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Banking on Great Photography
FREE New Water Plant May Cost More
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––
What's Inside
Time Sensitive, Please Deliver On or Before Mar 14 ‘12
March 14 - 20, 2012 • Vol. 8, No. 19
Girl Scouts Anniversary Quilt Page 3 Ask Your Local Expert Page 6 School & Summer Camps Page 10 Spring Home Improvement Page 12 Incentives to Landowners Page 15 2012 One Book in Ipswich Page 19 Day 100 at SES Page 19
Photo by Stewart Lytle
L-R, Leanne Corning, Karen Giannopoulous & Charlie Cullen with photos.
NEWBURYPORT – Karen Giannopoulous never dreamed she would be a professional photographer. She did not know what she wanted to do, dropping out of college 20 years ago to be a nanny for families in Boston, San Francisco and Newburyport. After traveling with the families and living in many different places, Giannopoulous joined the mortgage banking industry and took courses to learn the banking business and computers. But she kept shooting photos – first portraits and candid shots of the children she was helping raise, then of landscapes and people she saw on trips from Mexico to Paris. Her friends and family raved about her photos and let her do all the shooting when they were together. But she kept telling herself, “you can't make a career out of it.” Turning 40, Giannopoulous, feeling a bit like she was in a cage, decided it was time to try. She created a name for her company, Portography, and a web site that
promoted her portrait, landscape and abstract photos and her greeting cards. A resident of Newburyport, she decided to move her bank account to the Provident Bank branch on Storey Avenue. There she met Leanne Corning, the branch manager, who asked if she needed a business account. Giannopoulous told her about her start-up photography business and Corning asked to see some of her work. That conversation led to Giannopoulous's first one-woman photography show. The bank, as part of its Lobby for the Arts program, is displaying her photos throughout the branch this month and next and will host a reception for its customers and friends and for Giannopoulous's friends on March 22 For the bank it is a way to promote the arts and give back to the community. The bank's foundation pays all the costs and Continued on page 3
Well No. 3 off Pingree Farm Road
ROWLEY – The Rowley Water Department had been looking forward to that day for years. It was a day the three-member board would open the bids from construction companies to build the new, state-of-the-art membrane filtration system, needed to solve the persistent manganese and bacteria that has plagued two of the town's wells for years. It would be the beginning of the solution to bringing Rowley residents cleaner, better-tasting water that does not stain clothes and toilets. The water department had hired Weston & Sampson, a prominent environmental engineering firm, to design the new filtration plant that would be built at Well No. 3 near Pingree Farm and the state forest. The town residents had approved building the system and accepted higher water rates to pay for it. The commonwealth through its State Revolving Fund had agreed to lend the town almost $8 million at 2 percent interest to build the plant.
Photo by Stewart Lytle
Then the water board and superintendent John Rezza opened the bids. The bids ranged from the lowest at $9.5 million to the highest at $12.5 million. Even the lowest was about $2 million more than Weston & Sampson had predicted. The water department had expected the entire system to cost under $10 million, not $12 or $14 million. The situation was not unusual. Towns and cities throughout the state are seeing the bids for new projects come in higher than expected. Call it a sign of an improving economy. Blame it on rising costs of materials and factors like gas prices. Attribute it to the higher cost of doing business in a state that requires contractors to pay prevailing wage rates. The water board has a few options. It can ask the state revolving fund to lend the town more money, Continued on page 3
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March 14 - 20, 2012
Letters to the Editor
How to Submit Letters to the Editor
Public Comment to the Triton School Committee March 7, 2012 Dear Editor,
Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common
Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to: The Editor c/o The Town Common 77 Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01969 or via e-mail to: editor@thetowncommon.com.
The Town Common deadline is 5pm Wednesday (except when a federal holiday necessitates an earlier deadline).
The Town Common
serves the communities of the Upper North Shore of Mass. & Coastal New Hampshire and welcomes your participation. Send your Organization or Group Notices, Birth or Engagement Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969 Phone: 978-948-8696 Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail: news@thetowncommon.com
The Town Common Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor editor@thetowncommon.com Graphic Design Services graphics@thetowncommon.com Advertising Opportunities advertise@thetowncommon.com Event and Announcement Submissions events@thetowncommon.com
77 Wethersfield Street Rowley, MA 01969-1713 Phone: (978) 948-8696 Fax: (978) 948-2564 www.thetowncommon.com The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify The Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. All material and content cannot be duplicated without written consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or edit any copy offered for publication. Copyright 2004-2012 The Town Common© - All Rights Reserved
In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005)
I’d like to share with you my observation and a presumption regarding you, the members of the school committee. I feel that you are all thoughtful people trying to do what is educationally correct for the children of the Triton Regional School District. My presumption is that from time to time as thoughtful individuals you conduct some sort self analysis and soul searching regarding issues that you had to deal with in the past and perhaps some of you (like me) wish that you had handled a particular situation as an elected official or some personal happening in your life differently and regret the decision that you made. It’s what we call “hindsight”. I know that there are times in my life that I wish I had access to a time machine so I could go back to make corrections and do things differently. I presume and believe that you all would agree with me on this premise. We all are human and have made decisions that we would like to take back. I ask that you all please keep this premise in your mind as I continue. In 2007 I was finishing my first term on the Rowley Board of Selectmen. The economy was strong home values across the nation were at an all time high and the future for people looked bright. However the Triton schools were in a dire situation Superintendent Sandra Halloran recognized that the schools were in critical condition and needed additional revenues. So she began to do a “road show” late in 2006 and in early 2007 and started campaigning quite convincingly pleading her case to the towns while presenting them with financial facts to back her claims. Prior to this occurring my recollection of Ms. Halloran seemed to be that she ran the schools in much the same way Rowley ran their town departments lean and to the bone and I suspect this was because she recognized the attitude of the people when it came to talk of increased taxes and spending, even in times of economic prosperity! A reaction in Rowley to her campaigning came from a group of concerned parents who then created a town campaign and advocacy group to support an override on the town warrant. If successful the override funds would take the school five years down the road before requiring additional fiscal help or another override request, according to Ms. Halloran and the citizen group. As a resident and selectmen of Rowley I advocated for this override and helped by speaking in favor of the effort. On May 8th 2007 the override campaign was successful at Rowley Town Meeting by a margin of “34” votes 825 for and 789 opposed! What this vote revealed to me is that for every one Rowley resident I spoke to that was in favor of the override the next would most assuredly be against it. It was a tough struggle “in good times”. The campaign was organized and run not by a clandestine group of Rowley residents but by concerned Rowley residents speaking out publicly. They did not want a “melt down” of the Triton school system. My neighbors risked their good name and integrity in the community by taking up this seemingly “lost cause” that was unpopular as it turned out with 50% of the Rowley residents. I won’t embarrass these people here tonight by mentioning their names but many of you on this committee know of whom I speak as they continue to work hard for the children of Triton. An additional important point I’d like to make is that I spoke supportively before the Rowley COA and in the First Congregational Church where I was the former Finance Chair. The majority of COA and church membership at the time were and still are living “on fixed incomes” and they supported and voted in favor of the override! There is an unfortunate epitaph to attach of this override it sustainability to the schools came up short by one fiscal year. Instead of it being sufficient for five fiscal years it was sufficient for only four fiscal years. What’s the point of relating this little bit of override history to you? It’s this; as of NOW this very moment there is no indication from the residents of Rowley that they support this tentative budget. My ears and feet are always to the ground and I observe and hear nothing from people in Rowley or Salisbury! We all heard from the passionate and concerned residents from Newbury and Rowley and a Salisbury Selectman this past Monday evening. However, overall from my observation the silence from the majority of Triton residents regarding this tentative budget is deafening. My public comment to this committee began with a presumption that we have all made mistakes in judgment and that we all wished at some point in our lives that we could change a decision or a choice we made that when viewed retrospectively had a negative outcome. Before you vote on this issue I ask the committee members to please consider and ask yourself some of these questions; “Where will I be in thirteen years?” “Will I be serving as a Triton School Committee member?” “Will I be around to see the aftermath and effect of my decisions on this group of Triton elementary grade children at their graduation?” This decision is happening on your watch and it will forever be the legacy you leave to the children of Newbury, Rowley, and Salisbury and their graduating classes of 2022-2025. You have until March 14, 2012 to vote on this tentative budget you also have that time and more to re-consider the suggested solution presented by the Triton educators to this tentative budget if the towns vote it down. Hopefully some of you have looked at the educational links containing research related to class room size I had posted on the Town of Rowley website. If you read or have read any of the related research regarding the STAR project report or the myriad of abstracts and educational papers supporting its outcomes I ask you “How can any of you still say that you accept and support this administrations solution?” As a school committee I know you want Triton to have higher student achievement in: Reading, Math, English, Improved Student Classroom Behavior, Drastically Reduced Dropout Rates, and Dramatically Increased High School Graduation Rates! This success story begins in grades K-3! If this is your goal then read the research and opinions on the STAR Project from the top educators in the US and the world! Speaking frankly and from my heart the proposed solution by this educational administration in my opinion, is purely and simply an attempt to manipulate the elementary school parents and children in an effort to coerce them and the three Triton Communities into voting to approve the tentative budget. Their weapon of choice is threatening to push the “self destruct button” that will initiate an educational “death sentence” for our elementary school children! This budget solution not yet adopted is already having a polarizing & divisive effect within the Triton School District and the towns. This is NOT the time or the economy for more spending as evidenced in the close override results during the “good times of 2007!” You, the school committee members are elected officials your power and authority is derived from the voter and your charter. Therefore tonight I am requesting that the residents of Newbury, Rowley, and Salisbury, to “weigh in” (e-mail the school, call and e-mail your town hall and the school committee members) and help support the school committee to change this course of action (in lieu of an override warrant article) and to request that the Triton School Administration create a different solution for our children and communities. If the residents do not mass and there is no organizational support from them to create an override warrant then a twelve month reprieve will give the tax payer an opportunity to take a breath and the economy perhaps to recover. As one Newbury resident said “it’s immoral” to put this on the backs of the children. I’ll also add that in lieu of an organized citizen campaign to the contrary “it’s shameful” and with a differently engineered solution from the administration it can wait one year! Richard Cummings Parent 4th & 6th grade Triton students, Selectman Town of Rowley
March 14 - 20, 2012 Continued from page 1
New Water Plant May Cost More
which it probably would. But to borrow more money the water department must also ask the town residents at its Town Meeting in April for permission to increase the allowed borrowing capacity. The town has already bonded $1.3 million to pay for the new plant design, installing new meters and other modernizing steps. Given the other pressures on the town budget, including higher school costs, it is probably not the best time to ask town officials and residents to allow the water department to borrow more money. Borrowing more money would likely require higher water rates in the future. The board, working with the engineers, can also redesign the new plant to cut the total costs and find other savings in the design and construction. One option the town does not
Continued from page 1
have is to walk away and not build the plant. The state Department of Environmental Protection has ordered the town to install a water treatment plant. It issued an administrative consent order mandating that Rowley build the plant, no longer tolerating the system of treating the water with chemicals. Rowley water comes from three wells: Well 3 on Boxford Road, Well 5 on Pingree Farm Road and Well 2 on Haverhill Road. Wells 3 and 5, which serve primarily the west side of town, have high levels of manganese and coliform bacteria. The water department now treats the manganese and bacteria with chlorine, Rezza said. But the manganese uses up the chlorine before it can fully disinfect the water.
Come in for a visit and compare!
Water users complain that the water stains clothes, toilets and causes water heaters and other equipment to deteriorate faster. Rezza described the situation “as chasing our tails.” He said, “We are only causing more problems” by treating the water with chlorine. The water department discovered the bacteria issue at the two wells in 2006. Since then, it has conducted engineering studies in the watershed of the two wells, reducing beaver activities and agricultural runoff. Building the treatment plant was the ultimate solution. Once built, Rowley residents will notice immediately a lower level of chlorine in their water, Rezza said. “For a small town, we will have an excellent distribution system,” said board member Scott Martin. “After the plant is built, the people of Rowley will once again have clean, potable water.”
Sea View Retreat An extended Care Community
was in its 10th year, the bank staged a three-day show in an abandoned warehouse in Amesbury. People came by the thousands, Cullen said. And not only did they view and buy the art on display, they went to dinner in local restaurants, he said. It was good for economic development. Cullen said he believes the program has been a great success. “There are a lot of artists studios in Amesbury,” he said. The program soon spread beyond downtown Amesbury. Not only is their art by local artists in the Provident Bank lobby here, but also in the bank's New Hampshire branches in Exeter, Hampton, Portsmouth and Seabrook. In April after Giannopoulous's show is finished, the bank will open its lobbies to the high schools for the
Margot G. Birke, Attorney at Law
annual display of art works created and produced by students. The young artists and their parents love coming to the bank to see the works on the walls, Cullen said. “It is really good for their self esteem.” One of Cullen's favorite memories is when the bank showcased the photos of a young photographer, who had captured the devastation of New Orleans, LA, after the Hurricane Katrina. The photographer was the son of folk singer-songwriter Tom Rush, who came to play at the bank during the reception for his son and his photography. Seeing her photos on the walls of the bank may turn out to be one of Karen Giannopoulous's favorite memories too. To view her work, visit the bank at 66 Storey Avenue in Newburyport or her web site, www.portography.com.
Girls used a variety of techniques to create their quilt squares. Many used fabric markers or printed photographs on squares. Girls used paint and ironon fabric appliqués. One troop used
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Weekly Community Newspaper
Bayberry Girl Scouts Complete 100th Anniversary Quilt
Girl Scouting is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, and the Bayberry Service Unit (Ipswich, Newbury, Newburyport, Rowley, and Salisbury) are commemorating this special event with a 100th anniversary quilt. The quilt was unveiled at the Service Unit’s 100th Anniversary Mother/Daughter Tea on Sunday, March 11, 2012. The quilt is the culmination of six months work by the girls and leaders of the Service Unit. Thirtythree area troops contributed squares to the quilt. In addition, members of the community created squares to celebrate graduated troops or individual Girl Scouts. Several Girl Scout leaders and Service Team members also created squares. Leaders also contributed patches and badges that were used to decorate squares.
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Banking on Great Photography
takes no commission off the sale of the photos. The Provident Bank has been local promoting artists this way for 15 years. Originally started by bank chairman Bob Becker, when he was president of the bank, the program has promoted about 75 local artists and sculptors, some of them several times, said Charlie Cullen, the bank president. “It is a no brainer,” Cullen said. “The community has embraced it. People come into the bank. People love it.” Becker launched the program in the lobby of the bank's headquarters in Amesbury to help encourage local artists and promote them in the bank. His idea was that people would come into the bank just to see the art work displayed. Five years ago, when the program
-Since 1954
duct tape to create a colorful design, while another used tie dye to decorate their square. Several dimensional squares add beauty and drama to the quilt. In order to complete the quilt, thirty-seven Girl Scouts from seven troops gathered in February to quilt the borders during a quilting bee. The quilt will be displayed at the Rowley Public Library beginning March 12, 2012, the 100th anniversary of the founding of Girl Scouts. “Our 100th anniversary quilt has been a wonderful way to showcase the creativity of our local Girl Scouts while celebrating the anniversary of the founding of Girl Scouting,” said Karen Schmuch, the organizer of the quilt project. “We’re delighted to share the completed quilt with our communities.”
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March 14 - 20, 2012
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March 14 - 20, 2012
The Town Com
Letters To The Editor www.TheTownCommon.com Community Announcements
AMESBURY - The Market Street Baptist Church, 37 Market Street, Amesbury will be holding Easter services that are open to all. Palm Sunday Worship 10:00 am on Sunday, April 1. Child care for ages 4 years and under. Coffee hour fellowship to follow. Elevator available. No Sunday school classes. Communion Service 7:00 - 8:00 pm on Thursday, April 5. Join us in the Chapel on first floor for a service of worship and communion as we commemorate the Last Supper together. Prayer & Meditation 12:00 noon - 3:00 pm on Friday, April 6. The Sanctuary will be open for those who wish to pray and meditate on the Passion of Christ. Please feel free to come and go as you during this time. Scriptures will be read every half hour. Easter Sunday Worship 10:00 am: A special serviceto celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the ordinance of Baptism. Child care for ages 4 years and under. Coffee hour fellowship to follow. Elevator available. No Sunday school classes. -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - Peter Struzziero will have a Star Wars Symposium for 5th -12 th grade at the Amesbury Public Library on For Sale Saturday, March 31 at 2:00 p.m. Come dressed as your favorite character since there•will be a costume contest. We will have a trivia contest, video games, question and answers, and there will be Star Wars books that you can check out. Registration is required as space is limited. For more information contact Margie Walker at mwalker@mvlc.org or 978-388-8148. -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - The Trustees, Amesbury Health Care Charitable Trust is pleased to announce they have recently published • booklet to services infants•to seniors in Amesbury. This a new Resource booklet. Community resources are listed in this booklet was published with the assistances of the Amesbury Council on Aging, University of Massachusetts, Lowell and Northern Essex Community College Intern Students. This booklet is available at the Senior Center as well on the Amesbury Town web page www.amesbuyrma.gov. You may also request that a booklet be mailed to by sending a written request to Amesbury Health care Charitable Trust, PO BOX 463, Amesbury, MA 01913 -----------------------------------------------------------BEACH CLEANUP - A beach cleanup will be held at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge on Saturday March 31...rain or shine...from 9 - 4. We have over six miles of beautiful beaches...with just sand and surf! Come to parking lot #1 at the Refuge (it's at the end of Sunset Drive). Participants in the cleanup will be given bags and offered one of several access points to the beaches. Litter-grabbers provided by the Rotary Club of Newburyport will be loaned out on a first-come basis. Come for an hour or two and enjoy the scenery while helping preserve wildlife habitats. For more information: Jean Adams, Volunteer Coordinator, 978-465-5753 X 208 -----------------------------------------------------------DONATIONS NEEDED for People Helping People Easter Deliveries - People Helping People of St. Mary’s Parish is now collecting donations for the Easter deliveries to residents in need of Rowley, Georgetown, Boxford, and Byfield. Donations of non-perishable foods, as well as paper, cleaning, and personal hygiene products are needed. Donations of grocery store gift cards and cash may also be made. Donations can be brought to the rectory at 94 Andover Street, Georgetown, Monday through Friday, during normal business hours of 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., or left in designated bins at the Rowley and Georgetown churches before and after Mass. The People Helping People program is also accepting applications at this time for those who are struggling to make ends meet and need a helping hand. For more information, a list of needed items, or an application, please call the rectory at 978-352-2024, Jeanne Soucy at 978-352-6326, Debbie Parisi at 978-352-8880, or visit the St. Mary’s website at www.saintmaryparish.org. -----------------------------------------------------------GEORGETOWN - Preparations are in full swing for the 2012 Georgetown Education Foundation (GEF) Gala which takes place at the Black Swan Country Club on March 31st from 5:30pm to midnight. With the theme “Under The Sea: Dive Deep for Education” students under the direction of Middle/High School art teacher Nora Cannon are hard at work creating three dimensional artwork to be used to decorate for the big event. Penn Brook art teacher Dawn Rezendes also has her students creating murals with sea creatures which will be on display. In the GMHS music department Laura Laflamme, Kerry Donovan and Corey Seapy are having their students fine tuning their voices and instruments for March 31st as well. It’s always a treat to listen to the talented a cappella group and jazz band perform during cocktail hour. This is what the Gala (and the GEF) is all about – our children. The mission of the GEF is to support innovative programs and encourage, demonstrate and recognize excellence in the Georgetown schools for the benefit of students of all aspirations and abilities. The money raised by the Gala goes to fund innovative programs in technology, arts and science. To provide new and different, creative opportunities for the students to learn, grow and be inspired. This year the GEF will be awarding $32,000 in grants to the teachers and staff at Perley, Penn Brook and the Middle/High School to fund such programs. “Our teachers and educators are integral to our mission. Their ideas and creativity as well as their commitment to the programs we fund are what make the GEF a success. It’s wonderful to see their enthusiasm for new ways to enhance teaching and learning,“ comments GEF President Nasrene Phaneuf. In recognition of this commitment, during the evening the GEF will honor an educator and a community member who have gone above and beyond in their support for the schools through the presentation of the Golden Apple Award and Partner in Education Award. The Gala is an event not to miss. This semi-formal evening is a celebration of the community, parents, students and educators coming together to enhance the schools and the futures of our Georgetown students. Tickets are on sale now for $60 online at www.georgetowneducationfoundation.net or through GEF members. Show your support and Dive Deep for Education. -----------------------------------------------------------GROVELAND - AARP Driver Safety Course at Nichols Village Thurs April 5, 2012 10:00am – 3:00pm Why Take a Driver Safety Course? Cars have changed. So have the traffic rules, driving conditions, and the roads you travel every day. Some drivers age 50+ have never looked back since they got their first driver’s licenses, but even the most experienced benefit from brushing up on their driving skills. What Will I Learn by taking the Course? You can expect to learn current rules of the road, defensive driving techniques, and how to operate your vehicle more safely in today’s increasingly challenging driving environment. You’ll learn adjustments to accommodate common age-related changes in vision, hearing, and reaction time. You will learn the following: How to minimize the effects of dangerous spots; How to maintain proper following distance behind another car; The safest ways to change lanes and make turns to busy intersections; Ways to monitor your own and others driving skills and capabilities; The effects of medications on driving; The importance of eliminating distractions, such as eating, smoking and cell phone use. After completing the course, you will have a greater appreciation of driving challenges and of how you can avoid potential collisions and injuries to yourself and others. You may be eligible to receive an insurance discout upon completing the course, consult your agent for details. This course is not connected with the Registry of Motor Vehicles in any way. This course will not effect your license or your ability to operate a vehicle. It is strictly designed as a benefit for driver safety tips. Upon completing the AARP Driver Safety Program classroom course, you will receive a certificate. You must have your license with you in order to complete the certificate. Cost for AARP members $12.00 Non members $14.00 - Please stop by Nichols Village to sign up, Mon thru Fri 8:00-4:00pm, Sat and Sun 10:00-4:00pm. You must bring a check payable to “AARP” in order to secure your spot no later than Wednesday March 21st. Nichols Village, 1 Nichols Way, Groveland 978-372-3930
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Greg got his first taste in marketing management back in the mid 80’s supporting national and regional accounts throughout the North Boston and Southern NH areas after graduating from Bentley College.
Q. We’ve seen your location across from Walmart on Rt 1 in Seabrook for many years. What exactly does Atlantic Green Energy do? A. We analyze residential and commercial locations for ways we can improve on their energy costs. The bottom line is there are usually several ways to save money that we pinpoint, figure the best options for solutions, and present that. We enjoy doing that quite a bit.
Greg is the author of “An Illustrated History Book of Boston� available in versions including: Andover, North Andover, Haverhill, Lawrence, Methuen, Newburyport, Somerville, Cambridge, Acton, and Littleton, MA. He is also the author of fictional “In Bird’s Eye� (a “Catcher in the Rye� type of story). Greg is also co-creator of “The NH Trivia Board Game� and has served in various capacities in the community including trustee of a registered historical building.
'Ask Your Local Expert' Manager Gregory Der Bogosian, Project Manager for The Town Common How Greg Got Here:
MOTHERS & OTHERS for Inside/Outside Sales VERY Generous commissions, Quality Leads, Supportive Team, Flexible schedule, No cap on earnings
This opportunity truly pays well for attentive, consistent and persistent individuals. Bonuses and Perks too! Perfect Position for recent/current Marketing Grads or Mother's looking for a flexible schedule
Only SERIOUS candidates need apply!
The Town Common 77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969 E-mail: editor@thetowncommon.com
Q. What else do you do there? A. Based on our success and wealth of expertise here, we actually train current contractors to become experts in our field as well as anyone wanting to become involved in the field of energy savings as an exciting career! If you would like to call George directly for any of your questions, he can be reached at 603-474-2550
My father, Moshe Cohen passed away in 2005. He started his rug business decades ago in Iran amid rug weavers and traveling traders. My rug passion and roots came to me from another source as well. My beloved grandmother, at the age of six, started weaving rugs in a small rug workshop in Kashan, Iran. The year was 1904 and instead of schooling, Hannah learned and mastered the rug weaving craft. At the age of 14, she managed and ran a weaving workshop. At this point, Hannah memorized the entire Kashan design and could produce one totally from memory! I have learned so much from her and my father. Please come in for a visit or call me at 603-601-6811. We're happy to share our knowledge of rugs, and to translate the unique story every rug has to tell. Epic Oriental Rugs 59 Lafayette Rd. (Rt 1) Hampton. Rug Tip Of The Month: Turn the rug 180 degrees annually to limit the possibility of uneven fading and wear. This will prolong the beauty and life of your rug. About Menashe and Epic Oriental Rugs: They provide free estimates, advice, handwashing, repairs/ restoration, and friendly personalized service. Menashe has given many lectures about rugs and the rug industry.
Diverse Background:
Q: What do you do as Project Manager at The Town Common? A: I plan “Ask Your Local Expert� columns and themed expos (that have sold out in the past). Additionally, I help with the Event and Community Calendar which are proven ways to reach out to our 30,000 weekly readers as well as our online subscribers. Q: How do “Ask Your Local Expert� columns work? A: Think of these as a bit of a hybrid between “About Us�, FAQ, and traditional ad space. It’s an excellent and interesting way to communicate what makes you special and why someone may want to contact you. Companies can even put a link near/ in their “About Us� section of their website that goes directly to their column in The Town Common’s online edition! Q: Are A.Y.L.E. columns only for Business to Consumer type businesses? A: Great Question! Actually, we’ve found even businesses that are Bto-B benefit greatly as the column is suitable for framing and to show to prospective clients in a neutral format regardless of your business type!
Bet you enjoyed reading these articles! What is the proof that people read our 'Ask Your Local Expert' columns... You just did! (and so did many of our 30,000 readers!) If you would like an article or are interested in our upcoming 'Ask Your Local Expert' Expos, then call Greg, our Project Manager, at 978-948-8696. Space is limited and on a first come, first serve basis.
March 14 - 20, 2012
Continued from page 5
The Gathering Cafe Coffee House, presents -----------------------------------------------------------HAMILTON-WENHAM - Tax Help from AARP - Appointments are by reservation only on Wednesdays at 10, 10:45 and 11:30 through April 11th. These dates fill up quickly, so gather your paperwork and reserve your slot. You will need Saturday, March 24th, 7:00 PM (FREE!) to bring all of your tax documents for last year, paperwork for this year, and will be required to show your Social Security card. This service is provided by SeniorCare, Inc. Stop by to reserve your appointment, or call 978-468-5577, or email ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ slauderdale@mvlc.org Ipswich Church of the Nazarene -----------------------------------------------------------God’s Heart & Hands in Our Community and Beyond HAMILTON-WENHAM Spring Book Sale Dates are Saturday, March 24, 9 am - 3 pm. The sale continues Mon. 26 thru God’s Heart & Hands In Our Service, Community And Beyond Wed. 28, 10-8 & Thur. 29, 10-5. Don’t miss the Friends Only Book Sale Friday evening, March 23, 6-8. Not a Friends Contemporary Worship Sundays, 11:00 AM member yet? You can join at the door. Hamilton-Wenham Public Library, 14 Union St., S. Hamilton 978-468-5577 www. 79 Turnpike Rd/Route 1, Ipswich, MA 01938 hwlibrary.org (Tri-City Sales plaza, n. of Linebrook Rd) -----------------------------------------------------------IpswichNazarene.org ~ 978-356-1800 IPSWICH - Ipswich Museum, 54 South Main Street, Ipswich needs tour guides and greeters for the 2012 tour season of the Heard and Whipple Houses. Share in the fun by learning about local history through the Museum’s collections and sharing that information with visitors from here and around the globe. Training runs in four sessions beginning on April 28 from 9-11 am. Refreshments served. Call 978-356-2811 for more information or to sign up. -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - The popular new dairy store at Appleton Farms in Ipswich, MA has expanded its dairy store hours to include Saturdays. Now you can pick up your Appleton Farms milk, grass-fed beef, eggs and other specialty items Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 2-6, Tuesday & Friday 11-6, and Saturday 11-3. “Appleton Farms is one of the North Shore’s treasures, offering something for everyone – local foods, history and culture, public programs for all ages, special events and scenic trails,” said Farm Director David Beardsley. ” The expanded hours in the dairy store is just another reason to get out and explore the 1,000-acre working farm.” Your Saturday visit doesn’t need to end at the dairy store. Appleton Farms’ newly remodeled LEED-certified Old House Visitor Center is open to the public Saturdays from 1–4pm. With a docent on-site, visitors can see firsthand how the Appleton family lived in the family museum room, discover what makes the house “green,” see our state-of-the-art industrial kitchen, and learn more about the prized dairy herd. The Old House, central to the 1,000-acre farm, offers easy access to more than 12 miles of maintained trails through woodlands and along pastures. Appleton Farms, America’s oldest continuously operating farm, was given to The Trustees of Reservations by the Appleton Family in 1998. Since then, The Trustees have worked to make the property a welcome destination for visitors from the North Shore and beyond by restoring historic buildings, maintaining trails, providing a wide variety of public programs and supporting local agriculture with its active Community Supported Agriculture program. Most recently, The Trustees set it sights on bringing dairy products to the “community doorstep” by first establishing a jersey milking herd at Appleton Farms and then opening an on-site dairy store to sell milk to the public. Led by award-winning cheese maker, John Miller, the farm has also broken ground on a processing facility on the farm that will allow The Trustees to make farmstead cheese, yogurt and butter for locavores and community members to enjoy. “This summer at the dairy store cheese-lovers can look forward to sampling and purchasing a variety of cheeses, including a hard cheese, ricotta and a triple cream” said Miller. The hope is that the store will benefit all local farmers by increasing support for local farms and demand for local foods. As part of that effort, the store will specialize in products generally not available in other neighborhood farm stands. For more information or to register for a program visit www.thetrustees.org, call 978.356.3825 (dairy store) or, 978.356.5728 (office), or email appletonfarms@ttor.org. -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - Never tried a triathlon? Now's the time with Tri for the YWCA, the Third Annual Indoor Triathlon, Sunday, March 25th, hosted by The YWCA Greater Newburyport and the Masters Swim Group. Events will include: Indoor Swim: 10 minutes in 25 yard pool; Indoor Cycle: 25 minutes ride on Spin Bike; Outdoor Run/Walk: 1.5 miles on the “Rail Trail”. Tri for the YWCA begins at 8:00 AM with 15 minute staggered time starts and is open to all fitness levels. Enter as an individual and try your best at all three sports or enter as a team and do the sport you like best! Register on line only at: www. active.com/running/newburyport-ma/Tri-for-the-YWCA-2012. Join us as we swim, bike & run for the fun of it! -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURY - All parents who will have a child attending kindergarten in September at the Newbury Elementary School are invited to attend a Kindergarten Information meeting on Thursday, March 15 at 7PM (snow date is March 19) in the school auditorium. Children must be five years old before August 31, 2012 in order to be eligible for kindergarten. The kindergarten classrooms will be open for viewing starting at 6:45PM. At the meeting, information will be presented on both the half and tuition based full day kindergarten options as well as the screening and registration process. Kindergarten staff will describe the programs and curriculum. Staff and parents will be available to answer questions. Screening will be held by appointment on Monday, May 7 and Tuesday, May 8, 2012. For further information, contact Kathleen Murphy, Early Childhood Coordinator, at kmurphy@trsd.net Merrimack River Entrance -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURY - "The First Parish Church of Newbury - Stewards of Earth and Spirit, host the Growing Together Sunday 42o 49’N 070o 49’W School. Classes meet Sundays from the beginning of September through May 20. The indoor/outdoor program for children ages 5 -12 and children with special needs, engages children in projects and activities centered around this year's MARCH DATE HIGH LOW SUN theme: Stewards of God's Earth. The Sunday school class maintains a plot in the New Eden Community Gardens, which 14 Wed 4:44 8.95 5:29 7.75 11:52 -0.44 xx xx 6:56 6:49 functions as an outdoor classroom for organic gardening projects and environmental conservation activities. Class meets at the regular worship service in the FPCN sanctuary at 10 a.m. Students gather downstairs in Holton Hall after the children's 15 Thurs 5:48 8.57 6:39 7.46 12:09 0.40 12:59 -0.09 6:54 6:50 message for class. The church is located at 20 High Road, (Route 1A), Newbury. 16 Fri 6:59 8.29 7:50 7.39 1:17 0.70 2:10 0.12 6:53 6:51 -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - The Newburyport Public Library is calling all teen wordsmiths in grades 7 through 12 to participate 17 Sat 8:10 8.17 8:56 7.52 2:29 0.79 3:17 0.15 6:51 6:52 in the 3rd Annual Teen Poetry Contest! Submissions will be accepted through March 30th. For more information about 18 Sun 9:16 8.21 9:55 7.77 3:37 0.66 4:18 0.07 6:49 6:54 contest rules and to receive a submission form, please contact Andrea Bunker, the Teen Services Librarian, by calling KAYAKS We stock 978.465.4428 ext. 226 or emailing abunker@mvlc.org. 19 Mon 10:14 8.32 10:46 8.03 4:37 0.42 5:11 -0.04 6:47 6:55 Wilderness Systems - Old Town -----------------------------------------------------------COM-PAC 20 Perception Tues 11:05 NEWBURYPORT - Rummage Sale at the First Religious Society, Friday, March 30, 6pm to 7:30pm and Saturday, March - Necky 8.40 11:31 8.24 5:30 0.16 5:57 -0.10 6:46 6:56 PRECISION 31, 9am to 11:30am. Gently used clothing, shoes, handbags, etcetera. Also Nearly New and Vintage used clothing. Parish 21 Wed 11:50 8.42 xx xx 6:16 -0.04 6:38 -0.08 6:44 6:57 Ocean Kayak Hall. First Religious Society, 26 Pleasant Street, Newburyport. Come and Rummage through the racks. Sunfish, Zuma, Laser 22 Thurs 12:10 8.37 12:30 8.35 6:58 -0.15 7:16 0.02 6:42 6:58 -----------------------------------------------------------Canoes NEWBURYPORT - A powerhouse performance is planned for the Firehouse Center for the Arts, 3 pm – 5 pm Sunday, Rangers - Old Town - Radisson KAYAKS We stock March 25th. Featuring faculty and friends of the Musical Suite, the two hour concert showcases a variety of ensembles and Wilderness Systems - Old Town Fernald’s genres. The Plum Island Pans kick off the show, followed by the cabaret vocals ofCOM-PAC Allyn Gamble, with the rock fusion group, Perception - Necky The Holaday Project, ending the first set. After a short intermission, guitarist John Tavano and friends perform three bossa PRECISION On the River Parker Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 Ocean Kayak nova pieces from the movie “Black Orpheus.” Then, classical vocalist, Joanna Hoyt-Kimball delights with two pieces by Sunfish, Zuma, Laser Canoes William Bolcom, and finally, the Musical Suite House Band finishes the concert with three jazz classics. Refreshments will KAYAKS Webestock Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 served following the concert. Tickets can be purchased online at www.firehouse.org or from the Box Office 978-462-7336. (978) 465-0312 Mad River - Old Town - Radisson Wilderness Systems - Old Town
Heartsong ~ Singers for Christ
Tell them it was in The Town Common
The Town Common
Weekly Community Newspaper
Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley
The Town Common The Town Common
Weekly Community Newspaper Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plumchart Island, & Rowley tide Weekly Community Newspape
Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowle
FERNALD’S 978- 465-0312
Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951
978- 465-0312
COM-PAC PRECISION Sunfish, Zuma, Laser
Continued on page 11
Fernald’s On the River Parker Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 (978) 465-0312
Perception - Necky Ocean Kayak Canoes
Senior Moments
March 14 - 20, 2012
Community Calendar To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail: events@thetowncommon.com Noon –Please call to schedule you private Classified Ads appointment at 978-462-2412
programs and events, or visit the Web site at www.massaudubon.org/joppaflats.
CLUTTER CONTROL On Wednesday, March 14 at 7:30 p.m., retired teacher Dave Downs will explore ten common reasons our homes and garages get filled with things we no longer use and will offer helpful hints for managing this problem by being thoughtful about the things we acquire and keep. His talk, sponsored by the Friends of the Ipswich Library, will be held in the Collins Room at the library, 25 North Main Street. For information: 978-356-6648 or www.ipswichlibrary.org
PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT Why is nature a critical part of early childhood education? Why do we believe emergent curriculum is better for your child's developing mind? Join Our Secret Garden indoor/outdoor Nursery & Preschool’s Executive Director, Reverend Nancy Haverington, and Director/ Lead Teacher, Ellie Dawson at OSG’s Parent Information Night, March 15 at 7:00PM, and hear the thinking that fuels this nature-based school. What: Parents Information Night - Why is nature a critical part of early childhood education? Why do we believe emergent curriculum is better for your child's developing mind? Where: Our Secret Garden indoor/ outdoor Nursery & Preschool, 20 High Road, Newbury Tickets: Open to the public. More information available at www.oursecretgardenfpcn.org.
SPARHAWK SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Sparhawk School will host an OPEN HOUSE for prospective students and their families on Wednesday, March 14th, at both Amesbury campuses. 9-11am at the Upper Campus (High School): 196 Main Street, Amesbury. 4-6pm at the Lower Campus (PreK-8): 259 Elm St., Amesbury. This event will be the final open house for the 2012 enrollment season. Sparhawk School is an independent, PreK -12 college preparatory day school with a focus on academic excellence in a culture of kindness. For more information, check sparhawkschool.com, or call 978.388.5354. We hope to see you there!
Community Calendar Continues . . .
The Town Common Call 978-948-8696 e-mail: advertise@thetowncommon.com
ROUNDTABLE The Civil War Roundtable of the Merrimack is moving. We will meet at 7:30 PM on Wednesday March 14th at our new location, the East Parish Methodist Church, Salisbury Square (route 1), Salisbury, MA. Bob Sullivan will speak on “Copperheads and Peace Democrats.” Admission is free and anyone with an interest in America’s Civil War is invited to attend. For more information visit our web page www.cwrtm.org or call Tom at (978) 462-8518.
WEDNESDAY MORNING BIRDING ON CAPE ANN Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director Bill Gette and USFWS veteran David Weaver to see the magnificent winter seabirds and ducks around Gloucester and Rockport. Appropriate for all birding levels. Wednesday, March 14, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Meet in Gloucester at the Friendly’s restaurant at the first traffic circle on Route 128. $17. Preregistration is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for WEDNESDAY EVENING LECTURE: information about additional programs ALASKA – A SPECIAL PLACE and events, or visit the Web site at www. Birder and Marblehead resident massaudubon.org/joppaflats. Deborah Kearns speaks on her observations after a year in Alaska. Wednesday, March HEARING WORKSHOP BY MASS 14, 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm Meet at the AUDIOLOGY Joppa Flats Education Center, One Free – The benefits of finding out Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. about hearing loss, how we can help you $4. Preregistration is not required. Call and much more! We are offering the most 978-462-9998 for information about current advanced technology addressing additional programs and events, or visit common frustrations of hearing aid the Web site at www.massaudubon.org/ wearers. Sign up for your private session joppaflats. to get tested and up-date any changes in your hearing and to assist you with any THURSDAY, MARCH 15th questions and concerns you may have. Get your current hearing devices cleaned HOMESCHOOL FIELD TRIP: and serviced and get your evaluation at the HARBOR SEALS same time. , Wednesday, March 14th @ Monthly focus topics for homeschoolers, ages 7 to 12, each with an on-site study session and an exciting field trip. Teacher: Lisa Hutchings. Thursday, March 15, 9:30 am-noon Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $18. Preregistration is required. Call 978-4629998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www.massaudubon.org/joppaflats. YAIYIA’s KITCHEN DINNER The Greek Church of Newburyport is sponsoring a Yiayia's Kitchen dinnner on Thursday, March 15 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm at Nicholson Hall (connected to the Greek church) on Harris Street. The menu features Spanakopeta, Rice Pilaf, Greek Country Salad and Greek Cookies. Full portion $12.00 and Half $7.00. AERIAL ACROBATS: WOODCOCKS AND MORE! American woodcocks and their spectacular courtship rituals are the focus of this evening program. This curious member of the sandpiper family performs a ground and aerial courtship display that is truly a ritual of spring. Choose one of two programs. Thursday, March 15, or Thursday, March 22, 5:30 – 8:00 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $20. Preregistration is required. Call 978-4629998 for information about additional
CREATE HAPPINESS IN YOUR DAILY LIFE On Thursday, March 15 and Saturday, March 17, Lindsay Crouse will give two talks on how to create happiness in daily life. The talks, scheduled for 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., will be held in Newburyport at the Unitarian Universalist Church on Pleasant Street. Crouse opens the series, titled "The Engine of Happiness," on March 15 and will talk about the difference between actions taken with and without wisdom and compassion. She will show what it is to undertake a karmic path of action which, she said, is how to take control of your daily life. In the second talk, held on March 17, Crouse will focus on partnership and relationships in the workplace with answers to questions like: How do you create a beautiful partnership? How do you maintain the sweetness and harmony that was there in the beginning? How do you deal with difficult people in the workplace? How do you make peace with your family? Finally, how do you take love to the highest level? "So much of what happens to us seems random," said Crouse. "In the news every day we see war and violence, abuse, neglect and financial failure. At home, we have our own battleground - the pain we experience in partnerships, in our own families. We are overwhelmed, and easily lose our way. "In the midst of this, how do we make our lives work out?" she continued. "This class is about how to do a right action, and how to do actions that will be the cause of happiness for yourself and those around you. This is the time of your life, and it should not be wasted. Happiness is not random. You can be the master of your own happy life." The talks will be held at First Religious Society (Unitarian Universalist), 26 Pleasant Street, Newburyport, Massachusetts. Attendees do not have to be Buddhists. Everyone is welcome. Crouse was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in 1984's Places in the Heart. She is a life-long summer resident of Gloucester MA. Crouse is married to film editor and TV director and editor Rick Blue. Both are observant Buddhists and study with Lama Sumati Marut, a frequent visitor to Massachusetts. Every year, Crouse organizes a 6-day retreat at which Lama Marut, Blue and she teach. This year's retreat, called "Shoot the Moon: Diamonds, Hearts and Wild Cards," will be held at The Governor's Academy in
March 14 - 20, 2012 Byfield from August 7 to August 12 (www. thesummerretreat.org). FRIDAY, MARCH 16th CAMARADERIE, COMEDY AND CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE LUNCHEON What began 10 years ago as a way to raise funds and awareness for the John Ashford Link House and its work with men and women with addiction has evolved into an anticipated annual community event and the most important fundraiser for the nonprofit organization. Coinciding with the 40th anniversary of the Link House, the 10th annual St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon will be held Friday, March 16, 2012 at 11:30am at the Masonic Temple in Newburyport. The community is invited to the traditional corned beef and cabbage lunch, served with a hearty helping of humor delivered by the area’s elected officials. St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon tickets are $35 and proceeds benefit the John Ashford Link House. To purchase tickets, contact Nicholas Costello at 978.462.2595 x15 or NickCostello@linkhouseinc.org; for sponsorships and program book ads, contact The Provident Bank’s Chuck Withee at cwithee@theprovidentbank. com. For more information, please visit http://www.facebook.com/ theprovidentbank or contact at the Link House, Inc. at 978.462.2595 x10.
of community camaraderie, nearly 250 guests and a who’s who of local and regional elected officials, and community and business leaders will attend the Link House St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon. St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon tickets are $35 and proceeds benefit the John Ashford Link House. To purchase tickets, contact Nicholas Costello at 978.462.2595 x15 or NickCostello@linkhouseinc.org; for sponsorships and program book ads, contact The Provident Bank’s Chuck Withee at cwithee@theprovidentbank. com. For more information, please visit http://www.facebook.com/ theprovidentbank or contact at the Link House, Inc. at 978.462.2595 x10.
$8 for children; $11 for adults. Preregistration is required. Call 978-4629998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www.massaudubon.org/joppaflats.
NEW PERSPECTIVE New Perspective: A People’s Choice reception for the Seacoast Artist Association March theme show “New Perspective” will be held Saturday, March 17 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Gallery, 225 Water St. in Exeter. Enjoy fresh points of view and meet local artists. Refreshments will be served. The exhibit runs through Friday, March 30. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Call 7788856 or e-mail gallery@seacoastartist.org. SATURDAY, MARCH 17th For directions, visit www.seacoastartist. org. The Seacoast Artist Association is a INDOOR YARD SALE not-for-profit organization; 25 percent of Saturday, March 17th, 9AM-2PM, sales go towards an annual scholarship for First United Methodist Church, 146 graduating high school students seeking a Main Street, Amesbury Support James _ college education in the arts. Place Non-Profit Out-of-School Program 100% of the proceeds from the sale will MERRIMAC DANCE go towards the Summer Field Trip Fund Break out your green and prepare to (978) 834 - 3009 be Irish for a night! Join Merrimac Old Home Days on March 17th 2012 for an SATURDAY MORNING BIRDING adult dance. The event takes place from Weekly trip with experienced 7-12 at the Moose Lodge in Merrimac. leaders in a search for avian activity in DJ, light refreshments and a cash bar will the Newburyport/Plum Island area. For be provided. Tickets are $15 in advance beginners and birders of all skill levels. ($20 at the door.) You may reserve Saturday, March 17, 9:30–11:30 am Meet Continued on page 13 at Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. MUSIC FEST Adults $10; Children ages 8 and up Amesbury High School Performing $7. Preregistration is not required. Call Arts on March 16th at 1pm at the 978-462-9998 for information about Amesbury Senior Center. Join us with The additional programs and events, or visit Amesbury High School Jazz Band and the the Web site at www.massaudubon.org/ Amesbury High School Rhythmics – an a joppaflats. Free Speaking Program for Parents of teenagers: cappella singing group. These groups are under the direction of Dan Fijalkowski MAPLE SUGAR TOUR and Susanne Meyer. Sugaring tours only will run on Saturday and Sunday, March 17 & 18. Tour GRECIAN NIGHT WITH GREAT times are at 10:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and CHEFS 2:30 p.m. Tour the sanctuary’s sugar bush The Anna Jaques Hospital Aid and learn how to identify a sugar maple Association will have “A Grecian Night tree, observe tapping and sap collection with Great Chefs”. The date is Friday, methods, discover how sap becomes syrup March 16. Presenting sponsors are in the sugarhouse, and get a sweet taste the Institution for Savings and the of the final product. Tours last about an Newburyport Five Cent Savings Bank. hour and run rain or shine. Warm up after Included in this 24th annual event are your tour by the woodstove in the barn, gourmet food tasting (6 to 8 p.m.) and live where homemade soup and baked goods, entertainment and dancing (8 to 10 p.m.). maple sugar candy, books and gift items, Nationally recognized award-winning author, speaker and publisher The culinary creations are courtesy of plus the sanctuary’s own maple syrup, are celebrated chefs from over twenty Greater available for sale. Tour fee: $9/adults, $8/ Newburyport restaurants and caterers. children (no charge for children under 3). The Stimulantes, a seasoned, high-energy Discount for Mass Audubon members. will give a 90-minute workshop plus 30-minutes Q&A Newburyport-based band, will provide For more information or to register for specifically with middle-schoolers in mind the music. Once again, the Governor’s tours, call 978-887-9264. Academy, in Byfield, is graciously The first 50 attendees will receive a free copy of Sue’s 28-page booklet donating its facilities for the gala. Tickets PIZZAFEST “Practical Tips for Parents of Young Teens” are $65 per person. Great Chefs’ Night is Ipswich Lions Club First PizzaFest the AJH Aid Association’s main fundraiser on March 17th noon to 3 P.M. at Ipswich each year, with all proceeds supporting High School- route 1A in Ipswich. thiS PrOGraM WiLL cOVer: services at the hospital. For additional The Ipswich Lions Club, famous for its information, or to purchase tickets, please annual ChowderFest, is celebrating it first • The most common communication mistakes parents make and how to avoid them, visit www.ajh.org, or call 978-463-1150. PizzaFest. Join the Lions club and sample • Parents’ keys for successful engagement with their teen, Pizzas from many local restaurants. Cast • Why parents need to understand adolescent development, 10TH ANNUAL ST. PATRICK’S DAY your vote for the PizzaFest favorite. Bring LUNCHEON FUNDRAISER the whole family and enjoy great pizza, • Where parents most need to invest their time, What began 10 years ago as a way children’s games, music, raffles and prizes. • Why its important for kids to fail, to raise funds and awareness for the Free eye exams are available at the LIONS • The most sage advice for keeping teens safe in regards to alcohol use. John Ashford Link House and its work EYEMOBILE. All proceeds go to local with men and women with addiction charities and Eye Research supported by has evolved into an anticipated annual the Lions Club. $10.00 admission for about the Speaker community event and the most important pizza, drinks and activities fundraiser for the nonprofit organization. Sue Blaney, founder of Parenting Teens Info, is dedicated to supporting parents in successfully raising teenagers. She is the author of 3 Coinciding with the 40th anniversary TAKE A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE: books including Please Stop the Rollercoaster! How Parents of Teenagers Can Smooth Out the Ride. Her audiobook won both a Mom’s of the Link House, the 10th annual St. HARBOR SEALS choice award and a Ben Franklin award, and her newest book, Parenting Your Teen Through Thick and Thin has been published to Patrick’s Day Luncheon will be held Joppa Flats teacher Lisa Hutchings be sold as a fundraising product for organizations that support parents and teens. Sue believes the web also offers great potential to bring Friday, March 16, 2012 at 11:30am at the takes you and your family to the banks of quality and engaging information to parents, and she co-developed a web based multimedia tool kit titled Parenting Through Middle Masonic Temple in Newburyport. The the Merrimack River to see harbor seals. School. Sue has spoken around the country and for the U.S. Department of Education. A communications expert, eternal optimist, and community is invited to the traditional For families with children ages 7 and up. parent of two young adults, Sue advocates for and works with parents and professionals at many levels to educate, empower and connect corned beef and cabbage lunch, served with Saturday, March 17, noon-2:30 pm Meet parents of teenagers. a hearty helping of humor delivered by the at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One area’s elected officials. A demonstration Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Visit her website at www. Parentingteensinfo.com
Secrets to Success in Parenting Your teen thursday, March 29, 7:00 PM triton regional high School auditorium
Sue Blaney
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March 14 - 20, 2012
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March 14 - 20, 2012
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Continued from page 7
-----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT – Why Weight? Complimentary Healthy Dinner and Fitness Workshop Presented by: Dr. Jennah Dieter, Clinical Nutritionist & Hannah Horton, Personal Trainer on Tuesday, March 27, at 6:30pm at Healthcare Complete, 260 Merrimac Street, Newburyport. Why Weight? Seating is Limited…Reserve your seat today! (978) 499-9355 -----------------------------------------------------------NEWINGTON - Dr. Kuerstin Fordham-Macedo of Arsenault Family Chiropractic Center will be holding a luncheon workshop to talk about a new Fibromyalgia Solution. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder affecting approximately 10 million Americans, mostly women. The disorder can have profound physical, psychological, and mental effects on individuals and their families. The Center recently announced the addition of their Laser Healthcare Center using low-level laser therapy with pototonic energy that enhances cell regeneration, increases blood flow, and reduces inflammation to treat chronic pain and Fibromyalgia. If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia we invite you and your family members to join us on March 27th , 2012 from 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM at the Whole Life Health Care, 100 Shattuck Way, in Newington, NH. Please call 603-964-1460 to reserve your seat before the registration deadline of March 22n, 2012. We look forward to seeing you. Visit us at www.arsenaultchiro.com -----------------------------------------------------------NORTH ANDOVER - Brooks School Summer Programs Open House March 24, 2012 2:00 – 4:00 Description: Join us for the Brooks School Summer Programs Open House to learn more about the great summer opportunities for children ages four through eighteen. Programs include the Brooks School Day Camp, Teen Quest, comp_camp@brooks, the Brooks Summer School and the Vogelsinger Soccer Camps and Academy. Come meet the Director, tour our facilities and enjoy refreshments while watching a multi-media presentation. We are an exceptional community that provides a variety of program options. Transportation and extended day also available. Visit us and see what fun we have in store this year. email: Senior Homecare by Angels! summerprograms@brooksschool website: http://summer.brooksschool.org Phone: 978-725-6253 Address: 1160 Great You Choose Your Caregiver Pond Road North Andover, MA 01845 -----------------------------------------------------------from our experienced staff! ROWLEY – Free Beginner’s Computer Classes for seniors offered at Rowley Public Library - Back by popular demand! p Carol Soucy will be teaching a free class on basic computer skills for seniors age 50 and up this spring. Class meets on three consecutive Thursdays, March 29th, April 5th & 12th at the Rowley Public Library, 141 Main St. from 8:30 - 10 am. Students will learn about Windows, files and folders, creating documents in Microsoft Office, email and the Internet. Call 978-462-6162 Students should be comfortable using a keyboard and mouse. Call 978-948-2850 to register or for more information. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY – Rowley Library Book Club April Selection - To celebrate Irish-American Heritage Month, the Rowley Library book club presents the Man Booker nominated author David Mitchell's book Black Swan Green. Considered to be one of the author's best novels to date, Black Swan Green follows a boy through Great Britain in the early 1980's. Please join in on the discussion on April 5th at the Rowley Public Library, 141 Main St. Copies are available at the library or can be reserved at http://rowley.mvlc.org -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY – Council on Aging Upcoming Trips - May 16, 2012 - Wednesday - Johnson & Wales - Gourmet lunch and demonstration. Enjoy this unique gourmet luncheon, along with wine tasting and food pairing demo. Following lunch we will go to the City of Providence for an informative session; July 17, 2012 - Tuesday - Mt. Washington Summit - A modern diesel train will transport us to the summit of Mt. Washington - See the weather station, gift shops, old time steam trains - enjoy our exclusive buffet luncheon at the Peppersass Restaurant. Call Rowley COA 978-948-7637 for more info and reservations. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Rowley Public Library Book Donation Days – March 24th and April 28th. The Friends of the Rowley Public Library are getting ready for the annual Book and Bake Sale. We’ll be accepting donations of gently used Books, DVDs, and CDs on two Saturday mornings: March 24th and April 28th from 9:00am until Noon. Donations may be dropped off in the Library Meeting Room. We accept: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Art, Gardening, How-To, Cookbooks, Hardcover, Paperback, Children’s Books including picture books, Young Adult titles, DVDs and CDs in their original boxes. No textbooks, ln encyclopedias, digests, magazines or VHS tapes please! And Save the Date for the Rowley Library Book and Bake Sale will be held on Saturday, May 5 and Sunday, May 6 at the Rowley Public Library, rain or shine. Sponsored by the Friends of the Rowley Public Library, all proceeds benefit the Library. For more information or to volunteer for these events, please email booksale@rowleylibrary.org, or call Pam Jacobson, Library Director, at 978-948-2850. -----------------------------------------------------------Broken in Books • 317 Haverhill St ROWLEY - The Rowley Children’s Center – Open House – Thursday, March 22nd from 12:30 to 2:30 383 Main Street, Rowley • Rte 133 • 978-948-8400 Rowley. The Rowley Children’s Center is a developmentally appropriate private preschool. RCC offers a caring and nurturing environment, low child to teacher ratios and individualized attention. Our enrichment programs include but are not limited to: Sign Language; Yoga from Roots & Wings in Newbury, Music from The Music Connection in Danvers, as well as many community-connected Field Trips. Enrichment programs and many field trips are inclusive of our low tuition rates. KAYAKS WeExtended stock Day available. Let us know your needs! Call the Also available is a 25% sibling discount. Lunch Buddies and Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC director, Nancy Garland-Wren at 978-948-7929 or email therowleychildrenscenter@yahoo.com RCC “Where families and Perception - Necky friendships develop and your child’s learning is a fun and enriching experience.” PRECISION Ocean Kayak -----------------------------------------------------------Sunfish, Zuma, Laser Canoes SALISBURY - Come support The Pettengill House on Friday, April 27, 2012 at Blue Ocean Music Hall in Salisbury from7 Mad River - Old Town - Radisson -11 P.M. featuring music by “Thomas Machine Works Band.” Join us for a night of music, fun, and dancing, all on behalf Fernald’s of local children and families in the Greater Newburyport area. Tickets are now on sale online at www.pettengillhouse. On the River Parker org.$50.00 ticket price includes live music, dancing, appetizers, silent and live auctions, and more! To sponsor this event or Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 to purchase an Ad in our program book, please contact Tara Clifford, Program Coordinator, at (978) 463-8801 or tclifford@ Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 978- 465-0312 pettengillhouse.org. (978) 465-0312 ---------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - Mark your calendar, the Boys and Girls Club of Lower Merrimack will host its 11th annual Starry Night Charity Auction on Saturday, April 28th. The silent auction begins at 5:45 p.m., followed by dinner at 7:30 p.m. The that keeps students real fun begins at 8:15 p.m. when the live auction kicks off. This celebration is 1Tutoring col. x 2 inches guaranteed to dazzle with an array of new and exciting auction items. Organizers of the curve of the auction are in the process of gathering items. To donate an item for either 6+ wks ahead $38.30/week the silent or live auction, call Kathy Webber or Executive Director Jim Keenan Lou Lowell BA, MNS, MM 13+ wks $30.70/week at 978-462-7003, or kwebber@boysandgirlscluboflmv.com. The Club is always 150 Merrimac St Newburyport, MA looking for volunteers to join our auction committee. Please contact Jim Keenan 26+ 978-462-0300 wks $27.60/week if interested in helping out the largest youth organization in the area. • mathport@verizon.net ---------------------------------------------------Private Instruction by appointment 52 wks Mathematics $24.90/week SALISBURY - The Merrimac River Feline Rescue Society will be offering Rabies
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Page 12
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March 14 - 20, 2012
Spring Home Improvement and Clean-Up Spring Gardens ~ Drawing from Nature's Palette By Deb Lambert Before you draw from nature’s amazing palette of color, draw up a plan that takes into account all the “givens” of your environs. If you’re candid in this assessment, you’ll be assured of success, not doomed to failure. Be honest when considering the following… available light, wind exposure, topography, soil type and drainage. “Right Plant... Right Place!” ~ an oft-quoted phrase that should guide you in those all-important selections. It is essential that you consider the mature size and cultural needs of any proposed candidate, before making that final choice. Also, a little homework now will help you avoid the common pitfalls of overwatering and over-mulching. Be aware that pathway layout is the primary way we move visitors through the landscape. Having a path disappear around the “walls” or enclosure of a garden room, leads the naturally curious around the corner. Add to this the sound of a gurgling fountain, rustling grasses, chattering birds as they bathe, the incredible fragrance of David Austin English roses, or
the coolness of a shaded bower... all enticements that combine to lure even the least curious visitor to enjoy every aspect of your landscape. Because we New Englanders are resigned to about six months of no foliage on our deciduous plant specimens, we certainly strive to make the most of the growing season. Color is a relatively accessible element, as we “paint” the home landscape. The diverse hues of old favorites and new hybrids, mean that annuals, biennials and perennials will color the entire growing season. When you select a deciduous specimen for your landscape, think beyond lush blooms and seasonal foliage. Does it have a pleasing winter outline, interesting bark texture, striking stem color, or persistent fruits? Broadleaf evergreens offer glossy, green foliage all year, perhaps sporting leaf variegations, as well as blossoms. A few, like the ‘P.J.M.’ Rhododendron and many Euonymus hybrids, are flushed with burgundy from fall to spring. Needled evergreens provide deep green, silvery, bluish or golden year ’round foliage.
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This makes them particularly important in winter, as their deciduous counterparts stand amongst them, awaiting next season’s foliage. Climbing vines, like clematis, honeysuckle, wisteria and trumpet vine are all suitable candidates to flow across arbors, creating shade and abundant colorful blossoms, offering nectar for butterflies and hummingbirds - yet another source of color and entertainment! Establish a “wild” strip that includes nectarrich natives and wildflowers to further encourage the presence of pollinators and butterflies, including larval plants for their caterpillars. No space for designated herb and veggie gardens? Allow edible plants, many of which add a decorative element, to infiltrate ornamental beds. Beauty and practicality! Plan well and choose wisely, as you draw from nature’s palette this spring. You will realize your dream of an idyllic backyard sanctuary for years to come. Read more of Deb Lambert’s garden articles on her ‘GardenAuthor’ blog on Blogspot and on her GardenAuthor.com website.
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March 14 - 20, 2012 Continued from page 9 your ticket(s) by sending payment c/o Merrimac Old Home Days to: 2 School St., Merrimac, MA 01860. For further info., find us on Facebook or on the web: www.merrimac-ohd.org. MICHAEL O’LEARY & FRIENDS Come celebrate St. Patrick's Day and everything else Irish at an Evening of Traditional Irish Songs 'n Tunes with Michael O'Leary & Friends on Saturday, March 17, at 7:30pm at First Parish Church of Newbury. Cape Ann-based Celtic singer Michael O'Leary - vocals and bodhran will be joined by Steve Levy - banjo, bouzouki, mandolin and guitar; David de la Barre - whistles, Scottish small pipes, concertina and vocals; and Linda Shields Swicker - guitar. Join in on the craic (that's Irish for fun!) Tickets are $12.00 in advance or $15.00 the night of the show. To reserve tickets, call 978-4655597 or visit www.firstparishofnewbury. org for more information. JOPPA FLATTS St. Patty's Day at the Grog www,joppaflatts.com - Sat March 17 at 9pm SUNDAY, MARCH 18th
Religious Society, 26 Pleasant Street, Newburyport at 10:30am, Michael Sandberg will present a discussion of "Compassion for Human Beings Who are Immigrants." There is a lot of confusion regarding immigrants when it comes to words like "undocumented," "illegal," and "criminal." These labels stir up all kinds of anger and fear among citizens, even if their own ancestors were also immigrants. These terms especially come into play whenever we think about changing federal and Massachusetts rules and regulations regarding these human beings. Michael Sandberg, MD, a member of the First Religious Society, has been working as a civil surgeon for the US Immigration Service for the past eleven years. He has processed over 20,000 legal immigrants in Massachusetts, including many who were imprisoned while awaiting deportation hearings. As part of the church's Justice Sunday, he will be explaining the differences among these terms, and suggesting some ways that people who have recently immigrated to Massachusetts could be better supported and integrated into our society. Free and open to the public MONDAY, MARCH 19th FAMILY MOVIE DAY Come join us for our family movie time. This week we will be showing "Happy Feet Two." Feel free to bring refreshments and even pillows if you wish to lay down in the front. Rated PG 100 minutes Monday March 19th 6-8pm FREE Georgetown Peabody Library 978 352 5728
The Town Common
registration is required. Contact Kerry. Mahoney@TheArcofGHN.Org or 978 373-0552 x 201. For more information on The Arc and information on the series visit www.thearcofghn.org.
The Region’s Largest
CATMOBILE The Catmobile will be parked in Salisbury at Tom’s Discount Store for 2 dates only in the month of March. March 21st & March 22nd at Tom’s Discount Store, 175 Elm St. Route 110, Salisbury The Catmobile is operated by the Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society (MRFRS) and is staffed by a licensed veterinarian and two veterinary technicians. The Catmobile offers low cost spay neuter for cats only. The package consists of spay/neuter, rabies vaccinations, exam, nail trim, treatment for fleas and ear mites. Spay package costs $100 and neuter package costs $75. The package is available to anyone and there is no qualification process; however reservations are required and can be made online at www.catmobile.org or by calling 978-465-1940. AFTERSCHOOL AT JOPPA: CELEBRATE SEALS! Children in grades 1 to 4 are invited to engage in wildlife learning experiences with a different theme each week. Come for one or sign up for the series. Three remaining sessions: Surprising Seabirds (3/28); Wonderful Whales (4/4); Super Shorebirds (4/11) Wednesday, March 21, 3:30-5:00 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $16. Preregistration is required. Call 978-4629998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www.massaudubon.org/joppaflats. PUBLIC FORUM ON LOWER MILLYARD REDEVELOPMENT The Amesbury Chamber of Commerce & Industrial Foundation, in conjunction with the City of Amesbury, invites you to attend a public forum on the Lower Millyard Redevelopment Project on Wednesday, March 21st beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall Auditorium, 62 Friend Street, Amesbury. Come hear how the City and private developers are working together to redevelop this important area of Amesbury. Representatives from the Mayor's Office, the Office of Economic Development and the Department of Public Works will be on hand to present their plans and answer questions from the audience. This event is free and open to the public. The Amesbury Chamber of Commerce and Industrial Foundation is organized to advance the economic and social well-being of Amesbury, by active service to its members and the community, fostering vibrant economic development, and assuming a leadership role in making Amesbury a better place to live, work and play.
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WEDNESDAY EVENING LECTURE Ipswich Museum, 54 South Main Street, Ipswich will host a Wednesday Evening Lecture on March 21 at 7:30 pm entitled “The New England Mill Girls.” Ipswich author Doug Stewart will give an illustrated talk on the farmers’ daughters-turned-factory workers who spearheaded America’s Industrial Revolution. Refreshments will be served following the lecture. The First National Bank of Ipswich generously sponsors the Museum’s Wednesday Evening Lecture Series. For more information, visit www. ipswichmuseum.org or call 978-3562811. Cost: $10 for non-members; free to members.
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DOCUMENTARIES AND DISCUSSION GROUP On Sunday, March 18 at 9:00am at the First Religious Society, the Documentaries and Discussion group will be reporting on the "Move to Amend" progress, both regionally and state-wide; will be preparing for the Documentaries and Discussion of March 21 - "Woman TUESDAY, MARCH 20th Troubles"; and will be forming a steering committee for a Greater Newburyport Forum.The First Religious Society, 26 THE HUNGER GAMES The Newburyport Public Library Pleasant Street, Newburyport - Free and invites teens in grades 7 through 12 to open to the public join us for “The Hunger Games” Movie Release Party on Tuesday, March 20 from MARCH PIZZA MADNESS Newburyport Rotary Club's March 3:30 to 5:30pm in the Program Room. We Pizza Madness will take place on Sunday, will have Hunger Games and Catching March 18th from noon to 2 PM at Nock Fire trivia, a survival skills challenge, and Middle School cafeteria. We invite 8-10 a dress-your-tribute-in-duct-tape-fashion pizza vendors to participate in our event. challenge. A cornucopia of snacks will The Club charges a $10 entrance fee and be provided. http://www.newburyportpl. the participants can then sample pizza org/events/03-2012 from the various local pizza shops. Prizes are awarded for best cheese pizza, best THE ARC AND LOCAL PAC’S crust, best sauce and best specialty pizza. SPONSOR TRANSITION SERIES The Arc of Greater HaverhillWe also have a Kid's Choice and a People's Choice awards, voted by participants. Newburyport and the Parent Advisory Last year we served over 100 adults and Councils of Amesbury, Georgetown, children and we are hoping for a bigger Newburyport, Pentucket and Triton event this year. Come join the all-you-can- will be offering a series of workshop on eat fun! For more info, email kgkelly57@ Transition to Adulthood for students with intellectual and developmental yahoo.com disabilities. The transition students will make from school to adult life in EXHIBIT Ipswich Museum, 54 South Main the community is a long journey. This Street, Ipswich will be open Sundays, journey can be difficult for anyone, but Now to March 25, from 2-4 pm for the for a child with a disability, determining return of Lucy Myers and Terri Unger’s where to go, the best way to get there, book and exhibit, “People & Place: and then completing the journey can be Oral Histories and Portraits of Ipswich especially challenging. It is important Seniors.” Each week includes a guest for parents and professionals that support photographer, guest senior, storytelling at them to understand the Federal and State 3 pm, treasure hunt and more. An added laws that guide these important steps. feature will be a collection of “A Few of my The four part Transition to Adulthood Favorite Things”, or special objects that Series begins on Tuesday, March 20th are emblematic of the lives of some of the and will provide informational speakers seniors in the exhibit. Signed copies of the on Transition Planning with your IEP book are available for purchase. First floor Team, the role and eligibility process for Museum rooms will be open for viewing. Department of Developmental Services Call 978-356-2811 for information or and Mass Rehabilitation Commission visit www.ipswichmuseum.org. Free to services, options for living and working members and children, $7/non-members after school and, resources for legal and financial planning including guardianship, and $5/seniors. benefits and estate planning. Sessions will be held at Newburyport High School COMPASSION FOR HUMAN and the RAN Middle School. There is no BEINGS WHO ARE IMMIGRANTS On Sunday, March 18 at the First charge for these workshops, however pre-
Page 13
ng Rd
Pets, Animals, Plus March 14 - 20, 2012
Page 14
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By J. Peter St. Clair, DMD
I love working outside. Whether it be mowing the lawn or cleaning up brush in the woods, doing outside manual labor is “therapy” for me. However, I have also grown petrified of contracting Lyme disease. I have seen a steady increase in the number of my patients who say they have contracted Lyme disease. Most of these people said they had the classic “bulls-eye” rash, went on antibiotics for a couple of weeks and were done with it. I have also had other patients who are dealing with long-term issues associated with Lyme disease. Most of the data I found agreed that the success of treating Lyme disease is higher the sooner it is identified and treated. The same data also noted that misdiagnosis of Lyme disease is very high, which often delays treatment. I think it is pretty safe to say that Lyme disease is bad news. Lyme disease is a multi-system inflammatory disease that affects many of the systems in the body, including the brain. It is most commonly thought to be acquired
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through the bite of a deer tick that is carrying the dangerous bacteria. However, newer medical evidence shows that the bacteria may also be spread through other means. Other than the standard antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease, there are also many “alternative” treatments out there. It seems to me that when there are multiple “alternative” treatments to things, where some people show improvement and others do not, the disease itself is not very well understood. I believe this is the case with Lyme disease. I had a patient recently ask me to review some information about a treatment she is ready to start to battle the symptoms she has from Lyme disease. The process is basically to detoxify the body of heavy metals, including mercury. If you look at stuff on the web about this it brings up the well-known silver/mercury filling debate. Here is an excerpt from one of the websites I found: “Mercury amalgams are about 55% mercury, and the government makes dentists handle them like nuclear reactor material before it goes into the mouth, and when it comes out of the mouth they have to handle it in the same way, in a bio-hazardous container. But the American Dental Association still tells the dentists and the patients that it's safe when it's inside your head. And I think that's oxymoronic. It doesn't even make sense. That means that our heads are
considered bio-hazard containers. There's a device called a mercury vapor analyzer, a device that can be stuck in your mouth after you chew a piece of gum, and it can show you how much mercury is coming off your gum every time you chew. But a lot of people who use that vapor device find that the mercury content in their mouth exceeds the Environmental Protection Agency's recommendation for safe air.” There is no published scientific data that I am aware of that shows that removal of silver fillings from your mouth cures anything. Having said that, I have not used the material for over 12 years for basically the same reasons that are described in the quote above. As far as the Lyme disease issue goes, my recommendation is not to get Lyme disease. It seems that Lyme disease is not well understood. For my patient, and anyone who continues to have symptoms after conventional antibiotic treatment, I guess I would try any alternative treatment that seemed reasonable with little risk. Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to healthcentered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@dentalhealthforlife.com. You can view all previously written columns at www.dentalhealthforlife. com.
To Your Good Health By: Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
'Minor' Heart Attacks Can Still be Deadly DEAR DR. DONOHUE: My husband, 46, died suddenly and unexpectedly from a heart attack. An autopsy showed that he died from what the doctor said was a minor heart attack. How does a minor heart attack kill? It was major for him and me. -- C.C. ANSWER: The pathologist who performed the autopsy must have found that only a small section of heart was involved, and only a small heart artery was obstructed. Minor heart attacks can lead to major complications, including death. They can generate abnormal heartbeats, so abnormal that the heart's pumping action stops. You have my deepest sympathy. The booklet on heart attacks explains why they happen and how they're prevented. Readers can order a copy by writing: Dr. Donohue -No. 102W, Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclose a check
or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with the recipient's printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery. DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I want to get rid of a lot of expired medicines. I have heard that flushing them down the toilet or putting them in the garbage will make them end up in our drinking water. What is the proper solution? -- M.S. ANSWER: Different government agencies have different recommendations for medicine disposal. Congress is trying to resolve those differences. First, check with your drugstore to see if it has a program to dispose of medicines; many do. Also check with your town, county or state to see if it has "take-back" programs. Many do. If you can't find a facility that accepts old medicines, mix them with coffee grounds, sawdust, kitty
litter or similar materials (making them less appealing for children or pets to eat), seal them in a plastic bag and put them in your trash. A few drugs ought to be flushed down the toilet or the sink. These drugs are mostly powerful painkillers, like morphine, fentanyl, oxycodone and Demerol. They pose a danger to children, pets and even adults if accidentally ingested. This advice comes from the Food and Drug Administration. You can find the complete list at www.fda.gov. Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. (c) 2012 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
March 14 - 20, 2012
Parker River NWR Gives Incentives to Landowners to Help the Great Marsh The Parker River National Wildlife Refuge is pleased to announce the “Slow the Flow” campaign and grant program. This program offers landowners $500-$1000 each to make lawns and landscaping more environmentally friendly. Landowners must contribute at least 50% of the project costs. Projects in Newburyport, Newbury, Rowley, West Newbury or Ipswich will be given priority consideration. Five to 10 grants will be awarded, including one Low Impact Development project for up to $2,500. The deadline for application is April 20, 2012 and awards will be announced May 4. Examples of eligible projects include those that will reduce impervious surfaces, create rain gardens and native landscaping buffers, or convert lawn care from conventional to organic methods. To read the full grant announcement and fill out the application, please visit: www.PIESlowTheFlow.com. A kick-off workshop is scheduled for Saturday, March 31 from 9am to 3pm at the Refuge Headquarters at 6 Plum Island Turnpike in Newburyport. The Workshop will address why the Great Marsh needs our help, and what North Shore residents can do to protect their watershed. Please see www.PIESlowTheFlow.com for more details about this info-packed event. The workshop is free, but there is a $10 fee to cover lunch. Please contact the Refuge at 978-465-5753 to reserve your seat. The Great Marsh is largely protected as conservation land and continues to provide numerous natural, recreational, and cultural resources. However, the landscape surrounding the Great Marsh is getting more developed, and it is being assaulted by numerous threats. “More and more water is being withdrawn out of the rivers that flow into Plum Island Sound. Every year, there’s more paved surfaces in the watershed, which increases storm water runoff and pollutants,” says Graham Taylor, Refuge Manager. “With climate change, we can expect more extreme weather. Storms will be more frequent and intense, leading to more flooding and pollution. Our summers will be hotter and drier, leading to water shortages.” At the Workshop, participants will learn from local experts about what actions they can take to protect the watershed from these threats. “I’ve lived and worked in the Great Marsh for almost a decade, and everyone I’ve met has shared great memories of exploring beaches, tide pools, kayaking, fishing, hunting, or enjoying the local clams and farm vistas. The Great Marsh is an integral part of our communities;” says Nancy Pau, Wildlife Biologist at Parker River NWR, “that’s why I think we all need to do our part to protect the Great Marsh for our children.” Parker River NWR is the largest conserved land in the Great Marsh, protecting over 4,700 acres. The Refuge is managed by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and is part of a national network of land and water protected specifically for wildlife. Our mission is to work with partners to conserve wildlife and their habitats for the enjoyment of current and future generations of Americans.
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Why Weight? Healthy Dinner & Fitness Workshop
• Nutrition & Fitness SECRETS to lose weight the healthy way! • DISCOVER how to eat & exercise effectively • Feel EMPOWERED to reach your weight loss goals!
FREE DINNER Presented by:
Dr. Jennah Dieter, Clinical Nutritionist Hannah Horton, Personal Trainer
Tuesday, March 27, 2012 @ 6:30 PM .
260 Merrimac St.-Towle Bldg-Colonial wing Newburyport, MA 01950
Why Weight? Seating Limited. Reserve your seat today! (978) 499-WELL (9355)
Sports • Sports • Sports
Page 16
EssEx County Dog training Club, inC. WEDnEsDays: PuPPy, basiC obEDiEnCE & Rally Run-ThRus Tuesdays: CompeTiTion Training wiTh uKC / aKC Judge ms Linda mChugh
rEgistEr toDay: 978-463-3647 info@ECDTC.nET For more inFo visit us on the web: www.eCDtC.net
YOUR AD SHOULD BE HERE Call Today 978-948-8696
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“Take me home! Cuddle me! Please!” Dori is the sweetest little girl, she just begs you to like her and rub her tummy. Dori’s enthusiasm for mealtime shows through; we’re convinced she dreams of kibble when she sleeps. Found as a stray she gets along well with other dogs so if you already have a dog they may hit it off. Dori’s looking forward to having a family to love. What do you say?
Share the Gift of Reading Saturday, March 17th ABRA will be hosting a ‘meet and greet’ at Little Critters in Raymond, NH from 10am to 1pm.
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The Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society is very happy to introduce Phoebe, a petite, blue cream calico female of about 6-7 years of age. Phoebe is an absolute doll and will literally crawl up into your arms to be held. She very much enjoys sitting on a human companions shoulder and rubbing against them. Phoebe's favorite pass time, besides hanging out with her people friends, is getting cozy in a soft kitty bed, and laying in the sun. Phoebe does not like other cats, so she would be perfect for a one cat household. She would do well with a family willing to dedicate a lot of attention to her, as she adores it so much! Phoebe has been spayed, is up to date on all of her vaccines, and has been microchipped. Please feel free to come by the MRFRS to meet Phoebe today!
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The Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society
NEW HOURS: Route 110 Salisbury & Rte 114 Danvers Petsmart Tues-Thurs 2-6pm, Fri 2-7pm, Sat noon-5pm. Petsmart adoption center is also open noon-2pm Sunday. LOCATION: 63 Elm St. (Rt. 110) Salisbury. CALL: 978-462-0760 or visit the website at www.mrfrs.org
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March 14 - 20, 2012
Pets, Animals, Plus Birds In Our Neighborhood
Merrimack River, Lawrence: Falcon, Common& Goldeneye, Health Fitness Common Merganser, Bufflehead, Mallard, Rock Pigeon
Cottage Road, Newbury: Northern Shrike Lower Artichoke, West Newbury: Common Merganser Ferry Road, Salisbury: Hooded Merganser Various Areas in Hamilton: Canada Goose, Mallard, American Woodcock Patmos Road, Rowley: American Woodcock, Barred Owl Indian Hill Reservation, West Newbury: Eastern Bluebird VFW Marsh, Ipswich: American Wigeon, American Black Duck, American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid), Mallard, Northern Flicker, American Crow, Song Sparrow Route 95, Boxford: Turkey Vulture Kenoza Lake Area, Haverhill: Canvasback, Lesser Scaup, Common Merganser, Ruddy Duck, American Coot Moulton Street, Newburyport: American Robin, Darkeyed Junco, Cooper's Hawk, American Tree Sparrow, Whitebreasted Nuthatch, Red-winged Blackbird Hampton Beach State Park, Hampton, NH: Horned Lark Cherry Hill Reservior, West Newbury: Canvasback, Belted Kingfisher, Ruddy Duck, Ringnecked Duck, Song Sparrow Carriagetown Marketplace, Amesbury: Red-tailed Hawk, Turkey Vulture Various Areas in Groveland: Wood Duck, American Woodcock Salisbury Town Pier: Peregrine
Spring Lane, Newburyport: Bald Eagle, Peregrine Falcon Andrew's Point, Rockport: Common Eider, Harlequin Duck, White-winged Scoter, Black Scoter, Long-tailed Duck, Redthroated Loon, Common Loon , Red-necked Grebe, Northern Gannet, Great Cormorant, Black-legged Kittiwake, Ringbilled Gull, Herring Gull, 'Kumlien's' Gull, Great Blackbacked Gull, Common Murre, Thick-billed Murre, Razorbill, Black Guillemot Ipswich River, Ipswich: Wood Duck, Mallard Emery Lane, West Newbury: White-breasted Nuthatch Lake Attitash, Amesbury: Bald Eagle, Bufflehead, Common Goldeneye, Common Merganser, Hooded Merganser, American Goldfinch, Black-capped Chickadee, Blue Jay, Northern Cardinal, Common Grackle, Dark-eyed Junco, Downy Woodpecker, European Starling, House Sparrow,Redbellied Woodpecker, Redbreasted Nuthatch, Red-winged Blackbird, American Robin, Tufted Titmouse, White-breasted Nuthatch Andrews Point to Gloucester: Common Loon, Wild Turkey, Ring-necked Duck, American Coot, King Eider, Surf Scoter, White-winged Scoter, Black Scoter, Purple Sandpiper, Iceland Gull, Glaucous Gull, Razorbill, Black Guillemot
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Red-tailed Hawk, Peregrine Falcon Eagle and Deer Islands, Amesbury/Salisbury: Common Loon, Great Cormorant, Bald Eagle, Common Goldeneye, Red-tailed Hawk Nevins Bird Sanctuary, Methuen: Great Horned Owl Ash Street Swamp, West Newbury: Red-winged Blackbird, Common Grackle Plum Island: Lapland Longspur, Long-tailed Duck, Redhead, Ruddy Duck, Killdeer, Purple Sandpiper, Black-legged Kittiwake, Snowy Owl, Blue Jay, Song Sparrow, Tufted Titmouse, Snow Bunting, Common Grackle, Red-winged Blackbird New Hampshire Seacoast: Barrow's Goldeneye, Common Eider, Surf Scoter, White-winged Scoter, Black Scoter, Long-tailed Duck, Hooded Merganser, Common Merganser, Redthroated Loon, Common Loon, Horned Grebe, Red-necked Grebe, Sanderling, Dunlin, Razorbill, Black Guillemot, Cape May Warbler New England Biolabs, Ipswich: Canada Goose, Mallard, American Crow, Red-winged Blackbird This column is compiled by Sue McGrath of Newburyport Birders which offers birding educational opportunities. It's motto is: Observe, Appreciate, Identify." "Please report your sightings to newburyportbirders@comcast.net or call 978-462-4785 or log on to newburyportbirders.com
All About Eagles
Share the Giftby Sue McGrath The Bald Eagle was chosen June 20, 1782 as the emblem of the United States of American, because of Reading of its long life, great strength and majestic looks. It was then believed to exist only on this continent. On the backs of our gold coins, the silver dollar, the half dollar and the quarter, we see an eagle with
outspread wings. On the Great Seal of the United States and in many places which are exponents of our nation's authority we see the same emblem. The eagle represents freedom. Living as he does on the tops of lofty mountains, amid the solitary grandeur of nature, he has unlimited freedom, whether with strong pinions he sweeps into the valleys below, or upward into the boundless spaces beyond. It is said the eagle was used as a national emblem because, at one of the first battles of the Revolution (which occurred early in the morning) the noise of the struggle awoke the sleeping eagles on the heights and they flew from their nests and circled about over the heads of the fighting men, all the while giving vent to their raucous cries. "They are shrieking for Freedom," said the patriots. Thus the eagle, full of the boundless spirit of freedom, living above the valleys, strong and powerful in his might, has become the national emblem of a country that offers freedom in word and thought and an opportunity for a full and free expansion into the boundless space of the future." Maude M. Grant When the great seal of the United States was adopted The Great Seal shows a wide-spread eagle, faced front, having on his breast a shield with thirteen perpendicular red and white stripes, surmounted by a blue field with the same number of stars. In his right talon the eagle holds an olive branch, in his left a bundle of thirteen arrows, and in his beak he carries a scroll inscribed with the motto: "E Pluribus Unum." The eagle appears in the Seals of many of our States, on most coins, and is used a great deal for decorative and patriotic purposes.
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March 14 - 20, 2012
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Continued on page 11
& Microchipping Identification for dogs and cats on Saturday, March 24, 2012 from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. Look for LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE the Catmobile in the Tom's Discount Parking Lot at 175 Elm Street (Route 110), Salisbury, MA 01952. $5.00 for Rabies In accordance with Massachusetts General Vaccines $20.00 for Microchip Identification. For more information call: 978-462-0760 In accordance with Massachusetts General Chapter the Rowley Protective ---------------------------------------------------Laws,Laws, Chapter 40A, 40A, the Rowley Protective andRowley the Rowley Planning Bylaw,Bylaw, and the Planning SALISBURY - The Boys & Girls Club of Lower Merrimack Valley will speak out against Bullying on April 7th with anZoningZoning Board Rules and Regulations, the Rowley Board Rules and Regulations, the Rowley Anti-Bullying Jamboree. 20 Boys & Girls Clubs from Massachusetts and New Hampshire will participate in this event. Planning Board will conduct a Public Board will conduct a Public The Jamboree Features a live band “Steel Fingers” and also many fun activities are planned such as an Anti-Bullying posterPlanning Hearing on Wednesday, 28, 2012 on Wednesday, MarchMarch 28, 2012 contest, Anti-Bullying videos, and Interactive computer activities on bullying in our tech center. Guests will also be able toHearing at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at at the Town Hall Annex, 39 Central team up with youth from other Clubs and show off their team work in our new Interactive Zone, X360 Kinect. Participantsthe Town Hall Annex, 39 Central Street,Street, Rowley, MA, relative to Applications for will receive an Anti-Bullying T-shirt and wristband and many other items throughout the day. The jamboree will also featureRowley, MA, relative to Applications for Approval of a Site Plan and Special Permit. guest speakers who will talk to the youth on the harmful and lasting effects bullying can have. Sheriff Frank Cousins willApproval of a Site Plan and Special Permit. The Applicants/Owners are John and Karen be the keynote speaker. The youth will learn what to do if they are being bullied and how to put a stop to bullying. ThisThe Applicants/Owners are John and Karen Gorman, 103 Haverhill Street, Rowley, MA 103 Haverhill Street, Rowley, MA jamboree is part of the club’s Anti-Bullying Program called “Bullying…It Really Hurts!” This Jamboree will be a fun andGorman, 01969. The Applications for Approval of Applications for Approval of informative event for all participants. All participants will be entered in a raffle for a Rob Gronkowski autographed football01969.a The Site Plan and Special Permit are for the a Site Plan and Special Permit are for the and 2 pairs of Celtic tickets. Many local businesses have stepped up to sponsor this event to see that bullying prevention is construction of a 72’ X 120’ wooden frame a 72’metal X 120’ wooden structureofwith sides and a frame metal roof; happening. These businesses are Pentucket Medical Associates, Preferred Movers, Connie’s Stage Coach, Coca-Cola, Papaconstruction structure with metalframed sides and a metal said wooden structure is toroof; be used Ginos, Flat Bread Pizza, Hobos Café, Simons Pizza, The Smith Family and the Boys & Girls Club of Lower Merrimacksaid wooden framed structure is to be used for dog training at 103 Haverhill Street, Valley. We are still looking for sponsors for this event. Contact Gene Dion Director of Operations at the club at 978-462-for dog training at 103 Haverhill Street, Rowley, MA, Assessors’ Map 16, Block 66. 7003. Rowley, Assessors’ Mapand 16,relative Block 66. TheMA, application, plans, docuThe application, plans, and the relative docu---------------------------------------------------ments are on file with Rowley Planning are onand fileare with the Rowley Planning SALISBURY - Salisbury COA Hilton Senior Center 43 Lafayette Rd Salisbury is open to all and presents the followingmentsBoard available for public inspecandatare publicBoard inspectheavailable Rowley for Planning Office, opportunities. To register or for more information call the Hilton Center at 978-462-2412 Watercolor Painting Class,Boardtion the Rowley Planning Board Street, Office,during Hall Annex, 39 Central Thursday, March 22nd @ Noon – Paint a different scene each month with watercolor and bring home your finishedtion atTown Town Hall Annex, 39 Central Street, during office hours painting. Everything you need to paint your picture will be supplied. Watercolor painting Coach, W. E. Duke (Bill)publicpublic office hours will be providing the class instruction. Cost is only $20. No prior experience is necessary. Pre-registration required, Curtis H. Bryant please call 978-462-2412. Zumba Gold, Wednesdays @ 9:00am – Low impact, Latin inspired dance that is easy to follow. CurtisChairman H. Bryant Combination of fitness and dance moves on swinging Latin music. Designed to take the easy dance rhythms created inChairman the original Zumba and bring them to seniors. No pre-registration required. Zumba Toning, Fridays @ 8:30am – Build strength and tone, can use toning sticks or small weights. No pre-registration required. ---------------------------------------------------TRITON POP WARNER FOOTBALL & CHEERLEADING 2012 SEASON REGISTRATION - Triton Regional High School Cafeteria. All Registration Dates 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Wednesday, March 21 & Thursday, March 29; Age Groups: A Division 12-15 year olds, B Division 11-13 year olds, C Division 10-12 year olds, D Division 9-11 year olds, E Division 7-9 year olds, Eligible towns: Newbury, Rowley, Salisbury, Newburyport, West Newbury, Amesbury, Georgetown, Boxford, Groveland, Ipswich, Topsfield, Haverhill www.leaguelineup.com/tritonpopwarner
LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE In accordance Massachusetts General In accordance withwith Massachusetts General Chapter the Rowley Protective Laws,Laws, Chapter 40A,40A, the Rowley Protective Zoning Bylaw, andRowley the Rowley Planning Zoning Bylaw, and the Planning Board and Regulations, the Rowley Board RulesRules and Regulations, the Rowley Planning Board conduct a Public Planning Board will will conduct a Public Hearing on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 Hearing on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 8:00 the Conference Room at 8:00 p.m.p.m. in theinConference Room at at the Town Hall Annex, 39 Central Street, the Town Hall Annex, 39 Central Street, Rowley, relative an Application Rowley, MA,MA, relative to antoApplication for for an Amendment to an Approved Site Plan. an Amendment to an Approved Site Plan. The Applicant/Owner is Parker River ComThe Applicant/Owner is Parker River Community Preschool LLC, 12 Hillside Road, munity Preschool LLC, 12 Hillside Road, Ipswich, MA 01938. The Application for an Ipswich, MA 01938. The Application for an Amendment to an Approved Site Plan is for Amendment to an Approved Site Plan is for the construction of a 1,150 s.f. addition to the construction of a 1,150 addition to and be used for office space,s.f. storage space, be used for office space,enlargement storage space, andMain a small classroom at 181 a small classroom at 181 Main Street, Rowley,enlargement MA, Assessors’ Map 25, Street, Rowley, MA, Assessors’ Map 25, Block 41. The application, plans, and relaBlocktive 41.documents The application, plans, are on file withand therelaRowley tive documents are on file with the Rowley Planning Board, and are available for public Planning Board,atand available for public inspection the are Rowley Planning Board inspection the Rowley Planning Board Street, Office,atTown Hall Annex, 39 Central Office, Town Hall office Annex,hours. 39 Central Street, during public during public office hours. Curtis H. Bryant Curtis H. Bryant Chairman Chairman
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ROWLEY ROWLEY GRANGE GRANGE NOTES… NOTES… Library display for April Rowley Grange has been busy Library display for April planning out a display for the Rowley Grange has been busy Rowley Public Library planning out a display for the showcase. April is Grange month. Sabatini and Rowley Tiara Public Library Kelly HerrickApril are is inGrange the showcase. process of making the display. month. Tiara Sabatini and It is great to see the youth Kelly Herrick are in the taking an interest in Grange process ofEthan makingYoung the display. projects. spoke It is great youth recently on to his see trip the to France during summer. taking the an past interest in Grange There a Young numberspoke of projects.areEthan contests and activities recently on his trip to France sponsored by the during the past summer. Massachusetts State Grange There are and a adults numberalike. of for youth, The State Grange contests and Agriculture activities & Environmental Committee sponsored by the runs coloring contests for the Massachusetts State Grange kids, a Farm photo contest, for youth, and adultsand alike. Young Agriculturist, a The State Grange Agriculture Grange Display contest. Coming up in April is the & Environmental Committee Grange Talent and for Public runs coloring contests the Speaking Contest. On that kids, a Farm photo contest, same day there is also a SignYoung Agriculturist, and a A-Song contest, & a bake-off. Grange contest. The Youth Display Committee also Cominga number up in April is the offers of contests for youthTalent Grangeand members Grange Public and activities such as a Speaking Contest. On that bowling competition and a same day there is also a Signdrill team. The Educational A-Song contest,provides & a bake-off. Aid committee
The Youth Committee also offers a number of contests for youth Grange members
opportunities for youth to apply for scholarships and low opportunities for youth to interest loans.
apply for scholarships and low interest Member loans. Recognized Grange
for Work in Medical Field Terry theRecognized President GrangeStubbs, Member and CEO of ActivMed, for Work in Medical Field was recognized as “Health Care Terry Stubbs, the President Business of the Year 2011.” and award CEO of The wasActivMed, presentedwas at recognized as “Health Care the February breakfast meeting of the theYear Haverhill Business of 2011.” Chamber of Commerce. Terry The award was presented at has managed over 500 clinical the February breakfast trials in the past 21 years. meeting of the Haverhill She has been a member of Chamber of Commerce. Terry Rowley Grange for 25 years. ActivMed in has managedhas overoffices 500 clinical Newington, NH and Haverhill, trials in the past 21 years. MA.
She has been a member of Rowley Supper, Grange March for 2528years. th Grange ActivMed has offices in Rowley Grange will be having itNewington, first supper of the 2012 NH and Haverhill, th year MA. on March 28 . The menu features turkey pie and all the fixings. Make your Grange Supper, March 28th reservations as soon as Rowley Grange willsupper be having possible as this is it first supper the 2012 popular. To Go ofdinners are also yearavailable. on March 28th. The
menu features turkey pie and all the fixings. Make your reservations as soon as possible as this supper is popular. To Go dinners are also available.
Rowley Grange helps the community – won’t you join us?
Rowley Grange helps the community – won’t you join us? Rowley Grange, 29 Central St., P.O. Box 49, Rowley, MA 01969 Rowley Grange, 29Hall Central St., P.O. Box 49, Rowley, MA 01969 phone: 978-948-7288 Hall phone: 978-948-7288
Scholarship Time For those Rowley resident Scholarship Time high school seniors, who are For thoseto Rowley planning continueresident their high school seniors, are education beyond whohigh school, the timetheir to planningnow to iscontinue think about beyond getting your education high scholarship school, nowapplications. is the timeThe to Triton Regional High School think about getting your Guidance office will have scholarship applications. The information. Students going Triton High School to high Regional school out of district or being office home will schooled Guidance have should inquire at Triton. information. Students going
to high school out of district
In the Planning Stages or being homeis planning schooled Rowley Grange should inquire at Triton. another breakfast for the Bradstreet Farm Gardeners. On June 6th, there will be a In the Planning Stages Reunion Night for the 2006Rowley Grange is planning 2011 recipients of the Sarah another Peabody breakfast for the Wallace Scholarships Bradstreet Farm Gardeners. and we are encouraging all who received a scholarship On June 6th, there will be a during to 2006visit Reunionthose Night years for the with us. 2011 recipients of the Sarah
Wallace Peabody Scholarships
Degrees to Be Performed rd and 3we are4thencouraging all The and degrees of the who received a scholarship Grange will be performed at Laurel Grangeyears in toWest during those visit rd Newbury with us. on March 23 . Members who have only seen the obligation ceremony are Degrees to Be Performed encouraged to attend
The 3rd and 4th degrees of the Grange will be performed at Laurel Grange in West rd
UPCOMING EVENTS March 21st – Program to be announced UPCOMING EVENTS Meeting at 7:30 at Library
March 21st – Program to be announced
April 4th – Pot Luck Supper @ Grange Hall Meeting at 7:30 at Library Meeting at 7:30 Origin of “April Fools”
April 4th – Pot Luck Supper @ Grange Hall April 16th – Meeting at 7:30 Grange Hall Meeting at @ 7:30 Hobby Night Origin of “April Fools”
Next Grange supper is Turkey Pie
April 16th – Meeting @ GrangeinHall On theat 4th7:30 Wednesday March March Hobby Night28th, 2012
SUPPER NOTES: Reservations are encouraged. Next Grange supper is Turkey Pie Call 978948-2635 or 978-948-7288. Give your name, the number in On the 4th Wednesday in March your party and the time of seating. To go dinners are also March 28th, 2012 available. Reservations provide a $1 off your supper donation.
SUPPER NOTES: Reservations are encouraged. Call 978948-2635 or 978-948-7288. Give your name, the number in your party and the time of seating. To go dinners are also available. Reservations provide a $1 off your supper This is the official trademarked donation. emblem of the Grange. The Grange name has been trademarked since 1867.
This is the official trademarked emblem of the Grange. The Grange name has been trademarked since 1867.
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local entertainment calendar Ironic Music Calendar features local events North of Boston and along Coastal / Southern NH. IMC is a production of Ironic Music Booking Agency LLC: www.ironic-production.com. If your venue would like to be included in this calendar, or if you’d like to receive this list weekly via email, please contact us at: info@ironic.it.
MASSACHUSETTS Amesbury THE BARN PUB & GRILLE www.thebarnpub.com 5 Ring Street, 978-3888700 Wed 3/14: Seacoast Dart Association Fri 3/16: Luck of the Draw dart tournament Tue 3/20: Northeast Dart Association MILL 77 TRADING COMPANY www.mill77.com 77 Elm Street Sun 3/18: Michael Fioretti, 12-3pm MURPHY’S RIVERSIDE Find them on Facebook 37 Main St., 978-834-0020 Thu 3/15: Karaoke Fri 3/16: Mother Ton, 9:15pm-12:35am Mon 3/12: Game Night Beverly FIBBER McGEE'S Find them on Facebook 108 Cabot St., 978-2320180 Wed 3/14: Karaoke Thu 3/15: DJ Fri 3/16: DJ Sat 3/17: DJ/Live Music Mon 3/18: Trivia, 7:30pm THE PICKLED ONION www.pickledonionbeverly. com 355 Rantoul St., 978-2323973 Wed 3/14: Karaoke w/J Dubz, 10pm Thu 3/15: DJ Max Baun, 10pm-1am Fri 3/16: Tobin & Leahy, 5-9pm Mon 3/19: Stump Trivia, 5-10pm Essex THE FARM BAR & GRILLE www.farmbargrille.com 233 Western Ave., 978768-0000 Fri 3/16: Now & Then Sat 3/17: St. Patty’s Day Party
258 Andover St., 978-352- MICHAEL’S 2900 HARBORSIDE Wed 3/20: Trivia, 7-9pm RESTAURANT www.michaelsharborside. Haverhill com CHIT CHAT LOUNGE 1 Tournament Wharf, www.chitchatlounge.com 978-462-7785 103 Washington St., 978- Thu 3/15: Trivia, 7pm 374-9710 Sat 3/17: Don’t Call Me Wed 3/14: Karaoke Shirley, 7pm Thu 3/15: Merrimack Delta Club THE PORT TAVERN Fri 3/16: DJ Julian; www.theporttavern.com Supernault 84 State St., 978-465Sat 3/17: Crazy Maggie 1006 Sun 3/18: Nick Goumas Wed 3/14: Irish Seisuin Tue 3/20: Open Mic w/Eamon Coyne Thu 3/15: Ronan & Matt, MAL’S LOUNGE 4:30-7:30pm @ GEORGE’S Fri 3/16: Adam Payne, RESTAURANT 9pm-12am www.malslounge.com Sat 3/17: Jolly Rogues, 77 Washington St., 97811:30am-2pm 374-5150 Tue 3/20: Stump Trivia, Thu 3/15: Downtown 8-10pm Charlie, 8pm-12am Fri 3/16: Roy Barboza TEN CENTER STREET www.tencenterstreet.com THE PEDDLER’S 10 Center St., 978-462DAUGHTER 6652 www.thepeddlersdaughter. Wed 3/14: Phil McGowan com Jazz Quartet, 7-10pm 45 Wingate Street, 978372-9555 Salem Thu 3/15: Erinn Brown 43 CHURCH duo, 9pm-12am http://43church.com Sat 3/17: Live Irish Music 43 Church St., 978-745All day & night 7665 Fri 3/16: Glass Onion THE TAP/LIMELIGHT LOUNGE FINZ SEAFOOD & www.tapbrewpub.com GRILL 100 Washington St., 978- www.hipfinz.com 374-1117 76 Wharf St., Pickering Wed 3/14: Stump Trivia, Wharf, 978-744-8485 8:30pm Thu 3/15: Groove Thu 3/15: Karaoke, 9pm Authority, 8-11pm Fri 3/16: Square Songs, Fri 3/16: Savage Tanners, Humana, Doses, 9:30pm- 9pm-12am 12:30am Sat 3/17: Connor Sat 3/17: Wild Maple & DJ Shanhan, 9pm-12am Merrimac NEW OLD OAK Find them on Facebook 74 E. Main St., 978-3469997 Thu 3/20: Ladies Night & 45s
Newburyport DAVID’S TAVERN @ THE GARRISON INN ONE WORLD COFFEE www.davidstavern.com 11 Brown Sq., 978-462HOUSE @ FIRST 8077 UNIVERSALIST Thu 3/15: Tom Courtney, CHURCH 7-10pm www.uuessex.org Fri 3/16: Starshyne, 859 Main St, 978-76811pm 3690 Sat 3/17: Tom O’Carroll, Sat 3/17: Rewinder, 6-9pm; Aiden’s Clan, 8pm, $15 9:30-11:30pm Sun 3/18: Linda Pouliot, Georgetown COACH'S ROCK POND 6:30-9:30pm PUB GLENN’S www.therockpond.com 206 W. Main St., 978-769- RESTAURANT www.glennsrestaurant.com 5128 44 Merrimac St., 978-465Sat 3/17: Mystic River 3811 Band, 8-11pm Sun 3/18: Dave Sag’s Sun 3/18: Elijah Clark, Atomic Cocktail, 6-9pm 4-7pm KEON'S @ THE BLACK SWAN COUNTRY CLUB www.facebook.com/ keonsblackswancountryclub
Wed 3/14: Open Mic w/Paul Prue, 8-11pm Thu 3/15: Maganahan’s Revival, 8pm-12:30am, $3 Fri 3/16: Cry Uncle, 9:30pm-12:15am, $5 Sat 3/17: Joppa Flats, 9:30pm-12:15am, $5 Sun 3/18: Parker Wheeler’s Blues Party, 7-11pm, $7 Mon 3/19: Comedy Open Mic, 7:30-9:30pm Tue 3/20: Steve Spungin
THE GROG www.thegrog.com 13 Middle St., 978-4658008
THE GREEN LAND CAFÉ www.thegreenlandcafe. com 87 Washington St., 978744-7766 Fri 3/16: Larry & the Bluecasters, 9pm-12am Mon 3/19: Julie Dougherty, 8-11pm THE GULU GULU CAFÉ www.gulu-gulu.com 247 Essex St., 978-7408882 Wed 3/14: Open Mic, 8pm (sign-up 7:30pm) Thu 3/15: Kevin Ilacqua's Art Opening w/music by Jeff Gately, 7pm Fri 3/16: Dan Blakeslee, 8pm Sat 3/17: Birdface, 8pm HOWLING WOLF TAQUERIA www.feedyourwolf.com 76 Lafayette St., 978-7449653 Thu 3/15: System Soul, 9pm-12am Fri 3/16: Carl Johnson, 9pm-12am Sat 3/17: Delvis, 9pm12am
Sun 3/18: Steve Spungin, 6pm
“Swimming in the Shadows”, 7:30pm, $12-22 Sat 3/17: Adam Bock’s “Swimming in the Shadows”, 7:30pm, $12-22 Sun 3/18: Adam Bock’s “Swimming in the Shadows”, 3pm, $12-22
March 14 - 20, 2012
5 Broadway, 978-465-4626 www.wallyspubnh.com Wed 3/14: Karaoke & 144 Ashworth Ave., 603Dance, 6pm 926-6954 IN A PIG’S EYE Thu 3/15 Karaoke Contest Wed 3/14: DJ Provo Open www.inapigseye.com & Dance, 8:30pm Mic, 9pm 148 Derby St., 978-741Mon 3/19: Karaoke & Fri 3/16: Leaving Eden, 4436 Dance, 6pm 8-11pm Wed 3/14: Coffee House Sat 3/17: The Bars, 8w/Julie Dougherty SEAGLASS 11pm Thu 3/15: Matt McKay RESTAURANT Mon 3/19: DJ Provo Fri 3/16: Blues Jam www.seaglassoceanside.com Sat 3/17: Sit Down Baby SCRATCH KITCHEN 4 Oceanfront North, Newmarket Sun 3/18: Zeke Martin www.scratchkitchensalem. 978.462.5800 STONE CHURCH ON Mon 3/19: Open Mic com Thu 3/15: The Jumpstreet ZION HILL w/Orville Giddings 245 Derby St., 978-741- Jazz Duo, 6-9pm www.stonechurchrocks. 2442 Fri 3/16: Billy Glynn, com O'NEILL'S PUB Thu 3/15: Michael Mazola, 7-10pm 5 Granite St., 603-292www.oneillsofsalem.com 6-9pm Sat 3/17: Yvonne Aubert, 3546 120 Washington St., 9787-10pm Wed 3/14: Trivia, 7pm 740-8811 VICTORIA STATION/ Thu 3/15: Bounce Wed 3/14: Sports Trivia, VIC’s BOATHOUSE NEW HAMPSHIRE Thursdays, no cover w/ 5-10pm www.victoriastationsalem. Dover UNH ID before 10pm, $5 Thu 3/15: DJ Sap, 11pm- com THE BARLEY PUB Fri 3/16: A Night w/ 12:30am 86 Wharf St., 978-745www.barleypub.com Crutopia EDM Fri 3/16: Live Irish Music, 3400 328 Central Ave., 603Sat 3/17: Roots of 6-9pm; DJ Sap, 10pmWed 3/14: Karaoke w/ 742-4226 Creation 12:30am Bobby V, 9pm-12am Wed 3/14: Fancy Trash, Sun 3/18: Open Mic, Sat 3/17: Irish Music, Thu 3/15: Open Mic w/ 9pm 7pm-12am 6-9pm Nick Consone, 9pm-12am Thu 3/15: Steve Roy’s Mon 3/19: Industry Night Tue 3/20: Trivia, 8-10pm Fri 3/16: House DJ, 9pm- Bluegrass Jam Tue 3/20: Blue Grass Jam, 12am Fri 3/16: Chris Fitz, 8pm 9pm-12am PEM | PEABODY ESSEX Sat 3/17: The Jackleg Sat 3/17: People Skills, MUSEUM Preachers, 9pm-12am 9pm Portsmouth www.pem.org Sun 3/18: Mike 106 KITCHEN & BAR 161 Essex St., East India Salisbury Stockbridge, 8pm http://106kitchen.com Mon 3/19: Zach’s Trivia, 106 Penhallow St., 6038pm 319-8178 Sun 3/19: Bluegrass THE CHILDREN’S Brunch w/Dave Talmage MUSEUM OF NH & the Bedhead Bluegrass www.childrens-museum. Band, 11am-3pm org 6 Washington Street, 603- THE BLUE MERMAID 742-2002 www.bluemermaid.com Thu 3/15: Alzheimer’s 409 The Hill, 603-427����� ��� ���� �������� Café, 2-4pm 2583 ������� ��� ������� ���� ���� Sun 3/18: Mini Iron Chef Wed 3/14: Open Mic, Thursday 3/15: Challenge 8:30pm Michael Mazola @ Scratch Kitchen, Salem, MA – Fri 3/16: Pitch Black 6-9pm DOVER BRICKHOUSE Ribbons w/Southern Erinn Brown duo @ The Peddler’s Daughter, Haverhill, www.doverbrickhouse.com Outlaws, $5 MA – 9pm-12am 2 Orchard St., 603-749- Sat 3/17: The Bob Band, Friday 3/16: Adam Payne @ The Port Tavern, Newburyport, MA – 3838 $5 9pm-12am Wed 3/14: Cash is King, Mon 3/19: Trivia, 7-9pm Elijah Clark @ Grumpy Doyle’s, Reading, MA – 6pm 9pm-12am Thu 3/15: Pitch Black PORTSMOUTH Mother Ton @ Murphy’s Riverside. Amesbury, MA – Ribbons, 9pm GASLIGHT CO. 9:30pm-12:30am Fri 3/16: Genuine Rust, www.portsmouthgaslight. Sat. 3/17: The Mystic River Band @ Coach’s Rock Pond Pub, The Pickerton Thugs, The com Georgetown, MA – 8-11pm Swaggerin Growlers, 9pm 64 Market St., 603-430Sun 3/18: Sat 3/17: Gazpacho, 9pm 9122 Elijah Clark @ Coach’s Rock Pond Pub, Georgetown, Sun 3/18: Rockstar Thu 3/15: Pub Trivia, 8pm MA – 4-7pm Karaoke & DJ Erich Fri 3/16: Brian Johnson For a complete list, go to Ironic’s new website Kruger, 10pm Duo, 9:30pm (grill); Keith and see our updated calendar: Henderson, 10pnm (pizza www.ironic.it/music-booking/gig-calendar FURY’S PUBLICK pub) HOUSE Sat 3/17: Irish Band, www.ironic.it – Find us on Facebook too! www.twitter.com/IronicMusic www.furyspublickhouse. 6:30pm (deck); DJ Koko www.myspace.com/ironic-production com P, 9pm (nightclub); Justin 1 Washington St., 603Lantrip, 9:30pm (grill); 617-3633 Randy Arrant, 10pm Sq., 978-745-9500 BLUE OCEAN MUSIC Wed 3/14: Roots, Rhythm, (pizza pub) Wed 3/14: PEM Pals, 10:30a HALL & Dub Thu 3/15: Members-Only www.blueoceanhall.com Thu 3/15: Erin’s Guild THE PRESS ROOM Gallery Talk, 9:30-10:30am 4 Oceanfront North, 978- Fri 3/16: Superfrog www.pressroomnh.com Fri 3/16: Climate Changes 463-9222 Sat 3/17: Erin’s Guild 77 Daniel St., 603-431Come to Thoreau’s World, Thu 3/15: The Dan Sun 3/18: Far From 5186 7:45-9pm; Boston Arts Morgan Band, 7:30pm, $7 Finished Wed 3/14: Ryan Flaherty, Ensemble, 8pm Fri 3/16: Joshua Tree, Mon 3/19: Trivia, 9pm9pm Sun 3/18: Cloud Factory, 8pm, $15 12am Thu 3/15: Beat Night, 2-3pm Sat 3/170: Recycled Tue 3/20: Tim Theriault & Jazz & Poetry, 7-9pm Percussion, 4pm & 8pm, Friends, 9pm-12am (upstairs); Howie ROCKAFELLAS $25 Newman, 9pm www.rockafellasofsalem.com KELLEY’S ROW Fri 3/16: Mike Dillon 231 Essex St, 978-745CAPRI SEASIDE RESTAURANT Band, 9pm, $10 2411 ITALIAN GRILL www.kelleysrow.com Sat 3/17: Irish music all Wed 3/14: Latin Dance www.capriseaside.com 421 Central Ave., 603day Party, 8-11:30pm 3 Central Ave., 978-462- 750-7081 Sun 3/18: Jerry Bergonzi Fri 3/16: Mugsy 7543 Wed 3/14: Stump Trivia, Quartet, 6-9pm, $10 Sat 3/17: Lisa Love Thu 3/15: Trivia, 8pm 6-11pm Mon 3/19: Judith Murray Experience Fri 3/16: Bradigan, 8Trio, 8pm CAROUSEL LOUNGE 11:30pm Tue 3/20: Larry Garland SALEM THEATRE www.carousel-lounge.com Sat 3/17: Bradigan, Jazz Jam, 5:30pm COMPANY 20 Oceanfront, 978-465- 12-3pm; Hopeless duo, www.salemtheatre.com 9045 4-7pm; Pete Finkle, 2-7pm THE RED DOOR 90 Lafayette St., 978-790- Sat 3/17: King Karaoke, (pub); Tim Theriault www.reddoorportsmouth. 8546 8:30pm Trio, 8-10pm; bagpipes & com Thu 3/15: Adam Bock’s drums: 2pm, 5pm, 7pm 107 State St., 603-373“Swimming in the HOBO'S CAFÈ & 6827 Shadows”, 7:30pm, LOUNGE Hampton, Hampton Wed 3/14: Evaredy $12-22 www.chefhowieshobocafe. Beach & North Hampton Thu 3/15: Local Heroes Fri 3/16: Adam Bock’s com WALLY’s PUB Fri 3/16: Zoo Project
w/John Arnold opening Sat 3/17: Bobby Nakib & Adam Collins Sun 3/18: A Winter’s Tale; Green Lion Crew Mon 3/19: Zach Tremblay, Sarah Blecker RÍRÁ IRISH PUB www.rira.com/rira/ portsmouth.html 22-26 Market St., 603-3191680 Wed 3/14: Open Mic, 9pm Sat 3/17: Oran Mor, 12pm; Bradigan Band, 5pm; New Year’s Day, 9:30pm Sun 3/18: Rob Benton, 9pm Mon 3/19: Oran Mor, 5pm Tue 3/20: Quiz w/Murph & Little Murph, 8pm RUDI’S PORTSMOUTH www.rudisportsmouth.com 20 High St., 603-430-7834 Wed 3/14: Dimitri, 6pm Thu 3/15: Roger Goldenbery & Tom Robinson, 6pm Fri 3/16: Duke & guest, 6pm Sat 3/17: Jim Dozet Trio, 6pm Sun 3/18: Jazz Brunch w/Zach Lang & Jim Dozet, 12-3pm THE RUSTY HAMMER www.therustyhammer.com 49 Pleasant St., 603-4369289 Thu 3/15: Trivia Night, 8-10pm THE WET BAR @ THE PAGE www.pageportsmouth. com/wet-bar.cfm 172 Hanover St., 603.436.0004 Fri 3/16: DJ SKD Sat 3/17: DJ B Money Salem MURRAY’s TAVERN www.murraystavern.com 326 S Broadway, 603-8949100 Wed 3/14: 45’s Night Thu 3/15: Trivia Sun 3/18: Group 3 Seabrook CHOP SHOP RESTAURANT & PUB www.chopshoppub.com 920 Layfayette Rd., 603760-7500 We 3/14: Reverend JJ & the Casual Sinners Fri 3/16: Anarchy Angels Sat 3/17: Xrossed HONEY POT BAR & LOUNGE www. thehoneypotbarandlounge. net 920 Lafayette Rd., 603-7602013 Wed 3/14: Karaoke w/The Wiz & Dee Fri 3/16: Jam’n 94.5’s DJ Hustle Simmons PRIME TIME SPORTS BAR & GRILL www.facebook.com/ primetimeseabrook 620 Lafayette Rd., 603-7607230 Wed 3/14: Team Trivia, 8pm Thu 3/15: Karaoke & Ladies Night, 9pm Fri 3/16: Classic Invasion, 9pm Sat 3/17: Slipt Mickey, 9pm If your venue would like to be included in this calendar, or if you’d like to receive this list weekly via email, please contact us at: info@ironic.it.
March 14 - 20, 2012
Inspiring Coming of Age Memoir Selected for 2012 One Book
Page 19
Award Winning Restaurant
The Ipswich Public Library is pleased to announce that retired NASA engineer Homer Hickam’s memoir October Sky has been chosen as the 2012 One Book. This will be the eighth year of the Ipswich Reads…One Book! Program,when everyone in the community isencouraged to read the same book at the same time. October Sky, which was published asRocket Boys in 1998, takes place in the small West Virginia town of Coalwood. Homer is a fourteen-year-old who becomes fascinated with space when Sputnik is launched by the Russians in 1957. Heand his friendsdream of sending off rockets into space. Supported by their high school science teacher, the boys begin to construct and test their own rockets. As they learn all they can about the aerodynamics, mathematics and physics of rockets, they also learn what it takes to pursue a dream. Reviews of October Sky call the book “touching,” memorable,” “captivating,” “compelling,”“a wonderful read” and “difficult to put down.” October Sky is taught in many classrooms all over the country and will be appealing to young people as well as adults. In 1999 amovie version was released starring Laura Dern, Chris Cooperand Jake Gyllenhaal. The Broadcast Film Critics Association called it “Best Family Film 1999.” Copies of October Sky are now available for borrowing at the Ipswich Public Library, 25 North Main St.Book discussions, led by MarthaMauser, will take place in many locations throughout the community in April. A public discussionwill take place in the Collins Meeting Room at the library on Wednesday, April 25 at 2:00PM.This year the library will sponsor a pot luck dinner featuring authentic Coalwood recipes. This event and other events for this year’s Ipswich Reads…One Book!program include: • Saturday, April 14, at 10:00AM in the Collins Meeting Room or on the Children’s Plaza: A member of the Central Massachusetts Spacemodeling Society will present afamily program on Flying Model Rockets. • Wednesday,April 18, at 10:00AM & 11:00AM in the Collins Meeting Room: Staff from the Boston Museum of Science will present a program for children on Rockets. The same program will be repeated at 11:00AM. Registration is required. Call the Children’s Room 978 412-8713. • Wednesday, April 18, at 7:00PM in the Collins Meeting Room: A showing of the documentary film Welcome to Coalwood,which features interviews with Homer and other membersof the Coalwoodcommunity. (1 Hr.) • Wednesday, April 25, at 2:00PM in the Collins Meeting Room: A public discussion of October Sky led by Martha Mauser. • Wednesday, April 25, at 7:00PM in the Collins Meeting Room: A showing of the 1999 film October Sky starring Laura Dern& Jake Gyllenhaal. (1 Hr. 48 Min.) • Saturday, April 28 at 9:30AM: The Central Massachusetts Spacemodeling Society will hold a ROCKET LAUNCH at Woodson Farm Park in Amesbury. • Wednesday, May 2, at 6:00PM in the Collins Meeting Room: A Pot Luck dinner based upon authentic Coalwood recipes. Call Laura Hoffman at 978 356-6648 to register and to choose a dish to prepare and share. Limit of 30 participants. A poster listing all Ipswich Reads…One Book!events is posted throughout the community. Events are also listed on the library’swebsite at www.ipswichlibrary.org. Library hours are Monday through Wednesday, 9:00AM to 8:00 PM, Thursday and Friday from 9:00AM to 5:000PM, and Saturday from 9:00AM to 4:00PM. The library is also open on Sundays from 1:00PM to 4:00PM. The library will be closed on Sunday April 8, for Easter and on Sunday and Monday, April 15 & 16, in observance of Patriot’s Day.
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Business Spotlight
Page 20
Our Featured Property of the Week Rowley: Oversized custom Ranch has 7 large, spacious rooms on 1.5 acres. Fireplace, wood stove and newer screened in porch. On a lovely country road, but not far from Routes 95 and 1 and the commuter rate. Being offered at $319,900. Call Pauline at 978-314-7341 for more information or to make an appointment to see.
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The Town Common 77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969 E-mail: editor@thetowncommon.com
For Sale
Real Estate • For Sale Strange Sales
• Sports By John McCarthy,• Rowley Realty Sports Sports
Over the past few weeks we have been part of a few “non conventional” sales. I would define a conventional sale as one in which a seller, who may or may not have a mortgage, selling to a buyer. A few types of what I would call non conventional sales would be a “short sale” or “foreclosure” sales. The most common question I get lately other than “How is the real estate market? and is that your high school yearbook picture on your web site?” is “What is the difference between a short sale and foreclosure?” Hopefully this article will help. The term short sale is a type of sale in which the property owner sells the property for less than what they owe the lien holder (typically the bank or mortgage company). The owner, or typically their lawyer or real estate agent, will negotiate with the lien holder(s) to accept less than the full amount they are owed. In return, the lien or mortgage, (mortgages if you have more than one), will be forgiven allowing the seller to sell the property. A Foreclosure is very different than a short sale. The bank or mortgage company owns the property already. The original homeowner has been foreclosed on by the lien holder(s).
DOM 17 173 147 80 273 60 46 85 124 160 30 160 241 412 212 79 121 151 307 281
foreclosure. To be able to complete a short sale is a strong incentive for a homeowner regarding any future hit on their credit score. With a short sale, your credit isn’t significantly damaged (provided you have been up to date with your mortgage payments). A foreclosure will significantly damage your credit for years. Buyer: We get calls all the time from buyers who see a new listing on a home that looks way under priced. The caller is wary as the “if it too good to be true it probably isn’t” part of their brain kicks in. The home in question is, more times than not, a “short sale”. The homeowner is walking away with nothing so they want to price the home aggressively. Why not? They want a sale and to get on with their lives. The sale must be approved by the bank so a home owner who has been given tentative approval from the bank at a specific dollar amount is a much better option than the listing that has not. As a buyer you can get quite a deal on a home that is a “short sale”. That said it may be months before you get an answer on your offer from the bank. We have been involved in short sales where the buyer was forced to wait on a bank for 7 months. If you are renting and can rent on a month to month basis you are a good candidate to buy a short sale home. If you have a home to sell first or have it sold and need to move from one place to another on the same day you are not a good candidate. Delays are typical not the exception with short sales. Finally, from the buyer’s standpoint purchasing a foreclosure is a much simpler option. You are working with a bank that typically is motivated in getting another property off their books. While you may get a property at less than market value you could be faced with some issues. From the seller’s perspective it is always better to try to sell short as you will remove yourself from the debt and save your credit. If you find yourself in this situation you should check with your tax advisor and/or attorney to be sure you understand all ramifications. I appreciate your taking the time to read these articles, thank you. If you have any suggestions or topics you would like me to cover please call or email me at john@ rowleyrealestate.com If you have any questions or are looking to buy or sell a home please contact me, John McCarthy at Rowley Realty, 165 Main St., Rowley, MA 01969, Phone: 978 948-2758, Cell 978 835-2573.
Health & Fitness
List Price Sold For Orig Price $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $234,900 $237,000 $252,000 $255,900 $251,600 $255,900 $299,900 $295,000 $299,900 $299,900 $293,000 $309,000 $325,000 $280,000 $325,000 $329,900 $329,900 $329,900 $349,900 $340,000 $349,900 $379,500 $355,000 $399,000 $299,000 $285,000 $415,000 $459,900 $449,000 $459,900 $469,000 $469,000 $469,000 $479,990 $471,000 $525,000 $499,800 $517,000 $539,900 $529,900 $517,500 $549,900 $799,000 $726,000 $799,000 $845,000 $825,000 $895,000 $880,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,075,000 $1,075,000 $1,495,000 $3,495,000 $2,950,000 $3,495,000
Single Family Listings: 20 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 2,696.65 Avg. List$: $627,825 Avg. List$/SqFt: $214 Avg. DOM: 157.95 Avg. Sale$: $585,800 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $204
2012 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.
Here are some other key differences as well as the perspective of a owner and buyer in both situations. Short sales: As a homeowner if you are able to show the bank that you can no longer pay your mortgage due to some hardship (loss of income is most common) you may qualify for a short sale. You will have to provide the bank with a contract to purchase from a willing and able buyer as well as a multitude of financial documents. Although we have heard cases where a seller can still get approval on a short sale without a financial hardship it is rare. Banks just aren’t in the business of letting a willing and able homeowner off the hook because they no longer feel like paying a mortgage. One key point, in a short sale the bank is under no obligation to approve the short sale. Banks will grant a short sale if and only if, the bank feels it is in the bank's best interest to approve the short sale. Why would they allow you as a seller to walk away without getting full payment of the debt it’s owed? Most banks believe that with the seller headed to foreclosure, it is in their best interest to approve the short sale as the bank will make more money through the short sale than to foreclose. It is estimated that banks might save 25% to 30% by approving a short sale v. selling it themselves at a foreclosure. Foreclosure: The bank owns the property. They act as the seller. The differences between a typical sale of a home and a foreclosed home aren’t all that great. The difference usually lies in the condition of the home. The home is empty and probably has been that way for quite some time. Most homeowners who are getting foreclosed on don’t have the money to fix issues that arise during homeownership (leaky roof, broken steps, carpets need replacing, etc.); therefore you will be looking at a home that has issues. These issues will be your responsibility when you close on the home. The other problem is the issues that may not be discovered or can’t be found during the home inspection. As in a typical or even short sale, you do not have a homeowner to ask questions to. You can’t find out if they have had issues with water in basement or when the boiler was replaced or serviced. It becomes even more difficult if the home has been winterized. If you are buying a foreclosed property make sure you do a thorough home inspection with a licensed inspector. Owner: A short sale will impact an owner much less negatively than a
Pets, Animals, Plus
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