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What's Inside Behind the Scenes Refuge Tour Page 4 Saturday Morning Birding Page 5 Flea Market Fundraiser Page 6 Contemporary Art on Display at Rowley Library Page 12 Atria Merrimack Place Page 12
February 15 - 21, 2012 • Vol. 8, No. 15
Maple Sugaring Season
The Town Common Courtesy Photo
Eli Paullis gets his first taste of sweetness during Sparhawk School's annual Maple Sugaring Project that kicked off this February. Eli is a kindergarten student at Sparhawk School in Amesbury, MA.
Time Sensitive, Please Deliver On or Before Feb15 ‘12
The iPad Rescue Adventure
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––
BYFIELD – Bruce Truesdale was flying from a New York City-area airport to Boston on a routine business trip when he did what many fellow travelers do: he put his iPad in the seat pocket in front of him. “They are small enough that in the pocket you can't see them,” Truesdale, an executive with a large shipping company, said. When the flight landed at Logan Airport, he gathered his other things and left, leaving behind the $700 iPad his children and wife had given him last Father's Day. Truesdale was crushed. Continued on page 3
Juliet and Bruce Truesdale and the rescued IPad.
Photo by Stewart Lytle
Boys & Girls Club Goes High Tech
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– SALISBURY – When you walk in the Boys & Girls Club of Lower Merrimack Valley these days, you know this is not the old “gym and swim” clubs that the boys and girls clubs once were. Thanks to a six-figure grant from a secret donor, the club in Salisbury, which works with 90 to 100 students after school every day and on school vacations, has gone high-tech and highcontent. Playing basketball in the gym and getting help with their homework are still major parts of the program. But they now share space with drama and dance programs, scientific experiments, photography courses, computer Photo by Stewart Lytle instruction and Xbox 360 Kinect. Mark Wood, left, and Gabe Wood dance to an XBOX 360 game.
“We asked ourselves, Are we really making an impact?” said Jim Keenan, the executive director. He questioned whether the program was just offering activities for the children who come from Salisbury, Newburyport and Amesbury. He wanted to offer both activities and programs. The club survives on grants and donations. The $25 a year the students pay for the program is barely noticed in the $500,000 club budget. But with the large donation from “a good friend,” Keenan said, the club felt it could begin creating new programs. The Boys & Girls Club of America conducted a survey of the existing programs and offered
Continued on page 3
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How to Submit Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor
Jack Cook’s Rubbish Service
Sheila Mullins Asks for Your Support
Affordable Weekly Pickup and Extra Services
Clean-Out Service ~ ~ Fall Clean-Out 84 Main St., Rowley, MA 978-948-7228 Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common
Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to:
TOWN OF ROWLEY COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Rowley Community Preservation Committee will hold a public hearing regarding requests for funding in accordance with the requirements of the Community Act, M.G.L. Chapter 44B, Section 5 (b) (1). The purpose of the public hearing is to discuss, with the community, the payment of 2012 bills. The Public Hearing will be held on Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 7:30 pm in the Rowley Town Library at which time all requests will be given due consideration.
Town Common
Frank P. Todd Chairman
February 15 - 21, 2012
The Town Common Courtesy Photo
Sheila Mullins, Candidate for Republican State Committee Dear Editor and readers, I am Sheila Mullins, I live in Newburyport, and I am running for an office that you may not have ever heard of and frankly up until a couple of years ago, neither had I. I am running for Republican State Committee in the First Essex district which is the State Senatorial district that is currently being served by Steven Baddour. The big questions are: 1. What is the State Committee and what do they do; 2. Why should I care; and 3. Who are you, Sheila? The role of the Republican State Committee is to act as a liaison between the city/town committees and the national GOP. They are responsible for the monetary distribution to candidates that is donated to the MA GOP. The job of the State Committee is also to help grow the Republican Party in
Massachusetts, help Republicans be elected, and assist city and town committees with training, support, etc. We all know that Massachusetts is, by and large, a one party state and that this imbalance has not been good for we the beleaguered Taxpayers. Without more Republicans and others who seek a constitutionally compliant government (as in limited government), we will continue to get more of the same: excessive regulations that kill businesses, job growth, and hamstring small companies; ever-increasing taxes; a government that sees its employers (meaning the Taxpayers) as its own ATM; fewer services for American citizens, but more cost to the same; and the like. This is NOT the direction that I think is beneficial to anyone living, working, and paying taxes in Massachusetts. These are some of the reasons why you should care. Then the question still not answered is who am I? I am a member of the Newburyport Republican Committee and former Treasurer during the time that Larry Giunta was Chair. I just completed my term as the Clerk of the Newburyport Charter Commission (my only elected office). I have spent a number of years in Newburyport doing what I can to help make my adopted hometown a better place. I am a Friend, member, and volunteer at the Custom House Maritime Museum; a
The Town C
The Editor c/o The Town Common Pursuant to M.G.L., Ch. 40A, S5, the Rowley Planning Board will hold a public hearing 77 Wethersfield St. on proposals to amend the Zoning District Map of the Town of Rowley (“the Map”) and the Rowley Protective Zoning Bylaw (“the Bylaw”). The Board is proposing to amend Rowley, MA 01969 the Map by transferring a portion of Lot 34 on Rowley Assessor’s Map 14 from the or via e-mail to: P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 Business/Light Industry District to the Retail District. The Board is proposing to amend editor@thetowncommon.com. the Bylaw by: (1) revising sections 4.2.3 (a) and 4.6.2 (a) of the Bylaw to allow small
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advertise@thetowncommon.com and medium retail sales establishments to include areas for outdoor retail display, subject The Town Common deadline to a limitation on the maximum size of such areas; (2) revising the criteria under section is 5pm Wednesday (except when 6.6 for the approval of accessory in-law apartments; and (3) repealing section 8.5 (“New a federal holiday necessitates an Single Family Dwelling Limitation”). earlier deadline).
yport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley
The public hearing will be held on Wednesday, February 29, 2012, at 7:30 p.m., at the Town Hall Annex, 39 Central St., Rowley, MA. At this time, all interested parties will be heard. The text of the proposed bylaw amendments, and a map showing the portion of Lot 34 that would be transferred from the Building/Light Industry District to the Retail District, may be inspected at the Planning Board office at the aforesaid address, during regular business hours. Curtis H. Bryant Chairman, Rowley Planning Board
Notice is hereby given by Simmie’s Towing 16 Main Street Salisbury, MA, pursuant to the provisions of G.L c. 255, Section 39A, that they will sell the following vehicles on or after February 24, 2012 by private sale to satisfy their garage keeper’s lien for towing, storage, and notices of sale: 1.2004 Buick Century VIN # 2G4WS52J641219915 2.2000 Toyota 4-Runner VIN # JT3HN86R8Y0280646 Signed Robert A. Carbone President, JJED Corporation
Weekly Community Newspaper wburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plumchart Island, & Rowley tide Weekly Community Newspaper Merrimack River Entrance Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfi o o eld, Plum Island, & Rowley
The Town Common Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor editor@thetowncommon.com Graphic Design Services graphics@thetowncommon.com
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We stock Event and Announcement Submissions events@thetowncommon.com OM-PAC 77 Wethersfield Street Rowley, MA 01969-1713 ECISION Phone: (978) 948-8696 Fax: (978) 948-2564 , Zuma, Laser www.thetowncommon.com SAILBOATS
42 49’N 070 49’W FEBRUARY DATE HIGH LOW 15 Wed 5:03 8.57 5:49 7.37 12:13 -0.08 xx xx 16 Thurs 6:11 8.42 7:01 7.27 12:28 0.51 1:24 0.01 17 Fri 7:21 8.40 8:10 7.38 1:38 0.62 2:33 -0.07 18 Sat 8:28 8.51 9:11 7.64 2:46 0.52 3:35 -0.25 19 Sun 9:27 8.68 10:05 7.93 3:48 0.29 4:30 -0.45 KAYAKS 20 Mon 10:19 8.81 10:52 8.17 4:43 0.03 5:18 -0.58 Wilderness Systems Town 11:35 8.31 5:31 -0.16 6:02 -0.59 21 Tues 11:07- Old 8.84 Perception - Necky 22 Wed 11:49 8.75 xx xx 6:16 -0.26 6:42 -0.50 Ocean Kayak 23 Thurs 12:14 8.36 12:30 8.56 6:58 -0.25 7:19 -0.30 Canoes
SUN 6:41 5:14 6:40 5:15 6:38 5:16 6:37 5:18 6:35 5:19 6:34 5:20 6:32 5:22 6:31 5:23 6:29 5:24
Rangers - Old Town - Radisson KAYAKS Fernald’s Wilderness Systems - Old Town Perception - Necky SAILBOATSOn the River Parker Ocean Kayak Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 Canoes Copyright 2004-2012 The Town Common© - All Rights Reserved KAYAKS We stock 465-0312 In loving memory of (978) 465-0312 Mad River - Old Town - Radisson Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify The Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. All material and content cannot be duplicated without written consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or edit any copy offered for publication.
We stock COM-PAC wbury,PRECISION MA 01951 Sunfish, Zuma, Laser
Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005) FERNALD’S PRECISION
. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951
978- 465-0312
Sunfish, Zuma, Laser
Fernald’s On the River Parker Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 (978) 465-0312
Perception - Necky Ocean Kayak Canoes Rangers - Old Town - Radisson
I thank you in advance. Sheila Mullins, Candidate for Republican State Committee
Weekly Community LEGAL NOTICE
e Town Common The Town Common The Town Common
serves the communities of the Upper North Shore of Mass. & Coastal New Hampshire and welcomes your participation. Send your Organization or Group Notices, Birth or Engagement Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969 Phone: 978-948-8696 Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail: news@thetowncommon.com
founder, former Treasurer, former Secretary, and current chair of the Captain Courageous Fund of the Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society among other things. I have been politically active working on campaigns in Newburyport since the late 1980’s and I ran for City Council at-large in 2003. Obviously, then the follow up questions are why are you running, and why are you asking for my vote (and your help as well). Well, see two paragraphs ago for starters! But seriously, I’ve been to a lot of RTC and RCC meetings; I’ve seen good things done and some things that could be done better; I know as Republicans we can do better! We have the can-do attitude and we are not afraid of hard work! Do I have all the answers? Of course not, but I know what has worked, I have ideas of what to do, and I’m not afraid to work hard! I am asking for your vote during the Presidential primary election on March 6th. I cannot win this on my own, it will take a lot of help and I’m asking you for your help. If you want to find out more about me, please visit www.sheilamullins.com where you can also find all my contact information.
GRAF RINK Learn to Skate GRAF RINK NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR ITS LEARN TO SKATE & TINY TOTS PROGRAMS Space is limited. All classes are taught by professional coaches who have been hired by North Shore Rink Management. Please contact the rink at (978) 462-8112 or visit their website at www.grafrink.com for more information. Graf Skating Rink, 28 Low St. Newburyport 978.462.8112
The Town of Rowley, Massachusetts is selling a historic house and barn on 6.96 acres (+/-), through a request for proposals. Appraised price is $285,000. House is 3,3000 +/- square feet and antique barn is 4,300 +/- square feet. RFP packets are available in the Selectman’s Office, Town Hall, 139 Main St, Rowley or online at, www.townofrowley.net. For more information call Rowley Town Administrator at 978-948-2705.
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The Town Common
77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969
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February 15 - 21, 2012 Continued from page 1
Boys & Girls Club Goes High Tech
some suggestions. Many of those ideas are now becoming reality. With three full-time and 12 part-time staff members, the club began to expand its programs. On a stage by the gym, the Interactive Zone has three large-screen TVs mounted on the wall. The Xbox 360 offers about 15 different games, all of which keep the students active and improve their physical and mental skills. Last week, students were busy doing the Wipe Out Challenge and dancing to another program. Across the hall, a couple of dozen students were conducting science experiments. Last week Continued from page 1
they were building their own experiment in the Steady Hand Game. The science program helps the students learn through hands-on life, physical and earth science experiments. Other students were working on Mac computers that were more advanced than many schools and fewer households in the area have. Further down the hall, a room is being readied for a photography class that will be rolled out during the February school vacation. The club just completed a drama production of the “Wizard of Oz” where 50 club members participated either as actors or set designers. Almost
300 people came to see the two performances. In two weeks, the drama program is preparing to do a series of 15-minutes skits. In coming months, the club will offer a digital arts program that allows the club members to produce their own movies and music. The club also offers math tutorials and an anti-bullying course. “We are giving them skills that they can use outside the club. They will be better off for it,” Keenan said. “We're excited.” To enroll in the Boys & Girls Club, call 978-462-7003 or visit www.bgclmv.org.
iPad. Together they began what might be called the iPad Rescue Adventure. They turned on their computer and went to an iPad application, called mobileme.If you search mobileme, you will discover that it is being phased out in favor of a more robust service, ICloud. However, until summer, mobileme still works for those already enrolled. The Truesdales did not know if his iPad was enrolled in mobileme, but it was worth a try. Together they typed in his identification and password and suddenly on the screen popped up a map. Looking closer, they saw a green dot on a house. “What does that mean?” he wondered out loud. He clicked the zoom in button and the house grew larger. When he zoomed out, he realized the house, where his iPad may be being held hostage, was in a small town in Maine, about 30 minutes away. He called the police department there and told the person who answered the phone he suspected that someone who worked for the airline had found his iPad and taken it home or given it to someone who lived in the house with the green dot. Truesdale was told he needed to come in and file a complaint. It was a nice day for a drive in his new Mini Cooper, so he got on I-95 and drove north. Soon he was in the police department, which is in the basement of the town hall, sitting across from a burly officer, who wanted to hear all about the iPad and how it had been tracked. Truesdale, who follows the news closely, wondered if there
was anything the police could do in light of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling Jan. 23 that said attaching a Global Positioning Satellite tracking device to a car amounted to a police search. Under the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, police are now required to seek warrants if they install a tracking device. Maine is, after all, across two state lines and thus a federal issue,Truesdale thought. The police officer did not seem overly concerned about what the nine robed men and women in Washington, D.C., thought about tracking criminals. He turned on his computer and asked Truesdale to show him the house with the green dot. Truesdale also described the iPad with its distinctive crack and the photo of him, his brother and sister that was his screen saver. “I think I know who lives there,” the officer told Truesdale. By the time Truesdale got back to a grocery store in Newburyport to do his Super Bowl shopping, he got a call from the officer, telling him that the iPad had been rescued. Would he like to pick it up? The details of the rescue are being held on a need-to-know basis, but Truesdale believes his iPad was stolen by an airline employee, who lives in the house in Maine. The Maine police are not pressing charges because the theft occurred in Massachusetts. The officer's advice: turn the matter over to the Massachusetts state police and notify the airline about the theft by one of its unnamed employees. Truesdale is weighing his next step.
The iPad Rescue Adventure
He called the airline and was routed to its Lost and Found office in Texas where he was told one woman was handling the items recovered from planes and she was still working on stuff left behind during the Christmas holidays. “What was the chance I would ever see my iPad again?” he thought. Frustrated and disappointed, Truesdale picked up a Sunday newspaper and read an article about several federal TSA workers who had been caught stealing money, jewelry and iPads as travelers passed through the screening process. Three items in the story caught his attention: An agent who worked searching checked luggage at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport was suspended after the owner of a stolen iPad used the tracking feature on the device to locate it at the agent's home. Police found seven other iPads there. Authorities charged an agent at Miami International Airport with swiping items and luggage and smuggling them out of the airport in a hidden pocket of his work jacket. He was arrested after one of the items, an iPad, was spotted for sale on Craigslist. Another TSA employee was arrested in July at nearby Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport after an airline employee reported that a fellow employee had slipped an iPad into his pants. Truesdale turned to his 12year-old daughter, Juliet, a student at Newbury Elementary School, and asked if she had installed a tracking device on his
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February 15 - 21, 2012
Carpentry Construction, incNewspaper To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail: events@thetowncommon.com The Region’s Largest Independent Community . complete carpentry service . Additions . Kitchen and Bathroom remodeling . decks & Porches . renovations . drywall
ADULT BOOK DISCUSSION Classified Ads Wed. Feb 15 from 6:45-8pm,
Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $4. Preregistration is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www.massaudubon.org/ joppaflats.
WEDNESDAY MORNING Book Selection: Son of a Witch by BIRDING ON CAPE ANN Gregory Maguire. Books are available at Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director the library. All are welcome. My Healthy Bill Gette and USFWS veteran David Valentine, Langley-Adams Library, 185 Call Direct Community Calendar Continues . . . Weaver to see the magnificent winter Main St, Groveland 978-360-0477 978-372-1732 seabirds and ducks around Gloucester http://www.langleyadamslib.org licensed & insured THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16th Office: 978-356-5563 and Rockport. Appropriate for all birding levels. Wednesday, February 15, LECTURE AND DISCUSSION ON HOMESCHOOL FIELD TRIP: IN 9:30 am - 12:30 pm. Meet in Gloucester ECONOMIC JUSTICE SEARCH OF BALD EAGLES at the Friendly’s restaurant at the first "Documentaries and Discussion" Monthly focus topics for traffic circle on Route 128. Fee: $17. presents an organizational meeting for homeschoolers, ages 7 to 12, each with Preregistration is not required. Call Move to Amend (MTA) and a follow-up an on-site study session and an exciting 978-462-9998 for information about to last month’s meeting about Lawrence field trip. Teacher: Lisa Hutchings. additional programs and events, or visit Lessig (author of “Republic, Lost?”), the Thursday, February 16, 12:30 – 3:00 the Web site at www.massaudubon.org/ OWS movement, and efforts to combat pm. Meet at the Joppa Flats Education joppaflats. the overweening influence in the U.S. Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, electoral process by corporations made Newburyport. $18. Preregistration RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Specializing in: We Safely Clean: AFTERSCHOOL AT JOPPA: possible by the U.S. Supreme Court is required. Call 978-462-9998 for • Homes • Orientals ENDANGERED SPECIES ALERT! decision in Citizens United V. FEC. information about additional programs • Offices (Cleaned On-site) Children in grades 1 to 4 are John Hill will attend as a representative and events, or visit the Web site at www. • Boats • Cottons invited to engage in wildlife learning of leadership in MTA to help us draft massaudubon.org/joppaflats. • Mobiles Homes • Wools experiences with a different theme resolutions for cities, towns, and State, • Automobiles • Fabrics each week. Come for one or sign up as well as petitions to go to Congress. “BEHIND THE SCENES” REFUGE • Stain Removal A U T H O R I Z E D LOW MOISTURE CLEANING for the series. Last session. Wednesday, A short video clip featuring Bill TOUR A S S O C I A T E February 15, 3:30-5:00 pm, Meet at Moyers’ endorsement of MTA will Held on the following days: Fully Insured Free Estimates We will hear from Thursday; February 16th at 1:00 pm the Joppa Flats Education Center, One be shown. Call Today Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. representatives of the various churches and Wednesday, February 29th at 9:30 P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 $16. Preregistration is required. Call in the Merrimack Valley Consortium am. Join a refuge ranger for a behind advertise@thetowncommon.com 978-462-9998 for information about plus other groups, giving us hopefully the scenes tour of Parker River National additional programs and events, or visit a perspective on action being taken Wildlife Refuge. Tour will be conducted LOU@EGBLIVE.COM WWW.T4HCCLEAN.COM the Web site at www.massaudubon.org/ throughout our region. We look forward via refuge van, with several brief “drive with anticipation for this opportunity by” stops along the way. The tour will joppaflats. to promote economic justice within our present an “up close and personal” look ranks, and in U.S. society and culture at the refuge through the multiple lenses TEEN ADVISORY BOARD more broadly. Wednesday, February 15, of the cultural history of Plum Island MEETING Café & Lounge The Newburyport Public Library 2012 at 7pm, First Religious Society, and the Great Marsh, native wildlife ALL YOU CAN EAT invites teens in grades 7 through 12 to lower meetinghouse, 26 Pleasant St, and their habitats, and the role of refuge Breakfast Buffet make your voice heard at our monthly Newburyport (978) 465-0602. Free and management in the conservation of these Saturdays & Sundays ~ 8:30am to 1pm precious natural resources. Participants Only $8.99! Teen Advisory Board Meeting on open to the public Buy one and get $ .00 off the second buffet will visit areas on the refuge otherwise Wednesday, February 15 from 4:30 closed to the public. This guided two to 5:30pm in the Teen Loft. Sign up WEDNESDAY EVENING ALL YOU Homes -CAN offices EAT hour program is most appropriate for Fish Fry commercial/residential here: http://www.newburyportpl.org/ LECTURE (Fresh Haddock) fully insured/free estimates Ipswich Museum, 54 South Main adults. Binoculars and/or a camera are events/02-2012 Every Friday ~ All Day starting @ Noon Deep Cleaned and Dry in 1 Hour Street, Ipswich will host a Wednesday recommended but not required. Meet Only Specializing$11.99! in Hard to Clean & Evening Lecture on February 15 at the ranger in the lobby of the refuge Dry Clean Only Fabrics FAREWELL PARTY HOBO’s Café & Lounge 5 Broadway, Salisbury, MA www. hobo-café.com 978-465-46 6 Children of all ages and their parents 7:30 pm entitled “Sex in the 17th visitor center. Each session is limited to are invited to the Newbury Town Library Century.” Salem Museum’s Curator of 10 participants. Advance registration is on Wednesday, Feb. 15, from 5-7pm, Education, Mary-Ellen Smiley, takes required for this program, as enrollment WWW.T4HCCLEAN.COM to wish their children's librarian, Mrs. a look at the Puritans and their views is limited. Be advised that individual Laurie Collins, a reluctant farewell. She on sexuality. You might be surprised! tours may be subject to cancellation. is leaving Newbury for her new post as Refreshments will be served following children's librarian in Ipswich, effective the lecture. The First National Bank LEGALLY BLONDE Neverland Theatre presents Legally Feb. 21. There will be tears all around. of Ipswich generously sponsors the Museum’s Wednesday Evening Lecture Blonde February 16 at 7pm, February Mrs. Collins joined the Newbury Town Series. For more information, visit www. 18 at 7pm, February 19 at 1pm and Library 12 years ago in May, immediately ipswichmuseum.org or call 978-356- 6pm, February 20 at 7pm at the Temple establishing great relationships with the 2811. Cost: $10 for non-members; free B'nai Abraham Theater, 200 E. Lothrop children. Her story hours are legendary. to members. St., Beverly, MA. Tickets: $15 - 20. "The children will miss her very much," For tickets visit www.neverlandtheatre. said library trustee Lois Smith, "but WEDNESDAY EVENING com or call 978 500-8832. Wheelchair their mothers will miss her even more." LECTURE: STATE OF THE BIRDS Accessible. Victor Dyer, director of the Ipswich – DOCUMENTING CHANGES IN Library, said, "We are delighted to MASSACHUSETTS’ BIRDLIFE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17th welcome Laurie to Ipswich. Our former Joppa Flats education coordinator children's librarian is retiring after 30 Dave Larson reports on Mass Audubon’s BASIC BUSINESS BOOKKEEPING years. We look forward to Laurie joining findings. Wednesday, February 15, February 17 - Danvers, Tom us." Refreshments will be served at the 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm. Meet at the Joppa Knowlton, of Compass Business farewell festivities in Newbury. Flats Education Center, One Plum Solutions, will speak at the North
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February 15 - 21, 2012 Shore Business Forum on February 17 on Business Bookkeeping. The North Shore Business Forum meets at 7:30am at the Danversport Yacht Club, Rt. 62 East, Danvers, MA. The $10 admission fee include a continental breakfast and pre-registration is not required. For more info - www.nsbforum.org MEMOIR WRITING FOR EVERYONE The Stories of Your Life & Times Starts Friday, February 17th at 10am. Remember your first date or haircut when you were a kid? Or what Salisbury was like when you first moved here? A favorite tradition you are now continuing? There are so many stories in our lives. All you need for this course is pen and paper. No experience with writing needed. We will spend time talking about our stories and take time to write about them. This course will meet for 6 sessions for 90 minutes each with Jeannie Martin, Ed. E. FREE. Hilton Senior Center 43 Lafayette Rd Salisbury is open to all and presents the following opportunities. To register or for more information call the Hilton Center at 978-462-2412. COMPUTER CLASSES Every Friday from 10:30am-1pm, Do you need help downloading a book to your new e-Reader? Having trouble setting up a new email account? Call Sharon Archambault at the library and set up an appointment for computer help today! Langley-Adams Library, 185 Main St, Groveland 978-372-1732 http://www.langleyadamslib.org TAROT CARD READER, MEDIUM, CHANNELLER Questions about money, love, career or your life's purpose? Friday, February 17th. Carol Hutchins will be doing readings from 11AM -3PM, which start at $20.00 for 15 minutes at The Herbal Path 599 Lafayette Rd., Portsmouth, NH. Call her for an appointment at 207-324-6077 or just drop by. www.healingwindssite.com FISH FRY Women of the Moose Fish Fry on Friday ~ February 17, 2012, 6 to 8 pm, $8 per person Moose Lodge, 34 Broad St, Merrimac. Menu - fried fish, french fries, onion rings, cole slaw, roll, dessert & beverage MARDI GRAS A Mardi Gras Celebration, featuring 2012 Grammy nominated Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys will be held on Friday, February 17, 2012 at 8:00PM at Belleville Congrregational Church, 300 High Street, Newburyport. Concert tickets are $20 in advance/$25 day of show/ children 12 and under $10. A Cajun dinner, catered by Karen Kelly Dardinski of Newburyport, will be held from 6:00-7:30PM. Dinner tickets are priced at $15. Advance purchase of dinner tickets is required. Additional beverages and desserts will, also, be
available. For more information, email: Merrimack River which provides bellevilleconcerts@gmail.com or visit: perfect, winter habitat for these majestic www.bellevillechurch.org/concerts.php. birds. These spectacular birds soar high over the water and then stoop to secure ACTOR’S STUDIO prey with their sharp talons. We'll visit Last summer at Bluefish Cove, Bald Eagle habitat along the lower written by Jane Chambers, Directed Merrimack River. Dress in layers for by Marc Clopton, performed by an outdoor weather, including waterproof eight women ensemble. The Actor's boots, wool socks, hat and gloves. This Studio of Newburyport at the Tannery program will be conducted outside in Newburyport. February 17, 18, 19, along the river's edge. 24, 25, 26. Friday & Saturday shows at 8:00pm Sundays at 5:00pm Tickets EAT YOUR PROBIOTICS: LACTO$18/$15 seniors & students order here: FERMENTATION http://bit.ly/sNSKGL Drink & eat your probiotics, which promote good flora, help us to SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18th resist infection & keep our immune system healthy. Learn how to ferment SATURDAY MORNING BIRDING your foods at home. Saturday, February Weekly trip with experienced 18th At The Herbal Path 599 Lafayette leaders in a search for avian activity in Rd., Portsmouth, NH. 2:00-4:00PM the Newburyport/Plum Island area. For $25.00. Given by Julie McElhaney, beginners and birders of all skill levels. Nutritionist. To register or for more Saturday, February 18, 9:30–11:30 information contact her at: 603-969am. Meet at Joppa Flats Education 6836. julie@nutritionrestoration.com. Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, www.nutritionrestoration.com Newburyport. Adults $10; Children ages 8 and up $7. Preregistration is OWLS OF THE SALT MARSHES not required. Call 978-462-9998 for AND FORESTS information about additional programs Search for diurnal and nocturnal and events, or visit the Web site at www. owls in the Newbury/Rowley area, with massaudubon.org/joppaflats. a dinner and lecture break between afternoon and evening. Saturday, THE WONDER AND THE WOW: February 18, 4:30-10:30 pm Meet at BALD EAGLES ALONG THE the Joppa Flats Education Center, One MERRIMACK RIVER Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Family educator Lisa Hutchings $48. Preregistration is required. Call takes adults only outside to discover the 978-462-9998 for information about wonderful world of bald eagles. Saturday, additional programs and events, or visit February 18, 1:00-3:30 pm. Meet at the Web site at www.massaudubon.org/ the Joppa Flats Education Center, One joppaflats. Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $17. Preregistration is required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about JAMES KEELAGHAN CONCERT Juno award winner (Canada’s additional programs and events, or visit Grammy) James Keelaghan performs the Web site at www.massaudubon.org/ at the New Moon Coffeehouse on joppaflats. Saturday February 18th at 8:00 pm. Berklee graduate Lindsay Straw opens BIRDING CLASSES AT LOCAL the concert. The coffeehouse is located COMMUNITY COLLEGES Bald Eagles and The Lower in the Unitarian Universalist Church, 16 Merrimack River North Shore Ashland St, Haverhill MA. Admission Community College Instructor: Sue to the show is $20; $10 for those ages McGrath Saturday, February 18, 18 and under. Keelaghan is a masterful 2012 – 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm For more storyteller, poet laureate of folk and roots Continued on page 8 information and to register, please contact North Shore Community College at 978-236-1200. The Bald Eagle is one of our national symbols. Each winter, Bald Eagles from northern New England move south to the lower
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will be holding a Solar Training course on March 5th thru 9th. This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of solar technologies. The course provides hands-on training exercises and labs. Students will gain a thorough understanding of the tools used to complete site evaluations, perform necessary measurements and calculations required to complete a fully functional solar PV system installation. Price of the course is $1595.00. Sign up soon the class holds 16 students. This course is the first step towards NABCEP certification.
Letters To TheFebruary Editor 15 - 21, 2012
Community Announcements AMESBURY - The Trustees, Amesbury Health Care Charitable Trust is pleased to announce they have recently published a new Resource booklet. Community resources are listed in this booklet to services infants to seniors in Amesbury. This booklet was published with the assistances of the Amesbury Council on Aging, University of Massachusetts, Lowell and Northern Essex Community College Intern Students. This booklet is available at the Senior Center as well on the Amesbury Town web page www.amesbuyrma.gov. You may also request that a booklet be mailed to by sending a written request to Amesbury Health care Charitable Trust, PO BOX 463, Amesbury, Ma 01913 -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - Acadian History and Genealogy - Lucie LeBlanc Consentino is a leading Acadian genealogist. She will present a workshop at the Amesbury Public Library on Saturday, April, 28 at 2:00 p.m. Her web site, Acadian & French-Canadian Ancestral Home (www.acadian-home.org), is widely regarded as providing reliable, original, and comprehensive genealogical data. She has published in several Acadian and French-Canadian genealogy journals and speaks regularly at events in the U.S. and Canada. She was a speaker at two events during the Congrès Mondial Acadien 2004 (World Congress of Acadians) in Nova For Sale Scotia and one event in 2009 in Northern New Brunswick. She was honored to give the • keynote address at the Commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of the Deportation of the Acadians in Boston, Massachusetts on City Hall Plaza. Registration is required. To register please go to www.amesburylibrary.org or contact Margie at 978-388-8148 or mwalker@mvlc.org -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - The Market Street Baptist Church, 37 Market Street, Amesbury, MA is holding a Flea Market Fundraiser on Saturday, March 3rd from 9:00 am - 12 noon in the hall at the•front of the church building.•To researve a six foot table for $20 please call the church office at 978-388-0930 or email msbcsec@verizon.net. The event will be cancelled only if a storm hits. Proceeds will be to fund the summer mission trips.We hope you will join us for a fun day of making new friends as well as earning money. Set -up will begin at 7:00 am at the front door. -----------------------------------------------------------GROVELAND – Kid’s Day of Art and Prayer, St. James Episcopal Church Groveland, During School Vacation, Second through Sixth Graders, February 22nd 9:30 am to 12:30pm. The first 15 children to sign up for a children's workshop lead by Ingrid Sanborn and The Rev. Marya Decarlen will have fun!! After sharing about Lenten prayers there will be time to be creative with colored charcoal and to pray in color. The drawings will be made into a quilt-like form for display in the Church during Lent with an explanation about why the children chose to draw their specific prayer. The cost is $7 per child (including pizza lunch). Enroll by calling St. James Episcopal Church, 978 373-1270. Limit: 15 children. SJ Address: 119 Washington St., Groveland, MA 01834 -----------------------------------------------------------GROVELAND - Tiny Tots Story Time (birth- 2 years)- Tuesdays @ 10:15am- No registration required. Spring Session 1: Week of 2/27- 4/2.; Bookworms Story Time (ages 3-5)- Tuesdays @ 1pm- No registration required. Spring Session 1: Week of 2/274/2.; Read & Rhyme Story Time (ages 2-5)- Thursdays @ 10:15am- No registration required. Spring Session 1: Week of 2/274/2.; Family Fun Story Time (all ages)- Thursdays @ 1pm- No registration required. Spring Session 1: Week of 2/27- 4/2. Teddy Bear Story Time (all ages)- The fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm- No registration required. Rhythm & Rhyme Sensory Story Time (ages 2-5)- Saturdays 1/28 & 3/14 both @ 10:30am- No registration required. This story time, which is open to all children ages 2-5, is especially geared to children with sensory integration issues.; Reading with Hawke (grades K3)- Fridays 2/3 & 3/2 both @ 3:30pm- Please call the library to register (978-372-1732). You must register for each program separately. February Make & Take Craft (all ages)- Fri. 2/10 from 10am-5pm- No registration required. Candy Sushi Making
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Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness
Continued on page 9
ROWLEY GRANGE NOTES… While Grange has it roots Focus: Grange & Community in agriculture, Granges in This month’s focus is on our Massachusetts take interest organization, The Grange. At in community service as well the Northeast Leadership as agriculture. Conference recently held in Rowley Grange recently Connecticut, Carmen Brickner presented 4 students with of CLEARbrick Inc. spoke. scholarship monies after CLEARbrick is a consulting and their first semester at training firm founded on a college. All are doing singular belief – the founexceptionally well with dation to any organization’s outstanding grades. Over the success is its ability to develop last 10 years, Rowley Grange the leadership capabilities of has given over $40,000 from its people. In her opening the Sarah Wallis Peabody presentation she told the Scholarship Fund. This fund audience that Grange is the was started with a gift from best kept secret going. her estate. Grange is a family oriented This Grange year has been organization that has a number a busy one for members of of qualities. Rowley Grange. Three of our P: 978-948-8696 978-948-2564 Members come from all • F: members are active in the walks of advertise@thetowncommon.com life. The organization Massachusetts State Grange develops leadership skills, and with Ann Prest as the Editor provides mentors and role of the State Grange News, Liz models for young adults. We Clogston as a Deputy to the have perhaps the most State Master (President) and outstanding community service Allan Gaspar is a member of program at the local levels. the Veterans Committee. You can always find fellowship The State Grange News can and good food at a Grange be viewed online by going to meeting. Grange, is www.massgrange.org and nonpartisan, but has legislative clicking on the News icon at interests. Grangers are the bottom of the page. The volunteers, interested in State Grange News contains education, and the information from Granges all organization fosters respect for over the state. our country.
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Rowley Grange helps the community – won’t you join us? Rowley Grange, 29 Central St., P.O. Box 49, Rowley, MA 01969 Hall phone: 978-948-7288
Librarian Speaks At the last meeting of Rowley Grange, our guest speaker was Rowley Librarian, Pam Jacobson. Pam told members how the library is a full service library and has many things going on, using computer lessons as an example. There are several groups that meet there and classes are held there too. The library is open 40 hours a week and is considered a full time facility, that serves over 3500 people. Today’s libraries aren’t just about books anymore. You can find videos, music CDs, computers for use, and passes for some museums. Ebooks are also available at libraries. Rowley Grange is proud to be a friend of the library. Rowley Grange will have 2 more meetings at the library and then we will be opening up the Grange Hall for our first supper of 2012 on March 28th. Turkey Pie tops the menu. Reservations may be made by calling 978-948-2635 or 978948-7288.
UPCOMING EVENTS March 7th – Program on Herrick Farm. Meeting at 7:30 at Library March 21st – Program to be announced Meeting at 7:30 at Library Next Grange supper is: 4th Wednesday in March March 28th, 2012 SUPPER NOTES: Reservations are encouraged. Call 978-948-2635 or 978948-7288. Give your name, the number in your party and the time of seating. To go dinners are also available. Reservations provide a $1 off your supper donation.
This is the official trademarked emblem of the Grange. The Grange name has been trademarked since 1867.
The Grange is open to the public and not a secret organization as some people believe it to be. We are community oriented and present programs that are interesting, educational, and a lot of fun, with stories, plays and lectures. Our meetings are sort of like a fun family get together. We invite anyone who is curious about Rowley Grange to attend a meeting. We’d love to have you as our guest!
February 15 - 21, 2012 For Sale
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Stages • Sports • Sports Sports By John McCarthy, Rowley Realty I was watching a movie the other night; don’t remember the name and the stages of grief someone goes through when a loved one passes was mentioned (not exactly a laugh a minute movie). When these stages were explained by the psychologist I thought they sounded eerily familiar to what a seller in a down market goes through. Psychologists talk about the five psychological stages of grief. These stages do take place in other difficult situations like divorce or even real estate. By understanding these stages in advance, before you put your home up for sale, you can better deal with the realities of selling in this market. Knowing the stages now will help you identify where you are on the scale and help you move toward getting your home SOLD! Here are the stages mentioned by the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (she wrote a famous book on it): DENIAL The first stage. This stage was in full force 4 or 5 years ago when although the market was weakening there were arguments that it was still strong. Evidence was proving that homes were selling for less but this isn’t what sellers wanted to hear so they went into denial. Everyone, unless they have been living under a rock, knows that homes are selling for less. When I meet with sellers today most know that their home is worth less than what it was in the past. However, some sellers are still in denial. When bringing up a comparable home that fits nicely with the seller’s home I still hear things like “my house is much nicer than that one that just sold since I put a new welcome mat out front and I just bought a new toilet seat”. Um, no. Overcoming denial is the first phase in what you have
to go through when you put your home on the market. My job is to sell your home, not tell you what you want to hear (“yes that new bedspread makes your home much more valuable.”) I am giving you objective advice based on what the market of sold, for sale and under agreement homes have shown me. ANGER Now you are mad. “We should have sold years ago!!! We shouldn’t have bought this house!!!” You are upset at the market, the money you owe on the home, the faults with the home and maybe even your REALTOR® for telling you what your home is worth. All that is fine but you need to move past it as you can’t change the market you can only work within it. BARGAINING This isn’t the bargaining you do when you get an offer, it is more in the way of bargaining in psychological terms. For example, one of the ways you can bargain with yourself is by realizing that although your home will be selling for “less” than what you want you can buy a better home that you wouldn’t have been able to in a hot market. It is all relative. You couldn’t buy a 4 bedroom home 5 years ago as you couldn’t afford it. Now you may be able to. There will certainly be some bargaining later on when we get an offer for your home but for now the bargaining takes place in your mind…do we want to sell or do we stay put? DEPRESSION Now you’re feeling down. Your bargaining and anger have subsided and although you are pressing forward with the sale you are not optimistic. You know now that you haven’t created any equity, you didn’t make the money you always
hoped when you bought and your goal of retiring on a huge nest egg at 35 isn’t happening. Take some solace in knowing that there are a lot of people experiencing this, and many of them have been hit a lot harder than you may have been. Also realize that if this is your first home sale and subsequent purchase you will probably be on the cusp of a rising market. If this is your last sale and you bought your home more than 10 years ago you probably made money. If it was longer than that you more than likely made a lot of money. ACCEPTANCE This is the stage we are trying to go to--an acceptance of the real estate market. You accept that you are not “giving the house away.” Accept that you may have to do some more work (paint, flooring, etc.) to get less than what you would have even a few years ago. You will have to accept that you may not get the price you want. Sorry, it is nobody’s fault, just the way the market has gone. One thing that is easy to accept is that once your home does sell and you move forward to purchase a new home that you will be on the other side of the market as a buyer. If you aren’t getting what you wanted on your sale then you should be able to make it up on the purchasing end. A good REALTOR® can navigate you though these five stages to what will hopefully be a 6th stage…Happiness. If you have any questions about this article, real estate in general or are looking to buy or sell a home please contact me, John McCarthy at Rowley Realty, 165 Main St., Rowley, MA 01969, Phone: 978 948-2758, Cell 978 835-2573 or via email at john@ rowleyrealestate.com
Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness
Sold Single Family Homes
Address, Town
159 High St, Newburyport 4 room, 1 bed, 1f 0h bath Antique 8 Juniper Ln, Georgetown 5 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Ranch 10 Seeall St, Gloucester 10 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 30 Holmes Rd, Boxford 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Contemporary 5 Helens Way, Gloucester 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 30 Jefferson St, Newburyport 7 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 36 Thurlow St, Georgetown 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 13 Harrison Ave, Salisbury 11 room, 4 bed, 3f 2h bath Contemporary 125 Apple St, Essex 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Cottage 76 Northern Blvd, Plum Island 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Cottage 386 Main St, Amesbury 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Antique 89 Northern Blvd, Plum Island 9 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Contemporary 25 Berry Patch Ln, Boxford 12 room, 5 bed, 3f 2h bath Colonial
DOM List Price 258 110 231 317 68 263 183 124 168 282 637 267 630
$219,900 $235,000 $299,000 $385,000 $388,000 $345,000 $409,900 $499,900 $499,000 $450,000 $399,900 $650,000 $799,900
Sold For Orig Price $185,000 $226,000 $285,000 $305,000 $365,000 $325,000 $402,000 $460,000 $395,000 $424,000 $380,000 $635,000 $760,000
$229,900 $264,500 $349,000 $385,000 $388,000 $425,000 $439,900 $525,000 $575,000 $599,000 $599,900 $700,000 $799,900
Single Family Listings: 13 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 2,109.08 Avg. List$: $429,269 Avg. List$/SqFt: $224 Avg. DOM: 272.15 Avg. Sale$: $395,923 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $205
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Continued from page 5
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music, and deep rich singer. He forges his pieces with brilliant craftsmanship and monogrammed artistic vision, making him one of the most distinctive and readily identifiable voices on both the Canadian and international singersongwriter scenes. His songbook has enlightened, enthralled, and been embraced, by audiences around the world. He always finds a balance between examining the lighter and heavier sides of life during his concerts. He ties it all together with a powerful vocal delivery and a commanding stage presence. He’s considered one of Canada’s finest singer-songwriters. Opener Lindsay Straw plays guitar, Irish bouzouki, sings and composes. Expect an enlightening, charming opening set from her. Tickets for this show are available at the door starting around 6:30; doors open at 7:30. Tickets may be reserved prior to the show by visiting www.newmooncoffeehouse.org, or by calling 978-459-5134.
February 15 - 21, 2012 limited number, so call early to reserve. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19th FOCUS ON SEABIRDS Explore Cape Ann to find sea ducks, loons, grebes, and gulls. Special features: harlequin ducks and perhaps a king eider. Sunday, February 19, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $25. Preregistration is required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www.massaudubon.org/ joppaflats.
and events, or visit the Web site at www. massaudubon.org/joppaflats. HEART EDUCATION Tues. Feb. 21 from 6-8 @ Merrimack Valley Hospital Merrimack Valley hospital and Langley-Adams Library have collaborated to offer an evening of heart education, relaxation and surprises. At 6pm Cardiologist Kenneth Adams, MD from Pentucket Medical Associates will speak about the heart. Then at 7pm, hypnotherapist and wellness coach Addie Kania will teach us the “heart breath technique”. Be your own Valentine and join us for a group-guided imagery/hypnosis session for health and wellness. This free event will be in the hospital’s first floor auditorium. Light refreshments and sweet dark chocolates will be served. Contact Sharon Archambault, Adult Services and Outreach Coordinator at the Langley-Adams Library to register. sarchambault@mvlc.org Presidents’ Day Mon. Feb 20 Library will be closed.
STRESSED LADIES? FIND YOUR INNER CALM 38 Cable Ave 54 State Street Janice Burghoff, founder of “A Peaceful Woman-Find Your Inner Salisbury, MA 01952 Newburyport, MA 01950 Calm”, is a Certified Medical Meditation & Stress Management Consultant. From 2:00-3:30PM she will teach simple All Occasion Cakes forms of mediation & other techniques Fresh Baked Muffins & Pastries to help transform your anxiety & stress MARDI GRAS IN BYFIELD WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd at The Herbal Path 599 Lafayette Rd., Open Daily If you have ever been to New Portsmouth, NH. $15.00. Sunday, 6:00am to 2:00pm Orleans for Mardi Gras then you know it February 19th Class size is limited. WEDNESDAY MORNING is one of the greatest parties in the world! Pre-register by 2/17/12 at: 603-973- BIRDING All Pastries are made with If you haven't booked your trip to the 1252, jborghoff@comcast.net. Www. Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary 100% Real Cream land of the Cajuns for this year then why apeacefulwoman.com Director Bill Gette and USFWS not plan to come to the bayou in Byfield veteran David Weaver for this weekly instead!? The Squeezebox Stompers will birding field trip in the Newburyport/ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20th once again be providing their zydeco Plum Island area. Appropriate for all mojo at the Byfield Community Arts ENERGY BALANCING birding levels. Wednesday, February Center on February 18. Ticket price Reiki, Polarity Therapy, Energy 22, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm. Meet at the Breakfast and Lunch is $15 at the door and doors open at Medicine, Reflexology & Cranio- Joppa Flats Education Center, One Daily Specials 7:30pm. You will be able to fuel that sacral Therapy to balance your energy. Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. mojo motor with authentic N'Orleans Monday, February 20th Offered by $17. Preregistration is not required. 155 Bridge Rd beer and cajun gumbo. The dance floor Gayle Perkins, a Wellness Educator Call 978-462-9998 for information is open! The Byfield Community Arts from 11AM – 3PM at The Herbal Path about additional programs and Salisbury, MA Center, 7 Central Street in Byfield, 599 Lafayette Rd., Portsmouth, NH. events, or visit the Web site at www. 978-465-1199 is handicap accessible, has ample free The first 10 minutes are free and $1.00 massaudubon.org/joppaflats. www.nancysmarshview.com parking and is easily located at exit 55 per minute thereafter. Call her for an from route 95. For more information appointment at: 207-752-1281 or just DOES LOVE LIVE ON EVEN call 978-463-3335 or check our website drop by. Www.healingways.net THROUGH DEATH? at www.byfieldcac.org. Wed. Feb. 22 from 6:30-8pm, Join Elissa Al-Chokhachy author of TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21st ENJOY AN EVENING OF MARDIS Miraculous Moments: True Stories GRAS! Affirming That Life Goes On. FEBRUARY VACATION WEEK You are invited to a celebration FLYBYS AT JOPPA Elissa will share stories that contain ■ Family Law ■ Criminal Law of Mardis Gras/Carnival Greek style Teacher-naturalist Lisa Hutchings first-hand accounts of after death ■ Restraining Orders ■ Bankruptcy at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox offers a wide variety of indoor and communication, nearing death New Office Church at 7 Harris St. in Newburyport outdoor activities, keeping minds awareness and near death experiences. ■ Contempt of Court ■ Landlord/Tenant 15 Friend Street on Saturday, February 18 (snow date: active and hands busy during school Langley-Adams Library, 185 Main St, Amesbury, MA ■ Civil Litigation ■ Special Education Law February 19) from 6-11 pm. The theme break. For ages 2 – 12. Adults must Groveland 978-372-1732 http://www. is Un Ballo in Maschera—The Masked accompany children. Tuesday, February langleyadamslib.org (Near Barking Dog Rest.) Ball and will feature hot and cold hors 21, Nature’s Mardi Gras Parade 10 (978) 792-8101 d’ oeuvres, a buffet with a variety of am-2 pm; Wednesday, February 22, ASHED TO GO meat dishes, and desserts (featuring Caribbean Coral Reef Carnival, 10 amSt. James Episcopal Church, 120 a mouth-watering tira mi su!). There 2 pm; Thursday, February 23, Polar Main Street in Amesbury will have will be Greek and American dancing Bear & Penguin Splash! 10 am– 2 pm. “Ashes To Go” on Wednesday, February all evening to the tunes of DJ Independent Meleti. Meet at the 22nd at 7am on the sidewalk in front Joppa Flats Education The North Shore’s Largest Community Newspaper Tickets are: Adults--$15; Children Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, of the parish. Drop by on your way to under 12--$5; and Children under Newburyport. Fee: $7. Pre-registration work! At 7:00pm will be the Liturgy of 5—free. Call the Church Office at 978- is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for the Day with Holy Communion and 465-5757 to reserve tickets. There are a information about additional programs Imposition of Ashes in the Church.
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February 15 - 21, 2012
Continued from page 6
Site Work (grades 6-12)- Mon. 2/13 @ 6pm- Online registration required (www.langleyadamslib.org). Read & Sign with Lindsey (birth- 2 years)- Tues. 2/21 @ 10:30am- Online registration begins Mon. 1/30 @ 1pm. Read & Sign with Lindsey (ages 3-6)- Tues. 2/21 excavation contractorS @ 11:30am- Online registration begins Mon. 1/30 @ 1pm. Bread-Clay Bead Making (grades 3-5)- Wed. 2/22 & Thurs. 2/23 Septic tankS & both @ 2pm- Online registration begins Mon. 1/30 @ 1pm. Miss Spider's Tea Party (ages 3-7)- Thurs. 2/23 @ 11am- Online SyStem contractorS registration begins Mon. 1/30 @ 1pm. Guitar & Bass Clinic with Eric Clemenzi (grades 3 & up)- Wed. 2/29 @ 6:30pm- No registration required. Langley-Adams Library, (978)372-1732 http://www.langleyadamslib.org container Service -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - Quickstart Tennis Clinics - FREE! Get geared up for the spring Quickstart Tennis League by taking this free clinic at the Ipswich Family YMCA at 110 County Road. Learn the USTA basics of forehand, backhand, serve and volley in a fun format. Reserve your spot by calling 978-356-9622, rackets provided. Wednesday, Feb 22 10-11am, Ages 5-7 11am-Noon Ages 8-10 -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - Ipswich Museum, 54 South Main Street, Ipswich needs tour guides and greeters for the 2012 tour season of the Heard and Whipple Houses. Share in the fun by learning about local history through the Museum’s collections and sharing that information with visitors from Listen to Kathryn’s radio program here and around the globe. Training runs in four sessions beginning on April 28 every Friday at 7:45 am on WNBP from 9-11 am. Refreshments served. Call 978-356-2811 for more information or to sign up. -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - The Ipswich Family YMCA, located at 110 County Rd., will be hosting an Overnight Lock-In for local Middle School Youth Groups on March 9th from 8pm to 8am. All night long there will be exciting games and activities in the gym and the pool as well as music, food, contests and more. It is going to be an awesome night that you do not want to miss. Bring your friends and come have a blast at the Y. $20 for Y Members and $30 for the Community, pre-register by March 7 at the Ipswich Kathryn O’Brien, M.Ed. Family YMCA. For more information, contact Nick Fitzgerald at 978-356-9622. -----------------------------------------------------------Direct Line: 978-465-1322 NEWBURY - The First Parish Church of Newbury - Stewards of Earth and Email: kathrynobrien@comcast.net Spirit, host the Growing Together Sunday School. Classes meet Sundays from the Website: www.KathrynOBrien.com beginning of September through May 20. The indoor/outdoor program for children ages 5 -12 and children with special needs, engages children in projects and activities centered around this year's theme: Stewards of God's Earth. The Sunday school class maintains a plot in the New Eden Community Gardens, which functions as an outdoor classroom for organic gardening projects and environmental conservation activities. Class meets at the regular worship service in the FPCN sanctuary at 10 a.m. Students gather downstairs in Holton Hall after the children's message for class. The church is located at 20 High Road, (Route 1A), Newbury. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURY - The Town will be hosting a Conflict of Interest Seminar on February 15, 2012 at the Newbury Elementary School. This is a presentation by 86 Ipswich Road,Topsfield: P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 David Giannotti of the State Ethics Commission. All town employees, board and Elegant 1837 home with almost 5 committee members and elected officials are invited to attend. As a result, the Town advertise@thetowncommon.com acres of horse-friendly grounds, Hall will be closed on the morning of February 15th. They will be open to the public at noon on this date. skating pond, and separate -----------------------------------------------------------studio/office. Spacious eat-in NEWBURYPORT - The Stimulantes to play at AJH’s “Grecian Night with Great kitchen with large island and Chefs” The Anna Jaques Hospital Aid Association announces that plans for “A Grecian Night with Great Chefs” are well under way. The date is Friday, March 16. Rumford fireplace. Master suite Presenting sponsors are the Institution for Savings and the Newburyport Five Cent with multi-angled cathedral Savings Bank. Included in this 24th annual event are gourmet food tasting (6 to 8 ceilings, Rumford fireplace, roof p.m.) and live entertainment and dancing (8 to 10 p.m.). The culinary creations are
e Town Common
eekly Community Newspaper
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deck with hot tub, white marble bath with Jacuzzi, and glass-enclosed shower. $595,900.
Continued on page 11
Hot Tubs
28 Low Street, Newbury: Country living at its best. Large family home on private 18+ acres with small barn, plenty of room for paddocks, sparkling pond and acres of wooded trails. Home features 3 big bedrooms on the second floor and 2 additional guest rooms/office/den on the first floor. Easy walk or ride to Olde Town Hill, or minutes to shops, restaurants, and the excitement of downtown Newburyport. $549,000
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Page 10
local entertainment calendar Ironic Music Calendar features local events North of Boston and along Coastal / Southern NH. IMC is a production of Ironic Music Booking Agency LLC: www.ironic-production.com. If your venue would like to be included in this calendar, or if you’d like to receive this list weekly via email, please contact us at: info@ironic.it.
Berry, 7-9pm Sun 2/16: Bluegrass Brunch with Flynn Cohen, 12-2pm CAPE ANN BREWING CO. www.capeannbrewing. com 27 Commercial St., 978281-4782 Wed 2/15: Trivia Night, 7:30pm Thu 2/16: Open Mic Night, 9pm MURPHY’S RIVERSIDE Fri 2/17: Mardi Gras Find them on Facebook Costume ball with Henri Smith 37 Main St., 978-834Sat 2/18: The Runaround 0020 Tue 2/21: Sea Shanty Thu 2/16: Karaoke Mon 2/20: Game Night Sing-A-Long, 9pm MASSACHUSETTS Amesbury THE BARN PUB & GRILLE www.thebarnpub.com 5 Ring Street, 978-3888700 Wed 2/15: Seacoast Dart Association League Fri 2/17: Luck of the Draw Tue 2/21: Northeast Dart Association League
Beverly FIBBER McGEE'S Find them on Facebook 108 Cabot St., 978-2320180 Wed 2/15: Karaoke Thu 2/16: DJ Fri 2/17: DJ Sat 2/18: DJ/Live Music Mon 2/20: Trivia, 7:30pm THE PICKLED ONION www.pickledonionbeverly. com 355 Rantoul St., 978-2323973 Wed 2/15: Karaoke, 10pm Thu 2/16: DJ Max Baun, 10pm-1am Fri 2/17: Tobin & Leahy, 5-9pm Mon 2/20: Stump Trivia, 5-10pm Billerica EMERALD ROSE www.theemeraldrose.com 785 Boston Rd., 978-6670500 Sat 2/18: Tom Courtney, 7:30pm MICKEE’s SPORTS PUB www.mickeesonthewater. com 512 Middlesex Turnpike, 978-667-1157 Sun 2/19: Free Pool Mon 2/20: Free Pool NEWTOWNE GRILL & SPORTS BAR www.newtownegrille.com 838 Boston Rd., 978-6670021 Wed 2/15: Karaoke w/DJ Scott C Thu 2/16: Stump trivia, 7pm; DJ Pensive, 10pm Danvers THE VILLAGE GREEN www.villagegreendanvers. com 225 Newbury St., 978774-7270 Sun 2/19: Mardi Gras, Wild Fire Gloucester ALCHEMY CAFÉ & BISTRO www.alchemybistro.com 3 Duncan St., 978-2813997 Wed 2/15: Women, Wine & Chocolate w/Chelsea
Wed 2/15: Karaoke Thu 2/16: Country Line Dance Lesson Fri 2/17: DJ Julian; MDDS Sat 2/18: BD & The Cavemen Sun 2/19: Dave Rasmussen Sax Factory Mon 2/20: Battle of the Bands; Dead Air Project vs. Krazor Love Tue 2/21: Open Mic MAL’S LOUNGE @ GEORGE’S RESTAURANT www.malslounge.com 77 Washington St., 978374-5150 Fri 2/17: Roy Barboza THE PEDDLER’S DAUGHTER www.thepeddlersdaughter. com 45 Wingate St., 978-3729555 Sat 2/18: Pop Farmers, 9:30pm
THE TAP/LIMELIGHT LOUNGE www.tapbrewpub.com 100 Washington St., 978THE DOG BAR www.dogbarcapeann.com 374-1117 65 Main St., 978-281Wed 2/15: Stump Trivia 6565 Thur 2/16: Karaoke Wed 2/15: Karaoke, Fri 2/17: MFS Band 9pm-cl Sat 2/18: Nerve 8 Thu 2/16: 3 Vibe, 9pm-cl Fri 2/17: JT and the Lawrence Hounds, 9pm THE CLADDAGH Sat 2/18: T Max, Renee www.thecladdaghpub.com and Joe, 9pm-cl 399 Canal St., 978-688Sun 2/19: Michael 8337 O’Leary with David de la Wed 2/15: Trivia Night, Barre, 9pm-cl 8-10pm; Over 6 Thu 2/16: DJ Night, GIUSEPPE'S 9:30pm-1am RISTORANTE Fri 2/17: Bail Out www.giuseppesma.com Sat 2/18: Mugsy 2 Main St., 978-879-4622 Wed 2/15: Open Mic, Methuen 7:30-10:30pm FIRESIDE Thu 2/16: Dueling RESTAURANT & PUB Pianos, 8:30pm www.firesidemethuen.com Fri 2/17: Joe Thomas, 171 Pelham St., 978-6839pm-cl 2945 Sat 2/18: Joe Thomas, Wed 2/15: Harry Karaoke 9pm-cl Sun 2/19: Rick Lauria and Thu 2/16: Just Joe Fri 2/17: Beau Paris Graham Sturz, 6pm Sat 2/18: Beau Paris JALAPEÑOS MEXICAN SAHARA CLUB RESTAURANT www.jalapenosgloucester. www.jockosjazz.com 34 Bates St., 978-683com 9200 86 Main St., 978-283Tue 2/21: The Chris 8228 Taylor Trio Tue 2/15: DECA Fundraiser Newburyport DAVID’S TAVERN @ THE RHUMB LINE www.therhumbline.com THE GARRISON INN 40 Railroad Ave, 978www.davidstavern.com 283-9732 11 Brown Sq., 978-462Wed 2/15: Prime Rib, 8077 5pm; Fly Amero, 8-11pm Thu 2/16: Tom Courtney, Thu 2/16: Dave Sags 7-10pm Blues Party, 9:30pmSat 2/17: Aiden’s Clan 1:30am Sun 2/18: Billy Glynn Fri 2/17: Full Circle, 9:30-12:30am THE GROG Sat 2/18: Generation Gap, www.thegrog.com 9:30pm-12:30am 13 Middle St., 978-465Sun 2/19: Marina Evans, 8008 8pm-12am Wed 2/15: Hoot Night, Mon 2/20: Open Jam 8-11pm w/Dan King, 9:30pmThu 2/16: Underground 12:30am Hip-Hop hosted by Tue 2/21: Trivia, 7pm; Persistant Funk Jam w/Henley Fri 2/17: Don’t Call Me Douglass Jr. & Soul Force Shirley V, 10pm-12:30am Sat 2/18: Soul Robot Sun 2/19: Blues Party, Haverhill CHIT CHAT LOUNGE 6-10pm www.chitchatlounge.com Mon 2/20: Comedy Open 103 Washington St., 978- Mic, 7:30-9:30pm Tue 2/21: Steve Spoungin 374-9710
THE PORT TAVERN www.theporttavern.com 84 State St., 978-4651006 Wed 2/15: Irish Seisuin with Eamon Coyne Fri 2/17: Adam Payne Tue 2/21: Stump Trivia, 8-10pm
February 15 - 21, 2012 161 Essex St., East India Sq., 978-745-9500 Wed 2/15: PEM Pals, 10:30am
Goffstown THE VILLAGE TRESTLE www.villagetrestle.com 25 Main St., 603-497ROCKAFELLAS 8230 www.rockafellasofsalem. Thu 2/16: Ladies Night com Karaoke THE GREEN LAND 231 Essex St, 978-745Fri 2/17: The Tom Dixon CAFÉ 2411 Band, 8pm-12am North Reading www.thegreenlandcafe. Wed 2/15: Latin Dance Sat 2/18: Rose Kula, 8pmGREAT AMERICAN com Party, 8-11:30pm 12am TAVERN 87 Washington St., 978- Fri 2/17: Lisa Love Sun 2/19: The Wan-Tu www.greatamericantavern. 744-7766 Experience Blues Band, 3-7pm net Fri 2/17: Clay Ventre and Sat 2/18: Audio Tue 2/21: Usual Suspects, 303 Main St., 978-207- the Bond Girls Underground 6-8pm 1240 Mon 2/20: Julie THE PASTA LOFT Thu 2/16: Stump Trivia, Dougherty, 8pm-11pm SCRATCH KITCHEN www.pastaloft.com 8-10pm; Time of Your www.scratchkitchensalem. 220 E Main St., 603-378Life DJ, 9pm-12am THE GULU GULU com 0092 Fri 2/17: Diezal Lounge CAFÉ 245 Derby St., 978-741- Wed 2/15: Open Mic www.gulu-gulu.com 2442 Fri 2/17: Groove Peabody 247 Essex St., 978-740- Thu 2/16: John Sage Authority CAPONE'S ITALIAN 8882 Sat 2/18: The Fallen Stars AMERICAN Thu 2/16: Fishing the Salisbury RESTAURANT Sky; Sasha de la Cruz Art BLUE OCEAN MUSIC Hampton, Hampton www.caponesdining.com Opening HALL Beach & North 147 Summit St., 978-977- Fri 2/17: DJ Seth www.blueoceanhall.com Hampton 0520 Sat 2/18: Dave Simmons 4 Oceanfront North, 978- WALLY’s PUB Thu 2/16: Moholland Annual Theme 463-9222 www.wallyspubnh.com Drive Tue 2/21: Mardi Gras Thu 2/16: The Dan 144 Ashworth Ave., 603Fri 2/17: Lee Hawkins Party Morgan Band 926-6954 Sat 2/18: Wildfire Sat 2/18: Frank Santos Jr. Wed 2/15: DJ Provo PADDY KELLY’s IN A PIG’S EYE Open Mic, 9pm http://paddykellys.com www.inapigseye.com CAROUSEL LOUNGE Thu 2/16: Bi Polar Bears, www.carousel-lounge.com 9pm 20 Oceanfront, 978-465- Fri 2/17: Split, 8-11pm 9045 Sat 2/18: Strip Search, Sat 2/18: King Karaoke, 8-11pm 8:30pm Mon 2/20: DJ Provo, 9pm HOBO'S CAFÈ & LOUNGE Newmarket www.chefhowieshobocafe. STONE CHURCH ON �ive �usic �hursdays com ZION HILL 5 Broadway, 978-465www.stonechurchrocks. � S������ K������ 4626 com every �hursday ��-� �� � no cover Wed 2/15: Karaoke & 5 Granite St., 603-292Dance, 6pm 3546 Scratch Kitchen is a quality driven gourmet gastro Thu 2/16: Karaoke Wed 2/15: Trivia Night deli focusing on regional & local farm fresh Contest & Dance, 8:30pm Thu 2/16: Element ingredients with fantastic daily specials, house Mon 2/21: Karaoke & Fri 2/17: Kung Fu smoked meats and great craft beers to choose from! Dance, 6pm Sat 2/18: Kung Fu Sun 2/19: Open Mic, .�/�0��1 2342: Saugus 7pm-12am 2/2 � 70��� 890:����1 - folk/singer-songwriter KOWLOON Tue 2/21: Blue Grass Jam, 2/� � ����� /�9;� - singer-songwriter/blues/rock RESTAURANT 9pm-12am 2/4� � 79�� S�:� < rock/pop/singer-songwriter 2/2= � �������� 7��K & ;����� ���>��8�� www.kowloonrestaurant. rockabilly/boogie woogie com Portsmouth {music presented by: Ironic Music Booking Agency – www.ironic.it } 948 Broadway, Rte. 1N, THE BLUE MERMAID 781-233-0077 www.bluemermaid.com Thu 2/16: B. Marley 409 The Hill, 603-427Sat 2/11: Santorelli 2583 Wed 2/15: Open Mic MADDY’S LOUNGE & Fri 2/17: Andrew Merzi 245 Derby St. - corner of Congress & Derby GRILLE Sat 2/18: The George Salem, MA | 978-741-2442 | http://scratchkitchensalem.com www.maddyslounge.com Brown Band Check �acebook for specials: 1639 Broadway, 781-231���.facebook.com/Scratch�itchen 1185 PORTSMOUTH Fri 2/17: Audio GASLIGHT CO. www.portsmouthgaslight. 154 Washington St., 978- 148 Derby St., 978-741- Underground Sat 2/18: Beatlejuice com 532-2370 4436 Sun 2/19: Karaoke 64 Market St., 603-430Wed 2/15: Karaoke, Wed 2/15: Orville 9122 3-10pm Giddings and Allen Estes POLCARI’s Fri 2/17: Ice Fest, 5pm; Thu 2/16: College Night Thu 2/16: Fiddle Head w/DJ Mikey B Fri 2/17: Blues Jam, 4:15- www.reginapizzeria.com Justin Lantrip, 9:30pm; 92 Broadway, Rte. 1N, Keith Henderson, 10pm Fri 2/17: DJ Sammii 6:45pm Sat 2/18: Ice Fest, 5pm; Mon 2/20: Beirut Sat 2/18: Sit Down Baby 781-233-3765 Tournament, 9:45pm Sun 2/19: Levy, Stubbss, Wed 2/15: Karaoke, 7:30- DJ Koko P, 9:00pm; 11:30pm Aaron Denny, 9:30pm; Tue 2/21: Family Feud Rivelli Trio Thu 2/16: Stump Trivia, Randy Arrant, 10pm Style Trivia, 9pm Mon 2/20: Open Mic, 8-10pm, Industry Night Tue 2/21: Pub Trivia, 9pm 9pm Fun Reading Fri 2/17: Keep it Real THE PRESS ROOM GRUMPY DOYLE’s O'NEILL'S PUB www.pressroomnh.com http://grumpydoyles.com www.oneillsofsalem.com Band 77 Daniel St., 603-431530 Main St., 781-942- 120 Washington St., 978- Sat 2/18: Soul Fuzion Band 5186 2822 740-8811 Wed 2/15: Chad Verbeck Fri 2/17: Acoustic Hot Wed 2/15: Sports Trivia, NEW HAMPSHIRE Thu 2/16: Beat Night Jazz Tub 5-10pm Exeter & Poetry Tue 2/21: Stump Trivia, Thu 2/16: DJ Sap, 11pmSHOOTERS PUB @ Fri 2/17: Martin England 8-10pm 12:30am and the Reconstructed Fri 2/17: Live Irish Music, EXETER BOWLING LANES Sat 2/18: Dan Walker Rockport 6-9pm; DJ Sap, 10pmwww.shooterssportspub. Band ROCKPORT MUSIC @ 12:30am com Sun 2/19: Jazz Grill with THE SHALIN LIU Sat 2/18: Irish Music, 6 Columbus Ave., 603Pianorama 6-9pm $10 PERFORMANCE 6-9pm Mon 2/20: Jazz Grill with CENTER Tue 2/21: Trivia, 8-10pm 772-3856 Fri 2/17: DJ BIggZ & D, Eric Klaxton Combo, www.rcmf.org 8pm 35 Main St., 978-546PEM | PEABODY ESSEX 8pm Sat 2/18: John Valby (Dr. Tue 2/21: Larry Garland 7391 MUSEUM Dirty) Jazz Jam, 5:30pm Sun 2/19: Larry Coryell www.pem.org Salem FINZ SEAFOOD & GRILL www.hipfinz.com 76 Wharf St., Pickering Wharf, 978-744-8485 Thu 2/16: The Zackleys
RÍRÁ IRISH PUB www.rira.com/rira/ portsmouth.html 22-26 Market St., 603-3191680 Wed 2/15: Open Mic, 9pm Fri 2/17: Amorphous Band, 10pm Sun 2/19: Irish Sessions with Rob Benton, 9pm Mon 2/20: Oran Mor, 5pm Tue 2/21: Quiz w/Murph & Little Murph, 8pm RUDI’S PORTSMOUTH www.rudisportsmouth.com 20 High St., 603-430-7834 Wed 2/15: Dimitri, 6pm Thu 2/16: Brett Gallo and Guest, 6pm Fri 2/17: Philip Sargent and Guest, 6pm Sat 2/18: Danny Harrington and Dimitri, 6pm Sun 2/19: Jazz Brunch with Max Langley, 12-3pm THE RUSTY HAMMER www.therustyhammer.com 49 Pleasant St., 603-4369289 Thu 2/16: Trivia Night, 8-10pm SPRING HILL TAVERN @ THE DOLPHIN STRIKER www.dolphinstriker.com 15 Bow St., 603-431-5222 Wed 2/15: Michael Troy and Craig Tramack Thu 2/16: The Digney Fignus Fri 2/17: The Jack Leg Preachers Sat 2/18: Power Money Cake Sun 2/19: The Retroactivists Mon 2/20: Old School, 8pm-12am Tue 2/21: Bob Halperin Salem JOCELYN’s RESTAURANT http://jocelynsrestaurant. com 355 S. Broadway, 603-8700045 Sat 2/18: Marc Fleury MURRAY’s TAVERN www.murraystavern.com 326 S Broadway, 603-8949100 Wed 2/15: 45’s Night Thu 2/16: Trivia Night Fri 2/17: Grp 3 Seabrook CHOP SHOP RESTAURANT AND PUB www.chopshoppub.com 920 Layfayette Rd., 603760-7500 We 2/15: Reverend JJ and the Casual Sinners Thu 2/16: Date Night with Tone Bone Fri 2/17: Drop Zone PRIME TIME SPORTS BAR & GRILL www.facebook.com/ primetimeseabrook 620 Lafayette Rd., 603760-7230 Wed 2/15: Team Trivia, 8pm Thu 2/16: Karaoke & Ladies Night, 9pm Fri 2/17: Bedrock, 9pm Sat 2/18: The Take, 9pm If your venue would like to be included in this calendar, or if you’d like to receive this list weekly via email, please contact us at: info@ ironic.it.
February 15 - 21, 2012 Continued from page 9
courtesy of celebrated chefs from over twenty Greater Newburyport restaurants and caterers. The Stimulantes, a seasoned, high-energy Newburyport-based band, will KAYAKS provide the music. We Once again, the Governor’s Academy, in Byfield, is graciously stock donating its facilities for the gala. Tickets are $65 per person. Great Chefs’ Night is Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC the AJH Aid Association’s main fundraiser each year, with all proceeds supporting Perception - Necky PRECISION services at the hospital. For additional information, or to purchase tickets, please Ocean Kayak Sunfish, Zuma, Laser visit www.ajh.org, or call 978-463-1150. Canoes -----------------------------------------------------------Mad River Old Town - Radisson ROWLEY - If your 2012 goals include feeling more fit and less stressed, give this yoga Fernald’s class a try. Students are led through a series of stretches, strengthening and balancing On the River Parker postures,Rt. twists inversions by 01951 certified yoga instructor Maura Mastrogiovanni. 1A,and Newbury, MA No registration is required, and all fitness levels are welcome. Bring a mat if you Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 have one and978wear comfortable clothes. Class meets every Wednesday evening at 465-0312 (978) 465-0312 the Rowley Library, 141 Main St., from 5:30-7 pm. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library, cost for students is $12 or $10 for Friends members. Call 978-948-2850 for more information. -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY COA HILTON SENIOR CENTER 43 Lafayette Rd Salisbury is open to all and presents the following opportunities. To register or for more information call the Hilton Center at 978-462-2412 Diabetic Awareness 6+ wks Workshop, Thursday, February 23rd @ Noon – Topics Include:$38.30/week The difference between Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes, how to live with and control your diabetes, wks management, $30.70/week healthier food choices, risks associated with poor13+ diabetes how to best monitor your diabetes, and learn how you can get custom fit diabetic 26+ wks $27.60/week shoes (no out of pocket expenses). Bring your insurance cards. Door prize of $20 Walmart gift card. Call to pre-register 978-462-2412; Watercolor Painting, 52month wks with$24.90/week February 23rd @ Noon - Paint a different scene each watercolor and bring home your finished painting. Everything you need to pain Place this ad in your our picture monthly will be supplied. Watercolor painting Coach, W. E. Duke (Bill) will be providing publication fornecessary. an additional the class instruction. Cost is only $20, no prior experience is Preregistration is required, please call 978-462-2412; Chat$9.75/week. Works, Wednesdays 1:00pm to 2:45pm – Work on your lifestyle or career growth. Rewire your life, your heart, your mind. Re-charge your life’s direction, get your life back on track, become the New You. Need motivation – inspiration, assistance? We are here for you. Discuss your concerns in a relaxed, supportive environment. Hosted by team leader Gene Talford. Pre-register by calling 978-462-2412 Place this ad in our monthly ---------------------------------------------------publication additional SEABROOK - The Seabrook school District is responsiblefor foranidentifying children from two and a half to 6 years who may require special education $28.75/week. services. A Child Find Screening will be held on Thursday, February 16, 2012. Parents who have concerns about their child’s development in the areas of speech and language, motor coordination, social/emotional growth, vision and hearing or learning abilities are urged to call Carol Brickett at 474-8017 to schedule an appointment for this screening. -----------------------------------------------------------SENIORCARE, INC. is the federally designated Area Agency on Aging and Massachusetts Aging Services Access Point serving the following cities and towns: Beverly, Essex, Gloucester, Hamilton, Ipswich, Manchester-by-the-Sea, Rockport, Topsfield and Wenham. The agency provides and coordinates services to elders that enable them to live independently at home. SeniorCare’s Meals on Wheels and nutrition programs served more than 170,000 meals last year, including home delivered meals as well as congregate dining services at many local sites. SeniorCare, Inc. originated as a grass roots agency, and has been providing assistance to seniors since 1972. The Home Care Program’s community-based services enable elders to receive help with daily tasks, such as shopping, bathing, personal emergency response units, and homemaking. The agency provides elder protective services as well as ombudsman services that represent the rights of seniors in nursing facilities. It also sponsors RSVP Volunteers of the North Shore, which provides volunteer opportunities for people aged 55 and older, and places them at more than 25 area non-profit agencies. SeniorCare, Inc. is available online at http://www.seniorcareinc.org or by calling 978-281-1750, or our toll free line 1-866-927-1050. Email srcare@seniorcareinc.org. -----------------------------------------------------------TOPSFIELD - Mass Audubon’s Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary in Topsfield offers four days of vacation fun for children in grades K-5 during February school vacation week. Children discover the wonders of winter through outdoor explorations and indoor activities. Learn how animals survive the winter, spend a day discovering owls, search for predators such as hawks, owls, foxes, and coyotes, tap a maple tree and learn about maple sugaring, and much more. Participants are divided into small groups by age. Sign up for all four days or individual days. Daily themes: Tuesday, February 21: Maple Sugaring; Wednesday, February 22: Winter Homes; Thursday, February 23: Carnivores Dining Out; Friday, February 24: Awesome Owls Fee For All 4 Days: $174. Fee Per Day: $54. Discount for Mass Audubon members. Advance registration is required; call 978-887-9264. -----------------------------------------------------------TRITON GRADVENTURE FUNDRAISER – Teamwork Trivia Night on Friday, March 2 hosted by DJ Ed Mullen. Doors Open at 6:30pm - Games 7pm – 11pm. Newburyport Elks, Low Street. A fun night out while raising funds for the Senior All-Night Substance Free Celebration! Grab your friends, neighbors, family members! Put together a Team – 10 People per Table / Team $25 per person. Don’t have a team?? Sign up as an individual or couple and we will place you on a team! B.Y.O.M. (Bring your own munchies)/ Cash Bar / Adults Only Email Wendy Antonucci at antonmed@comcast.net to reserve a table (or with questions), along with a check for $25/person made payable to “Viking Gradventure”, c/o Antonucci, 146 Daniels Road, Rowley, MA 01969. Hurry & Reserve Your Table Today!
1 col. x 2 inches
Page 11
Award Winning Restaurant Opens at 5 p.m. Bar Menu & Fine Dining Childcare Available Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays Located at the Garrison Inn 11 Brown Square, Newburyport
Page 12
February 15 - 21, 2012
Contemporary Art on Display at Rowley Library
tActicAl geAr
â&#x20AC;˘ supply
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for more info Call 978-463-0005 or go to out web site www.airsoftspecialops.net
Hours: Mon - Wed 12 - 6, Thurs & Fri 10 - 8, Sat & Sun 10 - 6
124 Lafayette Rd Rt. 1, Salisbury
Contemporary art by Fred Hardy
The Town Common Courtesy Photo
Don't miss the latest art on exhibit at the Rowley Public Library, 141 Main St. Rowley resident Fred Hardy creates unique pieces out of Banyon roots harvested while diving in the Gulf of Mexico. Small pieces of coral and shell are organically captured by the Banyon and remain in the art. Copper sculptures and other found objects are then incorporated into the shape. Hardy also creates custom motorcycles, and an album of this work is available to browse at the library as well. Merle Phipps' Intarsia display will remain in the Library display case through February. If you have artwork to display, or an interesting hobby or collection, contact Pam Jacobson @ 978-948-2850
Atria Merrimack Place
ABOVE: Atria Merrimack Place is offering a monthly health lecture by an RN with Merrimack Valley Hospice. February's topic was 'Depression: Let's help each other' and was widely attended by both Atria residents as well as members of the community. LEFT: February PALA recipients at Atria Merrimack Place, awarded to top participants in our physical activity programs. Pictured from L to R are Blanche Sargent, Bob May and Scott Smith!
The Town Common Courtesy Photos
February 15 - 21, 2012
Pets, Animals, Plus
Page 13
Health & Fitness Brighter Smiles...
Are you holding back a beautiful smile?
I'm Sold
By J. Peter St. Clair, DMD
I told you a couple of weeks ago about a new product that had sparked my interest. I had been reading about it for a few months and at the time I mentioned it in my column, I was just heading out to attend a 2-day annual dental meeting to learn more. I am typically not an early adopter of “new stuff ”. I like to see new products or technology spend a bit of time in other dentist’s practices before I make a decision to invest. There has to be overwhelming evidence to me that the “new stuff” is going to make the treatment I provide for my patients better, make my life and my patient’s life easier, and make economic sense from the standpoint of running a business. The product I mentioned a few weeks back is called Onset®. It is a system used to buffer dental anesthetic or “Novocaine”. Here is the concept. The pH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance is and is measured
on a scale of 0 to 14. For example, lemonade has a pH of around 2.5 whereas milk has a pH of around 7. Lemonade is obviously more acidic than milk and subsequently has a lower pH. The human body has a pH of about 7.4. Dental anesthetic has a pH of 3.9. Think about that for a minute. If you had to have something injected in you, logically, would you rather have it be lemonade or milk? I think most would say milk because milk seems more soothing than lemonade. Lemonade seems like it would “burn” more. This is the same concept with local dental anesthetic. Dental anesthetic has a very low pH and that is why there is the uncomfortable “burning” feeling when it is injected. One of the most common things patients complain about is the “shot”. The reason the pH is low is because the acidity is needed to dissolve the chemicals in the anesthetic, and it prolongs the shelflife of the anesthetic. When the anesthetic is injected, the “burning” feeling is short-lived because the body immediately begins to neutralize the pH of the anesthetic and bring it closer to the body’s pH. As this happens, the anesthetic effect starts to take place. The concept behind Onset® is to buffer or neutralize the anesthetic right before it is injected. The system
uses sodium bicarbonate to bring the pH of the anesthetic to about 7, or close to the body’s pH. This does two things. First, it eliminates the stinging feeling of the anesthetic and second, it allows the anesthetic to work much faster and more profoundly because there is no time in waiting for the body to neutralize it. I have spoken to numerous dentists who have incorporated this system into their armamentarium. The feedback has been unanimously positive. Patien’ts comments such as, “This product has taken away the sting of the needle that I always dreaded when going to the dentist” are very common to hear. The cost for the dentist to incorporate this into patient care is about $6 per patient. Overhead in a dental office is very high, but for me $6 is worth all the benefits this product gives. Make sure to tell your dentist about this easy to implement product. Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@dentalhealthforlife.com. To view previous columns or comment, go to www.facebook.com/dentalhealthforlife or www.jpeterstclairdentistry.com/blog.
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By: Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Sciatica: Big Nerve Can Be Big Problem back area for 10 to 15 minutes three times a day is another way to numb pain. If ice doesn't work, turn to heat -- hot compresses or a heating pad. Stretching the back might take pressure off the nerve. Sit on a firm chair with feet on the floor and knees shoulder-width apart. Turn slightly to the left. Then, with your right arm dangling down between the knees and left arm dangling down on the outside of the left knee, bend down to the floor as far as you can and hold that position for five seconds. Straighten up and reverse the process by turning to your right and arranging your arms with the right arm outside the right knee and the left arm between the knees. If this exercise hurts, stop. If it doesn't, perform five bends each, to the right and then to the left. Do the exercise three times a day. Five months is a long time to put up with back pain. I'm not sure if self-treatment will do much for you. You need a doctor's intervention, along with physical therapy. The booklet on back pain delves more deeply into its causes and treatments. To order a copy, write: Dr. Donohue -- No. 303W, Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.
Making your smile beautiful changes the way people look at you and the way you look at yourself.
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To Your Good Health
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I am a 78year-old woman, and five months ago I came down with sciatica in my left leg underneath the buttock. It's very painful. I'd like to know if there is something that can be done. -- S.M. ANSWER: The sciatic (sigh-ATTIC) nerve is the body's longest and largest nerve. It springs from nerve rootlets that emerge from the spinal cord in the lower back. Those rootlets intertwine to form this big nerve. It travels from the back, through the buttocks and down the leg to the foot. Anything that presses on or irritates the nerve in its long course gives rise to sciatica (sigh-ATTICuh), painful inflammation of the nerve. A bulging back disk can press on the nerve. Arthritic spurs on the spine are another source of irritation. A collapse of a backbone from osteoporosis is another trigger for pain, and the pain can be in the lower back, the buttocks or down the leg to the foot. Have you tried Tylenol (acetaminophen) for pain relief? Aleve, Advil, Motrin and the many other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs dull pain and quiet inflammation. Icing the painful
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Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with the recipient's printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery. DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Some time ago, you answered a letter from an 80-year-old lady who asked if she still needed to have mammograms. I say an unqualified yes. Two years ago, at the age of 82 1/2, my mammogram detected cancer. Surgery was followed by radiation. Two years later, I am feeling fine and doing well. -- A.S. ANSWER: Experts argue about the value of mammograms late in life. Stories like yours make me side with those who promote having mammograms as long as a woman is in reasonable health. If a woman has an estimate of living at least four more years, mammograms are a good idea. Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. (c) 2012 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
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February 15 - 21, 2012 ideas could expand your workplace prospects and ultimately lead you on a new career path. Your personal life also opens up new vistas. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) So much seems to be swirling around you these days that you might find it hard to focus on priorities. Best advice: Take things one at a time, and you'll get through them all. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Work out situations with what you have, and avoid the temptation to create complications where they don't exist. This applies both at home and in the workplace. AQUARIUS (January 20 to
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