978.561.1407 GROVELAND - Langley-Adams Library in Groveland will offer ereader classes during the next several months. The library invites patrons to bring their Nook, Kindle, or IPad and learn the basics of how to use these devices. Patrons will also learn how to download free ebooks and audiobooks onto their devices Contact your Advertising using their library card. This is a free program but registration is required as space is limited. Nook Class: Consultant today! Saturday, August 10 (11 am-12:30 pm); Kindle Class: Saturday, September 28 (11 am-12:30 pm); IPAD Availability Class: Saturday, October 26 (11 am-12:30 pm). For more information please call 978-372-1732 or visit P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 JULY/SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER -----------------------------------------------------------978.561.1407 IPSWICH - The Ipswich Public Library will conduct a survey of library services during the month of July. This survey is part of the library’s planning process. A committee of interested Ipswich residents met in May and again in June to conduct a SOAR exercise (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results) and later to describe their visions for the future of the Town of Ipswich. The result of these meetings was a list of goals for the library over the next five years. The community survey is the next step in the planning process. The survey will give the library staff information about the public’s satisfaction with current library services as well as possible future new services. “ Input and suggestions from library patrons will be vital to the success of our new Plan of Service 20142019,” according to Library Director Victor Dyer. The survey forms are available at the library and at the Town Hall in the Treasurer’s and the Town Clerk’s offices. An electronic version of the survey is available on the library’s website at www. Click on 978-948-8696 • • ‘News’ then ‘Latest News. ‘ -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURY - Grab your Ruby Slippers and click your heels together, as Circus Smirkus goes "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" with a new spin on the Wizard of Oz. Pull back the curtain and discover fun for the whole family as Circus Smirkus presents “Oz Incorporated.” Sponsored by Theater in the Open, which brings free family theater and storytelling to the Greater Newburyport community, Circus Smirkus is coming to town on Friday, Aug. 2, and Saturday, Aug. 3. Vermont’s award-winning international youth circus invites you to go over the rainbow with “Oz Incorporated.” It will take acrobatic thinking, highwire hearts, and courageous clowns to embark on this Emerald City Adventure. This time it’s all flying monkey business as they cartwheel down the yellow brick road to a new twist in the tale. Theater in the Open will sponsor four performances at Manter Field, 81 Central St., Newbury, on Friday, Aug. 2 at 2 and 7 p.m., and Saturday, Aug. 3 at 12:30 and 5:30pm, which will leave the audience enough time to head to downtown Newburyport for the fireworks celebration. Tickets cost $21 for adults and $17 for children between the ages of two and 12. To purchase tickets, go to Eureka Toys in Newburyport, buy online at SMIRKUS.ORG or call (877) SMI-RKUS. For group tickets or specific info about the local performance, call (978) 4652572. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - Yankee Homecoming 2013 - Sunday, July 28 - Sunday, August 4, Various Locations – Newburyport. Visit the 56th Yankee Homecoming Celebration, an annual Newburyport tradition. This week-long celebration features numerous events such as: Free waterfront concerts, Downtown entertainment, Craft show, Kid's talent show,

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Continued on page 6

July 17 - 3, 013

Page 5

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Page 6

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Continued from page 4

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Family Day at Maudslay State Park, The Newburyport Brewfest, Old Fashioned Sunday, Fireworks, Yankee Homecoming Parade and much more! Go to for more information. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - The Newburyport Learn to Sail Program, conducted by the American Yacht Club is accepting applications for children via the Internet online registration at This program provides an opportunity to learn the basic skills of small boat handling, safety and seamanship to its members, families and the community. The program is conducted by experienced certified full time instructors who will provide land and water-based instruction. Children Sessions are for two-weeks, either morning or afternoons starting July 12th- August 23rd. Fees for each program are $300. For inquiries, please call the Sailing School Administrator, Sue at 603-474-9644 or email . -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - Were you born at Anna Jaques Hospital? If the answer is yes, then join us as we recognize generations of people who were born here at AJH during our annual “Born @ Anna Jaques” reunion on Monday, July 29, 2013, 5 – 7 p.m., on the front lawn of the hospital. Registration will begin at 5 p.m. and the program will start at 6 p.m., with a group photograph at 6:15 p.m., followed by the singing of “Happy Birthday” and birthday cake. Advance registration is encouraged and by doing so, early registrants will be entered in a drawing for a $500 engraved AJH brick to be placed at the hospital. (Must be present to win!) To register, or for more information, please call the AJH Community Health Foundation at (978)4631176. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - At the Newburyport YWCA on Market Street an exhibit of paintings by Muriel Angelil. The exhibit is entitled Childhood Memories and is open till July 31, 2013. The paintings are inspired by Angelil's growing up years in Alexandria, Egypt. Little girls, horses, Arab Women and men can be seen in the images of the figurative paintings on display. The YWCA is wheelchair accessible. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - The Newburyport Choral Society will host a Summer Sing with soloists of Haydn's Lord Nelson Mass on Monday, July 29th at 7:00 PM at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church on 7 Harris Street, Newburyport. All are welcome to come and sing along or just listen and enjoy. There will be refreshments at the break and air conditioning. Admission is free. For further information visit www. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - The hugely popular 13th Annual Newburyport Kitchen Tour, benefitting the Newburyport Elementary PTO, will take place on Saturday, July 27th from 11 AM to 4 PM. This year’s tour has an incredible lineup featuring thirteen unique kitchens, including Victorian, Greek Revival, Georgian, Federalist style homes and more recent Colonial or Cape style homes. Kitchens were chosen based on originality, design and functionality, and although kitchens are the focus of the tour, attendees can also enjoy a peek into other first floor living spaces. Whether you are looking for ideas for a renovation, want a few tips, or just enjoy looking at original and beautiful design, this tour is a must. So grab a friend and enjoy a great day in Newburyport! Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 on the day of the event and are available for purchase online at or in person at participating retailers in town or Newburyport Chamber of Commerce.

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Continued on page 12

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Some Important Updates from Crane Beach Featuring articles and helpful hints for parents who

IPSWICH - Now that the busy, summer beach season has kicked into high gear at Crane Beach on the Crane Estate in Ipswich, The Trustees of Reservations, which owntheir and children manage the offer some are preparing forbeach, the summer school or important updates andand friendly reminders to help makewho your trip to Crane the tops. Voted as one of the Featuring articles helpful hints for parents summer campvoted experience. top ten “U.S. Family Beaches” by National Geographic in 2013 and consistently as a top beach are preparing their children for the summer school or by readers of, Crane Beach is a premier summer destination for people from near and far. • Comfortable Classroom Following is some important information for our beach visitors: summer camp experience. BEACH PARKING & FEES • High Tech Simulator Parking: Parking at Crane Beach is on a first-come, first-served basis. During busier times like weekends

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Call Today! 978-948-8696 (978) 792-5235 or • Weekend Lessons and holidays,Call The Trustees recommend arriving early (or late in the day), carpooling and/or using public Today! 978-948-8696 Ask about special ad rates. transportation. Ask about our Referral Program Beachor Parking Permit Sticker Program: The easiest and most economical way to access Crane Beach is Special Five (5) Day Accelerated Programs! to sign up for the Crane Beach Parking Permit Sticker Program. The sticker goes on your car windshield Ask about specialinadtheir rates. and allows members (and everyone vehicle) to park at Crane Beach for no additional charge Five Saturdays in August Starting August 3rd

The Town Common

from May 1, 2013–April 30, 2014. The parking sticker is $80 and available to Trustees members. or Week Long August 12th -16th Membership in The Trustees starts at just $47 per year for individuals ($37 for students and seniors) and $67 for families. With a Trustees membership, you can also enjoyThe savings at nearby events and programs, North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper Now Taking Reservations, Call for times including the Castle Hill Summer Concert Picnic Series, Crane Wildlife Refuge Guided Kayak tours, Free pick up and drop off at home. and Appleton Farms’ Family Farm Day event, as well as free or discounted admission at The Trustees of Reservations’ more than 100 other properties all across Massachusetts. 19 Macy Street (Rte 110) Fees: For visitors who choose not to become Trustees members, beach admission prices are $25 on Amesbury, MA weekends and $15 on weekdays. After 3:00 p.m., all beach admission prices decrease by 50%. Members who choose not to purchase a parking permit sticker pay $10 at the beach gate on weekdays and $20 on Now Accepting Now Accepting weekends. Membership and admission fees help to support the critical work of The Trustees, including the ongoing New Students for New Students for management, maintenance and care of special places like Crane Beach and our 110 other remarkable Summer Enrollment Summer Enrollment properties on the North Shore and across the state. Kids 4 and up, teens & adults Kids 4 and up, teens & adults POLICIES: To help keep the beach operation running smoothly and beach-goers happy all summer long, here are 978-948-8696 Bob • • advertise@thetowncommon.c Wolfman, Berklee College of Music Bob Wolfman, Berklee College of Music a few friendly reminders from The Trustees: Music Ed Degree. Performance Degree Performance Degree Please leave dogs and floatation devices Music at home.Ed TheDegree. beach trash policy is carry-in, carry out but recycling receptacles are provided. The Trustees recommend arriving early on weekends and holidays, carpooling and/or using public transportation. A parking permit sticker does not guarantee a parking FIRST FIRST N N O S spot. LESSO LES FREE FREE VISITOR SERVICES Fully staffed beach operation: Daily staffing includes parking attendants, EMT’s, interpretive rangers, lifeguards, ecologists, bathhouse and maintenance technicians, andordable! membership and visitor services Great Results, Yet Affordable! Great Results, Yet Aff representatives. 978-774-0023 978-774-0023 Guest Services Facilities: Crane Beach store featuring refreshments and merchandise including produce from The Trustees of Reservations’ nearby Appleton Farms, bathhouse with toilets and changing facilities, outdoor showers, picnic area, membership and information kiosk. Access: Handicap-accessible facilities with staff on hand to provide transportation to the beach front for mobility-impaired and challenged visitors. Daily Updates & Information: For daily updates on the tides, parking, programs or weather, follow the beach on twitter @ • • CraneBeachMass and friend The Trustees on Facebook 978-948-8696 (www. You can also call the beach office at 978.356.4354, Monday – Friday, 9AM – 5PM or find information online at NOW ACCEPTING Public Transportation: The Newburyport/Rockport commuter rail line offers some options. In Ipswich, pick up the Ipswich Essex REGISTRATION Explorer bus (, which will deposit you at Summer 2013 & 2013~2014 Crane Beach. A $5 round-trip fare includes the beach fee. The bus runs weekends and holidays from June 15 to September 2. Seasons

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Page 8

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Community Calendar To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail:

Classified Ads remain with his/her child for the

The Whittier Home Association entire duration of this program. announces two dates for this year’s Burglar, Fire Alarms Preregistration is required for this Old Fashioned Tea Parties to be TIDE POOL DISCOVERIES 24 Hour Monitoring Monday, July 15th at 10:00 am; program. Parker River National held in John Whittier’s Victorian We Guarantee the best! be offering free Garden. The . first set for Wednesday, July 17th at 11:30 Wildlife Refuge will Community Calendar Continues public programs during the month Th ursday July 18 a rain date am; Friday, July 19 at 1:30 pm; Find out more, call or visit us today: Monday, July 29th at 10:00 am; of July. Please note that many of Friday July 19.with Th e second tea MA LIC # 444C Wednesday, July 31st at 12:00 of the refuge programs require will be held on Thursday, August noon For generations children have preregistration. Registrations are 15, with a rain date of Friday, enjoyed exploring tide pools and not confirmed until the registrant August 16. “The menu includes discovering the fascinating plants receives a phone call from a member hot and cold teas, lemonade, a rich and animals that live in this realm of the refuge staff. Anyone having a assortment of tea sandwiches and between the tides. A refuge ranger question about a refuge program is pastries and light classical music,” will guide this hands-on program. asked to contact the refuge at (978) said Rosemary Werner, chairperson GENERAL CONTRACTORS L.L.C. of the Tea Committee says. “Patrons Appropriate for children age 5 465-5753. Consultation to Project Completion will also be offered free tours during – 10. Each session is limited to 15 . Carpentry . Masonry . Landscaping . Roofing . Basements . Water Entry the tea and after.” The Teas are children. Each session is 90 minutes PAJAMAS OF MY DREAMS . All Phases of Construction . Commercial/Residential Th e Wenham Museum is hosting served from 2 to 4 p.m. and the long, allowing time for travel to and of . All Maintenance Work . All Types of Restorations from the beach. Meet the ranger an event for The Pajamas of My cost is $20 per person. Reservations . Free Initial Consultation . Project Management “In the Field” Experience at the visitor contact station at lot Dreams on Wednesday, July 17 should be made no later than PROPERTY MANAGEMENT/CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION 1. Note: Parent/guardian must from 6 to 8 pm. Visitors who bring the Monday of the week of each All Types of Property Repairs children’s pajamas to donate to tea by calling the home at 978Cradles to Crayon will be admitted 388-1337 or visiting our website free to the museum that evening. and purchasing tickets online Enjoy a reading of the book and at Proceeds from create a cut-paper craft designed all activities at the home are used to by the illustrator, Margie Florini. upkeep the National Historic Site Margie and I will be available to sign Whittier Home Museum. Other books purchased at that event. The upcoming events include Tapestry I N-HOME SENIOR CARE GENERAL CONTRACTORS L.L.C. original, extraordinarily detailed of Voices on Sunday, Aug. 11, in Companionship, meals, illustrations from the book will be the garden. Whittier enthusiasts are Consultation to Project Completion . Carpentry . Masonry . Landscaping . Roofing . Basements . Water Entry in the museum’s Burnham invited to an afternoon of poetry errands, housekeeping, exhibited . All Phases of Construction . Commercial/Residential Hall from July 20 to the 31st. Call with the Boston-based Tapestry of of . All Maintenance Work . All Types of Restorations the museum at 978-468-2377 to Voices. President Cynthia Costello hygiene & respite. plan your visit and make sure exhibit welcomes all those who love . Free Initial Consultation . Project Management “In the Field” Experience space will be open. The Wenham Whittier’s poetry to hear it read by PROPERTY MANAGEMENT/CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION Experienced Caregivers Welcome to Apply Museum is located at 132 Main guest readers and authors including All Types of Property Repairs Street inNewspaper Wenham. Go to www. Harris Gardner, president of The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community for further Tapestry of Voices. Refreshments information. It is a lovely museum will be served following. The especially noted for its collection of program is free, however donations are welcome. Weekly tours of antique dolls and trains. the Whittier Home Museum are Contact your Advertising TECH PERFORMANCE EVENING BIRDING AT available Saturdays from 11 a.m. Consultant today! to 4 p.m. and by calling 978-1337 CHERRY HILL RESERVOIR Ipswich Boat for special appointment and group Join us as we search for birds at P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 tours. A minimal fee is requested. the Reservoir. Participants should Storage & REPAIR be able to walk on unpaved surfaces. WINTER STORAGE The pace will be slow. Wednesdays, BINGO NIGHT Erie 4’s next Bingo night will be July 17, 24 & 31, 2013, 6:30 pm NOW RESERVING to dusk, $20, Meeting Location: held Thursday, July 18, 2013. Here SPACE Meet at the Moulton Street end are the details: Doors open 6pm, of the Cherry Hill [Indian Hill] Play starts at 7, 16 "regular" games, BOATS $9/FT Reservoir in West Newbury in $4 minimum admission = 6 cards, Campers ($150/Season) the pull off on the Reservoir side. additional cards 3/$. Four "special" games including two 50/50 HAULING/WINTERING WEDNESDAY EVENING games, door prizes, refreshments CARS & TRUCK STORAGE LECTURE available including hot dogs. INSide/OUTSIDE July 17, 2013: Ipswich Museum, FREE COFFEE! All players and 54 South Main St., Ipswich will host attendants must be 18 years of age [CALL FOR Pricing] its monthly Wednesday Evening or older, per state of Massachusetts. Lecture at 7:30 pm. July’s lecture Tell your family and friends! DOUGLAS EMERY topic is TBA. Our Wednesday Evening Lecture series is generously DIGNEY FIGNUS TO BRING (OWNER/operator) sponsored by First Ipswich Bank. AMERICANA TO CASTLE Call or Text Cost is free for members, $10 for HILL CONCERTS 978-771-8926 non-members. Boston’s Digney Fignus will perform at the Castle Hill Summer techperf@VERIZON.NET THURSDAY, JULY 18th Picnic Concert series at Castle SINCE 1968 Hill, 290 Argilla Rd, Ipswich, on FULLy insured TEA PARTY Thursday, July 18, from 7 p.m. to WEDNESDAY, JULY 17th




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July 17 - 23, 2013 9 p.m. Digney Fignus is a Bostonbased singer, songwriter, guitar player, and producer. His latest CD, “Last Planet on the Left”, received national and international airplay spending a month in the Top 40 on the national Americana Chart and reaching #6 on the International Roots/Rock Chart. Fignus also won the WZLX Boston Anthem contest with his song "Boston Town". The gates for Fignus’ show will open at 5 p.m. for picnicking. Attendees are encouraged to arrive early. Space is limited and the gates will close once capacity is reached. Admission is at the gate only--$30/car or $20/ car for members of The Trustees of Reservations. Motorcycles and walk-ins are $10. Ipswich Ale Brewery and Mill River Winery will sell beer and wine at the Casino beer-wine garden. Patrons may not bring their own alcohol but are welcome to bring their own picnic suppers. Ice cream, pizza, salads, sodas, sweets, and other products will be available for purchase. Weather cancellations (if necessary) will be announced by 3:00 p.m. concert-day. Visit www.thetrustees. org or call 978.356.4351 for more details.


FRIDAY, JULY 19th TIDE POOL DISCOVERIES Monday, July 15th at 10:00 am; Wednesday, July 17th at 11:30 am; Friday, July 19 at 1:30 pm; Monday, July 29th at 10:00 am; Wednesday, July 31st at 12:00 noon For generations children have enjoyed exploring tide pools and discovering the fascinating plants and animals that live in this realm between the tides. A refuge ranger will guide this hands-on program. Appropriate for children age 5 – 10. Each session is limited to 15 children. Each session is 90 minutes long, allowing time for travel to and from the beach. Meet the ranger at the visitor contact station at lot 1. Note: Parent/guardian must remain with his/her child for the entire duration of this program. Preregistration is required for this program. Parker River National Wildlife Refuge will be offering free public programs during the month of July. Please note that many of the refuge programs require preregistration. Registrations are not confirmed until the registrant receives a phone call from a member of the refuge staff. Anyone having a question about a refuge program is asked to contact the refuge at (978) 465-5753. PURPLE MARTINS OF PLUM ISLAND Join Sue for a round of nest checks. Your donation will help provide housing for this human-dependent songbird. Wear long pants & a long sleeved shirt & bring a lawn chair. Light refreshment will be provided. Thursday, July 18, 2013, 6:30 pm to dusk, Suggested Donation: $25, Pre-registration is required ~ please contact Sue at:, Location: North End of Plum Island by the Plum Island Lighthouse. SINGLES DANCE Singles dance 8 PM every Friday at Daniels Hall, Rt 4, Nottingham, NH. BYOB, $12 admission includes light buffet and drink set-ups. For more info call 603 942-8525 or visit www.


composting). Stacy Kilb will lead us on a multi-sensory workshop on the wonders of worms. Each family will get their own starter • Friendly & Experienced Staff vermicomposting kit. Everyone • Family Atmosphere should be ready to get a little “Come in for a haircut OLD FASHIONED dirty and have a lot of fun. Due to BARBERSHOP and let us be your barber!” limited materials, the class is limited EXPERIENCE! to fifteen families. Please sign up in the Children’s Room or call 978465-4428. The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper Across from Agawam Diner See us on at TD Bank Plaza SUNDAY, JULY 21st

Rocco’s BaRBeRshop

The(978)948-2555 Town Common

EARLY BIRDS AT ASH STREET SWAMP The early morning is the best time to bird at West Newbury's Ash Street Swamp. Participants should be able to walk on unpaved terrain. Waterproof shoes or boots are suggested. Participants should be SATURDAY, JULY 20th prepared with a long sleeved shirt, long pants and sunscreen. Sundays, “BEHIND THE SCENES” Trivia Every Wednesday at 7pm - $100 CASH PRIZE July 21 & 28, 2013, 6:30 am - 8:30 REFUGE TOUR Held on the following days: am, $20, Meeting Location: Park Live Music on the Patio Every Thursday 6-9pm Saturdays – July 13, 20, 27 at 9:30 & Ride Ticket Office at Exit 57 off Featuring the sounds of Calypso and Jimmy Buffet am; and Sundays – July 14, 21, 28 at Route 95 [Route 113/Newburyport] 1:00 pm. Tours last approximately 2258 Andover St, Georgetown, MA 01833 2 hours. Join a refuge ranger for Georgetown Summer • 978-352-2900 a behind the scenes tour of Parker Concert Series Held at the Kiwanis Ice House River National Wildlife Refuge. Tour will be conducted via refuge Pavilion located at American van, with several brief “drive by” Legion Park, off Prospect Street in • • on stops along the way. The tour will Georgetown. Concerts will run 978-948-8696 present an “up close and personal” five consecutive Sunday evenings look at the refuge through the starting with Sunday, July 21 and Call George Manemanus MLO 5270 ending with Sunday, multipleCall lensesGeorge of the cultural Manemanus MLO 5270August 18. Concerts are free and food is for history of Plum Island and the MA MB2385 Licensed by the New Hampshire Banking Department MA MB2385 Licensedwildlife by the New BankingBrewing Department sale. Ipswich Company Great Marsh, native and Hampshire their habitats, and the role of refuge will be selling beer to adults 21 and management in the conservation older on Aug. 4 and Newburyport MSM of these precious natural resources. Brewing Co. will be selling beer on Participants may be driven along Aug. 18, to help raise funds for the . . . areas on the refuge. otherwise . closed series. . Concerts begin at 5:00 p.m. to the public. This guided two hour and end at 7 p.m. Lineup includes The Shane Woods program is most appropriate for older teens and adults. Binoculars Jazz Trio Jul. 21; The Auld Locals and/or a camera are recommended, Jul. 28; Erin Harpe & the Delta but not required. Meet the ranger Swingers Aug. 4; Rust Never Sleeps in the lobby of the Headquarters Aug. 11; and Girls Guns & Glory visitor center. Each session is Aug. 18. For more information, limited to 10 participants; no more visit than 4 individuals per sign-up. Again, this is a vehicle–based tour, KAYAK TOUR The Trustees of Reservations, in with limited stops on the Refuge. Parker River National Wildlife partnership with Essex River Basin Refuge will be offering free public Adventures, is offering guided kayak programs during the month of July. tours of the Crane Wildlife Refuge Please note that many of the refuge on Saturdays and Sundays at 2pm programs require preregistration. now through September 15. The Registrations are not confirmed Crane Wildlife Refuge is an islanduntil the registrant receives a phone studded patchwork of salt marsh call from a member of the refuge and tidal creeks located in Essex Bay. staff. Anyone having a question During this two-hour guided tour, about a refuge program is asked to paddlers are introduced to the basics contact the refuge at (978) 465- of sea kayaking before setting out on an interpretive paddle though the 5753. Crane Wildlife Refuge. The cost is $40 for Trustees members and $50 DIG INTO for nonmembers. Price includes VERMICOMPOSTING Come to the Program Room of kayak rental and equipment, tour the Newburyport Public Library guides, and parking at the boat on July 20th at 10:30 AM for a dock. Pre-registration is required. hands on experience where kids can For more information or to register dig into vermicomposting (worm Continued on page 10

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Page 10

Continued from page 9

please call 978-356-4351 x4052 or 978-810-5892, or visit the Visitor Services Center at Crane Beach. “BEHIND THE SCENES” REFUGE TOUR See Saturday, July 20th.

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July 17 - 3, 013 WATER PAINTS Children ages 6 to 11 are invited to learn how to make their own “wow” works of art in Monday morning sessions with teacher Jan Morris. Monday, July 22, 9:30am11:00am Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fee per session: $18. Preregistration is required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www.massaudubon. org/joppaflats. INTERNATIONAL COOKING FOR TEENS Monday, July 22nd @ 6pmInternational Cooking for Teens with Nina Hunt. Please Register Wednesday, July 31st @ 6pmAirbrush Tattoo Party, Grades 6-12. Tribal Sun Airbrush will be at the library to design tattoos for teens! Langley-Adams Library, Groveland. (978)372-1732 ZEN MEDITATION Free, Zen meditation instruction is offered Monday nights at the First Religious Society, 26 Pleasant Street, Newburyport. The practice sessions meet in the lower meetinghouse from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. For first time participants, the 6pm orientation session is recommended. The instructor is Joyce Haydock, Dharma Teacher with the Kwan Um School of Zen (KUSZ) for more than 22 years. Zen is a way of living, a way to perceive one's life with a clear mind and to better understand your true Self. Over time, with support, one works to attain a clear compassionate mind which, moment to moment, is able to help all beings. For more information, contact Joyce Haydock at 978-3635457. Free and open to the public

Join us as we search for birds at the Reservoir. Participants should be able to walk on unpaved surfaces. The pace will be slow. Wednesdays, July 24 & 31, 2013, 6:30 pm to dusk, $20, Meeting Location: Meet at the Moulton Street end of the Cherry Hill [Indian Hill] Reservoir in West Newbury in the pull off on the Reservoir side. THURSDAY, JULY 25th IMAGINE, SING, AND LEARN: SPLISH SPLASH! Active play and learning with Joppa Flats School and Youth Education Coordinator Lisa Hutchings for pre-schoolers, ages 3 to 5, with a favorite adult. Choose one of four sessions. Thursday, July 25, 10:00-11:30 am, or Friday, July 26, 10:00-11:30 am Meet at Mass Audubon’s Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $8 for adults, $7 for children. Preregistration is required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www.

The Town Comm


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LIZZIE BORDEN The Seabrook Library proudly announces a grant award from the NH Humanities Council to present the program Lizzie Borden Took an Axe; Or Did She? on Thursday, July 25, 2013 at 6:30 pm in the Library’s meeting room. Professor Annette Holba will lead a discussion on the true history of this well-known event, which included four official criminal proceedings. The case is a mystery to this day, and Prof. Holba will review the facts of the case and explore that some experts suggest points to her guilt and other experts read the opposite way. Lizzie’s connections to New Hampshire will also be discussed. The program is free and open to the public sponsored by the NH Humanities Council; light refreshments will be served. For more information, call the library at 474-2044.

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Business Spotlight

July 17 - 3, 013

Real Estate • For Sale

For Sale

I’ll Make Them an Offer They Can’t Refuse

• Sports Sports Sports By John McCarthy,• Rowley Realty

The famous quote by Marlon Brando in the Godfather can certainly be applied to real estate and most importantly gave me an idea for an article as I watched part of the movie (while of course looking online for houses for my buyers) for the millionth time the other night. So you are preapproved for a loan and found the house you would like to call home. Before you back up the moving van you will need to make an offer. In your offer you will need to come up with a purchase price, financing terms, and any contingencies such as a home inspection or if you have a home you need to sell first. Please make sure that everything you want in an offer is in writing, for example, don’t assume that the refrigerator will stay with the sale just because all the other appliances are staying. To make your offer one that a seller can’t refuse there are a few things you want to do. First, start with a realistic offer price. Your REALTOR® will help you with this, but basically you want to come up with a price based on similar houses sold in the neighborhood in the past six months. You'll also want to keep the local conditions in mind. In other words, if houses are selling quickly, and this spring saw a dramatic upturn in buyers, and houses are receiving multiple offers, you'll need to bid competitively. If a home has been on the market for quite some time, doesn’t have any competing offers, and

comparable sales indicate that the home is overpriced you can come in a little lower. Secondly, include in your offer realistic financing terms. If you're pre-approved for a loan, be sure to include that in the offer so the seller knows you're serious. I can’t tell you how many times I have received an offer on behalf of my sellers without a preapproval letter. How can a seller accept an offer without knowing if a bank or mortgage company will approve the buyer for a mortgage? If you would really like your offer to stand out have your finances in place, it will also give you a big edge over any other offers that don't have a pre-approved loan. If you know your loan will be approved before making an offer waive your home inspection contingency. I would caution against this but again the title of this article is “Make them an offer they can’t refuse”. Hard to refuse a good offer where the seller doesn’t have to worry about the buyer getting financing. Know that your escrow deposits are dependent on this contingency so if you can’t get financing you would lose this money. Thirdly, as much as some buyers don’t include a home inspection contingency, unless you are 100% sure of the condition of the home you will probably want that provision in the offer. That said, if you call home inspectors before you place your offer and schedule something right away you can offer the seller at 5 day home

inspection period v. the typical 10 day inspection period. If the offer doesn’t materialize you can typically cancel the inspection. By shortening the home inspection period you tell the seller that you are serious and the seller will get past that contingency very soon. When making an offer you must give the sellers a time frame for a response. If they do not respond by the end of this time period the offer has been rejected. Typically the duration of an offer is 24 hours but if you know you can get an answer sooner feel free to ask for a quicker response time. This helps reduce the chance of another offer arriving while you are waiting for a response on your offer. Again, please, put everything in writing. Please know that even what you may consider a terrific offer may be rejected. Your offer may be countered with another offer. Don’t get frustrated. The seller is looking out for himself or herself and possibly their family. In the words of Michael Corleone “It’s not personal (Sonny) it’s strictly business”. Try to keep things that way; follow the lead of your experienced REALTOR® and you will be unpacking soon. If you have any questions about this article, real estate in general or are looking to buy or sell a home please contact me, John McCarthy at Rowley Realty, 165 Main St., Rowley, MA 01969, Phone: 978 948-2758, Cell 978 835-2573 or via email at john@

Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness

Page 11

Our Featured Property of the Week

ROWLEY: Very private 4 bedroom and 2.5 bath Colonial is situated on over 2 acres in a cul-de-sac. This lovely home is in excellent condition with upgrades including crown molding, hardwood floors throughout Huge Price Reduction! except the kitchen and living room. The granite kitchen opens to a better than Great Room with a pellet stove. Lower level game room is almost finished and offers above grade windows for a possible teen suite or inlaw apartment. The rear multi level deck has a hot tub and overlooks a very private, well groomed yard. Now offered at $549,900! Call Pauline at 978-314-7341 for more information or to make an appointment to see this property.


165 Main St., P.O. Box 101, Rowley, MA 01969 Phone 978-948-2758 • Fax 978-948-2454

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Reverse Mortgages Sold Single Family Homes Free Consultation

Call George Manemanus Address, Town Description MLO 5270 DOM MA MB2385 Licensed by the New Hampshire Banking Department

List Price Sold For Orig Price

6 True Rd, Salisbury 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Split Entry 31 $257,500 $248,000 $257,500 130 Central St, Topsfield 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 89 $384,900 $350,000 $399,000 MSM 43 Margaret Rd, Hamilton 7 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Ranch 32 $439,000 $465,000 $439,000 . . 8 room, 4 bed,. 2f 1h bath Colonial 7 Bradbury Ln, Newburyport 12 $449,000 $449,000 $449,000 6 Woodwell Circle, Amesbury 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 102 $479,000 $469,000 $495,000 8 Linda Ln, Salisbury 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 60 $499,900 $477,500 $499,900 19 Myrtle Ave, Newburyport 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Cape 23 $620,000 $600,000 $620,000 21 Ocean Dr, Ipswich 8 room, 3 bed, 3f 0h bath Other 16 $682,000 $682,000 $682,000 Single Family Listings: 8 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 2,260.63 Avg. List$: $476,413 Avg. List$/SqFt: $214 Avg. DOM: 45.63 Avg. Sale$: $467,563 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $211 2013 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.

800-343-8788 . 978-374-6600

Page 1

July 17 - 3, 013

Continued from page 6

Personalized lessons in your home.

Tickets are non-refundable, and the tour is held rain or shine. For additional information or to contact us visit or check us out on Facebook. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - The Friends of Parker River National Wildlife Refuge are displaying Randy Radke's Black & White Photographs for sale. The photography uniquely expresses the artist’s vision, deepest inner passion and natural feelings for the marine environment. Randy Radke's Black and White Photographs were inspired by the North Shore's Great Salt Marsh taken around Plum Island. Welcome.html The photographs are on tables in the classroom at the Refuge Headquarters and are priced at $10 - $45. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Digital Art and Photography on display through August - The Rowley Public Library is displaying digital art and photographs by local artist Penny Pensaturo. She has been painting since she was a child, but her interest in photography really took off when she bought her first digital camera as an adult. Since then, she has learned to incorporate both passions into the beautiful creations on display through digital manipulation. Her work will be on display at the library through the month of August. The Rowley Public Library, at 141 Main Street in Rowley, is fully accessible. For more information, call 978-948-2850. -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - 7th Annual Sand & Sea Festival - Saturday & Sunday, June 29 & 30 - Salisbury Beach, MA. The Sand & Sea Festival held every year the last weekend in June, provides family fun for all ages with crafters and food vendors, live entertainment, kids' activities, the everpopular Beach Pizza Eating contest, Pet Parade and much more! Saturday night features a free outdoor concert by Entrain followed by spectacular fireworks. Go to for more information. -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - The following are our weekly activities at the Salisbury Hilton Senior Center. Surfside 5 Septemberfest – Fall Fun(d) Raiser: The Salisbury Hilton Senior Center together with the Friends of the Council on Aging will be hosting a Fall Fun(d) raiser on Friday, the 13th of September at Surf Side 5. Tickets are available at the Senior Center for $10. We will have a cash bar, entertainment, appetizers, raffles and silent auctions. Cash or checks accepted. The Salisbury Senior Center is dedicated to serving the needs of elders. But we need you to help us to continue to provide quality service in a friendly, safe environment for our seniors “Home away from Home”. We need your support - a donation of an item, a basket, a gift card or service for our raffle or auction. Tickets will be available starting July 1st. All proceeds to benefit programs and improvements to the Hilton Center. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. For more information, tickets or contributions, please call the Center at 978-462-2412

Sports July 17 - 3, 013



Pets, Animals, Plus

Page 13

Health & Fitness

Brighter Smiles...

Life-Threatening Sleep – Part 1


Sleep apnea is a serious, potentially life-threatening sleep disorder that affects approximately 18 million Americans. It comes from the Greek meaning of apnea which means “want of breath”. People with sleep apnea have episodes in which they stop breathing for 10 seconds or more during sleep. Diagnosis of sleep apnea usually requires a sleep study overnight in a sleep lab, although there are methods for diagnosis at home. This will be discussed in further detail next week. There are two major types of sleep apnea, both of which can severely disrupt the regular sleep cycle. Obstructive sleep apnea is when the muscles in the walls of the throat relax to the point where the airway collapses and prevents air from flowing into your nose and mouth. However,

as you continue to sleep you also continue to try to breathe. This is the most common type of sleep apnea. Central sleep apnea is the other type. This is when breathing interruptions during sleep are caused by problems with the brain mechanisms that control breathing. What are the symptoms associated with sleep apnea? People with sleep apnea usually do not remember waking up during the night. Some of the potential problems may include morning headaches, excessive daytime sleepiness, irritability and impaired mental or emotional functioning, excessive snoring, choking/gasping during sleep, insomnia, or awakening with a dry mouth or throat. So, what is the difference between snoring and sleep apnea? Unlike mild/moderate snoring, individuals with sleep apnea stop breathing completely for 10 seconds or more, typically between 10 and 60 times in a single night. If the person sleeping in the same room hears loud snoring punctuated by silences and then a snort or choking sound as breathing then resumes, this could be sleep apnea. Studies have shown that people with diagnosed sleep

apnea can be so fatigued during the day that, when driving, their performance is similar to that of a drunk driver. If left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to impaired daytime functioning, high blood pressure, heart attack, or stroke. Since many people see their dentist on a regular basis, if there is any concern of sleep apnea, the dentist can work closely with a physician to implement and manage a prescribed therapy. More and more dentists are getting training in this area of medicine because they can be a help in the treatment of some of the problems associated with sleep-related issues. There also seems to be a large part of the population who are undiagnosed or are diagnosed but have issues with treatment modalities they are using. Next week we will discuss the diagnosis of and treatment options of this potentially lifethreatening disorder. Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to healthcentered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@dentalhealthforlife. com. You can view all previously written columns at www.

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Page 14

July 17 - 3, 013 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Your persistence pays off as the information you demanded starts to come through. The pace is slow at first, but it begins to speed up as the week draws to a close. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) An unwelcome bit of news jolts the Bovine, who would prefer that things proceed smoothly. But it's at most a momentary setback. A Leo brings more welcome tidings. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You need to pay close attention to the details before making a commitment. Don't accept anything that seems questionable, unless you get an answer that can be backed up. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Congratulations on getting that project up and running. But as exciting as it is, don't let it carry you away. Make sure you set aside time to spend with family and friends. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Be sure you're part of the discussion involving your suggestions. Your presence ensures that you can defend your work, if necessary. It also helps gain your colleagues' support. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) A misunderstanding needs to be dealt with, or it can grow and cause more problems later on. Be the bigger person and take the first step to clear the air. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Set some strict guidelines for yourself so your heavier-than-usual work schedule doesn't overwhelm the time you need to spend relaxing with loved ones. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) You might feel a little uncomfortable being among people you hardly know. But remember that today's strangers can become tomorrow's valuable contacts. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Reward yourself for all that you've accomplished despite some annoying situations that got in your way. Enjoy a well-earned getaway with someone special. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Realizing that someone else is taking credit for what you did is bound to get anyone's goat, but especially yours. Be patient. The truth soon comes out. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Forget about opposites attracting. What you need is to find someone who thinks like you and will support your ideas, even if others say they're too radical. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Workplace problems can affect your financial plans. Be prudent and avoid running up bills or making commitments until things begin to ease up by the 26th. BORN THIS WEEK: Your intuition helps you communicate easily with people and understand their needs. (c) 2013 King Features Syndicate P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564

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