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WHAT'S INSIDE Make Hay While the Sun Shines Page 2 Become a Green Grower Page 2 Back to School Guide Page 4 Big Ryan’s Tall Tales Page 6 "Fore Your Health" Page 8 Lacecraft for Kids Page 9 Solar Power Information Session Page 11

FREE Girl Scout Goes for the Gold

August 15 - 21, 2012 • Vol. 8, No. 41

Rowley Girls To Attend Presidential Inauguration in D.C. By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

ROWLEY – Whether Barack Obama is raising his hand to be sworn in for a second term as President next Jan. 21 on the Capitol steps or Mitt Romney is being given the oath of office for the first time, there will be two and maybe three sixth grade girls from Rowley sitting in the audience. Alice Thornton and Allie Hawkes have been The Town Common Courtesy Photo selected by the People Alice Thornton and Allie Hawkes go to Washington

By Maggie Gore, Correspondent –––––––––––––––––

to People organization to attend the public inauguration of the President for the next four years. The Pine Grove students were nominated by their teacher John Collyer and selected for the trip because of their leadership skills, academic achievement and exemplary citizenship skills. The Rowley students are Continued on page 3

Doo Wop, Classic Cars, Leather Jackets and Poodle Skirts By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

Photo by Maggie Gore

Rachel Cabitt at the Rowley Town Street, Pleasant Street and Library during her "Painting History" the normally pedestrian workshop

only Inn Street, allowing people to stroll in a loop to look at the cars. The event begins at 5 p.m. The cars were hand picked by Pettengill, who has been hosting a classic car event at Skip's Hamburgers in Merrimack for 18 years. There was so much A few of the classic cars to be featured at Cruisin’ the 50s in downtown Newburyport on Thursday, August 16, 2012 (raindate August 23) are (left to right): a 1934 Chevrolet Hot Rod, interest in this show that Pettengill had to limit it a 1955 Chevrolet Convertible, and a 1951 custom Mercury Coupe. (Photo by Mark Sgro.) to 130. Cars are coming NEWBURYPORT – The clock than a half century ago. from four states, he said. will be rolled back here this week Sponsored by WNBP Radio, “Everybody wanted to come to as vintage cars from the 1950s the Greater Newburyport Newburyport. It is such a great and earlier invade the main Chamber of Commerce and setting for this event,” Pettengill streets of downtown for a night event organizer Wes Pettengill, said. of music, cars, clothes and even the Cruisin' the '50s event will Pete Falconi, an owner and prices from the popular era more park 130 classic cars on State

ROWLEY—The Olympians weren’t the only ones striving for gold last week. In pursuit of the Girl Scout Gold Award—the highest Girl Scout achievement—Rachel Cabitt held a workshop last Tuesday, at the Rowley Public Library, to educate the local youth about their town heritage. Achievement of the Gold Award demands a demonstration of leadership in one’s community. Prospective recipients of the award must also complete 80 hours of service, excluding fundraising, to even be considered. To showcase her leadership in the community, Cabitt created a workshop series to provide useful and fascinating

Continued on page 3

Continued on page 2

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Page 2

How to Submit Letters to the Editor

Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common

Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to: The Editor c/o The Town Common 77 Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01969 or via e-mail to: The Town Common deadline is 5pm Wednesday (except when a federal holiday necessitates an earlier deadline).

The Town Common

serves the communities of the Upper North Shore of Mass. & Coastal New Hampshire and welcomes your participation. Send your Organization or Group Notices, Birth or Engagement Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969 Phone: 978-948-8696 Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail:

The Town Common Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor Graphic Design Services Advertising Opportunities Event and Announcement Submissions

77 Wethersfield Street Rowley, MA 01969-1713 Phone: (978) 948-8696 Fax: (978) 948-2564 The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify The Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. All material and content cannot be duplicated without written consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or edit any copy offered for publication. Copyright 2004-2012 The Town Common© - All Rights Reserved

In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005)

Food For Thought...

Make Hay While the Sun Shines

August 15 -21, 2012

Become a Green Grower Solar Power with Hydroponics and Induction Grow Lights

dogs didn’t bark. A miracle since this was their first day on the job – never experiencing lots of people in their yard. Strangers came in my yard knowing they were welcome – hoping to find a treasure, but not expecting anything. Almost everyone commented on the beautiful breeze this property By: Kathryn O’Brien, M. Ed. experiences all the time. A proud grandmother came Two words: never again. I experienced my first and last by with her toddler grandson and yard sale last weekend. I am still provided all of us with a beautiful recovering. I live on a farm and mind picture when the shy pups I am accustomed to hard work, and the wobbly toddler sized up but lugging every object I haven’t each other. I spotted a real person of interest seen in years from the basement (and beyond) to the sidewalk is beautifully dressed and coiffed an act of self-deprecation I can standing tall on the sidewalk. Lillian is 97 years young. She live without. Atlantic Green Energy, a leader in solar power devices, has partnered The material aspect aside, I was admiring my flower garden. with Induction Light Technology and U-GRO Hydroponic Garden enjoyed it immensely on a higher We chatted about controlling the Systems with the sole purpose of making home gardening simple and level. Retiring to an old rocking iris and how we both loved the easy. Combining these three technologies together will allow all of us chair under a towering shade tree, cosmos for their ethereal feeling. with or without a green thumb to grow fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs She thanked me for providing by- indoors and out year round. I reconnected with my mind. People were strolling into my passers with such a special sight. With food prices on the verge of doubling because of the horrific My friend Mary said: “This is weather we are having throughout the United States we need to make yard devoid of an agenda. They lingered, smiled and chatted with the way it used to be.” some changes to save on our food bills. Well, we have an easy solution Years ago people sat under a that will help lower your food costs and give you fresh vegetables. total strangers. No one dressed for the event – a few didn’t even shade tree and enjoyed the breeze. Anyone can do this. comb their hair (I was one of Most often a neighbor would It starts by purchasing the U-Gro 30. This equipment takes up a 3’ them). My two puppies Duke stop by and “set a piece.” It was x 5’ area, holds 30 plants and requires little time and maintenance to and Tucker accepted their job as peaceful and soul-filling. It was grow and enjoy nutritious vegetables. No weeding. This system sells for official greeters and purveyors of enough. $380.00 with everything you’ll need for a year. Next year your cost of I will never host another Yard the nutrients is $20.00. How can you go wrong? happiness. Sore muscles aside, I had a wonderful day enjoying the Sale. But when you see me sitting Second, The U-Gro system needs power so Atlantic Green Energy under the shade tree, smiling with will supply a Solar panel and battery back-up system. Now you will company of former strangers. Reflecting upon the experience the gentle breeze, stop in and “set always have power. Should the grid go down, you won’t have to worry I can acknowledge several a piece” with me. about your plants not getting the nutrients they need to grow, because Kathryn O'Brien is on the you have POWER. immediate reasons. No one Newbury Agricultural Commission, complained. I didn’t hear anyone Salisbury, planning to grow indoors, Induction Light Technology Newburyport, Newbury, Byfield,Third, Plumif you’re Island, & Rowley gossip. There were no screaming, a realtor at RE/MAX Prestige and will supply grow lights that require little power, will last 100,000 hours out-of-control children. Even my owner By the Way Farm, Newbury. (22 years). Ninety-five percent of the light reaches the plants and it’s specially tinted phosphorus coating supplies the proper light quality for both the growth and fruit bearing stages. The solar system will also power the grow light. Continued from page 1 created their own flags. For more information give us a call at 603-474-2550 or go to the Prior to the workshop series knowledge about the town of following web-sites,,, www. at the library, Cabitt spent the Rowley to local children. SAVING GREEN by going GREEN! “Rowley was founded in 1639 majority of her hours painting mural at the Rowley and was the sixteenth town a historical Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley established in Massachusetts,” Town Hall and appeared at various town selectman meetings Cabitt told the children. Merrimack River Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, ByfiEntrance eld, Plum Island, & Ro historical Subsequently, pointing to the to gather useful o 49’N 070o 49’W 42 Rowley town flag, she explained, information about Rowley. AUGUST DATE HIGH LOW SUN This fall, Cabitt will attend “See these three symbols? They 15 Wed 10:46 7.22 10:54 8.34 5:16 0.61 5:18 1.01 5:50 7:44 are signatures. When the Native New York University as a first Americans inhabited the town, year photography student. While 16 Thurs 11:27 7.56 11:36 8.60 5:56 0.30 6:01 0.67 5:51 7:43 the area was called Agawam this is her final year as a Girl 17 Fri 12:06 7.92 xx xx 6:34 -0.00 6:42 0.33 5:52 7:41 Scout, she said, “I will defi nitely and the head Indian chief of 18 Sat 12:16 8.81 12:44 8.28 7:12 -0.25 7:24 0.02 5:53 7:40 SAILBOATS the village was a Sachem, whose always support the Girl Scouts.” 19 Sun 12:58 8.94 1:24 8.59 7:51 -0.43 8:08 -0.22 5:54 7:38 KAYAKS stock Remaining workshops will name was Masconomo. ThWe e three 20 Mon 1:40 8.96 2:05 8.85 8:32 -0.51 8:54 -0.38 5:55 7:37 Systems - Old Town signatures on the flag belong to take place August 14 and 21 Wilderness COM-PAC 21 Tues 2:26 8.85 2:50 9.01 9:15 -0.47 9:43 -0.42 5:56 7:35 Perception - Necky Chief Masconomo’s grandsons.” PRECISION from 3 until 4:30 at the Rowley 22 Wed 3:15 8.64 3:38 9.06 10:02 -0.32 10:36 -0.35 5:57 7:33 Ocean Kayak Cabitt then told her audience Public Library. All are welcome 23 Thurs 4:08 8.33 4:31 9.01 10:53 -0.08 11:33 -0.21 5:58 7:32 Zuma, Laser SAILBOATS to attend. Participants will that settlers boughtSunfish, the entire Canoes learn more about the history of town of Rowley for an astonishing We Rangers Old Town - Radisson KAYAKS stock Rowley as well as make their own nine pounds—the equivalent ofCOM-PAC Fernald’s Wilderness Systems - Old Town Perception - Necky mini-murals and townSAILBOATS coins. ten dollars. PRECISION On the River Parker Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 Ocean Kayak more information contact After Cabitt’s historical Sunfish,For Zuma, Laser Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 Canoes KAYAKS We stock Rachel Cabitt at rachelmaya@ presentation, workshop 978465-0312 Mad River - Old Town - Radisson (978) 465-0312 Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC attendants enthusiastically Fernald’s FERNALD’S Perception - Necky

The Town Common

Weekly Community Newspaper

The Town Common The Town Common

Rowley Native Goes for the Gold

Weekly Community Newspaper

TIDE CHART Weekly Community Newspa


Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951

978- 465-0312

PRECISION Sunfish, Zuma, Laser

On the River Parker Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 (978) 465-0312

Ocean Kayak Canoes Rangers - Old Town - Radisson

August 15 - 21 2012

Page 3

Doo Wop, Classic Cars, Leather Jackets and Poodle Skirts Continued from page 1

personality on WNBP Radio, 1450 AM, said the plan is to transform downtown Newburyport into what will look like a movie set for a film staring James Dean. To set the mood, there will be Doo Wop singers, including the Merrimack Valley Townsmen, on street corners snapping fingers and singing songs from the 1950s. And some of the stores and restaurants are rolling back prices to the 1950s. At 7:15 p.m. at Market Square, Lee Lewis & the Doo Wop All Stars will perform for an hour. WNBP, the Legends, will be broadcasting the event on the air and at “I am very excited about this show,” Pettengill said. There will be several awardwinning cars at the show, including a 1955 Chevrolet that won a perfect 400 points at a

Hershey, PA show. There will also show-winning Chevy Impala convertibles from 1958 through 1962. And on hand will be a 1939 Cadillac V-12 limousine. Cruising events have become very popular and the number of restored vintage cars has swelled in recent years. There are shows throughout Massachusetts, including one at Patriot's Place last month in Foxboro that attracted about 3,000 cars, Falconi said. The hobby of restoring vintage cars has grown substantially in the last 10 years, Falconi said. People are restoring cars from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. And they like showing them off. “We felt Newburyport would be a great place for a cruising event,” Falconi said. “There will be a lot of leather jackets and poodle skirts.” Pettengill, who hosts a show about classic cars on WNBP at 6 p.m. on Monday nights,

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started the show in Merrimack almost two decades ago. He was a member of a classic car group called the Chrome Roamers. When the site of the show was sold, Pettengill approached Skip's Hamburgers who jumped at the chance to host a classic car show. “He sells a lot of hamburgers that day,” said Pettengill, who hosts the show. Pettengill and Falconi said he hopes that the city will agree to close more streets next year. Because of the limited space this year, the sponsors had to limit the number of cars on display to 130. More wanted to participate. “I just had two calls this morning from guys that wanted to bring their cars,” he said. “It's difficult when their buddies are in the show and they want to come too.” For more information, visit or

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Weekly Community Newspaper

Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley

Rowley Girls To Attend Presidential Inauguration in D.C. Continued from page 1

the only Massachusetts students out of 105 delegates to go on the trip to Washington. A third Rowley student was selected, but has not decided if she will go, said Marion Thornton, Alice's mother. “They are so excited about the trip,” Marion Thornton said. “They will be witnessing history.” In addition to making straight As in school work, the girls caught the attention of the program because of their extensive involvement in extra curricular activities. The two best friends are Girl Scouts and participate in a variety of other activities including band and choir, Destination Imagination and the math league. The trip and interaction with the other delegates will help the girls identify and develop their own personal leadership style. They will learn more about how to make a difference, build confidence and learn about civic responsibility, the program's web site states. Highlights of the trip to D.C. include gaining insight into the presidential election process from Ken Walsh, the U.S. News and World Report's chief White House correspondent. They will also hear from keynote speaker, Mary Eisenhower, President Dwight Eisenhower's

granddaughter and president and CEO of People to People International. They will talk with Kenneth Duberstien, a former White House chief of staff. They will dine at the Ford Theater and watch actors portraying President Abraham Lincoln and his Cabinet member Edwin M. Stanton. The Massachusetts girls will also lay a commemorative wreath atSAILBOATS President John F. Kennedy's burial site in We stock Arlington Cemetery and tour COM-PAC the memorials to Presidents PRECISION Jefferson, Lincoln and Franklin Sunfish, D. Roosevelt and Zuma, to civilLaser rights leaders the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Also on the trip they will have Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 private access and a breakfast 978- 465-0312 at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History and visit the statues of all the Presidents at the Madame Tussauds Presidents Gallery. They will go undercover at the International Spy Museum, visit the World War II and Vietnam War memorials and participate in a hands-on service project. The highlight of the trip will be watching the next President sworn into office. The next President will actually be sworn in on Sunday, the day before, because the law requires that the President be sworn in before noon on Jan. 20. But the girls will see the public swearing-in and


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inaugural address on the steps of the Capitol. And they will celebrate afterward at an exclusive People to People Inaugural Ball. The girls are raising $3,000 each to pay for their airfare and other expenses for the trip. Marion Thornton reports that several companies have already made donations. They are already planning a yard sale for September 23 to help raise money. And other events are in the planning stages. For more information on the program, visit www. To help support these students in their trip, visit https:// and enter the delegates last name and delegate number to make a donation. Hawkes delegate number is 10159672, and Thornton's delegate number is 10157843.

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Page 4

August 15 -21, 2012

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Back to School Guide Creative and Healthier After-School Snack Ideas

When school starts, kids' schedules fill up fast, and that means they need the right fuel to keep their growing bodies and minds satisfied. After a long day of learning, kids require a snack that will get them through homework, afterschool sports and other activities until dinner is served. Before you reach for the default bag of chips, consider these healthier alternatives that are just as easy and convenient. Cre a t i ve , healthier afterschool snack ideas that your kids will gobble up: 1. Refresh with frozen apple sauce Apple sauce has been a snacking staple for years, but now you can add a little excitement to those prepackaged apple packs. Simply buy Tree Top apple sauce cups, made with 100 percent USA apples, and place them in the freezer for a tasty treat similar to sorbet, and a healthier alternative to most ice cream and frozen snacks. Kids can grab them on their own when they get home from school so mom and dad don't have to lift a finger. Stock up on Tree Top apple juice boxes, too, for a complementary, easy grab-and-go drink option.

2. Delight in dip all their homework. It's no secret kids love to dip, so 4. Happily hydrated make after-school snacking more Making sure your kids are hydrated interesting by providing dip along is an important part of keeping them with fresh fruit, veggies and crackers. healthy and feeling great each day. When kids are busy at school and with after-school activities, they can become dehydrated quickly. Instead of sugary sodas, choose a more nutritious alternative like Tree Top reduced sugar 100 percent fruit juices. These tasty and refreshing drinks are made with hydrating coconut water and no artificial sweeteners and have 25 percent less sugar than regular Instead of salad dressing, change 100 percent juices. things up by mixing a single serve 5. A smooth finish to the school apple sauce cup with two tablespoons day of peanut butter for a healthier dip Smoothies are a fun way for kids alternative. Watch as your little to get a ton of nutrients in one single ones wolf down their carrots, celery, drink. It's easy for parents to stock apples, pretzels and more. Parents up on frozen fruit at the local grocery love that this dip option has many store. Then, when kids get home, nutritional benefits - the apple sauce they can choose what flavors they in it is a good source of vitamin C want and you can blend the fruit and peanut butter is packed with with low-fat milk, yogurt and ice protein. for a cool and delicious drink. You 3. Wrap it up might even sneak in a few veggies by Keeping whole wheat tortillas on adding a splash of vegetable juice, hand is a smart move for any parent or a couple pre-steamed vegetables because they are extremely versatile. like carrots, kale or squash. The fruit When kids come home from school flavors are so robust, your kids won't hungry, it's easy to take a tortilla and even notice the veggies. fill it with their favorite nutritious Healthy after-school snacks don't fillings. For example, spread with have to be boring or bland. Try these classic peanut butter and jelly, add ideas and you can feel good about some banana and honey, or fill with what your kids eat - they may love turkey and mozzarella for a satisfying them so much they'll be requesting snack that keeps kids focused through them every day.

The Town Common September

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August 15 - 21 2012

Letters To The Editor Community Announcements

AMESBURY - This Fall the Amesbury Public Library Local History Department has a lot of new and exciting programs. Richard Doyle will present his program Introduction to Genealogy. This is a 4 week course that will meet Thursday, September 6, 13, 20 and 27 from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Jeff Carpenter will present a workshop on DNA and Genealogy on Saturday, September 15 at 2:00 p.m. Jeff has been a member of Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc. (MSOG) Middlesex Chapter since 2004. Tom Toohey will present a workshop on Irish Genealogy 202 on Saturday, October 6 at 2:00 p.m. You can come even if you missed Irish Genealogy 101. October is Archaeology month so we are celebrating by having a presentation on Root Cellars of New England with Mary and Jim Gage. The program is Saturday, October 20 at 2:00 p.m. The presentation will be accompanied by photos of surviving examples of root cellars from the New England region as well as period illustrations from across the U.S. Suzanne Korn of North Reading will be • presenting New England’s Timeless Decoration: The Folk Art of Moses Eaton, Jr. and Rufus Porter on Monday, October 22 at 6:00 p.m. Tom Toohey will be back to discussed Irish Genealogy 303 on Saturday, November 3 at 2:00 p.m. He will have six more ways for you to find your Irish Ancestor’s. Registration is required • for all of these • programs as space is limited. To register go to our website at or contact Margie at 978-388-8148 x 610 or -----------------------------------------------------------GROVELAND – An exciting new home made ice cream stand has opened adjacent to its farm stand. Everyone is invited to the Cow Barn Ice Cream Stand featuring locally made ice cream from Shaw Farm. Located on Rt. 97, the old fashioned tradition lives and is a wonderful experience to visit. The adjacent farm stand is open 7 days a week from 9 am - 6-30 pm and offers a good chance to meet others and shop around after getting an ice cream, sherbet, or frozen yogurt (available in nonfat and sugar free)! Their mouthwatering sherbets include homemade flavors such as: orange and a yummy refreshing watermelon! 918 Salem St., Groveland, MA (978) 372-5558 - Look for animals to pet and more! Keep an eye open for our October Fest.....pumpkin carving, taste testing, kids rides and more! Ice Cream Stand Open 1 - 9 DAILY

Community Connections

Page 5


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Call for more information 617-696-7414 Or check out our websites or

Senior Moments

Page 6

August 15 -21, 2012

Community Calendar NOW OPEN

To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail:

Classified Ads

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15th members, $15 for non-members, and 499-9355 to attend INTRODUCTION TO SEA pre-registration is required at 978-356- TRIVIA NIGHT KAYAKING 4351, x4049. Keon's Trivia Nights on Wednesday Learn the basics of sea kayaking with BY HOOK OR BY CROOK from 7-9, $2 off all menu items & gift a morning outing in the Plum Island Ipswich Museum, 54 South Main certificate giveaways. 258 Andover St, estuary. Kayak and equipment rental Street, Ipswich, hosts “By Hook or Georgetown 978-352-2900 Community Calendar Continues . . . 920 Lafayette Road, Seabrook, Nh (Route 1) are included in the fee. Cosponsored by by Crook: Rug Hooking for Kids” on THURSDAY, AUGUST 16th Plum Island Kayak. Wednesday, August Wednesday, August 15 from 3-5 pm. CRUISIN’ the 50s Located Across From 15, 9:00 am- 1:00 pm Meet at Plum See the hooked rugs in the Museum’s See Cover Story. Island Kayak, 92 Merrimack Street, summer exhibit, learn about the CARIBBEAN REGGAE NIGHT Newburyport. $45. Pre-registration traditional art of rug hooking, and try Authentic Caribbean reggae band is required. Call 978-462-9998 for your hand at hooking a small sample. Inner Visions will perform at Castle information about additional programs Ages 6 and up. Pre-registration Hill’s Summer Picnic Concert Series, and events, or visit the Web site at www. required by calling 978-356-2811 or 290 Argilla Rd., Ipswich, on Thursday, Open year-round Saturdays and Sundays emailing educator@ipswichmuseum. August 16, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The WEDNESDAY MORNING org. Price: $5 for Museum members; Castle Hill gates will open at 5 p.m. for (FREE ADMISSION) Call: (978) BIRDING $6 for non-members. picnicking. Attendees are encouraged 380-0019 9AM to 6PM Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director WEDNESDAY EVENING to arrive early. Space is limited and the Bill Gette and USFWS veteran David SHOREBIRDING gates will close once capacity is reached. Weaver for this weekly birding field Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director Admission is at the gate only--$30/car or Life’s Questions. Many. trip in the Newburyport/Plum Island Bill Gette and Education Coordinator $20/car for members of The Trustees of Life’s answer. jesus christ. area. Appropriate for all birding levels. Dave Larson to discover the wonderful Reservations. There is a 6 person per car coMe and see... it is true...! Wednesday, August 15, 9:30 am - 12:30 diversity of migrating shorebirds. maximum; each additional passenger pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Wednesday, August 15, 5:30 pm – 7:30 will be charged $5. Motorcycles are $10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education and walk-ins $5. Weather cancellations Crossroads Community Church Newburyport. $17. Preregistration is Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, (if necessary) will be announced by God’s Heart & Hands in Our Community and Beyond not required. Call 978-462-9998 for Newburyport. $12. Preregistration is 3:00 p.m. concert-day. Visit www. God’s Heart & Hands In Our Service, Community And Beyond Contemporary Worship Sundays, 11:00 AM information about additional programs not required. Call 978-462-9998 for or call 978.356.4351 for Contact: Bob Davidson, Manager and events, or visit the Web site at www. information about additional programs more details. 79 Turnpike Rd/Route 1, Project Ipswich, MA 01938 and events, or visit the Web site at www. MOVIES IN THE MILLYARD (Tri-City Sales plaza, n. of • Linebrook Rd) he North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper 978-948-8696 BIG RYAN’S TALL TALES Due to popular demand and thanks to ~ 978-356-1800 77 Wethersfield Street, Rowley, MA 01969 Rowley Public Library 141 Main Street, 5 SECRETS TO EXTRAORDINARY our generous sponsors, the Amesbury Rowley - Please join the Rowley Public HEALTH Chamber of Commerce is hosting the Library, 141 Main St, Rowley for a Operation Backpack, Bring in a “Movies in the Millyard” series Thursday summer presentation of Big Ryan’s Tall Backpack Donation for the Pettengill evenings in August. The “Movie in the Tales on Wednesday, August 15th at House Operation Backpack Program Millyard” series include…. August 16th 10:30 am. Presented by: Friends of The and receive a Complimentary – Puss & Boots; August 23rd - The Rowley Public Library. Chiropractic or Nutrition Examination. Transformers. Rain date 8/30/12 A VIEW TO THE SEA: THE August 15th, 7 PM “5 Secrets to FRIDAY, AUGUST 17th GRAND ALLEÉ TOUR Extraordinary Health”, FREE Lecture CHILDREN’S TREASURE HUNT The Trustees of Reservations is pleased at Healthcare Complete RSVP to AT CASTLE HILL to announce a new landscape tour reserve your seat 978-499-9355 Month The Trustees of Reservations is pleased opportunity this season at Castle Hill, a of September: Donate $35 to the “Life to announce that a program for 4-8 year Country Place Era estate and a National is Good Playmakers Foundation” and olds will be offered this season at Castle Open 7 Days Historic Landmark located at 290 Receive a Complimentary Chiropractic Hill, a National Historic Landmark Argilla Road in Ipswich, MA. A View to or Nutritional Examination Wednesday, located at 290 Argilla Road in Ipswich, the Sea: The Grand Alleé Tour is offered Sept. 26th, 6:30 PM “Is Your Family MA. Enjoy a hunt for treasures both Wednesdays, June 20, July 18, August Healthy? Raising Your Child for large and small while walking through 15, and September 12, from 5:00 – Optimal Development” FREE Lecture the Great House, a magnificent 6:00 p.m. Admission is $10 for TTOR at Healthcare Complete, RSVP 978- mansion built for Chicago plumbing

Seabrook Flea Market

The Town Common

The Town Commo

948-8696 • •




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August 15 - 21 2012 magnate Richard T. Crane and his family. Hands-on opportunities related to daily life in the 1920s, as well as the activities of the servants who worked here, will be included. The Children’s Treasure Hunt is offered every Friday at 10:15 am, now through August. The program is 45 minutes, and admission is $8 for a member adult and one child, $10 for a non-member adult and one child, with each additional child $5. RSVP at Call 978-356-4351, x4049 for more information. SATURDAY, AUGUST 18th FARMERS MARKET Laurel Grange Farmers Market will be held every Saturday from 9am to noon. For more information contact Charles Carter at 978-352-2986. The grange hall is located at 21 Garden St, West Newbury. OPEN HOUSE The Sanctuary, home of The Lenair Self(s) Healing Center and The Lenair Healing Foundation (nonprofit), invites the public to a tour of its enchanting healing gardens, garden meeting space rentals, and new private B&B Retreat. Saturday, August 18th from 1:30 to 2:30 PM in Newbury. Rhonda Lenair, the Sanctuary’s resident healer, will speak from 2:00-2:30 about the Self(s) Healing Experience (SHE), (the Self(s) Healing Experience and Rhonda Lenair as one) offer that is renowned for producing ‘predictable’

miracles for 30,000 people worldwide. By donation only. RSVP: Call Barry: 888.412.8392 or email: barry@lenair. com for location and directions. www. THE MYSTIX AND OCCIDENTAL GYPSY JAZZ Enjoy The Mystix and Occidental Gypsy Jazz Quintet at Maudslay Arts Center this weekend. Maudslay Arts Center is located at 95 Curzon Mill Road, Newburyport. Come to Maudslay on Saturday, Aug. 18, at 7 p.m. for The Mystix and then come back again on Sunday, Aug. 19, at 2 p.m. for Occidental Gypsy Jazz Quintet. Maudslay Arts Center is located at 95 Curzon Mill Road in Newburyport. To purchase tickets online (major credit cards accepted), or for further information about the performers, visit the MAC website at Tickets also may be purchased at the gate (cash or check only), or by calling to reserve at (978) 499-0050. Gift certificates also are available. SURFSIDE LIVE! Every Saturday Night! What better way to see a concert than sitting at the edge of the sand, with the ocean as a backdrop. Hear great regional and national musicians as they fill the salt air with the sounds of summer. Then, enjoy a dazzling fireworks display over the ocean. A great family night out. Bring a beach chair and experience what

Open to the public. Outdoor Seating.

Casual Family Dining Trivia Wednesdays 7-9pm

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Cruisin’ the 50s!

photo © John Raleigh

Cruise Night in Downtown Newburyport Thursday, AugusT 16, 5-8 pm

(Raindate: August 23)

Classic cars & music from the 50s & 60s s Doo-wop band concert, 7:30 pm s Event specials at downtown shops & restaurants s

Cars are pre-registration only Event coordinator Wes Pettengill: 978-465-3140 sponsored by:

more information at:

summer should be all about – fun, beach pizza, ice cream cones and more! WHERE: On the Beachfront Stage at the top of Broadway Saturday nights thru September 1st Concert: 7:30pm – 10:00pm Fireworks: 10:15pm SUNDAY, AUGUST 19th NEWBURYPORT FARMERS MARKET Come enjoy the season with The Newburyport Farmers’ Market featuring locally grown veggies, live music, locally prepared food products and artisanal crafts! The Market will be held every Sunday rain or shine from 9:00am1:00pm at the Tannery Marketplace. LIGHTHOUSE OPEN HOUSE Friends of Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouses, a chapter of the American Lighthouse Foundation, will host an open house at Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse in New Castle, NH, on every Sunday now through Columbus Day, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. No reservations are needed; the guided tours are on a first come, first served Continued on page 9

Childcare Available Page Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays


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Café & Lounge ALL YOU CAN EAT Breakfast Buffet Saturdays & Sundays ~ 8:30am to 1pm Only $8.99! Buy one and get $2.00 off the second buffet ALL YOU CAN EAT Fish Fry (Fresh Haddock) Every Friday ~ All Day starting @ Noon Only $11.99! HOBO’s Café & Lounge 5 Broadway, Salisbury, MA www. hobo-café.com 978-465-4626

Award Winning Restaurant Opens at 5 p.m. Bar Menu & Fine Dining Childcare Available Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays Located at the Garrison Inn 11 Brown Square, Newburyport

Page 8

Continued from page 5

BROWN’S Seabrook

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August 15 -21, 2012

Call Ahead Take Out





Always Spot On! HUGHES Carpentry & Building Home Improvement Professionals Bryan Hughes, Rowley, MA Tel: 978-948-2304 • Cell: 781-718-5150 Licensed and Insured

-----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - “We Believe in You!” 12 Stories of Courage, Action and Faith for Women and Girls (Rescheduled). Join author and historian Bonnie Hurd Smith for a presentation about her forthcoming book “We Believe in You!,” a fascinating blending of women’s history and inspiring lessons we can apply to our personal and professional lives today. Pre-publication copies available for sale. Thursday, August 23, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Time and Tide Fine Art, 4 Market Street, Ipswich 978-312-6057 Free -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - The Ipswich Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a Moonlight Cruise out of Gloucester harbor on Saturday Sept. 8, 2012. There will be music by Ross DJ, a catered buffet, and cash bar. This event will be a fun networking opportunity and will benefit the Chamber Scholarship Fund for Ipswich High School. The boat has a capacity for 140 and will push off from the Gloucester House Restaurant at 6:30 pm. We will return to the dock at 9:30 pm. The tide is right for a cruise thru the river and around Cape Ann. Rough seas will keep us in the harbor. The cost is $30 per person. You can make reservations thru Lisa Shanko at TD Bank (978-463-7114) or Bob McNeil at Ipswich Ford (978-356-2916). -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - Friends of the Council on Aging will be holding their second silent auction on Saturday, September 29 at Hope Church, Hale Street, Newburyport from l:00 -4:00 p.m. Donations of your, no longer needed items, which would have a resale value of $25.00, will be most welcome. Examples are vintage clothing, jewelry, home decor, small furniture and other treasurers. For bargain hunters, this is a great time for a special "find" or to do early holiday shopping. More information will be posted. For questions or to offer donations, please call 978-462-8650. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT – Belleville Church’s Thrift Store is having a $5 bag sale. The sale is going on now through the end of August. Come on in and get some great deals! Belleville Congregational Church, 300 High Street, Newburyport. 978-465-7734. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - The 22nd annual Anna Jaques Hospital “Fore Your Health” Golf Tournament, chaired by Mayor Byron Matthews, will be held Monday, August 27th in two rounds, at 7:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at Renaissance Country Club in Haverhill. Tickets are $150 for the AM round and $225 for the PM round and include 18 holes of golf with cart, breakfast and lunch (for the morning round) and lunch and dinner (for the afternoon round). Prizes will be awarded to the top men’s, women’s, and co-ed teams. To register, visit our website at or call the AJH Foundation office at 978-463-1176 or for more information. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - With the third annual Exchange Club “Field of Honor” fast approaching, the club is once again selling flags to commemorate the victims of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, as well as to honor those who serve as fire, police, EMT, or military personnel. A booth will be set up in Market Square on Saturday (August 11) as well as Aug. 25, to pre-sell flags for the September 7-11 display on the Bartlet Mall in Newburyport. Flags will be sold right through the event itself while supplies last. Those interested may call Ben Iacono at 978-465-7028 or email him at The flags will be set up on the Mall on Friday, September 7, with tags identifying those to be honored. The official ceremony, with a reading of names known as the “Verbal Wall,” will take place on Sunday, September 9. Local dignitaries and musical presentations will be featured. The flags will be taken down and may be picked up by purchasers on Tuesday, September 11. Further information on the Field of Honor may be found by logging on to or by visiting the Exchange Club website at Proceeds from the event will be used for the prevention of child abuse, which is the goal of the National Exchange Club, and for local projects such as the Kids As Peacemakers mural program, teddy bears in area police cruisers, and college scholarships for graduating seniors at Newburyport and Pentucket Regional High Schools. -----------------------------------------------------------Continued on page 11

August 15 - 21 2012 Continued from page 7 basis. Children under 42 inches tall are not permitted to climb to the top, and adults are not permitted to carry children up the stairs. Visitors are invited to climb to the lantern room to enjoy the magnificent view at the mouth of the Piscataqua River and to see the 19th century lens up close. Volunteers will tell visitors about the history of the light station, and there will be souvenirs for sale. There are 44 stairs and a 7-rung ladder to the lantern room. Flat shoes (not sandals or flip-flops) are strongly recommended to climb to the top. The suggested donation to climb the lighthouse is $4 for adults and $2 for children 12 and under. Visitors should park outside the gate to Coast Guard Station Portsmouth Harbor and walk to the lighthouse. For more information, visitwww.portsmouthharborlighthouse. org. THE MYSTIX AND OCCIDENTAL GYPSY JAZZ See Saturday, August 18th. FREE CONCERT The Merrimack Valley Concert Band, a 40 piece traditional concert band, will be playing a two hour family concert on the Rowley Town Common, Sunday, August 19th, 5:00 to 7:00 PM. The Band repertoire is a broad mix of popular, jazz, patriotic and Broadway tunes taken from the "Great American Songbook.” Everyone of all ages is welcome to come enjoy an evening of music. Please bring your own chair or blanket. The band is under the direction of musician and teacher Anthony Beatrice. The concert is being presented under the sponsorship of the Rowley Parks and Recreation Committee and is funded by a grant from the Rowley Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22nd FARMER’S MARKET

The Rye Farmers Market is offered every Wednesday, 2:30-5:30 through September 26. Located in Rye Center, 580 Washington Road, Rye, NH. Vendors include* Applecrest Farm Orchards, Zach’s Farm, Rosie’s Cupcakes, Waffle Lollies, Seaview Farm (bison, chicken & pork), Bow Wow Bones (home made dog treats), the Rye Farmer’s Group with baked goods, breads, fresh eggs & vegetables, Sasquatch Smoked Fish, Tahana’s Caramel Confections and Northwood Naturals. In addition, on various weeks we have artists selling hand made jewelry, scarves & bags, pottery, fresh flowers & plants, and handmade toys and games. Join Lisa Houde from the Rye Public Library reading to children from 2:30 - 3:00 in our Children’s Corner. Have a seat under the trees to enjoy our weekly musicians including Chris O’Neill of Amorphous, Andrea Szirbik, George Brown and Drew Szeliga. And be sure to pick up a new “What’s for Dinner Wednesday” menu every week with recipes made from in-season market ingredients. *Not all vendors are with us weekly. Check to find out who we have each week. LACECRAFT FOR KIDS Ipswich Museum, 54 South Main Street, Ipswich, hosts “Lacecraft for Kids” on Wednesday, August 22 from 3-5 pm. Come learn about the lace industry in Ipswich, view lace from the Museum’s collection, and complete some lacy crafts. For all ages. Preregister by calling 978-356-2811 or email educator@ipswichmuseum. org. Price: $5/Members and $6/nonmembers. IPSWICH U A free adult continuing education initiative, will be hosting an open house and orientation at the Ipswich Town Hall, Meeting room A, on Wednesday August 22, at 7pm. Learn More.



Page 9

Visit our website: www.IpswichU. org (up, but still in development) Like us on Facebook: www.facebook. com/IpswichU Leading Universities are offering full college courses, FREE, online, to the world. Ipswich U. is facilitating the organization of local learning communities. Come out and learn how You can too at Ipswich U! More information available upon request. TRIVIA NIGHT Keon's Trivia Nights on Wednesday from 7-9, $2 offCommunity all menu items & gift Newspaper Weekly certificate giveaways. 258 Andover St, Georgetown 978-352-2900

The Town Common •

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Pets, Animals, Plus August 15 -21, 2012

Page 10

• • • •

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Health & Fitness

Brighter Smiles...

Sleep Apnea – Part 2

sleep apnea express varying opinions about the cause and best treatment of the breathing disorder. Ask a lot of questions of each specialist to determine the most appropriate procedure or combination of procedures for your particular case. Here are the specialists who may be involved in diagnosing B J. P S. C, DMD your sleep apnea and the ways they Last week I discussed what sleep might assist you: Your primary care physician may apnea is. This week I will discuss refer you to a sleep specialist for a sleep diagnosis and treatment. Specialists who diagnose and treat test. An ear, nose and throat doctor (ENT) may recommend surgery to clear blockages caused by a genetic abnormality in the nose or throat. The uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) procedure eliminates tissue from the back portion of the mouth near the top of the throat. The adenoids and tonsils may be removed as well. Should your airflow blockage be life-threatening, the ENT may find it necessary to build an opening in the windpipe through a procedure called tracheotomy. Also, an operation on your nose might be necessary to improve a deviated septum or to remove polyps that are blocking your airflow. A pulmonologist (a doctor who deals with diseases of the respiratory system) may recommend a sleep evaluation based on an analysis of your breathing muscle capacity. Pulmonologists may also recommend the use of oxygen should blood-oxygen levels fall to dangerous levels during sleep. A neurologist (a doctor who deals with nervous system disorders) will evaluate brain functionality and may recommend a medication such as acetazolamide to improve the brain's ability to trigger the breathing muscles. A cardiologist (a doctor who deals with diseases and disorders of the heart) may recommend a sleep test as well. A sleep specialist may perform a sleep test that measures blood level (among other anatomical factors) during sleep. Sleep specialists may recommend the use 1 3/3/11 2:23 PMpressure Page 1 ofStClair_NbptMagAd_3/11_v.2:Layout a continuous positive airway

(CPAP) machine. The machine delivers a continuous flow of oxygen through a mask that you wear over your nose during sleep. An alternative is a bi-level positive airway pressure (bi-level PAP) machine, which increases the oxygen level upon inhalation and decreases it upon exhalation. An adaptive servoventilation (ASV) machine is a third choice. This equipment measures your level of breathing and records the data so that oxygen delivery can be matched to your specific needs. Certain dentists and oral surgeons are skilled in evaluating the tongue for its ability to move freely and its tendency to block airflow during sleep. The tongue can become restricted as the mouth and gum tissue shrinks with age. In this case, a laser may be used to eliminate the tissue causing the tongue restriction. The tongue tissue may be surgically reduced, but because this surgery involves general anesthesia, stitches in the tongue, discomfort and a long recovery period, many prefer the laser approach. Another dental approach is to position the jaw so that airflow is not blocked. If the upper and lower jaws are responsible for sleep apnea, then an oral surgeon and an orthodontist may work together to relocate them. Another alternative is a mouthpiece that can be custom fitted by an oral surgeon or dentist and worn while sleeping to hold the lower jaw in an appropriate position. If you or someone sleeping next to you suspects that you might have a sleep problem, get properly diagnosed. Treatment can change your life. Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@dentalhealthforlife. com. You can view all previously written columns at www.jpeterstclairdentistry. com/blog.

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August 15 - 21 2012

Page 11

Continued from page 8

NEWBURYPORT - New this fall, the YWCA Greater Newburyport will be offering adult group swim lessons, Beginner and Intermediate levels. Swim classes run from Sept. 4th – Oct. 27th. Registration is on-gong at the YWCA’s 13 Market Street facility. The Beginner lessons cover water safety and introduction to swim techniques. Class options are Tuesdays at 5:30 PM – 6:15 PM. or Wednesdays 6:00 PM – 6:45 PM. Intermediate lessons are for those who are able to swim 100 yards and looking to build basic stroke technique. Class options are Mondays at 6:00 PM – 6:45 PM or Thursday 5:30 PM – 6:15 PM For more information and registration forms, visit our website at or call 978-465-9922. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY – There will be a free outdoor concert on the Rowley Town Common on Sunday, August, 19th from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Music will be by The Merrimack Valley Concert Band, a 40 piece traditional concert band, playing a broad mix of popular, jazz, patriotic and Broadway tunes taken from the "Great American Songbook.� This is a family event with music to suit all ages, so everyone is welcome to bring chairs, blankets and picnic dinners to the Rowley Town Common on route 1A and enjoy a relaxing, music-filled summer evening. The concert is being presented under the sponsorship of the Rowley Parks and Recreation Committee and is funded by a grant from the Rowley Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - Watercolor Painting Class, Thursday, August 30th at Noon - Paint a different scene each month with watercolor and bring home your finished painting. Everything you need to paint your picture will be supplied. Watercolor painting Coach, W. E. Duke (Bill) will be providing the class instruction. Cost is only $20. No prior experience is necessary. Pre-registration required, this class fills up fast! Please call 978-462-2412. --------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - Volunteer Computer Teacher Needed: Ever think about donating your time for a good cause? How about helping someone understand the basics of the computer? Not only will they feel better about attempting to use a computer, you will feel good about helping someone else. If you have some solid computer skills you can share, we are looking for you! You can make your own time schedule. Please call the Salisbury Senior Center @ 978-462-2412 --------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - The Pettengill House’s eighth annual Operation Backpack program is in full swing! The Pettengill House, Inc. is a non-profit community social service agency providing services to more than 3,400 men, women, and children, 625 of whom are deemed homeless, in Amesbury, Byfield, Groveland, Merrimac, Newbury, Newburyport, Rowley, Salisbury, and West Newbury. Thanks to the generous donations from the community we have already collected over 100 backpacks. This is a great start; however, we are still in need of backpacks and school supplies for students in Pre-K through grade 12. At this time our greatest needs are larger backpacks for high school students, binders, calculators, colored pencils, folders, highlighters, loose leaf paper, markers, pencil cases, rulers, and scissors. Gift Certificates and monetary donations are also gladly accepted. Checks can be made payable to The Pettengill House, Inc. with “Operation Backpack� noted on the memo line. All donations are tax deductible and stay in the community. In addition to our previously listed drop-off sites, there is now a collection bin at Marshalls, 25 Storey Avenue, Newburyport. Collection bins will be available at the drop-off locations through Labor Day weekend so that distribution can continue as needed throughout the school year. Pettengill families with school-aged children in need of backpacks can sign up at the Pettengill House on Tuesdays during pantry hours, 9 a.m to 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. To become a client of Pettengill, please call (978) 463-8801 to set up an appointment to complete an intake. For more information contact Mary Morse, Program Coordinator, at or (978) 463-8801 x 9. Please join us in our goal of helping all children begin this school year prepared for school and ready to learn. On behalf of Executive Director, Deborah Smith, as well as our staff, volunteers, and Board of Directors, we would like to extend our thanks to the community for their continual support of this program. --------------------------------------------------SEABROOK - Residents and business owners interested in learning more about saving money by using solar power are invited to attend a community information session Saturday August 18 from 9am – 2pm at Atlantic Green Energy, 255 Lafayette Rd (across from Home Depot and Walmart) on Rt 1 in Seabrook, NH. Guests will learn more about programs and incentives available in both MA and NH and for both businesses and residential. Please bring a recent electirc bill and they will provide a free cost/benefit analysis. No need to rsvp, but Atlantic Green Energy may be contacted by calling 603-474-2550. --------------------------------------------------SEACOAST - Fall Registration for Seacoast Youth Flag Football, a member of NFL Flag Football, has opened online registration for Salisbury and all local towns. Register at Limited spaces available for ages 5/6, 7/8, 9-11,12-14 and 15-17. Games for ages 5-17 are all played in Salisbury beginning in September For more information go to Contact Jeff Johnson at or 978-360-5966. Registration ends August 15th.

Utterly Creamy Ice Cream!


Cow Bar n Ice Cream Stand [GROVELAND] An exciting new home made ice cream stand has opened adjacent to its farm stand. Everyone is invited to the Cow Barn Ice Cream Stand featuring locally made ice cream from Shaw Farm. Located on Rt. 97, the old fashioned tradition lives and is a wonderful experience to visit. The adjacent farm stand is open 7 days a week from 9 am - 6-30 pm and offers a good chance to meet others and shop around after getting an ice cream, sherbet, or frozen yogurt (available in non-fat and sugar free)! Their mouthwatering sherbets include homemade flavors such as: orange and a yummy and refreshing watermelon!

OpeN 7 DayS a Week 1 pm - 9 pm 918 Salem St., Rte 97 GROVelaND, ma


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Page 12


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August 15 -21, 2012

Mortgage & Lending Is A Reverse Mortgage Right For You?

As Americans, our homes are among the biggest financial commitments that we make. But many people don’t realize that their homes can provide substantial taxfree income. A reverse mortgage is a loan taken against your home that you

Listen to Kathryn’s radio program every Friday at 7:45 am on WNBP 1450 AM.

Kathryn O’Brien, M.Ed.

Direct Line: 978-465-1322 Email: Website:

If A Note Like This Arrives In The Mail,

Beware! Dear Mr. Smith,

Although your home is currently not for sale, I do have a buyer who is very interested in viewing your home. If you are still

considering selling your home, please Manager let me know so we may set Contact: Greg Der Bogosian, Project • 978-948-8696 up a private showing. My client is pre-approved and has nothing 77 Wethersfield Street, MA 01969 to sell. Thank you and IRowley, look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,

Real Estate Agent XZY Real Estate Agent XYZ does not want to help you – the Seller. According to the note this agent is working only in the best interest of his/her Buyer client, with a fiduciary duty to the Buyer to negotiate the lowest price for the Buyer. As the Seller, you need professional representation, too. Place the needs of your family in the hands of a seasoned professional who has sold more than 1,200 homes in your area with honesty and integrity. I have helped Sellers receive top dollar, in the shortest time possible and with the fewest hassles. Need a reference? Call my Seller of 55 Larch Row in Wenham, Thomas Bishop @ 978-835-7910. His home had been on the market for more than 2 years with 2 other agents who didn’t sell it. I listed it and SOLD it in 1 day for over full price!! Call me today for your free Consultation and Market Analysis. Let me explain my strategy of Purposeful Pricing that gets you Top Dollar for your home.

Discriminating Sellers Choose Kathryn O’Brien. Contact her today . . . and pack your worries away! or 978-465-1322

are not required to pay back until home remains in the estate and you move out of your home or the estate can pay-off the reverse the last surviving borrower passes mortgage principal plus accrued away. You’ll make no interest. If you or monthly mortgage other siblings want payments and to keep the home there’s no income in the family, you qualification. can take out a new Reverse Mortgages traditional mortgage are helping older or use other assets Americans across to pay for it. If no the country achieve one in the family is greater financial interested in keeping security and enjoy the home, it can be their retirement years sold to repay the to the fullest. The loan. Any money senior is responsible left over goes to the By George Manemanus, estate to be shared for keeping up President, Multi-State payments on Home according to your Mortgage Company Owners Insurance, parent’s wishes. Property Taxes & Maintaining the home. Please consult with your What Are Common Reverse attorney. Mortgages Myths? To qualify for a Home Equity 1) The main one is that if you Conversion Mortgage (HECM), don’t repay the loan the home will the borrower(s) must be 62 years of face foreclosure. This is simply not age or older and have equity in your true, because provided that you home. In addition, Lenders require are living in your own home. The that borrowers receive counseling lender nor anyone else can take from a HUD-approved counseling your home away from you. The agency prior to receiving a loan. entire point of a reverse mortgage is This can take place over the phone to give you a loan and for the lender or in person. to receive his money after you either move out, sell it, or after you are The government-insured deceased. HECM can be used to pay day to 2) The second myth is that you day living expenses, cover the cost won’t be able to qualify and this is of medical bills and prescriptions, also incorrect because as long as you pay-off existing debt, pay taxes, by are 62 and own your own home a car almost anything you want…. and live there, you will qualify. It’s your money. A HECM loan Regardless of bad credit. can also be used to supplement 3) Another myth is that the social security income. lender will take your entire estate The monies received from a and leave nothing left for any family HECM loan program can be taken members. This is also untrue because as a lump sum of cash, monthly if you took out a $50,000 loan and payments or a line of credit as long your home is worth $175,000.00 as you live in your home. You can the remaining $125,000.00 will opt to take fixed monthly payments not go to the lender. It will go to (tenure) instead of a lump sum for whomever you want it to go to as long as you remain in your provided you have a will. home. You will never owe more than the current Market value of the How much money can one home upon repayment of the receive? The general rule of thumb loan. is the older you are and the higher the appraised value of your home, If you have any questions or the more money you receive. The would like to see how much you major determining factors are: qualify for, please contact George the reverse mortgage program Manemanus (MLO 5270) at chosen, the age of the borrower, the Multi-State Mortgage, Inc. appraised value of your home, the (MB2385) Telephone 978-374amount of equity in the home and 6600 or email George at george@ the current interest rates. George is a past Vice President Repayment options: No of the Massachusetts Mortgage repayment is made until the home Association and a member of the MA is sold or the owner(s) permanently Mortgage Bankers Association. He is moves out or passes away. If the available for all mortgage questions. last surviving borrower passes Multi-State Mortgage is a full service away while living in the home the mortgage company.

The Town Common Business Spotlight

August 15 - 21 2012

Real Estate • For Sale Getting a Mortgage • Rowley • Sports Sports Sports By John McCarthy, Realty

For Sale

The question I get quite a lot 20% down is certainly most 5. Paper: In every sale that I have is “how is the market?” Once desirable, as you will not been a part at some point I tell people “we have seen a have to pay Private Mortgage buyers mention the amount of dramatic increase in activity and Insurance (PMI) which can paperwork they were required sales this spring vs. the past 4 cost you hundreds per month. to deliver to their mortgage or 5 years”, I get a worried look An FHA loan has fees as well agent. The documentation and a follow up question of “is so check with your mortgage is provided to verify income, it still tough to get a loan?” My agent to see which program is debt and ultimately credit response to that is the same as the best for you. worthiness. By having your it was over the last 4-5 years as 2. Employment: If you were bank statements and all other the implication from the person recently unemployed don’t financials in good order your asking is that it is impossible to think you can’t get a loan. The stress level will stay at an get banks or mortgage companies bank or mortgage company orderly level as well. That to lend. NOT SO! If you have a will want to see that you are said; expect your mortgage good job, good credit and even a currently working and that agent to ask you for the same small down payment you can, and there is a reason to believe documentation many times. always could get a loan. People are that you will stay that way. Frustrating yes, but in the end often times reluctant to even try to 3. Credit: The credit number it will be worth it. get a loan for various reasons. It is threshold generally needs to possible and even likely for you to be at least 640. Some lenders It is up to you but if you don’t qualify for a loan if you can meet will have some flexibility on think you qualify for a loan, look some or all of the criteria below: that but for the most part that a little harder and call a mortgage seems to be the magic number. agent, or if you don’t know one call 1. Down Payment: The myth If your score is lower than a REALTOR®, if you don’t know that people need at least this talk with your mortgage a REALTOR® you do now, call 20% down is just that, a agent on how to bring it up. me! I will give you some names myth. 5-10% down is very It may be as simple as taking of agents who can get you on the common and with FHA out a credit card, making a way to homeownership. Thank loans you will only need few small charges and paying you and enjoy your summer. 3.5% down. MassHousing them off in time. has a loan program that has 4. Debt to Income: Most banks If you have any questions about become hugely popular. Or or mortgage companies want this article, real estate in general or if the home you are buying your debt to be less than 41% are looking to buy or sell a home needs work you can try for of your income. So if you please contact me, John McCarthy a 203k FHA loan and use are thinking about leasing a at Rowley Realty, 165 Main St., money borrowed to fix up the convertible for the summer Rowley, MA 01969, Phone: 978 home, although these loans and want to buy a small ranch 948-2758, Cell 978 835-2573 or are hard to come by and have it might be time to table that via email at john@rowleyrealestate. many strings attached. While thought. com.

Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness

Page 13

For Sale by Owner

Rowley Open House

Saturday August 18th 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. For more pictures and pricing check us out at If you would like to list your property for sale by owner, please call Greg, The Town Common Project Manager at


Over $8 Million with 5 months to go! Pauline White & John McCarthy of Rowley Realty, your local realtors with over 34 years experience, are pleased to report that so far in 2012, we have sold 22 homes in our area for a total of $8 million in sales. Take a look at a few of the properties we have sold in Rowley:

Contact your Advertising Consultant today!

P: 978-948-8696 • F: 978-948-2564

If you are thinking of selling or buying in Rowley or the surrounding communities this year, please give us a call at 978-948-2758 or visit us on the web at and we will look forward to working with you.

ROWLEY REALTY 165 Main St., P.O. Box 101, Rowley, MA 01969 Phone 978-948-2758 • Fax 978-948-2454

Sold Single Family Homes Address, Town

11, 2012!

2008, 2009, 2010, 20



List Price

Sold For Orig Price

28 Brierwood St, Gloucester 4 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 18 $119,900 $125,000 6 Locust St, Merrimac 7 room, 4 bed, 1f 0h bath Colonial 1 $179,000 $159,000 19 Sanborn Ter, Amesbury 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Colonial 69 $199,900 $190,000 40 Railroad Ave, Rowley 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 41 $299,900 $299,900 12 Atwood St, Newburyport 6 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Antique 10 $299,900 $299,900 166 Hesperus Ave, Gloucester 5 room, 2 bed, 2f 1h bath Contemporary 172 $309,900 $311,000 35 Granite St, Gloucester 7 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 101 $329,900 $320,000 22 Goldsmith Dr, Newburyport 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Gambrel /Dutch 25 $399,900 $375,000 3 A Smith St Court, Rockport 5 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Cape 77 $449,000 $439,500 58 Baker Rd, Salisbury 11 room, 3 bed, 3f 0h bath Cape 19 $479,000 $465,000 12 Blaisdell Ter, Ipswich 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 117 $495,000 $475,000 167 Sagamore St, South Hamilton 8 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Colonial 103 $489,000 $486,000 27 Martin, Essex 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Victorian 105 $499,900 $510,000 76 Newbury Rd, Rowley 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 144 $474,900 $455,000 41 Jerdens Ln Ext, Rockport 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 26 $539,000 $525,000 220 High Rd, Newbury 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 67 $549,000 $542,700 59 Willowdale Rd, Topsfield 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 132 $510,000 $506,000 197 High St, Newburyport 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Contemporary 31 $549,000 $520,000 1 Hillview Dr, Groveland 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 241 $519,900 $490,000 220 Granite St, Rockport 10 room, 6 bed, 3f 0h bath Contemporary 385 $539,000 $475,000 5 Pine Ridge, Essex 8 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Cape 102 $539,000 $525,000 42 Woodcrest Rd, Boxford 10 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Colonial 387 $559,900 $543,000 8 Bourbeau Terr, Newburyport 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 91 $679,000 $657,500 162 Western Ave, Gloucester 8 room, 2 bed, 2f 1h bath Tudor 251 $1,200,000 $1,050,000 251 Middle Rd, Newbury 10 room, 4 bed, 5f 0h bath Cape 1024 $1,295,000 $1,075,000 Single Family Listings: 25 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 2,206.76 Avg. List$: $500,156 Avg. List$/SqFt: $227 Avg. DOM: 149.56 Avg. Sale$: $472,780 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $217

2012 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.

$174,900 $179,000 $209,000 $299,900 $299,900 $319,900 $369,900 $419,900 $449,000 $479,000 $500,000 $519,000 $525,000 $539,000 $539,000 $549,000 $549,000 $549,000 $560,000 $570,000 $599,000 $599,900 $699,000 $1,200,000 $1,295,000

Page 14

August 15 -21, 2012

The Town C

Weekly Community

rolnBooks Bken Now Carrying New Books!

IN-HOME SENIOR CARE Companionship, meals, errands, housekeeping, Senior Homecare by Angels! hygiene & respite. You Choose Your Caregiver from our experienced staff! p Experienced Caregivers Welcome to Apply Call 978-462-6162


ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Relationships continue to thrive, but watch for any telltale signs of potential problems. Take needed action now to set things straight before they become troublesome later. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your powers of persuasion, backed up, of course, by your considerable expertise, help you establish your case even to the most dubious decision-makers in your workplace. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You might still be a bit reluctant to face up to some less-than-pleasant realities. But the sooner you accept the facts, the sooner you can set about making some needed changes. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Expect to make adjustments, even when things seem locked up and ready to go. But cheer up: At least one change could lead to something you've been hoping for. LEO (July 23 to August 22) The success of a recent project should do a lot to boost your self-confidence. You might want to start now to check out ways to make that long-deferred bigger and bolder move. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Ease up on the pressure you might be putting on the new person in your life. It takes time for a budding relationship to blossom. Show more patience and understanding.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) You have lots of inner strength in reserve. Use some of it to resist intimidation from those who might try to impose on your good nature for their own reasons. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) The good news is that your on-the-job status is improving. The one cautionary note, however, involves a personal situation you might have been ignoring for too long. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Congratulations. Once again, your sharp Sagittarian "horse sense" helps you work through a complicated situation that would leave most people confused. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Plan on indulging yourself in some well-earned good times through much of the week. Then be prepared to face some thought-provoking issues by the 18th. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Positive factors continue to dominate following a recent change in both your professional and personal lives. Expect to make contact with someone from your past. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Workplace stability allows you to continue making progress on your projects. But don't ignore your personal life. Spend more quality time with those special folks. BORN THIS WEEK: You have the gift for making people feel special. Maybe because you know how special you are. (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Community Calendar

August 15 - 21 2012

Classified Ads

Page 15

mon The Town Com

Classified Form

Use this form to submit your classified entry

HOME welcoming personality, self directed, A M E R I C A N SPECIAL OFFER: 20 Words for 4 Weeks - $3000 *SAVE $1000! organized and a flexible team play- IMPROVEMENT CAREPENTRY Community Calendar Continues . . . Prepaid Consecutive Ads, 75¢ for each additional word. ITEMS WANTED – Wanted by Pratt er. This person & Additions. Interior/ must be comfort- - Repairs Circle A Category Coin and Hobby in Georgetown. able with answering phones, greeting Exterior Painting. Fully Insured. U.S. Coins, silver, gold, foreign world people, have excellent written and 30 years experience. Free Estimates. For Sale • Wanted • Services • Free • Child Care Needed/Avail. • Rental money. Old pocket watches, wrist verbal communication skills, compu- Excellent Referrals. 978-465-2283 Auto • Boat • Help Wanted • Animals • Yard Sale • Rental • Other _______ watches, costume jewelry and post ter knowledge with Publisher, Word, Payment cards. Wheat pennies, Pre-1958 - 2 Excel, and internet proficiency. This PIANO INSTRUCTION in your Classified Ads must be paid for prior to publication. No billing options exist for classifieds. Cash, 1/2 cents each. FREE APPRAISAL. position is important in that the home. Children and Adults. Norma Checks, or Credit Cards Accepted. Checks made payable to: The Town Common DEADLINE: Pizza, member of North Shore Piano argest Independent Newspaper Wed. at 5PM for the following week. HOURS VARY Community Administrator is often the first face Teachers' Guild. Call 978-914-1921 PLEASE CALL FIRST. that people meet. The right candi- or email • Cost per issue: $10.00 per issue / 20 words or less. (25 cents for each additional word.) or date will have the following skills: Call Peter Pratt SPECIAL $30 FOR 4 WEEKS edit, produce and distribute church RUBBISH REMOVAL - Home or 1-800-870-4086 or 1___________ 2___________ 3___________ 4___________ publications, administrative skills, Office - Affordable Weekly & Extra 5___________ 6___________ 7___________ 8___________ 978-352-2234 scheduling for the church, execut- Pick-up Services. Call Jack: 978-9489___________ 10___________ 11___________ 12___________ WANTED TO BUY ing contracts, and website mainte- 7228 13___________ 14___________ 15___________ 16___________ Gold Scrap, Gold Coins, Post Cards nance. Part Time, 15 hours per week, 17___________ 18___________ 19___________ 20___________ SPACE FOR RENT Sterling Silver...............$21 per Troy oz. September-June, 6 hours per week 21___________ 22___________ 23___________ 24___________ OFFICES & RETAIL Silver Coins pre1964.............$20 per $1 Summer Hours Please email your FOR RENT .999 Silver Bars...........................$31 oz. resume and a cover letter to rev@ Name:____________________________ Address:_____________________________ STARTING AT $675 To US Silver Dollars......................$25 each Town:_____________________ State:_________ Zip:__________ find out more about the church, visit Perfect for Professional Wartime Nickels 1942-1945.....$1 cents each Tel. #:________________________ Email: __________________________________ Office or Retail Store our web site at www.georgetowncon- Convenient Location on Rte 1 in Ipswich US Clad Half Dollars 1965-1969..$4.00 each Number of Issues or Dates:_______________________________ Tri-City Plaza


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Weekly Community New The Town Common

Weekly Community Newspaper




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August 15 -21, 2012

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