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WHAT'S INSIDE Triathletes Triumph Page 2
Back to School Guide Pages 4 & 5 Triton's Stadium Kick- Off Page 5 Solar Power Open House Page 6 Free Oriental Rug Appraisals Page 8 Rowley Cultural Council Grants Available Page 14
Seniors Work To Cut Their Taxes
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter ––––––––––––––––– REGIONAL— Anne Sills worked with computers, doing billing and collection work for a payroll company, before she retired. So when an opportunity came up with the Amesbury Department of Public Works to do computer data entry a few hours a week in exchange for a discount on her property taxes, she jumped at it. That was three years ago, the first year of the Senior Tax Workoff Program in Amesbury. Sills proved to be so good at reading old cemetery cards and typing the information into the computer that the DPW asked her to stay on as a paid part-time employee. She works there now three days a week and volunteers more time at the Senior Center. “It is fun. People there are really nice,” the English-born Sills said. She is applying again this year for one of seven positions the city has for seniors to work a few hours a week in exchange for $500 off their May property tax bill. Sills will help work on computers at the Senior Center, including teaching executive director Annmary Connor how to do Excel spread sheets. In most cities and towns along the North Shore, seniors at least 60 Photo by Stewart Lytle years old can pay off some of their property taxes Anne Sills (seated) teaches Annmary Connor how to work in Excel. Continued on page 3
The Waterfront Fight May End Up in Court – Again
NEWBURYPORT – On September 12, the Newburyport Redevelopment Authority will again hold a public meeting to discuss its plans to develop Market Landing Park, along the riverfront. The NRA plans are to turn the four acres of NRA-owned parking lots on the riverfront into more park space and bike pathways, while keeping a significant number of parking spaces to serve the downtown area. Those initiatives would get rave reviews from those who like the waterfront as it is. But the NRA also proposes to sell a portion of the land to private developers to build “new shops, restaurants and residences on a portion of the existing parking lots,” according to its most recent newsletter. And that is where the political fight and possibly a legal battle
By Stewart Lytle, Reporter –––––––––––––––––
may start. At the public meeting, scheduled for the Firehouse at 7 p.m., the NRA and its urban planning firm, Union Studios, a Providence, RI, will present a more detailed plan and show what the retail and residential buildings might look like. An engineering firm, hired by MassDevelopment, may also present findings on its soil testing. A key component in the plan is to build parking spaces for the new buildings underground, if the soil under them allows it. Under the state's Chapter 91 Photo by Stewart Lytle guidelines, the NRA cannot The Merrimack River waterfront. designate parking for the retail view corridors of the river from the NRA newsletter stated. and residential except below Merrimac Street. The Citizens for an Open ground or above the first level. “This not only will create Waterfront is not buying the NRA Union Studios will also show dynamic new energy along argument. how the buildings will be laid Merrimac Street, but also will “Four acres is a small, priceless out on the site to maintain generate new taxes for the city,” Continued on page 3
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Page 2
How to Submit Letters to the Editor
Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph. Publisher/Editor, The Town Common
Letters to the Editor provide a useful way of communicating concerns, issues, or suggestions to all members of the community. The Town Common encourages all citizens to submit letters concerning issues of interest and concern to the local community. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length and clarity. Some letters may serve as a catalyst for other articles or coverage, and community leaders and agencies will be offered an opportunity to respond to letters concerning their areas of responsibility. All letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Letters may be submitted to: The Editor c/o The Town Common 77 Wethersfield St. Rowley, MA 01969 or via e-mail to: The Town Common deadline is 5pm Wednesday (except when a federal holiday necessitates an earlier deadline).
September 5 - 11, 2012
Triathletes Triumph
Over 160 triathletes descended on Crane’s Beach on Fri., Aug. 24th to test their mettle in a battle against surf, sand and asphalt! Swimmers started off the triathlon with a ½ mi. swim followed by a 2.9 run “around the Castle” and back through the dunes to the bike staging area and then off on a 9.2 mi. bike ride on Argilla Rd. Local athlete Greg Krathwohl (54:50) took 1st place for the Open Male category and Ipswich’s own Donna Adams was 1st Female (1:04:30). Other Age Group winners from Ipswich include: Sandi Purinton (1:07:55) and Lucia Greenough (1:14:05). “We had a great turnout and over 30 volunteers to help coordinate this event” according The Town Common Courtesy Photo to Race Director Terry Gauthier. Swimmers assemble at the start of the Ipswich Triathlon on Fri., Aug. 24th at Crane's Special thanks to The Trustees Beach, Ipswich. Over 160 took on the challenge of the .5 mi. swim followed by a 2.9 mi. of Reservations” states Gauthier, “the and 9 mi. bike. lifeguards and beach personnel were immense again this year in their efforts and support of this annual event. It is a unique and memorable race in a very special location and we are grateful to TTOR for the opportunity to hold this event annually. Sponsors for the event were Institution for Savings (Major) and The Town Common Courtesy Photo Donald M. Greenough Law Office, Lucia Greenough of Ipswich runs in the Ipswich Center for Physical Therapy, second leg (2.9 mi.) of the 2012 Ipswich after completing the 1/2 First National Bank of Ipswich, as Ymi.Triathlon swim and before heading out on a 9 well as Rowley House of Pizza. mile bike ride to complete the journey!
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serves the communities of the Upper North Shore of Mass. & Coastal New Hampshire and welcomes your participation. Send your Organization or Group Notices, Birth or Engagement Announcements, Photos, Articles and Letters to the Editor, by mail, phone, fax, or e-mail to: 77 Wethersfield St., Rowley, MA 01969 Phone: 978-948-8696 Fax: 978-948-2564 E-mail:
The Town Common Marc Maravalli, Publisher / Editor Graphic Design Services Advertising Opportunities Event and Announcement Submissions
77 Wethersfield Street Rowley, MA 01969-171 Phone: (978) 948-8696 Fax: (978) 948-2564 The Town Common is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions, but reprint opportunities do exist for prompt notification of such errors. Advertisers should notify The Town Common of any errors in ads on the first day of issuance. No credits &/or refunds are offered or implied. All material and content cannot be duplicated without written consent of the publisher. The right is reserved to reject, omit, or edit any copy offered for publication. Copyright 2004-2012 The Town Common© - All Rights Reserved
In loving memory of Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005)
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September 5 - 11, 2012
The Waterfront Fight May End Up in Court – Again Continued from page 1
area. Do not sell Newburyport's soul by turning our historic port into a trite commercial circus. We are history's caretakers. When it's gone, it's lost forever,” wrote Joanie Purinton of Byfield. The group, which has been fighting development plans along the waterfront for decades, wants to keep the waterfront open. They do not want to sell any of the land. “After much discussion and hand-wringing following the defeat of Roger Foster's hotel proposal, there is consensus in the city that this is the best use of our last precious piece of public open space,” wrote Sandra Small of Newburyport. If there was any doubt about the demand for space along the waterfront, Joseph Leone, who owns the Black Cow restaurant one of only two restaurants on the river,, may have laid it to rest with new plans to convert the old Davis Auto Parts store on Merrimack
Street into a brew pub with a deck to view the river. The Waterfront Trust is also studying the possibility of adding more dockage space in the river because of the high demand from yacht owners to berth along the Newburyport riverfront. Much of the criticism of the NRA proposal has been directed at Mayor Donna Holaday and NRA Chairman James Shanley. Ironically the two ran against one another three years ago when Holaday was elected to her first term. The critics accuse Holaday of selling out to developers. “What troubles me most is the mayor’s 180-degree change of mind since she was elected mayor in 2009. Her firm stance on keeping the waterfront open is one of the main reasons why she won the corner office in the first place. Which begs the question — which green stuff carries more weight?” wrote Laurel Allgrove of Newburyport.
Shanley said it is natural for Holaday and him to be singled out for criticism. She is the point person for he city. He is the NRA's lead person. “She did change her mind,” Shanley said. “She looked at the facts, really studied it and then came out with the position she has. It takes a lot of guts. Politics is a tough business.” The NRA has the authority to proceed with the plans even in the face of opposition being driven by the Citizens for an Open Waterfront. The city could not stop the plan even it wanted to. But the courts could. And the opponents have hinted that they may again file a law suit to stop the NRA's plan, as they did when a hotel was proposed for the waterfront. A law suit would slow or even stop the NRA's plans entirely. But the NRA shows no sign of backing down. And it has an income stream to wage what could be an expensive legal battle.
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Seniors Work To Cut Their Taxes
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Continued from page 1
off their May property tax bill,” As you would expect, there is a by volunteering to work for town Connor said. “Massachusetts big demand for these positions. 68 Lafayette Road (Route 1) • Seabrook, NH departments. In return, the cities allows it to be tax free, so it’s not Connor said there may be 20 and towns get help they could not considered income.” to 30 applicants for the seven d& We Are Buying Diagolmon ds otherwise afford. However, the Internal Revenue positions. Bought & • Diamonds All Sizes • Gold Chains Sold In Amesbury, the town allocates Service is not so generous. The To qualify for the program, • Platinum • Sterling Silver $5,000 in reduced property taxes IRS has ruled that the abatement applicants must be at least 60 • Class Rings • Wedding Bands for the program. Salisbury has amount, under this program, is years old, own their own property • Diamond Jewelry • Broken Jewelry Jewelry $10,000 for its program, which included in the taxpayer’s Gross and fall within certain income Repair accommodates 20 volunteers at Income for both Federal Income requirements. $500 each. Participating Salisbury Tax and FICA Tax. “The income guidelines are very Open Monday -Friday 2-6 taxpayers will work 62 and a half The responsibilities for each generous,” Connor said. “People hours in exchange for the $500 position varies. The seniors are can still make $50,000, and it reduction. In Amesbury, the chosen based on their skill set and doesn’t include assets.” Boxford, Georgetown, Groveland, Haverhill, Merrimac, Newbury, West Newbury participants will work eight hours their interests. Specifically, seniors with gross a week at $8 an hour for a total of “It has to be a good fit,” Connor income at or below $54,480 for 93 hours for $750. said. individuals or $73,560 for couples Six of the positions earn $750, Seniors placed in the elementary may qualify for the program. Only while the seventh Amesbury schools typically work as teacher one application per household senior – probably Sills – will get assistants who will read to the will be accepted and a copy of the • Lifelong Georgetown resident a $500 deduction. children, while seniors placed in applicant’s most recent property • Married to Minda for 38 years In Amesbury, the seven lucky the special education office tend tax bill must be presented. • Raised our family here seniors who are selected will be to help with filing and organizing. Seniors interested in applying • Second term as selectman placed at either the city’s special OneShore’s retired DPW worker in or want toCommunity learn more aboutNewspaper the The North Largest Independent • 32 years working at Crown Cork and education office, the library, Newbury mows lawns for his tax program should contact their Seal Cashman Elementary, Amesbury reduction. Council on Aging. • 15 years in union Elementary, the town clerk’s • 17 years as management office, the youth recreation office • On Board of Trustees at Byfield Parish or at the Senior Center, Connor Church said. • Tired of government picking our pockets In Salisbury, Liz Pettis, who • Wants pension reform that starts at the heads the council on aging, has top with elected officials placed seniors at the library, the • Wants a roll back of taxes department of public works, in • Committed to keeping our district a the building inspectors office, great place human resources department, the • to raise a family town clerk's office, the planning • for senior citizens dept, the tax assessors office and • to live the senior center. nd Connor said the program will run from the end of September through the beginning of March, Open 7 Days although some positions don't start until January. “They don’t actually get a check, 978-352-2839 Paid for by the Fowler Committee they get that money deducted
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Page 4
Back to School...
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Back-to-school season can be a stressful time for families. Homework requirements, packed schedules, extracurricular activities and even Innovative and Inspired shorter hours of daylight Music Instruction, are only a few things that Performances, Workshops make this time of year a transitional time for families. In fact, research GET RESULTS! ADVERTISE shows that 85 percent of teens report their stress TODAY IN Shore’s Largest Independent Community Newspaper levels are affecting their school performance. “There are simple Call Today! 978-948-8696 habits that parents can adopt to help reduce stress, both for themselves and for their children during the school year,” says education and parenting expert Dr. Michele Borba, who is the bestselling author of 22 parenting books and a frequent TODAY show contributor. “Follow these easy tips to ensure the school
The Town Common
The North
Starting the School Year Off Right: Back-to-School Tips for the Whole Family Play it again SAM 2012
September 5 - 11, 2012
The Town Common
year is a success for all members of than the actual score they receive on the family.” that test. * Promote the positive: Children * Develop a shared calendar: take cues from their parents on how The school year means sporting events, music lessons, after-school activities and PTA meetings all at once. “One central calendar is crucial to keeping everyone on track and remembering appointments,” says Dr. Borba. Try creating a color-coded family command center to keep everyone organized. Include a family calendar for tracking schedules, family note boards for sharing messages and a storage area for saving important documents that will be needed at a later date. Post-it Full Adhesive Notes in different colors are a to handle and react to stress. Help great way to represent each family promote positive feelings within member. These notes have a full the family by discussing what’s adhesive backing that holds notes happening each day while around on the calendar longer, but can be the dinner table, and by posting removed cleanly and reposted if handwritten notes of encouragement needed. Keeping track of all the around the house or in your activities will help all family members children’s lunchboxes. Research also feel more at ease, reducing stress. shows that praising your child’s * Get enough sleep: Waking up hard work and efforts rather than early in the morning for school, the desired outcome enhances their combined with maintaining late achievement. For example, aim to hours for sporting practices, aftergive more words of encouragement school activities or homework commending your children on time quickly translates into exhaustion. spent studying for a big test rather “Sleep is fundamental to your entire
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September 5 - 11, 2012 well-being,� says Dr. Borba. Keeping children on consistent sleep schedule on weekends and school vacations also promotes healthy long-term sleep habits. * Become familiar with specific stress-reduction techniques: Every person handles stress in different ways, especially when it comes to kids and teenagers. Dr. Borba recommends helping your children pinpoint habits and activities that help them reduce stress, and set aside time to do these activities with them. Your teenage daughter may respond
positively to yoga classes as a form of stress relief, while the long, deep breaths required to blow bubbles can be calming for many young children. By helping your family properly prepare and manage full schedules and other stress factors throughout this school year, you’ll notice all members of your family showing success in their endeavors and enjoying the activities they’re involved in. Put these tips from Dr. Borba to use for an organized and stress-free school year.
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Senior Moments
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Community Calendar
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paddlers’ pleasure! Enjoy cocktails, summer fare, Classified Ads live music & dancing… Endless Summer Party
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WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th WEDNESDAY MORNING BIRDING Join Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director Bill Gette and USFWS veteran David Weaver for this weekly birding field trip in the Newburyport/ Plum Island area. Appropriate for all birding levels. Wednesdays, September 5, 12, 19, and 26, 9:30 am-12:30 pm Meet at the Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. $17. Preregistration is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at joppaflats. TRIVIA NIGHT Keon's Trivia Nights on Wednesday from 7-9, $2 off all menu items & gift certificate giveaways. 258 Andover St, Georgetown 978352-2900 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th ROWLEY LIBRARY BOOK CLUB Rowley Library Book Club to meet September 6 For its first selection of the season the Rowley Library Book Club is reading This beautiful life by Helen Schulman. The novel examines what happens when a privileged New York family gets caught in a child pornography scandal because of a video sent to their 15 year old son by a classmate. Library Journal called it "a painfully honest novel that examines with precision the delicate balancing act needed to nurture a family through these manic times." Copies are available at the library or at http:// Join the discussion Thursday, September 6, at 6:30 pm at the Rowley Public Library, 141 Main St. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th ENDLESS SUMMER PARTY Hamilton, MA, Myopia Schooling Field, Friday September 7th - The Endless Summer Party is in celebration of the Essex County Trail Association’s 30th year of acquiring and maintaining a network of 450 miles of trails for equestrians, walkers, runners, bikers, and
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at the Boston Equestrian Classic, Tickets $40 in advance $50 at the door, Two bands: Reggaeska band The Runaround Sound with opening band Johnny Carwash Hot and cold appetizers Take a chance of over $10,000 in Raffle Items For tickets and info: or call 978-500-4014 TEAM TRITON’S STADIUM KICK-OFF EVENT On Friday, September 7th from 6:008:30pm, Team Triton is holding a Stadium Kick-off event for all Triton students and their families. There will be games and activities for children, teens, and adults of all ages– from Preschoolers to Seniors! Triton Varsity athletes will be hosting a variety of games. Tickets will be sold for pony rides, moon bounce, photo booth, hay rides, and a chance to dunk the coaches in the tank. Ticket prices are $1/ ticket, $10 for 12 tickets; and $20 for 25 tickets. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th YARD SALE Friendship Chapter No. 58 Order of the Eastern Star will be holding a yard sale on Saturday, September 8th from 8:00 – 3:00 p.m. It will be held on 142 Haverhill Rd, Amesbury. Call Sally, 978-388-0439 for more information. SOLAR POWER OPEN HOUSE Residents and business owners interested in learning more about saving money by using solar power are invited to attend a community information session Saturday September 8th from 9am – 2pm at Atlantic Green Energy, 255 Lafayette Rd (across from Home Depot and Walmart) on Rt 1 in Seabrook, NH. Guests will learn more about programs and incentives available in both MA and NH and for both businesses and residential. Please bring a recent electirc bill and they will provide a free cost/ benefit analysis. No need to rsvp, but Atlantic Green Energy may be contacted by calling 603474-2550. PAPER DRIVE Weekly Community All-Scout Paper DriveNewspaper will be held on Saturday, September 8th from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. behind the First Congregational Church of Rowley on Main Street. The scouts will be collecting newspapers, books and magazines. The Boy Scouts will be collecting redeemable bottles and cans. The Boy, Cub and Girl Scouts of Rowley thank you very much for helping to keep Scouting active in Rowley. The paper drives are held the second Saturday of odd numbered months. If you have any questions please call George Pacenka at (978) 948-7918. Non-perishable items…including diapers, paper towels, toilet paper will also be collected
at this time for the Rowley Food Pantry. DEDICATION OF THE NEW 9/11 MEMORIAL IN ROWLEY On Saturday, September 8th at 1pm there will be a dedication ceremony of a new 9/11 Memorial in Rowley at the site of the existing Memorial at the intersections of Cross and Pleasant Streets. The new Memorial will include a piece of steel from the World Trade Center in New York City as well as a plaque of a poem written by a 5th grader that was selected from a contest held among 5th & 6th Graders at the Pine Grove School in Rowley this past spring. Local, State and Federal officials will be in attendance. The new Memorial is to enhance the existing memorial placed there in 2002 in memory of James & Marey Trentini and Laurie Olsen Neira, all former residents of Rowley, who were passengers on American Airlines Flight 11, the first hijacked airliner to be flown into the North Tower of the World Trade Center on Sept., 11th, 2001. The public is invited to attend to honor their memory. SATURDAY MORNING BIRDING Join our experienced leaders in a search for avian activity in the Newburyport/Plum Island area. For beginners and birders of all skill levels. Saturday, September 8, 9:00-11:30 am Meet at Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Adults $10; Children ages 8 and up $7. No preregistration required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at THE WONDER AND THE WOW: IN SEARCH OF SHOREBIRDS Family educator Lisa Hutchings takes adults to look for migrating shorebirds. Saturday, September 8, 9:30 am-noon Meet at the waterfront boardwalk in Newburyport. $27. Preregistration is required. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www. EARLY FALL FESTIVAL AT JACKSON HILL CIDER DAY • Celebrate the start of fall at Jackson Hill Cider Day, held Saturday, September 8 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the grounds of the Jackson House, the oldest house in northern New England. The historic orchard of the c. 1664 Jackson House comes alive during this early fall festival with music, children's games, crafts, and seasonal refreshments. Help grind apples and press cider. The Jackson House is located at 76 Northwest Street, along the north shore of the North Mill Pond. The event is free to members of Historic New England, $6 for nonmembers, and $3 for children. Advance tickets may be purchased by calling 603-436-3205 or by visiting the Events
Calendar Continues . . .
The Town Common
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Open year-round Saturdays and Sundays Call: (978) 380-0019
September 5 - 11, 2012 page at For more information please call (603) 436-3205, email or visit our website at FAMILY FUN DAY & WATERSHED FESTIVAL Lake Attitash 2nd annual Family Fun Day and Watershed Festival will be held at Camp Bauercrest on Saturday 8th September noon to 4:00 pm. Lake Attitash Association is putting on its 2nd annual Family Fun Day at Camp Bauercrest on September 8th from noon to 4:00 pm. Admission is $5 for children (age 3 – 16), $10 for adults with a $30 maximum per family. Families are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or a blanket, sporting gear (bats, balls, and gloves), swimsuits, kites and frisbees. All proceeds from Family Fun Day go towards Lake Attitash restoration. Information about this event can be obtained by visiting the Lake Attitash Association website at MOONLIGHT CRUISE The Ipswich Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a Moonlight Cruise out of Gloucester harbor on Saturday Sept. 8, 2012. There will be music by Ross DJ, a catered buffet, and cash bar. The cost is $30 per person. You can make reservations thru Lisa Shanko at TD Bank (978-463-7114) or Bob McNeil at Ipswich Ford (978-356-2916). SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th PANCAKE BREAKFAST Area residents, friends and members of Belleville Congregational Church are invited to join us for our Sunday School Registration and Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, September 9th. The pancake breakfast will be held from 8:30-9:30 downstairs in our dining hall. The Sunday School teachers and children will be serving up pancakes for everyone! We will have coffee, juice, milk, sausage, and light fluffy pancakes with butter and syrup! Sunday worship will return to it’s usual time of 10am on Sunday, Sept. 9th. Sunday School is held during worship. Nursery care is provided. All are welcome! Contact: Church Office: Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9am-1pm 978-465-7734/www.
GRANDPARENTS DAY SHOREBIRD CRUISE ABOARD THE YANKEE CLIPPER Lisa Hutchings and the crew of the Yankee Clipper host families with children ages three and up for this exploration of the lower Merrimack River. Sunday, September 9, 8:45–10:45 am Meet at the Newburyport waterfront boardwalk. Adults $27; Children $19. Preregistration is required. Call 978462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at BLESSING OF THE BACKPACKS AND CHURCH SCHOOL REGISTRATION September 9th at 9:30 am, St. James Episcopal Church Groveland. A Blessing of the Backpacks to celebrate and bless this year’s school experience for children, followed by an ice cream social, music on the lawn, and registration for Saint James’ Church School. Regular church school begins at 9:15 am on September 16th. This year’s Church School programs focus on Bible story telling that are relevant to young people’s lives. Come find out more about how our new program helps children gain the confidence they need to wonder about and deepen their faith. Call 978 373-1270 for more details or go to www. TAKE A WALK ON THE WILDSIDE: BIRDING BONANZA Spend quality time with your family as Lisa Hutchings takes you on eye-opening experiences in our natural neighborhood. This month, we go out to look at migrating shorebirds. For families with children ages 7 through 11. Sunday, September 9, noon-2:30 pm Meet at Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport. Adults $11; Children $8. Preregistration is required. Call 978462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at STEEL DRUM BANDS Zach Field Drum Studios is New England’s Premiere percussion teaching facility. ZFDS is located in the Tannery Marketplace in downtown
Newburyport. The studio has 6 percussion instructors and offers drum-set, mallet keyboard, steel drum and hand percussion lessons. ZFDS has six student steel drums bands and four weekly pre-k classes. Recently, ZFDS has been offering lessons on the computer program, Abelton Live, a computer program used to create live electronic music.Sunday, September 9 at 3pm Firehouse Center for the Arts, Market Square, Newburyport Adults $10 • Students $8. For more info please call the Box Office at 978/4627336 or visit online at JAZZ CRUISE The Legends – WNBP (1450AM) presents their annual End of Summer Jazz Cruise with a portion of the proceeds to benefit the Firehouse Center for the Arts, on Sunday, September 9 from 5-8pm. Tickets are $35 each and are available at the Firehouse Box Office (Market Square, Newburyport, Wed-Sun 12N-5P); by calling 978/462-7336, or online at . Featured performer will be the Bobby Keyes Trio. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th SEABIRDS AND WHALES Board the Prince of Whales for a birding and whale watching trip guided by marine mammal naturalists and Joppa Flats staff. Monday, September 10, 10:00 am-3:00 pm Meet at the waterfront boardwalk in Newburyport. Adults $48. Children ages 4 and up $33. Preregistration is required by calling Newburyport Whale Watch at 1-800-848-1111. Call 978-462-9998 for information about additional programs and events, or visit the Web site at www. BROWN BAG LUNCH Ipswich Museum, 54 South Main Street, Ipswich, will host its monthly brown bag lunch on Monday, September 10 at noon. Salem State professor, writer and Ipswich resident, Chris Fauske, will present a lecture entitled “Take Charge of Your Writing,” - a teacher’s guide to writing and being published. Question and answer session follows. Bring your lunch; coffee and tea will be provided. September 10th Call 978-356-2811 for information or
Page 7 15 Main Street, Salisbury, MA (800) 626-3465
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Award Winning Restaurant Opens at 5 p.m. Bar Menu & Fine Dining Childcare Available Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays Located at the Garrison Inn 11 Brown Square, Newburyport
Continued on page 13
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HINE’S BRIDGE NOW OPEN for easier access from Newburyport Lena’s Seafood began as a take-out stand on Salisbury beach in 1958. Moved uptown in 1972, Lena’s has become known for serving fresh New England fried seafood. From the famous onion rings hand-dipped in a homemade batter to the fish and clam chowder cooked daily, Lena’s has become a local favorite.
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Letters To TheSeptember Editor 5 - 11, 2012
Page 8
Community Announcements
Lobster Pound
“A New England Favorite Since 1950” Boiled Lobster * Steamed Clams Fried & Baked Seafood * Sandwiches Open Every Day from Apr 1st - Nov 15th Open Fri, Sat, Sun & Holidays Nov 15th - Apr 1st
Route 286, Seabrook Beach, NH
Call Ahead Take Out
AMESBURY - The Town of Amesbury Council on Aging is now accepting applications from seniors interested in participating in the Senior Tax Work Off Program. The program allows seniors to work up to 93 hours for the city, between September 1, 2012 and March 30, 2013 to receive up to a $750 credit on their Amesbury property taxes. Seniors over the age of 60 with a primary residence in Amesbury, and with gross income not exceeding 500% of the federal poverty level are eligible for the program. Seniors with gross income at or below $54,480 for individuals or $73,560 for couples may qualify for the program. Participants will be placed with city departments based on their skills and interest. The program is not designed to fill existing positions, rather to augment existing operations with additional assistance from senior workers. Work assignments may vary from administrative support to providing technical assistance on ongoing projects. Seniors must apply to participate in the program, and open slots will be filled accordingly to eligibility, skills and availability. With $5,000 funded in this current budget the number of slots are limited. There will be 6 slots for $750 and one slot for $500. The Senior Tax Work Off Program is allowed under MGL Chapter 59 Section 5K. The city adopted this section of the law in May of 2007. This is the fourth fiscal year the program has successful run. For more information about the program contact Annmary Connor, Council on Aging Director, (978) 388-8138 or email at To apply, call the senior center for an interview and complete the application prior to your interview, stop by the senior center for an application or download the application off the web site. For Sale ------------------------------------------------------------ • AMESBURY - The Market Street Baptist Church at 37 Market Street, Amesbury has weekly Sunday School classes beginning Sunday, September 16 at 9:00 am for adults and children age 5 and older. The Ten Commandments will be the topic of study. Not just what they demand of us, but how they lead us to help us appreciate the God's saving grace in Jesus Christ. All are welcome. Worship begins at 10:00 am that includes nursery for children ages 4 and under and Junior Church for ages 5-9 years old. Coffee Hour follows worship. -----------------------------------------------------------• • AMESBURY - The Amesbury Council on Aging and Beacon Hospice will be hosting a bereavement group on Thursdays at 5:30 staring on September 6th. Location is the New Senior Community Center at 68 Elm Street, Amesbury. Healing from Loss – a bereavement support group for individuals dealing with the loss of a loved one. It is through the process of sharing in a confidential environment that healing is fostered. The group will meet on Thursday evenings starting at 5:30 p.m. Registration is required. Please call Lu Bonanno, Beacon Hospice at 978-837-3333 for additional information and to register. The group is offered as a free service to the community. -----------------------------------------------------------GEORGETOWN - First Congregational Church of Georgetown will be hosting their Annual Fall Fair on Friday, October 19 and Saturday, October 20th. The Fair offers many events including a Mother/Daughter Tea, White Elephant Area, Lobster Roll Luncheon, Chili/Corn Chowder Lunch, Homemade Goodies, Our Own Pies, and Turkey Supper with “All the Fixins”. Crafters who make their own items, who are interested in renting a space should complete an application found at For more information, call the Church Office at 978-352-8443. -----------------------------------------------------------GROVELAND - Russian icon maker, teacher and lecturer, Marina Forbes, will offer a unique "The Art of Icon Painting" workshop. There will four 3-hour sessions on Sundays: October 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th from 1pm to 4pm at Nichols Village (54 Main St Groveland, MA 01834) in Groveland MA. It is a hands-on studio workshop for students interested in learning how to create traditional Russian icons, one of the world's oldest and most respected forms of religious art. The program will include a detailed discussion and demonstration of traditional materials and methods of icon making. Then, under the direction of the instructor, students will create their own icons using a combination of traditional and contemporary materials and methods. Students will learn about board and painting surface preparation, gessoing, image rendering, pigments, brush strokes techniques, detailing, highlighting, gilding, Old Slavonic lettering, and varnishing. No painting experience is required for my Icon Painting class. Experienced artists will also feel very comfortable in my workshop. For more information, please contact Marina Forbes directly at (603) 332-2255, by e-mail at marina@ or please visit -----------------------------------------------------------IPSWICH - Auditions of the Chorus North Shore Honors Youth Choir will be held at 3:30 on Thursday, September 20 at Ascension Memorial Episcopal Church, 31 County Road, Ipswich followed by the first rehearsal. All young singers age 10 through high school are invited to try out. No preparation needed; no tuition required; fully sponsored by Chorus North Shore and cultural grants. Rehearsals are weekly on Thursdays at Ascension Memorial Church. For more information call 978 468-2841 or 978 356-4713 or visit -----------------------------------------------------------HAMPTON - Hampton’s Epic Oriental Rug offers New England's largest selection of fine new and antique oriental rugs. Menashe Cohen has been in the business for the over 25 years. FREE APPRAISAL MONTH Through September 23rd 10 - 5 PM. Over 25 years of experience, third generation in the business. Bring any oriental rug(s) for this appraisal month. A rare opportunity for you to get all the information you always wanted..... the verbal appraisal would include the following info, the origin of your rug(s) , age, the story behind the design, structure, materials, dyes, and most importantly the value of your rug(s). If your rug(s) are too large to bring over, please call us , we can arrange an "in home appraisal service" * Epic Oriental Rugs offers the following services, Hand washing, repair, restoration, moth proofing, appraisals, and yes we guarantee to take your Rug in trade! * We look forward to seeing you...Epic Oriental Rugs, 597 Lafayette Rd, Hampton NH, TAX FREE, 603 601 6811, *There would be a small charge for the in home appraisal service. *Trade in guide lines, A Rug can be traded for the same size or larger. -----------------------------------------------------------MERRIMAC – The Merrimac Lions Club will be holding its 31st year, “GIANT FLEA MARKET” on Saturday, September 29th, from 7am to 3pm at First Student, Inc. 123 West Main Street, Merrimac, MA. Spaces are $15 for a 10 ft frontage or 2 spaces for $25. Gates will open 5am for dealers. Sorry, Only Lions Club food and beverages are allowed to be sold. First come basis. Bring your own tables and chairs. Free Parking. Proceeds for Lions Club Charities. Please donate your old eye glasses. ------------------------------------------------------------
Community Connections
Business Spotlight
Real Estate For Sale
Sports Sports Sports Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness
Become a Green Grower Solar Power with Hydroponics and Induction Grow Lights [SEABROOK] Atlantic Green Energy, a leader in solar power devices, has partnered with Induction Light Technology and U-GRO Hydroponic Garden Systems with the sole purpose of making home gardening simple and easy. Combining these three technologies together will allow all of us with or without a green thumb to grow fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs indoors and out year round. With food prices on the verge of doubling because of the horrific weather we are having throughout the United States we need to make some changes to save on our food bills. Well, we have an easy solution that will help lower your food costs and give you fresh vegetables. Anyone can do this. It starts by purchasing the U-Gro 30. This equipment takes up a 3’ x 5’ area, holds 30 plants and requires little time and maintenance to grow and enjoy nutritious vegetables. No weeding. This system sells for $380.00 with everything you’ll need for a year. Next year your cost of the nutrients is $20.00. How can you go wrong? Second, The U-Gro system needs power so Atlantic Green Energy will supply a Solar panel and battery back-up system. Now you will always have power. Should the grid go down, you won’t have to worry about your plants not getting the nutrients they need to grow, because you have POWER. Third, if you’re planning to grow indoors, Induction Light Technology will supply grow lights that require little power, will last 100,000 hours (22 years). Ninety-five percent of the light reaches the plants and it’s specially tinted phosphorus coating supplies the proper light quality for both the growth and fruit bearing stages. The solar system will also power the grow light. For more information give us a call at 603-474-2550 or go to the following web-sites,,, SAVING GREEN by going GREEN!
SOLAR POWER OPEN HOUSE [SEABROOK] Residents and business owners interested in learning more about saving money by using solar power are invited to attend a community information session Saturday September 8th from 9am – 2pm at Atlantic Green Energy, 255 Lafayette Rd (across from Home Depot and Walmart) on Rt 1 in Seabrook, NH. Guests will learn more about programs and incentives available in both MA and NH and for both businesses and residential. Please bring a recent electirc bill and they will provide a free cost/benefit analysis. No need to rsvp, but Atlantic Green Energy may be contacted by calling 603-474-2550.
The Town Commo Farmstand SPeciAL!
Landscape Supplies ... and Landscape Supplies Mulches Stone ! ow O p e n Dom’s Meat, N Sand r u O t i corn on the cob, and s i V Loam a Potato Salad for $20! New m Fresh Locally Farmed Fruits, Stone Dust ice crea Vegetables, and corn on the Wood Products Stand! cob, Dropped Off Daily! Shrub - Trees . Bark Mulch . Loam . Produce . Wood Products Annuals - Perennials
978-372-5558 • Since 1980
. Bakery Goods . candy . Dom’s Meat
918 SALEm St. • 978-372-5558
September 5 - 11, 2012
The Town Common
Page 9
NEWBURY - The Historical Society of Old Newbury will hold the 2012 Appraisal Day on Saturday September 15, from 10 AM to 3:00 PM. The event will take place (rain or shine) at the Society’s Cushing House Museum, 98 High Street, Newburyport. The public is invited to bring family heirlooms and other possessions to be examined for their financial value or for their cultural and historic significance. The appraisal fee for one item is $8.00. For three items the fee is $20.00. A number of local antique dealers, as well as experts in collectables will be on hand for this event. Categories include: Furniture and clocks, Silver, Paintings and Folk Art, Prints and Etchings, Fine jewelry, Costume jewelry and Vintage Clothing, Fabrics and Embroidery, Military Firearms, Nautical instruments, Charts, Ship Models. Appraisal Day is one of the Historical Society’s public out-reach programs. Fees are collected to finance the event. Money in excess of operating costs will be used towards the conservation of possessions already owned by the Museum. For instance, extra money collected during past Appraisal Days has supported the restoration of a unique 1810 David Wood tall clock, given to the Society by the Roland Woodwell Estate of Joppa. -----------------------------------------------------------Open 7 Days a Week NEWBURYPORT - Belleville Roots Music Concert Series announced its 2012-2013 season. Tickets available starting September 5 at Belleville Thrift 1pm - 9pm Shop, 300 High Street, Wed 9-12, Saturday, 9-12; Dyno Records, Middle St. Newburyport; and online at For more information, ICE CREAM STAND SPECIAL email Build a Sundae... Toppings Free! -----------------------------------------------------------Monday nights are motorcycle nights.... NEWBURYPORT - The Graf Rink, in cooperation with the Merrimack Valley Skating Club, is now accepting applications for its fall Learn to Skate and show off your bike, meet others! Tiny Tots programs. Classes will run on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Please visit for more detailed information Keep an eye out for our Kid’s Weekend, such as class times and cost. Specialized classes focus on the basic fundamentals that are important for shaping both hockey and figure skating skills. Bouncy House, Pony Rides, and more! 978-372-5558 Skaters have the chance to earn skill-badges throughout the 7-week series. Student to coach ratio is kept low and classes are available for skaters age 3 through adult. All classes are taught by professional coaches who have been hired by North Shore Rink Management and who have successfully completed a comprehensive background screening process through the National Center for Safety Initiatives. Our next series of Learn to Skate will begin late October. Newburyport, Salisbury, Newbury, Byfield, Plum Island, & Rowley The Graf Rink offers private and semi-private skating lessons for all ages and levels of skating! Private lessons are ideal for both hockey and figure skaters who are looking to polish their skating skills. Please contact Nikki Roberts in the Graf Rink office for more information or send an email to nikki@ Merrimack River Entrance The Graf Rink will continue to hold daily Public Skating and Stick Time practices throughout the summer. Birthday party packages as well as advertising opportunities are also available. Please contact the rink at (978) 462-8112 or visit our website at for more information. 42o 49’N 070o 49’W -----------------------------------------------------------SEPT DATE HIGH LOW SUN NEWBURYPORT - Take time to honor those who served. The Friends of the Newburyport Council on Aging will again affiliate with the Exchange Club 05 Wed 3:16 7.81 3:30 8.09 9:58 0.72 10:28 0.60 6:12 7:10 with their "Field of Flags" to be held at the Bartlett Mall from September 7 to 10 to honor and remember the victims of 911, veterans and active servicemen. Flags purchased for $40.00 will benefit the exchange club and if designated, will raise $10.00 per flag for the Friends who in turn assist elder service programs. 06 Thurs 4:00 7.43 4:13 7.86 10:40 1.06 11:15 0.88 6:13 7:08 Flags will be placed to honor your designee, but must be picked up by 911. The dedication ceremony and flag display is impressive. For more information 07 Fri 4:47 7.08 5:00 7.64 11:24 1.37 xx xx 6:15 7:06 and donation forms call 978-462-8650 by September 5 to participate. Take time to honor those who served. The Friends of the Newburyport Council on 08 Sat 5:38 6.80 5:51 7.48 12:05 1.13 12:14 1.60 6:16 7:05 Aging will again affiliate with the Exchange Club with their "Field of Flags" to be held at the Bartlett Mall from September 7 to 10 to honor and remember the victims of 911 veterans and active servicemen. Flags purchased for $40.00 will benefit the exchange Club and if designated, will raise $10.00 per f lag for 09 Sun 6:34 6.64 6:47 7.41 1:00 1.30 1:08 1.73 6:17 7:03 KAYAKS We stock the Friends, who, in turn, assist elder service programs. Flags will be placed to honor your designee, but must be picked up by 9/11. The dedication ceremony 10 Mon 7:31 6.62 7:45 7.48 1:58 1.33 2:06 1.72 6:18 7:01 and flag display is very impressive. For more information and donation forms call 978-462-8650 by September 5 to participate. Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC 11 Tues 8:27 6.78 8:40 7.67 2:54 1.21 3:02 1.53 6:19 6:59 -----------------------------------------------------------Perception - Necky PRECISION 12 Wed 9:18 7.08 9:31 7.97 3:46 0.96 3:55 1.21 6:20 6:58 NEWBURYPORT - The YWCA Greater Newburyport has been chosen as September’s Not Your Average Cause at Not Your Average Joe’s in Ocean Kayak Newburyport. Every Tuesday night throughout September, Not Your Average Joe’s will setZuma, aside anLaser amount equal to 15% of all purchases made by 13 Thurs 10:05 7.49 10:19 8.31 4:33 0.62 4:44 0.78 6:21 6:56 Sunfish, SAILBOATS Canoes YWCA supporters after 4:00 PM (excluding alcohol, gratuity, and tax). YWCA supporters identify themselves to servers with Not Your Average Cause certificates. You can obtain certificates at the YWCA, 13 Market Street. If supporters forget theirWe certificates, Rangers - Old Town - Radisson KAYAKS stockthey can ask for duplicates at NYAJ. (Certificates are a must, because that’s how your server knows to credit 15% of your purchase toCOM-PAC the YWCA.) At the end of the month, Not Your Fernald’s Wilderness Systems - Old Town Average Joe’s will write a check to the YWCA for 15% of all purchases made by supporters on Tuesday evenings during September. YWCA members Perception - Necky On the River Parker and staff are gathering at Not Your Average Joe’s on Tuesday, September 11th. Obtain Not Your PRECISION Average Cause Certificate and join us on that evening Rt. 1A,a Newbury, MA 01951 Ocean Kayak Sunfish, Zuma, Laser or dine at NYAJ’s on any other Tuesday during September and support the YWCA Greater Newburyport. Canoes KAYAKS We stock Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 -----------------------------------------------------------Mad River - Old Town - Radisson (978) 465-0312 Wilderness Systems - Old Town COM-PAC NEWBURYPORT – Take time to honor those who served. The Friends of the Newburyport Council on Aging will again affiliate with the Exchange Fernald’s Perception - Necky PRECISION Club with their "Field of Flags' to be held at the Bartlett Mall from September 7 to 10 to honor and remember the victims of 9/11, veterans and active On the River Parker Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 Ocean Kayak servicemen. Flags purchased for $40 will benefit the Exchange Club and if designated, will raise $10 per flag for the Friends who in turn assist elder Sunfish, Zuma, Laser Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 Canoes 465-0312 service programs. Flags will be placed to honor your designee, but must be picked up by 9/11.978The dedication ceremony and flag display is impressive. (978) 465-0312 Rangers - Old Town - Radisson For more information and donation forms call 978-462-8650 by September 5th to participate. Fernald’s -----------------------------------------------------------On the River Parker NEWBURYPORT – Life Skills Workshop - Working? Unemployment? Under-Employed? Do you really know about all the benefits available to Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 you and how to get them? Having trouble with food stamps, mass health, fuel assistance, Wic, Social Security or public housing? Let us help answer 6+ wks $38.30/week 465-0312 your questions and more. Thursday, Sept 20th Drop in any time from 3pm to 6:30pm at the Newburyport Salvation Army, 40 Water St.978more (978) 465-0312 1Forcol. x 2 inches information call Donna at 978-465-0883. 13+ wks $30.70/week 6+ wks $38.30/week -----------------------------------------------------------Continued on page 11
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September 5 - 11, 2012
September 5 - 11, 2012 Continued from page 9
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NEWBURYPORT - Newburyport's Sister City organization is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a gala dinner and dance for all ages on Saturday, September 15 at the Elks Lodge, 25 Low Street, Newburyport. The event begins at 6 PM and features a dinner menu of African dishes served against a background of African music. The Mombasa bazaar will offer discerning Christmas shoppers a variety of East African jewelry and crafts. Baskets from KAYAKS the Taita Hills of southern Kenya containing gift certificates and a variety of other desirable items will be raffled off to lucky winners. After the dinner, We stock popular drummer and deejay Greg Coles will get party goers swaying with the sounds of the African night. Coles will give a dance demonstration and Wilderness Systems - Old Town lesson as part of the program. Proceeds from the dance support projectsCOM-PAC in Bura, Kenya, Newburyport's sister city. These include include schooling Perception - Necky and school uniforms for HIV/AIDS orphans a school soccer league program, reforestation and soil conservation programs and a primary school ePRECISION learning project. All projects are developed on a partnership basis with groups in the Bura community. Exchange visits between familiea in the greater Ocean Kayak Sunfish, Newburyport area and Bura Kenya have been going on for 20 years. In 2013,Zuma, GNBA’s Laser goal is to bring two teachers from Bura to share their culture Canoes and life stories with the children of our community. Exchange Committee members John Carroll, Sue Crawford, Susan Gabriel, Joanna Hammond, Mad River - Old Town - Radisson Katie Nye, and Ted Van Nahl welcome your interest in sponsorship for these visitors. Tickets will be available at the door or beforehand by contacting Joanna Hammond and Ted Van Nahl at 978-388-3230. Ticket prices are adults $25, students $15; children under 12 are free. Families are encouraged Fernald’s to attend. The maximum family admission price is $50. To learn more about the group, visit or email On the River Parker Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01951 -----------------------------------------------------------Rt. 1A, Newbury, MA 01915 ROWLEY – Rowley Grange will start off their new year on September 19th. The installation of the new officers for next year will be held on Wednesday, October 3rd. Open to the public. On September 28th the monthly supper will start the fall season suppers. Served will be the great Pork Roast Dinner will (978) 465-0312 all the fall vegetables, and some outstanding homemade pies for dessert. On Thursday the 29th they are setting up their booth at the Topsfield Fairgrounds. They are very fortunate to have a lot of Grange members and several volunteers help them. People don’t realize the amount of work that is needed to set up the great Grange displays but they somehow manage to put it together. They would like to thank all the dedicated folks who have helped over the past 40 years. Grange scholarship winners, Chira and Rebecca, are now happily off to college. They have a great program lined up for the 2013 season and they hope to see you are a meeting. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY – Driving Decisions - A workshop to review the rules of the road with an emphasis on safety and awareness with advice for elder drivers, caregivers, and family members on how to 6+ wks $38.30/week transition from driver seat to passenger seat. Also how to obtain a placard or plate and a look at the laws governing handicap parking and the use of disability plates and placards. Wednesday, 13+ wks $30.70/week September 19th at the Rowley Public Library, 141 Main St, Rowley at 2pm. -----------------------------------------------------------26+ wks $27.60/week ROWLEY - Computer classes for seniors return to Rowley Library - Carol Soucy will reprise her popular basic computer classes for seniors this September at the Rowley Library, 141 Main St. on three consecutive Thursday mornings, September 13, 20, and 27 from 8:30 – 10 am. Students will 52 wks $24.90/week learn about windows, files and folders, email and the Internet. They should be comfortable using a Place this ad in our monthly keyboard and mouse. Call 978-948-2850 for more information or to register. Space is limited. $ -----------------------------------------------------------publication for an additional ROWLEY - Star Party at Rowley Library - On Thursday September 13 the North Shore Amateur $ Astronomy Club will present a free program at the Rowley Public Library, 141 Main St., at 6:30 pm. $9.75/week. Participants will learn about stargazing and the planets and constellations in the night sky, then have a chance to look through telescopes and see the stars up close. This program is appropriate for all ages. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - Adagio Dance Studio is hosting a "Step"-tember Social for children of all ages Thursday, September 27th from 6-8 PM. There will be games & prizes, free refreshments, and a great chance ThehasNorth Shore’s Independent Community Newspaper to make new friends while having fun! Their director, Samantha danced for over 25 years andLargest Place this ad in our monthly has been teaching for 12 years. For more information contact the studio at 978-948-7900. 319 publication for an additional Newbury Turnpike, Rowley. -----------------------------------------------------------$28.75/week. ROWLEY - The Rowley Public Library and the Rowley Council on Aging are co-sponsoring a seminar on Estate Planning on September 20 at 7pm. Come hear Elder Law Attorney Margot Birke Dealer Name and Address of Elder Law Solutions present “Everything You NEVER Thought You Needed to Know About Estate Dealer Phone Number SALE DATE & TIMES Planning and Protecting Your Assets: A Trip Down The Yellow Brick Road. Attorney Birke will skip RT. 1, TOPSFIELD with you down the Yellow Brick Road of estate and long-term care planning and shed light on the 978-887-2424 confusing maze of options when planning for life and special needs. The seminar is a continuation of the Library’s 5-part Financial Literacy Series which addresses some of the challenges facing individuals, businesses and families. It will be held at the Library at 141 Main Street, Rowley. The seminar will be
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Continued on page 14
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Page 12
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Animals,September Plus 5 - 11, 2012
Health & Fitness
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Routine Change
means a change from the summer translates into the fact that there routine. One of the routines I are other problems brewing, just changed this past summer is to waiting to become a crisis. The read more outside of my typical thing that is not easy to do, for dental journals. The latest book any dentist, is to get those people I read was the revised edition of to come back – to change their “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson. routine. I highly recommend this book For some people it is financial, BY J. PETER ST. CLAIR, DMD for anyone looking to change but for the vast majority it is the Summer is unofficially over their routine to make positive lack of pain or lack of concern. with the passing of Labor Day. improvements in their life. Regardless of the reason, it For many, especially those We all have our own routines. always comes back to changing heading back to school, this Routines are important for both routines. Our priorities dictate mental and physical health. Some our routines. Priorities need think my daily routine is crazy, change just as much as routines. but if you look at them, most If our priorities include health, people’s daily routines look crazy we will spend money on a gym to others. In “The Slight Edge” membership or home fitness the author discusses that change equipment, go to the doctor or or improvement in our lives comes dentist on a regular basis, and one day at a time. It is the small eat things that are healthy. If the decisions that we make daily, that lack of pain is the reason you we often consider insignificant, don’t exercise or frequent the which mold who we are. doctor or dentist, it can lead to When our routines are everything from the loss of teeth broken by a vacation or lack of to the loss of life. If long-standing motivation, it is always difficult hypertension could have been to get back into it. I’m sure you controlled by regular exercise can relate. I am always thinking and/or medication doesn’t that of different ways to change my beat an early heart attack? If longroutine to spend more time with standing periodontal disease, my family, eat healthier, and which doesn’t hurt and 75% of have more “free” time. Changing the population has some form routines is probably one of the of, could have been controlled hardest things to do. However, by regular visits to the dentist, changing routines is probably one doesn’t that beat losing your of the most important things to teeth? do. Striving for improvement in Changing your routine to our lives by changing our routine improve your quality of life is usually improves the quality of worth every penny you may spend life. on it. As Jeff Olson says in his Going to the dentist is a routine. book, “You can’t change the past. It is not part of your daily routine You can change the future. The but it should be part of your right choices you make today, overall routine for staying healthy. compounded over time, will take One of the biggest challenges I you higher and higher up the see in the practice of dentistry is success curve of this real-time The Region’s Independent Community movie called ‘your life’.” Newspa changing Largest people’s routines. Dr. St. Clair maintains a private When someone comes into 978-948-8696 practice in Rowley and my •office with a problem and dental• advertise@thetowncomm has not seen a dentist for one, Newburyport dedicated to healthfive, ten, or twenty years, it is centered family dentistry. If there easy for me to “fix” the problem are certain topics you would like they are having and get them to see written about or questions back to a comfortable state. That you have please email them to him comfortable state however, does at jpstclair@dentalhealthforlife. not necessarily mean health. That com. You can view all previously comfortable state usually means written columns at www. status quo, which often times
The Town Common
Robin Davies, D.M.D. 3 Kent Way, Byfield, MA Conveniently off I-95 at Exit 55
New patients always welcome
September 5 - 11, 2012
Page 1
Continued from page 7
Web site at its inhabitants, and its wildlife. Wednesday, visit Price: Free to IPSWICH WRITERS GROUP September 12, 7:30–8:30 pm Meet at the Museum members and Ipswich seniors; $5 for An informal gathering of local writers Joppa Flats Education Center, One Plum Island non-members. (published or not) who want to share ideas Turnpike, Newburyport. $4. Preregistration BACK TO SCHOOL CRAFTS FOR TEENS about writing, publishing, self-publishing, is not required. Call 978-462-9998 for The Newburyport Public Library invites marketing — and anything else that’s on our information about additional programs teens in grades 7 through 12 to join us for Back minds! All are welcome — even if you’re not and events, or visit the Web site at www. to School Crafts on Monday, September 10 from Ipswich! And, it’s free! Sponsored by the from 3:00 to 4:00 pm in the Children’s Activity Ipswich Public Library. Every Tuesday at 6:30 GOOGLE EARTH Room. Going back to school doesn't have to p.m. Ipswich Public Library Conference Room On Wednesday, September 12 at 7:30 p.m., be a bummer! Come have a snack and make (2nd floor) 25 North Main St Ipswich, 978- Dennis Dixon will speak on the uses of Google some cool decorations for your locker. Please 356-6648. Earth, the free downloadable program that contact Jessica Hilbun with any questions at WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th shows satellite images of earth's terrain, cities, 978.465.4428 ext. 226. BREAKFAST WITH THE CHIEF ocean canyons, and even other galaxies. With GARDEN CLUB Meet Chief Tom Fowler, as representatives this program, it is possible to go on a 3D trip The Sea Spray Garden Club is starting up for from our TRIAD group, SFD, SPD, Essex anywhere then save the tour and share it with a new season! Please join us this year for some County Sheriffs Dept. Attorney Generals office, others. The talk, sponsored by the Friends of wonderful speakers and topics that will sure to our seniors and guests enjoy a continental the Ipswich Public Library, will take place in inspire you-new members and guests are always breakfast courtesy of Marie's Restaurant and the Collins Room at the library, 25 North Main welcomed! The first meeting will be held at the discuss concerns and safety issues senior citizens Street. 978-356-6648 or home of Doug and Donna Morris, 7 Mudnock currently face, and what we can do as a team Rd, Salisbury. Topic - "What vegetables are you to alleviate them. Meeting and Breakfast starts afraid to cook, and why are they so good for at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, September 12th 9:00 you!", presented by Doug Morris and Claudette a.m. Open to all. Please call to pre-register 978Novak. Meeting date is Monday, Sept 10th, 462-2412. at 6:00 p.m. - please note this special time. RAINFOREST REPTILE SHOW Also, in case of rain the meeting will be held All ages are welcome to our free Rainforest North Largest at the Shore’s East Parish United Methodist Independent Church, Reptile Show, Community here at the NewburyNewspaper Town 8 Lafayette Rd, Salisbury. Yearly membership Library, September 12th, at 4:30 PM. Have dues are $35.00 and guest fee is $5.00. Light a chance to meet some of the world's most refreshments are served. Please contact 978- unique animals and learn how to help protect 388-4848 for more info. their very special habitats. Any questions, please TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th contact the library at 978-465-0539. VOLUNTEER TRAINING: BIRD CIVIL WAR ROUNDTABLE BANDING STATION AND SANDY BEACH The Civil War Roundtable of the Merrimack Learn to assist children’s educator Lisa will meet at 7:30 PM on Wednesday September Hutchings in coastal ecology and birding 12 th at our new location, the East Parish programs in the field and at schools. No Methodist Church, Salisbury Square (route experience necessary. Program fee is refunded 1), Salisbury,MA. Historian and author Craig after fulfilling volunteer commitment. Two Caba will speak on “Gettysburg and the Anti additional sessions. 9/18: The Salt Marsh and Slavery Society.” Admission is free and anyone the Estuary; 9/25: A Guided Walk through with an interest in America’s Civil War is the Maritime Forest Tuesday, September invited to attend. For more information visit 11, 9:30 am-1:30 pm Meet at Joppa Flats our web page or call Tom at Education Center, One Plum Island Turnpike, (978) 462-8518. Newburyport. $20. Preregistration required. COPAN AND PICO BONITO Call 978-462-9998 for information about Joppa Flats Sanctuary Director Bill Gette additional programs and events, or visit the presents a narrated slide show on Honduras,
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Contact: Bob Davidson, Project Manager
Page 14
September 5 - 11, 2012
Continued from page 11
in the Rowley Public Library’s Meeting Room. Refreshments and Q&A follow the presentation. For more information, call the library at 978-948-2850. -----------------------------------------------------------ROWLEY - The Rowley Cultural Council requests community members, schools and organizations to apply for grants that support cultural activities in the town. October 15 is the deadline for applications to be postmarked. These grants can support a variety of projects and activities including festivals, short-term artist residencies, performances in schools and libraries, workshops and lectures. Newly modified application forms and specific town guidelines are available online at The mission of the Rowley Cultural Council is to promote excellence, access, education and diversity in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences in order to improve the quality of life for all Rowley residents and to contribute to the economic vitality of our community. The Council will distribute $3,870 in grants for 2013. Last year’s funded projects included: Rowley Library (museum passes and children’s summer program), Newburyport Choral Society Community Sing, Family Concert on the Common by the Merrimack Concert Band, and Cooperative Creativity in art for Pine Grove fourth graders. The Rowley Cultural Council is part of a network of 329 Local Cultural Councils serving all 351 cities and towns in the commonwealth. The LCC Program is the largest grassroots cultural funding network in the nation, supporting thousands of community-based projects in the arts, sciences and humanities every year. The state legislature provides an annual appropriation to the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency, which then allocates funds to each community. The Rowley Cultural Council is also seeking new members who would be willing to serve the community by helping make decisions for awarding grant money. For application questions or any other information on the Rowley Cultural Council, please contact Nancy Hill, chairperson, at 978-948-8158 or -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - One on One Computer Class Tuesdays: Learn what you would like to learn! Your lesson will be customized to what you want to learn. Call now to schedule your one hour one-on-one appointment. Anyone can learn; first time users to advanced users. You can learn a multitude of items including: basic computer functions, MS Office, e-mail, attaching photos and documents to e-mail, printing photos, online banking, facebook, and many more!! Please call to register at 978-462-2412. -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - The Salisbury Hilton Senior Center together with the Friends of the Salisbury Council on Aging will be hosting a Fall Fling Fun(d)raiser on Friday, September 28th at Surf Side 5. Tickets are available at the Hilton Senior Center for $10. The Salisbury Council on Aging currently services over 2,700 senior citizens from the seacoast communities. Our volunteers deliver almost 9,000 congregate meals yearly and serve over 3,000 in house meals. The Salisbury Senior Center is accommodating the majority of our community programs, mainly senior citizens, with fitness programs, lunch, 12! 20 , 11 20 , 10 20 , 09 2008, 20 bingo, seminars, social events and educational programs. The center also is utilized by community AA meetings, town board meetings, and many other community organizations and events. September is Healthy Aging Month, an annual observance designed to focus attention on the positive aspects of growing older, and the Salisbury Senior Center is dedicated to serving the needs of elders. But we need your help to continue to provide quality service in a friendly, warm, and safe environment for our seniors….“Home away from Home”. . All proceeds to benefit interior improvements to the Hilton Center. The interior is in need of sprucing up; the flooring needs to be updated, as do our ceiling tiles. We would appreciate support from the community with a donation of an item or service for this Fall Fling Auction. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. For more information, tickets or contributions, please call the Center at 978-462-2412. -----------------------------------------------------------SALISBURY - Community Blood Drive at the Hilton Senior Center, 43 Lafayette Road, Salisbury Friday, September 14, 2012, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. sponsored by the Salisbury Lions Club and the American Red Cross. Every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood and every pint donated could save up to three lives. The Red Cross is urging the public to make an appointment to donate blood by calling 1-800-RedCross (1-800-733-2767) or visit www.redcrossblood. org. Snacks, fruit juices, and bottled water is provided to presenting donors by the American Red Cross. All presenting donors during September will receive a free collectible Red Sox tee shirt commemorating 100 years of Fenway Park and two great offers from Munro Muffler, Brake, & Service. -----------------------------------------------------------TOPSFIELD - Mass Audubon’s Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary in Topsfield is hosting its inaugural fundraiser to benefit the sanctuary’s new Educators’ Place Saturday evening, September 15. The gala celebration, entitled Monarchs by Moonlight, will be held from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at 4 Squam Hill Court, Rockport 6 room, 2 bed, 1f 0h bath Colonial 52 $199,900 $185,000 $199,900 the lovely sanctuary on the Ipswich River. In addition to a farm-to-table-style dinner prepared by 192 Dodge Rd U:1 (A), Rowley 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 207 $180,000 $160,000 $214,000 Ipswich chef Christopher DeStefano, the event will feature silent and live auctions with paintings 47 Hull St, Wenham 4 room, 1 bed, 1f 0h bath Ranch 53 $229,900 $247,500 $229,900 and artwork donated by talented local artists. Susan Wornick of WCVB-TV Channel 5 will be 9-B Emery St, Merrimac 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 96 $249,900 $249,900 $269,900 the auctioneer. A unique highlight: Mass Audubon naturalists will be on hand during the cocktail hour, helping guests connect with nature and providing up-close experiences with butterflies, 9 Unicorn Cir, Amesbury 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 216 $279,000 $274,000 $279,000 turtles, salamanders, fascinating insects, and more. “This is going to be a fun night where people 10 Lafayette Rd, Ipswich 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Colonial 341 $209,000 $240,000 $279,900 can get outside, come together as a community, enjoy a harvest dinner, and learn about the flora 0 Story St, Rockport 4 room, 2 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 19 $279,900 $270,000 $279,900 and fauna that call Ipswich River home,” Sanctuary Director Carol Decker says. According to 12 Chester St, Amesbury 6 room, 4 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 62 $299,900 $295,000 $299,900 Decker, greater resources for sanctuary educators have become necessary as demand has increased 9 Town Farm Rd, Ipswich 6 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Cape 40 $319,900 $317,500 $319,900 for Ipswich River’s education programs. “This is a good problem to have,” she says. “Last year, we served more than 13,000 school-aged children. That’s a threefold increase of students served in the 93 Center St, Groveland 5 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Colonial 330 $235,000 $235,100 $320,000 past 15 years. We literally are bursting at the seams.” Tickets for the event are $100 and include 40 River St, Amesbury 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 49 $325,000 $317,000 $325,000 a four-course meal as well as beer and wine. For more information and reservations, contact Liz 112 Gardner St, Groveland 10 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 115 $329,900 $330,000 $329,900 Albert at or 781-259-2104. To purchase tickets online please visit www. 36 Hale St, Newburyport 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Gambrel /Dutch 277 $275,000 $286,000 $339,900 -----------------------------------------------------------197 Central St, Topsfield 7 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Raised Ranch 147 $339,900 $315,000 $339,900 TRITON - Please join Triton Pop Warner for their upcoming fundraiser… Post Time, Saturday, 39 Uptack Rd, Groveland 8 room, 3 bed, 3f 0h bath Colonial 35 $345,900 $325,000 $345,900 September 15, 2012, Coaches Rock Pond, Georgetown 7:00 Post Time is a fun, unique horse 176 State St, Newburyport 7 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Victorian 166 $349,900 $330,000 $349,900 racing fundraiser!! For questions contact Kerri at 49 Averill St, Topsfield 8 room, 3 bed, 1f 1h bath Ranch 88 $349,900 $330,000 $369,000 1022 Washington St, Gloucester 5 room, 3 bed, 1f 0h bath Colonial 69 $379,900 $367,000 $379,900 10 Desoto Rd, Essex 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 308 $395,000 $381,500 $395,000 1066 Washington St, Gloucester 8 room, 3 bed, 1f 2h bath Colonial 105 $389,000 $360,000 $399,000 Rowley: Totally restored and beautifully redone Colonial on 25 Riverview Dr, Newbury 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Cape 70 $409,900 $399,500 $429,000 over 2 acres is in move-in condi8 Berrywood Ln, Hamilton 7 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Split Entry 48 $429,500 $410,000 $429,500 tion. Mud room with ½ bath and 25 Spindle Tree Ln, Amesbury 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 272 $429,900 $410,000 $439,900 laundry lead into a huge eat in 667 Essex Ave, Gloucester 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 40 $459,900 $443,000 $459,900 kitchen with big center island. Lot-24 Oleo Woods, Newburyport 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Cape 377 $469,900 $473,480 $469,900 Refinished wide pine floors in 41 Pond St, Boxford 7 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Contemporary 113 $475,000 $465,000 $485,000 fireplaced living room that also 4 Lafayette St, Newburyport 9 room, 4 bed, 1f 0h bath Colonial 43 $489,900 $480,000 $489,900 features high moldings and a 159 Dodge Rd, Rowley 9 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Colonial 78 $499,000 $499,000 $499,000 big bay window. Second floor 37 Rowley Shore Rd, Gloucester 6 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 2 $510,000 $530,000 $510,000 bedrooms also boast refinished floors and there is a full bath on the 40 Thacher Rd, Rockport 7 room, 4 bed, 2f 0h bath Contemporary 62 $519,000 $495,000 $519,000 second floor. Third floor is finished and can be used as a Master or 11 Lavalley Ln, Newburyport 8 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Contemporary 148 $499,900 $495,000 $524,900 family room. Two large barns: one is 22 X 30 with a loft; second 6 Lisa Dr, Gloucester 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 1h bath Cape 310 $649,900 $610,000 $649,900 is 17 X 28 . New fence and professionally landscaped level back4 Dean Rd, Rockport 11 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Cape 77 $650,000 $625,000 $650,000 yard complete the picture. Now $379,900. Call John at 978-8352573 for more information or to make an appointment to see. 64 Pye Brook Ln, Boxford 11 room, 4 bed, 3f 1h bath Colonial 344 $599,900 $605,000 $675,000 182 Southern Ave, Essex 8 room, 3 bed, 2f 0h bath Colonial 311 $649,000 $610,000 $699,000 33 Starknaught Heights, Gloucester 9 room, 3 bed, 3f 0h bath Colonial 342 $599,000 $560,000 $759,000 18 Berry Patch, Boxford 9 room, 4 bed, 2f 1h bath Colonial 64 $769,900 $744,000 $769,900 Single Family Listings: 37 Avg. Liv.Area SqFt: 2,096.97 Avg. List$: $407,335 Avg. List$/SqFt: $196 165 Main St., P.O. Box 101, Rowley, MA 01969 Avg. DOM: 148.00 Avg. Sale$: $396,472 Avg. Sale$/SqFt: $191 Phone 978-948-2758 • Fax 978-948-2454 2012 MLS Property Information Network, Inc.
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September 5 - 11, 2012
Business Spotlight
Watch Your Step • • Sports Sports WhereSports the Buffalos Roam howling at the moon next door or leaving “tracesâ€? behind within the neighborhood itself. New home owners are wise to check with the town hall to learn what regulations exist for pets. It is even wiser to fence in an area to secure the pets and never leave them outside without being monitored. Presently there is a pair of little dogs in the same neighborhood and they bark at trees, clouds, oxygen and just life in general. They bark when the sun comes up, when it stays up and when it starts its descent. They bark when the moon appears, while it continues to shine, and until the sun begins to rise again. The neighbors will do well not to feed them to the “buffalosâ€? because the Barking Laws in many towns are stacked against the neighbors. In real estate, we see so much of life behind closed doors. We see the good the bad and the ugly. What is always a pleasure is to see people happy in their homes. It does not take a lot to make most folks happy from what I have learned, but it is most disturbing to see the unhappiness one neighbor can cause another. The fault never lies with an animal when it frightens, injures or disturbs a neighbor. If there is any fault at all, it usually lies with the pet owner for not having controlled the pet. Use fences. Monitor your pets. Bring them inside if they continue to bark after you have determined that it is for no other reason but that the moon is out. Do, however, pay attention to whatever has alerted your cherished family members. They have an uncanny way of protecting us from harm far more than causing it. Enjoy your new neighborhoods and be sure your pets become good neighbors as well. Broker/REALTORÂŽ Janet Hilton is a former practicing attorney and critical care RN who with her husband retired Lynn Fire Lieutenant George Hilton, owns and operates Country Crossroads Realty Associates at 28 Bay Rd in S. Hamilton. For
excellent assistance with the buying and selling of real estate, you may call Janet’s direct line 781-4054867, the office 978-468-5910x202 or visit www.countrycrossroadsrealty. com.
Pets, Animals, Plus Health & Fitness
BY JANET HILTON, BROKER, ESQ., COUNTRY CROSSROADS What do you do when the moving truck pulls up to the property next to yours and your new neighbors begin unloading Rottweilers the size of buffalos who roar like lions? There are many folks who are terrified of dogs, yet in our society, our “best friends� live among us as cherished family members. There are a number of laws in place that speak to the barking, biting or nuisance caused by dogs, but the very best way to meet the needs of people and pets is to establish good relations with the neighbors from the very start as well as comply with the laws. For twelve years I owned and loved one of these “buffalos� that could roar like a lion when she wanted to. I had a large home at the end of a dark cul de sac and “Nicki� served as a loving deterrent to strangers who needed only to take one look at her. From the very moment I brought Nicki home when she was eight weeks old, I introduced her to the neighbors. As she grew, we continued to walk the neighborhood and always complied with the leash law. If a dog owner is in violation of the leash law and the dog injures someone, courts generally hold the violator liable. Also, no “trace� of Nicki was ever left behind for a neighbor to find. Even though the neighbors grew to love her and she loved children, I never left her alone with anyone as a strict self imposed rule. Recently a family relocating to the North Shore from the mid west visited a property and fell in love with it. They have three “buffalos� with massive shoulders and paws like catchers’ mitts. None of the neighbors are aware that the “buffalo bills� may soon be
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September 5 - 11, 2012 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You might not like the sudden setback in your plans. But keep that headstrong Arian temperament in check and wait for explanations. Things will begin to clear up by week's end. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Enjoy the respite from your recent hectic schedule, but be ready to plunge into a new round of social activities. A new contact holds much potential for the future.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A trusted colleague has news that could change your perception of a current workplace situation. What had seemed unfair might prove to be highly favorable after all. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You still need to watch what you say and how you say it. What you assert as honesty, others might perceive as Crabbiness. Be patient. This difficult period clears up by the weekend. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Your Royalness needs time away from the limelight to catch up on things, from tidying your desk to making those calls you've put off. You're back in the center of things by the weekend.
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VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Honesty is the best policy, of course. But you'll do better at achieving your goals if you can be less aggressive and more circumspect in how you phrase your comments. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Your ability to maintain your balance in confusing situations continues to work for you. Stay on the steady course, one step at a time. The weekend shows improvement. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Your indecisiveness could simply be your keen Scorpian sense warning you to be wary of making a commitment. Take this time to do a more thorough investigation.
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SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Good news: New information comes your way to help you make a more informed decision on how to deal with the opportunity that has opened up for you. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) This is a good time to reinforce your self-confidence by acknowledging your good qualities to yourself. A lull in your social life ends by the weekend. Have fun.
Weekly Community Newspaper •
AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) It's a good time to let those recently pent-up emotions flow more freely. Why not start by letting the people you care for know how you really feel about them? PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Resist offers, no matter how well-intentioned, to help with a personal decision. Only you know what must be done, and you have the emotional strength to follow through. BORN THIS WEEK: You have a talent for getting things done. You also have a gift for bringing people together in both personal and professional relationships. (c) 2012 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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September 5 - 11, 2012
Now You Can Call Country Crossroads Realty &
Approved 3 bedroom septic system & new furnace winter 2011 removing major concerns for most buyers. This colonial farmhouse is nestled in a private setting. The location is one of the most sought after neighborhoods, offers a great family home near the quality school system for which Ipswich is known. Take the kids to the beach and use your outdoor shower to leave the sand outside. Just 32 miles north of Boston.