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Happy Father's Day from...

The Town Common








FREE Seniors Get A New Home

June 13 - 19, 2012 • Vol. 8, No. 32

Standup Paddle Boarding Competitions Back at the Beach

By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

Graf Rink Summer Learn To Skate Page 4 4th Annual Byfield Day 5K Race Page 5 Revolutionary War Re-Enactor Page 5 19th Century Baselball, BBQ & Beer Festival Page 7 A Town's Grave Past Page 7 Rowley Water Treatment Plant Groundbreaking Page 15

Photo by Stewart Lytle

Roseann Robillard (left) and Janet Kalashian, administrative assistant, show off the rendering for the new senior center.

Photo courtesy of the Atlantic Paddle Board Association.

Paddle boarding has become a popular event at Salisbury Beach.

SALISBURY – Since New England ship captains helped colonized the Hawaiian islands in the late 18th Century, bringing Christianity and Anglo traditions to the polynesian kingdom, it would seem appropriate that the Hawaiians would return the favor by sending to New England – and specifically Salisbury Beach – a new sporting craze, called standup paddle boarding. A cross between surfing and kayaking, standup paddle boarding is the newest wave in open ocean recreation. As the name suggests, one stand ups on a paddle board while rowing with a long paddle through ocean waves and currents. Standup paddle boarding only came to Salisbury Beach about a year ago, when the newly formed,

non-profit Atlantic Paddle Boarding Association staged its first competitions. Elite racers competed for a $5,000 prize. On June 30, the association, which is headquartered here, will host its second race series with a double header. Like when the Boston Red Sox are rained out, they play a double header the next day. So too do paddle boarders who were rained out during the first weekend this month. The prize money has quadrupled in a year. Sponsored by REVO Sunglasses, participants in this summer-long, six-race series will compete to win $20,000 in cash and other prizes. The 2012 Atlantic Paddle Battle Race Series will continue at Salisbury Beach on July 14.

Continued on page 3

NEWBURYPORT – Almost every day a woman dropped by the Council of Aging office here and just sat for hours talking with people who came in or those who worked there. Seeing her happily sitting in the office every day prompted Roseann Robillard, the COA director, to suggest to her board that they start a DropIn program for any senior who wanted to come there as a remedy for being lonely. “It is our most successful program,” Robillard said. “It is standing room only in there.” The seniors, many of whom have no family nearby, come to talk with others who have not heard their life stories, or at least not since the day before, Robillard jokes. The problem for the successful program has been where to put them. For the first few months the seniors gathered for the Drop In program in a TV room at the

center, but the Salvation Army, which owns the building, needed the room for a youth program. That meant the seniors had to move to other space in the cramped building. Now they meet in a conference room. “It is not ideal,” Robillard said. But soon, thanks to the voters last week who approved a debt limit override, the seniors will have their own space. And Robillard said her department will end its years of what she calls “a nomadic” existence in providing space for the senior programs. The COA offers many of its programs in the Salvation Army building, where it leases space for $1,200 a month. But some programs have to go elsewhere. The senior exercise programs are held at the Elks Club. Private counseling programs are often in churches, at City Hall and now in Robillard's office. Continued on page 3

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June 13 - 19, 2012

Letters to the Editor

How to Submit Letters to the Editor

Change in the Community Response 2nd Annual Pettengill House Success Dear Editor,

Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common

Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to: The Editor c/o The Town Common 77 Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01969 or via e-mail to:

The Town Common deadline is 5pm Wednesday (except when a federal holiday necessitates an earlier deadline).

The Town Common

serves the communities of the Upper North Shore of Mass. & Coastal New Hampshire and welcomes your participation. Send your Organization or Group Notices, Birth or Engagement Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969 Phone: 978-948-8696 Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail:



Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor Graphic Design Services Advertising Opportunities

Event and Announcement Submissions

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77 Wethersfield Street Rowley, MA 01969-1713 Phone: (978) 948-8696 Fax: (978) 948-2564

The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify The Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. All material and content cannot be duplicated without written consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or edit any copy offered for publication.

Gift of Reading

Copyright 2004-2012 The Town Common© - All Rights Reserved

In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005)

le This Newspaper

Dear Editor,

This letter is in response to the Rev. Dr. Bob Gallagher with respect to his disagreement with the Salisbury Beach Citizens for Change. This group does not, in any way, want to circumvent the State Sanitary Code. We want safe, clean, and well-kept properties and we have been doing that for many years without inspections. What we do object to is the Board of Health (Town of Salisbury) putting us at the mercy of outside inspectors who can subject us to what amounts to a shakedown. After paying $100 per unit for the initial inspection, if one violation is found, no matter how small, the unit must be reinspected for an additional $45 (per unit), every year. While it is nice to say that we must all adhere to the State Sanitary Code, a 35 page document, a building can be safe and clean without meeting all of the strict requirements of the code, which is especially difficult for an older building. In reality, if a building is older than five years, it probably no longer meets everything in the Sanitary Code. It should be noted, also, that all housing must meet the sanitary code, even single family, owner occupied. When will the BOH start inspecting them? We feel we do not need outside inspectors to tell us what we need to do to with our properties. The free market will dictate that. If a tenant is aggrieved, he or she can file a complaint with the Board of Health, not renew the lease, or move out. If a property is too bad, no one should rent it. Most owners of summer rentals open the property in mid-April or May and work on them until the rental season begins in June. Some even begin renting Memorial Day. The property must be “rental ready” for the inspection. This does not leave time between the opening of the building and the first rental for the inspections to be done (and redone). You say that you have lived in Salisbury for one year. You have no idea what we have been through for the past 30 years. Why do you think the Salisbury Beach Betterment Association was formed? It was not just about planting flowers. The “BOH behavior” that you mention refers to the fact that, when we went to the Board of Health for the public hearing with our concerns, we were virtually ignored. In addition, the Town Manager, Mr. Harrington, called us absentee landlords. In fact, every one who was there is either a town resident or rents out their unit(s) in an owner-occupied cottage. I would like to know this: Why do you feel the need to tell us what is good for ourselves? Charles Takesian

Letter Carriers' Food Drive

To the Editor:

On behalf of the Greater Seacoast Food Pantries, we thank the members of the community and the letter carriers who supported the recent 2012 Letter Carriers’ Annual Food Drive. Once again the community support was amazing. The food collected will assist greatly in keeping our pantry shelves stocked over the upcoming months. Also, we would like to thank Newburyport Officer in Charge Ron Pronovost and Amesbury Postmaster George Riley for coordinating the Letter Carriers’ Annual Food Drive. Special thanks to the individual carriers who worked hard throughout the day to collect and deliver the food. The Seacoast Pantries rely on the generosity of the community to keep our pantry doors open. We are so very grateful for your ongoing support. Many thanks to all, Dianne Halloran, Community Action, Inc.; Betty Leary, Community Services of Newburyport, Inc. ; Lyndsey Haight, Our Neighbors’ Table; Tiffany Nigro, The Pettengill House, Inc. and Donna Sylvester, Salvation Army of Newburyport

Recycle This Newspaper

No Child Hungry Yard & Bake Sale

On behalf of Executive Director, Deborah Smith, and the Board of Directors of The Pettengill House, Inc., we would like to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who helped make the Second Annual Pettengill House Fundraiser at Blue Ocean Music Hall such a huge success. The Pettengill House, Inc. is a non-profit community social service agency providing services to more than 3,200 men, women, and children, 604 of whom are deemed homeless, in Amesbury, Byfield, Groveland, Merrimac, Newbury, Newburyport, Rowley, Salisbury, and West Newbury. The mission of the Pettengill House is to support and empower children and families by providing education, extensive case management, family stabilization, and basic needs. All of the proceeds from this fundraiser will go directly to benefit these families. Thank you to Cynthia Costello, our Honorary Chairperson for this year’s event, what a privilege to have someone so committed to the children and families of our community as our Honorary Chair. Thanks also to Wayne Capolupo, who donated the use of his spectacular venue and to Patty King, our event organizer. Many thanks to Brian Young and The Thomas Machine Works Band for the donation of their time and talent. A special thank you to the Board of Directors, Advisory Members, and staff of the Pettengill House for their support. We would also like to recognize our committee for their tireless efforts to make this event possible: Cynthia Costello, Honorary Chair, Pam Bishop, Peg Brown, Tara Clifford, Gary Coltin, Heidi Fournier, Karen French, Mary Gruen, Sandra Licciardo, and Les Murray. Thanks also to our volunteers John Fournier, Gail Kelleher, and Eliza Young. In addition we would like to thank all who attended, community supporters, and anonymous donors whose generosity made the night such a great success. And finally a very special thank you to all of our generous sponsors and donors: Platinum Sponsors: Institution for Savings, Leeward Light Charitable Thrift Store, and Newburyport Five Cents Savings Bank, Gold Sponsor: The Provident Bank. Additional sponsors and donors: Acropolis Pizza, Ale House, A Little Bit of Naples, All American Tavern, All Natural Training, Amesbury Academy Staff, Amesbury Police Department, Applied Materials ~ Varian Semi-Conductors, Karen Baptiste, Ken and Pam Bishop, Bladz and Nail It, Donald Brannelly, Wayne Capolupo, Gary Coltin, Connie’s Stagecoach, Cosmos Restaurant, Costello Family, Representative Michael Costello, Cristy’s Pizza, Inc., Herbert Crooks, Darrel Cox Muscular Therapy, David’s Tavern, Drs. DiTolla and Dr. Little, Essex Street Inn, LLC, Executive Gourmet Services, Kristen Fitzgerald, Alan Fraser, Mark and Sandy Gagnon, Glow Personalized Skin Care, Greenery Designs, The Hollow Café, Lea Healey, Healthcare Complete, James and Kathleen Higgins, Institution for Savings, Angela Baldassare Jervey and Richard Jervey, Paul Johnson, Karen Holmes Physical Therapy, Kuse Family, Lena’s Seafood, Angela Licciardo, Anthony and Sandra Licciardo, Donald Licciardo, Robert MacDonald, Anna Mamakos, Cathy Mamakos, The Marina at Hatter’s Point, Jay and Nancy McCarthy, Caroline Meagher, Merry Motors Auto Repair, Newburyport Five Cents Savings Bank State Street Tellers, Morrill Electric, New England Chocolate Company, Susan O’Hala, Organize-n-Simply It, Peter H. Eaton Antiques, Inc., Pettengill Farm, Pettengill House Board of Directors, Primetime Sports Grill, River Valley Counseling Services, Judith Russek, Seabreeze Quilt Guild, Simon’s Pizza, Deborah Smith/ Cassavaugh Family, Stripers Grille & Inn, Supercuts, Paul Sylva, Thomas Machine Works Band, Cathy Toomey, Tripoli Bakery, Anna Lee Wallack, Walsh Family, Robert and Lisa Wile, Kevin and Michelle Williams, Linda Young, and 2 Bead It. We look forward to seeing you all next year at our Third Annual Pettengill House Fundraiser at Blue Ocean Music Hall which promises to be better than ever! For more information or to make a tax deductible donation please call (978) 463-8801 or visit us at All donations stay local and have an immediate and direct impact in our community. Sincerely, Linda Young and Cathy Mamakos, Event Co-Chairs

Dear Community,

Share the Gift The Rowley Children’s Center Preschool and Pre-K Programs – would like to thank Rowley and surrounding communities and businesses for their recent oftheReading donations to our Yard Sale and No Child Hungry Bake Sale the proceeds of which

benefited Birth to Three in Ipswich and The Great American Bake Sale: Olde Town Bakery, Pomodori’s, Corliss Brothers, Gordon’s Florists, Shaw’s, Christopher’s Table, Country Gardens, Winfrey’s, Playful Pack, Down River Ice Cream, White Farms, Green Elephant, Doraine Petry – Quilts & The Pancake House We would also like to thank all our fabulous bakers: Doug Morris, Cheryl Pacquin, Joe Joyce, Sara & Gerdie Keefe, Samantha Pearson and Nancy Miller. Special thanks go to our Parents and staff for the endless hours they put in to making this a true success. You are the greatest!

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The Rowley Children’s Center Preschool and Pre-K Programs

Share the Gift

Dear Editor,

Pizza Fundraiser

On behalf of the Bartlett Museum on 270 Main Street in Amesbury I should like to thank the Flatbread Pizza Company in Market Square, Amesbury for the opportunity of hosting a fundraiser at their restaurant on Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012. Also, a huge thank you to all those who bought pizza that night. You have helped us to keep the Museum open to the public on weekends for one more season. As a non-profit we support our organization by fundraising which can be a difficult job at times. This event was simple and enjoyable for all. We are looking forward to doing business with you in the future. Dianne Dostie Cole, Bartlett Museum Board of Directors

June 13 - 19, 01 Continued from page 1

Page 3

Seniors Get A New Home

Robillard has long dreamed of having a senior center – much like the one in Salisbury or the new facility in Amesbury – where seniors could come for exercise in the morning, stay for the DropIn program and have lunch. Last week the voters came out in droves to say yes to spending money to build a new Bresnahan elementary school, renovate the Nock Middle School and build a new 16,000-square-foot senior center. Almost 45 percent of all voters went to the polls. Funding for the senior/community center passed by a vote of 3,209 to 2,495. “It was a wonderful shot in the arm,” Robillard said. “It let us know that the community supports and respects the greatest generation.” The voters approved spending $6.5 million on the new senior center, but Robillard said the Friends of the Newburyport

Council on Aging will begin this week to plan raising the money. “They couldn't get into high gear until after the vote,” she said. Every dollar raised for the new building is one less that the taxpayers have to contribute, she said. Now they can start talking with the bank foundations and other generous donors about funding the new center. Some will make large enough donations to earn the right to name the building, individual rooms and equipment, she said. With the new building, which will be completed in about three years, the COA will go from having too little room that is often shared with other groups to space that is too large and can be rented out and shared with other groups. Thus the building, which will be on the site of the current Bresnahan School off High Street, will be both a senior

Come in for a visit and compare!

center and a community building. It will be large enough -Since 1954 for the Greater Newburyport Chamber of Commerce to hold •Private & Semi-Private Rooms its annual meetings there, rather than having to go to Ipswich. An extended Care Community with Baths and Beautiful Views Being next to the new Bresnahan • Medicare/ Medicaid certified School, it can also host boys and • Social Services-Speech, girls scout troops there and other Physical, Occupational, & civic and community groups. Massage Therapies There will be parking for about • Full Activity Program 100 cars. • and much more... Sitting in her office at the Thealso North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper current center, Robillard hopes there will be enough money MANSION DRIVE • ROWLEY, MA • JUST OFF ROUTE 1A to purchase some new furniture. She uses a folding table as a desk and file cabinets acquired at garage sales. Her credenza, laden with papers, is a folding table bought at Sam's Club. Driver education at its Finest But thanks to the voters, she can now start to plan for the future, when the numbers of seniors are expected to swell, she said. She can barely contain her excitement. She said, “I am so proud of the voters.”

Sea View Retreat

The Town Common BAYSTATe DriViNG ACADeMY

Summer Vacation Accelerated Class Starts June 25, 2012 - One Week Course Monday - Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm

Standup Paddle Boarding Competitions Continued from page 1

Then the races will move to York Beach, ME, on August 4. And the finals will be at Salisbury Beach on September 1, the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. Registration begins at 8 a.m. Elite Races start at 10:15 a.m. Open Recreational and Youth Races follow. SUP Surf contests will also take place on race days following the paddle battle with judges awarding $500 in cash prizes to the best paddle surfers. The Elite Races feature a two-mile, offshore course that challenges competitors’ technical, surfing and athletic skills. Both men and women participants will compete with regulation boards at least 12 feet, six inches long, with mono hulls and fixed rudders. The rules allow racers who fall to have five strokes to get back on their feet and stand up. The course must be completed while standing and in control of the paddle. Registration is $200 for all

six races or $40 for individual races. The winners of each Elite Division race receive $1,850 in cash prizes and $5,000 to the overall winners. In the Open Recreational races, participants may use a surfboard, the 12 foot, six inch board, a 14 foot board or an unlimited board. Competitors start the race running from the beach and complete four offshore laps of approximately four miles. Registration costs $100 for all six races or $20 per race. Product prizes and surf shop gift cards are awarded at each race to the top three competitors. The youth races are divided into racers 10 years and under and 11 to 16 years old. The youth course consists of one lap of about 200 yards. Registration is $75 for all six races or $15 per race. Prizes are awarded for the top three finishers. Other sponsors include Bud Light, SurfSide5 bar and restaurant, Blue Ocean Music

$ SuMMer SpeCiAl - SAVe $ Hall, Kialoa, Creatures, Teva, Call now for more information. payment plan Available. h2O Audio, KB Coffee & Bagels, Tel: 978-463-9600 Standup Journal and Board Living. 191 e lM S TreeT , SAliSBurY Board and surf shop sponsors include Cinnamon Rainbows of Hampton, NH; Liquid Dreams Surf Shop of York, ME; Pioneers Board Shop of North Hampton, NH; Summer Sessions of Rye, NH; Surfari Stand Up Paddle & Surf of Manchester, NH and 978-948-8696 • • “A New England Favorite Since 1950” Zapstix Surf Shop of Seabrook, Boiled Lobster * Steamed Clams NH. Fried & Baked Seafood * Sandwiches For more information, visit Open Every Day from and Call Ahead Apr 1st - Nov 15th Route 286, Seabrook Beach, NH at You can Open Fri, Sat, Sun & Holidays Take Out Nov 15th - Apr 1st also register on the day of races.


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Page 4

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NEWBURYPORT - The Graf Rink, in cooperation with the Merrimack Valley Skating Club, is now accepting applications for its summer Learn to

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Graf Rink Announces Summer Learn To Skate Program

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June 4–22

July 9–13

June 13 - 19, 01

Skate and Tiny Tots program. Classes will run on Mondays from 4-4:50pm beginning June 18th. Specialized classes focus on the basic fundamentals that are important for shaping both hockey and figure skating skills. Skaters have the chance to earn skill-badges throughout the 7-week series. Student to coach ratio is kept low and classes are available for skaters age 3 through adult. Please visit for detailed information. All classes are taught by professional coaches who have been hired by North Shore Rink Management and who have successfully completed a comprehensive background screening process through the National Center for Safety Initiatives. Our fall series of Learn to Skate will begin in September. The Graf Rink offers private and semi-private skating lessons for all ages and levels of skating! Private lessons are ideal for both hockey and figure skaters who are looking to polish their skating skills. Please contact Nikki Roberts in the Graf Rink office for more information. The Graf Rink will continue to hold daily Public Skating and Stick Time practices throughout the summer. Birthday party packages as well as advertising opportunities are also available. Please contact the rink at (978) 462-8112 or visit our website at www. for more information.

4/19/2012 9:20:55 AM

Since 1971

June 13 - 19, 01

Page 5

4th Annual Byfield Day 5K Race to be Held Saturday, June 16th

All Occasion Cakes Fresh Baked Muffins & Pastries

On June 16th, the 4th Annual Byfield Day 5K Open Daily Road Race will be held in Byfield Center, just off exit 55 on Route 95 in Byfield, MA. All proceeds 6:00am to 2:00pm from the race will go to building a new stadium All Pastries are made with at Triton Regional High School. This past school 100% Real Cream year, the Triton Stadium was deemed unusable, and no track meets were held at the site. Triton’s playing field, track, and bleachers were all laid out and built over 50 years ago. Today meets and games are regularly scheduled at other schools because Triton’s facilities are Region’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper The in such a state of disrepair. Recently, the Triton Education Foundation, Inc. began fundraising to build a new Triton stadium, Breakfast and Lunch with the goal of beginning the building in the summer of 2013. Daily Specials Sponsored by the Greater Boston Running Company of Newburyport, the race has been part of the Byfield Days Celebration for four years. The race course consists of two scenic loops. For the first time, this year’s race will include a 155 Bridge Rd one-mile “Fun Run” for kids. Prizes including gift certificates from the Greater Boston Running Company and other area Salisbury, MA businesses will be given in 6 different age categories, for both male and female runners. The course record of 15:32 was set in 978-465-1199 the inaugural race in 2009. For more information or to download a race application, visit and click on “Upcoming Events.” Questions can be emailed to

The Town Common

The Town Common

Revolutionary War Re-Enactor

Weekly Community Newspaper •

Revolutionary War reenactor Alex Cain musters a group of 4th and 5th grades students into marching formation as part of Sparhawk School's Colonial Day activities. The Town Common Courtesy Photo

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Senior Moments

Page 6

Basement Waterproofing

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June 13 - 19, 01

Community Calendar To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail: to the microphones to present a night Classified Ads of vintage radio theater live on stage.

lunch, playdates and playgroups, music/ gym classes, potlucks, day trips, movies WEDNESDAY MORNING On the bill are The Adventures of The and other fun activities. Join us for our BIRDING Thin Man and It Pays to Be Ignorant! next get together at the Proctor School Patented Wet Basement Solutions Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director Wednesday, June 13, 2012 Matinee Playground on Thursday, June 14 at Bill Gette and USFWS Calendar veteran David 3:30pm, EveningContinues show 6:30pm 10 am. For more.information, Community . . contact Weaver for this weekly birding field Free admission, donations accepted, Tanya Goudreau at tanyagoudreau@ trip in the Newburyport/Plum Island refreshments served area. Appropriate for all birding levels. Wednesday, June 13, 9:30 am-12:30 WEDNESDAY EVENING INCREASE YOUR ENERGY BY pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education LECTURE: TIDE POOLS OF 100% 68 Lafayette Road (Route 1) • Seabrook, NH Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, PLUM ISLAND Dr. Jennah Dieter will present “Increase gold & Newburyport. $17. Preregistration is Speakers Emily Dahl and Mike Your Energy by 100%” at Nichol’s We Are Buying Diamonds not required. Call 978-462-9998 for Kuczewski present a narrated slide show Village, One Nichols Way (off Route Bought & • Diamonds - All Sizes • Gold Chains Sold information about additional programs on birds and the bird banding process 113), Groveland, MA on Thursday, June • Platinum • Sterling Silver and events, or visit the Web site at www. in the New World Tropics. Wednesday, 14th at 10AM. No admission. Please • Class Rings • Wedding Bands June 13, 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm Meet at call 978-372-3930 to reserve a seat. Are • Broken Jewelry Jewelry • Diamond Jewelry the Joppa Flats Education Center, One you feeling tired, fatigued, lethargic or Repair KAYAKING THE REFUGE Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. just plain lousy? Do you struggle to Explore the refuge’s salt marsh and $4. Preregistration is not required. Call wake up in the morning or feel like you Open Monday -Friday 2-6 meandering creeks by kayak with a 978-462-9998 for information about are dragging by mid-afternoon? You refuge ranger and learn about one of additional programs and events, or visit will learn what is zapping your energy the most important wildlife habitats the Web site at and gain tips on how to remove energy contained within its boundary. Program joppaflats. blocks to boost your vitality. participants need to provide their own kayak, paddles, personal flotation TRIVIA NIGHT RETIREMENT PLANNING device, and water bottle. Saturday, June Keon's Trivia Nights on Wednesday The Rowley Public Library and the 23, from 2:00 – 5:30 pm A camera and from 7-9, $2 off all menu items & gift Rowley Council on Aging are cobinoculars are optional. Participants certificate giveaways. 258 Andover St, sponsoring a seminar on Retirement should have sound basic kayaking skills. Georgetown 978-352-2900 Planning on June 14 at 7pm. The Meet the ranger at the refuge boat seminar is part of the Library’s 5launch – located opposite Lot 1, just IPSWICH HUMOR part Financial Literacy Series which inside the refuge entrance. Enrollment Columnist Doug Brendel, will present addresses some of the challenges facing for this program is limited to 12 kayaks. a lighthearted evening of Ipswich- individuals, businesses and families. It Parker River National Wildlife Refuge; oriented humor at the Ipswich Public will be held at the Library at 141 Main Phone: (978) 465-5753 Library, 25 N. Main St., at 7:30 p.m. on Street, Rowley. Come hear Certified Wed., June 13. A no-topics-off-limits Public Accountant Bill Casey present FAMILY PAINTING WORKSHOP Q&A will cap off the evening. Brendel’s “Will You Be Financially Ready for On Wednesday, June 13th, from 3-5 pm, funny cartoon-illustrated book Only Retirement?” He will cover retirement Ipswich Museum (54 South Main Street, in Ipswich will also be available for savings and programs, and housing Ipswich) will host a painting workshop purchase and autographs. 978-356- and insurance issues. This program for families to complement its summer 6648 or is appropriate for people currently exhibit, “Ipswich Women in the Arts.” planning for retirement as well as those Participants will tour the Heard House ROUNDTABLE MEETING already retired. Everyone should come and learn about its last resident, Alice The Civil War Roundtable of the hear Bill describe a “practical approach” “Elsie” Heard and her artwork. Then, Merrimack will meet at 7:30 PM on to retirement. Refreshments and Q&A workshop participants will attempt to Wednesday June 13 th at our new follow the presentation. All seminars in copy works from the exhibit, just as location, the East Parish Methodist the Rowley Public Library’s Financial Elsie and other female artists of the 19th Church, Salisbury Square (route 1), Literacy Series will be held in the and 20th century copied the works of Salisbury,MA. Mike Dumont will Library Meeting Room. Keep an eye famous painters. Price: $5/members speak on “The Battle of New Bern.” out for other presentations. Currently and $6/non-members. To register or for Admission is free and anyone with an scheduled are: June 14 @ 7pm more information, call 978-356-2811 interest in America’s Civil War is invited Retirement Planning, Sept. 20 @ 7pm or email educator@ipswichmuseum. to attend. For more information visit Estate Planning, Oct, 18 @ 7pm - Yearorg. Drop-ins are also welcome. our web page or call End Tax Advice. For more information, Tom at (978) 462-8518. call the library at 978-948-2850. OLD-TIME RADIO Seabrook Library’s Old-Time Radio THURSDAY, JUNE 14th FRIDAY, JUNE 15th Players are once again going back in time to the “GOLDEN AGE of Radio” MOMMY & ME PLAY GROUP FAMILY FUN NIGHT $ to perform two classic shows live on Come meet other Topsfield moms just Pentucket Workshop Preschool, 22 stage. You are invited to be part of the like you. Thursday, June 14, 10 am at Pleasant St., Georgetown, will be $ “studio” audience! On Wednesday, June Proctor School Playground - We're having our Family Fun Night on Friday, 13 the local acting troupe is stepping up planning meet-ups to go for walks, have 6/15 from 5-8 pm. This will be our last WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13th

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June 13 - 19, 01 function at our current location. Drop by for hot dogs, cotton candy, pop corn, and ice cream. Lots of games and activities for kids, Red Sox raffle tickets will be available. Extra parking at the high school and Perley. All welcome. BYFIELD DAYS On June 15 and 16 join us as we celebrate the Village of Byfield. Friday night kicks off with a classic car show, plenty of food and ice cream sundaes all wrapped up with music by local favorite Greta Schaffer. Saturday's pancake breakfast served by the Boy Scouts will get you started for a day full of activities. The Kids Olympics are open to all youth and fun for everyone. For older athletes there will be a 5k road race to benefit the Triton stadium. If athletics aren't your style you can browse through the Summer Craft Festival set up on the lawn and see demonstrations by local artisans. You might even try your own art by making a tie dye Byfield Day tshirt. The Kids Carnival at the Methodist Church will keep the youngsters busy while you join the excitement of a live antiques auction under the big top by Concord Hill Auctions. If you've worked up an appetite get some burgers and strawberry shortcake and get ready for the not so really big BIG parade. Finish your day with a well-deserved sitdown at the Byfield Fire Department chicken barbeque. For a complete listing of events and to find out about participating in Byfield Days check the website at or call 978-463-3335. FAMILY DUSK PADDLE Welcoming The Summer: Friday, June 15, 6:00-8:00 p.m. For families with children 6 years and older. Celebrate the coming of summer on the first of our summer family dusk paddles. Basic canoeing instruction and all equipment will be provided. FEE: $15 adults, $13 children (discount for Mass Audubon members). Advance registration is required; call 978-887-9264. THREE AMIGOS Live at Cafe Salerno! 73 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA Friday, June 15 8:00 11:00 p.m. Great Food...Happening Bar...School's Out For Summer SATURDAY, JUNE 16th 4TH ANNUAL BYFIELD DAY 5K RACE

horseshoe crabs during mating season. Saturday, June 16, 9:30 am-noon Meet BYFIELD DAYS at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One See Friday, June 15th. Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $17. Preregistration is required. Call SATURDAY TEACHER 978-462-9998 for information about WORKSHOP: SALT MARSHES additional programs and events, or visit Teacher-Naturalist Lisa Hutchings leads the Web site at a series of indoor/outdoor workshops joppaflats. that will help teachers of PreK through Grade 5 with nature education. Coming 19TH CENTURY BASEBALL, up: July 28 – Seabirds and Whales (whale BBQ, AND BEER FESTIVAL watch); August 11 – River Ecology Join the Essex Baseball Organization and Cruise; September 22 – Coastal Saturday June 16that Spencer Peirce Beaches. Saturday, June 16, 8:00 am- Little Farm in Newbury, MA for an noon Meet at the Joppa Flats Education 8 team 19th century baseball festival Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, beginning at 10am and going until Newburyport. $30. Preregistration 6pm. Teams come from all over New is required. Call 978-462-9998 for England and include the Essex Base Ball information about additional programs Club, a mixed nine comprised of the and events, or visit the Web site at www. Newburyport Clamdiggers and Lynn Live Oaks, the Melrose Pondfielders, Mudville Base Ball Club, Bristol Blues, SATURDAY MORNING BIRDING Newtown Sandy Hooks, the Liberty Join our experienced leaders in a Base Ball Club, and the Ipswich weekly search for avian activity in the Brewers. Game will be play by1861 Newburyport/Plum Island area. For rules baseball which include no gloves, beginners and birders of all skill levels. underhand pitching, and an out can Saturday, June 16, 9:30-11:30 am Meet be recorded on the first bounce. Along at Joppa Flats Education Center, One with the games there will be activities Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. for kids and Ipswich Ale will be selling Adults $10; Children ages 8 and up their fine craft beers. Admission to the $7. No preregistration required. Call games are $5. 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit A TOWN’S GRAVE PAST the Web site at Take a historical walk to two of joppaflats. Hampton’s cemeteries on Saturday June 16th 2012. We will be visiting the COAST OF HOPE Pine Grove Cemetery and the High COAST of HOPE Bike Ride: 8am, Street Cemetery. Learn about some of Saturday, June 16 (Father’s Day the doctors, merchants, revolutionaries, Weekend), Ipswich, MA. Rain or and families that shaped the town of shine. Routes: metric century (100km/ Hampton. Meet at the Academy Parking 62mi), half-century (50km/31mi) and Lot on Academy Ave. in Hampton family-distance on North Shore. www. Continued on page 14 Non-refundable $45 registration fee ($25 for students); plus suggested minimum tax-deductible fundraising goal of $95/rider. Includes water stops, route support, first aid. Event ends with massages by Pax Massage and after-ride celebration hosted by Stone Soup with Ipswich Ale beverages. Donations payable to Bright Happy Power help children & families living with cancer. Info@brighthappypower. org, or call 978.356.3780.

Page 7

See Page 5.


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Page 8

Dennis M. Howes

To The Editor June 13 - 19, 01

Community Announcements

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AMESBURY - The Market Street Baptist Church is hosting an 4-Day Junior Church Basketball Clinic for both girls & boys ages 5-13 years on Monday - Thursday, July 16-19, 2012 from 9:00 am - 12 noon at the Cashman School Gym, 192 Lions Mouth Road, Amesbury. The program is a noncompetitive, instructional league designed to teach fundamental . complete carpentry service . Additions basketball skills and basic Bible knowledge in a fun and engaging manner. A suggested donation of $10 per child is . Kitchen and Bathroom remodeling requested to help defray expenses. Please make check payable to: MSBC/BBall. All are welcome. To register contact the . decks & Porches . renovations . drywall church office at 978-388-0930, email:, mail to: 37 Market Street, Amesbury, MA 01913 or show up early on the first day. Call Direct -----------------------------------------------------------978-360-0477 licensed & insured AMESBURY - The Amesbury Cultural Council is looking for volunteers who would like to serve on the local council. Office: 978-356-5563 Our goal is to help foster and promote the cultural enjoyment and enrichment of•our citizens through local and regional arts and cultural events and programs. If interested, please contact the Amesbury Town Hall for an application or visit the town website to download a form. The Amesbury Cultural Council website has information regarding upcoming events. Information regarding the Open Studio Tour and an application is available online. The tour is on Nov. 10-11 and the • for more details. • exhibitor application deadline is Sept. 30. Please see the website The Council is also involved in the Local Cultural Council grant program and for information regarding that, please visit the Massachusetts Cultural Council website. To see a list of this year's grant recipients, click the Grant recipients tab on the Amesbury LCC page. To obtain an LCC Grant application for consideration for next year, click the Forms tab and then open the LCC Grant application link. The deadline for LCC grant applications is October 15. For additional information, SUMMER VACATION feel free to contact June 11-15, 9am to 4pm -----------------------------------------------------------June 25-29, 9am to 4pm AMESBURY On Tuesday, June 26, 2012 from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm the Friends of the East Kingston Public Library will Reserve your seat... Sign up NOW... go online he North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper be the beneficiary of the Tuesday Night Fundraiser at Flatbread Pizza in Amesbury, MA. The Friends will receive $3.50 for each large pizza and $1.75 for each small pizza ordered in or taken out during those hours. If you plan to eat in, they offer call-ahead seating to avoid a long wait! We urge everyone to make Tuesday, June 26th "Pizza Night" and help support the Contact your Advertising Friends! All proceeds will benefit the East Kingston Public Library. Consultant today! -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - The Order of the Eastern Star, Friendship Chapter No.58 will be holding a yard sale at 142 Haverhill Road, P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 Amesbury on Saturday, June 23 from 8:00-3:00 p.m. Rain date will be Saturday, June 30. Monies earned from the sale will go to various local charities. Call Sally, 978-388-0439 for more information. -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - Listed as one of the 1,000 Great Places in Massachusetts, the Whittier Home Museum, one of the “Amesbury Treasures” located at 86 Friend Street, Amesbury, MA is the home where John Greenleaf Whittier lived with his sister, mother and aunt from 1836 until his death in 1892. As a faithful Quaker, creative thinker, environmentalist and freedom lover, Whittier published inspired poetry most of his life and is famed for his poem “Snowbound,“ and especially Open 7 Days his anti-slavery activism. Visit the home and see the family furnishings, artifacts and memorabilia, along with the gift Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley shop’s publications of John Greenleaf Whittier’s works and his history. For over 100 years volunteers of the Whittier Home Association have been stewards of this historic house museum, maintaining the property and collections, and striving to educate others about the life, legacy and works of J.G. Whittier. The museum is open for tours on Saturdays, May 6 thru October 27from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (last tour). Special tours and groups can be accommodated by calling 978-388-1337 or 978-465-5964. Admission & tour fees: $6 Adults, $5 seniors, $3 ages 7-17years and 6 yrs and under free. Take a virtual tour and view upcoming events on our website Our email is -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - On Thursday, June 28 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm volunteers from the Market Street Baptist Church 948-8696 • • and the Rock Church Amesbury (previously called First United Methodist Church), both of Amesbury will be part of Amesbury Days “Kids' Fair” by running a Bouncy House and Obstacle Course inflatables, games and a new obstacle course event while offering free popcorn and sno-cones. -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - The Amesbury Council on Aging is in search of volunteers to assist in several different areas. If you are interested please stop by and pick up a volunteer packet. For more information please feel free to call and speak with Jean

Community Connections

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If you’re thinking FERNALD’S about Father’sRt.Day 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 think Corliss.978- 465-0312 The Sales Yard is bursting with color with a selection of plant material right now that is unbelievable.

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June 13 - 19, 01

Letters To The Editor Community Announcements

Marie, Volunteer coordinator 978 388 8138.

Save Money on Electricity Start Saving Money!

Community Connections ------------------------------------------------------------

BYFIELD - Community Food Pantry located at the Community United Methodist Church in Byfield is partnering with the Newbury Council on Aging to collect food for the pantry that serves all those in Byfield and Newbury. The Church prepares a light meal on the Second and Fourth Thursday at 4:30 and invites you to come and then take home some needed groceries afterward. Collection containers will be at several locations throughout the Town and at the Senior Center. If you attend an event at the Senior Center, consider bringing a nonperishable food item or gift card from a local grocery store. Your support is a wonderful way to help your neighbor • and the community. Contact the Church (978.255.0135) or the Council on Aging (978.462.8114) with questions. -----------------------------------------------------------BYFIELD - Achievement4Kids Workshops develop skills that last a lifetime, builds confidence and increases motivation to • for study, time management • and organization. Also learn be successful. The tools and information received include strategies techniques to improve your memory, reading comprehension, listening, writing and study skills to learn more effectively in all your courses. Next summer workshop August 13-17 Summer at The Governor’s Academy in Byfield, MA -MondayFriday 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $349 per session. Please visit to register. -----------------------------------------------------------BYFIELD - The Byfield Days committee has been hard at work getting ready for this year's Celebration of the Village. Some of your favorite events will be returning starting with the classic car cruise night and ice cream sundaes on Friday evening. Other returning events include the boy scout pancake breakfast, kids' olympics, road race and carnival. The Anything on Wheels contest is looking for a few "well dressed" bikes and the BIG parade needs some floats, dogs, and characters. Throughout the day crafters will be selling and demonstrating their art, Concord Hill Auctions will hold an antiques auction and, of course, the fire department will be serving up their famous barbequed chicken. The day ends with local talent performing at the Cat in the Cradle Coffeehouse. Need more? Want to help? Give us a call at 978-463-3335 or check our website at Byfield Days is June 15 and 16. -----------------------------------------------------------GEORGETOWN - The First Congregational Church of Georgetown will be holding their Annual Strawberry Social on Monday, June 25, 2012, 6PM-8PM on the church lawn. In case of rain the Social will be held in the church Fellowship Hall. Come enjoy homemade shortcake, fresh local strawberries with homemade whipped cream or ice cream for just $5 per person. There will be raffles and musical entertainment by the Church Band! For more information, please call the Church office at 978 352-8443 or visit our website -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - The Assumption of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church of Ipswich will host their Greek Festival and Clambake on Saturday and Sunday, July 14 & 15 (Saturday 1 p.m. 11:00 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. to dusk ) on the beautiful grounds of the Hellenic Community Center, 117 County Road, located at the intersection of Rt. 1 A & 133 in Ipswich. $5.00 admission (valid for both days) 978-948-8696 • Children under 18 are free. Plenty of free parking. Golf carts ride to-and-from parking lot, if needed. Authentic Ipswich clam and lobster-bake! Greek delicacies, pastries, Greek & American dancing - music by Enosis. family and children entertainment. Raffle - three grand prize drawings - flat-panel TV - iPad - child's bicycle - many additional prizes. Back by popular request - Boston Lykeion Ellinidon Dance Troupe, Metropolis Dance troupe of Boston. Don't miss this fun event! -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - The Trustees of Reservations is pleased to announce that Castle Hill, a Country Place Era estate and a National Historic Landmark located at 290 Argilla Road in Ipswich, MA, is open weekly for tours through October 13. Hourlong tours of the Great House, a grand 59-room English-style country house designed in the 1920s by Chicago architect David Adler, are offered Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (last tour at 3:00 p.m.) and Fridays and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (last tour at 1:00 p.m.). Admission is $12.00; TTOR members and Children 12 and under are free. 1 ¼ hour tours of the designed landscape are offered on Thursdays and Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. Estate tours feature the art, architecture, and landscape design highlights of this early 20th century estate by the sea, including the recently restored half-mile long Grand Alleé. Admission for landscape tours is $10.00; TTOR members and Children 12

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Letters To The Editor June 13 - 19, 01

Page 10

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Community Announcements Continued from page 9 and under are free. Combined Great House & Estate Tour admission, $18.00 nonmembers. For more information visit or call 978-356-4351, x4049. -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - Save the Date! Wednesday, June 27, Noon Special Women's Luncheon! In celebration of our Summer exhibit "Ipswich Women in the Arts" we are hosting a Special Women's Luncheon fundraiser. Award-winning floral designer Constance McCausland will be featured as she interprets art through flowers. Please plan to join us! Cost is $50 per person; your check will hold your spot. Call 978 356-2811 for more information. At 54 South Main Street, Ipswich, MA 01938 -----------------------------------------------------------MERRIMAC - Fried fi sh, French fries, onion rings, cole slaw, roll, dessert & beverage on Friday ~ June 22, 2012 6 to 8 pm For Sale $8 per person Moose Lodge 34 Broad Street, Merrimac • -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURY - Newbury’s 375th Committee has generously donated funds to the Newbury Town Library to purchase some significant contributions to the library’s Genealogy Collection. The Great Migration – Immigrants to New England 1634-1635 Series is now complete, with the purchase of Volumes VI and VII. Several guides to Genealogical Research • Family Genealogies of•area families. The Geneaology have been added, thanks to the 375th Committee, along with several Room is open to the public during regular library hours. Monday and Wednesday 10-7, Friday 10-5. The library is closed on Saturdays June-August. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURY - The Newbury Town Library is offering a creative writing course in memoir writing beginning Thursday, June 21st. The session will run for 6 Thursdays, from 1:00 to 2:30 and will finish up on Thursday, July 26th. Laura Driscoll Reed will lead the class in drawing from memories to write your memoir – as a present to a loved one – or perhaps to yourself. Writing experience is not necessary and there will be no red pens – only sharing and encouragement. Visit the

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June 13 - 19, 01

Letters To The Editor

Page 11

Lilly’s Place Greenhouse at Morning Glory Farm

Community Announcements library’s web site for more complete information. Registration is required – please call the library at 978-465-0539. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT –Yard Sale @ Belleville Church - An indoor yard sale on Saturday, June 30th from 9am – 1pm. Items on sale will include small furniture pieces to clothing. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - On Tuesday, June 26th at 6:30 pm, the Newburyport Department of Public Health, Division of Community Nursing will sponsor an informational program on ticks and Lyme disease in the Newburyport Public Library’s Program Room. This event will feature three local specialists: Dr. Joseph Gross, Dr. Ames Ziegra and Dr. Esteban CuebesIncle. Dr. Joseph Gross, a board-certified infectious disease physician and Newburyport resident, will help to demystify Lyme disease in a discussion of the warning signs, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Ames Ziegra of Carr Island • Animal Hospital, doctor of veterinary medicine and graduate of Purdue University, will provide education on the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease in our pets and methods for prevention as well as discuss the pros and cons of the Lyme vaccine. Dr. Cuebes-Incle, a doctoral graduate of Cornell University and entolomogist for the Northeast Massachusetts Mosquito Control and Wetlands Management District, will share his expertise • about ticks and tick-bite•prevention. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation, and light refreshments will be served. The Newburyport Public Library will provide relevant reference material and information in the weeks prior to the talk. For more information, please visit the Newburyport Public Library’s Information Desk or call 978.465.4428 ext. 226. To speak directly with Pam Palombo, the Public Health Nurse, call 978-465-4410 ex. 3. -----------------------------------------------------------NORTH HAMPTON – Learn to Play the Ukulele with Tj Wheeler at SAM Beginner and Youth Ukulele Classes at Seacoast Academy of Music Explore traditional folk, Hawaiian, basic chords, blues and general great time while learning how to play the ukulele. Starting Tuesday, June 19 5pm for 8 weeks $130 -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY – Readers of all ages will explore the night and their imaginations this summer as Rowley Public Library presents “Dream Big—READ!” for children, “OWN THE NIGHT” for teens and “BETWEEN THE COVERS” for adults during their summer reading program. Activities will include a host of events including special performers, workshops, story times, craft times, vehicle night and more. The library is the COOL place to be this summer. Programs will keep everyone reading and learning all summer long. There are wonderful incentives and prizes for signing up so come on down. Our friendly staff is ready to assist your entire family! The 2012 Summer Reading Program is open to all ages, children through adult. Registration for summer reading begins on June 16th, 2012. For more information, call the library at 978-948-2850 or visit our website, Come down to the library and pick up a brochure or check online for details of all events. All programs are free of charge and open to the public. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - The shoppers are in need of a few good volunteers. We shop every Thursday with several Rowley seniors, some of which need assistance shopping and bringing in bags. It is a wonderful opportunity to help in your community and for

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Continued on page 13




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Pets, Animals, Plus June 13 - 19, 01

Page 1

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Could Fish Oil Help In Treating Gum Disease? Periodontitis, inflammation of the tissue surrounding the teeth, affects more than half of adults and is linked to an increased risk of stroke and other heart problems. To evaluate whether fish oil supplementation could be an adjunct therapy for periodontitis, Dr Alison Coates from the University of South Australia and colleagues from the School of Dentistry at University of Adelaide in Australia reviewed evidence from eight unique studies that involved humans. Their review of these studies showed that improvements in clinical measures were common in all studies, but were scientifically significant in two that used a combination of fish oil and aspirin. Although this is not conclusive evidence, intake of fish oil is recommended for health benefits beyond the teeth. Could Too Much Sugar Be Bad For More Than Your Teeth? Dentists have long warned that too

much sugar can rot a person’s teeth, but scientists at UCLA have discovered evidence that too much soda and candy could also rot a person’s brain. The study, which was published in the Journal of Physiology, discovered how a diet that is “steadily high” in fructose can slow down the function of the brain, impairing memory and learning ability, the Los Angeles-based university said in a May 15 press release. Those adverse effects, they say, can emerge in as little as six weeks, but can be counteracted to some degree by adding omega-3 fatty acids to one’s diet. Why Can’t I Grow New Teeth? Prickly pufferfish could hold the key to why humans do not continually replace their teeth and may lead to advances in dental therapies. New research focusing on tooth development in the deadly fish— unchanged through evolution— shows that after the first generation of teeth the program for continued tooth replacement modifies to form a distinctive and unusual ‘parrot like’ beak. The study, which is the first time scientists have analyzed the development of the fish’s unique beak, also supports the idea that evolution doesn’t make jumps, as its’ distinctive bite has been modified from a set of genes responsible for tooth development and

preserved over 400 million years. Arthritis Link To Gum Disease? Research indicates that patients with rheumatoid arthritis are nearly eight times more likely to have periodontal disease. May was Arthritis Awareness Month, and the New Jersey Society of Periodontists (NJSP) issued a press release regarding the link between periodontal disease, a chronic inflammatory disease of the gums, and rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disease of the joints. “The common denominator here is the inflammatory aspect of both diseases,” explains Dr Scott Zirkin, president of the NJSP. “Periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial infection that stimulates an inflammatory response, which in turn imposes a burden on a person’s immune system. Over time, sustained inflammation can lead to the destruction of connective tissue and bone tissue. This destruction affects both teeth and joints.” Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to healthcentered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@ You can view all previously written columns at www.

Childcare Available Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays

June 13 - 19, 01

Continued from page 11 such a great group of people. I am hoping to have several volunteers that I will utilize once or twice a month. Please consider this very worthy and important opportunity. We can’t do it without the help of generous people like you. We begin at 9:30AM, shop, stop for coffee and bring bags home. Please call the COA with questions and inquires (978) 948-7637. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Rowley Library is happy to announce our new passes for the Lowell Spinners. The passes are available for each home game and allows six people entrance at $3 per person (half price). The passes are presented to the box office of the Lowell Spinners when the tickets are purchased. Sponsored by the Friends of the Rowley Library. Don’t forget that the Rowley Library offers discount passes to a few of the local museums. These include: Museum of Science, Children’s Museum of Boston, Peabody Essex, the Zoo, Museum of Fine Art, and free parking to all Massachusetts State Parks. Sponsored by the Friends of the Rowley Library, the Rowley Cultural Council, and a generous patron. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - “Between the Covers” is the theme of the 2nd annual summer reading program for adults at the Rowley Public Library. We will be reading to benefit the Rowley Food Pantry, the more books that are read between June 16 and August 16 the greater the donation will be. Our goal is $600. Help us get there by reading with us this summer! ----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - FELLOWSHIP THRIFT SHOP located at First Congregational Church of Rowley 175 Main Street (Rte 1a) Rowley will be holding BAG SALES during the month of April. small bags $3 Large bags $5 Bags are of clothing only! Hours: Tuesday and Saturdays 9am - 1pm Thursdays 3 - 7pm. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Rowley Library Collecting for Rowley Food Pantry - Donate non-perishable food items, cleaning supplies and paper goods, or personal hygiene products for the Rowley Food Pantry in the basket in the Library lobby. The Rowley Food Pantry is open on Tuesday mornings from 10 am to noon and Thursday evenings from 6 - 7:30 in the parsonage of the Baptist Church at 153 Main St. All Rowley residents are welcome. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Pine Grove student, Mary Ouellette, is collecting tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Helping is as easy as 1, 2, 3. 1. Pull your aluminum tabs off of soda, vegetable, tennis and pet food cans. 2. Save and Collect tabs. 3. Recycle tabs in the children’s room at the Rowley Public Library. (Pine Grove Students can return tabs to the school.) Tab pick-up is available by calling 978-358-8129. After the collection is complete tabs will be brought to the Ronald McDonald House. ---------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - Save the Date: Saturday, June 30, 2012 is East Parish United Methodist Church Day in Salisbury. A delicious breakfast will be served from 8am - 10:30... $5 gets you coffee, juice, fruit, eggs, breakfast meats, and anything else we feel like cooking! From 11 - 1 you can get a grilled hot dog with chips and a refreshing cold drink. Follow that up with Strawberry Shortcake made with fresh berries AND homebaked biscuits made under the direction of our own master bakers. The Vacation Bible Campers will be on hand with a YARD SALE. Proceeds support our mission projects: The PettengillWeekly House FoodCommunity Bank and "Nothing But Nets." Table • space is available for $20. Call the church office 978-465Newspaper 8940 to reserve your space. See you there! ---------------------------------------------------WEST NEWBURY - On August 18th, 2012 Laurel Grange #161 of West Newbury is looking to hold its annual summer festival. The grange was wondering if some of the other local organizations in the town and surrounding towns would like join us and help to make this a grand event. All ideas are welcome. Please contact Jackie Carter at 978-352-2986 or email me at

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Page 14

June 13 - 19, 01

Continued from page 7

been hearing the song of the Whip-poor- 465-5753 will. Join Nancy Landry, avid birder, for an evening of listening to the Whip- THE TERNS OF WOODBRIDGE poor-will’s song and other nighttime ISLAND birds. Saturday, June 16th at 7:00 pm Paddle your kayak around the islands in Participants will meet on the deck of the the Merrimack River estuary and observe Visitor Contact Station at Parking Lot terns in their element. Kayak rental 1 of the Parker River National Wildlife and equipment included. Cosponsored Refuge at 7:00 pm. Dress appropriately by Plum Island Kayak. Sunday, June for weather conditions. A flashlight is 17, 9:00 am-1:00 pm Meet at Plum also suggested. Advance registration is Island Kayak, 92 Merrimack Street, PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY required, as enrollment is limited to 20 Newburyport. $60. Preregistration OF PARKER RIVER NATIONAL people. Parker River National Wildlife is required. Call 978-462-9998 for WILDLIFE REFUGE information about additional programs A new nature and wildlife photography Refuge; Phone: (978) 465-5753 and events, or visit the Web site at www. club has formed at Parker River SUNDAY, JUNE 17th National Wildlife Refuge. The next meeting will take place on Saturday, BRUNCH June 16th from 1:30 – 3:00 pm at the TODD FARM FLEA MARKET refuge visitor center in Newburyport. Outdoor Award-Winning Flea Market Brunch Sundays at Keons/Black This new club is intended for anyone is open every Sunday from now through Swan Country Club from 10-2. Live – from beginners to professionals late November. 240 flea market vendors music with Dan Skye. 258 Andover – who have an interest in nature and can be found on any given week at Todd St, Georgetown 978-352-2900 www. photography. Pre-registration is NOT Farm. Free Admission and Free Parking. required to attend this program. Parker It’s the perfect New England way to MONDAY, JUNE 18th River National Wildlife Refuge; Phone: spend some leisurely weekend time. Sundays 5:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. www. (978) 465-5753 CELEBRATING THE ART OF COMMUNITY FAMILY CAMPOUT The Amesbury Cultural Council is Tracks & Scat: Saturday, June 16 To FATHER’S DAY TIDE POOL Rowley holding an event on Monday, June Sunday, June 17 for families with CRUISE ABOARD THE YANKEE 18th from 6-8 pm in the Cultural children ages 4 to 14. Celebrate Father’s CLIPPER Center called Celebrating the Art of Lisa Hutchings and the crew of the Day by spending a night under the stars camping with the whole family. On this Yankee Clipper host families with Community. The focus of this event is fun overnight, learn to identify animal children ages three and up for this to celebrate the 2012 grant recipients as tracks, scat and signs. We’ll follow the exploration of the lower Merrimack well as to allow for networking of artist trail of an animal and discover where River. Sunday, June 17, 8:45–10:45 am and cultural groups. We envision this it slept, what it ate, and where it has Meet at the Newburyport waterfront event as a celebration of the arts and a traveled. The campout begins at 6:00 boardwalk. Adults $27; Children chance for more people to learn about p.m. on Saturday and ends at 9:00 $19. Preregistration is required. Call granting opportunities. The event is a.m. on Sunday. A list of equipment to 978-462-9998 for information about open to the public, not just artists, but bring will be sent. FEE: $22 adults, $18 additional programs and events, or visit to anyone who would like to attend. children (discount for Mass Audubon the Web site at It is free with light refreshments. The program begins at 6:00PM with members). Advance registration is joppaflats. background music by members of required; call 978-887-9264. the Merrimack Valley Philharmonic “BEHIND THE SCENES” Musicians, as well as a display of artwork REFUGE TOUR WHIP-POOR-WILL WALK Have you ever heard a strange bird Held on the following days: Sunday, from talented Amesbury youth. Event singing in the background of a movie June 17th at 1:00 pm; Saturday, June is 6:00 to 8:00PM at the Amesbury and wonder what it was? You may have 23rd at 9:30 am; Sunday, June 24th Cultural Center, Upper Millyard, 36 at 1:00 pm and Saturday, June 30th High St. If you need more information, at 9:30 am. Join a refuge ranger for a please contact, amesburycc@gmail. TOWN OF ROWLEY OF ROWLEY behind theTOWN scenes tour of Parker River com. You can also find information on National Wildlife Refuge. Those who our Facebook page or at our website at ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS call ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS and leave messages after hours, your registration is not confirmed until Case# 12-07 Case# 12-08 having received a confirmation call back MUSIC CONCERT A Public Hearing will be held at the A Public Hearing will be held at the from a refuge staff member. Parker River Monday, June 18th @ 6pm Judy Town Hall Annex, 39 Central Street, on Town Hall Annex, 39 Central Street, National Wildlife Refuge; Phone: (978) Pancoast Music Concert Gr. PreK-5 with Thursday, June 21, 2012 at 8:15 p.m. on Thursday, June 21, 2012 at 8:30 to act on an application filed by George Statefiled of Wisconsin Circuit Court p.m. to act on an application by Jackson937 County Publication Summons Haseltine, Trustee of the Pleasant St ReAndrew and Nerissa Wallen, South Case No. 12-CV-69 alty Trust, 66 Gilcreast Rd, Londonderry, St, Tewksbury, MA 01876. Applicant The Honorable Thomas E. Lister NH 03053. Applicant is appealing a is requesting a special Casepermit Code under 30404 Sec(Foreclosure of Mortgage) decision of the building inspector and, tion 6.6 of the RowleyThe Zoning Bylaw to exceeds $5000.00 amount claimed if appeal is successful, is also requestPHH Mortgage Corporation, 2001 Bishops Gate Blvd., Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054, Plaintiff allow an Accessory In-Law Apartment vs. and Stephanie Klobucarany & John Klobucar, W12799 Town Creek Rd. N, Hixton, ing the proper permits necessary to: 1. is alsoA. requesting otherDoe permitWI 54635-6300 and National City Bank n/k/a PNC Bank, National Association, 222 reconstruct a residential non-conforming ting or variances necessary to allow the Defendants Delaware Ave., Wilmington, DE 19801-1621, structure under Section 5.4.2 and requested use. The property isThe located Stateatof Wisconsin of the zoning bylaw or, 2. according to To 36 each person named Warehouse Laneabove whichasisaindefendant: the Out- You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named hasand filedisashown lawsuitonorAssessors’ other legal action against you. Within 40 days after Section of the bylaw, to convert a lyingabove District June 13, 2012 you must respond with a written demand for a copy of the complaint. single family home with inadequate area Map27 Lot137. The demand must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is 307 Main Street, to a two family home. The property is parties are invited to BlackInterested River Falls, WI 54615-1776 andattend to Gray & Associates, L.L.P., plaintiff’s attorney, located at 34-36 Pleasant Street which is the hearing be heard on matters whose address and is 16345 W. Glendale Dr., New Berlin, WI 53151-2841. You may have an relevant attorney help represent you. If youofdo not demand a copy of the complaint within in the Outlying District and is shown on to theorapplication. Copies 40 the days, the court may grant against you for the award of money or other legal Assessors’ Map24 Lot 89. application are on file judgment with the Board action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that Interested parties are invited to attend ofmay Appeals and mayinbethereviewed in the is or be incorrect complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. the hearing and be heard on matters ZBA office during money posted business hours. A judgment awarding may become a lien against any real estate you own now relevant to the application. Copies of or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. Dated this 31st day of 2012.–William N. Foshag, State Bar No. 1020417, Gray & Assoc., the application are on file with the Board Donald W.May, Thurston Chairman L.L.P., Attys. for Plaintiff, 16345 W. Glendale Dr., New Berlin, WI 53151-2841, (414) of Appeals and may be reviewed in the 224-8404, (414) 224-8118. Gray & Assoc., L.L.P. is attempting to collect a debt and any ZBA office during posted business hours. information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you have previously received a across from the Lane Memorial Library at 10 am. The walk is $10.00 per person, which includes a brochure. Lemonade and treats will be served at the completion of the walk. The Hampton Historical Society sponsors the Hampton Historical Walks. To make a reservation call 603-929-0781

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Weekly Community Newspaper Newbury, Byfield, PlumCHART Island, & Rowley TIDE Weekly Community Newspaper

Merrimack River Entrance uryport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfi o o eld, Plum Island, & 42 JUNE DATE HIGH 13 Wed 7:48 7.34 8:15 14 Thurs 8:45 7.17 9:05 15 Fri 9:39 7.11 9:52 16 Sat 10:29 7.13 10:35 17 Sun 11:13 7.19 11:16 KAYAKS 18 Mon 11:55 7.27 11:54 Wilderness Systems - Old Town 19 Tues 12:33 7.35 xx Perception - Necky 20 Wed 12:31 8.50 1:10 Ocean Kayak 21 Thurs 1:08 8.54 1:47 Canoes

49’N 070 49’W LOW 7.96 2:20 1.00 8.01 3:17 0.96 8.10 4:10 0.85 8.21 4:59 0.69 8.33 5:43 0.54 8.43 6:24 0.40 xx 7:02 0.29 7.42 7:38 0.20 7.51 8:13 0.13

2:35 3:26 4:15 5:00 5:42 6:21 6:59 7:36 8:14

SUN 1.04 1.21 1.30 1.31 1.28 1.22 1.16 1.09 1.02

5:04 5:04 5:04 5:04 5:04 5:04 5:04 5:04 5:05

8:23 8:23 8:23 8:24 8:24 8:24 8:25 8:25 8:25

Rangers - Old Town - Radisson KAYAKS Fernald’s Wilderness Systems - Old Town Perception - Necky AILBOATSOn the River Parker Ocean Kayak Canoes KAYAKS We stock Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 Mad River - Old Town - Radisson (978) 465-0312 Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC

PRECISION nfish, Zuma, Laser

Fernald’s Perception - Necky On the River Parker Ocean Kayak Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 LEGAL NOTICE Canoes This (978) 465-0312

Recycle Newspaper

ERNALD’S nches

A, Newbury, MA 01951 Share the Gift

0/week of Reading 465-0312 col. x 2 inches 178-

0/week + wks


3+ wks 0/week


TOWNThis OF ROWLEY Recycle Newspaper

Rangers - Old Town - Radisson

The Board of Health has adopted amendFernald’s ments to the Sale of Tobacco Products to Ontothe RiveraParker Minors Regulations include ban on the use of roll-your-own reguRt. 1A, machines. Newbury, These MA 01915 lations have been promulgated pursuant to (978) 465-0312 the authority granted to the Board of Health by Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 111, Section 31, that “Boards of Health may make reasonable health regulations.” Tobacco sales regulations restrict the availability to youth, and protect public health and safety. A copy of the regulations is on file at the Board of Health office.

ALS BOARD1 OF APPEALS 6+ wks ZONING $27.60/week col. x 2 inches 0/week 2 wks $24.90/week 6+ wks $38.30/week Case# 12-08 r monthly the Gift he ce this ad in our Share monthly A Public Hearing will be held at the of Reading 13+ wks $30.70/week additional ,lication on Townan Hall Annex, 39 Central Street, blication for additional .m. $9.75/week. on Thursday, June 21,26+ 2012wks at 8:30 ek. $27.60/week


rge p.m. to act on an application filed by NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ReRecycle ThisWallen, Newspaper 52 wks937 South $24.90/week Andrew and Nerissa derry, St, Tewksbury, MAPlace 01876. Applicant this ad in our monthly Notice is hereby given by Simmie’s requesting a special permit under ce this adisin our monthly Towing 16 Main Street Salisbury, MA, publication forSecan additional tion 6.6 the Rowley Zoning Bylaw to rd, monthlyfor blication lication an ofadditional pursuant to the provisions of G.L c. $9.75/week. st- $28.75/week. Share In-Law the Gift allow an Accessory Apartment 255, Section 39A, that they will sell additional and is also requesting 1. of Reading any other permitthe following vehicles on or after June ek. ming ting or variances necessary to allow the 28, 2012 by private sale to satisfy their 1.3.1 garage keeper’s lien for towing, storrequested use. The property is located at Place this our monthly to age, and notices of sale: 36 Warehouse which is inad the in OutRecycle Lane This Newspaper vert a for an additional lying District and ispublication shown on Assessors’ area Map27 Lot137. $28.75/week. 1. 2006 Saturn Ion VIN# is 1G8AJ55F06Z176721 Interested parties are invited to attend ch is the hearing and be heard on matters Share the Gift of Reading 2. 2005 Infiniti AWD VIN# JNKn on relevant to the application. Copies of the application are on file with the Board CV51F95M306675 tend of Appeals and may be reviewed in the ZBA office during posted business hours. Signed Robert A. Carbone of President, JJED Corporation oard Donald W. Thurston – Chairman the ours.

Donald W. Thurston – Chairman

discharge in a chapter 7 bankruptcy case, this communication should not be construed as an attempt to hold you personally liable for the debt.

June 13 - 19, 01 parents/caregiver. Online registration on GRAND ALLEÉ TOUR our website: The Trustees of Reservations is pleased to announce a new landscape tour opportunity this season at Castle Hill, a WORKSHOP: GETTING CLEAR Country Place Era estate and a National ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL Historic Landmark located at 290 REQUIREMENTS! Topsfield Library Meeting Room Argilla Road in Ipswich, MA. A View to June 18, 7 – 9 pm - Our ‘personal the Sea: The Grand Alleé Tour is offered requirements’ are that checklist of Wednesdays, June 20, July 18, August items that are the deal breakers in any 15, and September 12, from 5:00 – situation. They are the ‘must have’ list 6:00 p.m. Admission is $10 for TTOR that we check in with when we are members, $15 for non-members, and in the process of making important pre-registration is required at 978-356decisions about everything from jobs to 4351, x4049. relationships to purchases and vacations (and much more!). Deb Silke, a LOGAN PIERCEY CONCERT professionally practicing Intuitive, will Logan Piercey will perform his original be leading the workshop. You may music at the Amesbury Public Library contact Deb at 978-902-7001, info@ at the gazebo on Wednesday, June 20 at and also learn more by 6:00 p.m. By the age of 13, Logan was visiting her website at www.DebSilke. writing songs; by 14 he was ripping up com. the guitar, and playing keyboards. Like so many artists before him, Logan's TUESDAY, JUNE 19th lyrics come from a place deep inside. His poignant songwriting navigates life as a “STORIES, STONES, AND teenager and questions what it all means, SUPERSTITIONS” while the alternating hard and melodic The Rowley Library, 141 Main St., moods of his compositions reveal the welcomes Roxie Zwicker of New honest emotions behind the personal England Curiosities on Tuesday June stories shared through his songs. You 19th at 6:30 pm. Roxie will be here to can check out Logan’s website at http:// guide us through the Rowley Cemetery Logan has and explain to us what the gravestones released a cd, which will be available reveal about the early settlers of Rowley. for sale. For more information contact This program is a must if you have any Margie at 978-388-8148 or mwalker@ interest in local history or cemeteries. Sponsored by the Friends of the Rowley Library. TRIVIA NIGHT Keon's Trivia Nights on Wednesday GROUNDBREAKING from 7-9, $2 off all menu items & gift CEREMONY certificate giveaways. 258 Andover St, The Board of Water Commissions Georgetown 978-352-2900 cordially invites you to celebrate the new Rowley Water Treatment Plant SENATOR ELDRIDGE TO SPEAK Groundbreaking on Tuesday, June AT UNITARIAN CHURCH 19th, at 1pm at 64 Pinegree Farm Rd, On Wednesday, June 20 at 7:00pm Rowley. in the lower meetinghouse of the First Religious Society, 26 Pleasant Street, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20th Newburyport, Senator Jamie Eldridge will participate in a public forum. This A VIEW TO THE SEA: THE is a public forum and attendants are



Page 15

free to express their opinions. Senator Eldridge will address thr group, take questions, and participate in the discussion. There will be considerable time devoted to questions from the floor and discussions of the issues. Free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. IPSWICH WOMEN IN THE ARTS Ipswich Museum, 54 South Main Street, Ipswich will host a Wednesday Evening Lecture on June 20 at 7:30 pm entitled “Ipswich Women in the Arts.” The First National Bank of Ipswich generously sponsors the Museum’s Wednesday Evening Lecture Series. For more information, visit www. or call 978-3562811. Cost: $10 for non-members; free to members.

Sold Single Family Homes Address, Town

127 N End Blvd, Salisbury 9 Warren Ave, Salisbury 5 Roy Ave, Newbury 164 Pond St, Georgetown 131 Linden St, Hamilton 20 Atlantic St, Gloucester 84 Rabbit Rd, Salisbury 126 Highland St, Hamilton 147 Northern Blvd, Newbury 18 Knowlton St, Hamilton 101 Pleasant St, Wenham 170 Perkins Row, Topsfield 43 Topsfield Rd, Ipswich 117 Main St, Rowley 16 Taylor St, Georgetown 26 Story St, Essex 142 West Main St, Georgetown 5 Madison Ave, Groveland 11 Upper River Rd, Ipswich 31 Elmira Ave, Newburyport 2 Cedarview Rd, Ipswich 500 Essex St, Hamilton 1175 Washington St, Gloucester 58 Rust St, Hamilton 6 Autumn Ln, Rockport Lot-14 Oleo Woods, Newburyport 168 Dodge Rd, Rowley Lot-11 Oleo Woods, Newburyport 45 Meadows Ln, Rowley 11 Pheasant Run Dr, Newburyport 376 High St, Newburyport Lot-3 Oleo Woods, Newburyport 28 Sunrise Rd, Boxford 3 Harmony Ln, Georgetown 12 King Edward Ct, Boxford 50 N Main St, Ipswich 26 Burnham Rd, Wenham 72 High St, Newburyport 39 Moseley Ave, Newburyport 12 Berry Circle, Hamilton 9 Whale Cove Rd, Rockport 1026 Washington, Gloucester 20 Townsend Farm Rd, Boxford 419 Main St, Amesbury 46 High St, Newburyport 208 Main St, Wenham 5 Penryn Way, Rockport


5 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 5 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 5 room, 2 bed, 0f 1h bath Cottage 4 room, 1 bed, 1f 0h bath Cape 4 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Bungalow 5 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 4 room, 1 bed, 1f 0h bath Cottage 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Contemporary 5 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 5 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 4 room, 2 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 8 room, 3 bed, 3f 0h bath Raised Ranch 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 8 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Saltbox 5 room, 2 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 6 room, 2 bed, 2f 1h bath Ranch 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 7 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Cape 7 room, 2 bed, 2f 0h bath Bungalow 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 8 room, 2 bed, 3f 0h bath Ranch 7 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 7 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Other 9 room, 3 bed, 3f 0h bath Ranch 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Cape 8 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Cape 9 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Cape 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 11 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Colonial 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 9 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Cape 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Ranch 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Antique 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Victorian 7 room, 4 bed, 4f 0h bath Colonial 10 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Colonial 7 room, 3 bed, 3f 0h bath Farmhouse 9 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Cape 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Cape 7 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 9 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Other 14 room, 6 bed, 3f 1h bath Colonial 14 room, 4 bed, 3f 2h bath Colonial


475 143 317 78 11 22 612 216 342 26 182 257 212 389 193 1 63 20 27 86 43 613 301 27 303 95 76 2 265 122 332 46 354 70 40 278 32 1 165 56 18 41 333 22 205 386 16

List Price Sold For Orig Price

$134,900 $115,875 $184,000 $219,000 $205,000 $243,000 $195,000 $239,500 $245,000 $269,900 $249,999 $439,000 $264,900 $229,900 $259,900 $299,900 $319,000 $326,900 $340,000 $369,500 $379,900 $365,000 $425,000 $459,000 $474,900 $474,175 $510,000 $515,535 $519,900 $523,900 $489,900 $530,000 $489,000 $549,500 $549,900 $525,000 $574,900 $579,000 $625,000 $659,000 $699,000 $699,900 $649,900 $799,900 $949,000 $799,900 $1,399,000

$134,000 $103,699 $175,000 $214,000 $186,500 $250,000 $150,000 $229,000 $230,000 $269,900 $249,999 $417,073 $254,900 $200,000 $245,000 $400,000 $331,000 $327,000 $337,500 $360,000 $370,000 $357,500 $390,000 $459,000 $448,500 $474,175 $500,000 $515,535 $515,000 $510,000 $455,000 $527,350 $450,000 $515,000 $550,000 $515,000 $585,000 $579,000 $600,000 $617,000 $686,300 $670,000 $600,000 $750,000 $910,000 $800,000 $1,350,000

$142,900 $153,000 $199,000 $199,900 $205,000 $243,000 $250,000 $259,000 $262,000 $269,900 $285,000 $289,000 $289,000 $289,900 $299,900 $299,900 $319,000 $326,900 $340,000 $379,000 $379,900 $429,800 $455,000 $459,000 $474,900 $485,000 $515,000 $515,000 $519,900 $523,900 $525,000 $530,000 $535,000 $549,500 $549,900 $565,000 $574,900 $579,000 $625,000 $659,000 $699,000 $699,900 $749,900 $799,900 $949,000 $999,900 $1,399,000

Single Family Listings: 47 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 2,129.28 Avg. List$: $454,581 Avg. List$/SqFt: $217 Avg. DOM: 168.38 Avg. Sale$: $441,786 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $210

2012 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.

Page 16

June 13 - 19, 2012

June 13 - 19, 01 For Sale

Business Spotlight

Real Estate • For Sale Summer Safety Tips • Sports • Sports Sportsfor the Homestead know that you will be away and that you are not expecting any visitors so that they may call the police about suspicious activity around your home. (Your REALTOR®, however, is NOT to be carted away) 5. Al doors, windows, garages and sheds should have working locks. 6. Be sure the automatic garage door has been completely closed as you leave. 7. Make one last trip around the home to be sure all sliding glass doors, side doors, bulkheads etc are locked and secured. 8. Store ladders securely away in locked garage or shed so that they can not be used to access the home. 9. Use timers for selected lights or outdoor water sprinklers to make it appear that someone is home. 10. Mow the lawn one last time just before you leave. (Tall grass suggests that the homeowner may be away). 11. Put bright lights over porches and walk ways in front and back yards. 12. Do not leave any toys, tools or equipment in the yard. Have the time of your good lives this summer and come home to your properties refreshed and happy. For those of you whose homes are on the market, just come home ready to close! Broker/REALTOR® Janet Hilton is a former practicing attorney and critical care RN who with her husband retired Lynn Fire Lieutenant George Hilton owns and

operates Country Crossroads Realty at 28 Bay Rd, South Hamilton. For excellence in providing Real Estate services, call Janet direct at 781-405-4867 or visit www.


Page 17


HIC##166932 154945 154945 HIC

ForAll AllYour YourRepair Repairand andMaintenance MaintenanceNeeds! Needs! For Winterizing/Caulking/Sealing • •Winterizing/Caulking/Sealing Cabinets/Counters/Storage • •Cabinets/Counters/Storage Crownmoldings moldings • •Crown Window/DoorRepair Repair • •Window/Door Handrails&&Grab GrabBars Bars • •Handrails ExteriorTrim TrimRepair Repair • •Exterior Plusmuch, much,much muchmore! more! • •Plus

Health & Fitness

You have waited all year and it's time to relax away from home. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, however, statistics show that July and August are the busiest months for burglars who love your being away almost as much as you do. There are many ways to avoid becoming a victim of these menacing threats to our homes and lives. Here are some tips from the FBI, The Home Safety Council and this REALTOR® that may serve to keep your homes secure while you enjoy much deserved time away: 1. Do not leave recorded messages that you are "out of town". 2. Do not leave any key anywhere except in the hand of your REALTOR®, a trusted friend or family member who will bring in your mail and any periodicals or newspapers while you are away. 3. Keep bushes, shrubs and any plantings trimmed under windows so burglars can not hide in them. (If your home is on the market, REALTOR®s don't like hidden burglars at all.) 4. Let your trusted neighbors

Our Featured Property of the Week

Rowley: This charming older home with terrific marsh views has been lovingly cared for with hardwood floors in most rooms and newer windows. Open kitchen with dining area brings in lots of light. Living and dining rooms downJust Listed! stairs. Two full baths and 3 or 4 bedrooms (new 4 bedroom septic to be installed). Both double closet and walk in closet in the master bedroom. Enjoy marsh views from your rooftop deck. Offered at $289,900. Call John at 978-835-2573 to see this Antique Farmhouse.

ROWLEY REALTY 165 Main St., P.O. Box 101, Rowley, MA 01969 Phone 978-948-2758 • Fax 978-948-2454

LIC##046117 046117 LIC


Clean&&Courteous Courteous Clean

978-462-1994 978-462-1994

Local Local Referrals Referrals Master Master Carpenter Carpenter with25yrs 25yrs with Experience Experience

Listen to Kathryn’s radio program every Friday at 7:45 am on WNBP 1450 AM.

Kathryn O’Brien, M.Ed. Direct Line: 978-465-1322 Email: .net Website:

Thinking Of Selling? Don’t You Deserve Service Like This? I chose Kathryn due in part to a recommendation from a close friend and her proposal to me when I was interviewing potential real estate agents. She has lived up to every promise she made and more from what I had heard and expected based on the reference. Kathryn’s positive “can do” attitude truly made what had promised to be a daunting and emotional experience for me as stress free as possible. She is knowledgeable about Ipswich’s nuances, was available to me at all times and was pro-active in keeping the process moving forward. Her numerous connections provided me with quality and reliable choices in finding the right companies and individuals to help me to navigate thru town and state regulations and prepare my mother’s home for sale. In this day and age, it is truly unusual to find a person with her expertise who is willing/able to make a client feel like they are the most important client they have. I enjoyed working with her, would hire her should I decide to purchase property in Massachusetts and would definitely be happy to provide her a glowing reference! Also, I would not hesitate to be an advocate of hers to a potential client who was looking for a recommendation for an individual to assist them in either purchasing or selling a home/real estate. I really cannot thank her enough for all her efforts and friendship she extended me since we began this journey. Sincerely, Marcia J. Cowan

Experience the service you deserve. Call Kathryn O’Brien today. 978-465-1322

Page 18

June 13 - 19, 01


The Town Common on-line at

IN-HOME SENIOR CARE Companionship, meals, errands, housekeeping, Senior Homecare by Angels! hygiene & respite. You Choose Your Caregiver from our experienced staff! p Experienced Caregivers Welcome to Apply Call 978-462-6162


ARIES (March 21 to April 19) A recent spate of confusion regarding decision-making begins to clear up. But caution is still advised. Continue to check details. An old friend has important news. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You're anxious to see your ideas move from concept to development. But trying to force the issue right now could backfire. Wait for movement to resume on the 11th. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Keep your thoughts focused on the positive as you deal with an unexpected turn of events in a personal or professional relationship. This could be the start of a welcome change. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Health matters take on added importance at this time. Deal with them before they interfere with your summer plans. A relationship that cooled off could soon warm up again. LEO (July 23 to August 22) While a few details involving upcoming decisions still need your attention, you fun-loving Felines can begin to spend more time enjoying your lively social life again. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) That long-soughtafter career change could require you to move to another city. Weigh your decision carefully before either accepting or rejecting the offer out of hand.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A workplace situation can be awkward for Librans who prefer to keep their problems private. But you might have to "tell-all" if you hope to see it resolved in your favor. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Although your financial situation starts to improve this week, you still need to be cautious about money matters. Avoid major obligations, for now. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Your overall aspects continue to brighten, allowing you to tackle long-deferred challenges. A change in travel plans could work to your benefit. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Things seem to be slowing down for the usually restless Sea Goat. But wouldn't a bit of respite be just what you need right now? Activity picks up by June 17. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Personal relationships take a positive turn for both married and single Aquarians. Professional commitments, however, could be complicated by newly emerging events. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) A decision you thought was final might be reopened as new facts are discovered. This could lead to a short-term problem, but might ultimately prove beneficial. BORN THIS WEEK: Your keen interest in pursuing global events could lead you into a career as a politician or reporter. (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

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J&C ENTERTAINMENT DJ’s/Karaoke Over 54,000 Songs Over 283,000 Karaoke Songs Oldies, Motown, Rock, Pop & More John & Christine Husband & Wife DJ Team Since 1995


Community Calendar

June 13 - 19, 01

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SCAFFOLDING, Pipe Staging, Honest, Reasonable & Good at it! Call 5ftx5ftx7ft, 5 section with arm & wheel 978-283-9831 Community Calendar Continues $600. Also 36 inch ITEMS WANTED – Wanted by Pratt and adjustable pads. MASONRY STEPS, Walks, Patios, bull float with 4, 6ft extensions $125. Call Coin and Hobby in Georgetown. Chimney Flashing, Sealing, Wood Stove U.S. Coins, silver, gold, foreign world 978-462-3170 Hearths. New or Expert Repairs. Retired. money. Old pocket watches, wrist HELP WANTED Call Terry at 603-929-6233


watches, costume jewelry and post cards. Wheat pennies, Pre-1958 - 2 1/2 cents each. FREE APPRAISAL. HOURS VARY PLEASE CALL FIRST. Call Peter Pratt 1-800-870-4086 or 978-352-2234

Page 19

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Page 20

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