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Happy Easter from...

The Town Common









Selling Clothes to Help Africans By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

NEWBURYPORT – Like most high school-aged young women Lauren Sundstrom loves buying new clothes. But cleaning out her closet to make room for the latest fashion was frustrating. To her, it seemed so pointless – until now. Unlike most high-school young women, Sundstrom had spent last summer, not working in a store in town, sitting on the beach or traveling to Europe. With the encouragement of her parents, she spent two weeks of her summer teaching English, math and science and caring for orphan children at the Keta School District in Ghana on the west coast of Africa. That experience profoundly affected the Newburyport High School senior. The children touched her heart so much that she is planning to go back this summer. But Sundstrom did not want to return empty handed. “I know the children will remember my face. They probably wouldn't remember my name. I just don't want them to think I forgot them,” she said. So that is where her love of clothes comes in. Not only did she not discard her own clothes, she began asking friends and

School & Summer Camp Section Pages 4 & 5

Spring Home Improvement and Clean-Up Page 7


April 4 - 10, 2012 • Vol. 8, No. 22

Letters to the Editor Page 2

Frozen Yogurt Fundraiser Page 6

Time Sensitive, Please Deliver On or Before April 4 ‘12

Lauren Sundstrom with her collected clothing.

Photo courtesy of Lauren Sundstrom

Continued on page 3

Rowley Takes Step Toward New Fire Station By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

Stand Against Bullying Page 8 Triton Preschools Screenings Page 11 Rowley's current firehouse on Hammon Street.

Photo by Stewart Lytle

ROWLEY – After 18 months of studying the issue, the Rowley Fire Station Committee is preparing to open bids Friday to buy land that might one day be the site of a new fire station. Appointed in November 2010 by the Board of Selectmen, the eight-member committee has met at least once a month to find the best solution to replacing the century-old fire station on Hammond Street. “We hope people understand that we have been working to get the town the best bang for the buck,” said committee chairman Richard Gagnon. The problem is that the current fire station, a converted barber shop and pool hall which was first used as a firehouse in 1936, is out-dated, too small and beyond repair or expansion. In addition, its location east of Route 1A makes response times too long to the western neighborhoods of the town. In 2003, the Rowley Master Plan described the challenge of the fire station. “The existing Fire Department facility is located at 7 Hammond Street and is in poor to fair Continued on page 3

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How to Submit Letters to the Editor

April 4 - 11, 2012

Letters to the Editor Campaign Appreciation

Dear Community,

I am writing to thank the many people who helped me in my recent campaign for Republican State Committee. I know that I will not be able to mention every single person who helped me & will inadvertently forget someone. To those who voted for me, I thank you for & am honoured by your trust in me to do what I said I will do. With gratitude to Steve Aylward, the Watertown Republican City Committee Chairman & newly elected State Committeeman who has believed in me from the beginning, has been a friend & a mentor, & who has helped me in more ways than I can count. To Lonnie Brennan & his website www., for all the wisdom he has shared & every other thing that he has done on my behalf, the half of which I am sure I don't even know. Thank you to Tom Duggan of the Valley Patriot & Marc Maravelli of the Town Common for allowing me to have space in their papers to promote myself. Thanks again to Tom Duggan for allowing me to come onto his show at WCAP 980 AM "Paying Attention with Tom Duggan." Additionally, thank you to Hector Montalvo of "Behind the Scene with Hector Montalvo" on Methuen Community Television, Stan Colton of "Colton's Corner" on Haverhill Community Television who allowed (Alex &) me to come onto their shows to be interviewed to talk about the State Committee & what it is & why I was Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. running. Also to Dennis Chambers who interviewed (Alex &) me for PortMedia in Newburyport, thank you. To each person who told a friend to vote for me, I Publisher/Editor, The Town Common thank you & to friends who couldn't vote for me but wished me well, I also thank you. Thank you to State Rep. Jim Lyons, MARA, MCFL, & Larry Giunta for Letters to the Editor provide their endorsements. To each of you who this former candidate needs to thank but hasn't by name, I humbly thank you for each and every thing you have done a useful way of communicating on my behalf & your confidence in me. concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. Sheila A. Mullins The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Dear Editor, Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. I write this as a freshman at the University of New Hampshire, as well as a resident of Rowley, Massachusetts. This semester, in my Public Health class, I Some letters may serve as a catalyst have been introduced to the American Public Health Association’s National Public Health Week (NPHW), April 2-6, 2012, and more specifically to one of its for other articles or coverage, and five themes associated with promoting mental and emotional well-being. I am uncertain as to how familiar you are with National Public Health week or the community leaders and agencies APHA in general, but the goal of the week is to inform and promote techniques to improve the common problematic issues with the nation’s health. NPHW will be offered an opportunity to 2012 focuses on five themes related to healthy communities: active living and healthy eating; alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; reproductive and sexual health; respond to letters concerning their communicable disease; and my personal focus mental and emotional well-being. I am writing to forward the message regarding the value of stress reduction in areas of responsibility. children and teens. Research has shown that mental health issues such as anxiety and depression are becoming more and more common in people in younger age All letters must be signed and groups. To promote mental health and well-being in children here in New Hampshire, I have been visiting the seventh grade students of a health class at Oyster include a daytime telephone River Middle School in Durham, NH to share some basic techniques that relieve stress and prevent anxiety. These activities include keeping a journal, yoga and number. meditation, and simply keeping a stress ball at hand. Letters may be submitted to: The importance of minimizing stress at a younger level to prevent it from carrying on past adolescence is significant. It’s a theme I want to share not only with the Durham community, but with my own hometown. I am hoping that this letter encourages you to share the message as well. Adding a section to the The Editor town paper with a weekly stress relieving technique would be a great way to start. Whether it be one yoga pose a week, or just encouraging people to write in a c/o The Town Common journal daily, by putting the idea in the public’s mind we are already making a difference! 77 Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01969 Thank you, or via e-mail to: Kristine Bannon The Town Common deadline Dear Editor, is 5pm Wednesday (except when a federal holiday necessitates an After an early morning fire on February 14, 2012 four Amesbury families consisting of seven adults and five children were burnt out of their homes and earlier deadline). literally left with next to nothing and nowhere to go. When the two night Red Cross emergency support ended The Pettengill House Inc. and its community partners stepped in. As always the outpouring of community support was amazing! The Town Common On behalf of the families and Pettengill House I would like to extend thanks to the community for their care and concern. Special thanks go out to Denis serves the communities of the Upper North Shore of Mass. & Nadeau, Amesbury Building Inspector, Tom Cook, Newburyport Daily News, Amesbury News, Community Action Inc., YWCA, Amesbury Fire Department, Coastal New Hampshire and Amesbury Housing Authority, Amesbury Police Department and the Amesbury School District. welcomes your participation. Additional thanks are extended to Amesbury Elementary School, Amesbury Police Officers Association, Amesbury Rotary Club, Terry Axten, Robert and Send your Organization or Group Donna Bastien, Angela Berg, Don and Karen Brannelly, Jennifer Buckley, Jerry Cabana, Walter and Joanne Casey, David and Carey Creps, Vicky and William Notices, Birth or Engagement Croteau III, Rosemary Dobosz, Lisa Fried, Lorraine Gamelin, David and Susan Gonthier, K L Greenfield, Priscilla Greer Jones, Christine Harlow, Phyllis Announcements, Photos, Articles and Harrington, Bernhard and Susan Heersink, Christopher and Lara Heline, Walter and Lyn Helliesen, Richard and Laura Henderson, Ronda Hodge, International Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Association of Firefighters, Norman Laflamme, Authur Lawler III, Benjamin Rowley, MA 01969 Lynch, Jerry and Jennifer Moore, Peter and Alicia Moore, Cathy Morrison, Phone: 978-948-8696 TOWN ROWLEY TOWN ROWLEY TOWN OFOF ROWLEY TOWN OFOF ROWLEY Denis and Helen Nadeau, Newburyport Lions Club, Newburyport Mothers Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail: ZONING ZONING BOARD APPEALS ZONING ZONING BOARD APPEALS Club, Odd Fellows of Newburyport, J.W. Patten, Keith and Andrea Ratner, BOARD OFOF APPEALS BOARD OFOF APPEALS Catherine and Raymond Whittier Jr., Sean and Rebecca Reese, Z.M. and N. Case# 12-04 Case# 12-04 Rowlands, Stan Schwartz, Francis and Elyse Smiertelny, St. Basil’s Ministry, Case #12-05 Case #12-05 A Public Hearing be held at the A Public Hearing willwill be held at the A Public Hearing be held at the Stone Ridge Properties Charitable Foundation, Jacqueline Stori, Michael and A Public Hearing willwill be held at the Town Annex, 39 Central Street, Town HallHall Annex, 39 Central Street, on on Town Annex, 39 Central Street, Town HallHall Annex, 39 Central Street, on on Anne Sullivan, Michael and Nancy Sullivan, Cathy Toomey, Krystal Velazquez Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor Thursday, April 2012at at7:307:30 Thursday, April 19,19, 2012 p.m.p.m. Thursday, April 2012 at 8:00 Thursday, April 19, 19, 2012 at 8:00 p.m.p.m. to to and Michael Bergeron, Patricia Walsh, and all anonymous donors and “on call” to act an application on Februto act on on an application filedfiled on Februa possible modification, amend- back up supporters. Together these individuals and organizations provided act act on aonpossible modification, amendGraphic Design Services 2012. Applicant is requesting aryary 17,17, 2012. Applicant is requesting ment, or rescission of Special Permit ment, or rescission of Special Permit food, clothing, household goods,miscellaneous items and close to $5,000 in proper permitting necessary from thethe proper permitting necessary from the the #A7-10 which originally granted #A7-10 which waswas originally granted on on Advertising Opportunities financial donations. Not only did these supports let the families know that Board of Appeals to expand the existing Board of Appeals to expand the existing 2007 revised on May MayMay 17, 17, 2007 andand revised on May 25, 25, their community cares but also assisted greatly with accessing housing. automotive repair/sales building located automotive repair/sales building located 2007; for the continuation of a noncon2007; for the continuation of a nonconEvent and Announcement Submissions Lastly, special thanks are extended to Megan Harris, Tara Clifford and Mary at 264 Newburyport Turnpike, Rowat 264 Newburyport Turnpike, Rowforming business at 672 Wethersfield forming business at 672 Wethersfield MA. property in the Retail ley,ley, MA. TheThe property is inisthe Retail Street. property in the Outlying Gruen of Pettengill House who worked tirelessly to provide case management Street. TheThe property is inisthe Outlying 77 Wethersfield Street District Watershed Protection District andand thethe Watershed Protection District is shown on Assessors’ District andand is shown on Assessors’ MapMap and coordinated services beyond the call of duty. Rowley, MA 01969-1713

American Public Health Association’s National Public Health Week

Thanks to the Community for their Care and Concern

The Town Common

Phone: (978) 948-8696 Fax: (978) 948-2564

The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify The Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. All material and content cannot be duplicated without written consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or edit any copy offered for publication. Copyright 2004-2012 The Town Common© - All Rights Reserved

In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005)

Supply Overlay District is shown Supply Overlay District andand is shown on on Assessors’ Map Assessors’ Map 13,13, LotLot 13.13. Interested parties invited to attend Interested parties are are invited to attend hearing be heard on matters thethe hearing andand be heard on matters relevant to the application. Copies relevant to the application. Copies of of application on file Board thethe application areare on file withwith the the Board of Appeals be reviewed in the of Appeals andand maymay be reviewed in the ZBA office during posted business hours. ZBA office during posted business hours. Donald Thurston – Chairman Donald W. W. Thurston – Chairman

11, 11, LotLot 7-1.7-1. Interested parties invited to attend Interested parties are are invited to attend Sincerely, hearing be heard on matters the the hearing andand be heard on matters Deborah M. Smith, Execuitve Director relevant to the application. Copies relevant to the application. Copies of of application on file Board the the application are are on file withwith the the Board The Pettengill House Inc. is a community based, non-profit social service of Appeals be reviewed in the of Appeals andand maymay be reviewed in the agency which provides supports and interventions to over 3,000 individuals, ZBA office during posted business hours. ZBA office during posted business hours. Donald W. Thurston – Chairman Donald W. Thurston – Chairman

children and families. For more information or to make a tax deductible donation please call (978) 463-8801 or visit us on the web or facebook. All donations stay local and have an immediate and direct impact in our community.

April 4 - 11, 01

Page 3

Rowley Takes Step Toward New Fire Station

Continued from page 1

condition. It lacks a ventilation system, floor drains, dormitory space, decontamination facilities, adequate storage space, handicap parking, and adequate parking.� The original plan was to co-locate the fire and police departments into a public safety complex on Haverhill Road. That did not happen. Environmental issues on the site made building the larger complex difficult, and the town residents did not have an appetite for spending the money on both a police and fire station. Gagnon believes there is support now for building a new station. After opening the bids, he and his committee, which include Bob Snow, the chairman of the Board of Selectmen, and Fire Chief James Broderick, hope to have one or more sites to present to the selectmen next week. At least two potential bidders have picked up packets on the town's request for proposal. If the selectmen agree to authorize one of the land proposals, they can ask the Town Meeting in May to approve the purchase, Gagnon said. Buying the land would only Continued from page 1

be the first step toward building a station. The selectmen would also have to go back to Town Meeting for approval of money for designing the proposed station and ultimately for building it. In the interim, the chief, two firefighters, about 20 volunteer firefighters and the emergency medical personnel will continue to work in the cramped space of the old station. A quick tour of the fire house confirms that the department is crammed into the small space. The building and land around it cannot be expanded to accommodate new, larger vehicles for the fleet. In the past, the town has bought used, rehabilitated equipment because only the older, smaller engines would fit in the station. But the old equipment is no longer available, according to a committee report. To make matters worse, the existing building is not accessible to the general public and does not meet handicapped accessibility requirements nor does it maeet the standards set by National Fire Protection Association.

The committee turned to the private sector to identify a suitable site after it reviewed and ruled out 11 town-owned sites. Also at issue is whether the town should maintain the current station as well as build a new one. It all depends, according to the committee, on where the new station is built. If the site is too far from the town's eastern neighborhoods, including downtown Rowley, it would be better for the town to retain the use of the Hammond Street station. Keeping the current station, which is leased from the Rowley Volunteer Firefighters Association, would allow the town to build a smaller new station and provide more storage space for the department equipment. The downside of keeping the current station is that the town would have to continue paying rent on an older building. The committee is scheduling public tours of the current station to give the Rowley residents a better understanding of the conditions the firefighters work in. The first public open house will be held on April 14.

Selling Clothes to Help Africans

others to give her their unwanted clothing. Over the last seven months she has collected 7,000 pieces of clothing. In borrowed warehouse space in the Newburyport Industrial Park, owned by Clean Tech, she has built her own extensive collection of children’s clothing, including Lily outfits, jeans, jackets, first communion dresses. She also has an extensive women’s selection, including new designer label dresses, shirts and pants and even J. Crew blazers. Some of the clothes are new, donated by stores like French Lessons and Catwalk. Other clothing is gentled used. The fixtures in the new store are are on loan from the TJX Companies. “It has been much greater than I imagined. I am so thankful,� she said. “The community has been so supportive.� Sundstrom transformed the warehouse space into a temporary retail store. Last Saturday, she opened the doors to the public, selling off the clothing at low prices. The proceeds of the sale are going to her new charity, Clothes for Hope, which will support the children she met in Ghana. The funds will be used for scholarships for the children and to buy uniforms for them to go on to school. She also hopes there will be enough money to help renovate the school buildings themselves. The classrooms lack desks, books and

teachers. Last summer she flew into Accra, the capital of Ghana, a country of 24 million people. Her destination was the Keta School and New Seeds International orphanage three miles up the coast. She chose to spend part of her summer there after researching a variety of different opportunities. “I wanted something that has working with children,� Sundstrom said. This school was rated among the safest. In Ghana children attend public school if they can afford to buy a uniform for the equivalent of $9. For many families, a uniform is too expensive to buy for each child. They are often forced share uniforms with one another and attend school one of two days a week. Many children are unable to attend their local public school. There are currently about 1.2 million children with 34 percent being between the ages of seven and 14. Some work as street vendors, while others are sold by their parents

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White Farms & Sal’s Pizza

The Town Common

and enslaved as fisherman assistants on Lake Volta in exchange for merely $10 a year. Despite such challenges, Lauren writes on her web site that going to school is not just a privilege for young Ghanaians, but it represents their “only hope for a brighter future.� Ghana has a high crime rate, but it is not plagued with the ethnic violence that other African nations suffer. She is very much aware that corruption exists in Ghana, so she has arranged to transfer the money raised from her clothing sales through a family friend, who is in the international banking business. The event last Saturday is only the beginning of where Sundstrom plans to take her Clothes for Hope charity. “I'm not sure where it will go, not exactly. But I know I will pursue this,� she said. To learn more about Sundstrom and her charity, visit her website,

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Page 4

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April 4 - 11, 01

Page 5

Ironstone Farm Summer Camp

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Page 6 Easter Sunday Sermon:

Community Calendar

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WEDNESDAY MORNING BIRDING Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director Bill Gette and USFWS veteran David Weaver for this weekly birding field trip in the Newburyport/Plum Island area. Appropriate for all birding levels. Wednesdays, April 4, 11, 18, and 25, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $17. Preregistration is not required. Call 978462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at

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and open to the public.

IMMIGRATION MATTERS On Wednesday, April 4 at 7:00pm at the First Religious Society, 26 Pleasant Street, Newburyport the Immigration Matters Study Group will meet. In the last 100 years, the world has seen genocide many times. We all remember the Armenians, Jews, and Cambodians who were slaughtered in large numbers. But these massacres were mostly carried out by armed soldiers who were "just following orders." In contrast, the Rwanda genocide of 1994 was mostly carried out by ordinary citizens, using machetes against their neighbors. After the violence ended, some of the murderers left the country, but most remained in place. How do communities continue to function when the survivors of killing, rape and mutilation live side by side with the ordinary people who did these things to them and their families? The featured speaker at our next "Immigration Matters" Study Group on Wednesday evening at 7PM, Jean Remy Mutumwa, was thirteen years old when his community was engulfed by this violence. Now a chemistry major at the University of New Hampshire, he and his family continued to live among the murderers in his town in Rwanda for many years afterward. He will be coming to explain to us how they have coped. Please join us. No cost and open to the public

AFTERSCHOOL AT JOPPA: WONDERFUL WHALES! Children in grades 1 to 4 are invited to engage in wildlife learning experiences with a different theme each week. Come for one or sign up for the series. One remaining session: Super Shorebirds (4/11) Wednesday, April 4, 3:30-5:00 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $16. Preregistration is required. Call 978-4629998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at

INDUSTRIAL HISTORY OF THE IPSWICH RIVER On Wednesday, April 4 at 7:30 p.m. Ipswich resident Scott Jewell will speak on The Industrial History of the Ipswich River 1634-2012 based on research by John Stump. His lecture, held in the Collins Room at the library, 25 North Main Street, will take a look at the industries along the river from the Willowdale Mill to the town wharf. The Friends of the Library sponsor this free event. For more information: 978356-6648

JAZZ VESPERS FROZEN YOGURT FUNDRAISER On Wednesday, April 4 at the First Join us at Orange Leaf in Andover on April 4th for Frozen Yogurt! Proceeds Religious Society, 26 Pleasant Street in Newburyport, Jazz Vespers will be held at benefit Ironstone Farm 11am-10pm 8:00pm in the sanctuary. Jazz Vespers is a short, informal and spiritual time to share FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT The Georgetown Peabody Library live jazz, prose and poetry. Adam Pepper would like to invite everyone to the will play a solo, and Deb Shapiro will sing Ad # 1 upcoming Family Movie Night at the “Tenderly” and “Anywhere I Hang My Hat 5 - 7 Perry Way (behind the Armory on Low Street), Library. On Wednesday April 4th we will is Home” accompanied by Susan Creamer. For Client / Newspaper use only – this does not print: be showing "Tin Tin" from 6-8pm which John Mercer will read. Free and open to the This PDF – dated 06/10/11 – replaces all previous PDFs of this ad. Please destroy all previous PDFs of this ad. Newburyport is also rated PG. Admission is free and public Questions? Call Acorn Advertising, 781-643-2928. everyone is welcome to bring popcorn or THURSDAY, APRIL 5th other refreshments as well as pillows to Actual ad size – 4” x 2” (Town Common ) lay on the floor. If you have any questions please contact the library at 978-352- IMAGINE, SING, AND LEARN: 5728. WHALES BENEATH THE WAVES Active play and learning with Joppa GARDENING 2012: SPRING Flats Teacher-Naturalist Lisa Hutchings PREPARATION, MAINTENANCE for pre-schoolers, ages 3 to 5, with a ALL YOU CAN EAT AND DESIGN INSPIRATION favorite adult. Choose one of four sessions. Breakfast Buffet The Friends of the East Kingston Fee includes one adult and one child. Saturdays & Sundays ~ 8:30am to 1pm Public Library is hosting the first of three Thursday, April 5, 10:00-11:30 am or Only $8.99! Gardening Programs on April 4th at 7:00 1:00-2:30 pm; Friday, April 6, 10:00Buy one and get $ .00 off the second buffet PM at the East Kingston Public Library, 11:30 am or 1:00-2:30 pm Meet at Mass 47 Maplevale Road, East Kingston, NH. Audubon’s Joppa Flats Education Center, ALL YOU CAN EAT Presenters Suzanne Stone and Cindy One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fish Fry Driscoll of The Meandering Path, have $16. Preregistration is required. Call 978(Fresh Haddock) been successfully designing, installing 462-9998 for information about additional Every Friday ~ All Day starting @ Noon and maintaining gardens with an organic programs and events, or visit the Web site Only $11.99! approach for over 10 years. Join them as at they offer design and planting inspiration HOBO’s Café & Lounge 5 Broadway, Salisbury, MA www. hobo-café.com 978-465-46 6 for your garden in 2012 and share their FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR

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8:30a to 3p

WOMEN Nine out of ten women will manage their finances alone at some point in their lives. Sheena C. Simpson, Financial Advisor will be presenting an informative, entertaining introduction to personal financial planning for women at the Newbury Town Library on Thursday evening, April 5th at 6:00. Sheena will direct participants to ways in which they can take control of their financial destiny today, for themselves and for their families.

Calendar Continues . . .

The Town Common Jewelry Repair

April 4 - 11, 01

IRISES IN THE GARDEN The West Newbury Garden Club will host a program on Irises in the Garden on Thursday, April 5. Linda Corapi, landscaper and perennial garden designer, will use three slide presentations set to music to feature over 90 bearded Irises and numerous perennials. You’ll see one garden in progress from early spring to the last blooms of fall. She'll share her extensive experience with and love of varieties that are low maintenance, have few pests and are deer resistant, yet are complex in color, style, and growth habits. Linda is eager to answer all your questions about irises. The presentation and meeting will be held at 6:45p.m. in the 1910 Building Annex, 381 Main St. (Rte. 113), West Newbury. The meeting is open to visitors and prospective members. There is a charge of $5 for nonmembers at the door. More information available at BREAD AND ROSES: AN AMERICAN TAPESTRY Topsfield Town Library Meeting Room on Thursday, April 5th at 7:00pm. This winter marks the 100th anniversary of the Bread and Roses strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts. Join author Bruce Watson as he tells the story of these 20,000 workers, who faced armed state militia to protest a pay cut that would severely impact their lives. This strike grew into a bloody, yearlong debate about worker's rights. WOODCOCK SPRING RITUAL Sometimes called the timberdoodle, the woodcock is actually a member of the sandpiper family. Woodcocks perform an amazing ground and aerial courtship that is truly a ritual of spring. We’ll begin with a short indoor presentation, and then go outside to observe the woodcock’s performance. If you have never witnessed the woodcock’s courtship, don’t miss this opportunity! Thursday, April 5, 7:00-8:30 p.m. $11 ($9/Mass Audubon members). Advance registration required; call 978887-9264. FRIDAY, APRIL 6th FISH FRY Friday ~ April 6, 2012, 6 to 8 pm, $8 per person, Moose Lodge, 34 Broad Street, Merrimac Menu - fried fish, french fries, onion rings, cole slaw, roll, dessert & beverage SATURDAY, APRIL 7th SATURDAY MORNING BIRDING Weekly trip with experienced leaders in a search for avian activity in the Newburyport/Plum Island area. For beginners and birders of all skill levels. Saturdays, April 7, 14, 21, and 28, 9:30– 11:30 am Meet at Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Adults $10; Children ages 8 Continued on page 8

April 4 - 11, 01

Page 7

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Page 8

Continued from page 6

Easter is

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and up $7. Preregistration is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at joppaflats. STAND AGAINST BULLYING The Boys & Girls Club of Lower Merrimack Valley will speak out against Bullying on April 7th with an AntiBullying Jamboree. 20 Boys & Girls Clubs from Massachusetts and New Hampshire will participate in this event. The Jamboree Features a live band “Steel Fingers” and also many fun activities are planned such as an Anti-Bullying poster contest, Anti-Bullying videos, and Interactive computer activities on bullying in our tech center. Guests will also be able to team up with youth from other Clubs and show off their team work in our new Interactive Zone, X360 Kinect. Participants will receive an Anti-Bullying Tshirt and wristband and many other items throughout the day. The jamboree will also feature guest speakers who will talk to the youth on the harmful and lasting effects bullying can have. Sheriff Frank Cousins will be the keynote speaker. The youth will learn what to do if they are being bullied and how to put a stop to bullying. This jamboree is part of the club’s Anti-Bullying Program called “Bullying… It Really Hurts!” This Jamboree will be a fun and informative event for all participants. All participants will be entered in a raffle for a Rob Gronkowski autographed football and 2 pairs of Celtic tickets. Many local businesses have stepped up to sponsor this event to see that bullying prevention is happening. These businesses are Pentucket Medical Associates, Preferred Movers, Connie’s Stage Coach, Coca-Cola, Papa Ginos, Flat Bread Pizza, Hobos Café, Simons Pizza, The Smith Family and the Boys & Girls Club of Lower Merrimack Valley. We are still looking for sponsors for this event. Contact Gene Dion Director of Operations at the club at 978-462-7003.

e Town Common Willey’s Candy Shop

Home Made Candies Hours: 11am-6pm Sun. 12-6 Closed Easter Sunday 4 Broadway, Salisbury, MA

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April 4 - 11, 01 platform overlooking the Common Pasture phone 603-401-8134. Wet Meadow. This program is ideal for all levels of birders. We’ll bird this lovely, wet TUESDAY, APRIL 10th meadow, a long cherished birding location. BECOME AN EDUCATION VOLUNTEER AT JOPPA FLATS MONDAY, APRIL 9th Learn to assist children’s educator Lisa Hutchings in coastal ecology and birding GARDEN CLUB MEETING programs in the field and at schools. No The Sea Spray Garden Club will be experience necessary. Full reimbursement meeting on Monday, April 9th at 7 pm, with post-training commitment of two at the East Parish Methodist Church, 8 half-days per month. Tuesdays, 9:30 am – Lafayette Road, Salisbury. Join us for "bulbs, 1:30 pm / April 10 (Tide Pools); and April bulbs and more bulbs, a presentation by 24 (Bird Banding & the Beach) Meet at the Peiter Messelaar owner of Messelaar Bulb Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Co. All you want to know about flowering Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Fee per bulbs, bring your questions! New members session: $20. Preregistration is required. and guests are always welcome! Light Call 978-462-9998 for information about refreshments served. Please contact 978- additional programs and events, or visit 388-4848 for more info. Also, mark your the Web site at calenders for our annual plant sale, May joppaflats. 19th at the DPW building, Salisbury! WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11th EDIBLE GARDEN GROUP The April meeting of the Greater COFFEE HOUR Newburyport Edible Garden Group will Dr. Mark Arsenault of Arsenault be on Monday, April 9th, 7 PM at the Family Chiropractic Centers would like to Newburyport Public Library Program invite you to join him on Wednesday, April Room. Our guest speaker is Kate 11th from 8:30 - 9:30 AM at their North McDonough, co-owner of Stout Oak Hampton office for coffee hour. Parents Farm in Brentwood, NH. Kate will give an will learn about real solutions for Ear overview of her edible garden knowledge, Infections, Colic, ADD/ADHD, Digestive her skills and her farm's resources as well Irregularities, Asthma and Allergies. The as take questions from the audience. Kate workshop is part of the Healthy Seacoast knows her stuff: come and ask those burning Families Initiative to give back to the questions! Kate has been an organic community and offer all Seacoast Families vegetable grower for the past 12 years, the information necessary to live a healthy having worked for and managed Certified and quality life. Please bring any health Organic vegetable farms in California, questions that you may have. You can Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. At register by calling Jennifer at 603-964Stout Oak they use ecologically sound 1460. Dr. Arsenault has served seacoast farming practices, demonstrating their families for 18 years, and is dedicated to commitment to enhance soil health, use making health a reality for every family. resources efficiently, create a safe working We look forward to seeing you! environment for themselves and their crew, and grow safe, healthy food. In addition FRIENDS OF THE TOPSFIELD to a farm stand and a CSA, Stout Oak LIBRARY MONTHLY MEETING Farm offers seedlings and skill-building We will be discussing the many workshops. The Edible Garden Group was family and adult events that we sponsor, formed by community members who are but none of these events will be possible interested in getting together to learn and without more help from the community. share information about sustainable food Our numbers are dwindling and future growing – veggies, fruits, nuts. The meetings events are in danger of being cancelled. are focused on building community We are in need of volunteers! Please join resilience through increasing the availability us! Wednesday, April 11, 9:15 am Library of safe, nutritious, sustainably-grown local Meeting Room. For more information food. To learn more visit the website at about the Friends and how you can help, email Beth Aylmer at eaylmer@verizon. and feel free to join the discussion on- net. line. For more information contact Deb Carey, 617-922-1831 WEDNESDAY MORNING BIRDING or Marsha Bogart, Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director

The Town Commo wn Common e Town Common

Community Newspaper

26 Newburyport Tpke. (Route 1) . Rowley, MA 01969 (978)948-8700


SUNDAY MORNING AT NEWBURY'S WET MEADOW'S PLATFORM On Sunday, April 8, 2012 from 8:00 am to 10:00 am, Fee: $20, Meeting Location: Platform at the Wet Meadows on Scotland Road in Newbury about 1/2 mile east of the Route 95/Scotland Road intersection opposite #102 Scotland Road in Newbury. Please park off the road opposite the platform. Bird from a viewing

Weekly Community Newspaper Newbury, Byfield, PlumCHART Island, & Rowley TIDE Weekly Community Newspaper

Merrimack River Entrance uryport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfi o o eld, Plum Island, & Rowley 42 49’N 070 49’W APRIL DATE HIGH LOW SUN 04 Wed 10:04 8.46 10:31 8.65 4:30 0.19 4:57 -0.21 6:19 7:13 05 Thurs 10:56 8.84 11:18 9.23 5:22 -0.44 5:44 -0.58 6:17 7:14 06 Fri 11:46 9.12 xx xx 6:12 -1.00 6:32 -0.84 6:16 7:15 07 Sat 12:05 9.70 12:36 9.25 7:02 -1.41 7:19 -0.94 6:14 7:17 08 Sun 12:53 9.98 1:27 9.20 7:53 -1.62 8:08 -0.87 6:12 7:18 KAYAKS Contact Advertising 09 Mon 1:42 10.03 2:20your 8.99 8:45 -1.58 8:59 -0.63 6:11 7:19 Wilderness Systems - Old Town 10 Tues 2:34 Consultant 9.87 3:15 8.66 9:39 today! -1.34 9:53 -0.27 6:09 7:20 Perception - Necky 11 P: Wed 3:29 9.52 4:15 8.29 •10:36 -0.95 10:52 0.15 6:07 7:21 978-948-8696 F: 978-948-2564 Ocean Kayak 12 Thurs 4:29 9.06 5:18 7.95 11:38 -0.49 11:56 0.54 6:06 7:22 Canoes

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April 4 - 11, 01 Bill Gette and USFWS veteran David Weaver for this weekly birding field trip in the Newburyport/Plum Island area. Appropriate for all birding levels. Wednesday, April 11, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $17. Preregistration is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at joppaflats.

CONTAINER GARDENING The Friends of the East Kingston Public Library is hosting the second of three Gardening Programs on April 11th at 7:00 PM at the East Kingston Public Library, 47 Maplevale Road, East Kingston, NH. Presenter Lynn Felici-Gallant has gardened professionally for nearly fifteen years, concentrating her practice on residential and commercial container design. In addition to container gardening, she is currently the retail merchandising AFTERSCHOOL AT JOPPA: SUPER and marketing manager for The Pick of SHOREBIRDS! the Planet, a specialty grower of unique Children in grades 1 to 4 are invited wholesale and retail plants. Lynn will to engage in wildlife learning experiences present a hands-on demonstration of the with a different theme each week. Final principles of container design—including session in this spring series. Wednesday, designing with edibles—and will discuss April 11, 3:30-5:00 pm Meet at the container plant care and maintenance. Her Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum creations will be raffled off at the end of the Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $16. evening. This program is free and open to Preregistration is required. Call 978-462- the public. 9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site ROUNDTABLE at The Civil War Roundtable of the Merrimack is moving. We will meet at STORIES FROM HISTORIC HOUSES 7:30 PM on Wednesday April 11th at our On Wednesday, April 11, 2012, at new location, the East Parish Methodist 1:00pm, at the First Religious Society, Church, Salisbury Square (route 1), 26 Pleasant Street, Newburyport, Linda Salisbury,MA. Robert May will speak on Tulley will present “Stories from Historic “Richard Johnson: ex-slave and member Houses” in the Parish Hall of the First of USCT and GAR.” Admission is free Religious Society, Unitarian Universalist, in and anyone with an interest in America’s Newburyport. The Parish Hall is next to the Civil War is invited to attend. For more church on Pleasant Street in Newburyport. information visit our web page www. A semi-retired docent at the Historical or call Tom at (978) 462Society of Old Newbury and a member 8518. of the Newburyport Preservation Trust, Linda began her business of researching EssEx County Dog the history of old houses in Newburyport training Club, inC. almost ten years ago, by first investigating her own house, a Queen Anne Victorian WEDnEsDays: on High Street—a comparative youth by PuPPy, basiC obEDiEnCE local standards, only 120 years old. Since & Rally Run-ThRus then she has researched a dozen more, and along the way discovered many interesting Tuesdays: CompeTiTion and touching stories about the lives of rEgistEr toDay: Training wiTh the people who owned and lived in these 978-463-3647 uKC / aKC Judge houses, most with roots in Newburyport’s info@ECDTC.nET ms Linda mChugh mariner and merchant past. She will tell a For more inFo visit us on the web: selection of these stories. Coffee, tea, and desserts will be served. All are welcome.


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Page 9

WEDNESDAY EVENING LECTURE: THE WONDERS OF KENYA Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director Bill Gette takes you on a virtual trip to see the wildlife of Kenya. Wednesday, April 11, 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $4. Preregistration is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at joppaflats.

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Page 10

local entertainment calendar

THE TAP/LIMELIGHT LOUNGE 100 Washington St., 978374-1117 Wed 4/4: Stump Trivia, 8:30pm Thu 4/5: Karaoke, 9pm

Ironic Music Calendar features local events North of Boston and along Coastal/Southern NH. IMC is a production of Ironic Music Booking Newbury Agency LLC: If your venue would PLUM ISLAND GRILLE like to be included in this calendar, or if you’d like to receive this list weekly via email, please contact us at: 2 Sunset Blvd., 978-463-

MASSACHUSETTS Amesbury THE BARN PUB & GRILLE 5 Ring St, 978-388-8700 Wed 4/4: Seacoast Dart Association Fri 4/6: Luck of the Draw dart tournament Tue 4/10: Northeast Dart Association

MURPHY’S RIVERSIDE Find them on Facebook 37 Main St., 978-834-0020 Thu 4/5: Karaoke Tue 4/10: 2 for 1 Apps & Trivia Beverly FIBBER McGEE'S Find them on Facebook 108 Cabot St., 978-232-0180 Wed 4/4: Karaoke Thu 4/5: DJ Fri 4/6: DJ Sat 4/7: DJ/Live Music MARINO’s CAFÉ 200 Rantoul St., 978-9229288 Thu 4/5: Team Trivia THE PICKLED ONION www.pickledonionbeverly. com 355 Rantoul St., 978-2323973 Thu 4/5: DJ Max Baun, 10pm-1am Fri 4/6: Tobin & Leahy, 5-9pm Mon 4/9: Stump Trivia, 5-10pm Danvers SUPINO’s RESTAURANT Rte. 1South, 978-774-0707 Sat 4/7: Brittanica

7:30pm Thu 4/5: Open Mic Night, 9pm Fri 4/6: Dan King & Friends, 9-11pm Sat 4/7: The Runaround, 9:30-10:30pm THE DOG BAR 65 Main St., 978-281-6565 Wed 4/4: Karaoke, 9pm-cl Thu 4/5: 3 Vibe, 9pm-cl Sat 4/7: Hoodoo Revelator, 9pm-cl Sun 4/8: Michael O'Leary & Roaring Mary, 5:30-8:30; Ryan Alto, 9pm-cl GIUSEPPE'S RISTORANTE 2 Main St., 978-879-4622 Wed 4/4: Open Mic, 7:3010:30pm Thu 4/5: Brad Byrd, 8-11pm Fri 4/6: Joe Thomas, 9pm-cl Sat 4/7: Joe Thomas, 9pm-cl

JALAPEÑOS MEXICAN RESTAURANT 86 Main St., 978-283-8228 Tue 4/10: The Wood Peppers, 7-9pm MINGLEWOOD TAVERN @ LATITUDE 43 25 Rogers St., 978-281-0223 Wed 4/4: Monagle Sessions, 9pm Thu 4/5: DJ Vito, 9pm Fri 4/6: Blues your Daddy, 9pm Sat 4/7: Big Ole Dirty Bucket, 9pm

THE RHUMB LINE 40 Railroad Ave, 978-2839732 Wed 4/4: Fly Amero, 8-11pm Thu 4/5: Dave Sags Blues Essex Party, 9:30pm-1:30am THE FARM BAR & Mon 4/9: Open Mic w/Dan GRILLE King 233 Western Ave., 978-768- Tue 4/10: Trivia, 7-9:30pm; Funk Jamm w/Henley 0000 Douglass Jr. & Soul Force V, Sun 4/8: Funday & Trivia 10pm-12:30am w/Frankie Georgetown COACH'S ROCK POND PUB http://rockpondpub.blogspot. com 206 W. Main St., 978-7695128 Fri 4/6: Michael Mazola, 7-10pm

Haverhill CHIT CHAT LOUNGE 103 Washington St., 978374-9710 Fri 4/6: Trivia Throw Down w/ Erik, 7-8pm; 7 Mile Drive; DJ Julian Sat 4/7: The Take

Gloucester ALCHEMY CAFÉ & BISTRO 3 Duncan St., 978-281-3997 Wed 4/4: Women, Wine & Chocolate w/Chelsea Berry, 7-9pm Sun 4/8: Bluegrass Brunch w/Flynn Cohen, 12-2pm

MAL’S LOUNGE @ GEORGE’S RESTAURANT 77 Washington St., 978-3745150 Thu 4/5: Downtown Charlie, 8pm-12am Fri 4/6: Roy Barboza

2290 Sun 4/8: Live Jazz, 1-3pm

Newburyport DAVID’S TAVERN @ THE GARRISON INN 11 Brown Sq., 978-462-8077 Thu 4/5: Tom Courtney, 7-10pm Fri 4/6: Three Play, 8-11pm Sat 4/7: Lynn Lynch & the Classics, 8-11pm THE GROG 13 Middle St., 978-465-8008 Wed 4/4: Hoot Night w/Bob Kramer, 8-11pm THE PORT TAVERN 84 State St., 978-465-1006 Wed 4/4: Irish Seisuin w/Eamon Coyne Fri 4/6: Erinn Brown, 9pm12am Tue 4/10: Stump Trivia, 8-10pm TEN CENTER STREET 10 Center St., 978-462-6652 Wed 4/4: Phil McGowan Jazz Quartet, 7-10pm Rockport ROCKPORT MUSIC @ THE SHALIN LIU PERFORMANCE CENTER 35 Main St., 978-546-7391 Wed 4/4: Annalivia, 7pm Thu 4/5: Miranda Russell, 8pm, $28-$34 Fri 4/6: Miranda Russell, 8pm, $28-$34 Sat 4/7: Massenet’s MANON, 12 pm, $30-$32 Salem THE BLACK LOBSTER @ STROMBERG'S COVE 2 Bridge St., 978-744-1863 Thu 4/5: Comedy Night FINZ SEAFOOD & GRILL 76 Wharf St., Pickering Wharf, 978-744-8485 Fri 4/6: The Mystics, 9pm12am THE GREEN LAND CAFÉ 87 Washington St., 978-7447766 Thu 4/5: Britannica, 8-11pm Fri 4/6: Nick Consone 9-10pm Mon 4/9: Tony Gallo, 9pm12am

THE GULU GULU CAFÉ 247 Essex St., 978-740-8882 Wed 4/4: Open Mic, 8pm (sign-up 7:30pm) Thu 4/5: Jennifer Schminke Art Opening, 7-8pm; The PEDDLER’S DAUGHTER World is Square, 8-11pm Fri 4/6: Release The Hounds, www.thepeddlersdaughter. 8-11pm com CAPE ANN BREWING Sat 4/7: The Dejas, 8-11pm 45 Wingate St., 978-372CO. 9555 IN A PIG’S EYE 27 Commercial St., 978-281- Thu 4/5: 80’s Night Fri 4/6: After Glow Trio 4782 148 Derby St., 978-741-4436 Sat 4/7: The Locals Wed 4/4: Trivia Night,

Wed 4/4: Patino & Mik, 9-11:30pm Thu 4/5: Dave Bailin & the Bailouts, 9-11:30pm Fri 4/6: Blues Jam, 4:156:45pm Sat 4/7: Professor Harp, 9-11:30pm

Thu 4/5: The Tom Dixon Band Line Dance Lessons, 7:30pm, $7 Sat 4/7: The Brew, 8pm, $15

CAPRI SEASIDE ITALIAN GRILL 3 Central Ave., 978-462THE LOBSTER SHANTY 7543 Thu 4/5: Trivia, 8pm 25 Front St., 978-745-5449 Fri 4/6: Vein, 8-11pm, no CAROUSEL LOUNGE cover Monday: Stump Trivia, 20 Oceanfront, 978-4657:30pm 9045 Sat 4/7: King Karaoke, O'NEILL'S PUB 8:30pm 120 Washington St., 978HOBO'S CAFÈ & 740-8811 LOUNGE Wed 4/4: Sports Trivia, www.chefhowieshobocafe. 5-10pm com Thu 4/5: DJ Sap, 11pm5 Broadway, 978-465-4626 12:30am Wed 4/4: Karaoke & Dance, Fri 4/6: Irish Music, 6-9pm; 6pm DJ Sap, 10pm-12:30am Thu 3/29 3/15 Karaoke Sat 4/7: Irish Music, 6-9pm Contest & Dance DJ Dan, Tue 4/10: Trivia, 8-10pm 7-11pm Fri Karaoke & Dance Party, PEM | PEABODY ESSEX 8:30pm MUSEUM Sat 4/7: Karaoke & Dance Party w//DJ Chuck, 8:30pm 161 Essex St., East India Sq., Sun 4/8: Dance, Karaoke & 978-745-9500 Dance w//DJ Chris Michaels,


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Wed 4/4: PEM Pals, 10:30am 3pm Mon 4/9: Karaoke & Dance, ROCKAFELLAS 6pm 231 Essex St, 978-745-2411 SEAGLASS RESTAURANT Wed 4/4: Latin Dance Party, 8-11:30pm 4 Oceanfront North, Fri 4/6: The Spinz 978.462.5800 Sat 4/7: Pulse Thu 4/5: The Jumpstreet Jazz Duo, 6-9pm SALEM THEATRE Fri 4/6: Billy Glynn, 7-10pm COMPANY Sat 4/7: Yvonne Aubert, 7-10pm 90 Lafayette St., 978-7908546 NEW HAMPSHIRE Sat 4/7: Don White, Lawren Dover White opens, 7:30pm, $17 THE BARLEY PUB advance, $20 at the door 328 Central Ave., 603-742SCRATCH KITCHEN 4226 www.scratchkitchensalem. Wed 4/4: Mystic Folk Opera, com 9pm 245 Derby St., 978-741-2442 Thu 4/5: Steve Roy’s Thu 4/5: Matt McKay, 6-9pm Bluegrass Jam, 9pm Fri 4/6: Chris O’Neil Solo, Salisbury 9pm BLUE OCEAN MUSIC Sat 4/7: SuperSka, 9:30pm HALL Sun 4/8: Chris O’Neil & Bryan Killough jazz duet, 4 Oceanfront North, 9788pm 463-9222 Mon 4/9: Zach’s Trivia, 8pm

April 4 - 11, 01 CARTELLI'S BAR & GRILL w/Kate Klim, 7pm Fri 4/6: NRBQ, 8pm, $25 446 Central Ave., 603-750- Sat 4/7: Johny Winter, 8pm, SOLDOUT 4002 Fri 4/6: Marven Sargent WHIPPERSNAPPERS RESTAURANT DOVER BRICKHOUSE 2 Orchard St., 603-749-3838 44 Nashua Rd., 603-434Wed 4/4: Cash is King, 6pm 2660 Thu 4/5: Adam Jensen, 9pm Wed 4/4: Stump Trivia, 6pm; VJ 603, 9pm Fri 4/6: Weekend Mon 4/9: Open Mic Blues Transformation, 9pm Jam, 7:30pm Sat 4/7: The Ride, 9pm Sun 4/8: Jazz Brunch w/Jim Tue 4/10: VJ 603, 6:30pm Dozet Trio, 11am; Rockstar Newmarket Karaoke & DJ Erich Kruger, STONE CHURCH ON 10pm Tue 4/10: Acoustic Open Mic ZION HILL w/ Anthony Vito Fiandaca, 5 Granite St., 603-292-3546 9pm Wed 4/4: Trivia, 7pm FURY’S PUBLICK HOUSE Thu 4/5: Bounce Thursdays; no cover w/UNH ID before 1 Washington St., 603-617- 10pm, $5 Fri 4/6: Rockspring, 9pm, $5 3633 Sat 4/7: Evolvement Wed 4/4: Half in the Bag Radio Earth Tone Artist Thu 4/5: B.A Canning, Extravaganza, 11:45am9-10pm 5:30pm Fri 4/6: The Migs Sun 4/8: Open Mic, 7pmSat 4/7: Electric Truffle 12am Sun 4/8: Burlesque Idol Mon 4/9: Trivia, 9pm-12am Mon 4/9: Industry Night Tue 4/10: Tim Theriault & Tue 4/10: Blue Grass Jam, 9pm-12am Friends, 9pm-12am JIMMY'S SPORTS BAR 15 Mechanic St., 603-7429818 Thu 4/5: Open Mic Fri 4/6: Preciphist Sat 4/7: DJ Bounce

Newmarket STONE CHURCH ON ZION HILL 5 Granite St., 603-292-3546 Wed 4/4: Trivia Night, 7-9pm Thu 4/5: Resident DJ Skyline, no cover before KELLEY’S ROW 10pm, $5, 21+ RESTAURANT Fri 4/6: Dub Apocalypse, 421 Central Ave., 603-750- 10pm-1:00am, $10, 21+ Sat 4/7: Crutopia Presents 7081 Resonance, 5pm-1am, $12 Wed 4/4: Stump Trivia, adv, $15 door 6-11pm Sun 4/8: Open Mic w/Dave Ogden, 7pm-12am THE LOFT Tue 4/10: Hot Buttered Rum, 8pm-12am $12 adv, $15 door html Rte. 108, 603-742-7012 Portsmouth Fri 4/6: Well Fleet 106 KITCHEN & BAR East Hampstead 106 Penhallow St., 603-319THE PASTA LOFT 8178 Sun 4/8: Bluegrass Brunch w/ 220 E Main St., 603-378Dave Talmage & the Bedhead 0092 Bluegrass Band, 11am-3pm Wed 4/4: Open Mic Fri 4/6: Take 4 Sat 4/7: Richard James Band THE BLUE MERMAID Hampton, Hampton Beach 409 The Hill, 603-427-2583 Wed 4/4: Open Mic, 8:30pm & North Hampton Fri 4/6: Preacher Roe, $5 RON’S LANDING Sat 4/7: Flutter, $5 379 Ocean Boulevard, 603- Mon 4/9: Trivia, 7-9pm 929-2122 PORTSMOUTH Fri 4/6: Michael Troy, 7GASLIGHT CO. 10pm Sun 4/8: The Read/Allan duo, 64 Market St., 603-430-9122 3-6pm Thu 4/5: Pub Trivia, 8pm Fri 4/6: Jimmy D,7:30-11: WALLY’s PUB pm, deck; Ben Kilcollins, 144 Ashworth Ave., 603-926- 9:30-12:30, grill Sat 4/7: Tony Santesse, 6954 Wed 4/4: Open Mic w/DJ 7:30-11:00pm, deck; Kevin Burt, 9:30pm-12:30am, grill; Provo, 9pm Nightclub w/DJ Koko P, Fri 4/6: Ball Out, 8-11pm 9pm-1:30am, no cover Sat 4/7: JB5, 8-11pm Sun 4/8: Beer Pong tournament w/DJ Provo, 9pm THE PRESS ROOM 77 Daniel St., 603-431Kingston 5186 BUCCO’s TAVERN Wed 4/4: Dave Gerard, 9pm 143 Main St, 603-642-4999: Thu 4/5: Sea Smoke blues Fri 4/6: The Doug Mitchell trio, 9pm Fri 4/6: Ghost Dinner Band, Band, 8pm Sat 4/7: The Reflections, 8pm 9pm, $5 Sat 4/7: Gnarlemagne w/Love in Stockholm, $5; Londonderry Jazz Lunch w/Larry Garland TUPELO MUSIC HALL www.tupelohalllondonderry. & Friends, 1pm, no cover com 2 Young Rd., 603-437-5100 THE RED DOOR Thu 4/5: Open Mic Night www.reddoorportsmouth.

com 107 State St., 603-373-6827 Mon 4/9: Tik Tok RÍRÁ IRISH PUB portsmouth.html 22-26 Market St., 603-3191680 Wed 4/4: Open Mic, 9pm Fri 4/6: Wolfman Conspiracy, 10pm Sat 4/7: Sweatpants in Public, 10pm Sun 4/8: Rob Benton, 9pm Mon 4/9: Oran Mor, 7pm Tue 4/10: Quiz w/Murph & Little Murph, 8pm RUDI’S PORTSMOUTH 20 High St., 603-430-7834 Wed 4/4: Dimitri, 6pm Thu 4/5: Rob Gerry & Phil Sargent, 6pm Fri 4/6: Jarrod Steer Trio, 6pm Sat 4/7: Nate Therrian Trio, 6pm Sun 4/8: Jazz Brunch w/ Sharon Jones, 12-3pm THE RUSTY HAMMER 49 Pleasant St., 603-436-9289 Wed 4/4: Open Mic Comedy Night, 8-10pm Thu 4/5: Trivia Night, 810pm SPRING HILL TAVERN @ THE DOLPHIN STRIKER 15 Bow St., 603-431-5222 Thu 4/5: Danielle Miraglia, 9-12pm Fri 4/6: Darol Anger & Emy Phelps, 7pm Sat 4/7: The Tim Theriault Band, 9:30-12:30 THE WET BAR @ THE PAGE wet-bar.cfm 172 Hanover St., 603.436.0004 Thu 4/5: Karaoke, 9:30-cl Fri 4/6: DJ SKD Sat 4/7: DJ B Money Salem MURRAY’s TAVERN 326 S Broadway, 603-8949100 Wed 4/4: 45’s Night Thu 4/5: Trivia Tue 4/10: Group 3 Seabrook CHOP SHOP RESTAURANT & PUB 920 Lafayette Rd., 603-7607500 Wed 4/4: Reverend JJ Thu 4/5: Dangerous Man Fri 4/6: 80 MPH Sat 4/7: Matt Murray & The Motivators HONEY POT BAR & LOUNGE www. 920 Lafayette Rd., 603-7602013 Wed 4/4: Karaoke w/The Wiz & Dee Fri 4/6: Jam’n 94.5’s DJ Hustle Simmons Sun 4/8: DJ Smilez PRIME TIME SPORTS BAR & GRILL primetimeseabrook 620 Lafayette Rd., 603-7607230 Wed 4/4: Team Trivia, 8pm Thu 4/5: Karaoke & Ladies Night, 9pm Fri 4/6: Classic Invasion, 9pm

April 4 - 11, 01

Letters To The Editor Community Announcements

AMESBURY - All veterans residing in Amesbury, Newburyport and surrounding towns are encouraged to attend the upcoming Veterans’ Information Session, Friday April 13th from 8:30 to 9:30 at the Amesbury Senior Center. Coffee, juice and a light breakfast will be provided free of charge by Maplewood Care and Rehabilitation of Amesbury. Agents from both Amesbury and Newburyport will be on hand to answer any questions about VA benefits and programs. Family members and caregivers of veterans are also welcome to attend. Please RSVP to this event by calling the Amesbury Senior Center at 978-388-8138. -----------------------------------------------------------BYFIELD - Most people who live in this area will tell you there is a lot of support when needed. There are artists groups, performers encouraging each other at every turn. There are animal shelters, a crisis center for victims of domestic violence, religious groups, food pantries, soup kitchens and more, all to assist those in need. On April 22nd, there is an event to offer such support to a man in need, an artist based in Amesbury who is living with cancer: John Ethan Burke Dubus, known as Jeb Dubus. Due to severe symptoms from a late diagnosis, he has been unable to work for the last few years. His house was lost to foreclosure, and he struggles daily toFor accomplish simple everyday tasks. A group of friends and family have come together to organize an event titled, “Family Matters: An Sale Afternoon of Performance Exploring Themes of Family Life, Grace and Gratitude”. Details are as follows: Sunday, • April 22, 4-7pm at The Performing Arts Center The Governor 's Academy 1 Elm Street Byfield Featuring musical performance by jazz saxophonist Danny Harrington and classical guitarist Jeff Miller, dance performance by Exit Dance Theatre, and readings by authors John Badalament, Marianne Leone Cooper and Andre Dubus III. Special guest appearance by Academy Award winning actor, Chris Cooper. Reception 4-5, Performance 5-7 Refreshments provided by Howling Wolf Taqueria of Salem, MA and other local establishments. Tickets: $100 Go to to purchase tickets or contribute in any way. • • -----------------------------------------------------------GEORGETOWN - Delicious food. Exciting prizes. The Easter Bunny. Where can you find all of this? Nick Katsoulis, owner of Jimmy K’s Restaurant, is hosting an eat, meet and greet with the Easter Bunny on Saturday, April 7, 2012 and Sunday, April 8, 2012 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Jimmy K’s, a family-friendly restaurant, is located at 42 Central Street in Georgetown. For more information call Jimmy K’s at 978-352-8200. -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - Make it a Play Date! On Saturday, April 14 from 10am to Noon the Ipswich Family YMCA at 110 County Road is hosting its annual Healthy Kids Day. This FREE family event includes a Bouncy House, Bike Rodeo, Good Farm interactive Game, Child IDs, Fire Truck and Smoke House, Pitching Station, Petting Zoo, Karate Clinic, Skin Screenings, and a Tennis Clinic with Boston Lobsters. Radio Disney will be on site spinning tunes. Lots of freebies! April Staycation opportunity at the Ipswich Family YMCA. Not going anywhere this April Vacation? The Ipswich YMCA at 110 County Road is offering one week Family Memberships for only $25. Take advantage of all the Y has to offer to create new family memories! Try out our swimming pool, gaga pit, group exercise classes, low ropes course, basketball courts, wooded trails, sport court, babysitting and specialty classes. Find full schedules at For more information, contact Bill Petryszyn at 978-356-9622. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURY - On Friday, April 6, 2012, Newbury Elementary School will hold preschool screening for interested 3 and 4 year old children. Preschool screening is completely voluntary and is available to any parent who has a concern about their child’s development. Screening consists of a brief check of a child’s language and learning development and provides information about a child’s functioning in the areas of speech and language ability, fine and gross motor skills, and overall cognitive growth. Most children’s development in these areas is within the usual range for their age. Screening results help to indicate whether more specific information or evaluation in a particular area of development is needed. Special services, if necessary are available through Newbury Elementary School. Screening will be done from 8:30-11:30AM and takes approximately 20 minutes for each child. Children currently enrolled in the preschool program at Newbury Elementary School do not need to be screened. If you would like your child to be screened, please call Newbury Elementary School at 465-5353 to schedule an appointment. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - The Newburyport Yard Waste Facility opens for regular seasonal hours on Tuesday, April 10 at 7:30 AM. However, given the early spring weather, we will have three pre-season openings on Saturday, March 31, Friday April 6 and Saturday, April 7 all from 7:30 am-2:30 pm. Please drop off material only when the facility is open. Residents will use the old site accessible from Crow Lane to dispose of yard waste and until the new site, located along the same driveway, is ready. The yard waste facility is a seasonal operation open from April to December; Tuesdays through Saturdays from 7:30 am to 2:30 pm. Leaves, garden and shrub trimmings separated from shrub and tree twigs, branches and trunks up to 18" in diameter are accepted. No stumps, stones, wood, plastics or trash are allowed. It is helpful for compost material to be separated from wood chip material prior to arriving at the facility. Woody material is deposited, processed and reused separately from compost material. We encourage residents to leave grass clippings on their lawn. We will accept grass in paper bags. Proof of residency is required to obtain the seasonal sticker. Fees are $20.00 for residents under 65 and $5 for residents 65 and over. Stickers can be purchased at City Hall in the Health Department until the facility opens at which point they will then be sold at the Facility. Curbside bagged leaf collection will also be offered during the weeks of April 23 and May 7th. Residents must place leaves in brown paper leaf bags or loose in marked barrels. Curbside leaf collection will take place on one’s regular trash day during these weeks. Bags must be placed curbside by 7:00AM and contain only leaves. Bags with branches, plants, dirt, rocks, or trash are not permitted and will be left behind. For information about bagged leaf collection or The Yard Waste Facility, please contact Molly Ettenborough, Recycling and Energy Coordinator, at 978-499-0413 or via e-mail at -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - The Newburyport Education Foundation (NEF) is now accepting nominations for the annual Ed Award. The award, created in 2004, is given annually to an individual or organization in the community whose leadership, acts and support have raised the level of excellence in the Newburyport Public Schools. The purpose of the award is to honor recipients and raise awareness for the importance of community involvement in the Newburyport Public Schools. The 2004 inaugural award honored Ed Molin, a supporter of the Newburyport Public Schools through many projects and donations that contributed significantly to the quality of the city's public schools. The award for Excellence in Education is awarded annually and is called the Ed Award: Ed for education, Ed for Edward Molin. Anyone in the Newburyport community can submit a nomination by sending a letter to the Newburyport Education Foundation Executive Committee at PO Box 1002, Newburyport, MA, 01950, or via e-mail to The letter should include a detailed list of activities, programs and efforts made by the individual or organization that enhanced Newburyport Public Schools. Current educators and administrators are excluded from consideration. Deadline for nominations is April 15, 2012. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT – Kenneth Gloss, proprietor of the nationally known Brattle Book Shop in Boston’s Downtown Crossing will give a free and open talk entitled, "Is There Value in Your Old and Rare Books?" The talk sponsored by the Newburyport Public Library will be held at the library located at 94 State Street in Newburyport on Thursday April 12 at 6:30 p.m. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - FELLOWSHIP THRIFT SHOP located at First Congregational Church of Rowley, 175 Main Street (Rte 1a) Rowley will be holding BAG SALES during the month of April. small bags $3 Large bags $5 Bags are of clothing only! Hours: Tuesday and Saturdays 9am - 1pm Thursdays 3 - 7pm. We will be closed on Maundy Thursday, April 5th. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - On Friday, April 6, 2012, Salisbury Elementary School will hold preschool screening for interested 3 and 4 year old children. Preschool screening is completely voluntary and is available to any parent who has a concern about their child’s development. Screening consists of a brief check of a child’s language and learning development and provides information about a child’s functioning in the areas of speech and language ability, fine and gross motor skills, and overall cognitive growth. Most children’s development in these areas is within the usual range for their age. Screening results help to indicate whether more specific information or evaluation in a particular area of development is needed. Special services, if necessary, are available through Pine Grove Elementary School. Screening will be done from 8:30-11:30AM and takes approximately 20 minutes for each child. Children currently enrolled in the preschool program at Pine Grove Elementary School do not need to be screened. If you would like your child to be screened, please call 463-5852 to schedule an appointment. ---------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - On Friday, April 6, 2012, Salisbury Elementary School will hold preschool screening for interested 3 and 4 year old children. Preschool screening is completely voluntary and is available to any parent who has a concern about their child’s development. Screening consists of a brief check of a child’s language and learning development and provides information about a child’s functioning in the areas of speech and language ability, fine and gross motor skills, and overall cognitive growth. Most children’s development in these areas is within the usual range for their age. Screening results help to indicate whether more specific information or evaluation in a particular area of development is needed. Special services, if necessary, are available through Salisbury Elementary School. Screening will be done from 8:30-11:30AM and takes approximately 20 minutes for each child. Children currently enrolled in the preschool program at Salisbury Elementary School do not need to be screened. If you would like your child to be screened, please call 463-5852 to schedule an appointment. ---------------------------------------------------SALISBURY COA HILTON SENIOR CENTER 43 Lafayette Rd Salisbury is open to all and presents Wii Wednesday – Wednesday 4/4, 4/11, 4/18 @ Noon, Wii is rapidly becoming the activity of choice for older adults, as well as people of all ages. The Wii offers fun games to play individually or in teams, sitting or standing, including bowling, baseball, golf, and tennis! Improve your balance, endurance, range of motion, and sequencing abilities. Wii offers a welcome reprieve from a sedentary lifestyle and boosts hand-eye coordination in a way that Bingo and Cards can’t. Call the Hilton Center to pre-register 978-462-2412. ---------------------------------------------------WEST NEWBURY - On August 18th, 2012 Laurel Grange #161 of West Newbury is looking to hold its annual summer festival. The grange was wondering if some of the other local organizations in the town and surrounding towns would like join us and help to make this a grand event. All ideas are welcome. Please contact Jackie Carter at 978-352-2986 or email me at

Page 11

Award Winning Restaurant Opens at 5 p.m. Bar Menu & Fine Dining

Community Connections

Childcare Available Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays Located at the Garrison Inn 11 Brown Square, Newburyport

Business Spotlight

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Business Spotlight April 4 - 11, 01

Page 1

Our Featured Property of the Week

For Sale

he Town Common Rowley: our newest listing is a completely redone Contemporary. The kitchen is a dream with wall oven, gas range, pot filler faucet, stainless appliances and an island…all new. Plus there’s a bonus room off the kitchen that could be used in numerous ways. New gas furnace and wood or coal stove in the living room. 3+ bedrooms with full tile shower bath. Upstairs loft overlooks open living room, dining room and kitchen downstairs. Recently completed full bath on first is stunning. Definitely not a drive by! Call John at 978-8352573 for more information or to make an appointment to see this country home.


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Real Estate • For Sale

Cheaper to Buy Than to Rent? What

• Sports • Sports Sports in 50% increase in the amount the past decade………ever. (Even the Great Depression “depressed” across the board.). What economists do not have at their disposal in order to make housing forecasts with some degree of accuracy are similar sets of circumstances from which they can study trends. This housing crisis was a doozy and while some may still be woozy, here are some thoughts that you may take to the bank: 1. Buy real estate property now. The term “hedge your bets” has “real” meaning. A hedge is an investment to minimize risk against inflation. We are just south of sixteen trillion dollars in alarming spending by the federal government and the fear is always inflation. To guard against inflation, people flock to what they can hold on to in the storm. Historically, people “hold on” to real estate and precious metals. You cannot turn the TV on without seeing “Buy your gold at ….”. The best hedge against inflation is real estate…………. SEE #2 2. Buy real estate now. As the federal government is increasing our debt, it will have to sell Treasury bills to cover the debt. In order to attract investors to purchase such Treasury bills, the government must increase the rate of return so that the investors will purchase. Here’s the rub. When the government increases the rate of return on the Treasury bills, THE COST OF HOME MORTGAGES WILL INCREASE AS WELL. See #3 3. Buy real estate now. Here is the reality of increasing rates: Over the life of a 30 year fixed rate mortgage, a 1% increase in the rate equals 25% increase in interest costs. An increase of 2% points in interest rate results

of interest paid. THE RATES CANNOT REMAIN AT 4%. SEE #4 4. Buy real estate now. If you are “waiting for the bottom”, the house of your dreams was just purchased by someone else who recognized that the “bottom” is merely a relative term in real estate. No one will or possible can know on Tuesday that the property will be worth a dollar more on Wednesday. We are always looking back to determine where we are. SEE #3……. Remember that once you have waited to the point where that interest rate increased by 1%, your mortgage will have cost you 25% more money over the length of your loan. Do you really want to miss the home of your dreams for math that makes no “cents”? 5. Buy real estate now. Once you lock in a rate at the figures today with the average rate of US inflation per year, in ten years, your $2000 monthly payment will be equivalent to about $1500; in twenty years, $1000. Be a living breathing building block as we all recover from that which requires our vigilant eye lest we allow a repeat performance by those who comprise the scourge of our society. Arm yourselves with information and buy that home of your dreams…….. now. REALTOR®/Broker Janet Hilton credits Bernice Ross and Inman News for her analysis and statistics in the article. Janet, a former practicing attorney and critical care RN with her husband retired Lynn Fire Lieutenant George Hilton owns and operates Country Crossroads Realty located at 28 Bay Rd in South Hamilton, MA. Office 978468-5910, direct 781-405-4867, www.

Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness

In nearly three quarters of the country, consumers are responding to the fact that it is now less expensive to own a home than to rent it. Over the past six years homes prices have dropped 30% as distressed and bank owned properties flooded the market simultaneously. Our North Shore and surrounding markets have seen one out of five properties sold as short sales, foreclosures, or losses to sellers in one form or another. The byproducts of such distress are consumers who must rent until such time as they can be financed again to buy a home. It is vitally important that these consumers connect with a trusted lender who can help them pave the roadway back to meet the bank criteria for financing. Until such time as consumers can obtain financing, the numbers of consumer/renters is increasing. Where there is increasing demand and limited supply, the rental prices will increase. For those consumers who are able to obtain financing, but who remain on the fence, you may want to read the following very carefully. In short, Desperados, “Come down from your fences. Open the gate………It may be raining, but there’s a rainbow above …….” (Oh, how I love that song.). No matter what your very knowledgeable Godfather has taught you based on his sixty years of personal experience in real estate, there has never been a set of circumstances such as we have seen in real estate over

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Address, Town Description DOM List Price Sold For Orig Price 61 Main St, Rowley 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Antique 68 $199,000 $193,000 $225,000 37 16th Tee St, Newbury 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Colonial 184 $235,500 $227,000 $235,500 23 16th St, Newbury 6 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 345 $250,000 $247,000 $279,000 26 Town Farm Rd, Ipswich 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Colonial 120 $199,900 $198,900 $279,900 38 W. Main St, Georgetown 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 75 $319,900 $294,260 $319,900 32 Carter St, Newburyport 6 room, 2 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 57 $349,000 $344,000 $349,000 121 State St, Newburyport 5 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Victorian 169 $315,000 $305,000 $358,000 35 Purchase St, Newburyport 6 room, 2 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 266 $359,000 $340,000 $389,900 68 Ipswich Rd, Topsfield 7 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Gambrel /Dutch 446 $319,000 $280,000 $399,900 9 Mill Rd, East Boxford 9 room, 4 bed, 1f 1h bath Cape 180 $419,000 $407,000 $427,500 15 Rocky Hill Rd, Amesbury 9 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Colonial 129 $379,900 $330,000 $429,900 98 Trowbridge Circle, Rowley 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 220 $484,900 $460,000 $529,900 12 Seaview Ln, Newbury 9 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 126 $549,000 $533,000 $595,000 73 Choate St, Essex 8 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Colonial 114 $829,000 $842,700 $849,000 161 Argilla Rd, Ipswich 10 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 324 $1,195,000 $1,050,000 $1,395,000 29-43 Cross St, Topsfield 19 room, 5 bed, 6f 2h bath Colonial 178 $6,900,000 $4,400,000 $6,900,000 Single Family Listings: 16 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 2,504.06 Avg. List$: $831,444 Avg. List$/SqFt: $246 Avg. DOM: 187.56 Avg. Sale$: $653,241 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $219

2012 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.

April 4 - 11, 01

Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness

Brighter Smiles...

Ethics in Advertising


I was listening to the radio on the way home from work the other day and heard an advertisement for a dental office. The ad stated that they were specialists in cosmetic dentistry and implants and that they are the “premier” dental office in the area. There is no recognized specialty in cosmetic dentistry or implants. Therefore, claiming that you are a specialist for either of these two areas is both illegal and unethical. While it is not illegal to say that you are the “premier” office, it too is unethical for advertising in dentistry. While I have no problem with legal and ethical advertising in dentistry, what concerns me is over-advertising. The last thing the field of dentistry needs is the public looking at dentists in general as opportunists, and not as dedicated and concerned professionals. How this plays out in the long run will be decided by the ethical standards practiced in dental offices and the rules and regulations enforced by the governing within the profession. Ethics is about doing good and the concept of right and wrong. Things that

may be legal may not be ethical. On the same note, procedures that a dentist is not properly trained in or does not have the technical ability to perform, at least within the standard of care, may be legal for that dentist to do but not ethical. “”Do no harm”, should be the first item on the list of any dentist or any other healthcare provider. Unfortunately there are healthcare providers, including dentists, who think they are doing people good but don’t realize they practice outside of their true ability. In 1952, the legendary (in the dental world) Dr. L.D. Pankey said, “It’s the moral obligation of the dentist to bring his ability up as close to his capability as possible in accord with his talent. Learning the technique is not enough. A dentist needs to learn how to take care of the whole person.” That is as relevant in 2012 as it was in 1952. A healthcare professional’s core protocol should be prevention and the quest for determining an individual’s risk for future disease even before the patient has expressed concern. There is a push in dentistry to treat patients based on more objective data, which is commonly referred to as evidence based dentistry. Basically, information about a particular situation is fed into a database containing a multitude of clinical research and “the computer” spits out the best treatment options for that situation based on research. What this does is to minimize the emotionally and empirically based part of the clinical decision making process. My

Page 13

What do you look for in a dentist?

The Town Common

only issue with this is that the empirical, or practical experience of the provider, plays a key role in deciding what is best for a particular patient based on an individual’s • Clean, modern facility unique circumstances. • On-schedule Treatment Cosmetic dentistry poses a different • Individual Attention challenge because it is highly discretionary. • Superior Clinical Skills The dentist, or cosmetic surgeon if we are 978-948-8696 • • advertise@thetowncommon.c talking about medicine, must be the patient’s • Financial Flexibility advocate and remain more concerned • Friendly/Personable Staff about the patient’s issues and wellbeing than their own. The benefits of treatment should always outweigh any possible Please call our office to negative consequences. Sometimes the best schedule a complimentary treatment is no treatment. Sometimes the 30 minute consultation. best treatment for an individual patient is cosmetic enhancement because the benefits of this treatment will have a positive impact 151 Central Street, Rowley | 978-948-2030 | on their life. Any general dentist does “cosmetic” dentistry and most at least do parts of implant procedures. As in any profession, there are varying degrees of talent. Your comfort level with the dentist and the office in general is most important. If you are interested in something that you hear advertised, ask your dentist. He or she probably offers those services. Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated Conveniently off I-95 at Exit 55 to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them New patients to him at always welcome You can view all previously written columns at

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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Be careful about doing someone a favor when you don't know the full story behind the request. Don't rely on someone's unsubstantiated assurances. Insist on all the facts before you act. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) That workplace problem still needs your attention before you finally can close the book on it. Meanwhile, a long-anticipated

reunion gets closer to becoming a happy reality. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You might be demanding more from others than they can give. Best advice: Have a long and frank talk to determine what the facts are. Tensions should abate as the week winds down. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Aspects are favorable throughout this week for making contacts that could be important to your career plans. Meanwhile, an old friend offers the advice you're seeking. LEO (July 23 to August 22) It's time to stop licking your wounds from past mistakes. Get up and get going toward your future.

Loyal friends will be there to help the Lion get back into rip-roaring shape. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Take time out to go over what's expected of you before you begin your new project. Otherwise, you run the risk of pushing yourself harder than you need to. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) An unusual request could put you in an awkward position. Best advice: Deal with it immediately. The longer you delay, the more difficult it will be to get out of it. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) You should feel recharged and ready for whatever your workaday world holds for

April 4 - 11, 01 you. The same positive energy spills over into your personal relationships. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) A prospect might be less than it appears to be. Like the Archer in your sign, you always aim for the truth. And this is no time to settle for less than full disclosure. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Start doing some serious thinking about a career move that could entail more than just changing job sites. Some lifestyle changes also might be involved. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) With tensions

easing at the workplace, a more positive environment once again encourages the free flow of ideas so typical of the always-innovative Aquarian. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Show some of that usually hidden steel-strong Piscean backbone, and stand up for yourself if you hope to make a case for that promotion you know you deserve. BORN THIS WEEK: You enjoy doing new things and staying ahead of the crowd. You would make a fine sports coach or military leader. (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

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