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WHAT'S INSIDE Lady Gaga Dancer in Rowley Page 2

Newbury Resident Receives Award Page 9 Horoscopes Page 14 Puzzles Page 14 Classified Page 15

FREE Triton Looking to Merge Middle School and High School January 25 - 31, 2012 • Vol. 8, No. 12

By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

The problem: ninth graders seemed to suffer in large part because there was little continuity between middle school and high school. Ninth graders tend to struggle as the youngest students in high school. Attendance drop, grades fall and the drop out rate climbs. Triton Regional School Superintendent Dr. Christopher Farmer, no stranger to the middle school puzzle having been a principal of a middle school, has launched a proposal to merge the middle

TRITON – Every 10 years or so, educators grapple with the question of how best to teach younger teenage students. The current configuration of having a separate middle school and high school was designed in about 2000 largely to allow schools to protect seventh and eighth graders (children 13 and 14 years old) at a time of life where they were considered to be emotionally fragile. The separate school allowed teachers to work with the students protected from older teenagers. The Middle School is separate today from the High School

Photo by Stewart Lytle

Continued on page 3

Restoring Two Old Stadiums By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

REGIONAL – At the Triton Regional High School stadium the field is unplayable for days after a rain. The latex-based track is so worn out that competitive meets often have to be scheduled at the other school for safety reasons. The bleachers that seat 2,500 fans do not meet design and accessibility code and are expensive to maintain. So the Triton Education Foundation has launched a $2.5 million fundraising campaign to rebuild the stadium, originally built a half century ago. “We badly need a new stadium. We can all agree on that,” said Dan Valianti, a TEF board member who is helping lead the fundraising Photo by Stewart Lytle effort. “It is a challenge, but it is Kimberly Rock (left) and Nancy Taylor, president of the TEF, show off the doable.” design of the new Triton Regional High School Stadium. Just north in Newburyport

Restore Our Stadium continues its campaign to raise $2.8 million to rebuild the old World War Memorial Stadium. On April 14, the non-profit group will announce in a meeting at the high school that the first phase of construction will begin soon. Its plans for the stadium built in the 1930s are to demolish the condemned visitors' stands and replace it with a smaller, 1,500seat stands, make repairs to the home field side of the stadium by adding concrete handicapped ramps, widening the entrances and repairing the press box and installing a new synthetic turf. The common denominator in each stadium campaign is the local bank, Institution for Savings. Continued on page 3

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Seim and Spellman Receive Book Award Page 9

Time Sensitive, Please Deliver On or Before Jan 25 ‘12


How to Submit Letters to the Editor

January 25 - 31, 2012

Lady Gaga Dancer in Rowley


The Town Common

Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common

Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to:


Rob Surette is a widely-celebrated artist who has been profiled on the Today Show, the Tonight Show, Good Morning America, and the Oprah Winfrey Show. His Amazing Hero Art has touched the hearts of millions of people. Join us for an unforgettable evening of performance painting and music as Rob creates his Amazing Hero Art on the Triton stage!

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serves the communities of the Upper North Shore of Mass. & Coastal New Hampshire and welcomes your participation. Send your Organization or Group Notices, Birth or Engagement Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969 Phone: 978-948-8696 Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail:

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ROWLEY - On January 8, 2012, North Shore Performing Arts Center of Rowley hosted Ian McKenzie, lead dancer for Lady Gaga. McKenzie, along with choreographer, Marcus Aguirre, taught a master hip hop class to 26 NSPAC students ages 10 – 17. The 90 minute lesson included a question and answer session. ‘What’s it like to dance with Lady Gaga?’, McKenzie admitted, is the most asked question. McKenzie encouraged the dancers to look beyond the celebrity. Dance is his passion and something he has worked tirelessly at to be his career. He discussed the life of a dancer on tour such as learning this New Year’s Eve dance in 2 hours then performing it live to millions of people around the globe. He also discussed the audition process and how dancers should take every opportunity to explore and learn all genres of dance. The positive energy of McKenzie’s words struck a chord with the dancers. What’s it like to dance with Lady Gaga? She’s an amazing and down to earth person with whom McKenzie has traveled the world.

The Town Co

Tickets: $25

The Editor c/o The Town Common 77 Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01969 or via e-mail to:

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NSPAC dancers, hailing from Rowley, Ipswich, Topsfield, Boxford, Newbury, Wenham, and Georgetown, with, from left to right, Marcus Aguirre and Ian McKenzie.

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East Coast Tire

Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor Graphic Design Services Advertising Opportunities Event and Announcement Submissions

77 Wethersfield Street Rowley, MA 01969-1713 Phone: (978) 948-8696 Fax: (978) 948-2564 The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify The Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. All material and content cannot be duplicated without written consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or edit any copy offered for publication. Copyright 2004-2012 The Town Common© - All Rights Reserved

In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005)

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January 5 - 31, 01

Page 3

Triton Looking to Merge Middle School & High School

Continued from page 1

school and high school by possibly the fall of 2013. The six grades and 1,200 students from three towns – Newbury, Rowley and Salisbury – would probably be divided in half with an upper school of 10th through 12th grades and a lower school of seventh through ninth grades. “Both schools are doing well. They are doing a good job,” Farmer said. “The issue is how can we do things better. How can we improve things?” Farmer believes a merged school would benefit all the students, providing more opportunities for younger students and more nurturing for older students. The ninth graders will benefit, he believes, from having another year to mature in a more nurturing environment and by having more continuity with the high school. The ninth graders, he said, go from “an environment (in the middle school) where they are well known to one (in high school) where they are more anonymous. Some ninth grades fall through the cracks.” The superintendent believes that by merging the two schools there will be more continuity in curriculum and teachers and staff will have more time to develop longer-term relationships with the students. In the current two-year middle Continued from page 1

school, Farmer said, “One year is to say hello, and one year is to say goodbye.” He asked, “Why would you have a school of just two years?” Farmer said the proposed merger would allow upper school teachers to work with lower school students. And the high school library, which has a librarian, would be open to all students. The proposal has met with some opposition from parents. Rowley Selectman Dick Cummings sent out an email last week, saying, “Many of the Rowley parents that I have spoken to in prior years and up to this proposal have lauded the TRSD system of separating their 7th & 8th grade children from the high school students thus giving them a two year reprieve so as to mature emotionally, academically, and physically before their introduction into high school society....I have heard from many Rowley parents expressing their concerns over this proposal.” One concern is what would happen to the popular middle school principal, Jared Fulgoni. By the fall of 2013, Fulgoni's contract will have expired and he would be eligible to compete for other positions in the district, according to district officials. Schools in several states from New York to Florida are conducting similar experiments. They are hoping

they can boost student performance by merging middle and high schools. They are betting the combined schools will help younger students by providing more academic options at an earlier age. For example, some students may be able to take Algebra 1 in the eighth grade. School systems began carving out separate middle schools for grades seven, eight and sometimes six, in the 1960s and 1970s based on academic theories about how those students learn. Since then, research has questioned that model, especially in larger urban districts. Academics tend to slip during the transitions, first into seventh grade and again into ninth grade. But the benefits of merging the grades into one school remains controversial in the academic arena. Researchers maintain that it is too early to project any gains in academic performance. Farmer is presenting the merger proposal to staff and parents and expects it will be under consideration for at least a year. The superintendent stresses that it is a merger of the two schools, not a take-over by the high school. “We are creating a new school,” he said. One thing that the merger would not do, Farmer said: Save any money.

eight straight-away lanes for sprints and hurdles and six lanes on the oval for longer distance races. The field will be a high-end synthetic turf that can be played on without damage in any weather. It is expected to last at least 14 years. At issue last week was how quickly the TEF and Triton alumni and supporters could raise the $2 million. Plan A, as outlined by Assistant Superintendent Brian Forget, would raise the private funds by next January. If that is done, the stadium would be ready for the opening home football game in September next year. Plan B would have the $2 million raised as pledges and ask the towns to bond the loans to construct the stadium until they are paid off with future donations. Plan C would be to raise the funds from private sources, but at a slower pace, postponing construction of the stadium for about a year. The TEF and the school district would like to raise all the money from private sources, which would allow the stadium to be rebuilt as a private project, not a public one. Being a private project has many advantages, including lower costs and more flexibility than a publicly funded project.

And it would avoid having to ask the residents of Newbury, Rowley and Salisbury for help in building the stadium. Forget said he believes the towns, at their town meetings, would agree to bond the construction so the TEF could borrow the money and repay it as donations come in. Several in the audience were skeptical that the towns would take that risk. The planning group voted informally to push ahead now to raise the money within a year, but left open the possibility of raising the money over two years, despite a fear that the longer schedule would allow the momentum to wane. In Newburyport, Restore has attracted some large contributions. The city has pledge $150,000 from its Community Preservation funds. About $300,000 has been raised from private funds, including the $100,000 from the Institution for Savings, and $100,000 from the Mary Alice Arakelian Foundation. Donations to rebuilding the Newburyport stadium may be sent to RESTORE, P.O. Box 222, Newburyport 01950. For updates on its project, visit restoreourstadium's Facebook page. Check the Triton web site for more information. The TEF is planning a link for those who want to donate to its stadium.

Restoring Two Old Stadiums

In Newburyport, the bank has donated $100,000 to help the effort headed in large part by former mayor, Mary Anne Clancy, who is the bank's vice president for communications. At Triton, the bank has pledged $525,000 to help the TEF build a new stadium, which will be named the Institution for Savings Stadium. Kimberly Rock, the executive vice president and chief operating officer for the Institution for Savings officer, is on the TEF board. The bank would have donated more to restore the Newburyport stadium, Rock said, but it had already given a much larger amount to fund the high school's science labs. The TEF held a campaign organization meeting last week to plan how to raise the additional $2 million it needs to replace the Triton track, field and bleachers. The field will be redesigned to accommodate soccer, field hockey and lacrosse as well as football. A state-of-the art bleachers for 1,500 fans will be built on the opposite side of the field. A six-foot perimeter will also encircle the field for fans to stand and watch the games and matches. The track will be polyurethane to last at least 25 years. It will have

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Page 4

January 5 - 31, 01

Community Calendar To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail: Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Classified Newburyport. Fee: Ads $17. Preregistration


WEDNESDAY MORNING BIRDING Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director Bill Gette and USFWS veteran David Weaver for this weekly birding field trip in the Newburyport/Plum Island area. Appropriate for all birding levels. Wednesday, January 25, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education

registration. Visit us on the web for more information: is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for or call Refuge Headquarters. The refuge information about additional programs visitor center is located at 6 Plum Island and events, or visit the Web site at www. Turnpike, Newburyport, MA. AFTERSCHOOL AT JOPPA: A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE PRESENTING PENGUINS! Explore the refuge on foot with a Children in grades 1 to 4 are invited ranger and refuge biologist. See areas of to engage in wildlife learning experiences the refuge that are otherwise closed to the with a different theme each week. Come public. Wednesday, January 25th from for one or sign up for the series. Four 1:00 – 2:30 pm This walking tour is a sessions: Presenting Penguins (1/25); variant of the regular Behind the Scenes Introducing Owls (2/1); Awesome Eagles tour that is normally conducted by refuge (2/8); Endangered Species Alert (2/15) van. Participants should dress appropriately Wednesday, January 25, 3:30-5:00 pm for the weather and be capable of walking Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, at an average pace over non-paved, but One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. otherwise level surfaces (e.g. boardwalk, $16. Preregistration is required. Call 978gravel road, etc.). Participants are asked 462-9998 for information about additional to meet the ranger on the refuge, at programs and events, or visit the Web site the Visitors Contact Station, located in parking lot #1. Advance registration is at

FEBRUARY VACATION WEEK Community Calendar Continues . . . Feb 20 thru Feb 24, 9am to 4pm Reserve your seat... Sign up NOW... go online

Listen to Kathryn’s radio program every Friday at 7:45 am on WNBP 1450 AM.

Kathryn O’Brien, M.Ed. Direct Line: 978-465-1322 Email: Website:

The Town Com required for this program, as enrollment is limited. Be advised that individual tours may be subject to cancellation. All refuge run programs are FREE but space may be limited and advanced registration is required for all programs, unless otherwise indicated. Please call (978) 465-5753 to register. Registration is not complete until you receive confirmation from a staff member. Please note that outdoor programs may be cancelled if there is inclement weather and also insufficient

CHRONIC PAIN SUPPORT GROUP A free Chronic Pain Support Group is held each Wednesday from 5:30 - 7 p.m. at Beverly Hospital at Danvers, 480 Maple Street, Danvers. The program is held in the Pain Management Center Reception Room. The program is facilitated by Licensed Psychologist George Beilin, Ed.D, Licensed psychologist. To register or for further information, please call 978922-6613.

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January 5 - 31, 01

Page 5

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Portsmouth NH. For further information 9:30 am. Join a refuge ranger for a behind contact Pontine: / 603- the scenes tour of Parker River National 436-6660. Wildlife Refuge. Tour will be conducted NEW WORKS FESTIVAL 2012 via refuge van, with several brief “drive by” The 10th Annual Firehouse New AMAZING HERO ART stops along the way. The tour will present that have patronized my store this past year. Works Festival will conclude this year The Triton Music Parents Organization an “up close and personal” look at the refuge with the selected ten-minute plays and the is Hosting a Night of Family Entertainment! through the multiple lenses of the cultural judges’ choice for Best Full-Length play. 'Amazing Hero Art" By Celebrated history of Plum Island and the Great Theater-goers will be treated to A Book of Performance Artist Rob Surette! See how Marsh, native wildlife and their habitats, licensed & insured Snow by Josh Faigen (Newburyport) on with his Amazing talent he can plunge his and the role of refuge management in Friday, January 27 and seven ten-minute hands into paint and only minutes later the conservation of these precious natural shorts on Saturday, January 28, including complete a 6' tall portrait. Approximately resources. Participants will visit areas on that category’s best, Estrangers in the 30 Paintings in an hour set to music! He the refuge otherwise closed to the public. Pratt Hobby Shop • 20 East Main St. • Georgetown, MA. Night written by Jay MacNamee (Rye, has performed on many national shows This guided two hour program is most • 800-870-4086 • 978-352-2234 NH). The last weekend of the 2012 New from 'The Tonight Show" to "The Oprah appropriate for adults. Binoculars and/or a Works Festival will be produced Friday and Winfrey Show" Friday, January 27,2AL2 camera are recommended but not required. Saturday nights, Jan. 27 and 28 at 8p.m. at @ 7:30pm Triton Regional High School Meet the ranger in the lobby of the refuge the Firehouse Center for the Arts, Market Auditorium, 112 Elm St, Byfield, MA visitor center. Each session is limited to Square, in Newburyport, MA. Tickets are TICKETS: S25 You can purchase tickets at 10 participants. Advance registration is now on sale at the box office 978-462-7336 the door or go to Any required for this program, as enrollment or on-line at and are further information call 978-948-7L25 is limited. Be advised that individual tours $13 for adults per evening. Refunds of the face value of the tickets will may be subject to cancellation. All refuge be given only if the show is canceled due to run programs are FREE but space may . complete carpentry service . Additions COMEDY NIGHT extreme weather. be limited and advanced registration is North Hampton Recreation Department required for all programs, unless otherwise . Kitchen and Bathroom remodeling Comedy Night - Friday, Jan. 27th, 2012. SATURDAY, JANUARY 28TH indicated. Please call (978) 465-5753 . decks & Porches . renovations . drywall An all-star night of standup comedy at The to register. Registration is not complete Old Salt, 490 Lafayette Rd. Hampton, THE SUPERBOWL OF BIRDING IX until you receive confirmation from a Call Direct NH, featuring American Comedy Award An annual competition among birders staff member. Please note that outdoor 978-360-0477 Nominee Patty Ross, Paul Nardizzi to spot the greatest number of bird species programs may be cancelled if there is licensed & insured Office: 978-356-5563 (Conan, Comedy Central), and Dave and to earn the greatest number of points inclement weather and also insufficient Rattigan (XM-Sirius Satellite Radio). Hors based on the rarity of the birds recorded registration. Visit us on the web for more d’oeuvres, a cash bar, and a silent auction in a twelve-hour period. For all ages and information: add to the fun! Doors open at 7pm for all levels of birders. The competition is or call Refuge Headquarters. The refuge the 8pm show. Tickets are $25.00 and are followed by supper and awards. Saturday, visitor center is located at 6 Plum Island available at the North Hampton Town January 28, 5:00 am - 7:00 pm Meet at the Turnpike, Newburyport, MA. offices or by calling Diane at (603) 964Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum 3170. For more information visit www. Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fee: $25. FAMILY FLYBY AT JOPPA FLATS: Preregistration is required. Call 978-462- SUPER BIRDS! 9998 for information about additional Fly by or settle in for free-flowing THE LITTLE FARM SHOW programs and events, or visit the Web site nature fun while the Superbowl of Birding “Where does your food comeThe from?”North at goes on outside. Crafts, experiments, Shore’s Largestats.Independent Community Newspaper 27-29 January, Pontine Theatre presents games, and more for families with children the North American Cultural Laboratory “BEHIND THE SCENES” REFUGE ages 2 to 12. Saturday, January 28, 10:00 Theatre (NACL), performing its award- TOUR am – 2:00 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats winning, The Little Farm Show, a musical Held on Saturday, January 28th at Continued on page 8 extravaganza about farming, food, and the environment. From the inception of the solar system, to sunset on Millicents farm, the Magnificent MacDonald Twins explore the question, where does your food come P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 from? giving audiences a whirlwind tour of The Greatest Show on Dirt! Performances are scheduled for Friday 27 January at 8pm, Saturday 28 January at 4pm and at 8pm, and Sunday 29 January at 2pm. Tickets are $24 and may be purchased online at www. Pontines West End Studio Call Bill directly Theatre is located at 959 Islington Street, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27TH

Call Direct Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All! 978-360-0477 Office: 978-356-5563 Please stop by for a free magnet calendar “2012” Old Coins Wanted

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Letters To TheJanuary Editor 5 - 31, 01

Page 6

Merrimack Valley GLASS & MIRROR

Community Announcements AMESBURY - The Amesbury Rotary Club will be holding a Post-Holiday Book Drive during the months of January and February. Drop off your gently used books at the "Got Books" drop box, located next to the Hollow Cafe, 194 Main Street, during the months of January and February and the Rotary Club will receive a 10% bonus payment. Acceptable items include - Hardcover books, Paperback books, CDs & DVDs, Audio books, Textbooks, Records/LPs, Children's books and Board books. PLEASE - No home recorded or taped media, magazines, newspapers, phone books, encyclopedias or damaged/moldy items! The "Got Books" drop box is outside and is accessible 24 hours a day. -----------------------------------------------------------HAMILTON-WENHAM Ongoing programs - Mothers’ Group: Infants Mondays 11-1. Social time for moms and little ones up to one year; Knitting Group Mondays from noon – 2:30. Our knitting group is for experienced or beginning knitters and crochet folk. Bring your UFOs (Un-Finished Objects), get help on a problem you've encountered and learn some new techniques. The group is informal and drop-ins are welcome; Mothers’ Group: Toddlers Tuesdays 10-noon. Social time for moms and toddlersFor from one to three years old; German Playgroup Tuesdays 4-6. German language skills practice for you and Sale your children; Cribbage Thursdays from 10 – noon. Play this unique card game with • a lively group of fun-loving people. All are welcome, no experience is necessary to drop in; BOM: Battle-Gaming of Massachusetts for teens Saturdays from 10 am- 4 pm. Play and learn a variety of tabletop strategy battle games such as Warhammer 40k and Lord of the Rings. To join this illustrious group of gamers, simply show up. Membership is free. If you do not know how to play any of the games, one of the members will be happy to teach you. For more information visit the club website at: Hamilton-Wenham • • Public Library, 14 Union St., S. Hamilton, 978-468-5577 -----------------------------------------------------------HAMILTON-WENHAM - Join us for an evening of authentic live jazz! The Community House is honored to host New Orleans native, Henri Smith, for a concert in the celebratory style of a Mardi Gras party. A resident of Cape Ann since Hurricane Katrina destroyed his home in New Orleans, Henri Smith now shares his Creole and Cajun heritage with the people of New England through his frequent tours and his Cape Ann Cable TV show ‘Henri Smith’s N’awlins East’. Come out and experience the richness of Henri Smith’s vocals and the sophistication of his performance in the true flavours of New Orleans … Jazz, Blues, Creole, Cajun, Funk, Rhythm & Blues, Calypso, Caribbean, Latin, and Swing. Saturday, February 11 @ 7:30pm, Tickets are $15 in advance, $18 at the door, Tickets may be purchased by calling 978-468-4818 or online at www. Click the “Donate Now’ link and choose ‘Libby Fireside Concert tickets’. Please indicate the concert name in the note section. MC, Visa, and AmEx accepted. The Community House is a non-profit organization. Our facility is handicap accessible and there is plenty of free off-street parking. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - In February, Parker River National Wildlife Refuge will launch a new initiative to develop a corps of “master naturalists” – a group of specially trained volunteer docents who will grow the refuge’s capacity for providing environmental education and interpretive programs for refuge visitors, schools, and the local community in general. Over the course of a year, Master Naturalist program participants will receive specialized classroom and field-based training in such topical areas as resident wildlife, bird migration, animal tracking, beach ecology, Plum Island history, and interpretive techniques. Training sessions will be held on one Saturday of every month. Following successful completion of the free, year-long training program, the refuge’s newly minted Master Naturalists will work with refuge staff to develop and deliver environmental and interpretive programs. The first Master Naturalist training program is scheduled to be held on Saturday, February 18th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at the refuge visitor center in Newburyport. Anyone interested in participating in the inaugural Master Naturalist training program is asked to contact Matt Poole, visitor services manager, at (978) 465-5753, ext. 210. He can also be reached via email at -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT – AJH Aid Association Plans “A Grecian Night with Great Chefs” on March 16 - The Anna Jaques Hospital Aid Association is pleased to announce its upcoming 24th annual Great Chefs’ Night, featuring the creations of celebrated chefs from over twenty restaurants and caterers in the Greater Newburyport area. Presenting sponsors are the Institution for Savings and the Newburyport Five Cent Savings Bank. “A Grecian Night with Great Chefs” will include gourmet tastings, live and silent auctions, live entertainment and dancing. Once again, the Governor’s Academy, in Byfield, is graciously donating its facilities for the gala. The festivities will take place on March 16, from 6 to 10 p.m. So save the date! Great Chefs’ Night is the AJH Aid Association’s main fundraiser each year, and all proceeds support services at the hospital. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - “The Importance of Floating and Other Lessons” is the name of the exhibit that will hang in the lobby of the Firehouse Center for the Arts, Market Square, Newburyport from February 1 through March 11. The lesson concerning floating couldn’t be more important to Middleton, MA artist Cheryl Dyment. In the summer of 1969, Dyment nearly drowned while swimming at Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester when a riptide pulled her out to sea. Reception: Sat, February 4; 3:30 - 5:30pm at the Firehouse Center for the Arts, Market Square, Newburyport. This event is free and open to the public and may be viewed during regular Box Office hours (Wed –Sun, 12N-5P). For more info please call 978/462-7336 or visit online at -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT – SOUP-ER Bowl Drive at Atria Merrimack Place. They are collecting canned soup for the local food pantry. Collecting now through February 13th @ noon. Atria Merrimack Place, 85 Storey Ave, Newburyport 978-462-7324. -----------------------------------------------------------Rowley PORTSMOUTH - Pop Up Portsmouth Kicks off a New Show with Two Music Acts, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Friday, February 3, 2012 from 5:30pm - 7pm. Pop Up Portsmouth will be hosting their fifth and biggest show at the Works Cafe in Market Square during Art 'Round Town in February. This show will feature two bands from completely different areas. The first is Swampbear (Eddy Llerena) from Boston, MA and the second is an entirely new band out of Manchester, NH named HOWLL (Kara Justine Holbert & Evan Benoit) http://howll. Pop Up Portsmouth hopes to have its biggest turnout thus far as far as artists. The new musical addition will


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JANUARY DATE HIGH LOW SUN Advertising 25 WedContact 12:38 8.34 12:50your 8.89 7:17 -0.21 7:47 -0.65 7:05 4:46 26 Thurs 1:20 Consultant 8.26 1:33 8.53 8:02 today! -0.05 8:28 -0.32 7:04 4:47 27 P: Fri 978-948-8696 2:01 8.11 2:16 8.11 •8:46 9:08 0.06 7:03 4:49 F: 0.19 978-948-2564 28 Sat 2:43 7.92 3:01 7.65 9:31 0.46 9:50 0.47 7:02 4:50 29 Sun 3:25 7.71 3:47 7.21 10:18 0.74 10:33 0.86 7:01 4:51 30 Mon 4:10 7.51 4:38 6.81 11:09 0.99 11:20 1.21 7:00 4:53 KAYAKS 31 Tues 4:59- Old7.35 Wilderness Systems Town 5:34 6.51 12:04 1.16 xx xx 6:59 4:54 FEBRUARY Ad # 2 Perception - Necky 01 Wed 5:53 7.26 6:33 6.35 12:12 1.46 1:03 1.22 6:58 4:55 Ocean Kayak For Client / Newspaper use only – this does not print: 02 06/10/11 Thurs 6:49 7.29 all7:33 6.38PDFs1:08 2:02destroy 1.13 all6:57 4:57PDFs of this ad. This PDF – dated – replaces previous of this1.58 ad. Please previous Canoes

Questions? Advertising, 781-643-2928. Rangers - Old Town - RadissonCall Acorn KAYAKS Wilderness Systems - Old Town Fernald’s Actual ad size – 4” x 2”- Necky (Town Common ) Perception AILBOATSOn the River Parker Ocean Kayak Canoes KAYAKS We stock Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 Mad River - Old Town - Radisson (978) 465-0312 Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC

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Perception - Necky Ocean Kayak Canoes Rangers - Old Town - Radisson

Continued on page 12


January 5 - 31, 01 For Sale

Business Spotlight

Real Estate • For Sale

Are You Paralyzed With Fear? • • Sports Sports of our times and those the REALTOR® asked Sports if there were the hard truths any issues that may impact her ability to sell the property. As happens in real estate, if a property does not sell when it has been marketed over a certain period of time, the price must be adjusted to remain competitive in an unforgiving market where good properties can grow cold quickly. Mary’s REALTOR® has explained several times that the market has rejected the price she seeks but Mary continues to say “I cannot lower the price.” Her REALTOR® suspects that her client cannot come to the closing table with enough funds to pay what she owes but Mary will not discuss her finances with her family, her REALTOR® or her Attorney. Mary is paralyzed by fear and hopelessness at a time when there is recourse available to her. Properties that are under water still get sold but REALTOR®s, Attorneys and banks have to use a different route to do so. That different route that leads to a successful outcome starts with disclosing facts and dealing with what is real head on. I once had a dog that believed that if she merely looked away from me while she had an expensive shoe in her mouth, that I was not really there to see what she was doing. When I moved within her vision, she just turned around with her back to me so that I would “disappear” again. It’s not that simple in the real world. Buyers just don’t over pay. Banks just don’t go away. Over priced properties do not sell. Some properties are worth less than what is owed to the bank. These are

homeowners who find themselves in such circumstances, have exercised a number of options. Some homeowners have walked away and let the banks foreclose on the property. (That option has a deleterious impact on credit.). Some homeowners have worked with their banks to modify the loan (with mixed reviews.). Some homeowners have obtained bank approval to sell the house for less than the bank is owed (short sale…not as deleterious as foreclosure on credit). There is a movement under way that started in Florida (with mixed reviews) whereby the banks provide a cash incentive to homeowners to stay in the property or cooperate in short sales in an effort to minimize the bank risk with the widespread damage done to distressed properties. If you or anyone you know is experiencing similar hardship with a property, please let a trusted advisor know about it. Leaving your property on the market to grow cold waiting for a cash buyer to pay too much for your home is part of the problem and not the solution. You are not alone by any means. There is help available and it starts with a phone call. Broker Janet Hilton is a former practicing attorney and critical care RN who with her husband retired Lynn Fire Lieutenant George Hilton owns and operates Country Crossroads Realty Associates at 28 Bay Rd South Hamilton. For assistance with all real estate needs on the North Shore/Cape Ann, call 978-468-5910, Janet’s direct line 781-405-4867 or visit website

Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness

BY JANET HILTON, BROKER, ESQ., COUNTRY CROSSROADS Recently I learned of a woman who is so afraid of real estate matters she cannot control, that she has become unable to think clearly about a solution. Her story is similar to that of a growing number of homeowners whose fear and frustration about owing more to the bank than their property is worth has caused them to become paralyzed as matters grow worse. In “Mary’s” case, she bought her single family home on the high side of the market about six years ago. Shortly thereafter she borrowed additional funds against the equity she had in the property and not long after that, the home values began to drop as her interest only loan began to choke her. At this time, Mary’s property is what is known as “under water” or “upside down” with her mortgage. She is a proud woman and she does not want to let her family or friends know that her hours at work were cut back and she is behind on her mortgage payments. Many months ago Mary listed her property with a REALTOR® for a price that was within the fair market range at the time. She did not let her REALTOR® know the extenuating circumstances of her finances when

Sold Single Family Homes Address, Town Description DOM List Price Sold For Orig Price 264 Lions Mouth Rd, Amesbury 1 Sunset Ln, Hamilton, MA 150 Congress St, Amesbury 21 Allen St, Gloucester 5 17th St W, Salisbury 7 S Pond St, Newbury 17 Old Ford Rd, Gloucester 199 Market St, Amesbury 101 Pleasant Valley, Amesbury 14 Birchmeadow Rd, Merrimac 2 Conrad Cr, Wenham 12 14th St, Newbury 4 Sunset Ln, Rockport 137 Hillside St, Rowley 31 Harriman Rd, Merrimac 2 Bowdoin Rd, Ipswich

5 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 4 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 7 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Farmhouse 4 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Cape 6 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Raised Ranch 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 7 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Cape 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Raised Ranch 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Ranch 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Multi-Level 7 room, 4 bed, 1f 0h bath Cape 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 5 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Multi-Level

160 41 380 96 402 90 417 184 285 117 16 108 189 41 113 267

$149,900 $206,900 $150,000 $189,900 $179,900 $199,900 $209,900 $259,900 $225,000 $359,900 $389,000 $399,900 $325,000 $460,000 $479,900 $775,000

$135,000 $230,000 $129,800 $180,000 $162,500 $180,000 $176,800 $248,000 $231,200 $347,500 $373,000 $389,700 $310,000 $439,000 $483,000 $700,000

$149,900 $206,900 $249,900 $254,900 $254,900 $256,900 $269,900 $269,900 $275,000 $359,900 $389,000 $399,900 $415,000 $460,000 $469,900 $799,900

Single Family Listings: 16 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 1,620.75 Avg. List$: $310,000 Avg. List$/SqFt: $197 Avg. DOM: 181.63 Avg. Sale$: $294,719 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $187 2012 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.

Page 7

Our Featured Property of the Week Rowley: This 10 room Garrison has a one year old custom kitchen and 2 new baths. Beautiful hardwood floors, custom tile work, granite counters, crown moldings and chair railings are lovely touches. Warm and cozy fireplaced Move In Condition! family room opens to the new kitchen. This is truly a home for all seasons with a nice 3 season porch and beautiful custom decks. Two car garage and full basement all on close to an acre. Offered at $429,900. Call Pauline at 978-314-7341 for more information or to make an appointment to see this country home.

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Continued from page 5 Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $7 per child. Preregistration is not required. Call 978462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at

Lunt Street in Byfield, exit 55 off Rt. 95, Central Street west a short distance to Lunt WEDNESDAY MORNING BIRDING Street. Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director Bill Gette and USFWS veteran David FILM CLUB FOR TEENS Weaver for this weekly birding field The Newburyport Public Library trip in the Newburyport/Plum Island invites teens in grades 7 through 12 to enter area. Appropriate for all birding levels. the realm of the quirky, the independent, Wednesdays, February 1, 8, 15 (on Cape TAROT CARD READER, MEDIUM, and the intellectual film on Sunday, January Ann), 22, and 29, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Meet CHANNELLER 29 from 1:30 to 4:30pm in the Program at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Questions about money, love, career Room. We will view age-appropriate Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $17. or your life's purpose? Carol Hutchins selections and follow them with some light Preregistration is not required. Call 978will be doing readings from 11AM -3PM, discussion and serious refreshments. Sign 462-9998 for information about additional Saturday, January 28th which start at up at programs and events, or visit the Web site $20.00 for 15 minutes at The Herbal Path 2012 at 599 Lafayette Rd., Portsmouth, NH. Call her for an appointment at 207-324-6077 THE CORIOLANUS STRING AFTERSCHOOL AT JOPPA: or just drop by. QUARTET INTRODUCING OWLS! Come and hear Favorite String Children in grades 1 to 4 are invited GROUNDHOG DAY Quartets of Franz Joseph Haydn. to engage in wildlife learning experiences EXTRAVAGANZA Cambridge Society of Early Music, Sunday with a different theme each week. Come Families with children of all ages January 29, 4 pm At 54 South Main Street, for one or sign up for the series. Three are invited to join us for our all-new Ipswich. Tickets available at the door (cash remaining sessions: Introducing Owls Groundhog Day Extravaganza at Mass or check): $30/$25 seniors, students with (2/1); Awesome Eagles (2/8); Endangered Audubon’s Ipswich River Wildlife ID free. Reception following. Call 617 Species Alert (2/15) Wednesday, February Sanctuary in Topsfield on Saturday, 489-2062 to reserve or pre-pay tickets. 1, 3:30-5:00 pm. Meet at the Joppa January 28 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. Ongoing Flats Education Center, One Plum activities throughout the afternoon include MONDAY, JANUARY 30TH Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $16. nature hikes, snow sculptures, a groundhog Preregistration is required. Call 978-462obstacle course, crafts, refreshments, ENERGY BALANCING 9998 for information about additional and more. The groundhog celebration Reiki, Polarity Therapy, Energy programs and events, or visit the Web site takes place at 2:00 p.m. in our warm and Medicine, Reflexology & Cranio-sacral at spacious barn with a very special guest, a Therapy to balance your energy. Monday, live groundhog from Drumlin Farm! She January 30th. Offered by Gayle Perkins, a VALENTINE FLOWER ARRANGING will be joined by a few of her animal friends Wellness Educator from 11:00-3:00 PM WORKSHOP (a broad-winged hawk and an opossum). at The Herbal Path 599 Lafayette Rd., Tina Lefebvre of Platinum Posies Please dress for the weather since many Portsmouth, NH. The first 10 minutes are Flower Shop in Middleton will be hosting of the activities will be outdoors. FEE: free and $1.00 per minute thereafter. Call a "hands on" flower arranging workshop Adults $9, Children $7 (discount for Mass her for an appointment at: 207-752-1281 for adults on Wednesday, February 1 from Audubon members). Advance registration or just drop by. 6 - 8 PM in the Topsfield Town Library is required; call (978) 887-9264. Meeting Room. Each participant will create 'HAPPIEST BABY' PROGRAM a stunning Valentine’s arrangement to take PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT Early Childhood Partners presents a home or to give to someone special. Please Learn to develop, train, and direct program for new and expectant parents, sign up and prepay at the circulation desk your psychic abilities in a safe way. Use Mon. Jan. 30 from 6:30-8 pm. Would of the Topsfield Town Library by January your extrasensory abilities to obtain insight you like to learn how to calm any new 25. Payment may be in the form of cash or into your world. Given by Carol Hutchins baby's cries in minutes? Is it magic? No, check payable to Platinum Posies. angel messenger, psychic and medium. it's a reflex! Learn best-selling author and Saturday, January 28th from 3:00 – 5:30 pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp's methods to DEMYSTIFYING THE COLLEGE PM at The Herbal Path 599 Lafayette Rd., calm crying and increase your baby's sleep APPLICATION PROCESS Portsmouth, NH. $20.00. Call her to 1-3 hours per day. Presented by Happiest For parents & students, presented by register or for more info at:207-324-6077. Baby on the Block Consultants Cynthia College Conciege’s Laine Averback. Wed. Griffin & Amy Larsen. Registration is Feb. 1, 6:30-8. Connecting your child to required, please contact Cynthia Griffin his/her future with the 'best' fit for college LAMB SHANK DINNER at ECP: 978-468-5489 or by email at ... priceless! Learn the ins-and-outs of this The Annunciation Greek Orthodox proclaimed daunting process, learn that Church is sponsoring a Lamb Shank it does not have to be divisive, difficult, Dinner on Saturday, January 28, 2012 TUESDAY, JANUARY 31ST or discouraging! Presenting an array of at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox absolute 'musts' for high school juniors, Church of Harris Street in Newburyport ROBOT BOXING MOVIE seniors, and their parents who want to fin from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. The menu Grab a friend & some popcorn and and successfully graduate from the college consists of lamb shank served over orzo, join us for this recent release to DVD, rated or university of their choice. HamiltonGreek salad and bread and rice pudding. PG-13. Tue. Jan. 31, 3:00-5:15. “Set in Wenham Public Library, 14 Union St., S. The complete dinner is $18.00 with take- the near future, where robot boxing is a top Hamilton, 978-468-5577 www.hwlibrary. out also available. Advanced tickets can sport, a struggling promoter feels he's found org be purchased at Lynch's Pharmacy and a champion in a discarded robot. During his Tina's European Fashions both located in hopeful rise to the top, he discovers he has CHRONIC PAIN SUPPORT GROUP Newburyport. an 11-year-old son who wants to know his A free Chronic Pain Support Group father" Hamilton-Wenham is held each Wednesday from 5:30 - 7 p.m. SUNDAY, JANUARY 29TH Public Library, 14 Union St., S. Hamilton, at Beverly Hospital at Danvers, 480 Maple 978-468-5577 Street, Danvers. The program is held in HAWKA ON THE PARKER RIVER the Pain Management Center Reception WATERSHED NATURE DRAWING AND Room. The program is facilitated by Parker River Clean Water Association LANDSCAPE PAINTING Licensed Psychologist George Beilin, Annual Meeting January 29, 2012. Mr. Children ages 7 to 11 are invited to Ed.D, Licensed psychologist. To register Paul Roberts will be presenting a lecture learn how to make their own “wow” works or for further information, please call 978on “Hawks of the Parker River Watershed.” of art with artist Janet Youkeles. Come for 922-6613. Paul M. Roberts is the founder of the one or several of four sessions: Tuesdays, Eastern Mass Hawk Watch (www. January 17 through February 7. Materials IMMIGRATION MATTERS STUDY, an organization will be provided. SESSION 3: Craypas GROUP whose mission is to promote the study Drawing & Tempera Painting Tuesday, The next meeting of "Immigration and conservation of hawks locally and on a January 31, 3:30-4:45 pm Meet at the Matters" Study Group will be on Wednesday continental scale by monitoring migration Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum February 1 from 7-8PM at the First in Massachusetts. He also is President of Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fee per Religious Society (Unitarian-Universalist) the Northeast Hawk Watch, and a Director session: $18. Preregistration is required. Church, 26 Pleasant St., Newburyport. The and former Chair of the Hawk Migration Call 978-462-9998 for information about speakers will be Franco Majok and Deana Association of North America (HMANA). additional programs and events, or visit Lozano, social workers at Lutheran Social PRCWA is very fortunate to have this well the Web site at Services of New England. Immigration known authority on hawks as the keynote joppaflats. Matters is a study group that focuses on speaker at our annual meeting on January various issues regarding legal immigrants to 29, 1:30-3:30, at the Newbury Library on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST the United States. It meets monthly and is

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example of an extremely well trained and talented physician who has thrived in the community hospital atmosphereâ€? said Philip D. Herrick, for who the award is named for. “When I asked his peers and colleagues to describe Dr. Danis, they said that he hit the street running and has not stopped, that he is a physician’s pediatrician and that he is not only a superb physician, he is a superb human being,â€? said Herrick. Dr. Danis is a partner at North The Town Common Courtesy Photo Shore Pediatrics. He completed Dr. Danis and Dr. Herrick his undergraduate education at the University of Wisconsin and his addition to his work with children Doctor of Medicine Degree at the St. in the Boston area, Dr. Danis has Louis University School of Medicine participated in treating children in graduating Magna Cum Laude. Dr. Bangladesh, Peru and Haiti. He has Danis completed his training at the won numerous awards for teaching Boston Floating Children's Hospital and is currently involved in teaching where he served as chief resident. residents at North Shore Pediatrics. Dr. Danis is a Board CertiďŹ ed He and his wife, Christine Danis, Pediatrician and a member of the have four children: O’Neil, Peter, American Academy of Pediatrics. In Jonathan and Charles.

Newbury Resident Announced As Recipient of Dr. Philip D. Herrick Award

Northeast Health System (NHS) recently announced Newbury resident David O. Danis, MD, as the eighth recipient of the Board of Trustees Philip D. Herrick Award. The award is presented yearly at the NHS annual meeting to honor the remarkable example set by Dr. Herrick. The Herrick Award honors characteristics that Dr. Herrick has displayed during his more than 50 years associated with the organization. SpeciďŹ cally, the award is given to a physician who is recognized by his or her peers for outstanding achievements, professional accomplishments, commitment to community service, dedication to the mission of NHS and the ability to inspire the general medical sta. This is the eighth year that NHS has presented the award and past recipients include Drs. Mike Arsenian, Tai Tran, Don Romanelli, Ron Newman, Hugh Taylor, Lucas Wolf and Tina Waugh. “Dr. Danis is an excellent

Seasoned Firewood Per Cord... $250

delightful story was inspired by the beautiful wild horses on the island of Grand Turk in the Caribbean, where Seim and her husband frequently visit. A previous book by Seim and Spellman, Where is Simon,Sandy? was the winner of a Mom’s Choice The Region’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper Award, Gold Category, in 2009. And was a Finalist in The National Indie Free Local Delivery Excellence Awards, 2010. Satchi and Little Star is the fourth book written by Seim, who has written and is preparing to publish her ďŹ fth book. Donna is a graduate of The Ohio State University, and holds a master's degree in Special Education from Lesley University. For over 25 years, Seim and her husband Martin were the owners of the children’s toy store, The Dragon’s Nest, in Newburyport. Susan Spellman has been a children’s book illustrator for over Seasoned 25 years. Her clients include several RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Specializing in: We Safely Clean:

Firewood major publishing companies and she • Homes • Orientals

Per Cord... $250 • Offices has illustrated more than 20 books. (Cleaned On-site)

Property Management and Home Improvement

Category. Seim and Spellman received the award for their third collaboration together on their book, Satchi and Little Star, published by Peter E. Randall Publisher, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The award, an Honorable Mention in the children’s book category, was presented “An Evening The Town Common Courtesy Photo at Pictured (l to r) at the New England Book Festival Awards Ceremony, held of Publishing on January 14th, at the Omni Parker house in Boston. Event emcee Lisa Excellence� at the Pardini, author Donna Seim and illustrator Susan Spellman. Book Festival’s recent ceremony at the Omni Parker Newbury resident and children’s book author Donna Seim and children’s House Hotel in Boston. The book, book illustrator Susan Spellman of the pair’s third and most recent Newburyport, MA recently received collaboration, tells the story of a an award from The New England young girl, a wild horse, and how Book Festival in the Children’s Books they touch each other's lives. This

Page 9


January 5 - 31, 01



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Page 10

local entertainment calendar

Ipswich ZUMI’S COFFEE HOUSE 40 Market St., 978-356-1988 Mon 1/31: Kid’s Music w/Brian Doser, 4pm

Newbury PLUM ISLAND GRILLE Ironic Music Calendar appears weekly in 'The Town Common' presenting local events North of Boston and Coastal / Southern NH. 2 Sunset Blvd., 978-463-2290 IMC is a production of Ironic Music Booking Agency LLC: www. Thu 1/26: EJ Ouelette Check out Ironic’s weekly picks – highlighted: Newburyport Thu 1/26: Open Mic Night, MASSACHUSETTS DAVID’S TAVERN @ THE 9pm Amesbury GARRISON INN THE BARN PUB & GRILLE Fri 1/27: DJ Scottie Mac & DJ Vito, 10pm 11 Brown Sq., 978-462-8077 Sat 1/28: DMus Sound Project, Thu 1/26: Tom Courtney, 5 Ring Street, 978-388-8700 9pm Wed 1/25: Seacoast Dart 7-10pm Tue 1/31: Sea Shanty Sing-A- Fri 1/27: Starshyne w/Marianne Association League Long, 9pm Fri 1/26: Luck of the Draw Sat 1/28: Linda Pouliot Tue 1/31: Northeast Dart Sun 1/29: Linda Murray, 6-9pm THE DOG BAR Association League FIREHOUSE CENTER FOR 65 Main St., 978-281-6565 MURPHY’S RIVERSIDE THE ARTS Wed 1/25: Karaoke, 9pm-cl Find them on Facebook Thu 1/26: 3 Vibe, 9pm-cl 37 Main St., 978-834-0020 Market Sq., 978-462-7336 Fri 1/27: What Time is it Mr. Fri 1/27: New Works Festival, Thu 1/26: Karaoke Fox Fri 1/27: The Accidentals, 8pm $13-38 Sat 1/28: Professor Harp, 9pm-1am Sat 1/28: New Works Festival, 9pm-cl Mon 1/30: Game Night 8pm $13-38 Sun 1/29: Ryan Alto, 9pm-cl Beverly THE GROG GIUSEPPE'S RISTORANTE CHIANTI TUSCAN RESTAURANT 13 Middle St., 978-465-8008 2 Main St., 978-879-4622 Wed 1/25: Hoot Night, 8-11pm 285 Cabot St., 978-921-2233 Wed 1/25: Open Mic, 7:30Thu 1/26: Battle Radical, 8pm10:30pm Wed 1/25: Arudawakening, 12:30am $5 Thu 1/26: Dueling Pianos, 9:30pm-12:30am Fri 1/27: Soundtrack to Thu 1/26: Wild Sexet, 9:30pm- 8:30pm Monday, 9:30pm-12:15am $5 Fri 1/27: Joe Thomas, 9pm-cl Sat 1/28: Joppa Flatts, 9:30pm12:30am Sat 1/28: Joe Thomas, 9pm-cl 12:15am $5 Fri 1/27: Blu-Bop, 9:30pmSun 1/29: Delvis, 6pm 12:30am Sun 1/29: Blues Party, 6-10pm Sat 1/28: Gabrielle Agachiko, Mon 1/30: Comedy Open Mic, JALAPEÑOS MEXICAN 9:30pm-12:30am 7:30-9:30pm Sun 1/29: Jeff Buckridge’s Uke RESTAURANT Tue 1/31: Steve Spungin flamenco guitar Joint, 6:30-9:30pm 86 Main St., 978-283-8228 Tue 1/31: Tim Gearan & Tue 1/31: The Wood Peppers, THE PORT TAVERN Christian McNeill, 9:30pm7-9pm 12:30am 84 State St., 978-465-1006 THE RHUMB LINE FIBBER McGEE'S Wed 1/25: Irish Seisuin Find them on Facebook w/Eamon Coyne, 7-10pm 108 Cabot St., 978-232-0180 40 Railroad Ave, 978-283-9732 Thu 1/26: The Foggy Duo, Wed 1/25: Fly Amero, 8-11pm 7:30-10:30pm Wed 1/25: Karaoke Thu 1/26: Dave Sags Blues Thu 1/26: DJ Fri 1/27: Mike Tinkham, Party, 9:30pm-1:30am Fri 1/27: DJ 9pm-12am Fri 1/27: The Runaround, Sat 1/28: DJ/Live Music Tue 1/31: Stump Trivia, 8-10pm 9:30pm-12:30am Mon 1/30: Trivia, 7:30pm Sat 1/28: The Bandit Kings, Rockport 9:30pm-12:30am THE PICKLED ONION ROCKPORT MUSIC @ THE Sun 1/29: Open Mic, 8pmSHALIN LIU 355 Rantoul St., 978-232-3973 12am PERFORMANCE CENTER Mon 1/30: Open Jam w/Dan Wed 1/25: Karaoke w/DJ J King, 9:30pm-12:30am Dubz, 10pm 35 Main St., 978-546-7391 Tue 1/31: Trivia, 7pm; Funk Thu 1/26: DJ Max Baun, Fri 1/27: Chelsea Berry, 8pm Jam w/Henley Douglass Jr. & Sat 1/28: John Hammond, 8pm 10pm-1am Fri 1/27: Tobin & Leahy, 5-9pm Soul Force V, 10pm-12:30am Mon 1/30: Stump Trivia, Salem Haverhill 5-10pm FINZ SEAFOOD & GRILL CHIT CHAT LOUNGE Tue 1/31: DJ Kevin 76 Wharf St., Pickering Wharf, 103 Washington St., 978-374- 978-744-8485 Danvers 9710 THE VILLAGE GREEN Thu 1/26: Larry & the Wed 1/25: Karaoke Bluescasters, 8-11pm Thu 1/26: Tristan Omand 225 Newbury St., 978-774Fri 1/27: DJ Julian; Duey 7270 THE GREEN LAND CAFÉ Rocks/Animal Talk Wed 1/25: Swing Dance Sat 1/28: DJ Julian; The Happy 87 Washington St., 978-744Lessons, 6:30pm Accident Thu 1/26: Stump Trivia, 7766 Sun 1/29: Lance Briant 7-10pm Fri 1/27: Julie Dougherty, Tue 1/31: Open Mic Tue 1/31: Country Line 9pm-12am Dancing, 7pm Mon 1/30: Maureen Benson, MAL’S LOUNGE @ 8-11pm GEORGE’S RESTAURANT Essex THE FARM BAR & GRILLE THE GULU GULU CAFÉ 77 Washington St., 978-374- 5150 233 Western Ave., 978-768247 Essex St., 978-740-8882 Fri 1/27: Roy Barboza 0000 Thu 1/26: Old English, 8-11pm Fri 1/27: Innuendo Fri 1/27: Annapalooza, 8-11pm THE PEDDLER’S Sat 1/28: Bucket of Blues Sat 1/28: Jazz Navigators, DAUGHTER 8-11pm Sun 1/29: Sasha De La Cruz Art Gloucester ALCHEMY CAFÉ & BISTRO 45 Wingate St., 978-372-9555 Hanging Sat 1/28: Pop Farmers, 9:30pm Tue 1/31: Cyberman Movie 3 Duncan St., 978-281-3997 Month, 8-10pm THE TAP/LIMELIGHT Wed 1/25: Women, Wine & LOUNGE Chocolate w/Chelsea Berry, IN A PIG’S EYE 7-9pm 100 Washington St., 978-374- 148 Derby St., 978-741-4436 Sun 1/29: Bluegrass Brunch, 1117 12-2pm Wed 1/25: Grateful Ted, 9pm Wed 1/25: Trivia, 8:30pm Thu 1/26: Girls Night Out, CAPE ANN BREWING CO. Thu 1/26: Karaoke 9-11:30pm Fri 1/27: Downtown Charlie Fri 1/27: Blues Jam, 4:1527 Commercial St., 978-281- Sat 1/28: Superfrog 6:45pm Sun 1/29: Open Mic 4782 Sat 1/28: Sit Down Baby, Wed 1/25: Trivia Night, 7:30pm 9-11:30pm

January 5 - 31, 01

KELLEY’S ROW Night CAROUSEL LOUNGE RESTAURANT Fri 1/27: Rock Star Fridays Tue 1/31: Industry Night 20 Oceanfront, 978-465-9045 Sat 1/28: King Karaoke, 8:30pm 421 Central Ave., 603-750-7081 Wed 1/25: Stump Trivia, FRATELLO’s ITALIAN O'NEILL'S PUB GRILLE HOBO'S CAFÈ & LOUNGE 6-11pm 120 Washington St., 978-740- Thu 1/26: Ladies Night Fri 1/27: Livin The Dream, 155 Dow St., 603-624-2022 8811 5 Broadway, 978-465-4626 Thu 1/26: Jazz Night, 6:30Wed 1/25: Sports Trivia, Wed 1/25: Karaoke & Dance, 9-11:30pm Sat 1/28: Gazpacho, 9-11:30pm 9:30pm 5-10pm 6pm Fri 1/27: Charlie Christos, Thu 1/26: DJ Sap, 11pmThu 1/26: Karaoke Contest & THE LOFT 7-10:30pm 12:30am Dance, 8:30pm Fri 1/27: Live Irish Music, 6Mon 1/30: Karaoke & Dance, Sat 1/28: Charlie Strater, html 7-10:30pm 9pm; DJ Sap, 10pm-12:30am 6pm Rte. 108, 603-742-7012 Sat 1/28: Irish Music, 6-9pm; Fri 1/27: Sev THE SHASKEEN Champagne Toast, 10:30pm NEW HAMPSHIRE Sat 1/28: Kevin Burt Duo $10 Dover 909 Elm St., 603-235-9682 Tue 1/31: Trivia, 8-10pm THE BARLEY PUB RJs BAR AND GRILLE Wed 1/25: Open Comedy Mic, Find them on Facebook 9pm PEM | PEABODY ESSEX 328 Central Ave., 603-74283 Washington St. Thu 1/26: Love Whip MUSEUM 4226 Fri 1/27: Joshua Tree Thu 1/26: Steve Roy’s Bluegrass Thu 1/26: DJ Lil Rascal Fri 1/27: Drama Squad DJs Sat 1/28: Irish Session, 3-6pm; 161 Essex St., East India Sq., Jam, 9pm Tonebone 978-745-9500 Sat 1/28: Christina Renee Band, Hampton, Hampton Beach & Sun 1/29: Irish Session, 2-5pm Wed 1/25: PEM Pals, 10:30am 9pm-12am North Hampton Mon 1/30: Bar Trivia, 7:30pm Mon 1/31: Zach’s Trivia, 8pm BREAKER'S RESTAURANT ROCKAFELLAS & BAR @ ASHWORTH STRANGE BREW TAVERN THE CHILDREN’S BY THE SEA HOTEL 231 Essex St, 978-745-2411 MUSEUM OF NH 88 Market St., 603-666-4292 Wed 1/25: Latin Dance Party, Wed 1/25: Lisa Marie 8-11:30pm 6 Washington Street, 603-742- 295 Ocean Boulevard, 603926-6762 Thu 1/26: Jeremy Dean Band Fri 1/27: Open Bar Band 2002 Fri 1/27: DJ & Dancing, Fri 1/27: Racky Thomas Sat 1/28: Pulse Wed 1/25: First Friends Play 9pm-1am Sat 1/28: Amorphous Band Group, 9:30-11am; Tue 1/31: Strange Brew All-Stars SALEM THEATRE Wee Ones Wednesday Classes, Sat 1/28: DJ & Dancing, 9pm-1am COMPANY 9:45-10:45am Milford Thu 1/26: Jr. Science Explorers, RON’S LANDING CLARK’s TAVERN 379 Ocean Boulevard, 60340 Nashua St., 603-769-3119 929-2122 Thu 1/26: DJ D Struct Fri 1/27: Michael Troy, 7-10pm Fri 1/27: Joe Birch Sun 1/29: Michael Troy, 3-6pm Sat 1/28: Erinn Brown Sun 1/29: Eric Reardon & Friends, 7-10pm Mon 1/30: Open Mic, 9pm


MOTHERS, SENIORS, RETIREES & OTHERS for Inside/Outside Sales VERY Generous commissions, Quality Leads, Supportive Team, VERY Flexible schedule,

WALLY’s PUB 144 Ashworth Ave., 603-9266954 Wed 1/25: DJ Provo Open Mic, 9pm Thu 1/26: Bi-Polar Bears, 9pm Fri 1/27: Taproot, 8pm Sat 1/28: Afroman, 8-11pm Mon 1/30: DJ Provo, 9pm

THE PASTA LOFT 241 Union Sq., 603-672-2270 Wed 1/25: Open Mic Thu 1/26: Tom Rousseau Fri 1/27: The Sellouts Sat 1/28: Rich & Bob

Newmarket KJ’s SPORTS BAR Find them on Facebook Londonderry N Main St., 603-659-2329 TUPELO MUSIC HALL Fri 1/27: Midas Music Karaoke, This opportunity truly pays well for attentive, 9pm 2 Young Rd., 603-437-5100 Sat 1/28: Midas Music Karaoke, consistent, and persistent individuals. Fri 1/27: James Montgomery 9pm Band, 8pm $25 Sat 1/28: Evan Goodrow Band, STONE CHURCH ON ZION 8pm $20 HILL Perfect Position for recent/current Marketing Grads or WHIPPERSNAPPERS 5 Granite St., 603-292-3546 Mother's & Seniors looking for a flexible schedule RESTAURANT Wed 1/25: Acoustic Showcase, Only SERIOUS candidates need apply! 8pm 44 Nashua Rd., 603-434-2660 Thu 1/26: A-Helix A High, Wed 1/25: Stump Trivia 9pm-1am Thu 1/26: Michael Fioretti Band Fri 1/27: Van Gordon Martin, Fri 1/27: Brandy, 9:30pm 9pm $10 Sat 1/28: Ript, 9:30pm Sat 1/28: Hot Day at the Zoo, Sun 1/29: Lisa Guyer & Dave 9pm $10-15 Stefanelli Sun 1/29: Open Mic, 7pm12am Manchester Tue 1/31: Blue Grass Jam, 90 Lafayette St., 978-790-8546 10-10:45am 900 PIZZERIA 9pm-12am Thu 1/26: The Real Thing, 7:30pm $12-22 DOVER BRICKHOUSE 50 Dow St., 603-641-0902 Portsmouth Fri 1/27: The Real Thing, THE BLUE MERMAID 7:30pm $12-22 2 Orchard St., 603-749-3838 Thu 1/26: Rose Kula Sat 1/28: The Real Thing, Wed 1/25: Cash is King, 5pm THE BLACK BRIMMER 409 The Hill, 603-427-2583 7:30pm $12-22 Thu 1/26: Kelly Ravin, 9pm Wed 1/25: Open Mic Sun 1/29: The Real Thing, 3pm Fri 1/27: All Eyes Closed, Tear 1087 Elm St., 603-669-5523 Fri 1/27: Laurette Slam, 7-9pm; $12-22 Down the Sun, & Waylon Fri 1/27: Never in Vegas Ras Paul Band Speed, 9pm Sat 1/28: Connor Garvey SCRATCH KITCHEN Sat 1/28: Jon Herington Band, Sat 1/28: Tigerlily 8pm $15 THE PAGE RESTAURANT/ 245 Derby St., 978-741-2442 Sun 1/29: Jim Dozet Trio, 10am BOYNTON’S TAPROOM THE WET BAR Thu 1/26: Adam Payne, 6-9pm Tue 1/31: Acoustic Open Mic, 155 Dow St., 603-623-7778 8pm Sat 1/28: Dueling Pianos, 8pm 172 Hanover St., 603.436.0004 SEAPORT CAFÉ Thu 1/26: Karaoke, 9pm-cl FURY’S PUBLICK HOUSE $10-17 Fri 1/27: Jon King 215 Derby St., 978-594-8490 THE DERRYFIELD Sat 1/28: DJ B Money Thu 1/26: Julie Dougherty, 1 Washington St., Dave Brown & Parker Wheeler, 3633 8:30-11:30pm Wed 1/25: All Good Feel Good 625 Mammoth Rd., 603-623- PORTSMOUTH GASLIGHT 2880 CO. Fri 1/27: Erinn Brown Band, Collective 8:30-11:30pm Thu 1/26: Roots, Rhythm, & Fri 1/27: Last Kid Picked Sat 1/28: Mama Kicks 64 Market St., 603-430-9122 Sat 1/28: Sunday Funday, 4pm Dub Fri 1/27: DJ Bounce, 9pm; Fri 1/27: Brunt of It, Survay DRYNK RESTAURANT & Johnson Duo, 9pm; Tony Salisbury Says, Short Handed Goal, LOUNGE Santesse, 10pm BLUE OCEAN MUSIC HALL El Grande & Threat Level Sat 1/28: How Men Think, Burgundy, 9pm 6pm; DJ Koko P, 9pm; Aaron 4 Oceanfront North, 978-463- Sat 1/28: Neil Young Tribute, 20 Old Granite St., 603.836.5251 Denny, 9:30pm; 9222 9pm Thu 1/26: The Shana Stack Mon 1/30: Trivia, 9pm-12am Wed 1/25: Tropical Wednesday Randy Arrant, 10pm Thu 1/26: College Night; Ladies Tue 1/31: Pub Trivia, 9pm Band, 7:30pm, $7 Tue 1/31: Tim Theriault & Friends, 9pm-12am

No cap on earnings

Bonuses and Perks too!

The Town Common

77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969


THE PRESS ROOM 77 Daniel St., 603-431-5186 Wed 1/25: Jim Dozet, 9pm Thu 1/26: Juliet & the Lonesome Romeos, 9pm Fri 1/27: Samuel James, Al Meantone, James Farquhar III & Jonathan Frazer Lessard, 9pm $5 Sat 1/28: Nick Goumas Combo, 9pm $5 Sun 1/29: Jazz Grill, 6-9pm $10 Mon 1/30: Zumba Tres, 8pm Tue 1/31: Larry Garland Jazz Jam, 5:30pm THE RED DOOR 107 State St., 603-373-6827 Wed 1/25: Evaredy Thu 1/26: Local Heroes Fri 1/27: Patrick Berry Sat 1/28: Ryan Obermiller Sun 1/29: Green Lion Crew Mon 1/30: Hush Hush Sweet Hariot RÍRÁ IRISH PUB html 22-26 Market St., 603-319-1680 Wed 1/25: Open Mic, 9pm Fri 1/27: Amorphous Band, 10pm Sat 1/28: Beantown Project, 10pm Sun 1/29: Irish Session, 5pm Mon 1/30: Oran Mor, 5pm Tue 1/31: Quiz w/Murph & Little Murph, 8pm RUDI’S PORTSMOUTH 20 High St., 603-430-7834 Wed 1/25: Dimitri, 6pm Thu 1/26: Dimitri Trio, 6pm Fri 1/27: Duke & John Hunter, 6pm Sat 1/28: Danny Harrington & Rusty Scott, 6pm Sun 1/29: Jazz Brunch, 12-3pm THE RUSTY HAMMER 49 Pleasant St., 603-436-9289 Thu 1/26: Trivia Night, 8-10pm SPRING HILL TAVERN @ THE DOLPHIN STRIKER 15 Bow St., 603-431-5222 Wed 1/25: Jeremy Lyon, 9pm12am Thu 1/26: Tim Theriault & Jamie DeCato, 9pm-12:30am Fri 1/27: The Groove Train, 9pm12:30am Sat 1/28: The Retroactivists, 9:30pm-12:30am Sun 1/29: Don Severance, 7-10pm Mon 1/30: Old School, 8pm12am Tue 1/31: Tom Yoder, 9pm-12am Seabrook CHOP SHOP RESTAURANT & PUB 920 Lafayette Rd., 603-760-7706 Wed 1/25: Reverend JJ & the Casual Sinners Thu 1/26: Tone Bone Fri 1/27: Vegas Valentinos; Radio Edit Sat 1/28: Zero Gravity; Still Breathing MASTER McGRATH’S Rte. 107, 603-474-3540 Sat 1/28: Billy Glynn PRIME TIME SPORTS BAR & GRILL primetimeseabrook 620 Lafayette Rd., 603-760-7230 Wed 1/25: Team Trivia, 8pm Thu 1/26: Karaoke & Ladies Night, 9pm Fri 1/27: Classic Invasion, 9pm Sat 1/28: Good Score, 9pm If your venue would like to be included in this calendar, or if you’d like to receive this list weekly via email, please contact us at:

January 5 - 31, 01

The Town Common

Birds In Our Neighborhood

Woodsom Farm, Amesbury: Snow Bunting, American Robin Kent Street, Newburyport: American Kestrel Main Street, Amesbury: Bald Eagle, Common Loon Scotland Road, Newbury: Wild Turkey New Hampshire Seacoast: Pacific Loon, Red-throated Loon, Common Loon, Razorbill, Canada Goose, American Black Duck, Lesser Scaup, Common Goldeneye, Hooded Merganser, Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier, Black-legged Kittiwake, Bonaparte's Gull, Iceland Gull, Snowy Owl, Horned Lark, Cape May Warbler Atkinson Street, Newburyport: American Robin, Northern Mockingbird Cherry Hill Reservoir, West Newbury: Northern Harrier Marsh Ave., Newbury: Eastern Bluebird, Northern Harrier, Short-eared Owl Tara Lane, Newton, NH: Common Raven Island Road, Essex: Great Blue Heron, White-throated Sparrow, Belted Kingfisher Manchester-by-the Sea Harbor: Bufflehead, Ring-billed Gull, Redbreasted Merganser, Common Eider, Mallard, Red-tailed Hawk

Page 11

Award Winning Restaurant

The Town Common

Penzance Road, Rockport: Peregrine Falcon Flax Pond, Lynn: Hooded Merganser, American Coot, Common Merganser, Mute Swan Jodrey State Fish Pier, Gloucester: Common Eider, Red-breasted Merganser, Peregrine Falcon, Ring-billed Gull, Herring Gull, Iceland Gull, Great Blackbacked Gull, Glaucous Gull Lake Attitash, Merrimac/Amesbury: Mute Swan, Bald Eagle, American Coot Cashman Park, Newburyport: Common Goldeneye, Bald Eagle, Redtailed Hawk, Ring-billed Gull Essex Bay, Essex: Northern Harrier, Greater Yellowlegs Clark Pond, Ipswich: American Coot, Gadwall, Mute Swan, Great Egret Patmos & Stackyard Roads, Rowley: American Bittern, Northern Harrier, Rough-legged Hawk, Short-eared Owl, Canada Goose, Great Blue Heron, Northern Harrier, Mourning Dove Argilla/Northgate/Essex Roads, Ipswich: Canada Goose, Turkey Vulture, Black-bellied Plover, Dunlin, Blue Jay, American Crow, Horned Lark, European Starling Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, Plum Island: Greater Yellowlegs, Greater Scaup, Lesser Scaup, Rock Pigeon, American Crow, Horned Lark, Black-

capped Chickadee, American Robin, Opens at 5 p.m. European Starling Bar Menu & Fine Dining Downtown Ipswich: Northern Community Mockingbird, Peregrine Falcon,The RockNorth Shore’s Largest Independent Childcare Available Newspaper Pigeon Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays Spring Lane, Newburyport: Bald Eagle, Located at the Garrison Inn Common Merganser, Dark-eyed Junco, 11 Brown Square, Newburyport Great Blue Heron Newburyport Harbor: Canada Goose, American Black Duck, Mallard, American Crow, Northern Mockingbird, Song Sparrow Various Areas on Cape Ann: Yellowbreasted Chat, Canada Goose, Mute Swan, Gadwall, Black-legged Kittiwake, Ringbilled Gull, Herring Gull, House Finch, Dog Daycare/Overnight American Goldfinch, House Sparrow County Road, Ipswich: Great Horned Dog Walking Owl, Pileated Woodpecker, Townsend's Home Visits for all pets Warbler, Sharp-shinned Hawk Crane Beach, Ipswich: American Black Wendy West Duck, White-winged Scoter, Long-tailed Pet Care Provider Duck, B Snowy Owl, Downy Woodpecker, West Newbury, MA American Crow, Horned Lark, Blackcapped Chickadee, Lapland Longspur, Snow Bunting, American Tree Sparrow This column is compiled by Sue McGrath of Newburyport Birders which offers birding educational opportunities. It's motto is: essex CouNty Dog Observe, Appreciate, Identify." "Please traiNiNg Club, iNC. report your sightings toWe newburyportbirders@ KAYAKS stock LoCAteD in or call 978-462-4785 or log on sALisburY, mA Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC to Now offeriNg... Perception - Necky PRECISION Competition Training Ocean Kayak Sunfish, Zuma, Laser with UKC / AKC Judge Canoes Ms Linda McHugh Mad River Old Town - Radisson register toDay: Rally run-thrus Fernald’s 978-463-3647 Puppy, Beginner, & 978-948-8696 • • Pre Novice Classes On the River Parker Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 info@ECDTC.nET Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 For more inFo visit us on the web: 978- 465-0312 (978) 465-0312

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January 5 - 31, 01

Continued from page 6







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add an extra special element much like our previous show at Tease Hair Salon that featured Lady Luck Burlesque. Everyone is welcome to come and partake in the light refreshments and enjoy great music that is entirely new for the seacoast. The Art itself will be on display and for sale for a two month period and all proceeds go directly to the artists. Anyone and everyone can submit to any Pop Up Portsmouth show! This particular show's drop off is on Sunday January 29th, 3pm-6pm. The submission charge is $10 for up to 5 pieces all the time (subject to available space constraints and owner has final approval of artwork). The $10 goes directly toward refreshments and promotion of the organization. Keep an eye on the facebook page http://facebook. com/popupportsmouth for future events and submission dates! -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - The Rowley Democratic Town Committee will hold a Caucus on Monday, February 13, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. in the meeting room at the Rowley Public Library, 141 Main Street, Rowley. This location is fully accessible. All registered Democrats are encouraged to attend for the purpose of electing 2 Delegates and 3 Alternates to the Democratic State Convention which will be held on June 2, 2012 in Springfield, MA. Any registered Democrat is eligible for election as Delegate without discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnic identity, economic status or disability. All Democrats are welcome and encouraged to fully participate in the Delegate selection process. If you are a registered Democrat in the town of Rowley and would like to be registered as a candidate, or if you have any questions about the Caucus, please contact Caryn Carangelo at, or (617) 548-3126. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - All are welcome to join the Rowley Public Library's book club, moderated by Rowley poet and author, Carla Panciera. This month the group will read Just Kids by Patti Smith. The winner of the National Book Award, Just Kids tells the story of the singer's life as an artist. Copies are available at the library or can be reserved at Discussion to take place Thursday, Feb. 2nd, 6:30 p.m., Community Room, Rowley Public Library, 141 Main St. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - If your 2012 goals include feeling more fit and less stressed, give this yoga class a try. Students are led through a series of stretches, strengthening and balancing postures, twists and inversions by certified yoga instructor Maura Mastrogiovanni. No registration is required, and all fitness levels are welcome. Bring a mat if you have one and wear comfortable clothes. Class meets every Wednesday evening at the Rowley Library, 141 Main St., from 5:30-7 pm. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library, cost for students is $12 or $10 for Friends members. Call 978-948-2850 for more information. -----------------------------------------------------------TOPSFIELD – Friends of the Topsfield Town Library Book Sale & Donations, Donations Accepted: February 4 – 7 Sale: February 8 – 11 Clean out your bookshelves and support your community library! Bring any books you’d like to donate to the front desk of the Topsfield Town Library, February 4 – 7. The Book Sale will be held February 8 – 11, stay tuned for more details from the Friends of the Topsfield Town Library. If you have any questions or need more details sara.kiriakos@nuance. com or 978-587-7070. -----------------------------------------------------------TRITON GRADVENTURE FUNDRAISER – Teamwork Trivia Night on Friday, March 2 hosted by DJ Ed Mullen. Doors Open at 6:30pm - Games 7pm – 11pm. Newburyport Elks, Low Street. A fun night out while raising funds for the Senior AllNight Substance Free Celebration! Grab your friends, neighbors, family members! Put together a Team – 10 People per Table / Team $25 per person. Don’t have a team?? Sign up as an individual or couple and we will place you on a team! B.Y.O.M. (Bring your own munchies)/ Cash Bar / Adults Only Email Wendy Antonucci at to reserve a table (or with questions), along with a check for $25/person made payable to “Viking Gradventure”, c/o Antonucci, 146 Daniels Road, Rowley, MA 01969. Hurry & Reserve Your Table Today!

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I’m sure you have heard that dentists are always at the top of the list for suicide, divorce, and substance abuse. I did a little research just to verify that is actually accurate….. and yup, it is. I could go into why I think that is the case, but I’ll let you ponder that one on your own. Despite the many challenges of this profession, if I could do it all over again, I would still choose to be a dentist. I didn’t decide to go to dental school until late in my senior year of college. People ask me all the time, “What in the world made you decide to look inside of mouths every day?” Believe me, I asked myself the same question when I decided to apply to dental school. It was a last minute decision. Today, I am glad I went into a profession that allows me to problem solve and can be both easy and challenging. I guess it is my approach. I see myself as an educator and a health care provider who wants to help people decide to what level

of health they wish to achieve. I have also made the conscious choice to enjoy what I do every day. When things occur that I do not enjoy, I try not to focus on the negative. It is always a work in progress. For a dentist, and for that matter anyone in any profession to be successful, they must know themselves and have standards they are able to communicate with passion and energy. One thing is very clear, behavior, with its impending results, is a choice. We make choices every minute of every day. What we choose to do with the paths presented to us is a choice. Being frustrated with your job, trying to copy others instead of discovering yourself as well as dental care is a choice. All dental care is elective. There is nothing that you have to do. That is what makes this profession the most fun and rewarding for me. A dentist who worries about how much of a particular procedure they do, or tries to sell dentistry as a commodity will become frustrated. That is why there tends to be a high burn-out rate in this profession. It should be about education. It should be about people and caring about their health. It is also about building trust with people. If any of my patients out there ever had a thought that I was trying to “sell” them something, there is an issue with trust there. I

use the car analogy often. First, you decide that you are buying a car. It is only after you decide that you are buying a car that you pick the style, the brand, and the options. It is with that information that you make a decision on what car you are buying, based on what you want and feel is right for you. I look at dentistry the same way. Dentistry combines health care, artistry, psychology and business all into one. As in any job, there are good times and not so good times. There is always room for improvement in all aspects of the profession and the options for continuing education to improve are limitless. If you, or if you have kids in high school or college who are wondering about what to do with their life, introduce the possibility of a career in dentistry. Ask your dentist if they would talk to you or them about the profession or even do mentorship. It’s a wonderful profession. Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to healthcentered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@ To view previous columns or comment, go to or

To Your Good Health By: Paul G. Donohue, M.D. to their original site through a series of movements called the Epley repositioning maneuvers. Sit on the side of a bed and bend your head to the shoulder on the side that triggers dizziness. Let's make it the right side, so you can follow the instructions. If it's the left, just change the direction. With the head turned to the right, lie down so your head projects off the other side of the bed. When dizziness stops, turn the head to the left side, with the left ear facing down. Next, roll over on your left side so the head faces down for 10 to 15 seconds. Finally, return to the sitting position with your head bent slightly down in front. You might have to repeat the procedure more than twice. If this is too confusing, have your family doctor or an ENT doctor put you through the motions. The booklet on vertigo explains the common causes of it and their treatment. To obtain a copy, write: Dr. Donohue -- No. 801W, Box 536475, Orlando, FL 328536475. Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with the recipient's printed name and address. Please allow

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The Town Comm This little sweetheart of a dog is Dori, an affectionate one year-old beagle/dachshund mix. Dori has a wonderful, easy-going personality. She enjoys being with people and she’s content to be by your side; Dori simply loves to be loved. She does well with other dogs and she would do well with children who know the proper way to treat a dog. Dori especially enjoys ‘tummy rubs’ and she isn’t shy about letting you know it.

Weekly Community Newspap

Inner Ear Often Cause of Dizziness DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I am 82 and in pretty good health except for a recent problem. During the day everything is fine, but when I lie down to go to sleep, the room starts to spin. It lasts about 10 seconds. Then if I turn my head to look at the clock, the dizziness returns. In the morning when I wake and turn my head again, the room spins. Do I have an inner-ear infection? How can this problem be fixed? -- J.C. ANSWER: Although I can't give you 100 percent assurance, I can say on solid ground that you have benign positional vertigo, BPH. Vertigo is dizziness. BPH is not an inner-ear infection. It comes on just as you have written, with a change in the position of the head -- lying down, turning to the side or looking up to a cupboard shelf. The attacks are brief but disrupting. Crystals normally found in one part of the inner ear have migrated to another part. Moving the head activates the displaced crystals, and they send a message to the brain that brings on dizziness. The inner ear is not only for hearing; it's also for balance. You can bring the crystals back

Page 13

four weeks for delivery. DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Why doesn't the heart ever get cancer? I've never seen this question asked or talked about on TV. Blood feeds tumors, so it makes sense that the heart would be a target. -- C.V. ANSWER: Tumors do arise in the heart. A somewhat-common benign tumor is a myxoma. It can disrupt the flow of blood through the heart. Malignant cancers, ones that spread and grow rapidly, also arise in the heart. They are quite rare. A rhabdomyosarcoma is a malignant tumor of heart muscle. The blood contained in the heart doesn't feed heart muscle. If it did, we'd never have heart attacks. Heart muscle is nourished by its own arteries. So are heart tumors. Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. (c) 2012 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved

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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Guess what, Lamb? You're about to experience a new perspective on a situation you long regarded quite differently. What you learn could open more opportunities later. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) The Bold Bovine is tempted to charge into a new venture. But it might be best to take things one step at a time, so that you know

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just where you are at any given point. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) It's a good time to go on that fun getaway you've been planning. You'll return refreshed, ready and, yes, even eager to tackle the new challenge that awaits you. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) The Moon Child loves to fantasize about magical happenings in the early part of the week. But the sensible Crab gets down to serious business by week's end. LEO (July 23 to August 22) What goes around comes around for those lucky Leos and Leonas whose acts of generosity could

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be repaid with opportunities to expand into new and exciting areas of interest. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Your concern about your job responsibilities is commendable. But you need to take some quiet time to share with someone who has really missed being with you. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Aspects favor getting out and meeting new people. And as a bonus, you might find that some of your newly made friends could offer important business contacts. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) You might take

January 5 - 31, 01 pride in wanting to do everything yourself. But now's a good time to ask family members to help with a demanding personal situation. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Pay more attention to the possibilities in that workplace change. It could show the way to make that longsought turn on your career path. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Your need to succeed might overwhelm obligations to your loved ones. Ease up on that workload and into some welldeserved time with family and friends. AQUARIUS (January 20 to

February 18) Love rules for amorous Aquarians who can make good use of their ability to communicate feelings. Don't be surprised if they're reciprocated in kind. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Fishing for compliments? No doubt, you probably earned them. But it's best to let others believe they were the ones who uncovered the treasure you really are. BORN THIS WEEK: Your good works flow from an open, generous heart. Nothing makes you happier than to see others happy as well. (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

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January 25 - 31, 2012

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