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The Town Common
May 16 - 22, 2012 • Vol. 8, No. 28
Students Showcase Their Art at Provident Bank
Library Success Page 2
High School to display the works of students in the bank lobbies. This spring it is also displaying the works of students from Amesbury High School and at Winnacunnet High School in Hampton, NH. “This is a Photo by Stewart Lytle wonderful Kim Salathe (left) and Aubrey Vandermeulen hold the parrot thing the bank painting. does,” said Newburyport High art teacher Kim REGIONAL – Aubrey Vandermeulen loved a photograph of Salathe. As part of its “Banking on Art” three parrots sitting on a tree branch program, the Provident will showcase that she took on a trip to South Africa the art during regular bank hours so much she used it as the subject through May 16 in the lobby of of a painting she did for art class at Newburyport branch at 66 Storey Newburyport High School. Avenue. That painting in acrylics is now on The Amesbury High School display in the conference room of the exhibit will be displayed beginning Provident National Bank branch on May 21 at the bank's two Amesbury Storey Avenue. branches – 5 Market Street and at “Animals are what I love to paint Haverhill Road (at the corner of Main the most,” she said. She wanted to St. and Rte. 110). The bank exhibit duplicate the light and shadows in of art by students at Winnacunnet the photograph. But mostly she High School will begin June 11. choose this photograph to paint To showcase the students' art, the because “the birds had a lot of energy bank also hosted an Artists’ Reception and expression,” she said. the Newburyport Vandermeulen, a freshman who honoring student artists last Th ursday with has been drawing since she was three, entertainment by the Newburyport is one of 84 students who have their paintings, ceramics, photography, High School varsity choir. In videos, printmaking and a form of Amesbury a reception will be held art, called altered books, on display from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Monday, May 21, at the Main Office. this month at the bank. The diverse selection of work by For the fourth year, Provident Bank Continued on page 3 has teamed up with the Newburyport
Team Triton Page 5 “Kwitcherbellyaching” Page 12 Community Calendar Page 6 Community Announcements Page 8 Sold Single Family Homes Page 9 Horoscope, Crossword & Sudoku Page14
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––
Time Sensitive, Please Deliver On or Before May 16‘12
FREE Triton Offers Free Summer Programs By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––
Photo courtesy of the Triton Summer Enrichment Program.
Students participating in the Triton Summer Enrichment Program.
TRITON – Getting something for free these days is rare. But the Triton Regional School District is offering four weeks of free enrichment programs for students entering middle school through 10th grade in high school this summer. Even bus transportation is thrown in. Beginning July 10, the school district, operating on a grant from the state for the 21st Century program, will offer 10 courses designed to challenge the students in areas that differ from what they learn during the rest of the school year. There are also three internships available. “We are very excited about the program this summer,” said Walter Hardy, site coordinator for the Triton Middle and High School 21st Century program. Enrollment is on a first-come basis, so Hardy strongly recommends that parents complete the registration and return it to the Triton Regional
District Office 112 Elm Street, Byfield, MA 01922 or email it to him at Since there are 10 programs plus the internships, students must pick what courses and events they want to participate it. As part of the registration, they are asked to list their first three choices. Hardy said he expects that most students will get their first or second choice. The programs are: #1 MUSICAL THEATER: Students will produce and perform the Broadway musical “Disney’s Aladdin JR”, a stage adaptation of the hit Disney film. #2 FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME: Students will learn how to be a sports journalist as they explore the history of sports and learn more about athletes that have influenced the game and society. As “sports writers,” the students will learn how to write a sports Continued on page 3
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Page 2
May 16 - 22, 2012
Letters to the Editor
How to Submit Letters to the Editor
2012 Rowley Public Library Book and Bake Sale a great success.
On behalf of The Friends of the Rowley Library, I would like to thank the community for making the 2012 Rowley Public Library Book and Bake Sale a great success. This year's sale raised $4173. The money will fund library programs including ongoing computer classes, the monthly moderated book club and the Children's Summer Reading Program. Some exciting new programs are being planned so keep an eye on the schedule. A strong feeling of community surrounded the sale. Thank you to the dozens of volunteers who represented the entire town. They ranged in age from 5 to 70…well, 70-something. In fact, one third of the volunteers were students. Seven families volunteered as groups. We were fortunate to have Cub Scout Pack #15 working the Bake Sale tent again. Their hard work topped last year’s sales by over 70%. Great work guys!! We are grateful to those of you who donated books and baked goods. Without the great selection given by you, we would not attract so many customers. It is also refreshing to see used books getting a second life in new readers’ hands. Many businesses in the area also assisted. Special thanks go to the Institution for Savings’ Rowley branch, MAC Fitness, and EBSCO Publishing for collecting books at their sites again this year. EBSCO Publishing also loaned a tent and donated 100 reusable shopping bags for our customers. St. Mary’s Church loaned tables for displaying books. We are also grateful to the Rowley Board of Selectmen, Principal Kneeland at the Pine Grove School, Mill River Winery, Market Basket, Lost Treasures, and Old Town Bread for allowing us to display our new lawn signs at their locations. Year after year, the Rowley Gas Exchange allows us to put our banner on their property on the corner of Rt. 1 and Rt. 133 giving us our most visible sign. Rowley House of Pizza continued their support of the Friends of the Rowley Public Library by letting us attach advertising to many pizza boxes. Several other organizations, businesses and media outlets helped advertise the sale and we thank them as well. Back by popular demand, the 2012 Rowley Bag raffle was comprised of donations from Rowley House of Pizza, Winfrey’s Fudge and Chocolates, Backstage Salon and Spa, Back 9 Tavern, American BBQ, Agawam Diner, Old Town Bread and Nancy Judge of Keller Williams Realty. A generous Library patron donated 2 Red Sox tickets to the raffle again this year. Thank you to the Rowley Council on Aging for giving us space to sell raffle tickets at their office. Congratulations to Carol Alukonis and Lyn MacAskill on winning the raffle prizes. Of course, we cannot forget the Town Common for their perennial support of the Library itself and the Friends of the Library. We thank the editor and staff for helping to spread the word about all our fundraisers, events and programs. Once again, I’d like to personally thank the Executive Board of the Friends and Library Director Pam Jacobson. Without their help and that of the tireless volunteers, the sale would not have happened.Salisbury, I am grateful to all.Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley Newburyport, To view this year’s complete list of volunteers, please visit our website, Michelle Ford, Friends of the Rowley Public Library
Town Common
Weekly Community Newspaper
The Town Common e Town Common The Town Common Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common
Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies wburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their Merrimack River Entrance areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and 42o 49’N 070o 49’W include a daytime telephone number. MAY DATE HIGH LOW Letters may be submitted to:
yport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley
Weekly Community Newspaper
Weekly Community Newspaper Rowley TIDE CHART TODD FARM ANTIQUE Weekly Community Newspaper Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley FLEA MARKET
The Editor c/o The Town Common Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01969 or via e-mail to:
We stock OM-PAC The Town Common deadline ECISION is 5pm Wednesday (except when a federal holiday necessitates an , Zuma, Laser SAILBOATS earlier deadline).
16 Wed 9:23 7.57 9:45 8.15 17 Thurs 10:14 7.54 10:29 8.27 18 Fri 11:01 7.54 11:10 8.37 19 Sat 11:43 7.55 11:47 8.44 20 Sun 12:22 7.54 xx xx KAYAKS 21 Mon 12:22 8.47 12:59 7.50 Wilderness Systems - Old Town 22 Perception Tues SAILBOATS 12:57 - Necky8.47 1:35 7.46 23 Wed 1:32We8.43stock 2:11 7.42 Ocean Kayak COM-PAC 24 Thurs 2:09 8.37 2:49 7.40 Canoes
3:52 4:44 5:30 6:12 6:50 7:27 8:02 8:37 9:13
0.76 0.59 0.42 0.29 0.21 0.18 0.20 0.23 0.28
Every Sunday 5 AM to 3 PM!
4:08 4:54 5:36 6:15 6:51 7:26 8:02 8:38 9:17
SUN 0.86 0.93 0.98 1.02 1.06 1.10 1.15 1.19 1.22
5:19 5:18 5:17 5:16 5:15 5:14 5:13 5:13 5:12
8:00 8:01 8:03 8:04 8:05 8:05 8:06 8:07 8:08
PRECISION Rangers - OldSunfish, Town - Radisson KAYAKS Zuma, Laser
KAYAKS Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 Mad River - Old Town - Radisson Wilderness Systems - Old Town 465-0312 Fernald’s Perception - Necky On the River Parker Ocean Kayak Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 Canoes (978) 465-0312 Rangers - Old Town - Radisson Fernald’s 1 col. x 2 inches On the River Parker Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 6+Rt.wks $38.30/week $38.30/week 978465-0312 (978) 465-0312 1 col. x 2 inches
We stock
Send your Organization or Group (978) 465-0312 Notices, Birth or EngagementCOM-PAC 978Announcements, Photos, ArticlesPRECISION and . 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, Sunfish, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Zuma, Laser 978- 465-0312 Rowley, MA 01969 Phone: 978-948-8696 Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail:
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13+ wks $30.70/week Landscape Supplies ... and Landcape Supplies 26+ wks $27.60/week Mulches 13+ wks $30.70/week Graphic Design Services 26+ wks $27.60/week Stone Our 52 wks $24.90/week t 26+ wks $27.60/week 1 col. x 2 inches i s i Advertising Opportunities V Place this ad in our monthly 52 wks $24.90/week Sand Newapublication ! •forAll Shrubs 4 for $99 52 wks $24.90/week an additional t nd 6+ wks $38.30/week Event and Announcement Submissions s m Place this ad in our monthly r • Buy a Tree Fa Loam Place this ad in our monthly $9.75/week.
13+ wks $30.70/week 6+ wks Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor
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Place this ad inpublication our monthlyfor an additional $9.75/week. 978-372-5558 $28.75/week. publication for an additional In loving memory of • Since 1980 Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005) $28.75/week.
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GROVELAND, RtE 97 918 Salem St 978-372-5558
In accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, the Rowley Protective Zoning Bylaw, and the Rowley Planning Board Rules and Regulations, the Rowley Planning Board will conduct a Public Hearing on Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at 8:00 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Town Hall Annex, 39 Central Street, Rowley, MA, relative to Applications for Approval of a Site Plan and Special Permit. The Applicant is Amy Ahearn, d/b/a Down River Ice Cream, 22 Main Street, Essex, MA 01929. The Owners of the property are Richard and Kathleen Ulman, 17 Elm Street, Boxford, MA 01921. The Applications for Approval of a Site Plan and Special Permit are for the renovation of an approximately 354 s.f. existing building into a seasonal homemade ice cream retail establishment with outside window service at 120 Newburyport Turnpike, Unit 7, Rowley, MA, Assessor’s May 14, Block 28. The application, plans, and relative documents are on file with the Rowley Planning Board and are available for public inspection at the Rowley Planning Board Office, Town Hall Annex, 39 Central Street, during public office hours Curtis H. Bryant Chairman
May 16 - 22, 2012
Page 3
Students Showcase Their Art at Provident Bank
Continued from page 1
Newburyport students was created in art classes during the school year, including Introduction to Studio Art, Painting, Drawing, 3-D Art, Ceramics, Portfolio, Photo I, II and III, Computer Animation and Advanced Placement Art. “The students of Newburyport High School are proud to have this opportunity to display our work in a professional environment,” the students collectively wrote in a prepared statement. “Many young artists’ work goes unnoticed, but we are given this chance to stand out from the crowd, and show our work
to people who share our passion for art. We appreciate The Provident Bank graciously and generously inviting us into their lobby.” The Provident Bank has been local promoting artists this way for 15 years. The bank receives no commissions for artwork sold and pays all expenses associated with the exhibit. Originally started by the bank's chairman Bob Becker, when he was president of the bank, the program has promoted at least 75 local artists and sculptors, some of them several times, said Charlie Cullen, the bank president.
“It is a no brainer,” Cullen said. “The community has embraced it. People come into the bank. People love it.” Of the annual display of student art work from the three high schools, Cullen said the young artists and their parents enjoy coming to the bank to see the works on the walls, Cullen said. “It is really good for their self esteem.” Branch Manager Leeanne Corning said the Lobby for the Arts program “is good for the community and good for the school. It gives the students a chance to showcase their artwork.”
a crime scene and understand the justice system. #6 OUTDOOR SKILLS AND ECOLOGY: Students can join Mr. Stone, an enthusiastic teacher, who wants to share important outdoor skills with you and discuss local ecology. During the course the students will plan an outdoor adventure that the students and their families might enjoy. #7 ART THROUGH NATURE: This summer enrichment activity is designed to allow students to explore their natural world around them to inspire them to create natural types of artwork. Each week the students will focus on a different form of artwork, examples include photography, pencil sketching and rubbings, watercolors and sculpture creations. #8 MURAL ART: Students will create a legacy at your school, designing and painting a mural for the high school/ middle school cafeteria. All supplies will be provided and the project will be
facilitated by the high school art teacher. The mural will be added to the wall for permanent display to add life and personality to the cafeteria. #9 MEDIA PRODUCTION: This course introduces students to video camera technique, nonlinear editing (using Final Cut Pro software), and studio production techniques including audio, lighting and green screen. Students will work in groups to create a variety of projects including a five-minute movie short, a stop motion picture and a video scrapbook of the Summer University program. #10 CREATIVE WRITING: Creative Writing is a class that will allow students to write stories, poems, essays and plays. In this class, students will create characters so real that classmates will feel like they know them, settings so realistic that the readers will feel like they’re in that place and plots so interesting that friends and family will want to read more.
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Sea View Retreat
article and participate in a mock news conference. Local athletes will visit to participate in the mock news conferences, and the student reporters will develop interview questions and work the crowd in a press conference atmosphere to learn more about these athletes. #3 ROBOTIC SCIENCE: Always been interested in robots? Students will collaboratively design, build, and program the Lego Robotics’ devices using robotic kits and software. #4 BLAST OFF FOR SPACE: Students will build a space habitat, recreate a trip to Mars, sample various prepared space foods, create a star finder, track a daily space expedition in a journal, craft a model of the moon's phases and learn how to use a planisphere to predict the constellations. #5 FORENSICS & CSI: Students will become a Crime Scene Investigators. They will learn how to collect and analyze evidence, study
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Triton Offers Free Summer Programs
Continued from page 1
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Page 4
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May 16 - 22, 2012
Page 5
Team Triton
Team Triton, the organization dedicated The field chosen for the new Triton Jaffarian donates $50 for each car bought to building the new Triton Stadium, was Stadium has been proven safe, requires or leased at Jaffarian by an individual who launched at a Triton High School assembly virtually no maintenance, and can be used resides in one of the Triton towns. last week. Team Triton members today in any weather. The new track has a lifeTeam Triton was launched with the first include Triton coaches, teachers, staff, expectancy of 25 years. The new lighting showing of the Team Triton Video created parents, alumni, students, and members will provide greater visibility on the field by Triton alumni, Justin Joslin. The video of the community. Everyone in captures the spirit of Triton SUMMER VACATION the Triton community is invited to and underscores the need June 11-15, 9am to 4pm join Team Triton and support the for a new stadium. View June 25-29, 9am to 4pm building of the stadium. The goal is the video on the new TEF Reserve your seat... Sign up NOW... go online to have many different fundraising website created to support events ready to go when school opens Team Triton at: http:// in the fall. The Institution for Savings has Go to the TEF website, sign already kicked off funding for the up for email updates, and Triton Stadium Center with a ‘Like’ the TEF Facebook generous donation to the Triton page for updates on future Education Foundation, Inc. (TEF) Team Triton and Stadium of over a half a million dollars, activities. Information The Town Common Courtesy Photo on how to donate to the approximately 20% of the estimated $2.5 million total construction. Now Triton Marching Band Plays at the TEAM TRITON Triton Stadium is also on TEF has organized Team Triton to Launch Band Members: Alissa Stevenson, Maddie the TEF website. To join raise the additional funds needed for Solomon, Justin Kelley Team Triton contact Triton the 200,000-square-foot stadium. Athletics Director, Donna The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspap The goal is to raise all of the Triton Stadium for all night games and events. Revitalizing Andersen ( or Dina funds with fundraising and private and upgrading the current athletic playing Sullivan, ( donations, not through taxes or funding field and track is crucial to the development Upcoming TEAM TRITON activities from the Triton towns. and safety of student athletes, band, color include: Team Triton is supporting fundraising guard, and cheerleaders. Byfield Days 5K ROAD RACE - Byfield efforts across the community with events The Team Triton Stadium assembly let Center – Saturday, June 16, 2012 and requests for donations. Naming rights students know that the new stadium is really 9:30 a.m. Fun Run & 10:00 a.m. are available for everything from the new an effort to build Triton spirit throughout 5K Race Press Box to benches in the new bleachers. the community and ask for the student’s Triton High School Track Coach The new Triton Stadium Center support in making this happen. Colbert is putting on a 5K Road Race and will encompass facilities for hosting At the assembly Gary Jaffarian of 1Mile Fun Run with all proceeds going to tournaments, meets, games, band concerts, Jaffarian Automotive presented Nancy the Triton Stadium. performing arts, outdoor rallies and events. Taylor, president of the Triton Education LEGALLY BLONDE & MORE - June It will be available to the community for Foundation, with a $1,900 check for the 23, 2012 Open 7 Days town events and youth sports, everything Stadium Fund. Jaffarian has two on-going Triton Arts is planning a revival of this from soccer leagues to Pop Warner. The ways everyone in the Triton community can year’s hit show plus a host of fun ‘Legally Triton community will now have a raise money for the Triton Stadium. Every Blonde’ theme activities. All proceeds go to multi-purpose complex for all kinds of time someone goes to the Jaffarian Facebook the Triton Stadium. activities from walking the track, playing page and ‘Likes’ their page and then clicks SHOEBOX RECYCLING - Donate a game of catch, or getting together for a on ‘Triton’ - another dollar is donated to old shoes and raise funds for the new Triton neighborhood pick-up game. TEF for the Stadium. During the Stadium Stadium. Collection ShoeBoxes are in the Communities across Massachusetts Assembly, the over 500 students were asked main offices of all five Triton schools. 978-948-8696 • • advertise@thetowncommon are installing advanced, synthetic playing to go on Jaffarian’s Facebook page and raise Team Triton. Building a Stadium. fields to increase availability and usage. additional funds for the Stadium. Also, Building a Community.
The Town Common
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Page 6
May 16 - 22, 2012
Community Calendar To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail: the library. This program is designed Classified Ads for teens only. ”CC the Huntress” won
Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $12. Preregistration is WEDNESDAY MORNING the GTN Paranormal Emmy Award for not required. Call 978-462-9998 for RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Specializing in: We Safely Clean: • Homes BIRDING Best Show of the Year for 2011. Teens information about additional programs • Orientals • Offices (Cleaned On-site) Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director if you are interested in Ghost Hunting and events, or visit the Web site at www. • Boats • Cottons Bill Gette and USFWS Calendar veteran David this is the program Continues for you. Registration Community . . ats. . • Mobiles Homes • Wools Weaver for this weekly birding field is required. You must be between ages • Automobiles • Fabrics trip in the Newburyport/Plum Island 12-19. For more information contact COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD • Stain Removal A U T H O R I Z E D LOW MOISTURE CLEANING area. Appropriate for all birding levels. Margie at 978-388-8148 or mwalker@ Rowley Grange will present its annual A S S O C I A T E Wednesday, May 16, 9:30 am - 12:30 Please register on our new Community Service Award on May Fully Insured Free Estimates Call Today pm. Meet at the Joppa Flats Education website at 16th at the Grange Hall, festivities start Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, at 6:00 with a supper and dessert. The Newburyport. $17. Preregistration is FUNDRAISER public is welcome. This is always a very not required. Call 978-462-9998 for The Newburyport Preservation Trust special occasion, as the identity of that LOU@EGBLIVE.COM WWW.T4HCCLEAN.COM information about additional programs announces a fundraising event at person is kept secret. After the supper and events, or visit the Web site at www. Oregano Pizzeria and Restaurant located the presentation will be held upstairs at 16 Pleasant Street, Newburyport, in the hall. There will also be other MA. From lunch to dinner to closing presentations and entertainment. Kim CATMOBILE on Wednesday, May 16th, 2012 Goodhue, well known musician, will The Catmobile will be parked in Oregano’s will donate 20% of their entertain for the rest of the evening. Salisbury at Tom’s Discount Store for proceeds to the Trust. To participate, It will be a fun filled event, why not on May 16 & 30, 2012, 175 Elm St. please tell your server you are a friend help celebrate? This is no charge to the Route 110, Salisbury The Catmobile is or member of the Preservation Trust. public. Come on down and see what the operated by the Merrimack River Feline Details on the Preservation Week events Grange is all about – Family, Fun and Homes - offices commercial/residential Rescue Society (MRFRS) and is staffed will be available at a table within the Friendship. If you plan on attending fully insured/free estimates Deep Cleaned and Dry in 1 Hour by a licensed veterinarian and two restaurant. “We’re always happy to assist PLEASE give them a call at 978-948Specializing in Hard to Clean & veterinary technicians. The Catmobile with fundraising,” says Claude Elias, 5508. Leave a message or call the hall at Dry Clean Only Fabrics offers low cost spay neuter for cats only. owner of Oregano Pizzeria. “Especially 978-948-7288. $978-996-2492 3999 The package consists of spay/neuter, the Newburyport Preservation Trust. $149 WWW.T4HCCLEAN.COM rabies vaccinations, exam, nail trim, They’re doing good work ensuring our WEDNESDAY EVENING treatment for fleas and ear mites. Spay community is educated on preservation LECTURE: TIDE POOLS OF package costs $100 and neuter package issues.” Newburyport celebrates and PLUM ISLAND costs $75. The package is available to commemorates historic preservation Joppa Flats Teacher-Naturalist Lisa anyone and there is no qualification and Newburyport's Waterfront Hutchings presents a narrated slide show process; however reservations are during the sixth annual Newburyport on the wildlife of our local tide pools. required and can be made online at Preservation Week, May 16 through Wednesday, May 16, 7:30 pm – 8:30 or by calling 978- May 20, 2012. Activities spanning pm. Meet at the Joppa Flats Education 465-1940. five days will feature something for Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Dealer Name and Address all ages and interests, including a Newburyport. $4. Preregistration is Dealer Phone Number SALE DATE & TIMES CELEBRATE SPRING walking tour and musket firing, expert not required. Call 978-462-9998 for RT. 1, Swing into Spring, Wednesday May panel discussion and rediscovered information about additional programs 978-887-2424 16th @ Noon. You are invited to Newburyport’s wharves, the connection and events, or visit the Web site at www. celebrate Spring with us, enjoy specially between the Newburyport Powder made complimentary Strawberry House, the waterfront and preparation Shortcake while listening in or joining for the War of 1812, historic photo THURSDAY, MAY 17th Ron Souther of R&J DJ. In celebration slide shows and films, and the annual GRANITE & STONE Granite of you and Older Americans Month. Historic Preservation Awards. Activities INTRODUCTION TO THE BIRDS Posts From Naturally Elegant and FREE Sponsored by Atria Merrimack are open to the public and most are AT COGSWELL’S GRANT $ 105. Surprisingly Affordable! Place. Please call to pre-register 978- free. For more information, visit www. Explore Historic New England’s 462-2412 beautiful Cogswell’s Grant for a treasure Granite trove of birds followed by refreshments Custom Cutting is Our Specialty! Steps CC THE HUNTRESS-GHOST WEDNESDAY EVENING in the historic house. Led by Mass From Steps, Posts, Hearths, Mantels, Pavers, HUNTING FOR TEENS BIRDING Audubon Sanctuary Director Bill Gette. $ 94. CC the Huntress will be at the Amesbury Join Sanctuary Director Bill Gette Thursday, May 17, 5:00-7:00 pm. Meet Edging, Curbing, Cobblestone, Flagstone, Public Library on Wednesday, May to look for springtime birds during at Cogswell’s Grant on Spring Street in Fieldstone, Wallstone, Benches, Fountains, Mailbox 16 at 3:30. She will talk about the the quiet part of the day. Wednesday, Essex. $14. Preregistration is required. Posts Bird Baths, Pool Coping, Wall Cap, Veneers, From different ghosts she has run into. She May 16, 5:30-7:30 pm. Meet at Mass Call 978-462-9998 for information $ 199. Flagging, Granite Signs, & Custom Fabrication might even do some ghost hunting at Audubon’s Joppa Flats Education about additional programs and events, or Includes visit the Web site at www.massaudubon. Bracket org/joppaflats. WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th
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HOME DÉCOR TIPS: CREATING A FRESH LOOK WITH FAMILIAR PIECES Are you tired of the same old home décor? Do you think this is the time to save money rather than spend it on new furnishings? If so, the Rowley Public Library, 144 Main St, is the place to be Thursday, May 17 at 7:00. That’s when Kerri Durkee of Functional Home Designs provides a lively presentation on “Creating a Fresh Look with Familiar Pieces.” Find out how to spruce up your abode with things you already possess. Free and open to the public Info 978948-2372
May 16 - 22, 2012 MEET THE CANDIDATES The Georgetown and Groveland Republican Town Committees along with the 6th District Chapter of MARA are co-sponsoring a Meet the Candidates Debate at Erie 4 fire station, 474 North Street, Georgetown on May 17th at 7 p.m. The debate will be among the Republican primary candidates for the 2nd Essex State Representative seat. The candidates are Bob Cronin of Boxford, Gary Fowler of Georgetown, and Lenny Mirra of West Newbury. The towns in the 2nd Essex are Boxford, Georgetown, Groveland, Merrimac, Newbury, and West Newbury. If you care about taxes, government expansion, gas taxes, where your money goes & what these candidates have to offer you as a taxpayer, this is the place to be. Think global, but ACT local! This could be the best hour and a half of the of the election season as we get to know our future state representative! All are welcome. Light refreshments will be available for a donation to help offset the costs of the event. For more information, please contact Leigh Ann Berry at 978.373.4664 or FRIDAY, MAY 18th FRIDAY MORNING BIRD WALKS: FOCUS ON WARBLERS Join local columnist Steve Grinley of the Bird Watcher’s Supply and Gift for this early morning look around local birding hot spots. Friday, May 18, 8:00-11:00 am. Meet at Mass Audubon’s Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $15. Preregistration is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at joppaflats. SPRING BIRDING AT ROUGH MEADOWS
merchants who made and risked their fortunes on the sea. Location: Custom House Maritime Museum, 25 Water Street, Newburyport, MA 01950 Admission: $15 Fee for non members, $10 Fee for members. Reception following. Newburyport celebrates and commemorates historic preservation and Newburyport's Waterfront during the sixth annual Newburyport Preservation Week, May 16 through May 20, 2012. Activities are open to the public and most are free. For more information, CELEBRATING ART IN THE visit LIBRARY The Ipswich Public Library is pleased EXIT DANCE CELEBRATES 25 to announce its spring open house. This YEARS event will offer Ipswich residents a time Exit Dance has long been a staple of the to explore the works of both emerging local arts scene. Twenty five years long and world-renowned local artists. as it turns out. Come and celebrate with Ipswich has a unique place in the history them when Exit Dance performs their of New England along with its great annual spring recital at the Firehouse natural beauty. This event runs from Center for the Arts (Market Square, May 18, 19, & 20 and may be viewed Newburyport) Friday – Saturday, during regular library hours. Come join May 18-19 at 8pm. Tickets are $16 us for an evening of fun while viewing for Students/Seniors/Members, $19 the library’s art collection. During the Adults; and may be purchased at the open house on Friday, May 18th, light Box Office (Wed-Sun, 12N-5P), by refreshments will be served from 6-8 telephone (978/462-7336) or online at P.M. Free admission and everyone in the community is welcome. This event is SATURDAY, MAY 19th jointly sponsored by the Ipswich Public Library Art Exhibit Committee and the WEST NEWBURY GARDEN CLUB Friends of the Ipswich Public Library. PLANT SALE The West Newbury Garden Club is WATER STREET holding its annual plant sale on Saturday, ENTREPRENEURS OF May 19, at the Training Field, Route MARITIME NEWBURYPORT Friday, May 18th from 7:00 - 9:00 113 (Main Street), from 8:30 to 11:30 pm the Newburyport Preservation a.m, rain or shine. This year's sale will Trust proudly presents a lecture and feature a wide variety of perennial sun photographic essay by Skip Motes on and shade plants dug from members' Adventures: Water Street Entrepreneurs gardens. Special attractions include of Maritime Newburyport. He will baked goods, certified organic herbs, explore the beginning of colonial and heirloom tomatoes. Parking for the maritime trade, the launching of the sale is available behind the Old Town Continental frigate Boston, the turmoil Hall across the street. Come join us for of the quasi war with France, and the a great morning and give your garden a challenges of the 1807 - 1809 embargo boost! For more information about club and War of 1812. Come learn about the Continued on page 9 Join Bill Gette, Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director, to look for spring migrants in Mass Audubon’s newest wildlife sanctuary: Rough Meadows in Rowley. Friday, May 18, 8:30-11:30 am. Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $21. Preregistration is required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at joppaflats.
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Letters To The Editor May 16 - 22, 2012
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Community Announcements AUDITIONS FOR ‘ONCE ON THIS ISLAND’ - TTS Players will be holding auditions for its upcoming production of “Once On This Island, Jr.,” directed and choreographed by Stephanie Schapero. Based on “The Little Mermaid” by Hans Christian Anderson and the book “My Love, My Love” by Rosa Guy,. Auditions will take place on Wednesday, May 23, and Thursday, May 24, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Byfield Community Arts Center, 7 Central St., Byfield. Auditions are open to all area youth between the ages of 8 -18. For more information visit or contact Mike Fay at 978-476-6053, or Sarah via e-mail at -----------------------------------------------------------GEORGETOWN - The Young Adult book club will meet on Tuesday May 29th from 3-4pm. We will be discussing "Bitterblue" by Kristin Cashore and "Death Sentence" by Alex Gordon Smith. Request these books now! If you have any questions contact the library at 352-5728 for details. Family movie nights will be held on May 22nd from 6-8pm. We will be showing "Toy Story" (1995) which is rated G and is 89 minutes. On June 6th from 6-8pm we will be showing the "Scooby Doo's Original Mysteries" which is 110 minutes long. Come enjoy these movies by bringing some popcorn and pillows to relax on. Free Admission. -----------------------------------------------------------For GEORGETOWN - Sale Pentucket Workshop Preschool is having an on-line auction to defray our moving costs. Now until 5/30. Go to: Benefitevents. • com to see over 50 items or visit website for a direct link -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURY - To learn more about the Growing Together Sunday School, visit the First Parish Church of Newbury on May 20, Children's Sunday. A special children's worship service is planned for 10 a.m. A community cookout will follow the Children's Sunday worship celebration. The church is located at 20 High Road, (Route 1A), Newbury. • • -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - Belleville Congregational Church will be hosting a community yard sale on Saturday, May 26th from 8am-1pm. This is a great location with plenty of visibility. The public is invited to rent spaces; $20 for one table. This is a shine only event and funds will be refundable in case of inclement weather. Don’t miss this opportunity to get rid of unwanted items, make some money and support Belleville Church. Crafters are also welcome. For more information or to reserve a table, please contact us at (978) 465-7734 or email us at -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - The Rowley Board of Selectmen and V.F.W. Post 5707 invite and encourage all veterans of the town to participate and attend the planned ceremony and parade observing Memorial Day on Monday, May 28th , 2012 at 1:30 p.m. Please plan to join the parade attendees at 1:00 p.m. where the organizing efforts begin at the VFW parking lot on Bradford Street. It will be an honor for the Town of Rowley to have all veterans participate. For more information contact the Selectmen’s office at 978-948-2372 or 978-948-2705. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - The Rowley Children's Center will be having a Bake Sale and a Yard Sale on Saturday May 19th, 2012 to benefit No Child Hungry to end childhood Hunger. To coincide with the bake sale will be a yard sale that will benefit Birth to Three in Ipswich. They are looking for donation items for the yard sale from the communities. We are accepting most items, excluding TV's and large furniture. The drop off times for donating to the yard sale will be Tuesdays thru Fridays from 9-12, beginning on May 1st and continuing through the 15th. For more information contact Nancy Garland-Wren at 978-948-7929. -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY COA HILTON SENIOR Center 43 Lafayette Rd Salisbury is open to all a. To register or for more information call the Hilton Center at 978-462-2412 - Dr. Dan’s Dynamic Weight Loss Program, Thursday, May 31st @ Noon - Dr. Dan has developed a program to help patients see and feel the benefits of weight loss faster than ever before, promoting a traditional diet of whole, nutrient dense food grown, prepared and eaten the way Mother Nature intended. Patients report significantly improved health when they transition from a modern diet to a traditional diet and stay with it on an ongoing basis. The Dynamic Weight Loss Program is intended to reset your metabolism over 12 weeks while helping you to safely lose at least 12-20 lbs. If you have more weight to lose, you can repeat the program as often as needed. Please call to pre-register 978-462-2412
Community Connections
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Margot G. Birke, Attorney at Law
If you don’t plan your estate, the state will plan it for you.
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ROWLEY GRANGE NOTES… Good Deeds: Quietly and Members of the Rowley Without Fanfare Grange. Many town folks Rowley Grange has existed have no idea of the good for 118 years, and yet few deeds you do quietly and townspeople know little without fan-fare. Personally, about the organization. The we are humbled and thankful world changed greatly in to you for your part in those years: WWI, WWII, providing scholarship monies P: Conflict, 978-948-8696 F:three 978-948-2564 Korean and Vietnam • for of our grandchildren would make changes to the as they entered colleges from American life style. Where the Triton School. once everyone farmed to Namely, this year Tyler some extent, be it just a Ferrick will graduate from vegetable garden, or perhaps Unity College in Maine. He some chickens and a cow for has maintained excellent fresh milk, everything today is grades throughout the four at our fingers tips and in years and has worked partsome cases, 24/7. time at the school and full Rowley Grange, as have most time during the summer Granges here in the east, breaks to fund his school evolved with the changing expenses. Presently he is farm scene. Today, most sending resumes and will be Massachusetts Granges are searching for employment in engaged in community the field of “Conservation Law service. Rowley Grange has a Enforcement”, hopefully in distinguished history of the New England area after service to the Rowley he graduates in May. Community, but how many Secondly, Nick Arsenault people really know what will be finishing his second Grange does? year at the University of Rowley Grange has received a Tampa in Florida. He is letter written April 5th, 2012, studying “Finance”, loves it which we would like to share and is maintaining high with you. marks. To the members of The Since Morgan Ferrick Rowley Grange: graduated from Johnson & We wish to express our Wales, she has been thanks and appreciation to transferred the headquarters the faithful, hard-working of the Freeman Convention
Contact your Advertising Consultant today!
Rowley Grange helps the community – won’t you join us? Rowley Grange, 29 Central St., P.O. Box 49, Rowley, MA 01969 Hall phone: 978-948-7288
Management Company in Dallas Texas. She is being trained in the various aspects of this company. She is one of their youngest employees chosen for this training. Your belief in them, by giving each of them scholarships has promoted a belief in themselves. It is wonderful to see this transformation from uncertain teenagers to positive, knowledgeable adults who can and will contribute to our society in positive ways. Sincere thanks, Don & Amber Hovey Grange to Present 2012 Community Service Award Rowley Grange will present its 2012 award on May 16th. The 7:30 presentation will be preceded by an American chop suey supper at 6:30. If you plan to attend, please call 978-465-5508 and make a reservation. Members of the Bradstreet Farms Community Garden Group are invited to attend as well as Rowley residents.
UPCOMING EVENTS April is Grange Month! May 16th – 6:00 supper Followed by Open Meeting 7:30 p.m. at Rowley Grange Hall. Community Citizen Award to be given. May 23rd – Turkey Pie Supper Seatings at 5 and 6 p.m., serve until 7 p.m. See SUPPER NOTES below. June 6th - Reunion Night for 2006-2011 Recipients of Sarah Wallis Peabody Scholarship. 7:30 pm All Welcome to attend June 20th – 118th Anniversary Dinner Details TBA June 27th – Oven BBQ chicken Seatings at 5 and 6 p.m. serve until 7 p.m. SUPPER NOTES: Reservations are encouraged. Call 978948-2635 or 978-948-7288. Give your name, number in your party and the time of seating. To go dinners are also available. Reservations provide a $1 off your supper.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR GRANGE SUPPERS Rowley Grange welcomes volunteers. This is a great opportunity to meet some fun people, and an opportunity for those students who need to complete community service obligations. At this time we could use some extra volunteers to help with cleanup, which starts at 7 PM and takes about an hour. If you’d like to give us a hand, Call 978-465-5508 or email
Have you ever thought about joining the Grange? Grange membership is open to both men and women, ages 14 years and up. There are many activities for all, and especially the youth, who have the opportunity to meet other Grange youth from the State and New England. The MA State Grange also has a scholarship and education loan program for members.
Childcare Available Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays Located at the Garrison Inn 11 Brown Square, Newburyport
May 16 - 22, 2012 Continued from page 7
Sale. On Saturday, May 19 from 9 a.m. to Noon, Our Lady of Hope Parish, activities visit will hold a plant sale offering a variety of annuals and perennials. Please call COME ONE! COME ALL!! the rectory 978-356-3944 for more ANNUAL HISTORICAL information. All proceeds will go to SOCIETY’s PLANT SALE The Rowley Historical Society is having Our Lady of Hope's Youth Programs its’ Annual Plant Sale on Saturday, and Events. May 19th from 9:00 a.m. till 1:00p. m. (Rain date: May 20th, Sunday) on THE WONDER AND THE WOW: the Margaret Scott Green across from A VISIT TO THE BIRD BANDING the 1677 Platts-Bradstreet House, STATION 233 Main St., Route 1A, Rowley, Ma. Family educator Lisa Hutchings takes There is always a wonderful selection adults only outside to discover the of annuals and perennials for sale. wonders of the bird banding station Everyone is welcome. We look forward on the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge. Saturday, May 19, 9:00-11:30 to seeing you! am. Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, 3RD ANNUAL YARD SALE & Newburyport. $17. Preregistration BAKED GOODS SALE Saturday, May 19, 2012 - 9 AM - 1 is required. Call 978-462-9998 for PM (Rain Date Sun May 20th) 39 information about additional programs Central St. (Town Hall Annex) Space and events, or visit the Web site at www. Rental $15.00 Baked Good Donations Welcome! Call COA 978-948-7637 or Yard Coordinator 978-948-2679 to SATURDAY MORNING BIRDING reserve space or donate baked goods. Weekly trip with experienced leaders Proceeds go to the Friend of the Rowley in a search for avian activity in the Newburyport/Plum Island area. For COA to benefit Seniors. beginners and birders of all skill levels. Saturday, May 19, 9:30–11:30 am. Meet ANNUAL PLANT & BAKE SALE The Whittier Home Museum at 86 at Joppa Flats Education Center, One Friend Street, Amesbury, welcomes Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. spring with its Annual Plant & Garden Adults $10; Children ages 8 and up Sale on Saturday, May 19th from 9:00 $7. Preregistration is not required. Call am – 1:00 pm rain or shine. Cynthia 978-462-9998 for information about Costello, President of WHA, welcomes additional programs and events, or visit one and all to enjoy the beauty of the the Web site at garden while enjoying homemade joppaflats. pastries and breads.Donations of any of the above items are appreciated OPEN HOUSE and can be left at the Whittier home Kay’s Interiors, now at 144 Newburyport on Friday, morning, May 18, from 9- Turnpike, Rowley, invites you to 12, or call 978-388-1337 for pickup a Grand Opening Open House on Saturday, May 19th from 10am to arrangements. 5pm. Pizza & refreshments, free raffles & prizes. PLANT & BAKE SALE May 19, Hampton Garden Club Plant and Bake sale from 9 - 1:00 p.m. PICK YOUR PATH TO HEALTH at the Town Hall parking lot, 100 AND WELLNESS Winnacunnet Rd. Hampton, NH. In honor of National Women’s Health Event will include, perennials, herbs, Week and National Senior Month, house plants, bake good and raffle the YWCA Greater Newburyport items. For more information contact is sponsoring a “Pick Your Path to Health and Wellness” Health Fair on Sandy Taube at 926-7914 May 19th, 1-4 pm at the YWCA’s 13 Market St facility. Senior citizens are IPSWICH PLANT SALE 3rd Annual Our Lady of Hope Parish welcome to attend with their spouses, One Pineswamp Road, Ipswich Plant families, and caregivers. Topics covered
will include hearing, nutrition, active living, chiropractics, blood pressure screenings, eye health, dental health and denture care, breast health and Medicare and Medicaid Services. Participants can join in fitness classes in the group exercise room and in the warm water pool. The front parlor will be set up for Scrabble, card games and tea! For more information contact Ellie Davis at (978) 465–9922, Ext. 15 or edavis@ HISTORICAL HAMPTON WALK THROUGH THE PAST & PRESENT BUSINESS COMMUNITY The first of three historical walks of 2012 will take place Saturday May 19th 2012 at 1 pm with Betty Moore and Karen Raynes taking you down memory lane in Hampton. This new walk will be about the past & present business community in Hampton. Reservations are requested by calling the Tuck Museum at 603929-0781. A $10.00 per person fee insures future walks. Brochure of the walk is included. This is a great way to get to know your town. Sponsored by the Hampton Historical Society & the Tuck Museum. WHITE FARMS FAMILY DAY White Farms Family Day May 19th 13. Free pony rides, live music and face painting and more. I also would like to put in there somewhere that we have been making ice cream for almost 60 years and to come down and see why we have been ranked best in Boston, best ice cream NECN, best of north shore magazine and featured on chronicle. 326 High Street Ipswich (978) 3562633 PARKER RIVER CANOE/KAYAK TRIP The Parker River Clean Water Association invites everyone to join them on Saturday, May 19th from 1 PM to 3 PM for their Annual Parker River Canoe/Kayak Trip. The trip will begin off Middle Road (Near the Governor’s Academy) and end at the site of the First Settlers Landing near the Lower Green in Byfield. This is a great opportunity to step back in time and view fantastic wildlife scenery as the trip meanders
Page 9
Restaurant and
Award Winning Restaurant Opens at 5 p.m. Bar Menu & Fine Dining Childcare Available Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays Located at the Garrison Inn 11 Brown Square, Newburyport
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Continued on page 10
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Page 10
Save Money on Electricity
May 16 - 22, 2012 GILLIGAN AND MACY QUARTET The Cat in the Cradle Coffeehouse, hosted by the Byfield Community Arts Center, will welcome the Gilligan and Macy Quartet on May 19. Doors open at 7:30, music starts at 8:00. Admission is $5.00 at the door. The Byfield Community Arts Center is handicap accessible, has plenty of free parking, and is conveniently located at 7 Central Street, Byfield. telephone 978-4633335,
Continued from page 9
through the salt water marsh section of the Parker River. Participants must have Prepackaged Stand Only Solar Kit their own canoe or kayak. Life jackets are required. Seats may be available Simple Plug & Play Starter Kit by prior arrangement for a few people who do not have their own boats. This trip is suitable for families and paddlers with some experience. Dress weatherThis system includes: appropriate and we suggest you bring • 2 Solar World Modules, water, snacks, and a camera. To register 255W mono for the trip or for more information, • Morningstar Tristar 45 please call or email our office at 978 462- THE GENERAL amp Charge Controller 2551 or email Join the Ipswich Music, Art and • 4 Trojan T-105RE 6V Drama Association for an evening of Batteries “PICK YOUR PATH TO HEALTH adventure, romance and exceptional • MidNite DC Disconnect AND WELLNESS” HEALTH FAIR music on Saturday, May 19 when MNDC175, 175A In honor of National Women’s Health world-renowned organist David Briggs Week and National Senior Month, the provides the soundtrack for the silent • Samplex PSE-24275A YWCA Greater Newburyport is comedy/adventure movie “The General,” 24VDC Inverter (no sponsoring a “Pick Your Path to Health starring Buster Keaton, at the Ascension charger) and Wellness” Health Fair on May 19th, Memorial Church, 31 County St., • 3 Battery interconnect 1-4 pm at the YWCA’s 13 Market Street Ipswich. Briggs will offer a pre-film talk cables 2/0x12” facility. Senior citizens are welcome to and demonstration at 7:30 p.m. The 255 Lafayette Rd. Seabrook, N.H. • Black Inverter-Battery attend with their spouses, families, and movie is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. Cable 2/0x5’ caregivers. Participants can join in fitness Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for • Red Inverter-Battery classes in the group exercise room and in students/seniors and may be purchased See it at our store Cable 2/0x5’ the warm water pool. The front parlor at the door. For more information call • Mounting Hardware (optional + call for pricing) will be set up for Scrabble, card games 978-356-3137, ext. 372. IMADA is a • Xantex TR 2424, 2400 Watt, 24VDC Inverter/Charger and tea! For more information contact parent group supporting the fine arts in (optional +$250) Ellie Davis at (978) 465–9922, Ext. 15 the Ipswich middle and high schools. System is built to be expandable. or SUNDAY, MAY 20th THE GATHERING CAFE COFFEE HOUSE 17TH ANNUAL STRUT FOR The spring coffee house series will STRAYS come to a close on Saturday, May The Merrimack River Feline Rescue 19th at 7 PM. Featured will be two Society is pleased to invite supporters wonderful and extremely gifted acts: to join its 17th annual Strut for Strays guitarist extraordinaire and composer fundraising event at the Bartlet Mall GARDEN CENTER Bob Lamson from Gorham, ME, and in Newburyport on Sunday, May, 20 & NURSERY guitarist, singer/songwriter Scott Lee from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pets are Corliss Bros. sales yard is bursting with colors from Millis, MA. The event is free, but a welcome. with a selection of plant material right now that free-will offering will be taken. Location: Ipswich Church of the Nazarene, 79 SPRING AUCTION is unbelievable! Turnpike Rd (Route 1), just north of St. James Episcopal Church in Just in time for adding Linebrook Rd in the Tri-City Sales plaza. Groveland is hosting its Simple Gifts • color to your yard. For more information, call 781-341- Auction on May 20 at 11:15 am. The 2015, e-mail auction will help to support the church’s
30% Tax Savings
Atlantic Green Energy Solar Store 603-474-2550
e Town Common
696 • Community Newspaper ekly
26 Newburyport Tpke. (Route 1) . Rowley, MA 01969 (978)948-8700
DEDICATION Because she touched the lives of the Pine Grove School Community, with Caring and Leadership. They are pleased to announce the dedication and naming of the Pat Marshall Link Art Gallery. Please join them for a reception at Pine Grove School, 191 Main St, Rowley on Sunday, May 20th from 2-4. Donations in Pat’s name can be sent to RPEF. ‘Friends of Pat’ Art Show will be on display. Light refreshments will be served. MONDAY, MAY 21st CEMETERY MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Byfield Cemetery Association will be held on Monday, May 21st at 7pm at the Byfield Parish Church, 132 Jackman St, Georgetown.
Talk to us.
31 Essex Rd. (Rte. 133), Ipswich 978-356-5422 .
• Open 2 4 Hours/365 Day • State-o f-the-Art Equ s ipment • Cardio Theatre Ente rtain • Free W Feel energetic. eights - Dum ment bbells up to 1 • Certifie Look healthy. 00 lbs. d Pe • 24-Hou rsonal Training: Private/S Be strong. r Digital Secu emi-Private C rity lasses Make life better. • Secure , Cle • Certifie an Environment d Nutriton/He Free personal alth Coach A • CPR Tra vailable training consultation ined Staff for new members • Access Over 1600 C lubs Nationw ide
LUNCH WITH BOARDMAN Newburyport Preservation Trust Fundraiser - Catered Lunch and Lecture on Captain Offin Boardman - Sunday, May 20th from 12:30 - 2:30 pm the Newburyport Preservation Trust proudly presents a lunch and lecture in the elegant, privately owned Federal style home on 190 High Street in Newburyport, MA. Admission: $30 Limited seating. For reservations, go to and buy tickets, call Linda Miller at 978.462.9079 or email Carrie Hometh at
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activities and 10% of the proceeds will be given to the Barbara C. Harris Youth Camp in MA. There are special items for kids to bid on (from 25 cents to $3) and a raffle for 4 Red Sox tickets ($5 each) and an I-pod Nano ($1 each or 6 for $5). For information and to purchase raffle tickets, please call 978 373-1270. Location: St. James Episcopal Church, 119 Washington St., Groveland.
What kind of law do we do? Estate plans. Civil litigation. Criminal defense. Business law. Representing clients before Town boards. And more. Need a lawyer? Come see us.
GRAF RINK Learn to Skate
Arthur K. Ross, Jr. •
GRAF RINK NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR ITS LEARN TO SKATE & TINY TOTS PROGRAMS Space is limited. All classes are taught by professional coaches who have been hired by North Shore Rink Management. Please contact the rink at (978) 462-8112 or visit their website at for more information. Graf Skating Rink, 28 Low St. Newburyport 978.462.8112
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978-463-5424 978-994-8111 38 Cable Ave Salisbury, MA 01952
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54 State Street Newburyport, MA 01950
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May 16 - 22, 2012
Pets, Animals, Plus
Page 11
Rowley Pharmacy, Inc.
Health & Fitness
Brighter Smiles...
Cards • Gifts • Surgical Supples Fast Friendly Service Accepting most third party plans Including CVS Caremark $10 Generic Rx Program
Made in China
I just returned from my semi-annual journey to my dental lab in Georgia where I meet with a group of dentists who share both the laboratory we use and the passion for excellence in what we do. The topic of dental restorations made overseas came up. Mr. Terry Fohey, certified dental technician and owner of NuCraft Dental Arts, one of the finest dental laboratories in the country, believes that a dental patient should have the right to know where the materials are coming from that are being put in their mouth. China and other countries can claim to use specific materials, but there are no regulations in place to verify the information. There are also no regulations that allow a dental patient the right to know where the materials came from that are being placed in his/her mouth. With the help of a State Senator from Georgia, Mr. Fohey is proposing legislation requiring dental laboratories to disclose to the dentist the material contents and point of origin of every
dental restoration. It would also require the dentist to disclose the information to the patient should the patient ask. Would it make a difference to you whether or not your crown was being made in the United States or not? Why are some dentists and dental laboratories farming out dental restorations overseas? Like everything else in the world, money is the reason. I get advertisements in the mail daily of dental laboratories able to make crowns for ridiculously low prices. It apparently sounds enticing to some practitioners. Wonder why some dentist’s fees are higher or lower than others for this service? There are actually many factors that go into the creation of a fee for a procedure that requires a laboratory expense. The patient never sees the laboratory expense in most cases because it is built into the total fee. Clinical experience, clinical skill, office overhead, time required, and nature of the practice are all things that go into the creation of a fee. The cost of the laboratory procedures also greatly affects the cost for the dental procedure. Let’s take crowns for example. I have seen laboratory fees advertised as low as $39 per crown and know of other dental labs whose fee is a few hundred dollars per tooth. Some patients would accept a lower quality product going into their mouth for a lower cost and others would not.
Eat, Drink
There are even machines you can buy that can fabricate crowns while you wait. There are many choices. It is basically up to the dentist to decide what he/she feels is in the best interest of the patient based on knowledge and skill. In my experience, laboratories that cost more tend to make a better product. That better product which gets put in your mouth is a direct reflection on the dentist placing it. Excellent lab work, however, does not make up for less than perfect clinical skills. I have been in practice for 16 years. It took me a good 7 years to find a laboratory that meshed with what I try to accomplish for my patients…..and believe me, it was painful getting there. We live in an ever-changing world. I try to buy American as often as possible, but realize that it is not always feasible. Mr. Fohey summed it up this way, “This bill is simply about disclosure. It does not restrict anyone from importing dentistry. Instead, it just makes us all play by the same rules.” Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at You can view all previously written columns at
169 Main Street Rowley, Massachusetts 019699
Good health isn’t acciDENTAL. General & Complex Restorative Care Dental Implants • Periodontist on Staff • Mercury-free Dentistry • Grinding/Clenching Therapy • Custom Dentures • Appearance-Related Dentistry • •
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Business Spotlight
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May 16 - 22, 2012
Real Estate • For Sale “Kwitcherbellyaching” • Sports • through “Kwitcherbellyaching!” That’s what strong work ethic. It was rooted in family to advance the housing market in Sports Sports I heard for much of my youth from who passed through Ellis Island and suffered For Sale
parents who had suffered and worked harder than most of the generation they produced. There was plenty of life between “Kwitcherbellyaching” and “Use your head for something besides a hat rack.” That life was chock full of love, laughter, tears and a
America. fools badly. There is a common thread that Our democracy based on capitalism runs through families like my own, although works and it works like a charm in the it seems a bit harder to find housing market. If you on the news these days. I want to own a home, work wonder what has happened hard, save as much as you to personal accountability. can and pay your bills on I sat glued to the news time. If you want to own a this week as hundreds bigger home, work harder, of politicians, industry save more and pay your bills captains and economy early. Following that age old experts offered opinions philosophy will put you on about the state of our the road that leads you to the economy and country. I bank, to me and to your own heard frightening words. I new front door. saw panicked expressions. BY JANET HILTON, Those who would BROKER, ESQ., I watched hands in the conspire and collude to take air and fingers pointing COUNTRY CROSSROADS from those who have to give across party lines. I listened to those who have not would with a REALTOR’s® ear as I heard one fair better somewhere else in the world accounting after the other of how we with a society that does not encourage and “ended up” like this with the housing reward hard work. market. I then heard somewhere within The housing market has reacted my “hat rack”……nearly unperceivable, normally to the bacteria with which it has but definitely thick with a familiar old been infected. What we have witnessed brogue…… “Kwitcherbellyaching!” is not the “bursting of a bubble”. We are The ability to obtain financing for seeing first hand the draining of a purulent housing has always been inextricably linked boil. As one who has practiced in both the to one’s ability to pay. The process of lending healthcare field and the real estate industry, responsibly is central to safeguarding the I know that the healing starts when the puss American dream for those who have worked has been drained and the wound is cleaned. hard enough to achieve it. Even as I write, the banks will not Within the past years, however, two give money to anyone unless they have things happened. First, a “Ponzi” scheme demonstrated even more carefully than ever developed whereby if a consumer had a that they can pay it back. As a REALTOR®, pulse, he was granted money that he would I know that the festering boil is over and never be able to repay. Certain “Ponzi” that is a good thing for my business and conspirators who are responsible for this for my country. There will be a road to abomination made a lot of money from bad recovery but few dare forecast how long that loans. Secondly, too many Americans who road will be.There will never be a property have a duty to protect all Americans did that can not be sold and there will never not “use their heads for something besides be a bank that can not lend to a buyer a hat rack.” who is qualified to buy that property, so We REALTORS® are not in the “Kwitcherbellyaching” and “Use your head business of housing just anybody. We house for something besides a hat rack.” Americans who have more opportunity to Janet Hilton, a former practicing Attorney, realize dreams in the most extraordinary Critical Care RN is a Broker/Realtor who with “experiment” in the history of the world we her husband, retired Lynn Fire Lieutenant call the Constitution of the United States of George Hilton, owns and operates Country America. We walk Americans up the steps Crossroads Realty at 28 Bay Rd. South to their first homes. We open the doors Hamilton. For excellent Real Estate services, to second and third homes as the family call 978-468-5910, cell 781-405-4867 or dynamic changes over years of working hard email
Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness
Listen to Kathryn’s radio program every Friday at 7:45 am on WNBP 1450 AM.
PRESTIGE Contact your Advertising Consultant today!
P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 Kathryn O’Brien, M.Ed. Direct Line: 978-465-1322 Email: .net Website:
Groveland Open House on May 20th Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Our Featured Property of the Week 11 Hardy Avenue in Groveland Better Than New – plenty of room in this 2,500 s.f. center entrance colonial w/fabulous upgrades, inviting kitchen with cherry cabinets and stainless steel appliances, FHW/gas plus central air, 2 master suites on 2nd floor with private baths. 2-car garage, outside shower, large deck overlooking expansive lawn. All on a quiet dead-end street. $449,000
Check out Kathryn’s other listings at or call her at 978-465-1322
Rowley: Well cared for Split on a quiet country road is looking for its second owner. Three bedrooms all have hardwood floors as do the living room and dinNewest Listing! ing room. Two finished rooms on the lower level plus a half bath. Central air, whole house fan, 3 season porch and nice level backyard with one car garage and shed. New roof in 2011. Being offered at $299,900. Call John at 978-835-2573 for an appointment to view.
ROWLEY REALTY 165 Main St., P.O. Box 101, Rowley, MA 01969 Phone 978-948-2758 • Fax 978-948-2454
May 16 - 22, 2012
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May 16 - 22, 2012
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IN-HOME SENIOR CARE Companionship, meals, errands, housekeeping, Senior Homecare by Angels! hygiene & respite. You Choose Your Caregiver from our experienced staff! p Experienced Caregivers Welcome to Apply Call 978-462-6162
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You Ewes and Rams will find your ideas cheered by a mostly receptive flock. Those few dissenters could well be turned around by your charm and powers of persuasion. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) It's time for the bold and beautiful Bovine to shake off the dust of the past and shape up with new ideas for the future. This could surprise some folks, but they'll soon adjust. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Those nagging new doubts about an upcoming decision should alert you to step back (at least temporarily) so you can reassess its potential impact from a new perspective. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) That unpleasant situation you hoped would go away by itself needs immediate attention before it affects an upcoming decision. Expect your supporters to rally around your cause. LEO (July 23 to August 22) You're moving up and away from that recent setback. But remain cautious about finances. An exercise in thrift today helps cushion a possible end-ofthe-month money squeeze. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) You're still dealing with overtones of pessimism that cause you to doubt your ability to make some needed changes. But the negative pressures will ease up by week's end.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) There could be some fallout from the way you handled a recent family problem. But those who know that you were in the right won't hesitate to step in on your behalf. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Financial strains ease by week's end. Meanwhile, focus on cultivating that new relationship if you hope to have it blossom into something more meaningful. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Health matters once again dominate the week. Be careful not to ignore recurrences of an old problem. An almost-forgotten commitment resurfaces. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) The emergence of an unusual selfish streak could dismay those close to you. Defy it -- don't justify it -- so you can become your gracious self again. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Reassess your decision to stay with the status quo. It might seem like the sensible thing to do right now, but changes around you could make that choice a risky one. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Move decisively but cautiously when dealing with a delicate personal matter. The fewer mistakes you make now, the less likely it is that the problem will recur later on. BORN THIS WEEK: You can find beauty where many cannot. And you enjoy sharing your discovery with others. (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.
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May 16 - 22, 2012
Classified Ads SCAFFOLDING, Pipe Staging, 5ftx5ftx7ft, Call Terry at 603-929-6233 5 section with arm & wheel and adjustable Community Continues - Loam Spread, Cellar/ ITEMS WANTED – Wanted by Pratt pads. $600. AlsoCalendar 36 inch bull float with 4, ROTOTILLING Attics Cleaned, Yard Work, Tree Work, Coin and Hobby in Georgetown. 6ft extensions $125. Call 978-462-3170 Misc Jobs. Call 978-373-2780. Leave U.S. Coins, silver, gold, foreign world HELP WANTED Message ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Candidates must have prior experience in supporting senior level executive/lawyers and be professional and articulate with excellent computer skills. Must be able to multi-task with phones, faxing, filing, itineraries, dictation and more, and be detail oriented, extremely organized, able to prioritize, have excellent communication skills and be able to work independently. Benefits available. Essex Group Management Corp. Please send resume and salary requirements to EOE
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money. Old pocket watches, wrist watches, costume jewelry and post cards. Wheat pennies, Pre-1958 - 2 1/2 cents each. FREE APPRAISAL. HOURS VARY PLEASE CALL FIRST. Call Peter Pratt 1-800-870-4086 or 978-352-2234
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Sterling Silver...............$21 per Troy oz. Silver Coins pre1964.............$20 per $1 .999 Silver Bars...........................$31 oz. EXPERIENCED HAIR STYLIST to rent a chair in new Newburyport Salon. Call for US Silver Dollars......................$25 each details - 978-255-1782 WORK FROM HOME - Ambitious perThe Region’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper son needed for home-based “green” busiWartime Nickels 1942-1945.....$1 cents each SERVICES ness. Earn second income without going US Clad Half Dollars 1965-1969..$4.00 each AMERICAN HOME IMPROVEMENT to second job. Full training and support. CAREPENTRY - Repairs & Additions. Ryan 978-270-0256 AUCTION Interior/Exterior Painting. Fully Insured. WORKSHOPS AUCTION - Everything, Sat. May 19th, 30 years experience. Free Estimates. 6pm, Inspection (3-6), 17 Kondelin Rd. #7 Excellent Referrals. 978-465-2283 ACHIEVEMENT4KIDS Workshops details at 978-395develop skills that last a lifetime, builds GARDEN ROTOTILLING - Reasonable confidence and increases motivation to 7077 lic#2621 Rates 978-356-5965 be successful. The tools and information FOR RENT CUSTOM MADE SLIP COVERS. Call received include strategies for study, time HORSE LOVERS - GREAT BARN - Tricia at 603-432-8285. Check out www. management and organization. Also learn techniques to improve your memory, read$200. Rough Board. West Newbury. Call RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ingSpecializing comprehension,in:listening, writing and Penny 978-228-8236 We Safely Clean: • Homes Orientals MAKE YOUR BASEMENT into living• study skills to learn more effectively in • Offices (Cleaned On-site) ROOMMATE - Salisbury Beach, your courses. Next summer workshop • BoatsYear space. I've been doing it for years. Insured,• all Cottons • Mobiles Homes Round, Male/Female. Quiet, responsible, Wools Honest, Reasonable & Good at it! Call• August 13-17 Summer at The Governor’s Automobiles • Fabrics neat. Includes: Utilities,• phone, cable, 978-283-9831 Byfield, MA -Monday-Friday • Academy Stain in Removal LOW MOISTURE CLEANING Experts parking. Pet OK. $625/month 978-4639 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $349 per session. MASONRY STEPS,Today Walks, Patios, 0118 Call Fully Insured Estimates PleaseFree visit to Chimney Flashing, Sealing, Wood Stove register. FOR SALE 978-996-2492 Hearths. New or Expert Repairs. Retired. A U T H O R I Z E D A S S O C I A T E
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May 16 - 22, 2012