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WHAT'S INSIDE Tuckermans at 9 Rockin' A Cappella Page 5 Langley-Adams Library Gets Grant Page 6 Ipswich YMCA Overnight Lock-In Page 6 Salisbury Democratic Scholarship Page 11 Seabrook Students Deliver Valentines to Residents of Brigham Manor Page 12
Time Sensitive, Please Deliver On or Before Feb 22 ‘12
FREE Basketball Star Turned Drug Addict Warns Students of Dangers February 22 - 28, 2012 • Vol. 8, No. 16
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– He has slept in jails and behind a dumpster thinking about how to kill himself to keep from embarrassing his family more. One of only a handful of Massachusetts high school basketball players to play for the Boston Celtics, Herren told his intense story to a packed Triton High Photo courtesy of Susan Moran School auditorium Chris Herren with members of the Triton basketball team. From left, Connor Barry, last week. Sam McKenzie, Zak Alaoui, Paul Dacy and coach Dave Clay. His messages: TRITON – Chris Herren has offered multi-million-dollar “If you think you are above lived at the top of the world contracts and been lauded in this (being addicted to alcohol and at the bottom. He has been every newspaper in the country. or drugs), you need to switch
your thinking.” “There is no reason to change who you are. You are perfect the way you are.” “The real heroes in school are those who do not do alcohol or drugs.” “Don't snigger at people who have the courage to stand up and ask a question at an assembly like this.” Herren, who graduated from Durfee High School in Fall River, was a 6'2” guard on one of the most celebrated high school basketball teams in the country, the subject of a book, Fall River Dreams. In high school Herren scored 2,073 career points, was the Gatorade New England Player Continued on page 3
Popular Newbury Librarian Leaving for Ipswich BYFIELD – Amid both tears and laughter, Laurie Collins said farewell to dozens of friends and students last week as she left the Newbury Public Library where she has been the head of the children's collection for the last 12 years. Collins is the latest casualty of the Newbury budget woes. Due to lower revenues, Newbury cut its library operating hours to three and a half days. That means none of the library staff, including the vacant director's post, are fulltime employees. Newbury's loss is Ipswich's gain. She is moving to the Ipswich Library where she can work more hours per week and earn more
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––
money. “Laurie has been a true gift not just to the children, but to the families,” said a choked up Debbie Pike, a mother of three children who have attended Collins' Story Hours in the afternoons at the library for years. She said Collins has helped create an atmosphere where families became friends, not just mothers, but grandparents and nannies. Pike said she met her best friend bringing her children to the library. Other mothers came to hug Collins and tell her, “You are so much a part of this library.” Camden and Devon Johnson, alumni of Story Hour, came to
Photo by Stewart Lytle
Laurie Collins is flanked by Camden (left) and Devon Johnson. say goodbye to Collins. “We Johnson said. are sad. My brother Devon met “It is very hard. I am going his best friend here,” Camden Continued on page 3
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Page 2
How to Submit Letters to the Editor
February 22 - 28, 2012
Christina Bain and Luke Noble Announce Bids for GOP State Committee
Letters to the Editor Support for Christina Bain
To The Editor,
Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common
Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to:
I am writing in support of re-electing Christina Bain as our Republican State Committeewoman representing Newbury and the other sixteen communities of the First Essex and Middlesex State Senate District. As the Chairman of the Newbury Republican Town Committee, I can tell you that Christina Bain works tirelessly to be personally involved with our committee; gets us the resources we need to grow; and makes herself accessible day or night. She has also provided countless hours of support for local and statewide candidates at every level. In addition, Christina co-founded the Essex Club, an organization focused on promoting local Republican events and unifying activists across the region. Through the Essex Club, Republican activists have been given the tools they need to recruit, mobilize, and energize the Republican Party. She has truly been a motivating, inclusive leader within the GOP. I urge my fellow Republicans and Unenrolled voters who will be voting in the Republican Presidential Primary to re-elect Christina Bain as our Republican State Committeewoman on Tuesday, March 6th. Thank you. Sincerely,
Town Common The Editor c/o The Town Common 77 Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01969 or via e-mail to:
Linda D. Allen, Chairman Newbury Republican Town Committee
The Town Common Courtesy Photo
Christina Bain and Lucas "Luke" Noble
Republican State Committeewoman Christina Bain of Manchester announced her bid for re-election to represent the First Essex and Middlesex State Senate district consisting of Boxford, Essex, Hamilton, Ipswich, Georgetown, Gloucester, Groveland, Manchester, Middleton, Newbury, North Andover precincts 5, 6, 7 & 8, North Reading, Rockport, Rowley, Wenham, West Newbury, and Wilmington. The election for Republican State Committeeman and Committeewoman will take place on the Presidential Primary ballot on Tuesday, March 6.
Notice is hereby given by Simmie’s Towing 16 Main Street Salisbury, MA, pursuant to the provisions of G.L c. 255, Section 39A, that they will sell the following vehicles on or after February 24, 2012 by private sale to satisfy their garage keeper’s lien for towing, storage, and notices of sale:
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yport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley
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serves the communities of the Upper North Shore of Mass. & Coastal New Hampshire and welcomes your participation. Send your Organization or Group Notices, Birth or Engagement Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969 Phone: 978-948-8696 Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail:
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We stock Event and Announcement Submissions OM-PAC 77 Wethersfield Street Rowley, MA 01969-1713 ECISION Phone: (978) 948-8696 Fax: (978) 948-2564 , Zuma, Laser SAILBOATS
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Rangers - Old Town - Radisson KAYAKS We omissions, stockbut reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify The Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. Wilderness Systems - Old Town Fernald’s COM-PAC No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. Perception - Necky All material and content cannot be duplicated without written PRECISION On the River Parker consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or wbury, MA 01951 edit any copy offered for publication.SAILBOATS Ocean Kayak Sunfish, Zuma, Laser Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 © Canoes The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or
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KAYAKS We stock Mad River - Old Town - Radisson In loving memory of (978) 465-0312 Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005) Fernald’s Perception - Necky PRECISION On the River Parker . 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 Ocean Kayak Sunfish, Zuma, Laser Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 Canoes 978- 465-0312 (978) 465-0312 Rangers - Old Town - Radisson
Copyright 2004-2012 The Town Common - All Rights Reserved
Elected in 2004 and re-elected in 2008, Ms. Bain works as the Director of the Program on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery at the Harvard Kennedy School, a program she designed and implemented since its inception. Ms. Bain also chairs the Essex Club, a political organization focused on supporting Republican activists regionally and raising funds for local legislative candidates. Lucas “Luke” Noble of Gloucester also announced his campaign for Republican State Committeeman to succeed John Racho of Ipswich, who is not seeking re-election. Mr. Noble, a Rockport native, resides in Gloucester with his wife and daughter. He works as a financial planner and investment adviser and serves as Chairman of the Gloucester Republican City Committee. “I am excited at the prospect of serving on the Republican State Committee with a respected leader like Christina Bain,” commented Luke Noble. “Christina and I relish the opportunity to continue building the Republican Party, especially during such an important Presidential election year,” continued Noble.
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The Town Common
77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969
February 22 - 28, 2012
Page 3
Popular Newbury Librarian Leaving for Ipswich
Continued from page 1
to miss her,” said Lois Smith, a trustee of the library. “She is just terrific.” Story Hour has been a popular part of the library for years. Before the cutbacks, as many as 80 children would gather in the designated children's room to read books, play games like the popular parachute game and even take home puppets, including Clifford the Dog, Franklin the Turtle and Madeline, for a twoweek period. Even after the cuts, the Story Hours from 2 to 6 p.m. and on Saturdays attracted as many as 60 children. “I love this library. I love this community. I love the books.
But I really love seeing the young families grow up,” Collins said. In Ipswich Collins said she will have much greater support from the town and the community. The library there is open six and a half days a week. She can work fulltime and earn a full-time salary. “With three and a half days, there is only so much you can accomplish in that time,” she said. Collins, who greeted all her former students and their parents, is the granddaughter of Dorothy Cook, a long-time librarian at the Beverly Library and later at the Fryeburg, Me, library. “She taught me to the love of reading, the sharing of reading,” Collins said.
A day after Collins' farewell party, an interim director arrived to manage the Newbury library until the board can find someone to be a part-time, permanent director. Mary Johnson-Lally, a veteran librarian, has agreed to serve as librarian until the trustees can find someone to be a parttime director. Smith said the board of trustees is having difficulty finding a person to fill the director's position. She believes that the solution is for the library to raise an endowment to help fund more operating hours for the library. But she said her real answer is for Newbury to raise its property taxes to generate more revenue for town services.
program. Playing mostly sober, he was named to the All-Western Athletic Conference first team and held school records in both assists and steals. He was drafted by the Denver Nuggets, where under the “positive leadership” of several of the players, he stayed off drugs and performed to his potential. “That was my best year,” he said, attributing it to the other players who would not let him leave the hotel without one of them going with him. Then he got the dream of his lifetime. He was traded to the Celtics. During the summer he got hooked on oxycodone pills. Playing for the Celtics, until he was injured, he gave a dealer game tickets for pills. When he was traded to the Dallas Mavericks, he was offered an $8 million contract. He chose to return to Fall River and take oxycodone. He was out of the NBA forever. That led to a rapid downward spiral. He played for teams in Europe and Asia. His first team was paying him $50,000 a week to play, but he started taking heroin. When he refused to go to training camp because he was away from his dealer, he was fired. His career then took him to teams in more foreign cities, ending in Turkey, where he was almost arrested and sentenced to a lengthy stint in prison for importing drugs. A shipping clerk, who had watched Herren play basketball, saved him by removing the drugs and writing him a letter urging him to stop taking drugs. Herren returned home to a wife and three children. But the downward spiral continued. He had car wrecks, was arrested
a couple of times, sent to rehabilitation clinics, lived homeless, was almost killed with a drug buddy, a professional football player, who was shot in his home where Herren was supposed to be partying. He said he thought often about how he would kill himself to avoid causing any more pain and suffering to his family. Fielding dozens of questions from the Triton students, Herren, at times angry, at others loving, said his greatest regret is not losing the professional basketball career or the money, which he described as “more of a curse” than a blessing. His biggest regret is the pain he caused his wife and children, he said. Today, Herren lives in Portsmouth, RI with his wife and children. Sober for the last three and a half years, he helps others struggling with addiction and lectures to high school and college students about staying off drugs. The Triton PTA invited Herren to speak when a teacher, Carla Wagner, saw him on an ESPN TV special about his drug addiction and aborted career. PTA President Susan Moran had also seen the show and agreed. With the help of the student government association, the PTA raised the $5,500 fee for Herren. “He had a definite impact on the students,” Moran said. Some students, moved by Herren's story, are talking about forming after-school groups to help one another cope with the pressures that could lead to taking drugs. For more on Herren and his programs, visit www.
Basketball Star Warns Students of Drug Dangers
Continued from page 1
of the Year, the Boston Globe Massachusetts Player of the Year and a member of the 1994 McDonald’s All American team. He was recruited to play at Boston College. As a freshman, he was told by his coach to attend an assembly on staying off alcohol and drugs, much like the one Triton's PTA, school staff and student government association held for the high school last week. He refused to go at first, but was told he would lose his scholarship if he did not attend. He did not take the assembly seriously thinking he would never have a problem with drugs or alcohol, although he had been drinking on weekends since he was 13. To him, taking drugs was what people like Len Bias did, he said. Bias, drafted by the Boston Celtics as the second overall pick in 1986, died two days later from a cocaine-inducted cardiac arrhythmia. But that night, when Herren went back to his college dorm, his roommate and girlfriend were snorting cocaine. He turned to leave, but the girl urged him to try it. “It won't hurt you,” she said. He tried cocaine that night. And for the next 14 years taking drugs not only hurt him, it almost killed him several times, nearly cost him his family and denied him the chance to be a successful professional basketball player. Testing positive for drugs, he was kicked out of Boston College. He was given a second chance by legendary coach Jerry Tarkanian at California State University, Fresno, who sent him to a 28-day rehabilitation
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February 22 - 28, 2012
Carpentry Construction, incNewspaper To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail: The Region’s Largest Independent Community speak at the North Shore Business Classified Ads Forum on February 24 on the
tour after your meal. Tours on February 25 will run at 9:00 a.m., benefits of networking at the North 10:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and noon. WEDNESDAY MORNING Shore Business Forum. The North Advance registration is required. BIRDING Call Direct Shore Business Continues Forum meets at Breakfast only:. $5.50 Community . adults, . $3.50 Join Joppa FlatsCalendar Sanctuary 7:30am at the Danversport 978-360-0477 Yacht children ages 3-8. Sugaring tour Director Bill Gette and USFWS Club, Rt. 62 East, Danvers, MA. only: $9.00 adults, $8.00 children licensed & insured Office: 978-356-5563 veteran David Weaver for this The $10 admission fee include (discount for Mass Audubon weekly birding field trip in the a continental breakfast and pre- members) Save $2.00 and sign Newburyport/Plum Island area. registration is not required. For up for breakfast and a sugaring Appropriate for all birding levels. more info - tour on the same day. For more Wednesday, February 22, 9:30 information or to register for tours, am - 12:30 pm. Meet at the Joppa FAMILY MOVIE DAY call 978-887-9264. Flats Education Center, One Plum Come join us for our family Island Turnpike, Newburyport. movie time. This week we will be SATURDAY MORNING $17. Preregistration is not required. showing "Puss in boots." Feel free BIRDING RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Specializing in: We Safely Clean: Call 978-462-9998 for information to bring refreshments and even Weekly trip with experienced • Homes • Orientals about additional programs and pillows if you wish to lay down in leaders in a search for avian activity • Offices (Cleaned On-site) events, or visit the Web site at the front. Rated PG 90 minutes in the Newburyport/Plum Island • Boats • Cottons FREE Friday Feb. 24th 1-3pm area. For beginners and birders of • Mobiles Homes • Wools • Automobiles • Fabrics Georgetown Peabody Library 978 all skill levels. Saturday, February • Stain Removal DOES LOVE LIVE ON EVEN Contact your Advertising 352 5728 25, 9:30–11:30 am. Meet at Joppa A U T H O R I Z E D LOW MOISTURE CLEANING A S S O C I A T E THROUGH DEATH? Flats Education Center, One Plum Consultant today!Free Estimates Wed. Feb. 22 from 6:30- LAST SUMMER AT BLUEFISH Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fully Insured Call Today 8pm, Join Elissa Al-Chokhachy COVE P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 Adults $10; Children ages 8 author of Miraculous Moments: Written by Jane Chambers, and up $7. Preregistration is not True Stories Affirming That Life Directed by Marc Clopton, required. Call 978-462-9998 for LOU@EGBLIVE.COM WWW.T4HCCLEAN.COM Goes On. Elissa will share stories performed by an eight women information about additional that contain first-hand accounts ensemble. The Actor's Studio of programs and events, or visit the of after death communication, Newburyport at the Tannery in Web site at www.massaudubon. nearing death awareness and near Newburyport. February 24, 25, org/joppaflats. death experiences. Langley-Adams 26. Friday & Saturday shows at Library, 185 Main St, Groveland 8:00pm Sundays at 5:00pm Tickets TAROT CARD READER, Café & Lounge 978-372-1732 http://www. $18/$15 seniors & students order MEDIUM, CHANNELLER ALL YOU CAN EAT here: Questions about money, Breakfast Buffet Saturdays & Sundays ~ 8:30am to 1pm love, career or your life's purpose? ASHED TO GO Only Homes$8.99! - offices SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH Saturday, February 25th Carol Buy one and getcommercial/residential $2.00 off the second buffet St. James Episcopal Church, Hutchins will be doing readings fully insured/free estimates 120 Main Street in Amesbury SATURDAY TEACHER Cleaned and Dry in 1 Hour from 11AM -3PM, which start ALL Deep YOU CAN EAT Specializing in Hard to Clean & will have “Ashes To Go” on WORKSHOP – ANIMALS IN Fish Fry at $20.00 for 15 minutes at The Dry Clean Only Fabrics Wednesday, February 22nd at WINTER & TRACKING (Fresh Haddock) Herbal Path 599 Lafayette Rd., Every Friday ~ All Day starting @ Noon 978-996-2492 7am on the sidewalk in front of Th e second of three Saturday Portsmouth, NH. Call her for an Only $11.99! the parish. Drop by on your way workshops on bringing the natural appointment at 207-324-6077 or WWW.T4HCCLEAN.COM HOBO’s Café & Lounge 5 Broadway, Salisbury, MA to work! At 7:00pm will be the world into the classroom, focusing just drop by. www.healingwindssite. www. hobo-café.com 978-465-4626 Liturgy of the Day with Holy on Pre-K-Grade 5 curriculum. com Communion and Imposition of For teachers, administrators, Ashes in the Church. and homeschool teachers. Series TAKE A WALK ON THE WILD continues with Weather & the SIDE: BALD EAGLES THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Water Cycle on March 24. Joppa Flats teacher Lisa 23RD Saturday, February 25, 8:00 Hutchings takes families to the am-noon. Meet at Joppa Flats banks of the Merrimack River BIG RYAN’S TALL TALES Education Center, One Plum to see wintering bald eagles. For Special Performance entitled Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fee families with children ages 6 and ‘Big Ryan’s Tall Tales’ on Thursday, per session: $40. Preregistration up. Saturday, February 25, 1:00February 23rd at 10:30 a.m. Big is required. Call 978-462-9998 3:30 pm. Meet at the Joppa Flats Saturday Classes Ryan is back by popular demand for information about additional Education Center, One Plum March 3–31 8:00 am–2:30 pm (30 hours) and has been telling stories for over programs and events, or visit the Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $8 11 years! The show features original Web site at www.massaudubon. for children; $6 for adults (must Spring Break Accelerated stories, puppet play, music and org/joppaflats. be accompanied by children). Premovement and a whole lot of fun! One Week Session registration is required. Call 978All ages are welcome. Questions: FLAPJACK FLING 462-9998 for information about March 12–16 8:00 am–2:30 pm M-F call the library at 978-948-2850 Celebrate the coming of additional programs and events, Sponsored by the Friends of The spring as sugaring season gets or visit the Web site at www. March 19–23 8:00 am–2:30 pm M-F Rowley Public Library underway at Mass Audubon’s Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary New! Three Week Evening Class FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH in Topsfield. Help us kick off the SACRED ART OF SMUDGING April 2–20 6:00 pm–8:00 pm M-F sugaring season by joining us for Life throwing you some curve GET TO KNOW THE NORTH our February Flapjack Fling on balls? Feel like you're off kilter? SHORE BUISNESS FORUM Saturday, February 25. Sign up for Come & learn about this sacred February 24 – Danvers, Nancy a pancake breakfast complete with ceremony to thank the earth & Call 978-946-0466 or go to Black, of Organization Plus and the sanctuary’s own maple syrup purify a space. Saturday, February Katie Finch of Windhill Realty, will at 8:15 a.m. and take a sugaring 25th Given by Carol Hutchins
. complete carpentry service . Additions . Kitchen and Bathroom remodeling . decks & Porches . renovations . drywall
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AAA Driving School 49 Orchard Hill Road, North Andover
athy D’Orlando, Sr. Advertising Consultant -948-8696 •
February 22 - 28, 2012 angel messenger, psychic and medium. From 2:00 – 4:00 PM at The Herbal Path 599 Lafayette Rd., Portsmouth, NH. $20.00. Call her to register or for more info at:207324-6077. Www.healingwindssite. com.
Music Series, the Abendmusik Series in Rye, NH, the Musicians of Wall Street Series in Concord, and at Mechanics Hall in Worcester where they completed a successful recording of the Brahms E Minor Sonata. Pearson began her professional life as founder and cellist of the Apple Hill Chamber Players, and has performed over 2000 chamber music concerts throughout the United States. Her solo appearances include Lincoln Center, the Gardner Museum, the Longy School, and Harvard and Smith colleges. Dykstra is a Canadian born and trained musician now living in New Hampshire where he maintains a very active career as a solo and chamber music performer, teacher, and recording artist. He has recorded world premiere offerings of modern music by American composers such as Norman Matthews, Edward Ficklin, Roger Rudenstein, and with Richard Stoltzman (clarinet) both in piano/ clarinet combination and with the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra under Kirk Trevor. The Jean C. Wilson Music Series is named for one of the founders and the director of the music series for 27 years. Now, under the auspices of the First Religious Society Unitarian Universalist Music Committee, the Music Series typically offers three concerts held during the first three months of the year. The third concert of the 2012 series will be the Boston Philharmonic Players DIGESTIVE ISSUES Come learn what the on Sunday, March 11, at 4 p.m. symptoms of digestive decline are, featuring Thomas Hill on clarinet, how to repair your colon, increase Rafael Popper-Keizer on cello, and nutrient absorption and feel better! Continued on page 8 Sunday, February 26th Given by Gayle Perkins, wellness educator, at The Herbal Path 599 Lafayette Rd., Portsmouth, NY from 2:003:30PM. $10.00. Call her to register or for more information at: 207-752-1281. www.healingways. net.
widely known fundraiser. Sweetser is currently responsible for fundraising at the UUA where he is Vice President for Stewardship and Development. WHAT: Rev. Terry Sweetser will speak at the First Religious Society WHERE: First Religious Society, 26 Pleasant TUCKERMANS AT 9 Street, Newburyport WHEN: ROCKIN' A CAPPELLA The rockin' a cappella of Sunday, February 26 at 10:30am Tuckermans at 9 returns to COST: Free and open to the Massachusetts on Saturday, public February 25, 2012, as part of the First Parish Church of Newbury THE MERRIMACK RIVER & Concert Series. 7:30pm; First BALD EAGLES The Bald Eagle is one of our Parish Church of Newbury, 20 national symbols. Each winter High Road, Route 1A, Newbury Bald Eagles from northern New Massachusetts, 01951. Tickets: England move south to the lower $12 in advance, $15 at the door. Merrimack River which provides 978-465-5597 to reserve tickets. perfect winter habitat for these More info: and majestic birds. In this outdoor Tuckermans at 9 on Facebook. class you will learn about field SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26TH marks, bill size & shape, cere & talons, eyes and their hunting style, flight speed and altitude, BREAKFAST BUFFET Women of the Moose Breakfast and their plumage and more. Class Buffet on Sunday ~ February 26, will take place along the Merrimac 2012, 8 to 11 am $6 per person River’s edge and we will be walking Moose Lodge, 34 Broad Street, on snow and unimproved trails. Dress in layers for outdoor weather Merrimac including waterproof boots, wool socks, hat & gloves. If you have BIRDING THE MAINE binoculars, bring them. Northern COAST Explore excellent birding sites Essex Community College Sunday, for winter seabirds and waterfowl February 26, 2012 – 1:30 pm with Joppa Flats sanctuary director 4:00pm For more information and Bill Gette. Sunday, February 26, to register, please contact Northern 8:00 am–5:00 pm. Meet at the Joppa Essex Community College at 978Flats Education Center, One Plum 556-3837.
Page 5
MARCH PRIVATE SCHOOL VACATION APRIL SCHOOL VACATION March 19 - 23, 9am to 4pm April 16 - 20, 9am to 4pm Reserve your seat... Sign up NOW... go online
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The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspape
Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $55. Pre-registration is required.
BALD EAGLES OF THE MERRIMACK RIVER Join birder Alison O’Hare and search the areas around the open water of the lower Merrimack River for wintering bald eagles. Sunday, February 26, 9:00 a.m. - noon Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $21. Pre-registration is required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and CELLIST BETH PEARSON events, or visit the Web site at AND PIANIST PAUL DYKSTRA WILL PERFORM BEETHOVEN IN NEWBURYPORT "SO MUCH MORE" BY REV. Need a respite from the cold TERRY SWEETSER winter? Beethoven’s “Sonata in F We often say, "Things aren't Major” for cello and piano will what they seem," and conclude warm your heart. Duo Andacht the sentence with "they are so will perform works by Ludwig much less." The teachings of van Beethoven, Sergei Prokofieff, both Unitarian and Universalist Max Bruch and Manuel de Falla, forebears are exactly the opposite. on Sunday, Feb. 26, at 4 p.m. at In fact, to live the lives we wish we the Unitarian Church, 26 Pleasant could, we are challenged us to find St., Newburyport, the second of fullness in the wonders of life. A three concerts in the 2012 Jean C. service that urges us to imagine Wilson Music Series. Pianist Paul that things aren't JUST what they Dykstra and cellist Beth Pearson seem, they are so much more! Rev. Terry Sweetser is a fifth-generation formed Duo Andacht in 2008, Unitarian Universalist, a minister and have been frequent performers for more than thirty years and a together on the New England stage, including the Jean C. Wilson
978-462-1084 Cell 978-317-0760 Contact your Advertising
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Atlantic Green Energy
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will be holding a Solar Training course on March 5th thru 9th. This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of solar technologies. The course provides hands-on training exercises and labs. Students will gain a thorough understanding of the tools used to complete site evaluations, perform necessary measurements and calculations required to complete a fully functional solar PV system installation. Price of the course is $1595.00. Sign up soon the class holds 16 students. This course is the first step towards NABCEP certification.
Letters To TheFebruary Editor 22 - 28, 2012
Page 6
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AMESBURY - Sparhawk School will host an OPEN HOUSE for prospective students and their families on Wednesday, March 14th, at both Amesbury campuses. 9-11am at the Upper Campus (High School): 196 What kind of law do we do? Estate plans. Civil litigation. Criminal defense. Main Street, Amesbury. 4-6pm at the Lower Campus (PreK-8): 259 Elm St., Amesbury. This event will be the Business law. Representing clients before Town boards. And more. final open house for the 2012 enrollment season. Sparhawk School is an independent, PreK -12 college preparatory Need a lawyer? Come see us. day school with a focus on academic excellence in a culture of kindness. For more information, check sparhawkschool. AND com, or call 978.388.5354. We hope to see you there! A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - The Trustees, Amesbury Health Care Charitable Trust is pleased to announce they have recently Arthur K. Ross, Jr. • Peter M. Ross published a new Resource booklet. Community resources are listed in this booklet to services infants to seniors Downtown Ipswich – 20 Market St. • 978-356-2000 in Amesbury. This booklet was published with the assistances of the Amesbury Council on Aging, University of Massachusetts, Lowell and Northern Essex Community College Intern Students. This booklet is available at the For Senior Center asSale well on the Amesbury Town web page You may also request that a booklet be mailed to by sending a written request to Amesbury Health care Charitable•Trust, PO BOX 463, Amesbury, MA 01913 -----------------------------------------------------------GROVELAND - The Langley-Adams Library, in Groveland Massachusetts is proud to announce that they have won an important grant from the Federal Institute of Museum and • Library Services(IMLS)•through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) administered by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners. The Library received a $7,350 federal IMLS/LSTA grant “On the Same Page” to support the program One Community, One Book; “Groveland Gathers to Read”. Adults will be reading The Finest Hours by author and guest speaker Michael Tougias. Groveland teens will be reading Dark Life by Kat Falls and our little Groveland members will read Going Lobstering by Jerry Pallotta. Jerry will be stopping by the library for a visit in May. The programs will run in April and May and all programs will share a Maritime theme. The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 123,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. The Institute's mission is to create strong libraries and museums that connect people to information and ideas. The Institute works at the national level and in coordination with state and local organizations to sustain heritage, culture, and knowledge; enhance learning and innovation; and support professional development. To learn more about the Institute, please visit -----------------------------------------------------------HAMILTON-WENHAM Spring Book Sale Dates are Saturday, March 24, 9 am - 3 pm. The sale continues Mon. 26 thru Wed. 28, 10-8 & Thur. 29, 10-5. Don’t miss the Friends Only Book Sale Friday evening, March 23, 6-8. Not a Friends member yet? You can join at the door. Hamilton-Wenham Public Library, 14 Union St., S. Hamilton Ad # 1 978-468-5577 -----------------------------------------------------------AUTO BUSINESS HOME For Client /Newspaper use only – this does not print: HAMPTON - On March 3rd and 4th the Hampton Community Chorale will be holding its 6th annual Cabaret, This PDF – dated 06/10/11 – replaces all previous PDFs of this ad. Please destroy all previous PDFs of this ad. Mirrors . Table Top . Replacement Windows “Viva Las Hampton”, in the “Ocean Lounge”, downstairs at the First Congregational Church of Hampton. The Questions? Call. Acorn Advertising, 781-643-2928. dinner show will be on Saturday at 5:00, and the Sunday show, which includes dessert and beverages, will start at 3:00. Garage Door Experts! Insulated & Safety Glass . Patio Doors Tickets are $15 and $10. For tickets or other information, call Rosemarie at 926 4765, Kate at 926 3531, or Peter at . . Storm Windows & ad Doors Screen Shower Actual size – 4” x 2” Repairs (Town Common ) Enclosures 828 8332. Tickets will not be sold at the door. -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - Never tried a triathlon? Now's the time with Tri for the YWCA, the Third Annual Indoor Triathlon, Sunday, March 25th, hosted by The YWCA Greater Newburyport and the Masters Swim Group. Events will include: Indoor Swim: 10 minutes in 25 yard pool; Indoor Cycle: 25 minutes ride on Spin Bike; Outdoor Run/Walk: 1.5 miles on the “Rail Trail”. Tri for the YWCA begins at 8:00 AM with 15 minute staggered time starts and is open to 5 - 7 Perry Way (behind the Armory on Low Street), all fitness levels. Enter as an individual and try your best at all three sports or enter as a team and do the sport you Newburyport like best! Register on line only at: Join us as we swim, bike & run for the fun of it! -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - The Ipswich Family YMCA, located at 110 County Rd., will be hosting an Overnight Lock-In for local Middle School Youth Groups on March 9th from 8pm to 8am. All night long there will be exciting games and activities in the gym and the pool as well as music, food, contests and more. It is going to be an awesome night that you do not want to miss. Bring your friends and come have a blast at the Y. $20 for Y Members and $30 for the Community, pre-register by March 7 at the Ipswich Family YMCA. For more information, contact Nick Fitzgerald at 978-356-9622. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - Belleville Congregational Church of Newburyport to Host Gentle Chair Yoga & Meditation. Area residents are invited to breathe and smile as they engage in Gentle Chair Yoga & Meditation. This gentle practice of yoga is composed of simple breath exercises combined with healing movements designed to improve immunity, digestion, sleep patterns, and relaxation of the nervous system.Carla Mattioli, artist and yoga practitioner for twentyeight years, will be leading the class at Belleville Congregational Church (300 High Street Newburyport). All are Media Sponsorship provided by invited to attend this eight week class each Thursday beginning on March 22nd and running through May 10th from The Town Common 1:30-2:30 PM. Registration is required, minimum of 7 needed for each class. Cost is $80 for the 8 week series. Please call: 978-546-8018 by March 15th to register. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - “Insight to Education”, A Workshop for Local Educators, Wednesday, March 21st, 2012 from 9:00am-12:00pm, Local educators both formal and non-formal are invited to join a refuge staff member for a FREE
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Continued on page 9
KAYAKS Wilderness Systems - Old Town Perception - Necky Ocean Kayak Canoes Mad River - Old Town - Radisson Fernald’s On the River Parker Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 (978) 465-0312
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February 22 - 28, 2012 For Sale
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Intelligent Independent Living; Sports • Sports • Sports Know Where to Find It professionals in attendance, that resident soon learned that he would have to pay out of pocket for his costly care. Despite the hefty monthly all inclusive payment he had been making to the CCRE for just this event, he learned that reimbursement would be made to a nursing home or a hospital for example but not to this entity called CCRE. The issue of reimbursement has been and still can be too gray an area as the mammoth wheels that support the bulk of government and insurance policies, rules and regulations slowly turn in one direction or another. CCRE’s that have been impacted heavily by not falling within an acceptable category for Medicare reimbursement have had to pass the cost of their assisted living care onto the residents who are left holding the bill. A few years ago a well known CCRE’s parent company filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11 with the hope of reorganizing. Similar entities have filed for protection across the country. It is not clear what other issues if any may be impacting conventional CCREs but conflict inevitable leads to change. As the growing problem of our costly health care needs has evolved, so too has the growing need to provide an efficient and satisfactory solution for all of us. In “an earlier life” as an RN, I knew that given a choice, most folks desired to remain in their homes when the need for health care services arose. Providers knew full well that home health care was/is far less costly than the alternatives such as nursing homes, CCRE’s and hospitals. Home health care more often “fits” within the acceptable reimbursement categories where the CCRE’s have had their share of problems with reimbursement. As I write, there is a development underway that embodies the “best of all worlds”. The concept is as simple as it is brilliant. The resident purchases a brand new unit/home
within a new independent living development for the market price. The resident pays an “all inclusive” monthly fee that includes almost every possible life enhancing amenity imaginable to permit independent living for seniors. The resident is not charged the hefty monthly fee for healthcare costs. If the resident requires home health assistance, it can be provided by any such agency that will then be reimbursed unlike the problems that have been associated with CCRE’s. I recently visited a stunning and all inclusive independent living development. It is hard to imagine a more beautiful lifestyle where minute details addressing myriad needs are an integral part of the plan. Developers and architects who have learned to meet the needs of the many are most successful when they first learned to meet the needs of the persons they loved. The Developer and the Architect who are heading this extraordinary development experienced the frustration and heartbreak of doing the best they could for their aging loved ones in a world that offered inadequate systems. They are clearly visionaries who are building a lifestyle for everyone else’s loved ones. As REALTORs, it is important for us to learn as much as we can about meeting the needs of the huge consumer group that is upon us now. If you would like information about this article and/or gorgeous independent living in our market area, you may contact me below. For now, know that there are wonderful ideas taking shape to meet active lifestyles and they are already here. Broker/Owner Janet Hilton is a former practicing RN and Attorney who with her husband retired Lynn Fire Lieutenant George Hilton owns and operates Country Crossroads Realty Associates located at 28 Bay Rd South Hamilton. To reach the office, call 978-468-5910 x202 or reach Janet directly at cell 781-405-4867…
Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness
BY JANET HILTON, BROKER, ESQ., COUNTRY CROSSROADS If you were born between 1946 and 1964, you are a “baby boomer” and you are among a massive demographic of nearly 80 million people whose older relatives are living longer even as you begin to consider your own needs changing with the years. Some years ago in answer to the growing need for assisted living, continuing care retirement communities (CCRC’s) developed. The concept was not without merit at the time the CCRC’s began to sprout up around the country. Hundreds of individual units with bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms and living rooms were sold to individuals and everyone lived within the huge complex that was designed to meet the continuing care needs of the residents. A typical CCRE unit owner would pay the market price to buy the residence and then pay an additional monthly figure that was to be “all inclusive” should that owner later require assisted living health care within the CCRC itself. It sounded wonderful and for many CCRC owners it was. One of the guarantees in life, however, is that change is inevitable. Without being able to adapt to change, we would cease to exist in a world that offers so much of it on a constant basis. In the mid 1990’s a change in the Medicare reimbursement policy reared its ugly head and darkened the doorsteps of many CCREs and the unsuspecting residents within the complexes. In short, if a CCRE resident living in his home required the assisted living quarters of the CCRC with licensed healthcare
Sold Single Family Homes
Address, Town
32 Hillside Ave, Amesbury 63 Lake Attitash Rd, Amesbury 8 Knowlton Sq, Gloucester 62 Fordham Way, Newbury 68 Mudnock Rd, Salisbury 34 Stockholm Ave, Rockport 2 Captains Way, Rockport 26 Beach St, Rockport 8 Harris Way, Georgetown
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Page 7
Our Featured Property of the Week
Rowley: This lovely 7 room Colonial has been rebuilt and added to both inside and out with master craftsmanship. Hardwood flooring throughout, gas fireplace with custom mantle, recessed lighting and crown molding everywhere. Open concept, granite stainless kitchen with double oven, raised panel cabinets, island with breakfast bar and separate eat-in kitchen. Three bedrooms on second floor with a 4th room used as a den. Full attic ready to be finished. Convenient location on half an acre. Offered at $419,900. Call John at 978-835-2573 for more information or to make an appointment to see.
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Page 8
February 22 - 28, 2012
Continued from page 5
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email jean.macdougall-tattan@ guest artist pianist Eliko Akahori. Merrimack Valley Suggested donations are $15, $10 Hospital is located at 140 Lincoln for seniors, children and students Ave. in Haverhill, MA free. For more information about the concert go to or WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY call 978-465-0602 x401 29TH
54 State Street Newburyport, MA 01950
For Direction Only a Lawyer Can Provide...
BRING YOUR OWN BOOK: BOOK CLUB FOR TEENS Are you a bibliophile in 7th to 12th grade? The Newburyport Public Library can help! Join us on Monday, February 27 from 4:30 to 5:30pm in the Conference Room for this monthly book discussion of the newest, the best, or the recently rediscovered works of literary genius that you cannot put down. Sign up here: http://www.newburyportpl. org/events/02-2012 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH FAMILY MOVIE DAY Come join us for our family movie night as we show "Hugo" Feel free to bring refreshments and even pillows if you wish to lay down in the front. Rated PG, 126 minutes Tuesday Feb. 28th 6-8pm. (Will run slightly past 8) FREE Georgetown Peabody Library 978 352 5728
“BEHIND THE SCENES” REFUGE TOUR Wednesday, February 29th at 9:30 am. Join a refuge ranger for a behind the scenes tour of Parker River National Wildlife Refuge. Tour will be conducted via refuge van, with several brief “drive by” stops along the way. The tour will present an “up close and personal” look at the refuge through the multiple lenses of the cultural history of Plum Island and the Great Marsh, native wildlife and their habitats, and the role of refuge management in the conservation of these precious natural resources. Participants will visit areas on the refuge otherwise closed to the public. This guided two hour program is most appropriate for adults. Binoculars and/or a camera are recommended but not required. Meet the ranger in the lobby of the refuge visitor center. Each session is limited to 10 participants. Advance registration is required for this program, as enrollment is limited. Be advised that individual tours may be subject to cancellation.
For more information go to our website at www.amesburylibrary. org or contact Margie Walker at or 978-3888148. WEDNESDAY MORNING BIRDING Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director Bill Gette and USFWS veteran David Weaver for this weekly birding field trip in the Newburyport/Plum Island area. Appropriate for all birding levels. Wednesday, February 29, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm. Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $17. Preregistration is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www.massaudubon. org/joppaflats. SOUP SUPPER On Wednesday, February 29th, please join St. James Episcopal Church, 120 Main Street, Amesbury for soup supper with Bible study and prayer from 6pm – 7:30pm in the Parish Hall. A children’s program will be offered. Please RSVP to stjames. or call the office at 978-388-0030 and leave your name and telephone number.
ASSESSING BREAST CANCER ENERGY RETROFITS & RISK THE HISTORIC HOME: COMIC BOOK A medical Meet the Expert ILLUSTRATOR ANDY FISH WEIGHING RISKS & seminar with Surgeon Kathryn FOR TEENS OPPORTUNITIES Hughes, MD. On Tuesday, Wed. Feb. 29, 7:30-9 pm. Andy and Veronica Fish will February 28, 6-7 p.m. in be at the Amesbury Public Library Presented by Sally Zimmerman, Merrimack Valley Hospital’s 1st on Wednesday, February 29 at 3:00 Manager of Historic Preservation floor auditorium. Dr. Hughes p.m. They will present and overview Services for Historic New England. will help attendees understand the of the history of Manga and then One of the most challenging issues incidence of breast cancer, identify a hands on workshop offering facing owners of historic homes risk factors, define and identify techniques and tricks for drawing is how to make the home more “high risk” for breast cancer, comics in a Manga style. Andy is energy efficient without damaging understand breast cancer screening a cartoonist, painter, illustrator or compromising its historic for normal and high risk patients, and author illustrator of 13 graphic architecture and fabric. Sally and identify and understand risk- novels. His work h as appeared in presents a historic preservation reducing strategies. One free contact galleries all over the United States, perspective on insulation, window hour for nursing. Free and open and he has been published in five repair, air sealing, and renewable North Largest Independent Community Newspaper to the Shore’s public. Light refreshments. countries. He has done storyboards energy options in the historic Registration required. For more in TV and Film and continues home. Hamilton-Wenham Public information or to register please to produce two graphic novels Library, 14 Union St., S. Hamilton contact Jean at 978.420.1168 or a year. Registration is required. 978-468-5577
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February 22 - 28, 2012
Page 9
Continued from page 6
Site Work three hours, hands-on workshop that will focus on how this national wildlife refuge can be a valuable educational excavation contractorS resource and/or field trip destination for a diversity of learning groups. The three hour workshop will include: An overview of the important conservation role the refuge plays- both locally and nationally; An up-close look at our Septic tankS & visitor services center, state-of-the-art auditorium, large classroom and related educational resources; An informative SyStem contractorS outlook about the refuge, with an emphasis on how wildlife and their habitats are managed; A chance to visit to several locations on the refuge where hands-on learning experiences may be conducted outside the typical classroom container Service setting; The workshop will mainly be conducted in the visitor center located at the refuge headquarters at 6 Plum Island Turnpike in Newburyport. Advance registration is required for this program, as space is limited. Please register by March 14th, 2012 by calling (978) 465-5753. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT – AJH Aid Association Plans “A Grecian Night with Great Chefs” on March 16 - The Anna Jaques Hospital Aid Association is pleased to announce its upcoming 24th annual Great Chefs’ Night, featuring the creations of celebrated chefs from over twenty restaurants and caterers in the Greater Newburyport area. Presenting sponsors are the Institution for Listen to Kathryn’s radio program Savings and the Newburyport Five Cent Savings Bank. “A Grecian Night with Great Chefs” will include gourmet tastings, live and silent auctions, live every Friday at 7:45 am on WNBP entertainment and dancing. Once again, the Governor’s Academy, in Byfield, is graciously donating its facilities for the gala. The festivities will take place on March 16, from 6 to 10 p.m. So save the date! Great Chefs’ Night is the AJH Aid Association’s main fundraiser each year, and all proceeds support services at the hospital. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT – Why Weight? Complimentary Healthy Dinner and Kathryn O’Brien, M.Ed. Fitness Workshop Presented by: Dr. Jennah Dieter, Clinical Nutritionist & Hannah Horton, Personal Trainer on Tuesday, March 27, at 6:30pm at Direct Line: 978-465-1322 Healthcare Complete, 260 Merrimac Street, Newburyport. Why Weight? Seating is Limited…Reserve your seat today! (978) 499-9355 Email: -----------------------------------------------------------Website: NEWBURYPORT - The YWCA Greater Newburyport, 13 Market Street, is holding on-going registration for its Winter II Session #1 Swim Lessons. This session runs from Monday, February 27 – Saturday, April 14, 2012 offering swim lessons for all levels, beginning at 6 months of age. Classes are held Monday – Saturday with morning and afternoon options. These are 7 week sessions. For more information and registration forms, visit our website at or call 978-465-9922. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - Middle Eastern Dance Night at the Grog, a Fundraiser for Newburyport Continuing Education, Featuring top Boston and local area 86 Ipswich Road,Topsfield: bellydancers performing a wide variety of bellydance styles from Lebanese to P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 Elegant 1837 home with almost 5 Gypsy, Egyptian, Cabaret, Tribal and Sword. Thursday , March 22 at 7 pm at the Grog, 12 Middle Street Newburyport MA, Admission is $8.00, 21 plus. acres of horse-friendly grounds, For more information contact Maria O'Connor at 978 388 4148 skating pond, and separate -----------------------------------------------------------studio/office. Spacious eat-in NEWBURYPORT – On Thursday, March 15, Salvation Army will be open kitchen with large island and to all for individual information interviews. Residents are welcome to come in any time between 4pm and 7pm with questions about support and services. Rumford fireplace. Master suite If you do not know what you and your family may or may not be eligible to with multi-angled cathedral receive, we may be able to help you figure it out. We have information on ceilings, Rumford fireplace, roof fuel assistance, good neighbor energy fund, food stamps, Mass Health, WIC, deck with hot tub, white marble Continued on page 11 bath with Jacuzzi, and glass-enclosed shower. $595,900.
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Page 10
local entertainment calendar Ironic Music Calendar features local events North of Boston and along Coastal/Southern NH. IMC is a production of Ironic Music Booking Agency LLC: If your venue would like to be included in this calendar, or if you’d like to receive this list weekly via email, please contact us at:
MASSACHUSETTS Amesbury THE BARN PUB & GRILLE 5 Ring Street, 978-3888700 Wed 2/22: Seacoast Dart Association League Fri 2/24: Luck of the Draw Tue 2/28: Northeast Dart Association League MURPHY’S RIVERSIDE Find them on Facebook 37 Main St., 978-8340020 Thu 2/23: Karaoke Mon 2/27: Game Night Beverly FIBBER McGEE'S Find them on Facebook 108 Cabot St., 978-2320180 Wed 2/22: Karaoke Thu 2/23: DJ Fri 2/24: DJ Sat 2/25: DJ/Live Music Mon 2/27: Trivia, 7:30pm THE PICKLED ONION www. 355 Rantoul St., 978232-3973 Wed 2/22: Karaoke, 10pm Thu 2/23: DJ Max Baun, 10pm-1am Fri 2/24: Tobin & Leahy, 5-9pm Mon 2/27: Stump Trivia, 5-10pm Danvers THE VILLAGE GREEN www.villagegreendanvers. com 225 Newbury St., 978774-7270 Wed 2/22: The Queen of Karaoke Louise Fri 2/24: Paul DiPanfilo Sat 2/25: Wildfire Tues 2/28: Country Line Dancing, 7pm Georgetown KEON’S @ THE BLACK SWAN COUNTRY CLUB http://www. blackswancountryclub. com/ 258 Andover Street, 978352-2900 Sat 2/25: World Gone Crazy Band, 7pm, $20 pp. Gloucester ALCHEMY CAFÉ & BISTRO 3 Duncan St., 978-2813997 Wed 2/22: Women, Wine & Chocolate w/Chelsea Berry, 7-9pm Sun 2/26: Bluegrass Brunch w/Flynn Cohen, 12-2pm
CAPE ANN BREWING CO. www.capeannbrewing. com 27 Commercial St., 978281-4782 Wed 2/22: Trivia Night, 7:30pm Thu 2/23: Open Mic Night, 9pm Fri 2/24: Marina Evans Sat 2/25: The Darryl Strawberries & Grand 27 Sun 2/26: Boudreau Jazz Supper Club Tue 2/28: Sea Shanty Sing-A-Long, 9pm
Throwdown Sat 2/25: Division Tree; DJ Julian Sun 2/26: Pocket Big Band Tue 2/28: Open Mic MAL’S LOUNGE @ GEORGE’S RESTAURANT 77 Washington St., 978374-5150 Fri 2/24: Roy Barboza THE PEDDLER’S DAUGHTER www. 45 Wingate St., 978-3729555 Sat 2/25: Revels Glen, 9:30pm
THE TAP/LIMELIGHT LOUNGE 100 Washington St., 978374-1117 Wed 2/22: Stump Trivia Thur 2/23: Karaoke Fri 2/24: Rowdybar Blues THE DOG BAR Band Sat 2/25: Don’t Call Me 65 Main St., 978-281Shirley 6565 Thu 2/23: 3 Vibe, 9pm-cl Newburyport Sun 2/26: Michael DAVID’S TAVERN @ O’Leary w/David de la THE GARRISON INN Barre, 9pm-cl 11 Brown Sq., 978-462GIUSEPPE'S 8077 RISTORANTE Sat 2/25: Starshyne w/Marianne &Rick 2 Main St., 978-8794622 THE GROG Wed 2/22: Open Mic, 7:30-10:30pm 13 Middle St., 978-465Thu 2/23: Dueling 8008 Pianos, 8:30pm Wed 2/22: Hoot Night, Fri 2/24: Joe Thomas, 9pm-cl 8-11pm Sat 2/25: Joe Thomas, Thu 2/23: Evolvement 9pm-cl Radio presents Battle Sun 2/26: Maria Lena & Radical- Battle of the Gerry Stafford, 6pm Bands round 2 Fri 2/24: Merrimack JALAPEÑOS MEXICAN Delta Dub Set RESTAURANT Sat 2/25: Rosie www.jalapenosgloucester. Sun 2/26: Blues Party, com 6-10pm 86 Main St., 978-283Mon 2/27: Comedy 8228 Open Mic, 7:30-9:30pm Tue 2/28: The Wood Tue 2/28: Steve Spoungin Peppers, 7pm THE PORT TAVERN THE RHUMB LINE 84 State St., 978-46540 Railroad Ave, 9781006 283-9732 Wed 2/22: Irish Seisuin Wed 2/22: Prime Rib, w/Eamon Coyne 5pm; Fly Amero, 8-11pm Thu 2/23: The Foggy Thu 2/23: Dave Sags Duo Blues Party, 9:30pmFri 2/24: Elijah Clark 1:30am Sat 2/25: Rugby Fri 2/24: Ned & the Big Sun 2/26: Rugby ; Ronan Babies, 9:30-12:30am Quinn Sat 2/25: Lois Lane & the Tue 2/28: Stump Trivia, Daily Planets, 9:30pm- 8-10pm 12:30am Sun 2/26: Allen Estes & Rockport Orville Giddings, 8pm- ROCKPORT MUSIC @ 12am THE SHALIN LIU Mon 2/27: Open Jam PERFORMANCE w/Dan King, 9:30pmCENTER 12:30am Tue 2/28: Trivia, 7pm; 35 Main St., 978-546Funk Jam w/Henley 7391 Douglass Jr. & Soul Force Fri 2/24: Schubert’s Die V, 10pm-12:30am Winterreise Haverhill Sun 2/25: Verdi’s Ernani CHIT CHAT LOUNGE 103 Washington St., 978374-9710 Wed 2/22: Karaoke Thu 2/23: Juke Joint 5; Country Line Dance Lesson Fri 2/24: DJ Julian; Trivia
Salem FINZ SEAFOOD & GRILL 76 Wharf St., Pickering Wharf, 978-744-8485 Wed 2/23: Beloved Few
THE GREEN LAND CAFÉ www.thegreenlandcafe. com 87 Washington St., 978744-7766 Fri 2/24: Tony Gallo Mon 2/27: Larry & the Bluecasters
February 22 - 28, 2012
Goffstown & the Chocolate GROCKAFELLAS Strings www.rockafellasofsalem. THE VILLAGE TRESTLE Sun 2/26: Irish Session, com 231 Essex St, 978-745- 2-5pm, The Spain 25 Main St., 603-497Brothers 2411 Mon 2/27: Bar Trivia, Wed 2/22: Latin Dance 8230 Thu 2/23: Ladies Night 7:30pm Party, 8-11:30pm Karaoke Tue 2/28: John Cumming Fri 2/23: Mamadou Fri 2/24: The Tom Dixon Sat 2/24: Midnight Band, 8pm-12am STRANGE BREW Goggles Sat 2/25: The Groove TAVERN Sun 2/25: Marybeth THE GULU GULU Cats, 8pm-12am www.strangebrewtavern. Maes CAFÉ SCRATCH KITCHEN Sun 2/26: The Wan-Tu net 88 Market St., 603-666247 Essex St., 978-740- www.scratchkitchensalem. Blues Band, 3-7pm 4292 com 8882 Wed 2/22: Jon Ross Wed 2/23: Model Citizens 245 Derby St., 978-741- THE PASTA LOFT Thu 2/23: Charlie Keating 2442 Thu 2/24: Dub Steady 220 E Main St., 603-378- Fri 2/24: Bruce Marshall Th u 2/23: Preacher Jack Quartet Sat 2/25: Michigan Ave & Willie Loco Alexander 0092 Fri 2/25: Big Blue Wed 2/22: Open Mic Tue 2/28: Strange Brew Octopus Fri 2/24: Triana All-Stars Salisbury Tue 2/28: Hitchcock Sat 2/25: Max Capistran BLUE OCEAN MUSIC Movie Month- Rear Nashua HALL Window Londonderry FODY’s GREAT TUPELO MUSIC HALL AMERICAN TAVERN 4 Oceanfront North, IN A PIG’S EYE www. 978-463-9222 tupelohalllondonderry. 9 Clinton St., 603-577Thu 2/23: Jodie 148 Derby St., 978-741- Cunningham & Fried com 9015 4436 2 Young Rd., 603-437- Wed 2/22: Trivia Night, Cactus Wed 2/22: Tokyo Tramps 5100 8pm Thu 2/23: Ervin Dhimo CAROUSEL LOUNGE Thu 2/23: Solas, 8pm Thu 2/23: Josh Logan Fri 2/24: Blues Jam, 4:15- www.carousel-lounge. Fri 2/24: John Mayall Band 6:45pm Fri 2/24: One Fine Mess com Sat 2/25: Andrew Gravel 20 Oceanfront, 978-465- WHIPPERSNAPPERS Sat 2/25: Chad Lamarsh RESTAURANT Mon 2/27: DJ Mark Allen www.whippersnappersnh. Tue 2/28: Karaoke Dance com Party 44 Nashua Rd., 603-4342660 THE PEDDLER’S Wed 2/22: Stump Trivia DAUGHTER Thu 2/23: John Paul & www.thepeddlersdaughter. Train Wreck com Fri 2/24: Hypercane 48 Main St., 603-821every �hursday �� � no cover Sat 2/25: Leaving Eden 7535 �ive �usic��-� �hursdays Sun 2/26: Hurricane Fri 2/24: Nimbus 9 �Kitchen S������ K������ Scratch is a quality driven gourmet gastro Alley Sat 2/25: Beyond the Pale �hursday ��-� &��local � nofarm cover delievery focusing on regional fresh BOYNTON’S ingredients with fantastic daily specials, house STELLA BLU Scratch Kitchen is a quality driven gourmet gastro TAPROOM smoked meats and great craft beers to choose from! deli focusing on regional & local farm fresh www.boyntonstaproom. 70 E Pearl St., 603-578ingredients with fantastic daily specials, house com 5557 2342to: choose from! smoked meats.�/�0��1 and great craft beers 155 Dow St., 603-623- Fri 2/24: Brian Owens 2/2 � 70��� 890:����1 - folk/singer-songwriter 7778 Sat 2/25: Joe McDonald .�/�0��1 2342: 2/� � ����� /�9;� - singer-songwriter/blues/rock Sat 2/25: Dueling Pianos, 2/2 � 70��� 890:����1 folk/singer-songwriter 2/4� � 79�� S�:� < rock/pop/singer-songwriter 8pm $10-17 Newmarket 2/� /�9;� - singer-songwriter/blues/rock 2/2=������� �������� 7��K & ;����� ���>��8�� STONE CHURCH ON 2/4� � 79�� S�:� < rock/pop/singer-songwriter rockabilly/boogie woogie THE DERRYFIELD ZION HILL 2/2= � �������� 7��K & ;����� ���>��8�� {music presented by: woogie Ironic Music Booking Agency – } www.stonechurchrocks. rockabilly/boogie 625 Mammoth Rd., 603- com {music presented by: Ironic Music Booking Agency – } 623-2880 5 Granite St., 603-292Fri 2/24: Last Kid Picked 3546 Sat 2/25: Mama Kicks Wed 2/22: Anais Mitchell Thu 2/23: Element DRYNK RESTAURANT Fri 2/24: Drew Szeliga & 245 Derby St. - corner of Congress & Derby 245 DerbySalem St. -, MA corner of Congress| & Derby & LOUNGE | 978-741-2442 the Gang w/Jamie Kent & Salem MA | 978-741-2442 http:// ://, scratchkitchensalem scratchkitchensalem com | the Options http Check �acebook �acebook for for specials specials:: 20 Old Granite St., Check Sat 2/25: Maganahan;s ���.facebook com/Scratch�itchen Scratch�itchen ��� 603.836.5251 Revival Wed 2/22: Tropical Sun 2/26: Open Mic, Wednesday 7pm-12am 9045 Sun 2/26: Eric Reardon & Sat 2/25: King Karaoke, Thu 2/23: College Night; Tue 2/28: Blue Grass Jam, Friends Ladies Night 9pm-12am 8:30pm Mon 2/27: Open Mic, Fri 2/24: Rock Star Fridays 9pm Portsmouth HOBO'S CAFÈ & Tue 2/28: Industry Night THE BLUE MERMAID Tue 2/28: 758 Comedy LOUNGE Club www.chefhowieshobocafe. FRATELLO’s ITALIAN 409 The Hill, 603-427com GRILLE O'NEILL'S PUB 2583 5 Broadway, 4626 Wed 2/22: Open Mic 155 Dow St., 603-624- Fri 2/24: Ryan Flaherty 120 Washington St., 978- Wed 2/22: Karaoke & 2022 & the Hungry Moon 740-8811 Dance, 6pm Wed 2/22: Lachlan w/special guest Jenni Wed 2/22: Sports Trivia, Thu 2/23: Karaoke MacLearn Backstrom 5-10pm Contest & Dance, Thu 2/23: Jazz Night, Sat 2/25: John ThatThu 2/23: DJ Sap, 11pm- 8:30pm 6:30-9:30pm Upbeat Rock is all That 12:30am Mon 2/27: Karaoke & Fri 2/24: Joe McDonald Fri 2/24: Live Irish Music, Dance, 6pm Sat 2/25: John Chouinard PORTSMOUTH 6-9pm; DJ Sap, 10pmMon 2/27: Kim Riley 12:30am NEW HAMPSHIRE Tue 2/28: Gardner Berry GASLIGHT CO. www.portsmouthgaslight. Sat 2/25: Irish Music, Exeter com 6-9pm SHOOTERS PUB @ THE SHASKEEN 64 Market St., 603-430Tue 2/28: Trivia, 8-10pm EXETER BOWLING 9122 LANES 909 Elm St., 603-235Fri 2/24: Kevin Burt PEM | PEABODY ESSEX www.shooterssportspub. 9682 9:30pm; Maven Sargent MUSEUM com Wed 2/22: Open Comedy 10:00pm 6 Columbus Ave., 603- Mic, 9pm Sat 2/25: DJ Koko P, 161 Essex St., East India 772-3856 Thu 2/23: Scalawag 9:00pm; Brian Johnson Fri 2/24: DJ BIggZ & Sq., 978-745-9500 Fri 2/24: Lucid Duo, 9:30pm; Aaron D, 8pm Wed 2/22: PEM Pals, Sat 2/25: Irish Session, 3- Denny, 10pm Sat 2/25: 97 North 10:30am 6pm; Midnight Spaghetti
�ive �usic �hursdays � S������ K������
THE PRESS ROOM 77 Daniel St., 603-4315186 Wed 2/22: Ross Robenson Thu 2/23: FTET Fri 2/24: Matthew Stubbs Band Sat 2/25: Racky Thomas Blues Band Sun 2/26: Jazz Grill w/Steve Grover & Friends 6-9pm $10 Mon 2/27: Jazz Grill w/PJ Donahue Combo, 8pm Tue 2/28: Larry Garland Jazz Jam, 5:30pm RÍRÁ IRISH PUB portsmouth.html 22-26 Market St., 603319-1680 Sun 2/26: Irish Sessions w/Rob Benton, 9pm Mon 2/27: Oran Mor, 5pm Tue 2/28: Quiz w/Murph & Little Murph, 8pm RUDI’S PORTSMOUTH 20 High St., 603-430-7834 Wed 2/22: Dimitri, 6pm Thu 2/23: Mike Stockbridge Trio, 6pm Fri 2/24: Yvonne Aubert & Guest, 6pm Sat 2/25: Jim Dozet Trio, 6pm Sun 2/26: Jazz Brunch w/Sharon Jones, 12-3pm THE RUSTY HAMMER 49 Pleasant St., 603-4369289 Thu 2/23: Trivia Night, 8-10pm SPRING HILL TAVERN @ THE DOLPHIN STRIKER 15 Bow St., 603-431-5222 Wed 2/22: Jim Devlin & Paul Costley Thu 2/23: Tim Theriault & Jamie DeCato Fri 2/24: KBMG Sat 2/25: The Danielle Miraglia Band Sun 2/26: Larry Shrek Salem JOCELYN’s RESTAURANT http://jocelynsrestaurant. com 355 S. Broadway, 603-8700045 Sat 2/25: Marc Fleury MURRAY’s TAVERN 326 S Broadway, 603-8949100 Wed 2/22: 45’s Night Thu 2/23: Trivia Night Sat 2/25: Grp 3 Seabrook CHOP SHOP RESTAURANT & PUB 920 Layfayette Rd., 603760-7500 Wed 2/22: Reverend JJ & the Casual Sinners Thu 2/23: Date Night w/live music Fri 2/24: Zero Gravity Sat 2/25: Tigerlily If your venue would like to be included in this calendar, or if you’d like to receive this list weekly via email, please contact us at:
February 22 - 28, 2012
Page 11
Continued from page 9
Social Security and housing, as well as all the Salvation Army programs. We cannot sign you up, but we can answer your questions, let you know how, when and where to apply. We will often know if you are eligible or not at the first meeting and then can let you know what other programs you might try. This workshop is for working people, the unemployed or the underemployed as well as all others who are or are not currently receiving any forms of services. Newburyport Salvation Army, 40 Water St. For more information call Donna at 978-465-0883. -----------------------------------------------------------PORTSMOUTH COMMUNITY EDUCATION CLASSES - Want to know how to reduce your home energy costs, speak Italian, clear your clutter, play the harmonica or find the work you love? Consider taking a fun and intellectually stimulating non-credit class or workshop between now and April 19 through the Portsmouth Community Education program. The new brochure is available only online at Spring2012.pdf. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Katerina Tsoutsouras from Rowley Troop 60566 is working on her Girl Scout Gold Award Project. She is providing a Craft and Story Book Time at the Ipswich Public Library, 25 North Main Street, Ipswich, MA for children ages 5 through 8. COST: FREE! Dates: March 3, 2012: 10:00 - 11:00 and 11:00 - 12:00; March 10, 2012: 10:00 - 11:00 and 11:00 - 12:00; March 17, 2012: 2:00 - 3:00 and 3:00 - 4:00. There will be additional dates in April to follow. Sign up on line ( or by phone (978-948-2959). -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - The Civil War Roundtable of the Merrimack is moving. We will meet at 7:30 PM on Wednesday March 14 th at our new location, the East Parish Methodist Church, Salisbury Square (route 1), Salisbury, MA. Bob Sullivan will speak on “Copperheads and Peace Democrats.” Admission is free and anyone with an interest in America’s Civil War is invited to attend. For more information visit our web page or call Tom at (978) 462-8518. ---------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - Salisbury COA Hilton Senior Center 43 Lafayette Rd Salisbury is open to all and presents the following opportunities. To register or for more information call the Hilton Center at 978-462-2412. Hearing Screening by Mass Audiology, March 14th @ 10AM Offering the most current advanced technology addressing common frustrations of hearing aid wearers. Sign up for your private session to get tested and up-date any changes in your hearing and to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. Get your current hearing devices cleaned and serviced and get your evaluation at the same time. Please call to schedule your private appointment @ 978-462-2412. ---------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - The Salisbury Democratic Town Committee is pleased to announce the Third Annual College Leadership Scholarship for Salisbury seniors attending Triton Regional High School or Whittier Regional Technical High School. Criteria for the scholarship are completion of an essay, possibly participating in an interview with the scholarship committee, and a scholarship committee review of the applicant’s official school transcript. Applications are now available from the guidance departments of the two schools. The application, essay, and transcript should be submitted to “Salisbury Scholarship Committee Leadership Scholarship, c/o John Housianitis, Scholarship Committee Chairman, PO Box 5025, Salisbury, MA 01952”. Applications must be postmarked no later than March 1, 2012. For further information, contact John Housianitis at 978 462 1312 or ---------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - Mark your calendar, the Boys and Girls Club of Lower Merrimack will host its 11th annual Starry Night Charity Auction on Saturday, April 28th. The silent auction begins at 5:45 p.m., followed by dinner at 7:30 p.m. The real fun begins at 8:15 p.m. when the live auction kicks off. This celebration is guaranteed to dazzle with an array of new and exciting auction items. Organizers of the auction are in the process of gathering items. To donate an item for either the silent or live auction, call Kathy Webber or Executive Director Jim Keenan at 978-462-7003, ECYCLE or The Club is always looking for volunteers to join our auction committee. Please contact Jim Keenan if interested in helping out the largest youth organization in the area. ---------------------------------------------------HARE THE SEABROOK - 19 Day Walk To Remember Fukushima Begins In Seabrook, March 2- 3. One year after the nuclear disaster at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Facility, seven organizations are co-sponsoring a “Remember Fukushima” walk to begin at Seabrook on March 3. Local residents are invited to join for an hour, a day or the whole journey which is scheduled to end March 21 in Vernon, Vermont at Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. Two local public forums and potlucks will be held in conjunction with the walk: Friday, March 2, 4-6pm at the Seabrook Public Library, Liberty Lane with a potluck supper to follow at 7 pm at the Amesbury Friends’ Meetinghouse; and Saturday March 3, 6-9pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church, Pleasant St. Newburyport. Representatives and speakers include Tim Bullock and others of The Peace Pagoda; Bruce Skud and Kristine Malpica of “No More Fukushimas!”; John Schuchardt and Paul Brailsford of Veterans for Peace; plus survivors and relatives of Fukushima Japan. There will be an accompanying photo exhibit of Fukushima in the aftermath of the disaster. Information regarding the relicensing of Seabrook Power Plant will be available during these events. The walk begins with an interfaith sunrise service at Hampton State Park, 6-7:30am on the morning of March 3. The walk will proceed to The Seabrook Power Plant (corner of Rte .1 & South Access Road) for a public vigil and gathering 11-1pm. The walk will then continue down Rte. 1 to Newburyport for a public potluck and forum 6-9pm at the Unitarian Church. All are welcome to join for all or part of the walk and public forums. The walk is the 10th annual walk known as “Walk for a New Spring”, begun five months after the World Trade Center disasters in the spring of 2002. The goal of each New Spring walk has been to inspire society to live in a more sustainable and peaceful way. This year, billed as “Remember Fukushima, the walk will visit four New England states with communities all within 50 miles of a Nuclear Power plant. Three in this area, Seabrook, NH, Plymouth, MA and Vernon, VT are up for re-licensing. All have been cited for leaking radioactive chemicals in the environment as well as other aging related problems. The prime organizer is the New England Peace Pagoda located in Leverett, MA. Co-sponsors are the AFSC in Northampton, Arise for social Change in Springfield, Nuclear Free Future, Mass Peace Action; the House of Peace in Ipswich; Imagine Studios; Traprock Center for Peace and Justice, the Amesbury Friends Peace Center of the Amesbury Friends’ Meeting and Mass Slavery Apology. A calendar showing the walk’s planned route and further details may be obtained by contacting Tim Bullock whose email is or call 413-485-8469. -----------------------------------------------------------TRITON GRADVENTURE FUNDRAISER – Teamwork Trivia Night on Friday, March 2 hosted by DJ Ed Mullen. Doors Open at 6:30pm - Games 7pm – 11pm. Newburyport Elks, Low Street. A fun night out while raising funds for the Senior All-Night Substance Free Celebration! Grab your friends, neighbors, family members! Put together a Team – 10 People per Table / Team $25 per person. Don’t have a team?? Sign up as an individual or couple and we will place you on a team! B.Y.O.M. (Bring your own munchies)/ Cash Bar / Adults Only Email Wendy Antonucci at to reserve a table (or with questions), along with a check for $25/person made payable to “Viking Gradventure”, c/o Antonucci, 146 Daniels Road, Rowley, MA 01969. Hurry & Reserve Your Table Today!
Award Winning Restaurant Opens at 5 p.m. Bar Menu & Fine Dining Childcare Available Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays Located at the Garrison Inn 11 Brown Square, Newburyport
8 m i n uWELCOMES t e D a t i n g. c o m “8 Great Dates ~ 1 Fun Night!”
8 m i n u t e D a t i n g.c o m
S u n d a y ~ 1/2 6/ 1 2 ~ 5:0 8 p m
“8 Great Dates ~ 1 Fun Night!”
David’s Tavern is hosting an 8 minute speed dating event on Sunday, February 26th at 5:08 PM for singles ages 32-46 & 47-59. 8minuteDating is a fast and fun way for single people to David’s meet. 8minuteDating guarantees meet someone Tavern is hosting an 8 minuteyou'll speed dating event onyou th want to seeFebruary again or26your on them! Sunday, at next 5:08 event PM forissingles ages 32-46 & David’s is an isintimate 8minuteDating. 47-59. Tavern 8minuteDating a fast andsetting fun wayfor for single people Located the historic Garrison Inn, David’s will be offering to meet.in8minuteDating guarantees you'll meet someone you free appetizers to the ‘speed daters’. There will also be live want to see again or your next event is on them! entertainment from 6-9pm.
S u n d a y ~ 1/26/12 ~ 5:08 p m
David’s Tavern is an intimate setting for to 8minuteDating. Go to register, and Located in the historic Garrison Inn, David’s will be offering use this code for an $8.00 discount: 8mdellend20224 free appetizers to the ‘speed daters’. There will also be live Space limited, sign up now!!! entertainment fromis 6-9pm. Go D to a and v i d ’ s T a v e r n (@ T h e G a to r r i register, s o n I n n) use this 1 1 code B r o for w nan S $8.00 q. – Ndiscount: e w b u r y8mdellend20224 p o r t, M A w w w . d a v i d s t a v e r n. c o m
Space is limited, sign up now!!!
essex CouNty Dog THIStraiNiNg NEWSPAPER D a vClub, i d ’s T aiNC. v e r n (@ T h eRecycle G a r r is o n I n n)This LoCAteD in 1 1 BsALisburY, r o w n SmA q. – N e w b u r y p o r t, M A GIFT OF READING w w . d a v i d s ta v e r n. Newspaper co m NowwofferiNg... Competition Training with UKC / AKC Judge Ms Linda McHugh register toDay: Rally run-thrus 978-463-3647 Puppy, Beginner, & info@ECDTC.nET Pre Novice Classes For more inFo visit us on the web:
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Recycle This Newspaper ADOPT A FELINE Recycle This Newspaper Share the Gift of Reading
The MRFRS is pleased to introduce Daphne. Daphne is a 15 year old declawed female with beautiful tabby markings. She is an absolute sweetie pie, but can be a bit on the shy side. This lovable girl adores attention and loves to sit with her human companions. She also enjoys following her foster mom around the house "chatting" with her. Little Daphne absolutely loves to burrow under the covers to snuggle. Daphne is not a big fan of fast-moving, or loud people. She would do best in a laid back and quiet home. Daphne is a very healthy girl who would love a chance at a new home. She is currently in foster care so please contact or come by the MRFRS to learn more about meeting her. Daphne is up to date on all of her vaccines, has been spayed, and has a microchip.
Recycle This Newspaper Share the Gift of Reading
Share the Gift of Reading
Recycle This Newspaper Share the Gift of Reading The Merrimack
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River Feline Rescue Society
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NEW HOURS: Route 110 Salisbury & Rte 114 Danvers Petsmart Tues-Thurs 2-6pm, Fri 2-7pm, Sat noon-5pm. Petsmart adoption center is also open noon-2pm Sunday. LOCATION: 63 Elm St. (Rt. 110) Salisbury. CALL: 978-462-0760 or visit the website at
Share the Gift of Reading
Page 12
February 22 - 28, 2012
Seabrook Students Deliver Valentines to Residents of Brigham Manor
outle T
Tactical Gear and Supply
ABOVE: Students interrupt Bingo with Valentine deliveries.
M-Thurs 12pm-6pm . Fri-Sat 10am-8pm . sunday 10am-6pm
124 Lafayette Rd Rt. 1, Salisbury
UPPER RIGHT: Brigham Manor residents greet members of the Seabrook Elementary School Student Council. Council members paid a visit to the Manor to deliver Valentines. BOTTOM RIGHT: Seabrook Elementary Student, Kylie Eaton, delivers and Valentine to a Brigham Manor resident. Kylie was part of the SES Student Council that visited the Manor.
The Town Common Courtesy Photos
February 22 - 28, 2012
Pets, Animals, Plus
Health & Fitness Brighter Smiles...
“Holistic” Dentistry
For whatever reason, I have had a group of patients migrate to my office from a “holistic” dental practice in a different part of the state. The Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of “holistic” is –“relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts. Holistic medicine attempts to treat both the mind and the body.” Most of us are probably more familiar with the term “holistic” in the medical world than in the dental world. I have done a little research on “holistic dentistry”, and to be honest, I have a lot more research to do. In the future, I plan on writing more about my research on this subject. I make most of my clinical decisions in practice based on peer-reviewed, published scientific evidence. I like facts. However, I am also an avid student of the psychological and emotional side of what I do. My initial research into “holistic” dentistry has found both things that I am attracted to as well as borderline quackery.
For the purposes of the column this week, I am going to comment on the Holistic Dental Association’s philosophy taken from their website. I have commented on each individual paragraph below: We believe that Holistic involves an awareness of dental care as it relates to the entire person. Most people are now well aware that the mouth and the rest of the body are connected. We know that there are connections between dental health and systemic health as it relates to things such as heart disease. The holistic approach seems to go beyond this. We believe that health care practitioners and recipients should be provided with appropriate information to make informed choices that will enhance personal health and wellness while feeling loved, accepted, and understood. Much of the “holistic” approach is a frame of mind. Different people need different amounts of information to make an informed decision for their particular situation. It is the communication and relationship between the patient and the doctor that is most important. We believe that Holistic Dental Association membership provides physical, emotional, and spiritual support while we expand our awareness and skills. Okay.
We believe our educational growth should be nurturing, affordable, and encompasses basic information, experiential knowledge, and leading edge ideas. Experiential knowledge means knowledge gained from direct experience. I would agree that many of the things we do are based on our own experiences and often that information can benefit someone else. However, I do not see anything in this statement that relates to published scientific data. We believe in openly sharing resources. We believe in an interdisciplinary approach to health that facilitates the individual's innate ability to heal her/himself. Most organizations, when it comes to learning, are open to sharing resources. Most practitioners use an inter-disciplinary approach to provide what they feel is best for the patients. The last part of the statement is the more “holistic” part. I will share more about specifics in “holistic” dentistry in the future. Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at To view previous columns or comment, go to or
Cosmetic, Family, General & Advanced Dentistry
J. Peter St.Clair, DMD General Dentistry
194 High Street, Newburyport 978.465.5358
E. Charles Beliveau, DDS General Dentistry
Leonard H. Strauss, DMD
We offer all phases of dental care to meet your individual needs. Clean, modern facilities • Financing available
Periodontics - Implants
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169 Main Street Rowley, Massachusetts 019699
Margot G. Birke, Attorney at Law
Weekly Community Newspap
By: Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Louse Invasion Drives Mom Buggy bodies promote permethrin (Nix) as the treatment of choice. It calls for reapplication in one week to 10 days. Malathion lotion (Ovide) is another reliable cure. Benzyl alcohol (Ulesfia Lotion 5 percent) is another good treatment that is applied to dry hair and then rinsed off. Natroba (spinosad) Topical Solution was approved recently as a head lice treatment. Both these latter two medicines need a prescription. You have many choices. Some of these treatments include combing the wet hair with a finetoothed comb to get rid of nits. You do not have to treat other family members if they show no signs of infection. Pets are safe; human head lice don't like them. The only household cleaning necessary is vacuuming chairs and carpets where your 5-year-old has been. Clothes he has worn in the past two days need to be washed in hot water and dried with maximum heat. Lice that are off the head live for only two days. DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Some time ago, you wrote about a shrunken leg that was shaped like some kind of bottle. It has the word "teeth" in it. I have a dropped foot. My doctor doesn't know what I am talking about but
The Town Comm
To Your Good Health DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I am going buggy -- literally. My 5-yearold kindergartener has head lice. I discovered them because he started scratching his head. It makes me sick to my stomach to think about this. I can't imagine where he picked them up. Is the entire family destined to come down with them? I have four other children, two dogs and a husband. Help. -- B.C. ANSWER: Head lice cause mothers more consternation than just about any other illness. For the record, head lice don't transmit any illnesses. They do cause itching and scratching. They're not a reflection of your cleanliness. Most likely your child picked them up at school from head-to-head contact or from sharing caps, brushes or combs. The head louse is only 3 mm (0.12 inches) long. They're difficult to see. The female louse lays her eggs at the base of the hair and glues them to the hair. The eggs are called nits. They hatch in about eight days. Nits found within a quarter of an inch from the scalp indicate active infection. If they are farther away, the infection is not likely to be active. Treatments for head lice are many and usually quite effective. Advisory
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would like to see the article. Will you repeat it? -- I.D. ANSWER: The "teeth" in what I wrote referred to Dr. Tooth, an English doctor whose name is part of a nerve illness called Charcot (SHARcoe)-Marie-Tooth disease. In spite of the fact that the name draws a look of puzzlement from most people, it's the most commonly inherited nervemuscle disorder. The illness usually shows itself in teen years, but it can take many years before it's diagnosed. The lower leg muscles become quite thin, so the leg looks like an upside-down champagne bottle. It makes walking difficult. People stumble. Often, they cannot lift the foot fully off the ground -- a dropped foot. A number of different varieties of this illness exist. I've described the most common one. Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. (c) 2012 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
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