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Community News with Integrity...

The Town Common









Invading Shakespeare Speaking Ninjas

By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

Announcements Page 11

Crossword Page 14 Is Seabrook Power Plant Safe? Page 2 Tide Chart Page 2 Horoscope & Sudoku Page 14

FREE Literary Festival Turns Musical

April 25 - May 1, 2012 • Vol. 8, No. 25

Community Calendar Page 6

Summer Camp and School Section Pages 4 & 5

Time Sensitive, Please Deliver On or Before April 25 ‘12

J.T. Turner poses with a King Lear poster.

IPSWICH – If you missed William Shakespeare's birthday and the anniversary of his death on Monday, no worries. You can join in the fun here later this week. But don't expect a stuffy presentation of the Bard's work. Next Saturday, April 28, Ipswich will play host to Ninjas spouting Shakespeare in stores, restaurants, a church, a bank and the town's visitors center. Ninja Shakespeare is the brainchild of local actor and director J.T. Turner, who like Shakespeare is a bit of a non-conforming and irreverent person himself. He readily acknowledges that he likes presenting Shakespeare's work in unexpected locations. “I wanted to celebrate Shakespeare here in town in an unconventional way. This is almost like guerrilla theater, where actors just start doing a scene in an unusual location, except we have

Photo by Stewart Lytle

a planned schedule. It is a chance to get Shakespeare out of the usual setting, and into non-traditional venues, while using some of the great spaces here in town" he said. There will be a sword fight in front of the town mural, Romeo wooing Juliet on the balcony of the First National Bank of Ipswich, sonnets at the Time and Tides Art Gallery, Shakespeare's thoughts on food at the Five Corner Deli and recitations from Midsummer Night's Dream from the back of a pickup truck at the Tedford & Martin Hardware Store. The actors will stage a silly lecture about Shakespeare's life at the Visitors Center. And the event will end by mid-afternoon with a performance of sections of King Lear at the First Church of Ipswich at One Meetinghouse Green. Turner also hopes the event will send a protest message across Continued on page 3

NEWBURYPORT – The popular Newburyport Literary Festival is turning musical this year, integrating songs and lectures about musical instruments into discussions about the fiction and nonfiction works. This weekend in a variety of venues around town, musicians, experts on Photo by Christine McGarry provided courtesy of the Newburyport Literary Festival the piano and musical Co-chairs Jennifer Entwistle (left) and Vicki icons like John Lennon Hendrickson. will join writers and The festival has lined up a long poets in providing enlightening and list of talented and well-known educational sessions. It is a celebration, festival founder authors and performers to enhance and co-chair Vicki Hendrickson this year's event. “We are expecting a crowd,” said, of the lyrical voice, which is defined as "language that seeks the Hendrickson said. On Friday night there will condition of song." Asked what prompted this new be a dinner with the authors at direction, Hendrickson credited Nicholson Hall. The price is $50. The following morning the Coffee it to this year's honoree, poet and with the Poets kicks off the day with a songwriter Alfred Nicol. “He suggested it. We thought we blend of coffee and pastries provided haven't done that before. Let's try by Souffles of Newburyport. Featured will be readings of new works by it,” she said. The seventh annual festival, five members of Newburyport's chaired by Hendrickson and Jennifer distinguished Powow River Poets, Entwistle, will be held Friday and Pat Callan, Michael Cantor, Robert Crawford, David Davis and Michele Saturday, April 27 and 28. The festival will open with a Leavitt, all introduced by Anne discussion at the Firehouse Theater Mulvey. Attending the coffee will be former of the lyrical voice by WGBH radio personality and author Ron Della Boston Red Sox pitcher Bill Lee, Chiesa. He will be joined by Tim nicknamed “Spaceman.” A Hall of Riley, the John Lennon biographer, Fame member, the left-handed pitcher to discuss the lyrical voice as it was well known for his counterculture relates to popular music from the behavior through much of the 1970s. American Songbook to the the Lee has co-written four books: The Beatle's British invasion. Continued on page 3

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Page 2

How to Submit Letters to the Editor

April 25 - May 1, 2012

Letters to the Editor

The NRC Does Not Know If The Seabrook Plant Is Safe Freeze Triton School Budget

The Town CommonThe Town C

Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common

To the Editor: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) recently declared that the Seabrook nuclear power plant is safe for now - notwithstanding the NRC’s own determination that concrete degradation has occurred in “safety” structures at the plant structurally weakening the concrete. The NRC inspection report characterized the degradation as “severe” in some places. We take issue with the NRC’s message that the plant is safe for now - the NRC does not know if the plant is safe. The NRC has yet to provide peer-reviewed engineering studies that assure us that the plant’s weakened concrete can withstand an earthquake. NRC Region I spokesman Sheehan and plant spokesman Griffith’s mantra is that the public should not worry about the weakened concrete’s vulnerability to an earthquake because there is steel reinforcement (rebar) in the concrete foundation. But, the rebar has been subject to the same groundwater infiltration that weakened the concrete for decades and the rebar could be weakened as well. The NRC and the plant operators continue to insult us with vague assurance rather than science. The NRC should refrain from any further assurances of safety until it updates the seismic assessment - done decades ago with weaker science than available now - that it used for the design basis for the plant. We have not forgotten that it was an earthquake that triggered the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster and the failure of Japanese regulators to calibrate the plant’s design to withstand for the once-in-athousand-years earthquake and tsunami that structure Japan last year. Historians tell us that about 300 years ago an earthquake leveled homes in Newbury and Newburyport so it could happen here. The plant is situated on an earthquake fault, and the fact that the plant was built in a salt water marsh probably won’t help it withstand an earthquake. Bruce Skud (Newburyport)

Weekly Community Newspaper

Weekly Community

Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley

Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to:

The Triton School Budget for the coming year boasts of being a "mere" 2.08 percent increase. But any 2.08 percent which requires an increase of $721,721 for a total budget of $35.4 million is not a "mere" thing. The overwhelming majority of citizens have either stayed frozen in their income or dropped in income. The schools need to do the same- freeze or drop. This increase is unacceptable. Kids do need the best in education. They also need the best in their fire department, police department, highway department, and support for their senior citizen grandparents. The first rule we learned in kindergarten was to share. The school dept needs to do likewise- share the load, especially during tough times. We need to hold the line on last year's budget. It is a farce to set up TWO budgets and then boast that one budget is a huge savings compared to the other. The public isn't buying this trickery. I'm still looking to begin a Taxpayers' Association in this District. Anyone interested in such? Attend town meeting and hold the line! Thanks for listening Rev. Dr. Bob Gallagher, Salisbury

The Town Common The Town Common

Weekly Community Newspaper Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, PlumCHART Island, & Rowley TIDE roln Bken Weekly Community Newspaper Merrimack River Entrance Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfi eld, Plum Island, & Rowley Now Carrying o o 42 49’N 070 49’W New Books! APRIL DATE HIGH LOW SUN

The Editor c/o The Town Common 77 Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01 6 or via e-mail to: We stock

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25 Wed 2:34 8.20 3:12 26 Thurs 3:13 8.06 3:53 27 Fri 3:56 7.92 4:38 28 Sat 4:43 7.80 5:27 29 Sun 5:36 7.73 6:19 30 Mon 6:33 7.75 7:15 KAYAKS MAY Systems - Old Town Wilderness 01 Perception Tues 7:33 - Necky7.86 8:10 02 Wed 8:34 Ocean Kayak 8.08 9:04 03 Thurs 9:32 8.38 9:57 Canoes

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GRAF RINK NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR ITS LEARN TO SKATE & TINY TOTS PROGRAMS Space is limited. COM-PAC The Town Common deadline 8.02 2:01 1.03 2:31 0.45 5:37 7:44 All classes are taught by PRECISION is 5pm Wednesday (except when 8.57 3:02 0.57 3:26 0.18 5:35 7:45 a federal holiday necessitates an Laser professional coaches who have been hired by Sunfish, Zuma, SAILBOATS 9.15 4:00 0.00 4:20 -0.12 5:34 7:46 earlier deadline). North Shore Rink Management. Rangers - Old Town - Radisson KAYAKS We stock The Town Common Pl e ase contact the ri n k at (978) 462-8112 or vi s i t thei r Wilderness Systems - Old Town Fernald’s serves the communities of the COM-PAC Perception - Necky Upper North Shore of Mass. & PRECISION website at for more inSAILBOATS formation. On the River Parker Rt. 1A, Newbury, Coastal New Hampshire and MA 01951 Ocean Kayak Sunfish, Zuma, Laser welcomes your participation. Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 Graf Skating Rink, Canoes KAYAKS We stock Send your Organization978or Group 465-0312 Mad River Old Town Radisson (978) 465-0312 Wilderness Systems - Old Town Notices, Birth or Engagement 28 Low St. Newburyport 978.462.8112 COM-PAC



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PRECISION Sunfish, Zuma, Laser

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In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1 56 - 2005)

Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951

6+ wks $38.30/week 978465-0312 1 col. x 2 inches Landscape Supplies 13+ wks $30.70/week 6+ wks $38.30/week

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April 25 - May 1, 2012

Page 3

Invading Shakespeare Speaking Ninjas

Continued from page 1

the country as the actors recite from The Tempest, a Shakespeare play which has been banned in the state of Arizona as being too controversial. The 22-member cast of Shakespearean Ninjas is made up of actors from third graders to people in the their 60s, some of whom have never acted before. The event will kick off at noon at the Visitors Center and conclude about 3:30 p.m. with something different happening every 15 to 30 minutes. Turner, who teaches drama at the Middle School and in his own Market Street studio between his own acting on stage and TV and in movies, dreamed up the idea nine months ago of combining ninjas and the world's most famous Continued from page 1

playwright, who reportedly was born and died on April 23. “I fell in love with the name before I knew what it was,� he confesses. It “comes from the idea of Shakespeare popping up, stealthily, all over town. But mostly, I just thought it was a cool name.� The Ipswich Cultural Council had little clue what the event was about or even when it would happen, when it took a leap of faith and backed the new event with $400 of the Massachusetts Cultural Council's money. Amy Sheridan, who was a stand-in for a traveling Turner, trailed several well-established arts groups in asking the council for money. “They (the council members) were fascinated with the project because it brings together

the whole community,� she said. "This is a chance to also highlight some of the great local businesses we have here in Ipswich, " Turner says. “Ipswich is such a cool town.� On Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, Turner and his band of actors will present King Lear at the First Church. The play starts at 7:30 p.m. There is no charge for the Ninjas event on Saturday. Those who want to see King Lear will have to pay $8. Turner hopes the event will demonstrate that Shakespeare's work can be fun. And if enough people like the event, maybe it will become an annual event, he said. For more information, email Turner at theactorscompany@aol. com.

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between an entertainer's flair for sparking laughter and a novelist’s eye for telling detail. Lavin's gift for story telling is seen in her books, including her award-winning autobiography Cold Pizza for Breakfast: A Mem-wha?? as well as her upcoming children’s book Hole In The Bottom of the Sea. The festival offers much to entertain the younger audiences. The star for the younger crowd will be Jeff Kinney, creator of Diary of a Wimpy Kid and its five sequels. The humorous creator of Middle Schooler Greg Heffley has sold 45 million copies of his fictional diaries. Kinney will sign a copy of his book, along with one book brought from home. But he will be signing only his name. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Margot G. Birke, Attorney at Law

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Award-winning authors Tony Abbott and Elise Broach explore why kids love mysteries, revealing how each author creates crazy, surprising twists and turns that keep pages turning and readers guessing. Abbott has recently published Goofballs #1: The Case of the Missing Thunder, and Broach has published Missing on Superstition Mountain, the first in a mystery trilogy. The festivals concludes back at the Firehouse with an evening to honor Nicol. Performing will be poet Rhina Espaillat, classical guitarist John Tavano, soprano Ann Tucker and Justin Quinn's blues band Roll and Tumble. For more information on the festival, including specific times and places for events, visit its web site at

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Literary Festival Turns Musical

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Page 4 T.M.P.O.’s Hosted By: Wayne O’Blenes & David Fuller

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Weekly Community Newspap

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April 25 - May 1, 2012

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Senior Moments

Page 6


April 25 - May 1, 2012

Community Calendar To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail:

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protect the subtle flavors, delicate nutrients and enzymes in natural food.Registration is WEDNESDAY MORNING BIRDING requested, please call 978-468-5577 or email Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director Bill Gette and USFWS veteran David Weaver for this weekly birding field trip in the Newburyport/ THURSDAY, APRIL 26th Plum Island area. Appropriate for all birding levels. Wednesday, April 25, 9:30 am - 12:30 NEWBURYPORT CHAMBER OF pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, COMMERCE TO HOLD A WOMEN’S One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. LEADERSHIP LUNCHEON $17. Preregistration is not required. Call 978Join us and hear from Gina Adamo, 462-9998 for information about additional Vice President, Logistics Strategy & Design at programs and events, or visit the Web site at the TJX Companies. Gina is a Newburyport resident and a graduate of the Fashion Institute of Technology. She has spent a number of years CREATIVE MOVEMENT FOR at TJX rising from the ranks. She will share PRESCHOOLERS her story as a working woman balancing both Julie Pike Edmond runs a free workshop her professional and personal responsibilities, for ages 3-5 in creative and fun movement. Kids how to stay connected with her family while can explore different ways to move while getting traveling the world for weeks at a time and out some wiggles! Next program is Wednesday, other issues she encountered along the way, April 25th at 1pm. Space is very limited and both inspiring and challenging, as she navigated registration is required. Please sign up online her career path. The luncheon is sponsored or by calling the library. For more information, by The Newburyport Five Cents Saving Bank please call the Children’s Room at 978-388- and will be held at Mission Oak Grill, 26 8148 x4 or visit Green Street, Newburyport on Thursday , April 26 from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM. The fee WEDNESDAY EVENING BIRDING is $30 for chamber members and $40 for nonJoin Sanctuary Director Bill Gette to look members. Pre-registration is required. For for springtime birds during the quiet part of the more information and to register, contact Patty day. Wednesday, April 25, 5:30-7:30 pm Meet at St. John at 978-462-6680 X14 or visit http:// Mass Audubon’s Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. details/women-s-leadership-luncheon $12. Preregistration is not required. Call 978462-9998 for information about additional ARTISAN NIGHT & CRAFT FAIR programs and events, or visit the Web site at Local crafters will display and sell their goods in the Topsfield Library Meeting Room. This event will be part of the Main Street Ladies' SHIPWRECKS OF NEW ENGLAND Night Out. All (men and women) are welcome! On Wednesday, April 25th at 6:30pm Thursday, April 26, 6 - 8:30 pm - For more presenter Bruce Bateman will show slides and information or to rent a table at the event, please tell stories of sail and steam ships complete wrecked off email Beth Aylmer at carpentry service Additions the coast of New England. He will also talk about the activity of German U boats along VINTAGE AMESBURY FILM Kitchen and Bathroom remodeling our shores during World War II and the 1939 The public is invited to the Union sinking of the submarine Squalus. This free Congregational Church on 350drywall Main Street decks & Porches renovations event is sponsored by the Friends of the Library in Amesbury for the Bartlett Museum's Film at Newburyport Public Library 978-465-4428 Program Fundraiser at 7:45 pm on Thursday, x224 www.newburyportpl. April 26. There is a $5.00 charge at the door. org No reservations required. The hour long Film Program is a presentation of "Amesbury licensed & insured ORGANIC GARDEN CAFÉ’S ROBERT Through The Ages: Flood, Fire, Fashion and REID More" compiled and presented by Bartlet Hamilton-Wenham Public Library on Museum Board Member, Tim Gurczak. It will Wednesday, May 2, 7-8:30 pm. Founder of includes rarely seen films and videos of Organic Garden Café, Robert Reid, will inspire Amesbury history from the past 70 years that you to grow and use your fresh ingredients in includes the great flood in 1936 (courtesy of The raw food creations. Learn techniques which Baileys), a short documentary on the Merrimac WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25th

Hat Factory made in the 1940s, color film of the 1964 Amesbury High School fire along with the school's reconstruction, interviews with town historians, high school sports and music, and vignettes of downtown in the 1980s before the prominent changes of the last 20 years took place.

Mirrors . Table Top . Replacement Windows Garage Door Experts! . Insulated & Safety Glass . Patio Doors Community Calendar Continues . . . . . Storm Windows & Doors Screen Repairs Shower Enclosures FRIDAY, APRIL 27th

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The Town Common Dennis M. Howes


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Gibraltar Pools & Spas


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Bird Baths From $



HONDURAS MAYA ARCHEOLOGICAL SITE As part of the Earth Week activities at the Assisted Living Center – Salisbury, a program on a Honduran Archeological Site will be presented on Friday, April 27, 2012 at 1 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. Call Jill for more information about the program, or for more information about the Assisted Living Center – Salisbury, call 978 463-9809 or www.

The Town Common

978-887-2424 Contact your Advertising Consultant today!


17th ANNUAL EQUINE EXPO Essex County Trail Association’s 17th annual Equine Expo being held on April 28, 2012 from 9-3 in the Arena at the Topsfield Fairgrounds on Route One, Topsfield, MA. This popular event draws over 1000 people each year. Businesses, horse groups, and individuals will be selling anything equine related (new & used) as well as services for the horse and rider/driver. If you are looking to outfit the kids for the show season, upgrade your horses equipment, purchase supplements, gifts, horse statures, books and herbal products this is the place to be. We will have a table of free information, trail maps and much more. A demonstration ring in the building will be running all day. Planned demos include Sharon Smith, the Horse Crooner, Cathie Anderson, Bitless Bridle training, Mike Hughes, Crib Free, Dana Stillwell, twin mules, Jill Bushmann DC, horse adjustment, Julie Dillon, gaited horses and NEER, rescue pony. A silent auction will offer many items and gift certificates for bid. There will be a food vendor with breakfast and lunch, plenty of free parking and the event is handicap accessible. An admission fee of $5 (kids under 10 are free) goes towards one of the goals of ECTA, maintaining trails in our six member communities for all types of passive recreation. Drop by for a day of one stop shopping. For more information or to rent a vendor space or sponsor this great event please call Kay L Joseph at 978-768-6275 or e-mail at

125 Newburyport Trnpke, Rte. 1, Rowley, MA 01969

Call Direct 978-360-0477 Office: 978-356-5563

Site Work excavation contractorS Septic tankS & SyStem contractorS container Service

PETTENGILL HOUSE FUNDRAISER Come support The Pettengill House on Friday, April 27, 2012 at Blue Ocean Music Hall in Salisbury from7 -11 P.M. featuring music by “Thomas Machine Works Band.” Join us for a night of music, fun, and dancing, all on behalf of local children and families in the Greater Newburyport area. Tickets are now on sale online at$50.00 ticket price includes live music, dancing, appetizers, silent and live auctions, and more! To sponsor this event or to purchase an Ad in our program book, please contact Tara Clifford, Program Coordinator, at (978) 463-8801 or QUINTESSIAL BRASS The Topsfield Town Library’s Gould Fund presents QUINTESSENTIAL BRASS, a local jazz and popular music brass quintet on Friday April 27, 2012 7:00pm at the Gould Barn, One Howlett Street, Topsfield Massachusetts. *Admission is free *Seating is Limited* Doors open at 6:30pm Please see the Topsfield Town Library Website for details SATURDAY, APRIL 28th


SPRING VOLUNTEER WORK DAY The Crane Estate, 290 Argilla Rd., Ipswich, will host a Spring volunteer work day on Saturday, April 28 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00

Or A Location Near You In New England

Continued on page 8

Contact your Advertising

April 25 - May 1, 2012

Basement Waterproofing

Page 7



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Page 8

Best Jewelry Exchange 68 Lafayette Road (Route 1) • Seabrook, NH

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gold & Diamonds Bought & Sold



& We Are Buying Diagolmodnds Hosted by the Essex County Trail Association

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• Gold Chains Bought & Sold • Sterling Silver • Wedding Bands • Broken Jewelry

Saturday, April 28, 2012 Jewelry 9 am to 3 pm Repair

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NEW FALL HOURS Open MondayRoute -Friday 1,12-6 Topsfield, MA

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• Large vendor marketplace selling new & used items/services for the horse, rider and driver • Silent Auction • Ongoing Demonstrations

FREE PARKING Handicapped Accessible Admission $5 (children under 10 free) For more information or to reserve a booth Call (978) 768-6275, (978) 468-7715 or e-mail:

Continued from page 6

p.m. Participants will work side-by-side with Crane staff on a project to help get the property ready for the season. There will be a variety of projects to choose from at Crane Beach and Castle Hill. Participants should wear sturdy footgear and bring work gloves. Crane staff will provide a team leader, water, and a pickme-up snack during the morning. Please preregister with Trina Schell at or 978.356.4351 x4015. FAMILY DAY AT THE BIRD BANDING STATION Bring the family to the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge for an exciting, upclose look at migrating birds as they are netted and evaluated before releasing. The Bird Banding Station is only open at the height of migration in spring and fall. For families with children age 6 and up. Saturday, April 28, 9:30-11:30 am Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $8 for adults, $5 for children. Preregistration is required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www. CELEBRATE NATIONAL ASTRONOMY DAY Celebrate National Astronomy Day with the North Shore Amateur Astronomy Club at Mass Audubon’s Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary in Topsfield on Saturday, April 28 from 7:30-9:00 p.m. Astronomer and physicist Gary Meehan will give a PowerPoint presentation, “An Introduction to the Moon”, that will be a brief introduction to the geology of earth’s only natural satellite. Come learn about the mountains, valleys, and more exotic features on the moon’s surface. Afterwards, weather permitting, we’ll go outside for spectacular views of the moon through club members’ telescopes. Rain or shine. Children eight years and older are welcome if accompanied by an adult. FEE:

April 25 - May 1, 2012 $5 per person. To register, call 978-887-9264. The indoor portion of the program will be held rain or shine. SUNDAY, APRIL 29th TODD'S FARM FLEA MARKET Every Sunday 5 AM to 3 PM, Featuring up to 240 Vendors from all over New England & New York. For more info call: 978-948-3300 or 603-926-8163 FREE APPRAISAL DAY Sunday - April 29th, 10-5 - Over 25 years of experience, third generation in the business. Bring any oriental rug (s) for this appraisal day. A rare opportunity for you to get all the information you always wanted... the verbal appraisal would include the following info, the origin of your rug (s) , age, the story behind the design the design, structure, materials, dyes, and most importantly the value of your rug (s). if your rug (s) are too large to bring over, please call us , we can arrange an "in home appraisal service"* Epic Oriental Rugs offers the following services, Hand washing, repair, restoration, moth proofing, appraisals, and yes we guarantee to take your Rug in trade!* We look forward to see you. Epic Oriental Rugs, 597 Lafayette Rd. Hampton 603 601 6811 * There would be a small charge for the in home appraisal service. * Trade in guide lines, A Rug can be traded for the same size or larger. B One rug traded for one. VINTAGE BASE BALL DOUBLEHEADER – OPENING DAY! It’s Base Ball, 1861 style on opening day, Sunday, April 29, from noon-4 at the SpencerPeirce-Little Farm! Watch and cheer as Essex takes on Lynn, followed by Newburyport taking on Lynn, all without the benefit of gloves! The wide open fields at the Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm are a perfect setting for a unique sports experience. The Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm is the official home field of the Essex Base

Ball Club, with games throughout the season. Using baseball rules from 1861, games feature underhand pitching, no gloves allowed. Hot dogs, snacks, baseballs, and cards are available for purchase. Grass field seating: bring blankets and lawn chairs, no reserved seating. Weather permitting, please call. The Essex Base Ball Club revisits baseball’s earliest days with pre-Civil War rules. Learn about the customs, styles, and etiquette of baseball’s formative years. Players use equipment and uniforms appropriate for the period. Learn about “cranks”, “aces”, “cloudhunters” and other period slang. Discover the origins of the game not through a book, but with a first-hand look at the vintage game in action. After the match, brave spectators have a chance to stand at bat. Learn more about the Essex Base Ball Club at TUESDAY, MAY 1st MEDITERRANEAN NIGHT Come experience a touch of Greece, what is sure to be a fantastic evening at “Mediterranean Night at Ithaki”, 25 Hammatt Street, Ipswich. Gourmet food with a choice of entrée will be served as you enjoy traditional Greek atmosphere including a live music performance. Join in the fun of Greek line dancing or relax and be mesmerized by authentic belly dancing. If that isn’t enough to elevate your heart rate, bring your winners luck for the silent auction and raffle, to be held at the event. The price is $50.00 per person (cash or check) and tickets can be purchased at First National Bank Of Ipswich, The Institution For Savings, and TD Bank North, all on Market Street, downtown Ipswich, as well as local Rowley branches. Proceeds are to benefit Ipswich Rotary community and youth services in Ipswich and Rowley. The event is sponsored by Ithaki. For more information, please visit our website at or our facebook page at: RotaryClubOfIpswichMa. You can also call Jeff Silva at, 617-548-0402.

Listen to Kathryn’s radio program every Friday at 7:45 am on WNBP 1450 AM.

PRESTIGE Kathryn O’Brien, M.Ed. Direct Line: 978-465-1322 Email: Website:

Newburyport: 1 Chaisson Rd. 4 bedroom home with 2,729 sq. ft. of living area. Open concept family room and kitchen with fireplace and hardwood floors, 3-season room, garage, master suite with bath, deck overlooking large fenced yard. $449,900

Newbury: 28 Low St. Move-in condition. 3 large bedrooms on second floor and 2 guest rooms/office/den on first floor. 6-stall barn, private 18+ acres with woods, meadow and pond. New roof and new heating system, marble counters. $525,000

Topsfield: 86 Ipswich Rd. Custom restoration of 1837 antique on 5 acres. 4 working Rumford fireplaces. Master suite with custom white marble bath. Sundrenched separate heated studio for artisans and thinkers. $565,900

Groveland: 11 Hardy Ave. Better than new! Privately situated home with 2 car garage; new eat-in kitchen; spacious dining room; fire-placed living room; new 5-zone heating system; central A/C; large deck, patio. $469,900

April 25 - May 1, 2012


Page 10

Corner for Local Authors

Greg got his first taste in managing back in the mid 80’s supporting national and regional accounts throughout the North Boston and Southern NH areas after graduating from Bentley College.

Be Afraid! That is how I used to feel about starting a new venture, going to a new place, or doing something different. Why do something new I feared, after all, there are all kinds of unknowns, and doing something new or taking a different path can be risky business… “why try something new when I don’t have to”, “you might get hurt, better to play it safe” I thought, “better to be safe than sorry”, and when I thought about learning something new I remembered the old adage that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!” Then one day I wrote down on an index card “Be Not Afraid, You Have The Ability To Get Things Done!” I carried it around in my shirt pocket. At first I made sure I didn’t leave it lying around less someone would see it. Continued next month… Gregory Der Bogosian is a graduate of Northern Essex Community College, and holds a BA from Bentley University. He is co-creator of The Trivia Board Game of New Hampshire and is Project Manager of The Town Common. Greg is also the author of fiction book “In Bird’s Eye” and “An Illustrated History Book of Boston” which is available in 12 local city and town versions and in two sizes. If you are an author or own a business and would like a column like this, contact Greg at The Town Common. If you would like to contact Greg about reading his fiction book for yourself or your book club with author discussion afterward, or would like a signed copy of one of the area history books which makes a perfect gift, he can be contacted through his web site or at The Town Common by calling 978-948-8696.

local entertainment calendar

THE PORT TAVERN 84 State St., 978-465-1006 Wed 4/25: Irish Seisuin w/Eamon Coyne Thu 4/26: The Foggy Duo, 7:30-10:30 Fri 4/27: Rob & Tasa. 9-10pm Sun 4/29: Ronan Quinn, 5-8pm Ironic Music Calendar features local events North of Boston and along Tue 4/1: Stump Trivia, 8-10pm Coastal/Southern NH. IMC is a production of Ironic Music Booking Agency LLC: If your venue would TEN CENTER STREET like to be included in this calendar, or if you’d like to receive this list weekly via email, please contact us at: 10 Center St., 978-462-6652 Wed 4/25: Phil McGowan Jazz MASSACHUSETTS Quartet, 7-10pm MAL’S LOUNGE @ Amesbury THE BARN PUB & GRILLE GEORGE’S RESTAURANT Salem THE BLACK LOBSTER @ 77 Washington St., 978-3745 Ring St, 978-388-8700 STROMBERG'S COVE 5150 Wed 4/25: Seacoast Dart Thu 4/26: Downtown Charlie, 2 Bridge St., 978-744-1863 Association Fri 4/27: Luck of the Draw dart 8pm-12am Thu 4/26: Comedy Night Fri 4/27: Roy Barboza tournament FINZ SEAFOOD & GRILL Tue 4/1: Northeast Dart PEDDLER’S DAUGHTER Association 76 Wharf St., Pickering Wharf, 45 Wingate St., 978-372-9555 978-744-8485 MILL 77 TRADING Thu 4/26: Deep Fryd Blues, Thu 4/26: 80’s Night COMPANY Sat 4/28: Pop Farmers, 9:30pm 8-11pm Fri 4/27: Dan Fox Trio, 9pm77 Elm Street 12am Sun 4/29: Lydia Warren, 12-3pm THE TAP/LIMELIGHT LOUNGE THE GREEN LAND CAFÉ MURPHY’S RIVERSIDE Find them on Facebook 100 Washington St., 978-374- 87 Washington St., 978-74437 Main St., 978-834-0020 1117 7766 Thu 4/26: Karaoke Wed 4/25: Stump Trivia, Thu 4/26: Delvis, 8-11pm Tue 4/1: Trivia & 2 for 1 Apps 8:30pm Mon 4/30: Britannica, 8-11pm Thu 4/26: Karaoke, 9pm Essex Fri 4/27: Western Massacre, THE GULU GULU CAFÉ THE FARM BAR & GRILLE Pathogenic, Widow Sunday, 9:30pm-1am; Country On The 247 Essex St., 978-740-8882 233 Western Ave., 978-768-0000 Deck, 10pm-12:30am Sun 4/29: Funday & Trivia Sat 4/28: DJ Flo Joe, 9:30pm- Wed 4/25: Open Mic, 8pm (signup 7:30pm) w/Frankie 12:30am Thu 4/26: Boris Bop, 8-11pm Fri 4/27: End Times Spasm Band, Georgetown Newbury 8-11pm COACH'S ROCK POND PUB PLUM ISLAND GRILLE Sat 4/28: The Found Objects, http://rockpondpub.blogspot. com 2 Sunset Blvd., 978-463-2290 8-11pm Sun 4/29: Chris “Tallboy” 206 W. Main St., 978-769-5128 Sun 4/29: Live Jazz, 1-3pm Coulons Fri 4/27: Erinn Brown Duo, Tue 4/1: Movie Night 7-10pm Newburyport Sat 4/28: RJ & the Imperatives, DAVID’S TAVERN @ THE HOWLING WOLF 8:30pm GARRISON INN TAQUERIA Sunday: Kids Karaoke, 4-7pm 11 Brown Sq., 978-462-8077 76 Lafayette St., 978-744-9653 KEON'S @ THE BLACK Thu 4/26: Tom Courtney, Thu 4/26: System Soul, 9pmSWAN COUNTRY CLUB 7-10pm 12am Fri 4/27: Dan & Dorette, Fri 4/27: North Shore Acoustic keonsblackswancountryclub 8-11pm Project, 9pm-12asm 258 Andover St., 978-352Sat 4/28: Way to the River, Sat 4/28: Our Own World, 2900 8-11pm 9pm-12am Wed 4/25: Trivia, 7-9pm, $2 Sun 4/29: Ellen Gutowski, Sun 4/29: Steve Spungin, 6-8pm off all menu items and gift 6-9pm certificate giveaways IN A PIG’S EYE FIREHOUSE CENTER FOR Haverhill THE ARTS 148 Derby St., 978-741-4436 CHIT CHAT LOUNGE Wed 4/25: Scaredy Cats, Market Sq., 978-462-7336 11:30pm 103 Washington St., 978-374- Thu 4/26: April Verch Band, Thu 4/26: Peter Paul, 9-11:30pm 9710 8pm, $22-25 Fri 4/27: Blues Jam, 4:15Wed 4/25: Karaoke 6:45pm Thu 4/26: Dave Bailin & the THE GROG Sat 4/28: Grateful Ted & Pete Bailouts 9-11:30pm Fri 4/27: DJ Julian; Maiden 13 Middle St., 978-465-8008 Sun 4/29: Eric Reardon & New England Wed 4/25: Hoot Night w/Bob Friends, 7-10pm Sat 4/28: Fixed Income Mon 4/30: Open Mic w/ Bobby Kramer, 8-11pm Sun 4/29: Open 12, 12pmThu 4/26: Battle of the Bands, Leger, 9-11:30pm 1pm; Jazz, 6-7pm 8pm-12:30am, $5 Tue 4/1: Open Mic THE LOBSTER SHANTY Fri 4/27: Nerve 8, 12:15am, $5 EVENFALL RESTAURANT Sat 4/28: Grafite, 9:30pm25 Front St., 978-745-5449 & LOUNGE Fri 4/27: Vein, 8-11pm 12:15am, $5 Monday: Stump Pub Trivia, Sun 4/29: Blues Party w/Tim 8 Knipe Rd, 978-521-7550 7:30pm Pike, 7-11pm, $5 Thu 4/26: Comedy Night feat. Mon 4/30: Comedy Open Mic, O'NEILL'S PUB Jim Lauletta & Steve Bjork, 7:30-9:30pm 8pm, $15, $25 for two Tue 4/1: Steven Spungin

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April 25 - May 1, 2012 120 Washington St., 978-7408811 Wed 4/25: Sports Trivia, 5-10pm Thu 4/26: DJ Sap, 11pm12:30am Fri 4/27: Irish Music, 6-9pm; DJ Sap, 10pm-12:30am Sat 4/28: Irish Music, 6-9pm Tue 4/1: Trivia, 8-10pm PEM | PEABODY ESSEX MUSEUM 161 Essex St., East India Sq., 978-745-9500 Wed 4/25: PEM Pals, 10:30am Sat 4/28: Slow Art Day Tue 4/1: Cultivating the Beauty of the Netherlands ROCKAFELLAS 231 Essex St, 978-745-2411 Wed 4/25: Latin Dance Party, 8-11:30pm Fri 4/27: The Spinz Sat 4/28: Pulse Cinco SCRATCH KITCHEN 245 Derby St., 978-741-2442 Thu 4/26: Open Mic Night w/ host Don Hammontree, 6-9pm VICTORIA STATION/ VIC’s BOATHOUSE 86 Wharf St., 978-745-3400 Wed 4/25: Karaoke w/ Bobby V, 9pm-12am Thur 4/26: Open Mic w/ Nick Fri 4/27: DJ Flex 9p-12a Sat 4/28: The Jackleg Preachers, 9pm-12am Sun 4/29: Ross Livermore, Paul Dumas, Neil Taylor, 5-8pm Salisbury BLUE OCEAN MUSIC HALL 4 Oceanfront North, 978-4639222 Thu 4/26: Line Dancing 6:307:30pm, Jodie Cunnigham & Fried Cactus, 7:30pm, $7 Sat 4/28: Soulfly, 6pm, $20 CAPRI SEASIDE ITALIAN GRILL 3 Central Ave., 978-462-7543 Thu 4/26: Trivia, 8pm CAROUSEL LOUNGE 20 Oceanfront, 978-465-9045 Sat 4/28: King Karaoke, 8:30pm HOBO'S CAFÈ & LOUNGE 5 Broadway, 978-465-4626 Wed 4/25: Karaoke & Dance, 6pm Fri 4/27: Pride Idol, 8-10pm, 8:30pm Sat 4/28: Karaoke & Dance Party w//DJ Chuck, 8:30pm Sun 4/29: Dance, Karaoke & Dance w//DJ Chris Michaels, 3pm Mon 4/30: Karaoke & Dance, 6pm NEW HAMPSHIRE Hampton, Hampton Beach & North Hampton RON’S LANDING 379 Ocean Boulevard, 603-9292122

Fri 4/27: Tim Theriault, 7-10pm Wed 4/25: Evaredy Sun 4/29: The Read/Allan Duo, Thu 4/26: Robert Blake 3-6pm Fri 4/27: Patrick Barry Sat 4/28: MCs Bcap & Face of WALLY’s PUB Fate, Obermiller Sun 4/29: Green Lion Crew 144 Ashworth Ave., 603-926Mon 4/30: Food Will Win The 6954 War, Cokeweed, Micah Blue Wed 4/25: Open Mic w/DJ Smaldone Provo, 9pm Thu 4/26: Hed 2 Head Tour 3 RÍRÁ IRISH PUB feat. Hed p.e, 6-10pm, $20 Fri 4/27: Gwar, $20, 6-11pm 22-26 Market St., 603-319-1680 Sun 4/29: Dev, Outasight, Wed 4/25: Open Mic, 9pm Wynter, Gordon, & Jeremy Thu 4/26: Family Affair, 10pm Greene. Fri 4/27: The Complaints, 10pm Mob: Beer Pong Tournament Sat 4/28: Tim Theriault w/DJ Provo, 9pm Sun 4/29: Rob Benton, 9pm Mon 4/30: Oran Mor, 7pm Kingston Tue 4/1: Quiz w/Murph & Little BUCCO’s TAVERN Murph, 8pm 143 Main St, 603-642-4999: RUDI’S PORTSMOUTH Fri 4/27: Dance Party w/Bob Fauci, 8pm 20 High St., 603-430-7834 Sat 4/28: The Tom Ballerini Wed 4/25: Dimitri, 6pm Band, 8pm Thu 4/26: Dimitri Trio, 6pm Fri 4/27: Rob Gerry Trio 6pm Newmarket STONE CHURCH ON ZION HILL Sat 4/28: Chris O’Neil Trio, 6pm Sun 4/29: Jazz Brunch w/Mike Effenberger, 12-3pm 5 Granite St., 603-292-3546 Wed 4/25: Trivia Night, 7-9pm; THE RUSTY HAMMER Celtic Jam 9pm Thu 4/26: Resident DJ Skyline 49 Pleasant St., 603-436-9289 before 10pm, $5, 21+ Thu 4/26: Trivia Night, 8-10pm Fri 4/27: Dub Apocalypse, Buzzuniverse, 9pm, $10, 21+ SPRING HILL TAVERN @ Sat 4/28: Adeem, Grey Sky Appeal, Ceschi, Bleubird, 9pm, THE DOLPHIN STRIKER $10, 21+ Sun 4/29: Beethovens Whig, 2- 15 Bow St., 603-431-5222 5pm, $5 suggest donation; Open Wed 4/25: Tom Yoder, 8-11pm Mic w/Dave Ogden, 9pm-12am Thu 4/26: The Bobby Keyes Trio, Tue 4/1: Bluegrass Jam w/Dave 9-12pm Fri 4/27: The Heather Maloney Talmage, 9pm-12am Band, 9:30pm-12:30am Sat 4/28: Old School, 9:30-12:30 Portsmouth THE BLUE MERMAID Sun 4/29: Kate Redgate, 7-10pm Monday: Old School, 8-12pm 409 The Hill, 603-427-2583 Tue 4/1: Dave Gerard, 9-12pm Wed 4/25: Open Mic, 8:30pm Fri 4/27: Kristen Mario, $5 THE WET BAR @ THE PAGE Sat 4/28: Sub Bavy Roamers, $5 4/30: Trivia, 7-9pm bar.cfm 172 Hanover St., 603.436.0004 PORTSMOUTH GASLIGHT CO. Thu 4/26: Karaoke, 9:30-cl Fri 4/27: DJ SKD 64 Market St., 603-430-9122 Sat 4/28: DJ B Money Thu 4/26: Pub Trivia, 8pm Fri 4/27: Superfrog7:30-11:pm, Seabrook deck; DJ Koko P, 9pm-1:30am; CHOP SHOP REST & PUB Chris Lester, 9:30-12:30, grill Sat 4/28: Jim Devlin Band, 920 Lafayette Rd., 603-760-7500 7:30-11:00pm, deck; Nightclub Fri 4/27: Xrossed w/DJ Koko P, 9pm-1:30am; Steve Sat 4/28: Zero Gravity Tolley, 9:30pm-12:30am, grill HONEY POT BAR & THE PRESS ROOM LOUNGE www.thehoneypotbarandlounge. 77 Daniel St., 603-431-5186 net Wed 4/25: Old Fav Cormac 920 Lafayette Rd., 603-760-2013 McCarthy, 9pm Thu 4/26: Dave Talmage, 9pm Wed 4/25: Karaoke w/The Wiz & Dee Fri 4/27: Jazzmouth Event, Fri 4/27: Jam’n 94.5’s DJ Hustle 9pm, $8 Simmons Sat 4/28: Jazz Lunch w/ Larry Garland, 1pm; Amorphous Band Sun 4/29: DJ Smilez Tue 4/1: DJ Dritch, DJ Toby & People Skills, 9pm, $6 Blind, $2 under 21 Sun 4/29: Jazz Grill w/ Peter Bernstein, 6-9pm, $10 PRIME TIME SPORTS BAR Mon 4/30: Jazz Grill w/Ray & GRILL DeMarco Combo, 8pm Tue 4/1: Larry Garland Jaz Jam, 5:30pm; Open Mic Hoot w/ Bob primetimeseabrook 620 Lafayette Rd., 603-760-7230 Halperin, 9pm Wed 4/25: Team Trivia, 8pm Thu 4/26: Karaoke & Ladies THE RED DOOR Night, 9pm Fri 4/27: Classic Invasion, 9pm 107 State St., 603-373-6827

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April 25 - May 1, 2012

Letters To The Editor Community Announcements

AMESBURY - The Amesbury Council on Aging is pleased to announce that it received a grant from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs for the purposes of enhancing education, training and support with respect to mental and cognitive health issues. Part of this grant is being used to fund Dr. George Beilin, PHD to come and work with veterans on “Managing Chronic Pain without Medication”. This seminar is being held at the Mansion in Haverhill which is part of the Northeast Veterans Outreach Center. If you are interested in joining this FREE program please contact Kristin Luicer, LCSW Amesbury Veterans Agent 978 388 8136. Seminars will be held May 5, 12, 19 and June 6 at 1pm. This program is open to Veterans from Amesbury and the surrounding communities. -----------------------------------------------------------GEORGETOWN - Pentucket Workshop Preschool in Georgetown is celebrating their 40th birthday to honor our founding mothers Sandra and Helen. Open House Friday, May 4th 3 – 6 pm. All alumni are welcome to come by for a cupcake and a HUG. Teachers from present and past 4 decades will be there for hugging. • -----------------------------------------------------------GEORGETOWN - Coffee With Author Edith Pearlman - "A major glorious book", "Put her stories beside those of John Updike and Alice Munro. That's where they belong", and "Edith Pearlman is an absolute master of the form" are just three of the accolades Edith Pearlman has received from other authors, Brock Clarke, Ann Patchett, and T.C. Boyle, respectively. Edith Pearlman will speak about • May 5, 10 AM at Georgetown • Peabody Library, on 2 Maple her award winning book of short stories, “Binocular Vision” on Saturday, Street. Coffee, Juice and home made baked goods and fruit will be served at this fund-raiser for the cost of twelve dollars. The event is co-sponsored by the North Shore and Newburyport branches, American Association of University Women and the Friends of the Georgetown Peabody Library. For reservations, contact Pat Gorton 978-352-8931 or Mary Paganelli, 978-352-2587. AAUW’s share of the proceeds will be awarded to an Endicott College student to attend the National Conference of College Women Student Leaders, to be held May 31 to June 2, 2012 at the University of Maryland. The Friends of the Library use their share of the profit to buy museum passes and to for community events. Visit and -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - In celebration of Spring, The Crane Estate, 290 Argilla Rd., Ipswich, will host a free open house on Sunday, May 6 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The schedule of events includes lawn games, a may pole dance, outdoor sculpture by Montserrat College of Art students, Crane Beach season parking sticker sales, a family treasure hunt and more. Castle Hill’s 59-room mansion the Great House will be open for self-guided tours and refreshments. Additionally, The Crane Estate’s summer camp SummerQuest will join the fun with their own open house and scheduled camp games. Visitors are welcome to bring a picnic and spend the day. However, White Farms Ice Cream and Sal’s Pizza will be on site selling from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Visitors are asked to please leave furry friends at home. Visit www. or call 978.356.4351 for the day’s complete schedule and additional information. -----------------------------------------------------------MERRIMAC - A night of music, stories and fellowship is in store when well known musician, songwriter and storyteller Christopher Williams performs in concert Saturday May 5, 7 p.m. at Pilgrim Congregational Church. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. For further information or to order tickets, please call (978) 346-8400, ext. 10. Fully accessible, Pilgrim Congregegational Church is located at 27 Church Street in Merrimac. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURY - The Newbury Town Library will feature Lindsey Aylward as a guest librarian one hour per week for four consecutive Wednesdays beginning May 2. Aylward's subject, Sing and Sign with Lindsey Aylward - American Sign Language, will take place May 2, 9, 16 and 23. Children ages 3 to 5 and their grownup associates are invited to attend. Registration is necessary as space is limited. Lindsey Aylward was born in Salem, Mass. After graduating high school, she attended Norwich University, the military college of Vermont. After teaching Algebra and Geometry for a year, she joined the US Army. After completing her tour of duty, Lindsey moved back to Massachusetts and started a family. Lindsey became interested in ASL soon after finding out she was pregnant. She knew that she wanted to sign with her baby. Using the My Smart Hands videos, she taught herself enough to start signing with her son, CJ, soon after he was born. At 7 months, CJ started signing back. Now, at 21 months, CJ is signing away even though he can now talk. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURY - On Saturday, May 5, from 8-12, the Newbury Elementary School (NES) Recycling Committee is hosting a Recycling Day to help people clean out their basements and garages. All proceeds from the day will go toward green initiatives at NES. Baked goods will be for sale and NES Instructional Assistant and Student Council Advisor, Charlie LaBella, will be on hand selling food from his hot dog and sausage cart. We will also have tables for children to make recycled art crafts and sculptures. We will be collecting: *Old electronics (for a fee of $10-$25, depending on the item); *Boxes of financial papers for shredding (for a fee of $5 per box); *Returnable cans and bottles; *Gently used and new sporting goods. To help advertise and celebrate the event, we are seeking families and other interested people to build recycled art sculptures to be installed around the grounds of NES. They can be installed up to a week before the event or during the event itself and we’d like for them to remain in place for the week after. The specific instructions are posted on the NES website at or contact Sally Milliken at or 978.462.3272 for more information and to sign up. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Save the Date! Rowley Public Library’s Annual Book and Bake Sale will be Saturday, May 5th, 9am -3pm and Sunday, May 6, 11am -2pm at the Library. Baked goods are available Saturday – we’re sure they won’t last until Sunday. Choose from thousands of books, DVDs and CDs. We have all genres including new categories of Children’s books and a holiday section. Come Saturday for the best selection. Come again Sunday for the best deals!! Don’t forget to sample some delicious treats. Raffle prizes include Red Sox tickets and great gifts from Rowley restaurants and businesses. Find a nice gift for Mother’s Day or maybe take Dad to the game on Father’s Day. Once again we invite Friends’ Members to a Preview Sale Friday, May 4, 5:30-7:30pm. Membership can be purchased at the door. We look forward to seeing you rain or shine! For more information, call 978-948-2850 or email -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - April is National Financial Literacy Month! To celebrate, the Rowley Public Library, 141 Main Street, will kick off a 5-part Financial Literacy Series to address some of the challenges facing individuals and families. The Library has partnered with the Rowley Council on Aging and the Rowley Chamber of Commerce to co-sponsor some of the events. The series begins Thursday, April 26 at 7pm with Saving and Paying for College. College tuition costs are already intimidating and are rising faster than inflation. How do you fund your kids’ education and your retirement at the same time? Attendees will learn what tools are available to them. Refreshments and Q&A follow the presentation. Participants are invited to attend the entire series or just the seminars that interest them. All seminars will be held in the Library Meeting Room throughout the year. Keep an eye out for more information on future presentations. Also scheduled are: May 10 @ 7pm - Small Business Advice; June 14 @ 7pm - Retirement Planning; Sept. 20 @ 7pm - Estate Planning; Oct, 18 @ 7pm - Year-End Tax Advice - Most topics will be presented by members of the Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants. Margot Birke, Elder Law Attorney from Elder Law Solutions, will help attendees understand the importance and challenges of Estate Planning. For more information, call the library at 978-948-2850. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - "3rd Annual Yard Sale & Baked Goods Sale" Sat. May 19, 2012 - 9 AM - 1 PM (Rain Date Sun May 20th) 39 Central St. (Town Hall Annex) Space Rental $15.00 Baked Good Donations Welcome! Call COA 978-948-7637 or Yard Coordinator 978-948-2679 to reserve space or donate baked goods. Proceeds go to the Friend of the Rowley COA to benefit Seniors -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - The Civil War Roundtable of the Merrimack is moving. We will meet at 7:30 PM on Wednesday May 9 th at our new location, the East Parish Methodist Church, Salisbury Square (route 1), Salisbury, MA. Dr. Joseph Whitehorne will speak on “Raising a Great Army 1861-1865.” Admission is free and anyone with an interest in America’s Civil War is invited to attend. For more information visit our web page or call Tom at (978) 462-8518. ---------------------------------------------------WEST NEWBURY - Do you have a child (ren) between the ages of 5 and 14? Are you looking for a low-cost, fun activity for them to participate in? Then junior grange may just be what you are looking for. My name is Jacalyn Carter and I am looking to re-organize a junior grange in the area. Junior grange provides leadership-training, stresses family values, and helps you to become involved in the community. The grange is the oldest fraternal family organization in the United States and has been around since 1867. Both boys and girls can be members of junior grange. Please contact me at 978-352-2986 or email me at for more information.

Page 11

Award Winning Restaurant Opens at 5 p.m. Bar Menu & Fine Dining

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Business Spotlight

For Sale

Real Estate For Sale

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Pets, Animals, Plus

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Business Spotlight April 25 - May 1, 2012

Page 12

Our Featured Property of the Week Rowley: Set on a knoll, this 7 room Ranch offers an exceptional lot PLUS a 30x30 outbuilding which is currently used as a workshop/garage. Currently 2 bedrooms with an installed new 3 bedroom septic. Hardwood floors and tile bath. Walkout basement with picture window, and second bath that needs completion, offers an additional 1000 s.f. of space. Offered at $295,000 this home is a real value. Call Pauline at 978-314.7341 for more information or to make an appointment to see this home.

For Sale

How Long is the Ride?

Town Common

• Sports Sports Sports By John McCarthy,• Rowley Realty

I get this question a lot from my kids when we are going somewhere outside the area. I usually respond how my father did, “we will get there when we get there or look out the window”. I am often asked a version of this question from sellers and my answer is similar, but different. My sellers always want to know how long it will take to sell their home. Rightly so, they put their trust in their REALTOR® to find a buyer and bring that buyer to the closing table. While there is no guarantee your home will sell a certain time, the average days on market number is a good indicator. To determine the average number days on market yourself, figure out the day each home in any given month goes on the market and count the days to a sale. Add those days together and divide by the number of homes. Or simply call your local REALTOR®. Any REALTOR® worth their salt knows that number and the good ones can tell you why certain homes sold quickly and why others are lingering on the market. Obviously overpriced homes take longer to sell and may even sell for less than their market value. If a home is priced at or below market value you may be able to drive the price up over market with competing bids. This just happened. When? Sometimes there is no logical reason for the length of time it takes to sell a house. When there are a number of people looking at your home at once some of the buyers are spurred into action thinking that they need to act before someone else does. Conversely a home can start out overpriced, sit and get

he Town Common 165 Main St., P.O. Box 101, Rowley, MA 01969 Phone 978-948-2758 • Fax 978-948-2454


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dismissed by a qualified buyer due to the fact that there must be something wrong with it if it hasn’t sold. Your house could come on the market on the very day a specific buyer is looking to buy such a house or you just missed a buyer who purchased a similar home down the street. How long it takes to sell a house depends in large part on the following 4 factors: • Price The higher the home is priced the fewer the buyers. There are only so many people who can afford the 15 million dollar home Bruce Willis is selling. Many more can afford the 1 bedroom condo a few towns over. One strategy to try to generate multiple offers is to price the house a little bit under market value. The theory is that many buyers want the home and bid each other up. Talk with your REALTOR® about where your home should be priced, he/she should be able to show you comparable homes and what they sold for. • Location The old saying that it is “all about location” is mostly true. If the home sits right on a main road it will certainly be worth less than exact same one at the end of a cul de sac. You aren’t able to change your location so if you see a perfect home that needs no work on a main road you aren’t going to be able to put much sweat equity into it. For good or bad you become dependent on the ups and downs of the market. If your home needs work but it is in a nice neighborhood you can create some extra value. • Condition Homes in great shape obviously sell

much faster than homes that need repairs or are cluttered. Home buyers walk into your home visualizing their life, if your stuff is all over the place they wonder where theirs will go. Worse, if your hanging gutters hit them in the head as they walk in the front door (assuming they continue in the house) they will wonder what else will go wrong if they buy the home • Temperature In a seller’s market homes tend to sell faster because there are fewer sellers and more buyers. The days of barely getting the sign up before an offer are over, but getting multiple offers on a home and driving price up are not. In a buyer’s market, buyers have more choices and can take their time. If the home isn’t exactly what a buyer wants, they will pass it over and keep looking. If you are a seller in a buyer's market, patience is a virtue. Earlier I mentioned the home that received 3 offers. It was on a busy street, but the asking price was slightly below market and was driven up by the fact many people wanted it. Most of all it was in great shape, the seller spent hours getting the home ready for sale and it showed. Talk with your REALTOR® about how you can get your home sold and feel free to ask “how long” I promise not to say “don’t make me pull this car over” If you have any questions about this article, real estate in general or are looking to buy or sell a home please contact me, John McCarthy at Rowley Realty, 165 Main St., Rowley, MA 01969, Phone: 978 948-2758, Cell 978 8352573 or via email at

Pets, Animals, Plus

Weekly Community Newspaper Newest Listing


Real Estate • For Sale

Health & Fitness

Mortgage & Lending

Is A Reverse Mortgage Right For You?

As Americans, our homes are among the biggest financial commitments that we make. But many people don’t realize that their homes can provide substantial tax-free income. A reverse mortgage is a loan taken against your home that you are not required to pay back until you move out of your home or the last surviving borrower passes away. You’ll make no monthly mortgage payments and there’s no income qualification. By George Manemnaus, Reverse Mortgages are helping President, Multi-State older Americans across the country achieve greater financial security Mortgage Company and enjoy their retirement years to the fullest. The senior is responsible for keeping up payments on Home Owners Insurance, Property Taxes & Maintaining the home. Please consult with your attorney. To qualify for a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM), the borrower(s) must be 62 years of age or older and have equity in your home. In addition, Lenders require that borrowers receive counseling from a HUD-approved counseling agency prior to receiving a loan. This can take place over the phone or in person. The government-insured HECM can be used to pay day to day living expenses, cover the cost of medical bills and prescriptions, pay-off existing debt, pay taxes, by a car almost anything you want…. It’s your money. A HECM loan can also be used to supplement social security income. The monies received from a HECM loan program can be taken as a lump sum of cash, monthly payments or a line of credit as long as you live in your home. You can opt to take fixed monthly payments (tenure) instead of a lump sum for as long as you remain in your home. How much money can one receive? The general rule of thumb is the older you are and the higher the appraised value of your home, the more money you receive. The major determining

factors are: the reverse mortgage program chosen, the age of the borrower, the appraised value of your home, the amount of equity in the home and the current interest rates. Repayment options: No repayment is made until the home is sold or the owner(s) permanently moves out or passes away. If the last surviving borrower passes away while living in the home the home remains in the estate and the estate can pay-off the reverse mortgage principal plus accrued interest. If you or other siblings want to keep the home in the family, you can take out a new traditional mortgage or use other assets to pay for it. If no one in the family is interested in keeping the home, it can be sold to repay the loan. Any money left over goes to the estate to be shared according to your parent’s wishes. What Are Common Reverse Mortgages Myths? 1) The main one is that if you don’t repay the loan the home will face foreclosure. This is simply not true, because provided that you are living in your own home. The lender nor anyone else can take your home away from you. The entire point of a reverse mortgage is to give you a loan and for the lender to receive his money after you either move out, sell it, or after you are deceased. 2) The second myth is that you won’t be able to qualify and this is also incorrect because as long as you are 62 and own your own home and live there, you will qualify. Regardless of bad credit. 3) Another myth is that the lender will take your entire estate and leave nothing left for any family members. This is also untrue because if you took out a $50,000 loan and your home is worth $175,000.00 the remaining $125,000.00 will not go to the lender. It will go to whomever you want it to go to provided you have a will. You will never owe more than the current Market value of the home upon repayment of the loan. If you have any questions or would like to see how much you qualify for, please contact George Manemnaus (MLO 5270) at Multi-State Mortgage, Inc. (MB2385) Telephone 978-3746600 or email George at George is a past Vice President of the Massachusetts Mortgage Association. He is available for all mortgage questions. Multi-State Mortgage is a full service wholesale mortgage and refinance company.

April 25 - May 1, 2012

Pets, Animals, Plus

Page 13

Health & Fitness

Are you holding back a beautiful smile?

Brighter Smiles...

Two Important Recent Studies

B J. P S. C, DMD

I have preached for years, based on the information available, that there was a direct relationship between gum disease, heart disease, stroke and other health issues. This morning I received an email from the American Dental Association (ADA) about the newest report on this subject. A report published recently in Circulation, the journal of the American Heart Association (AHA), states that current scientific evidence does not establish a direct cause and effect relationship between gum disease and heart disease or stroke. Additionally, the evidence does not establish that gum disease increases the rate of heart disease or stroke. The report was developed by an AHA expert committee comprised of dentists, cardiologists and infectious disease specialists. The ADA's Council on Scientific Affairs appointed a representative to the committee that examined 537 peer-reviewed studies on the subject in order to develop the report.

The CSA then reviewed the report and agreed with its conclusions. The report acknowledges the value of good oral hygiene to maintain good overall health but noted that current scientific data does not indicate whether regular brushing and flossing or treatment of gum disease can decrease the incidence of atherosclerosis, which is the narrowing of the arteries that can lead to heart attacks and stroke. Last week, in typical media-slanted coverage, was a study published in Cancer, a scientific journal of the American Cancer Society, associating yearly or more frequent dental X-rays with an increased risk of developing meningioma, the most commonly diagnosed brain tumor. This type of tumor is usually not malignant. The study has received widespread media coverage, and a number of the stories cite the ADA's dental x-ray recommendations that help dentists determine how to keep radiation exposure as low as reasonably achievable. Study participants averaged 57 years old and were asked to remember how many x-rays they received as kids before age 10. That’s a stretch for believability – remembering details from 47 or more years ago? That long ago, x-ray technology was vastly different from today. When I was a kid, I probably got 100 times more harmful radiation from x-rays than kids (or adults) today. Statistics show about 5,000 of this type tumor diagnosed each year in the

U.S. In a country of over 310 million people, 5,000 is less than .001%. And, there are almost certainly many other causes other than dental x-rays. Granted, every brain tumor is serious, particularly to the person with the tumor and his/ her loved ones, and the topic must be approached appropriately. So, what do these two recent studies mean to you as patients and “us” as dentists? To be honest, not much for most of us. The fact remains that if you have untreated or uncontrolled gum disease, which has a strong genetic component, you will lose your teeth but apparently won’t die from it. And, if you don’t go to the dentist regularly and/or refuse dental x-rays at appropriate intervals, you put yourself and your dentist at significant risk. Studies like these are important for the progression in any area of our society. However, it is important to look at the big picture. Teeth are important and good dental health greatly increases the quality of life. Just ask the patient I saw last Sunday for an emergency extraction after days of excruciating pain having not been to a dentist in a few years.

Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at You can view all previously written columns at

General & Complex Restorative Care Dental Implants • Periodontist on Staff • Mercury-free Dentistry • Grinding/Clenching Therapy • Custom Dentures • Appearance-Related Dentistry • •

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Page 14

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of Seabrook, NH now offers induction lighting that cuts your utility bill by 50% to 75%

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) A sudden change of plans could lead to a misunderstanding with a friend or family member. Be ready to offer a full explanation of your decision. A past favor is returned. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Expect pressure from those who want you to change your position on a matter of importance. However, the determined Bovine will be able to withstand the bullying and win out. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) It's time to stop dwelling on past disappointments and move on to other possibilities. By week's end, you'll be meeting new people and making new plans for the future. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A long-simmering situation between co-workers threatens to heat up and could create problems with your work

The Town Common • • • • •

schedule. Best advice: Consult a supervisor on how to proceed. LEO (July 23 to August 22) You might have just learned that someone close to you is keeping a secret. And, of course, the Cat's curiosity has gone into overdrive. But be patient. All is revealed soon enough. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Don't give up. The recognition citing the good work you recently did will come through. Meanwhile, an opportunity opens up that can lead to a lot of traveling later on. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A financial crunch eases, but it's still a good idea to keep a tight rein on what you spend for nonessentials. Education becomes a major focus as the week winds down. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Recent encounters with stressful situations could require some restorative measures to get your energy levels back up. Talk to your doctor about a diet and exercise program.

April 25 - May 1, 2012 SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) New connections follow changes on the job or in your personal life. But keep your feelings reined in until these relationships have a chance to develop. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Pay more attention to your aches and pains, and avoid selfdiagnoses. Seek professional advice to make sure these problems won't lead to something more serious. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) You love doing research and learning new things, so you'll be happy to know that education becomes a big part of your life at this time, and for some time to come. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Your Piscean penchant for doing things logically could be challenged by an equally strong emotional reaction to a new situation. Best advice: Keep the two factors in balance. BORN THIS WEEK: You love music and nature. You would be an excellent environmentalist, as well as a fine singer or musician. (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

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April 25 - May 1, 2012

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