Another great edition of...
The Town Common
WHAT'S INSIDE Kid's Day in the Park Gets Better Every Year Page 2 Support to Relocate the Department of Public Works Page 2 Health Care Proxy Info Page 6 Music in the Millyard Page 6 Salisbury Blood Drive Page 7 Country Crossroads Continues to Grow Page 10
FREE 17 State Street Eases Local's Fears of Losing Fowle's July 11 - 17, 2012 • Vol. 8, No. 36
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– NEWBURYPORT – Moving to Newburyport to open 17 State Street, a new restaurant downtown here, and closing her Cathy's Country Kitchen in Rowley after 18 years have taken a toll on Cathy Moulton. Her niece, Erinn Parsons, came into the small office in the back of the new 80-seat restaurant one day last week with an important question for Moulton. “Can I get you some lunch? You haven't eaten.” Asked if it was part of her job to make sure her aunt eats, Parsons said yes, it was part of every staff member's job. Moulton, who often forgets to eat Photo by Stewart Lytle and has lost weight, has renovated Cathy Moulton at the counter in her new 17 State Street restaurant. the 3,000 square feet of space once
occupied by the Fowle's newsstand and its accompanying sofa fountain and cafe. She opened the new retrolooking restaurant three weeks ago. “It has been going very well,” she said. “We have been welcomed very graceously.” She said old customers from Rowley, curious tourists, a lot of new people and some locals have come in to check out the new restaurant. That welcome was not always assured. There was considerable angst – she calls it controversy – over a new owner taking over the old Fowle's News space, which had been an institution operating on State Street since 1903. Moulton, who was raised on Plum Island as the eldest of five Continued on page 3
Pastor Has Inspiration in Bringing Church Service to the Beach
SALISBURY BEACH – Dr. Bruce Boria, pastor of the large Bethany Church in Greenland, NH, was not so sure he had the energy or the strength to bring his Christian ministry to the people of Salisbury Beach. “I was tired. I knew it was going to be a lot of work,” he thought as he drove away from the Blue Ocean Music Hall here. He had been meeting with local people, including a parishioner, Tom Saab, a local real estate investor, and with music hall executives about holding five church services on Sunday mornings this month and next at the music hall. The services here would be in addition to his ministry to about 2,000 people who come to Bethany Church on Sundays and to his
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– ministry at a satellite church in Raymond, NH. But as he was facing his doubts, he saw one of the largest and most attractive buildings at the beach. The two-story columned building housed the Ten's Show Club, an adult entertainment bar, about 100 yards from the music hall. He thought about how Jesus took his ministry to the sinners. And he thought, if the people who own that club can make it happen at the beach, “who am I not to try?” Boria said his mission is to take the Christian gospel to the people of New England. His ministry, since 2003 at Bethany Church, has attracted people from throughout Photo by Stewart Lytle New Hampshire and the North From left are Christine and Katherine Connell, Karyn Green, Scott Shore of Massachusetts. Continued on page 3
Connell, Seth Connell, Tom Saab, Dr. Bruce Boria and Grace Connell.
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July 11 - 17, 2012
Letters to the Editor
How to Submit Letters to the Editor Dear Editor,
Kid's Day in the Park Gets Better Every Year!
The Market Street Baptist, the Rock Church Amesbury (previously First United Methodist),140 Main Street and the Friendship Baptist Church Youth Group from Litchfield, CT are thankful to the City of Amesbury for allowing us the privilege of being a part of the "Kid's Day in the Park" on Thursday, June 28. It is our fifth year setting up inflatable obstacle course and bouncy house, giving out free popcorn and sno-cones with the help of volunteers from the three churches and connected with local families. We have made it our goal to provide a safe and fun environment for families to enjoy the day together at no cost to them or the town. We'd like to thank the many volunteers for their participation, enthusiasm and team work; to those who donated funds, items, equipment and transportation; to Vermettes Supermarket, Pond Street, Amesbury for donating ice for sno-cones; to Boy Scouts Troop 4 of Market Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Street Baptist Church for the loan of their tents; to Fuller's Menswear, Main Street, Amesbury for printing T-shirts and to the Amesbury's Publisher/Editor, The Town Common Letters to the Editor provide Recreation’s Director Kathleen Crowley for coordinating the event. We want to thank the teens and adults from the Friendship Baptist a useful way of communicating Church for making the trip from Connecticut to work with us. We are looking forward to another "Kid's Day" of fun in 2013. concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to:
Dianne Cole, Ministry Assistant, Market Street Baptist Church
Support to Relocate the Amesbury Department of Public Works
To the Editor:
We are writing to support the bond bill to relocate the Department of Public Works facility from Water St. to 39 Hunt Road. This project is vital to the future economic growth of Amesbury and will contribute significantly to improving the quality of life in the City, creating jobs and broadening the tax base. It is consistent with the long term growth strategy of Amesbury, defined in the Master Plan, to locate new development in the city center near public and private amenities, including transportation. The new development encouraged by this move will more than pay for the cost of the project. Thanks to the City Council, the Mayor and Rob Desmarais for their hard work on revisiting this project and coming up with a less costly but equally desirable alternative. The relocation of the DPW is critical to the continued advancement of other projects in the Lower Millyard. The Transportation Center is nearly complete. The Amesbury Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with the Amesbury Carriage Museum, have proposed a museum, visitors' center and artists' lofts for the building adjacent to the old DPW building. The City has proposed and is seeking outside funding for a park on the land adjacent to that at the corner of the Back and Powow Rivers. The City is also working to extend the Riverwalk from The Editor Main St. to Water St. The City is working to expand the parking garage, which will provide sorely needed parking for the downtown. The c/o The Town Common Carriage Mills building has a long term expansion plan, with a significant tenant to occupy a $3 million expansion. The Bartley land has 77 Wethersfield St. a mixed use development under proposal. The old mill buildings at 1-25 Oakland St. have enormous development potential. Funding for Rowley, MA 01969 or via e-mail to: these projects is contingent on the DPW relocation, and all will advance more quickly once the DPW is relocated. These projects will provide economic development of $50 million, and has the potential to add as much as $90 million to Amesbury's tax base over the next ten years. At the current tax rate, this results in $1.8 million in added tax revenue per year. The bond payments for the The Town Common deadline DPW project will be about $400,000. Even if the future development is less than half of the projected amount, the project is more than is 5pm Wednesday (except when a federal holiday necessitates an paid for by the increased revenues. This is a unique opportunity to take an underutilized part of Amesbury and create a completely new neighborhood. Amesbury desperately earlier deadline). needs to expand its tax base in order to remain viable into the future. This redevelopment will contribute significantly to the future stability The Town Common of Amesbury's tax base. The long term result will be lower real estate taxes, not higher. serves the communities of the The relocation comes at a good time because the cost of construction and the cost of financing are both at historic lows. In several years, Upper North Shore of Mass. & this will look like a very smart Coastal New Hampshire and decision. Construction costs welcomes your participation. Send your Organization or Group will only grow higher. The size Notices, Birth or Engagement of this debt will seem miniscule Announcements, Photos, Articles and compared to the economic Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., development and growth that it Rowley, MA 01969 promotes. Phone: 978-948-8696 The bottom line is that Fax: 978-948-2564 now is the time for the City E-mail: to step forward and make the infrastructure investments that The Town Common will serve Amesbury for decades to come. As the economy Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor improves, Amesbury will be well Graphic Design Services positioned for growth, and these projects will promote stability in Advertising Opportunities City finances. The question is not Event and Announcement Submissions whether Amesbury can afford to do this project. The issue is that 77 Wethersfield Street Amesbury cannot afford not to Rowley, MA 01969-1713 Phone: (978) 948-8696 do this project. Fax: (978) 948-2564
The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify The Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. All material and content cannot be duplicated without written consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or edit any copy offered for publication. Copyright 2004-2012 The Town CommonŠ - All Rights Reserved
In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005)
Sincerely, Anne Bonaventura, Chairman of Amesbury Chamber of Commerce; Economic Development Committee, Amesbury Chamber of Commerce
July 11 - 17, 01
Pastor Has Inspiration in Bringing Church Service to the Beach
Continued from page 1
His goal, he said: “We want to raise the spiritual landscape of New England.” The New York-born pastor came to New Hampshire in large part because the state ranks 49th in church attendance. Massachusetts ranks a bit higher because of its strong Catholic churches, he said. In New England, churches have been failing for years with declining memberships. Some churches have been sold and turned into residences. Others are now restaurants. “We wanted to turn this restaurant (the Blue Ocean Music Hall) into a church,” said Karyn Green, the director of communications for the Bethany Church. Boria agreed. “We want to go where the people are,” he said. He hasn't had much trouble finding people at the beach. He and his team of volunteers are working the beach, the shops, the restaurants and bars in this popular
seaside community on Saturdays, inviting beachgoers to the first service last Sunday and urging them to join in worshipping Jesus between frolicking in the sand and surf, listening to concerts, watching the paddleboarding events, eating pizza and drinking beer. This weekend the beach will be crowded with the Surf Music & Brew Fest on the beach for the weekend. Surf rocker Donovan Frankenreiter, the Jimmy Buffett tribute band Changes in Latitudes and local favorite Dead Air Project will draw a crowd. The first-ever Surf Music & Brew Fest will happen on Saturday afternoon on the 8,000 square-foot ocean-front deck at SurfSide5, a few feet from the music hall. On Saturday night, hours before it turns into a church, the Blue Ocean Music Hall will feature Frankenreiter, a California-based singer/songwriter and pro surfer. Boria thinks he can compete.
Come in for a visit and compare!
children, said she wanted to honor the history of Fowle's in her new restaurant. She kept in place the iconic Fowle's sign on the front of the building, although it now also has a sign hanging from it identifying the new restaurant by its new name. Knowingt she would face skepticism, she deliberately did not paper over the windows during construction to allow the daily peepers to watch the changes unfolding inside. “I understand. A piece of history was going away,” she said. And having grown up in the area and gone to school in Newburyport, she knew that many locals fight hard to keep any bit of history in place. “But look at the décor. We have enhanced the space. We have made it nostalgic,” she said. There are framed photos of old Newburyport on the walls. The old soda fountain counter remained. She installed a new kitchen because the old Fowle's had a very small
kitchen. But she has not continued to sell newspapers and magazines because “there is really no business there.” Moulton was offered the space by Ann Lagasse, who heads Newburyport Development, which owns the building. Lagasse, who was looking to fill the space after the two previous tenants opted not to renew their lease, had eaten often at Cathy's in Rowley and thought her style of food would work well on State Street. The timing was perfect. Moulton had lost her lease for her popular breakfast and lunch place at Rowley Crossroads and was looking to move. “After 18 years, it was time,” she said. Opening the restaurant has created a lot of frantic days. “This one has actually been fairly calm,” she said. She hoped it would be a harbinger of things to come when the challenges will ease in opening a new restaurant and hiring new staff, including a “wonderful” new manager Heather Paterson, to blend with those employees who came
Sea View Retreat
-Since 1954 “I speak in a contemporary voice,” he said. Using videos, the •Private & Semi-Private Rooms Internet and current music, he said he tries to be relevant to the modern An extended Care Community with Baths and Beautiful Views culture. • Medicare/ Medicaid certified “That sets us apart,” Boria said. • Social Services-Speech, “The message is the same. We can't Physical, Occupational, & improve on that.” Massage Therapies Initially when Saab approached • Full Activity Program the music hall executives about the idea of holding church services • and much more... Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper there, they were cool to theThe idea, North he said. But a few months later, they MANSION DRIVE • ROWLEY, MA • JUST OFF ROUTE 1A told them they had reconsidered and would like to test the waters to see if church services at the beach might work. The rental on the space does not come cheap. Boria said he Driver Education at its Finest is content to pay the rental. But after he brings in a crowd for the 9:30 a.m. service and they stay to buy Sunday brunch at the Seaglass Restaurant in the same building that also houses the music hall, he believes the music hall owners may be willing to renegotiate.
ATTENTION STUDENTS! Next Class - July 16, 2012 Classes will meet Mondays & Tuesdays 6:00pm to 9:00pm
17 State Street Eases Local's Fears of Losing Fowle's
Continued from page 1
Page 3
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from Cathy's Country Kitchen. “I had forgotten how much of a challenge it is to open a new restaurant,” she said. A member of a large entrepreneurial family, she has always liked owning her own businesses. Her parents, Kay and Ray Moulton, own Surfl and Bait 978-948-8696 • • “A New England Favorite Since 1950” and Tackle. Her brother owns Boiled Lobster * Steamed Clams Riverfront Marina in Salisbury. Her Fried & Baked Seafood * Sandwiches grandfather owned Riverside Dairy Open Every Day from and Webster's Ice Cream stand. Call Ahead Apr 1st - Nov 15th Route 286, Seabrook Beach, NH “I guess you could just say it is Open Fri, Sat, Sun & Holidays Take Out Nov 15th - Apr 1st the genes,” she said. She has just received her liquor license from the state, and she expects to serve alcoholic drinks in a couple of weeks. But she does not envision 17 State Street being a serious bar, like the nearby Thirsty Whale and the Grog. But rather she would like to serve drinks that complement the food. So what did the owner of the city's newest restaurant tell her niece to have the cooks make her for lunch? $3999 Nothing fancy. Just two pieces of chicken. $149
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Letters To The Editor July 11 - 17, 01
Page 4
Palm and Card Reading a Specialty Everything you need to know...
Community Announcements AMESBURY - The Market Street Baptist Church is hosting an 4-Day Junior Church Basketball Clinic for both girls & boys ages 5-13 years on Monday - Thursday, July 16-19, 2012 from 9:00 am - 12 noon at the Cashman School Gym, 192 Lions Mouth Road, Amesbury. The program is a noncompetitive, instructional league designed to teach fundamental basketball skills and basic Bible knowledge in a fun and engaging manner. A suggested donation of $10 per child is requested to help defray expenses. Please make check payable to: MSBC/BBall. All are welcome. To register contact the church office at 978-388-0930, email: msbcsec@, mail to: 37 Market Street, Amesbury, MA 01913 or show up early on the first day. -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - The Market Street Baptist Church, is hosting a VBS for both girls & boys ages 5-9 years on Monday - Friday, August 6-10 from 9:00 am - 12 noon at the Church on 37 Market Street, Amesbury. “Encounter God” is the title of this western themed Vacation Bible School program that includes games in the gym, crafts, bible study and new songs to learn. A snack will be provided each day. A suggested donation fee of $10 per child is requested. However,•we do not wish to keep any child away for financial reasons, so we will gladly accept whatever you can afford, even if it's nothing at this time. To register contact the church office by phone at 978-388-0930 or email: Registration on Monday, August 6 will begin at 8:30 am. Friend us on Facebook or visit us on the web at • • -----------------------------------------------------------BYFIELD - Achievement4Kids Workshops develop skills that last a lifetime, builds confidence and increases motivation to be successful. The tools and information received include strategies for study, time management and organization. Also learn techniques to improve your memory, reading comprehension, listening, writing and study skills to learn more effectively in all your courses. Next summer workshop August 13-17 Summer at The Governor’s Academy in Byfield, MA -Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $349 per session. Please visit to register. -----------------------------------------------------------GROVELAND – The Langley-Adams Library in Groveland is offering the following during the month of July: Wed. July 11th @ 8:30pm Star Party Astronomy Program (Held at Veasey Park)*Registration required; Thursday, July 12th @ 10:30am Make Fabulous Foam Lacing Wallets, grades K- 3 *Registration required; Monday, July 16th @ 5:30 and 6:30- Museum of Science Boston presents a World of Bridges.*Registration required; Wednesday, July 18th @ 5pm- Make Dream Catcher key chains, grades 6-12 *Registration required; Monday, July 23rd @ 6:30pm- Lighthouses of Southern Maine, *Registration required; Thursday, July 26th @ 10:30am- Growers Garden Program, ages 3 and up.(Bring a paper plate!) *Registration required; Monday, July 30th @ 6pm- Guard Up Swordsmanship Program, grades 6-12, *Registration required. For more information contact the library at(978)372-1732 or -----------------------------------------------------------HAMPTON - Announcing the second annual En Plein Air at the Deacon Tuck Gristmill. 326 years on the Nilus, located at lower end of High Street in Hampton, just steps away from North Beach. Open invitation to all Artists of all mediums, "Lilies Bloom Now" and only for the next two weeks. This time of year and October are the best moments to capture this unique gem of historical architecture, the only mill left on the seacoast. For more information call Candy Stellmach Deacon Tuck Gristmill Committee member at 603-926-5082. ----------------------------------IPSWICH - Utility Director, Tim Henry, has an important message regarding the Ipswich water system. Effective immediately all bans and restrictions on outdoor water use are lifted. All water sources are now operational. They thank you for your patience and cooperation while they made necessary repairs to the water system. ----------------------------------IPSWICH - The Trustees of Reservations announce that Appleton Farms’ Visitor Center is now open to the public Wednesday through Sunday, 11am – 3pm. The visitor center is located in the
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Farmstand Utterly Creamy Ice Cream! C o m i n g S a t u r d a y. . . Cow Bar n Ice Cr eam Stand J u l y, 1 4 t h - O p e n H o u s e ! [GROVELAND] An exciting new home made ice cream stand has opened adjacent to its farm stand. Everyone is invited to the Cow Barn Ice Cream Stand featuring locally made ice cream from Shaw Farm. Located on Rt. 97, the old fashioned tradition lives and is a wonderful experience to visit. The adjacent farm stand is open 7 days a week from 9 am - 6-30 pm and offers a good chance to meet others and shop around after getting an ice cream, sherbet, or frozen yogurt (available in non-fat and sugar free)! Their mouthwatering sherbets include homemade flavors such as: orange, raspberry, and a yummy and refreshing watermelon! Open House Activities on Saturday July 14th Include: • Free Popcorn! • Bouncy House For Kids! • Touch a Truck & Heavy Equipment! • Pet The Ponies! Keep an eye open for our Octoberfest... Pumpkin Carving, Taste Testing, Kids Rides & More!
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July 11 - 17, 01
Letters To The Editor
Page 5
Community Announcements Old House, a newly remodeled “green” building that was an original home to the Appleton Family. Staffed with on-site docents, GARDEN CENTER the visitor center a special room furnished to represent the family's life in the mid-1800s. Family furniture, portraits, and other & NURSERY historic artifacts are on display throughout the house. In addition, the center has a farm-based education classroom with seasonal education displays and a state-of-the-art kitchen, where programs that feature the farms' locally grown food are held. The visitor center is central to the 1,000-acre working farm and offers easy access to the surrounding trails and farmstead area, including other historic buildings and pastures with grazing cows and roaming chickens. Visitors can also take advantage of the farm's dairy store, which has Appleton Farms’ milk, beef and eggs for sale as well as an assortment of other locally sourced products including yogurt, The Sales Yard is bursting ice cream, cheese, maple syrup, honey, bread, and artwork. Dairy store hours: Monday, Wednesday & Thursday, 2–7PM; Tuesday The Independent Community Newspaper with color with a selection & Friday, 11AM–6PM; Saturday, 9AM–3PM. To find the visitor center, enter the farm off of Route 1A in Ipswich. For more Region’s Largest information visit, call 978.356.5728, or email of plant material right now • -----------------------------------------------------------that is unbelievable. NEWBURYPORT - Visit the 55th Yankee Homecoming Celebration, an annual Newburyport tradition, starting on Sunday, July 29th and running through Sunday, August 5th. This week-long celebration features numerous events such as: Free waterfront concerts, Downtown entertainment, Craft show, Kid's talent show, Family Day at Maudslay State Park, The Newburyport • • Brewfest, Old Fashioned Sunday, Fireworks, Yankee Homecoming Parade and much more! 31 Essex Rd. (Rte. 133), Ipswich -----------------------------------------------------------978-356-5422 . NEWBURYPORT - 48th Antique Show and Sale on Monday, July 30, 2012 9:00AM to 3:00PM Sponsored by: Belleville Congregational Church, 300 High St, Newburyport. Over 50 Dealers- Inside and Out Luncheon available Admission: $4.00 -----------------------------------------------------------REGIONAL - World Experience is looking for three loving, caring families to host Foreign Exchange student/s for the upcoming school semester/year. Students are ages 15–18 years old, have passed an English test, and have their own medical insurance and spending money. Families provide a bed, study area, meals, and the .support of a family. Students will arrive in August. . complete carpentry service Additions -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - The Merrimack. Kitchen River Feline Rescue Society will be holding a “Dining to Donate” fundraising event at the and Bathroom remodeling RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Specializing in: We Safely Clean: Flatbread Company Restaurant, 5 Market Square in downtown Amesbury, on Tuesday July 24th from 4pm to 9pm. A portion • Homes . . . • Orientals of all pizza sales during this time will be Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society to help cats in need. There will decks & donated Porchesto the renovations drywall • Offices (Cleaned On-site) also be a raffle and information about the Society’s programs available. This event is open to anyone. For more information call • Boats • Cottons 978-462-0760, email or go toCall Direct • Mobiles Homes • Wools • Automobiles ---------------------------------------------------• Fabrics 978-360-0477 • Stain Removal SALISBURY - Ongoing - Shape Up at the Salisbury COA Hilton; Come in and exercise in a pleasant, air conditioned environment. A U T H O R I Z E D LOW MOISTURE CLEANING A S S O C I A T E & insured Calllicensed 978-462-2412 for more information. Exercise to Music Tuesdays 9:00 – 10:00 cardio and strength conditioning; Yoga Office: 978-356-5563 - Gentle Stretching Tuesdays 10:15-11:15 tone up your mind, body and spirit; Zumba Gold Wednesdays 9:00am low Latin Fully Insured Free Estimates Call Today inspired dance class that’s easy to follow; Silver Strength Wednesdays 10:15 until 11:00 Strength training designed to use mind and muscle; Walking Group Thursday 9:00 a.m. meet at Salisbury Beach State Reservation, last parking lot on left; Line Dancing Thursdays 9:30 – 10:30 am Get in shape and have fun doing it; Zumba Toning Build strength and tone with toning sticks and LOU@EGBLIVE.COM WWW.T4HCCLEAN.COM small weights.
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Page 6
July 11 - 17, 01
Community Calendar To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail:
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WEDNESDAY, JULY 11th This program shows how owls use their THE ONE THING YOU DON’T SEE HEALTH CARE PROXY INFO specialized sight, hearing and flight to COMING Health Care Proxies presented in survive. A wealth of fact and folklore Wednesday, July 11th at 11 a.m. Rowley cooperation with TRIAD, Wednesday, explains the natural and unnatural history Public Library will host Minstrel Storyteller July 11th @ NOON in Salisbury. of owls. Hamilton-Wenham Public Mary Jo Maichack in an interactive family Everyone should have a health care proxy Library 978-468-5577 www.hwlibrary. program especially for Community Calendar Continues . recommended . . and the best time to sign one is when you org children ages 4 and older. “The One You don’t need it! Come sip some tea or coffee, TRIVIA NIGHT Don’t See Comingâ€? is a delightful show have a cookie (or two), and find out why Keon's Trivia Nights on Wednesday of songs & folktales celebrating summer this document is so important and what from 7-9, $2 off all menu items & gift reading club in a participatory, engaging you need to know. If you don’t already certificate giveaways. 258 Andover St, style. This year’s theme is “Dream Big, have a health care proxy we can help you Georgetown 978-352-2900 READ!â€? This program is supported in part create one on the spot. Don’t put off THURSDAY, JULY 12th by the Rowley Cultural Council, a local learning about this important decision. IMAGINE, SING, AND LEARN: agency supported by the Massachusetts Call 978-462-2412 to pre-register. SPLISH SPLASH SCIENCE! Cultural Council, a state agency.“The WINGMASTERS: OWLS Active play and learning with Joppa Flats One You Don’t See Comingâ€? is a new, Meet live owls! Wed. July 11, 6:30. Teacher-Naturalist Lisa Hutchings for pre- fun, funny show sung and strummed and schoolers, ages 3 to 5, with a favorite adult. featuring stories of sleep, the night sky and Choose one of four sessions. Fee includes dreams. Maichack has been nominated one adult and one child. Thursday, for a Massachusetts Cultural Council July 12, 10:00-11:30 am or 1:00-2:30 Gold Star Program Award and won two pm; Friday, July 13, 10:00-11:30 am or national awards for her storytelling CDs. 1:00-2:30 pm Meet at Mass Audubon’s For more information contact the library Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum at 978-948-2850. Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $15. MUSIC IN THE MILLYARD Preregistration is required. Call 978-462- Newburyport Five Cents Savings Bank is 9998 for information about additional pleased to announce the 2012 Music in the programs and events, or visit the Web site Millyard free community concert series. ... and Landcape Supplies at A great mix of local and popular bands SPIRITUAL SPA DAY AT will provide concert goers and enjoyable ADELYNROOD evening of entertainment. Dates: July 12, Breathe deeply. Thursday, July 12, 8:30 19 & 26 All Concerts: 6:00-8:00PM The • All Shrubs $25 AM - 5:00 PM Let yourself be nurtured 2012 Line-Up: Don't Call Me Shirley • All Hangers $20 for a day at Adelynrood. Find solace in Thursday July 12th; Liz Frame and the the meditations and inspiration from Kickers - Thursday, July 19th; Elle Gallo • Buy a Tree a discussion on nutrition and wellness. & Dangerous Men - Thursday, July 26th th Delivery and Planted (local) Within this relaxing day there will be time (sponsored by Flatbread Co.) For more $149.95 for reading, praying, walking the labyrinth, information or updates please call: (978) . Bark Mulch . Loam and time to just be. Adelynrood's healthful 388-3178. Giving back is the best way . Produce . Wood Products food and beautiful gardens help to create forward: Once again donations will be . Bakery Goods . Candy . Dom’s Meat a renewed sense of wonder, gratitude and collected for Amesbury's Our Neighbors' hope. New meditations and wellness Table. Most need items include: peanut options are featured at each Spa Day. butter, canned chicken/tuna, bottled juice, 918 Salem St http://business.newburyportchamber. cereal, boxed pasta, shampoo/toothpaste org/Events/details/spiritual-spa-day-at- and healthy granola bars. 978-372-5558 adelynrood-2899 THE FOUNDING FATHERS: WHAT
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July 11 - 17, 01 WERE THEY THINKING? On Thursday, July 12 at 6:30 the Seabrook Library, in partnership with the NH Humanities Council, will present a timely program, The Founding Fathers: What Were They Thinking? In 1787 delegates gathered in Philadelphia to address a wide variety of crises facing the young United States of America and produced a charter for a new government. In modern times, competing political and legal claims are frequently based on what those intended. Mythology about the founders and their work at the 1787 Convention has obscured both fact and legitimate analysis of the events leading to the agreement called the Constitution. This program explores the cast of characters called “founders,” the problems they faced and the solutions they fashioned. The presenter is Richard A. Hesse, Professor Emeritus, UNH School of Law, who has published on a wide variety of legal and ethical topics. The program is free and open to the public, with light refreshments served. BEATLES TRIBUTE BAND TO PLAY AT CASTLE HILL New England’s premiere Beatles tribute band HELP! will perform at Castle Hill, 290 Argilla Road, Ipswich on Thursday, July 12th from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Bring the family and a picnic and enjoy some of the best rock and roll tunes ever written. The gates will open at 5 p.m. for picnicking. Attendees are encouraged to arrive early. Space is limited and the gates will close once capacity is reached. Admission is at the gate only--$30/car or $20/car for members of The Trustees of Reservations. There is a 6 person per car maximum; each additional passenger will be charged $5. Motorcycles are $10 and walk-ins $5. Weather cancellations (if necessary) will be announced by 3:00 p.m. concertday. Visit or call 978.356.4351 for more details. FRIDAY, JULY 13th THE HMS BOUNTY VISITS NEWBURYPORT Ahoy Mateys! Grab your favorite pirate & welcome the HMS Bounty to Newburyport! Don't miss all the fun starting Friday, July 13 - Sunday, July 15, as the HMS Bounty opens its gangplanks for tours of this 180' tall ship. Enjoy music, tours, theatrical performances & more.
http://business.newburyportchamber. org/Events/details/the-hms-bounty-visits-newburyport-2998 IMAGINE, SING, AND LEARN: SPLISH SPLASH SCIENCE! Active play and learning with Joppa Flats Teacher-Naturalist Lisa Hutchings for preschoolers, ages 3 to 5, with a favorite adult. Choose one of four sessions. Fee includes one adult and one child. Thursday, July 12, 10:00-11:30 am or 1:00-2:30 pm; Friday, July 13, 10:00-11:30 am or 1:00-2:30 pm Meet at Mass Audubon’s Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $15. Preregistration is required. Call 978-4629998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at CHILDREN’S TREASURE HUNT AT CASTLE HILL The Trustees of Reservations is pleased to announce that a program for 4-8 year olds will be offered this season at Castle Hill, a National Historic Landmark located at 290 Argilla Road in Ipswich, MA. Enjoy a hunt for treasures both large and small while walking through the Great House, a magnificent mansion built for Chicago plumbing magnate Richard T. Crane and his family. Hands-on opportunities related to daily life in the 1920s, as well as the activities of the servants who worked here, will be included. The Children’s Treasure Hunt is offered every Friday at 10:15 am, now through August. The program is 45 minutes, and admission is $8 for a member adult and one child, $10 for a non-member adult and one child, with each additional child $5. RSVP at www. Call 978356-4351, x4049 for more information. BLOOD DRIVE The Salisbury Lions Club is sponsoring an American Red Cross Blood Drive, Friday, July, 13 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the William Hilton Senior Center, 43 Lafayette Road, Salisbury. All presenting donors will receive a coupon for a free carton of Friendly's ice cream. Snacks, water, juice is available and chowder from Lena's Seafood Restaurant will also be available to presenting donors. To make an appointment, please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-(800) 733-2767 or visit Blood is desperately
needed at this time. SATURDAY, JULY 14th PAPER DRIVE The All-Scout Paper Drive will be held on Saturday, July 14, 2012 from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. behind the First Congregational Church of Rowley on Main Street. The scouts will be collecting newspapers, books and magazines. The Boy Scouts will be collecting redeemable bottles and cans. The Boy, Cub and Girl Scouts of Rowley thank you very much for helping to keep Scouting active in Rowley. The paper drives are held the second Saturday of odd numbered months. If you have any questions please call George Pacenka at (978) 9487918. Non-perishable items…including diapers, paper towels, toilet paper will also be collected at this time for the Rowley Food Pantry. THE HMS BOUNTY VISITS NEWBURYPORT Ahoy Mateys! Grab your favorite pirate & welcome the HMS Bounty to Newburyport! Don't miss all the fun starting Friday, July 13 - Sunday, July 15, as the HMS Bounty opens its gangplanks for tours of this 180' tall ship. Enjoy music, tours, theatrical performances & more. http://business.newburyportchamber. org/Events/details/the-hms-bounty-visits-newburyport-2998 ATLANTIC PADDLE BATTLE RACE SERIES Catch "SUP" fever! The nonprofit Atlantic Paddle Boarding Association (APBA) presents the 2nd annual Atlantic Paddle Battle Race Series at Salisbury Beach. Participants in this summer-long standup paddle board (SUP) race series compete to win a $20,000 cash purse and The REVO Cup. The series continues Saturday, July 14; other race dates are August 4 at York Beach, ME, and the Finals Sept. 1st on
Page 7
Seabrook Flea Market 920 Lafayette Road, Seabrook, Nh (Route 1) Located Across From
Open year-round Saturdays and Sundays Call: (978) 380-0019
Contact: Bob Davidson, Project Manager • 978-948-8696 77 Wethersfield Street, Rowley, MA 01969
e Town Common
kly Community Newspaper
Everyday Low Price 12 months $299 Dare to Compare!
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Continued on page 8
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Page 8
July 11 - 17, 01
Continued from page 7 Children under 18 are free. Plenty of Salisbury Beach. Elite races start at 10:15 free parking. Golf carts ride to-and-from AM, Adult Recreational and Youth under parking lot, if needed. Authentic Ipswich 17 races follow; Come participate or cheer clam and lobster-bake! Greek delicacies, on the racers from shore and stay for fun pastries, Greek & American dancing on the deck at SurfSide5. - music by Enosis. family and children GREEK FESTIVAL & CLAMBAKE entertainment. Raffle - three grand prize ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Assumption of the Virgin Mary drawings - flat-panel TV - iPad - child's Greek Orthodox Church of Ipswich will bicycle - many additional prizes. Back host their Greek Festival and Clambake popular request - Boston Lykeion God’s Heart & Hands in Our Community and Beyond on Saturday and Sunday, July 14 & by Ellinidon Dance Troupe, Metropolis God’s Heart & Hands In OurService, Community And Beyond (Saturday 1 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. and Dance troupe of Boston. Don't miss this Contemporary Worship Sundays, 11:00 AM 15 Sunday 1 p.m. to dusk ) on the beautiful fun event! grounds of the Hellenic Community FUNDRAISER 79 Turnpike Rd/Route 1, Ipswich, MA 01938 Center, 117 County Road, located at the A Fundraiser to honor the Memory of Weekly Community Newspaper (Tri-City Sales plaza, n. of Linebrook•Rd) intersection of Rt. 1 A & 133 in Ipswich. Zack Zalewski. Zack was a local kid $5.00 admission (valid for both days) from Groveland who past away in a car ~ 978-356-1800 crash on February 15th of this year. The benefit is being held on July 14, 2012 starting at 5 pm at Milestone Equestrian
Life’s Questions. Many. Life’s answer. jesus christ. coMe and see... it is true...!
Crossroads Community Church
The Town Common Seabrook Flea Market
Centre 323 East Broadway Haverhill MA. 01830 phone 781-241-2946. Zack was an adventurer he was an accomplished snowboarder (he taught at Bradford Ski Area) and loved children so all proceeds raised are being donated in Zacks name to the local Make A Wish Foundation. Its going to be a family fun day there will be a BBQ, Pony rides, Carraige rides, Bouncy House, Dunk Tank, music and more. For more information please email spatti05@ SURFSIDE LIVE! Every Saturday Night! What better way to see a concert than sitting at the edge of the sand, with the ocean as a backdrop. Hear great regional and national musicians as they fill the salt air with the sounds of summer. Then, enjoy a dazzling fireworks display over the ocean. A great
Margot G. Birke, Attorney at Law
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The Town Common The Town Common
YOur SMOKing and SELf dEfEnSE HEadquarTErS Weekly Community Newspaper
SMOKing aCCESSOriES - SELf dEfEnSE - nOvELTiES Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, PlumCHART Island, & Rowley TIDE Weekly Community Newspa off with the successful removal of this coupon 10% and prompt return to the SeabrookNewburyport, Merrimack River Entrance Salisbury, Newbury, Byfi Flea o o eld, Plum Island, & Ro 42 JULY DATE HIGH 11 Wed 6:09 7.39 6:36 12 Thurs 7:05 7.05 7:28 13 Fri 8:03 6.84 8:21 14 Sat 8:59 6.77 9:11 15 Sun 9:52 6.83 10:00 KAYAKS 16 Mon 10:40 6.96 10:44 Wilderness Systems - Old7.14 Town 11:26 17 Tues 11:23 Perception Necky 18 Wed 12:03 7.35 xx Ocean Kayak 19 Thurs 12:05 8.54 12:41
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Opens at 5 p.m. Bar Menu & Fine Dining
July 11 - 17, 01 family night out. Bring a beach chair and experience what summer should be all about – fun, beach pizza, ice cream cones and more! WHERE: On the Beachfront Stage at the top of Broadway Saturday nights thru September 1st Concert: 7:30pm – 10:00pm Fireworks: 10:15pm KEEPING IT REAL Salisbury Beach, Saturday, July 14, 9pm - Closing - Dance the night away to live music and meet new people at Salisbury's newest liquid lounge. No cover. Saturday night features "Keeping it Real". Check schedule for their entire summer Thurs, Fri, Sat, and Sun live events. SUNDAY, JULY 15th NEWBURYPORT FARMERS MARKET Come enjoy the season with The Newburyport Farmers’ Market featuring locally grown veggies, live music, locally prepared food products and artisanal crafts! The Market will be held every Sunday rain or shine from 9:00am1:00pm at the Tannery Marketplace. THE HMS BOUNTY VISITS NEWBURYPORT Ahoy Mateys! Grab your favorite pirate & welcome the HMS Bounty to Newburyport! Don't miss all the fun starting Friday, July 13 - Sunday, July 15, as the HMS Bounty opens its gangplanks for tours of this 180' tall ship. Enjoy music, tours, theatrical performances & more. http://business.newburyportchamber. org/Events/details/the-hms-bounty-visits-newburyport-2998 GREEK FESTIVAL & CLAMBAKE See Saturday, July 14 th. LIGHTHOUSE OPEN HOUSE Friends of Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouses, a chapter of the American Lighthouse Foundation, will host an open house at Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse in New Castle, NH, on every Sunday now through Columbus Day, from 1:00
to 5:00 p.m. The suggested donation to climb the lighthouse is $4 for adults and $2 for children 12 and under. Visitors should park outside the gate to Coast Guard Station Portsmouth Harbor and walk to the lighthouse. For more information, visit www.portsmouthharborlighthouse. org. MONDAY, JULY 16th HENNA TATTOOS FOR TEENS Mandy Roberge will be at the Amesbury Public Library on Monday July 16 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. She will talk about the history of Henna Tattoos and also demonstrate the technique. You will be able to have Mandy do the tattoo or you can try it yourself. You can also bring in your own design and she will make a Henna tattoo out of it. Pre-Registration is required for this program. Participants must be in the 7th-12th grade. To register please go to or contact Margie at 978-388-8148 or This program is funded through the Friends of the Amesbury Public Library. WEDNESDAY, JULY 18th ORIGAMI PROGRAM Laura Geggis will Whisper dreams into an origami paperfold and let it fly! Create projects that catch flight: crane, Phoenix, butterfly and more. The program will be at the Amesbury Public Library on Wednesday, July 18 at 3:00 p.m. Program is for 7th-12th grade. Registration is required. You can register online at www. or email Margie at A VIEW TO THE SEA: THE GRAND ALLEÉ TOUR The Trustees of Reservations is pleased to announce a new landscape tour opportunity this season at Castle Hill, a Country Place Era estate and a National Historic Landmark located at 290 Argilla Road in Ipswich, MA. A View to the Sea: The Grand Alleé Tour is offered
Café & Lounge ALL YOU CAN EAT Breakfast Buffet Saturdays & Sundays ~ 8:30am to 1pm Only $8.99! Buy one and get $ .00 off the second buffet ALL YOU CAN EAT Fish Fry (Fresh Haddock) Every Friday ~ All Day starting @ Noon Only $11.99! HOBO’s Café & Lounge 5 Broadway, Salisbury, MA www. hobo-café.com 978-465-46 6
Open to the public. Outdoor Seating.
Casual Family Dining Trivia Wednesdays 7-9pm
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Wednesdays, July 18, August 15, and September 12, from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Admission is $10 for TTOR members, $15 for non-members, and preregistration is required at 978-356-4351, x4049. WEDNESDAY EVENING LECTURE Ipswich Museum, 54 South Main Street, Ipswich will host a Wednesday Evening Lecture on July 18 at 7:30 pm. Celebrate 25 years of antiques dealing when the evening’s host, Robert Cianfrocca, owner of Salt Marsh Antiques in Rowley, gives a presentation and appraisal night. Bring one item per person for appraisal at $5/each. Refreshments will be served following the lecture. The First National Bank of Ipswich generously sponsors the Museum’s Wednesday Evening Lecture Series. For more information, visit www. or call 978-3562811. TRIVIA NIGHT Keon's Trivia Nights on Wednesday from 7-9, $2 off all menu items & gift certificate giveaways. 258 Andover St, Georgetown 978-352-2900
Childcare Available Page Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays
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Award Winning Restaurant Opens at 5 p.m. Bar Menu & Fine Dining Childcare Available Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays Located at the Garrison Inn 11 Brown Square, Newburyport
The Town Common
he North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper
Page 10
EssEx County Dog training Club, inC. WEDnEsDays: PuPPy, basiC obEDiEnCE & Rally Run-ThRus Tuesdays: CompeTiTion rEgistEr toDay: Training wiTh 978-463-3647 uKC / aKC Judge info@ECDTC.nET ms Linda mChugh For more inFo visit us on the web:
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July 11 - 17, 01
Country Crossroads Continues to Grow
Country Crossroads Realty Associates, LLC is as proud as they are thrilled to announce that REALTOR® Meg Steele has joined the family as an Associate REALTOR® with the company. With effective, intelligent marketing so key to the successful transacting of real estate business, Meg Steele’s extensive background in graphic design, internet technology and executive level marketing spans two decades. For Meg, the developing and producing of superb The Town Common Courtesy Photo marketing materials for her clients’ properties is not only second nature, but it immediately sets her properties apart from those with routine or no marketing. That ability to draw attention to properties that have been placed in her care while paying attention to the clients who entrust her with the care of their families, is not lost on anyone who adores this REALTOR®. For thirty years Meg raised her family within the North Shore community with her gentle heart, keen judgment and strong sense of “true north”. “Meg truly is not capable of being disingenuous.” said Broker/Owner Janet Hilton. “What you see is what you get and we can’t get enough of Meg Steele.” As with all Country Crossroads Realty Associates, Meg can be found between her home office at cell 978-228-0137 and the company office at 28 Bay Rd S Hamilton 978-468-5910. Her email is (FYI ..Consultations are complimentary and although “stop bys” are always welcomed, unless there is an appointment, REALTORS® are more likely to be “on the road”.).
Always Spot On! HUGHES Carpentry & Building Home Improvement Professionals Bryan Hughes, Rowley, MA Tel: 978-948-2304 • Cell: 781-718-5150 Licensed and Insured
Lilly’s Place Greenhouse at Morning Glory Farm 2 Hawk Haven Way, Newbury Relax on your own private 8acre retreat in a home that has all the amenities. $750,000
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July 11 - 17, 2012
Page 11
Continued on page 14
Pets, Animals, Plus July 11 - 17, 01
Page 1
Rowley Pharmacy, Inc.
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For the past couple of months, every dentist in the United States has had to deal (in some form or another) with the story on the front page of the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper entitled, “Dental X-rays Linked to Brain Tumors in Yale Study”. The story made national headlines, and why wouldn’t it with a title like that? The reporter did publish excerpts from a meeting with ADA (American Dental Association) spokesperson Matthew J. Messina, DDS to get the dental communities’ perspective; however that was published on page A-4. As Dr. Messina explained, “Like a courtroom trial, the prosecution went first. Page 1 included the first six paragraphs of the article. The ADA’s defense was well presented, but after the ‘jump’ to page A-4. It required that a person be committed enough to understanding the story, to be willing to actually open the paper and read the article to the end. And that is one of the problems that ‘we’ will always face as a profession.”
For the rest of us who don’t live in Cleveland, or read the Cleveland Plain Dealer on-line, we got our story from the national news media. All I heard was that dental x-rays cause brain tumors. As a consumer and someone concerned about my health it raised an eyebrow. As a dentist I knew there was more to the story. Here are the facts as presented by Dr. Messina: How common are the brain tumors? (Six per 100,000) How did the researchers find a link between dental x-rays and brain tumors? (They asked people with brain tumors to remember how many x-rays they had over their lifetime) Is there a problem with this type of study? (Yes, it'’ called “recall bias”) Are dental x-rays different today than they were even 10 years ago? (Yes, the amount of radiation in current dental radiography is dramatically less than in years past) What should patients do with this information? (Talk to their dentist about any concerns so that their dentist can give them accurate information and reassure them) While there is strong evidence that ionizing radiation may cause cancer, the question remains whether low doses lead to an increase in risk. Regarding dental x-rays, the effective dose is far below the yearly exposure received from natural background radiation. In the case of brain tumors, the cerebral
(brain) region is not even in the primary radiation field of most dental x-rays. This was not even considered in the study. Where do we go from here? If you are in the approximately 50% of the population that does not see a dentist on a regular basis, this information does not mean that much. If you are in the other 50% that understand that oral health means so much more than having your teeth cleaned or a tooth filled, I would recommend the ALARA rule (as low as reasonably achievable). Dental radiographs are a safe, essential and effective tool in identifying dental decay, gum disease, pathology, as well as monitoring proper growth and development. As a society it is my hope that we are willing to move past the skimming of all the information that is available to us and ask questions when things relate to us. We (dentists) as a profession will continue to work towards educating our patients and providing the safest, most effective care. Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at You can view all previously written columns at
The Town Common July 11 - 17, 01
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• For Sale RealNewbury, Estate Newburyport, Salisbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley For Sale
Under All Is The Land Sports Sports Sports
accountability. who ascribe • • to a strict Code of Ethics The buying and selling of real estate, for first time home buyers with wide unlike that of ordinary commerce, eyes and the promise of the American imposes what our PREAMBLE refers Dream. to as "grave social responsibility and a REALTOR®/Broker Janet Hilton, patriotic duty to which REALTORS® a former practicing attorney and should dedicate themselves and for RN with her husband retired Fire which they should be diligent in Lieutenant George Hilton, owns and preparing themselves." If the words operates Country Crossroads Realty at "grave social responsibility" or "patriotic 28 Bay Road, Hamilton, MA 01982 duty" sound a bit over the top, consider For excellence in buying- or selling real what is happening all around you right estate, call 978-468-5910 or visit www now. Had the industries that colluded to pillage our housing market over the past several years practiced with the same level of care as is required by the KAYAKS 11, 2012! 2008, 2009, 2010, 20 REALTOR®'s Code of Ethics, there Wilderness Systems - Old Town would be no need for the Stimulus Perception - Necky Plan and the word "bailout" would Ocean Kayak not be finding its way into our daily Canoes vernacular. That is how profound Mad River - Old Town - Radisson the expression "under all is the land" Fernald’s truly is. It is as profound as is the On the River Parker responsibility each REALTOR® has Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 every time he/she holds the keys to (978) 465-0312 your home or helps you find the keys to your new home. Last night two young first time homebuyers sat in my office as I prepared an offer for them on a home Description DOM 1 col. x 2 inches Address, Town they never thought they could own. 5 Warren Ave. Salisbury 5 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Cape 62 Their hands were wringing. Their 6+ wks $38.30/week 123 SchoolSt, Groveland 6 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 280 eyes were wide. They hung on every 1 Muriel Rd, Groveland 7 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 46 word. I am always aware$30.70/week and constantly 13+ wks 31 Taylor St, Georgetown 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Ranch 240 reminded of the awesome responsibility 3 57th St, Newburyport 3 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Cottage 36 26+ wksassumes $27.60/week that a REALTOR® as a trusted 15 Essex St, Amesbury 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 62 advisor. Just as this article went to print, 52 wks $24.90/week 6 Howard St, Ipswich 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Garrison 113 these young first time homebuyers' 879 Salem St, Groveland 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 50 offer was accepted andin their have Place this ad ourfeetmonthly 32 Hillside Ave, Amesbury 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Bungalow 36 not touched the ground. They are publication for an additional among the enormous group of buyers 1 Birch St, Amesbury 7 room, 3 bed, 3f 0h bath Colonial 290 $9.75/week. who will buy down the enormous 508 Merrimac St, Newburyport 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 115 inventory and unclog the pipe in our 14 Pond St, Georgetown 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 29 economy. 148 Main St, Newbury 6 room, 2 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 43 Despite some underhanded 44 Locust St, Merrimac 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Ranch 42 politicians, under Placethethis adtheintable ourdealings, monthly 26 Myrtle Ave, Newburyport 5 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 57 the under the radar Wall Street products 22 Coral Hill Rd, Essex 6 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Bungalow 90 publication for an additional that sent our market under the covers, 46 Tenney St, Georgetown 7 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 89 UNDER ALL $28.75/week. IS THE LAND. As 92 Haverhill Rd, Topsfield 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 18 long as there is land, there will be the 6 Jordan Ln, Amesbury 7 room, 4 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 290 National Association of REALTOR®s
Health & Fitness
Despite the tidal wave of change and unrest in our market that has saturated the news media, there are SAILBOATS five words upon which I reflect to keep my focus on what Wematters. stock "Under all is the land." COM-PAC These words are the first words in the PREAMBLE to the PRECISION REALTOR Code of Ethics. It is a Sunfish, Zuma, Laserthe most appropriate time to share history of our Code with anyone who may benefit from a reminder of what remains an unwavering truth during Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 these tumultuous times. Without exception and throughout 978- 465-0312 all time, the very survival of any civilization has been inextricably linked to land ownership and its usage. Whether the land was used for farming, adequate housing or the development of whole cities or industries, it is as true today as it was centuries ago that our nation and all of our citizenry depend upon how we buy, sell and use our land. So fundamental to our survival as a civilization is the usage of land, that REALTORS® are held to the highest standard of care under the law, that of a FIDUCIARY. One who owes a Fiduciary Duty to another is in a position of trust and is obligated under the law to operate in the best interests of the client who hired him or her. That Fiduciary Relationship is a matter of national security when it comes to real estate. The REALTOR® owes the client undivided loyalty, utmost care, disclosure, obedience to lawful instruction, confidentiality and
Our Featured Property of the Week Rowley: Oversized custom Ranch has 7 large, spacious rooms on 1.5 acres. Fireplace, wood stove and newer screened in porch. On a lovely country road, but far from Routes Reduced to $284,900! not 95 and 1 and the commuter rail. Call Pauline at 978-314-7341 for more information or to make an appointment to see.
ROWLEY REALTY 165 Main St., P.O. Box 101, Rowley, MA 01969 Phone 978-948-2758 • Fax 978-948-2454
Sold Single Family Homes
6 Brown Ave, Newburyport 11 Mehaffey Ln, Rowley 102 Church St, Merrimac 38 Hadley Rd, Merrimac 1 Chaisson Rd, Newburyport 110 Railroad Ave, Hamilton 4 Hitching Post Ln, Amesbury 10 Strong St, Newburyport 54 Valley Rd, Boxford 45 Central St, Newbury 75 Howlett St, Topsfield 84 Daniels Rd, Rowley 249 Main St, Boxford 3 Tyler Rd, Boxford 6 Ridgeview Rd, Topsfield 12 Rubbly Rd, Wenham 25 Meadowview Ln, Ipswich 65 Saunders Ln, Rowley 7 Bricher St, Newburyport 67 Pineswamp Rd, Ipswich 12 Aaron Dr, Topsfield 17 Stonebridge Rd, Groveland 114 Cedar St, Wenham,
7 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Raised Ranch 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 9 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Cape 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Cape 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Gambrel /Dutch 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Contemporary 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 9 room, 3 bed, 3f 1h bath Other 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 10 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Cape 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 10 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 8 room, 3 bed, 3f 0h bath Gambrel /Dutch 9 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 10 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 9 room, 5 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Cape 12 room, 5 bed, 2f 2h bath Colonial 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial
2012 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.
30 41 88 75 32 159 80 107 66 62 52 93 413 84 40 38 593 405 31 142 53 210 308
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