1 minute read
E-prescriptions save lives!
... and potentially billions of dollars, says Bjorn Almer,
Chief Business Officer at Skåne Care AB
The world’s first e-prescription was dispensed in Sweden in 1983. Since the late 90’s there has been a strong ambition to phase out paper prescriptions and a er a final push, by 2022 Sweden reached 100% digital. Few IT-projects have proven as profitable as this and the entire investment in the latest AI-based platform was recovered in the first year only by measuring the savings in reduced adverse e ects.
By using AI to ensure the e icacy of medicine and alert doctors to conflicting medication, Sweden has seen a reduction in adverse e ects. In addition, digitisation has brought benefits such as better inventory control, legibility, and fraud protection, further improving patient safety and streamlining processes. This results in lower costs and a better patient experience.
Accelerating any nation’s progress on e-prescription is wise as it is likely to more than pay for itself almost instantly. And save lives.
Skåne Care is part of the Swedish public healthcare system and as a governmental entity we can access a wealth of know how. Regardless of if you need a second opinion on your plans, a study visit to get inspired by another country, leadership training for your management team or some clinical upskilling for your sta … or you need comprehensive on-site support on a larger project. Sweden can help!