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The Town Common
FREE Plum Island Lighthouse Offers Free Tours
July 24 - 30, 2013 Vol. 9, No. 38
Harbormaster Must Wear Many Hats By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––
Jim Boynton Turns 102 Page 2 Man of the Year Page 2 Car Pride Page 2 Bank Donates $500,000 for New Library in Salisbury Page 2 Community Calendar & More Inside
Harbormaster Paul Hogg besides his new 25-foot Defender.
NEWBURYPORT – After a July 4th fireworks show at Salisbury beach, a 23-foot Chaparral boat, with four adults and two children on board, rammed into the south jetty at the mouth of the Merrimack River. The boat hit the rocks at a speed fast enough to total the boat and park it on the rocks. But thanks to the quick response from the Newburyport Harbormaster, the boaters were rescued and taken to Salisbury beach where a medical team found them to be far better off than their boat. Earlier in the week, Plum Island lifeguards, who are also part of the harbormaster's team, rescued a pair of boaters in a small inflatable boat that had capsized. The Harbormaster's office also
Photo by Stewart Lytle
rescued a pair of kayakers who were stuck under a dock. To talk with Harbormaster Paul Hogg, who to some may look more like a lifeguard than the traditional image of a harbormaster, it is all in a week's work as his department manages Newburyport's “Crown Jewel.” “It is a busy job,” Hogg said. The harbormaster, operating from a small office at the end of the boardwalk on the Merrimack, has a complex mission. As a department head for the city, the harbormaster wears many hats. He runs a business that registers and collects fees for providing docking several thousand boats each year. There are 1,400 to 1,500 boats at the five marinas on the river this summer. There are another 2,000 to 3,000 Continued on page 3
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– PLUM ISLAND – The lighthouse on the northern tip of this ninemile long barrier island is something special to a lot of different people for a lot of different reasons. It is often the site of weddings and engagement photos. L i g h t h o u s e aficionados beat a path to the nation's 11th oldest and one of the most accessible lighthouses in the country. They come to get a stamp to verify their visit and enjoy the rich history that this lighthouse offers. “Kids think it is the living end,” said Jack Myer, one of the officers Photo by Stewart Lytle of the Friends of the Keepers of the lighthouse include from left, Jack Plum Island Lighthouse Myer, Barbara Kezer and Linda Collins. that helps manage the classic structure. They love climbing the 42 steps on the When the light burns out, the curved stairway inside and up the Coast Guard replaces the 100-watt ladder to the catwalk at the top of bulb that thanks to its fourth order the lighthouse. To climb the 35- Fresnel lens can be seen for 15 foot lighthouse, children must be miles out to sea. The lens cannot five years old or at least 42 inches be replaced. It is a design and tall. technology that has been lost over And as much as the lighthouse the years. has become a destination The Friends of the Plum Island attraction on Plum Island, the lighthouse are conducting tours Coast Guard still uses it to aid this summer and fall, opening boaters navigating the treacherous the lighthouse free to anyone who mouth of the Merrimack River wants to climb to the top and learn between Salisbury Beach and about the history of this lighthouse Newburyport. Continued on page 3
You'll "flip" over the digital edition at www.TheTownCommon.com 40 month CD_ COMMONpg1_7.15.13_Layout 1 7/15/2013 11:56 AM Page 1
Good health begins with a great doctor. Meet Andreas Schoeck, MD – a double board-certified and double fellowship-trained neurologist with New England Neurological Associates, P.C. Dr. Schoeck is now seeing patients in Newburyport every other Friday. New England Neurological Associates U Towle Office Building 260 Merrimac Street U Newburyport, MA 01950 978-465-3033 or www.neneuro.com
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Page 2
Happy Birthday!
How to Submit Letters to the Editor
Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common
Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to:
July 2 - 30, 2013
NEWBURYPORT - Further solidifying its long-standing commitment to the Town and residents of Salisbury, the Institution for Savings has pledged $500,000 towards the construction of the new public library, announced President The Town Common Courtesy Photo and CEO Michael J. Jones. Jim Boynton celebrated his 102nd birthday last week with friends and “When we opened our Salisbury family at Sea View Retreat in Rowley. office in 2006 we pledged to become a true partner with the Town of Salisbury and to positively affect the lives of every person, business and organization in this great community,” said Mr. Jones. “I can think of few better ways to do that than to help fund this much-needed new library – a place that can be used by virtually every Salisbury resident. We are thrilled to be able to help.” The new structure, which will replace the existing 3,000 square foot building on Salisbury Green, Community Newspaper will be an energy-efficient, 17,000square-foot, two-story building. The Town Common Courtesy Photo The total cost of the project is $7, At the recent Board of Selectmen's meeting thy read into the record a 452,330. Earlier this year the proclamation recognizing George Pacenka being named Ipswich Rotary Man residents of Salisbury approved a of the Year from Rowley. George said that 59 young men had become Eagle $3.2 million override to pay for a Scouts from Rowley and that he has help guide 34 of that number. From portion of the cost. A state grant will L-R Selectmen Jack Cook, Robert Merry, Joe Perry, Bob Snow, and Ipswich also cover some of the cost, leaving Rotary Man of the Year George Pacenka. approximately $1.5 to be raised privately. “From the moment that the Rowley resident Brian Institution announced plans to build Defrancesco attended Herb a new branch building in Salisbury Chambers’ “Cars & Coffee” at Square, the Bank has been a valued the Herb Chambers Flagship corporate citizen in our community,” Motorcars Lynnfield, an early said Town manager Neil Harrington. morning meet up of classic, vintage and specialty cars from “This sizable pledge to the Town’s all over New England. Car library project underscores the enthusiasts are invited to gather Institution’s commitment to the Fresh Locally Grown at the dealership, and showcase future of our Town and is deeply The Town Common Courtesy Photo their pride and joys while Fruits & Vegetables appreciated.” admiring the prized hardware of other automotive fanatics. Chambers has Fresh Baked Goods "We are so very grateful to the always looked to gather people who are passionate about cars in one location, Bank for recognizing the importance grab a cup of coffee and exchange stories of what makes their unique car so of this new public library for the special to them. Pictured above is Brian Defrancesco with his 1968 Ford residents of Salisbury, and for truly Shelby Mustang. leading the way by making a major contribution to our fundraising TIDE CHART campaign,” said Dianne M. Merrimack River Entrance Masiello, chairperson of the library’s 42o 49’N 070o 49’W fundraising committee. “When the Institution for Savings JULY/AUG HIGH LOW SUN 24 Wed 12:53 10.06 1:31 9.09 7:56 -1.42 8:12 -0.71 5:26 8:12 demonstrated their confidence in the Come by our farm stand 25 Thurs 1:47 9.88 2:23 9.13 8:47 -1.28 9:06 -0.61 5:27 8:11 Town of Salisbury by building their 26 Fri 2:41 9.52 3:15 9.05 9:38 -0.99 10:01 -0.38 5:28 8:10 beautiful new branch in the center and eat healthier! 27 Sat 3:35 9.04 4:07 8.86 10:29 -0.57 10:57 -0.08 5:29 8:09 of town, the Library Trustees felt 28 Sun 4:30 8.50 5:00 8.61 11:20 -0.09 11:55 0.26 5:30 8:08 The Marini Family that the stage had been set for our 29 Mon 5:27 7.96 5:54 8.34 12:13 0.40 xx xx 5:31 8:07 new library,” said Jeannette Lazarus, 30 Tues 6:25 7.50 6:50 8.10 12:54 0.56 1:09 0.83 5:32 8:06 259 Linebrook Rd 31 Wed 7:25 7.16 7:46 7.95 1:55 0.77 2:06 1.15 5:33 8:04 Chair of the Salisbury Public Library Ipswich - Off Rte 1 01 Thur 8:25 6.98 8:42 7.91 2:55 0.86 3:02 1.32 5:35 8:03 Board of Trustees. “We are very (978) 356-0430 happy and extremely grateful to be TECH PERFORMANCE - IPSWICH BOAT STORAGE & REPAIR partnering with the Institution for www.marinifarm.com NOW RESERVING WINTER STORAGE! 978-771-8926 Savings.”
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Man of the Year
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rth Shore’s Largest Independent The Editor c/o The Town Common Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01 6 or preferably via e-mail to: editor@thetowncommon.com.
The Town Common deadline is 5pm Wednesday (except when a federal holiday necessitates an earlier deadline).
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serves the communities of the Upper North Shore of Mass. & Coastal New Hampshire and welcomes your participation. Send your Organization or Group Notices, Birth or Engagement Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Fresh Locally Rowley, MA 01969 978-948-8696 GrownPhone: Fruits & Fax: 978-948-2564 Vegetables E-mail: news@thetowncommon.com
3 Generations of Family Farming The Town Common • Marc Strawberries & Maravalli, Publisher / Editor editor@thetowncommon.com Asparagus Crops Graphic Design Services graphics@thetowncommon.com are ready Advertising Opportunities • advertise@thetowncommon.com Fresh Baked Goods Event and Announcement Submissions • events@thetowncommon.com Friendly Staff
Come by our farm77stand Wethersfield Street Rowley, MA 01 6 -1 13 Phone: ( 8) 8-86 6 and eat healthier! Fax: ( 8) 8-256
The Marini www.thetowncommon.com Family The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify 259 Linebrook RdThe Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. Ipswich OffcannotRte 1 without written All material and-content be duplicated consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or any copy offered for publication. (978)edit356-0430 Copyright 200 -2013 The Town Common© - All Rights Reserved www.marinifarm.com In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1 56 - 2005)
Institution for Savings Donates $500,000 for New Library in Salisbury
Car Pride
The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspap
Power You Can Trust
July 2 - 30, 2013
Plum Island Lighthouse Offers Free Tours Continued from page 1
and its predecessors. The lighthouse will be open for guided tours during Yankee Homecoming on Saturday, August 3. The Friends, which has about 125 to 130 members, will also open the lighthouse for tours from 1 to 4 p.m. on Sundays August 25, September 15 and October 6. The parking is also free. Dogs are welcome. Donations to the Friends, which raise money to maintain the lighthouse and make improvements, are encouraged. Five or six volunteers from the Friends will be on hand for the tours to act as guides, both for safety and to make the experience memorable. The current lighthouse, which is believed to have been lighted for the first time on September
20, 1898, can trace its history to a century earlier. The first lighthouses on Plum Island were paid for by local merchants, who benefited from the growing trade through the mouth of the river. In 1790, the federal government took all lighthouses, and for Plum Island President George Washington appointed Abner Lowell its keeper. Three generations of the Lowell family have served as the lighthouse keepers, including his son, Lewis Lowell, who died while lighting a charcoal fire under the lantern one a cold night in December 1823 to keep the oil from congealing. Lowell was overcome with asphyxiation.. The Coast Guard maintained the lighthouse through the centuries, but turned it over to the city of Newburyport two years ago.
Page 3
Winter Has Met
Come in for a visit and compare!
The Friends secured a 10-year lease on the lighthouse. -Since 1954 “We are very happy,” said •Private & Semi-Private Rooms Barbara Kezer, the president of the Friends. An extended Care Community with Baths and Beautiful Views The Coast Guard made several • Medicare/ Medicaid certified improvements before turning 746 Amesbury Rd (Rte 110) • Social Services-Speech, it over toHaverhill, the city.MAIt 01830 installed Physical, Occupational, & hardwood flooring on the first 978-372-7100 Massage Therapies level. It re-roofed the lighthouse, dunnsequipment.com • Full Activity Program constructed a new catwalk, re• and much more... Please read the owner’s manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment and never use shingled the lighthouse in 1998 Please read the owner’s manual before in a closed or partly enclosed area where you could be exposed to poisonous carbon monoxide. operating your Honda Power Equipment. © www.seaviewretreat.com andConnection build ofa anew oak door and generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to American Honda Motor Co., Inc. power company personnel. © 2012 American Honda• Motor Co., Inc.MA • JUST2012 exterior storm door. Consult a qualified electrician.MANSION DRIVE ROWLEY, OFF ROUTE 1A The lights on Plum Island were originally fueled by whale oil. Kerosene was then used beginning in 1878. It was replaced by electricity in 1927. In 1951, the light was automated and changed to flashing green in 1981. For more information, to reserve the tower or make a donation, visit lighthouse.cc/plumisland.
Dunn’s Equipment
Sea View Retreat
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Harbormaster Must Wear Many Hats
Continued from page 1
The Town Common
swimmers and kayakers get in an outboard-driven vessel designed docked on the transient docks trouble, the harbormaster's public for patrols, response, port security, along the riverfront. And another safety boats are there to save lives. law enforcement and search and So how much does these services rescue. Its fully enclosed cabin can 250 boats are moored in the river. Dunn’s Equipment 746 Amesbury Rd (Rte 110), Haverhill, MA 01830 be heated for the winter. His department also oversees the cost the Newburyport taxpayers? 978-372-7100 dunnsequipment.com Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspape “It is a perfect boat The for theNorth job,” Hogg loves that question. When Cashman Park launch facility, the Please read the owner’s manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. © 2012 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. he hears people say, “I pay your Hogg said. busiest in the state. This winter, Hogg is planning The harbormaster is also a cop. salary,” he proudly tells them they to design and build a long-awaited Trained at the Police Academy, don't. As a city enterprise fund, his boaters' comfort station. Where Hogg along with his crew of 978-948-8696 • www.thetowncommon.com • advertise@thetowncommo four assistants patrol the harbor, department is budgeted entirely the office is now, he is designing enforcing the laws on boat owners from the fees it collects from boats a facility that will offer boaters showers and lockers. It will also using the river. and operators. Newburyport was recently contain a new harbormaster's Other duties for his department include managing the lifeguards on named one of 14 U.S. Coast office. Hogg believes that the new Plum Island and the public parking Guard cities, creating an even stronger relationship between comfort station will make docking lot at the beach. Soon, Hogg, who also holds a the harbormaster and the Coast in Newburyport even more attractive to the Atlantic boating commercial fish captain's license, Guard. “Being a Coast Guard city has its community. And that is good news will also wear the hat of a clam for shops and restaurants in town, fish constable when Joppa Flat is benefits,” Hogg said. The Coast Guard recently because, as Hogg said, “They come opened to clam digging. He will be responsible for making sure the gave Hogg's department a Safe to spend money.” catch is taken to Plum Island for 25-foot Defender for use on the river. Through the federal General decontamination. LEGAL NOTICE His department is also involved Services Administration, he found in testing the waters for pollution two outboard motors that cost his The Rowley Municipal Light Plant located at 47 Summer Street PO and will help oversee the multi- department less than wholesale, he Box 355 Rowley MA is requesting North Shore’s Independent Community Newspaper said. million repairs toLargest the substructure quotes for the demolition of a barn The Defender, which is docked located at 24 Daniels Road Rowley of the boardwalk. And of course, when boaters, outside the harbormaster office, is MA. All materials will be hauled away
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by the successful respondent. A silt fence will be required at the back and right edge at a distance to allow for demolition. Once the barn is demolished the area will be graded loamed and seeded. The successful respondent will be required to obtain all permits required for the demolition of the barn. The quote must show prevailing wage. All quotes can be mailed or drop off at the Light Department office not later than August 9, 2013 at 3:00pm. If you have any questions in regards to this quote or to make an appointment to view the property please call the Light Department office at 978-9483992.
The 43rd Olde Ipswich Days Annual Art & Craft Show – July 26-28, 2013 – 10-5pm on the South Village Green, Ipswich, MA. A non-profit event, presenting a wide variety of quality arts and crafts to be appreciated outdoors in beautiful Ipswich, MA. On the last weekend of July, more than 60 artisans and fine craftsmen will show and sell their work on the South Village Green in Ipswich, MA. Arts and Crafts include paintings, watercolors, woodworking, glass, pottery, jewelry, children’s toys, fabric crafts, Hand-knits, folk art, photography, pen and ink prints, carved gourds, decorated furniture, and more!
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To The Editor July 24 - 30, 2013
Community Announcements
AMESBURY - The Market Street Baptist and the Rock Church both of Amesbury will be hosting "Kid's Kingdom" Connections in the Amesbury Park, 140 FriendCommunity Steet on Friday, August 23 from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm. This program is free and open to the public. There will be an inflatable obstacle course and bouncy house, games and plenty of popcorn and sno-cones. You may be familiar with us as we usually partner with the Kid's Day in the Park event during Amesbury Days but due to poor weather we postponed our activities that day. It is our goal to provide a safe and fun event for your family to enjoy the day together at no cost to them or the town. -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY – The City of Amesbury’s Department of Public Works is holding a “COLLECTION EVENT” for residents to dispose of Prescription Drugs, Textiles (clean clothing), Shoes,•One-Use Disposable Bags, Mercury, and Styrofoam and will offer Paper Shredding all FREE OF CHARGE! The event will take place on Saturday, September 28th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Department of Public Works Office Parking Lot, 39 South Hunt Rd. Start saving up NOW and help recycle and resuse so that these items do not end up in a landfill or incinerator. • Works Department, 978-388-8116 • For more information contact Laurie Pierce at the Public or via email at laurie@amesburyma.gov. -----------------------------------------------------------GEORGETOWN - Ladies Jewelry Making Night Out - This is a great "Girls Night Out" and you will go home with a beautiful piece of jewelry custom made by you. We will be making a fashion bracelet. Learn beginner jewelry techniques while laughing with your friends. This class will touch on trends in color and current fashion. We will The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper make sure that the design will match your style and sensibility. Available Friday evenings 7-9pm, Saturdays during daytime hours 9am-5pm. Choose 2 hour classes between these times. Cost is $35 (per person) 4 person minimum Materials included. To book your party call Lisa at the Scala Art Center, 28 W. Main St., Georgetown (978) 3528614 or scalaartcenter@verizon.net -----------------------------------------------------------GROVELAND - Langley-Adams Library in Groveland will offer ereader classes during the next several months. The library invites patrons to bring their Nook, Kindle, or IPad and learn the basics of how to use these devices. Patrons will also learn how to download free ebooks and audiobooks onto their devices using their library card. This is a free program but registration is required as space is limited. Nook Class: Saturday, August 10 (11 am12:30 pm); Kindle Class: Saturday, September 28 (11 am-12:30 pm); IPAD Class: Saturday, October 26 (11 am12:30 pm). For more information please call 978-372-1732 or visit langleyadamslib.org -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - Blues legend Roomful of Blues will perform at the Castle Hill Summer Picnic Concert series at Castle Hill, 290 Argilla Rd, Ipswich, on Thursday, August 1, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The gates for will open at • Jewelry Classes • Gemstone Beads 5 p.m. for picnicking. Attendees are encouraged to arrive early. Space is limited and the gates will close once capacity is reached. Admission is at the gate only--$30/car or $20/car for members of The Trustees of Reservations. • Vintage Parts • Pearls Motorcycles and walk-ins are $10. Ipswich Ale Brewery and Mill River Winery will sell beer and wine at the Casino Learn to create one of a kind jewelry items! beer-wine garden. Patrons may not bring their own alcohol but are welcome to bring their own picnic suppers. At Art Center, 28 W. Main St., Georgetown P: Scala 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 Ice cream, pizza, salads, sodas, sweets, and other products will be available for purchase. Weather cancellations (if (978) 352-8614 necessary) will be announced by 3:00 p.m. concert-day. Visit www.thetrustees.org or call 978.356.4351 for more advertise@thetowncommon.com details. Roomful of Blues’ August 1 performance is part of Castle Hill’s Summer Picnic Concert Series, which features a different performer every Thursday through August 29. The remaining 2013 line-up includes: August 8 Beantown Swing Orchestra—Big Band Swing; August 15 The Brew—Rock; August 22 HELP!—Beatles tribute band; August 29 Orville Giddings Band—Boogie Blues -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURY - Grab your Ruby Slippers and click your heels together, as Circus Smirkus goes "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" with a new spin on the Wizard of Oz. Pull back the curtain and discover fun for the whole family as Don’t wonder or worry anymore! Come see us and get the answers Circus Smirkus presents “Oz Incorporated.” Sponsored by Theater in the Open, which brings free family theater and information you need to make wise decisions. and storytelling to the Greater Newburyport community, Circus Smirkus is coming to town on Friday, Aug. 2, and Saturday, Aug. 3. Vermont’s award-winning international youth circus invites you to go over the rainbow with “Oz Incorporated.” It will take acrobatic thinking, highwire hearts, and courageous clowns to embark on this Emerald AND A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W City Adventure. This time it’s all flying monkey business as they cartwheel down the yellow brick road to a new twist in the tale. Theater in the Open will sponsor four performances at Manter Field, 81 Central St., Newbury, on • Arthur K. Ross, Jr. Peter M. Ross Friday, Aug. 2 at 2 and 7 p.m., and Saturday, Aug. 3 at 12:30 and 5:30pm, which will leave the audience enough Downtown Ipswich – 20 Market St. • rossandrosslawyers.com 978-356-2000 time to head to downtown Newburyport for the fireworks celebration. Tickets cost $21 for adults and $17 for -948-8696 • www.thetowncommon.com • advertise@thetowncommon.com children between the ages of two and 12. To purchase tickets, go to Eureka Toys in Newburyport, buy online at SMIRKUS.ORG or call (877) SMI-RKUS. For group tickets or specific info about the local performance, call (978) 465-2572. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - Newburyport’s very own Documentary Film Festival returns September 20 – 22 and is seeking volunteers during both the planning process and the weekend of the festival. Those interested are invited to an informative get-together Sunday June 23 at 3-4:30 pm at the Screening Room, 82 State Street in Newburyport. ... and Landscape Supplies Bringing you back to your An update regarding this year’s Festival as well as volunteer opportunities will be discussed, It will also serve as a thank you to past volunteers with wine and snacks provided. For more information, email admin@newburyportf local farmstand! ilmfestival,com or call Joanne at 978.465.0583 Blue Seal Horse Feeds -----------------------------------------------------------• Sentinel Sr. ROWLEY - The Rowley Children's Center - is now accepting students for Fall 2013 enrollment and Summer • Trotter Camp. RCC is a developmentally appropriate, play-based preschool for children between the ages of 2+ years & 6 • Strider years. Our creative curriculum includes sign language, music, and Roots to Wings children and adult yoga classes. • Charger Our knowledgeable and caring staff provide an individualized and well-balanced program for each child. RCC • Hay Stretcher 14 is a fully licensed program serving Rowley and surrounding communities. We offer flexible hours and days for Come by for Local Home Made Shaw Farm Ice Cream families. RCC is a high quality program with affordable rates. We are conveniently located at 383 Main Street (Rte 1A), Rowley, just a mile from the town's center and Newbury. Call Nancy Garland-Wren for an appointment Try our Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich! and a tour of our preschool. For more info: 978-948-7929 or email therowleychildrenscenter@yahoo.com -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Rowley Library Collecting for Rowley Food Pantry - Donate non-perishable food items, cleaning
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July 2 - 30, 2013
Page 5
The Town Common
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Page 6
July 2 - 30, 2013
Continued from page 4
supplies and paper goods, or personal hygiene products for the Rowley Food Pantry in the basket in the Library lobby. The Rowley Food Pantry is open on Tuesday mornings from 10 am to noon and Thursday evenings from 6 - 7:30 in the parsonage of the Baptist Church at 153 Main St. All Rowley residents are welcome. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY Th e Rowley Public Library has joined Library Ideas™’ network of Public Library websites that offer FOR REGISTRATION & QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT: access to over 3 million songs including Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists. The Freegal™ Music Service DEBBIE DEANGELIS 978-432-1024 will allow the Rowley Public Library to increase the size and diversity of its collection by offering access to over Or mail payment of $50 to: 10,000 music labels from 65 different countries. Under the terms of the agreement, registered card holders of the IHS CHEERLEADERS 7 NEWBURY RD. ROWLEY MA. 01969 Rowley Public Library can download 3 Freegal Music tracks in the MP3 format each week at no direct cost via please include child’s name, age, phone number & parent’s name and number. www.rowleylibrary.org Visit the site today to get listening! Or visit your favorite app store to download the Freegal REGISTRATION & PAYMENT DUE BY AUGUST 3rd app. BROS. PLEASE DRESS IN SHORTS, T-SHIRTS AND SNEAKERS -----------------------------------------------------------MoVing coMPanY HAVE HAIR PULLED BACK IN A PONTYTAIL, ROWLEY - Pine Grove student, Mary Ouellette, is collecting tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Helping is Haverhill, MA 01835 BRING WATER/SNACK AND BUG SPRAY as easy as 1, 2, 3. 1. Pull your aluminum tabs off of soda, vegetable, tennis and pet food cans. 2. Save and Collect tabs. 3. Recycle tabs in the children’s room at the Rowley Public Library. (Pine Grove Students can return tabs to the school.) Tab pick-up is available by calling 978-358-8129. After the collection is complete tabs will be brought to the Ronald McDonald House. -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - The following are our weekly activities at the Salisbury Hilton Senior Center. Surfside 5 BROS. $ 00 Septemberfest – Fall Fun(d) Raiser: The Salisbury Hilton Senior Center together with the Friends of the Council on Aging will be hosting a Fall Fun(d) raiser on Friday, the 13th of September at Surf Side 5. Tickets are available at the Senior Center for $10. We will have a cash bar, entertainment, appetizers, raes and silent auctions. Cash Haverhill, MANewburyport 01835 Serving Greater or checks accepted. The Salisbury Senior Center is dedicated to serving the needs of elders. But we need you to rEsidEntial North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper CHECK OUR WEBSITE oFFicE help us to continue to provide quality service in a friendly, safe environment for our seniors “Home away from FOR EVEN BIGGER SAVINGS! 978-373-9575 Pianos Homeâ€?. We need your support - a donation of an item, a basket, a gift card or service for our rae or auction. www.ferrickmovers.com E-mail: ferrickmovers@aol.com BoB FErrick Packing Tickets will be available starting July 1st. All proceeds to benefit programs and improvements to the Hilton Center. Website: www.ferrickmovers.com Cannot be combined with any other offers. cell: 978-420-5739 Usdot # 664172 • Mc # 310830 • Ma. dPU # 30442 Any and all help is greatly appreciated. For more information, tickets or contributions, please call the Center at 978-462-2412 -----------------------------------------------------------Instant SALISBURY - The Civil War Roundtable of the Merrimack will meet at 7:30 PM on Wednesday August 14th Garage at our new location, the East Parish Methodist Church, Salisbury Square (route 1), Salisbury, MA. Scott Jewel, Ipswich Middle School educator, will speak on “Ipswich and the Civil War.â€? Admission is free and anyone with an interest in America’s Civil War is invited to attend. For more information visit our web page www.cwrtm.org or call Tom at (978) 462-8518. -----------------------------------------------------------TRITON CLASS OF 1973 - We are looking for YOU!!! We are planning our 40th Class Reunion 11/30/13. Still Cars missing many classmates current address. If you know of any class member’s current whereabouts’ please e-mail Boats the info to tritonclass1973@gmail.com or please check out of Facebook page Triton Class of 1973 and leave your • Save Money All Purpose info there. • Graduations -----------------------------------------------------------“An affordable solution Free • Parties WEST NEWBURY Are you a backyard farmer who grows their own vegetables, fruits? Do you sell your local for much needed space!â€? Estimates • Weddings farm fresh eggs, local honey, syrups? Do you make your own jams/jellies? Are you a local crafter? If you answered - Kevin (ByďŹ eld) • Cookouts yes to any of these questions and are looking for a farmers market toShore’s sell your items then Independent consider Laurel Grange's The North Largest Commun Call Bill at • Flea Markets/Vendors farmers market. We will be opening on June 15 and run thru October. Laurel Grange is looking to re-vitalize the (978) 618-4622 • Easy Set up/Take Down The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper farmers market and is looking for new vendors to help it grow. If this is something that might interest you then (978)462-8271 please contact Jackie Carter at midnight721@comcast.net or call me at 978-352-2986. RESERVE NOW ---->
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Community Calendar To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail: events@thetowncommon.com off on the ReservoirAds side. Classified
served. For more information, call the library at 474-2044.
THE BUGS OF BLACKWOOD HOW LOVE WORKS (THE SCIENCE OF MATTER) “How Love Works” A talk with GRUPO FANTASIA TO PERFORM Benjamin has a good life living Oscar-nominated actress Lindsay Crouse AT CASTLE HILL CONCERTS We Guarantee the best! Community Continues . .Fantasia will on Blackwood Avenue. Calendar Most of his Wednesday, July 24th, 7:30-9:30pm at Latin favorite .Grupo Find out more, call or visit us today: neighbors are friendly. He has a large The Unitarian Universalist Church, 96 perform at the Castle Hill Summer Picnic MA LIC # 444C extended family always there to help Pleasant St., Newburyport. We don’t Concert series at Castle Hill, 290 Argilla www.securityteam.com him. And on most days you’ll find find love we create it. Love is caused. Rd, Ipswich, on Thursday, July 25, from him working in the garden. However, Come learn how to love and be loved in 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The gates for will open all this was about to change the day he every aspect of your life. All are welcome. at 5 p.m. for picnicking. Attendees are was accidentally brought into the house. Event is free. Visit TheSummerRetreat. encouraged to arrive early. Space is limited You see, Benjamin is a bug and now he org for retreat information. and the gates will close once capacity is must be rescued! Join us as we learn reached. Admission is at the gate only-about the science of matter by telling the THURSDAY, JULY 25th $30/car or $20/car for members of The GENERAL CONTRACTORS L.L.C. tale of The Bugs of Blackwood. Rowley Trustees of Reservations. Motorcycles Consultation to Project Completion Public Library On Wednesday, July 24th IMAGINE, SING, AND LEARN: and walk-ins are $10. Ipswich Ale . Carpentry . Masonry . Landscaping . Roofing . Basements . Water Entry At 10:30 A.M. For Ages 5 – 12. All SPLISH SPLASH! Brewery and Mill River Winery will sell programs are free and open to the public Active play and learning with Joppa beer and wine at the Casino beer-wine . All Phases of Construction . Commercial/Residential of and are sponsored by The Friends of The Flats School and Youth Education garden. Patrons may not bring their . All Maintenance Work . All Types of Restorations Public Library, the Rowley Public Coordinator Lisa Hutchings for pre- own alcohol but are welcome to bring . Free Initial Consultation . Project Management “In the Field” Experience Rowley Library, The Massachusetts Cultural schoolers, ages 3 to 5, with a favorite their own picnic suppers. Ice cream, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT/CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION Council, The Collaborative Summer adult. Choose one of four sessions. pizza, salads, sodas, sweets, and other All Types of Property Repairs Library Program, The Massachusetts Thursday, July 25, 10:00-11:30 am, or products will be available for purchase. Board of Library Commissioners, The Friday, July 26, 10:00-11:30 am Meet at Weather cancellations (if necessary) will Massachusetts Library System and The Mass Audubon’s Joppa Flats Education be announced by 3:00 p.m. concertBoston Bruins. Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, day. Visit www.thetrustees.org or call Newburyport. $8 for adults, $7 for 978.356.4351 for more details. HOSPITAL SURVIVAL GUIDE children. Preregistration is required. Hosted by the Elder Insider: Call 978-462-9998 for information FRIDAY, JULY 26th Wednesday, July 24th @ Noon We all about additional programs and events, or need to be our own advocate in this ever visit the Web site at www.massaudubon. IMAGINE, SING, AND LEARN: GENERAL CONTRACTORS L.L.C. changing healthcare system, including org/joppaflats. SPLISH SPLASH! Consultation to Project Completion hospital stays and discharges! Learn Active play and learning with Joppa . Carpentry . Masonry . Landscaping . Roofing . Basements . Water Entry about what to expect, quality assurance VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Flats School and Youth Education . All Phases of Construction . Commercial/Residential Celebrate Salisbury - Volunteer Coordinator Lisa Hutchings for preand proper navigation during your of hospital stay. A must attend seminar for Meeting, Nancy's Marshview Café, schoolers, ages 3 to 5, with a favorite . All Maintenance Work . All Types of Restorations . Free Initial Consultation . Project Management “In the Field” Experience all of us! This presentation will run about July 25, 3:00 PM. The 375th Celebrate adult. Choose one of four sessions. an hour with PowerPoint presentations Salisbury - Saturday on the Green Thursday, July 25, 10:00-11:30 am, or PROPERTY MANAGEMENT/CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION and handouts. The Elder insider is non- Committee is meeting at Nancy's Friday, July 26, 10:00-11:30 am Meet at All Types of Property Repairs soliciting, their focus is education and do Marshview Café, on July 25. Please Mass Audubon’s Joppa Flats Education not promote any services or companies. join the committee at 3:00 PM to Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, They will answer common questions discuss the Anniversary Celebration and Newburyport. $8 for adults, $7 for and concerns and will encourage self- the part you can play. To honor the children. Preregistration is required. advocacy! Refreshments will be served. founding of our town and its history, Call 978-462-9998 for information Please call to pre-register 978-462-2412 the community of Salisbury will be about additional programs and events, or celebrating - Saturday, September visit the Web site at www.massaudubon. 21, 2013. The Salisbury Chamber of org/joppaflats. SUMMER YOGA Elissa Shoreman, owner and founder Commerce has started planning the of Buddhaful Souls Yoga Studio in celebration and volunteers are needed OLDE IPSWICH DAYS FAIR P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 Rowley, will be the guest teacher of the to participate in developing the event. The Olde Ipswich Days Fair will begin Wednesday evening yoga class for adults Please contact Bruce MacDonald at the again, for the 43 year on the South Village advertise@thetowncommon.com at the Rowley Public Library, 141 Main Institution for Savings, bmacdonald@ Green, on Friday, July 26. This annual St., this summer. “I am passionate about institutionforsavings.com, to join the event will run for 3 days, July 26 to the sharing this heart-centered art and science group. This is a big party with room for 28, from 10am. to 5pm. daily, with no to help bring more inner peace and lots of ideas. Join the fun! admission and free parking. There will personal transformation in this hectic, be 65 booths displaying a vast array of stress-filled world,” said Shoreman. No LIZZIE BORDEN fine arts and fine crafts, promising to registration is required, and all fitness The Seabrook Library proudly be one of the best shows yet. This year levels are welcome. Bring a mat if you announces a grant award from the NH it was easy to pick the most topnotch have one and wear comfortable clothes. Humanities Council to present the and diverse from the largest group of Class meets every Wednesday evening program Lizzie Borden Took an Axe; applications ever received. Olde Ipswich in the Rowley Library community room Or Did She? on Thursday, July 25, 2013 Days is one of the oldest small craft from 5:30-7 pm. Cost is $12 or $10 for at 6:30 pm in the Library’s meeting fairs in the area, conceived during 17th Friends members. Call 978-948-2850 room. Professor Annette Holba will Century Days, 40 some years ago. The for more information. lead a discussion on the true history of fair has evolved from a 9 day show to 3 this well-known event, which included days, and eventually put in place a jury EVENING BIRDING AT CHERRY four official criminal proceedings. The process, allowing continued quality HILL RESERVOIR case is a mystery to this day, and Prof. growth. Visitors will see carved birds, Join us as we search for birds at the Holba will review the facts of the case mosaic mirrors, turned wood items, Reservoir. Participants should be able and explore that some experts suggest wind chimes, done in both silver flatware to walk on unpaved surfaces. The pace points to her guilt and other experts read and in stained glass, clutches, bags will be slow. Wednesdays, July 24 & 31, the opposite way. Lizzie’s connections to and totes in a variety of brocades and 2013, 6:30 pm to dusk, $20, Meeting New Hampshire will also be discussed. tapestries, aprons, old fashioned wooden Location: Meet at the Moulton Street The program is free and open to the toys, and some exemplary jewelry from end of the Cherry Hill [Indian Hill] public sponsored by the NH Humanities very affordable beaded items, to hand Reservoir in West Newbury in the pull Council; light refreshments will be wrought silver and gold with gemstones,
Vincent A. Iafrate, G.C.
Vincent A. Iafrate, G.C.
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Cottage Rental July 24 - 30, 2013 pottery, linen clothes and numerous other finely crafted items. The fine arts are strongly represented with watercolors, pastels, oils and pen and ink. A few new extremely talented artists will showcase their work as well, and Lois Moore will be doing pastel portraits of adults or children on the spot. Chat with columnist Doug Brendel and peruse his book, but if you stand there too long he may secretly sketch a caricature of you. To be used later of course! Two musical groups will entertain. The "Swamp Groove", and the group "One More" will play making those three days a full afternoon of music. The Boy Scouts will sell hot dogs and hamburgs, slush will be available, and of course Winfrey's fudge. The group also encourages visitors to stop downtown afterwards to check out the shops and the plethora of dining options for lunch or dinner. There are the well known stalwarts of course, but several new dining locations have been added to the mix. You can satisfy a craving for Seafood, Greek, Italian, Chinese or just grab a sub at a number of locations and enjoy a stroll along the river. The fair is also located across from the Whipple House, and within sight of the Ipswich Museum, so you can even immerse yourself in some local history. There are so many ways to enjoy Ipswich!
VEHICLE DAY AT IPSWICH LIBRARY Friday, July 26 is the annual Vehicle Day at the Ipswich library. This year the Ipswich Police Department gets to showcase a new police cruiser and harbor boat. Young guests will get fire hats to wear as they inspect the vehicles. There is also a cookout sponsored by the Board of Trustees and Friends that day. Call 978412-8713 with any questions. SACRED CIRCLE DANCE Sacred Circle Dance, 7/26, 7-8:30 pm, Portsmouth Center for Yoga/Arts, 95 Albany St #14, Portsmouth NH. No experience or partner needed. $5, 603664-2796, amyla44juno.com, www. portsmouthyoga.com/vlt6082.htm SINGLES DANCE Singles dance 8 PM every Friday at Daniels Hall, Rt 4, Nottingham, NH. BYOB, $12 admission includes light buffet and drink set-ups. For more info call 603 942-8525 or visit www. singlesdanceparties.com SATURDAY, JULY 27th NEW CLOTHING SALE FUNDRAISER AT MARKET STREET BAPTIST The Market Street Baptist Church is hosting a "New Clothing Sale" Fundraiser n Saturday, July 27 from 8:30 am -12:00 in their Gym at the back of building at 37 Market Street, Amesbury. The clothing is new, men's and women's, brand name and for all seasons donated by Fuller's Menswear Store, Amesbury. Proceeds help cover expenses for a Church Family Retreat Weekend. Shop for school, birthday and early Christmas gifts. OLDE IPSWICH DAYS FAIR See Friday, July 26th & Page 3
for information about additional DEER ISLE,9998 MAINE programs and events, or visit the Web site Oceanfront Cottage Rental at www.massaudubon.org/joppaflats.
13TH ANNUAL NEWBURYPORT KITCHEN TOUR The hugely popular 13th Annual Newburyport Kitchen Tour, benefitting the Newburyport Elementary PTO, will take place on Saturday, July 27th from 11 AM to 4 PM. This year’s tour has an incredible lineup featuring thirteen unique kitchens, including Victorian, Greek Revival, Georgian, Federalist style homes and more recent Colonial or Cape style homes. Kitchens were chosen based on originality, design and functionality, and although kitchens are the focus of the tour, attendees can also enjoy a peek into other first floor living spaces. Whether you are looking for ideas for a renovation, want a few tips, or just enjoy looking at original and beautiful design, this tour is a must. So grab a friend and enjoy a great day in Newburyport! Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 on the day of the event and are available for purchase online at www.NewburyportKitchenTour.com or in person at participating retailers in town or Newburyport Chamber of Commerce. Tickets are non-refundable, and the tour is held rain or shine. For additional information or to contact us visit www.newburyportkitchentour.com or check us out on Facebook.
Private Beach, Scenic views, All Amenities THE MILL RIVER IN • PrivateBIRDING Beach ROWLEY DEER ISLE, MAINE We'll ramble along the Mill River and • Scenic then Views tour the Mill River Winery and 3 bedrooms, 2 baths its unique space to relax, sip, snack and • All Amenities shop. We'll sample a "flight of wines" Availability JULY/SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER which will give you the opportunity • 3 Bedrooms to learn about each wine. ParticipantsThe North Shore’s Largest 978.561.1407 Independent Community Newspaper will walk on paved terrain and need to • 2 Baths be prepared with a long sleeved shirt, kim@thetowncommon.com $ and sunscreen. Saturday, long pants,
The Town Common
July 27, 2013, 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm, Fee: $30, Pre-registration is required - contact Sue at: newburyportbirders@ comcast.net, Meeting Location: Mill River Winery at 498 Newburyport Turnpike - Route 1, Rowley, MA 01969
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The Newburyport Choral Society will host a Summer Sing with soloists of Haydn's Lord Nelson Mass on Monday, July 29th at 7:00 PM at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church on 7 Harris Street, Newburyport. All are welcome to come and sing along or just listen and enjoy. There will be refreshments at the break and air conditioning. Admission is 2258 Andover St, Georgetown, MA 01833 free.•For further information visit www. 978-948-8696 www.thetowncommon.com • advertise@thetowncommon.com www.blackswancountryclub.com • 978-352-2900 “BEHIND THE SCENES” REFUGE newburyportchoralsociety.org. TOUR Held on the following days: Saturdays SUNDAY, JULY 28th – July 13, 20, 27 at 9:30 am; and Sundays – July 14, 21, 28 at 1:00 pm. Tours last EARLY BIRDS AT ASH STREET 978-948-8696 • www.thetowncommon.com • advertise@thetowncommon.com approximately 2 hours. Join a refuge SWAMP ranger for a behind the scenes tour of The early morning is the best time Parker River National Wildlife Refuge. to bird at West Newbury's Ash Street MLO 5270 MLO 5270 Tour will be conducted via refuge van, Swamp. Participants should be able to MA MB2385 Licensed by the New Hampshire Banking Department with brief Licensed “drive by”bystops walk on Banking unpaved Department terrain. Waterproof MAseveral MB2385 the along New Hampshire the way. The tour will present an “up close shoes or boots are suggested. Participants and personal” look at the refuge through should be prepared with a long sleeved the multiple lenses of the cultural history shirt, long pants and sunscreen. of Plum Island and the Great Marsh, Sunday, July 28, 2013, 6:30 am - 8:30 native wildlife and their habitats, and am, $20, Meeting Location: Park . . . the role of refuge management in the & . Ride Ticket Office at Exit 57 off . . conservation of these precious natural Route 95 [Route 113/Newburyport] resources. Participants may be driven along areas on the refuge otherwise Yankee Homecoming 2013 closed to the public. This guided two Sunday, July 28 - Sunday, August hour program is most appropriate for 4, Various Locations – Newburyport. older teens and adults. Binoculars and/ Visit the 56th Yankee Homecoming or a camera are recommended, but not Celebration, an annual Newburyport required. Meet the ranger in the lobby tradition. This week-long celebration of the Headquarters visitor center. Each features numerous events such as: session is limited to 10 participants; no Free waterfront concerts, Downtown more than 4 individuals per sign-up. entertainment, Craft show, Kid's talent Again, this is a vehicle–based tour, with show, Family Day at Maudslay State limited stops on the Refuge. Parker River Park, The Newburyport Brewfest, Old National Wildlife Refuge will be offering Fashioned Sunday, Fireworks, Yankee free public programs during the month Homecoming Parade and much more! of July. Please note that many of the Go to www.yankeehomecoming.com refuge programs require preregistration. for more information. Registrations are not confirmed until the registrant receives a phone call from OLDE IPSWICH DAYS FAIR a member of the refuge staff. Anyone See Friday, July 26th & Page 3 having a question about a refuge program is asked to contact the refuge at (978) KAYAK TOUR 465-5753. The Trustees of Reservations, in partnership with Essex River Basin HARBOR SEAL CRUISE ABOARD Adventures, is offering guided kayak THE YANKEE CLIPPER tours of the Crane Wildlife Refuge on Lisa Hutchings and the crew of Saturdays and Sundays at 2pm now the Yankee Clipper host families with through September 15. The Crane children ages three and up for this Wildlife Refuge is an island-studded exploration of the lower Merrimack patchwork of salt marsh and tidal creeks River. Saturday, July 27, 8:45–10:45 am. located in Essex Bay. During this twoMeet at the Newburyport waterfront hour guided tour, paddlers are introduced boardwalk. Adults $29; Children $19. to the basics of sea kayaking before Preregistration is required. Call 978-462Continued on page 10
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setting out on an interpretive paddle though the Crane Wildlife Refuge. The cost is $40 for Trustees members and $50 for nonmembers. Price includes kayak rental and equipment, tour guides, and parking at the boat dock. Pre-registration is required. For more information or to register please call 978-356-4351 x4052 or 978-810-5892, or visit the Visitor Services Center at Crane Beach. “BEHIND THE SCENES” REFUGE
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July 2 - 30, 2013 discovering the fascinating plants and animals that live in this realm between the tides. A refuge ranger will guide this hands-on program. Appropriate for children age 5 – 10. Each session is limited to 15 children. Each session is 90 minutes long, allowing time for travel to and from the beach. Meet the ranger at the visitor contact station at lot 1. Note: Parent/guardian must remain with his/her child for the entire duration of this program. Preregistration is required for this program. Parker River National Wildlife Refuge will be offering free public programs during the month of July. Please note that many of the refuge programs require preregistration. Registrations are not confirmed until the registrant receives a phone call from a member of the refuge staff. Anyone having a question about a refuge program is asked to contact the refuge at (978) 465-5753.
TOUR See Saturday, July 27th.
GEORGETOWN CONCERT SERIES The 2013 Georgetown Summer Concert Series will be held at the Kiwanis Ice House Pavilion located at American Legion Park, off Prospect Street in Georgetown. Concerts will run on five consecutive Sunday evenings starting with Sunday, July 21 and ending with Sunday, August 18. Concerts are free and food is for sale. Ipswich Brewing Company will be selling beer to adults 21 and older on Aug. 4 and Newburyport Brewing Co. will be selling beer on Aug. 18, to help raise funds for the series. Concerts begin at 5:00 p.m. and end at 7 p.m. Lineup includes The Shane Woods Jazz Trio Jul. 21; The Auld Locals Jul. 28; Erin Harpe & the Delta Swingers Aug. 4; Rust Never Sleeps Aug. 11; and Girls Guns & Glory Aug. 18. For more information, visit www.gtowculture.org SEABIRDS AND WHALES Board the Captain’s Lady III for MONDAY, JULY 29th a birding and whale watching trip guided by marine mammal naturalists NATURE ART CLASSES AT JOPPA and Joppa Flats staff. Monday, July FLATS: WATERY WATER PAINTS 29, 10:00am-3:00pm Meet at the Children ages 6 to 11 are invited to waterfront boardwalk in Newburyport. learn how to make their own “wow” Fee: Adults $48. Children (ages 4-12) works of art in Monday morning sessions $33. Preregistration is required by calling with teacher Jan Morris. Monday, July Newburyport Whale Watch at 1-80029, 9:30am-11:00am. Meet at the Joppa 848-1111. Call 978-462-9998 for Flats Education Center, One Plum information about additional programs Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fee per and events, or visit the Web site at www. session: $18. Preregistration is required. massaudubon.org/joppaflats. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or WERE YOU BORN AT ANNA visit the Web site at www.massaudubon. JAQUES HOSPITAL? org/joppaflats. If the answer is yes, then join us as we recognize generations of people who TIDE POOL DISCOVERIES were born here at AJH during our annual Monday, July 15th at 10:00 am; “Born @ Anna Jaques” reunion on Wednesday, July 17th at 11:30 am; Monday, July 29, 2013, 5 – 7 p.m., on the Friday, July 19 at 1:30 pm; Monday, July front lawn of the hospital. Registration 29th at 10:00 am; Wednesday, July 31st will begin at 5 p.m. and the program will at 12:00 noon For generations children start at 6 p.m., with a group photograph Continued on page 12 have enjoyed exploring tide pools and
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Pets, Animals, Plus
that they may call the police about suspicious activity around your home. (Your REALTOR is NOT to be carted away) 5. All doors, windows, garages and sheds should have working locks. 6. Be sure the automatic garage door has been completely closed as you leave. 7. Make one last trip around the home to be sure all sliding glass doors, side doors, bulkheads etc are locked and secured. 8. Store ladders securely away in locked garage or shed so that they can not be used to access the home. 9. Use timers for selected lights or outdoor water sprinklers to make it appear that someone is home. 10. Mow the lawn one last time just before you leave. (Tall grass suggests that the homeowner may be away). 11. Put bright lights over porches and walk ways in front and back yards. 12. Do not leave any toys, tools or equipment in the yard. Have the time of your good lives this summer and come home to your properties refreshed and happy. For those of you whose homes are on the market, just come home ready to close! Broker/Realtor Janet Hilton is a former practicing attorney and critical care RN who with her husband retired Lynn Fire Lieutenant George Hilton owns and operates Country Crossroads
excellence in the selling and buying of North Shore real estate, call Janet at 781-405-4867 begin_ of_the_skype_highlightingend_ of_the_skype_highlighting or visit www.countrycrossroadsrealty.com.
Health & Fitness
You have waited all year and it’s time to relax away from home. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, however, statistics show that July and August are the busiest months for burglars who love your being away almost as much as you do. There are many ways to avoid becoming a victim of these menacing threats to our homes and lives. Here are some tips from the FBI, The Home Safety Council and this REALTOR that may serve to keep your homes secure while you enjoy much deserved time away: 1. Do not leave recorded messages that you are “out of town”. 2. Do not leave any key anywhere except in the hand of your REALTOR, a trusted friend or family member who will bring in your mail and any periodicals or newspapers while you are away. 3. Keep bushes, shrubs and any plantings trimmed under windows so burglars can not hide in them. (If your home is on the market, REALTORS don’t like hidden burglars at all.) 4. Let your trusted neighbors know that you will be away and that you are not
Our Featured Property of the Week
ROWLEY: July 28th from Noon to 1:30, come to the open house at 29 Pleasant Street. This lovely home is located on a quiet side street near town, less than a mile from commuter rail and a few miles from OPEN HOUSE Route 1. Natural gas heat and central air. Huge full Sunday! bath with Jacuzzi tub and tile shower. Hardwood flooring, eat in kitchen, mud room and newer septic system. Nice yard, shed and patio area overlooking terrific mature landscaping. Asking $249,900. Call John at 978835-2573 for more information or if you cannot make the Open House on July 28th and would like to see this property.
165 Main St., P.O. Box 101, Rowley, MA 01969 Phone 978-948-2758 • Fax 978-948-2454 www.rowleyrealestate.com
800-343-8788 . 978-374-6600 .
Sold Single Family Homes
Address, Town
DOM List Price Sold For Orig Price
6 Orchard Ct, Amesbury 8 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 20 $88,000 $82,000 $88,000 14 Lakeside Terrace, Amesbury 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Cape 15 $245,000 $238,000 $245,000 111 Haverhill Rd, Amesbury 5 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Colonial 156 $215,000 $215,000 $249,900 18 Lufkin St, Essex 5 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 314 $245,000 $243,000 $255,000 38 Woodland Rd, Georgetown 9 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Ranch 33 $259,000 $275,100 $259,000 3 Abbott St, Merrimac 5 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Other 32 $269,900 $264,000 $269,900 12 Railroad Ave, Rowley 7 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Gambrel /Dutch 6 $289,000 $285,900 $289,000 35 Old Jacobs Rd, Georgetown 8 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Multi-Level 250 $274,900 $256,500 $309,900 8 46th St, Newbury 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Cottage 57 $310,000 $297,500 $310,000 17 Yale St, Groveland 7 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Cape 6 $310,000 $310,000 $310,000 21 Chestnut St, Hamilton 5 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Ranch 13 $315,000 $314,000 $315,000 25 Home St, Hamilton 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 33 $319,000 $324,000 $319,000 64 Burley St, Wenham 11 room, 5 bed, 3f 1h bath Ranch 36 $324,900 $325,000 $324,900 23 Orchard St, Merrimac 8 room, 5 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 212 $325,000 $325,000 $325,000 21 Cherry St, Newburyport 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 46 $329,900 $315,000 $329,900 31 High St, Salisbury 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 580 $319,900 $320,000 $329,900 12 Grover St, Salisbury 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Split Entry 54 $339,900 $320,000 $349,900 4 Bush Hill Rd, Ipswich 7 room, 4 bed, 1f 1h bath Cape 8 $349,900 $360,000 $349,900 8 Bay Rd, Ipswich/Little Neck 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Cottage 20 $350,000 $318,000 $350,000 3 Hemlock Dr, Ipswich 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 3 $399,000 $400,000 $399,000 94 S Hampton Rd, Amesbury 10 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 24 $399,900 $380,000 $399,900 3 Rocky Hill Rd, Amesbury 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Greek Revival 5 $442,500 $442,000 $442,500 10 Quimby Ln, Amesbury 7 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 93 $460,000 $470,000 $460,000 169 Seven Star Rd, Groveland 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 12 $469,900 $465,000 $469,900 3 Menut Circle, Newburyport 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Ranch 56 $414,900 $405,000 $484,900 68 Argilla Rd, Ipswich 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 9 $489,000 $505,000 $489,000 52 Campmeeting Rd, Topsfield 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 19 $495,000 $480,000 $495,000 51 Bennett Hill Rd, Rowley 7 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 35 $499,900 $510,000 $499,900 4 Doe Run Dr, Newburyport 9 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Contemporary 5 $534,900 $521,000 $534,900 138 Fenno Dr, Rowley 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 40 $539,000 $520,000 $539,000 77 Killam Hill Rd, Boxford 9 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Cape 49 $545,000 $535,000 $545,000 341 Middleton Rd, Boxford 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Ranch 29 $549,900 $550,000 $549,900 223 Low St, Newburyport 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Greek Revival 130 $549,900 $535,000 $549,900 49 Green St, Newbury 7 room, 3 bed, 3f 1h bath Colonial 19 $599,900 $589,900 $599,900 114 Valley Rd, Boxford 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 31 $599,900 $590,000 $599,900 88 Hill St, Topsfield 11 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 161 $624,900 $597,500 $660,000 2 Birch Tree Dr, Georgetown 9 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Cape 27 $729,000 $680,000 $759,000 13 Parsons Hill Rd, Wenham 10 room, 4 bed, 2f 2h bath Colonial 40 $749,900 $710,000 $775,000 3 Carriage Way, Topsfield 12 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 98 $799,900 $795,000 $799,900 46 Skytop Rd, Ipswich/Great Neck 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Contemporary 71 $849,900 $850,000 $899,900 185 High St, Newburyport 10 room, 5 bed, 4f 0h bath Antique 237 $1,895,000 $1,690,000 $1,895,000 Single Family Listings: 41 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 2,171.05 Avg. List$: $466,256 Avg. List$/SqFt: $221 Avg. DOM: 75.22 Avg. Sale$: $453,863 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $217 2013 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.
Page 12
www.TheTownCommon.com Continued from page 10
at 6:15 p.m., followed by the singing of “Happy Birthday” and birthday cake. Advance registration is encouraged and by doing so, early registrants will be entered in a drawing for a $500 engraved AJH brick to be placed at the hospital. (Must be present to win!) To register, or for more information, please call the AJH Community Health Foundation at (978)463-1176.
July 2 - 30, 2013 The Newburyport Choral Society will host a Summer Sing with soloists of Haydn's Lord Nelson Mass on Monday, July 29th at 7:00 PM at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church on 7 Harris Street, Newburyport. All are welcome to come and sing along or just listen and enjoy. There will be refreshments at the break and air conditioning. Admission is free. For further information visit www. newburyportchoralsociety.org.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 31st AIRBRUSH TATTOOS FOR TEENS Wednesday, July 31st @ 6pm- Airbrush Tattoo Party, Grades 6-12. Tribal Sun TIDE POOL DISCOVERIES Monday, July 15th at 10:00 am; Airbrush will be at the library to design tattoos for teens! Langley-Adams Library, Wednesday, July 17th at 11:30 am; Friday, July 19 at 1:30 pm; Monday, July Groveland. (978)372-1732 29th at 10:00 am; Wednesday, July 31st at 12:00 noon For generations children ZEN MEDITATION Free, Zen meditation instruction have enjoyed exploring tide pools and is offered Monday nights at the First discovering the fascinating plants and Religious Society, 26 Pleasant Street, animals that live in this realm between Newburyport. The practice sessions the tides. A refuge ranger will guide meet in the lower meetinghouse from this hands-on program. Appropriate 6:30pm to 7:30pm. For first time for children age 5 – 10. Each session participants, the 6pm orientation session is limited to 15 children. Each session is recommended. The instructor is is 90 minutes long, allowing time for Joyce Haydock, Dharma Teacher with travel to and from the beach. Meet the the Kwan Um School of Zen (KUSZ) ranger at the visitor contact station at lot for more than 22 years. Zen is a way of 1. Note: Parent/guardian must remain living, a way to perceive one's life with a with his/her child for the entire duration clear mind and to better understand your of this program. Preregistration is true Self. Over time, with support, one required for this program. Parker River works to attain a clear compassionate National Wildlife Refuge will be offering mind which, moment to moment, is able free public programs during the month to help all beings. For more information, of July. Please note that many of the contact Joyce Haydock at 978-363-5457. refuge programs require preregistration. Registrations are not confirmed until Free and open to the public the registrant receives a phone call from a member of the refuge staff. Anyone SUMMER SING
having a question about a refuge program is asked to contact the refuge at (978) 465-5753. SLOW BIKE RACE Come and join the Slow Bike Race to be held downtown during Yankee Homecoming Wednesday July 31 in Newburyport. Last one across the finish line wins! The short "race" track is the block of Pleasant Street between Green and Titcomb Streets. Registration begins at 5:30 pm on Brown Square. The first heats will begin at 6 pm. First Prize will go to the slowest winner, Judges' Prize will be awarded for creative costume, and Grand Prize to the rider who raises the most donations for the Rail Trails. The Coastal Trails Coalition is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to assist in the development of bicycle and pedestrian trails connecting the Amesbury, Newbury, Newburyport and Salisbury with future plans to extend to adjacent towns. To pre-register or volunteer for the Slow Bike Race, contact info@coastaltrails.org, visit our website coastaltrails.org, or call Cyd Raschke at 978 462 2733. EVENING BIRDING AT CHERRY HILL RESERVOIR Join us as we search for birds at the Reservoir. Participants should be able to walk on unpaved surfaces. The pace will be slow. Wednesdays, July 31, 2013, 6:30 pm to dusk, $20, Meeting Location: Meet at the Moulton Street end of the Cherry Hill [Indian Hill] Reservoir in West Newbury in the pull off on the Reservoir side.
Sports July 2 - 30, 2013
Pets, Animals, Plus www.TheTownCommon.com
Page 13
Health & Fitness
Are you holding back a beautiful smile?
Brighter Smiles...
Life-Threatening Sleep – Part 2
Last week I discussed what sleep apnea is. This week I will discuss diagnosis and treatment. Specialists who diagnose and treat sleep apnea express varying opinions about the cause and best treatment of the breathing disorder. Ask a lot of questions of each specialist to determine the most appropriate procedure or combination of procedures for your particular case. Here are the specialists who may be involved in diagnosing your sleep apnea and the ways they might assist you: Your primary care physician may refer you to a sleep specialist for a sleep test. An ear, nose and throat doctor (ENT) may recommend surgery to clear blockages caused by a genetic abnormality in the nose or throat. The uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) procedure eliminates tissue from the back portion of the mouth near the top of the throat. The adenoids and tonsils may be removed as well. Should your airflow blockage be life-threatening, the ENT may
find it necessary to build an opening in the windpipe through a procedure called tracheotomy. Also, an operation on your nose might be necessary to improve a deviated septum or to remove polyps that are blocking your airflow. A pulmonologist (a doctor who deals with diseases of the respiratory system) may recommend a sleep evaluation based on an analysis of your breathing muscle capacity. Pulmonologists may also recommend the use of oxygen should blood-oxygen levels fall to dangerous levels during sleep. A neurologist (a doctor who deals with nervous system disorders) will evaluate brain functionality and may recommend a medication such as acetazolamide to improve the brain's ability to trigger the breathing muscles. A cardiologist (a doctor who deals with diseases and disorders of the heart) may recommend a sleep test as well. A sleep specialist may perform a sleep test that measures blood level (among other anatomical factors) during sleep. Sleep specialists may recommend the use of a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. The machine delivers a continuous flow of oxygen through a mask that you wear over your nose during sleep. An alternative is a bi-level positive airway pressure (bi-level PAP) machine, which increases the oxygen level upon
inhalation and decreases it upon exhalation. An adaptive servoventilation (ASV) machine is a third choice. This equipment measures your level of breathing and records the data so that oxygen delivery can be matched to your specific needs. Certain dentists and oral surgeons are skilled in evaluating the tongue for its ability to move freely and its tendency to block airflow during sleep. The tongue can become restricted as the mouth and gum tissue shrinks with age. In this case, a laser may be used to eliminate the tissue causing the tongue restriction Another dental approach is to position the jaw so that airflow is not blocked. If the upper and lower jaws are responsible for sleep apnea, then an oral surgeon and an orthodontist may work together to relocate them. Another alternative is a mouthpiece that can be custom fitted by an oral surgeon or dentist and worn while sleeping to hold the lower jaw in an appropriate position. This is becoming more and more of an accepted and effective treatment. Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to healthcentered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@dentalhealthforlife. com. You can view all previously written columns at www. jpeterstclairdentistry.com/blog.
General & Complex Restorative Care • Dental Implants • Periodontist on Staff • Mercury-free Dentistry • Grinding/Clenching Therapy • Custom Dentures • Appearance-Related Dentistry •
Making your smile beautiful changes the way people look at you and the way you look at yourself.
Please call our office to schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation.
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Page 1
July 2 - 30, 2013 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Your zeal for challenges usually works well for you. But this week it's best to avoid jumping into new situations without more information. Vital news emerges by the weekend. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Once again, the Bovine's patience pays off as that pesky problem works itself out without taking too much of your valuable time. A new task opens interesting possibilities. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Those suggestions you want to share need to be set aside for a while so you can focus on the job at hand. There'll be time later to put your ideas into a workable format. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Be sure about your sources before you use the information in any decision you reach about your new project. Some of the data might be out of date or misinterpreted. LEO (July 23 to August 22) A sudden challenge might rattle you at first. But pump up that strong Lion's heart with a full measure of courage, and face it with the continuing support of family and friends. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Watch your expenses this week so you can have a financial cushion to fall back on should things tighten up later this month. Money matters ease by the 31st. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Uncertainty over workplace policy creates anxiety and confusion among your colleagues. Don't be surprised if you're asked, once again, to help work things out. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) The workweek keeps you busy tying up loose ends and checking data that needs to be verified. The weekend offers a chance to relax and restore your spent energies. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) This is not the best time to go to extremes to prove a point. Better to set a sensible goal now and move forward. There'll be time later to take the bolder course. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) A step-by-step progression is the better way to move ahead. Taking shortcuts could be risky at this time. Important news arrives on the 31st. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Avoid getting drawn into workplace disputes that should be handled by those directly involved. Instead, spend your energy developing those new ideas. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) You still need to be prudent about money matters. But things start to ease by the end of the week. A weekend encounter with an old friend brings welcome news. BORN THIS WEEK: You handle challenging situations with boldness when necessary and caution when called for. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.
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July 2 - 30, 2013
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July 2 - 30, 2013