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What's Inside Club Members Reach NBA Dribble, Dish & Swish Regional's Page 2
Aromatherapy Lifts Spirits
Continued on page 3
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––
Beverly Buccheri in her BC Essentials shop.
Photo by Stewart Lytle
Cobblers Becoming Rare Breed By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––
Catmobile’s Spay/Neuter Promotion in Salisbury Page 2 Chiropractic to Relieve Neck Pain Page 9 Charlie Tsoutsouras is still repairing shoes in Ipswich.
Photo by Stewart Lytle
IPSWICH – There is a reason Charlie Tsoutsouras is one of the few cobblers left on the North Shore. “You can't make a living doing it anymore,” he said. Tsoutsouras' Central Shoe Repair in downtown Ipswich has survived when other shops in Newburyport and other North Shore towns have closed, their owners retiring with no one interested in stepping into their shoes. “I could make more money most days sacking groceries up at Market Basket than I do here,” he said. The reason is that new shoes have become so inexpensive and to listen to Tsoutsouras they are so poorly made that most customers tell him “the shoe's not worth (repairing).” Last week, a customer dropped off a pair of old Gucci loafers, which originally cost about $300, to have new heels and soles put on them. The cost to repair them was $65. But Tsoutsouras took several minutes to try to talk the customer out of leaving them. Because the shoes were more expensive and better-made, the customer decided to have them repaired. But if they had been another brand of shoe – one that could be bought for less $100 – Tsoutsouras would have Continued on page 2
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978-462-3106 •
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Sparhawk High School Highest Honors Students Page 2
January 18 - 24, 2012 • Vol. 8, No. 11
NEWBURYPORT – From the time Beverly Buccheri was 17, she knew she wanted to work in the spa industry. After high school, she trained at the Catherine Hinds Institute of Esthetics, now in Woburn, to be a certified aromatherapist. That led to jobs in spas and for a few years with a Danvers plastic surgeon. Eight years ago she and Christine Lyman opened BC Essentials in Rowley, custom making their own aromatherapy oils that balance hormones and blood pressure and help treat muscle aches, burns, sinus problems, coughs and colds and migraines. They offered their products on a web site, That put the company in the middle of a growing industry that caters to those seeking innovative and alternative ways to stay young, beautiful and healthy. Last year, the fast-growing business expanded to open a retail shop here on Pleasant Street, selling a range of products to enhance beauty and treat common maladies. “A lot of people are interested in finding holistic methods for natural healing,” Buccheri said.
Time Sensitive, Please Deliver On or Before Jan 18 ‘12
How to Submit Club Members Reach NBA Dribble, Letters to the Editor
Dish & Swish Regional's
Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to:
SALISBURY – Talk about the thrill of a life time. Club members Max McKenzie and Ben Rennick represented the Club at Regional Finals of the NBA’s Dribble Dish and Swish competition held at the Boston Celtics practice facility in Waltham . They reached the finals out of 7000 competitors. Quite an accomplishment for these two young men. They did well in their age bracket finishing 3rd (Max) and 2nd (Ben). The competition is a basketball skills course which challenges participants to dribble, pass and shoot accurately as quickly as possible. Ben and Max won the Clubs local competition and then were coached by our own Rick Williams who oversees the athletic programs at the Club. Rick had these two members in the gym each day working on their basketball skills. The coaching paid off as these two young men did such a great job by placing in the competition. Congratulations to Max and Ben on a job well done. The Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Merrimack Valley serves eight communities: Amesbury, Merrimac, Newburyport, Newbury, Rowley, Salisbury, West Newbury, and Seabrook & Hampton, NH. The Club is the largest youth organization the in the Lower Merrimack Valley with a membership of 1500 and The Editor an average attendance of 100 members, ages 6-18. The Club is open during the c/o The Town Common school year from Monday – Friday, 2:00-6:00pm. Special teen hours are offered 77 Wethersfield St. every Friday with programming until 9:00pm. During summer months, the Rowley, MA 01969 Club operates a summer day program or via e-mail to: TOWN OF ROWLEY from 7:00am-6:00pm, five days a COMMUNITY PRESERVATION week. Membership is only $25 per COMMITTEE year and no additional after school The Town Common deadline NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING fees. For more information visit: is 5pm Wednesday (except when a federal holiday necessitates an The Club offers earlier deadline). Notice is hereby given that the Rowley transportation from Triton, Amesbury Community Preservation Committee and Newburyport school districts. will hold a public hearing regarding
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serves the communities of the Upper North Shore of Mass. & Coastal New Hampshire and welcomes your participation. Send your Organization or Group Notices, Birth or Engagement Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969 Phone: 978-948-8696 Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail:
January 18 - 24, 2012
Cat Parents Can “Beat the Heat” Before Spring with the Catmobile’s Spay/Neuter Promotion in Salisbury SALISBURY – It may seem that warmer weather is still out of reach, but now is the time to “beat the heat” by spaying your cat in advance of her heat cycle and preventing unwanted litters before “kitten season” arrives this spring – a time when shelters traditionally see large numbers of unwanted litters being born. To help reduce the number of homeless cats, The Catmobile is offering a “Beat the Heat” promotion sponsored by PetSmart Charities®. During the month of February, The Catmobile will spay female cats for a special rate of $20.00. Spaying and neutering is one of the most effective ways to reduce the homeless pet population. While some worry that their pet may be too young for this procedure, spaying and neutering is safe for kittens as young as eight to 10 weeks old. And, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association, spaying a female cat before the first heat cycle is actually beneficial, rather than waiting until after one heat cycle has occurred. The procedure is known to improve the health of the pet, including a reduced risk of certain reproductive cancers and infections. “Many people don’t know that female cats can have as many as three litters a year, and kittens can breed as young as four months old,” says Stacy LeBaron, President of MRFRS. “It’s our goal to bring female cats in before they go into heat and become pregnant. Our ‘Beat the Heat’ promotion is a fun way to educate the community and prevent unwanted litters.” This special rate is even less than the organization’s normal low-cost price and is available to all residents. Cat parents who wish to take advantage of this offer must mention the “Beat the Heat” promotion when they schedule their appointment. The promotion is based on availability. Please visit www.catmobile. org or call 978-465-1940 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
The Town Co
requests for funding in accordance with the requirements of the Community Act, M.G.L. Chapter 44B, Section 5 (b) (1). The purpose of the public hearing is to discuss, with the community, the payment of 2011 bills.
The Public Hearing will be held on Thursday, January 26, 2012 at 7:30 pm in the Rowley Town Library at which time all requests will be given due consideration. Frank P. Todd Chairman
Sparhawk High School Announces Highest Honors Students
Highest Honors students have demonstrated mastery by earning a semesterly overall grade average of no less than a 3.5. What differentiates Sparhawk's curriculum is its emphasis on balance among academic, intellectual, and humanistic curriculum. It is a program that honors children, values inquiry, encourages exploration, fosters innovation, and celebrates ideas. HIGHEST HONORS Grade 9: Cassandra Belliveau, Olivia Shea Grade 10: Raine Ericson Grade 11: Devin Bebout, Steve Branan, Alex Cooper, Mia Formichella, Rachel Perry Grade 12: Amanda Chamberlain, Emily May, Alyssa Olsen Sparhawk High School is a private school located at 196 Main Street in Amesbury, MA.
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Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor Graphic Design Services Advertising Opportunities Event and Announcement Submissions
77 Wethersfield Street Rowley, MA 01969-1713 Phone: (978) 948-8696 Fax: (978) 948-2564 The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify The Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. All material and content cannot be duplicated without written consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or edit any copy offered for publication. Copyright 2004-2012 The Town Common© - All Rights Reserved
In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005)
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January 18 - 24, 2012 Continued from page 1
Aromatherapy Lifts Spirits
The growing interest in aromatherapy products “is nice,” she said. Aromatherapy is the use of essentials oils, which are highly concentrated plant extracts. There are more than 3,000 different essential oils. About 300 are commonly used today. Essential oils enter the body through the skin and the nose. They are made up of tiny molecules, that when inhaled, enter the olfactory area of the brain in the limbic system. This can stimulate memory, effect emotions, heart rate and hormones. Essential oil molecules can also carry away harmful toxins, free-radicals, cell debris, fungi, bacteria and viruses in the body. It takes anywhere from 20 minutes to seven hours for skin to fully absorb essential oils, and anywhere from three to 20 hours to eliminate them sweat, urine, and saliva. BC Essentials, which makes all of its own products, makes no claim that it cures anything. But a lot of its customers swear that they sleep, breathe and move better as a result of
using the products they buy from BC Essentials. The most popular products are oils that ease aches and pains and treat inflamed sinuses, colds and flu and other respiratory problems. According to the BC Essentials brochure, the oils for aches and pains include a combination of birch, cinnamon, ginger, lemongrass, rosemary, helichrysum and pepper. You rub it on the tired or aching muscles twice a day. The oil that fights the flu has tea tree, eucalyptus, ravensara and lavender blended to help the immune system and alleviate the symptoms. Massage the oil into your chest, back and soles of the feet. Or drop some into your bath or a bowl of hot water to sanitize a room. Eucalyptus is used along with rosemary, geranium and peppermint to clear the sinuses. Put some on your hands and chest and breathe deeply, they suggest. BC Essentials also has products to purify your system, relieve headaches, help you relax and sleep. If you are in need of romance, try what BC
Essentials calls “a seductive blend of palma rosa, yiang-yiang, sandalwood and patchouli.” Use as a massage oil or in a warm bath for best results. Some of the same plant extracts are used to create facial oils that relieve dry skin, oily skin and acneic skin. There are even oils for babies. A blend of dill weed and lavender will treat a colicky baby. There is another oil that helps babies sleep. And a blend of lavender, tea tree and eucalyptus oils help fight off infections in babies and will treat cuts, scrapes and burns. But everything about BC Essentials is not so serious. It is a fun place to visit. And Buccheri likes to host girlsnight-out parties, including one the Greater Newburyport Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring Feb. 10. Last week a group of seven women started their evening at BC Essentials, treating their skin with healthy oils and trying makeup products. Buccheri bought a tray of cheeses and meat from Grand Trunk shop next door, and the women brought wine. Then all made up, the women headed out to the Grog restaurant and bar to show off their healthy skin.
Cobblers Becoming Rare Breed
handed them back. At 76, the Ipswich lifelong resident is not planning on retiring. He still enjoys coming to work, fixing shoes and talking with his customers. But he is spending more time in Florida where he likes to fish and catch oysters along the Indian River from his ocean kayak. And when he eventually closes the doors of the shop, cluttered with shoes, handbags and other leather goods, he does not expect there will be anyone waiting to take up the business. There are other shoe repair shops in Marblehead, Salem and Hamilton, but most are run by aging men like Tsoutsouras. Some have branched out to sell other products. Tsoutsouras sells clogs. A shop in Salem specializes
ommunity Newspaper
yfield, Plum Island, & Rowley
in orthopedic shoes. The core business of repairing shoes does not keep the lights on. Gone are the days when these shops were training grounds for young apprentices. Tsoutsouras began repairing shoes when he was 14. He and his brother would help their mother. A friend of his father showed the boys how to fix shoes, but mostly they learned by trial and error. “We made a lot of goofs,” he said. But in the end, repairing shoes “is not rocket science,” he said. The difference is in the volume of business. “When we would come in from school, she would have 12 or 14 women's shoes needing heels,” he said. Now in the summer, his slow season, he said he might go for days without seeing a broken heel. The
reason is that it costs $12 to replace a heel. A woman can buy a new pair for $30. Because there are so few shoe repair shops today, his customer base extends from Gloucester to Newburyport. But the rising cost of gasoline has cut into the numbers who make the trip. “If it costs you a gallon of gas to get here and a gallon of gas to go home. Then you have to do it again to pick up the shoes, you are adding $12 to $15 to the price of repairing the shoes. How many people can afford to do that?” he asked. His goal is to keep working, but at a slower pace. Ideally he would like to work from April to October and spend the winters fishing in Florida. But he realizes that is hardly practical. There are too many things to take care of in Ipswich and a few shoes.
Merrimack River Entrance yport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfi o o eld, Plum Island, & Rowley
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nTown Common Common 42 49’N 070 49’W JANUARY DATE HIGH LOW 18 Wed 6:26 8.60 7:10 7.42 12:43 0.30 1:36 -0.08 19 Thurs 7:32 8.72 8:18 7.52 1:49 0.38 2:43 -0.29 20 Fri 8:35 8.91 9:21 7.75 2:54 0.30 3:45 -0.56 21 Sat 9:35 9.11 10:17 8.00 3:55 0.11 4:42 -0.81 22 Sun 10:29 9.25 11:08 8.21 4:51 -0.09 5:33 -0.97 KAYAKS 23 Mon 11:19 9.27 11:54 8.33 5:43 -0.24 6:20 -1.00 Wilderness Systems - Old Town 24 Tues 12:05 9.14 xx xx 6:31 -0.28 7:05 -0.88 Perception - Necky 25 Wed 12:38 8.34 12:50 8.89 7:17 -0.21 7:47 -0.65 Ocean Kayak 26 Thurs 1:20 8.26 1:33 8.53 8:02 -0.05 8:28 -0.32 Canoes
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Continued from page 1
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January 18 - 24, 2012
AMESBURY - The Amesbury Council on Aging is in search of volunteers to assist in several different areas. If you are interested please stop by and pick up a volunteer packet. For More information please feel free to call and speak with Jean Marie, Volunteer coordinator 978 388 8138. -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - Comic Book Illustrator Andy Fish For Teens - Andy and Veronica Fish will be at the Amesbury Public Library on Wednesday, February 29 at 3:00 p.m. They will present and overview of the history of Manga and then a hands on workshop offering techniques and tricks for drawing comics in a Manga style. Andy is a cartoonist, painter, illustrator and author illustrator of 13 graphic novels. His work has appeared in galleries all over the United States, and he has been published in five countries. He has done storyboards in TV and Film and continues to produce two graphic novels a year. Registration is required. For more information go to Reserve your seat... Sign up NOW... go online our website at or contact Margie Walker at or 978-388-8148. -----------------------------------------------------------BEVERLY - The Beverly Hospital Stroke Program provides a free monthly Stroke Survivor Support Group held on the first Wednesday of each month from 10:30 a.m. - 12 Noon at Beverly Hospital. The free program is facilitated by a variety of professionals affiliated Listen to Kathryn’s radio program with the stroke program at Beverly Hospital. On February 1, Susan Corcoran, Financial every Friday at 7:45 am on WNBP 1450 AM. Service Manager at Beverly Hospital will present, "Understanding Your Medicare Benefits and Learn the Basic's of Your Coverage and Options". Discussion regarding Medicaid and other insurance questions will also be reviewed. The support group is held in the large conference room in the Women's Health and Medical Arts Building located on the campus of Beverly Hospital, 85 Herrick Street, Beverly, MA. Guests should enter through the main entrance driveway of Beverly Hospital. The Women's Health and Medical Arts Building is located at the end of this drive. Light refreshments will be available. There is no fee and pre-registration is not required. For further information or Kathryn O’Brien, M.Ed. questions, please call 978-922-3000, ext. FAST or e-mail: -----------------------------------------------------------Direct Line: 978-465-1322 GLOUCESTER - Save the date! The seARTS Annual Meeting takes place Monday, Email: February 27. We’re planning a great conversation about cultural district designation with distinguished speakers Ann Galligan and Herb Weiss. Mayor Carolyn Kirk will be there, Website: too. Shalin Liu Performance Center, Rockport, 6-9 PM. More details coming soon. -----------------------------------------------------------GLOUCESTER - Safe Steps for Seniors - new community exercise program at Addison Gilbert Hospital for seniors. The Center for Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine at Addison Gilbert Hospital, 298 Washington Street, Gloucester is providing a new community exercise program for those aged over 60 with fear of falling and balance difficulty. The benefits of this new dynamic group exercise program will aid in fall risk reduction, increased balance, confidence in mobility and ability to be independently active participants in the local community. All participants will be required to undergo
FEBRUARY VACATION WEEK Feb 20 thru Feb 24, 9am to 4pm
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January 18 - 24, 2012
. complete carpentry service . Additions and Bathroom remodeling PRATT. Kitchen HOBBY SHOP . renovations decks Porches Would like. to thank& the hundreds of people . drywall
that have patronized my store this past year. a free 30-minute individual pre- and post-screening for balance and fall risk. The fee is $3. per class which is due at the beginning of the class which are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 12 Noon. Space is limited. Space availability is determined on a first-come, first-served basis. For further information or to schedule a screening required to participate in the class, please call 978-283-4001, ext. 141. -----------------------------------------------------------licensed & insured GLOUCESTER - 38th Annual Meals on Wheels Valentine Breakfast, February 14, 2012, 7:00 – 9:30 a.m. $10 per person - senior citizens $8, The Gloucester House Restaurant, 63 Rogers St, Seven Seas Wharf, Tickets at SeniorCare Inc., by mail or at the door 978281-1750 or toll free 1-866-927-1050 Pratt Hobby Shop • 20 East Main St. • Georgetown, MA. -----------------------------------------------------------HAMILTON-WENHAM – Beverly Hospital Babysitting Course Thur. Feb. 23 10-5 - The Babysitting Course consists of 8 units: • 800-870-4086 • 978-352-2234 Babysitting Responsibilities, Characteristics of Children (growth & development), Selecting Toys & Games for Children, Supervising Children, Accident Prevention, Emergency Actions, Basic Care (diapering, feeding, etc.), & Course Review. Students who successfully complete the final review will receive a Certificate from Beverly Hospital. The course fee is $45.00. Students must be 11 years of age to attend. Enrollment is limited to 14 students. Pre-registration is required. To Register: visit the Reference Desk for the form. HamiltonWenham Public Library, 14 Union St., S. Hamilton, 978-468-5577 -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURY - Parker River Clean Water Association Annual Meeting January 29, 2012. Mr. Paul Roberts will be presenting a lecture on “Hawks of the Parker River Watershed.” Paul M. Roberts is the founder of the Eastern Mass Hawk Watch ( EMHW), an organization whose mission is to promote the study and conservation of hawks locally and on a continental scale by . complete carpentry service . Additions monitoring migration in Massachusetts. He also is President of the Northeast Hawk Watch, and a Director and former Chair of the . Kitchen and Bathroom remodeling Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA). PRCWA is very fortunate to have this well known authority on hawks as . the keynote speaker at our annual meeting on January 29, 1:30-3:30, at the Newbury Library on Lunt Street in Byfield, exit 55 off Rt. decks & Porches . renovations . drywall 95, Central Street west a short distance to Lunt Street. Call Direct -----------------------------------------------------------978-360-0477 NEWBURYPORT - Tin is the traditional material for the 10th wedding anniversary but the Firehouse Center for the Arts will licensed & insured Office: 978-356-5563 celebrate this year's New Works Festival with all new material thanks to the gifted playwrights, directors, and actors from the New England area who have contributed their talents to this, the 10th annual festival. It is because of the dedication and accomplishments of the New England theatrical community that the Firehouse is able to celebrate such a notable mark in the Festival’s history -- it is not without hard work, creative participants and a Committee who continually has strived year after year to present an event that is fair and maintains high standards. The four-night festival will be produced over two weekends Friday and Saturday nights, Jan. 20 - 21, and Jan. 27 - 28 at 8 p.m. at the Firehouse Center in Newburyport. Tickets are now on sale at the box office 978-462-7336 or on-line at and are $13 for adults per evening. A limited number of festival passes are now available for $38, a savings of $14 over four nights. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - The Actor's Studio of Newburyport will present Last Summer at Bluefish Cove by the late Jane Chambers, for three weekends opening February 10. When a straight woman on vacation, unexpectedly enters a close-knit Lesbian community, her presence challenges the group on many Issues Shore’s of differences,Largest trust, and fears of being outed, portray the reality for gayNewspaper women Thelevels. North Independent Community in the 1970s. Tickets are $15 in advance and $18 at the door and can be reserved by calling The Actor's Studio at 978-465-1229. Or purchased at ------------------------------------------------------------
Call Direct Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All! 978-360-0477 Office: 978-356-5563 Please stop by for a free magnet calendar “2012” Old Coins Wanted
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The Town Commo Dennis M. Howes
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Continued on page 12
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P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564
WEDNESDAY MORNING BIRDING ON CAPE ANN Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director Bill Gette and USFWS veteran David Weaver to see the magnificent winter seabirds and ducks around Gloucester and Rockport. Appropriate for all birding levels. Wednesday, January 18, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Meet in Gloucester at the Friendly’s restaurant at the first traffic circle on Route 128. $17. Preregistration is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www. CHRONIC PAIN SUPPORT GROUP A free Chronic Pain Support Group is held each Wednesday from 5:30 - 7 p.m. at Beverly Hospital at Danvers, 480 Maple Street, Danvers. The program is held in the Pain Management Center Reception Room. The program is facilitated by Licensed Psychologist George Beilin, Ed.D, Licensed psychologist. To register or for further information, please call 978922-6613. OCCUPY MOVEMENT DISCUSSION Could the next step for the Occupy Movement be the one outlined by Harvard Professor of Law, Lawrence Lessig, in his recent book "Republic Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress - and a Plan to Stop It." To discuss this idea in any depth on January 18, you will have to do some homework. Where: The First Religious
programs on various topics. It can be hard to get people out, even if there is a Great Program, and especially during the cold winter months. Once folks get use to taking time out of their busy schedule (2 to 3 hours a month) and meet with other folks and see a live program, they enjoy it. Our mission in the Grange is to try to keep our town more as a big family unit, one that will take care of each of its members. This time of year, the folks that have a garden at the Community Gardens at the Bradstreet Farm are getting set for another year of growing fresh veggies. Through the efforts of the Agriculture Committee, the number of gardens has grown, and will continue to grow, especially in the current economic climate. It is great to have the land at the Farm being used agriculturally, after all, that’s what it was all about, and in many ways, it should stay. Rowley has the perfect opportunity to turn this Historic Land Grant Farm into an agricultural gem, with buildings restored and facilities open to the public. Rowley Grange would like to
Contact your Advertising Consultant today!
P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564
Newburyport City Hall. Registration and Continental Breakfast begin at 7:30 am; program begins at 8 am. The most important thing that a community can do to reduce racism and hate-motivated behavior is to help young people understand RAISING FINANCIALLY the implications of racism, to engender RESPONSIBLE CHILDREN Wed. Jan. 18, 7-8 pm. New York respect for others and to celebrate diversity Life Financial Planner Caleb Harty through education and open dialogue. presents tips and tricks on how to raise YWCA teen leaders are active participants children to become: thoughtful savers, in the planning and running of the Martin careful spenders, and intentional givers. Luther King Jr. Breakfast. January 16, The presentation is based on the book 2012 8:00am– 9:30am, Newburyport Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees by Neale S. City Hall. For tickets and additional info. Godfrey. Please RSVP so we can provide contact the YWCA at 978-465-9922 or enough materials. Hamilton-Wenham Public Library, 14 Union St., S. Hamilton, BESTSELLING BOOK TURNED 978-468-5577 BLOCKBUSTER MOVIE Grab a friend & some popcorn and WEDNESDAY EVENING LECTURE Joe Carlin, noted Nutritionist join us for Karen Stockett’s bestseller’s and Food Historian and Museum member, recent release to DVD, rated PG-13. Thurs. will be our speaker for this fascinating Jan. 19, 6:00 pm -8:00 pm “In 1960s talk: "A Short History of the American Mississippi, Skeeter, a southern society girl, Cookbook". Don't miss it! January 18, returns from college determined to become 7:30 pm Our Wednesday Evening Lecture a writer, but turns her friends' lives, and a Series is generously sponsored by The small Mississippi town, upside down when First National Bank of Ipswich. At 54 she decides to interview the black women South Main Street, Ipswich. Refreshments who have spent their lives taking care of served; members are free, non-members, prominent southern families.” -Catalog $10. Call 978 356-2811 for more amilton-Wenham Public Library, 14 Union St., S. Hamilton, 978-468-5577 information. THURSDAY, JANUARY 19TH ICAM FIELD PRODUCTION WORKSHOP 19TH ANNUAL MARTIN LUTHER Free and open to all Ipswich Residents KING, JR. BREAKFAST YWCA Greater Newburyport's 19th ages 10 and up (10 to 12 year olds should Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast be accompanied by a parent or guardian). will held on Monday January 16th at Continued on page 8 Society, 26 Pleasant Street, Newburyport, Lower meetinghouse on Wednesday, January 18, 7pm. Free and Open to the public
Rowley Grange helps the community – won’t you join us?
ROWLEY GRANGE NOTES… Welcome New Year It is hard to believe that the first week of 2012 has come and gone. We had our first meeting of the new year on January 4th. Come June, Rowley Grange will be celebrating its 118th year of existence. We have gone from a time when everyone participated in some sort of agriculture, especially growing and preserving their own food, to a time where the majority of our food is grown and processed miles away. Even some of the produce needs a passport before it makes the grocery store shelves! Today, the Grange’s focus has turned to community service. We still actively support agriculture, but community service takes up most of our time. Rowley Grange has managed to persevere when other organizations have come and gone. Part of any groups’ success is dictated by its program director. Rowley Grange’s Program Director is Helen Dobbins, and she has had a great variety of programs. Each month, starting in September, she introduces different
January 18 - 24, 2012
Rowley Grange, 29 Central St., P.O. Box 49, Rowley, MA 01969 Hall phone: 978-948-7288
see the farm and its buildings restored. Such property on the Great Marsh is a crown jewel. For models we need only look at the successes of the Trustees of the Reservations, Essex County Green Belt and the Mass. Audubon Society, who have successfully turned such sites into multiple use facilities, preserving the buildings, providing family recreation and preserving the wildlife that depends on the land for their existence. Garden Group Breakfast in the planning. The Grange is planning another Gardeners Breakfast for those who have gardens at the Bradstreet Farm. It was such a good time last year, that we were requested to do it again. We are very proud of the people who have taken an interest in the plowing, planning for water access to water the gardens, and the many other things that are necessary to a garden plot.
UPCOMING EVENTS February 1st – Program to be announced. Meeting at 7:30 at Library ALL MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Next Grange supper is: 4th Wednesday in March, 2012
Are you interested in working on a Grange committee whose goal would be to establish paths at the Bradstreet Farm for walking, and other recreational activities? As we have reported in previous Rowley Grange Notes, the community gardens of Bradstreet Farm have had great success. Considering that the Farm has so much to potentially offer, including but not limited to walking paths, bird watching, views of the Great Marsh, and many other FAMILY RECREATION opportunities, Rowley Grange would like to explore the possibility of creating what is needed for such opportunities. If you are interested, email You need not be a Grange member to participate. The Grange is open to the public and not a secret organization as some people believe it to be. We are community oriented and present programs that are interesting, educational, and a lot of fun, with stories, plays and lectures. Our meetings are sort of like a fun family get together. We invite anyone who is curious about Rowley Grange to attend a meeting. We’d love to have you as our guest!
January 18 - 24, 2012
Our Featured Property of the Week
Online Dating in Real Estate By John McCarthy, Rowley Realty both even have their own buzz words and translations for them. These buzz words try to convey one thing but if you really know what the words truly mean you can save yourself some time. Here are some real estate buzz words and their interpretations. “Charming” Probably means small. “Quaint” Most likely means small. “Cozy” Sorry, this definitely means small. “Needs some work” Probably cosmetic, new paint, flooring, etc. “Just needs the right buyer” More than cosmetic. “Contractor’s Special” You and your agent can probably push the house over. Here are some mixed message real estate phrases: “Convenient to Highways” This could mean you are ON Route 128 or 95 or just near a highway. “Owner is motivated” This could mean the owner wants to sell at the right price (which could be the asking price) OR they would take anything to get out. “Great Opportunity” or “Starter
Home”. Who knows what you are getting here. Online dating also has buzz words and translations. Here are some: “Cute” Why “cute” why not very attractive? Call me skeptical. “Youthful” Could be any age but keeps him/herself in shape. “Looking for soul mate” Wants to get married. NOW. “Looking for fun” Not looking to get married. “Individualistic” I do what I want when I want After sifting through the phrases in both online dating and real estate nothing beats going out and meeting your matches in person. You can find out a lot online but until you see something in person you won’t know if it is the one for you. If you have any questions about this article, real estate in general or are looking to buy or sell a home please contact me, John McCarthy at Rowley Realty, 165 Main St., Rowley, MA 01969, Phone: 978 948-2758, Cell 978 835-2573 or via email at john@rowleyrealestate. com
165 Main St., P.O. Box 101, Rowley, MA 01969 Phone 978-948-2758 • Fax 978-948-2454
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Ipswich Church of the Nazarene Ad Campaign $18/wk per Marc Maravalli AD #1
Sold Single Family Homes Address, Town Description DOM List Price Sold For Orig Price Contemporary Worship Every Sunday 11:00AM
5 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 136 $250,000 $162,500 $339,000 Ipswich Church of the Nazarene 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 83 $319,900 $319,000 $339,900 God’s Heart & Hands In Our Community And Beyond 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Ranch 95 $259,900 $263,900 $339,900 79 Turnpike78Road/Route 5 room, 2 bed, 2f 0h bath Ranch $329,000 1 Ipswich, $325,000MA 01938 $349,000 7 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 222 $369,900 • 978-356-1800 $364,000 $369,900 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Cape 98 $389,900 $369,000 $399,900 8 room, 3 bed, 3f 0h bath Colonial AD 329 #2 $324,900 $324,900 $479,900 9 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Colonial 208 $615,000 $592,500 $675,900 wanted; 10 room, 5 bed, 3f 1h bath GreekWhole Revival hearts 94 $810,000 $767,500 $810,000 broken ones accepted 9 room, 4 bed, 4f 1h bath Contemporary warmly 106 $849,000 $824,000too $849,000 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 1hContemporary bath Colonial Worship 247 Every $1,190,000 $1,075,000 $1,250,000 Sunday 11:00AM Ipswich Church of the Nazarene
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A perfect church for people who aren’t even close to being perfect!
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Thought the title might catch your attention. As a REALTOR® you are constantly describing homes either in person or in ads. If the buyer seems interested and is serious about buying it is always best to take look at the house in person. The few traits that seem like deal breakers may be overshadowed by the house and its location and features. In this regard online dating and looking for a home share some interesting things. It might sound crazy but finding a home is a little like online dating. Before the internet your real estate agent would put you in his or her car and drive you around to a number of homes. Eventually, or not, you would find a home. Before the internet you were forced to meet your date in person because you didn’t have the chance to research them online first. Today you can Google someone before you decide to meet with them to find out all about them. Same goes with real estate, you can find out the complete history of the home with just a few clicks of a mouse. Online dating and real estate
Rowley: New construction for just $549,900! This center entrance Colonial is the last one of four custom homes in this exclusive cul-de-sac community near the center of town. Sited on 2.5 wooded acres, this home last one in cul-de-sac! boasts over 3,000 square feet of living space including 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, front to back family room, gourmet kitchen and 2 car garage. Additional living space is possible in the thir floor (walkup) and walkout basement with glass sliders. The builder, Clarke Associates, has used their trademark high end finishes in hardwood floors, crown moldings, maple cabinets and custom tile. Call Pauline at 978-314-7341 for more information or to make an appointment to see this country home.
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Continued from page 6 Thursday, January 19 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the ICAM Studio located in the lower level of the Ipswich Town Hall on 25 Green Street. Learn how to produce your own TV program or help others! It is fun and easy! Learn camcorder techniques as well as production accessories such as tripods, microphones, portable audio mixer and light. Upon completion of the workshop, you will qualify to receive oneto-one training for editing and graphic designs on Final Cut Pro. Register on ICAM’s website, or call 978-356-0353 Space limited to 15 people. First come, first served. FRIDAY, JANUARY 20TH TAROT CARD READER, MEDIUM, CHANNELLER Questions about money, love, career or your life's purpose? Carol Hutchins will be doing readings from 11AM 3PM, which start at $20.00 for 15 minutes at The Herbal Path 599 Lafayette Rd., Portsmouth, NH. Friday, January 20th. Call her for an appointment at 207-324-6077 or just drop by. www. SATURDAY, JANUARY 21ST “BEHIND THE SCENES” REFUGE TOUR Held on the following days: Saturday, January 21st at 9:30 am and Saturday, January 28th at 9:30 am. Join a refuge ranger for a behind the scenes tour of Parker River National Wildlife Refuge. Please call (978) 465-5753 to register. Registration is not complete until you receive confirmation from a staff member. Please note that outdoor programs may be cancelled if there is inclement weather and also insufficient registration. Visit us on the web for more information: or call Refuge Headquarters. The refuge visitor center is located at 6 Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport, MA.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
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SATURDAY MORNING BIRDING Weekly trip with experienced leaders in a search for avian activity in the Newburyport/Plum Island area. For beginners and birders of all skill levels. Saturday, January 21, 9:30 am – 11:30 am Meet at Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Adults $10; Children ages 8 and up $7. Preregistration is not required. Call 978462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at ITALIAN BUFFET Plenty of good food, fun and music will be on hand when the Youth Groups from Pilgrim Congregational and West Newbury Congregational Churches hold an Italian Buffet and Fundraising Event Saturday Jan. 21, 4:30-6 p.m. at Pilgrim Congregational Church in Merrimac. The Italian Buffet will be followed by special musical entertainment at 6:30 p.m. A silent auction will be held throughout the event. The suggested donation is $7 with children under five years will be free. Located at 27 Church Street in Merrimac, the Pilgrim Congregational Church is fully accessible. For further information, please call 978-346-8400
January 18 - 24, 2012 Rd. Portsmouth, NH. 3:30-5:00PM. $25.00 per person. For more info or to register call her at: 207-752-3646. www. MEN'S 'MEAT THE AUTHOR' BOOK GROUP Come and enjoy meaty appetizers THE GEORGE COLE QUINTET as we discuss the book, And Justice for January 2012: First Parish Church Some with author Wendy Murphy. This of Newbury, located in Newbury, MA is book gives you a first hand look at the pleased to announce the return of The criminal justice system raising thought George Cole Quintet on Saturday, January provoking questions. Monday January 23, 21, 2012 at 7:30pm. Join us for a night of 2012, 5:30-6:30pm . Sign up online www. exquisite jazz as internationally renowned or give us a call 978acoustic guitar virtuoso, George Cole, 372-1732 treats audiences to selections from “The Great American Cole Book”. Tickets are MEET AUTHOR WENDY MURPHY $12.00 in advance or $15.00 at the door Learn what happens behind the the night of the performance, and can be scenes of the justice system with author purchased by calling the Church office at Wendy Murphy as she discusses her 978-465-5597. book, And Justice for Some. Monday January 23, 2012, 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM SUNDAY, JANUARY 22ND - Langley-Adams Library, 185 Main St, Groveland 978-372-1732 http://www. BREAKFAST BUFFET Sunday ~ January 22, 2012, 8 to 11am, $6 per person, Moose Lodge, TUESDAY, JANUARY 24TH 34 Broad Street, Merrimac, Menu scrambled, fried or omelet eggs, pancakes, NATURE DRAWING AND French toast, home fries, toast, English LANDSCAPE PAINTING muffins, bacon, sausage, coffee, tea and Children ages 7 to 11 are invited to juice. learn how to make their own “wow” works of art with artist Janet Youkeles. Come for AYURVEDA -THE ART OF DAILY one or several of four sessions: Tuesdays, LIVING January 17 through February 7. Materials Ayurveda brings balance to the whole will be provided. SESSION 2: Pastel person – body, mind and spirit. Learn Drawing & Watercolor Painting Tuesday, the basic principles including healthful January 24, 3:30-4:45 pm Meet at the diet, daily self care and exercise to keep Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum you balanced during the winter months. Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fee per Sunday, January 22nd at The Herbal session: $18. Preregistration is required. Path 599 Lafayette Rd., Portsmouth, Call 978-462-9998 for information about NH. Given by Betty Moylan, Ayurvedic additional programs and events, or visit consultant and educator from 1:00 the Web site at – 2:30PM. $20.00. Call her to register or joppaflats. for more info at: 603-682-7848. betty@ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25TH VENTO CHIARO WOODWIND QUINTET Vento Chiaro will be performing in an intimate and relaxed setting as part of the “Concerts in the Barn Series” affiliated with the Topsfield Town Library. This woodwind quintet has impressed audiences nationally and internationally with its unique and captivating performances, collaborating with communities to expand audiences’ knowledge, enjoyment, and appreciation of music as an art form. Sunday January 22, 2011 at 4pm -Doors open at 3:30 Location of the concert is The Gould Barn, 1 Howlett Street, Topsfield, MA 01983 Admission free* Seating is limited* Refreshments will be served * This concert is handicapped accessible. Sponsored by the Topsfield Library’s Gould Fund for the Performing Arts "WALKING HOME FROM WALDEN: A SUBURBAN AWAKENING" Please join us on Sunday, January 22nd at 5:00 PM at the First Parish Church of Newbury, 20 High Road for a presentation and discussion with Wen Stephenson, noted writer, journalist and editor. For more information about the program or the picnic please write or visit MONDAY, JANUARY 23RD
BRING YOUR OWN BOOK: BOOK CLUB FOR TEENS Are you a bibliophile in 7th to 12th DISCOVER YOUR PAST LIVES grade? The Newburyport Public Library Have you lived before? Through can help! Join us on Monday, January 23 guided meditation , Peg Losee, a Past Life from 4:30 to 5:30pm in the Conference Facilitator and Reiki Master, will help you Room for this monthly book discussion explore your distant past. Bring a journal of the newest, the best, or the recently to record your memories. Saturday, January rediscovered works of literary genius that 21st at The Herbal Path 599 Lafayette you cannot put down. Sign up here: www.
A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE Explore the refuge on foot with a ranger and refuge biologist. See areas of the refuge that are otherwise closed to the public. Wednesday, January 25th from 1:00 – 2:30 pm This walking tour is a variant of the regular Behind the Scenes tour that is normally conducted by refuge van. Please call (978) 465-5753 to register. Registration is not complete until you receive confirmation from a staff member. Visit us on the web for more information: or call Refuge Headquarters. The refuge visitor center is located at 6 Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport, MA. AFTERSCHOOL AT JOPPA: PRESENTING PENGUINS! Children in grades 1 to 4 are invited to engage in wildlife learning experiences with a different theme each week. Come for one or sign up for the series. Four sessions: Presenting Penguins (1/25); Introducing Owls (2/1); Awesome Eagles (2/8); Endangered Species Alert (2/15) Wednesday, January 25, 3:30-5:00 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $16. Preregistration is required. Call 978462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at CHRONIC PAIN SUPPORT GROUP A free Chronic Pain Support Group is held each Wednesday from 5:30 - 7 p.m. at Beverly Hospital at Danvers, 480 Maple Street, Danvers. The program is held in the Pain Management Center Reception Room. The program is facilitated by Licensed Psychologist George Beilin, Ed.D, Licensed psychologist. To register or for further information, please call 978922-6613.
Research Shows Chiropractic Most Effective to Relieve Neck Pain
The Town Common
and therapeutic exercises for faster and longer lasting results. Once the spine is in proper alignment, exercises help by promoting range of motion, restoring normal neck The Region’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper curve, and relaxing neck muscles. The research showed that the best Free Local Delivery type of exercise is head retraction, or a chicken-like maneuver of the head, in which you pull your head back and then tilt the chin slightly Garry G. Gray, Prop. downward. Care should also focus on reducing the physical, chemical and mental stress in order for long term benefits to be realized. Physical stressors may include: poor posture while driving, texting, computing or sleeping, repetitive activities, poor exercise form, lack of exercise or stretching, Seasoned RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Specializing in: We Safely Clean: improper lifting techniques and
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1. Spinal Manipulation, Medication, or e North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper Home Exercise for Subacute Neck Pain: A
Reprinted from the Wall Street Journal, 1/3/12
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At least three quarters of people will suffer from neck pain at some point in their lives and many will struggle to find the most effective treatment. When it comes to neck pain the best medicine is no medicine at all according to a new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine on Jan 3, 2012.1 The study, funded by the NIH, tracked 272 patients with recent-onset neck pain who were treated using three different methods for 12 weeks: chiropractic adjustments, home exercises, and medication. Chiropractic care was the most effective of the three methods to relieve neck pain. Furthermore, those who used a chiropractor or exercised were more than twice as likely to be pain free compared to those who relied on medicine.
Seasoned Firewood Per Cord... $250
Property Management and Home Improvement
By Dr. Jennah Dieter
“Doesn’t surprise me a bit,â€? Dr. Lee Green, professor of family medicine at the University of Michigan told ABC News. “Neck pain is a mechanical problem, and it makes sense that mechanical treatment works better than a chemical one.â€? Chiropractic care focuses on getting to the root cause of pain versus treating symptoms with medications. The chiropractic adjustment functions to relieve nerve stress by promoting proper motion of the spinal segments, reducing muscle tension, and restoring proper posture. Studies have also showed that the chiropractic adjustment reduces inflammation, which can help reduce pain.2 The cause‌ Neck pain is most often a result of nerve stress or irritation due to spinal misalignment, reduced range of motion, muscle tension, and inflammation which can occur when the body is subject to stress. Furthermore, the force of gravity combined with poor posture and repetitive activities can pull our head forward causing our normal forward neck curve to straighten. This places more stress on the delicate spinal cord and nerves, causing the neck and upper back muscles to overcompensate with increased tension and spasm. Just like if you were to straighten a banana with its peel intact, squishing the insides of the banana; if you were to straighten the curve of the neck, the spinal cord would get squished or compressed. Not only can this cause pain, but because the nerves and spinal cord control everything in the body, nerve stress can result in diminished function of the body as a whole. The treatment‌ In my practice, I find the most effective treatment for neck pain combines both chiropractic adjustments
January 18 - 24, 2012
Randomized Trial. Bronfort et al. Ann Intern Med January 3, 2012 156:1-10; 2. Teodorczyk-Injeyan JA, et al. SMT reduces inflammatory cytokines but not substance P production in normal subjects. JMPT, 2006; 29:14-21.
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Page 10
local entertainment calendar
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Ironic Music Calendar appears weekly in 'The Town Common' presenting local events North of Boston and Coastal / Southern NH. IMC is a production of Ironic Music Booking Agency LLC: www. Check out Ironic’s weekly picks – highlighted: Tue 1/24: Sea Shanty Sing-AMASSACHUSETTS Long, 9pm Amesbury THE BARN PUB & GRILLE THE DOG BAR 5 Ring Street, 978-388-8700 65 Main St., 978-281-6565 Wed 1/18: Seacoast Dart Fri 1/20: Steve Amazeen Band, Association League 9pm-cl Fri 1/20: Luck of the Draw Sat 1/21: Joe Mack, 9pm-cl Tue 1/24: Northeast Dart Association League GIUSEPPE'S RISTORANTE MURPHY’S RIVERSIDE 2 Main St., 978-879-4622 Find them on Facebook Wed 1/18: Open Mic, 7:3037 Main St., 978-834-0020 10:30pm Thu 1/19: Karaoke Thu 1/19: Dueling Pianos, Mon 1/23: Game Night 8:30pm Fri 1/20: Joe Thomas, 9pm-cl Beverly Sat 1/21: Joe Thomas, 9pm-cl CHIANTI TUSCAN Sun 1/22: Joe Young, 6pm RESTAURANT 285 Cabot St., 978-921-2233 JALAPEÑOS MEXICAN Wed 1/18: Elle Gallo, 9:30pm- RESTAURANT 12:30am 86 Main St., 978-283-8228 Thu 1/19: Members of Tue 1/24: The Wood Peppers, Morphine, 9:30pm-12:30am 7-9pm Fri 1/20: Danny Heath, 9:30pm-12:30am Sat 1/21: Organism, 9:30pm- THE RHUMB LINE 12:30am Sun 1/22: Whose Muddy Shoes, 40 Railroad Ave, 978-283-9732 Wed 1/18: Fly Amero, 8-11pm 6:30-9:30pm Thu 1/19: Dave Sags Blues Tue 1/24: Fats Hammond, Party, 9:30pm-1:30am 9:30pm-12:30am Fri 1/20: Local 28, 9:30pm12:30am FIBBER McGEE'S Sat 1/21: Kingsly Flood, Find them on Facebook 108 Cabot St., 978-232-0180 9:30pm-12:30am Sun 1/22: Marina Evans, Wed 1/18: Karaoke 8pm-12am Thu 1/19: DJ Mon 1/23: Open Jam w/Dan Fri 1/20: DJ King, 9:30pm-12:30am Sat 1/21: DJ/Live Music Tue 1/24: Trivia, 7pm; Funk Mon 1/23: Trivia, 7:30pm Jam w/Henley Douglass Jr. & Soul Force V, 10pm-12:30am THE PICKLED ONION Georgetown 355 Rantoul St., 978-232-3973 KEON'S @ THE BLACK Wed 1/18: Karaoke w/DJ J SWAN COUNTRY CLUB Dubz, 10pm Find them on Facebook Thu 1/19: DJ Max Baun, 258 Andover St., 978-352-2900 10pm-1am Fri 1/20: Tobin & Leahy, 5-9pm Wed 1/18: Quizzo Pub Trivia, Mon 1/23: Stump Trivia, 5-10p 7pm Tue 1/24: DJ Kevin Haverhill CHIT CHAT LOUNGE Danvers THE VILLAGE GREEN 103 Washington St., 978-3749710 225 Newbury St., 978-774Wed 1/18: Karaoke 7270 Fri 1/20: Tone Bone Wed 1/18: Swing Dance Sat 1/21: Kegels Lessons, 6:30pm Sun 1/22: Wayne Mogels Thu 1/19: Stump Trivia, Chronic Jazz Syndrone 7-10pm Tue 1/24: Open Mic Tue 1/24: Country Line Dancing, 7pm MAL’S LOUNGE @ GEORGE’S RESTAURANT Essex THE FARM BAR & GRILLE 77 Washington St., 5150 233 Western Ave., 978-768Fri 1/20: Roy Barboza 0000 Fri 1/20: Moby Dick THE PEDDLER’S Sat 1/21: Incahoots DAUGHTER Gloucester ALCHEMY CAFÉ & BISTRO 45 Wingate St., 978-372-9555 Sat 1/21: Colm O’Brien, 3 Duncan St., 978-281-3997 9:30pm Wed 1/18: Women, Wine & THE TAP/LIMELIGHT Chocolate w/Chelsea Berry, LOUNGE 7-9pm Sun 1/22: Bluegrass Brunch, 100 Washington St., 978-37412-2pm 1117 CAPE ANN BREWING CO. Wed 1/18: Trivia, 8:30pm Thu 1/19: Karaoke 27 Commercial St., 978-281- Fri 1/20: Untapped Hip Hop Sat 1/21: Still Breathing 4782 Wed 1/18: Trivia Night, 7:30pm Sun 1/22: Open Mic Thu 1/19: Open Mic Night, Ipswich 9pm Fri 1/20: The Runaround, 9pm ZUMI’S COFFEE HOUSE Sat 1/21: Marina Evans, 9pm
2880 20 Oceanfront, 978-465-9045 Thu 1/19: Erin’s Guild Fri 1/20: Souled Out Sat 1/21: King Karaoke, 8:30pm Fri 1/20: Four Sticks, 9pm12am Sat 1/21: Nimbus 9 HOBO'S CAFÈ & LOUNGE Sat 1/21: Josh Watkenson Band, Mon 1/23: Trivia, 9pm-12am DRYNK RESTAURANT & Tue 1/24: Tim Theriault & LOUNGE 5 Broadway, 978-465-4626 Wed 1/18: Karaoke & Dance, Friends, 9pm-12am 20 Old Granite St., 6pm 603.836.5251 Thu 1/19: Karaoke Contest & KELLEY’S ROW RESTAURANT Wed 1/18: Tropical Wednesday Dance, 8:30pm Thu 1/19: College Night; Ladies Mon 1/23: Karaoke & Dance, 421 Central Ave., 603-750-7081 Night 6pm Wed 1/18: Stump Trivia, Fri 1/20: Rock Star Fridays 6-11pm Tue 1/24: Industry Night UNCLE EDDIE’S Fri 1/20: Mike Lewis Band, OCEANSIDE TAVERN 9-11:30pm FRATELLO’s ITALIAN Find them on Facebook 8 Oceanfront, 978-465-9779 Sat 1/21: Pat Foley, 9-11:30pm GRILLE Fri 1/20: Switchblade Serenade THE LOFT 155 Dow St., 603-624-2022 Sat 1/21: Random Act Thu 1/19: Jazz Night, 6:30html 9:30pm NEW HAMPSHIRE Rte. 108, 603-742-7012 Fri 1/20: Tony Santasse, 7Dover Fri 1/20: Reuben Kincade 10:30pm THE BARLEY PUB Project THE SHASKEEN 328 Central Ave., 603-742RJs BAR AND GRILLE 4226 909 Elm St., 603-235-9682 PEM | PEABODY ESSEX Thu 1/19: Steve Roy’s Bluegrass Find them on Facebook 83 Washington St. Wed 1/18: Open Comedy Mic, MUSEUM Jam, 9pm 9pm Sat 1/21: Christa Renee Band, Thu 1/19: DJ Lil Rascal Fri 1/20: Drama Squad DJs Thu 1/19: The Mallet Brothers 161 Essex St., East India Sq., 9pm-12am Fri 1/20: Bruce Jacques 978-745-9500 Mon 1/23: Zach’s Trivia, 8pm Hampton, Hampton Beach & Sat 1/21: Irish Session, 3-6pm; Wed 1/18: PEM Pals, 10:30am North Hampton ToolFist Fri 1/20: Boston Artists THE CHILDREN’S BREAKER'S RESTAURANT Sun 1/22: Irish Session, 2-5pm Ensemble, 8pm MUSEUM OF NH & BAR @ ASHWORTH Mon 1/23: Bar Trivia, 7:30pm Sun 1/22: The Spiral Connection, 2-3pm 6 Washington Street, 603-742- BY THE SEA HOTEL STRANGE BREW TAVERN 2002 295 Ocean Boulevard, 926-6762 88 Market St., 603-666-4292 Fri 1/20: DJ & Dancing, 9p-1a Wed 1/18: Frank Morey Sat 1/21: DJ & Dancing, 9p-1a Thu 1/19: Tom Ballerini Fri 1/20: “Oh Wow” CD RON’S LANDING Release & Mr. Nick Sat 1/21: Ryan Hartt 379 Ocean Boulevard, 603Tue 1/24: Strange Brew All-Stars 929-2122 Fri 1/20: The Sonic Boomers, Milford 7-10pm CLARK’s TAVERN Sun 1/22: The Read/Allan Duo, 3-6pm 40 Nashua St., 603-769-3119 Wed 1/18: Karaoke VERY Generous commissions, Quality Leads, WALLY’s PUB Thu 1/19: Ryan Bossie w/B3 Fri 1/20: Charlie Christos Supportive Team, VERY Flexible schedule, 144 Ashworth Ave., 603-926- Sat 1/21: Gary Lopez 6954 Wed 1/18: DJ Provo Open THE PASTA LOFT Mic, 9pm This opportunity truly pays well for attentive, Thu 1/19: Bi-Polar Bears, 9pm 241 Union Sq., 603-672-2270 Fri 1/20: Rage, 8-11pm Wed 1/18: Morgan & Pete consistent, and persistent individuals. Sat 1/21: Hot Like Fire, 8-11pm Thu 1/19: Ryan Bossie Mon 1/23: DJ Provo, 9pm Fri 1/20: Jah-n-1 Reggae Sat 1/21: Take 4 Londonderry Perfect Position for recent/current Marketing Grads or TUPELO MUSIC HALL Newmarket KJ’s SPORTS BAR Mother's & Seniors looking for a flexible schedule 2 Young Rd., 603-437-5100 Find them on Facebook Only SERIOUS candidates need apply! Thu 1/19: Mark Cohn, 8pm N Main St., 603-659-2329 Fri 1/20: Night of Comedy, Fri 1/20: Midas Music Karaoke, 8pm $18 9pm Sat 1/21: Ryan Montbleau, Sat 1/21: Midas Music Karaoke, 8pm $22 9pm Sun 1/22: Lori McKenna, 7pm $25 STONE CHURCH ON ZION HILL WHIPPERSNAPPERS RESTAURANT 5 Granite St., 603-292-3546 ROCKAFELLAS Wed 1/18: First Friends Play Wed 1/18: Acoustic Showcase, Group, 9:30-11am; 231 Essex St, 978-745-2411 Wee Ones Wednesday Classes, 44 Nashua Rd., 603-434-2660 8pm Wed 1/18: Stump Trivia Thu 1/19: Normal Instruments, Wed 1/18: Latin Dance Party, 9:45-10:45am $5 8-11:30pm Thu 1/19: Jr. Science Explorers, Thu 1/19: Four Sticks Fri 1/20: Spiral Circus, 9:30pm Fri 1/20: Todo Bien, 9pm $7 Fri 1/20: Audio Underground 10-10:45am; Sat 1/21: Last Laugh, 9:30pm Sat 1/21: Truffle, 8pm $10 Sat 1/21: Lisa Love Experience Alzheimer’s Cafe, 2-4pm Sun 1/22: Open Mic, 7pmSat 1/21: Books Alive, 10am- Sun 1/22: Nick Goumas Quartet 12am SEAPORT CAFÉ 2pm Tue 1/24: Blue Grass Jam, Manchester 9pm-12am 215 Derby St., 978-594-8490 DOVER BRICKHOUSE 900 PIZZERIA Thu 1/19: Dave Bailin & the Portsmouth Bailouts, 8:30pm 2 Orchard St., 603-749-3838 THE BLUE MERMAID Sat 1/21: The Transistors, Wed 1/18: Cash is King, 5pm 50 Dow St., 603-641-0902 8:30pm Thu 1/19: Lenny Lashley’s Gang Thu 1/19: Nicole Murphy Sun 1/22: Blues Jam 5-8pm 409 The Hill, 603-427-2583 Sun 1/22: Sunday Funday, 4pm of One, 9pm Wed 1/18: Open Mic Night Fri 1/20: Eric Grant Band, Manchester Fri 1/20: Preacher Roe SCRATCH KITCHEN 9pm $10 THE BLACK BRIMMER Sat 1/21: Rockabilly Brunch THE PAGE RESTAURANT/ 245 Derby St., 978-741-2442 CD Release, 11am; Dressed for 1087 Elm St., 603-669-5523 THE WET BAR Thu 1/19: Andy O’Brien, the Occasion, 6-9pm The Juke Joint Rhythm Rockers, Fri 1/20: Rockin’ Road Dogs 172 Hanover St., 603.436.0004 Whiskey Kill, 9pm Thu 1/19: Karaoke, 9pm-cl Salisbury Sun 1/22: Jim Dozet Trio, 10am BOYNTON’S TAPROOM Fri 1/20: DJ SKD; Mike Lewis BLUE OCEAN MUSIC HALL Tue 1/24: Acoustic Open Mic, 155 Dow St., 603-623-7778 Band 8pm Sat 1/21: Chris Trapper, 8pm Sat 1/21: DJ Hizzy 4 Oceanfront North, 978-4639222 FURY’S PUBLICK HOUSE $17 PORTSMOUTH GASLIGHT Thu 1/19: Ashley Hewitt & the THE DERRYFIELD CO. Walking Line, 7:30pm $7 1 Washington St., 3633 CAROUSEL LOUNGE Wed 1/18: All Good Feel Good 625 Mammoth Rd., 603-623- 64 Market St., 603-430-9122 Fri 1/20: Pat Foley, 9:30pm Collective
40 Market St., 978-356-1988 Wed 1/18: Julie Dougherty, Mon 1/23: Kid’s Music w/Brian 9-11:30pm Doser, 4pm Thu 1/19: Jen Kearny & The Lost Onion, 9-11:30pm Marblehead Fri 1/20: Blues Jam, 4:15THE LANDING 6:45pm RESTAURANT Sat 1/21: Mica’s Groove Train, 9-11:30pm 81 Front St., 781-639-1266 Sun 1/22: Levy, Stubbs, & Fri 1/20: Michael Troy Rivelli Trio, 9-11:30pm Sat 1/21: Renee & Joe O'NEILL'S PUB ME & THEE COFFEEHOUSE 120 Washington St., 8811 28 Mugford St., 781-631-8987 Wed 1/18: Sports Trivia, Fri 1/20: Jeffery Foucault & Kris 5-10pm Delmhorst, 8-11pm $18-21 Thu 1/19: DJ Sap, 11pm12:30am Middleton Fri 1/20: Live Irish Music, 6MAGGIE’S FARM 9pm; DJ Sap, 10pm-12:30am Find Them on Facebook Sat 1/21: Irish Music, 6-9pm; 119 S Main St. Champagne Toast, 10:30pm Sun 1/22: Bluegrass brunch $10 w/Digney Fignus, 12-2pm Tue 1/24: Trivia, 8-10pm Newburyport FIREHOUSE CENTER FOR THE ARTS Market Sq., 978-462-7336 Fri 1/20: New Works Festival, 8pm $13-38 Sat 1/21: New Works Festival, 8pm $13-38 THE GROG 13 Middle St., 978-465-8008 Wed 1/18: Hoot Night, 8-11pm Thu 1/19: The Four Legged Faithful, 8pm-12:30am $3 Fri 1/20: Friday Addiction, 9:30pm-12:15am $5 Sat 1/21: Henry Welch Band, 9:30pm-12:15am $5 Sun 1/22: Blues Party, 6-10pm Mon 1/23: Comedy Open Mic, 7:30-9:30pm Tue 1/24: Steve Spungin THE PORT TAVERN 84 State St., 978-465-1006 Wed 1/18: Irish Seisuin w/Eamon Coyne, 7-10pm Fri 1/20: AJ Edwards, 9pm Mon 1/23: Karaoke, 8pm Tue 1/24: Stump Trivia, 8pm Rockport OLD SLOOP COFFEEHOUSE @ THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF ROCKPORT oldsloopcoffeehouse.htm 12 School St., 978-546-3551 Fri 1/20: Antje Duvekot, 7:30pm ROCKPORT MUSIC @ THE SHALIN LIU PERFORMANCE CENTER 35 Main St., 978-546-7391 Fri 1/20: Tamir Hendelman Trio, 8pm Sat 1/21: The Enchanted Island, 1pm Salem FINZ SEAFOOD & GRILL 76 Wharf St., Pickering Wharf, 978-744-8485 Thu 1/19: The Zackleys, 8-11p THE GREEN LAND CAFÉ 87 Washington St., 978-7447766 Fri 1/20: Nick Consone, 9pm12am Mon 1/23: Delvis, 8-11pm THE GULU GULU CAFÉ 247 Essex St., 978-740-8882 Thu 1/19: Waterman, 8-11pm Fri 1/20: Amber Spyglass, 8-11p Sat 1/21: Not Bothered, 8-11p Tue 1/24: Cyberman Movie Month, 8-10pm IN A PIG’S EYE 148 Derby St., 978-741-4436
January 18 - 24, 2012
MOTHERS, SENIORS, RETIREES & OTHERS for Inside/Outside Sales No cap on earnings
Bonuses and Perks too!
The Town Common
77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969
Sat 1/21: DJ Koko P, 9pm; Kevin Burt, 9:30pm; Maven Sargent, 10pm THE PRESS ROOM 77 Daniel St., 603-431-5186 Wed 1/18: Dan Walker, 9pm Thu 1/19: Beat Night, 7-9pm; Powermoneycake, 9pm Fri 1/20: Matt Stubbs Band, 9pm $6 Sat 1/21: Erica Brown & the Bluegrass Connection, 9pm $5 Sun 1/22: Jazz Grill, 6-9pm $10 Mon 1/23: Jazz Grill, 8pm Tue 1/24: Larry Garland Jazz Jam, 5:30pm THE RED DOOR 107 State St., 603-373-6827 Wed 1/18: Evaredy Thu 1/19: Local Heroes Fri 1/20: Juan MacLean Sat 1/21: Mike Swells Sun 1/22: Green Lion Crew Mon 1/23: Hush Hush Sweet Hariot RÍRÁ IRISH PUB html 22-26 Market St., 603-319-1680 Wed 1/18: Open Mic, 9pm Thu 1/19: Elijah Clark Solo, 10pm Fri 1/20: Jimmy’s Down, 10pm Sat 1/21: Hello Newman, 10pm Sun 1/22: Irish Session, 5pm Mon 1/23: Oran Mor, 5pm Tue 1/24: Quiz w/Murph & Little Murph, 8pm RUDI’S PORTSMOUTH 20 High St., 603-430-7834 Wed 1/18: Dimitri, 6pm Thu 1/19: Justin Greenberg, 6pm Fri 1/20: Eric Klaxton & Jim Dozet, 6pm Sat 1/21: Mike Stockbridge Trio, 6pm Sun 1/22: Jazz Brunch, 6pm THE RUSTY HAMMER 49 Pleasant St., 603-436-9289 Wed 1/18: Comedy Open Mic, 8-10pm Thu 1/19: Trivia Night, 8-10pm SPRING HILL TAVERN @ THE DOLPHIN STRIKER 15 Bow St., 603-431-5222 Wed 1/18: Tim Gurshin, 9pm12am Thu 1/19: Danielle Miraglia, 9pm-12am Fri 1/20: Amorphous Band, 9:30pm-12:30am Sat 1/21: Los Sugar Kings, 9:30pm-12:30am Sun 1/22: Dan Stevens, 7-10pm Mon 1/23: Old School, 9pm12am Tue 1/24: Dave Gerard, 9pm12am Seabrook CHOP SHOP RESTAURANT & PUB 920 Lafayette Rd., 603-760-7706 Wed 1/18: Reverend JJ & the Casual Sinners Thu 1/19: Tone Bone Fri 1/20: Anarchy Angels & Boys of Rockingham Sat 1/21: Tigerfly PRIME TIME SPORTS BAR & GRILL primetimeseabrook 620 Lafayette Rd., 603-760-7230 Wed 1/18: Team Trivia, 8pm Thu 1/19: Karaoke & Ladies Night, 9pm Fri 1/20: Four on the Floor, 9pm Sat 1/21: The Accidentals, 9pm If your venue would like to be included in this calendar, or if you’d like to receive this list weekly via email, please contact us at:
January 18 - 24, 2012
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The Town Common Award Winning Restaurant
The Town Common
From the Window Seat
Opens at 5 p.m. Bar Menu & Fine Dining
Childcare Available Newspaper Community Pawing Through New Year 2012 The North Shore’s Largest Independent
By Liberty Tucker –––––––––––––––– Yawn…strrreeetch…ho hum and thus begins another new year. Let’s see what Chaucer has sclawed in on the do ahead outline calendar. Mewoo! he left a bowlful of column ideas. January paw out a snow column, with a blizzard paw out another snow column. Check with Cecil the ground-cat about doing an interview for February. Consider a sweetheart column for Valentine’s Day. For March there is nephew Owen’s first birthday and St. Patrick’s Day. Try to interview a leprechaun. The birthday is easy but where does he expect me to find a leprechaun…the “green” pages? Do I detect Chaucer’s presence hanging around the bellytop?
I could call the Irish Embassy in Washington. They must have a leprechaun locater service. Maybe they even have a few on the payroll. I wonder if they get paid in pots of gold. Now I know Chaucer is hanging near by. (Hi Chauce.) Maybe the embassy has a “Rent a leprechaun” program. That could be a lucrative enterprise but I suspect the leprechauns would have to be bonded due to the tricks they tend to play. April brings Easter and the Boston Marathon. I suppose I should run it in Chaucer’s memory. I’ll have to start training by hot-pawing up and down the apartment stairs. May is Mother’s Day and Memorial Day. Those are good topics. June brings Father’s Day and our favorite season when Chaucer gets his scottel (combination summer cottage/kennel) down and… sniff, sniff…he won’t be using it anymore. He wouldn’t want it to go to waste sitting on the closet shelf so I’ll use it
Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays
from now on. Located at the Garrison Inn July means Independence Day, 11 Brown Square, Newburyport fireworks and mom’s birthday. Niece Samantha’s birthday is in August as is the annual writers’ conference on Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & theNewburyport, Cape. I expect mom will take me to introduce me as the new feline columnist. Chaucer enjoyed going. Where his wit and wisdom eluded a column slot in the Cape Cod Times I’ll try to win them over with my Dog Daycare/Overnight feminine feline charm. Dog Walking Let’s see, September is back to school, colored leaves followed by Home Visits for all pets crunching leaves and oh no, shorter Wendy West days, pumpkins, and leading to Pet Care Provider frosty October mornings. He says West Newbury, MA something about choosing the annual CETGA (Chaucer’s Early Thanksgiving Gratitude Award) winners in November and getting in a turkey interview. So that leaves essex CouNty Dog December SAILBOATS and our other niece, traiNiNg Club, iNC. Natalya’s birthday and Christmas. I KAYAKS We stock LoCAteD in don’t know about you but time sure sALisburY, mA Wilderness Systems - Old Town did fly in 2012. COM-PAC Meow for now! Now offeriNg... Perception - Necky PRECISION Competition Training Ocean Kayak Sunfish, Zuma, Laser with UKC / AKC Judge Canoes
Weekly Community Newspape
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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
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Meet Arya! An absolutely gorgeous Snowshoe girl kitty of Place this ad in our monthly about 6 years old. This lovely lady bright blue eyes, as well as a publication for an additional has fantastic personality. Arya came $28.75/week. to the MRFRS as a stray, although, we know at some point she was owned because of her breed and how good she is with people. Arya doesn't mind other cats, but she truly prefers humans! She is all about getting lots of attention and can be rather talkative. A great cat like Arya would be the perfect companion to hang out with you all the time. She would be good with a family or a single person. Arya is up to date on all her vaccines, has been spayed, and has a microchip. Stop by the MRFRS to meet Arya and her other kitty friends today!
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The Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society
NEW HOURS: Route 110 Salisbury & Rte 114 Danvers Petsmart Tues-Thurs 2-6pm, Fri 2-7pm, Sat noon-5pm. Petsmart adoption center is also open noon-2pm Sunday. LOCATION: 63 Elm St. (Rt. 110) Salisbury. CALL: 978-462-0760 or visit the website at
Page 12
January 18 - 24, 2012
Continued from page 5
• supply
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Tactical Gear and Supply
Hours: M-Thurs 12pm-6pm . Fri-Sat 10am-8pm . sunday 10am-6pm
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
124 Lafayette Rd Rt. 1, Salisbury
NEWBURYPORT - A Mardi Gras Celebration, featuring 2012 Grammy nominated Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys will be held on Friday, February 17, 2012 at 8:00PM at Belleville Congrregational Church, 300 High Street, Newburyport. Concert tickets are $20 in advance/$25 day of show/ children 12 and under $10. A Cajun dinner, catered by Karen Kelly Dardinski of Newburyport, will be held from 6:00-7:30PM. Dinner tickets are priced at $15. Advance purchase of dinner tickets is required. Additional beverages and desserts will, also, be available. For more information, email: or visit: concerts.php. -----------------------------------------------------------NORTH HAMPTON Recreation Department Comedy Night - Friday, Jan. 27th, 2012. An all-star night of standup comedy at The Old Salt, 490 Lafayette Rd. Hampton, NH, featuring American Comedy Award Nominee Patty Ross, Paul Nardizzi (Conan, Comedy Central), and Dave Rattigan (XM-Sirius Satellite Radio). Hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, and a silent auction add to the fun! Doors open at 7pm for the 8pm show. Tickets are $25.00 and are available at the North Hampton Town offices or by calling Diane at (603) 9643170. For more information visit -----------------------------------------------------------ROCKPORT - Free Brown Bag Pharmacy Session at Rockport Senior Center Review Your Medications - Addison Gilbert Hospital Registered Pharmacist Maureen Hobin will be available to answer questions regarding medication, both prescription and over-thecounter on Thursday, February 23 from 1-3 p.m. Those attending should bring a list of all current prescriptions, vitamins and other over-the-counter medication they are taking. The pharmacist will answer questions and offer suggestions. To arrange for a free and confidential 15-minute session, please call 978-236-1650. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Intarsia is an ancient craft similar to mosaic but with made with inlaid wood using various grains, textures, thicknesses, and colors to create a 3D picture puzzle image. The exhibit, on loan from Rowley resident and expert woodworker Merle Phipps, is showing at the Rowley Library, 141 Main St., for the month of January. If you have artwork or an interesting hobby or collection and would like to display your work in the gallery or display case, please call Library Director, Pam Jacobson, at 978-948-2850. -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - The Civil War Roundtable of the Merrimack will meet at 7:30 PM on Wednesday February 8th at the Hilton Senior Center, 43 Lafayette Rd. (route 1), Salisbury, MA. Bill Hallett will speak on “Lincoln’s Last 24 Hours..” Admission is free and anyone with an interest in America’s Civil War is invited to attend. For more information call Tom at (978) 462-8518. ---------------------------------------------------SEABROOK - eBooks For Kids, Now At the Seabrook Library - Seabrook Library is excited to announce the latest addition to the Children’s Room: Two V.Readers! VTech describes them as “Interactive E-Reading Systems”; but they’re like Kindles or Nooks for adults. We’re starting off with 10 different cartridges—not just books, the cartridges have reading games and a story dictionary as well as the stories themselves. More downloads and cartridges will be added throughout the year. The V.Readers are intended for ages 3-7, allowing children to build up from just listening to the stories to playing the games and reading independently. The stories are read aloud while each word is highlighted on the screen, helping children learn to read themselves. They will be kept in the Children’s Room so that they are available for any child who comes to the library (headphone use is required so that the entire library will not listen to “The Little Engine That Could” along with the child!). Come listen to and play with “Tangled”, “Winnie the Pooh”, Spongebob, Sesame Street and more of your favorites at the Seabrook Library. The children’s librarian, Lisa Michaud, will be happy to help you get started. Call 474-2044 or email for more information. -----------------------------------------------------------TOPSFIELD – Friends of the Topsfield Town Library Book Sale & Donations, Donations Accepted: February 4 – 7 Sale: February 8 – 11 Clean out your bookshelves and support your community library! Bring any books you’d like to donate to the front desk of the Topsfield Town Library, February 4 – 7. The Book Sale will be held February 8 – 11, stay tuned for more details from the Friends of the Topsfield Town Library. If you have any questions or need more details or 978-587-7070.
Start the new year out right. Make the move now!
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By J. Peter St. Clair, DMD
are taking. Many drugs, including NEWBURYPORT • NORTH ANDOVER • ROWLEY J. Peter St.Clair, DMD General Dentistry but not limited to blood thinners, 194 High Street, Newburyport 978.465.5358 bisphosphonates (ex. Fosamax), blood E. Charles Beliveau, DDS pressure medications, antidepressants General Dentistry We offer all phases of dental care to meet your individual needs. and chemotherapy drugs can all have Clean, modern facilities • Financing available Leonard H. Strauss, DMD effects on the mouth that can be Periodontics - Implants devastating if not closely monitored. This is all “real” stuff. I deal with Complimentary these issues in the office every day. I 30 minute consultation use this analogy a lot, “Periodontal or second opinion. disease is like diabetes, it is not curable, but in most cases it is controllable.” For most patients, good home care North Andover 978.687.5900 | Rowley 978.948.2030 | combined with good professional care can control this disease. Just as in the lottery, “you can’t win if you don’t play”. However, the consequences for not playing the dental game are more risky. Cards • Gifts • Surgical Supples If you didn’t take the survey last week that I discussed, go to the Fast Friendly Service Facebook page below to take it. I Accepting most third party plans will be reporting the results in the Including CVS Caremark next couple of weeks. So far, not one $10 Generic Rx Program respondent would give up their teeth for a million dollars. Would you? Dr. St. Clair maintains a private The North Shore’s Largest Independent 169Community Main Street Newspaper dental practice in Rowley and Rowley, Massachusetts 019699 Newburyport dedicated to healthcentered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@ To view previous columns or comment, go to or
Rowley Pharmacy, Inc.
The Town978-948-2208 Common DRIVER EDUCATION
By: Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
January 24,Comm 2012 The Town NEXT CLASS STARTING:
To Your Good Health
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A few weeks ago there was a large article in The Wall Street Journal entitled, “If Your Teeth Could Talk.” It was a basic review of some of the connections between oral and systemic health and also offered some newer research that I was unaware of. I have written many times on the growing evidence linking periodontal (gum) disease with many systemic issues. The fact of the matter is the mouth is truly the gateway to the rest of the body. While some early signs of diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, immune disorders, hormone imbalance and drug issues can show up in the mouth long before the person discovers that there is a “problem”, an unhealthy mouth also puts you at greater risk for things like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and pregnancy complications. A study done at New York University in 2009 reported that 93% of people who have periodontal disease are at risk for diabetes. The issue is inflammation and the fact that periodontal disease and diabetes
exacerbate each other. Inflammation from periodontal disease, a chronic non-symptomatic disease, makes it more difficult for people with diabetes to control blood sugar levels. High blood sugar accelerates tooth decay and gum disease, which elevates inflammation. It is a vicious cycle. However, more recent studies show that treating gum disease improves circulation, reduces inflammation and can even reduce the need for insulin in people with diabetes. The estimates are that six million Americans have diabetes and don’t know it. The risk of not treating either disease can have irreversible consequences. If you have ever had a planned surgery you probably were asked about your dental health, how often you visit a dentist and asked to get “clearance” from your dentist prior to surgery. The reason for that is because the type and quantity of bacteria present in uncontrolled gum disease is much higher than in periodontally healthy individuals. Bacteria from the mouth can travel through the bloodstream and cause problems elsewhere. Far too often patients come to me a month before surgery and say they need to get their mouth in shape prior to their procedure….an often impossible task. There are also an increasing number of people on medication and the number of medications they
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Tuesdays & Wednesdays - 6pm to 9pm
Weekly Community Newspap Stroke: Quick Action Saves Brain Cells DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Six years ago, my father died of a stroke. My mother tried to rouse him from bed, but he responded with confusion and was unable to speak. She called for an ambulance. He was in the hospital only four hours before he died. The doctor said he would have lived if he had gotten treatment sooner. My mother has felt guilty about this ever since. She lives with us now. I don't want to miss a stroke if she has one. How do you recognize one, and what should be done right away in an emergency? -- T.B. ANSWER: Nearly 900,000 strokes occur yearly in the United States, and of those victims, 200,000 die. Many of the survivors are left with great disabilities. Strokes come in two types: One is an ischemic (is-KEY-mick) stroke, and the other is a hemorrhagic stroke. "Ischemic" means "deprived of blood." It's the more common kind of stroke, accounting for 80 percent of all strokes. The flow of blood to part of the brain is blocked by a clot in an artery. It's the brain's equivalent of a heart attack. The other 20 percent comes from bleeding in the brain, a hemorrhagic stroke. Signs of either kind of stroke
include slurred speech, sudden confusion, numbness of the face, arm or leg, trouble seeing, dizziness and severe headache. Many advocate testing the person to decide if a stroke has occurred. Asking the affected person to stick out his or her tongue and seeing if it deviates to the side is one of those tests. Don't waste time doing tests. Immediately call 911. I'm limiting what I say about treatment to strokes resulting from the obstruction of blood flow. Brain cells begin to die within minutes. However, there's a three-hour window during which clot-dissolving medicines can be given. They almost always lead to a full recovery of function. Now the window has been opened wider, to 4 1/2 hours. That doesn't detract from the important message that the earlier the treatment, the better the result. The booklet on strokes tells their signs and their treatments. Readers can obtain a copy by writing: Dr. Donohue -- No. 902W, Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with the recipient's printed name and address. Please allow two weeks for delivery. DEAR DR. DONOHUE: My
GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Call now for more information. Payment Plan Available.
husband is very nearsighted and has to wear thick glasses. I'm not. I don't wear glasses at age 50. We have four Driving Education at it’s Finest children. What are their chances of having to wear glasses? -- E.P. Tel: 978-463-9600 ANSWER: Nearsightedness (myopia) 191 ELM STREET, SALISBURY indicates that the eyes can see things that are near. Nearsighted eyes don't see distant objects clearly. It's a common eye condition, and genetic Expires January 31, 2012 involvement in it is high. If one parent is nearsighted, the children have a 24 percent chance of also being nearsighted. If both parents are nearsighted, the children's • Open 2 4 Hours/3 risk increases to 48 percent. • State-of-the-A 65 Days 978-948-8696 • • If neither parent is affected, the rt Equipment • Cardio Theatr children have an 8 percent chance of e Entertainm • Free W ent Feel energetic. developing nearsightedness. Factors eights - Dum bbells up to 1 • Certifie other than genes have to be at work. Look healthy. 00 lbs. d Pe (Don't believe these percentages with • 24-Hou rsonal Training: Private/S Be strong. r Digital Secu emi-Private C unquestioning acceptance. I don't.) rity lasses Make life better. • Secure , Clean Dr. Donohue regrets that he is
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unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.
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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Your batteries should be fully recharged by now, making you more than eager to get back into the swing of things full time. Try to stay focused so that you don't dissipate your energies. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You're eager to charge straight ahead into your new responsibilities. But you'll have to paw the ground a little longer, until a surprise
complication is worked out. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Rival factions are pressuring you to take a stand favoring one side or the other. But this isn't the time to play judge. Bow out as gracefully as possible, without committing yourself to any position. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Reassure a longtime, trusted confidante that you appreciate his or her words of advice. But at this time, you need to act on what you perceive to be your own sense of self-interest. LEO (July 23 to August 22) You need to let your warm Leonine heart fire up that new relationship
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if you hope to see it move from the "just friends" level to one that will be as romantic as you could hope for. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) There's still time to repair a misunderstanding with an honest explanation and a heartfelt apology. The sooner you do, the sooner you can get on with other matters. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Expect a temporary setback as you progress toward your goal. Use this time to re-examine your plans and see where you might need to make some significant changes. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Some missteps
January 18 - 24, 2012 are revealed as the cause of current problems in a personal or professional partnership. Make the necessary adjustments and then move on. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Jupiter's influence helps you work through a pesky problem, allowing your naturally jovial attitude to re-emerge stronger than ever. Enjoy your success. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Set aside your usual reluctance to change, and consider reassessing your financial situation so that you can build on its strengths and minimize its weaknesses. AQUARIUS (January 20 to
February 18) Some recently acquired information helps open up a dark part of the past. Resolve to put what you've learned to good use. Travel plans continue to be favored. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Act on your own keen instincts. Your strong Piscean backbone will support you as someone attempts to pressure you into a decision you're not ready to make. BORN THIS WEEK: You embody a love for traditional values combined with an appreciation of what's new and challenging. (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.
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January 18 - 24, 2012
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