Ttc 08 14 13 vol 9 no 41 p1 16

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Ever yone loves to read...

The Town Common







WHAT'S INSIDE Back to School Dates Page 2 2nd Annual "Cruisin' the 50's" Page 6 Amesbury Community Blood Drive Page 12

August 14 - 20, 2013 Vol. 9, No. 41

A Little Knowledge of Self Defense By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– ROWLEY – Maddie Schmuch looks like your typical Triton High School junior, but don't frighten or annoy her. She is a second degree Karate black belt. Following in her brother's footsteps, Schmuch began studying Karate in the fourth grade. To her mother's chagrin, she fell in love with the training. It took her three years to earn her first black belt, then another three years to win her second belt. She now trains and is a parttime instructor for the three to 10-year-olds at the Mark Warner Professional Martial Arts Academy in Ipswich. But she is working on something even bigger. As a Girl Scout, she is striving to win the Gold Award, the highest award given to a Girl Scout, the female equivalent to the Boy Scouts' Eagle Scout award. Gold Award recipients are the elite among Girl Scouts. Starting Photo by Stewart Lytle in 1916, the best and brightest

Maddie Schmuch demonstrates a good stance.

Refuge Announces Third Annual Nature Wildlife Photography Contest Page 12

Continued on page 3

FREE Undefeated!

The Town Common Courtesy Photo

Triton Knuckleheads finish undefeated to win the River Rivals Summer Baseball Tournament in West Newbury. Front row: Travis Overbaugh, Sam Boschen, Cam Smith, Cael Kohan, Brady Lindholm Middle row: Andrew Masher, Ryan Lindholm, Kyle Odoy, Cam Paquette, Josh Plummer Back row: Manager David Masher, Coach Jason Plummer, Coach Jon Lindholm Missing: Matt Egan, Brad Killian and Coach Jim Egan

Whittier Bridge Construction Begins By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– REGIONAL – Just in time for late summer travel, MassDOT is layout out cones and redirecting traffic on the Whittier Bridge of Interstate Highway 95 over the Merrimack River in preparation for a three-year project to demolish the current bridge and build a new one. Beginning construction should come as no surprise. The bridge project, which is part of a statewide effort to upgrade and rebuild old bridges, has been the subject of numerous, at times contentious public hearings since 2009. Now with most of the bridge and highway design completed, it is time for the construction work to start. And that means it is time for lane closures. For $328,249,208, the existing six-lane John Greenleaf Whittier Bridge is being widened with a new eight-lane structure. The expanded bridge will include four travel lanes, plus a high-speed shoulder and a breakdown lane. Probably the most controversial part of the design has been that MassDOT is

Continued on page 3

Photo by Stewart Lytle

Replacement of the Whittier Bridge has begun.

You'll "flip" over the digital edition at 40 month CD_ COMMONpg1_8.8.13_Layout 1 8/8/2013 3:34 PM Page 1

Good health begins with a great doctor. Meet Andreas Schoeck, MD – a double board-certified and double fellowship-trained neurologist with New England Neurological Associates, P.C. Dr. Schoeck is now seeing patients in Newburyport every other Friday. New England Neurological Associates U Towle Office Building 260 Merrimac Street U Newburyport, MA 01950 978-465-3033 or

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How to Submit Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Yankee Homecoming Golf Tournament

P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-25

Dear Community,

Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common

Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to: The Editor c/o The Town Common 77 Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01969 or preferably via e-mail to:

The Town Common deadline is 5pm Wednesday (except when a federal holiday necessitates an earlier deadline).

The Town Common

serves the communities of the Upper North Shore of Mass. & Coastal New Hampshire and welcomes your participation. Send your Organization or Group Notices, Birth or Engagement Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969 Phone: 978-948-8696 Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail:

The Town Common Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor Graphic Design Services Advertising Opportunities Event and Announcement Submissions

77 Wethersfield Street Rowley, MA 01969-1713 Phone: (978) 948-8696 Fax: (978) 948-2564 The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify The Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. All material and content cannot be duplicated without written consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or edit any copy offered for publication. Copyright 2004-2013 The Town Common© - All Rights Reserved

In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005)

August 14 - 20, 2013

The Golf Tournament at Ould Newbury Country Club on July 29th was another successful fundraising event for Yankee Homecoming. A full tournament, excellent playing conditions, and lots of prizes including raffles, silent auctions and tournament prizes. Plus we enjoyed perfect weather for the post tournament sunset dinner cruise. Once again our thank you list increases because of the generosity of many: Hole Sponsors: Abraham’s Bagels, Arthur Page Insurance, Better Comfort Systems, David’s Fish Market, focus Custom Sourcing Solutions, Great Bay Auto Body, Harvey & Martin P.C., Keiver-Willard Lumber, Minuteman Press, Newburyport Bank, Newburyport Harbor Marinas Sheriff Frank Cousins Jr. and Starboard Galley. Silent Auction Donors: A friend of the Starboard Galley, Beautique, Black Tie Limousine, the Lighthouse Preservation Society and Chris & Danielle Abenante, Andover Personnel & Moonlight Limousine, and A Yankee Bus Line. Raffle Prize Donors: Alpine Shop, Anchor Pizza, A Shore Thing, A Little Bit of Naples, Atlantic Pro Wrestling, Brass Lyon, Bobbles and Lace, Brine, Boston Hair Design, the Black Cow, BC Essentials, Brown Sugar by the Sea, Carrabbas Italian Grill, Clorinda at Fresh Hair Salon, Chamber of Commerce, Ceia, Comdec, Complete Car Care, Cuckoo’s Nest, Denise’s Flower Shop, Dragonfly Photography, Dellaria Salons, Donatello Restaurant, Elements Therapeutic Massage, Encompass Promos, Essex River Cruises, Express Video, FUEL Training Studio, Grand Trunk, the Grog, Haley’s Ice Cream, Hot in Hollywood, Hyman’s Pennyworth, Inn Street Barber Shop, Interlocks Spa & Salon, Jabra, John Farley Clothiers, Loretta, Latitude Sports Club, the Lacroix Family, Life Is Good, Market Square Optical, Mission Oak Grille, Meadow Glen Inn & Cottages, Midas of Newburyport, M.K. Benatti Jewelers, Michael’s Harborside, Mike Johnson, Mill River Winery, Massage Only, Not Your Average Joe’s, Nazarian Jewelers, the Ninth Wave, Orange Leaf Yogurt, Oregano Pizzeria, Partridge in a Bear Tree, the Port Tavern, Plum Island Kayak, Ponte Vecchio Restaurant, Rangeway Mini Golf, Riverside Cycle, Ristorante Molise, Rocas, Soak, Shea’s Riverside Restaurant & Bar, Sun Fun, Spa Paradiso, Seaport Signworks, Seabrook Car Wash, Smitten, Stanley Supply & Service, Ten Center Street, Tetreault Jewelers, The Tannery, Thirsty Whale, Valerie’s Gallery, Winfrey’s Fudge and Yankee Clipper Harbor Tours. Tournament Signs: Seaport Signworks As always, many of Starboard Galley’s suppliers provided refreshments and prizes for the tournament. Our heartfelt appreciation to all of these generous companies that help to make this event a success year after year. Because of their continued support, we were able to donate over $7000 to Yankee Homecoming from this event. Sincere thanks also to our course volunteers Danielle Abenante, Jane Sullivan, Tim Powers and Ray Nippes, to Jim Hilton and the staff at Ould Newbury for their assistance throughout the day, and to David Greco and George Charos for another excellent dinner cruise aboard the Captain’s Lady. Last but not least, thanks to our 72 generous golfers…we couldn’t do it without them!

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Donna & Gary Greco Starboard Galley

LEGAL NOTICE ROWLEY CONSERVATION COMMISSION In accordance with the Wetlands Protection Act, Mass. G.L. 131, section 40, as amended, and the Town of Rowley Wetlands Protection Bylaw, a Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, August 20, 2013 at 7:45 PM at the Town Hall Annex located at 39 Central Street, to consider a Request for Determination of Applicability application filed by John E. Sullivan for proposed soil evaluations for design of a sewage disposal systems possibly within the DEP Approved Groundwater Protection Area Zone II at 42 Newbury Road (Map 5, Parcel 40) in Rowley, MA.

The Town Co Back to School

Amesbury - Tues, Sept 3rd Ipswich - Tues, Sept 3rd Essex Agricultural - Tues, Sept 3rd Georgetown - Wed, Sept 4th Hamilton/Wenham - Wed, Aug 28th Masconomet Regional 7th & 9th Grades - Wed, sept 4th Masconomet Regional All - fri, sept 6th Newburyport - Wed, AUG 28th Pentucket REGIONAL FRESHMAN - Tues, Aug 27th Pentucket REGIONAL ALL - WED, Aug 28th Triton REGIONAL - Tues, Sept 3rd Whittier Regional FRESHMAN - Tues, Aug 27th Whittier Regional ALL - WEd, Aug 28th

Doug Watson, Chair Rowley Conservation Commission

Jack Cook’s Rubbish Service Affordable Weekly Pickup and Extra Services


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August 14 - 0, 013

Page 3

A Little Knowledge of Self Defense Continued from page 1

Girl Scouts undertook projects that improved their communities. First known as the The Golden Eaglet insignia, the highest award in Girl Scouting recognizes the extraordinary efforts of exceptional girls. The honor was re-named the Gold Award in 1980 and has inspired “girls to find the greatness inside themselves and share their ideas and passions with their communities,” the Girl Scouts organization says. To win a Gold Award, a Girl Scout must identify an issue of importance to the community. Then she must develop a plan for addressing the issue, build a team, secure the Girl Scouts' leadership's approval of the plan and then implement it, educating and inspiring others for at least 80 hours. As you might expect, the 16year-old black belt chose to address the issue of personal safety. “How many times have you heard someone say, 'A little self defense knowledge could have gone a long way in helping stave off this tragedy?'” Schmuch said. The 16-year-old Rowley native decided to offer self-defense classes

to teenagers, who are subject to bullying, and to seniors, who often face the potential of someone abusing them or stealing from them. Defend Yourself is a free, hourand-a-half class, where Schmuch teaches basic techniques that she believes could save a life. “These simple techniques can help prevent an event from escalating. After just one class, you will already be more prepared than the next person,” she wrote of her classes. Of the two groups she is training, the seniors have been the most enthusiastic, she said. In the 90-minute classes at the Rowley Library and at churches, Schmuch teaches the teens and seniors first how to walk with confidence. If someone is walking hunched over, they just invite someone to attack them or steal their handbag or a bag of groceries, she said. She also teaches them to be aware of their surroundings. Then the tall, thin young woman who looks like it would not take much to knock her over gets into the hard physical training. She shows the teens and seniors

how to take a punch and where to deliver one. She demonstrates that the key is the middle of the body. If you hit someone on the shoulder, it may hurt, but it won't stop them. If you hit someone in the gut, he will tend to double over. The same is true of taking a punch or kick. If you turn sideways, it makes hitting you in the middle harder. And if you hold up your arms fighter style, it probably discourages the attacker because you look ready for a fight, she said. She teaches her students how to get out of a choke hold, an arm hold or a bear hug. Her team include two fellow instructors from the Warner academy. One of the instructors is one of her two mentors. The other is from the Girl Scouts. The sessions last about 90 minutes. The first hour is physical. The last 30 minutes are for questions. For Schmuch, the courses are enjoyable. “I have been having fun,” she said. Even after she earns the Gold Award, she is thinking she will continue to teach people how to avoid a punch.

Whittier Bridge Construction Begins Continued from page 1

planning to add a shared use lane, designed to allow bicycles and pedestrians to cross the Merrimack on the bridge and link up to various trails on either side of the water. Opponents argued that few pedestrians or cyclist would want to venture out on the bridge that is carrying thousands of highspeed trucks and cars. Proponents, including several of the locally elected officials, liked the idea of having a way to walk or cycle across the bridge. Built in 1951, the Whittier Bridge is 1,346 feet long. Currently it accommodates about 73,000 vehicles per day. By 2035, it is expected to handle 84,800 vehicles a day. That traffic will require a wider bridge to accommodate more traffic and have a high-speed shoulder and space for breakdowns, MassDOT officials say. The new bridge will also replace deteriorating substructure beams that are rusting in the salty air. The plan is to keep the bridge open throughout the three-year construction. But traffic will have to be diverted through much of it. The northbound span will be demolished and replaced first, so traffic will be diverted on what is now the southbound lanes. In these early phases, the

contractor, Walsh-McCourt will have crews working on both day and night shifts with lane closures in both directions. Daytime closures will be limited to single lanes. Nighttime closures may be single or multiple lanes, depending on the location. MassDOT says it is working to keep the impact on traffic to a minimum. Lane closures will be during non-peak travel times. The normal working hours will be Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. For the day shift and 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. for the night shift. Work may also occur on Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. The project will begin north of the Newburyport interchange at Storey Avenue and and continue to just north of the Interstate Highway 495 interchange. Four adjacent bridges are being replaced or reconstructed along a 3.5-mile segment to accommodate a widened interstate highway. The total length of project is between three and four miles long. The design of the bridge will stay as close to the existing highway and bridge envelope as possible so as to have a minimal impact on the existing right-of-way and the environment, MassDOT officials said. The Whittier Bridge project is part of a statewide program, launched

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by Governor Deval Patrick and the legislature during the last recession, to repair and replace 250 to 300 GENERAL CONTRACTORS L.L.C. of the Commonwealth’s most Consultation to Project Completion neglected and structurally-deficient . Carpentry . Masonry . Landscaping . Roofing . Basements . Water Entry Massachusetts bridges at a cost of . All Phases of Construction . Commercial/Residential OVER 25 YEARS of about $3 billion. . All Maintenance Work . All Types of Restorations In addition to the Whittier, . Free Initial Consultation . Project Management “In the Field” Experience The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspape the major bridges being rebuilt PROPERTY MANAGEMENT/CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION All Types of Property Repairs include the Longfellow Bridge over the Charles River, the Fore River Bridge in Quincy and the Interstate 91 Bridge in Holyoke. According to Patrick, the bridge building-program will ensure public safety, create thousands of engineering and construction jobs GENERAL CONTRACTORS L.L.C. to Project Completion and save the state an estimated $1 .Consultation Carpentry . Masonry . Landscaping . Roofing . Basements . Water Entry billion in avoided cost inflation . . Commercial/Residential and at least another $500 million . All Phases of Construction OVER 25 YEARS of All Maintenance Work . All Types of Restorations in avoided deferred maintenance . Free Initial Consultation . Project Management “In the Field” Experience costs. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT/CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION • Comfortable Classroom "This program will make our All Types of Property Repairs bridges safer at a time of critical • High Tech Simulator need, create thousands of jobs and provide long-term economic • Weekend Lessons benefits along the way," Patrick Ask about our Referral Program said. "By investing today, we will complete more bridge projects in Special 2 Week Evening Program! less time and at a lower cost.” The accelerated bridge repair September 9th to September 20th plan will be financed using $1.1 Mon - Fri, 5:00pm to 8:00 pm billion in grant anticipation notes, which is borrowed money against Now Taking Reservations! anticipated future federal funding, Free pick up and drop off at home. and $1.9 billion in gas tax bonds 19 Macy Street (Rte 110) to be repaid with existing gas tax revenues. Amesbury, MA

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Community Announcements

AMESBURY - The Amesbury Cultural Council is looking for volunteers who would like to serve on the local Community Connections council. Our goal is to help foster and promote the cultural enjoyment and enrichment of our citizens through local and regional arts and culture events and programs. If interested, please contact the Amesbury Town Hall for an application. Additionally, email could be sent to for information. -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - The Merrimack Valley School of Missions (MVSM) is hosting an Information Night at 6:00 pm on Sunday, September 15th at the West Newbury Congregational Church, 308 Main Street, West Newbury, MA. All are welcome to attend to learn about the School’s history, mission, teachers and classes. Testimonies will be heard from students as well as a presentation on future plans. Refreshments •will be served. MVSM is designed to equip believers with a deeper understanding of their faith and greater competency in ministry at an affordable rate. The lecturers are local pastors, missionaries and ministry leaders and the topics cover Theology, History, Bible, and Practical Ministry. The cost is only $20 per course and students are welcome to jump in at any time. Please contact • • Pastor John at 978-388-0930 for more information. -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - The Market Street Baptist Church on 37 Market Street, Amesbury is beginning its fall season of programs. Sunday School classes will start on Sunday mornings, September 8th at 9:00 am. Children in the K-3rd grade class will work through the Apostles Creed with songs, games and stories. The Youth class from grade 4 and above will meet with Pastor Michael John to study "Big Truths for Young Hearts, Teaching and Learning the Greatness of God" by Bruce A. Ware as baptismal preparation class. An adult class meets for study on a subject that will be determined later. All are welcome. The Youth Group for grades 5 & up will meet regularly beginning Saturday, September 14th at 6:00 pm. All are welcome. For information please call the church office at 978.388.0930 or email: Visit us on the web at and also facebook. -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - The Market Street Baptist and the Rock Church both of Amesbury will be hosting "Kid's Kingdom" in the Amesbury Park, 140 Friend Steet on Friday, August 23 from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm. This program is free and open to the public. There will be an inflatable obstacle course and bouncy house, games and plenty of popcorn and sno-cones. You may be familiar with us as we usually partner with the Kid's Day in the Park event during Amesbury Days but due to poor weather we postponed our activities that day. It is our goal to provide a safe and fun event for your family to enjoy the day together at no cost to them or the town. -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - Join us for a rip roarin’ good time @ SonWest Roundup, Vacation Bible School, Immanuel Baptist Church, 45 Central Street, Ipswich, MA. Aug. 19 – 23rd, 9 AM – noon. Grades K-5. Call to register – (978) 356-2010 or (978) 356-2061. -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - Beatles tribute band HELP! will perform at the Castle Hill Summer Picnic Concert series at 290 Argilla Rd, Ipswich, on Thursday, August 22, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The gates for will open at 5 p.m. for picnicking. Attendees are encouraged to arrive early. Space is limited and the gates will close once capacity is reached. Admission is at the gate only--$30/car or $20/car for members of The Trustees of Reservations. Motorcycles and walk-ins are $10. Ipswich Ale Brewery and Mill River Winery will sell beer and wine at the Casino beer-wine garden. Patrons may not bring their own alcohol but are welcome to bring their own picnic suppers. Ice cream, pizza, salads, sodas, sweets, and other products will be available for purchase. Weather cancellations (if necessary) will be announced by 3:00 p.m. concert-day. Visit or call 978.356.4351 for more details. HELP!’s August 22 performance is part of Castle Hill’s Summer Picnic Concert Series, which features a different performer every Thursday through August 29. The final 2013 concert features the Orville Giddings Band performing boogie blues on August 29. -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - YMCA Preschool Soccer League Registration Open - Register now for fall Preschool Soccer League for ages 3-5 held at Ipswich Family YMCA. Choose from Friday mornings at 9:30am or Sunday afternoons, consists of half hour practice followed by half hour game. League runs Sept 6-Oct 27. Fee is $52 for Y Members, $77 for Community. Information and registration forms at or call 978-356-9622. -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICHPrivate - IpswichBeach, Museum, Scenic 54 South views, Main Street, will open for seasonal historic house tours of its All Ipswich Amenities properties. The Museum will be open for tours from now to October 13. Tours last approximately 30 minutes in each house. In the 1677 Whipple House, see how simply families lived in Ipswich during the 17th century. Conversely, in the 1800 Heard House, see other aspects of Ipswich history displayed through the Museum’s collections of Dow paintings, Chinese export porcelain, decorative furniture and objects, documents, and changing exhibits related to local history. -----------------------------------------------------------Availability SEPTEMBER/ OCTOBER NEWBURYPORT - The YWCA Greater Newburyport is currently accepting applications for its Session 10, Encore Program (after breast cancer). Session 10 will meet on Wednesdays, September 11 – November 27, 2013 at 5:15 p.m. for land exercises followed by warm water pool exercises at 5:50 p.m. The program is a 12week session, with Peer support Group sessions and guest speakers throughout the session. YWCA Encore is designed specifically for those who have experienced breast cancer at any time in their lives. This free program incorporates gentle land and warm water exercises, coupled with relaxation techniques which target all areas of the body including those areas that have been affected by breast cancer surgery and treatment. The peer group support sessions provide an opportunity for participants in the program to share their experiences and information in a safe and supportive environment. Guest speakers provide an opportunity for participants to hear about issues relevant to their health and healing. Many women participating in the YWCA’s Encore Program have seen improvements in range of motion, stamina and general well-being. Some note a marked decrease in pain as well, and describe positive outcomes in their physical and mental well-being after participating in Encore. “The Encore Program has provided me with a growth of spirit, growth in physical strength and a growth in mutual support from new friendships walking the same path, all of which has been a tremendous help in improving my standard of living.” Pre-registration for session 10 is required, and applications are available online at, or at For Sale

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the YWCA Membership Desk located at 13 Market Street in Newburyport. Please note that in order to participate applicants must have the medical clearance form, found in the application, completed by their doctor. For more information contact Connie at 978-465-9922, ext. 27. Enrollment is limited to 10 participants per session. For those who have already participated in Encore, the YWCA is offering an After Encore program on Mondays at 6 p.m., and Wednesdays at 6:35 p.m. This program is designed for women who have not only participated in Encore, but who have decided to continue on with the YWCA through the purchase of a wellness plan. A minimum of five participants is required to run an After Encore class. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - When children head back to school, local adults will head back to the theater! Senior Readers’ Theater is back for a second season! Readers’ theater is performed seated and there is no memorization required. Together with veteran actor and instructor Charles Van Eman leading the way, participants will explore a script in detail, develop a character, focus on the use of voice and gestures, and finally- perform for the community! Senior Readers' Theater sessions will be held on each Tuesday, from September 10-October 29th, from 9-11 am. A public community performance is scheduled for Saturday, November 2, at 2pm. (Following feedback from last year, we have lengthened class time and extended the sessions to eight weeks each.) This program will meet at the Firehouse Center for the Arts, Market Square, Newburyport. The Firehouse is very grateful that any seniors requiring transportation can call the Newburyport Council on Aging at 978-462-8650 for assistance. This program welcomes individuals aged 55 and older, regardless of experience. This is a welcoming, non-threatening way to experience the magic of the theater. The cost is $60.00 per student for the 8-week session. Limited space available-enrollment is limited! Registration information can be found online at If you have additional questions, please call Beth Falconer, Managing Director, at 978/499-9931 or send her an e-mail ( This event is produced by the Firehouse with partial funding provided by the Massachusetts Cultural Council and an anonymous foundation. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Rowley Book Club starts Thursday, September 5 at 6:30 p.m. For their first meeting of the 2013-2014 season, the Rowley Library Book Club is reading Bring Up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel. This compelling read follows the perils at the court of Henry VIII, as Thomas Cromwell maneuvers events towards his ultimate goal: the execution of Henry’s wife, Anne Boleyn. Pick up your copy today, then join us on Thursday, September 5 at 6:30 p.m. at the Rowley Public Library, 141 Main Street, for a discussion. For more information, call the library at 978-948-2850. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Blessing of the Pets - Come celebrate your pets! Along with the blessing, there will be water and lemonade, a bake sale (human and pet), raffles, and contest biggest dog, littlest dog, furriest cat, furthest to come, etc. A portion of all the donations will go to “Sweet Paws Rescue,� Essex and “Feline Rescue,� Salisbury. We ask that all pets be leashed, crated or contained in some fashion. Weather permitting there will be a Pet Parade around the common. All Donations are greatly accepted. Sunday, August 25th at 1:00 pm (Rain or Shine). The First Congregational Church of Rowley, 175 Main St (Route 1A), Rowley on the back lawn. 978-948-3993 -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - Save the Date! Sept. 21, noon - 6:30 PM. Salisbury's 375th Anniversary, on the Salisbury Town Green. Music, games for kids, face painting, food vendors, book sale at the Salisbury Library, art vendors, Civil War Story Tellers Fife and Drum and so much more. 4:30 PM Concert by the B-Street Bombers. Visit the Historical Society Building across the street from the Library at 1 PM for a slide show presentation about the History of Salisbury, then head over and visit the Pike One Room School House (behind the library). For more information or to inquire about vendor space contact Maria Miles, 375th Chairperson and Salisbury Chamber of Commerce President, 978-239-4246. -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - Zumba Toning, Friday’s with Nancy Wheelwright 9:00AM Bring a friend for free!! First Class always free. Build strength and tone muscles with a combination of fitness and dance moves. No pre-registration required. For further information please contact Carol Dorman, Salisbury Council on Aging @ 978-462-2412

Page 5

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Page 6

TIDE CHART Merrimack River Entrance 42o 49’N 070o 49’W LOW

August 14 - 0, 013

Community Calendar To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail: each other's pleasant company. This Classified Ads

the tea. The teas are served from will be a last opportunity to gather 2 to 4 p.m. and the cost is $20 per 14 wed 5:15 7.72 5:39 8.58 12:00 0.42 xx xx 5:48 7:46 COMMUNITY COOKOUT! and celebrate summer and to start to person. Reservations should be made 15 Thurs 6:14 7.57 6:39 8.67 12:43 0.28 12:58 0.51 5:49 7:45 Wednesday, August 14th, 3:00-6:00 prepare for a new Hampton Garden no later than the Monday, Aug. 12, 16 fri 7:19 7.53 7:43 8.82 1:47 0.19 2:01 0.51Community 5:51 7:43 p.m., at Seabrook Chiropractic & Club year. Members are advised by calling the .home Calendar Continues . at. 978-388Wellness Center, Route 1, Seabrook. to be prepared for mosquitoes and 1337 or purchasing tickets online 17 sat 8:27 7.67 8:48 9.05 2:54 -0.01 3:07 0.36 5:52 7:42 Come meet Drs. Don & Lisa. FREE occasional uneven surfaces. For at Proceeds from 18 sun 9:32 7.97 9:51 9.33 3:58 -0.32 4:11 0.07 5:53 7:40 hot dogs while they last! information about Hampton Garden all activities at the home are used 19 mon 10:32 8.36 10:51 9.59 4:58 -0.67 5:12 -0.28 5:54 7:38 Club meetings and events, please call to upkeep the National Historic 20 Tues 11:28 8.75 11:46 9.74 5:54 -0.97 6:09 -0.60 5:55 7:37 CATMOBILE Pat Navin at 603-929-6315. The Site Whittier Home Museum, and 21 wed 12:20 9.05 xx xx 6:46 -1.14 7:03 -0.80 5:56 7:35 The Catmobile will be parked in Hampton Garden Club meets the continual updates of educational 22 Thurs 12:39 9.73 1:10 9.21 7:35 -1.14 7:55 -0.84 5:57 7:34 Salisbury at Tom’s Discount Store second Wednesday of each month at programs. Other upcoming events for 2 dates only in the month of 7:00 PM at the first Congregational include Tapestry of Voices on Sunday, August. August 14th and August Church, Winnacunnet Road, Aug. 11, in the garden. Whittier TECH PERFORMANCE - IPSWICH BOAT STORAGE & REPAIR 28th Tom’s Discount Store, 175 Elm Hampton, NH, unless otherwise enthusiasts are invited to an afternoon NOW RESERVING WINTER STORAGE! 978-771-8926 Street, Salisbury, MA. The Catmobile noted. Membership is $10 per year of poetry with the Boston-based is operated by the Merrimack River and includes informational topics, Tapestry of Voices. President Cynthia Feline Rescue Society (MRFRS) and community projects and field trips Costello welcomes all those who love is staffed by a licensed veterinarian throughout the year. For membership Whittier’s poetry to hear it read by and two veterinary technicians. The information call Roseanne Tuholski at guest readers and authors including Catmobile offers low cost spay and 603-926-2705. Harris Gardner, president of Tapestry neuter services for cats only. The of Voices. Refreshments will be package consists of spay/neuter, ROUNDTABLE served following. The program is rabies vaccinations, exam, nail trim, The Civil War Roundtable of the free, however donations are welcome. treatment for fleas and ear mites. Spay Merrimack will meet at 7:30 PM on Weekly tours of the Whittier Home package costs $100 and neuter package Wednesday August 14th at our new Museum are available Saturdays from costs $80. The package is available to location, the East Parish Methodist 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and by calling anyone and there is no qualification Church, Salisbury Square (route 978-1337 for special appointment process, but reservations are required 1), Salisbury, MA. Scott Jewel, and group tours. A minimal fee is and can be made by online at www. Ipswich Middle School educator, requested. or by calling 978-465- will speak on “Ipswich and the Civil 1940. War.” Admission is free and anyone 2ND ANNUAL "CRUISIN' THE with an interest in America’s Civil 50'S” HAMPTON GARDEN CLUB War is invited to attend. For more Event combines Classic Cars, Music MEETING information visit our web page www. & Free Family Fun in Historic North The next meeting of the Hampton or call Tom at (978) 462- Shore Setting - Summer nights, classic Garden Club is on Wednesday, 8518. cars and a doo wop concert come August 14, 2013, at 5:30 PM, with together to create a fabulous 50's a rain date of August 15, 2013. The WATERFRONT MOVIE SERIES festival in downtown Newburyport August meeting is for members only What could be better than on Thursday, August 15 from 5 p.m. to enjoy garden tours of two garden watching a movie OUTSIDE on to 8 p.m. Sponsored by "The Legends" club members at their homes in Waterfront Park on a warm summer WNBP Radio, St. Jean's Credit Hampton. The gardens are those night? Grab a blanket and your family Union, and the Greater Newburyport of Pat Navin, President of the & friends and join us! Waterfront Chamber of Commerce, Cruisin' the Hampton Garden Club, at 32 Mill Park Downtown, Newburyport www. 50's is a free community event that Road and Toni Trotzer at 39 Mill Road. Our movie features 150 specially selected classic The tours will begin at Toni's home series will be Wednesday August 7th, cars from across New England, along and after a short business meeting, 14th and 21st. Rain date August 28th. with live music by Billy D and the members will stroll the gardens Movies will be shown on a 40-foot Rock-its Doo Wop Show Band. The sipping a cool beverage and enjoying inflatable screen with an HD Blue rain date is Aug. 22, 2013. Now in its Ray Projector and BOSE professional second year, Cruisin' the 50's plans sound system. You don't want to to build on the momentum of its miss this! For more information inaugural event, which drew almost contact Brianne at brecords@ 6,000 residents and visitors. WNBP will be broadcasting live on the air, and Teeth Whitening, New Patient Special! local restaurants, shops and historic Come in for your new patient exam and x-rays THURSDAY, AUGUST 15th sites will feature special deals and pricing for attendees. The event wraps and receive free in-office bleaching ($100 value)* CLASSICAL GUITARIST up with dancing and a free outdoor *Valid for new patients of Sorrento Dental that visit before 12/31/12. The Whittier Home Association concert on Market Square by local • General Dentistry • Cosmetic Dentistry announces that well known classical favorites Billy D and the Rock-its. • Sedation Dentistry • Dental Implants guitarist. John Tavano, will provide According to Newburyport Chamber • Dentures and Veneers music for the next Old Fashioned Tea Executive Director Ann Ormond, this • Single-Visit Crowns (CEREC Technology) Party in John Greenleaf Whittier’s event is very popular with locals and • Digital X-Rays and the Latest Technology Victorian Garden, 86 Friend St. tourists alike. "Cruisin' the 50's was a Schedule your appointment today! Amesbury on Thursday, August 15, huge success last year, and we expect from 2 to 4 p.m. with a rain date an even better turnout for 2013. It of Friday, August 16. “The menu brings good old-fashioned fun to our includes hot and cold teas, lemonade, streets and showcases the businesses a rich assortment of tea sandwiches and historic charm of our downtown," Cable Professional Building and a delicious assortment of desserts, she said. "This event offers a great 130 County Road, Ipswich, MA 01938 “says Rosemary Werner, chairperson summer night for the whole family," 978-356-0602 of the Tea Committee. Patrons will said Carl Strube, general manager and also be offered free tours following co-owner of WNBP. "Those of us that





The Town Common Get the Smile You’ve Always Wanted!

were young in the '50s and '60s can take a walk down memory lane, while younger generations will appreciate first-hand the beauty and design of such vintage vehicles as Cadillacs, Thunderbirds, Impalas and more along the City's streets." Visitors can browse the 150 classic cars parked along both sides of Newburyport's State, Pleasant and Inn Streets, which will be open for pedestrian traffic only during the event. "For nearly a year, we have been hand-selecting only the finest quality cars from throughout New England. The downtown Newburyport Cruisin' the 50's car show represents the best of the 1940's through 1960's American vehicles," said Wes Pettengill, curator of this and other classic car events in New England, as well as host of WNBP Radio's "Calling All Cars" program. He noted that many of these show cars will only attend this one event all year. "There is a certain kind of style and craftsmanship in these cars that you just don't see every day, Pettengill added. "Everyone gets a thrill looking at these beautiful machines up close and meeting their proud owners." For more information about Cruisin' the 50s, please visit and

for purchase. Weather cancellations (if necessary) will be announced by 3:00 p.m. concert-day. Visit www. or call 978.356.4351 for more details.

MOVIE IN THE MILLYARD 2013 Amesbury Chamber of Commerce & Industrial Foundation is excited to announce that Movies in the Millyard is back. We are thrilled to be able to have this fun, family and free series continue. The Movies in the Millyard second night will be Thursday, August 15th at 7:30pm with Hotel Transylvania sponsored by Align Credit Union. The movies will be showing in the Millyard Amphitheater. Popcorn will be provided by Shaheen Bros. Please contact the or 978.388.3178 for more details or to sign up!

SINGLES DANCE Singles dance 8 PM every Friday at Daniels Hall, Rt 4, Nottingham, NH. BYOB, $12 admission includes light buffet and drink set-ups. For more info call 603 942-8525 or visit www.

THE BREW Independent rock band The Brew will perform at the Castle Hill Summer Picnic Concert series at Castle Hill, 290 Argilla Rd, Ipswich, on Thursday, August 15, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The Brew, a successful band with roots in Amesbury, opened for Bruce Hornsby in 2006 and won the Best Massachusetts Band from the New England Music Awards in April 2013.The gates for will open at 5 p.m. for picnicking. Attendees are encouraged to arrive early. Space is limited and the gates will close once capacity is reached. Admission is at the gate only--$30/car or $20/ car for members of The Trustees of Reservations. Motorcycles and walkins are $10. Ipswich Ale Brewery and Mill River Winery will sell beer and wine at the Casino beer-wine garden. Patrons may not bring their own alcohol but are welcome to bring their own picnic suppers. Ice cream, pizza, salads, sodas, sweets, and other products will be available

FRIDAY, AUGUST 16th COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE See Page 12 TIDE POOL DISCOVERIES Monday, August 12th at 9:00 am; Friday, August 16th at noon; Monday, August 26th at 9:00 am; Tuesday, August 27th at 9:30 am; Friday, August 30th at noon - For generations children have enjoyed exploring tide pools and discovering the fascinating plants and animals that live in this realm between the tides. A refuge ranger will guide this hands-on program. Appropriate for children age 5 – 10. Each session is limited to 15 children. Each session is 90 minutes long, allowing time for travel to and from the beach. Meet the ranger at the visitor contact station at lot 1. Note: Parent/guardian must remain with his/her child for the entire duration of this program. Preregistration is required for this program. (978) 4655753

SATURDAY, AUGUST 17th BOAT CRUISE The Ipswich Chamber of Commerce will be holding its Annual Boat Cruise on Saturday, August 17, 2013! Come join the fun – there will be a DJ, catered buffet, cash bar, and lots of networking. All proceeds benefit the Ipswich Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Fund. Boat departs from the Gloucester House Restaurant, 63 Rogers Street, Gloucester, MA at 6:30 pm and returns to the dock at 9:30 pm. In the event of rough water, the boat will not go outside the harbor or river. Tickets are $30.00 per person

Page 7

and if you buy 10 tickets you get ONE FREE! This is a great event to use as your company’s team building event/summer outing. For tickets or more information, please call: Bob McNeil @ 978-356-6852; Ron Elkin @ 978-312-1261; or Lisa Shanko @ 978-463-7114 SONS & DAUGHTERS ANNUAL MEETING The Sons and Daughters of the First Settlers of Newbury is in the final stages of planning their annual meeting to be held at The Governor’s Academy. The day’s event, August 17th, is open to the public as well as Sons and Daughters members. The day features a continental breakfast from 8:30 to 9:20am followed by Ann Beatie speaking on The Infamous Isles of Shoals. The second speaker will be Paul Wainwright using photographs of New England meetinghouses to tell the story of the society that built them. A short business meeting will follow ending with a luncheon buffet provided by Middle Street Foods. The Society’s Jackman-Willett House will be open from 2:00 to 3:00PM. The cost for the day’s activities is $ 20 per person. Visit www.sonsanddaughtersofnewbury. org or call 978-462-4234 to make reservations. “BEHIND THE SCENES” REFUGE TOUR Held on the following days: Saturdays, August 3rd, 17th, 24th, & 31st at 9:30 am; Sundays, August 4th, 11th, & 25th at 1:00 pm. Tours last approximately 2 hours. Join a refuge ranger for a behind the scenes tour of Parker River National Wildlife Refuge. Tour will be conducted via refuge van, with several brief “drive by” stops along the way. The tour will present an “up close and personal” look at the refuge through the multiple lenses of the cultural history of Plum Island and the Great Marsh, native wildlife and their habitats, and the role of refuge management in the conservation of these precious natural resources. Participants may be driven along areas on the refuge otherwise closed to the public. This guided two hour program


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Cruisin’ the ’50s!

Continued on page 8

Cruise Night in Downtown Newburyport

photo © John Raleigh

August 14 - 0, 013

Thursday, AugusT 15, 5-8 pm

(Raindate: August 22)

s Classic cars & music from the ’50s & ’60s s Doo-wop band concert, 7:30 pm s Event specials at downtown shops & restaurants sponsored by:

more information at:

The Town Common For Classic Cuts & Close Shaves

Page 8

Continued from page 7

Call Michele - Master Barber Friendly & Experienced Family Atmosphere

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194 Elm St., Salisbury, MA - Across from Sylvan Street Grill Michele’s Hours: Tues 8-2, Wed 8-5, Thurs 8-2, Fri 8-2, Sat 8-2

Dr. Laura anne Potvin, P.C. oPtoMetriStS


is most appropriate for older teens and adults. Binoculars and/or a camera are recommended, but not required. Meet the ranger in the lobby of the Headquarters visitor center. Each session is limited to 8 participants; no more than 4 individuals per sign-up. Again, this is a vehicle –based tour, with limited stops on the Refuge. Advance registration is required for this program, as enrollment is limited. Be advised that individual tours may be subject to cancellation. *Please note: Those who call and leave messages after hours, your registration is not confirmed until having received a confirmation call back from a refuge staff member. Please call 978-4655753; to register for this program.

NAVIGATING NATURE BY SATELLITE! – A VERY SPECIAL REFUGE EVENT Saturday, August 17th from 11:00 am to 3:00pm at the refuge visitor center - Stop by the refuge visitor center on this particular Saturday to learn how a GPS (geographic positioning system) unit can be used to find your way in the outdoors. While here, you’ll also have an opportunity to learn about an extremely popular, BROS. GPS-based activity called geocaching, which is sort of a high-tech form of MoVing coMPanY treasure Haverhill, MA 01835 hunting. After learning the basics of GPS navigation, try out

Dr. nYLa LaMBert Dr. KatHLeen Horn Dr. CatHLeen DouCette and Welcoming Dr. JuDitH MarroCCo ON Aug 6TH Shore’s LargestMOvINg Independent Community Newspaper FROM 291 MAIN sT. TO 939 sALEM sT., gROvELANd

he Town Common 978-374-8991


With this Coupon BROS. 00

your newfound skills on the refuge’s GeoQuest route (and learn about this national wildlife refuge in the process!). Lots of other cool things will be happening at the visitor center that day, as well. If you happen to have a handheld GPS unit of your own, please bring it with you to the event. (Also keep in mind that many of today’s smart phones have GPS capability.) This event is being coordinated by the refuge’s Master Naturalist volunteers. The event is FREE, appropriate for families, and does NOT require preregistration. Hope to see you on the 17th! JESS LEARY Firehouse Center for the Arts presents country singer, songwriter and musician Jess Leary. With two number one country hits to her songwriting credit, countless national tours with prominent artist and many notable albums of her own, Jess Leary is a remarkable artist. Leary makes her debut at Firehouse Center for the Arts in Newburyport on Saturday, August 17. Tickets for the show are $22 for Adults, $20 for Firehouse members. Tickets can be purchased in person at the Firehouse box office (Wed-Sun, 12pm-5pm) at Market Square in Newburyport, by calling the box office at 978-462-7336 or online at MONDAY, AUGUST 19th

- There is no better way to see and experience the refuge’s salt marsh than from the cockpit of your own kayak! Join a couple of refuge rangers for a three hour meander through the marsh and learn about some of its fascinating natural and cultural history. Program participants should have kayaking experience and need to provide their own kayak, paddle, and personal flotation device. Participant boats must be a minimum of 12 feet in length and have onboard flotation. It is recommended that participants provide their own insect repellant, sunscreen, water, snack food, and wear clothing appropriate for the weather. Participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Meet the rangers at the refuge’s boat ramp, opposite Lot 1, fifteen minutes prior to the program start time. Enrollment limited to 12 participants. Preregistration required. (978) 465-5753 ART IN AUGUST WORKSHOP August 19, 2013: Ipswich Museum, 54 South Main St., Ipswich will host an Art in August Workshop from 35 pm. This workshop complements our summer exhibit, “I must go down to the seas again. . .” All ages – families welcome! Materials fee: members $5; non-members $6. Preregistration recommended – please email or call 978-356-2811.

The Town Common

25 OFF MoVing coMPanY $

August 14 - 0, 013

Our Services Haverhill, MANewburyport 01835 Serving Greater

EXPLORING THE REFUGE BY KAYAK Monday, August 12th at 1:30 pm; Monday, August 19th at 8:30 am; Wednesday, August 21st at 10:00 am; Friday, August 23rd at 11:30 am

ZEN MEDITATION Free, Zen meditation instruction is offered Monday nights at the First Religious Society, 26 Pleasant Street, Newburyport. The practice sessions

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Continued on page 10

August 14 - 20, 2013


The Town Common

he North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper

Page 10

Continued from page 8

Open 7 Days

meet in the lower meetinghouse from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. For first time participants, the 6pm orientation session is recommended. The instructor is Joyce Haydock, Dharma Teacher with the Kwan Um School of Zen (KUSZ) for more than 22 years. Zen is a way of living, a way to perceive one's life with a clear mind and to better understand your true Self. Over time, with support, one works to attain a clear compassionate

Listen to Kathryn’s real estate radio program every Friday at 7:45 am on WNBP 1450 AM / 106.1 FM.

948-8696 • •

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Kathryn O’Brien, M.Ed. 978-465-1322 direct Email: Website:

Why Rent When You Can Own This Home?

August 14 - 0, 013 mind which, moment to moment, is able to help all beings. For more information, contact Joyce Haydock at 978-363-5457. Free and open to the public. TUESDAY, AUGUST 20th COMMUNITY FUNDRAISER Coastal Connections, Inc. will be holding a community fundraiser at Flatbread Pizza Company in Amesbury on August 20 from 5pm till closing. A portion of the evening’s sales will go to benefit the programs at Coastal Connections. Coastal Connections is located on Water Street in Amesbury and supports people with disabilities to achieve their full potential by creating personalized programs that promote living, working, and leisure activities within our community. Please join us for a fun night of good food, good friends and a few raffles. We look forward to seeing you! If you have any questions about this event or Coastal Connections please call Deb Plumer, Executive Director at 978 388-1119 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21st EXPLORING THE REFUGE BY KAYAK Monday, August 12th at 1:30 pm; Monday, August 19th at 8:30 am; Wednesday, August 21st at 10:00 am; Friday, August 23rd at 11:30 am - There is no better way to see and experience the refuge’s salt marsh than from the cockpit of your own kayak! Join a couple of refuge rangers for a three hour meander through the marsh and learn about some of its fascinating natural and cultural history. Program participants should have kayaking experience and need to

provide their own kayak, paddle, and personal flotation device. Participant boats must be a minimum of 12 feet in length and have onboard flotation. It is recommended that participants provide their own insect repellant, sunscreen, water, snack food, and wear clothing appropriate for the weather. Participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Meet the rangers at the refuge’s boat ramp, opposite Lot 1, fifteen minutes prior to the program start time. Enrollment limited to 12 participants. Preregistration required. (978) 465-5753 WATERFRONT MOVIE SERIES What could be better than watching a movie OUTSIDE on Waterfront Park on a warm summer night? Grab a blanket and your family & friends and join us! Waterfront Park Downtown, Newburyport www. Our movie series will be Wednesday August 7th, 14th and 21st. Rain date August 28th. Movies will be shown on a 40-foot inflatable screen with an HD Blue Ray Projector and BOSE professional sound system. You don't want to miss this! For more information contact Brianne at brecords@ WEDNESDAY EVENING LECTURE August 21, 2013: Ipswich Museum, 54 South Main St., Ipswich will host its monthly Wednesday Evening Lecture at 7:30 pm. Ipswich resident Jake Burridge presents “Pavilion Beach – Historically and Socially.” Our Wednesday Evening Lecture series is generously sponsored by First Ipswich Bank. Cost is free for members, $10 for non-members.

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No Down Payment … $1,466 a month for principal and interest … and you can own this spacious, sun-drenched home (based on 30 year fixed mortgage at 4.221%). $299,000 Don’t Miss Out! Contact Kathryn Today For Financing Details: 978-465-1322 ♦

11, 2012!

2008, 2009, 2010, 20

August 14 - 20, 2013

Business Spotlight

Real Estate • For Sale

For Sale

Check Before Reversing

• Rowley • Sports Sports Sports By John McCarthy, Realty It’s hard to turn on the TV during the day and not see a commercial for some ridiculous gadget (the cheap folding binoculars come to mind) or for one on reverse mortgages. They “star” B list/pasttheir-prime celebrities like Fred Thompson (he was available) to proclaim how terrific reverse mortgages are “for those 62 and over”. Well if it sounds too good to be true it probably is right? What they don't tell you is that reverse mortgages have some downsides as well. A type of mortgage in which a homeowner can borrow money against the value of his or her home. No repayment of the mortgage (principal or interest) is required until the borrower dies or the home is sold. The advantage of a reverse mortgage is that the borrower's credit is generally not relevant, because the borrower does not need to make any payments. Because the home serves as collateral, it must be sold in order to repay the mortgage when the borrower dies. The transaction is structured so that the loan amount will not exceed the value of the home over the life of the loan. The “reverse” in reverse mortgage is just the name for the way the loan proceeds are paid out to you, in this case in installments, rather than all at once. This type of loan can be beneficial in a very limited set of circumstances, such as allowing a senior to remain in his or her home, rather than having to sell it to pay for medical or other unexpected expenses. All this sounds well and good but as I indicated above a reverse mortgage can be a risk. Here are a few dangers you should take into account before taking Mr. Thompson’s advice. Fees This is the big negative for most people. A reverse mortgage is just that a mortgage on your home, therefore like most mortgages you have loan origination charges,

closing costs, fees for surveys, title searches, lawyers, etc. Reverse mortgages typically have much higher fees than regular mortgages and can be a very expensive way to tap into the equity in your home, so be sure to look at other alternatives, such as home equity loans, if you qualify. Pressure While I wouldn’t say Fred Thompson is a fast talking salesperson reverse mortgage pitches can be forceful and intense. Some financial planners tout reverse mortgages as a way to fund investments, such as annuities. Lenders cannot force you to use your reverse mortgage proceeds for any particular purpose. Have your financial planner or tax attorney review all documents and sit down with a trusted advisor before signing anything. Predicting the Future You can't predict the future. Most reverse mortgages come with stipulations about which circumstances require immediate repayment or foreclosure on the home. Some of them outline how many days or months the property can sit vacant before the lender can call the loan. If you suddenly become disabled and require assisted living the owner of the mortgage may require that the reverse mortgage be repaid or the house must be sold. Check the fine print, as this, not the fees may be the largest risk of a reverse mortgage. Eligibility for Government Programs Certain government programs calculate your total liquid net worth before distributing benefits. Before signing a contract, check with an independent financial professional to ensure that the cash flows from a reverse mortgage won't impact other funds you receive. Reverse mortgages can be an important source of emergency funds for some seniors who would otherwise have to sell their homes

to access their equity. There are several dangers to these plans, however, that can put your home at risk and sap your asset base. Senior citizen borrowers with good credit should carefully analyze the options of a more traditional mortgage, such as a home equity loan, against a reverse mortgage. If you have any questions about this article, real estate in general or are looking to buy or sell a home please contact me, John McCarthy at Rowley Realty, 165 Main St., Rowley, MA 01969, Phone: 978 948-2758, Cell 978 835-2573 or via email at john@rowleyrealestate. com

Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness

Page 11

Our Featured Property of the Week

ROWLEY: August 18th from Noon to 1:30, come to the open house at 29 Pleasant Street. This lovely home is located on a quiet side street near town, less than a mile from commuter rail and OPEN HOUSE a few miles from Route 1. Natural gas heat and Sunday! central air. Huge full bath with Jacuzzi tub and tile shower. Hardwood flooring, eat in kitchen, mud room and newer septic system. Nice yard, shed and patio area overlooking terrific mature landscaping. Reduced to $239,900! Call John at 978-835-2573 for more information or if you cannot make the Open House on August 18th and would like to see this property.

ROWLEY REALTY 165 Main St., P.O. Box 101, Rowley, MA 01969 Phone 978-948-2758 • Fax 978-948-2454

Sold Single Family Homes

Address, Town


DOM List Price Sold For Orig Price

25 Arlington St, Amesbury 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 41 $159,900 $159,900 $199,000 50 Powow St, Amesbury 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 51 $239,888 $233,000 $239,888 7 58th St, Newburyport 4 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Cottage 92 $339,900 $266,000 $339,900 99 Jackman St, Georgetown 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Raised Ranch 4 $360,000 $360,000 $360,000 17 Apple Blossom, Groveland 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 5 $370,000 $370,000 $370,000 5 Vic Lin Dr, Salisbury 8 room, 5 bed, 4f 0h bath Colonial 162 $375,000 $363,000 $375,000 24 Topsfield Rd, Ipswich 7 room, 2 bed, 2f 0h bath Antique 70 $365,000 $345,000 $379,000 157 Whitehall Rd, Amesbury 10 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Raised Ranch 52 $385,000 $391,500 $385,000 3 Woodbrier, Topsfield 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Gambrel /Dutch 35 $415,000 $400,000 $415,000 22 Lufkin St, Essex 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Contemporary 5 $425,000 $414,103 $425,000 31 Old Jacobs Rd, Georgetown 10 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Raised Ranch 20 $429,900 $429,900 $429,900 20 Eagle St, Newburyport 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 4 $439,900 $439,900 $439,900 31 Topsfield Rd, Wenham 9 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Colonial 14 $459,000 $445,000 $459,000 17 Puritan Rd, Wenham 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Multi-Level 10 $475,000 $471,375 $475,000 150 Sagamore, Hamilton 5 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Ranch 48 $485,000 $485,000 $485,000 1 Winthrop St, Essex 8 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Victorian 112 $499,999 $490,000 $499,999 14 Woodwell Circle, Amesbury 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 49 $519,900 $548,000 $519,900 25 Howe, Ipswich 7 room, 3 bed, 3f 1h bath Colonial 46 $535,000 $529,000 $549,000 6 Butler St, Newburyport 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Antique 153 $549,900 $527,000 $549,900 6 Court Ln, Ipswich 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 2h bath Contemporary 416 $549,000 $503,400 $599,000 150 Lake Shore Rd, Boxford 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Contemporary 53 $569,900 $565,000 $619,000 7 Esty Way, Groveland 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 233 $599,900 $599,900 $629,900 2 Cleary Ln, Topsfield 12 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Cape 20 $649,500 $650,000 $649,500 9 Red Pine Way, Rowley 13 room, 6 bed, 4f 1h bath Colonial 54 $650,000 $624,000 $689,000 10 Chaplin Hill Rd, Georgetown 10 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Colonial 286 $699,900 $690,000 $699,900 39 Kent St, Newburyport 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 12 $715,000 $695,000 $715,000 31 East St, Georgetown 11 room, 5 bed, 4f 2h bath Colonial 15 $799,000 $778,000 $799,000 Free Consultation 19 Berry Patch Ln, Boxford 9 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Cape 57 $889,000 $875,000 $889,000 Call George Manemanus MLO 5270 390 RMA Merrimac St, Newburyport 8 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Cape 231 $775,000 $742,000 $997,500 MB2385 Licensed by the New Hampshire Banking Department 360 N End Blvd, Salisbury 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 1 $999,000 $937,500 $999,000 40 Middle St, Newburyport 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Greek Revival 7 $1,325,000 $1,262,500 $1,325,000 MSM Single Family Listings: 31 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 2,539.61 Avg. List$: $549,951 Avg. List$/SqFt: $237 . Avg. . DOM: 76.06 .Avg. Sale$: $535,161 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $229 2013 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.

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Page 12

August 14 - 20, 2013

Refuge Announces Third Annual Nature & Wildlife Photography Contest

Parker River National Wildlife Refuge is currently conducting its third annual Nature and Wildlife Photography Contest. Those wishing to participate in this year’s contest may submit matted prints now thru Friday, October 4th. The two themed categories are wildlife and landscapes/seascapes. Further categorization includes images taken with a “point and shoot” camera versus those captured with a camera with interchangeable lenses (e.g., digital single lens reflex or DSLR). Finally, entries will be judged within two age categories – adult and youth (under age 18). A panel of judges – comprised of refuge staff and experienced photographers – will select this year’s contest winners. The winners will be announced during the refuge’s annual Phabulous Photo Weekend (October 18th – 20th). Hunt’s Photo, a photo contest co-sponsor, will provide a $100 gift card to the “Best in Show” and a $50 gift card to first place in each category. The winning contest entries will be placed on exhibit in the refuge visitor Amesbury Community center for the next year. Contest participants are allowed to submit a total Blood Drive of two prints. A $5 application fee will cover one or Sponsored by the Amesbury Senior Center two entries. Maximum allowable print size is 8” x 10”. All prints must be presented in a white matte. Friday, August 16, 2013 Qualifying images will have been taken within the 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. boundary of any of the following national wildlife Amesbury Senior Center refuges: Parker River, Great Bay, Wapack, Thacher The Provident Bank Room Island, Rachel Carson, Great Meadows, Assabet 68 Elm Street River, Monomoy, or Oxbow. A complete list of To schedule an appointment, please call contest guidelines is available through the refuge 1-800-RED CROSS (733-2767) or visit web site: All presenting donors in August will receive a coupon for a free All contest entries will be on public display in the 24 pack of Nice! Spring Water. Plus, receive a coupon for up refuge visitor center during the first two weeks in to 20% off, redeemable at participating Walgreens.* October. The contest is sponsored by the refuge, the Photographic Society of Parker River NWR, and Hunt’s Photo. *Prizes not redeemable for cash and non-transferable. Valid at participating Walgreens locations. See coupon for details.

Sports August 14 - 0, 013



Pets, Animals, Plus

Page 13

Health & Fitness

Brighter Smiles...

Pregnancy Update


According to new recommendations issued by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), dental x-rays and dental hygiene appointments are safe for pregnant women. In fact, the ACOG is advising all obstetricians and gynecologists to perform routine oral health assessments at the first prenatal visit and encourage their patients to see a dentist during pregnancy. According to the ACOG, 35% of all women report they haven’t been to the dentist within the past year. Approximately 40% of pregnant women in the U.S. have some form of dental disease, including gingivitis, caries (decay), and periodontitis (gum disease). The physical changes caused by pregnancy can result in changes in periodontal tissue and teeth.

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The ACOG encourages obstetricians and gynecologists to reinforce practical advice for their patients: Limit sugary foods and drinks, brush teeth twice daily with a fluoridated toothpaste, floss once daily, and visit the dentist twice a year. Pregnant women with severe vomiting or gastric reflux can help avoid damage to their teeth from stomach acid by using an antacid or by rinsing with a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water after vomiting, the ACOG noted. While many dentists are overly cautious when it comes to treating pregnant women, routine hygiene visits, dental x-rays, and local anesthesia are safe during pregnancy. Improving a pregnant woman’s oral health may also decrease the transmission of cariescausing bacteria from mother to baby and help lessen the future risk of caries in children. So, pregnancy is not a reason to put off needed root canals or fillings. A number of recent studies, which I have talked about in these columns, have investigated whether there is a link between periodontal disease treatment in pregnant women and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and the findings have been mixed. In some studies from 20102011, the evidence showed that

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treating gum disease during pregnancy did not prevent preterm births, low birth weight or any other pregnancy issues. Wed, Aug. 14th 3-6 p.m. However, in other research from Come meet Drs. Don & Lisa 2012, it was concluded that pregnant women who are at high FREE Hot Dogs risk for preterm birth and have while they last! periodontal disease, may be able to lower their risk by getting treatment. Similarly, it has been found that pregnant women who were resistant to the effects of gum disease treatment were more likely to deliver preterm babies than those for whom it was successful. Prevention is the key, not only for pregnant women, but for everyone. Routine dental visits are such an easy way to stay With continually emerging evidence on top of your dental health, that a healthy mouth makes a General & Complex Restorative Care regardless of whether you have Dental Implants healthier body, you owe it to insurance or not. It is a small Periodontist on Staff yourself and your body to Mercury-free Dentistry price to pay to have peace of receive exceptional dental care. Grinding/Clenching Therapy mind that you are doing the Custom Dentures right thing. Appearance-Related Dentistry Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Please call our office to schedule a complimentary Newburyport dedicated to health30 minute consultation. centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like TheorNorth Newspaper to see written about questionsShore’s 151Largest Central Street,Independent Rowley | 978-948-2030Community | you have please email them to him at jpstclair@dentalhealthforlife. com. You can view all previously written columns at www.

Good health isn’t acciDENTAL.

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Contact your advertising consultant today.... 77 Wethersfield Street, Rowley, MA 01969 978-948-8696

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Page 14

August 14 - 0, 013 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) There might still be some uncertainty about the decision you made. But a quick check of the facts should reassure you that you're doing the right thing. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) The tidy Taurean needs to be a little more flexible about accepting some changes to those carefully made plans. You might be pleasantly surprised by what follows. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Consider stepping away from your concentrated focus on your new project for a bit so you can get some perspective on what you've done and where you plan to take it. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) The understandably angry Crab might not want to accept the reason why someone might have tried to hurt you. But at least you'll have an insight into why it happened. LEO (July 23 to August 22) There might be some facts you still need to know before leaping onto center stage. Best to move carefully at this time so that you can observe what's happening around you. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) It's a good time to expand your outlook by getting out and around, whether you do some long-range traveling or just explore the great things to see closer to home. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Your wise counsel continues to be needed as that family situation works itself out. Meanwhile, the decisions you made on your job begin to pay off quite nicely. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Your job situation brightens thanks to all your hard work. Now, spend some time repairing a personal relationship you might have neglected for too long. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Aspects favor action in the workplace. Line up your facts and show your superiors why you're the one they're looking for. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Your hard work pays off on the job. Personal relationships also can benefit from more of your time and attention. Spend the weekend with loved ones. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Early feedback on your project might be disappointing. But don't be discouraged. Use it to make needed adjustments, then submit it to your superiors again. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Flattery could lure the otherwise sensible Fish into making an unwise decision. Be careful. All that praise might be an attempt to reel you in before you can learn the facts. BORN THIS WEEK: You have a wonderful sense of who you are. You are a shining example to others, helping them believe in themselves and what they can do. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc. mmon The Town Co

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72” X 80” solid oak entertainment center with smoke glass doors and Sony 27” TV - $500. Pro Form treadmill, $100 cash and carry. Serious buyers please call: 978-314-3317

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