The UK Midlands Region Arab Health is the key event for our companies to showcase the best the Midlands and UK has to offer in the sector, Shaz Chaudhary, Deputy Director, UK Government Midlands Region tells Healthcare World
ocated in the centre of the United Kingdom, the Midlands is both the heartbeat and the engine-room of the nation’s economy. Not only is it home to one of the most important Life Sciences ecosystems in the UK with more than 1,200 life science companies, but it boasts 33,000 highly skilled jobs. The second largest concentration of MedTech companies in the UK is based in the region, generating £1.6bn for the UK economy every year. As a stable, ethnically diverse population of over 10m citizens, the Midlands makes the ideal test bed for global health and multimorbidity interventions. It is also a major centre for clinical research, which stems from its high number of world class universities, research centres and incubators. As the largest global health exhibition in the world, Arab Health is an important event for Midlands-based companies. “It is with great excitement that DIT Midlands will be leading our local companies on our 5th trade mission to Arab Health this year,” says Shaz Chaudhary, Deputy Director, UK Government Midlands Region. “The Healthcare and Life Sciences industry is of particular importance to us in the Midlands, generating notable exporting successes during the past five years.” Companies attending their first Arab Health value the support they are receiving to maximise the business potential of the event through an organised trade visit with the Department of International Trade (DIT). “As a result, we can stay focused on our core objective - finding new opportunities to integrate digital health solutions to improve patient outcomes and increase the capacity of healthcare systems globally, says Chris Barker, CEO, Spirit Health. “Attending Arab Health provides a great opportunity for us to meet and connect with new potential partners who are interested in implementing digital health technology at scale.” Some exemplar Midlands companies attending Arab Health and located on the UK Government – Midlands region stand in Hall 2 stand G18 this year:
• 4R are introducing a newly-designed, market -eading innovative health product to the Middle East that enables health professionals to offer a tried and tested (clinically tested in the UK) method to stop Teeth Grinding and Clenching (BRUXISM) in their patients • Advancis Surgical is a medical device manufacturer that has created a platform serving the operating room environment with a focus towards ground-breaking medical device technologies. Its flagship product, The Hemosep System, salvages blood loss during surgery and recycles it so that it can be transfused back to the patient • AG Instruments designs and manufactures the world’s only All-inOne piped medical gas analysers. The MGPS1000 gas analyser combines all the gas measurements required by any of the ISO7396, HTM02-01 or NFPA99 standards in one compact instrument which uses optimal gas sensing technologies to measure the required gases simultaneously • Ariane Medical Systems developed a X-ray Brachytherapy System for the management of lower rectal tumours, known as the Papillon Technique. The Papillon treatment is well recognised for the treatment of rectal cancers in inoperable patients, be this due to fragility, age or associated comorbidities • DDM Health provides clinically proven digital therapies (apps) that are used to
Chris Barker CEO Spirit Health
“Attending Arab Health provides a great opportunity for us to meet and connect with new potential partners who are interested in implementing digital health technology at scale”
treat and self-manage a range of health conditions including obesity, prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, long COVID and mental health • Derwen College is an award-winning UKbased specialist further education college delivering exceptional programmes and a rich learning environment for young people, aged 16-25 years, with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) including Autism, Down’s Syndrome, Behaviours of Concern, Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) and other physical, developmental and learning disabilities • EIDO Healthcare provides health professionals with resources and support around informed consent. EIDO provide a complete and comprehensive range of content, processes, systems and solutions to successfully manage and deliver patient education for informed consent • The Gulf UK Gateway is a British company that provides businesses in the Arabian Gulf with legitimate access to the UK healthcare and pharmaceutical
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