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Summer happens in...

The Town Common







WHAT'S INSIDE 2012 Inter-town Babe Ruth 13/14 B Division Champions Page 2 Boys & Girls Club Members Take Aim at the Green Monster Page 2 Triton Vikings Win Championship Page 2 Back to School Guide Pages 4 & 5 Anna Jaques Hospital Recognized as a Top-Ranked Community Value Provider Page 9

FREE Tax Amazon Movement Comes to Main Street

August 22 - 28, 2012 • Vol. 8, No. 42

Eat Cake

By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––

Larson and her team at Eat Cake have acquired in baking cakes and cupcakes might have kept her from losing her head to the guillotine. Learning to cook celebrated cakes and cupcakes has Photo by Stewart Lytle not been an Hilary Larson shows off her famous cupcakes. easy path for NEWBURYPORT – If the Larson, who gained a degree of starving peasants during the French celebrity status a year ago when Revolution had sampled Hilary she was invited to appear on the Larson's cakes and cupcakes, they national TV show, “Cupcake might not have gotten so angry Wars.” when the reviled Queen Marie The shop, located in a basement Antoinette told them they should of a building on the narrow, eat cake if they didn't have bread. obscure Prince Street, has become Whether or not the young queen a destination – partially because uttered the famous quotation of the TV show, but more because about eating cake, the skills Continued on page 3

By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– REGIONAL – Beverly Buccheri at BC Essentials sells her beauty products and her pain- and stress-easing oils and salves both in her Pleasant Street shop in Newburyport and on her Internet web site from her home in Rowley. Like every merchant, she collects sales tax for the items sold in the shop. And she collects sales tax for on-line orders made by customers in Massachusetts. But when she sends her products to customers in New Jersey and other states, she does not charge sales tax. For many retail businesses, large and small, that seems unfair. Photo by Stewart Lytle They believe they are competing Th e Amesbury book store Bertram & with the Internet sales giants like Oliver Booksellers is a typical shop Amazon and Overstocked on a competing with on-line sales. field that is not level. On-line Government officials believe retailers are relying on a U.S. Supreme Court decision in the they are missing an opportunity late 1990s in not collecting sales to collect more revenues to pay taxes. Continued on page 3

Bruins Donate Reading Rink to Ipswich Library By Maggie Gore, Correspondent –––––––––––––––––

IPSWICH—Don’t forget your library card or your hockey stick next time you visit the Ipswich Public Library. Children and their parents gathered last Wednesday to celebrate the new Boston Bruins themed room in the children’s section. Bruins’ mascot, Blades, made a special appearance and children were given an opportunity to take pictures and ask him questions. Bruins themed Photo by Maggie Gore crafts were also provided for the Children's Librarian, Laurie Collins, reading to children and parents at the Ipswich children to make and take home. Public Library.

Kids then all gathered around as Children’s Librarian, Laurie Collins, read aloud the book, My Father’s Boat by Sherry Garland. In correspondence with the summer reading theme, “Dream Big, read,” Bruin’s staffers also arranged for Tyler Brown, a night-fisherman, to educate the children about deep-sea fishing. Brown, who works for the Yankee Fleet charter fishing boat out of Gloucester taught the children how to identify local fish and Continued on page 2

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How to Submit Letters to the Editor

Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common

Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to: The Editor c/o The Town Common 77 Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01969 or via e-mail to:

The Town Common deadline is 5pm Wednesday (except when a federal holiday necessitates an earlier deadline).

The Town Common

serves the communities of the Upper North Shore of Mass. & Coastal New Hampshire and welcomes your participation. Send your Organization or Group Notices, Birth or Engagement Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969 Phone: 978-948-8696 Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail:

The Town Common Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor Graphic Design Services Advertising Opportunities Event and Announcement Submissions

77 Wethersfield Street Rowley, MA 01969-1713 Phone: (978) 948-8696 Fax: (978) 948-2564 The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify The Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. All material and content cannot be duplicated without written consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or edit any copy offered for publication. Copyright 2004-2012 The Town Common© - All Rights Reserved

In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005)

August 22 - 28, 2012

2012 Inter-town Babe Ruth 13/14 B Division Champions The Triton 2 team won the Intertown Babe Ruth League, Division B Championship (13-14 year olds) on Sunday, July 29th in a close 1-0 victory in the championship game held at Pines Field in Groveland. The young men achieved their season goal by displaying an uncommon work ethic; mutual respect for each other and their coaches; respect for each of their opponents; and a dedication to personal excellence in a team context. Every member of the team contributed to the team's success. TRITON-2 Babe Ruth Team Back Row: Asst. Coach Don Anderson, Tom Anderson, Jack McCraven, Hans Morris, Nick Fantini, Paul Silvia, Jake Summit, Justin Ledbury, Coach Mark Leff, and Asst. Coach John McCarthy. Front Row: Jack McCarthy, Ben Hall, Evan Kirk, Dan Leff, Chris Trotta The Town Common Courtesy Photo

Boys & Girls Club Members Take Aim at the Green Monster SALISBURY - Club members this summer entered a contest through National Grid to celebrate the 20th year of the Energy Star Program that has taken great stride in transforming how America uses energy. Over 20 Club members took part in the contest. The Club decided to enter two projects into the contest. The first project was the community garden, where members and staff worked with local town officials and community leaders. “The garden is a great way to save energy, connect with the community and learn about the environment. Planting your own garden or buying local produce reduces the fuel emissions, energy consumption and greenhouse gasses”. Said Jeannie Dunnigan who is the Clubs staff responsible for this project. The second project was Plastic Island where members created a recycled art installation made from bottle caps and recycled paper to raise awareness of the importance of recycling plastic and paper. “Plastic Island was created to inspire our local community to recycle plastic. There is too much plastic floating in our seas” says Treavor Souther of Newburyport and a Club members assisting on the project. For their hard work on these projects Club members were awarded the one and only bonus prize from National Grid. This prize was a private day for 18 members of the Club at Fenway park that included batting practice, tour and luncheon. This is something our members will never forget, taking batting practice at historic Fenway Park, said Jim Keenan the Clubs executive director. They will always remember they did it because they worked hard as a member of the Club. The Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Merrimack Valley serves eight communities: Amesbury, Merrimac, Newburyport, Newbury, Rowley, Salisbury, West Newbury, and Seabrook & Hampton, NH. The Club is the largest youth organization the in the Lower Merrimack Valley with a membership of 1500 and an The Town Common Courtesy Photo average attendance of 100 members, ages 6-18. The Club is open during the school year from Monday – Friday, 2:00-6:00pm. Special teen hours are offered every Friday with programming until 9:00pm. During summer months, the Club operates a summer day program from 7:00am-6:00pm, five days a week. Membership is only $25 per year and no additional after school fees. For more information visit: The Club offers transportation from Triton, Amesbury and Newburyport school districts.

Bruins Donate Reading Rink to Ipswich Library Continued from page 1

showed them specimens of live bait including eels and sea worms. At the celebration’s conclusion, Bruins’ staffers provided giant goodie bags filled with authentic Bruins prizes to attendants. The Bruins staff members, who organize these local projects, donate a lot of their own time and effort to make it happen. Collins, who helped organize the event explained, “When I worked at the Newbury Town Library, that library was awarded the first of the Reading Rink grants. Consequently, I was really excited to hear that my new library home would receive furniture also.” Each summer the Bruins and the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners team up and

distribute Reading Rink grants to libraries across the state. The grant provides each library with brand new Bruins themed chairs and tables for children to use. “It is an impressive vehicle for outreach and the Bruins do a wonderful job of supporting the libraries,” Collins commented. The Reading Rink furniture, which consists of black and gold Bruins’ colors and hockey stick trim will be a permanent display in the Ipswich Public Library’s children’s room. Collins and the rest of the Ipswich Public Library Staff encourage everyone to “sit down and put up your feet at the Bruins Reading Rink.” For any questions please contact the Ipswich Public Library Children’s room at (978) 412-8713.

Triton Vikings Win Championship

The Town Common Courtesy Photo

The Triton Vikings baseball team win the 9 year old division of the Stan Brown Jamboree in Danvers! They were undefeated in the playoffs and won the championship game 12-5 under the lights at Moulton Field on Sunday night, 8/13/12, in Danvers. Photo info: Left to right, front row: Stone Butler, Brady Lindholm, Ryan Lindholm, Cam Paquette, Matthew Egan. Second row: Kyle O'Doy, Jack Wile, Jackson Irving, Andrew Masher Sam Boschen. Third row:Coach Jim Egan, Manager David Masher, Coach Jon Lindholm. Missing: Cael Kohen and Assistant Coach Drew Wile.

August - 8 01

Page 3

Tax Amazon Movement Comes to Main Street

Continued from page 1

for city, state and federal services at a time when they are strapped financially. “It is a loophole in the tax policy. We are trying to close it,” said John Hugo, who owns the Book Rack in Newburyport and the Spirit of '76 Bookstores in Marblehead and Swampscott. He and other merchants across the country are lobbying state and federal lawmakers to close the loophole. “We collect sales tax. And those taxes pay for schools and roads. Amazon gets a break. And that needs to be fixed,” he said. The Massachusetts Mainstreet Fairness Coalition was formed to increase awareness of the inequity Internet businesses have in not collecting the 6.25 percent sales tax that shops do. The coalition, it says, is “fighting to restore sales tax fairness and an end to the abuses of giant on-line only retailers who are devastating downtown retail stores.” Co-chaired by Salem Mayor Kimberley Driscoll and David Didriksen, the owner of an Acton bookstore, the coalition wants Massachusetts legislators to join other states in requiring

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the on-line retail sites to pay the volume of books, cameras, sales tax on purchases made by CDs and other products the -Since 1954 Massachusetts residents, which mammoth on-line retailer sells. it estimates would be about has reversed its •Private & Semi-Private Rooms $335 million a year in additional position and now supports the revenue to the state. federal legislation, known as the An extended Care Community with Baths and Beautiful Views National estimates are that Marketplace Fairness Act. • Medicare/ Medicaid certified consumers spend about $1,700 It joined other giants with • Social Services-Speech, a year buying products on the both on-line sales and brick and Physical, Occupational, & Internet. Although state sales tax mortar stores like Wal Mart and Massage Therapies rates vary from zero to about 10 Target in urging Congress to pass or 11 percent, that would mean the legislation. • Full Activity Program the average consumer would pay Hugo said he talked last week • and much more... about $125 a year in additional with U.S. Representative John sales tax. Tierney, D-Salem, who told him The coalition said, “Our local the federal legislation has a good MANSION DRIVE • ROWLEY, MA • JUST OFF ROUTE 1A businesses support our civic chance to pass. Amazon has said it organizations, sponsor our Little will take another six Republicans League teams, our soccer teams, in the Senate to support the bill our summer camps, our 4th of before it can be brought up for         July celebrations, and they are a vote.      active members and employers In this politically charged in our community...They are election year, that may be a tall key to communities' downtown order. Adding taxes of any kind    vibrancy and civic life.” is highly controversial. The on-line retailers are even “Government is going to     encouraging customers to shop get you one way or another,” in local retail stores, select and Buccheri said, uncertain how If you don’t plan your estate, the state try out products like they were the federal law might affect her will plan it for you. local showrooms, then buy on- business. line, the coalition said. Hugo said, “It has got to Newburyport, Th e proposed tax at theSalisbury, state happen. ItNewbury, is happening.” Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley and federal level has come to If Amazon were a restaurant, he be known as the Tax Amazon said, “It would have been closed movement because of the huge down a long time ago.”

Sea View Retreat


Margot G. Birke, Attorney at Law

The Town Common The Town Com

Continued from page 1

of word of mouth about her exceptional culinary treats. “There is no shortage of people who come in and say they saw me on the show,” she said. People, particularly children, want her autograph or to take photos with her. Larson, who grew up in Greeley, CO, started the business nine years ago after spending her early career selling telecommunication services and products. When the telecom business became a commodity, she grew bored and began looking for something creative to do. One day while contemplating her future, she looked down at her hands messy with food she was preparing and realized that what she loved was cooking. She decided, as her motto says, “Turn your hobby into your profession.” With her marketing hat on, she realized that there was a gap in the market for a quality cake business. But she did not know how to bake a cake. She went to the Cambridge School of Culinary Arts because she thought people would ask her if she had been trained at a culinary school. She got certified and had her home kitchen certified. Then she started learning about the chemistry of cake ingredients and how to decorate. “It was hard. There is a lot more to cakes than just frosting,” she

Weekly Community Newspaper

Best Jewelry Exchange

Eat Cake

said. She then went to see Mike Durate at the Black Cow restaurant, where she and her soon-to-be husband, Doug Mahar, often hung out when they were dating. She asked Durate if he would refer anyone who wanted a cake for a birthday party at the Black Cow. Soon her business was growing. SAILBOATS “It was baptism by fire,” she said. Mahar became her biggest fan We stock and her chief delivery boy. COM-PAC As she grew, she recruited staff, which she nowPRECISION claims is the key Sunfish, Zuma, Aubree Laser to the business. Notably Wollitz, an Amesbury girl, joined the team. Two and a half years ago she Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 decided it was time to move out 978of her kitchen and465-0312 she leased the basement space on Prince Street. She was pregnant with her son Charlie, who was born shortly after the new space was finished. “The business grew due to a loyal following, some serious word-of-mouth, a little selective magazine advertising, one completely awesome website and my husband who believed in me even when I didn’t know what I was doing,” she writes on her web site, Then “Cupcake Wars” came calling. Her husband had stumbled onto the show one day and made her watch it. “It was dumbest show I have ever seen,” she said. “The show is


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Page 4


August - 8, 01




Sleep Smarts: Sleep is an Important Part of Back-To-School Preparation

Sunlight helps reset circadian rhythms, the body's internal biological process that rotates around a 24-hour schedule. * Turn off your cell phone and laptop at night. Besides being a distraction, exposure to light can suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that aids sleep. * Make sure your bedroom is set up for sleep. If you are a light sleeper or your dorm is noisy, try wearing earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones. Keep the room cool and dark. Make your bed as comfortable as possible. Consider investing in a foam mattress pad and a got less than five hours of sleep quality pillow. For example, for increased, GPA decreased. around $100, you can purchase Once a pattern of bad sleep has a mattress topper and a waterbase developed, is it possible for teens pillow, both of which greatly and college students to "reset" improve head, neck and back their internal clocks? Researchers support while you sleep. at the American Academy of Sleep "While you most likely cannot Medicine say it is. Suggest that control the amount of sleep your your students try following these teens or college-aged kids receive, tips, a little bit at a time, over at least you can make sure that once several weeks: they are in bed, the sleep they do * Try your best to avoid get is of the best quality," explains caffeine, smoking, alcohol, heavy Maurice Bard, founder and CEO exercise and heavy snacking (pizza of Mediow Inc., a company that included) at least three hours makes waterbase bed pillows. before bedtime. "One simple way to accomplish * Don't pull all-nighters or cram this is to make sure your teens are AdAgio is committed to for exams late at night. Specifically sleeping on the right pillow - one providing A fun And posischedule studying for when you're that adjusts to properly support tive leArning experience. most alert so your performance their head and neck throughout The Director, won't be affected. the night." Samantha has danced for over * Be as consistent as possible Countless studies have shown 25 years and has with your sleep habits, ideally that people who get the right been teaching aiming to go to bed at the same amount of sleep are physically and for 12 years. The North Largest Community Newspap time Shore’s each evening and get Independent at least emotionally healthier - which is of She has a Bachelors Degree in eight hours of sleep per night. course is something we all want for Youth Dance Education from the * Wake up at the same time our children. Getting better grades University of Connecticut. She is every morning and head outside. is just the icing on the cake. trained in all forms of dance and specializes in lyrical. Miss Kira has been dancing for over 25 years. She is trained in all genres of dance but primarily focuses on Hip Hop. Miss Kira trained at Rap n’ Tap School of Dance until the age of 17, when she moved to New York City to specialize in “Street Hip Hopâ€?. In the past 5 years, she has taught her craft from New York to Massachusetts, while dancing and choreographing major shows such as the urban music awards and producing an award winning All-Star Hip Hop Team. Miss $ BACK TO SCHOOL SpECIAL - SAvE $ Kira still trains under some of the Call now for more information. payment plan Available. most amazing poppers, breakers, Tel: 978-463-9600 & choreographers around New 191 ELM STREET, SALISBURY England.

Does your list of school supplies include sleep? Studies say it should, especially for teens. Sunday, September 9th 6pm - 8pm Only 8 percent of American Reserve your seat... Sign up NOW... go online teenagers are getting the required nine or more hours of sleep needed, according to the National Sleep Foundation. In fact, a recent study published in the "Journal of Adolescent Health" found that more than 60 percent of high school students get less than seven hours of sleep per night. The situation does not improve in college, either. A 2010 study conducted at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota revealed, not surprisingly, that 70 percent of college students get less than the 8 recommended hours of sleep. While most people have, at times, battled sleep issues, poor sleep habits plague college campuses. Let's face it - most college kids do not place a premium on a good night's rest.

In addition to sleep falling low on the priority list, most students are "&* "& "&* "& (+ & ) "*+) +"'& "* $"%"+ "$$* ,( *+


sleeping $$ ' (+ & ) )',(*

$$ ' "*+) +"'& "* $"%"+ "$$* ,( *+ "*+) +"'& "* $"%"+ "$$* ,( *+ "&* "& "*+) +"'& "* $"%"+ "$$* ,( *+ )',(*

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$$ ' on cheap dorm mattresses "&* "& (+ & ) "*+) +"'& "* $"%"+ "$$* ,( *+ )',(*

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worn % * ($ - '& +,) -* ' +' ') %') "& ')% +"'& & +' ) % * ($ - '& +,) -* ' +' ') %') "& ')% +"'& & +' ) "*+ ) out pillows - which can and % * ($ - '& +,) -* ' +' ') %') "& ')% +"'& & +' ) "*+ ) % * ($ - '& +,) -* ' +' ') %') "& ')% +"'& & +' ) "*+ ) "*+ ) % * ($ - '& +,) -* ' +' ') %') "& ')% +"'& & +' ) "*+ ) affect sleep quality. !'& % "$ # *- $ '% !'& % "$ # *- $ '% !'& % "$ # *- $ '% "&* "& (+ & ) "*+) +"'& "* $"%"+ "$$* ,( *+ )',(* Perhaps $$ ' !'& % "$ # *- $ '% !'& % "$ # *- $ '% reminding your student that there is a proven relationship % * ($ - '& +,) -* ' +' ') %') "& ')% +"'& & +' ) "*+ ) between healthy sleep habits


and academic success might help encourage healthier habits. In 2010, a University of Minnesota study found a significant positive correlation between the amount of sleep per night and GPA. Additionally, as the average number of days per week a student

The Town Common Weekly Community Newspaper !'& % "$ # *- $ '%

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Page 6

August - 8, 01

Community Calendar NOW OPEN

To place an non-profit organization’s event in the Community Calendar for FREE, call 978-948-8696 or e-mail: some lacy crafts. For all ages. PreClassified Ads register by calling 978-356-2811 or

Services librarian, and enjoy some ice cream. Please contact Jessica Hilbun YWCA'S STIR THE POT email educator@ipswichmuseum. with any questions at 978.465.4428 Three years ago, the YWCA, in org. Price: $5/Members and $6/non- ext. 226. collaboration with the Unitarian members. Church, introduced the Calendar initial Stir the ENTRAIN TO PERFORM Community Continues . . . AT 920 Lafayette Road, Seabrook, Nh (Route 1) Pot initiative: providing local families in IPSWICH U CASTLE HILL need with fresh fruits/vegetables from A free adult continuing education Rock funk jam band Entrain will Located Across From community member's own gardens initiative, will be hosting an open house perform an outdoor concert at Castle or weekly CSA distribution. Thanks and orientation at the Ipswich Town Hill, 290 Argilla Rd, Ipswich on to those community members that Hall, Meeting room A, on Wednesday Thursday, August 23, from 7 p.m. to donated a portion of their "crops" to August 22, at 7pm. Learn More. 9 p.m. The Castle Hill gates will open the cause, over 2000 pounds of healthy Visit our website: www.IpswichU. at 5 p.m. for picnicking. Attendees food has been delivered to the YWCA org (up, but still in development) are encouraged to arrive early. Space Open year-round Saturdays and Sundays residence programs, Kelleher Park Like us on Facebook: www.facebook. is limited and the gates will close Tenant Building and local area food com/IpswichU Leading Universities once capacity is reached. Admission (FREE ADMISSION) Call: (978) banks. This year, we plan to expand are offering full college courses, FREE, is at the gate only--$30/car or $20/ 380-0019 9AM to 6PM our deliveries to include the Sullivan online, to the world. Ipswich U. is car for members of The Trustees of Building that provides housing for facilitating the organization of local Reservations. There is a 6 person per car seniors in our community. Can you find learning communities. Come out and maximum; each additional passenger Life’s Questions. Many. time to make at least a few (hopefully learn how You can too at Ipswich U! will be charged $5. Motorcycles are $10 Life’s answer. jesus christ. many) contributions of fresh vegetables More information available upon and walk-ins $5. Weather cancellations coMe and see... it is true...! this summer? That is all it takes and request. (if necessary) will be announced by it really does help. And, tell all your 3:00 p.m. concert-day. Visit www. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ friends about this program. August THE WONDERS OF MASAI or call 978.356.4351 Crossroads Community Church 22, 2012 Time: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM MARA for more details. God’s Heart & Hands in Our Community and Beyond Just bring Bill Gette, sanctuary director at Mass God’s Heart & Hands In Our Service, Community And Beyond Contemporary Worship Sundays, 11:00 AM your vegetables to the YWCA Greater Audubon’s Joppa Flats, will present WE BELIEVE IN YOU! Contact: Bob Davidson, Manager Newburyport, 13 Market Street, from a slide program and lecture, “The 12 Stories of Courage, Action and Faith 79 Turnpike Rd/Route 1, Project Ipswich, MA 01938 7 AM - 7 PM Monday - Thursday. Go Wonders of the Masai Mara,” at for Women and Girls (Rescheduled). (Tri-City Sales plaza, n. of • Linebrook Rd) he North Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper 978-948-8696 to the front deck and tell the person Joppa Flats at One Plum Island in Join author and historian Bonnie ~ 978-356-1800 77 Wethersfield Street, Rowley, MA 01969 you are making a donation for the Stir Newburyport on Wednesday, August Hurd Smith for a presentation about the Pot program. The YWCA will take 22, at 7:30 p.m. This program is open her forthcoming book “We Believe in care of the rest. Thanks in advance for to the public, appropriate for all ages, You!,” a fascinating blending of women’s your support. For more information and free to Mass Audubon’s members; history and inspiring lessons we can contact Ellie Davis, 978-465-9922 ext. the nonmembers’ fee is $4. No apply to our personal and professional 15 or preregistration is required. lives today. Pre-publication copies available for sale. Thursday, August 23, FARMER’S MARKET TRIVIA NIGHT 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Time and Tide Fine The Rye Farmers Market is offered Keon's Trivia Nights on Wednesday Art, 4 Market Street, Ipswich 978-312every Wednesday, 2:30-5:30 through from 7-9, $2 off all menu items & gift 6057 Free September 26. Located in Rye certificate giveaways. 258 Andover St, Center, 580 Washington Road, Rye, Georgetown 978-352-2900 MOVIES IN THE MILLYARD NH. Vendors include* Applecrest Due to popular demand and thanks to Open 7 Days Farm Orchards, Zach’s Farm, Rosie’s WATERFRONT MOVIE SERIES our generous sponsors, the Amesbury Cupcakes, Waffle Lollies, Seaview What could be better than watching Chamber of Commerce is hosting the Farm (bison, chicken & pork), Bow a movie OUTSIDE on Waterfront “Movies in the Millyard” series Thursday Wow Bones (home made dog treats), Park on a warm summer night? Grab a evenings in August. The “Movie in the the Rye Farmer’s Group with baked blanket and your family & friends and Millyard” series include…. August goods, breads, fresh eggs & vegetables, join us! Rain date August 29th. Movie 23rd - The Transformers. Rain date Sasquatch Smoked Fish, Tahana’s will be shown on a 40-foot inflatable 8/30/12 Caramel Confections and Northwood screen with an HD Blue Ray Projector Naturals. In addition, on various and BOSE professional sound system. FRIDAY, AUGUST 24th 948-8696 • • weeks we have artists selling hand made You don't want to miss this! Madagascar jewelry, scarves & bags, pottery, fresh – August 22 At New York's Central KARAOKE FOR THE WHOLE flowers & plants, and handmade toys Park Zoo, a lion, a zebra, a giraffe and FAMILY and games. Join Lisa Houde from the a hippo are best friends living a blissful Did you ever dream of being a Rye Public Library reading to children domesticated life in captivity. When singer? Well now is your chance. The from 2:30 - 3:00 in our Children’s one of them turns up missing, the others Amesbury Public Library is having a Corner. Have a seat under the trees to search for him only to find themselves karaoke party for the whole family on enjoy our weekly musicians including on a ship headed to the exotic island of Friday, August 24 at 6:00 p.m. at the $3999 Chris O’Neill of Amorphous, Andrea Madagascar. When their boat wrecks, gazebo. We will be featuring songs Szirbik, George Brown and Drew these native New Yorkers must take from the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. Karaoke $149 Szeliga. And be sure to pick up a new on a much different jungle in this will be provided by Joey’s Karaoke and “What’s for Dinner Wednesday” menu computer-animated comedy. Movies Dj. If you don’t sing - no problem. every week with recipes made from will start at dusk, approximately 8:00 Bring your lawn chairs and listen to the in-season market ingredients. *Not all PM Event Location Waterfront Park music. For more information contact vendors are with us weekly. Check Downtown Newburyport. Margie at 978-388-8148 or mwalker@ to find out who we have each week. THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd CHILDREN’S TREASURE HUNT LACECRAFT FOR KIDS TEEN ICE CREAM PARTY AT CASTLE HILL Ipswich Museum, 54 South Main The Newburyport Public Library The Trustees of Reservations is pleased Dealer Name and Address Dealer Phone Number Street, Ipswich, hosts “Lacecraft for invites teens in grades 7 through 12 to announce that a program for 4-8 year SALE DATE & TIMES RT. 1, Kids” on Wednesday, August 22 from to join us for an Ice Cream Party on olds will be offered this season at Castle 3-5 pm. Come learn about the lace Thursday, August 23 from 2:00 to 3:00 Hill, a National Historic Landmark 978-887-2424 industry in Ipswich, view lace from pm in the Children’s Activity Room. located at 290 Argilla Road in Ipswich, the Museum’s collection, and complete Come meet Jessica, our new Teen MA. Enjoy a hunt for treasures both WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22nd

Seabrook Flea Market

The Town Common

Gibraltar Pools & Spas n St Bosto Route

ng Rd


Award Winning Restaurant Opens at 5 p.m. Bar Menu & Fine Dining

August - 8 01 large and small while walking through the Great House, a magnificent mansion built for Chicago plumbing magnate Richard T. Crane and his family. Hands-on opportunities related to daily life in the 1920s, as well as the activities of the servants who worked here, will be included. The Children’s Treasure Hunt is offered every Friday at 10:15 am, now through August. The program is 45 minutes, and admission is $8 for a member adult and one child, $10 for a non-member adult and one child, with each additional child $5. RSVP at Call 978-356-4351, x4049 for more information. SACRED CIRCLE DANCE Sacred Circle Dance, 8/24, 7-8:30 p.m., Portsmouth Center for Yoga/ Arts, 95 Albany St #14, Portsmouth NH. No experience or partner needed. $5, 603-664-2796,, htm FARRENHEIT REUNION In 1986, Charlie Farren, Dave Hull (of the Joe Perry Project) and John "Muzz" Muzzy formed FARRENHEIT and released a self-titled debut album on Warner Bros. Three singles from that album - "Fool in Love," "Bad Habit," and "Lost in Loveland," as well as exposure on MTV and touring established FARRENHEIT as one of the premier new rock acts, winning them awards and kudos across the country. The original members of FARRENHEIT return to the stage with Jon Butcher for a not-to-be

missed show! Event Location Blue Ocean Music Hall 4 Oceanfront North, Salisbury Friday, August 24, 8pm Admission $27.50 SATURDAY, AUGUST 25th

of the sand, with the ocean as a backdrop. Hear great regional and national musicians as they fill the salt air with the sounds of summer. Then, enjoy a dazzling fireworks display over the ocean. A great family night out. Bring a beach chair and experience what summer should be all about – fun, beach pizza, ice cream cones and more! WHERE: On the Beachfront Stage at the top of Broadway Saturday nights thru September 1st Concert: 7:30pm – 10:00pm Fireworks: 10:15pm

MIGRANTS ON THE WING Let's explore Parker River National Wildlife Refuge with a focus on migrants at this premier, birding destination. Long-sleeved shirt and long pants are suggested. Saturday, August 25th 8:00 am to 11:00am $20. Meeting Location: Parker River SUNDAY, AUGUST 26th National Wildlife Refuge at Parking Lot# 1 NEWBURYPORT FARMERS MARKET FARMERS MARKET Come enjoy the season with The Laurel Grange Farmers Market will be Newburyport Farmers’ Market held every Saturday from 9am to noon. featuring locally grown veggies, live For more information contact Charles music, locally prepared food products Carter at 978-352-2986. The grange and artisanal crafts! The Market will hall is located at 21 Garden St, West be held every Sunday rain or shine Newbury. from 9:00am-1:00pm at the Tannery Marketplace. NSPAC OPEN HOUSE North Shore Performing Arts Center LIGHTHOUSE OPEN HOUSE invites everyone to it's New Locataion Friends of Portsmouth Harbor at 77 Turnpike Rd, Route 1, Ipswich Lighthouses, a chapter of the American on Saturday, August 25th from 10am Lighthouse Foundation, will host an to 3pm 2011-2012 Season begins open house at Portsmouth Harbor September 8th Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Musical Lighthouse in New Castle, NH, on Theatre, Lyrical, Contemporary, every Sunday now through Columbus Pointe, Hip Hop & Latin - All Ages Day, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. No 2.9 - Adult, Recreational & Advanced reservations are needed; the guided Levels. Visit us at www.nspaconline. tours are on a first come, first served com or call 978-948-2828 basis. The suggested donation to climb the lighthouse is $4 for adults SURFSIDE LIVE! and $2 for children 12 and under. Every Saturday Night! What better way Visitors should park outside the gate to see a concert than sitting at the edge Continued on page 16

Childcare Available Page Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays


Located at the Garrison Inn 11 Brown Square, Newburyport

Café & Lounge ALL YOU CAN EAT Breakfast Buffet Saturdays & Sundays ~ 8:30am to 1pm Only $8.99! Buy one and get $ .00 off the second buffet ALL YOU CAN EAT Fish Fry (Fresh Haddock) Every Friday ~ All Day starting @ Noon Only $11.99! HOBO’s Café & Lounge 5 Broadway, Salisbury, MA www. hobo-café.com 978-465-46 6

Award Winning Restaurant Opens at 5 p.m. Bar Menu & Fine Dining Childcare Available Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays Located at the Garrison Inn 11 Brown Square, Newburyport


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Lena’s Seafood

131 Rabbit Rd, Salisbury 978-465-8572

Open March through December Closed Monday and Tuesday after Labor Day

HINE’S BRIDGE NOW OPEN for easier access from Newburyport #2 Lena’s Seafood began as a take-out stand on Salisbury beach in Ad 1958. Moved For Client /Newspaper use only – this does not print: PDF – dated 06/10/11 – replaces allNew previous PDFsEngland of this ad. Please destroy all previous PDFs of this ad. uptown in 1972, Lena’s has become known forThis serving fresh fried Questions? Call Acorn Advertising, 781-643-2928. seafood. From the famous onion rings hand-dipped in a homemade batter to the Actual ad size – 4” x 2” (Town Common ) fish and clam chowder cooked daily, Lena’s has become a local favorite.

Eat In oR takE out

$2.00 OFF Any order of $15 or more at Lena’s Seafood with this coupon/ad **expires 12/31/12

Letters To TheAugust Editor - 8, 01

Page 8

Headlines Boutique 50% off sale in progress

Closing store after 33 years in Newburyport. Helen Tierney retiring to San Diego 1 Merrimac St. #4, Newburyport

978-465-2113 Closing September 30th Business Continues at:

BROWN’S Lobster Pound

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Route 286, Seabrook Beach, NH


AMESBURY - Applications for the 16th Annual Open Studio Tour in Amesbury are NOW available. The tour will take place on Nov. 10-11, 2012. Applications are download-able on the website and are due by Sept. 14th to the Amesbury Cultural Council. This annual event features work by artists living/working in Amesbury or who have participated in the tour in the past. It is a celebration of the arts in our community. All information and details are available on our website at: For more information, please contact council members at -----------------------------------------------------------AMESBURY - The Amesbury Cultural Council requests interested community members and/or groups to apply for grants that support cultural activities within the community. Oct. 15th is the application deadline. These grants can support exhibits, festivals, short term residencies, performances in schools, workshops and For lectures. Each Sale year local councils award monies to many groups, ranging from school field trips and enriching • music and film just to name a activities, after school programs, concerts, festivals, lectures, theater, dance, few. Local Cultural Council projects take place in schools, libraries, community centers, elder care facilities, parks, town halls and wherever communities come together. The Massachusetts Cultural Council receives funding from the state, which it in turn distributes to the Local Cultural Councils, primarily for grant funding which helps to achieve some of the above stated programs. Cultural Council • The mission of the Amesbury • is “to promote cultural activities, the arts and interpretive sciences through financial support and community education. Applications are downloadable on our website: Since submitted applicant information must be typed, accessing either the pdf or doc version of the application will allow the applicant to complete the form on a computer. All applicants must submit an original and nine photocopies of the application documents. Applications must include specific date, time, sponsor for event and specific number of Amesbury residents participating in the event. All applications are due by Oct. 15 to the Amesbury Cultural Council, Amesbury Town Hall, 62 Friend St., Amesbury, Ma. 01913. Please contact for any questions. -----------------------------------------------------------GROVELAND –ICE CREAM STAND SPECIAL: Build a Sunday...Toppings Free! Monday nights are motorcycle of your bike, meet others! Keep an eye out for our Kid's Weekend, Bouncy House, Pony Rides, and more! 918 Salem St., Groveland, MA (978) 372-5558 - Ice Cream Stand Open 1 - 9 DAILY -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - 15th Annual Golf Classic - Join the American Red Cross of Northeast Massachusetts in a round of golf at Turner Hill in Ipswich, MA. The highly-rated golf club will host the 15th Annual Golf Classic which includes lunch, dinner, awards, and a silent and live auction. September 10, 2012 11:30 AM-6:00 PM Participants and sponsors can register and purchase raffle tickets at ?id=102840&view=Detail or calling 978-922-2224. Event supports funding for the Northeast Massachusetts chapter that provides disaster relief to victims on the North Shore. -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - The Ipswich Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a Moonlight Cruise out of Gloucester harbor on Saturday Sept. 8, 2012. There will be music by Ross DJ, a catered buffet, and cash bar. This event will be a fun networking opportunity and will benefit the Chamber Scholarship Fund for Ipswich High School. The boat has a capacity for 140 and will push off from the Gloucester House Restaurant at 6:30 pm. We will return to the dock at 9:30 pm. The tide is right for a cruise thru the river and around Cape Ann. Rough seas will keep us in the harbor. The cost is $30 per person. You can make reservations thru Lisa Shanko at TD Bank (978-463-7114) or Bob McNeil at Ipswich Ford (978-356-2916). -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURY - All ages are welcome to our free Rainforest Reptile Show, here at the Newbury Town Library, September 12th, at 4:30 PM. Have a chance to meet some of the world's most unique animals and learn how to help protect their very special habitats. Any questions, please contact the library at 978-465-0539. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - Belleville Congregational Church has an opening for a part-time Office Administrator. The right candidate should be friendly and well organized. Responsibilities include general office duties, assisting the pastor in pastoral/church needs, creating & formatting weekly bulletins, a monthly newsletter, and annual reports. Resumes can be sent to the church via email at: or via mail attention of Office Administrator search committee, 300 High Street, Newburyport MA 01950. No phone calls please. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT – The 4th Annual NEF Open will be held Monday, September 24, 2012 at the Ipswich Country Club to raise money for the Newburyport Public Schools. The event begins with a shotgun start at 11:30 a.m. Every golfer who signs up by Labor Day (September 3) will receive a $25 gift certificate to Oregano Pizzeria and Ristorante in Newburyport. All proceeds benefit the Newburyport Education Foundation (NEF) and the Newburyport Public Schools Registration fee of $225 includes box lunch, full access to the practice facilities, 18-holes of golf, on course contests, dinner, awards, and raffle prizes. Register online at or email for more information. Not a golfer? Join us for dinner for just $55. Sponsorship opportunities are still available ranging from $300 to $2,000, including: Cart Sponsor. Beverage Cart Sponsor, Dinner Sponsor, Putting Green Sponsor, Putting Contest Sponsor, Driving Range Sponsor, Individual Holes Sponsor, Hole in One Sponsors (4).. Thank you to our lead sponsor The Provident Bank. For more information, please contact Greg Park at -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - Bethany lodge will host their monthly "Back to the Bean" ham and bean supper with all the home made sides and refreshments, Saturday September 1st from 4:30 to 6 pm at the Masonic Hall at 31 Green Street, Newburyport MA 01952 dinner will be followed by a Masonic Installation Cerimony at 6:30. -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - The YWCA Greater Newburyport is currently accepting applications for its Session 7, Encore Program (after breast cancer). Session 7 will meet on Wednesdays, September 12 – December 12 (no class 10/31 or 11/21) at 5:15 pm for land exercises followed by warm water exercises at 5:50 PM. Peer Support

Community Connections

Business Spotlight

Real Estate For Sale


Open Every Day from Apr 1st - Nov 15th

Community Announcements

Call Ahead Take Out

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Sports Sports Sports Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness

August - 8 01

The Town Comm

Letters To The Editor

Page 9

Cow Bar n Ice Cream Stand

Community Announcements

Farmstand Weekly Community Newspap

Group sessions are held once a month. YWCA Encore is designed specifically for those who have experienced breast cancer at any time in their lives. This free program incorporates gentle land/warm water exercises and relaxation techniques which target areas that have been affected by breast cancer surgery and treatment. The peer group support sessions provide an opportunity for participants in the program to share their experiences and information in a safe and supportive environment. Many women have benefited from the YWCA’s Encore Program and have seen improvements in range of motion, stamina and general well-being. Pre-registration is required and applications are available at or at the YWCA Membership Desk, 13 Market Street. For more information contact Connie at 978- 465-9922 ext. 27. Enrollment is limited to10 participants per session -----------------------------------------------------------For Sale - Anna Jaques Hospital was recently recognized as a top-ranked Community Value NEWBURYPORT • Provider by Cleverley + Associates of Columbus, OH, in two categories: Community Value Five Star Hospital and Community Value 100 Hospital. Cleverley + Associates, a leading healthcare financial consulting firm specializing in operational benchmarking and performance enhancement strategies, released the findings as part of its new publication: State of the Hospital Industry - 2012 Edition. "These awards are a testament to our • • ability to provide measurably high-quality care while remaining low-cost and affordable," said Delia O’Connor, President and CEO. "Being designated a Five Star and Value 100 hospital reaffirms how vital Anna Jaques is to our community, as we provide quantifiable value to those we serve in the Merrimack Valley, North Shore, and New Hampshire border towns and beachside communities.â€? Written by William O. Cleverley, Ph.D., a noted expert in healthcare finance, the State of the Hospital Industry reports selected measures of hospital financial performance and discusses the critical factors that lie behind them. The publication focuses on the US acute-care hospital industry over a three-year time period (2008-2010). For the ninth year, the 2012 State of the Hospital Industry reports an exclusive measure developed by Cleverley + Associates: the Community Value IndexÂŽ (CVI). The CVI is a proprietary index created to offer a measure of the value that a hospital provides to its community. The book outlines the data used to calculate the CVI as well as provides a list of the Top 100 and all Five-Star (top quintile) hospitals. “The topic of hospital value is increasingly being discussed. Issues of pricing and community benefit have been well-publicized but little has been offered to measure the broad scope of value,â€? adds James Cleverley, co-author. “In response, the Community Value IndexÂŽ was created to provide an assessment of a hospital’s performance in four areas: financial strength and reinvestment cost of care, pricing, and quality. Fundamentally, the CVI suggests that a hospital provides value to the community when it is financially viable, is appropriately reinvesting back into the facility, maintains a low cost structure, has reasonable charges, and provides high quality care to patients.â€? -----------------------------------------------------------NEWBURYPORT - With the third annual Exchange Club “Field of Honorâ€? fast approaching, the club is once again selling flags to commemorate the victims of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, as well as to honor those who serve as fire, police, EMT, or military personnel. A booth will be set up in Market Square on Saturday Aug. 25, to pre-sell flags for the September 7-11 display on the Bartlet Mall in Newburyport. Flags will be sold right through the event itself while supplies last. Those interested may call Ben Iacono at 978-465-7028 or email him at The flags will be set up on the Mall on Friday, September 7, with tags identifying those to be honored. The official ceremony, with a reading of names known as the “Verbal Wall,â€? will take place on Sunday, September 9. Local dignitaries and musical presentations will be featured. The flags will be taken down and may be picked up by purchasers on Tuesday, September 11. Further information on the Field of Honor may be found by logging on to on page 13

Community Connections

Business Spotlight

Real Estate For Sale

Sports Sports Sports Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness

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918 Salem St., Rte 97 GROVELAND

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Page 10

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August - 8, 01

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Become a Green Grower Solar Power with Hydroponics and Induction Grow Lights

Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Center

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Our physician led short-term rehabilitation program is designed to ensure that patients receive the best care and therapy to reach the highest level of functioning to make a safe transition home.

Atlantic Green Energy, a leader in solar power devices, has partnered with Induction Light Technology and U-GRO Hydroponic Garden Systems with the sole purpose of making home gardening simple and easy. Combining these three technologies together will allow all of us with or without a green thumb to grow fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs indoors and out year round. With food prices on the verge of doubling because of the horrific weather we are having throughout the United States we need to make some changes to save on our food bills. Well, we have an easy solution that will help lower your food costs and give you fresh vegetables. Anyone can do this. It starts by purchasing the U-Gro 30. This equipment takes up a 3’ x 5’ area, holds 30 plants and requires little time and maintenance to grow and enjoy nutritious vegetables. No weeding. This system sells for $380.00 with everything you’ll need for a year. Next year your cost of the nutrients is $20.00. How can you go wrong? Second, The U-Gro system needs power so Atlantic Green Energy will supply a Solar panel and battery back-up system. Now you will always have power. Should the grid go down, you won’t have to worry about your plants not getting the nutrients they need to grow, because you have POWER. Third, if you’re planning to grow indoors, Induction Light Technology will supply grow lights that require little power, will last 100,000 hours (22 years). Ninety-five percent of the light reaches the plants and it’s specially tinted phosphorus coating supplies the proper light quality for both the growth and fruit bearing stages. The solar system will also power the grow light. For more information give us a call at 603-474-2550 or go to the following web-sites,,, www. SAVING GREEN by going GREEN!

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6 • •

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SOLAR POWER OPEN HOUSE Residents and business owners interested in learning more about saving money by using solar power are invited to attend a community information session Saturday September 8th from 9am – 2pm at Atlantic Green Energy, 255 Lafayette Rd (across from Home Depot and Walmart) on Rt 1 in Seabrook, NH. Guests will learn more about programs and incentives available in both MA and NH and for both businesses and residential. Please bring a recent electirc bill and they will provide a free cost/benefit analysis. No need to rsvp, but Atlantic Green Energy may be contacted by calling 603-474-2550.

August - 8 01

Page 11


the Brickyard and Allstate 400s) was frustrating for the 33-year-old Hornish, whose NASCAR career has been a disappointment. Though he won a Nationwide Series race in 2011 at Phoenix, he has never finished better than fourth (Pocono, 2009) in 113 Cup races. Hornish's best Cup finish was at a flat track. His lone Nationwide victory was at a flat track. Indy is a flat track. "It's a little bit of the mentality of what I grew up racing," Hornish, from Defiance, Ohio, In one sense, it was a great said. "I did mostly road courses, so, weekend for Sam Hornish Jr. I mean, that's generally pretty flat. Returning to the scene of I like tracks like Phoenix, that are his greatest triumph, the 2006 different from end to end, because Indianapolis 500, Hornish they're what I call compromise race bookended a tracks. Dodge sweep by "You're never finishing second going to get to teammate your car perfect Brad Keselowski at both ends, in the Indiana so you try to 250 on July 28, work on one end the Nationwide where you think Series' first-ever it's going to be visit to famed more beneficial Indianapolis 500. for you to get The Sprint passes done, and Cup race on then you kind of the next day, Nationwide driver Sam Hornish Jr. try to maintain however, brought took over for suspended Penske driver on the other A.J. Allmendinger a few races ago in the end. Pocono is frustration. Cup series. Hornish is running for Hornish has, Sprint another place the Nationwide title with the hope he can for now, replaced return to the Cup series full-time. (John that's like that." the suspended Clark/NASCAR This Week photo) H o r n i s h A.J. Allmendinger finished 16th as driver of Roger Penske's No. in Indy's Sprint Cup race on 22 Dodge in the Sprint Cup July 29. He'll continue in Cup, Series. Penske hasn't ruled out where possible, though his first the possibility of Allmendinger's priority is winning the Nationwide eventual return, though it seems championship. He currently ranks unlikely. He would like to see fourth in the standings, 28 points Hornish establish himself as a Cup off Elliott Sadler's pace. The driver worthy of support. Nationwide Series has no Chase, The Crown Royal Curtiss so Hornish has 14 races to catch Shaver 400 (formerly known as and pass the three drivers -- Sadler,

Hornish's Fortune


Austin Dillon and Ricky Stenhouse Jr. -- ahead of him. A Nationwide championship might provide Hornish with the spark he needs to return to OPErATINg HOurS: MON-FrI 8AM-5PM NASCAR's top series full-time. Monte Dutton covers motorsports SAT 8AM-3PM 368 BOSTON ST. for The Gaston (N.C.) Gazette. E- PATRICK TOPSFIElD, MA 01983 mail Monte at nascarthisweek@ Newspaper OWNER/MANAGER PHONE: 978-887-1434 Weekly Community •

The Town Common (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Page 1

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Animals, August Plus - 8, 01


Last week I was on vacation. There are many definitions of vacation but the first one I found when I looked up the definition is – “a period of

suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel.” I think that is a fairly good definition but for me it is missing one key point. Most of us look forward to vacation. For some it might be a time to relax or “unwind” or maybe sleep in and be lazy. For others, like myself, I look at it as having time to do things I love to do or to put it a different way – things that I am passionate about. I know what you are thinking – but you are a dentist….aren’t you passionate about that? I have been a dentist for 18 years and there is no doubt that I love what I do. The fact of the matter is, it is difficult to stay interested in anything without growth. I take a lot of continuing education in dentistry to continue to learn and grow in my profession. However, like most people, I have interests outside of work that I look forward to during vacation. Every weekend is a vacation. I look at it that way because I always want to have a “vacation” to look forward to. Whether we are working or we are in school, we all look forward to time away from our daily routine. Having said that, whether it is a weekend or a longer vacation, I get up at the same time, generally go to sleep at the same time, and I exercise, which is all part of my daily routine. For me that is important because it allows me to spend the same amount of time doing some of the other things that I am passionate about. So, what’s the key point that I think is missing from that definition of vacation? I think it should include the idea that we want to do things that make us feel good. If you aren’t feeling good you are feeling bad. If you feel bad you are not growing, and if you are not growing you are going in the other direction, which is not good! While I love what I do on a dayto-day basis during the week, I am passionate about learning. I like to

• • • •

learn and grow in my profession but I like learning in general. I believe that is the key to growth and feeling good. My father is a good example of this. He has been a veterinarian for 50 years! That is a long time to do the same thing. He still loves what he does, although he does it a lot less these days, but he always learning…. not just about veterinary medicine but about other things that he is passionate about. At 75 years old he is still learning and growing. I had a patient in the other day who is truly passionate about bike riding. While that is not his profession, it is obvious that he loves bike riding and is constantly striving for improvement and growth. Bike riding for him makes him feel good. And that is the key point – when you feel good you are happy and we all want to be happy. There are things that we have to do in our day-to-day lives that don’t necessarily make us feel good. Many of those things cannot be avoided. However, in general, we should try to avoid those things that do not make us feel good. For example, I do not watch the news very often any more. If you watch the news on a regular basis I would bet you know why. So, if you find yourself not as happy as you would like to be, stop and write down a list of the things that bring joy to your life. Make time to do more of those things, or even just one. Pick something that you want to learn more about and “grow” with it. I truly believe that happiness is a choice. Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to healthcentered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@ You can view all previously written columns at www.

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August - 8 01

Page 13

Continued from page 9

15 Main Street, Salisbury, MA ma-2012 or by visiting the Exchange Club website at Proceeds from the event will be used for the prevention of child abuse, which is the goal of the National Exchange Club, (800) 626-3465 and for local projects such as the Kids As Peacemakers mural program, teddy bears in area police cruisers, and college scholarships for graduating seniors at Newburyport and Pentucket Regional High Schools. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Adagio Dance Studio is hosting an open house and registration offering classes in all styles for Commercial Printing & Professional Graphic Design children age 2 - adult on Wed August 22nd, and Wed Aug 29 from 6-8 PM. Their director, Samantha has danced for over 25 years and has been teaching for 12 years. For more information contact the studio at 978brochures, wide format posters, office forms, menus, flyers 948-7900. 319 Newbury Turnpike, Rowley. presentation folders, notepads, tickets, business cards -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Rowley Library is happy to announce our new passes for the Lowell Spinners. The passes are available for each home game and allows six people entrance at $3 per person (half price). The passes are presented to the box office of the Lowell Spinners when the tickets are purchased. Sponsored by the Friends of the Rowley Library. Don’t forget that the Rowley Library offers discount passes to a few of the local museums. These include: Museum of Science, Children’s Museum of Boston, Peabody Essex, the Zoo, Museum of Fine Art, and free parking to all Massachusetts State Parks. Sponsored by the Friends of the Rowley Library, the Rowley Cultural Council, and a generous patron. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Rowley Library Book Club to meet September 6 For its first selection of the season the Rowley Library Book Club is reading This beautiful life by Helen Schulman. The novel examines what happens when a privileged New York family gets caught in a child pornography scandal because of a video sent to their 15 year old son by a classmate. Library Journal called it "a painfully honest novel that examines with precision the delicate balancing act needed to nurture a family through these manic times." Copies are available at the library or at Join the discussion Thursday, September 6, at 6:30 pm at the Rowley Public Library, 141 Main St. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Fellowship Thrift Shop located at the First Congregational Church of Rowley, 175 Main St (Rte 1A)Rowley is open on Tuesday and Saturdays 9 AM to 1 PM and Thursday 3 - 7pm. Donations of gently used clothing are accepted during shop hours ONLY. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Rowley Library Collecting for Rowley Food Pantry - Donate non-perishable food items, cleaning supplies and paper goods, or personal hygiene products for the Rowley Food Pantry in the basket in the Library lobby. The Rowley Food Pantry is open on Tuesday mornings from 10 am to noon and Thursday evenings from 6 - 7:30 in the parsonage of the Baptist Church at 153 Main St. All Rowley residents are welcome. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Pine Grove student, Mary Ouellette, is collecting tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Helping is as easy as 1, 2, 3. 1. Pull your aluminum tabs off of soda, vegetable, tennis and pet food cans. 2. Save and Open to the public. Outdoor Seating. Collect tabs. 3. Recycle tabs in the children’s room at the Rowley Public Library. (Pine Grove Students can return tabs to the school.) Tab pick-up is available by calling 978-358-8129. After the collection is complete tabs will be brought to the Ronald McDonald House. Trivia Wednesdays 7-9pm ---------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - The Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society is overloaded with cats and kittens and is desperately $2 off all menu items & gift certificate giveaways seeking new adoptive families for cats and kittens, as well as adult cat foster families to help with our situation. Calypso Every Thursday 6-9pm Just this past weekend we had a mom cat and her litter of kittens – one of which had a string tied tightly around Live Calypso music on the patio. its neck -- left abandoned in a carrier in by our back door. More needy cats & kittens come in everyday, so we Caribbean themed food and tropical drinks. need families who can help with temporary housing for adult cats and permanent adoption of kittens and cats. To help with this effort, we are discounting all adult cat (over 1 yr old) adoption fees to just $50 for the month of August. “It is just so heartbreaking to see these wonderful cats and kittens that need a home,” said MRFRS $5 of f the purchase of President Stacy LeBaron. “The summertime is when we are at our fullest capacity, so if you want to bring a two s a l a d s o r s a n dwi c h e s kitty home, now’s the time we have the most to pick from.” To adopt a kitty from the Merrimack River Feline Ke o n ’ s G r i l l e ( G e o rg e t own ) O n ly Cannot be combined with other discounts or coupons Rescue Society please visit and fill out an adoption application or visit us at 63 Elm St. Our Expires 8/31/12 adoption hours are Tuesday 12-3 and 5-7, Weds 12-3, Thurs 12-3 and 5-7, Friday 12-3 and Saturday 12-5. ---------------------------------------------------258 Andover St, Georgetown, MA 01833 SALISBURY - Watercolor Painting Class, Thursday, August 30th at Noon - Paint a different scene each • 978-352-2900 month with watercolor and bring home your finished painting. Everything you need to paint your picture will be supplied. Watercolor painting Coach, W. E. Duke (Bill) will be providing the class instruction. Cost Newburyport, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley is only $20. No prior experience is necessary. Pre-registration required, this class fillsSalisbury, up fast! Please callNewbury, 978462-2412. Merrimack River Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, ByfiEntrance eld, Plum Island, & --------------------------------------------------o o SALISBURY - Community Blood Drive at the Hilton Senior Center, 43 Lafayette Road, Salisbury Friday, 42 49’N 070 49’W September 14, 2012, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. sponsored by the Salisbury Lions Club and the American Red Cross. AUGUST DATE HIGH LOW SUN Every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood and every pint donated could save up to three 22 Wed 3:15 8.64 3:38 9.06 10:02 -0.32 10:36 -0.35 5:57 7:33 lives. The Red Cross is urging the public to make an appointment to donate blood by calling 1-800-RedCross 23 Thurs 4:08 8.33 4:31 9.01 10:53 -0.08 11:33 -0.21 5:58 7:32 (1-800-733-2767) or visit Snacks, fruit juices, and bottled water is provided to 24 Fri 5:06 7.99 5:29 8.89 11:49 0.21 xx xx 5:59 7:30 presenting donors by the American Red Cross. All presenting donors during September will receive a free 25 Sat 6:10 7.71 6:32 8.77 12:36 -0.04 12:51 0.46 6:01 7:28 collectible Red Sox tee shirt commemorating 100 years of Fenway Park and two great offers from Munro 26 Sun 7:18 7.56 7:40 8.72 1:43 0.07 1:57 0.60 6:02 7:27 Muffler, Brake, & Service. KAYAKS We stock --------------------------------------------------27 Mon 8:27 7.60 8:47 8.78 2:51 0.05 3:06 0.56 6:03 7:25 Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC SALISBURY - The Civil War Roundtable of the Merrimack will meet at 7:30 PM on Wednesday September 28 Tues 9:32 7.80 9:50 8.91 3:56 -0.09 4:10 0.37 6:04 7:23 Perception - Necky 12 th at our new location, the East Parish Methodist Church, Salisbury Square (route 1), Salisbury,MA. PRECISION 29 Wed 10:30 8.09 10:47 9.04 4:55 -0.28 5:09 0.12 6:05 7:22 Ocean Kayak Historian and author Craig Caba will speak on “Gettysburg and the Anti Slavery Society.” Admission is free 30 Thurs 11:21 8.36 11:39 9.09 5:47 -0.43 6:02 -0.09 6:06 7:20 Sunfish, Zuma, Laser SAILBOATS Canoes and anyone with an interest in America’s Civil War is invited to attend. For more information visit our web page or call Tom at (978) 462-8518. Rangers Old Town - Radisson KAYAKS We stock --------------------------------------------------Fernald’s Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC Perception - Necky SEACOAST - Fall Registration for Seacoast Youth Flag Football, a member of NFL Flag Football, hasSAILBOATS opened PRECISION On the River Parker Rt. 1A,atNewbury, MA 01951 Limited spaces available Ocean Kayak online registration for Salisbury and all local towns. Register for Sunfish, Zuma, Laser Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 Canoes KAYAKS We stock ages 5/6, 7/8, 9-11,12-14 and 15-17. Games for ages 5-17 are all played in Salisbury beginning in September 978465-0312 (978) 465-0312 Mad River - Old Town - Radisson Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC For more information go to Contact Jeff JohnsonFERNALD’S at or 978-360-5966. Fernald’s Perception - Necky PRECISION On the River Parker Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 Ocean Kayak Sunfish, Zuma, Laser Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 Canoes

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Page 14

$ Mortgage & Lending

Over $8 Million with 5 months to go! Pauline White & John McCarthy of Rowley Realty, your local realtors with over 34 years experience, are pleased to report that so far in 2012, we have sold 22 homes in our area for a total of $8 million in sales. Take a look at a few of the properties we have sold in Rowley:

If you are thinking of selling or buying in Rowley or the surrounding communities this year, please give us a call at 978-948-2758 or visit us on the web at and we will look forward to working with you.

ROWLEY REALTY 165 Main St., P.O. Box 101, Rowley, MA 01969 Phone 978-948-2758 • Fax 978-948-2454

Is A Reverse Mortgage Right For You?

By George Manemanus, President, Multi-State Mortgage Company

As Americans, our homes are among the biggest financial commitments that we make. But many people don’t realize that their homes can provide substantial taxfree income. A reverse mortgage is a loan taken against your home that you

Sold Single Family Homes Address, Town


August 22 - 28, 2012

DOM List Price Sold For

19 Manila Ave, Amesbury 7 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 162 $282,900 44 Seven Star, Groveland 8 room, 4 bed, 1f 2h bath Garrison 108 $295,000 1 Noyes Ln, Merrimac 7 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 27 $299,000 130 Ipswich Rd, Topsfield 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Contemporary 82 $299,900 55 Beach Rd, Salisbury 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Ranch 326 $245,000 8 School St, Boxford 6 room, 4 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 64 $315,000 110 Western Ave, Essex 5 room, 2 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 360 $319,000 18 Old Cart Rd. Hamilton 7 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Ranch 35 $379,900 8 Chateau Hts, Gloucester/Magnolia 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 103 $399,000 1 Tower Rd, Gloucester/Magnolia 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Split Entry 99 $382,000 37 Wood Dr, Essex 6 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Bungalow 78 $399,000 11 Andrews Rd, Topsfield 7 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Ranch 30 $429,000 5 Willowdale Crt, Amesbury 8 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Gambrel /Dutch 53 $429,900 30 School St, Rowley 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 33 $449,900 58 Baker Rd, Salisbury 11 room, 3 bed, 3f 0h bath Cape 19 $479,000 16 Lane's Ten Acres Rd, Merrimac 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 27 $482,500 32 Crooked Pond Dr, Boxford 9 room, 4 bed, 3f 0h bath Split Entry 53 $499,900 135 Western Ave, Essex 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 671 $535,000 12 Neptune, Newburyport 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Antique 17 $599,900 400 Essex St, Hamilton 8 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Victorian 39 $629,900 163 Main St, Wenham 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Antique 166 $549,000 161 Main St, Wenham 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 156 $630,000 11 Pilots Hill Rd, Gloucester 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Contemporary 39 $699,000 40 Parsons Hill Rd, Wenham 10 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Colonial 120 $779,000 Lot 5 Settlers' Ln, Wenham 10 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Greek Revival 385 $985,000 3 Point De Chene Ave, Rockport 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Cottage 187 $899,000 R ECYCLE T HIS N EWSP APER 251 Middle Rd, Newbury 10 room, 4 bed, 5f 0h bath Cape 1024 $1,295,000

34 Buttonwood Ln, Ipswich 13 room, 3 bed, 3f 2h bath Other 634 $925,000 SHARE THE G IFT OF READING

$274,000 $293,000 $294,000 $259,000 $245,000 $300,000 $305,000 $374,900 $365,000 $375,000 $375,000 $425,000 $420,777 $452,000 $465,000 $482,500 $492,500 $530,000 $605,000 $605,000 $549,000 $620,000 $675,000 $705,000 $962,500 $899,000 $1,075,000

The government-insured HECM can be used to pay day to day living expenses, cover the cost Orig Price of medical bills and prescriptions, $292,000 pay-off existing debt, pay taxes, by $295,000 a car almost anything you want…. It’s your money. A HECM loan $299,000 can also be used to supplement $324,900 social security income. The monies received from a $324,900 HECM loan program can be taken $329,900 as a lump sum of cash, monthly $360,000 payments or a line of credit as long $379,900 as you live in your home. You can to take fixed monthly payments $399,000 opt (tenure) instead of a lump sum for $399,000 as long as you remain in your $425,000 home.

$429,000 $429,900 $449,900 $479,000 $482,500 $499,900 $535,000 $599,900 $629,900 $649,000 $699,000 $719,000 $839,900 $1,050,000 $1,199,900 $1,295,000

$844,000 $1,299,000 28 Riverside Rd, Gloucester/Riverdale 7 room, 3 bed, 3f 0h bath Colonial 39 $1,450,000 $1,275,000 $1,450,000 Single Family Listings: 29 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 2,464.72 Avg. List$: $564,197 Avg. List$/SqFt: $241 Avg. DOM: 177.10 Avg. Sale$: $535,937 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $230

2012 MLS Property Information Network, Inc. cycle This Newspaper

are the Gift of Reading

are not required to pay back until you move out of your home or the last surviving borrower passes away. You’ll make no monthly mortgage payments and there’s no income qualification. Reverse Mortgages are helping older Americans across the country achieve greater financial security and enjoy their retirement years to the fullest. The senior is responsible for keeping up payments on Home Owners Insurance, Property Taxes & Maintaining the home. Please consult with your attorney. To qualify for a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM), the borrower(s) must be 62 years of age or older and have equity in your home. In addition, Lenders require that borrowers receive counseling from a HUD-approved counseling agency prior to receiving a loan. This can take place over the phone or in person.

How much money can one receive? The general rule of thumb is the older you are and the higher the appraised value of your home, the more money you receive. The major determining factors are: the reverse mortgage program chosen, the age of the borrower, the appraised value of your home, the amount of equity in the home and the current interest rates. Repayment options: No repayment is made until the home is sold or the owner(s) permanently moves out or passes away. If the last surviving borrower passes away while living in the home the home

remains in the estate and the estate can pay-off the reverse mortgage principal plus accrued interest. If you or other siblings want to keep the home in the family, you can take out a new traditional mortgage or use other assets to pay for it. If no one in the family is interested in keeping the home, it can be sold to repay the loan. Any money left over goes to the estate to be shared according to your parent’s wishes. What Are Common Reverse Mortgages Myths? 1) The main one is that if you don’t repay the loan the home will face foreclosure. This is simply not true, because provided that you are living in your own home. The lender nor anyone else can take your home away from you. The entire point of a reverse mortgage is to give you a loan and for the lender to receive his money after you either move out, sell it, or after you are deceased. 2) The second myth is that you won’t be able to qualify and this is also incorrect because as long as you are 62 and own your own home and live there, you will qualify. Regardless of bad credit. 3) Another myth is that the lender will take your entire estate and leave nothing left for any family members. This is also untrue because if you took out a $50,000 loan and your home is worth $175,000.00 the remaining $125,000.00 will not go to the lender. It will go to whomever you want it to go to provided you have a will. You will never owe more than the current Market value of the home upon repayment of the loan. If you have any questions or would like to see how much you qualify for, please contact George Manemanus (MLO 5270) at Multi-State Mortgage, Inc. (MB2385) Telephone 978-3746600 or email George at george@ George is a past Vice President of the Massachusetts Mortgage Association and a member of the MA Mortgage Bankers Association. He is available for all mortgage questions. Multi-State Mortgage is a full service mortgage company.

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August - 8 01 For Sale

Business Spotlight

Real Estate • For Sale Happy Sales to You • Sports • Sports Sports now reflect that intelligence. While and operates Country Crossroads there is value to working with the buyer you have, there is little to no value to working with a buyer whose “LOW BALLâ€? offer is unreasonable and evokes feelings from a seller who will not look favorably upon continued dialogue with the buyer. 2. Offer a fair price, but PLAN to RENEGOTIATE the price after your home inspection. Once an agreement has been reached, every buyer should have a home inspection. A home inspection should be done by a competent professional of the buyer’s choice for the purpose of allowing the buyer to obtain information about the property so that he may learn among other things, if there are problems that were not known at the time of the agreement that substantially impact the value of the home. The deliberate practice of using the inspection clause in the agreement to come back for a second bite of the apple for issues that do not impact the value of the home is both unfair and antagonizing to the seller. Just when the buyer thinks he’s got the seller “over a barrelâ€?, the seller often will direct his REALTORÂŽ to “Give the buyer back his deposit. I do not want to deal with him againâ€?. 3. Ask for many items such as furniture, fixtures, appliances whether you want them or not to create ‘bargaining chipsâ€?. Let’s just hope the noises stop in your head in time. There has been a demonstrable shift in the market that continues ever so slowly. It is no longer a “hotâ€? buyers’ market but we are a long road from a “hotâ€? sellers’ market. Prices have been corrected over a six year prolonged buyers’ market but unemployment figures and a fragile consumer confidence still impact both sellers’ and buyers’ decisions in the real estate world. No matter what the market conditions, the very best closings happen when buyers and sellers have shown each other the mutual respect and understanding they deserve throughout the process. Many times good friendships have developed that last years between folks who came together over the most valuable asset in their lives. What more could one have in common with another but to love the other’s home? Be good to each other and “happy sales to you.â€? Broker/REALTORÂŽ Janet Hilton is a former practicing RN/attorney, who with her husband retired Lynn Fire Lieutenant George Hilton, owns

Realty Associates at 28 Bay Rd So. Hamilton. For excellent service in the buying and selling of real estate, call Janet @cell 781-405-4867 or at the office 978-468-5910 x 202 or visit


Health & Fitness

When one party sells a home to another party, the process of coming together on price and terms can be emotional. We REALTORŽs see and hear much of those feelings some of which can be uncomfortable, but most of which are understandable and can be short lived. Communication and expectations between the parties must be clear, reasonable and respectful. In a sellers’ market where there are few properties from which to choose and a surplus of buyers looking for homes, the seller generally has more control over the price and terms because of the supply and demand. When several buyers are competing for that one property available on Maple Street, as long as the asking price is not over the bank’s financing guidelines, the seller can get “over asking� for the home in what is commonly referred to as a “bidding war�. Moreover, the seller is not likely to see any additional demands such as “leave the dining room set, Waterford chandelier, and the Lexus as gifts when you move out�. In contrast, in a buyers’ market where there are many more properties than there are buyers, the dynamic shifts especially if the property is overpriced. In this buyers’ market it’s critical that all parties embrace the basic tenants of fairness and respect when engaging in the process of the transfer of home ownership from one to the other. Stubbornness, insensitivity and inflated egos can squash a deal in a heartbeat, so if you really want to BLOW THE OPPORTUNITY TO OWN THE HOME OF YOUR DREAMS, HERE’S HOW TO DO IT: 1. Convince yourself that “The seller is desperate, so I’m going to LOW BALL my offer.� While there are some circumstances where sellers are not in a position to remain on the market until a reasonable offer comes along, they are few and far apart even in a strong buyers’ market. Sellers have been paying attention to the market and their asking prices

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Listen to Kathryn’s radio program every Friday at 7:45 am on WNBP 1450 AM.

PRESTIGE Kathryn O’Brien, M.Ed. Direct Line: 978-465-1322 Email: .net Website:

Thinking Of Buying? Don’t You Deserve Service Like This? Engaging Kathryn O'Brien as a Buyer's Broker on our most recent real estate transaction was one of the smartest such decisions we have ever made. Kathryn grasped what our needs were immediately and did not, unlike other brokers, waste our time looking at properties that did not meet those needs. Once we identified the correct property, Kathryn gave us reasoned, focused and principled advice, resulting in our reaching a mutually satisfactory agreement with the sellers. Even after our purchase and sale agreement was signed, Kathryn remained vigilant. With focused tenacity, she helped us overcome the many obstacles that get in the way of closing real estate deals in the current environment. Without her loyalty and staying power, we doubt that the transaction would have been successfully consummated. Throughout, Kathryn was supportive and understanding, providing constant strength and stability during those inevitable moments of weakness. We recommend her enthusiastically and without reservation. Marc Greenbaum and Linda Stoller new owners of 52 Ash Street, West Newbury

Experience the service you deserve. Call Kathryn O’Brien today. 978-465-1322

Page 16

Continued from page 7 to Coast Guard Station Portsmouth Harbor and walk to the lighthouse. For more information, visit www.

11, 2012!

2008, 2009, 2010, 20

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VINTAGE BASE BALL Watch two of the three teams of the new Essex Base Ball Association, The Newburyport Clamdiggers, Lynn Live Oaks, and Lowell Base Ball Club, play baseball using 1861 rules. At these fun, historically accurate games, players pitch underhand, a ball bounced once and caught is an out, and no gloves are allowed. Snacks, baseballs, and cards are available for purchase. Grass field seating: bring blankets and lawn chairs, no reserved seating. Weather permitting, please call. August 26th 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM http://shop. Location: SpencerPeirce-Little Farm, 5 Little's Lane, Newbury. Contact: 978-462-2634 EMail: bgroff@HistoricNewEngland. org Fees/Admission: Free to Historic New England members, $5 nonmembers PAUL BROADNAX QUINTET The ever popular jazz vocalist, pianist and Brownstone recording artist, Broadnax will perform a special concert of jazz standards with his wonderful ensemble including saxman Fred Haas and one of Newburyport's favorite sons, drummer Les Harris, Jr. August 26th 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

August - 8, 01 Maudslay Arts Center 95 Curzon Mill Rd, Newburyport. Contact: 978-4990050 EMail: cynthiacostello7@gmail. com $10 general admission, children 12 and under free to lawn SNOW WHITE AT THE FIREHOUSE Banished by the her stepmother, the wicked Queen, a beautiful girl named Snow White takes refuge in the forest in the house of seven dwarfs. The dwarfs grow to love their unexpected visitor, who is beautiful beyond compare. BE sure to introduce your family to this classic tale -- see Snow White on Sunday, August 26 at 3:00! Frehouse Center for the Arts, Market Square, Newburyport Contact: Box Office 978/462-7336 EMail: kimm@ All Tickets: $22

two rounds, at 7:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at Renaissance Country Club in Haverhill. Tickets are $150 for the AM round and $225 for the PM round and include 18 holes of golf with cart, breakfast and lunch (for the morning round) and lunch and dinner (for the afternoon round). Prizes will be awarded to the top men’s, women’s, and co-ed teams. To register, visit our website at or call the AJH Foundation office at 978463-1176 or for more information. TUESDAY, AUGUST 28th

TWILIGHT WITH TREE SWALLOWS Join us for an evening withTree Swallows staging on Plum Island. Witnessing their migration is spectacular!! Sunday, August 26th 7:00pm to dark $20 Meeting Location: North Pool Overlook on Parker River National Wildlife Refuge on Plum Island

CANTEMUS LAUNCHES 30TH ANNIVERSARY Cantemus Chamber Chorus and Music Director Jane Ring Frank invite North Shore singers to join current chorus members on August 28 for a “season preview,” the first event of their 30th anniversary year. The “season preview” event, which is free and open to the public, begins at 7:30, Tuesday, August 28, at First Church, 1 Arbor Street, Wenham. Open Rehearsal and Auditions for new members in September. Details are available at



FORE YOUR HEALTH The 22nd annual Anna Jaques Hospital “Fore Your Health” Golf Tournament, chaired by Mayor Byron Matthews, will be held Monday, August 27th in

TRIVIA NIGHT Keon's Trivia Nights on Wednesday from 7-9, $2 off all menu items & gift certificate giveaways. 258 Andover St, Georgetown 978-352-2900

August - 8 01

Page 17

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Town Common

friends and family.

August - 8, 01 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) As eager as you are to take on that new challenge, it would be best to temper that spurt of "Ram"-bunctious energy until you have more facts to back up your decision to move. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) This is a good time for hardworking Bovines to take a break from their hectic on-thejob schedules to bask in the unconditional love and support of

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Pay attention to what you hear in the workplace. You could pick up some hints about possible changes. Meanwhile, a new infusion of creative energy sets in by week's end. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Try to be more flexible in dealing with a suddenly difficult situation, whether it's on the job or in the home. Others might have some good points to offer. Listen to them. LEO (July 23 to August 22) You might think you're not getting the royal treatment you deserve. But be careful not to become a royal pain by complaining about it. Be patient and allow things to work out. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Watch that penchant for being super-judgmental at work. It might create a bad impression with someone whose decisions could determine the course of your career.

ly Community Newspaper

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) You've been your usual busy-bee self, gathering nectar wherever you can find it. But now's a good time to kick back, relax and just enjoy smelling the roses. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) That pesky personal situation seems to be improving. But change comes slowly, so be patient. Expect someone to bring more positive news by week's end. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Whoa! Ease up on that hectic pace you've been putting yourself through. Take time to recharge your energy levels before going full gallop again. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Try to be intrigued, not intimidated, by the issues you're suddenly facing, and you'll be ahead of the game. Don't be afraid to demand answers to your questions. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) New associates freezing you out of their inner circle? Never mind. Put a warm smile on that friendly face of yours, and you'll soon thaw them all down to size. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Your wise guidance helps colleagues agree to compromise and move forward. Meanwhile, there are still vital issues you need to deal with in your personal life. BORN THIS WEEK: You enjoy being free with your emotions, but you also can exercise disciplined focus. You would make a fine artist.

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August - 8 01

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ior level executive/lawyers. Candidate A M E R I C A N HOME SPECIAL OFFER: 20 Words for 4 Weeks - $3000 *SAVE $1000! must be professional and articulate, IMPROVEMENT CAREPENTRY Community Continues . . . Prepaid Consecutive Ads, 75¢ for each additional word. ITEMS WANTED – Wanted by Pratt detail oriented Calendar and extremely organ- - Repairs & Additions. Interior/ Circle A Category Coin and Hobby in Georgetown. ized, have excellent computer & com- Exterior Painting. Fully Insured. U.S. Coins, silver, gold, foreign world munications skills and be able to 30 years experience. Free Estimates. For Sale • Wanted • Services • Free • Child Care Needed/Avail. • Rental money. Old pocket watches, wrist multi-task, prioritize, and work inde- Excellent Referrals. 978-465-2283 Auto • Boat • Help Wanted • Animals • Yard Sale • Rental • Other _______ watches, costume jewelry and post pendently as well as a team player. Payment cards. Wheat pennies, Pre-1958 - 2 Benefits include Medica/Dental & PIANO INSTRUCTION in your Classified Ads must be paid for prior to publication. No billing options exist for classifieds. Cash, home. Children and Adults. Member 1/2 cents each. FREE APPRAISAL. Vacation. Please send resume and Checks, or Credit Cards Accepted. Checks made payable to: The Town Common DEADLINE: of North Shore Piano Teachers' Wed. at 5PM for the following week. HOURS VARY Community argest Independent Newspaper salary requirements to hhaley@ Guild. Call 978-914-1921 or email PLEASE CALL FIRST. or call Hilarie at Cost per issue: $10.00 per issue / 20 words or less. (25 cents for each additional word.) or • 508.989.2010. EOE Call Peter Pratt SPECIAL $30 FOR 4 WEEKS RUBBISH REMOVAL - Home or 1-800-870-4086 or 1___________ 2___________ 3___________ 4___________ FULL or PART-TIME Office - Affordable Weekly & Extra 5___________ 6___________ 7___________ 8___________ 978-352-2234 CASHIER at a Georgetown Pick-up Services. Call Jack: 978-9489___________ 10___________ 11___________ 12___________ WANTED TO BUY Pizza/Sub Rest. No experience 7228 13___________ 14___________ 15___________ 16___________ Gold Scrap, Gold Coins, Post Cards necessary. Call: 781-888-7483 17___________ 18___________ 19___________ 20___________ SPACE FOR RENT Sterling Silver...............$21 per Troy oz. 21___________ 22___________ 23___________ 24___________ FOR SALE OFFICES & RETAIL


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August 22 - 28, 2012

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