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Celebrate Summer in...

The Town Common







WHAT'S INSIDE Goodbye NormaJean Page 2 All Weather Tide Pooling Page 2

The Bounty To Sail Into Port By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

NEWBUryPOrT – Had you lived here back in the hey day of the clipper ships and global trading that made this maritime community very wealthy, it would not have been unusual for the locals to throw a big party to honor a ship returning from faraway places. Next month, residents and visitors alike will get the chance to celebrate just like the Newburyport of old when the 180-foot replica of the tall ship HMS Bounty – famous from the Mutiny on the Bounty story – sails up the Merrimack river to dock for the weekend. The Bounty will arrive in Newburyport on Thursday, July 12, and will be open to the public for tours from Friday, July 13, through Sunday, July 15. On shore, there will be entertainment at Waterfront Park. On Saturday from 2 to 5 p.m., the Plum Island Pans, a group of multiple steel drum Continued on page 3

Veteran's Group Page 10 Newburyport Adult Education Summer Camp Page 13

The HMS Bounty

The Town Common Courtesy Photos

Beat the Heat!

Ipswich Swimmers Join Swim Across America in the Fight Against Cancer Page 5 Castle Hill Summer Picnic Schedule Page 9


June 27 - July 3, 2012 • Vol. 8, No. 34

By Marguerite Gore, Correspondent –––––––––––––––––

NEWBUryPOrT—Lisa Hutchings, Teacher-Naturalist at the Mass Audubon’s Joppa Flats Education Center, hosted the program, “Imagine, Sing, and Learn: Beat the Heat!” Thursday, June 21. This was one of the several events held for local families and their children during the summer months by the Audubon Center. With the extreme heat conditions last week, this was the perfect opportunity for young children and their parents to do something fun indoors. Activities included make-your-own solar powered bracelets, story time, coloring, and an up-close encounter with various local seacritters such as, periwinkles, sea urchins, rock crabs, mussels and sea stars. The main focus of this event was educating the children on the importance of sun-protection. Various demonstrations were displayed to show how to still have fun outdoors while guarding oneself against harmful UV rays. Demonstrations included proper sunblock application and adequate UV ray blocking attire. Audubon Volunteers Brittany LaClair (Merrimack), Sandie Jankowski (Newbury), and Jake Connolly (Byfield) were also on hand to ensure the success of this fun filled day. To register for upcoming events at the Joppa Flats Education Center or for more information call 978-462-9998 or visit

Photo by Maggie Gore

(From left) Hannah Herlihy, Sandie Jankowski,Danielle Skidmore, James Herlihy, and Kemari McCauley.

Everything Deserves A Second Chance By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

AMESBUry – Gary and Juliette Bergeron are big believers that everything should get a second chance. The owners of a business that leases space to antique and collectibles dealers in the old Mill 77 Building on Elm Street offer that chance every day. They also open their space to non-professionals and to those who want to put their old clothes, furniture and nicknacks to sell on consignment. A year ago, they gave the old carriage mill a chance for a new life. Now they are planning to give the old Kon Tiki Lounge on rte. 110 the same chance. This summer the Bergerons, who got a chance to restart their careers with Mill 77, will renovate the long vacant restaurant and bar on Macy Street and move all the furniture and wares now in the 10,000 square feet of old mill space to the new space. By August 1, Gary Bergeron expects to be in the new building with a planned grand Continued on page 3

Gary and Julliette Bergeron at Mill 77.

Photo by Stewart Lytle

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How to Submit Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor To The Editor:

Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common

Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to:

Moving On

I would like to thank the business owners, chamber members, city leaders and the Amesbury Chamber of Commerce & Industrial Foundation Board of Directors and committee members, both past and present, for giving me the opportunity to be a part of what has been an exciting time in Amesbury’s history. For the past eight years, I have had the pleasure and privilege of working with an incredible group of people, and some of the most dedicated, hardworking volunteers I have ever met. The revitalization of the Upper Millyard, the emergence of a growing downtown business district with the opening of many great restaurants and specialty shops, the construction of the Transportation Center/Senior Center, the Downtown Beautification Program and the planned revitalization of the Lower Millyard are just a few of the many projects the Chamber has been a part of. While I will miss working with everyone on a daily basis, I look forward to starting a new chapter in my life and to all the opportunities and challenges it presents. I wish everyone a future that is full of health, happiness and prosperity. NormaJean Fowler Former Executive Assistant, Amesbury Chamber of Commerce

Farewell, Many Thanks and Good Luck to NormaJean To the Editor:

The Amesbury Chamber of Commerce and Industrial Foundation announced today that Norma Jean Fowler has resigned from her position The Editor as Executive Assistant effective June 21, 2012. As many of you may already c/o The Town Common know, NJ is taking advantage of some new opportunities presented to her 77 Wethersfield St. and she is eagerly looking forward to those challenges. Rowley, MA 01969 NJ has been the Executive Assistant for the past 8 ½ years and has worked or via e-mail to: very hard to ensure the day to day operations of the office are met. She has been the” behind the scenes” that ensure all of our events are successful. NJ The Town Common deadline has been a very hard working, flexible and committed employee and her is 5pm Wednesday (except when numerous contributions to this organization will be long remembered. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank Norma Jean a federal holiday necessitates an earlier deadline). for her dedicated years of service to this organization. We would also like to recognize her commitment to the chamber and her job. There were many The Town Common hours she worked from home and even made sure she was accessible on her serves the communities of the days off in case we needed her. We are going to miss NJ, but we wish her a Upper North Shore of Mass. & future of much success and happiness. Coastal New Hampshire and welcomes your participation. Send your Organization or Group Notices, Birth or Engagement Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969 Phone: 978-948-8696 Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail:

The Town Common Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor Graphic Design Services Advertising Opportunities Event and Announcement Submissions

77 Wethersfield Street Rowley, MA 01969-1713 Phone: (978) 948-8696 Fax: (978) 948-2564 The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify The Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. All material and content cannot be duplicated without written consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or edit any copy offered for publication. Copyright 2004-2012 The Town Common© - All Rights Reserved

In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005)

Anne M Bonaventura Chair of the Board State of Wisconsin Circuit Court Jackson County Publication Summons Case No. 12-CV-69 The Honorable Thomas E. Lister Case Code 30404 (Foreclosure of Mortgage) The amount claimed exceeds $5000.00 PHH Mortgage Corporation, 2001 Bishops Gate Blvd., Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054, Plaintiff vs. Stephanie A. Klobucar & John Doe Klobucar, W12799 Town Creek Rd. N, Hixton, WI 54635-6300 and National City Bank n/k/a PNC Bank, National Association, 222 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, DE 19801-1621, Defendants The State of Wisconsin To each person named above as a defendant: You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. Within 40 days after June 13, 2012 you must respond with a written demand for a copy of the complaint. The demand must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is 307 Main Street, Black River Falls, WI 54615-1776 and to Gray & Associates, L.L.P., plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is 16345 W. Glendale Dr., New Berlin, WI 53151-2841. You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not demand a copy of the complaint within 40 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. Dated this 31st day of May, 2012. William N. Foshag, State Bar No. 1020417, Gray & Assoc., L.L.P., Attys. for Plaintiff, 16345 W. Glendale Dr., New Berlin, WI 53151-2841, (414) 224-8404, (414) 224-8118. Gray & Assoc., L.L.P. is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you have previously received a discharge in a chapter 7 bankruptcy case, this communication should not be construed as an attempt to hold you personally liable for the debt.

June 27 - July 3, 2012

Mass Audubon’s Joppa Flats Education Center Offers All-Weather Tide Pooling Meet Beach Creatures! Newburyport – Hot or cold, wet or dry, summer has arrived, and families looking for all-weather activities are invited to drop in at Mass Audubon’s Joppa Flats Education Center to meet tide pool beach creatures, Tuesdays through Saturdays, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, all free of charge, beginning July 3 and continuing through July and August. “Come visit us before the beach, after the beach, or instead of the beach,” says Lisa Hutchings, TeacherNaturalist at Joppa Flats. “Our team of young naturalists will explain all the critters in our touch tanks – what they are, why they live where the do, how they interact with each other. You’ll know so much more about crabs and clams and barnacles and all kinds of shore life the next time you visit tide pools at the beach!” Joppa’s young naturalists, ages 12 to 17, are trained to share information with visitors of all ages, but they are also expert at collecting and caring for marine wildlife. Aishwarya Jagtap of North Andover, a summer intern at Joppa, is one of three college students caring for the touch tanks with the young naturalists. She explains, “Our exhibit is a direct representation of what you would find right now in local tide pools. Every two weeks, we all take a trip out to the beach to release the animals to their natural habitat and to collect new ones, so we can show seasonal changes and offer new species to our guests.” Young naturalist Catrina Smith of Newbury, age 10, says, “I like that I’m a creature caretaker for the touch tank. I get to squirt shrimp into the anemones, I hum to the snails with the little kids that visit, and I hand feed the hermit crabs. They are like puppies! I also like to let kids know that they really should put back the animals in their beach buckets and return them to the habitat. That’s really important.” The Massachusetts Audubon Society is the largest conservation organization in New England, concentrating its efforts on protecting the nature of Massachusetts for people and wildlife. Mass Audubon's Joppa Flats Education Center, located at One Plum Island Turnpike in Newburyport, is a natural history education and visitor center that is open to the public Tuesday through Sunday and Monday holidays, 8:30 to 4. Call 978-462-9998 for additional information about programs and events, or visit the website at





Notice is hereby given by Simmie’s Towing 16 Main Street Salisbury, MA, pursuant to the provisions of G.L c. 255, Section 39A, that they will sell the following vehicles on or after June 28, 2012 by private sale to satisfy their garage keeper’s lien for towing, storage, and notices of sale: 1. 2006 Saturn Ion VIN# 1G8AJ55F06Z176721 2. 2005 Infiniti AWD VIN# JNKCV51F95M306675 Signed Robert A. Carbone President, JJED Corporation

In accordance with the Wetlands Protections Act, Mass. G.L. 131, section 40, as amended, and the Town of Rowley Wetlands Protection Bylaw, a Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, July 10, 2012, at 7:45 pm in the Town Hall Annex located at 39 Central Street, to consider a Request to Determine Applicability application filed by James R. Attarian for proposed restoration and invasive plant removal combined with pond rock wall repair possibly within the 100’ Buffer Zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands and the 200’ Riverfront Area at 75 Bradford Street (Map 15, Parecel 10) in Rowley, MA. Doug Watson, Chair Rowley Conservation Commisssion

June 7 - July 3, 01

Page 3

Everything Deserves A Second Chance

Continued from page 1

opening for September. “We love this building. We looked for a year before we found it,” he said. But they can't stay because the city won't let them use the second floor without a certificate of occupancy. And the city building inspector will not issue the CO until the mill owner, John Manchester, makes some essential repairs. Currently Mill 77 has 60 antique dealers and about 400 consignors. The first floor is packed with individual stalls, offering a world of diverse items for sale. Bergeron said there is a waiting list of about 40 other dealers who would like to lease space with Mill 77. “Traffic since we opened has been great,” he said. That is in spite of the fact that the mill lacks any parking space, which is usually essential to a retail business. The Bergerons lease a dirt parking lot a half block away. At the Kon Tiki Lounge there is parking for 100 cars, he said. The name, Mill 77 Trading Co., will stay the same. That lets the Bergerons keep their brand identify, their logo and web site. The service will also remain the same. There will still be free coffee and popcorn and free live music on Sunday afternoons. The Bergerons got into leasing space to antique dealers after they were caught in the job squeeze

of the last recession. Each lost a high-ranking corporate job within a couple of days of one another. Neither could find another corporate executive position. On a trip to Atlanta, GA, they had seen a business similar to Mill 77. They told each other then that someday they would like to run that kind of business. “We have always loved antiques,” Juliette Bergeron said. Without incomes, they lost their home in New Hampshire. His expensive car was stolen. They moved into an apartment owned by his parents in Lowell, bought an old van and started looking for space to start an antiques business. “There is no business model for what we do. I had to write the business plan from scratch,” he said. Mill 77 is not yet making much money. Leasing space for $175 a month or shelf space for $55 a month, they are breaking even. And the Bergerons have learned to pinch a nickel. “When the economy turns around, this is really going to take off,” he said. The city did not want Mill 77 to move, he said. City officials like having this old mill put to productive use, especially with the new push to reinvigorate the Lower Millyard and the opening last week of the new Costello transportation and civic building. The seniors can

Come in for a visit and compare! walk to Mill 77 until it moves. The owner, distracted by personal -Since 1954 legal issues, moved to Wisconsin and has paid little attention to the Mill. According to court documents, •Private & Semi-Private Rooms Manchester was charged with An extended Care Community with Baths and Beautiful Views extortion and intimidation against • Medicare/ Medicaid certified Amesbury High School basketball • Social Services-Speech, coach Thom Connors. He and other Amesbury parents wanted Physical, Occupational, & to have Connors replaced as the Massage Therapies basketball coach, and the police • Full Activity Program believe that Manchester pushed it too far, threatening the coach unless • and much more... The North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper he resigned. The charges were dropped last week for lack of evidence. But MANSION DRIVE • ROWLEY, MA • JUST OFF ROUTE 1A Manchester has said he has no plans to return to Amesbury soon. So the Bergerons are moving on to a different space, large enough that more than100 antique dealers can lease space with them. In the interim, drop in and feast your eyes on a myriad of collectibles from the 1950s to the present. Almost everything is for sale. Bergeron's proudest new acquisition: crystal glasses and more than a dozen Polaroid photographs of entertainment and political celebrities who attended the retirement party for the late U.S. House Speaker Thomas “Tip” $ SUMMER SPECIAL - SAVE $ O'Neill. Call now for more information. Payment Plan Available. As he shuffles through the photos Tel: 978-463-9600 of Bob Hope, Ted Kennedy, George 191 E LM S TREET , SALISBURY McGovern and U.S. Sen. John Kerry with O'Neill at the party, he said, “I think I will keep these.”

Sea View Retreat

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The Bounty To Sail Into Port Continued from page 1

ensembles from the North Shore, will perform its tropical and soothing sounds. Originating from the Zach Field Drum Studios, the group is one of only a few steel drum bands in the area. At about 9 p.m., Chase & Lunt Insurance will show the feature film, Treasure Island, on a 40-foot screen. The Bounty is a star in the film. On Sunday, July 15th, The Firehouse Center for the Arts will present Shakesperience Productions' Much Ado about Something. Two, free outdoor performances will be held at 1 and 3 p.m. on the lawn behind the Firehouse with the Bounty in the background. For more information, visit www. The tours of the Bounty will cost $10 for adults, $5 for children five and older. The tours of the weather deck and the first deck below are self guided with crew members standing station to answer questions. With as many as 4,000 visitors per day, Tracie Simonin, the director of the Bounty, said the crew members do get tired of answering the same questions. “Try to be a little original,” she joked. But stay as long as you like on board, she said. Built for the 1962 for the Marlon Brando version of Mutiny on the Bounty, it is an 180-foot

long replica of the famous British trading ship. It has been in a variety of movies including the 2006 movie The Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest with Johnny Depp. Between movies, the ship supports itself – well almost – with visits to ports like Newburyport, Simonin said. The ship is an educational tool, teaching young and old about the art and history of sailing. The ship is dedicated to the what is called the fine art of square rigging. The Bounty is currently on a tour of the East Coast ports, as part of the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812. Last year, she visited European ports. And the previous year she traveled through all five Great Lakes in the American Sail Training Association's Tall Ships Challenge. This year Tall Ships America will be hosted at festivals in Newport, r.I. on July 6 through 9 and Halifax, Nova Scotia from July 19 through the 23. In addition to the Bounty, the events will feature the191-foot Indonesian Naval barquentine Dewaruci, the French Naval tall ships La Belle Poule and Etoile and the 179-foot barque Picton Castle from the Cook Islands. U.S. vessels include the 295-foot U.S. Coast Guard barque Eagle, the Gazela, the Lynx and the Pride of Baltimore II. Overhauled in 2006 and 2007, the Bounty wintered last year in



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June 7 - July 3, 01

Page 5

Ipswich Swimmers Join Swim Across America to Make Waves in the Fight Against Cancer

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Open Daily 6:00am to 2:00pm

IPSWICH – Pam ryan and rebecca ryan of Ipswich have joined Swim Across America to make a splash for pediatric cancer survivorship programs at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. The 19th annual All Pastries are made with Boston Harbor 22-mile relay swim is Friday, July 13, and the 15th annual DCr Nantasket Beach 100% Real Cream one-mile and half-mile swim is Saturday, July 14. “The swims are a great way for people to come together and participate in a sport they love alongside Olympic swimming legends while raising critical funds for the David. B. Perini Jr., Quality ofThe Life Region’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper Clinic at Dana-Farber,â€? says 1988 Olympic Silver Medalist Janel Jorgensen McArdle, executive director Breakfast and Lunch of Swim Across America. “This year Craig Beardsley and Daniel Waters are among the Olympians Daily Specials scheduled to swim with us.â€? 155 Bridge Rd Every stroke and dollar makes a difference in the fight against cancer. The Boston Harbor swim is an all day event that starts from behind the Boston Harbor Hotel at rowes Wharf. Swimmers pledge a Salisbury, MA minimum of $1,500 to participate. Swimmers taking part in the one and half-mile competitive ocean 978-465-1199 swims at DCr Nantasket Beach in Hull must raise a minimum of $250 each. Swim Across America is a non-profit corporation that runs swimming events from Boston to San Francisco to support cancer research, prevention and treatment at some of the country’s finest institutions. Proceeds from the Boston-area swims go directly to the David B. Perini, Jr. Quality of Life Clinic at Dana-Farber, where experts help pediatric cancer survivors with an array of issues they face after completing cancer treatment. Every stroke makes a difference in the fight against cancer. For more information, email Kitty Tetreault at or visit www. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute ( is a principal teaching affiliate of the Harvard RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Specializing in: We Safely Clean: • Homes • Orientals Medical School and is among the leading cancer research and care centers in the United States. • Offices (Cleaned On-site) It is a founding member of the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center (DF/HCC), designated a • Boats • Cottons • Mobiles Homes comprehensive cancer center by the National Cancer Institute. It provides adult cancer care with • Wools • Automobiles • Fabrics Brigham and Women’s Hospital as Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center and it provides • Stain Removal A U T H O R I Z E D LOW MOISTURE CLEANING pediatric care with Children’s Hospital Boston as Dana-Farber/Children’s Hospital Cancer Center. A S S O C I A T E Dana-Farber is the top ranked cancer center in New England, according to U.S. News & World Fully Insured Free Estimates Call Today report, and one of the largest recipients among independent hospitals of National Cancer Institute and National Institutes of Health grant funding.Follow Dana-Farber on Twitter: @danafarberFollow 978-996-2492 Dana-Farber on Facebook: LOU@EGBLIVE.COM WWW.T4HCCLEAN.COM

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Weaver for this weekly birding field trip in the Newburyport/Plum Island area. Appropriate for all birding levels. Wednesday, June 27, 9:30 am-12:30 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $17. Preregistration is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at joppaflats.

UPSTAIRS/DOWNSTAIRS TOURS AT CASTLE HILL The Trustees of reservations is pleased to offer the Hot & Cold Tour, a special behind-the-scenes tour of the Great House at Castle Hill, a National Historic Landmark located at 290 Argilla road in Ipswich, MA, that is sure to delight Downtown Abbey fans. Hot & Cold Tours are offered every other Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. beginning May 30 through October 17. Tours are 1 ½ hours, and admission is $15 for TTOr Members and $20 for Non-Members. Preregistration at things-to-do is required and space is limited. Call 978-356-4351, x4049 for more information.

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MARCUS GALE Children’s Music Concert with Marcus Gale at the rowley Public Library on Wednesday, June 27, 10:30. Thousands of children know Marcus Gale for his charming songs, funny stories, playful puppet friends, and original dance music. Get ready to sing new songs along with traditional favorites, clap your hands, wiggle your Contact your Advertising fingers and toes, shake your legs and Consultant today! shaker eggs, and move your feet to the beat of the best kid dance tunes 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564 around.

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offering free popcorn and sno-cones.

~ Fall Clean-Out ~ BIRDING more information. At 54 South Main The PrC would like to invite you to Street, Ipswich, MA 01938 Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director the official grand opening of the new 84 Main St., Rowley, MA Community Calendar Continues . . at. Kid’s Day Bill Gette and USFWS veteran David Town Park Playground

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June 7 - July 3, 01

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Home Improvement Professionals P: Bryan Hughes, Rowley, MA WOMEN’S LUNCHEON! Wednesday, June 27, Noon Special Women's Luncheon! In celebration of Summer exhibit "Ipswich Women Tel: 978-948-2304 • Cell: 781-718-5150 our in the Arts" we are hosting a Special Women's Luncheon fundraiser. Award-winning floral designer Licensed and Insured Constance McCausland will be featured as she interprets art through

in the Park on June 28th from 10am – 2pm with the ribbon Cutting Ceremony at noon. Phase I of the Town Park renovation was a great success. On the weekend of June 2nd – 4th volunteers came out in the rain to build the new play structures. The weather did not deter our dedicated supporters as they bolted equipment, moved mulch and spread loam. We are very grateful to all of our volunteers and donors for making this day a huge success. June 28th will officially kick off fundraising for Phase II for future equipment. Our second brick campaign will also launch on the 28th with order forms available at the PrC tent as well as online at our website. Thank you Amesbury for making the Town Park a beautiful place to TRIVIA NIGHT play and gather; we look forward Keon's Trivia Nights on Wednesday to continuing our mission. For from 7-9, $2 off all menu items & gift further information please visit www. certificate giveaways. 258 Andover St, Georgetown 978-352-2900 html Please like us on Facebook at THURSDAY, JUNE 28th BUBBLE & BAUBLES KIDS FAIR What is it about celebrity gossip that On Thursday, June 28 from 10:00 makes our ears perk up and listen? am to 2:00 pm volunteers from the A new on-line survey sets the record Market Street Baptist Church and the straight on America's obsession with rock Church Amesbury (previously celebrity gossip news. The survey of called First United Methodist over 1,200 U.S. women, ages 18 to Church), both of Amesbury will be 35, reveals that most women read part of Amesbury Days “Kids' Fair” celebrity gossip news at least once per by running a Bouncy House and week, no matter where they are or Obstacle Course inflatables, games what time of the day. We'll give you a and a new obstacle course event while moment to take in what's happening



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June 7 - July 3, 01 here. Introducing, retail store Hot in Hollywood Jewelry, a sort of amazing new Hollywood-y jewelry store in downtown Newburyport that's tucked away next to City Hall on 66 Pleasant Street. Now transport yourself to the red Carpet at a Hollywood award show as you enter this destination boutique filled with celebrity inspired jewelry and accessories all displayed under images of your favorite red Carpet gal and an actress named Marilyn ,too. Oh, my. Thursday June 28 2012 4:00 pm-7:00 pm. Come join us for Champagne and shop fabulous celebrity inspired jewelry for your summer parties. Get the red Carpet Looks as worn by Jackie Kennedy, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Anniston Oprah, Taylor Swift and Kate Middleton and the Kardashians! TEEN ART The rowley Public Library offers on Thursday, June 28 and July 5, 6 p.m. Jen Dubis, Pine Grove Art teacher to present “The Big Picture” Participants will explore what it means to be part of a big picture through painting. Each person will use acrylic paints to paint on a canvas that will be one part of a larger piece. Once all canvases are complete they will be displayed together, forming a complete picture! This workshop is limited to 10 participants so call the library (978948-2850) to register. (Grade 5 and up).

for 4-8 year olds will be offered this season at Castle Hill, a National Historic Landmark located at 290 Argilla road in Ipswich, MA. Enjoy a hunt for treasures both large and small while walking through the Great House, a magnificent mansion built for Chicago plumbing magnate richard T. Crane and his family. Hands-on opportunities related to daily life in the 1920s, as well as the activities of the servants who worked here, will be included. The Children’s Treasure Hunt is offered every Friday at 10:15 am, June through August. The program is 45 minutes, and admission is $8 for a member adult and one child, $10 for a nonFRIDAY, JUNE 29th member adult and one child, with each additional child $5. rSVP at “UNDERCOVER WITH THE PIPING PLOVER” – Call 978-356-4351, x4049 for more CONSERVING A THREATENED information. SPECIES The federally – threatened Atlantic SATURDAY, JUNE 30th coast piping plover nests and raises its young on Plum Island’s beaches from WINGS, FEATHERS & FLIGHTS April through August. Join a refuge you've asked for longer programs; so ranger for a chance to glimpse this let's explore Parker river National native species in its wild habitat and Wildlife refuge with a focus on wings, to hear the story of how biologists feathers & flights. We'll discuss field work to conserve the plover under the marks, and we'll be watching bird Endangered Species Act. As conditions behavior at this premier, birding permit, participants will have an destination. Saturday, June 30th 7:00 opportunity to view the plovers am to noon $25 Meeting Location: on the beach, from a safe distance, Parker river National Wildlife refuge using a refuge-provided spotting at Parking Lot# 1 Long-sleeved shirt scope. Participants are encouraged to and long pants are suggested. Light bring a pair of binoculars, a spotting refreshments will be provided. www. scope, and/or a camera. Friday, June 29th from 9:00 – 10:30 am Meet the ranger on the deck of the visitor CHURCH DAY contact station at the refuge’s Lot 1. Saturday, June 30, 2012 is East Parish Program is appropriate for adults and older children. Each session is Continued on page 12 limited to 10 participants. Advanced registration is required. Parker river National Wildlife refuge; Phone: (978) 465-5753 PORTMEDIA WORKSHOP Thu., June 28th from 7-9pm: A Bird's Eye View of Twitter - Mark Bransfield will outline Twitter and why you should use it. See how easy it really is to get a handle on this powerful social media tool used by people & organizations for gathering and sharing all types of info. These workshops are free to PortMedia members, $15 for non-members. Not a member yet? Join that night and take advantage of this and future workshops. Light refreshments will be served. you must rSVP: sarahh@ or 978-961-0350

Page 7


Seabrook Flea Market 920 Lafayette Road, Seabrook, Nh (Route 1) Located Across From

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Contact: Bob Davidson, Project Manager • 978-948-8696 77 Wethersfield Street, Rowley, MA 01969

e Town Common DINNER WITH THE HERONS Enjoy a seaside picnic while watching the evening flight of herons, egrets, and ibises to the largest heronry in Massachusetts, Kettle Island in Manchester. Thursday, June 28, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm Meet at the Coolidge reservation on route 127 in Manchester. $16. Preregistration is required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at joppaflats.

kly Community Newspaper CHILDREN’S TREASURE HUNT AT CASTLE HILL The Trustees of reservations is pleased to announce that a program

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Page 8

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June 7 - July 3, 01

Castle Hill Summer Picnic Schedule

Castle Hill on The Crane Estate, 290 Argilla road, is pleased to announce its 2012 Summer Picnic Concert schedule and some exciting changes and improvements to the series. Every Thursday, July 5 through August 30, a different band will take the stage from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. to entertain the crowds picnicking on the lawn at Castle Hill. The 2012 season line up includes: • July 5 The Blushing Brides—rolling Stones tribute band • July 12 HELP!—Beatles tribute band • July 19 David Wax Museum—Folk rock • July 26 Grupo Fantasia—Latin • August 2 The BaHa Brothers— Summertime music/Jimmy Buffett/Beach Boys • August 9 Beantown Swing Orchestra— Big Band Swing • August 16 Inner Visions—Authentic Caribbean reggae • August 23 Entrain—rock funk jam band • August 30 Orville Giddings Band— Boogie Blues The gates will open at 5:00 p.m. Admission will be at the gate only: $20/car for Trustees of reservations members and $30/car for nonmembers. If a car has more than 6 passengers, each additional passenger will be charged $5. Motorcycles will be charged $10 and walk-ins $5. In response to the overwhelming popularity of the Summer Picnic Concert Series, The Trustees will once again limit the number of concert attendees to 2,000 people. This measure has been taken to improve the visitor experience and to preserve the newly-restored landscaping on the Grand Allée, the half-mile long rolling lawn where picnickers set up during concerts. Concert attendees are encouraged to arrive early to insure admission. Until concert capacity is reached, parents may drop off middle school and high school students at the designated “walk-in” gate. A gate attendant will be equipped to admit walk-ins and collect the $5 admission fee. At the conclusion of the concert, parents should enter through this same gate and park at the barn complex to await their children. All other vehicle traffic will still enter the property through the second gate, traditionally used for concerts and other events. A special summer promotion will award free admission to the 107th Trustees member car admitted at each concert. This number symbolizes the 107 special places The Trustees manage across the Commonwealth. Staff has implemented several improvements this season. These include a sound system upgrade and the installation of pathway and statuary lighting. In addition, The Trustees are pleased to announce that a section of the picnic lawn will be reserved for handicapped patrons. For the safety of concert attendees, all open flames, including citronella candles, will be prohibited. Cooking on the property is not permitted. Area businesses, including Christopher’s Table, Q’s Nuts, Sal’s Pizza, and White Farms Homemade Ice Cream, will be on-site providing prepared foods. Ipswich Shellfish Fish Market will deliver pre-ordered picnics to Castle Hill. During concerts, Castle Hill will offer special visitor activities such as a weekly raffle, family eye spy, quest, and membership deals. Attendees will also be able to support ongoing property restoration by buying a 2012 Castle Hill t-shirt. Visitors wearing these shirts during concerts will have the chance to win a trip to the roof during the show. The Casino Complex, the focus of the final Grand Allée restoration phase, will be open for viewing until 8 pm every concert night. Visitors will be able to see historic photos of the Casino in its original state and architectural plans of how the area will look once the project is completed in 2013. For more information about the concerts, on-site vendors, other Crane Estate programming, and Crane Estate visitation, please visit the website at Directions: From rt. 128 (Exit 20A) follow rt. 1A north for 8 mi. to Ipswich. Turn right onto rt. 133 east and follow for 1.5 mi. Turn left onto Northgate rd. and follow for 0.5 mi. Turn right onto Argilla rd. and follow for 2 miles to entrance to The Crane Estate.

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Letters To TheJune Editor 7 - July 3, 01

Page 10

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Community Announcements AMESBURY - All veterans are welcome to attend a weekly drop in group held every Saturday beginning June 30th. The group will begin at 11 am and is held at Amesbury Senior Center, located at 9 School Street. Male and female veterans of all eras are invited to drink coffee, chat and enjoy the friendship of other veterans at this informal and supportive group. For more information please contact ray Greeley at 978-388-3301. -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - Henna Tattoos for Teens - Mandy roberge will be at the Amesbury Public Library on Monday July 16 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. She will talk about the history of Henna Tattoos and also demonstrate the technique. you will be able to have Mandy do the tattoo or you can try it yourself. you can also bring in your own design and she will make a Henna tattoo out of it. Pre-registration is required for this program. Participants must be in the 7th-12th grade. To register please go to www. or contact Margie at 978-388-8148 or This • program is funded through the Friends of the Amesbury Public Library. -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - The Amesbury Chamber of Commerce has several exciting volunteer opportunities! Be a part of helping us prepare for the Universal Studios motion picture, “FIrEBALL rUN” • Film Series, which is also•the race to recover America’s Missing Children. This 8-day, 14-city, 2500 mile race comes to Amesbury on Friday, September 28th, 2012. We will have a 60 member production crew from Universal Studios and 40 teams that we must greet, check in, cheer on, feed, direct throughout town and assist them with the task they will be given once they arrive to our town (similar to the Amazing race). We need volunteers to help us organize this epic one-day event and be liaisons between the Chamber, residents, our schools, and the business community. We plan to do it up big…with the restaurants participating in a “Taste of Amesbury” for the crew, participants, volunteers …actually everyone! And we plan to have live entertainment! The Chamber also needs volunteers for the Chamber’s First Fall Craft Fair, tentatively scheduled for October 2012. Volunteer duties will include soliciting the artisans and crafters for this juried event (all products must be handmade by the artisans), advertising the event, and serving as a liaison between the Chamber, artists/crafters, City Hall and the public. And we always have volunteer positions for general administrative work, primarily answering phones and responding to various inquiries about our town. If interested, email us at: chamber@amesburychamber or call us at 978-388-3178! Come and have some fun volunteering with us! -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - The Market Street Baptist Church is hosting an 4-Day Junior Church Basketball Clinic for both girls & boys ages 5-13 years on Monday - Thursday, July 16-19, 2012 from 9:00 am - 12 noon at the Cashman School Gym, 192 Lions Mouth road, Amesbury. The program is a noncompetitive, instructional league designed to teach fundamental basketball skills and basic Bible knowledge in a fun and engaging manner. A suggested donation of $10 per child is requested to help defray expenses. Please make check payable to: MSBC/BBall. All are welcome. To register contact the church office at 978388-0930, email:, mail to: 37 Market Street, Amesbury, MA 01913 or show up early on the first day. -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - The Amesbury Cultural Council is looking for volunteers who would like to serve on the local council. Our goal is to help foster and promote the cultural enjoyment and enrichment of our citizens through local and regional arts and cultural events and programs. If interested, please contact the Amesbury Town Hall for an application or visit the town website

Community Connections

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We now carry 603-964-6152 OPEN: Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm, Sat: 8am-5pm, Sun: closed Memories Homemade Located on Rte 111 East (229 Atlantic Ave) ¼ mile from intersection of Rte 1 Ice Cream and Frappes! (Lafayette Road) next to town hall and fire station in North Hampton, NH.

June 7 - July 3, 01

Letters To The Editor

Page 11

Lilly’s Place Greenhouse at Morning Glory Farm

Community Announcements to download a form. The Amesbury Cultural Council website has information regarding upcoming events. Information regarding the Open Studio Tour and an application is available online. The tour is on Nov. 10-11 and the exhibitor application deadline is Sept. 30. Please see the website for more details. The Council is also involved in the Local Cultural Council grant program and for information regarding that, please visit the Massachusetts Cultural Council website. To see a list of this year's grant recipients, click the Grant recipients tab on the Amesbury LCC page. To obtain an LCC Grant application for consideration for next year, click the Forms tab and then open the LCC Grant application link. The deadline for LCC grant applications is October 15. For additional information, feel free to contact amesburycc@gmail. com. -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - Listed as one of the 1,000 Great Places in Massachusetts, the Whittier •Home Museum, one of the “Amesbury Treasuresâ€? located at 86 Friend Street, Amesbury, MA is the home where John Greenleaf Whittier lived with his sister, mother and aunt from 1836 until his death in 1892. As a faithful Quaker, creative thinker, environmentalist and freedom lover, Whittier published inspired poetry most of his life and is famed for his poem “Snowbound,“ and especially his anti-slavery activism. Visit the home and see the family furnishings, artifacts•and memorabilia, along with•the gift shop’s publications of John Greenleaf Whittier’s works and his history. For over 100 years volunteers of the Whittier Home Association have been stewards of this historic house museum, maintaining the property and collections, and striving to educate others about the life, legacy and works of J.G. Whittier. The museum is open for tours on now thru October 27from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (last tour). Special tours and groups can be accommodated by calling 978-388-1337 or 978-465-5964. Admission & tour fees: $6 Adults, $5 seniors, $3 ages 7-17years and 6 yrs and under free. Take a virtual tour and view upcoming events on our website Our email is -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - The Amesbury Council on Aging is in search of volunteers to assist in several different areas. If you are interested please stop by and pick up a volunteer packet. For more information please feel free to call and speak with Jean Marie, Volunteer coordinator 978 388 8138. -----------------------------------------------------------BYFIELD - Community Food Pantry located at the Community United Methodist Church in Byfield is partnering with the Newbury Council on Aging to collect food for the pantry that serves all those in Byfield and Newbury. The Church prepares a light meal on the Second and Fourth Thursday at 4:30 and invites you to come and then take home some needed groceries afterward. Collection containers will be at several locations throughout the Town and at the Senior Center. If you attend an event at the Senior Center, consider bringing a nonperishable food item or gift card from a local grocery store. your support is a wonderful way to help your neighbor and the community. Contact the Church (978.255.0135) or the Council on Aging (978.462.8114) with questions. ------------------------------------------------------------

Community Connections

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Bob Davidson, Marketing / Advertising Consultant The Town Common 77 Wethersfield Street, Rowley, MA 01969

The Town Common

Continued on page 14

he North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper

Page 1

Continued from page 7 United Methodist Church Day in Salisbury. A delicious breakfast will be served from 8am - 10:30... $5 gets you coffee, juice, fruit, eggs, breakfast meats, and anything else we feel like cooking! From 11 - 1 you can get a grilled hot dog with chips and a refreshing cold drink. Follow that up with Strawberry Shortcake made with fresh berries and home baked biscuits made under the direction of our own master bakers. The Vacation Bible Campers will be on hand with a yArD SALE. Proceeds support

Open 7 Days


Listen to Kathryn’s radio program Listen Kathryn’s radio program Listen toto Kathryn’s radio program every Friday atat7:45 am every Friday 7:45 every Friday at 7:45 amam ononWNBP WNBP1450 1450AM. AM.

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Kathryn O’Brien, M.Ed.

Kathryn O’Brien,M.Ed. M.Ed. Direct Line: 978-465-1322 Kathryn O’Brien, Direct Line: 978-465-1322 Email:Direct Line: 978-465-1322 Email: Website: Email: .net Website:

ThinkingOf OfSelling? Selling? Thinking Sell Your Home Now And Maximize Your Profit! Don’tYou YouDeserve DeserveService ServiceLike LikeThis? This? Don’t As Money Magazine recently reported, “mortgage payments aredue at the lowest level in decades” … I chose Kathryn due in part a recommendation from a close I chose Kathryn in part toto a recommendation from a close friend and her proposal to me when I was interviewing potential real making this to an ideal time to sell your home. friend and her proposal me when I was interviewing potential real

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Experiencethe theservice serviceyou youdeserve. deserve. Experience CallKathryn KathrynO’Brien O’Brientoday. today. Call 978-465-1322 978-465-1322

June 7 - July 3, 01 our mission projects: The Pettengill House Food Bank and "Nothing But Nets." Table space is available for $20. Call the church office 978-4658940 to reserve your space. See you there! YARD SALE @ BELLEVILLE CHURCH Belleville Congregational Church will be having an indoor yard sale on Saturday, June 30th from 9am – 1pm. Items on sale will include small furniture pieces to clothing. “BEHIND THE SCENES” REFUGE TOUR Held on Saturday, June 30th at 9:30 am. Join a refuge ranger for a behind the scenes tour of Parker river National Wildlife refuge. Tour will be conducted via refuge van, with several brief “drive by” stops along the way. The tour will present an “up close and personal” look at the refuge through the multiple lenses of the cultural history of Plum Island and the Great Marsh, native wildlife and their habitats, and the role of refuge management in the conservation of these precious natural resources. Participants will visit areas on the refuge otherwise closed to the public. This guided two hour program is most appropriate for adults. Binoculars and/or a camera are recommended but not required. Meet the ranger in the lobby of the refuge visitor center. Each session is limited to 10 participants. Advance registration is required for this program, as enrollment is limited. Be advised that individual tours may be subject to cancellation. Those who call and leave messages after hours, your registration is not confirmed until having received a confirmation call back from a refuge staff member. Parker river National Wildlife refuge; Phone: (978) 4655753

AMESBURY CARRIAGE FESTIVAL The Carriage Barn Equine Assisted Therapy Programs and The Amesbury Carriage Museum invite you and your families and friends to the Amesbury Carriage Festival, June 30th & July 1st, at Bob-Lyn Stables, 91 Monroe St, Amesbury, MA. Come appreciate, celebrate and help preserve our region's carriage making legacy. On Saturday, June 30th, from 6:00 to 8:30 PM, please join us for Bluegrass, Brew & BBQ. Live music by Southern rail Band, Cody Brewing Company craft beer, and Dinner by The American BBQ, raffles, Auctions, and more amongst a backdrop of antique carriage displays in the indoor arena. This is a ticketed fundraising event; $25 per person (includes dinner & festivities). Come tap your toes, have fun, and support a good cause! To register for June 30th dinner, please go to www.facebook. com/amesburycarriagefestival, or contact Christine Miller at c.miller@ or 978-5185681.

HAUNTED LIGHTHOUSE & FORT TOUR Join author and radio personality ron Kolek of the New England Ghost Project, along with author and lighthouse historian Jeremy D'Entremont, for a rare nighttime walking tour of Fort Constitution and Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse. The fort and lighthouse have been featured on TV, including the popular show "Ghost Hunters." you'll hear about the paranormal investigations at the fort and lighthouse that have indicated the presence of a number of otherworldly residents. ron will discuss investigation methods, and Jeremy will fill in the history behind the ghostly tales. There will be three tours during the evening of June 30th (7:00, 8:45, and 10:30); each SATURDAY MORNING tour will last about 90 minutes and BIRDING Join our experienced leaders in a will be limited to 16 persons. Not weekly search for avian activity in recommended for children under 12. the Newburyport/Plum Island area. $20 per person. For beginners and birders of all skill SUNDAY, JULY 1st levels. Saturday, June 30, 9:30-11:30 am Meet at Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, TODD FARM FLEA MARKET Newburyport. Adults $10; Children Flea Market is open every Sunday ages 8 and up $7. No preregistration from now through late November. required. Call 978-462-9998 for . Free Admission and Free Parking. information about additional It’s the perfect New England way to programs and events, or visit the spend some leisurely weekend time. Web site at Sundays 5:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. www. joppaflats. VETERAN’S GROUP All veterans are welcome to attend a weekly drop in group held every Saturday beginning June 30th. The group will begin at 11 am and is held at Amesbury Senior Center, located at 9 School Street. Male and female veterans of all eras are invited to drink coffee, chat and enjoy the friendship of other veterans at this informal and supportive group. For more information please contact ray Greeley at 978-388-3301.

NEWBURYPORT FARMERS MARKET Come enjoy the season with The Newburyport Farmers’ Market featuring locally grown veggies, live music, locally prepared food products and artisanal crafts! The Market will be held every Sunday rain or shine from 9:00am-1:00pm at the Tannery Marketplace. AMESBURY CARRIAGE Continued on page 14

June 7 - July 3, 01

Continued from page 11 BYFIELD - Achievement4Kids Workshops develop skills that last a lifetime, builds confidence and increases motivation to be successful. The tools and information received include strategies for study, time management and organization. Also learn techniques to improve your memory, reading comprehension, listening, writing and study skills to learn more effectively in all your courses. Next summer workshop August 13-17 Summer at The Governor’s Academy in Byfield, MA -Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $349 per session. Please visit to register. -----------------------------------------------------------DONATIONS NEEDED - ruth’s House, a nonprofit thrift store located at 111 Lafayette Square is in need of donations of very gently used warm winter clothing, children’s, infants and toddler clothes. Also, blankets, towels and sheets. We also have a need for Volunteers – Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays – donate as little or as much time as you are able. you may also drop off donations for the Sacred Hearts food pantry. All donations are tax deductible and donors will be issued receipts for their gifts. Donations may be dropped off on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Fridays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. The store is open Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Closed Sunday and Monday. For more information call 978-521-5575 or visit online at -----------------------------------------------------------GROVELAND – The Langley-Adams Library in Groveland is offering the following during the month of July: Wed. July 11th @ 8:30pm Star Party Astronomy Program (Held at Veasey Park)*registration required; Thursday, July 12th @ 10:30am Make Fabulous Foam Lacing Wallets, grades K- 3 *registration required; Monday, July 16th @ 5:30 and 6:30- Museum of Science Boston presents a World of Bridges.*registration required; Wednesday, July 18th @ 5pm- Make Dream Catcher key chains, grades 6-12 *registration required; Monday, July 23rd @ 6:30pm- Lighthouses of Southern Maine, *registration required; Thursday, July 26th @ 10:30am- Growers Garden Program, ages 3 and up.(Bring a paper plate!) *registration required; Monday, July 30th @ 6pm- Guard Up Swordsmanship Program, grades 6-12, *registration required. For more information contact the library at(978)372-1732 or -----------------------------------------------------------HAMILTON-WENHAM - you may be interested in the Creative Writing Class led by Holly Thompson. Learn to tell your stories in verse with this two-part workshop. She will introduce verse novels and poetry tools used in narrative verse, and will lead participants in writing a scene. Workshops are open to teens (ages 12+) and adults; limited to 20 participants, registration is required. Stop by the reference desk, call 978-468-5577 or email Kim Claire at Part I: Tuesday, July 10, 6:30-8:00. Part II: Thursday, July 19, 6:30-8:00. Hamilton-Wenham Public Library -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - Official USTA Quickstart format tennis instruction for ages 5-10 held at the Ipswich High School tennis courts. rackets and nets are youth sized, balls are compressed for slower action and skill development. Lessons are held Mondays and Wednesdays, 8:45am for ages 5-7 and 9:30am for ages 8-10. $15 per person per week, register at the Ipswich Family yMCA at 110 County road in Ipswich. For more information, call 978-356-9622. -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - The Assumption of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church of Ipswich will host their Greek Festival and Clambake on Saturday and Sunday, July 14 & 15 (Saturday 1 p.m. 11:00 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. to dusk ) on the beautiful grounds of the Hellenic Community Center, 117 County road, located at the intersection of rt. 1 A & 133 in Ipswich. $5.00 admission (valid for both days) Children under 18 are free. Plenty of free parking. Golf carts ride to-and-from parking lot, if needed. Authentic Ipswich clam and lobster-bake! Greek delicacies, pastries, Greek & American dancing - music by Enosis. family and children entertainment. raffle - three grand prize drawings - flat-panel TV - iPad - child's bicycle - many additional prizes. Back by popular request - Boston Lykeion Ellinidon Dance Troupe, Metropolis Dance troupe of Boston. Don't miss this fun event! -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - The Trustees of reservations is pleased to announce that Castle Hill, a Country Place Era estate and a National Historic Landmark located at 290 Argilla road in Ipswich, MA, is open weekly for tours through October 13. Hour-long tours of the Great House, a grand 59-room English-style country house designed in the 1920s by Chicago architect David Adler, are offered Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (last tour at 3:00 p.m.) and Fridays and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (last tour at 1:00 p.m.). Admission is $12.00; TTOr members and Children 12 and under are free. 1 ¼ hour tours of the designed landscape are offered on Thursdays and Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. Estate tours feature the art, architecture, and landscape design highlights of this early 20th century estate by the sea, including the recently restored half-mile long Grand Alleé. Admission for landscape tours is $10.00; TTOr members and Children 12 and under are free. Combined Great House & Estate Tour admission, $18.00 nonmembers. For more information visit or call 978-356-4351, x4049. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURY - Newbury’s 375th Committee has generously donated funds to the Newbury Town Library to purchase some significant contributions to the library’s Genealogy Collection. The Great Migration – Immigrants to New England 16341635 Series is now complete, with the purchase of Volumes VI and VII. Several guides to Genealogical research have been added, thanks to the 375th Committee, along with several Family Genealogies of area families. The Geneaology room is open to the public during regular library hours. Monday and Wednesday 10-7, Friday 10-5. The library is closed on Saturdays June-August. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - This summer the yWCA Greater Newburyport is introducing Splash ‘n More. Splash ‘n More will run M-Th; 1-3:30 PM from June 25 to August 23. you can sign up in advance or drop in for one afternoon. Splash ‘n More is a perfect companion to a morning specialty program or can be an exciting afternoon for kids who want to have some fun with friends. Kids entering first to fourth grade will enjoy a one hour open swim followed by creative projects, trips downtown and to local parks. Our experienced yWCA staff will lead this fun-filled experience! Themes include: animal planet, treasure hunters, time travelers & Olympic Games. Add lunch bunch for a great start! For more information call 978-465-9922 x 14 -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - 48th Antique Show and Sale on Monday, July 30, 2012 9:00AM to 3:00PM Sponsored by: Belleville Congregational Church, 300 High St, Newburyport. Over 50 Dealers- Inside and Out Luncheon available Admission: $4.00 -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT – Summer Worship Hours for Belleville Congregational Church - Beginning on Sunday, July 1st we will worship at 9:30am. There is no Sunday School or Nursery care during the summer, however they will resume on Sunday, September 9th. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT ADULT & COMMUNITY EDUCATION - Almost time for Summer Camp for Grownups! Begins the week of July 9. Alan Bull – Painting Workshop: En Plein Air; Leslie Doherty - Magnificent Mosaics; Lisa Scala-Cameron – Beach Glass Jewelry; richard rancatore – Great Foreign Films; Betsy Williams – Workshop: The Cook’s Herb Garden; Kurt Mullen - Creative Non-fiction; Alfred Nicol - Getting Started as a Writer; rose russo - yoga for 50+; richard Doyle – Basic Continued on page 15


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Site Work excavation contractorS Septic tankS & SyStem contractorS container Service

wn Common e Town Common

Page Community 14 Weekly Newspaper Continued from page 12 Newbury, Byfield, PlumCHART Island, & Rowley TIDE Weekly Community Newspaper

FESTIVAL Merrimack River Entrance The Carriage Barn Equine Assisted uryport, Salisbury, Newbury, ByďŹ eld, Plum Island, & Rowley 42o 49’N 070o 49’W Therapy Programs and The JUNE DATE HIGH LOW SUN Amesbury Carriage Museum invite 27 Wed 5:38 8.07 6:11 8.59 12:09 0.54 12:30 0.13 5:07 8:25 you and your families and friends to 28 Thurs 6:37 7.92 7:07 8.83 1:08 0.37 1:26 0.21 5:07 8:25 the Amesbury Carriage Festival, June 29 Fri 7:41 7.84 8:07 9.09 2:11 0.15 2:25 0.24 5:07 8:25 30th & July 1st, at Bob-Lyn Stables, 30 Sat 8:46 7.88 9:07 9.36 3:15 -0.14 3:26 0.20 5:08 8:25 91 Monroe St, Amesbury, MA. JULY Come appreciate, celebrate and help 01 Sun 9:50 8.02 10:07 9.63 4:18 -0.48 4:27 0.08 5:08 8:25 KAYAKS preserve our region's carriage making 02 Mon 10:51 8.23 Wilderness Systems - Old Town 11:05 9.83 5:18 -0.81 5:26 -0.07 5:09 8:25 legacy. On Sunday, July 1st, from 03 Perception Tues 11:49 xx 6:15 -1.06 6:23 -0.20 5:10 8:25 - Necky8.44 xx 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM, the public is 04 Wed 12:01 9.92 12:43 8.59 7:09 -1.19 7:18 -0.25 5:10 8:24 Ocean Kayak invited to attend the Festival’s FrEE 05 Thurs 12:55 9.85 1:36 8.66 8:00 -1.15 8:12 -0.20 5:11 8:24 Canoes Indoor & Outdoor Activities: Live Rangers - Old Town - Radisson KAYAKS Sporting Day of Traditional Driving, Fernald’s Wilderness Systems - Old Town --Demonstrations by drivers & their Perception - Necky AILBOATSOn the River Parker horse drawn vehicles, Antique carriages Ocean Kayak Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 & horseless carriages on display from Canoes KAYAKS We stock Mad River - Old Town - Radisson (978) 465-0312 private collections and the Amesbury Wilderness Systems Old Town COM-PAC Fernald’s Perception - Necky Carriage Museum, Expert evaluations PRECISION On the River Parker Ocean Kayak offered for restored & un-restored nfish, Zuma, Laser Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 Canoes vehicles, plus People’s Choice Award, (978) 465-0312 Rangers - Old Town - Radisson Demonstrations, Vendors, and Fernald’s ERNALD’S nches more! Featured guests of the day will On the River Parker , Newbury, MA 01951 include: Ken Wheeling, President of Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 0/week 465-0312 the Carriage Museum of America, (978) 465-0312 178col. x 2 inches Don’t wonder or worry anymore! Come see us and get the answers Jerry Trapani, Carriage Association of 0/week + wks $38.30/week and information you need to make wise decisions. America Board Member, Susan Koso, 3+ wks $30.70/week Sporting Day of Driving Organizer, 0/week and Ann Miles, Ph.D., Executive AND 6+ wks $27.60/week 1 col. x 2 inches 0/week A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W Director, The Carriage Barn Therapy 2 wks $24.90/week 6+ wks $38.30/week Programs. rain or shine! To register r monthly Arthur K. Ross, Jr. • Peter M. Ross ce this ad in our monthly for the Sporting Day of Traditional additional for Downtown Ipswich13+ – 20 wks Market $30.70/week St. • 978-356-2000 lication an additional Driving please contact Susan Koso at ek. $9.75/week. 26+ wks $27.60/week For more information, contact The Carriage 52 wks $24.90/week Life’s Questions. Many. Barn Therapy Program at carriagePlace this ad in our monthly or 603-378-0140. Life’s answer. jesus christ. ce this ad in our monthly publication for an additional you can also like “Amesbury Carriage rlication monthlyfor an additional coMe and see... it is true...! $9.75/week. Festivalâ€? on Facebook to receive $28.75/week. additional ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ updates prior to the event.

Elder law questions? Talk to us.




Crossroads Community Church

God’s & Hands in Our Community and Beyond PlaceHeart this ad in our monthly God’s Heart & Hands Our Service, Community And Beyond publication forWorship anInadditional Contemporary Sundays, 11:00 AM 79$28.75/week. Turnpike Rd/Route 1, Ipswich, MA 01938 (Tri-City Sales plaza, n. of Linebrook Rd) ~ 978-356-1800

June 7 - July 3, 01 NH, on Sunday, July 1, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. The open houses continue every Sunday through Columbus Day weekend in October. No reservations are needed; the guided tours are on a first come, first served basis. Children under 42 inches tall are not permitted to climb to the top, and adults are not permitted to carry children up the stairs. Visitors are invited to climb to the lantern room to enjoy the magnificent view at the mouth of the Piscataqua river and to see the 19th century lens up close. Volunteers will tell visitors about the history of the light station, and there will be souvenirs for sale. There are 44 stairs and a 7rung ladder to the lantern room. Flat shoes (not sandals or flip-flops) are strongly recommended to climb to the top. The suggested donation to climb the lighthouse is $4 for adults and $2 for children 12 and under. Visitors should park outside the gate to Coast Guard Station Portsmouth Harbor and walk to the lighthouse. For more information, visit www. MONDAY, JULY 2nd

JOPPA – STARTS JULY 3 Before the beach, after the beach, or instead of the beach, drop in at Joppa Flats and visit the animals of our marine touch tanks for troublefree tide pooling. All ages welcome. Children must be accompanied by adults. Tuesdays through Saturdays in July and August, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. FrEE. Preregistration is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www. CATMOBILE The Catmobile will be parked in Salisbury at Tom’s Discount Store for 2 dates only in the month of July. July 3rd & 18th at Tom’s Discount Store, 175 Elm St. route 110, Salisbury. The Catmobile is operated by the Merrimack river Feline rescue Society (MrFrS) and is staffed by a licensed veterinarian and two veterinary technicians. The Catmobile offers low cost spay neuter for cats only. The package consists of spay/neuter, rabies vaccinations, exam, nail trim, treatment for fleas and ear mites. Spay package costs $100 and neuter package costs $75. The package is available to anyone and there is no qualification process; however reservations are required and can be made online at www. or by calling 978-4651940. Summer Special! Kittens 4 months and younger $50

BROWN BAG LUNCH Ipswich Museum, 54 South Main Street, Ipswich, will host its monthly brown bag lunch on Monday, July 2 at noon. Museum member, Harry Ashe, will speak about his personal collection of China Trade ephemera and the Heard connection. Bring your lunch; coffee and tea will be provided. Call 978-356-2811 for information or visit WEDNESDAY, JULY 4th Price: Free to Museum members and Ipswich seniors; $5 for nonLIGHTHOUSE OPEN HOUSE TRIVIA NIGHT Friends of Portsmouth Harbor members. Keon's Trivia Nights on Wednesday Lighthouses, a chapter of the TUESDAY, JULY 3rd from 7-9, $2 off all menu items & gift American Lighthouse Foundation, certificate giveaways. 258 Andover St, will host an open house at Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse in New Castle, MEET BEACH CREATURES AT Georgetown 978-352-2900

Ocean View

Awnings owner Todd Picard

Ad # 2 For Client /Newspaper use only – this does not print: This PDF – dated 06/10/11 – replaces all previous PDFs of this ad. Please destroy all previous PDFs of this ad. Questions? Call Acorn Advertising, 781-643-2928.

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June 7 - July 3, 01

Page 15

Continued from page 13 Genealogy; Luncheon at Wentworth by the Sea and a tour of Isles of Shoals. Visit our Website at www.newburyportadulted. org or call us at 978 465 1257 -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY – The 2012 Summer reading Program is open to all ages, children through adult. registration for summer reading began on June 16th, 2012. For more information on summer reading and other programs, call the library at 978-9482850 or visit our website, -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - The shoppers are in need of a few good volunteers. We shop every Thursday with several rowley seniors, some of which need assistance shopping and bringing in bags. It is a wonderful opportunity to help in your community and for such a great group of people. I am hoping to have several volunteers that I will utilize once or twice a month. Please consider this very Weekly Community Newspaper • www.thetowncom worthy and important opportunity. We can’t do it without the help of generous people like you. We begin at 9:30AM, shop, stop for coffee and bring bags home. Please call the COA with questions and inquires (978) 948-7637. ----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Fellowship Thrift Shop located at the First Congregational Church of rowley, 175 Main St (rte 1A)rowley is open on Tuesday and Saturdays 9 AM to 1 PM and Thursday 3 - 7pm. Donations of gently used clothing are accepted during shop hours ONLy. ----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - The Salisbury Lions Club is sponsoring an American red Cross Blood Drive, Friday, July, 13 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the William Hilton Senior Center, 43 Lafayette road, Salisbury. All presenting donors will receive a coupon for a free carton of Friendly's ice cream. Snacks, water, juice is available and chowder from Lena's Seafood restaurant will also be available to presenting donors. To make an appointment, please call 1-800-rED CrOSS (1-(800) 733-2767 or visit Blood is desperately needed at this time. ---------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - Health Care Proxies presented in cooperation with TrIAD, ■Family Law ■Criminal Law Wednesday, July 11th @ NOON Everyone should have a health care proxy and the best time to sign one is when you don’t need it! Come sip some tea or coffee, ■Restraining Orders ■Bankruptcy New Office have a cookie (or two), and find out why this document is so important and what ■Contempt of Court ■Landlord/Tenant you need to know. If you don’t already have a health care proxy we can help you 15 Friend Street Recreational Vehicles create one on the spot. Don’t put off learning about this important decision. Call Amesbury, MA ■Civil Litigation ■Special Education Law 978-462-2412 to pre-register. (Near Barking Dog Rest.) ---------------------------------------------------(978) 792-8101 Bob’s RV SEABROOK - TDBank Story Times. Listen to stories and make a fun craft! Parts & Service readers from TDBank will share stories and help you with a craft you can take For Fast, expert service home. This is an all ages, drop in story time. Fridays, June 22-July 27 at the PARTS when you need it. NEW Seabrook Library; Drop in Crafts. Make a fun night or space-themed craft like STORE PARTS STORE a UFO or a firefly jar. Drop in any time between 1 and 5 pm; families and all ages welcome. Thursdays, July 9, 12, 19, 26 1-5pm, Seabrook Library; Star Wars OPENING MARCH 23RD NOW OPEN! Party. Welcome to the future‌yoda cupcakes, pin the lightsaber on the Jedi, Jedi 58C Main Street, Salisbury, MA MASTER CERTIFIED mind training and more! All ages are welcome and costumes are encouraged. OPENING MARCH Near Black Bear Camp23RD Ground Monday, July 2, 3:00pm Seabrook Library; rockets: There and Back Again! with RV TECHNICIAN the Boston Museum of Science. Create an air rocket that launches across the room, MASTER CERTIFIED and engineer a way for a payload to return safely to Earth. This hands-on workshop RV TECHNICIAN MOBILE RV SERVICE explores the science behind rockets and space exploration. Use your imagination to BASIC plan, build, and test your own design. Ages 6 and up. Children 10 and younger THATALSO COMES TO YOU! must be accompanied by an adult. Sign up is rEQUIrED—call 474-2044 or CAMPING SUPPLIES Emergency Service 7 Days A Week email 3:00 and 4:00pm, Tues. July 10, Seabrook Library THAT COMES TO YOU! AVAILABLE Satisfaction Guaranteed --------------------------------------------------- /&95 %": 4&37*$& Fully Insured Emergency Service 7 Days A Week VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME - The Carriage Barn Equine Assisted Therapy SatisfactionACCREDITED Guaranteed Program is looking for volunteers to assist with Therapeutic riding & Carriage A+ BUSINESS BBB Insured Fully Driving, Fundraising, Events, and Fun Activities. Volunteers are needed at ACCREDITED various times throughout the week to work with horses and clients. Adults and BUSINESS 58C MainA+Street, Salisbury, MA BBB retirees welcome (volunteers must be at least 14 years old). Experience and horse knowledge is a plus, but is not required. Anyone interested in learning more can contact The Carriage Barn at 603-378-0140 or email carriage-barn@comcast. net. The program is providing services in Amesbury, Massachusetts and seeks to promote the health and well-being people who have disabilities by enhancing their physical, psychological, cognitive and emotional healing. Program activities utilize horses to provide opportunities for these individuals to form unique relationships that nurture and empower them in a way that brings new Contact: Greg Der Bogosian, Project Mana insights, self-confidence, improved communication, and relaxation. In the • 978-948-8696 context of a quiet, natural outdoor setting, these activities provide a serene 77 Wethersfield Street, Rowley, MA 01969 learning environment. The program is a 501c3 Not-for-Profit Organization, as well as a member center of the Professional Association of Therapeutic Landscape Supplies Horsemanship, International. ... and Landcape Supplies Mulches ---------------------------------------------------WEST NEWBURY - Do you have a child (ren) between the ages of 5 and Stone ur 14? Are you looking for a low-cost, fun activity for them to participate in? isit O V Then junior grange may just be what you are looking for. My name is Jacalyn Sand Newand! • All Shrubs 4 for $99 Carter and I am looking to re-organize a junior grange in the area. Junior rmst • Buy a Tree a F Loam grange provides leadership-training, stresses family values, and helps you to Delivery and Planted (local) become involved in the community. The grange is the oldest fraternal family Stonedust $149.95 organization in the United States and has been around since 1867. Both boys • $2.00 Off All Hangers and girls can be members of junior grange. Please contact me at 978-352-2986 Wood Products . Bark Mulch . Loam or email me at for more information. Shrub Trees . ---------------------------------------------------Produce . Wood Products . WEST NEWBURY - On August 18th, 2012 Laurel Grange #161 of West Bakery Goods . Candy . Dom’s Meat Annuals - Perrennials Newbury is looking to hold its annual summer festival. The grange was wondering GROVELAND, RtE 97 if some of the other local organizations in the town and surrounding towns would 918 Salem St like join us and help to make this a grand event. All ideas are welcome. Please • Since 1980 contact Jackie Carter at 978-352-2986 or email me at 978-372-5558

The Town Comm

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Pets, Animals, June Plus 7 - July 3, 01

Page 16

Health & Fitness

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Last week I attended an all-day course at my alma mater, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. I had not been to a course at Tufts for a while and was impressed by the growth of the school. Seven new floors have been added to the Chinatown campus and the facilities are unbelievable. The course I took was on CAD/ CAM dentistry. This technology had been around for 20 years but has made significant improvements within the last five years. Basically, CAD/CAM technology uses a system to scan prepared teeth instead of intraoral impressions to allow the provider to fabricate treatment such as crowns. These scans can either be electronically submitted to a dental laboratory to fabricate the restorations or sent to an in-office milling unit to create the restoration in the office. The technology is expensive. I have been carefully watching this technology grow for many years trying to decide when would be the “right” time to incorporate this into my practice. With constant improvement of these systems, upgrading to the latest technology has

to be incorporated into the cost analysis in deciding when the numbers make business sense for a particular practice. The future keeps getting closer and closer. Speaking of the future getting closer, researchers in Florida are using stem cells to successfully regenerate teeth. Stem cells can serve in many forms as a type of internal repair system replenishing other cells by dividing. After success with regenerating teeth in animals and in the lab, researchers at Nova South Eastern University have successfully developed a stem cell therapy for re-growing teeth after tooth loss from avulsion (knocked-out). The group is also in the process of a patent for a regeneration kit for dentists to allow them to use stem cell therapy to replace dead tissue inside a tooth. Could this possibly replace root canal therapy? Time will tell. Stem cells from baby teeth are collected and stored for future regenerative therapy such as replacing teeth and growing new organs. As you can imagine, as of now, this technology is relatively expensive for the patient. However, as with anything, the future is getting closer. On a different note, New york University College of Dentistry is studying the link between dental health and mental health. They are exploring ways in which psychological factors affect oral health, especially when it comes to early childhood decay. After studying 150 families,

researchers found that the more verbal or physical aggression that occurred between children and parents, the more oral health problems were found in the child. They suggest that this can be the result of one or two situations. The first, and most obvious, is that when there is disharmony between parents, the supervision of the child’s homecare (toothbrushing, etc.) falls by the wayside. The other reason could be a biological response to the discord in the home. There is strong research that family stress and conflict affects the immune system. This can lead to breakdown of many areas in the body. While technology seems to be everexpanding and can cause stress to dental providers in deciding when to “jump in”, the psychological factors that affect our body are of particular interest to me. When we as dental providers “fix” teeth, the goal of most providers is to replace teeth as close as possible to what was given to us. We as human beings should also spend more time working on our mind. In my humble opinion, the mind is far more powerful than any technology will ever be. Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at You can view all previously written columns at

June 7 - July 3, 01

Business Spotlight

Real Estate • For Sale Land of the Free... • Sports • Sports Sports And the Building Costs

For Sale

acreage. Subdivisions come with plats (maps) that will have more updated details than the subdivision plan itself. you would be able to determine if your neighbor had the right to cut down all the beautiful woodlands on his property that had attracted you in the first place. The documents may show that those woodlands may never be cut down and that directly affects the resale value of the home you build. The plat may show utility easements (the right of use or way over your land) that will restrict or prohibit construction. These easements can not always be seen, but their existence will determine what you can or can not do with the land. Land within subdivisions generally comes with restrictions that limit the control you will have over your property. Limiting control is not necessarily a bad thing as restrictions exist to maintain certain standards of living and are applied to all owners within that subdivision. Without restrictions, a neighbor could decide to raise attack dogs in an unfenced back yard while another neighbor could express his inner self with lime green exterior paint that irritated the dogs. Another consideration that must be addressed when evaluating land costs is the topography of the land itself. Is it mostly ledge that must be blasted? Is it on a slope that must be filled in with additional soil? Are there already utilities at the site? Is there water or sewerage at the site or will you have to drill a well and install a septic? The costs to preparing the land for building may be so high that once your home is built on such a top heavy site, you may never get

a return on the value invested. After all, it would still only be one single family home in a market that will not reward the preparatory work involved in building it. Building your own home on the perfect location is enormously rewarding when the research has been as thorough as is reasonably possible. When looking for land for homebuilding, it is imperative that you engage the services of knowledgeable professionals. your realtor, Builder and Lender should be with you throughout the process to avoid finding baseballs crashing through your picture window that overlooks the new town dump with aromas that float on the breeze to your patio that sits under the Boeing 747 that roars overhead periodically drowning out the symphony from super highway traffic that appeared after you built that dream home. Broker/Realtor Janet Hilton is a former practicing attorney and critical care RN who with her husband retired Lynn Fire Lieutenant George Hilton owns and operates Country Crossroads at 28 Bay Rd, Hamiton, MA 01982. For excellence in providing Real Estate services, call the office 978-468-5910 or visit www.


Health & Fitness

Sometimes the frustration of not finding just the right home to purchase leads folks to consider building the exact home they envision. Finding suitable land requires more homework than finding suitable houses that have already undergone the research and development of the land involved in building. Before embarking on a journey that may lead to either your dream home or your nightmare, there are preliminary steps to follow. Once you have located a parcel that feels like home to you, go to the town (or city) hall to check with the planning and zoning departments. Ask what the long range plans may be that would affect your enjoyment of your property. Heartbreak only begins to describe the aftermath of building a lifelong dream house next to lush natural surroundings that were subsequently cut down to make way for the super highway that had been in the planning for years. There may also be a school or a park planned that would bring all the crowds and ballplayers to your dinner table daily. If you are certain that a future municipal airport will not be sharing your air space every night, you will want to determine if the land is in a recorded subdivision or lies within unrecorded

11, 2012!

2008, 2009, 2010, 20

Page 17

Our Featured Property of the Week

GeorGetown: Nationally Registered Hazen-Kimball-Aldrich house is a legal two family with a 2 bedroom apartment in the converted barn. This Antique Saltbox has 7 fireplaces and is situated on 2 acres in a lovely country setting. The home underwent extensive rehab in 1996 and 1997, and has maintained many period features including beehive ovens, parsons pantry, wide pine floors, gunstock posts etc. Being offered at $399,900. Call John at 978-835-2573 for more information or to make an appointment to see this home.

Legal 2 Family!

ROWLEY REALTY 165 Main St., P.O. Box 101, Rowley, MA 01969 Phone 978-948-2758 • Fax 978-948-2454

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List Price

25 Pew Ave, Gloucester 6 room, 3 bed, 0f 1h bath Cottage 71 $135,000 15 Millett St, Gloucester 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 136 $219,000 33 Huntington Ave, Amesbury 6 room, 2 bed, 1f 1h bath Ranch 197 $219,000 87 Monroe St, Amesbury 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Cape 33 $264,900 15 Russell Ter, Newburyport 5 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 270 $249,900 4 West Parish, Merrimac 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Split Entry 62 $269,900 173 Main St, Rockport 5 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 342 $275,000 32 Birchmeadow Rd, Merrimac 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Split Entry 53 $279,900 10 Pillow Lace Ln, Ipswich 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Split Entry 2 $305,000 3 Lynn Circle, Georgetown 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 239 $309,999 121 Magnolia Ave, Gloucester 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 183 $312,000 3 Ross Rd, Topsfield 5 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Cape 66 $329,900 19 Pearson Dr, Newbury 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Multi-Level 62 $357,750 2 Baker Rd, Salisbury 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 246 $339,000 69 Postgate Rd, Hamilton 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Ranch 44 $359,900 31 First St, Salisbury 6 room, 2 bed, 1f 1h bath Cape 18 $369,000 87 Spofford Rd, Boxford 5 room, 2 bed, 2f 0h bath Contemporary 277 $375,000 142 Thurlow St, Georgetown 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Split Entry 175 $299,900 147 Leslie Rd, Rowley 10 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Garrison 177 $419,900 89 Newbury Rd, Rowley 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 104 $429,900 12 Donald Rd, Hamilton 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 254 $420,000 48 Orchard St, Merrimac 6 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Cape 28 $474,900 7 Hatfield Rd, Hamilton 10 room, 5 bed, 3f 0h bath Colonial 275 $449,999 5 Wells Ave, Georgetown 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 32 $514,900 56 Ellsworth Rd, Rowley 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 342 $515,000 35 Woodland, Newburyport 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 81 $519,990 75 Curzon Mill Rd, Newburyport 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 45 $699,900 12 Johnson St, Newburyport 7 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Victorian 12 $719,900 67 Southern Blvd, Newbury 5 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Other 19 $750,000 22 Parsons Hill Rd, Wenham 11 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 71 $845,000 39 Salt Island Rd, Gloucester 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Bungalow 11 $1,100,000 Single Family Listings: 31 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 1,982.84 Avg. List$: $423,530 Avg. List$/SqFt: $229 Avg. Sale$: $418,087 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $225

2012 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.

Sold For Orig Price

$110,000 $135,000 $199,000 $219,000 $216,000 $249,000 $260,000 $264,900 $246,900 $269,900 $269,900 $279,900 $270,000 $284,900 $274,900 $299,900 $305,000 $305,000 $299,000 $309,999 $308,000 $329,000 $293,000 $329,900 $337,500 $357,750 $322,000 $359,000 $355,000 $359,900 $355,000 $369,000 $352,000 $375,000 $290,000 $379,900 $416,000 $429,900 $410,000 $429,900 $410,000 $439,000 $473,500 $474,900 $425,000 $499,900 $500,000 $514,900 $505,000 $529,900 $489,000 $549,900 $703,000 $699,900 $781,000 $719,900 $730,000 $750,000 $805,000 $845,000 $1,250,000 $1,100,000 Avg. DOM: 126.68

Page 18

June 7 - July 3, 01

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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Information you need might be coming in sporadically, but at least what you're getting is valuable. Continue to wait until more is available before acting on that career move. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) you continue on an upbeat cycle, and with that strong Taurean energy you should see favorable results from your hard work. A pleasant surprise awaits you in your private life. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A misunderstanding needs more time to be worked out. Don't give up on it just yet. remain open to providing explanations, if called for. Another friend offers good advice. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Fast action can correct a seemingly minor problem that has taken on some unexpectedly difficult aspects. Stay with it until it's resolved. News on a more positive note is due soon. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Some snags could cause delays in those plans you're eager to see put into operation. But be patient. The Clever Cat will soon have good reason to celebrate a job well done. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Be careful not to let that Virgan sensitivity dissuade you from being the hardheaded realist you should be at this time. your goals are in sight. Stay focused on them. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A more positive

aspect opens up, allowing you to make some important changes in a personal situation. remember to seek balance and avoid extremes as you proceed. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) This is a good week to get out and enjoy the fine times you missed while you were so deep in those workaday projects. Be sure to share it with that special person. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Work and play are in balance this week. However, expect news that could tip things toward the workplace for quite a while. But all to a good end. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) you're more productive on the job than you have been in some time. That's good. But be careful not to overlook some situations developing in your private life. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) you've been doing a lot for others (as usual). But now it's time to focus on your needs, including finally going on that long-delayed trip you've been hoping to make. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) It's all smoothly going on 'twixt you and that very special person in your life. But a colleague causes some disruption on the job that you might be called on to help settle. BORN THIS WEEK: you are sensitive to the needs of others. But you're no pushover. you would make a fine teacher, psychologist or minister. (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

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June 27 - July 3, 2012

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